#you can say i've been through the worst of it (tipping my hat)
cloudcountry · 11 months
its so weird to me how people will see us talking about reblogs and comments and how that supports people and they ignore it??? and i've even heard people telling content creators to "get over it" and its like...bro.
you are getting content for free. someone put so much love and care into something that you read and didn't even bother supporting. likes are equivalent to "hey i saw this, good job." while reblogs are "hey, i really liked this and i want other people to see it too!!"
you wonder why fanfic authors complain about engagement? it literally fuels us. i've also heard people say that authors wanting more feedback from readers is a "red flag" and i just know those people have never written a fic in their life.
we're not holding you hostage or anything man, we just want you to talk to us. tell us what you think. have fun with fics. show them to your friends and talk to the author about them and even if they don't respond, know that they saw your feedback and are holding it close to their heart.
its a give and take. all creators want is interaction. and i hate to say it but its literally the bare minimum. i actually stopped writing for a fandom entirely because nobody would comment on any of the oneshots i posted. they just read it and left. and then when i left the fandom and stopped writing for them entirely, people were saying they'd miss me. they acted disappointed that i was leaving. like, you didn't act like you'd miss me at all when i was still making content. so why should i stay?
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Hi, do you have any advice for indecisive writers? <3 Anything in general would help, I'd love something specifically for autistic people (whose brains shut down the "decising-making centre") too if possible <3
Tips for Indecisive Writers
My number one tip for indecisive writers is to not be afraid to go "old school" and literally pick something out of a hat or roll some dice. For example, if you're deciding between three different plot ideas, you can write each one on a few folded up pieces of paper, throw them all into a bowl, mix it up, and whatever you draw is the one you go with. Or, you could say 1 and 2 are idea #1, 3 and 4 are idea #2, and 5 and six are idea #3, then roll dice. And, actually, if you type "roll dice" into Google, you can roll digital dice and you can choose up to 20-sided dice or customize your own number of sides. This is particularly helpful if you have a list of items, such as several names you're trying to decide between.
If you Google "online decision maker" you come up with a bunch of different online tools. Easy Decision Maker lets you type in a question... for example, "What should I name my character?" Then you can enter up to 26 options. When you click the "answer" button, it chooses one for you. Picker Wheel lets you put in the various options, then spin a wheel to decide.
The trouble I tend to have is sticking with whatever "fate" decides at that point, but one thing I've learned is that sometimes when my brain plays that game... where I roll a 4 meaning I go with plot idea #2, and then I'm disappointed, I know that is because some part of me knows I want to do either idea #1 or idea #3. So, even though it isn't working exactly as planned, I've still accomplished something... I've eliminated a choice. Now I can roll again, with 1 -3 being idea #1 and 4 - 6 being idea #2, and I know if I'm disappointed again with whatever I get, then the remaining choice is the one I wanted all along. For whatever reason, though, my brain can't just make that decision. It needed to go through that process to get there, and that's okay!
Now, as helpful as decision making tools can be, they're not always helpful in the moment, when you're writing and you're not really stuck between particular choices, but rather you're facing an empty void and aren't sure where to take the story next. For me, this is where pre-writing comes in really handy. I always go into a story with a beginning to end summary at the very least so I know where things are going. There's still often some decision making to be done, but I find it easier to do before I write rather than during.
When it comes to finding things to even decide between... like when you're planning your story and you come up empty on something, I find inspiration sources to be extremely helpful. For example, let's say I want to write a romantasy, and I have no idea what I want the setting to be like. That's the worst kind of indecision, because it's not like I can just type four or five locations into a decision maker and let it pick for me. I don't have a list to even pick from. So, looking at inspiration sources helps. Maybe I saw a travel show about Bavaria which really intrigued me... that could be a great inspiration location for my setting. Or, let's say I'm not sure what I want my character to look like. I might scroll through a list of up and coming actors, through the cast of a random TV show or movie, or think about actors in TV shows or movies I've recently seen. As I scan past thumbnails of head shots, when I see someone who looks like my character, I can stop and note down the name or save the photo. And with any inspiration source, if I find myself unable to decide between multiple inspiration sources... it's back to the ol' decision maker!
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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ariesmusingz · 5 months
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ╱    MANIC DREAM PIXIE SENTENCE STARTERS ( created using lyrics from peach prc's manic dream pixie ep. feel free to adjust to fit your muse. )
"i know your favourite pair of jeans"
"i'll lay them out when you leave"
"i'll make you breakfast, coffee black"
"receipts told me that you like that"
"i was thinking spring, silver wedding rings"
"i've picked out all our baby names"
"i'm kind of obsessed"
"you're kinda famous"
"don't wanna be friends"
"you're not a phase"
"i know you don't know me yet"
"my obsession know you well"
"take me out backstage"
"i know all the names of every song you played"
"one day you'll write about us too"
"i can be your muse when we say i do"
"you might love me if you knew me"
"you're gonna love me soon enough"
"you're gonna love me"
"i'm your biggest fan"
"can we go outside for a walk?"
"they told me you guys were hitting it off"
"she kissed me in the bathroom"
"it's just for attention"
"i'm making her jealous"
"you guessed it"
"i'm not a good friend but she doesn't know that"
"she's gonna hate me but i want you so bad"
"kiss me"
"i'm not scared if she's gone"
"i'm done tryna play it fair"
"i don't care"
"touch me"
"i'm alone"
"i want you on your own"
"she might want you but i do too"
"baby i'm perfect for you"
"harley had a party you were at"
"you were in boots and a cowboy hat"
"jenna said you knew my music"
"now i can't betray her"
"i'm in your sweater"
"don't wanna upset her"
"i can do what she can do so much better"
"i know it's been a while since you've seen me"
"i heard you're doing well now with your comedy"
"i reminisce nostalgic bits of 90s hits"
"we listened, do you miss it?"
"have you thought of it since?"
"if you still think of me, i'd love to meet for coffee"
"if i could just see your face, i'd look into your eyes"
"i hate your jokes and don't think you're funny"
"i hope you choke, go broke, lose your money"
"know that you were the worst forty five seconds i had in my life"
"i hope your conscious haunts you at night"
"fuck you and goodbye"
"a couple therapists are now familiar"
"by the way, i caught up with your ex"
"we shared regrets and most of them were sex with you"
"i'd sit down at your table and scream if i was able"
"thanks to you, gentle hands still resemble demands"
"loving lips on my mouth feel like currency now"
"thanks to you i fear kind"
"now i can't spend the night"
"i bet we were a couple bugs just living in the mud, happily in love doing bug stuff"
"i think i met you in a store in 1944"
"i probably wrote you letters while you went off to the war"
"we could have been two birds"
"now wouldn't that be so absurd?
"maybe just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered"
"i think i loved you before back when we were dinosaurs"
"i wanna stay in love in this life and the next one"
"i think we've already met somewhere on another planet"
"i wanna stay in love in this life and the next one"
"i loved you before"
"i loved you"
"maybe you loved me on a trip, two pirates on a ship"
"counting all our gold as the boat tipped"
"could we have been there drinking win in medieval times?"
