#yoon chang-hyeon
bebebisous33 · 1 year
Painter Of The Night: The enigmatic and dark face 👹behind the purple hanbok 🟣
#야화첩 #夜画帳 #potn The essay about #PainterOfTheNight "The enigmatic and dark face 👹 behind the purple hanbok🟣" is finished. I hope you will like it. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. The next essay is about #jinxmanhwa “Intriguing tattoo and identity”🪡
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites. This is where you can read the manhwa. https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/painter But be aware that this manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. If you want to read more essays, here is the link to the table of contents:…
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[Principal approaches the bullies wearing a firemen hat]
Myeong-hwan: Is there a fire drill?
Principal: No. There’s an actual fire.
Principal: I wanted you kids to be the first to know before I tell everyone else. Myeong-hwan, Chang-hoon, Gwi-nam, and Hyeon-ju: [stand up without another word] Principal: I know, it's not right to play favorites, but it's no more right to sit on your feelings, and I don't know what I'd do without you kids!
Myeong-hwan, Chang-hoon, Gwi-nam, and Hyeon-ju: [leave without acknowledging him]
Principal: Okay. Fire! Fire! There's a fire!
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plentyoffandoms · 10 months
Purple (Part 6)
Gwi-nam x f/Reader
wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
Main Masterlist ♡ All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist ♡ Yoon Gwi-nam Masterlist ♡ Jelly Bracelets Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Am I late to this fandom? Oh hell, yes, but the show was so good.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @bilesandthesourwolf 2nd gif @dramastream
Gwi-nam's POV
Chang-hoon and I were standing in the balcony that overlooked the front yard. He was talking about trying to hook up with some girl, and I was nodding my head here and there to make it look like I was paying attention.
"What has you so distracted?" That made me look at him. He had one eyebrow raised as he took a sip of his drink.
"Na, na. You have been distracted lately. Ever since that new girl came to school."
"Pfft. You are seeing things." I said to him.
"Come on, man. I haven't said anything to Myeong-hwan or Hyeon-ju."
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He had a point, but I wasn't going to let him know that. He could use it against me later on or have Myeong-hwan attention turn to her.
"Speaking of YN, there she is with her friends."
"The way you are talking about her, it seems like you like her." I told him as I turned my head, and he was right.
This is probably the first time I have seen her in clothes that weren't our school uniform.
Wearing a short black dress, with knee-high boots. I want her to see those boots on her every damn day.
Chang-hoon let out a whistle as he too seemed to get a good look at the three of them.
"Who knew they were hiding that underneath their uniforms. Let's go and see your girl."
"She is not my girl." I said as the two of us left the balcony.
"Good to know." The asshole said with a stupid smirk on his face.
As I walked down the stairs, I looked over the crowd of people, searching for any sign of YN, but my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw her talking to Lee Su-hyeok.
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The party was in full swing when Sun-Hee and Jang-Mi and I finally arrived. The two of them switched outfits at least 3 or 4 times.
I asked them why, and Sun-Hee told me that they just wanted to look good. I told myself I didn't care what the hell I was wearing, but I was lying to myself.
I kept checking my makeup and my outfit anytime we walked past a reflective surface just to make sure it was still perfect.
It was nice to be looked at by people as we walked past them into the house. Sun-Hee and Jang-Mi pointed to what I am assuming is the kitchen to get the drinks while I went to find Gwi-nam.
He told me he would see me at the party after he left me to deal with the librarian who gave me a lecture about making better life choices.
I didn't want to come after that, but I gave in knowing that he could just show up at my house, so I only came for him, but I bumped into Lee Su-hyeok, probably the most popular guy at Hyosan High.
I almost lost my footing, but he gripped my shoulders to steady me.
"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head yes.
"You're YN, right?"
"Yeah, and you're Lee Su-hyeok. Have you seen you around with Gyeong-su and Cheong-san." His eyes seemed to light up at that.
We got talking, but I kept looking for Gwi-nam. Su-hyeok is nice and all, but he seems a bit too sweet for me.
"What are the bracelets for?" I looked down at them and held up the remaining 11.
"Just a gift from my best friend back at my old school." He went to open his mouth, but he closed it and took a step back. His gaze was no longer on me, but behind me.
I turned and could see a very angry looking Gwi-nam coming my way, but he too was just focused on Su-hyeok.
I gripped his arm as hard as I could to try and get him to focus on me or anything else that wasn't Su-hyeok, but that didn't help.
He gripped Su-hyeok by his collar and shook him and got really close and said something to him.
Gyeong-su and Cheong-san came rushing through the crowd to stand with their friend, but they too took a step back once they saw me. They diverted their gaze but stood their ground as well.
I pulled on Gwi-nam's arm, but that didn't do anything. So I let go of him and just walked away, ignoring the whispers.
I needed some fresh air, so I went to the backyard, which was filled with people, drinking, smoking and making out.
I was only out there alone for a short time before I heard the angry stomps coming towards me. I turned and saw Gwi-nam, and his fist was bloody and bruised.
"What the hell was that?" I asked him.
"I could be asking you the same thing." His voice was low, but angry.
"I can talk to whomever I want. You don't own me, Gwi-nam." His hand quickly reached up and gripped my throat. My hands were trying to pull his hand away from my throat.
"You may think that there, Princess, but you get one thing straight. You are mine and mine alone." He finally let go, and I was gasping for air.
I fucking hate myself for how turned on that made me, but I was angry. So very angry.
"Fuck you Gwi-nam."
"Soon enough, sweetheart." I wanted to wipe that smug look off of his face, so I grabbed his hand and placed it on my arm and with his hand, I snapped the purple one.
Wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
I held it up and showed him, placed it in his open hand, and pretended to lean in to kiss him.
"You think I am going to kiss you? Like I said, fuck you."
I grabbed the person who was walking past us and smashed my mouth against theirs. Their arms were flailing, but then they settled on my hips and pulled me flush against their body.
But I had enough of kissing this person, so I pushed them away and finally saw who it was, Park Yae-Joon.
"You done there, Princess?" Gwi-nam calmly asked. Almost too calm.
"Run." I said to Yae-Joon, who didn't wait and ran.
"Don't worry, I'll deal with him later. Now, to deal with you."
