#you fell for one of the classic blunders
ev-arrested · 5 months
Pet Names
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rararatigan · 8 months
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I switched glasses when your back was turned!!
“You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!”
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moonlarked · 7 months
im sorry but every once in a while i remember the post that went “i went to a cajun restaurant and i thought id be safe because the chef was white” (regarding spice level) and i just start giggling again
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
every time a 9-1-1 fic writer or gifmaker follows me I yell "GOT ANOTHER ONE" out loud I hope you're all aware
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fluorescentbrains · 7 months
i truly think chapel blew it the moment she said “it doesn’t make you weak……… it makes you human” girl you should NOT have finished that sentence
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my professor: so for this assignment that's worth like a quarter of your overall grade you're gonna retell a classic story
my professor: through the eyes of a different character, same scenes, same words, different perspective, it's called focaliz---
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demonanata · 2 years
I kinda feel bad for shaddiq because he really did screw himself out of a chance with the girl he loved
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huskyliker · 12 days
You Fool! You Fell Victim to One of the Classic Blunders! (Balloon World) Eclipse is 3rd on my favorite list
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This doodle is ass ima redraw him better soon
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animehouse-moe · 11 months
Chainsaw Man Chapter 137: Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura
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Oh what, you thought we were going to be thought provoking and actually dive into Denji's struggle as a character through a normal lens? Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia,” but only slightly less well known is this: "Never expect Fujimoto to be normal".
The whole chapter is expectation subversion, which perfectly captures both Fujimoto's sense of humor, and his absolute desire for b-list and camp. I mean, just look at how we open, Denji giving a surprisingly long winded (for him) monologue about maturing past the point of taking whatever kind of affection he can.... before it's revealed that it's all in his head and he's sucking on a dead devil.
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In all honesty though, this is rather unironically an important moment for Denji. Why? Because he knows better. He himself understands the situation that he's in, that he should be better than what he's doing, that he shouldn't be caving to the whims and mockery of a girl offering an empty promise. But he can't stop himself. He's so far below rock bottom in this moment that it doesn't matter if it's a lie, it doesn't matter if she's hazing him. What matters is that she's giving him attention, and a chance to delude himself from his current station in life.
Anyways, the pair go to a karaoke place and the girl gets going on a song, leading to probably one of Fujimoto's best action sequences in all of part 2 now.
And no, it's not the action itself that makes this an incredible moment, it's quite literally everything else. Denji fell for the trap, he took it hook, line, and sinker and is now stuck fighting off a small army of men with baseball bats while the girl sings an absolute rager in the background. The entire setup is just incredible, the sheer thrill that both viewers and Denji alike feel from the moment is impeccable, and it ends the chapter on just the right note.
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I mean, look at this, the pile of bodies littering the hallway, the three panel shot of Denji's face, the matchup to end the chapter. Absolutely masterclass Fujimoto work on display.
I'd really like to take a closer look at Denji's reaction (and all the guys with bats too). These three panels give sort of a double meaning to Denji's character, in my opinion. The first, is self-deprecating humor at the fact that he ever thought he might stand a fraction of a snowball's chance in hell for the trap to not be a trap. And the second, well the second is Denji finding that Chainsaw Man spark again. Pure unadulterated violence, the feeling of superiority, of a challenge or uphill fight laid against him. Denji's in his element now, and that's dangerous for our girl here.
Anyways, the guys with bats. Very funny idea considering the girl "gets around", so seeing a lineup of guys appear with bats while Denji and this girl are on a "date" is a pretty good type of humor.
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Overall, for how insane this chapter is, it's exactly what Denji needed. He needed to be beat down, he needed to feel that desperation, he needed to remember who he is. That even if he goes to school now, even if he has a little sister and a house and food and all sorts of stuff, that the part of him that became Chainsaw Man is still a part of Denji. That they're two sides of the same coin. That he's still strong and capable and dangerous, and that he can keep chasing all the dreams he could ever want.
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greenthena · 6 months
Why then was this forbid? Why but to keep ye low and ignorant
(If evil, why tasty?)