"forever just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered"
"if i'm the sun and you're the moon"
"if it's over soon we'll go back through"
"i try not to compare a teenage love cause i know that isn't fair"
"why can't i just shut up?"
"i'm always going on about you when i'm drunk"
"i see your name in every numberplate"
"i tried to erase your fave but you're there everyday"
"you're my favourite person"
"i have created a version that hurts less"
"I had to tell myself you're toxic"
"better off cause you're the problem"
"really, i just couldn't take it"
"being hated by my favourite person"
"i tried to fall but i can't cause they're not you"
"i hate that i'll never stop thinking that we're not still home growing up"
"i hear your tropes in all my stupid jokes"
"i'm starting to lose all hope of ever letting go"
"if the world was ending i know i'd be spending my last day pretending we were fine"
"when we both grow old with families of our own"
"i'll probably always go back in my mind"
"someone kissed my closing eyelinds"
"i made it mean more than it did"
"someone put a plate down a little too loud"
"now i still flinch whenever i hear the sound"
"as i'm getting older, i learned my mumma was just trying her best"
"not that i owe her forgiveness but i'm sorry to that girl in a dress"
"if you wanna wear pink, i'll wear it for you"
"if you wanna dance then i'll strap up my shoes"
"if you wanna sing then consider it sung"
"i'm sorry that you had to grown up this young"
"forget that love is earned cause it was always deserved"
"i know you had to work hard just to show them your worth"
"remember that a plate is nothing but a plate"
"even if it breaks, we can throw it away"
"i learned that i was only trying my best"
"i think i owe her a deep breath"
"she was the strongest little girl in a dress"
"you were the strongest little fighter who carried me here"
"i know that you're tired from surviving in fear"
"now i got us for the rest of our life"
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jessource · 1 year
LYRIC SENTENCE STARTERS:  PEACH PRC.    — from the ep manic dream pixie.
“coffee black. receipts told me you like that.” “so i was thinking spring, silver wedding rings.” “and i've picked out all our baby names.” “ok, now obsessed.” “your name on my chest.” “you're kinda famous.” “don't wanna be friends.” “you're not a phase.” “i know you don't know me yet.” “my obsession.” “know you will. better, more than yourself.” “cctv, smile and wave.” “so take me up backstage.” “i know all the names of every song you played.” “one day you'll write about us too.” “i can be your muse when we say 'i do'.” “you're gonna love me if you know me.” “you're gonna love me soon enough.” “i'm your biggest fan.”
“baby, i'm perfect for you.” “can we go outside for a walk?” “(name) told me you guys were hitting it off.” “she kissed me in the bathroom.” "oh, she said it's just for attention or making her jealous.” “you guessed it.” “i'm not a good friend but she doesn't know that.” “she's gonna hate me, but i want you so bad.” “i want you so bad.” “kiss me, i'm not scared.” “if she's gone, i swear.” “i'm done tryna play it fair.” “i don't care.” “touch me.” “i'm alone now.” “are you on your own?” “she might want you but i do too.” “if you only knew.” “you were in boots and a cowboy hat.” “(name) said you knew my music.” “next week you're playing for (name).” “now i can't betray her.” “even though the gods are crazy.” “even though the stars are blind.” “if you show me real love.” “i'm in your sweater.” “don't wanna upset her.” “but i can do what she can do so much better.”
“i know it's been a while since you've seen me.” “i heard you're doing well now with your comedy.” “i reminisce nostalgic bits of 90s hits.” “do you miss it, have you thought of it since?” “so if you still think of me i'd love to meet for coffee.” “if i could just see your face.” “i'd look into your eyes and say i hate your jokes and don't think you're funny. “i hope you choke.” “know that you were the worst 45 seconds i had in my life.” “i hope your conscience haunts you at night.” “fuck you and goodbye.” “a couple therapists are now familiar.” “and by the way, i caught up with your ex.” “we shared regrets and most of them were sex.” “so if you miss the old days i'd love to meet face to face.” “i'd sit down at your table and scream if i was able.” “i hate your jokes and don't think you're funny.” “thanks to you gentle hands still resemble demands.” “loving lips on my mouth feel like currency now.” “thanks to you i fear kind.” “now i can't spend the night.”
“i bet we were a couple bugs just slithering in the mud.” “happily in love doing bug stuff.” “i think i met you in a store in 1944.” “i probably wrote you letters while you went off to the war.” “nd we could've been two birds, now wouldn't that be so absurd.” “or maybe just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered.” “think i loved you before back when we were dinosaurs.” “i wanna stay in love in this life and the next one.” “i think we've already met somewhere, another planet.” “i loved you before.” “i loved you in this life and the next one.” “maybe you left me on a trip, two pirates on a ship.” “counting all the gold as the boat tipped.” “could we have been there drinking wine in medieval times?” “laughing in a castle with our glasses intertwined.” “two complementary colours.” “the winter, the spring and summer.” “forever just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered.” “if i'm the sun, then you're the moon.” “in this life and the nights too.” “if it's over soon then come back through.” “just to say, say i love you.”
“i try not to compare a teenage love.” “i know that isn't far or close enough.” “but why can't i just shut up?” “i'm always going on about you when I'm drunk.” “and i see your name in every number plate.” "i tried to erase your face but you're there everyday.” “you're my favourite person.” “i have created a version that hurts less.” “i had to tell myself you're toxic.” “better off cause you're the problem.” “really i just couldn't take it being hated by my favourite person.” “my favourite person.” “picture vows at a stand in something blue.” “i try to fall but i can't cause they're not you.” “i hate that i'll never stop.” “we're not still home growing up.” “and i hear your tropes in all my stupid jokes.” “i'm starting to lose all hope of ever letting go.” “and if the world was ending i know i'd be spending my last day pretending we were fine.” “when we both grow old with families of our own.” “well we always go back in my mind.” “i tried to erase your face but you're there anyway.”
“someone kissed my closing eyelids and i made it mean more that it did. “someone put a plate down a little too loud. “now I still flinch whenever i hear the sound. “i learned my mama was just trying her best. “and not that i owe her forgiveness but i'm sorry to that girl in a dress. “if you wanna wear pink, i'll wear it for you. “if you wanna dance, then i'll strap up my shoes. “if you wanna sing, then consider it sung. “i'm sorry that you had to grow up this young. “forget that love is earned 'cause it's always deserved. “i know you had to work just to show them your worth. “remember that a plate is nothing but a plate. “even if it breaks we can throw it away. “i learned that i was only trying my best. “i think i owe her a deep breath. “she was the strongest little girl in a dress. “i'll wear it for you. “i'll strap up my shoes. “you were the strongest little fighter that carried me here. “i know that you're tired from surviving in fear. “so lay down, close your eyes. “cause now i got us for the rest of our life. “if i wanna wear pink i'll wear it for me. “if i wanna dance then i'll lift up on my feet. “i just wanna sing at the top of my lungs. “thanks for being there growing up so young.