White (Part 5) ♧ Clear (Part 7)
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Someone asked this in one of the pages I follow
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So here’s my take on this
BD posted a teaser of Seungwon’s appearance in season 4 before in one of her tweets
And in this season, we also see Heena, taking Seungho’s side after she’s been saved
Since Seungho and Na-Kyum are mirrors of each other, we can also assume that even their respective families are mirrors as well
With Seungwon now in the picture, him having shown to appearing as a defiant younger brother who’s messing up his older brother’s household, we can take this as his version of Heena’s first appearance in the manhwa, where she raised ruckus in the Yoon household
Notice that in both cases, they barged in under the assumption that Seungho had commited a crime. For Heena, she assumed that Seungho kidnapped Na-Kyum, whereas now, Seungwon assumed that Seungho burned down the shaman house after the murders of the noblemen
In Heena’s case, Na-Kyum defended Seungho’s name and told her that she’ll stay with him despite the “evidence” that Seungho committed the crime of murdering In-Hun
And we can assume that in Seungwon’s case, Na-Kyum will also do the same to Seungwon. We can assume that Na-Kyum will not believe that Seungho murdered the noblemen, as Na-Kyum had been brainwashed that the night of the kidnapping was merely a nightmare, and I think that in his delusion of wanting peace to remain in his heart, Na-Kyum will believe it for some time unless he sees or hears evidence that Seungho did commit a crime
Seungwon can come off as someone who is hardheaded just like in his first appearance when he barged in on Seungho’s bedchamber despite even being told off by Kim, and we can assume that Seungwon has been brainwashed by Chang-Hyeon that his older brother had committed a crime and must be punished before officials find out, because a nobleman committing murder of another noble, let alone a bunch of noblemen, can equate to the annihilation of the criminal’s entire clan. Additionally, the sacrilegious act of defiling and burning down a shaman house along with a sacred tree, warrants hatred from the Shamanistic Joseon people, who considers these elements as beings not to be destroyed, as doing so would incur the wrath of heaven upon the entire village or even the nation itself. With this knowledge of the gravity of the situation, this is why Seungwon orders the guards around in such haste in case any of the servants have destroyed any evidence unknowingly
Seungwon has yet to know though, that the biggest evidence would be in the form of Na-Kyum himself. The trauma is still fresh in his mind even after a month under Seungho’s care and supervision.
And just like the brainwashed Heena who was convinced that In-Hun had been kind to Na-Kyum, Seungwon would initially not likely to believe that his brother didn’t burn the shaman house down, as it’s most likely that the info he got had been from his trusted source, Yoon Chang-Hyeon, their father. Who, in Seungwon’s eyes, is most likely his hero who does everything he can to preserve the Yoon family name. Seungwon had most likely been subjected to information that Seungho is a stain on the family and would one day be the cause of their annihilation. And Seungwon is now there at Seungho’s house to “save the family from his brother’s misdeed”. I think Seungwon thinks Seungho “can be saved from his father’s wrath if he can only come clean with his crime”. Judging by the urgency and the calm appearance of Seungwon in chapter 115, I think he wants his older brother’s affection in some way, despite them being estranged. Hence this is why Seungwon might initially come off as an enemy (like Heena did in her first appearance), but is most likely going to be an ally once the truth is revealed to him—that his brother didn’t destroy a holy place and the sacred tree, that his brother committed murder in the name of love
Seungwon, I think, has a heart in there somewhere, a heart that wants to understand why his brother acts the way he does. And yet, his actions come off to Seungho as meddlesome—exactly like how Heena is to Na-Kyum’s life when she found out he was living with Seungho.
For now, I am placing Seungwon as a gray character who’d be most likely become one of SeungKyum’s supporters once the truth is revealed to him—that the bad guy had been his father all along. But I am sure he’ll be having a moral dilemma at that point, it’d be hard for him to believe it at first, just like when Heena didn’t believe Seungho until she gets kidnapped
Which brings me to another theory, that at some point, Seungwon might get caught up in a conspiracy and he’d be wrapped up in something he’s not supposed to see. And just like Heena, Seungwon, too, could get kidnapped—either by Song’s men, or maybe even Chang-Hyeon himself, probably under the pretext that “your brother did this to you and therefore you must kill him”
I think that is the plan that Chang-Hyeon is going to pull off. He doesn’t want his hands dirty, he always gets others to do the dirty work for him. And Seungho’s death could include that. Since the ending of chapter 115 showed Seungho being stabbed, we can assume that it’s Chang-Hyeon’s guard who did this. This coincides with the appearance of Song before In-Hun. The older nobles are looking for ways to dispose of Seungho without linking the crimes back to them—and I think they found their fall guy with In-Hun
Now, I think: Chang-Hyeon made a deal with Song and it seemingly appeared as if they want In-Hun to take the blame under the pretext that In-Hun hated Seungho enough, he hired an assassin to get him killed; but all the while, Song is thinking of something else entirely. I think Song wants Seungwon to take the blame. Song could manipulate Seungwon at some point into thinking that the younger Yoon is helping his brother when in reality it’s not. (Like in the case of Min manipulating Heena into thinking he’ll save Na-Kyum when he did the complete opposite.) Song could take down both the Yoon brothers and Chang-Hyeon in one fell swoop, all the while Chang-Hyeon is unknowingly signing the death of his entire clan to this one devious man
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purplink8 · 9 months
It's my firm belief that Celebrity (Netflix) would go along so well with Taylor Swift's song "Look what you made me do" like:
"I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage The role you made me play of the fool No, I don't like you"
A-ri doesn't like the e-celebs and their petty little games on their stage (online platform). She hates how they made her out the fool (the circumstances leading to her fake-death).
"I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)"
The drug case in a nutshell. The crime is "perfect" as Jin Tae-jeon is involved in effectively (until the last episode, that is) hiding it. Members of the Gabin Society (with the exception of Yoon Si-hyeon) have two faces: they live in a total lie with their personas well in place before their audience. But A-ri sees their mask and dislikes it. "You said the gun was mine": how Oh Min-hye pinned the whole drug incident onto A-ri, how the suicide of Mr. Park was blamed on A-ri; these lies & slander aren't cool and A-ri doesn't like the liars one bit.
"But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!"
A-ri becomes smarter at the race-to-the-top games that the e-celebs play in pursuit of popularity + money. She also gets "harder" or say, a lil ruthless in that game: blackmailing other influencers with dirt on them thanks to _bbbfamous. Oh boy does she have a list of names with her right now to get sweet, sweet revenge. And you can bet that _bbbfamous's name is in red.
