#yandere tsunade senju imagine
Yandere Tsunade Senju Headcanons (platonic)
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Tsunade is extremely overprotective. She doesn’t want any harm to befall someone she has become attached to as intensely as she has her obsession. She can’t lose you like she lost Dan. She will personally train you herself to ensure you have the top notch fighting expertise as well as medical knowledge to take care of yourself in any given situation.
But she also doesn’t want you to be capable enough to take her on. She still wants some control over you. As much as she would never admit it she likes the dependency you have on her, whether physically, mentally, and or emotionally. As much as she wants you to be independent and thriving, she still wants you to need her. Even if it’s not for anything too important. Tsunade just wants to stay a part of your life and she’ll be damned if otherwise.
As Hokage, Tsunade has even more authority over what you can and cannot do. Not to mention more authority over your protection. If you’re shinobi then she can dictate what missions you are assigned or take part in, or even who your team is. She can’t have you with people who can’t work together or at least have your back, now can she?
As a civilian she can pull strings for your convenience or inconvenience. Suddenly your rent has decreased to a more comfortable and maintainable amount and you’ve been promoted at your job. Or maybe your rent skyrockets so much so that you can’t keep up with payments. And now your job has become too much for you to handle or they just up and fire you altogether. Now you have nothing. But it’s okay, Tsunade’s here to take care of you. Why don’t you come to live with her? She could even get you a job at the Hokage Tower, working close enough to her. You’ll be all the more dependent on her now, won’t you?
Tsunade would also go as far as to assign an anbu to trail you, keeping an extremely close eye on you and reporting everything back to her. It doesn’t matter what it is you do during your day to day activities, she wants to know every single little detail. Especially, when it comes to who you’ve interacted with.
If her obsession were to ever ask her to stop drinking, Tsunade would most definitely take it into count. She may not stop completely but if it worried you so than she would lessen it quite a bit. She does care about what you say, your opinions and worries. And if her alcoholism is one of those things then she’ll compromise.
Any and all friends or lovers are heavily scrutinized by her. She doesn’t think anyone will ever truly be good enough for you but if they make you happy then so be it. But she’s keep an excruciatingly close eye on them, sending anbu to dig up whatever they can on these “friends” or “love interests” of yours. She just doesn’t want you getting hurt or taken advantage of. But Tsunade also wants you happy above all else. If you do get hurt she’ll always be there, even if she does come off as a little ‘I told you so’.
If any true harm and malicious intent were to come your way, Tsunade would be infuriated. She wants to see you and know your condition before she decides what to do. Usually she would spring into action right away but when you’re involved, you’re her top priority. Seeing you, knowing you’re at the very least alive will ease her, only a little. But depending on what has been done to you, Tsunade will take that into count when she sends for the bastards to be brought to her. She’ll have them regretting their very existence when she’s done with them. She may even give them to Ibiki to do as he pleases with.
Tsunade cares about her obsession, so much so that it hurts. She wants nothing but the best for you but she’s so terrified of losing someone she cares so much for. She doesn’t want to go through that again. She doesn’t want to be alone again. No matter what, Tsunade is not going to lose you. If she ever did then that would be the end of her.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
🖤Could I request all the senjus,sasuke,pein,naruto,neji,itachi,madara, and shisui with the soulmate au when the name of the darling is on them and their name is on the darling?🖤
I enjoy soulmate AU's a lot because that's just perfect for a Yandere😉.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, controlling Yandere, harsh Yandere, stalking, clinginess, delusions, worshipping, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of death
Soulmate AU: Names on each other
Madara Uchiha
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🌑If Madara was a possessive man before just wait until he is met with his darling whose name is written somewhere on his body and his name is decorating their body as well. During his childhood he was far more iffy about that whole soulmate stuff, not really someone to believe in something like destined love and yet he finds himself attracted instantly to you the moment he laid eyes on you. Some might think that knowing that you're his soulmate should be enough for him to trust you more, but Madara doesn't.
🌑Knowing what significance you hold for him actually only makes him more controlling and paranoid, the mere imagination of his soulmate betraying him stinging painfully. Will guarantee that his name will be seen as long as it isn't placed on a place he doesn't wish others to see so they better back off and there is smug satisfaction knowing that one look at the s/o's wrist is enough to make everyone, including the darling, realize who they belong to. The Uchiha just grows extremely overbearing with his soulmate s/o.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Purely exhilarated when he finally meets his darling whose name he's been having on him since earliest childhood. And he's been romanticizing this all ever since, rambling and wondering how his darling will probably be like. Tobirama can tell you tales about it because he was the poor soul forced to listen. The whole Senju clan basically welcomes the darling with open arms, having long ago accepted you as Hashi's soulmate and future spouse. Hashirama's delusions might be a bit unfortunate because he never really considered the chance of his soulmate possibly not liking him.
🌳Because for him it was love at first sight. It had to be for them as well, wasn't it? It would be a mild term to say that he is a sucker for his darling and daily smothers them in love and he certainly likes seeing his name on their body as well. Knowing his darling is his soulmate he probably will end up worshipping the very ground they walk on and pretty much everything they do so that his brother has to step in and try to talk to him. Not like it worked anyways.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Initially not exactly sure how to feel about the concept of his soulmate either, though he was incredibly delighted when he got to know them for the first time as well. You can bet that he tried his best to leave a very good first impression because he kind of hopes that he doesn't have to use any too drastic meassurements. Not with the one person he was apparently destined to be with, though his obsession kind of roots from the knowledge which kind of bond you two share. His big bro surely pushes him to get more in contact with the darling and helps Tobirama when he thinks the man needs it.
🌊Hashirama literally sees you already as his in-law and he might just sometimes mention it which is more embarrassing for Tobi. A cocky bastard as well since he feels highly proud whenever he catches a glimpse of his name on you, way worse than his brother. The Senju grows to be more protective than before since his feelings kind of grow faster due to you being his soulmate as well. A bit paranoid as well, though he at the very least tries to have faith in you since he is your soulmate as well.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌There had to be some conflicting feelings inside of her when she was in love with Dan despite knowing that she had a soulmate and I personally believe both of them might have agreed to being together until you would somehow stumble upon Tsuna and end things without bitter feelings. But she really did love Dan and his death left even more pain and paranoia. She flips out a bit when she does as much as hearing rumors about you and the name you have on your body and even more when she first meets you. At this point Tsunade is already quite desperate to meet you and even more anxious that something might happen to you long before she met you.
🐌The Leaf Village is quite happy to have their Hokage's soulmate with them now, knowing how much it must mean to the kunoichi and the woman almost cried out of happiness at first. Confesses that she loved someone before, though she does not regret it at all. She made beautiful memories, but now she wants to make many new ones with her darling. I assure you, any second she doesn't have to spend with work, she spends with you. But you might be able to convince her into motivating her a bit more because you definitely can.
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🌧️Nagato actually looked greatly forward to meeting his soulmate before everything was completely ruined. Pain is some sort of alternative personality of his, but the attachment to his soulmate will still be felt by him, the feeling of not being that empty all of a sudden anymore. Nagato has his suspicions very quickly, but still decides to spy to find out if the s/o has his name on them written and he has connections all over the place. But the moment it does turn out that you are his soulmate, count yourself as missing because Pain will kidnap you in a heartbeat, driven by a very paranoid, excited yet anxious Nagato.
🌧️Konan has to calm Nagato and Pain down because for both this is quite the shock, even if Nagato hoped that this day would come. Konan herself is a bit overwhelmed because she puts hopes in the darling, hoping that they can help Nagato and Pain with their suffering which is why she puts in work to not make the s/o scared of them. Nagato himself is quite the mess, wanting to see you and yet fearing that in his condition you'll think of him as some sort of monster. This emotional roller coaster of his will affect Pain to a certain extent as well.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Shisui had not a very happy childhood to say the least and up to this day he is very busy with work and missions. But being able to hope for someone who'd one day be there for him no matter what was somewhat comforting and he had a huge grin on his face when he found you. His behavior somewhat intensifies, though he masks it so good that it's unlikely someone will notice. He just stalks his little darling a bit more, gets more protective and more possessive over them. He might just partially justify his feelings with the fact that ou are his soulmate, though that only works that much.
