#yeah yeah the 60s blah blah blah
per1w1nkl3 · 2 months
turnabout intruder is a good episode. (i am purposefully ignoring the whole 'women cant be captain' thing because wtf) but you know what would make it even better? if it were more gay.
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13eyond13 · 6 months
#so far in my sporadic picking away at various manga series i feel i have the weirdest reader relationships with JJBA and Attack on Titan#when reading JJBA i am not really that invested in the characters or even whats happening to them and yet i still never decide to dnf it#and i dont even know what it is that keeps me reading except that its just very unique i suppose?#such an odd combo of different things that somehow manages to eventually have its own sorta cohesive logic and charm#also the art is just fun. its ornate and goofy and macho and flamboyant and gross#but as soon as i put it down i stop thinking about it too#and dont feel like picking it up again for at least several more days#with attack on titan i found the art style mostly really bad at first ngl#it reminded me of awkward drawings a high schooler would make like the inconsistentness#of like there are good action poses here but the people also look weird ugly bland and stiff and the backgrounds are often so empty#idk i was feeling pretty blah about it but something about how starkly straight-forward the story is was interesting to me#where its literally exactly what you heard its just#theres a bunch of humanoid giants attacking our city#and we have to stop them. that's it#and also the awkwardness of the art style i find works extremely well when it comes to the titans#like they are genuinely creepy to me. and they do actually feel massive the way theyre drawn. and the mystery around them interests me too#anyways im like 60% through part 1 of jojo(also read most of part 4 a few years ago) and only on vol 3 of AoT#but yeah those are the 2 series i have the most mixed feelings about so far#wouldnt say i love or hate either of them but still also continue to want to find out more#13readsmanga#p
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apathyfairy · 2 years
#it’s coming up on 3 years ago to the hour that i hd the worst day of my life when i had to rush my dog to the emergency vet at 2am and then#of course tragic and he died so that’s great and look it’s 3 years later and i’m not over it and tbh i don’t think i ever will be so todays#always a fun day.#people lie when they say that enough time goes by and you just move on or learn to live with pain or whatever and it’s like yeah#you do learn to live with it but it doesn’t get easier you just get used to the pain like. it just becomes part of you and someone you can’t#seperate yourself from anymore like you’re just one in the same with your misery and tragedy and blah blah fucking blah i wish i had died#that night instead#he was the first person animal anything i ever lost and then of course 11 months later my other dog died bc she was 17 and old but i was#miserable all over again obviously. so in 19 months both my dogs died then my grandpa died a v close family friend died my great aunt died#then i found out my ex died then my bird died and it’s just like. how do u go from never losing anyone to losing so much all at once#i know i just sound like a fucking baby but it really just like ended me. all of it and i just can’t like go back to how i was before any of#it. especially my dog the one who died tonight i just can’t because it was so sudden and so just 0 to 60 and i was alone and it was night#time and dark and i didn’t even have a car so my mom had to come pick us up and it wss just my worst fucking nightmare and i know it’s my#fucking fault and there’s nothing i could do then and nothing i can do now obviously and i just want to fucking kill myself#and 3 days ago i dreamt of him and every time i dream about him i’m always like ih my god! you’re alive!! and i think it was all just a bad#dream that he died then i wake up and i remember and it’s like yeah ok. i can’t keep being alive anymore
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aerithisms · 1 year
started reading never let me go on the train today and i keep finding myself thinking about it. love it when books get in my head
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I have seen a HC thingy before of Oliver trying to kill himself via ink poisoning so yeah. He is not doing well 💔 also I'm sorry for just fucking leaving in the middle of the Ollie hcs I was sleeby- Hio is basically my Ollie version's only family member thing, Ruby is Hio's friend, Ann and Al are just a couple that happens to know them and they show up sometimes (basically your adoptive (?) Grandparents showing up to give you stuff and dote on you) -🌟
save british boy 😔✌️
aw slayy tho... ruby the bestie... and ann & al the double income no kids couple that unleash the giftening on xmas (SORRY that meme is so funny to me)
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murderofcrow · 1 year
Thought I'd share with everyone, who doesn't speak German. In yesterday's livestream with ESC Kompakt, LOTL shared some thoughts about the voting system and the impact of juries in Eurovision. I think they speak for a lot of us here, bc these are issues we point out every year.