"Ooh, look what you made me do ... Look what you just made me do"
Her faking her death, basically.
"I (I) don't (don't) like your kingdom keys (keys) They (they) once belonged to me (me) You (you) asked me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)
The world moves on, another day another drama, drama But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours"
Do I even need to explain this one? It's highly obvious that we get to see what A-ri's motivations in exposing the e-celebs are. One word. Karma. As A-ri's brother says, they should get a taste of what A-ri had to go through. The world is set ablaze for a few days with the newest drama and then moves on quickly; while we have A-ri critiquing the fickle nature of the world and expressing the surety of her karma's success.
"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams"
Obvious meaning is obvious. After experiencing so much of back-stabbing (especially from her best friend), is it any wonder that A-ri doesn't trust anybody? The least of all: other e-celebs? And of course nobody trusts her as accusation after accusation, hate, rumors etc are piled on against her. A-ri is the actress (e-celeb) starring in her haters' (esp _bbbfamous) bad dreams as she uproots their whole reputation.
"I'm sorry But the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead (oh)"
A-ri has definitely changed now, the old A-ri is dead (episode 11 is cleverly titled '#but_she's_dead') literally (her fake death) and metaphorically (her choosing not to become an influencer again despite having a significant number of supporters).
And that concludes my rambles! If you're still here, reading this, I love you and wish you a fantastic day! <3
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youtifulkrp · 2 months
Most wanted?
Hello !
After polling our community, we were able to produce this list:
Loona... Cho Ha-seul , Wong Kahei ; Vivi , Jeong Jin-sol , Kim Jung-eun ; Kim Lip , Jeon Hee-jin , Kim Hyun-jin , Park Chae-won ; Go Won , Choi Ye-rim ; Choerry , Son Hye-ju , Im Yeo-jin
Vixx... Cha Hak Yeon ; N , Jung Taek Woon ; Leo , Lee Jae Hwan ; Ken , Han Sang Hyuk 
Dreamcatcher...  Kim Min Ji ; JiU , Kim Bo Ra ; SuA ,  Lee Si Yeon , Han Dong , Kim Yoo Hyeon ,  Lee Yu Bin ; Dami , Lee Ga Hyeon
BTS... Kim Nam Joon ; RM , Kim Seok Jin ; Jin , Min Yoon Gi ; Suga , Jung Ho Seok ; J-Hope , Park Ji Min
Mamamoo... Kim Yong Sun ; Solar , Moon Byul-Yi  ; Moonbyul , Jung Whee In ; Wheein , Ahn Hye Jin ; Hwasa
Girls’ Generation / SNSD... Kim Tae Yeon ,  Lee Soon Kyu ; Sunny , Stephanie Young Hwang  ;  Tiffany Young ,  Kim Hyo Yeon  , Kwon Yu Ri  , Choi Soo Young ,  Im Yoon-A ,  Seo Joo Hyun ; Seohyun
Soloists... Kim Hyo-jung ; Hyolyn , Lee Chae-rin ; CL , Kim Hanbin ; B.I. , Bang Yongguk , Jessica Ho ; Jessi
BTOB... Seo Eun Kwang , Lee Min Hyuk , Lee Chang Sub , Lim Hyun Sik , Peniel Dong Shin ; Peniel , Yook Sung Jae
iKon... Song Yunhyeong ; Song , Kim Donghyuk ; DK , Koo Junhoe  ; June , Jung Chanwoo
Winner... Kang Seung Yoon ; Yoon , Kim Jin Woo ; Jinu , Lee Seung Hoon  ; Hoony , Song Min Ho ; Mino
Kard...  Kim Tae Hyung ; J.Seph , Matthew Kim ; BM , Jeon So Min , Jeon Ji Woo 
GOT7... Lim Jae Beom ; Jay B , Mark Yi En Tuan ; Mark , Wang Jackson ,  Park Jin Young , Choi Young Jae , Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam ; BamBam , Kim Yu Gyeom
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⤷ ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝑨𝑫𝑴𝑰𝑵 𝑵𝒀𝑿𝑿 & 𝑬𝑹𝑶𝑺
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sweetmastermind · 1 year
Final lineup for Boys Planet 999 ~ Prediction
Disclaimer: This is based on tarot, reading done the 2/04 (03/04 Korean time), this lineup can suffer changes before the last episode of the program since energy constantly shifts. I don't watch the program so sorry for any mistakes in the names.
Final 9 update: Sung Hanbin - Zhang Hao - Kim Jiwoong - Kim Taerae - Kim Gyuvin - Han Yujin - Keita - Ricky - Lee Hoetaek
Last check-up before the final: 17/04
(The ones that have more possibilities of ending up on the final debut: Park Hanbin - Jay -Park Gunwook)
Here the reading to reach the conclusion:
Sung Hanbin (10c) yes
Zhang Hao (temperance - QW rev. - 6c): yes but is not going to be easy for him, probably will descend some places on the ranking before the debut date
Han Yujin (7c rev. - 7w - 6s rev. - 8s rev. - KNS rev.) low changes of debuting (4p) Yes
Seok Matthew (emperor - wheel fortune): yes, they will try to make him debut (9s - 9w) Feels quite negative
Kim Jiwoong (PC) yes
Kim Gyuvin (PW) yes (2s - death rev.) He may or may not reach the final lineup, the votes really can change his results.
