#yeah I’m having fun w this inktober
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Next week of Inktober!!! I got crazy with the colors this week. There’s another one from yesterday but I wanna stay consistent with the 6 squares
Inktober prompts: Day 13 - 18
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skymaiden32 · 2 years
Clearing The Air
Thundertober/Inktober 2022 Day 6: Commander
After his return, Jeff has something he needs to talk about with his eldest.
Continuity: TAG
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou (Please ask if you would like to be alerted when I update or write new stories)
I know this is a day late, but here you go.
Prompt list
Jeff grinned as his sons and the rest of their mismatched family and friends celebrated Alan’s graduation together. It was clear from the jubilation on everyone’s faces that this had been a long time coming. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He’d missed so much; so many highlights of his children’s lives, and he had no idea how he could make it up to them, although he knew being here to see Alan’s transition from high school to the rest of his life was a good start.
But after the first step, you had to take another. And another. He knew he had a lot of catching up to do. And he knew just who to start with…
“Hey, Scott?” The patriarch managed to catch his eldest during routine maintenance on Thunderbird One the day after the party. Jeff had tried to pull him aside during the celebrations, but Scott had always been one step ahead of him. They’d always just missed each other. Honestly, Jeff wouldn’t have blamed his son if it had been on purpose.
Scott jumped at his father’s voice, almost dropping the tool he was using. He turned to face the older man. “Yeah? What do you need Dad?” Jeff knew that look. Scott was nervous about something, and the patriarch had a suspicion it had something to do with him. Jeff sighed inwardly. There was no turning back now.
“I wanted to talk to you about something…” At Scott’s questioning look, he continued. “Could you join me in the office when you’re finished?” Once upon a time, Jeff would’ve called it his office, but he knew that was no longer the case.
Scott shrugged. “I’m just about done, so I can come now if you want.”
“Yep. That’s fine.” The father and son duo walked out of Thunderbird One’s hanger toward the rest of the house. 
“Thanks for letting me borrow this, Brains.” Scott handed the multi-tool he’d been using back to International Rescue’s engineer, who was currently working on updating some of MAX’s code with the Mechanic.
“N-no problem, Scott.” Brains put the tool back in it’s rightful place. “W-we’re still testing the u-upgrades to the T-drive l-later, right?” He asked after noticing Jeff. The look on the Mechanic’s face told the patriarch that the other mechanical genius felt similarly uncertain.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Scott gave the engineers a thumbs up. “See you guys later.” The eldest Tracy brother turned away to continue walking alongside his father. 
The Mechanic’s voice followed the pair as they left the room. “Have fun!” 
The doors drifted shut, and Scott huffed in amusement at their newest member’s antics. Jeff gave him a look. “I thought you didn’t like the Mechanic?”
Scott gave his father the first genuine smile since he’d been brought back. “At first. How else are you supposed to react to someone who almost killed your family multiple times?” His face adopted a more serious expression. “I’ve since realised that animosity wasn’t going to lead anywhere worthwhile. He was under the Hood’s control, and he’s changed since then. I don’t think I’d view him as an ally if he didn’t help us find you…” Jeff nodded in understanding as they walked in silence for a few more minutes. They finally made it to the office, closing the door behind them.
It was now or never. “Scott…” Jeff inhaled. “I’m so sorry…”
Scott looked at his father incredulously. “What for?”
“You know exactly what…” The look on his son’s face told Jeff he did know what the patriarch was apologising for, but Jeff said it anyway. “For everything. For disappearing, for leaving you boys to deal with it, for leaving you with a business, rescue organisation and family to run. All of it!”
“I’m the one who should be apologising, Dad…” Jeff gave his son a look. “I tried so hard to manage everything without you, but I still messed up multiple times. Every board meeting gone wrong, every time the GDF was on our backs for some disaster, every time one of the others got hurt, that’s on me.” He smiled sadly, and even in the relative darkness, Jeff could see the tears that started appearing. “I’m sorry I failed you and your legacy by being a total screw-up…”
Jeff wasn’t sure what to say to that, so he just scooped his eldest into the biggest hug he could manage. And somehow, he didn’t find the words. The words found him. “You didn’t fail me, Scooter…” He began, knowing Scott’s childhood nickname would bring some kind of comfort. “I failed you…” He felt himself cry now, but his upset was nothing compared to his son’s. He pulled back, wiping Scott’s tears away with a gentle hand as he guided his son to look into his eyes. “You’re stronger than you could ever know, son. I may have played my own part, but don’t count yourself out of the race just yet. You’re a way better Commander than I could hope to be. Our family, International Rescue, Tracy Industries… They wouldn’t be what they are today without you…” 
He thought about Virgil, who practically clung to Scott like glue, being each other’s closest confidante. He thought about John, who would probably be completely isolated if Scott and the others didn’t check in regularly. Gordon, who wouldn’t have been talking through his trauma from his accident and back to his bubbly self without Scott’s support. Alan, who would just be a broken teen if Scott hadn’t stepped in to practically raise him and be the father figure he’d needed. 
It wasn’t just the other boys, either. He knew his mother would’ve been heartbroken when he’d disappeared, and although he knew Sally was a stubborn woman and could take care of herself, the support from her eldest grandson likely helped a lot. Kayo was so scared of being abandoned because of who her uncle was, but he’d been told how accepting all his boys were of the woman who was practically their sister. Brains and the Mechanic were confidant in calling this place home now. All thanks to his eldest boy…
“They need you way more than they need me…” Jeff admitted. “If you boys don’t want me here, if you’re scared I’ll ruin the home you’ve all made together, then I’ll go…”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Dad.” Scott managed a scoff through what little tears remained. “If we didn’t want you here, we wouldn’t have worked our butts off to get you back.” He huffed. “Eight years away, and you wanna leave? Absolutely not. I don’t know how things are gonna change, but I do know that whatever happens, we can face them as a family, together…”
Jeff smiled, embracing his son in a tight hug once again. “Together…”
In the months that followed, a new dynamic that everyone was very glad for formed. After all, Jeff was firmly in the middle of it. 
Virgil had firmly grounded his father from overworking himself due to far too long in zero-gravity, which meant no missions. He was still a key IR member, but his role was more advisory than anything else. He’d tried to go back to Tracy Industries, but that idea had been just as bright as a black hole once he’d realised he barely recognised the place. Sure, the company was just fine under his direction, but under Scott’s, everything seemed to run like clockwork. He didn’t mind taking over sometimes, though. As for the family, Jeff thanked his lucky stars he was able to take over Scott’s responsibilities for almost the entirety of that, although Alan still clung to his eldest brother a lot.
He waved as Scott, the now official Commander-in-Chief of International Rescue, returned from the latest rescue he’d had to attend. Scott grinned as he waved back, before being herded off by Gordon. 
Jeff knew it would still be a long time before many of the boys trusted him with their problems again, but he was back in their lives now, and there was nothing more important than that…
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
my (personal favourite) writings from 2019
I don’t have anything for January because I guess I didn’t write/didn’t post anything then? At any rate, here are my favourite writings from every month of 2019.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17764769/chapters/41916899 : “To Give Life Meaning”, a 5+1 things Hinanami fic I wrote over the course of several days, mostly at night. The honourific situation with this one is messy and there are the beginnings of a lot of good lines? Like I know what I was trying to say. But it’s not the kind of thing that I would be happy posting nowadays. (Ignore the fact that it says it was completed in September of this year; I went through nine months later and separated the different sections into chapters so that it would be easier to read. I wrote and published all of it back in February.) This was the second Danganronpa fic I ever wrote.