🍂He still would love to be able to have a semi-normal relationship with you if it's possible. This Uchiha has from time to time his smug moments as well when he sees his name on your skin, but he's still in comparison to others rather subtle about it. Grows the borderline of clingy whenever he returns from some missions that took a while to finish, desiring nothing more than returning into the embrace of his love. He's anything but fond of being too long away from his soulmate yet he has to.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Having a soulmate is a blessing and a curse at the same time for him and his darling due to his reputation. Itachi is just very aware of the fact that his darling will be hunted down simply for having his name written on them which is why he searches for them eagerly, his worries pushing him quite a bit. He can not bear having his darling at risk, even if he does not know them yet. Very relieved when he found them unharmed, smartly covering up their name the moment rumors about him spread out. It kind of hurts him to see this, but he understands why they had to do this.
🍡The destined attachment he feels still has a visible effect since Itachi loses his patience and control quite a bit sooner than expected, kidnapping his darling in the end so much quicker than he ever wanted. He simply can not fight against his feelings anymore. This situation has to be very unique for him and his darling and if there were to reject the fact that he is their soulmate, it'll hurt so much worse than it would be already under normal circumstances. Itachi just crumbles a bit faster under his feelings that are even worse now that you are his soulmate.
Neji Hyuga
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🕊️Here we come to his belief that everything was destined in life, leading to a sickenly sweet delusion and obsession he developed over his s/o long before ever having met them and that never changed. Neji is really just over the moon when he finally meets his darling and very similar to Hashirama he just pampers the hell out of them and treats them with so much love and care that it might bring tears to others around the two of them. From the very beginning there is just never much of a question for Neji that he will marry his darling later on and will be their husband sooner or later.
🕊️He has a very livid imagination about this. It's hard not to fall for him in the process since he is just so gentle and caring so that you might just look away from the fact that he does often ends up convincing you to stay in the Hyuga compound. Reacts mor enraged if he were to catch someone trying to make a move on you considering he is your soulmate and there is of course the fact that he is a Hyuga. His clan is a big deal after all.
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜Hated throughout his early childhood, Naruto really clinged on the thought that there had to be someone out there who would love him unconditionally. The desperate hopes turned with time into deeply rooted delusions and he was extremely excited and giddy when being introduced for the first time to you. You see, for him your love story and relationship together pretty much started the moment you two showed each other the mark on your body and he quite obviously will not accept anything else. The terms of two people destined for each other really only fuels his belief that you return his feelings and if you were to show him any signs of rejection, he will be very hurt.
🍜But he'll find excuses for your cold attitude. Grows to be even more possessively clingy than ever before and similar to Neji his jealousy gets to a new level as well. Naruto grows extremely protective as well, not being able to imagine how someone could dare to hurt the one person who did so much for him without even being physically there. Sakura might be able to tell you how much she already had to endure his lovesick rambling before her comrade met you and how it got worse after he met you. But she's happy for her friend.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Even during his more vengeful years, Sasuke never really was able to get rid of the thought when he would finally meet his soulmate and there is a chance he demanded from Orochimaru to collect some informations about it. After his death and the war and after he started traveling around, chances are that he finally took his time to travel to the places Orochimaru's pawns suspected you to be, free from his hatred and path of revenge. It doesn't really help hiding the full extend of his possessiveness though the moment he comes face to face with you.
💙There was more of a turmoil of emotions inside of him than he had expected. He'll end up staying for a bit in the village where he found you, wanting to get to know you better and at the same time wanting you to grow attached enough to him so that you'll come with him. He doesn't plan to settle down yet but he is still willing to give it a try in asking you. Don't make up your hopes though, he'll take you by force if you refuse and he will use the fact that you two are soulmates against you a lot.
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Hey, this is my first time doing request so I'm kinda nervous.
How would Yan! Tsunade react meeting (y/n) who is terminally ill? Like (y/n) would spend most of their time in hospital bed, regular check up, and occasionally draws something to entertain themselves?
Sorry if it's too much and have a wonderful day
Yandere Tsunade Senju w/ Terminally Ill!Reader Headcanons (platonic)
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(No need to be nervous☺️! Thank you for requesting!!)
Tsunade is taken with you the moment she meets you. She wants nothing more than to cure you, allowing you to live a full life of your own. A life outside of your hospital room. But until she can do just that, she will keep you as comfortable and content as possible.
She makes a habit to visit you multiple time throughout the day, at least twice; once during the day and once at night. She at the very least wants to be there when you wake up and when you go to sleep. It puts Tsunade at ease to see you before her day starts and when her day ends, it makes whatever happened in between to escape her.
If drawing is something that really comforts and keeps you entertained then she will go out of her way to gift you more materials for you to draw to your heart’s content. If it makes you happy and takes away from the reason why you’re confined to the hospital than Tsunade can support it. Not to mention seeing your peaceful face brings a smile to hers.
If you were to draw something just for her, Tsunade’s heart would swell with happiness and appreciation. She would cherish any and all the sweet things you draw up for her. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little doodle of something you drew on a napkin or a drawing of you and her outside spending time together. Tsunade would keep your drawings both at her home and at the Hokage Tower, where she can be close to them, looking at them whenever she needs to.
Tsunade’s attachment towards you will only grow and grow the longer she treats your illness. Her adoration for you growing all the more as well. It gets to a point where all her free time is spent with you. Even if you’re asleep she will stay and watch over you for awhile. She will even spend her lunch with you, taking you outside to do so if possible.
Even if you do start to gain strength and are able to do more than just stay in bed, Tsunade would still treat you as if you were fragile. And you always will be to her, no matter how much better you get.
As much as Tsunade wants you better and out of the hospital, she realizes you won’t need her anymore and that doesn’t sit well with her. She’s gotten so used to being the one you depend on, the one you spent most of not all your time with and once you’re cured that’ll all come to a halt. Tsunade doesn’t want that.
She wants you better but she doesn’t want you to be better off enough not to need her care. She may be able to cure your illness but she just might go to some extreme lengths to keep you depending on her. She might go as far as slipping or even injecting you with something to make you sick or weak. Not as much as before but enough to keep you compliant and needing of her.
She knows it’s wrong but Tsunade also can’t trust you to be able to take care of yourself outside in the real world. What are you going to be able to accomplish without her around? But with you like this, weak and vulnerable, Tsunade can keep an eye on you and take care of you just the way you need. And she knows what’s best after all.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request Sasuke,Tsunade,Sakura,Itachi,Shisui,Pein,Obito and Orochimaru with a darling who is the child of the daimyo?Thank youʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I remember that I did this eternities before with the founders.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, kidnapping, killing, blackmailing, threatening
Child of the Daimyo
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🐍Oh god, the possibilities he might just have by kidnapping the child of a Daimyo are unimaginable and frightening to imagine because that is what Orochimaru will do with them. He will abduct them, if that is because he wants something from the Daimyo themselves or because he has already his pretty little obsession with them is up to the question. He might in either case totally use the influence your parent has to his advantage and he will totally torment them a lot by not letting them know whether his darling is alive or not. Of course he doesn’t kill you, such a interesting thing like you shall be kept alive. But he doesn’t plan on giving you back either so he might tell Kabuto at one point to make an artificial realistic corpse if he doesn’t think he needs the Daimyo’s power anymore, but I doubt he would do that since he has them always as his backup plan.
🐍Of course making it known that he has you will make every shinobi only search more for you because the Daimyo will order them to do so, knowing that you’re in the hand of a total lunatic who is a criminal experimenting on human beings. Suddenly all focus lays on finding him and the hideout he keeps you in which can be a bit troublesome from time to time and even if people believe the artificial corpse is you, he will still be hunted for the rest of his life. Escaping him is a bad idea because he will still use his darling as a toy if they act up. Orochimaru totally gets in major troubles after the war because it is understandable that the Daimyo wants him dead for good now that he is caught. Because whilst he might have helped in the war, the Daimyo can not forgive him for taking their child. Who knows, maybe the s/o will end up talking their parents out of it if Orochimaru didn’t harm them and they see that he has changed. Still ends up being banished from seeing them ever again, but of course he won’t let it end like this. He finds a way.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌She is the Fifth Hokage of the Leaf so she definitely meets the Daimyo of the Land of Fire from time to time, be that by the finals of the Chunin Exams when they bet on who is going to win or for other political reasons that have to be discussed. And so she might just meet her darling during such times, probably attending a meeting with their father/mother and to learn a bit or for formal reasons. And Tsunade of course acts more respectful since she knows what power they already have and will later on continue to inherit. But she also is a rather blunt woman and for that might fluster her darling with her temper. But she is still a very lovely woman at heart despite her rough attitude and she might end up talking a bit with her darling afterwards. After all in the closer future they will have a lot of power and need to make difficult decisions. Maybe it burdens them a bit.