Kim Taerae (moon rev) probably not. (3p - KnW - magician) yes
Keita (QS - 10s) maybe not, he could be a surprise (sun - 10p) yes
Park Gunwook (PW) yes (5w rev) no
Kum Jun Hyeon (Empress - AceP) yes
Lee Hoetaek (10s) no (let that man debut and have another opportunity!) (10p) yes
Jay (Strength - High priestess) possible but nothing concrete (ace pentacles rev.) no
Park Hanbin (5w) no
Ricky (PW) yes (QS rev. - Empress - PageP rev.) 50/50 change, it feels more positive
Yoon Jongwoo (KNP rev) he has a possibility
Haruto (Wheel fortune) big changes
Yoo Seungeon (KC rev) maybe
Seo Woo (Strength - 5p rev) maybe
Wang Zihao (KS rev.) big possibility but really on a fine line
Na Kamden (PW) yes
Lee Seunghwan (3c rev) no
Chen Kuanjui (5w) no
Zhang Shuaibo (ace cups) yes
Lee Jeonghyeon (6w) no
Takuto (10s rev.) no
Cha Woongki (3p) yes, with effort
Ollie (7w - lovers) yes, people could show a lot of support
Hiroto (magician) yes with some effort
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kdrama-movies-more · 8 months
1940, Feb 14th: Jung Ui-hwan is born (inquiry report)
1965, Apr 28th : Ha Seong-min born
1966, May 18th : Jung Mi-ok was born (case file)
1966, Nov 4th : Cha Ju-man born (inquiry report; "google" info)
1977, Oct 13 : Park Jong-bae was born
~1977 : Jeon Gwang-sik was born
1978, Apr 18 : Hong Mi-yeon(Park Jong-bae's wife) was born
1988, Sept 6th : Bong Ye Bun was born
1990, Nov 28th : Kim Seon-woo's birthday (presumably, inquiry report)
1993 : Hyeon-ok's 21-25 fencing diary's year
2002, Jan : Assemblyman Yoon's Mujin redevelopment fraud file(Mi-ok's news) 2002 till 2005
2002, Mar 25 : Cha Ju-man's last address change/moved in to Mujin(inquiry report)
2005, Nov 13 (11:15?) : dod/tod(estd.) Jung Mi-ok (aged 40) [place: Mujin Port]
2005, Nov 14 (13:04) : Car and body of Jung Mi-ok recovered (ep 1 first scene)
2007, Jan 17th : Bong Ye-bun gets into Veterinary school
2007 : Jungsan Daily(newspaper Bong's mom wrote for) ceases publication
2012, Feb 1st : Bong Ye-bun gets veterinary license
2014 : The 7 years later in the vet office we see in episode 1 before it cuts to another 8 years(=15 years)
2015, Jul 12 : Justin(Park Kang-jun) is born
2015, Sep 15 : Cho Ae-ran gets into debt with Kim Seon-hwa of the Mujin Coffee Shop
~2016 : Jang-yeol meets Seung-gil (17th b'day)
~2017 : Seung-gil's 18th birthday
~2018 : Seung-gil's 19th birthday
2019, Sept 23rd : Cha Ju-man's lecture at Hankuk University
2019 : Kim Seon-woo drops out of Hankuk University after Cha Ju-man's lecture
~2020 : Bae Deok-hee joins the police department
2021, Sept 6: Ok-hui's memory of Ye-bun drunkenly dancing in front of a police car
2022, Sept 6 : Bong Ye-bun turns 35
2022, Sept 20: Kim Seon-woo's last address change date(as in the report)
2022, Sept 25 : dod Kim Si-a (aged 24) [place: Mujin Beach]
2022, Oct 6th : dod Park Seung-gil (aged 23) [place: Mujin General Hospital]
2022, Oct 20th : dod Lee Ji-suk (aged 27) [place: Road near fishing spot]
2022, Oct 20th : Cha Ju-man is elected
2022, Oct 21st : Cho Ae-ran's debt is paid off
2022, Nov 1 : dod Cha Ju-man(57) is murdered, Jung Ui-hwan framed
2022, ~Nov : Jung Ui-hwan(83) dies of his injury
2022, Nov 6th : Cha Ju-man's corruption is published about; day1/2 of Ui-hwan's funeral
2022, Nov 20 : dod Jeon Gwang-sik(45)
2022, Nov 28 : Kim Seon-woo officially turns 33
~2022, Nov 30 : dod Kim Seon-woo(33)
(ages might be in Korean system)
The Mujin Raincoat killer victims
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Cho Ae-ran
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Jung Ui-hwan
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Jung Mi-ok
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Bong Ye-bun
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Kim Seon-woo
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Cha Ju-man; has a spouse and a son; official birthplace is given in Incheon
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inpursuitofnunchi · 1 month
ok so i also parallely started welcome to samdal-ri because I'm a sucker for dramas set in the coastal countryside (i will never shut up about hometown cha cha cha) and also I'm a sucker for shin hye sun and her batshit crazy vibes and well, let's just say I'm quite enjoying it.
the power rangers are absolutely adorable - i love them already - they have single digit iq's individually - but the moment they get together it cancels out to zero lol
i like chang wook and hye sun's chemistry. the last thing i saw chang wook in was backstreet rookie, and well, the lesser said about it, the better. but here, I'm curious to know WHY they broke up really. because all their little flashback moments are SO FKN cute. like yong-pil stealing little kisses in the rain, running under one jacket after giving their umbrella to the kittens - HELLO??? ADORABLEEEE????? i was found squealing
SO MANY references to homcha, man - it is giving me SUCH a nostalgia. sam-dal's whole career fiasco in seoul 🤝🏼 seonho's post-homcha fiasco. sam-dal's mom going running in her long johns when angry 🤝🏼 yoon hye jin much?? yong pil falling into the sea trying to protect sam-dal 🤝🏼 hong banjang NEARLY falling into the sea but saved by both hyejin and seong hyeon?
fun fun fun, eager to see what happens next!
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coreancitizen · 1 year
Thoughts on 'Reborn Rich' ep 15
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One of the first things I noticed at the chairman's first death anniversary was Hwa Young and Change Je sitting with Yoon Ki's family at one table, while the Young Ki's and Dong Ki's families had separate tables for themselves. Since the chairman's death, Hwa Young truly has become a mere garnish for her brothers.
"Boast about it only after you become the chairman, OK?" Hyeon Min to Seong Jun: Stop counting your chickens before they hatch, goddamnit.
His uncle needing Do Jun to spell out everything about Soonyang card the shares was hilarious. Dude! He's been doing this for years, playing you off against each other. If you weren't so blinded by your greed and ambition to be Soonyang's chairman you would have seen this coming a mile away!
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That was a rather painful but much needed conversation between father and son. Seong Jun has a point about how the world has changed, that there are now things such as profit and shareholders' rights under consideration. Dong Ki gets a similar lesson from Mason later in the ep. But the more important part of this conversation is Seong Jun telling his father what he really thinks of him — he a loser.
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One of my favorite things about this show, even though we don't get much of it, is Do Jun's relationship with his celebrity mom. I thought he would have moved out by now so it was nice to see him home and her waiting up for him. Laughed-cried at her comment about not knowing whether she was raising a son or a boarder. Kinda teared up when she talked about wanting her son to find someone he can talk and open up to. Do Jun says he does, and Song Joong Ki really sells the smitten look so I'll forgive the rather perfunctory development of this romance.