Content warnings: Contains talk of suicide, and mentions of being suicidal. Generally in the past tense. Nobody is proactive in this fic.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18232343 : “Hold his hand”, the very first Amasai one-shot I ever wrote. I got the idea for this one late at night thinking about how Shuichi would react if his mom died. I was actually going to write this with Ryoma comforting him, or Kiyo maybe, but I ended up doing Rantaro because I watched all of his FTEs with Shuichi and was like… I do like this green man. Anyway, I’m glad I did, because if I hadn’t I don’t know if the Amasai series would… even exist. That’s really weird to think about.
Content warnings: Minor character death on the part of Shuichi’s mother. The focus of the piece isn’t her dying (as it is in fact from Rantaro’s perspective) so much as it is the conflicting emotions that it stirs up for Shuichi, but it’s still, y’know, someone’s mother dying. Anyway, read with caution.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18468478 : “Does it matter?”, a late-night fic where Aoi is conflicted about her sexuality and calls Makoto to talk about it. I wrote a lot of one-shots in April (I actually surprised myself going through them haha) but this one is my favourite because it touches on things that I don’t see addressed a lot. Makoto and Aoi are good friends. 10/10.
Content warnings: Internalised homophobia. It hasn’t triggered anybody that I know of because it’s mostly just Makoto giving advice and Aoi coming to the conclusion that she really likes Sakura in a not-so-platonic way, but y’know.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18776947 : “Shuichi thinks too much”, another installment in the Amasai drabbles series, and… wow. I literally only posted Amasai in the month of May. This one is my favourite (of the ones I posted in May, obviously) because it’s the one where Shuichi realises that Rantaro is claustrophobic and then they have a messy first kiss in the wake of Rantaro’s panic attack. I like fics where Character A kisses Character B and B has to be like… slow down partner… ur panicking. I also just like milking Rantaro angst so it’s a win-win. I go back and read this one periodically :)
Content warnings: Panic attacks, claustrophobia. Shuichi is exhausted in this fic haha but at least he has his shit together enough to know exactly what he’s feeling through the whole thing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19210423 : “Quiet Moments”, an introspective drabble/character study in which Peko thinks about how much she loves Ibuki. Damn, I love Pekobuki. I haven’t written nearly enough for them. I wrote a lot of things in June (including an Undertale one-shot which was a strong contender for this spot just because this list is dominated by Danganronpa stuff) but this one is my favourite because it was just me… rambling about how much I love Ibuki… and projecting onto Peko. Which I do every time I write this pairing, but I didn’t make this list to call myself out, so yeah I’m just going to move on.
Content warnings: Peko briefly mentions that Fuyuhiko had to get an appendectomy within the piece, but it’s nothing intense.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19974424 : “Take his soul with a kiss”, a Grim Reaper AU in which Maki is Death and Kaito is a guy with the audacity to tell her to wait a week before grabbing her soul. I’ve finally hit the part of this summer where I was eating one meal a day and spending the rest of my time on my laptop writing fic. 14k words a day, babey! I wrote all my favourite pieces in July (Shuichi’s love hotel, the one where Rantaro pierces Shuichi’s ears, the domestic Hinanami, the one where Shuichi has a breakdown and everyone comforts him, that one where Shuichi is mean to Kokichi and then apologises) but this one definitely deserves to be here because it’s my favourite. I like Momoharu/Kaimaki/Harukaito (idk what y’all call it man) so, uh. Yeah.
Content warnings: Death is talked about a lot but I don’t want to spoil anything about the ending by saying shit so I’ll just??? It’s a Grim Reaper AU, procede with caution. Oh, and Kaito has a lung disease.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20442290/chapters/48499868 : “Causation and Correlation”, another 5+1 things fic (I have a good chunk of them) where Kyoko can hear death and so she goes around saving people. Also, in the end of the fic, someone saves her. It’s a cute fic and I love writing Kyoko so obviously this one is my favourite. (The one where Kokichi has parents and the Kaemugi fic I wrote that month are ones I really like too… this isn’t easy for me gamers ;w;) This is one of those fics where I was feeling extremely confident about my writing abilities the whole time I wrote it, and I’m still really proud of it.
Content warnings: Again, uh, death? Attempted murder, near-drowning, sickness, head injuries, and also attempted suicide. (Nobody dies in this fic, though.) Kyoko has her work cut out for her in this one.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20577251 : “Cigarette smoke”, a vaguely nonsensical Saimota piece I wrote where Kaito breaks down and Shuichi comforts him. I’ve only written Saimota twice and both times it’s been Kaito angst because you guys, you just, you don’t address his sadness at all unless it’s in Oumota (and we all know how I feel about Oumota). I should start referring to September as “the month of angst fics I wrote in the middle of the night” because that’s exactly what all of it was. This one wasn’t a vent fic, but there were a lot of them. September is also the month I started doing Amami week, so there’s a lot of that, too.
Content warnings: Kaito really… berates himself in this one. His internal dialogue is hard for me to read in this one because he’s super hard on himself. He also has a meltdown and starts hyperventilating at one point (and the way I write breakdowns is always super descriptive) so please make sure you’re happy and healthy before reading.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21195527 : “In the forever sense of the term”, what is probably my favourite Amasai fic at this moment, where Shuichi and Rantaro are forced to address Shuichi’s abandonment issues, and also there’s crying. A lot of it. From Shuichi mainly but a little bit from Rantaro too. I was surprised at how many fics I wrote in October because I was mostly focusing on Inktober I should think? I wrote a lot of original works in Inktober (though I ended up falling off the wagon at the end due to burnout) and it was a really fun experience! I think it strengthened my skills as a writer. Anyway this one is cathartic as hell.
Content warnings: The self loathing is strong with this one. It’s one of many mental breakdown fics that I’ve written this year. And there’s obviously the abandonment issues thing. Yikes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21399748 : “One hundred and twenty six tiles on the ceiling”, where Himiko ends up bailing on plans she made with everyone to hang out and instead stays at home, stewing in self deprecation, until Ryoma shows up, and then everyone else comes to take care of her. Another one of those ones where everyone is there for someone after a breakdown. I like this one because Himiko is my baby and most of the angst the fandom puts out for her is centered around Tenko and Angie, which sucks because I headcanon her as having depression. Like, depression that is entirely unrelated to the people she knows kind of depression. I didn’t write a lot in November because I had a relapse, but I like this one anyway.
Content warnings: Depressive episode, disassociating, suicidal ideation, all the ugly things that come with depression. This isn’t a pretty fic. I don’t write depression as something that’s pretty or poetic because it’s not. It fucking sucks and that’s just how things are going to be.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21976864/chapters/52442179 : “An Ode to Yellow Carnations”, a 5+1 things fic where Tsumugi is a florist and Kaede takes different people to her shop until eventually she goes by herself. Is anyone surprised to see this one here? I wrote it for Tumblr’s Danganronpa Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2019 and went waaaay overboard with it. Which is probably why I like it so much. It took me ten days to actually complete, and I’ll frame it like I was diligently writing the whole time, but anyone who knows me knows that I never do things in that way. In truth I switched ideas for the fic four different times and then wrote half of it all in one night when I was hit with a surge of inspiration. I was really nervous that the person I wrote it for would hate it since it’s so long, lol. (Hi Alerane, I love you.) Anyway, I’m gonna think of December of this year as the month where I spent a really long time on a bunch of fics and then posted them all at once.