🐌She will have to spend a bit more time with you and grow closer to you, otherwise she wouldn’t really fall in love. Who knows, if you are really worried about your future position she might end up being some sort of therapist for you who listens to your concerns and thoughts and helps you sorting your thoughts out since she has experience with this all, she is the Hokage. So there is a change she and her darling might fall naturally in love with each other and since that is already done, the only thing to do now us convincing your parent. There might be doubts at first and they might even be against it, but in the end they’ll be convinced. Be that through your pleads and promises that everything will be fine or Tsunade’s rougher speech where she will bring the point over that both of you love each other. It is not like she would ever abuse the power you have for herself. She refuses to do so. Tsunade is of course in a power position as well and for that you might want to talk with her sometimes more over political stuff, but she gets boring quickly and rather has a fun time with you instead of talking about such stuff.
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🌧Pain takes a risk as well by taking his darling away from their parent who holds a lot of political power because if they find out that Amegakure is the town where they’re currently kept in, they might just storm the place and ruin the city even more than it was already. This is actually the reason he keeps this all preferably a secret instead of blackmailing them into giving him informations about the jinchuriki and their whereabouts. He has enough trust in the Akatsuki to do so on their own. He doesn’t need that power and this makes the situation quite bad because it means he will not give his darling the respect they’re used to and he will just as much not give them special treatment. For him they’re still his darling, the person he keeps trapped in the tower and whom he doesn’t let out unless they behave and unless Konan talks him into doing so. If someone does enter his village, he will slaughter them all.
🌧That means he won’t hesitate to hurt you as well and you can not expect any mercy for him just because you are the child of the Daimyo. You’re in his village now and he is the one who makes rules here. Pain might actually feel the need to teach his darling about how rough the world really is and that all that they might have believed so far and what their parent told them is a lie. Because not only grew you up pretty pampered, you also had from very early on a position and your parent mostly taught you about what they believe so you would be a good leader later on. That is where Pain sees the problem, he thinks his darling has been brainwashed and believe in the completely wrong things which they would have, if he hadn’t kidnapped them, used to continue the never ending vicious circle. But in order for his darling to become his god/goddess, they’ll have to realize how the world really is. So, to put it simply, he starts brainwashing his darling as well.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥Does this man care? No, he definitely doesn’t. All he sees is his darling being forced to live a life as a very famous person who holds power and for that will be targeted due to their influence and what they will inherit once growing up. Additionally he also fears that the pressure on their shoulders will be too much for them to handle and that they might not even want to live that kind of life. So he would feel so much more encouraged to “save” them if he hears that they wish they would get a break from all of this. His darling doesn’t even want to be that way! They’re just being forced into something they don’t want! And just like that, he kidnaps his darling and he will gladly slaughter everyone who stands in his way, even if it is the Daimyo himself. Obito is messy regarding such things and if it is for his darling, he will kill anyone who he sees as threat. That happens to be sadly the whole freaking world so isolation is an unavoidable thing with him.
🔥And he is truly the last person who would care about the power his darling has, it couldn’t matter less to him. He much rather keeps them safe and sound and you are going to be terrified since Obito is not exactly what you could call stable. He is desperate with his attempts and forces all of his affection and smothers on you, no matter if you want it as well or not. It is just obvious he is extremely dependent on you and it is also clear that he will not let you go. It’s not a good thing to do in the first place, you are his mentality and without you he will go on a bloody rampage. And he will also be searched for, people wanting him for kidnapping and the death of people next to him being part of the Akatsuki. And Obito erases such people rather quickly, viewing them already as possible threats. Obito just spends a lot of time trying to explain why he did what he did and talks about his plans which don’t put him in a good life. But he is also the only person you have so not only will you develop Stockholm syndrome, but he will also push all his paranoia on you which will make you stay willingly, too afraid of the outside world.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂He is in a rather high position as well and might have met his darling before whilst escorting the Daimyo and them somewhere, he is known to be a very strong and skilled shinobi after all and the Daimyo has to be protected due to his influence. Shisui knows about that as well and so he naturally is extremely respectful to their child, even though he also cracks some jokes if he realizes that they’re stressed, mad or in a sad mood. That is what Shisui is best at after all, reading how people feel. So similar to Tsunade, he might also talk with his darling about whether they’re happy with their life or feel the weight they already have to carry. And whilst they might be more hostile and refuse to talk with him about it at first, they might also feel like they can trust him and so he ends up just listening to them and giving them advices afterwards. This is how he builds a bond with them and the more closer he gets to them, the more open and casual he becomes.
🍂But he never fully loses the respectful behavior towards you. You are still in a very important and high position. This is actually why he kind of hesitates when he realizes what exactly he feels for you, knowing that he will be watched if he confesses and you two really do become a thing which increases the danger of others finding out. Additionally your parent might be not really happy about this do he kind of makes sure that your father/mother likes him before he even thinks about telling you his feelings. Similar to Tsunade, you both might catch mutual feelings and whilst you might not share the same obsession he has, it gives him an advantage since it’ll look less suspicious if you love him as well. Shisui has of course be extremely careful once he is given permission to have a relationship with you because now he is, just as from him expected, closely watched. That means one small slip up and he is finished, even though he manages to have a semi-normal relationship with his darling.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi has a hard time accepting all of this, mainly because he is one of the most sane Yandere to have. He always thinks logical about the things he does and he knows too well that falling in love with the child of a Daimyo is terrible, no matter how happy it might make him from time to time. To start with they’re extremely well-guarded, making it hard for him to get really close to them and stalk them like he might do at the beginning. Next to that he will be only so much more hunted down if someone finds out that he has been secretly stalking you which will of course infuriate your parent and that will make him only more wanted. And he knows that kidnapping you would not only be a bit harder, but afterwards he will have the whole Land of Fire and probably also Sasuke on his trail if they see you with him together and people will just naturally assume that he took you.
🍡So he holds himself back for the longest time possible, extremely saddened that this will never work out since you two are too different and you are in a too important situation. No one except Kisame might know about it and it is in Itachi’s opinion better that way. His comrade kind of jokes about the impossible love scenario in here, but quickly realizes that he doesn’t help the Uchiha with it and stops it. And for a time Itachi manages to be content enough with watching you living peacefully and save, even though you might struggle with your duty a bit, and convincing himself that this is the next for everyone. And as much appreciation he can get for this, even he has a limit to how much he can take and he might get triggered easier if he sees that the Daimyo is forcing their child into inheriting their position and all that power, even if they don’t want it. Itachi is not really interested in the things the Daimyo can do and he wishes no one to find out that he was the one who took you or else all hell shall break loose. His darling is terrified of him anyways.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙He is another one of those guys who might be in the “I do not care at all how powerful their parents are, I’m still going to kidnap them” club. That would be of course only the case it we’re talking about a teenager Sasuke here since he has a far worse temper and a not very good control over his emotions. Of course he plans as well, but he also acts pretty much on impulses and he might just capture his darling with the help of Orochimaru. Sasuke might surprisingly not even that interested in using the political influence of his darling’s mother/father to his advantage. Not as long as it doesn’t help him tracking his brother down or, at one point, destroying the Leaf Village since those are his only real goals. Orochimaru might of course want to use that to his advantage, the question is if Sasuke will let him. Of course afterwards they will be put even higher on the criminal list than already and Sasuke murders whoever poses themselves as a nuisance because they search for you, will be eliminated by him which gains more unwanted attention.
