#you need a little copper but not this much and not oxides of it
nyxgoddessofcandles · 7 months
Pour yourself an Ea-nāṣir One part Lemon Juice One part Beer serve in a copper mug.
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eepybubble · 3 months
tell me about stained glass
yay!! it's so fun i can't wait to do it again i'm gonna tell you the whole process
so first you need to pick out your pattern/draw the design, make sure there's no weak points (lines directly through the entire piece etc)
once that's set you get to pick out your glass :D some glass is thicker than others but it doesn't matter too much unless you want it to be all the same, there's lots of different textures as well whcih can look really cool
next step is to trace the pattern into the pieces, you wanna go for the edge of the glass to save as much as possible for future projects, and if it's too opaque you need to either use a light box or cut out that part of the pattern
when it's all traced you're gonna start cutting. so get your little tool, make sure you're standing in order to get the pressure and right angle
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this is the glass cutter ^^
now you gotta smooth that shit down so here's this guy
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he's a glass grinder he sands down the sides into the right shape and makes sure you don't cut yourself as much. the bit is in the middle and you hold the glass with ur fingers and press it into the bit to grind it down
next is foiling but before that is cleaning bc the grinder has water in it and it mixes with the glass particles and makes it all icky so get some glass cleaner and wipe it down with a cloth
now time for foiling
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this is copper foil, it comes in rolls with different thicknesses. generally one size fits most glass but thicker ones need thicker foil so it covers the side and equally on the front and back of the glass
i tend to start near a corner, then you're going to wrap it around being careful that the glass goes in the middle of the foil. once it's wrapped around once make sure it overlaps with the beginning about 1/4-1/2 inch, here you cut it
press the foil down on the sides and top and bottom of the glass, then get some kind of tool (can be anything tbh even a pencil or ruler) and rub the foil into the glass so it is fully pressed down
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(random piece i found on the internet with foiled glass)
onto soldering :D
once it's foiled you're going to put the pieces together how you want them to lay in the final product. first is tacking, aka putting a small amount of solder on the intersections of glass. before soldering anything you need to put flux on the section you are soldering. (btw solder only sticks to foil not glass) flux basically is a liquid that prevents oxidation on the copper foil, making the solder stick.
there's lead free and leaded solder, i've only worked with lead free but many professional stained glass artists use leaded. it acts a bit differently when soldering but works just as well.
after tacking is the actual soldering. basically you take a stick of solder and a soldering iron and hold the solder right behind the iron so it melts and sort of drips down the edge of the iron onto the foil as you bring your iron across the foil. once you solder one side, flip it over and do the other, then the sides which is a bit different, with more tacking
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after soldering you gotta clean it cuz it's dirty again so head to the sink and get some soap and a brush and scrub that shit off
then if you want you can add patina which can make the solder black or other colors i think
then there's polishing which you just scrub on with a cotton pad, you can buff it after this with just a cloth to make it extra shiny but yeah that itttt
ty for letting me rant about this if you have any more questions lemme know <3
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 11 months
hai hai! It’s keys! Been a while!! But keys has been reading and ruminating in silence for a long time and keys have missed asking you things! So here’s one, if it hasn’t been done before, key’s brain is a little fuzzy, but what kinda jewelry would the mercs wear (if they could and would?)
thank u!!
Scout: he likes to say he'd wear it all, but in the end he starts complaining about how he doesn't like how it feels. he doesn't like the necklace on his neck, doesn't like how the ring makes his fingers sit, doesn't like how he constantly would have to readjust a bracelet. he just likes the attention it gives him having it on
Soldier: he loves simply necklaces but very large and gaudy rings and would be more than happy to deck himself out in both. the problem is, by the end of the day they'd be missing and he'd have no memory on where they went
Pyro: they're allergic to any metal other than gold, but they don't like the look of gold. so they just wouldn't choose to wear anything in the end. they love metals that oxidize into a vividly different color, like copper, and would happily wear stuff like that if it wouldn't cause them to break out
Demoman: he would wear as much as he can, everywhere he can if he was able to. but he also thinks it would be too much. but he doesn't care. he flips back and forth between whether he'd wear jewelry or not. at the very least, he would wear one necklace.. and maybe that'll turn into two, and then a ring as well, and then..
Heavy: he doesn't think anything would fit him is the issue. but that doesn't stop him from writing down very detailed notes on a ring he would love to have for himself. something with stones to represent each of his sisters and their mother. but it also has a thick, blunt part underneath so he can put in some extra damage when punching someone by spinning the ring around while not damaging the stones
Engineer: he will never admit it to anyone, but he thinks bracelets are cute. he also would never wear one because he works with machinery and that is a disaster waiting to happen. he doesn't want anything dangling off it, just a very simple chain would be good enough for him
Medic: he doesn't only because he has a hard enough time keeping his birds from playing with his glasses. he can't imagine how much worse it'd be if he were wearing a ring or forbid a necklace. if he could though, he would have a ring on every finger
Sniper: he's simply not a jewelry guy. anything he would wear - if he absolutely HAD to - would be very simple and plain and not flashy in the slightest. he wouldn't count it as jewelry, but he likes to wear bracelets or necklaces made from / containing animal teeth
Spy: he has a lot of jewelry set aside for certain disguises of his, so he wears it somewhat frequently. but in his off time, he chooses not to wear it. it's more of an association thing for him, that if it's on he needs to be playing a character
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tunastime · 1 year
prove to me that angels do love us
or Scar finds that the many times he's pulled into the void it feels almost like home, a radiance unlike the times he's died before. A painlessness, a love. And then he starts to connect the dots.
or, Grian loves Scar, just in a very strange way.
(Scar keeps falling into the Boatem Hole. He's starting to figure out why. Grian pines after a man prone to falling into the Boatem Hole. He's starting to think it's his fault.)
(17,203 words) (ao3)
Grian has a problem.
He isn’t supposed to feel this way. He, really, isn’t supposed to do a lot of things. He’s not supposed to be interacting. He’s not supposed to play favorites. But it feels too hard not to—so much to see and feel and touch and interact with and speak to and be near and he has to take it all in. What if it’s too late later? What if he doesn’t have forever like they all say he does?
Being a Watcher comes with many perks. And Grian abused them profusely. That wasn’t his problem, though. His problem was that Scar kept getting himself killed by the Boatem Hole and Grian knew it was his fault.
Not physically, though the number of times Grian pushed Scar into the Boatem Hole could not easily be counted on one hand. He didn’t mean for whatever he was feeling to seep into the fabrics of the world he stayed in but it seemed that people often felt a little pulled into the Boatem Hole and it was becoming an issue. Especially for Scar.