Content warnings: Very minor character death, mentions of alcohol use (nothing egregious, just recreational use on an outing with friends and all the characters are of age), also Kaede doesn’t go outside in this fic.
I’m going to try and get out one more fic before the year ends. To be honest I wasn’t expecting to have updated Search by now so I’ve been kind of sitting around wondering what I should write. Maybe I should just start on the Aki chapter, but I’m kind of putting that off because writing those chapters takes a lot of energy and Aki’s is probably going to double Tsubaki’s in length. (Which is great, since Tsubaki’s was already a monster of a chapter on its own.) I’ve had a really great year for writing, y’all. I’ve made lots of friends and learned a whole lot about myself, and my writing style, and the characters I’m trying to portray.
I didn’t include any long-term multi-chapters in this list, like The Best Lies or my Fanganronpa (rip… I swear I’ll pick it back up again soon, I love those characters) but if you want to track my progress as a writer without reading eleven different fics, I’d really recommend reading one of those, because you can see it happening as the chapters go on. There’s so much that I’d probably write differently from where I am now as a writer, because that’s just how things work. Life is like that. You do things a certain way in the moment, and then later, you wish you could’ve done them differently. It’s impossible to live your life without regrets, or things that you’d like to do over again.
But for what it’s worth, I’m really happy that I don’t have to. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this year. It hasn’t been the best, but it’s been all that it’s been capable of being.
Here’s to a new decade.
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spaceacealyx · 5 years
History Class
HPHM fic/inktober day: 9. Repose
Words: 530
Summary: A little self-indulgent fankid fluff with Jade and @neonbluewaves‘ kids Lorena and Thibault Landon.
The prompt I used is from here.
Binns’ monotonous voice, paired with Jade’s lack of sleep the previous night, makes a very sleepy Jade. She yawns tiredly and leans on the person next to her, her girlfriend. Lore puts an arm around her, leaning into her as well.
Thibault looks up from his notes and snorts. “Now you’re being gross in class too?”
Jade looks back at him over Lore’s shoulder with a glare. “I liked you better when you were shy.” It’s only a joke but she looks serious. She turns back around and rests her head back on Lore’s shoulder, her eyes closing again. Lore smirks. For a moment it’s silent until Jade decides she isn’t done and mumbles, “Maybe you need a person to be a nerd with. Got any crushes, Thibault?”
He blushes bright red and perks up, “W-well um… there’s O’Malley. He’s a year ahead of us in Gryffindor. He has amazing hair and an amazing smile… He’s in the dueling club? Okay, so, there’s him… Oh, have you met Weiss? She’s in Slytherin, two years older… Well, she picked up my book when I was carrying a bunch and she’s got these green eyes that-“
“Oh my god, forget I asked.”
Jade laughs lightly, snorting at the thought that pops into her head. “And you say I’m the disaster.”
Thibault pouts. “When I like a girl, I smile and say hi. You insult her and fight her.”
Jade freezes. He’s right. That’s exactly what she did. “I…” She pauses to think of a comeback, but none come to her. “… Yeah, I regret that…” She looks up at Lore and frowns. Apologizing again now would feel weird so she opts for giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. Lore smiles slightly at her, but Jade’s eyes are drawn to the big black mark left from her lipstick.
Jade’s ears tinge with red. She forgot she was wearing lipstick. She reaches up to wipe it off, brushing it away carefully with her thumb.
“Thibault, shut it!”
Lore snorts, letting her eyes close with a smile on her face. Jade settles back against her. She lets out a silent sigh and feels most of the tension in her body melt away.
 By the end of class, both girls are passed out together. Thibault stands by their desk wondering if he should even attempt to wake both of them.
Unfortunately, they all have their next class to get to. He lightly pinches Lore’s cheek. “Lore, come on we have class.” She slaps his hand away before even opening her eyes. “Can you get Jade?”
 Waking Jade up is never a fun task. Normally when someone wakes Jade up, she grumbles angrily, and she’s pissed at everyone for the rest of the day. There was even one time when Thibault had woken her up, she had looked up at him with such fear and tears in her eyes it made Thibault feel weird.
When Lore wakes her up though, she merely rubs the sleep from her eyes and takes Lore’s hand, tiredly following them out of the classroom.
Jade seems much happier the rest of the day, compared to how she usually is.
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lev-iano · 5 years
October’s Challenges 2019 – Day 2
Fandom: Haikyuu
– Mine: Don’t forget about me.
– Angstober: You said you loved me.
– Inktober: Mindless
– Whump-tober: Explosion
– Haikyuu-tober: Ushijima 
– Nyah's drabble challenge: Omnifulgente (I can't find a direct translation, but it means "shining on all sides"; my neologism: omnifulgent)
Characters/Pairing: Ushijima/Oikawa, Iwaizumi
Notes: Hi, hi, I’m here again because yeah. You may consider this a spoiler, but possible trigger: car accident. Yeah. Sorry.
Anyway, this was posted at Twitter and AO3. I hope you enjoy it!
Ushijima glanced one more time at Oikawa, hoping that he wasn't using with his cell phone.
But he was. Probably he was texting Iwaizumi. His Iwa-chan.
No matter how many sweet words Oikawa said to him, he didn't love him. He loved Iwaizumi. Ushijima was sure of that.
"Let's break up," Ushijima announced. Oikawa finally took his eyes off the phone screen, shocked.
"Let's break up," Ushijima repeated again. "You said you loved me, but obviously you love Iwaizumi."
"I don't- I don't love Iwa-chan!" Oikawa replied, not believing what he was hearing. "He's just my best friend. I thought you knew that and accepted it."
Oikawa, however, smiled. Ushijima must be jealous, something he never thought the other would ever have.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you're jealous!~" Oikawa teased. Ushijima didn't even respond, simply got up and left the money to pay the bill. He couldn’t longer see Oikawa's smiling face – it broke his heart to know that his love was unrequited.
"Have a nice day."
Ushijima left the establishment; Oikawa felt panic blooming in his veins. Ushijima couldn't be making fun of his feelings like that. He hurried to pay the bill and go after Ushijima. Ah, the bastard had to walk fast and was already on the other side of the crosswalk…!
"UshiWaka! Wait a minute; let's talk!"
Ushijima ignored him; he forced himself to ignore him and kept walking. It wasn’t fair. He loved Oikawa very much. When he confessed to him, he liked to see Oikawa's rosy cheeks, the embarrassed way he assumed. That aggressive facade he set in front of Ushijima vanished, as if by magic, at that moment – and Ushijima liked what he saw.
He still remembered the first day they started dating. It wasn’t the day he declared himself to Oikawa, but a few days later. Oikawa texted him to meet at the park – the message even seemed to be calling him for a challenge, for a fight. Ushijima thought he was going to be rejected, but Oikawa's words surprised him.
"UshiWaka, I don't know if I love you, but- I’ll give you a chance," Oikawa had said, with his face so red, so was lovely to Ushijima. "Make the great Oikawa-san fall in love with you!"
He had sworn to make him fall in love with him, but… He couldn't. He didn’t.
He stopped immediately. Not by Oikawa's voice, but by the noise of a car braking. The world seemed to be in slow motion. People were looking at the crosswalk and muttering something, their faces pale, some rushed over and started asking for an ambulance, fast, urgently.
Ushijima was afraid to look back.
He felt an explosion inside him as he did so. Oikawa was in the center of that cluster…
Lying on the floor.