Speaking of romance, Min Young has Do Jun served with an arrest warrant for alleged illegal handover of political funds. Not a subpoena for an interview, an ARREST warrant because she didn't want him destroying evidence or fleeing the country hahaha. I'm not gonna break down how Do Jun bested his uncles and cousin again but the whole thing pretty much depended on Min Young being VERY good at her job and her knowing what kind of person Do Jun is. She later tells Do Jun she's still not sure whether he was set up or did the setting up (girl, you know the answer, c'mon!).
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One of my fave scenes from this ep: Mason describing the concept of "the Korea discount." Per a Sept. 20, 2022, Reuters story, the discount refers to a "tendency for South Korean companies to have lower valuations than global peers due to factors such as low dividend payouts, the dominance of opaque conglomerates known as chaebols and geopolitical risks involving North Korea." Mason lays out just how ridiculous the idea of handing down the business to one's children is. "It's like selecting a national team athlete based on the sole fact of whether their parents were medalists regardless of how competitive they are in the international market." Dong Ki, with his attempts at flattery and intimidation, is completely put in his place.
Looks like Dong Ki is not getting the "3 and 5" deal (sentenced for 3 years with 5 years suspended sentence on good behavior) so his wife hustles over to Jeongsimjae to ask Young Ki, the dude who went to prison for his dad and still suffers leg problems because of it, for help saving his ass. Of course the answer was no, considering all the scheming Dong Ki has done all these years that undermined older bro. Young Ki's wife couldn't wait to get her dig in. Unfortunately, it bites her and her family in the ass later as the investigation expands into Soonyang Corporation.
Did the Prosecutor's Office really detain Do Jun in that tiny room for 48 hours??? And how impressive and fast are Min Young's investigators?? Anyway, we get a "Leverage"-style montage of how Do Jun set up his uncles and the competence porn is truly topnotch. Plus Bible and art lessons from Change Je and Hyeon Min, respectively. The end result is Young Ki throwing his one asset under the bus and his son returning the favor in the next available moment.
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With the uncles AND cousin seemingly out of contention for chairmanship of the group, Do Jun burnishes his image by donating his $700 million "inheritance" from Chairman Jin (is that from the Micro Project slush fund?) and quickly turns public opinion around. Not surprisingly he gets voted the next chairman of Soonyang Group.
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What does he do next? Goes to that infernal museum he and his grandfather were supposed to visit on the day Chairman Jin was to announce him as the CEO of the holding company and his heir apparent. This time he does get a chance to enter building and look around. In front of a bigger-than-life portrait of his bigger-than-life grandfather, he wonders if he finally got his revenge or if he can finally call himself his grandson now, the series-long struggle of his character boiled down. He has no answer yet, right now he just misses the cantankerous old man.
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What follows is next is both a surprise and not — another car accident, supposedly because some things are just fixed. The shocker comes from who is at the scene of the crime. Do Jun, as he's looking at Hyun Woo, thinks the person who killed me is no other than myself. Dun dun dun!
Questions galore: Is Hyun Woo there by coincidence or part of the plan to murder Do Jun? If he's part of the conspiracy, did whoever hire him notice he's the mirror image of Jin Do Jun? I can't imagine this being a closed (time travel) loop. That Hyun Woo will now end up serving the family. Wouldn't he remember the murder he was a part of? He didn't even know Do Jun died. How would all this match up with what we saw happened in the first episode? I really hope the writers have a satisfying answer. Maybe it'll be more like The King Eternal Monarch, that with big enough changes, Do Jun can change his fate.
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bebebisous33 · 1 year
Painter Of The Night: Yoon Seungho and his puzzled physician 🩺
#PainterOfTheNight @ByeonDuck_ #yoonseungah #야화첩 #potn #夜画帳 #YoonSeungho The essay „Yoon Seungho and his physician 🩺“is finished. Feel free to comment. I hope you‘ll like it. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks.
This is where you can read the manhwa. https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/painter But be aware that this manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. If you want to read more essays, here is the link to the table of contents:  https://bebebisous33analyses.wordpress.com/2020/07/04/table-of-contents-painter-of-the-night It would be great if you could make…
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8,2 Benim puanım:6
Drama: My Love From The Star / You Who Came From the Stars
Hangul: 별에서 온 그대
Director: Jang Tae-Yoo, Oh Choong-Hwan
Writer: Park Ji-Eun
Episodes: 21
Date: 2014
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Jun Ji-Hyun, Kim Soo-Hyun, Park Hae-Jin, Yoo In-Na, Ahn Jae-Hyeon
2014 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2014
Grand Prize (Gianna Jun)
Best Actor (medium-length drama) (Kim Soo-Hyun)
Excellent Actor (medium-length drama) (Shin Sung-Rok)
Special Actor (medium-length drama) (Kim Chang-Wan)
Best Netizen Award (Kim Soo-Hyun)
Best Couple Award (Gianna Jun & Kim Soo-Hyun)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Gianna Jun)
New Star Award (Ahn Jae-Hyeon)
2014 (50th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 27, 2014
Most Popular Actror (Kim Soo-Hyun)
Best OST
Bu diziyi izledikten çok sonra öğrendim ki başrol oyuncusu Kim Soo-Hyun Kore’de çok ünlü bir artistmiş. Tabi izlerken bunu bilmediğim için bana bir şey ifade etmedi. Jun Ji-Hyun’u ilk My Sassy Girl filminde izlemiştim. Belki de benim Kore sineması ile tanıştığım ilk yapım olabilir. O yüzden bende yeri başka olsa da kendisini çok da beğenmiyorum. My Sassy Girl’den sonraki rollerinde favorim olduğu söylenemez.
Dizinin konusuna gelince, Do min Joon (Kim Soo Hyun) 400 yıl önce uzaydan bir kuyruklu yıldız ile dünyaya gelmiş, küçük bir kızı kurtarmak için geri dönüş aracını kaçırınca dünyada kalmış. Geri dönebilmesi için kuyruklu yıldızın tekrar dünyadan geçmesi gerekmektedir. Yıldızın gelmesi de 400 yılda bir oluyordur ve 3 ay kalmıştır. Şu işe bakın ki, Kore de mahsur kalan uzaylıda çekik gözlü olmuş. Dünya da geçirdiği zaman boyunca kendini insanlardan soyutlamış, belli periyodlar ile kimlik değiştirmiştir.