💙So Sasuke has his fair share of troubles as well even after he is celebrated as a hero after the war because for the Daimyo the only important thing is that he kidnapped their child and he didn’t treat them really respectful either so if the darling tells them their parent as well, they’re going to be even more enraged. Naruto and Sakura still defend their friend since the Daimyo kind of thinks about punishing him with death or imprisonment for the rest of his life, clearly resenting the boy. Sasuke apologizes afterwards, reflecting on the way he might have treated you and he doesn’t exactly expect forgiveness and whilst he is mad when he hears it, it was obvious the Daimyo would forgive him to see you ever again. That is where the problem lays since Sasuke is even as an adult rather possessive so having to stay away from his darling is hard, especially since he travels around a lot. He would be positively surprised if not only would you forgive him, but also want to continue meeting him which is the best case scenario how he will be able to keep in contact with you without having to resort to other methods.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸She has similarities to her sensei, even though she also is her own person. Sakura is just very sweet and warm to her darling, she mostly knows how stressful their life can be due to their position and all the pressure and learning they gave to face each day in order to be later on a good Daimyo and make their parent and county proud. Sakura somehow brings balance in all of this, giving her s/o times where they can take a short break to take a few deep breaths and to just relax a bit more with her. She fully understands that you are often busy, that is part of your life. But she is rather clingy and for that can get rather frustrated if she is too long separated from you. Sakura would never use the power she might gain through you, she loves you for you and not for your power and she is not stupid, if she would really attempt to do this she will be stuck in deep troubles. The girl wants to give you a sense of normality do she never brings the topic that you’re the child of a Daimyo up much.
🌸Sakura wants her darling to feel normal and instead tries to do things with them that make them forget their worries for a bit and enjoy a carefree life. She is not someone with a strong political position except for the fact that she is one of the strongest kunoichi and a world-known medic. If that soothes or worries your parent is up to them, but since you are their child I guess they’re a bit warily around everyone and might not even see Sakura as a very fitting person since you have much more power, political wise, than she has. But Sakura is also one of those person her darling might fall naturally in love with over time so there will be protest from the darling just as much as from Sakura. And she can get a bit scary during such times, just like Tsunade can. And with a bit luck your parent might give in and allow it and that’s the moment Tsunade is again really friendly to them. She treats you pretty normal. It is not like she doesn’t keep your position in mind, it is just that she sees you more as her lover than the child of a Daimyo.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hi 💙Can you do Madara,Itachi,Shisui,Pein,Orochimaru and sasuke with a s/o who they knew as a child who could see the future and they realize that they can because what they said as a child is coming true?Thank you ☺️
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, stalking, kidnapping
s/o can see the future
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Madara grew up during a time of war and witnessed countless people, including family, die. He had never really a real childhood, being trained to fight in war in a very young age. That made him naturally overprotective over those who were left, including his brother and his s/o who was his closest friend and on whom he had maybe even already a small crush.
🌑He would react rather sensitive in my opinion, especially if you tell him that his brother will die. He swore to protect him and you and doesn’t want to hear this because he knows it might happen. It kind of scares him how serious you sound whenever you say this and he would try to tell you that you’re just letting fear take over you and imagine the worst things. Especially if you should start separating yourself from him, seeing how he will later on be, he would get mad, in a more childish way, lecturing you that you’re being ridiculous now. He tries to calm you down and tell you it’s nothing, but in the back of his mind he would always keep the thought that there might be more to it. But he wouldn’t tell anyone unless he’s sure.
🌑But after meeting Hashirama, a Senju, Just like you prophesied, he would start getting a very solid idea on what might be with you, though he hopes that this is just a very strange coincidence. He wasn’t as messed up when Izuna was still alive and he still younger and whilst the want of power was already there, he would also be frightened thinking about what other people would try to do or do to you if his suspicions are indeed on point. It makes him suddenly pay more attention to what you sometimes tell you saw in a sudden flashback or in dreams and this suspicion of his makes him already paranoid over you and his brother who’s death you prophecied.
🌑He felt entirely confirmed after Izuna indeed died, through the hand of Tobirama and the agreement was formed. And that’s when the paranoia really starts with him and it will still get worse later on. I do not think he would let anyone know about this, the only person he probably ever told was Izuna who is now dead. And he feels terrible for that because he wasn’t able to change the future even though he knew what was happening. He doesn’t want people to start bugging his darling and annoying them only to get their future told. He’s at that time already very possessive over them. And since he knew them already as a child, he has a lot of trust in them and wouldn’t pressure them into telling them that much like he would if he had only met them later on.
🌑Personally think that he would be a softer version in here since he knows you since his youngest days. You may likely care for him since he used to be your friend as well and also think that due to you knowing and seeing glimpses of the future, you know what would happen if you try to escape and if escaping is even possible. It does not have to mean that you agree to him dragging you with him afterwards, but it is reassuring for Madara to know that you will never try to escape.
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🐍Orochimaru was already twisted as a child, although he got more and more the older he became. But he has a talent for finding and seeing the potential in people, in most cases at least. So he might have kind of gotten a certain feeling that there was more behind the things they told him, from Tsunade’s loses to him becoming a rogue and experimenting.
🐍So whilst he might have seen you before as a acquaintance of his, he would definitely become more interested in you after sending that you were dead serious about such things and that there was just something special about you. It suddenly makes him stick closer to you and dedicate more of his time into you. He has an obsession with having ownership over things other people don’t. And it doesn’t have to be always jutsus or a kekkai genkai with raw strength. Something I heard and so incredibly advanced technique, kekkai genkai or whatever that is, is already enough for him.
🐍He used to kind of threaten you to not tell anyone about this or else he would do something, especially after he had started experimenting and people had gotten suspicious of him. He knew he would have to flee one day anyways. He was still a bit iffy whether he was wrong with his assumption or not, so he almost, only almost, looked forward when the war happened where Tsunade would lose those she loves. And after Nawaki had died indeed, Orochimaru finally accepted your talent. And that made him absolutely thrilled, all of a sudden he monopolized your time and wanted to know about everything you might have seen somewhere before.
🐍Took you with him afterwards, no matter whether you put up a fight or not, he didn’t want to leave you in this village, not someone as extraordinary as you. He never told anyone, he was in a way jealous people would start taking a closer look into this strenght of you before he could. He was after all the first one who had found out, so he feels like he should also be the first and only one to know the secret behind the ability to see the future. He also definitely counts on the fact that you won’t try to escape him. He almost makes it a bit of a game to test the true power of you because he knows you would only try to escape if you know it works.
🐍So if you tag along, he is a did. bit more friendly with you and as long as you just let him keep tabs on you and look closely at your ability, you won’t be treated like a labor rat or the many other test subjects of his. In a way you are special for him, not only because you’re his favorite and his obsession, but also because you were the first person he ever became interested and saw potential in. And he has a lot to test upon, for example if the future you see can be prevented or changed if someone knows it before. Also looks deeper into your family to see if this is somewhat of a hidden ability or if you’re the first one.
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🌧Given Nagato’s past, he would be definitely concerned when hearing all those stories you sometimes dream of and see scenes off. It worries him and whilst a dream can be brushed off as a nightmare which wouldn’t be weird given the circumstances, the more detailed and often they come and if you go as far as sometimes even during random moments to suddenly get stuck in a dream, he starts suspecting something.
🌧Together with Konan and Yahiko, he would be the only one to know, maybe also Jiraiya whilst he taught them all. He already lost his parents and his darling telling him constantly that Yahiko is going to die and he’ll kill a lot of people makes him feel paranoid. Jiraiya would most likely take a closer look at you, definitely realizing that there’s something more with those sudden dreams of yours. And that will lead him to being extremely worried when you tell him about all the horrible things you see, even seeing him getting killed by his own students. Not only would it make him more reluctant to leave you all later on behind, it somewhat makes him pushing his ideals even more on his students and putting weight on your shoulders in the form of telling you to look out for them.
🌧Yahiko, Konan and Nagato would start believing that you can indeed see the future after creating the Akatsuki which is why all of them would somewhat start planning on how to prevent the horrifying future you saw by making up plans with the pieces of information they got from you when what will happen. The darling themself would try to give them as much help as possible since they would definitely want to prevent them from becoming what they are in the future. This would make all of this so much more heartbreaking for all of them when it still happens and Pain is being born.