Covered in blood.
Ushijima ran to him, calling by his name. There was no answer, other than surprised looks from those who watched.
Ushijima's mind seemed to have faded; from the light of the ambulance, omnifulgent, until that moment, everything seemed to not to have existed in Ushijima's head. It was like being in a trance. Totally mindless.
The hospital waiting room had never looked so scary. At any moment, a doctor could appear and mourn his loss – and he wanted anything but that.
“Did you rest? The operation is over.”
Ushijima looked at Iwaizumi who was holding out a coffee can. Reluctantly, he grabbed and stared at it. At some point, Ushijima had called Oikawa's parents and Iwaizumi, although he had no memory of doing so.
He didn't have the heart to go see Oikawa, though he wanted to go confirm with his own eyes that he was fine.
"It's my fault," he murmured and Iwaizumi sat beside him.
“He didn't look at the traffic light-”
"He was coming after me because I was jealous of you and I wanted to break up."
That caught Iwaizumi off guard. Why would he be jealous of them if Oikawa was too much in love with Ushijima?
"We are just friends, Ushijima."
"I know, but..." Ushijima took a deep breath. “You were always partners and I was your rival. Oikawa hated me. ”
"He didn't hate you, he didn't know how to handle the crush in you," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. “He loves you, I can guarantee you that. Now…” Iwaizumi said, getting up. "You should go see Oikawa."
The way to Oikawa's room was painful. Anxiety and fear burned him alive.
The door opened and Oikawa's parents left the room. Head movements, such as mute greetings, were exchanged; Ushijima couldn't say anything, nor could they. Their hearts were like bombs, waiting for the moment to explode and be destroyed in a thousand and one small pieces.
He entered the room. Oikawa was still unconscious. He sat in the chair, which still had motherly warmth in it.
And in another trance, Ushijima stayed there until he fell asleep.
"What are you doing here?!"
It was morning when Ushijima heard Oikawa's voice, furious but especially confused. He widened his eyes and approached his face in a desperate leap. He put his hands on the other’s face.
"Tooru, you are awake!"
Oikawa blushed at Ushijima's closeness, touch, and voice calling him by his first name.
“W-What do you think you are doing?!"
“Sorry, you must still be mad at me and-”
"Of course I'm still angry that I lost against you, but take those hands off me!"
Ushijima turned away from him, not understanding what he said.
"What was it...?" Oikawa asked, looking at every corner of the room. He growled at the pain in his body. Ushijima started to approach again, but Oikawa raised his hand in a way to stop him. “By the way, why am I at the hospital, UshiWaka? And what are you doing here? Yesterday I was with Iwa-chan- Oh my God, where is Iwa-chan?! ”
"You were with me all day."
"Why would I spend all day with you?"
"Tooru..." Ushijima murmured, swallowing the urge to cry. “You… don't you remember…?”
Oikawa raised his eyebrow, his heart still tightening at the sight of Ushijima's face.
"Of what?"
"Of us..."
Oikawa's expression indicated that he didn’t remember. Please don't forget about me…, Ushijima asked mentally, without the courage to say it out loud. Don’t forget about us….
"Sorry," he said, heading out from the door. He wanted to cry. "I'll call your parents and Iwaizumi."
"Hey, UshiWaka, what were-"
Ushijima left the room. Maybe things were better this way.
After all, none of them knew of Oikawa's grandiose plan to ask Ushijima in marriage.
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
inktober for writers - day 8 - impasse / eijiroctober - day 8 - w Kaminari Denki
A/N: Sero is 100000% the instigating friend who you hate to love but you totally do anyway bc they’re supernaturally charming and hella fun. enjoy my fave boy stirring up trouble in this kirikami drabble.... (also, can u believe that i went from having a slight distate for this ship to obsessing over it??? this is my 2nd kirikami-centric fic and im... crying? thank u for showing me the light, my fellow krkm shippers. bless!)
Sero leans back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head. His smile is childishly impish.
“I mean... I can come back later. Or we can do this another time.” He laughs, enjoying the scene of the two boys in front of him in the midst of an argument.
Kirishima whips his head, forgetting all about the blond across from him. “No, it’s already been settled. We’re not ordering from the burger place. We ate there three times this week!” The redhead turns back to the blond with a stern expression on his face. “We’re ordering sushi, Denki. That’s it.” He snatches a lone menu off the table and starts to leaf through it. “If you really insist on beef today, I’m sure you could find something to order from here. But we’re not eating at that burger place again. Everyone’s tired.”
Sero shrugs. He never really had order-out preferences. As long as the place that they ended up ordering from had salad, he was fine. And most places do offer salad, so he couldn’t be bothered to truly care. He was only concerned with the pre-order drama. Kaminari catches the minute movement and starts pointing towards him. “See? Sero doesn’t mind, he’s just gonna get salad anyway!” Sero nods wordlessly, goofy smile still in place. Kirishima rolls his eyes. “Let’s get burgers! I promise next movie night I won’t even get a say,” Kaminari begs, folding his hands together in pleading. Kirishima sighs tiredly. “You said that last time, babe. And the time before that. And—“
“The time before that too,” Sero finishes, laughing. The look that Denki shoots at him is lethal.
“Whose side are you even on?”
“The side of getting food. We do this every weekend. We’ve gotta make a system or something. This is why Blasty and Mina stopped coming.”
Denki wrinkles his nose is disagreement. “Bakugou stopped coming because he hates the idea of fun,” Sero thinks about this and shrugs. He means, yeah, it was probably actually that but still. “And Mina is.... busy.” Sero raises an eyebrow and smirks.
“Or she stopped coming because she, too, has grown tired of ‘Sushi vs Burger’ debates. It’s old. Let’s just do Indian.”
“No,” the other two reply in unison. “You just said you didn’t even have an opinion though,” Kaminari starts again. “So you can’t switch it up. No Indian. No sushi.” Before Kirishima can dissent again, Kaminari slinks towards him and wraps his arms around his torso. “Pleeease? It’s just one more night, Eiji, and you haven’t even tried everything on the menu.” Sero watches on in amusement. The blond’s argument was weak (who needs to eat at the same place four times in one week? And who cares if everything on the menu hasn’t been tasted yet? They don’t want it!) but the core of his winning strategy was not words...
Sero watches on as Kaminari’s gold colored eyes widen as big as saucers, irises expertly eliciting intense melancholy. Sero’s always impressed at this grand display, wondering how the transformation from ‘stubborn, brattish boyfriend’ to ‘pathetic child with only days left to live’ is made to look so easy. It’s almost like he has a second quirk! His lashes even play along, carefully accentuating the look, looking longer and more voluminous. Sero’s heart swells in admiration.
That’s his best friend. His partner in crime. He couldn’t have asked for a more inspiring friend. 
Scam on, buddy ol’ pal.
Kirishima looks conflicted. His cheeks burn pink, but he tries to maintain a look of sternness. “Denki, stop it,” Kirishima says, voice much too affectionate for a guy trying to put his foot down. Sero snickers into his hand. He’s losing. Like always. Kaminari doesn’t let up, eyes getting wider and drawing out more compassion by the second. Kirishima looks weak, face no longer molded into a look of defiance but, instead, resignation.
“Fine,” he pouts, his pink face clashing with the bold red of his hair. “Now, move. So we can order the same thing we get every time.”
The blond obeys happily, eyes back to normal and shooting Sero a conspiratorial look. The other boy laughs and extends his palm, wordlessly initiating a high-five. Kirishima looks on with an unreadable expression.