Chris: "Generally I have an opinion about the ESC, specific things and the voting system. I don't say this because I'm searching for excuses or I want to say "yeah, but we were actually in sixteenth place in the televoting and blah blah blah". I'm not trying to sugarcoat the result but generally I think if I were responsible for the ESC and could make changes, I'd firstly get rid of the big 5. We realised it backstage at the semi finals, everyone was so happy, they fought hard, they did it and you walk along and... nobody gives you dirty looks but everyone is congratulating eachother and you're just there and feel bad because you're automatically in the final. That's the first thing.
Secondly that only the first ten get points. When 26 countries are competing, it would be nice if we could implement a system where everyone gets points. Maybe weighted differently but still get points. I think that would be nice.
And finally, sorry if I'm getting ahead of myself, I don't want to start arguing but I'm a big fan of the people's choice! I think it doesn't matter how good and professional a member of the jury is, we're all human and we all have different preferences. And maybe there's someone (in the jury) from country xy, like a great schlager singer that won the ESC in the 60's confronted with a guy like Käärijä. Maybe she doesn't understand why an entry like this is a smart, artistic, great entry in today's ESC world, and says "What's this trash? He doesn't even sing." You know what I mean? Those are three things I'd change."
Pi: "You have... how many was it? 136 from all countries? And you have millions of audience votes and the fact that this is weighted 50/50. A small handful of people have the same impact as millions of people, in direct comparison, they actually have more impact. I think it's always problematic when a small group of people have the most power. For example, without trashing the rich, but the billionaires of the world, as few as they are, have more influence than regular people. And that's... I think that's questionable."
Despite the criticism I really like how positive they are and say that they'd participate again anytime, just because of how much they enjoyed the general experience.
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the-cannibal · 1 year
hi!! vincent sinclair, brahms heelshire, and jason voorhees head canons with a gender neutral s/o who likes to wear corsets please? :)
Ooh interesting! I’ve never worn a corset before but they always look so cool!
Vincent Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire, and Jason Vorhees head canons for a s/o that likes to wear corsets
Gender neutral reader - they/them and you is used
Vincent Sinclair
He loves to help you pick out which corset you wear! He’s practically a pro at matching them with any outfit you have, and he’s very proud of it.
He most definitely would make so much art of you in your corsets. Wax figures, drawings, paintings, everything! One day he found an old Polaroid camera from a victims car and that started him getting into photography! He only ever takes pictures of you, and maybe Jonesy. He likes to hang up the art of you all around the house, but he keeps more… personal ones at his desk ;)
If you needed help lacing and/or tightening your corset he is happy to help!
He would love to rest his hands on your waist as you did whatever you were doing (like cooking for example)
Corsets can be kind of pricy depending on which one you want, so he totally would take any money from victims to help you save up for new corsets. This can kind of irritate Bo… “Goddammit, Vincent! I need that cash to buy some parts!” ‘But they saw a corset they really liked the other day. I’m gonna surprise them with it!’
Overall Vincent is very supportive of you wearing corsets and absolutely loves it!
Brahms Heelshire
He finds you very elegant! I think his mom probably has some stashed away in a closet from when she was younger, and if you’d like to wear them he would gladly let you!
This man is a pro at lacing and tightening corsets. Like he can do it in 60 seconds. How? You have no idea, but please call him a good boy and give him lots of praises afterwards.
He would also make sure you aren’t tightening them too tight. “It’s very important that you feel comfortable while wearing them, Y/n. They aren’t supposed to cause back pain.” “I know, Brahms. I’ve been wearing them for a while now, but thank you.” “…Kiss?” Please kiss him.
Brahms would love to put his hands around your waist as you sit in front of him and play the piano with him.
Your making him his sandwich? Hands around your waist. Your reading him his bedtime story? He is in your side hugging your waist. You are literally just standing still in the middle of a room. Guess what! He’s hugging your waist!
