#ygo kaiju
cyberslasharpie · 1 year
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⚡️ ⛈️ Let's go! I summon the Lightningstrike Kaiju, Thunder King! ⛈️ ⚡️
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radicalgator · 7 months
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I just realized hey, i never posted this one! so a few months back i joined the yugioh dragon zine! it was my first time doin a zine, there were a lotta cool artists that joined and im happy to have been involved. They also recently shipped out the physical print stuff, so i hope if any yall got one that you enjoy it!
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Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-King
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sahxyelart · 1 year
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woe, kaiju be upon you
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flareshipping · 1 year
hi @kaibacorpintern I am pretty late but I saw your post about wanting to hear fav parts of some beast and...uh, it is my time to shine. I'm putting a cut here because I rambled, which is why it's not going in your inbox directly. You are under no obligation to respond to this, but I hope it helps.
So I have recommended some beast to anyone vaguely familiar with ygo who would listen. This fic made me realize I love fusion AUs. This fic made me re-fall in love with PacRim. It was my intro to flareship as a concept and tbfh nothing really compares. Obviously the sparring slaps, the drift attempts that go wrong and wrong and then SO RIGHT are *chef's kiss*, the fraught snarl of a dynamic between the Kaiba brothers is superb as always with your stuff, but...I actually think about a much smaller moment on a weirdly regular basis?
It's the "I love that for you," that Yugi comments while he kicks Seto off Hyrule Castle in Smash, when Seto tells him about the dream of turning Kaibacorp into a gaming company. There's so much, like, casual intimacy in this tiny moment, and it's tangible, and the reader can feel the way it's a piece of hope Seto feels for his future, AND it's funny because Yugi is still the king of games cheerfully kicking Seto's ass, AND it feels like two actual young adults hanging out. When I think about the way I want my own fan writing to feel, the aim of synthesis between "these people are characters and this is an homage to canon" and "these people are people in ways the canon can't expand upon, but I can" ...I think of this.
and that's not even getting into the sheer scale of the plot (ye gods, balancing the Kaiju-related logistics with the emotional stakes plus the ygo metaplot, how do you do it?), or how well you handle the giant cast. I love the sheer what-the-fuckery that is Ryou on the periphery! I love Pegasus being Pegasus! I love the care you give Isis! I legitimately could go on for days and I haven't even mentioned the Pride section of the triangle, which is arguably your specialty? I'm going to leave that to someone else, and just close with how I'm so excited to re-read in advance of the new stuff. :)
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do you have a list of your aus anywhere?
actually I do not so I'll make one here!
Yu-2 (Clone AU) Red Beetle (Miraculous AU) Lost Island (Savageland AU) Kaiyugi (Kaiju AU) Giant Snake AU Oricalcos Yugi (Where he's spilt into a whole other person via the seal) Leviathan Rising (Waking the Dragons AU) Glitch Yugi (Ai AU) Wicked God AU (Form YGO R) Seaslug anthro AU YuBee (Bee AU) Switched (Switched life with Kaiba AU) Final Villain AU (Villain of the last arc) Zorgi (Zork pocessed AU) Amphibia and Owl house AU's
That's all I got for now I may have missed one or two maybe also some aren't the official names for the AU's but meh. Go nuts!
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ecreip · 1 year
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This account is slowly becoming my place for dumping YGO thoughts so here I gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Spent some time messing around with my Pendulum Magician list (I have two, one with and without Z-Arc, with this being the latter) and here is where I'm at right now.
Replaced the 2x Lava Golem I had before with Radian since I don't think the extra monster I get rid of is worth losing my Normal Summon because I really want it in this deck with the majority of hands. Radian specifically is the choice since A) it's one of the two Level 7 Kaijus, so I can theoretically Pendulum Summon it if necessary (my highest scale is 8) and use it as material for Absolute, Savage, or a Link and B) it's a DARK so it plays under Gozen if I do need to summon it (the other Level 7 Kaiju is a WIND, for reference).
3x Allure since I have come to the conclusion that Wavering Eyes is mission critical and hands that don't find it feel too low power. Before now I lived with not opening it (I had a 1x Pendulum Call to search off Duelist Alliance for situations like that) but I wanna try digging a little deeper. This is also another purpose for Radian: it's the primo banish off of Allure on Turn 1. Including Radian, there are twenty DARKs in the deck, so Allure ever being dead is super unlikely.