🌧Since you’re a childhood friend of them I believe that they would feel bad for forcing you into an isolated life style, though Pain and Konan know that you saw what would happen to you all along. So next to the heartbreaking knowledge that Yahiko is gone and they couldn’t do anything, Pain and Konan also feel bad for ruining your life. And yet Pein also shatters even more because he knows that you saw it all along with the ability of yours to look into the future. He would kind of excuse all of his terrible crimes next to his ideology with the reason that this is just what is meant to happen since you saw it. It’s, as cruel as it might sound, what he was destined to be.
🌧Him and Konan try to make you feel less guilty since you most likely cry and blame yourself for this, thinking that if you would have just done more, you could have helped them. Pain knows that it isn’t your fault and as mentioned above, he kind of started believing that what you see in the future can not be changed, no matter what happens. So he just tells you that you shouldn’t blame you for something you couldn’t have changed anyways. He bitterly accepted that as well.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Shisui had from a very early age on a lot of pressure on him, being viewed as at an outstanding and extraordinary kid in his clan. He had not a really good childhood, he was constantly training to fulfill the expectations everyone was putting on him and similar to Itachi, his darling offered him to just take a short break and enjoy the life of a child.
🍂If this only happens once, he might just tell his darling that this was a nightmare. But Shisui is smart, very smart, and he also just knows when his darling is dead serious about something or not. And continuously dreaming of such things just smells at a very early point for him very suspiciously and for that he would suddenly start secretly investigating into your family, wanting to know if there was someone in there who had a similar case or if you’re the first one.
🍂He already had his ideas, but after seeing his comrade die because of him and earning the Mangekyou Sharingan, he felt confirmed with the assumption you are able to catch glimpses of the future. It’s something that can’t be kept a secret forever from people, someone is bound to find out at one point. But he at least wants to find a way to make sure you won’t get targeted since seeing the future is a powerful ability to have. Feel like the very first people he would let on into this are Itachi and the Third.
🍂Feel like the Third would agree with him to keep it for now a secret until a way is figured out to ensure you won’t get kidnapped by someone who will force you into telling them aspects of the future and the Third will definitely give Shisui the job to watch from time to time over you and look out that you don’t slip up since he has the most experience on how to handle you. Whilst he wouldn’t force you into telling him everything, he has to definitely report the incident with Danzo when you tell him one day from it and that you saw him dying. He is after all also dedicated to his village. It’s not pleasant for him to hear that he’ll die, though he will die for his village or you if needed, but hopes that he can find with some help a solution so he will get to live longer.
🍂With Shisui the most normal relationship would be possible from all those guys in here if I can be honest. He’s overprotective and kind of worries that you might get overwhelmed with what you see so whilst he will not force you to tell him unless it’s really important, he is always there to listen to you and calm you down.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡He is similar to Shisui. He was also from a very early age on pushed, especially by his own father who always expected the best from him. He had also a lot of expectations from other people on him, next to Shisui being looked up to by everyone, including his little brother. So his darling gave him these rare moments to just calm down and just be a normal boy who had fun.
🍡He would also suspect very quickly that there is more behind this, especially if the dreams keep repeating themselves and get more and more detailed. It worries him, even more if this stresses you out a lot and he always tries to help you relaxing when you are once again rambling about what you saw, him slaughtering his whole clan, going missing-nin and joining a group of criminals. Itachi of course didn’t really expect at that time to be one day really be pushed that far, but it unnerved him a bit to hear such things. He doesn’t think of you as crazy, but certainly asks you to keep quiet about it for now until you two know what’s going on.
🍡He didn’t completely believe in his theory until the day came where Shisui really died, giving him his one eye and committing suicide afterwards, leaving Itachi alone with his new Mangekyou Sharingan. And Itachi definitely didn’t believe in a coincidence in here, it had been too much like you had described it and with the current atmosphere and tension in the clan he kind of knew that the rest would happen as well, with him having to kill his whole clan except Sasuke and leaving the village afterwards.
🍡And he didn’t even try to sugarcoat it, he is the type to tell you openly that he will do it and you might not even be surprised, you knew it all along. It would still be more shocking to hear from him, but I guess it also depends on how much you know because if you know what his plan is going to do, you might relate to him. Personally think that his darling might have agreed to come willingly with him since they knew him since childhood and have most likely a ‘through thick and thin together’ dynamic. It leads to Itachi feeling eternally grateful.
🍡Still feels terrible for messing your life up like this, though he knows that you chose to come with him which soothes him a lot. There’s definitely a lot of respect for you going as far as accompanying him on his path. If we go with the original story line and not some where he survives, he will also prepare for the day where he’ll die and inform you beforehand about what is going to happen after he dies in the fight with Sasuke, even though you already know. This would be then a story I already posted about, Sasuke promising to take care of Itachi’ s/o.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙He would somewhat cling a bit to his s/o during his childhood, he was after all the neglected child and his darling during the time his parents where alive one of the very few persons who gave him a lot of attention and trained with him as good as they could. They were already back then someone precious for him.
💙He was a rather innocent child, he didn’t see what Itachi and Shisui saw so he might actually think of this as cool if he would figure out what you can do. But he would definitely be frightened when he hears about his whole clan getting killed by his brother. Keep in mind, he was just a child back then and is most likely the type to tell you you’re just dreaming and thinking too much, rather than to convince himself than you. The thought of him being left alone was terrifying for him.
💙And he found definitely out as one of the most youngest, witnessing his whole clan being killed and his brother being the culprit. It just crushed him in all ways possible and after that he started pilling his hatred up inside of him and distancing himself from anyone except his darling. They were pretty much the only person he was able to open up too and with whom he could show his emotions. I see him as someone who would with someone he knew from childhood on be much more nicer and patient and since they already know that he’s going rogue in the future, he would ask them at first to come with him, hoping they will come along willingly. That shows a lot of trust and he would feel pretty much betrayed if they would reject that offer.
💙Still feel like you would understand him better than many others which is why you might tag along on your own free will, maybe also because you know if you don’t come with him now, he’ll get you later. Sasuke will surely not let Orochimaru know about your powers, the thought that he might want to make you a labor rat as well disgusts him and for that he will ensure to never let that man find out. If he should still find out, Sasuke’s overprotectiveness will increase to the level where he can be identified as clingy since he gets paranoid imagining what would happen if the snake man should catch you whilst you’re alone. He doesn’t like that guy near you in the first place.
💙After he killed Orochimaru, just like you told him he would, he made you the first member of his new team to hunt down Itachi. He might have blamed you a bit for not being able to use your power more detailed after finding out what really had been going on all along with Itachi, though he would also search afterwards for a lot more comfort than usually in you.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How would the Senju family, Gaara, Mei, Yagura and Minato react if their darling was kidnapped by shinobi of a rival village as a attempt to manipulate/blackmail the Kage?
I think all of them would lose it. But a few might act more brutal than others. It also takes some serious talent to kidnap their darlings.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, kidnapping, blackmailing, threatening, manipulation, violence, vicious behavior, mentions of killing
Kidnapping the s/o to manipulate/blackmail the Kage
Hashirama Senju
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🌳It would be very hard for a shinobi from a rival village to kidnap his s/o since he basically never leaves their side. It has to be a moment where he is currently busy with his work and when his brother isn’t keeping a close eye on you. This would be the only chance these guys will ever have since the chances of these two guys not watching you is pretty rare.
🌳Full panic mode! He nearly suffers from a heart attack and feels more than guilty for not being able to protect you. Hashirama isn’t really a violent one and was actually the one who wanted the new built villages to form peace under each other. He might even try to solve the problem without violence, but through talking. But the moment the other village starts demanding things from him even he gets that they’re dead serious about it. And then he gets serious too.
🌳A good thing here is that Tobirama will for sure help him with this problem and that’s a good thing since Tobirama is very strategically. Anbu will infiltrate the village quickly since they can’t just walk in blindly, even though Hashirama would do that. They need to work fast to get you out of there. Normally a Kage doesn’t join missions unless they’re really important. This is important so Hashirama will come alongside the others.