This man also somehow knows how to make corsets. You have no idea who taught him or where he learned it but hey you aren’t complaining!
So Brahms adores your corsets!
Jason Vorhees
This man some how saw that one picture where it’s saying wearing corsets will crush your organs and ribs and blah blah blah… yeah he freaked out.
So for a while you had Jason rapidly signing at you to please throw all of your corsets away.
And when you refused you just all of a sudden felt someone loosening your corset… and you turned around to see big Jason trying to untie it and take it off from you.
Alright time to sit down with the big hunk and explain to him that wearing corsets are totally fine. He’s still very concerned, it’s going to take some time to warming up to them.
But once he does, gosh he notices just how nice his partner looks in them. And oh my gosh they have different colored ones?! AND IN HIS FAVORITE COLOR?!
He makes sure you aren’t tying them too tight, and also that you aren’t wearing them for too long. And he won’t let you sleep in them.
He won’t say, but he would really like to pick them out with you. So the day you come up to him and ask for his opinion he is so supportive and signing off all the things that he likes about them! ‘I really love the blue, it compliments your eyes and hair very nicely! Oh but I also love the red one on you too, red is most definitely your color!’ “Jay it’s been twenty minutes.” ‘And I wanna make sure I make the right choice! Now hold the blue one up again please…’
So yeah he was a bit concerned at first but he warmed up to them and became very supportive!
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My family started acting weird about Quorn because they found out its processed. I don't know why that shocks them, they had me eat quorn meatballs all the time in the past because they said we couldn't have regular meat for health reasons.
So I said "yeah, its not like you can get a meatball plant, is it?" And they all stared at me like I'd grown a second head. They were like "what do you mean?" To which I remind them most our food is processed, most food has to go through some kind of process to be in its marketable state, like Quorn. And they say "well processed foods are bad" not inherently, the wafer thin ham that is clearly just pink rubber, yeah that's bad for you but not because its processed, its because of the shit used in the process, they overdo salts and blah blah blah. Anything that gets sprayed with pesticide, sure, that's not freat if there's still traces on the food. And then one said "my friend said spinach has to be organic because they cover it in stuff." They googled and they found pesticide and nitrogen, focusing on the nitrogen. Over 60% of our atmosphere is fucking nitrogen, its a harmless preservative, are you that fucking dense?
They said "oh well at that point you can say anything is processed. The peas in the kitchen are processed." Fucking of course they are, they're in a tin, in brine, with preservatives and will stay fine in there for years to come. Peas don't fucking do that in the wild.
I've never been upset at my family being stupid but this was something else. All I said was that processed food isn't inherently unhealthy and they thought I was throwing a fucking strop over it. Like, of course I'm angry, you bought into the 'only shop organic' marketing, that's what they want you to do you stupid fuck.
Like, I know when food is bad for me, I know what I'm eating, do yous just check to see whether or not it says processed or organic? You know that doesn't change what the food item itself is, right?
"Ooh I won't eat that stick of butter because it's processed. This one says organic so its safe to eat 50."
What is wrong with you?
Also they made some joke about how for my sake they'll only buy organic from now on, because of how all our food is processed, after I just said I don't care if food is processed. How does that joke make any fucking sense? Do you understand the words that you're saying.
The bit that made me lose it, aside from them falling into a marketing trap, is the bit where they said, backtracking a lot, "well there are different levels of processed" then say that? Do you want to express important parts of what you're saying, then? What are the different levels? Is 1 one process level good and 10 bad? What does that mean? Just agree, I know you're wanting to at this point, I said its about what's in the food, you said its about the level of process, the impication there being that its about how much extra shit goes in. You clearly agree with me and are being a bitch for no fucking reason.
I'm genuinely fucking angry, you googled something, it gave you no evidence or nothing then acted smug for a bit, under what reason????
I'm so gucking lost.
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valenshawke · 3 months
Law & Order, Season 23, episode 5: "Last Dance"
Blah, blah, blah, rich tech mogul commits murder to cover-up that he's a sexual predator. Variation on a tried-and-true story that the show has used since time immemorial.
But they had to make it more complicated to write Jack McCoy off the show.