Besides being scales, every individual Magician either serves as part of starting a combo (Wisdom-Eye, Double Iris), extending it (Harmonizing, Oafdragon), or as a search target that serves a very specific purpose (Timegazer so Chronograph can function, White Wing as a Tuner for Harm to search and an extra low scale, Dragonpit as a Level 7 for Harm to search plus MST in the scale if I'm really down bad, and Celestial can potentially lock out the opponent's monster effects if I have a Synchro and is an End Phase search). The fortieth card in the deck is absolutely Purple Poison and I'm considering swapping for an Upstart, but having another name for Harm and an extra low scale is good, plus the effects sometimes come up.
Astrograph and Chronograph are self-explanatory. Joker is obviously a starter and negate bait. Tuning, while certainly functional in the opening hand as a free special, is the main send to GY off Timestar. It fills gaps more than any card in the deck as either a way to convert a Level 7 into a Synchro or just as Link material.
Extra Deck is mostly solid, might want a second Beyond the Pendulum for Kashtira. Enlightenment Paladin is pure favoritism on my part but retrieving a Wavering Eyes mid-combo goes hard, among other things. Bagooska is honestly a flex spot, as is Abyss Dweller depending on the format.
Side Deck could change, just threw in Thrust, some targets, and Nibiru for now. Will probably refine it later. I lose super badly to Droll but there's not much for it beyond opening Called By, unfortunately. The big thing about this deck is that there's no true one card starter. Joker is the closest thing but every single other card requires something else to function. The goal is to make it where that critical mass is as consistent and resilient as possible.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Bonus round:
Kanji used for Sea Beast Type in Fiend Kraken’s Bandai card is Kaiju (literally Ocean Beast), which is currently only used in Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, as two separate Kanji.
Kanji used for Immortals from Duelist of the Roses is Kyushin, which literally means Old God, but in this context it means Elder God. It used for Elder Entity archetype, and Seal of the Ancients. (Elder Gods are actually the benevolent ones in Lovecraft’s mythology, based off existing mythologies’ gods.)
Previous new Katakana spelled types, Psychic, and Cyberse, have the same pattern of having the “sai” sound, and five Katakana characters. This also holds true for Rush Duels’ Cyborgs. Currently the only common Katakana word in YGO with that pattern is either Cipher (Pronounced Sypher, Kaito’s ARC-V archetype), or Cyclone (Mystical Space Typhoon’s Japanese name, used for its variants.) There is no true elemental Type for WIND (Thunder is currently used for it, but it is generally an elemental for LIGHT), this might be a thing, or they might just introduce Cyborgs to OCG.
There are no Katakana words that can work with Galaxy-Type’s naming pattern in the Katakana spelling. “Ga” part in Galaxy is actually spelled “Gya” in Japanese.
For other possible Kanji with “Gen” in it, it seems Illusionist has now milked all the possible Type iterations of it. For “Ryu” Kanji, there is still potential, such as Kuuryu (Sky Dragon), Karyu (Flame Dragon), Yokuryu (Winged Dragon, Pterosaur) etc. But Shinryu is already used for Divine Dragon Series, so I don’t think that will be a thing.
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fyeahygocardart · 4 years
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Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-King
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bpdkaiba · 3 years
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More listings! This time, some acrylic stands. eBay is being dumb so I had to list all of them differently, so apologizes for that.
Come get them asap please and thank!
Mai Valentine
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Harpie Ladies
Red Eyes Black Dragon
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jacscorner · 3 years
E-Hero Post
Look, I just...I'm in a mad Yu-Gi-Oh mood and I just wanna talk about the Elemental HEROes. They're probably one of my favorite archetypes.
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Not because of their playstyle, though they are fun to play. No, I mean purely cause of their designs. Back in the day, having basically a group of Superheroes as a deck seemed like a crazy dream, but then the GX Anime came around and I feel in love with these guys. I especially the classic heroes.
The sad reality was that for a long time-at least, it sure felt long-HEROes would just be a fun pet deck. But then they got more generic fusions and things took off from there.
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And I do mean off; I don't think HEROes have ever NOT been meta since Absolute Zero was released; the card game equivalent to a ticking time bomb.
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And arguably, it's only gotten "worse" ever since the 'Mask Change' cards have come to exist and gave us Masked Heroes Acid (and Dark Law), effectively giving us a full field nuke.
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Back to the "Art of the Cards", I just love how wild these cards can look. I'm sure plenty of people have said this, but holy heck, where's my E-Hero Anime?! You could totally have a show about these guys being superheroes in "Skyscraper" as a backdrop. Maybe even use other cards for the villains and monsters they fight!
Could you imagine that?!