In the Garden (the one in Eden, not in Tadfield or Berkeley Square), Aziraphale is tasked with protecting the Tree of Knowledge. He is, as he says, "On apple tree duty," that day when Crawly suggests to Eve that the fruit might be extra delicious, and worth a rather significant gamble.
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And about that fruit...what was it that was so corrupting to humanity that they had to be cast from paradise after consuming it? Aha! You just fell victim to one of the classic blunders. You thought I was here to argue theology. Even I'm not that much of a masochist. What I will say is this, the fruit gave them knowledge--specifically, the knowledge of Good and Evil--which made them like God. In Paradise Lost, where (let's be honest) Western Christians get most of their context for the Fall of Man, Milton describes humankind's experience prior to that Original Sin as being fully Good. Good (as defined by the Almighty) is available to Adam and Eve from their conception. But Evil can only be known by disobeying God...by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. And, oh, does does that Wily Old Serpent entice Eve to eat the fruit. The Serpent's temptation is a hefty stanza, but my most particular favorite part is this,
Why then was this forbid? Why but to awe, Why but to keep ye low and ignorant, His worshippers; he knows that in the day Ye Eate thereof, your Eyes that seem so cleere, Yet are but dim, shall perfetly be then Op'nd and cleerd, and ye shall be as Gods, Knowing both Good and Evil as they know.
(Milton, Book 9, lines 703-709.)
Ah, Crawly, you did such a good job. "Get up there and make some trouble." And you certainly did.
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So knowing, knowledge...theologically these are heavy themes in the Eden narrative. Once Eve and Adam partake of the fruit (oh, spoiler alert...sorry...yah, they eat the apple) their eyes are opened and they realize that they are naked and everything changes. They're exiled from paradise, never to return to the sanctuary of creation's womb.
Remember what Aziraphale was doing that day? Well, what he was supposed to be doing, anyhow... Guarding the Tree, yes? Guardian of the Eastern Gate of Eden, but also Steward of the Tree. Keeper of the Knowledge. Hold that thought; I'm going to need you to come back to it in a bit.
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Crawly...well, Crowley and Aziraphale spend the next six millennia on earth addressing the assignments given by their respective Head Offices and eventually forming their Arrangement. And through this time, Crowley introduces Aziraphale to a vast array of different types of knowledge: the knowledge of what food tastes like in the definitely-not-a-temptation form of ox ribs; the knowledge of what wine does to an angel's corporation; the knowledge that he has more free will than he realizes and can lie directly to Heavens' Supreme Archangel; and, perhaps most impactfully, the knowledge that he has a friend hereditary enemy who will keep his secrets safe.
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As Aziraphale experiences existence on earth, he accumulates volumes of knowledge that other angels will never have, and even begins to collect this knowledge for himself in the most human way imaginable.
He acquires books. Little storehouses of knowledge in which people express their ideas, ask questions, and perform humanity in a way that is really only possible because Eve took the apple and defied her Maker. If they'd stayed in the Garden, there would be no questions, no new ideas, no sushi restaurants, and no dusty little bookshops where angels keep their precious hoards of human knowledge.
Remember that little thought I asked you to hold onto oh, say two paragraphs ago? Here's where it fits. A.Z. Fell & Co. is the New Eden. It's a safe haven containing a vast store of knowledge guarded by the angel of the Eastern Gate. Even the physical design of the bookshop mimics the walls of the Garden.
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Just as in the original Eden, where the angel gave the demon the shelter of his wing, the bookshop provides a true home for Crowley (especially in S2, when we see him consistently remove his sunglasses upon entering the shop as an act of vulnerability.)
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And like God in Her Garden, Aziraphale is covetous of his Knowledge, refusing to sell his books just as the Almighty denied the breeding pair of humans access to the fruit.
(Also, I literally asked God, and She said that Aziraphale will get mad if you try to eat his books.)