@albatrossisland and @monidon, this one's for you.
In Seasons 18 and 19, you had Governor Donald Shalvoy and he was very clearly a fictionalized version of former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer. I guess they didn't want to anger the current NYC Mayor, Eric Adams, by having a fictionalized version of him being corrupt. But in the era of #MeToo where formerly untouchable powerful men (for decades) got away with all sorts of sexually predatory actions, it strains credulity that someone would not simply cut their losses and distance himself from the suspect. But you need an antagonist, right?
I'm often not a fan of the criticism that something is contrived. A story is a story and the actions a character takes are written to lead to a certain point. Everything is contrived in fiction. It's how well you do it.
Since the show came back, the writers show they simply cannot do it well. Everything has gotta be a twist, curve-ball, or an absurd social commentary (and I'm saying that about a show that did social commentary since episode ONE). If anyone is wondering where my gripe is on that last one, it goes back to my bone to pick with Nolan "Spineless Coward" Price giving IMMUNITY to a SCHOOL SHOOTER so he could PROSECUTE THE FATHER for the shooting.
Now, do I believe (in certain cases) parents should be held responsible for the actions of their children in this case? Absolutely. The Ethan Crumbley case in Michigan is a perfect example! There NOT definite warnings signs: There were FUCKING FIVE-ALARM BELLS and red flags the size of football fields that something was seriously wrong with the kid and he needed help, not for his mother to buy him a fucking gun. Parents were charged without any immunity. I still hold that against the writers.
Rick Eid's run as show-runner has demonstrated a clear lack of knowledge of character history on the show (Jack in particular), a lack of even the loosest understanding of the law works in the show's universe, and a desperate need for actual lawyers as consultants or on the writing staff.
I'm also convinced that writers hate Hugh Dancy. The guy has acting chops, he was wonderful in HANNIBAL. But like… refer to my earlier description of Nolan Price.
Which brings us to Jack's sendoff and the overall story.
Mayor Payne? Yeah, that's certainly subtle.
I often think back to how Jack (and Mike Cutter) fought back against the GOVERNOR and they can't handle the freaking mayor? Writers, what the fuck?
I guess where the writers got something right was Jack believes in justice for the victim, regardless of who you are. And they gave Jack one last courtroom battle. And, on one hand, it is fitting. They wanted Jack to go out in a figurative blaze of glory. He was alone in the court, no second chair. I do wonder if he thought about all the second chairs he's had and how they helped him along the way (I am getting weirdly emotional writing this). And despite the fact he got burned, he managed to burn his enemies on the way out.
But this isn't the end I wanted.
Sometimes, a low-key ending is suitable for a character who worked (by my own calculation) 50-plus years in the DA's office (perhaps closer to 60 years). Who tried some significant cases, contributed to case-law that the show SHOULD HAVE REFERENCED, mentored each of his second chairs after Claire and Jamie. Mentored Mike Cutter.
Jack simply deciding just to retire and not run for re-election and spend the rest of his days fixing his relationship with his daughter, spend time with his grandson, write a book, maybe be a talking-head on legal shows (no, I can't see that), fine. But I wish they could have convinced Sam Waterston to finish out the season, maybe recording something so they show a goodbye party or SOMETHING to start next season, and then have the newly-elected DA introduced. That would have been more satisfying.
As for everything else about this episode. Couldn't the writers, I don't know, research and clarify their own damn show?
Ben Stone
Jack McCoy
Mike Cutter
All Executive Assistant District Attorneys. I know there was some debate on whether or not Nolan Price was actually an EADA. But now he's Deputy District Attorney? What? Writers, there are other EADAs in the DA's office. I realize that the writers have always played fast-and-loose on the hierarchy of the fictional DAs office. SVU had Chief Assistant District Attorney Charlie Philips who spoke of "assigning" a case to Jack McCoy, which I always took more as a administrative role versus a trial role, which put him above Jack in whatever hierarchy worked in the show.
But there were times it very much seemed like Jack WAS the next person in charge if the DA was unavailable until his own appointment.