Sero turns to him and smiles, shaking his head. “You’re gonna have to shake it up sometime, dude. This is getting sadly predictable.”
Kaminari laughs while Sero gets up to stretch. “Now that that’s over, what’s the movie for tonight? We did a comedy last week, so I’m thinkin’ maybe a thriller tonight?”
Sero shrugs. “Didn’t Kirishima wanna do a Disney film?” Sero glances over at the boy in question. “Yo, which movie did you wa— What are you doing?” The redhead is sneaking off towards the bathroom, a sushi menu and cellphone in either hand. Kaminari gasps dramatically.
“You already said we could do burgers! You can’t go back!” The blond’s face is marred with an intense look of betrayal. “You don’t even know what I’d want from there!”
“You’re not hard to order for, babe. We’ve been dating for two years. I’d like to think that I know what you like by now.”
Kaminari scoffs. “No, you don’t. Come back so I can see my options.”
Kirishima shakes his head. “You’ll just pull the puppy-eyes out again.” The boy gives the other an unimpressed look. “We all took the same Villain Strategies course.”
Sero bursts into laughter as Kaminari places his hand over his heart in offense. “You think I’m a villain?”
“Low-level terrorist,” Kirishima corrects and Sero doubles over with tears in his eyes. Almost immediately, Kaminari begins to run at Kirishima. The other boy turns to continue running towards the bathroom. Sero barely has time to recover before he has to follow after the two of them, his stomach sore from laughter. The hallway echoes with the noise of shoes hitting the ground and the strained yelling of out-of-breath boys. Soon, Sero hears the slam of a door. After he rounds a corner, he finds Kaminari not too far away, breathing heavily and pushing up against the bathroom door in vain.
“He’s leaning up against it in his hardened form,” Kaminari explains without sparing a glance in his direction. His face is red and slick with sweat. Sero fights the urge to crumple into laughter. Before he can say anything, a muffled voice escapes from inside the bathroom. “Hello? Wasabi?... Yes! Are you guys delivering right now?” Sero bites his tongue to keep from laughing at the distressed face of the blond near him. “NO, BABE. DON’T DO THIS! COME OUT, LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!” Kaminari bangs on the door repeatedly, the noise echoing throughout the hallway.
From inside the bathroom, Kirishima continues speaking into the phone. “Huh? Oh, no, everything’s fine. That’s... some weird guy outside. Yeah, yeah, it’s cool. So, I’m gonna go ahead and order the seared sa—“
“I’m not just some weird guy! I’m the boyfriend! The boyfriend who DOES. NOT. WANT. SUSHI.”
Sero laughs, unable to control himself any longer. “So you’re the weird-guy boyfriend?”
Kaminari glares daggers. “Don’t you have something better to do?”
“Like what?”
“Like helping me.”
Sero shakes his head, grinning. “I told you two that I wouldn’t pick sides in an argument, like, ever. I think this qualifies.”
Kaminari’s eyes narrow. “You’re a snake, Sero Hanta.”
“Says the guy getting the bulk of his debate skills from Strategical Villainy 101.”
Just as Kaminari bucks up to respond, Kirishima wails defeatedly from inside the bathroom. “No, dude. Dude. It’s not even a serious argument. Like, I just happen to want this and he wants... He wants some other place. Look, it’s fine. We can go through with the—“
The redhead’s voice is cut off and the only thing that can be heard from the bathroom is the barely audible voice of the person on the other line. Sero raises his eyebrows in curiosity. “He’s FINE. He’ll eat anyth—“ Another pause. “What? Are you ser— Yes, he’s just being dramatic, we ate what he wanted three times this week.”
“Okay, but one of those times my order got messed up!”
“Babe, that doesn’t matter. We still ate there and... Ooh! And Lily-san agrees! It still counts!”
“Okay, well, you tell Lily-san about how you don’t even really eat there! You order fries and then you order out by yourself later!”
“That’s not relev— Wait, Lily-san, yeah, that’s what happens, but that’s still compromise.”
Sero’s amusement slowly tapers into casual indifference as the conversation continues on between Kirishima, Kaminari, and “Lily-san,” who he assumes is a nosy cashier with way too much time on her hands.
“So... Are we ordering food soon?”
“Uh, yeah, dude, but Lily is in the middle of a story right now, don’t be rude,” Kaminari whispers. The couple is now sitting beside each other in the hallway, prior argument completely forgotten, as they listen to Lily intently on speaker with Kirishima’s cellphone on the floor between them. Sero rolls his eyes, feeling slightly annoyed for the first time today. Instigating isn’t supposed to end like this. This is not what he signed up for. “Alright. Well, I’ll be back later, I guess. Maybe I’ll come back with Mina.”
“Uh-huh,” Kirishima replies distractedly. “Bye.”
Sero rolls his eyes again as he walks back around the corner and up the hallway again. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and starts typing. SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING anyone wanna go 4 pizza ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING omg yes im starving ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING wait ur not w k+k? SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING theyre havin a couples therapy session w Lily the Cashier ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING ??? EXPLODOKILLINKING: @SEROtonin @ALIEN_QUEEN already here. hurry tf up b4 i decide 2 dip SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING its a long story SEROtonin: @EXPLODOKILLINKING @ALIEN_QUEEN chill out we’re coming EXPLODOKILLINKING: @SEROtonin @ALIEN_QUEEN its a long story that ur gonna tell us as soon as u get ur asses here so HURRY TF UP ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING i told u 2 stop having movie night w them!! me + blasty moved on to GAME NIGHT! SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING game night? ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING yup! w dekusquad + todoroki!! it’s a BLAST ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING literally. cuz bkgu is a sore loser EXPLODOKILLINKING: @ALIEN_QUEEN @SEROtonin U FUCKIN EXTRAS R CHEATS ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING see? SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING ...sounds like disaster. Sero smiles wickedly at his phone, thinking of all the delicious trouble he could stir up. SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING im in. He’ll learn his lesson one of these days. ...Not today, though.
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geminijackdaw · 5 years
Hey all, so. I find myself in a weird predicament, because I had two minor announcements I had to write on here, and uh. It was only when I went to write them that I realized that factoids a and b might not play well together 
I’m probably going to be pretty inactive from now until the end of December.  I’m in midterm season, and I just... completely wasted my reading week. I had such noble plans! I was going to really buckle down, and grind, and get myself a comfortable week ahead in terms of coursework. I’d be able to ask questions, polish up assignments instead of scrambling to finish them, actually help my classmates instead of being that dumbass asking questions in the group chat at the 11th hour... you can guess how that went OTL 
I’m not saying it was BECAUSE of writing, but that is absolutely the thing I was doing instead of the stuff I wanted to avoid. This time of year there’s events, and whumptober, and inktober, and halloween stuff, and NaNo is around the corner, and I just can’t. If I can do well for the next few months I’ll be on work placement through school until next september. That means a normal, 9-5 (or something like it) job *w* for the first time in my life. I’ll have evenings! and a predictable schedule! which will hopefully mean more time and energy for writing! 
But I have to get there first, and not blow it in the home stretch. 
I wanted to post something for whumptober (my Six stenence sunday from last week was from that AU, and maybe I’ll post six lines of what I got written today)  but I was treating like fun fandom challenge deadlines like actual deadlines and the stuff I needed to, but didn’t want to do, was getting neglected. I was going to try and get another 50k into UF for NaNo this year, and I just have to. not. do that OTL 
Like, honestly, it feels a little conceited to think that anyone would even notice if I took a little hiatus. I know I am a very small fish in this great big fandom pond. 