🌳Hashirama is strong. Really, really strong so if they should get in a fight they’ll be fine since his brother would totally join him on his mission in order to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Hashirama is determined to get his darling back, making him go a bit rougher on the enemies, but he wouldn’t kill them. But that is only unless he finds you and sees that they have hurt you in order to get some informations about the village and him which could be used against them. I wrote Hc’s about how he would react if his darling would be hurt by someone. To make it short, he would lose it then and that would lead to some serious troubles for the shinobi who were guarding his darling.
🌳This incident will be engraved in Hashirama’s mind for the rest of his life. He would never get quite over it and would even years later still apologize for ever letting this happen. But this also makes him even more clingier in order to protect his darling. Hashirama will also hold a huge grudge against the other village for doing this. He won’t punish them directly, but he will make sure to never get into any contact with them again. But if should ever even dare to pull such a stunt again then he won’t hesitate to do something against it.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He isn’t all the time with his darling since he has work to do. But he keeps them locked up in his house and has always a couple of Anbu watching over them. But that doesn’t mean that it will be impossible for the enemy to kidnap them.
🌊Tobirama had always known that there might be the danger that someone may try to use you against him. Besides his possessiveness this might be the other reason why he keeps you locked up in this house. Frustrated and angry. That’s the emotions bursting out in him as soon as he hears the news and the Anbu who were watching over you are in for some serious cursing. He does know that this isn’t completely their fault, but he needs to take his mixed up emotions on someone out. Tobirama is a lot more aggressive than his brother and gives the other village one aggressive warning. If that doesn’t work it’s for him like declaring war.
🌊Tobirama is a genius and even though he’s terribly impatient he’ll take his time to come up with a good strategy, finding out everything about the rival village he can find. He’ll join the rescue team.
🌊Tobirama is powerful and way more aggressive than Hashirama and is ready to kill if necessary. But he’ll get hella brutal when seeing that you’be been hurt or during your time here. Then he’ll let all the frustration and pent-up emotions out on whoever doesn’t wear a forehead protector of his village.
🌊This will have some impact on Tobirama and he’ll even start blaming himself for not calculating the situation better and being more prepared for this. It’ll be one of the rare times where he’ll get emotional and apologize to his darling. But the village who took you away? He’ll make them pay for this and will corner them, demanding some sort of reparation. For as long as he’s the Hokage he’ll make sure to somehow make the other village suffer. The relationship between him and the village will be on really thin ice.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade is really overprotective over her darling since she lost her brother and Dan. She doesn’t want anything to happen to her darling and keeps them with her nearly all the time. So the shinobi need to wait for this one moment where she leaves her darling alone and take them then.
🐌Poor woman will be devastated when hearing that you have been taken, feeling like she failed again. But shortly after these feelings of despair are joined by a new one, rage. She doesn’t even try to be polite when she sends a message to the leader, if it’s one of the five ninja villages then the Kage, and demands you back. In this situation she’ll lose her temper quickly.
🐌Just like Hashirama has his brother, Tsunade has Shizune to help her out with not going complete berserk and discusses a plan with the others. And there’s no way that Tsunade won’t come with them.
🐌Tsunade only needs to land one hit with her full power to turn that person into wet stain and she’s mad so I suppose if the shinobi from the rival village don’t want every single bone in their body shattered they should run. But if Tsunade sees that you’re hurt? Flashbacks from Nawaki and Dan will fill her head, making her for a short moment shake in fear before she comes back to her senses. And. Now. She’s. Angry. If the others can’t calm her down than she might destroy the landscape. But you’re lucky that she’s a medic. She’ll take instantly care of any injuries you might have suffered from.
🐌Tsunade could have lost all she had ever loved again and will definitely get very emotional after this, apologizing to you over and over again whilst crying. If someone should ever even mention the name of the village anywhere near her again she’ll snap. If the village that stole her darling really was one of the four other nations then she’ll definitely can’t help, but be more aggressive to the Kage of the village during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
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🐼It’s one of Gaara’s greatest fears that someone will use his darling against him which is why he makes sure that they’re never alone. He tries to be near them as often as possible. But he has also work to do so in these times one of his siblings or at least one jonin are always with his s/o. So the shinobi from the other village have only a small time frame to kidnap them. I can imagine that this might have happened after the whole Akatsuki incident since the village needed some time to restore after this.
🐼Hearing that one of his worst nightmares has become true will throw this boy into a state of pure paranoia, freezing on spot whilst his mind races with worst case scenarios. But despite all of this he tries his best to try at first to solve this without violence. But if the other village refuses and continues to blackmail him with you as the bait he’ll get serious quickly.
🐼The whole village is determined to help him, including his siblings who are for sure going with him on the mission to rescue you. But all of them are also smart enough to not just storm without a plan in the land of the enemy.
🐼Gaara might have lost Shukaku, but he’s still a Kage and insanely strong. If they should have hurt his darling even just a bit he’ll be mad and whoever comes after that in his way will be crushed. Even if he’s only sweet to you, don’t forget that he has a dark side.
🐼Now his paranoia will for sure increase and he’ll be a lot more clingy after this incident. This might cause him to lock you up in his house. Gaara is terrified that this might happen again. He’ll definitely dislike the village who did this hugely and if the village was one of the other four nations he’ll display his hostility towards the Kage during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Not only him. His siblings as well.
Mei Terumi
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🔵Mei knows very well that her darling can become a easy target due to their special connection to her. So she makes sure that everyone knows what will happen to a person who dares to even try to harm her darling. She is most of the times with them and if not a few other strong shinobi so for the enemy this will be a bit hard. They need to plan carefully.
🔵Mei would, to put it harmlessly, freak out when hearing this. She will lose all of her composure in that moment and needs some time to regain her cool. But I think she won’t be able to stay completely calm when she demands for the village to give you back and as soon as they refuse her already tightly stained thread of patience will rip.
🔵The village and all the citizens love her darling and will support her with everything they have. Mei will be more than just impatient and if it wouldn’t be for people like Ao she would probably just storm in there right then and there. Ao will for sure accompany her on this mission since his Byakugan wil for sure be a huge help.
🔵Being gifted with two kekkai genkai makes her a naturally strong opponent even though they try to avoid causing too much attention. But Mei will still fight fiercely everyone who comes in her way until she has finally found you again. But if they should have harmed you in any way then there will be consequences.
🔵The security around you will increase tenfold after that and now you aren’t allowed to leave Mei’s sight anymore. She’ll be more smothering the next few weeks, overjoyed to have you in her arms once again. After that there is visible tension between her and the other village and she will demand some sort of reparation. If she meets the Kage of the village during the World War they should be careful with what they say. Mei misunderstands things easily so one wrong word and she’ll lose all her self-control.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢A normal Yagura is aware of the target his darling carries on their back due to the relationship to him. He’s clingy and will stick to his darling’s side nearly most of the time and if not they’re always watched by some hunting-nin from his village. But if he was being controlled the scenario would look slightly different. He still knows that there might be the danger of somebody using you against him. But in this case being kidnapped will be the best thing happen to you. Everything is better than being locked and chained up in some isolated house guarded by a bunch of hunting-nins and shinobi of the Mist.
🐢Being calm and composed he’ll try to not panic, but in reality he’s flipping out on the inside. He���ll quickly start getting in contact with the village and will try to talk it out at first. But he knows when talking won’t be from any use and is ready to become more forceful. If he’s being manipulated he’ll have a terrifying fit of rage and hate. I can see him in this case as someone who would give the shinobi who couldn’t protect you a heavy punishment, probably even killing them. He won’t even think about talking it out, he’ll just go straight to war mode.
🐢Yagura is a smart one who tries to not get his fear get the best of him. For your sake he needs to stay calm and make a waterproof plan. But if he’s being manipulated he won’t be that strategic and will just collect a few of his strongest shinobi. He will in this case rely more on brutal strength.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage for a reason and since he has power over his jinchuriki this makes him so much more dangerous. He would like to avoid a fight, but is ready to do what’s necessary. If you have been harmed during your time here then he’ll feel angry, but will put your health above his feelings. But in the other scenario it’ll be much more bloodier and brutal. In this case Yagura wants to fight and will destroy everyone who’s in his way. I can see him sadly in this state as someone who might not even care if he hurts innocents. But if you think he was already brutal before then try to imagine his reaction when seeing you hurt. It isn’t like he is sincerely worried about you. But the fact that someone touched what’s his and marked them is what makes him angry.