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The Evil Kozaky unleashing Cyber Dragons into the city, and the one to save the day is Elemental Hero Tempest, in an epic clash as the doctor blows up his own lab and escapes! Heck, if you don't wanna include the fusions, or keep the fusions in a limited role similar to the fusions in Dragon Ball/Steven Universe, then have Avion, Bubbleman, and Sparkman struggle to contain the dragons before combining!
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Dogoran is wrecking the city and Avion, Burstinatrix, Clayman, and Bubbleman just can't stop him! But then, boom! Electrum appears on the scene!
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A creepy cult is trying to resurrect Zera the Mant! Let's have Shadow Mist crawl through allies and act like a detective!
I just...love these cards so damn much. I just wanna play a game of Mutants & Masterminds where everyone agrees to play an Elemental HERO. XD A task that, realistically, ain't gonna happen, lol, but would be fun.
Wait, I didn't even talk about Ne-
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cyjon · 4 years
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Red Eyes Black Alatreon Yu-Gi-Oh! x Monster Hunter
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dare-g · 2 years
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Toys I grabbed at the big toy show today
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chromsai · 5 years
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big lizard
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yugioh-puns · 5 years
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“Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju”s name is a portmanteau of kumo (Japanese for “spider”) and humongous (referencing its size as a kaiju). 
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YGO AU Leviathan Rising
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Yugi battles Levi in a massive monster battle.
Chapter 10 Kaiju Meets World
Yugi was surprised to see the great beast who once was merely a bug to him now match him in size, but he wasn't about to let Levi win this battle. Yugi pounced towards Levi only for the beast to dodge under him, Levi garbed his torso throw him towards group of skyscrapers crashing into them. Yugi levelled the buildings in an instant and was left sitting in the rubble. He only just managed to get his bearings when Leviathan leap into him, the massive monsters rolled around the city destroying more buildings under them as they did.
Yugi managed to kick Levi off and got back on his feet, this was all starting to seem familiar to Yugi. Levi was also back on his feet his tail swinging back and forth ramming into any lose structures that survived their initial attack. Yugi growled readying his claws for an attack from Leviathan.
Now he remembered! This was like one of his favourite video games “Monster Mega Battle” a game where you took control of a monster and battled an opponent in a city styled battle arena. A fairly basic concept but a fun one no less; Yugi remembered playing this with Joey only for Joey to continuously lose, against him as he normally did. Yugi did battle the computer sometimes, but it never posed much of a challenge to him. He'd always hoped he could pitch an idea like this to Pegasus or Kaiba since a Duel Monsters version of the game would be fun, but he was a bit too shy to ever bring it up not to mention both CEOs were busy men.
But now he had a chance to test out this idea...and blow off some steam while he was at it. With that in mind Yugi was ready to fight again. Launching himself into the air and fell towards Levi, he put his hands together and brought them down on Levi with a hammer fist to his head. Levi wasn't expecting it to hurt that much, while he was seeing stars form the attack Yugi grabbed his tail and started to swing Levi around.  Ramming the great beast into a few buildings for good measure He then tossed him into the air and right into the sea.
Levi went down with a splash that caused a massive title wave to hit the city, many more buildings came down and were swept away by the wave. Panting Yugi was surprised at how strong he'd gotten; he'd only really dreamed about doing power moves like these. His attention went back to where Levi had landed in the water, he was a bit concerned when Levi didn't resurface. That worry soon vanished when he felt the earth rumble and sea started to bubble. Rising form the ocean Levi seemed to be getting bigger?
Yugi’s dragon like eyes widened as he watched Leviathan's head peek out of the water followed his body it was growing at an alarming rate but why? Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.
“Oh no... elemental advantage...” Yugi said as he watched Leviathan lower torso tower over the city landscape, his glowing gold eyes staring right at him. Yugi made a run for it as Levi stepped towards the shoreline causing massive waves to spill into the land washing away almost all the cities. Yugi took to the air just before the waves caught up to him, soaring high in the sky Yugi could get a better look at Levi's newly sized body, he couldn't believe how enormous Leviathan was! He could eat a battleship or 10 at this size. To Levi Yugi was a large as a bug and he intended to squish him like one.
But Yugi wasn't about to let that stop him; Yugi flew around Levi's head, the beast snorted and tried to slap him away, but Yugi was too quick for him, a great advantage when you where small and nimble. He stopped just in front of Levi's face and blew a raspberry, Levi growled and was ready to slap his hand into Yugi only for him to zip away just as the hand collided with Levi's face.