And then you have the board shown in Season 21 where it seems they had dug it out of storage since it still hate Mike and Connie listed, with Mike being "Chief Assistant District Attorney" before they changed it to "Nolan Price" by the next episode.
I've always been frustrated with the sloppiness of the writing since the show came back and this just adds to the pile.
"It's been a hell of a ride."
It has. I started this show in September of 1998 and even in the periods I didn't watch it too much, there was some comfort that Jack was always there. And I delayed watching this because I just couldn't accept the end.
And now I have.
Memories of days gone by.
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 3 months
regarding my previous post I'm trying to flesh out this odd crossover plot bunny a bit more, and I think it would be interesting if harry and Voldemort both got sent to hell and became residents of the hotel.
Harry because he does Not want to be in hell and also he has a Saving People Thing and wants to help others redeem themselves. Voldemort would probably just want to stay close to the most powerful souls he can, and ofc that means hanging around the place with the king and princess of hell, and a collection of rather powerful and influential sinners. now you may be asking, "Lucas why the fuck would Voldemort decide to hang out around people in power why wouldn't he just try to Become the people in power and kill some overlords?" and to that I say; Voldemort is a smart man. he is capable of learning and growing. I think he can realize that the past 60 years of his life since his first year in Hogwarts were just so full of mistakes it makes him cringe. he will take this weird after-life in hell and make better choices!! not morally better choices, but definitely strategically better ones. also I think it would piss him off so much that as a sinner he can't leave the pride ring, he is Not used to that kind of limitation and he hates it.
I think Harry and Voldemort would show up at the hotel and immediately realize who the fuck is there and it would not be pretty. Voldemort would probably have a harder time with self control now because that his soul is back together because it would be really unstable and also personality disorders don't just Leave when you die. like that's not a soul thing that's a mind thing. Anyways he would still want to reach his goals and learn more about hell, get closer with the people in power, etc., so he'd make an Attempt of not fighting harry but it would fail. I think Harry and Voldemort would instantly get into a fight because Harry just got to hell and he's pissed that after All That he is in the same place as the man he was born to go to war against. However, I think they'd get interrupted by charlie and vaggie pretty quickly and would remember that they're not here to fight each other. So they both check into the hotel, get to know everyone a bit, and Voldemort would soon realize "oh wait this kid does not want to kill me and he's actually pretty powerful and gets along really well with the princess, it would make more sense to be civil around him." So yeah, Voldemort becomes noticeably less antagonistic toward Harry, is a bit less reactive, and generally pisses harry the fuck off with this sudden personality change and Harry would make up for it by being More antagonistic and reactive and etc..
and of course you all expect the obligatory angel comment "lol when r u guys gonna get it over with and fuck" but did you expect that to be a Plot Point? No? That's because I didn't either but it makes so much sense. Angel makes One (1) Angel comment abt them fucking and Harry's mind shatters. He is broken from the inside out. He never registered that as an option. He never had the realization that he had a crush on Tom Riddle and he never made the realization that yeah, odd internal monologues about how scary and weirdly elegant and graceful and beautiful your enemy is Might mean that you have a bit of a crush even on the non-conventionally attractive physical form he has. That one comment would make him completely short-circuit and he would have an epiphany so great and devastating that it makes him freeze for a concerning amount of time before leaving to Immediately imagine fucking Voldemort. He wouldn't be seen for days and he wouldn't jack off a single time but he would be in a near-constant state of cold showers, denial, shame, and then acceptance. Harry and Voldemort would probably fuck pretty soon afterwards and blah blah blah. you get it.
I feel like the radioapple needs far less explanation, however I will probably need to think it through later as I have a deep-rooted Need to keep them as canon accurate as possible and not have alastor be ooc because I love his c. it's a very good c.
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i'm used at jm not getting lines in bts songs, i don't understand when people say he used to get the most, take idol and fire for example he has one line, which is sad, not just because he's singing less, but because since those are songs with cheography, he's only front when he sing that line, the whole song he's in the back! main dancer and lead singer is just a title, they don't give him what he deserves!
Hi anon,
The parts he gets elevate the songs. It's like the song went into this other dimension once he started singing. Like in Idol:
Or in Take Two:
His voice has that edge, that texture. It's unique and stays in your head. You want to listen to more of it.