He decided, though, that as of now, it wasn’t a problem. It hadn’t happened in weeks, so it was a nonissue, right?
Future Grian could deal with it.
Grian stretches his legs out in front of him. He’s perched on the shingled roof of his house, picking at the leaves stuck under the thin sheets of deepslate. There’s a tight feeling in his stomach, one that he doesn’t think a real meal will settle. He leans back for a moment, letting the sun onto his face, stretching large bright wings under the rays just to let them soak a bit longer. Some days it was a blistering heat, and today, thankfully, it isn’t.
Leaning forward, Grian looks out onto Boatem. The sun is about midway through the sky, still high enough to beam open down on him. As he shields his eyes, he sees someone, down on the paths of Boatem, tracking toward the buildings edging the Swaggon.
Oh  , Grian notices, even without the tall hat and red, two tailed coat,  Scar .
“Scar!” Grian shouts. He lifts his arm, waving in a wide circle. Scar pauses, looking up. He shades his eyes, then waves back, squinting.
He looks small from this height, carrying a bag, carrying a pickaxe, leaning heavy on the wooden walking stick he propped himself up with. He walks far enough into the shade of the wagon to where Grian loses him. He sits up, craning his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of his green waistcoat but finds nothing but trees.
After a minute, he sees him again and sits back. He watches him move heavy stacks of copper bricks, lifting and moving the oxidized metal back and around, further down and out of sight. Just peeking into view, Grian can see a shape rising further down, nearly covered by the trees. More Swaggon. More buildings. More copper. Scar disappears again, and Grian doesn’t see him reappear.
Grian laughs to himself. Without the mountain to keep him occupied, Scar had to find other work, despite tired bones and aching muscles and a need to sit more than he stood. Grian sits back.  Scar pushes himself too hard. He works too much. He needs to take a break.  
Stretching his arms above his head, Grian stands, balancing precariously on the shingles of the roof. He sets himself against the chimney to stabilize himself, feet planted on the cusp of the roof’s ridge. As he does, he sees Scar again. He’s shaking his head, moving around the side of the Swaggon. He holds his hand awkwardly. He doesn’t have his staff.
Grian frowns.
“You okay, Scar?”
Scar pauses as, for the second time, he hears his name. He looks up, nodding as he recognizes Grian, but Grian doesn’t take that as an answer to his question. Scar ducks away as Grian’s eyes leave him. Grian  tsks as when his eyes snap back he doesn’t see Scar, and in a smooth motion, he pulls away from the chimney and down into the wind, catching the air and the sun in his feathers. He drags himself down to the Earth, feet meeting grass and soil. He can hear Scar, but he can’t see him.
“He-ey! Grian!” Scar calls. Grian can see the green outline of his waistcoat behind the wheels of the wagon, near the clutter of chests he called an organization system. As Grian ducks under the wheels of the wagon, Scar turns away from him, still holding himself at a peculiar angle. He turns his head, rather than his body, to see Grian approach.
Grian frowns, eyebrows furrowing.
“You alright?” he asks again. Scar nods, eyebrows pulling together, waving his hand.
“Oh, I’m fine, looking for some bandages, though, you know...” he trails off. He sounds transfixed on something else other than Grian, eyes darting as he opens another chest beside him, digging through. He pauses his rifling for just a moment as he finds what he’s looking for: a roll of white bandage. His eyes flick back to Grian and his face flushes.
“It’s all good, you know me,” he says, a little laugh coming to his voice. Grian sees the edges of his smile peek across his face, and though it does little to sooth the anxiety bubbling up in his chest, it’s nice, it feels nice to see, and it nearly distracts him long enough to miss that Scar is rapidly pulling away the roll of bandage.
“Scar, let me see that,” Grian grabs his arm. Scar folds, turning toward him, but lifts his hand, half wrapped, above his head.
“It’s fine!”
“Give me your hand!”
“Grian—” Scar huffs, trying to pull away from him. He can’t—Grian latches on to his wrist, pulling him back down. His wrist is sticky, and when Grian pulls the poorly wrapped bandage away, Scar’s palm comes up red. Scar winces.
“Careful!” he chides. Grian’s frown deepens as he looks up at him.
“What did you do?”
“I—” Scar squirms, trying to pull his hand away. “I just cut myself cutting copper, I’m fine!”
“Let me see that,” Grian gestures to the bandage in Scar’s other hand. Hesitating, Scar did, sighing through his nose. He’s rolled up his sleeves, Grian notices, so the blood that sticks to his hand and wrist hasn’t stained his shirt, but it stains the pale scars on his skin and crawls down the side of his arm. Scar splays his fingers as Grian starts to work. He pulls the bandage around his hand, holding his hand aloft by his wrist. Scar keeps his head down. His eyes follow the movement, he keeps silent.
“You’ve got to be more careful,” Grian says. “What happens when it’s deep enough to be sewn up? You know you can’t hold stitches, you...” Grian sighs. There’s no use chastising Scar more than he needed. He shakes his head, but his expression softens. He doesn’t think Scar is really listening anyway.
“Yeah, yeah,” Scar says. His voice is tinged with amusement as he sighs again through his nose, and that smile returns. Grian rolls his eyes as he drops Scar’s wrist.
“Thanks, Grian,” Scar says after a beat. Grian nods and he can’t help smiling back.
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Say,” Scar says, squinting down the path he made from the chests over to the newest build—Grian can see it now, it’s ladders and scaffolding and he really can’t tell if it’s anything coherent but it looks rather nice so he doesn’t think twice about it. “Do you think you can get my cane for me?”
He looks between Grian and the build before he continues. “The braces work pretty well as a standalone but I’d prefer it to walk, and I got a little distracted with the...'' he looks away sheepishly. “with the blood and whatnot.”
Grian sighs, though it’s less out of displeasure and more out of worry. He nods.
“Sure I can,” he says, and Scar’s face lights up as he sits on one of the chests. It only takes a moment for Grian to find it, carrying it over to Scar. He holds it out, and when Scar takes it from him their hands rest together on the wooden body. Even though his stomach drops, Grian forces a smile.
“Thanks,” Scar says. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’d say die, but you do that with my help too,” Grian manages as he pulls his hand away. Scar snorts.
“You can say that again,” he sighs, smiling at Grian. Grian’s stomach does a little flip as Scar says: “But I appreciate it. At least you try.”
“I try...” Grian trails. Scar gives him a firm pat on the shoulder with his good hand, snapping him out of the temporary daze that holds him. He startles, looking into Scar’s face.