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urlocalqueer · 1 year
for anyone about to experience the freezing temperatures. please please please be careful. i lived in a very cold area for years, below zero temperatures constantly. however, i've never been in temperatures that cold. ever. i've only seen -20 degrees Fahrenheit, but i wanna try and help some of yall.
tips for the cold:
do not send your children to school on foot. frostbite will take them out quicker than you can even blink. kids get colder much faster and at a far more intense level than an adult will. protect them. keep them warm. if they say they are cold, even if they are layered to hell, give them more blankets.
it is likely that your car will not start, it's completely worthless to try and make it start because with temperatures that cold, if it doesn't start... it's not gonna start.
if your car does start, be very careful while driving, especially if you've never driven on ice before. if your windows are frosted, and you still have to get places, then start your car like, a half an hour before hand so you can defrost the windows. this might waste gas, but at the end of the day it will be safer because you will be able to see.
YOU NEED TO LAYER!!!! DO NOT LAYER WITH COTTON!!! DO NOT LAYER WITH JEANS!!! DON'T LAYER WITH DENIM!!! you need a material that doesn't hold as much moisture. jeans, cotton, and denim are the worst possible choice. cotton holds too much moisture and jeans do not hold heat. only use these if you have literally nothing else. if you need more layers, pad with newspapers. if you can afford it, get thermal clothing, thermal underwear, thermal socks and gloves and hats.
your first layer should be removing and preventing moisture, your second layer should keep you warm, and your third layer should protect from the elements. with how cold it's going to get, i would suggest layering even more.
cover your face and head at all costs. make sure your hands and feet are layer and protected. do not worry about looking ridiculous. if you aren't comfortable, it doesn't matter. i would rather you look ridiculous and be uncomfortable then be dead or suffering from frostbite.
DO NOT GET WET. DO NOT. GET WET. getting wet will be how you die. if for some reason you do get wet. get inside as soon as possible. just get inside. anywhere inside. hypothermia will kill you very quickly. and just to get it into some peoples heads:
i knew someone who fell through ice with her bf. she got hurt, he had to leave her to get help. he left her his dry jacket and a heat safety blanket. he got the staties to come out an help them and he was gone for less than an hour. when the staties got there she was dead. completely frozen.
do not. get wet.
(if you sweat a lot then you might need to change a few times because yes, sweat, in this cold of temperatures, is something to be wary of)
get blankets, clothes, candles, flashlights, first aid kits, non-perishable food, a radio, any medication you need and make a bug out box. make multiple. make one for your house, one for your car. make sure your kids have extra anything they could need if they need to go to school.
when cold comes, the air will get very dry, your lips will hurt and burn and sting and bleed. be prepared for this (this was one of my biggest problems when i lived in a cold climate and trust me, it's extremely painful). if you are prone to nosebleeds, they will be a problem for you.
just please be careful. keep your kids warm. keep yourself warm. this type of cold is something i've never seen before, this is extremely dangerous. be careful.
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space-helen · 2 days
There's a guy that comes into my work now and then and he's always so polite and refers to me as ma'am which I just automatically find endearing because sir I am only 25 I don't feel like I am qualified to be referred to as ma'am lol also its just not commonly said in my country like at all. One day when he was leaving he tipped his hat at me and said goodbye ma'am and oh my heaven above it was so old timey and cute and i love old Hollywood and dressing vintage and all that jazz so the hat tip really did me in
Anyway I forgot about that because it was months and months ago, well anyway he came back in recently and was still just being all polite and throwing the ma'ams out. And then I realised oh it's hat guy! and tbh i have crappy self confidence and I shit you not I couldn't even look at him, I was just typing away getting the info he needed and trying not to blush, on the freaking way out this guy does the thank you ma'am and then just as he was going through the door he turned and went you're gorgeous by the way. I am so glad he was leaving when he said that because I had to duck behind my computer screen I could not stop smiling I was legit swooning like what!? But yeah my lack of self confidence I convinced myself that somehow he could sense my insecurity and he just said that to be nice and boost my self esteem just being a nice dude like there's no way he meant it
Helennnnn he came back again and asked me out and I said no even though I really really wanted to say yes. I do not like my appearance to the point where I am saving for cosmetic surgery and have been on consultations with two surgeons. I was never planning on dating being an option for me (was mentally ill in my younger years and thought I wouldn't make it to this age). I have acne scars and I never leave the house without makeup like I can't. There's also the fact that all I do is work, go for a walk, come home and rot on tumblr for hours because I had accepted that that's good enough for me I'll do my job and spend time with my family and get my social and relationship fullments through fics 🤣 So I have no real hobbies and no personality so not only would I be soo so insecure about how I look but I wouldn't even have anything to say I wouldn't even be able to talk to him. So I had to turn him down even though I seriously didn't want to but like how can I even attempt to go on one single date when I'm not even comfortable with myself 😢 I do kind of envy the past generations when it comes to dating like my mum was married and had me by the age I am now and all I have is tumblr. I'm now convinced I'll never find anyone again because I went and said no to someone I actually liked because I don't like myself 🙃 😭
So I read this as soon as I woke up this morning and I've been thinking about it all day. First of all I'm super sorry you feel like this - these emotions are THE WORST and I know those words won't fix everything, or even anything, but I get it. Putting the rest under the cut so people on tumblr don't get mad.
This guy sounds really lovely and as you day, endearing. I love that he asked you out on a date and that's super positive!! He seems like such a gentleman/cutie.
I get why you rejected his offer. I 1000% get it. I also self sabotage a lot like you. I grew up bigger than everyone else both height and weight wise, I also had acne/spots from the age of like 8. I got bullied so much because of it all the way through school and man, it sticks. I've always been looking for love but when it actually comes to asking someone out? I just don't do it because I don't think I'm worthy of it at all. When someone shows interest (not that it happens often) I always deny it because I can't possibly see how anyone would fine me attractive. Yeah somedays I think, damn I look good and will take some photos. But it comes in waves. Most of last year I was ok and had more good days with my body image than bad. This year? the amount of times I don't like myself has increased.
I'm really really sorry you feel similar, I know it's not entirely the same but I get some of what you're feeling. Hopefully he comes back in and you can have a little conversation - I'm not saying apologise, don't do that for now, but try and spark up normal, friendly conversation if circumstances allow. Just to show that you don't dislike the guy and then maybe one day when you're feeling confident he can ask again or you can ask him. If that doesn't happen? That's also ok too! Absolutely no pressure.
I know this post isn't enough to address everything but I do want to say thank you for trusting me/putting this in my ask box. If you want to message me about it please do!! I'm always happy to chat
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heshoes · 3 years
Tumblr media
She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: smut, slow burn, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Harry Styles x OC (Face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 1 (Word Count 4k)
Water droplets cascaded down my neck before I grabbed a towel to throw over my head. That shower was definitely needed. My muscles would be sore from my workout this morning, but I enjoy the ache. As I headed towards my room to put on clothes I noticed that my roommates door was still closed and for Michelle this can only mean one thing.