Kore'nin en popüler oyuncusu Chun Song Yi (Jun Ji-Hyun), uzaylı arkadaşımızın komşusudur. Oyunculuk kariyeri bir yanlış anlaşılma yüzünden yerle bir olduğu için evde daha çok zaman geçirmek zorunda kalmış. Bu da uzaylımız ile daha çok karşılaştıkları anlamına geliyor. İkisinin tesadüfi karşılaşmaları sonucunda da diziye giriş yapmış oluyoruz.
Vallahi yoklukta zaman geçirmek için izledim. Ne yalan söyleyeyim… Her ne kadar oyuncuları iyi olsa da dizinin konusu ve seyirciye sunulan hikaye çok da oyunculukların altını doldurmuyordu. Neden sorusuna asla cevap vermeyen bir senaryo ile karşı karşıyayız. Altı boş olmasının yanı sıra farklı bir hikayeye de sahip değil. Aldığı ödül kategorilerini hakketmiş olmasını kadrosuna bağlıyorum.
Dizinin kurgusu, çekimleri, yönetmeni gayet başarılı. Sıkılmadan izledim, ama beni tatmin etmedi. Muhtemelen saç şeklinden kaynaklı, uzaylımız daha çok robota benziyordu. Mimiksiz, tepsiz. Çok sonra It's okay to not be okay dizisinde kendisi ile karşılaştığım zaman ciddi bir şaşkınlık yaşadım. Şahane bir oyuncuymuş, şapka çıkarıyorum. Ama bu dizi için şapkam kafamda maalesef.
Dizi ile ilgili spoiler verebileceğim bir detay dahi yok. Uzaylımızın 3 ayı kalmış, şımarık oyuncu kızımız ile komşuculuk vasıtası ile yakınlaşıyorlar. Uzaylımız insanlardan 100 kat daha kuvvetli duyma, ışınlanma, zamanı durdurma gibi güçlere sahip. Her sıkıntıda kızın yanında bitiveriyor. Arka planda bir cinayet mevzusu dönüyor. Onun dışında tabi ki aşk üçgenleri söz konusu.
Dizide sevdiğim tek şey yan roller olabilir. Yoo In-Na‘nın naif oyunculuğu ile tanışmış oldum. Daha sonra Goblin dizisinde onu görmek hoşuma gitti. Ve “Cinderella and the four knights” dizisinin parlak dudaklı jönü Ahn Jae-Hyeon’u vardı. Chun Song Yi karakterinin küçük erkek kardeşi Cheon Yoon-Jae rolündeydi. Uzaylı ile aralarında geçen sahneler, başrollerin sahnelerinden daha eğlenceliydi. Son olarak Park Hae-Jin ikinci erkek rolünde karşımıza çıkıyordu. Dizide en sevdiğim karakter oldu.
En kötüsü ise sonunda anten çekmiyor diye bitirmeleri oldu. Daha bir şey demeyeceğim.
Lyn - My Destiny
Raven Melus
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Part 7 of Sweetener: Tangy Series - Blue Birds Over Red Fields, Chapter 1, is now up!
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48074737/chapters/121222135
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Baek Nakyum/Yoon Seungho
eventual Seungwon/Heena
Baek Nakyum
Yoon Seungho (Painter of the Night)
Mumyeong | The Nameless One (Painter of the Night)
Heena (Painter of the Night)
Yoon Seungwon
Yoon Chang-Hyeon
Kim (Painter of the Night)
Jung Inhun
mentions of Lord Min
scorned SeungKyum
At the cusp of a brewing rebellion after Na-Kyum’s capture and escape, Seungho vows to get his revenge on those who had taken his wife—only to get captured in return. Na-Kyum takes the reins over the household, unleashing a fury from the village’s gentle bellflower that no one has ever seen before.
Part 7 of Sweetener: Tangy
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leeminkifanblr · 4 months
Lee Min-ki Filmography and other works
(reverse chronological order)
Dramas |*| Movies |*| Music |*| Magazine etc. |*| Others
2024 <Sangyoung ENT>
Sep 14: Fanmeeting [Japan]
룩앳미 - Look At Me [Cha Jung-woo] Wavve
사흘 - Three Days(?) [Father Ban]
May 13~Jun 18: 크래시 - Crash [Cha Yeon-ho] ENA
- Apr 24: ARENA
2023 <Sangyoung ENT>
Nov 26: Fanmeeting "Hello Again" [Tokyo, Japan]
Aug-Dec 30: Filming of Crash
Aug 12-Oct 1: 힙하게 - Behind Your Touch [Insp. Moon Jang-yeol] JTBC
- Aug 24: MMTG ep 306 [x]
- Sep: Elle Korea [x] [y] [z]
Mar 29: ARENA [x]
Mar 18-July: Filming of Look at Me
Sep 21 2022-Feb 20: Filming of Behind your Touch
2022 <Sangyoung ENT>
Nov 16: 데시벨 - Decibel [Cpt. Hwang Young-woo]
Sep 21-Feb 20 2023: Filming of Behind your Touch
Apr 9-May 29: 나의 해방일지 - My Liberation Notes [Yeom Chang-hee] JTBC
- Apr 9: Elle Korea [x] [y]
- May 20: Cosmpolitan [x] [y]
2021 <Go_od> <Sangyoung ENT>
Sep 2: NELL(넬): Beautiful Jeopardy MV appearance [x]
Jul 12-Dec 28: Filming of My Liberation Notes
- Dec 31: Workman ep. 132 [x]
Apr 20-Aug: Filming of Decibel(special appearance)
Mar 24-May 13: 오! 주인님 - Oh My Ladylord [Han Bi-soo] MBC
- Mar 9: Dazed [x] [y]
Feb 23: Marie Claire Korea [x] [y]
2020 <Go_od>
Feb 10-May 2: Filming of Three Days
2019 <Go_od>
Oct 12-Dec 1: 모두의 거짓말 - The Lies Within [Insp. Jo Tae-sik, 36] OCN
- Sep 19: Cosmopolitan [x] [y]
- Sep 24: Marie Claire Korea [x]
Feb 27: KNTV preview(Beauty Inside) [x]
Feb 3: Elle Korea [x] (Hong Kong)
2018 <Go_od>
Oct 1-Nov 20: 뷰티 인사이드 - Beauty Inside [Seo Do-jae] JTBC
Jul 5: 김비서가 왜 그럴까 - What's Wrong With Secretary Kim [Mi-so's father] tvN (flashback ep. 10)
Feb 8: 조선명탐정: 흡혈괴마의 비밀 - Detective K 3: Secret of the Living Dead [Heukdopo/Jung In-yul]
2017 <Go_od>
Oct 9-Nov 28: 이번 생은 처음이라 - Because This is My First Life [Nam Se-hee, 38] tvN
- Oct 23: Marie Claire Korea [x] [y]
Aug 7-Oct 26: Filming of Detective K 3: Secret of the Living Dead
2015 <Go_od>
Jan 28: 내 심장을 쏴라 - Shoot Me in the Heart [Seung-min, 25]