“I’ve got to get back to cutting copper, but I promise I’ll be careful,” Scar says. He gives Grian’s shoulder a squeeze, and Grian nods.
“Please do,” Grian manages.
He watches Scar as Scar moves away from him, casting a carefree smile over his shoulder as he does, turning his bandaged hand over and over. Grian watches him go until he becomes lost behind a wheel of the Swaggon, and continues watching until the shadows grow a bit longer than before and the trees loom a little higher.
There’s an oppressive feeling in Grian’s stomach, and he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do about it. As he trails back to his home, he turns his problem over in his head. At this point, was it even fair to consider it a problem? Was feeling a problem? A bad thing? Did he want to not like Scar? Scar—with a comforting smile and pretty eyes, with a knack for getting into, and subsequently out of chaos, Grian’s favorite pastime, someone who fully, wholeheartedly trusted him to keep him safe, a man who he would follow to the end of the Earth to keep alive, who’s laugh was akin to being held, who’s attention to detail captivated him, who’s hands created at flights of fancy, who’s—
Grian teeters, boots peeking over the edge of the Boatem Hole.
He shakes his head—yes, yes all of those things were true, but what good was a feeling he could never express? What good was a feeling that was simply eating him alive?
Standing at the edge of the Boatem Hole, Grian looks out onto Boatem Proper. There’s a stillness in the drafty afternoon air that carries with it the smell of sea water and wheatgrass and Grian takes a lungful before he decides what to do. Pearl’s house, a menagerie of windows and doors strewn open to take in the air, meets his eye.
Pearl , Grian thinks. A Watcher. Watcher in creed as much as he was, bright eyes and bright wings and a bright energy for getting into trouble. He’d gone to her a million times before—what was a million and one?
read the rest on ao3!
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katblu42 · 10 months
Day 11 - Rocky Mountaineer part 1
I'm behind again! Mostly because I've been busy experiencing stuff, and not connected to tech!!
Anyway, Day 10 started pretty early - coach pick up at the hotel was 7:50am, but our luggage had to be outside our rooms for collection an hour before that.
Our coach was the first to arrive at the station, so we had about half an hour to hang around before the welcome (which involved bagpipes), and then boarding.
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(This is a Gold Leaf carriage - I was travelling on Silver Leaf)
We set off at 8am, and while we were still slowly trundling out of Vancouver the first refreshments were served - coffee and tea, then a 2 course breakfast!
We had an unexpected and sudden stop when the emergency brake was pulled due to "an issue with the crossing ahead." Not sure what the issue was, but when the emergency brake is pulled the whole length of train has to be walked to check the brake has been released. I think we were stopped for about 10 minutes.
(The stop also caused a service cart at the back of our carriage to topple. These carts basically never to that, so this was definitely unusual according to our 3 cabin hosts!)
Not long after that we had a glimpse of Mt Barker (which is over the border in the US - Washington).
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At this point I feel the need to point out 2 important things: 1. I took over 200 photos today 2. All photos were taken through the windows of the train, and are therefore subject to reflections off the glass - watch out for the little UFOs, they are reflections of the lights in the carriage ceiling!
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I also should point out seeing mountains like these is kinda exciting for me - Australia's mountains aren't like this! And the train follows the Fraser River pretty closely. The grey-green colour of the water is apparently due to the sediments it carries - they never get a chance to settle.
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Speaking of colours . . . this mixture of blues and greens is because it's part of where the Fraser meets the Thomson River, which the train then follows to our eventual overnight stop in Kamloops.
This train trip is like being in a moving restaurant - we were supplied with drinks and a snack, then a 3 course lunch by the time we hit this point!
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Rainbow Canyon - the colours of the rocks caused by oxidation of iron, copper and sulfur (I think that's what they said!)
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I was really on the wrong side of the train to get shots of the rapids on the Thompson, where some of the rocks have names! Can you spot the rock called the frog? (right pic above)
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Murray Creek Falls . . .
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On one of our many stops while waiting on a siding for a freight train to pass in the opposite direction, we had a Bald Eagle circling beside us. Not easy to snap pics!
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Somewhere near Black Canyon we had one of the best chances to shoot pics of the front of the train - my carriage was the second last of 22 "pieces of equipment" (engine, carriages inc non-passenger cars), and the last passenger car. (I still had trouble getting a decent shot without reflections or telephone wires in the way!)
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We spent much of the day spotting Osprey nests! (And one or two eagle nests)
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Does anyone recognise Rainbow Bluffs? Apparently they appeared in the X-Files. (right pic above)
After many, many delays pulling into sidings for freight trains (the two I counted cars for were 150 and 194 cars long - so not short trains!), and our afternoon snack and drink, we finally came up along Kamloops Lake. Lots of winding track as the train closely follows the shoreline.
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And that's my 30 image limit!
We were late getting into Kamloops - so many stops along the way we even got a second afternoon snack!! So, when we finally reached our hotels it was around 9pm. That's basically a 13hr train trip! Certainly not boring though.
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whatudottu · 11 months
Me, remembering that pill bugs can filter heavy metals from soil:
My brain: You know what this means, don’t you?
Me: What-
My brain: You can make talpaedans part pill bug-
Me, working on amperi headcanons: Wait LET ME FINI-
I’ve gone over a few times that I like to think that talpaedans are techno-organic, less so being silicon or silicone based beings but being an integration of organic carbon materials and the more industrialised physiology of being a walking talking construction equipment. I have also previously made use of the whole ‘machine’ aspect of their natural biology to not only consider them as burrowers, but also as ant-like burrowers with haplodiplody, this form of sex-determination system being used to expand the combinations of construction equipment that an individual talpaedan might have, but also as a basis of which I form the sociopolitical building of talpaedan cities, in which case we have large city state colonies of ant inspired pangolins recreating feudalism Europe of the 10th-13th century.
But up - until this point - there was not quite a lot of circumstances that would allow for actual metallic components to not only present itself biologically but also do so naturally, so with the heavy metal eating pill bug there’s a source of extra inspiration. Oniscidae (apparently the more accurate name for pill bugs/rollie pollies and literally any name under the sun) can remove arsenic (which is actually a metalloid), cadmium, lead, and depending on sources also mercury from the soil; additional metals that can be extracted from soil are copper and zinc. The pill bug in question would crystallise these ions in their gut and create spherical deposits within them, but since we are not talking about the isopod alone surely it isn’t too much of a stretch to the idea that perhaps talpaedans can use these deposits within themselves to feed into the development of their most notable features, their built in equipment?