I pulled up my trousers and pulled my t-shirt over my head before layering it with a plaid button up. If she doesn't wake up soon, I'll be forced to take measures into my own hands. I walked halfway down the hall and then stopped to pick up the beanie that I let Michelle borrow last night. The hat was carelessly tossed on the floor along with a t-shirt of hers and a pink-ish orange lace bra. This was just one of the many downsides of living with a woman. Even if she is your best mate, finding the occasional bras and panties mixed into your clothes on laundry day can put a damper on your chances of trying and talk to a girl if you don’t have a washer and drier in house, and lets not even mention those four to five days out of the month when a tampon box is left on the bathroom sink and you have to explain that to a date. Not thinking, I picked all of the items up before I dropped the shirt and bra on the ground, feeling somewhat awkward touching something that was so close in contact with Michelle's...intimate bits.
"Michelle?!" No answer…
"Mitchell?! Wake up you're gonna be late for our first class!”
I laughed to myself at her lack of response before I sauntered back down the hall to my room grabbing the Ultimate Alarm; a fog horn that Michelle, the lads, and I nabbed from a school footie game. We each have one and have all have organized to use it with each other when the drink has made us more sluggish than functional.
Not much has changed since the first day I met Michelle. She's the only one here that I've met who seems to have stayed the same throughout all the three years of university that I've known her....That can be looked at as both a good and a bad thing.
Shaking the foghorn with devilish delight and biting my cheeks so that I wouldn't blow my cover, my feet stopped in front of her door once again. I cracked the entrance slightly sticking my arm in the room and turning my head away to shield my ears as much as possible from the noise. As soon as I pressed the button to sound it off, I heard a loud thudding sound followed by cursing. If she wasn't up before, she's up now.
I ran back to my room to put the horn down and grab my bag. This is the first year that I haven't strained my back to pick it up. Fouth year with a lighter load but more studying than I did in all the other three years combined seems pretty backwards to me, but I won't complain.
"What time is it?”
"Half- Oh-“
Michelle emerged from her room looking worse for wear. Her hair was in a nest atop her head and she only wore a long sleeved burgundy t-shirt and a black pair of boy short knickers on her lithe, lanky frame. I  swallowed deeply and turned my head away not expecting her to be so scantily clad. The colors contrasted with her warm honey/caramel skin tone and it was only then that I took in how much of her skin was actually showing. I've seen her naked before but it was an accident and brief. Very brief. I only saw her outlines really, nothing of real importance... not that I was trying to look or anything.
"Half past eight. Go put on trousers! I don't want to see your bajingo!”
Michelle primped her dry lips at me prior to moistening them with a swipe of her tongue, making sure to flip her middle finger up in my direction before she disappeared back into her room.
"Everyone wants to see my bajingo Harry and that's plenty of time for me to get ready. You didn't have to use the Ultimate Alarm. It's not like I was in a drug induced coma!”
"I called you twice but you didn't answer. I thought that-“
I trailed off my words as a gorgeous blonde walked out of Michelle's room. Her hair was tussled and she was scrambling to adjust her skirt as Michelle looked at me with a tightlipped grin, feeling out the room.Michelle walked her secret house guest to the door and gave her a lingering kiss that caused the girl to stand on tip toe before awkwardly waving a goodbye to her and shutting the door. I was left stunned.
"Pick your jaw up off the floor Styles!”
"That- that was a girl.”
"She was your friend?”
Michelle walked into the kitchen grabbing an orange juice carton out of the refrigerator. She took a sip straight from the jug causing me to grimace before she rolled her eyes at me and grabbed a  red solo cup. I was only momentarily distracted before I continued on my previous trail of thought.
"But, you were...and she…"
"Yes Harry, spit it out come on. You're almost there. I know it. I can feel it”
"She was putting her clothes back on.”
Michelle nodded her head in agreement as she continued to guzzle the rest of our citrusy, pulp free juice. After she finished it, she tossed the empty plastic to me and then walked out of the kitchen. I was right by the bin but set the cup on the countertop as my brain continued to navigate through what I think I want to ask.
"You didn't have on many clothes…"
"No, Harry. Neither of us did last night.”
Michelle folded her arms while squinting at me. The hint she's dropped allows what comes out of my mouth next to be uninhibited and honestly sound a bit too over zealous about the idea.
"You had sex with her?”
Michelle nodded her head up and down grinning slightly. Almost a smug look on her face I would say. She hadn't been in a relationship in a while. The last one I remember was when she was with my best mate Louis. It's how I met her as a matter of fact. Michelle and Louis are virtually the same person. It's freaky sometimes. She could be a reincarnate of him as a girl. They were inseparable, but when it ended it ended badly. I'm still not clear on the reason why. Neither of them will talk about it, but I managed to stay neutral in the whole situation and still be able to carry on a friendship with both of them. I'm still good friends with Lou, but he doesn't come around as much since I moved in with Michelle. Me and her got on so well while her and Louis dated it was hard not to become friends with her as well. Louis moved on and moved in with his bird earlier this year and I haven't really seen Michelle with anyone...Until now.
"So-so, you're a lesbian then?”
"Yes Harry. I've 'switched teams' as they say.”
"Since when?” I was just so shocked.
"Since over the summer...Does it bother you?” Michelle looked down at the ground and scratched the back of her neck as if she were bracing herself if I said it did and to be honest I was slightly offended that she’d think that way of me.
“No… No, I just never saw you with anyone over the summer.”
I could hear a sigh of relief escape Michelle’s lips as she turned to leave the front door.
I could have sworn she only hung out with me and the lads when Louis wasn't around. She hung out with us so much and we'd gotten so comfortable around her that we actually started counting her as one of the guys and calling her 'Mitch' or 'Mitchell' instead of Michelle. She always pretends to get cross with us when we called her that, but she can never keep a straight face long enough for us to believe that she doesn't like it.
"That doesn't mean I wasn't with anyone Harrow." Michelle winked at me and went back into her room coming out ten minutes later in joggers, a t-shirt, and Nike trainers with no backpack, one pencil, and a pen. Very prepared.
"Told you thirty minutes was more than enough time. Come now, Hazland.”
"...That's what she said." I smiled proudly at my own joke while Michelle gave me an unwavering a stale face.
"If I can say anything about growth in these last 4 years of our friendship it would be that you have made the least of it. You are the worst.”
“The pot shouldn’t call the kettle names. I thought it was funny." I grinned at her irritation grabbing all of my things in preparation to start the final year.
"Of course you did. Usually when you think it's funny that means it's not.”
Michelle exited out leaving me to lock the door to our new off campus apartment but I wanted to know more. 
I followed behind her and asked her all types of questions. You can't just spring on people that you've switched sides and not expect them to want to know all of the details. In all honesty it wasn't a big deal as long as she was happy. Perhaps I was just being nosy, but after usually seeing her with mainly men my underlying question to her was probably, "Why?"
"I wasn't having that much luck with guys, Haz. One night I went out for a drink and a girl approached me so I figured, why the hell not? What could it hurt, really? Nothing. I went for it, and I enjoyed myself.”