Unfortunately, that leaves me with my second problem. 
I’ve been feeling... not great, recently? In an emotional kind of a sense? tl;dr, I had a huge selfpitying TMI dump below that can be summed up as: going to see doctor on Wednesday about starting some medication again.
The time that I was ON said medication coincides directly that any of you here from Kintsugi from FF.net will remember as the point where I uh. Just stopped writing for about two years. Obviously, something was wrong if I just... didn’t feel like doing anything that I used to enjoy. I’m going to mention that to her, hopefully something different or a different dosage might be better. 
I feel like I need to say at this point that like. Please nobody take this as a reason NOT to take medication. PLENTY of artists are happier, more confident, and MORE productive while managing their mental wellbeing using medication. Gosh, can you imagine? Me NOT paralyzed by indecision and a crippling need for validation? I might actually get things done, holy shit. (Read stuff by authors I love and ENJOY THEM without also having to go be in the fetal position for a while dealing with self-loathing and creative envy and feelings of total worthlessness!) That’s the goal, anyway! This could make me a much BETTER writer, or at least one who’s happier with what she does. 
And I was like, yeah! I’m going to try and keep track of how much I write! to make sure that this isn’t putting me into ‘nah I’m cool just being a potato who sits here and just exists and not in the cool zen kind of a way’ mode again. Maybe set aside a bit of time every day! I can set challenges for myself! Do events! And prompts!.... 
.... which brings me back to point 1. 
I don’t know what to do. 
Maybe things will work out great, and I’ll be able to keep to a little timed writing break better if my goddamn brain is all stocked up on all the shit it needs to be, and point 2 will take care of point 1. 
Anyway. I’ll um. I’ll keep you posted.
0 notes
dearestjaemin · 7 years
day one: best boy
October means Inktober and that usually means fanarts!
But I can’t draw so I’ll just write ha ha ha
I will be using perdizzion’s inktober prompts for this challenge!
i was out the whole day ytd so im rushing day one and going to post day two later hahaha
“Midoriya-san, can we get a minute of your time?”
“So formal! That’s Momo for you.”
“Er, okay. Iida-kun, I’ll catch up with you guys.”
Iida makes a thumbs up and leaves with Uraraka.
“What is it?”
“Us girls are actually planning on organizing a party for the whole school for Christmas. I’ve already asked Uraraka to invite some people outside the class, and I was hoping you could help us invite, too.”
“You’re close with the General Department, right? I saw you talking to that guy you fought before!”
“Oh, um, Shinsou-kun? We’re not really- I mean, he doesn’t even-”
“Great! We’ll entrust him to you, then. Also, you’re close with Hatsume from the Support? We’ll entrust her to you, too!”
“Thank you, Midoriya!”
Ashido looked happy and Hagakure, well, sounded happy that Midoriya didn’t have the heart to turn the request down. Yaoyorozu seemed worried as it sounded more like they forced this task to the poor boy, but he assured her he’ll do his best to contact the said two. Hatsume is easy to convince, but Shinsou wouldn’t even acknowledge his presence.
As a matter of fact, Midoriya was able to invite Hatsume before lunch time ends. She was passing by the table he shares with Uraraka and Iida so he took the chance to ask her. She was with Yukimura, a friend of hers in the General Department, so he asked her if she knows Shinsou.
“E-Eh? Sh-Shinsou-san? W-We’re not close at all!”
She was already bright red at the mention of the name, hiding behind her friend in embarrassment. Hatsume laughs, mentioning her friend has a crush on the said student.
“M-Mei-chan! They don’t need to know…”
“They don’t need to not know, too! I’ll invite my classmates, Midoriya. Well, we’re off. Bye!”
Hatsume waves both of her hands, her lunch safely falling on the metal that shot out from her suit. Iida slightly shrieked, about to lecture her about how she shouldn’t have done that but Hatsume dashes off, dragging her friend along.
Once the bell rang for dismissal, Midoriya hurries off to get to the General Department, hoping that Shinsou hasn’t gone home yet. He wasn’t entirely sure which class he was in, and it didn’t seem like the students from the General Department were fond of his ‘hero’ presence so he decided to not ask them.
Luckily, he spotted Shinsou walking down the stairs, earphones plugged in his ears and evidently hoping no one would bother him. He seemed to be in a bad mood, sort of. Midoriya walked away, thinking he’ll do this next time. He ends up sitting by the stairs at the exit of the building, silently waiting for Shinsou and wondering if he should approach him already.
Shinsou passed by, his mood not looking like it’s going to get better. He didn’t seem to notice the ‘hero’ student, or he might have but Midoriya didn’t notice the slight twitch in his eye before he rolled his eyes and proceeds to walk down the stairs.
Midoriya stood up, opening his mouth to speak but couldn’t bring himself to call out to the boy. He closed it after a few seconds, deciding he’ll put this task for another day. Well, he was going to until he spotted Yukimura, who was walking towards the exit of the building.
His voice got too loud that it startled even the surrounding students. Midoriya immediately bowed in apology to everyone. Yukimura chuckled and asked why he’s around.
“Well, I was supposed to invite Shinsou-kun but he seemed to be in a bad mood. I saw you and thought that you could help…?”
Yukimura immediately blushed and covered her cheeks.
“Eh, um, we’re not close! I don’t think he remembers me…”
“Oh, is that so…”
Midoriya looked down and Yukimura felt bad. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try.
“Er, I’ll accompany you! I’m not sure how I can help, though. Maybe moral support?”
Midoriya brightened up and nodded, grabbing her wrist and dragging her to Shinsou. He wasn’t aware of what he was doing until Yukimura cries out that her wrist is hurting. He quickly lets go of her hand and apologized.
Fortunately, Shinsou wasn’t really quick in walking so they managed to catch up to him near the gate.
Midoriya called out, hoping to get his attention. However, the earphones did a good job in shutting off the outside world. Yukimura shoots out a string to wrap around the strap of Shinsou’s bag to stop him.
“O-Oi. What was that?”
He took off his earphones and immediately frowned as he turned back. He sighed at the sight of his former rival, then glanced at the student beside him who looked familiar to him. Who is she again? She’s from the other class, if I remember correctly.
“What is it?”
“O-Oh, sorry, Shinsou-san! I used my quirk to stop you. Please don’t get mad at me!”
Yukimura was near in tears as she placed her hands above her head. Shinsou looked at the side as he rubbed his nape.
“So it was you. Well, nevermind about that. What do you two want?”
“Ah, Class 1-A, or the girls to be specific, are organizing a party for Christmas and I was asked to help inviting some people. So, um, please tell your class that you guys are invited to the party! Um, I don’t know about the details yet…”
Midoriya’s arms were waving around awkwardly, pressured by the look Shinsou gave him; it was the usual one but his eyebrow was raised as if he was judging the poor boy.
“Er, what I mean to say is…”
Midoriya looked at Yukimura and may have mouthed ‘help’. Shinsou noticed it, of course, and looked at her. She shrieked a little and stammered as she tried to find the right words.
“Sh-Shinsou-san, let’s go invite the people from the General Department together and um…”
Yukimura looked at Midoriya. She was already near in tears. Shinsou sighed and nodded.