Assuming that Poiana Lüncas has these metals and that talpaedans would in fact filter for them, in real world human employed Earth uses of these metals can indeed be of fine use. Both arsenic and cadmium can be used as alloys and zinc specifically can galvanise other metals such as iron to prevent rusting, very significant indeed in industry, notably especially with large amounts of zinc can be used in hardware industries. Copper has a very notable use in electronics and wiring of which motors are included, let alone more refined wiring in TVs and radio. And argueably the more infamous of these metals (at least to a standard ‘basic’ level of understanding) we have mercury and lead, the former being used in many different industries for it’s ability to measure the change in temperature and pressure, and the latter for some solders, gasoline/petroleum and wonderfully hazardous cosmetic items that uninformed humanity has come to be harmed by.
ngl, spent a bit of time trying to find an oxygen-carrier of these metals that can feasibly make black blood but i literally do not know if the colour of oxides is in any way relevant to how oxygen-carrier bloodcells would actually be coloured as i’m not a chemist
But in highlighting these metals, I am not simply looking to see if a techno-organic talpaedan can have galvanised armour nor if they come built in with blood pressure monitors. No no no, I am saying more than what talpaedans eat but also what metals can talpaedans have easy access to in the development of technology, and how one might say that actually interacts with the ant-psychology of utterly fucking despising other colony.
Let’s say that google might be a little concerned about me learning about elements used in the construction of ammunition and radiation protection ehek-!
With the earth tilling that many developing talpaedans need to incorporate necessary metals into their diet, depending on the availabilty of said metals they may be an over abundance for food alone; especially with the pressure of competition of resources in combination with a general disdain for anything extracolonial, a factor that may lead to an escalation of tech development. There is an inherent baseline for technology in talpaedans that would already give their industrialisation a boost, in addition to the materials that may vary on quantity based on the region, colony size, and general population needs. Before long there are city states reinforcing their own barriers and expanding their borders for more and more materials - to consume and to create - to in fact increase and increase the tension between colonies so loud to the point pressure spills like a broken thermometer spills mercury and conflicts arise.
And when everything boils over do they realise that many have to balance the act of raising young and building more weapons, the factor that may in fact be the tipping point to realise that the colonies with the most resources are not only a threat but a threat that can overwhelm on the technological scale and the population number. In spite of how many colonies may indeed hate each other, it is more than worth it to them to compromise and in fact LIVE rather than be caught between the suddenly unveiling superpowers of the world that had previously lay unknown thanks to willful ignorance. Decimation of land is significantly reduced from cataclysmic to catastrophic as entire colonies are rased and in fact dug out into craters, many war-era alliances held to the modern day of Poiana Lüncas. A tithing - remnants of the treaties formed at the peak of desperation - of the youngest generation of adult men stands as both tradition and of appeasement, a colony trade and marriage across many different colonial alliances as a symbol of what had to be done before, sharing resources and rearing while the soldiers fought to live.
And all of this because they got a pill bug diet see this is why ants aren’t allowed to have materials for megaton bombs smh 😞
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badnewlifesmpideas · 11 months
Also expanding on the viktor is sparrow idea alongside the fact that this blog could may as well be sparrow's journal
Would that mean sparrow has had multiple occasions where he imagined himself as a chicken? As well as having multiple occasions wherein he thought of using copper golem pearl as a power source?
Or would it be more of a diary:
Dear diary,
today all of the hybrids gathered around an oxidized Pearl and decided to try and make her move. They said that it was a huge success, but I wasn't able to see much of a difference (People said she at least moved an inch. Did she even move at all?) We then had a celebration at Gem's house which went terribly wrong (All that you need to know is that it was utter chaos..) Good thing I made the right decision to leave early, otherwise I'd either be burnt by Sausage or stung by Gem"
(Bonus: the 6/7 refers to the date that the oxidized pearl idea was shown, I tried to make it as close to a diary/records journal as possible :D)
Just leaving this here for Vicktor to respond to when star gets the chance lol... I just need to answer this so I can get to the next one for reasons that will be clear in just a minute
This is plain beautiful. I also headcannon that Sparrow has multiple unfinished journals, like multiple unfinished skethbooks. They just start one, find another cool looking one, and forget about the last.
I may be projecting, but it's seemingly a common experience so whatever.
Also expanding on your idea, Sparrow definitely has his own fursona at this point after fangirling over hybrids so much. Love the little details you've added!
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indigo-villin · 8 months
So MC LIVE happened, I missed it by an hour, but it looked cool.
A new boss, copper has a use past a telescope and...whatever else (is copper used for brushes? I've only gotten brushes through creativc), autocrafting is a thing now which I'm told is a nice thing by my bf (who is the target demographic for that feature), and new spawners will exist. Apparently this isn't even all the stuff they have planned? From what I've seen others say (I watched the new stuff and that was it, probably missed the part where they said there was more to come).
Regardless this looks like an interesting addition to the game. A new blaze character AND it's a new boss? Sweet, it may not be the OG nether guy we saw years ago, but it's only different by an element (wind instead of fire) so that's fun and entertaining. Given MC dungeons is supposed to be years before MC I was hoping dungeons would exist at some point (even if they were just remnants of them like mineshafts). Now personally I'm not a fighter, but if this means my partner will actually play vanilla for a few days with me, so be it. XD
Also copper is being treated like stone and a wood type by the look of it? It makes vents, doors (I think?) new cool looking lanterns, funky styles of it will exist like how different type of stone cuts exist, and each thing oxidizes over time making it look completely different as a result. On that note it looks like tuff also gets a couple variations as well? the decorative bits in the dungeons, some stairs, I think the fences were also tuff? even if it was just new stone stuff it looked cool.
Alright yeah yeah, my last posts about MC haven't exactly been positive I know, but again it was due to how things have been as of late. I still love the game, I've recently gotten into the mine little pony mod and have been playing it (it's even updated for 1.20.2), I've been annoyed with it but I adore it still. Even with all the issues I have with the game, I can still play it as is. I don't care for mods much (honestly don't understand them, mlp was the most simple I've ever seen for install), and even if I did care for mods that shouldn't detract from my feelings for the base game.