2014 <Go_od>
- Dec 30: Elle Korea [x] [y]
Aug 7: Enlisted in the army; assigned as public service worker to Yonsan-gu office, Seoul
- Aug 2: Entertainment Weekly [x]
Section TV Entertainment ep. 713, 724
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1526, 1534
Jun 14: 황제를 위하여 - For the Emperor [Lee Hwan]
- Mar 15: Marie Claire Korea [x]
Jun 13: Witch Hunt ep. 44
Jun 5: Happy Together ep. 349
Mar 16: 몬스터 - Monster [Tae-soo]
- Mar 13: Elle Korea [x]
2013 <Go_od>
Oct 31: Han So-hyeon(한소현): Sorry MV appearance[x]
May 5-Jul 31: Filming of Monster
Section TV Entertainment ep. 667
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1468, 1486
Mar 21: 연애의 온도 - Very Ordinary Couple [Lee Dong-hee]
- Mar 14: Lee Min-ki with 3rd Coast: Those Days I Had with You [x] [inst]
- Apr 11: Lee Min-ki with 3rd Coast: Everything [x] [inst]
Feb 25: Cosmpolitan [x]
Jan 16: A Song for Island Memoir [x] [x]
Jan 11: Fanmeeting [Japan]
2012 <Go_od>
Section TV Entertainment ep. 662
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1439
Apr 9: NELL(넬): The Day Before MV appearance[x]
Jan 30-Mar 20: 닥치고 꽃미남 밴드 - Shut Up Flower Band Boy [Joo Bung-hee] tvN (cameo)
- Feb 6: SUFBB OST: Not in Love (single) cover MV [x] [y] [inst.]
The Class
~Jan 18: "Youth" Photobook
2011 <Wellmade Star M> <Go_od>
Midnight TV Entertainment ep. 338
Dec 4&6: Fanmeeting “Minki’s Forest” [Omiya&Osaka, Japan]
Dec 1: 오싹한 연애 - Spellbound [Ma Jo-goo] [x]
Nov 27: Running Man ep. 70
Oct 28: Elle [x]
Jul 20: 퀵 - Quick [Han Ki-soo]
Vogue Girl
The Class
Beatles Code ep. 49, 50
Yoon Do-hyun’s MUST ep. 4
Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 202
Jan 15: Fanmeeting [Tokyo, Japan]
2010 <Wellmade Star M>
Aug 6-Dec 20: Filming of Quick
Mar 13: Filming of Brother Young Ja-ya is cancelled due to production issues [x]
Max Beer CF [x]
2009 <Wellmade Star M>
Sep 25: Kim Jung-eun’s Chocolate ep. 72
Sep 17: “News of the Imagination”
Sep 3: Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 103
Aug 27: Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 102
Aug 10:  Lee Min-ki NO KIDDING EP [x] [y]
- Eternal Summer MV [x] [y]
- Dreaming [x]
- Joujou (Let Me See the Love) [x]
- Play My Way [x]
- Tonite, Tonite [x]
- Joujou (♥Minki Remix) [x]
Aug 6: 10억 - A Million [Park Cheol-Hee]
Aug 3: Come to Play ep.254
Jul 22: 해운대 - Tidal Wave [Choi Hyeong-Sik]
Feb 22-May 6: Filming of A Million
Feb 19: 오이시맨 - Oishii Man [Kim Hyun-suk]
- Feb 23: Oishii Man OST:
-- Frozen Mountain [x]
-- Neanderthal Man II [x]
-- Disappears Like That
-- A Match for You [x]
2008 <MEN> <Wellmade Star M>
Dec 31: FreeTEMPO Power of Love Tour- Miller FRESH countdown 2009 [x]
Dec 24: 로맨틱 아일랜드 - Romantic Island [Lee Jung-hwan]
Dec 10: Lee Min-ki feat. Weekenders: We Can't Forget the Reason [x]
Nov 15: Performed a rendition of My Way for the Mnet KM Music Festival(MKMF) opening act [x] [y]
Nov 14: FreeTEMPO feat. Lee Min-ki: Power of Love Part 2 [x]
Nov 28: Japan Fanmeeting [Japan]
Sep 26: FreeTEMPO feat. Sheean and Lee Min-ki: Power of Love MV appearance [x]
Come to Play ep. 224
Aug 22: The One(더원): My Girl MV appearance[x]
Aug 18-Dec 17: Filming of Tidal Wave
Mar 13: 허밍 - Humming [Oh Chun-jae]
LG Telecom OZ [x] [y]
2007 <MEN>
Dec 21: Fanmeeting "Hello, Minki" [Japan]
Oct 8-Nov 27: 얼렁뚱땅 흥신소 - Evasive Inquiry Agency [Park Mu-yeol] KBS2
Aug 27: The Name&Choi Jin-yi(Rumblefish): After Break-up MV appearance [x]
Heroine 6
Come to Play ep. 129
Sangsang Plus ep. 151
Feb 8: 바람 피기 좋은 날 - A Good Day to Have an Affair [College Student]
Jan 22: Ya Shim Man Man ep. 196
Jan 3-Mar 15: 달자의 봄 - Dalja's Spring [Kang Tae-bong, 27] KBS2
2006 <MEN>
Sep 7: 뚝방전설 - Three Fellas/Riverbank Legends/Bar Legend [High-school Student #7] (cameo)
~Jul 16: Filming for cameo in Riverbank Legends
Jul 12: Rainbow Romance OST: Before I Become Sad [x]
May 2: I Really Really Like You OST: Like Candy 2 [x]
Apr 8-Aug 6: 진짜 진짜 좋아해 - I Really, Really Like You/Love Truly [Nam Bong-ki, 28] MBC [x]
Feb 5: X-men ep.97 [x]
2005 <MEN>
Pizza Etang CF [x]
Oct 29-Nov 19: 태릉선수촌 - Taereung Athletic Village [Hong Min-ki, 26] MBC [x]
Oct 24-Nov 3 2006: 레인보우 로망스 - Rainbow Romance [Lee Min-ki] MBC
LG Telecom Phone & Fun CF [x]
Aug 6: 계룡산 부용이 - Booyong of Mt. Kyeryong [Hyeong-su] KBS Drama City [x]
Jul 24: X-men ep.69 [x]
Jun 19: X-men ep.64 [x]
Jun 5: X-men ep.62 [x]
Jun 1: SoulStar(소울스타): Only One For Me MV appearance [x]
Feb 14-Sep 30: 굳세어라 금순아 - Be Strong, Geum-soon! [Noh Tae-wan, 26] MBC
Jan 2: 오!사라 - Oh! Sarah [Kim Dong-kang] KBS Drama City [x]
Nina(니나) Hit'm MV appearance [x]
Come to Play ep. 69
X-men ep. 35-43
2004 <MEN>
Jun 13: 우리 햄 - My Older Brother [Kang Min-ki] KBS Drama City [x]
Nizoral CF [x]
SK Telecom
0 notes
nwemovie · 1 year
About The Golden Spoon TV Series
Lee Seungcheon is the only "dirt spoon” in his school. When he meets a mysterious old woman who tells him how to become rich, he swaps places with the son of the richest man in Korea, and becomes a “golden spoon” until the baggage of the riches come haunting.
Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? That’s the question hanging over this enticing K-drama, The Golden Spoon
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Our protagonist is Lee Seung Cheon, and when he gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his best friend – who happens to be rich – it’s a no-brainer… right? Well, life-altering decisions are always accompanied by a sense of doubt, and with only 3 chances to change his mind, Seung Cheon must decide which of his two possible futures is worth keeping. Time is of the essence!
Lee Seung-Cheon (Yook Sung-Jae) is a high school student. His family is poor and he hates living in a poor environment. One day, he happens to meet an old woman. The old woman tells him that "If you buy this gold spoon for $3 from me, you can change your parents. You'll eat 3 meals with this gold spoon with someone your age and at their house. That person's parents will then become your parents."
Lee Seung-Cheon buys the gold spoon from the old woman and eats 3 times at his friend Hwang Tae-Yong’s house. Hwang Tae-Yong’s father runs a large company. Soon, Lee Seung-Cheon’s life changes.
The Golden Spoon Cast
Yook Sung Jae as Main Role
Yoon Eun Kyung as Screenwriter
Lee Jong Won as Hwang Tae Yong
Yeonwoo as Oh Yeo Jin
Choi Won Young as Hwang Hyeon Do Tae Yong’s father
Son Yeo Eun as Seo Young Shin Tae Yong’s stepmother
Choi Dae Chul as Lee Cheol Seung Cheon’s father
The Golden Spoon Summary
Would you alternate your negative but loving family for a life of riches? When Seung Cheon receives his arms on a magical spoon that permits him to replace lives with his wealthy high-quality friend, he thinks it’s a no brainer. But lifestyles-changing choices are usually accompanied via a experience of doubt, and with simplest 3 possibilities to exchange his mind, Seung Cheon has to decide which of his viable futures is worth keeping.
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enterenews · 1 year
Joseon Marriage Ban' Park Joo-hyun finally revealed his identity!
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In the MBC Friday/Saturday drama 'Golden Marriage, Joseon Marriage Ban', which aired on January 20th, Sorang (Park Joo-hyun) confirmed his love for Lee Heon (Kim Young-dae) and wanted to be by his side.
With the help of Lee Shin-won (Kim Woo-seok), Lee Hun pursued the bossam boss to find out that Seo's wife (Park Seon-yeong) and Jo Seong-gyun (Yang Dong-geun) were behind it. He made Lee Heon even more angry by shouting, "Seven years ago, I was ordered to kill someone in the palace."
As the selection continued, the tricks of the fake Ye Hyeon-seon (Song Ji-woo) became even more heinous and heinous. So-rang (Park Joo-hyun) noticed that something was inside Hwa-yoon's (Jo Su-min) teacup and signaled her.
Thanks to this, Hwa-yun did not drink tea, but another girl drank tea and got red spots all over her body. The courtiers, including the Queen Mother, were surprised and said, "It's scarlet fever," but Hwa-yun said, "This isn't a disease, it's lacquer."
As Hwa-yun said, it turned out to be lacquer, but So-rang, who touched the tea water to inform the truth, was accused of the lacquer. Hwa-yun was nominated for the last two along with Ye Hyun-seon, but was taken aback when So-rang was accused of being a criminal.
Meanwhile, her maid (Hwang Jung-min) confirms that her husband and her brother are married and taking care of her son, so she returns to the palace. When she returned, she confirmed that she had given her a jade hairpin, and she confidently replied, "I've never seen such a jade hairpin!"
Her courtiers conspired against her to conceal the fact that she had received bribes from Mrs. Seo. However, she escaped the crisis thanks to the court lady who helped her a lot in the past, and asked her for the right words.
The day before the final exam, Hwa-yun was shocked by the news that "So-rang, a child from prison, disappeared without even knowing it!" In the end, Hwa-yun raised her hand the next day, saying, “There is no reason to be the mother of this country.”
The Great King Dae-dae finally decided on Gyu-su to become her middle-jeon and met Lee Heon on her way. The Great Queen Mother and Lee Heon opened the door to the people in front of the palace, saying, "Abolish the Golden Spirit!"
Lee Heon said, “There was a terrible bloodbath in the prolongation of the golden marriage! Every year there was a flesh change. I made it into a corpse so that no one can become a heavy war!” “Now, we are finally able to welcome the owner of Junggungjeon. It is thanks to you who endured the pain together,” said Heon Lee, conveying his heart to the people.
The Great Queen Daebi called the name of Ye Hyeon-seon as the final decision was made. The fake Ye Hyeon-seon was delighted and as she climbed up in front of the Great Queen Mother, she was surprised to find out who was going up the same way. It was a cow.
Viewers were curious about what the final episode would be like. "I've been waiting for this scene!", "It's pretty to wear formal clothes", "I like it because the main characters go straight".
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