She didn't have a great track record with guys after her split with Lou. She was so unhappy at one point, but then again when you bring home assholes and expect them to turn into stand up gents tears are to be expected. They always looked like gutter grunge to me but at the moment that seemed to be her type, so I didn't say anything. I've actually spent a lot of nights with Michelle rubbing her back as she cried against my shoulder and handing her the odd Kleenex to substitute for my shirt. Now that I think about it, last summer I really didn't see her with any guys. I guess when I saw her with girls I always assumed they were just her friends.
"So...What's it like?”
"What's what like?”
"You know the, um, the switch...What's it like?" Michelle threw her head back and laughed as we reached the main building for our senior seminar class.
"You mean what's it like going from cock to fanny? Is that what you're asking me?" I raised my eyebrows at her bluntness and I could feel heat rise in my cheeks. There's no beating about the bush with Michelle, not anymore anyway.
"Pretty much, yeah. That's what I'm asking. I’m just being nosy. If it’s too much you don’t have to-“
"Honestly," Michelle shifted her eyes back and forth as if she was going to tell me the secret to life in her next sentence, "It's so much better. Guys have no clue what they're doing down there. It's so refreshing to have someone know exactly what it is that I want, when I want it, and how I want it without explaining myself like I'm a bloody rubix cube. Did you know that there are three holes down there?” She asked me sarcastically as if we weren’t both on track for Med school.
"I resent that! And no…no I didn't know that.” I replied to sarcasm with sarcasm, grinning to myself much like the purple devil emoji. I surely did know all the holes.
"Why is that, Hazland? The resentment issue?”
We took our seats in the half full lecture room at the back of the class as we normally do. Michelle, myself and the rest of the gang have started many an early weekend by sitting in the back of the class, signing the attendance sheet and then leaving when the professors back was turned. I don't think I'll do that this year though. I have too many important tests to take if I want to be a doctor. I mean to pass the UKCAT exam the first time.
"Because I'm not half bad at it. At least I don't think I am... Never got a complaint before and I don't intend to.”
Michelle laughed loudly as the professor walked in, drawing attention our way. I smiled and waved at the onlookers before Michelle chuckled again grabbing my hand to stop me as the professor started to speak.
"Just because you never got a complaint doesn't mean that it wasn't said, Harrow. Nine times out of ten, if you don’t hear a complaint it’s because she cares more about your ego than her orgasm...It’s a shame really.”
I primped my lips at her and we continued to whisper to each other back and forth while we took notes on what the professor wrote on the whiteboard during the lecture. There would be two major papers in this class. Thankfully for the twenty page essay that we'll be assigned to do later on in the quarter we can have a partner. Michelle quickly leaned her head on my shoulder choosing me to work with when the paper isn't even due until the last week of class. I of course accepted her. Not only is she my friend but she's one of those annoyingly clever people. I've honestly never seen Michelle open or purchase one required textbook in all of our three years knowing each other in our university careers, but every time marks are posted her marks are always first class honors.
By the end of class, I ended up giving Michelle a hefty amount of paper for notes in seminar and for the other classes she had throughout the rest of the day. It baffles me as to how she's this born genius, but the most unorganized person that I know at the same time. Her only response to my annoyance was, "At least I have writing utensils.”
"Was that girl this morning your girlfriend?”
"No. I'm an admitting fuckgirl. What’s the saying? If you can’t beat them join them. I refuse to be part of the played group any more. It's our last year after all. I figure it's time to up the ante. Let monogamy go.”
I laughed and shook my head before another question came up. It was always something I wanted to know about lesbians but was too embarrassed to ask. It's not like I have many lesbian friends who I could turn to and get the information that most want to know.  I'm never that embarrassed around Michelle though.
"So, erm, um...who's more dominant, when you're...You know?”
Michelle rolled her eyes at the question and I began to feel like an ass.
"When we're scissoring?" She spoke loudly making my thought about embarrassment wrong.
Michelle snickered knowing that she's put a vivid image in my head of her and the mystery blonde. I shake the thought before I get too carried away. I'm not supposed to get aroused with the thought of my best friend and another girl.
"Whoever feels like it whenever they feel like it? It was always a competition with men isn't it?”
“I don’t think it’s so much a competition as it is that some women don't like being on top?” I spoke presenting the idea causing her to pop her lips in disagreement.
“It’s never asked though is it? Sounds like male assumption to me. When I'm with a girl it's just flat out pleasurable for the pair of us. It's not about dominance, Harry. It's about getting off. Scissoring isn't a thing though, by the by.”
I nodded my head up and down still in awe that she of all people had taken a liking to someone who has the same bits as she does. It didnt' bother me like she thought it did earlier and I hope I didn't give her that impression by my line of questioning. Honestly these were just things I always wanted to know. I'm actually more hurt that scissoring apparently isn't a thing...They make it look so pleasurable in porn...I've been bamboozled.
"That's enough questions about me for now. What's happened to you?”
"What do you mean?"
"Harry full offense, but you were a slut when I first met you. You've since depleted in your numbers dramatically, except I'm sure the use of your hand. There were tissues in your bin the other night when I was cleaning the apartment and you don't have a cold…"
"I have h-hay fever Michelle! Allergies kick up at random times... Don't clean my room, I'll do it! It's personal in there. I knew I couldn't find any of my shit for a reason. And hang on-" I knotted my eyebrows playfully at her earlier slut comment.
I admit that I got around, but I moved very slowly. I've only ever had sex with seven or maybe nine girls in my twenty-one years give or take. I don't really keep count. It's not like they were souvenirs or notches on my belt for me to keep track of. All of them were an experience and I'm pretty sure I could name them all if I had to.
The first time happened my last year in 6th form or high school you could say and I didn't even know Michelle then. I got teased for that a bit, but I wasn't in a rush. The maybe other seven or eight happened here at uni but it wasn't as frequent as Michelle makes it out to be. The first two were in my first year when I met Michelle, one of them ended up being my girlfriend over a span of Five months. After that, I only was only ever active with a few more spaced out over the course of two and a half years, and they were regulars. That's not that bad when you think about it, especially for a guy my age at university.
"You were Haz! You had a new girl every weekend.”
"I did not! They were the same few people. They just kind of, alternated? You just never paid them any attention so you thought they were different every time. You're giving me more credit than I deserve." 
Michelle rolled her eyes and continued to tease me.
"Whatever. What's happened then?”
"I don't know what you mean. I got invested in my studies. I have to take the UKCAT this year.”
"When is the last time you fun bit wrestled, willy waggled, played 'hide the helmet', rolled in the hay as they say?" I scrunched my nose and then thought about it and then got frustrated that I had to actually think about it.
“Yet I’m the worst? Who’s this they you speak of?" I asked her, squinting my eyes and tilting my head to the side.
"Everyone says those things when talking about sex. The more mature ones do anyway. Stop dilly dallying and answer the question. When is the last time you put your 'p' in a ‘v'?"