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makeupafgplayer · 10 months
fighting game player who says "you fool! you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!" every time they land a mixup
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m1dori-eyes · 1 month
To all my sex-repulsed mutuals, some words of affirmation:
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rebuketheviolent · 4 months
you fell victim to one of history’s classic blunders:
tortoise of slaughter
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highladyluck · 8 months
Season 2, Episode 8 Post-blog:
So I did not liveblog this episode since I had friends over to do a watch party, but here's everything I remembered that I wanted to talk about!
As far as I can tell, the two Seanchan sul'dam that got collared are not going to be found with the collar on them. (Not sure if Renna is dead or if Egwene chose to uncollar her, but either way she's not chained up in a basement with the collar on waiting to be discovered by her peers.) I was thinking at first that this had major implications for the rest of the Seanchan storyline. But really, it only has implications for Suroth, since in the books Suroth (and Alwhin, who is already her Voice in the show) sit on the information until Egeanin discovers it separately. Egeanin can still be the first Seanchan to know and do anything about it. I do think this lack of a dangling thread, Suroth's ship being blown up, and the way it's hard to get actors to come back seasons later make it more likely we've seen the last of Suroth. I would be happy to eat my words, though! Also, Egwene, Nyneave, and Elayne all know you can collar a sul'dam, and possibly Mat, Rand, and Perrin will soon as well if anyone remembers to communicate this information, so any one of them could spill the beans.
Major props to whoever hypothesized that Uno would be a Hero of the Horn; not sure if he's implied to be Gaidal Cain or not (possibly not? there was a blink-and-I-missed it moment of PDA between Birgitte and somebody but I am not sure if it was Uno or not).
I did not anticipate Mat making an ashandarai out of household objects and the dagger and I am EXTREMELY PROUD of him. Also proud of him for escaping traps! My boy is really coming into his own! I also really appreciate the classic blunder of doing the same thing to Mat again but worse- the Dark does not understand that my boy thrives when you do that. He solves his problems by escalating them in intensity or magnitude. You can only put him in a room with drugs once, if you put him in a room with drugs again he will use them in an unconventional manner to escape and also destroy his enemies.
Also props to whoever guessed that the Horn would trigger memories for Mat- I'm intrigued by where they are going with this. I hope it's not precluding the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, but given all the hanging foreshadowing, the makeshift ashandarai, and Lanfear yeeting Moiraine out of the waygate doorway, I don't really think they'd cut the Eelfinn. It's the Aelfinn that seem slightly less like a sure thing, and I'm going to be a little on edge until Mat gets the DotNM prophecy somehow. I don't think they'd cut the problematic fave; it's a juicy part, idk what Mat would even do if he weren't babysitting the Seanchan in the later plot, and they've been doing great with the 'you're wrong but I see where you're coming from' characters. But they've either cut or significantly changed the Moiraine/Thom relationship in the show, and the two relationships are kind of linked in my head for thematic reasons. I'm probably overthinking it though.
Dain looked like a boy band member who fell off the stage and got trampled in the mosh pit.
Loved that Egwene got to face off against Ishamael! Loved Egwene all the time forever actually. I was also entertained that Egwene had like one semester of Magic College and used it to school the Seanchan on linking mechanics. She's right that the sul'dam don't know how to link properly and are weak little babies when it comes to channeling, and she should say it.
Nyneave and Elayne were great, as usual- very impressed with Elayne, who is finally living all her Battle Queen fantasies and is being very brave about how much they suck, actually. Nyneave is in for some self-loathing next season though, I'm afraid. I love that Rand and Elayne still get to have a meet-cute when she's treating his wounds. :P
I was very happy for Tumblr User Moghedien that we got to see Forsaken Moghedien. She's offputting and very gay, just like I imagined!
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Damn, you just tried to photograph a hallucination and sent it to your psychologist.
Fell for one of the classic blunders.
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Oh well.
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Also I won't lie I think it's so funny when authors are like yeah I was going to kill off a character but I couldn't make myself like HAHA! You fell into your OWN trap! You tried to make them beloved and then YOU started loving them! One of the classic blunders!!!
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