🐢Yagura will apologize more than once to you that he let that happen to you and will make sure that he never leaves you alone again. He will demand some sort of reparation for this. The controlled version of him will just drag you right back to the prison where he kept you and won’t try to make it up to you. He might even get angry at you for being so weak to let yourself get kidnapped. Never tell him that it’s his fault or even mention this near him or he’ll let his anger out on you. He’ll terrorize the other village for as long as he lives.
Minato Namikaze
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⚡️Another one who is aware that his darling is a walking target for people who intend to blackmail him. He is very busy and has most of the time the Anbu, most likely Kakashi, watching over them. But he’s also aware of his Yandere tendencies so there might be a day where he’ll leave you for a short moment without security and that will give the rivals a chance.
⚡️It hits him pretty hard, knowing that it’s his fault for not seeing something like this coming sooner. But he also knows that he can’t let fear cloud his judgement. He will get in contact with the village, trying to solve things in a more civilized manner. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t ready to do what has to be done when the situation calls for it.
⚡️Minato witnessed war and has good knowledge in making good strategies and he is very beloved by his village and count on their help. Kakashi will help him with everything he has too since he also feels guilty for not being able to protect you better and will 100% join Minato on this mission.
⚡️Minato already killed people in the war and knows that it often can’t be helped and as the yellow flash of Konoha he’s a scary enemy to face. If you should have been mistreated during your time here his first worries will be if you’re alright. He is of course pissed that you’ve been treated like this, but your well-being is his first priority.
⚡️He takes all the blame and if you should be angry at him after this he’ll take all the yelling and the cursing. I feel like Kakashi would insist on watching you from now on 24/7 since he feels guilty too. Minato isn’t someone who holds easily grudges that deep, but this will be an exception. He’ll keep a sharp eye on the activities of this village and if they should ever try this again he’s ready to get more violent.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How would the Senju family, Sakura, Konan, Shikamaru, Karin and C react to their flirty crush using a pick-up line on them?
Let’s start!!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, possessiveness, clingyness
Using a pick-up line on them
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Believe it or not, but Hashirama himself is a very flirty one, even though not very often showing it. But he has a natural charm about him and if he feels in the mood he might throw the one or other pick-up line at you. Some of them are just hilarious, some of them hit the total right spot to make you blush.
🌳So if you’re a very flirty one you gotta be prepared for this man almost battling with you when it comes to this. When hearing for the first time you throwing a pick-up line at him, he was at first a bit stunned. But he isn’t going to back down that easily, you know? So after getting over his first shock he shoot one right back at you. I guess with a flirty s/o he might get often into verbal fights where both of you throw some pretty cringeworthy stuff at each other. Tobirama overheard it one time. And swore to never eavesdrop again.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Tobirama is almost a bit more stiff when it comes to stuff like this. Whilst knowing how to tease someone very good, he just isn’t all that open for it unless not in the right mood. He’s just more serious about those things.
🌊If you’re really that flirty he might actually become a bit annoyed with it. But he becomes even more irritated when you suddenly start flirting with others, that makes his eyebrow always twitch. But the moment you tell him for the first time a pick-up line, Tobirama was almost stunned. You’re pretty bold, don’t you think? At first you’ll get slightly confused by his silence. But then you’ll be able to see it. The sparkle of amusement in his eyes and how he silently starts to chuckle. Be aware that he is, although not all warmed up to this thought, a master in mocking and teasing. You found yourself quite the match there.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌I think the moment she gets the most flirty is after a few good bottles of sake. Then that woman tends to sometimes lose control over what she’s saying a bit and you’ll have to listen to quite some pick-up lines. If they’re good or not stands open to question.
🐌I do expect this woman to get a lot of comments about her body so whilst not being pissed off if you would say something like this, it might not go the way you want it too. Be smart and compliment her about something else and Tsunade will get slightly flustered with a slight pink blush on her face. But don’t underestimate that woman here. She might not be all that mocking like Tobirama is, but she does have the one or other sentence prepared for you. She isn’t going down that easily. She wants to see you all flustered with a heated up face as well.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸When it comes to such things, Sakura is a bit more on the inexperienced side. She has of course a special charm on her and with her cute and adorable side marks she can make someone’s heart flutter in their chest. But if it comes to this kind of sly comments that are really bold and leave someone completely stunned she doesn’t exactly know what to say. I can see Ino as a master of flirting since she’s smart about it whilst Sakura is more bold about it.
🌸Would have one of the best reactions to this, a gorgeous pink blush visible on her face and for a moment she will be taken back. But that girl here is a fighter and very competitive and will try to fire back with one of her comments. Weirdly enough, or not, I can see Ino giving her lessons about how to be smart when to use a pick-up line. I can somehow imagine that if she really gets all that bold it might end up being a bit ridiculous and you might try to hold your laughter in. But it can also go the other way around and you’ll be completely flabbergasted when she gets that daring.
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🤍Konan is on the more quiet side and whilst not being against you all that flirty, she doesn’t respond that often. You on the other hand have no other person besides her because you’re way to afraid to go anywhere near Pein who looks like he’s constantly glaring at you. Konan understands that and for that reasons bears patiently with everything you have prepared for her.
🤍She’s very hard to read because she doesn’t give you that much expressions so it might very well happen that she won’t look affected at all besides probably a small smile on her face. Konan’s jutsu gives her many different ways to show her affection for you, but that does not mean that she can’t flirt at all. And that’s what will have you all so flustered up in the end. Because she would totally flirt back out of the blue, one comment that will silence you. And she would lie if she wouldn’t find it cute when you blink all confused at her, not sure if you heard that right or not. Did-did she just flirt back? She made it sound so casually!
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌Shikamaru is often too lazy to do some pick-up lines, it’s too much of a drag for him to do so. He probably doesn’t want to have to deal with the reaction of the other ones. That said, he’s a genius and as a very analyzing one he knows very well what he has to say in order to leave someone speechless. And he would be pretty smug about it.
🦌Even if Shikamaru would be slightly stunned, he would overplay his embarrassment very well, probably rolling his eyes silently at this. He’s a very patient one and if that’s just how you are he’ll just endure it. Even though he would like to avoid all the unnecessary attention from his friends when you throw another one of your lines at him. But don’t expect him to keep quiet all the time, there will be times where he’ll suddenly throw a line back at you that will make your face all heated up. And there will be a small smirk on his face. Not that you would notice that.
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️A total flirt, believe me in that. Karin is clingy and extremely smothering, flirting all included. The thing about her is that she tends to overdo it and at one point it’ll have almost everyone annoyed, not to mention that her comments can become either very cheesy or just a bit more dirty minded.
♦️So a flirty s/o would be actually quite a good match up for her, especially if they can endure a lot of flirting. Karin would have the most obvious reaction to this. If it would have been any other person she would have been rather annoyed. But if it’s you who says something like this to her she would be at first totally at awe, red climbing up her cheeks. It’s a good sign that you flirt with her like this, that means you love her just as much? You better show her some stamina or else you’ll get overwhelmed. But Karin would be over the moon every time you throw a line at her.
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🎇C is a very dutiful guy, being always very serious. But it’s no secret that he’s a charmer and flirt through and through and with the right person he’ll show just how good at teasing he can be. And if it comes to winning your heart, he would pull all his secret weapons.
🎇But oh no, he has to do something about that personality of yours. You’re way too open and flirt with pretty much everyone which ticks him off constantly. But he loves it if you give him your attention and a pick-up line. Honestly, that guy just waits for a chance to counter your somewhat cocky and bold way of flirting with a line of his own. And he absolutely loves it when he sees how flustered and stunned you are by this, having not expected to hear something like this from him. Get used to it, you’ll hear it a lot more in the future. C already has a solid plan about how to make sure that you’ll end up only throwing those cute lines of yours at only him.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
I have too much time right now and decided to spoil you a bit more. Hope you enjoy😉.I was interested in writing Headcannons for the Senju members because I never read much Yandere stuff about them.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive thinking, possessive behavior, delusional thinking, blackmailing, bribing, threatening, kidnapping, vicious behavior, violence, killing
Yandere Senju members Hc’s
Hashirama Senju
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🌳This guy here gives me so much Naruto vibes, meaning he is the clingy type who will glue to his darling’s side the whole day. He’s also a worshipper, thinking his s/o is the most perfect human in the whole world. Hashirama will suffocate you with affection. Additionally to that also the delusional Yandere who likes to believe that everything works perfectly fine between the two of you.