"S-spring? Early spring? Early Spring terms I guess…"
I could feel my cheeks turn red as I answered her question and Michelle bit her cheeks as an odd snorting noise left her nose while she tried to hold in her laughter. It's not that funny.
"You haven't fucked since the spring?" I  laughed more at myself than at the shocked look on her face and shook my head no.
"No, not actual Spring. Early spring terms, so February...My birthday.”
"Harry, we're at the end of August here! You might as well count yourself as celibate. Not that I can blame the girls for dodging you. You still call a vagina a bajingo.”
I chuckled before I spoke, "The word vagina is honestly just as bad as bajingo. And this is coming from someone who has over a hundred words and phrases for sex.”
"A hundred and counting, Harrow.”
I shrugged my shoulders and tried to make the red in my cheeks less noticeable by rubbing my hand over my face. Spring term is when I decided to get more focused. I threw myself into clubs and my books to try to get more into school and buckle down. I'm even president of our graduating class now, prepared to serve on the Alumni council after graduation and I for one am proud of myself for getting this far. The greater half of my first three years here at university was spent at frat parties and in my bed sleeping class time away. I barely know how I made it through this far with decent grades, but I'm grateful that I did. Failure isn't an option.
Michelle stood on tip toe, leaning her head on my shoulder all the while soothingly rubbing my back. When I turned my head to face her, she batted her long lashes at me and made her big brown eyes look like one of those odd cartoon characters whose eyes cover more than half of their face.
"It's okay, Harry.”
"What is?”
"That you haven't gotten any pussy in over six months." Michelle has officially taken a back seat and let Mitchell take the wheel. This is how she got the nickname in the first place.
"Sod off Mitch! It's not like it's a bad thing-“
"Like shit it isn’t."
"I'm busy anyway.”
"With your hand and those bin tissues." I nudged Michelle off my shoulder feigning to be fed up with her masturbation jokes.
"Well if you weren't in my room you wouldn't have seen them! Gosh, you do something one time and then that's what people automatically associate you with!”
Michelle lets out another awkward snort that causes both of us to laugh out loud as we walk through the halls preparing to go our separate ways for the rest of the day.
"That was actually kind of funny Harry. Your jokes are getting a bit better.”
"Yeah, I know. They're funny when they're at my expense.”
"Aw, Hazland. You poor, poor serial masturbator. I'll see you later, yeah?”
"Yeah," I grinned at her before I turned to leave.
"Wait, how much later?” Michelle walked back towards me with one eyebrow raised to the sky as I tried to quickly map out my schedule for the day in my head before spitting it out to her.
"Uh, I get done with classes at half five, then I have a class meeting at six, and then I work at the first year halls front desk from seven to eleven thirty tonight. So I'll probably get home around midnight."
I contently sighed and grinned at Michelle as a look of pure horror took place of her once relaxed features. Her eyes seemed to widen larger after every additional activity that I listed, but I truly enjoyed remaining busy. Michelle's face remained contorted with displeasure before she spoke.
"So you're still coming to the pub later with the lads right?”
"Uh-oh. Chelle I don't know. I kind of forgot all about that. I don't think I will though, it's Monday and-“
"Ah, ah, ah, I'm not taking no as an answer. You promised and it's welcome week anyway. The pub is gonna be live! Just swing by and have one drink.”
“Nahhh I think I’m gonna-”
"One drink.”
“Sit this one out.”
"One drink, Harrow. One. Come on its tradition. You can't just bum out on tradition. This is our last year." She held up her tiny pointer finger to emphasize her point before she spoke again, this time in a small whisper, “One."
“Please?” Her lips pouted and her eyes turned sad trying her hand at manipulation.
"No, Chelle. No. Stop looking at me that way...Oh! Gah! Fine. I'll head to the pub when I get off work. One drink. One.”
Michelle bounced on her feet and clapped her hands in excitement making me shake my head before I turned to leave. Before I could make a real step Michelle called my name again.
"Hey, do you think I could borrow a pen? I seemed to have dropped mine."
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
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A/n: I really enjoyed this prompt. I mean, who doesn't love to think about Shawn becoming a dad?
Warnings: none, just fluff, and it kind of for like a split second alludes to smut, but nothing too out there.
Word count: 1.7k which is actually a lot longer than I thought it would be.
"Oh my gosh! Bub, you were the cutest baby ever!" I hold the picture of him in a high chair closer to my face and giggle at baby Shawn's bemused face.
"What can I say? I've always been cute," he shrugs like it's nothing and Aaliyah hit his shoulder.
"Shut up, no you weren't! Don't make me show her the pictures from when you were like thirteen."
"Do you have some?" I ask excitedly, turning my body to face her. She's sitting cross legged on the couch behind Shawn and me, who are spread out on the floor looking at his baby pictures.
"Honey, no!" He says to me.
"I do. Give me a second." She shoots up the stairs and Shawn leans his head back.
"Oh god, this is the worst."
I turn my attention back to the picture in my hand, tho time with him in a sweater, sitting on Manny's lap during Christmas. Then I find one from when he's about five. He's in the hospital holding a baby that I'm assuming is Aaliyah.
His lips ghost over my clothed shoulder. "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" He asks quietly.
I sigh and put the pictures down. "Is now the time to talk about kids?"
He furrows his brows at me and pushes my hair behind my ear. "Sure," he said finally. "Why?"
"Do you think it's still too early for us to think about having one? I mean, we've been married three year. And I know you're working on another album, so it's hard to plan around traveling, and touring, and promo and-"
He cuts me off with a soft kiss. "I can stop that for a while. You know that, right? You know I'd stop if we were having a baby. Because I want to spend that time with you."
"But I don't- I don't want you to stop if I'm pregnant. It's not fair to you."
"And it's not fair to you or the baby if I'm touring the world while you're here lonely, and needy."
I rest my forehead against his with a soft exhale. "I want a baby, Shawny."
He nods, "Thought you might," he said smugly. "Let's talk more about it when we get home, eh?"
I hum, "'kay."
"So?" Shawn prompts.
"Hey, I already said what I wanted to. The ball is in your court now. All you have to do is tell me no and it's dropped."
"What makes you so sure I'm gonna say No? I want a baby too."
"Really?" I ask, with only a small smile on my face because I don't want to get too excited.
"Of course I do." His arms wrap around my waist. "I think you'd be the sexiest pregnant woman ever."
"So, does that mean we can start trying?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He nods. "We can definitely start trying." Shawn pushes a strand of hair out of my face and lets his hands wander down my back. "In fact, I think we should start right now." A sharp tap on my ass causes a squeal to emit the back of my throat.
"Hmm… you seem to really like that. Should I spank you more often?"
I laugh, "just take my clothes off already." I reach between our bodies and tart to palm him through his tight black jeans. He groans and I swear it's the sexiest thing I've ever heard.
"Jesus, fuck. Okay. Let's get you to bed, honey. I can't wait to get you pregnant," his mouth attaches to the hollow behind my ear as he leads me to our bedroom.