And yes, I agree with him not being at the front. Like in Run BTS song. Jimin, Jk, and Jhope should be at the front always.
There were parts where you could see Tae and Jin and the front. Yeah, no.
The 3 mentioned are the best dancers, with Jimin being no.1, so the other 4 don't belong at the front.
People may argue that the others are trying and they have improved blah blah but if they ever improve to Jimin level, then that's when they deserve to be at the front.
We saw it during the btb for the Busan concert. The 3 that stayed in the dance studio were Jm, Jk, and Jh. That right there tells you everything about the dancing and their practice shows onstage.
So yeah :( the labels don't mean anything at the end of the day. Which is why we got to push harder for him.
And also, his music and content is enjoyable. So it's a win win situation.
Thanks for sharing.
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dinosaursock · 9 days
I, a man, was working retail the day before Halloween last year so I wore black lipstick and painted little ghosts on my face and one of my regular customers came in, this weird and eccentric (but not in the good way) man probably in his 60s. My interaction with him was fine and normal and I was pleasantly surprised he didn’t even give me a questioning look.
A couple weeks later one of my favorite coworkers is like “I need to tell you something” and I was like oh no what’s wrong. So my friend calls me and says this customer came back the next day (yeah he was that much of a regular) and told him, and I summarize, “I don’t care if people are gay or whatever but Asher has to be careful cause I had a photographer friend who wore a dress once and it ruined his life” and blah blah blah.
I laughed so fucking hard on that FaceTime call.
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saintofblah · 3 months
i'm gonna make an intro post coz i feel like it
hi i'm sob (literally just the initials to saint of blah + that's what i do like 60% of the time) i'm 25 and i use any pronouns coz why not idc
i have a real name too but i am currently pleased with the thinnest veil of anonymity in case i decide to be a lil freak
i like a lot of things. but right now it's very much the locked tomb. (i also like yellowjackets because i guess i adore myself some cannibalism. but i am addicted to making a new account for every new series i like idk why)
i've so far only read gideon. but while i was reading it, i really wanted to talk about it. but i didn't have any friends that read it. (my friends are illiterate but so am i) so i guess that's why i made this side blog. so i could stand on my little soap box and yell my thoughts into the abyss. maybe something will answer back. that'd be nice. the abyss gets lonely.
i'm really bad at avoiding spoilers. so. yeah. also idk what even the saint of awe means coz i haven't even gotten that far yet.
last thing is. my reading live blogging will be tagged "sob reads". and my art tag will be "sob draws". you can ask me to draw whatever and i probably will. the quality i cannot promise. just don't send me spoilers pleaseee. check my reading tag to see how far i am coz i'll probably mention what chapter I'm on. thanksss.
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you’ve heard and know mine, now i need to hear and know yours.
what is your backstory for dally 🤨🤨🎤🎤🎤🎤
It’s a long one? Maybe? And I can’t take total credit, a lot of mine is based on @sophie-i-guess13 canon, she’s got some great ideas <3
But! Dally lived in New York with his dad. His mom left when he was young, which was like, a major blow because he was such a momma’s boy. But his mom and dad didn’t get along in typical toxic 60s marriage fashion and so she left- the St. Christopher medal he wears is the only thing ge has left of her :)
Dal’s an only child, but his dad sort of slept around when he was younger so there may be some half-siblings floating around New York that Dal doesn’t know about. But! He lived with dad, which wasn’t great because his dad was kind of living outside the law and Dally picked that up as he was growing up. Blah blah blah, in and out of jail when he was like 10, blah blah blah, multiple arrests, you know the story of him growing up on the wild side-
Here’s where it gets interesting.
When he was like 12, he ran away from New York. Maybe his dad hit him one too many times, maybe the wild boys he was hanging out with got caught up in that murder wrap and Dally bolted for the nearest train car to skip town. All that really matters here is that Dally left town without his father and his father did not travel with him to Tulsa. In Johnny and Pony fashion, little baby Dallas rode the trains from New York to Tulsa before hopping off and deciding to stay. He’s like twelve, he really can’t go much of anywhere else unless he gets back on the train
Sophie Canon has Dally getting hit by Buck’s car and that’s why the blond cowboy takes him in and lets him live at the bar. I love that idea so I’ve adopted into my canon as well, very many thanks to her for that wonderful thought <3
So yeah! That’s kind of an overview of my Dally Canon!