My main issues with the game have always been how these mob votes work and how the community tears each other apart. And yes some updates may be lackluster but again they're just some smaller nitpick issues. The mob vote is a small part of MC that causes issues (and publicity) every year and as someone who didn't know about them till after the 2020 mob vote it sucks seeing everyone become cutthroat for a few days/a whole week before mc live all cause some jerk youtuber said "It'd be funny if the worst mob won" and cause they said it (even jokingly) their rabid fans just went for it causing everyone to hate that vote and regret everything. Also I did indeed see who won the vote, hurray for armadillo, it was honestly the expected win once I saw all three of them. I knew it would win the moment I heard dog armor. And that is why I hate the mob votes. This year especially, people looked at their uses instead of "hey this looks like it'd be natural to mc", no instead everyone looked at "what will this do for me". Which no it isn't a bad thing, cows give us food and leather, pigs give us food and transport if we go through the extra steps, ...bats...., and goats give us horns. But you can't deny that a mob's existence is singularly based on what it can give. Bats, as I noted, give us nothing, but tell us if the cave we're in/around is deep/dark enough, but past that they just exist. And as much as everyone dislikes them they do help flesh out certain areas of the world. AND THAT'S MY POINT, we don't need every mob to have a huge purpose, just existing to fill space is enough. Fleshing out the world is nice, seeing colors and moving critters is nice. Block game doesn't need to just be blocks everywhere and nothing else.
All this to say, new update looks interesting and I'm glad it's getting an update with things people have been begging for for years, from dog armor to autocrafting. I knew the mob vote would still happen this year, it was obvious with the amount of people who thought the complaints were unfounded and people who "wanted to troll". I didn't vote and I stand by that choice. I'm sorry to those that lost the penguin (I saw it lost first) may you find solace in mods if possible, same for those who lost the crab, I'm sure it was a close tie between crab and armadillo.
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syn4k · 1 year
ashes question: did pix ever get up to anything interesting while alone in the desert? and how did he like. survive for so long
interesting? not really. unless you were the court up until two years after his disappearance, still sending people out into the desert and anxiously awaiting any news. as for how he survived, the answer is "barely".
for the first year and a half or so after he left, he still had a pretty good sense of self-preservation, no matter how much he tried to ignore it. (and ignore it he did- that's how he got to where he was at the start of Ashes. ignoring your personal needs goes against every instinct in your body. it takes practice. this did not happen overnight.) due to this, he'd find towns far out and knock on or hover in front of random doors, asking one thing: a roof for the night. no food, no water, just somewhere to sleep. it didn't even have to be a bed.
those who hadn't heard or didn't recognize him nodded usually, letting him in. he was always gone when they checked the next morning, sometimes with a small note of thanks. those who did recognize who he was and what he had done either let him in but with a pitied look or denied him entrance entirely. over time as news spread, he was recognized more and more.
for him, the pity was worse than being denied entry, and he began to hope for the second option. eventually, he stopped walking into villages entirely, and began avoiding them
after that, he subsided mostly on the dew that gathered on cacti in the mornings and rotten flesh. yep. rotten flesh. sometimes he found and cooked rabbits that had stayed in the heat too long and had overheated. mans got sick a lot.
he sheltered in random caves he found above or below the surface, sometimes abandoned homes (although those were a kick in the teeth to stumble upon more often than not because 1. most of them flew the pixandrian banner still and 2. they were a reminder of how he had failed Everyone which was why he had left and- you get the point.)
as time went on, he found himself needing less and less to get by. take that as you will, but it meant that eventually he could travel long distances without too much to go on
i mentioned that people looked for him, right? yeah. his own people did, his allies did (see: fwhip's comment in chapter 13), and in a way he was looking for himself in solitude too, but the sands only reflected his own past back to him and so all he saw most days was a wasteland.
the pixandrians conducted search parties, both official and not, but they dwindled fast since it was basically looking for a needle in a haystack. also, pix was scarily good at disappearing and hiding in plain sight. sometimes someone thought they saw a lone figure walking on the horizon, but when they got closer, he was gone. of course at that point he was little more than a myth and a mirage
(about 4 years after he left and the empire had mostly collapsed in on itself, a merchant was trudging through the wastes looking for abandoned houses to loot. something shiny caught their eye, and they bent down to look. it was a compass housed in copper, long since pitted and oxidized. they took out their own compass to see if maybe they could sell or maybe even replace the new one since it'd go for a much higher price, but instead of pointing north, the copper compass pointed southeast, the way the merchant had come, from the old desert capital populated mostly by stray dogs and librarians looking for legends and history. you can't sell history. they had been told that there was a lot of copper around here, though, so they decided to look around for some anyways.)
(the thing didn't even work properly, they thought with a scoff, and tossed it back into the sand. absolutely useless.)
(had they seen the "P.R" inscribed on the back in neat lettering, though, they might have hesitated a second before throwing it back in.)
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Fleshlings! What…what in Phyrexia’s name are you doing?”
The Mirran rebels paused their charge. Wrenn, however, continued sailing through the air. She landed roughly in the arms of a soldier, and jabbed a branchlike finger at the chrome-plated centurion who had stopped them.
“We’re stopping you, right here and now!”
The centurion pointed back at Wrenn. “Well, I mainly meant, why are you being…thrown between people?”
Wrenn leveled a deadpan glare at the Phyrexian, and gestured down to her withered, legless body. “I. Can’t. Walk.”
“Oh, right. Er, look, we…Please hold on a moment, would you?”
“What? No!”
The centurion ignored Wrenn’s protest, and gestured to the other compleat around him.
“Hey…whichever one of them is carrying that lady…don’t attack them.”
“But sir,” grumbled a towering ogre, draped in oxidized copper. “Norn’s orders!”
“Yes, but this is my order.”
“Sir?” the ogre asked incredulously.
“Look, just…just do it. Okay?”
“We’re still gonna smash the other ones, right?”
“Oh, for sure!” chimed the centurion, as the Mirrans heard him and again readied their weapons. “Just…I don’t see any need for them to throw her around, you know? Seems unnecessarily rude.”
“Funny,” Wrenn snarled, “for you to say those things in the same breath!”
The centurion shrugged. “Do you want a little break, or not?”
“We will not take your charity- Mmmph!”
Koth clapped a metallic hand over Wrenn’s mouth, and leaned in close to whisper to her.
“Wrenn,” he chuckled, “I know they’re the enemy but, I think we’re just gonna take ‘yes’ for an answer on this one. That sound good to you?”
Wrenn folded her arms. “No, but…fine, let’s do it.”
“Well, all right!” The centurion signaled for the Phyrexians to resume their attack, and Koth lifted Wrenn from the other rebel before breaking into a sprint towards the unnatural tree towering over them.
“Hold them off!” Koth bellowed. “Now, let’s get you to that tree…in a much more dignified way!”
“…Thank you,” Wrenn muttered.
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get2knowseychelles · 4 months
5 Crucial Factors To Understand Frying Pans
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Frying pans are among the most versatile tools in the cooking area, utilized for everything coming from frying eggs to searing steaks. However, not all fry pans are actually made equal. Listed below are 5 necessary traits you require to learn about skillets to aid you choose the correct one for your preparing food needs to have.