Five months. That's how long it's taken us to conceive. But he doesn't know that yet because he's on a small, two week tour with iheart. It's okay though because it's given me a chance to plan how I want to tell him.
After six years together, and having been married half of that time, I know he likes surprises. Which is why I went down to this little shop that doe embroidery and had them stitch a single word on the front of his blue distressed cap that I got him a few months ago.
I wrap the pregnancy test in tissue paper and set it in the box under the hat. He should be home within the hour, told me he didn't want me to come get him because traffic would be he'll getting there. So instead, I start on dinner and thank God the he said he was craving pasta when I asked him what he wanted.
I hear the door open just as I'm placing the garlic bread on the counter. It only then occurs to me that I should have kept it there as a fun little 'bun in the oven' joke.
"Y/n! I'm home!" He calls from the living room.
I dust my hands off on the back of my jeans and rush to him, wrapping myself around his toned, beautiful body. "Hi, rockstar. I missed you."
"It's only been two weeks," he chuckles into my hair before setting me back on the ground.
I pout and pull away, "Does that mean you didn't miss me, Mendes?"
"Now don't go twisting my words, Mendes." He leans down, placing a soft kiss to the tip of my nose. "Of course I missed you."
I hum in acknowledgement. "You know, it doesn't matter how long we've been married. I will never get tired of you calling me that. It's always like a fun little surprise.
He smiles and holds my face in his hands. "I love you, y/n Mendes."
I bite my lip, "I love you, Shawn Mendes. And speaking of surprises, I have a big one. Now go put your stuff in the room, winner's ready."
"Oh really?"
I nod, my lips in a thin line, biting back a smile.
"And what's for dinner?" He grabs his suitcase and starts rolling it down the hall to our room.
"Pasta," I rock back and forth on my heels. "Just like you wanted."
He narrows his eyes at me, "You're up to something. I feel it."
"Can I not just be a devoted housewife for the night?"
This makes him laugh. "You can be whatever you want to be, pumpkin." He reaches for me one more time and pecks my lips. "Maybe I should buy you some pearls for when you're feeling like a housewife."
I kiss him again, oh how I've missed those lips. "I've never thought about owning pearls. You think they'd look good on me?"
"I think everything looks good on you." He let's go of my waist. "Give me just ten minutes to wash up and I'll be right back."
"That was delicious, baby. Thank you." Shawn says, taking our plates to the sink.
"I also made dessert. Pie, because you told me the other day you were craving it," I follow him from the dining room.
He groans, "You're trying to make me fat. My trainer is going to kill me," he jokes only for me to shrug and place the pie back in the oven to reheat it.
Shawn's arms wrap around my waist and he places a soft kiss to the back of my neck. "So what's that surprise you had for me?"
I turn in his arms, "you want it now or after dessert?"
"Now," he smiles wide. "I'm excited."
I pat his arms, "Go to the living room. I have to go get it."
I rush to our bedroom and take the box from under my side of the bed. I bring it out, hands behind my back. "So, I think you're really going to like this one. It's something you've wanted for quite some time now."
I take the box from behind my back and hand it to him. "Open it."
He smiles softly at me and removed the lid. "Another hat?" He asks, unwrapping it. "'Dad?' Is this some kind of new kink? Because if it is, that's kinda hot. I'm not gonna lie."
I laugh, "No, Shawn. There's something else in there." I'm swaying back and forth on my heels. I'm so nervous to see his reaction.
He unwrap the stick that says plain as day 'PREGNANT and just stares at it for a solid minute.
"Shawn?" I prompt when he hadn't said anything. "Bubs, you okay?"
He finally looks up at me and wipes at his red, splotchy face, trying to remove the tears that we're steadily falling. He stands up, the test still in his hands. "Is this real?" He takes in a breath. "You're not pranking me?"
I shake my head, tears starting to fall from my eyes too. "It's real."
"We're having a baby," he says mostly to himself.
"We're having a baby," I confirm, wiping at my eyes.
He runs his hands over his face again, letting out a deep breath. "Thank you, Jesus. C'mere, pumpkin." He reaches for my hands and pulls me into his chest, kissing the top of my head over and over again. "I'm so lucky. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am." A few more kisses on my lips and he pulls away, eyes dry but still red and puffy. "I am so in love with you. I didn't think I could love you more. But I do. God. I love you so much." Shawn pushes a strand of hair away from my face, "I'm gonna be a dad."
"You are," I say taking his face in my hands.
"This is the best gift you could ever give me," he leans into my touch. "I'm gonna have a little boy running around. A little mini me."
"Now don't be so sure. My y/l/n genes are pretty strong. It's nearly inevitable that we'll have a girl."
"Even better. We'll have a tiny you running around. Double the you to love." He presses his lips to my palm. "I don't care what we have as they're healthy and they're yours."
I nod, "me too."
He finally manages to pull away from my grasp and we stand there in comfortable silence for a minute before he shakes his head with a soft chuckle. "A baby? We're having a baby! I just - I want to scream it to the entire world that I made a baby with the most beautiful woman in the world!"
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @anamariel2301 @ivegotparticulartaste @turtoix @tomshufflepuff
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olivyh · 3 years
Into Wonderland Chapter Five: Pomefiore part One
TW: Violence and descriptions of death
Mc coughs and sputters, sand flying out of their mouth and landing on the soft grass in front of them. They gag as they spit more and more out of their mouth, recoiling at the foul taste it left in their mouth. 
"That..." They groan. "Was the worst one yet. He had good intentions, but..." They trail off when they hear a soft lullaby in the distance. Mc looks at the woods around them, then their eyes trail up the massive castle they woke up in front of. The old stone is cleaned to perfection, the large stained glass windows reflecting the bright sunlight and casting colorful shadows across the small garden they stand in. Even the vines seem to spiral up the walls and the flowers attached to them seem to blossom perfectly, not a single petal wilting or discolored. 
The voice continues to sing, the soft song turning into a melancholy one as Mc creeps through the garden, running their hand along the smooth stone. They turn and see a small boy, his delicate face twisted into a sad smile as he sings into an old wishing well. Despite his clothes being tattered and worn, his soft features remind Mc of a cherub, with his light brown eyes reflecting the water down below, dark hair contracting with his pale skin that sparkles in the sun. 
He was the prettiest boy Mc had ever seen. 
Turning the corner, they lightly call out to him. "U-uhm, hello!" They boy jumps up, face flushing a light pink before he smiles fondly at them.
"Oh, hello!" He slowly walks up to them, bowing his head slightly. He stares up at them with his doe-like eyes, making them stammer as something moves in the woods out of the corner of their eye. They jolt and look over, only to see the same forest that had always been there. Taking a shaky sigh, they decide to try to talk to the boy again. 
"Your voice is very nice to listen to..." They compliment. The boy beams. 
"You think so? That's so good to hear!" He chirps happily. The birds in the garden seem to mimic him with their own chirps, circling around the boy happily. "You look lost, though. Is something the matter?"