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femmesandhoney · 6 months
Europeans talk a lot of shit about america to deflect from their own bloody history of violent colonialism. Especially the brits like who the fuck's fault do you think america is??? Lmfao??? They wanna act like they're soooo advanced with culture and art and blah blah blah and the only reason they have such like...pristine landscapes/well-preserved history still present on the land is because they pillaged burned and destroyed everyone else's and used the blood money to enrich themselves. Europeans needs to have several seats and address their own structural inequalities/dirty secrets if they wanna act all high and mighty about Americans. I'm so tired of their obnoxious egos, false sense of self-importance, and self-aggrandizement they try to justify by pretending they don't have skeletons in their closets, too. They looove to call americans self-centered as if they can enter any conversation without immediately going "well i'm EUROPEAN [and you should be impressed by that] and how DARE you not research and study my country's culture and history (not the violent part and especially not what we did to africa asia and the american continents tho aha) before you made a random post on the internet when i don't even follow you. Americans are so full of themselves, they didn't even research everything about me specifically before talking to themselves on their own blog."
And TBH if Americans weren't right about british "food" (pey whet??? Lmfao????) brits wouldn't get so butthurt and defensive and immediately go "yeah well you don't have healthcare 😋" like damn 0-60 real fast, must have hit a nerve a little too close to home, huh? Go back to bootlicking for your monarchy and preaching to everyone about how it's fine to have one ackshually and shut the fuck up about how bitter and jealous you are that americans make tasty food. (Lbr here. No country has a monopoly on tasty food)
i love the UK and find it a very beautiful place, but same as anywhere, there's people who really hate americans for no discernable reasons and just want to see everything we do and say in the worst light even when we're obviously joking around. it's just like can yall lighten up please for once in your life lol. and yeah it's always odd when anyone not just brits try and attack americans for the trauma we go through at the hands of our government. like wow thanks you really showed me!🙄
and you're so right most all countries have delicious food and i do think i'm lucky as an american to have grown up where i did because i had access to a lot of other cultural cuisines just because of the larger city i lived in. i feel very sorry for people who don't get the same access and variety that most americans do, we get to try so much and it's wonderful lol
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zeltqz · 1 year
is it just me or is Mahito better looking than Nanami…Like idk im not a big fan of men who look like they’re pushing 60 but actually younger than Gojo, thats just me though 😭
Why is this literally my thought process I LOVE YOU
people slander mahuto like yeah okay he killed ur fave characters, boohoo he’s a villan that’s what he does. Im not telling you to be mahitos biggest fan but people act like he’s the ugliest character in the show when Nanamin is RIGHT THERE LIKE
That man’s looks is so bland and boring I cannot be attracted to him.
I’m boutta get cancelled for saying this but idgaf
Mahito is so much prettier than nanami, his design is awesome and I fucking love his voice actor so much.
Anyway here’s my fave photos of mahito 👌🏾🤌🏾
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He’s so beautiful I’m gonna cry
If he didn’t scare me as much as he did I would have definitely written smut about him by now
I don’t even hate nanami, I have no opinion on him aside from he’s ugly and boring personality wise. The reason I dislike nanami stans is because his stans get so upset when someone says they don’t like him, and act like other people are weird for not liking him. If I say mahito>nanami they’ll start calling me crazy blah blah,
Like okay he’s a gentleman whatever but idc I need someone with a mouth yk? If I call u a dumb bitch u better call me one back. That’s my love language🫶🏾
People created this narrative of nanami that he’s some alpha male dominated sex god when that’s not true like are we looking at the same man?? Canon nanami is a fucking virgin
They get so mad I don’t like this fanon version of nanami they created inside their mind like okay sorry I don’t look at him the same way u do💀 it’s all about criticising characters until it’s a character they love
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