“I can't believe he fell for that!” Yugi chortled.
“ARGH!!!” Levi held his noise as Yugi came down again at top speed and punched Leviathan's cheek, the force was powerful enough to send the god stumbling before falling back into the water.
“Bigger they are the harder they fall Levi!” Yugi shouted with his arms crossed watching as Leviathan sit up growling, but a grin was on his face. Opening his mouth, he let out a powerful energy blast that Yugi took the full hit form. Yugi fell back into the earth with a thud! He forgot most monsters could use energy blast styled attacks form their month.
Yugi struggled to pull himself up, the blast was bad, but the fall really did a number on him, Levi was chuckling as he stood back up again even bigger then before and made his way towards the land. Yugi could hear the enormous thuds of each of Levi's foot falls even under water, even more so as he hit land.
“Not bad Yugi, you're pretty good at this...But you're no match for me little one~”
Levi stomped towards Yugi, the clouds that only reached his ankles parted and whatever was left of the city was just crushed by one of Levi's loose steps. The landmass was barely keeping itself together as fishers started open up below the God's feet. Yugi looked up weakly at the towering figure that made him look like a bug in comparison. Levi reached down and picked Yugi up by his tail lifting him high into the sky just beyond the cloud level.
“Aww you're so cute when you're pathetic and weak...” Levi teased as he brought Yugi over to his monolithic golden eye. “How will you fight me now? The earth is 76% water you know...and since it is one of my elements, I can just get bigger by touching it. While you don't have a lot of land left. Now what will do you?”
Yugi struggled against Levi's hold on him, he was right Yugi couldn't fight Leviathan with such an advantage on his side what could he do now? This was a game in his mind, right? How could he turn it around?
That's when it hit Yugi quite literally; a ball of power floated down and hit him in the head, Yugi grabbed it quickly as he saw the symbol of the ball change to the attribute “Dark”. He smiled and looked at Levi now.
“I'm about to level the playing field Leviathan! Element Booster: MAX PLUS!!” Yugi yelled gripping the ball with all his might. Once it smashed open the power inside entered him quickly, all the jewels on his body started to glow all at once. Levi let Yugi go and started to stand back as Yugi stopped mid air and floated.
“Destroy Giga Rays!” Yugi yelled out as all his gems now let out rays of red light that flashed everywhere. Anything that they hit exploded on impact and Levi too felt himself get hit by the rays, he let out a scream as the blinding red lights enveloped everything around them.
Once the light was gone Levi was back again standing alone in the dust and waste of the land under his feet. He grinned and looked around seeing nothing not even Yugi was left behind.
“Sorry Yugi but your “end it all” blast wasn't enough to take out a god! I guess you-” Levi stopped as he felt a great long shadow appear behind him, the world was now overshadowed by a oh so familiar orchid eye. Yugi smiled as his eye which was much larger than the planet Levi stood on stared down at now the bug sized God.
“My giga rays did wipe the field and I destroyed myself but that wasn't my whole plan! The Elemental Booster gave me enough power to max out my level and get me to your level aka 'god tier'. Then all I had to do was banish my old self to come back in my new form! Meet Gandora-X!”
His form had changed to look like a upgraded form of Gandora no doubt with all new destructive powers. Yugi carefully placed his claw tips around the tiny world and brought it closer to his face, he chuckled looking down at Levi.
“So... if I eat you, I win right?” Yugi opened his mouth mockingly dangling the tiny planet over it. His sharp larger than anything earthbound fangs glistened as the hot breath escaped the long and dark cavern of his mouth. He then shut it quickly.
“Joking!” Yugi chuckled again.
Levi looked up proudly with a smug look and crossed his arms. “Well played, Partner. This round is yours.”
Levi vanished from the face of the tiny earth and reappeared beside Yugi just as large as him once again. Yugi jumped a bit but it was hard to tell since they where floating in space. Leviathan plucked the earth form Yugi's claws and before Yugi could speak, he felt Levi shove it into his mouth. He accidentally chewed it only to realize it was made of cake. Was this a cake pop?
Yugi chewed the treat and swallowed “That was...unexpected. Wait...are the other planets cake too?” Yugi asked excitedly.
“If you want them to be yes!” Levi answered delighted as he watched Yugi float over to the next planet Mars and pop it into his mouth, it tasted cherry like. Levi grabbed Mercury and did the same, it had a blueberry taste. Both looked at each other with glee before godly kaiju duo were grabbing up different plants, moons, and even asteroids and eating them like free candy.
To Be Continued...  
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