Mc smiles and nods. "Yes, I've actually been trying to find my way home for quite some time now-"
"Oh! I can help you with that!" They boy grabs their hands and leads them past the wishing well, pushing the heavy wooden door open and leading them through the castle. They stare at the various paintings on the walls. Flowers, vast, empty fields, sparkling gemstones. They pause when they see a painting of a regal looking man, his purple eyes staring down at the duo sharply, corners of his perfectly painted lips quirked up in a smile that would be friendly, if it weren't for the way the rest of his face appeared scrutinizing. They boy noticed their stares and smiled, pulling their hand and pointing up at the man. 
"He's very beautiful, isn't he?" Mc nods in agreement. "That's my stepbrother, Vil Schoenheit. He's been running this house since our parents both..." He trails off, lip quivering. Mc tries to comfort him by rubbing his shoulder. He smiles up at them and continues to leads them through the hallway. 
"Oh! I never told you my name!" He turns to them and ducks his head in another bow. "I'm Neige LeBlanche!"
"Mc Crowley," They smile at him. He nods and continues to lead them until they're stopped by a tall man wearing a large, wide brimmed hat. He smiles down at Mc, placing a hand over his heart and kneeling down. He smiles up at them widely, bright green eyes making them wary of the man's actions. 
"Pardon, dear guest," He turns back to Neige and smiles at the boy. "Ma reine requested assistance in preparing his robes for the meeting with the nobles tomorrow."
"Ah, right," They boy nods. "Uhm, Rook?"
"Could you please help Mc here try to find their way home? I was just bringing them to Vil to see if he had anything-"
"Why of course!" The man exclaims rather loudly, making Mc shrink back a bit. He turns to Mc as Neige prances away. "Now if you'd follow me, mon petit oiseau."
Mc nods and scampers close behind the man, who's long strides make it difficult for them to follow. He leads them deeper into the castle, where the sunlight struggles to reach and the once welcoming stone interior feels cold and distant. They turn the corner and Mc notices a soft yellow light shining under a large oak door, followed by swearing and the sound of a mirror shattering. Rook freezes, holding his hand out to the side to stop them. 
They look up at him as he places a gloved finger over his mouth and motions for them to stay where they are. They gulp and nod, anxiety clawing at their chest as the man enters the room. Mc peeks around the corner, struggling to see through the small crack the man had left in the door. There stands the same man from the painting, except this time his perfect makeup is smudged across his eye as he takes deep, steadying breaths. His long purple robes sweep the floor  as he strides over to a large vanity, frustratedly running his fingers over the smudges and fixing it up in the large mirror. 
"Ma reine, whatever is troubling you?" Rook stands behind the man, delicately fixing the long braids that had come loose in the back on his head. The man continues to fume again, hands shaking as he slowly puts down the lipstick he was ready to apply. 
"My hunter-" The man begins, turning in his plush chair. "I need you to kill the boy." Mc covers their mouth with their hands, fear rising in their chest.
"Whatever for, mon chéri?"
"The mirror had said it again- I cannot let him beat me once more." He says simply. "I need you to end it here."
"Hear my pleas, I beg of you," The blonde tries to stand in front of the beautiful man, who scowls at him. "Can't you just lock him away? Why must you end his life so soon?"
"It would do no good for him to keep him in that kind of misery," Mc feels their eyes start to water a bit as they imagine the kind boy stuck in a cold dungeon, or his body laying cold in a coffin. "I cannot allow him to live the life I had until now, Rook."
"That is why you must end it now."
The man tips his hat again, emerald eyes turns towards and ground and lips twitching into a frown. 
"Of course, ma reine." He leaves the room and closes the door behind him with a soft thud, grabbing Mc's arm rather harshly and dragging them along in silence. They wince as the pressure becomes almost too much to bear and they try to pull it back. 
"Rook, please!" They yank their arm back, making the man freeze. He stares at them apologetically, ducking his head. 
"My apologies," He says, once bright voice hollow. 
"Rook, you don't have to do this! There had to be another way!" They almost beg. "We can- we-" They stutter, waving their arms around. "He-"
Rook's eyes light up and he grabs both their shoulders in his hands, holding them out in front of them, a relieved smile crossing his face. 
"That's it!" He cheers, rather loudly. Mc freezes, hoping they were far enough from Vil that he didn't hear it. "I'm begging you- take the boy and run into the woods..." He kneels in front of them, grasping their hands in his. "Take him as far as possible and never come back, keep him safe-"
Mc stammers and tries to get him to stand, pulling at his robes and trying to hoist him up. "O-of course! But..." They pause. "Will you be okay? What if Vil finds out?"
The hunter shakes his head. "What he will do to me doesn't hold a candle to what that poor boy would have been put through, so please, as fast as possible-" The man grabs them and leads them to a more desolate a run down part of the castle, pushing them into a small bedroom. 
Neige jumps and smiles at them, standing up from his position on the floor. Mc gulps and feels a bead of sweat form on their forehead as they grab the confused boy's hands and pull him up, stammering. 
"Neige, we need to go!" They grab a small bag that sits at the foot of his bed and hands it out to him. "You're in danger, so please, come with me!"
"In danger?" The boy yelps. "W-what about Vil? Is he okay?"
"Yes! Yes!" They push him to pack what little things he owned, throwing whatever food they could find into a separate bag. "Rook is taking care of him." Their voice breaks as they grab the boys hand and sprint out the castle, bags in hand. They jump over roots and under pathways, experience from the Savanah kicking in. Thankfully, all those hunting expeditions improved their endurance greatly. 
Neige on the other hand is panting and gasping for air by the time they finally settle down. He collapses to the ground, hands shaking as he chokes and coughs into his hand, face flushed and sweat drenching his dirty clothes. Mc hands him a flask of water they'd collected from a nearby stream and he gulps it down greedily, hands shaking too badly to hold it straight to his mouth. 
The forest around them is dark, and they hear all sorts of odd sounds coming from the trees above them. The boy seems to notice this, curling into himself and shaking. 
Mc climbs a nearby tree, scanning the forest for a place they could set up camp. They see a pillar of smoke rise in the distance and climb back down, seeing the boy's unconscious form slumped against an old stump, water canister spilling out onto the ground. 
"Neige?!" They yelp, reaching for the boy's shoulders and shaking him. He wakes with a gasp, features softening when he realizes that it was only them. He tries to sit up but his legs give out under him, too weak to stand on their own. 
"How much farther?" He whispers, voice shaking.
"Not too much. There's a house nearby we can stay in for the night-" The boy nods and, with Mc's help, stands, leaning against them for support. They hobble over to the cabin, deciding to open the door and sneak in after nobody answered their heavy knocks. They sit Neige down on a wooden chair, wetting a washcloth and handing it to him before getting another for themselves. 
They look over to see the now sleeping boy curled up across the length of all the small beds, taking up half of them despite being in a ball. 
Mc reaches over and lays on their side, back to back with the boy as they let exhaustion take over, eyelids heavy as they let sleep take them.
I’m linking the other parts here since for some reason it’s not letting me link them in the masterlist!
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