Points To Know About Frying Pans
Material Matters
Frying pans happened in a range of materials, each with its very own special properties. Popular materials include stainless steel, cast iron, non-stick coated, carbon steel, and also ceramic. Stainless-steel pans are actually resilient as well as resisting to oxidation, while directed iron pans preserve warmth properly and also build an all-natural non-stick surface over opportunity. Non-stick frying pan are actually practical for cooking delicate foods like eggs and fish, while carbon steel pans are light-weight and also outstanding for high-heat food preparation. Ceramic pans use a non-stick area without the possible health concerns related to conventional non-stick layers.
Consider Heat Conductivity
The component of the fry pan likewise impacts its own warmth energy. Products like copper and also aluminum are actually excellent conductors of heat energy, guaranteeing even cooking throughout the pan. Stainless steel and cast iron are actually less conductive but can easily still offer outstanding heat distribution when properly preheated. When opting for a frying pan, take into consideration the type of preparing food you'll be actually doing and also the degree of warmth energy demanded for optimal results.
Shapes and size
Frying pan can be found in different dimensions as well as forms to accommodate different cooking needs. A little pan is actually suitable for frying a solitary egg or even sautéing veggies, while a larger pan is actually suitable for cooking numerous servings or even much larger cuts of meat. In addition, look at the shape of the pan, whether it's a typical round skillet or a square griddle pan. The form can easily affect exactly how food items prepares as well as suits the pan, thus opt for one that suits your cooking design as well as tastes.
Manage Design
The manage of a skillet is commonly forgotten yet plays an essential part in its use and security. Search for a fry pan with a sturdy, heat-resistant handle that provides a comfy grip. Handles with ergonomic designs and non-slip grasps are suitable for simple ability to move and control while cooking. In addition, think about whether the take care of is actually oven-safe, specifically if you consider to use the pan for recipes that require completing in the stove. If you're in requirement of a new skillet, have a look at https://emurapan.net/ for a vast option of top notch pans. They give long lasting choices ideal for all your cooking needs to have.
Servicing and Care
Appropriate maintenance and treatment are actually essential for extending the lifestyle of your fry pan as well as guaranteeing ideal cooking functionality. Follow the maker's directions for cleansing and also seasoning your pan, especially if it's made of cast iron or even carbon steel. Stay away from using metallic utensils that can easily scrape non-stick layers as well as go for wood or even silicon tools as an alternative. Routinely check your frying pan for signs of damage as well as tear, like bending or flaking finishings, and also replace it if necessary to avoid food coming from adhering or even melting.
Opting for the correct fry pan can significantly influence your cooking knowledge and the top quality of your meals. Look at variables such as component, heat energy, shapes and size, handle concept, and also upkeep when deciding on a skillet that satisfies your demands and also tastes. With the appropriate pan in hand, you'll be fully equipped to tackle a variety of dishes along with confidence and also cooking skill.
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calebshope · 4 months
5 A Must Points To Understand Frying Pans
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Frying pan are one of the best flexible resources in the home kitchen, made use of for everything coming from frying eggs to searing meats. Nonetheless, certainly not all fry pans are made identical. Here are five vital traits you require to learn about fry pans to aid you decide on the correct one for your food preparation needs.
Points To Understand Frying Pans
Product Matters
Frying pans come in a selection of products, each with its very own one-of-a-kind buildings. Typical components feature stainless-steel, cast iron, non-stick layered, carbon steel, and also ceramic. Stainless-steel pans are actually sturdy and immune to oxidation, while directed iron pans keep warm well as well as build an organic non-stick surface area as time go on. Non-stick frying pan come for cooking fragile foods items like eggs and also fish, while carbon dioxide steel pans are actually light-weight and also exceptional for high-heat cooking food. Ceramic pans supply a non-stick area without the possible health and wellness worries associated with typical non-stick coatings.
Take Into Consideration Heat Conductivity
The component of the frying pan also affects its own heat energy. Products like copper and also light weight aluminum are excellent conductors of warm, making certain even cooking throughout the pan. Stainless-steel and also cast iron are actually less conductive however may still deliver outstanding warmth circulation when correctly pre-heated. When opting for a skillet, look at the sort of cooking you'll be actually performing and also the amount of heat conductivity demanded for optimal end results.
Shapes and size
Frying pans been available in numerous dimensions and also shapes to serve various food preparation necessities. A little pan is actually best for frying a singular egg or even sautéing vegetables, while a much larger pan appropriates for cooking various portions or even much larger cuts of meat product. Furthermore, take into consideration the shape of the pan, whether it's a traditional round frying pan or even a straight griddle pan. The form can affect how meals cooks and matches the pan, so choose one that matches your preparing food style and also tastes.
Handle Design
The manage of a frying pan is actually typically forgotten however participates in a vital part in its use and protection. Search for a frying pan with a strong, heat-resistant take care of that delivers a comfortable grip. Manages along with ergonomic desk concepts and also non-slip grips are actually suitable for very easy maneuverability and control while preparing food. Additionally, take into consideration whether the handle is oven-safe, specifically if you consider to use the pan for recipes that demand ending up in the oven. Browse through http://emurapan.net/ for a fantastic variety of skillets! Whether you require non-stick, directed iron, or stainless-steel, they've received you covered with premium and also sturdiness.
Servicing and also Care
Appropriate maintenance as well as treatment are actually necessary for extending the lifestyle of your skillet as well as ensuring optimum preparing food efficiency. Adhere to the supplier's guidelines for cleaning as well as seasoning your pan, particularly if it is actually made from cast iron or even carbon steel. Stay clear of utilizing steel utensils that can easily scratch non-stick finishes and select timber or even plastic utensils instead. Consistently evaluate your fry pan for signs of deterioration, such as warping or even scaly finishes, and change it if required to stop food items from sticking or burning.
Deciding on the ideal frying pan may significantly affect your cooking adventure as well as the premium of your meals. Look at elements including material, warmth energy, measurements as well as shape, manage style, as well as routine maintenance when choosing a frying pan that suits your necessities as well as choices. With the appropriate pan in palm, you'll be actually fully equipped to handle a variety of recipes along with self-confidence and also cooking skill.