“Since the two of you went all of your way to invite me, and it would be a waste of Yukimura-san’s efforts, I’ll go. I’ll try to get the class too. Keyword: try.”
Yukimura and Midoriya jumped in triumph and high-fived. Shinsou wasn’t really sure why they’re acting like that but his lips formed a small smile. He excused himself afterwards.
All of the (invited) students of U.A. attended, more or less. Monoma attended - well, Kendo grabbed and brought him with her. The Class 1-B seemed excited about it and didn’t feel the competition between them and Class 1-A at all; well, except for some mini battle between Kirishima and TetsuTetsu but that’s just normal.
Shinsou arrived a little bit later than the rest of the people from the General Department, obviously lacking in effort in fulfilling the dress code. He was there, barely. He was immediately greeted by his classmates, and getting comments on his attire.
“Geez, it’s as if you guys don’t know me. I was even planning on not going…”
“Nuh-uh! You’re the one who invited us. Of course you’re going!”
“Yeah! I mean, it’s not everyday that our class representative invites us to a party!”
His classmates teased him, wondering how in the world that “Midoriya guy” managed to convince Shinsou to attend the party. He didn’t mention that he and Yukimura were near in tears about it. Speaking of Yukimura, where is she?
Oh, she’s with that perky girl from the Support. They do hang a lot.
He shrugged his shoulders and excused himself, off to get a drink or something like that.
“Shinsou-kun! You made it! I was worried that you wouldn’t attend because-”
“I wasn’t going to, but I did so end of story.”
“Man, take a chill pill. I’m Kirishima, and I think your quirk is really cool!”
The red-hear slings his arm around him, the other hand holding a can of softdrink. Several other students from the hero department joins in the conversation. It was definitely quite a sight to see that a student from the General Department to get a spot in the top 16 for the ‘Sports Festival’, so they were interested in his quirk.
“You know, your quirk would be really helpful to people who need encouragement. Like, you tell them to stay positive or something! Or, do your best. Do I make any sense?”
Kendo looked at the others as she laughed at her idea  and the others agreed.
“It’s also good for telling girls to strip-”
“A hero would never do such a thing. It’s not right to violate someone.”
Shinsou immediately cuts Mineta off, obviously disgusted at the suggestion. The girls agreed, shooing off the little boy who needs a life check.
“Well, anyway, I’ll head back to my class. It’s kinda uncomfortable to be surrounded by so much stars.”
He shrugs Kirishima’s arm off and brushed off Kaminari’s, who slung his arm in the midst of the conversation. He exits, but of course the ‘heroes’ had something to say.
“We’ll be waiting, Shinsou.”
“Yeah! It’ll be fun to have you around the class.”
“Let’s have a match again, Shinsou-kun!”
Shinsou had a little smile, or more like a smirk, then looked back at them.
“Of course.”
The General Department wondered where did Shinsou’s good mood come from.
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
inktober for writers - day 7 - confusion / eijiroctober - day 7 - w Ashido Mina
author’s note: THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE AWESOME ATTENTION ON MY DAY 5 FIC!! im v v appreciative and it made me real happy so thanks again.
i skipped day 6 bc I didnt know what to write for the eijiroctober prompt. anyways, so im back again for day 7. this is such a goofy, silly, no real substance at all kind of fic and its based on THIS video that just came out ft Bella Hadid and when I watched it i was like......this soooo Hagakure... LMAO. so i linked it just so you know what meme im referencing. also i’m noticing that whenever I write something with Tooru in it she’s a walking, preppy ass meme and Mina just encourages her. i’m loving this pattern, honestly. they are so fun to write lol. but ok, i need to stop rambling. author’s note over. lol. drabble under the cut as usual.
“So after you asked, what did he say?” Mina examines the face of her redheaded friend very carefully before continuing her current task. She tsks quietly and uses her index and thumb to gently grab his chin and tilt his head in either direction. Kirishima is sitting on her bed beside Tooru, dressed in his nicest casual clothing and blushing softly under all the scrutiny. “You don’t need any concealer or anything. Your skin is perfect. Loser,” she rolls her eyes in half-serious frustration. Tooru giggles on the edge of the bed, floating clothes slightly rippling with movement. “You can do a liner, though, or a highlight? I don’t know. What do you think, T?” Tooru kicks her legs in excitement, seemingly-floating pink knee-high socks move rapidly. “Ooh! Do both! Both! But easy on the highlight because Kiri glows naturally. We don’t want to overwhelm.” Tooru’s invisible hand grabs Kirishima’s face and turns it towards her. “See? Look! So pretty!” Mina smiles brightly, nodding in agreement. “Pretty! Handsome! Hot! That’s why he’s going on a daaaaate!” The invisible girl squeals in excitement and Kirishima’s face burns red. “That’s not what he said.” “So what did he say? And do you wanna do both?” Mina points to her makeup drawer as Tooru starts quietly chanting, ‘both, both, both!’ from her corner of the bed. “Both,” Kirishima answers and the pink-haired girl turns away from him to start rummaging through her makeup for what she needs. She can hear Kirishima start humming in thought, preparing to answer her initial question. Even without looking, she knows that his tongue is peeking out of his mouth with his burgundy eyes rolled towards the ceiling in contemplation. “He said,” the boy continues, “‘get the hell out of my room and just be ready, Hair-for-Brains.’” Kirishima’s voice gets gruffer as he imitates the voice. Mina laughs at both his answer and his weak impression. “It’s a date, Kiri. Like I said.” She walks back over towards the bed with necessary products in hand. Tooru makes a noise of contention. “Like we said!” “Like we said,” Mina corrects. In front of her, Kirishima looks skeptical. “He didn’t say that.” Mina raises an eyebrow. “Does he ever say anything that isn’t violent?” “Or mean,” Tooru adds. “Or crude?” “Exactly. Read between the lines, Kiri. If it wasn’t a date, he wouldn’t have wasted any time shutting you down.” Tooru seems to be nodding furiously, her white baseball cap bounces up and down in the air. Kirishima seems slightly more assured now. His eyes brighten and he adjusts his posture, sitting taller. “Yeah, Blasty isn’t the best with words.” Mina smiles at the recovery of his confidence. “I guess he coulda just said no.” “Definitely could’ve said ‘no.’” “Mhm!” Tooru chirps. Mina watches Kirishima smile wide and happily. “Fine. I’m trusting you, Horn-Buddy.” He whips his head, turning to Tooru. “You too, Hagakure.” “I mean, obviously,” Mina giggles, getting back to the task at hand. “You’re letting me do your liner. That’s the true measure of friendship.” Tooru nods emphatically. “Oh my god, yes! Like, yeah, you can trust somebody with your life but would you trust them with your cat-eye?” Kirishima snorts in response and Mina giggles even harder. “Shut up, you’re gonna kill me, Tooru,” Mina laughs. Placing the small, circular container of highlight in her hand on the edge of the bed, she brings her hands back up to Kirishima’s eye level. She waves two liquid eyeliner pens in front of him. “Black or navy blue?” “Bla—“ Suddenly, Tooru gasps. In one fluid motion, she bounces from her place on the bed to Mina’s side. She snatches the black eyeliner out of her grip and holds it away. “No! Navy blue! It’ll bring out his eyes more! It’ll look so good against all that natural red!” “The hair’s not natural,” Mina and Kirishima reveal in unison. Tooru sucks her teeth and Mina imagines that she might be rolling her eyes. “Okay, same thing,” she responds in near exasperation. “Look. If homeboy comes through with this,” Tooru shakes the black eyeliner pen in her hand, “it’s gonna be quiet for him.” Mina raises her eyebrows in consternation. Kirishima tilts his head with quiet confusion. “But if he comes through with thaaaat,” she uses her other hand to point to the blue eyeliner still in Mina’s possession. “Homeboy’s gonna, like... get it.” The room is quiet for a few moments until Mina bursts into hysterical laughter. Her laugh is so infectious, Kirishima joins in with her, but his face is still pulled into a look of bewilderment. “Get what?” “It,” Tooru responds cryptically and Mina howls even louder. Kirishima shrugs. “I guess I’ll go with blue then.” “Yay!” Tooru throws the eyeliner onto Mina’s desk and jumps back on the bed. The other girl finally recovers from the bout of hilarity and prepares to work her magic. “Okay, now that T is done being a weirdo, I can give you some badass wings,” Tooru smacks her arm and she resists the urge to laugh again. Kirishima nods and closes his eyes. Completely serious now, Mina carefully does the redhead’s makeup in silence. She was only giving him simple wings and a few brushes of highlight, but she wanted everything to be exact and clean. She worked on his face while Tooru pressed her face very closely to Kirishima’s observing her work and giving suggestions when needed. Both girls make praiseful comments concerning the near perfection of Kirishima’s skin, making him blush with light embarrassment. After about the fourth time of this, Mina finally finishes. “Tooru?” The invisible girl leaps from the bed again and stands in front of Kirishima to fully appraise her work. After a few deliberating moments, Tooru speaks. “Okay, open your eyes, Kiri. Wanna get the whole effect.” Kirishima slowly opens his eyes, looking a bit dazed. “I was nodding off,” he says as way of explanation. Ignoring him, Tooru continues expertly examining his face. Eventually, she squeals with excitement. “Ooh! I told you! You look so good with the navy blue! It brings out all of the red and the gold highlight is just enough to emphasize your natural glow! Oh my god! Mina! You did so well!” The girl bounces up and down with unbridled enthusiasm, her sheer excitement rubbing off on her two classmates. “Can I see?” Kirishima’s eyes are wide and bright, the burgundy of his irises looking even more exquisite under the influence of the navy blue outlining his lids. Mina giggles as she snatches her hand mirror off an idle chair and places it in front of his face. She watches happily as the boy’s eyes overflow with elated surprise. “I thought Hagakure was exaggerating a bit, but nah. You did good.” Mina blushes in an uncharacteristic show of embarrassment. “Thanks, but you did all the heavy lifting, Kiri. You’re annoyingly good-looking. You and Kaminari are the worst.” She shakes her head in mock irritation and Tooru giggles, completely in agreement. Kirishima grins, all sharp teeth and big, pretty eyes. He’s just about to respond when there is an aggressive attack of knocks on Mina’s door. Tooru jumps in surprise and Mina rolls her eyes at the noise, correctly predicting the identity of the rude would-be intruder. “I know you’re in there, Hair-for-Brains! Didn’t I tell you not to be late? If we miss the bus we have to walk!” Bakugou’s loud voice clearly carries through the closed door. Tooru audibly scoffs in response. “We only open the door for gentlemen!” Mina snorts obnoxiously and Kirishima laughs quietly into his hand. “You’re gonna set him off,” Mina snickers. “And?” Mina laughs. Skipping towards the door, she raises her voice so Bakugou can hear her. “It’s ‘Respecting Kirishima’ hours! Be nice or we’ll lock him up in here forever!” Tooru follows her over to the door and hums loudly in agreement. Behind the door, the two girls can hear what sounds like mini-explosions. Mina laughs silently, head against the door. Blasty’s getting mad! Behind her, the bed squeaks loudly with the strain of movement. When Mina turns, Kirishima is now standing and has an amused but slightly uneasy expression on his face. “Okay, okay. We had our fun. I’m gonna go now.” Tooru lightly stomps her foot in defiance. Mina struggles to continue laughing in quiet as Kirishima gives Tooru a pleading expression. She hasn’t had this much fun since Kaminari short-circuited during field training last week! She’s having such a hard time containing herself that she doesn’t notice the absence of the sounds of explosions until Bakugou speaks again. “Kirishima,” he starts and it sounds so foreign and strained that Mina almost chokes on her own scream of laughter. “Can we please...” The blond trails off, leaving the awkward half-request floating in the hair and, not for the first time, she curses the fact that the dorm rooms don’t have peepholes. After a minute, Bakugou starts again. “I really don’t want to miss this showing, so hurry the fuc— let’s go, please.” At this point, Mina is crumpled on the floor. The effort of maintaining a quiet volume taking its toll on her. “T—Tooru,” she whisper-screams in laughter. “Tooru broke Bakugou!” Tooru’s face is, obviously, unreadable but Mina imagines that she looks slightly annoyed. “Being nice never hurt anyone.” Still laughing, Mina catches Kirishima rolling his eyes at both of them. He walks past Tooru and carefully steps over Mina to get to the door. “I’ll see you guys later then. And thanks again.” “You’re welcome,” Tooru quickly replies, bubbly disposition falling back into place. “If you’re really feeling grateful you can come back with the deets.” Mina nods, pink curls brushing against the floor. “Text the group chat when you’re back, Kiri. You better kiss and tell,” she winks mischievously. Kirishima shushes her and lightly taps on the door. She rolls her eyes in amusement. It’s not like McSplode can hear her whispering through the door! Both girls watch him open the door in silence. Mina is lying at a weird angle on the floor but from what she can see Bakugou is dressed stylishly, which isn’t unusual but she can tell he put in extra effort this time around. She watches the blond’s face morph from an irritated, troubled expression to one of almost dazed shyness, his cheeks adopting a pretty pink hue. How many times will Bakugou break today? The blond quickly collects himself but the lapse in attitude was too striking to be missed. Mina snickers into her hand. “W—Well, let’s go, Hai— Kirishima,” he corrects himself while glaring at Tooru’s invisible form. “If we miss the bus we’re gonna be screwed.” Bakugou’s cheeks continue to glow pink. Kirishima nods cooperatively. “Okay! If we speed walk we’ll make it still.” The two boys quickly dash down the hall. Mina, not yet done with her fun, jumps up and sticks her head out the door. “Remember, Blasty! It’s ‘Respecting Kirishima’ hours! Don’t make Hagakure beat your ass!” Tooru laughs as they strain to hear a muffled shout in response. Mina is almost positive that she heard some variation of the f-word but that’s nothing very concerning. Giggling, the pink girl shuts her bedroom door. Turning to Tooru, she extends a palm towards her to initiate a high-five. The invisible girl reciprocates, excitedly giggling with her. “Did you see Bakugou’s face? He’s so crushing. Kiri is so dumb!” Mina laughs. “They’re both dumb. Bakugou’s dumber though.” “Oh, of course, obviously” Tooru agrees. Mina playfully slaps her arm as she passes her to get to her desk. Picking up her phone she starts drafting a message. Tooru looks over her shoulder and gives a dainty snort of amused approval. ALIEN_QUEEN: @CLEAR-N-CUTE @REDDYtoRIOT OOOH HOMEBOY BOUTA GET IT REDDYtoRIOT: @ALIEN_QUEEN @CLEAR-N-CUTE im RLLY glad i didnt go thru w the blk..... wldve been real quiet 4 me CLEAR-N-CUTE: @REDDYtoRIOT @ALIEN_QUEEN SEE? trust ur homegirls
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