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awesomeforever · 10 months
[ad_1] If you were to drive around any neighborhood while paying close attention to decorative lighting, you would begin to notice a pattern of gorgeous homes with lighting systems that are too small or cheap in appearance. On the other hand, you would begin to see smaller homes where homeowners had installed oversized lighting systems. In other words, while everyone loves the ambience that decorative outdoor lighting provides, and the enhanced safety of illumination, many people simply do not make the right choices. As a result, the home and lighting system are off-balanced, which distracts from the beauty of the property. The goal when buying decorative outdoor lighting is to have a plan, which would include the size and style of home. From there, you would find it much easier to purchase a lighting system that would enhance and complement the home rather than create an awkward appearance. One of the next steps is to determine the appropriate size of outdoor lighting for your needs. Keep in mind that no hard rules exist as to size, walk outside, and standing at roadside look at the home. Try to focus on any architectural features that stand out such as a lamp post, statue, pillars, etc. Using good visual judgment, determine the size of decorative outdoor lighting that would create balance. Another important aspect of choosing decorative outdoor lighting has to do with illumination. Typically, you want the exterior to be lit up for security reasons but you also want to avoid harsh glares. Therefore, we recommend you again look for decorative outdoor lighting that provides balance. After all, this type of lighting should be fully functional. If you plan to place light fixtures along a driveway or up stairs leading to the front door, illumination should be bright enough to make walking safe while at the same time not so bright that illumination is actually distracting. If you need brightness, then it would be better to illuminate a broad area so the light is not so concentrated. Most decorative outdoor lighting systems come with a minimum of 100-watt capacity, whether as a single light or multiple lights. For creating light outside, this is plenty. In addition to size and illumination, you want to consider the material of the decorative outdoor lighting fixture. Today, the five most popular choices include iron, brass, copper, cast aluminum, and composites. Although there are other options, these are used because they can withstand the elements and remain beautiful and functional. The hardest material to find is cast iron but something hand-forged would be gorgeous. Just be sure the metal parts of the system are zinc coated to eliminate rust from developing. Brass is a popular choice simply because it has an elegant look. However, decorative options made from brass also ensures a long lasting system that can handle all types of environments. The only exception is that brass does not handle extreme heat but choosing fixtures that have powder coating would eliminate any concern. It would also be worth spending a little more for solid brass. No matter the choice, brass does go through a unique oxidation process whereby the surface color changes but for decorative outdoor lighting, it adds to the charm. Even if you were on a tight budget but desperately want new outdoor lighting, remember that companies have sales all the time but you could also make your purchase directly from a manufacturer. In addition, we suggest you look at options for decorative outdoor lighting online. Because companies that sell only via the internet do not have the same high overhead as brick and mortar companies, it is possible for them to pass incredible savings on to the customer. [ad_2] Source by Lydia Quinn
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flindtfitch04 · 1 year
Dead Battery Care - How To Jump Start Auto Or Truck Safely
This is a self-contained system and it generates 25 kW of power. Produce would-be environmental engineers, hear this: They state they have achieved the unprecedented levels of efficiency the bootcamp comes along with a promised savings of 212 tons of carbon dioxide every 2010. You can ask advice of the Automotive Parts store and acquire a repair book for that year brand name of your car or truck. This repair manual will be an aid to walk you step by step through any sort of minor along with several major repairs that you may have to do to fix your motor vehicle yourself. We have witnessed commercials showing us what extreme weather and conditions can do today our trucks and cars. Your vehicles sheet metal is coated by a skinny protection of primer paint and clear coat. Demands a small nick, a chip, road debris, even hail to result in this very thin protective layer to generally be damaged. The actual smallest damage like just a little cut allow in moisture and helps start the oxidation for this metal commonly called corrode. Rust is basically a loss of electrons which weakens the metal and allows oxidation to start. Every car gets door dings in grocery parking lots, rock chips from trucks and vehicles while driving (tip, never follow a construction truck too closely as Automotive Parts they always throwing rocks), and much more. Mining copper is a troublesome and arduous task thus making copper a costly commodity. Of metal alloys copper is as simple as far the most demanded the actual planet scrap metal business as well as the metal that gets best price to your seller. Unfortunately, because within the demand for copper may thieves have got ready to dismantle a vacant new house or old house to remove and sell the copper wiring along with copper right now there may continue in it. Being a result, honest scrap metal buyers are very careful from whom very good buying their copper. You consist of a continuity tester. Ought to an electrical test equipments. You can use this to check if there is electrical path that could be made between two factors. vỏ đèn hậu xe vios is good for testing electrical parts inside your car. This would cost you around $3 to $40. Of all fluids circulating throughout your vehicle, is offering arguably probably the most important to match regularly. Your engine needs a constant and ample supply of oil to safeguard its moving parts from friction. The oil lubricates these points. The problem is, some cars burn or leak oil without their owners realizing it. For a result, degree declines and fewer is quickly lubrication. In Coaching we use that same structure, we look at your entire goal, set a timescale for it, and begin to break it right down to into smaller milestones. And also you are not the only one! Like me as the Project Manager had my Project Team, in Coaching you have yourself as the Project Manager, Me as your coach and motivator and someone Automotive Parts in the area there to help, guide and advise you, after which it is you need and should create your own project team, friends, co-workers, family, other professionals. A drunk fan of vampire fiction was arrested trying to get rid of into an Ohio convenience store with regard to beer. When cornered, the suspect made an effort to convince police that he was actually a vampire and would drink their our blood. Apparently, in the ride towards the station, he attempted to convince a woman officer to permit him snack on her renal. The officer wasn't helpful.
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eis123456 · 1 year
Soldering Iron 40w
You can buy brand names for tons of of dollars, but the Yihua 995D+ provides brand name efficiency for a fraction of the price. $26 isn’t a lot of money on the planet of finest soldering irons. It should buy you an affordable kit, loaded with equipment to sweeten the deal. Or it could purchase you what is probably the most helpful soldering iron a maker could have. The wattage of the soldering iron is amongst the most important factors in a soldering iron. Most of the soldering irons used within the electronics have wattage within the vary of 20–60 Watts.
This will permit the solder to melt first and bond the materials collectively. Solders may be made with or with out lead and based mostly on what type of materials you’ll be soldering, solder with a decrease melting level soldering tool is one of the best. Hakko FX-888D. It heats up fast, has a wattage of 70, and the temperature rebounds shortly when soldering which finally ends up in a easy continuous workflow.
Exposed iron plating oxidises; if the tip is saved tinned with molten solder oxidation is inhibited. A clean unoxidised tip is tinned by making use of a little solder and flux. The simplest of those is a variable energy management, very like a light-weight dimmer, which modifications the equilibrium temperature of the iron without routinely measuring or regulating the temperature. Another type of system makes use of a thermostat, typically inside the iron's tip, which routinely switches power on and off to the element. In some fashions, the firmware for the management circuitry is free software program that may be modified by the end-user.
By 1889, electric soldering irons were being developed with a resistance wire wrapped across the back finish of the copper head and enclosed in a protecting shell. Alternatively, the heating element could be enclosed in a relatively lightweight hollow copper head. A soldering iron consists of a heated metallic tip and an insulated handle.
Soldering is the method of melting the solder onto the specified joints to attach the joint materials collectively both bodily and electrically. The Tabiger 60W soldering iron reached a working temperature in 42 seconds, spectacular for such a cheap soldering iron. It took some time to warmth up and required solder to be fed through soldering tools a ratchet system, through the gun. It felt low cost, and the simply detachable plastic cover exposed mains voltage connections. If you need a soldering gun, spend the additional cash and get the Weller. In the kit we get lead free solder, spare suggestions and a folding stand (which works however isn’t the nicest).
Heating is usually achieved electrically, by passing an electrical current by way of a resistive heating component. Cordless irons could be heated by combustion of fuel stored in a small tank, usually using soldering hardware a catalytic heater quite than a flame. Simple irons, much less commonly used at present than prior to now, were simply a big copper bit on a handle, heated in a flame.
Small irons heated by a battery, or by combustion of a fuel such as butane in a small self-contained tank, can be used when electrical energy is unavailable or cordless operation is required. The operating temperature of these irons just isn't regulated immediately; fuel irons could change power by adjusting gas circulate. A giant copper block was required in order to have enough thermal capability to offer useful heat after elimination from the fireplace, and copper is dear. This led to the development of soldering irons that had a small copper tip connected to a reasonable cast-iron block.
Use this soldering gun if you should solder massive joints. The slowest iron to reach a working soldering temp was the Antex XS25. The fastest soldering iron was Pinecil V2 and the fastest soldering gun was from Weller.
Solder is a metallic alloy and when it cools it creates a robust electrical bond between the parts. Even though soldering can create a everlasting connection, it can be reversed using a desoldering tool as described beneath. Hakko are the Rolls-Royce of the best soldering irons. The Hakko FX-888D is a soldering station that offers soldering equipment glorious thermal efficiency, with an iron that may reach 480 levels Celsius. Tips could be simply sourced and changed, enabling precision or heavy responsibility soldering. Pinecil V2, is a refinement of V1, and brings a full temperature managed soldering station into the palm of your hand.
Search the whole line of soldering products, and as at all times, when you assume we're missing anything from the providing, feel free to ship us a suggestion. We soldered up a Velleman kit and the Hakko worked quite well. The default 350 degrees Celsius felt slightly too low for the somewhat thick PCB so we upped the temperature to 400 and the lead solder flowed completely.
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tarathijewels · 1 year
Make Your Wardrobe Filled With Fashionable & Attractive Jewels
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Imitation jewelry is accessories made using various synthetic materials. Imitation jewelry is also known as ‘fashion jewelry’, perhaps because it is a type of jewelry that allows you to experiment with current styles and trends at very low prices. The raw materials used to make ‘real’ jewelry are expensive and with every new festive season, you can’t buy such expensive jewelry without emptying your bank account. Imitation jewelry in various designs and styles can be worn for all occasions. This makes it a desirable fashion item in any wardrobe, so you can buy imitation haaram online.
Why you can buy imitation jewels?
A common misconception is that imitation jewelry is not as beautiful, classy, or elegant as the ‘genuine’ version. In fact, with the advent of new technologies, methods, techniques, and high-quality alternatives, Imitation jewelry is now at par with expensive jewelry in terms of beauty and appeal. So, you can achieve the same beautiful look with the help of Imitation jewelry as much as you can get a beautiful look from gold, diamond, emerald, and pearl jewelry. All you need to do is buy imitation haaram online. Because these Imitation jewelry are designed to complement expensive jewelry types. With a variety of equally elaborate designs and intricate settings, you can buy this Imitation jewelry without worrying about the cost to celebrate upcoming festivals and auspicious days.
Why imitation jewels is perfect for celebrating special occasions?
For this reason, imitation jewelry is one of the most popular pieces of jewelry around the world today. Indian culture celebrates color, life, and luxury, and jewelry worn for special occasions should be interesting and beautiful. The embellished factors, which makes it more attractive, and the fact that it can make a great outfit for any occasion is also a factor in opting for imitation jewelry.
During the wedding season, women need different accessories and they want them all to be Indian style. Also, you need fake jewelry to accomplish that, because women generally don’t like to wear a piece of jewelry over and over again. Women love to wear jewelry according to the latest trends. But real jewelry cannot be bought because it is expensive. This is why there are so many wonderful options in wedding jewelry for women and guests.
Certain types of jewelry have a timeless appeal and are perfect for festivals and weddings. On the other hand, beads and pearl necklaces are the most trendy fashion accessories at the moment and can be worn with a variety of outfits.
Why is imitation jewelry perfect for casual wear?
Dangle earrings with sparkling stone studded designs are a great way to accessorize both Indian and western outfits. They look good with Indo-western wear like tunics and tops. Imitation jewelry is very popular value and used in casual wear wardrobes. Pairing a little trendy statement jewelry with your outfit will elevate the whole look to perfection.
Fashion jewelry like long gold plated necklaces, and studded earrings look good. Pair trendy-colored jewelry with Indo-Western dresses and tunics for a party look. Be it a saree, lehenga choli, or salwar kameez, Indian-inspired elaborate jewelry can be the perfect centerpiece for a glamorous ethnic look.
Why choose to buy imitation haaram online?
The best and easiest way to access a wide range of choices is to buy imitation haaram online. The main reason for this is that making good imitation jewelery is an art and good quality jewelry is very difficult to come by.
With a trusted online retailer, you get the best quality and access to all categories. You’ll find pieces made of brass, oxidized metals, copper, and wood, as well as gold- or silver-plated sets. Each of these has a unique collection and is as authentic and attractive as real jewelry.
You can also find stunning pearl jewelry pieces made with cultured or faux pearls in classic and ornate designs. Low-key pieces like earrings, bead necklaces, and bangles can add style to a casual look. Choosing to buy imitation haaram online is also a great idea. All classic styles and traditional designs can be transformed into beautiful synthetic pieces.
Imitation jewelry designs include Indian goddesses like Lakshmi and Meenakshi with gold coating. Modern-style jewelry is also available which includes ethnic designs including beautiful haram, bangles, and earrings.
Check out our imitation jewelry selection for the very best in unique or custom, attractive pieces from our shops. Find us inside Tarathi Jewels at Radiance shine apartments, Kazhipattur, Chennai-603103, or call us at +91 73052 03958 You can browse our website https://www.tarathijewels.com/ for details.
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