🌳He wants to know everything about his darling, making him an obsessive type and he’s very touchy with them. Probably not in a pervy way, but he loves to have some kind of physical contact with his s/o.
🌳He is someone who gets easily jealous, but this kind of jealousy is actually cute. He’ll pout and give the other person a glare, then grab your hand and will drag you away from the scene. After that he’ll be all over you for the rest of the day. But most people know that his darling is off limits, I mean he’s the Hokage.
🌳Killing is an absolutely no for this guy. He’s the Hokage, he worked hard for this village and he has already seen enough death. But if someone threatens or even hurts his darling he’ll suddenly turn all serious and give the person a cold and harsh glare which will make them nervous and anxious since he’s most of the time such a goofball. The only times when he goes a bit violent is when someone seriously wounds them.
🌳He won’t kidnap his darling, he would feel terrible if he would do that. If his s/o is, however, in danger he’ll lock them up in his house until he’s sure they’re safe again.
🌳You might not even notice that he’s a Yandere for you and it will almost, but only almost, feel like a normal relationship.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He strikes me as a strict Yandere, meaning he expects a lot from his darling and will be clear about how they have to act. He’s a Tsundere which means he can be pretty harsh with his words sometimes. Especially if you rebel against him, he’ll give you a scary glare and will threaten you. This guy is the second Hokage after all. He’s still really overprotective over his s/o.
🌊Tobirama is an aware Type of Yandere which means he know that his feelings aren’t normal. Also a bit on the possessive side since he saw many people dying. It’s important for him that the village doesn’t notice that his relationship with his darling is somewhat forced.
🌊His possessiveness makes him easier jealous, but he holds back most of the time. He knows that the villagers know that you are his. Like Hashirama, his position in the village would keep most people in line. If someone exceeds this line this person will receive a harsh glare from Tobirama and probably the one or other scold from him, but nothing more.
🌊He is more ruthless than his brother, but his position in the village will make it complicated for him. He’ll use his power most of the time to ruin the person’s life if they harmed his darling. If the person is a criminal or from another village he will be more violent.
🌊Tobirama won’t kidnap his s/o. It’s more likely he’ll use something against them to make them come “willingly” to him and then force them to stay in his house as often as possible. But sometimes he takes you out to maintain the perfect couple picture in the eyes of the villagers.
🌊A lot more harsh and colder than his brother, but he’s still in a darkgreen zone. He won’t hurt you and will try to make you more comfortable with him. It’s also amazing when this guy shows you his soft side.
Imagine when this guy would fall for an Uchiha😂. I think I should do a separate scenario in the future for this. I bet his ego would be so hurt.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade is a possessive Yandere. She lost her love and her little brother and when she discovered her feelings for you, she almost went crazy. She won’t let history repeat itself. This makes her the overprotective type as well, she will let her darling do certain activities alone, but if she thinks this activity might harm her s/o she will step in.
🐌She’s also something I would call lovestruck. She often imagines her and her darling’s future together and sometimes even follows you around like a lovesick puppy.
🐌She has a bad temper and will get jealous easily. Similar to Sakura, she will clench her fists and glare heavily at the person. But just like Hashirama and Tobirama she can feel more relieved because of her position as the Hokage.
🐌Killing isn’t an option to her given her position. Sometimes she really wishes she could kill the villagers who make her darling upset, but she can’t. The most she will do is grab that person by the collar, glare angrily at them and give them a warning about never doing that to her s/o as well. She might smash something in her way to demonstrate her strength and to intimidate the person, but that’s all. Remember that this only counts for the villagers, with anyone else this will be a completely different scenario.
🐌Tsunade can get paranoid rather quickly given past incidents and will flip out as soon as her darling gets a scratch on them. She’s quick to bring her darling somewhere else as soon as they might be endangered. She doesn’t really see it as kidnapping, but more as making sure her s/o is safe.
🐌She will show her darling so much affection and treat them so well, that they might not notice her Yandere behavior. The only exceptions are the times when she’s jealous, but overall a tame Yandere.
May I add that I love Tsunade soooo much❤️❤️❤️
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hello 💖Could you do Tusnade and Sakura with a s/o who wants to learn medical nin?
It’s been a while since I posted anything about this girls.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness
s/o wants to be a medic
Tsunade Senju
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🐌I can imagine that Tsunade might feel a bit conflicted about this. On the one hand she feels totally fluttered that her darling wants to be a medic just like she is because let’s be honest, Tsunade is the one who inspired you to be one. But on the other hand she’s also a bit worried that her darling might get hurt. The common view on medics is that they need to stay back in fights. And we all know how the Hokage thinks about this. She believes that medics need to know how to fight because they’re so important for the team. But what if you get hurt on a mission? What if she can’t save you? These are just worried thoughts in her mind since she experienced it already twice that she couldn’t save her loved ones.
🐌Tsunade adores her darling a lot, but I can see her going pretty roughly from time to time on her darling. She of course knows when you’re about to collapse and will stop there, but she will certainly push your limits every once in a while. She does it because she wants you to be good in what you do. Of course you won’t only learn how to heal and perform complicated medic jutsus. You’ll be also teached how to fight and that’s where Tsunade will really become strict. She’s a bit paranoid since she already lost important people to her and on a battlefield there’s always the danger that something might go wrong. You need to know how to fight against strong opponents. If you can’t do that, you can be prepared that she’ll never let you go on missions. Instead you’ll have to live with working in a hospital for the rest of your life. Of course she won’t say anything against it, if that’s what you want. Would be even relieved, knowing that you will most likely never have to be put in direct danger.
🐌Depending on where we are in the timeline there are also a bit different scenarios. If she trained you before Sakura, you would be some sort of assistant to her, a superior student who she would let teach the pink-haired girl from time to time too so you can gain experience. If you and Sakura started training around the same time, she might have a bit of a hard time since it’s somewhat obvious that she favors you. But Sakura will understand since she knows how important you are for Tsunade. If this is after Sakura started training and has already a lot more experience than you, than Sakura will sometimes teach you stuff with Tsunade watching from the side and Sakura will also of course always give you advices on how you can improve your skills.
🐌At one point you will start watching her when she does operations, assist most likely and learn by watching her. You yourself will most likely start with small surgeries with Tsunade keeping a hawks eye on you and instantly jumping in if you seem to have troubles. She wants you to improve, sure, but she won’t risk a patient’s life. But you are bound to improve with Tsunade as your teacher and after the first difficult surgery you pulled successfully off without her help, she most likely went with you for a sake night. I can see her teaching you how to use the Strenght of a Hundred seal and if you are good enough, you will most likely made her personal medic assistant. But no matter how good your jutsus are, she won’t let you go on missions with a high danger of being attacked by strong shinobi until she thinks that you are strong enough to fight on your own. It’s still clearly obvious that she favors you since she isn’t that strict and hard with you in comparison to all the other medics who work with her.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸She would be definitely totally happy when she finds out that her darling wants to be a medic just like her and even more if they ask her personally for help. It makes her flustered with a slight blush on her face. She was most likely an inspiration for you since she used to be not the most outstanding, but managed to become one of the strongest shinobi and greatest healers known in the villages. Especially if you might have been similar to her when you used to be younger, more on the shy and not strong, but not weak side either, she would be somewhat your idol. If that is the case, Sakura would be even more fired up and motivated about teaching you since she sees a lot of her younger self in you.
🌸She has a lot of similarities to Tsunade, it was drilled into her during her long period of training. But the difference is that she is less intense and more mild than her sensei is. She would go hard on you, mainly because she’s determined to be a good teacher, especially if you asked her to help you, but she wouldn’t be as strict as Tsunade is. Different from Tsunade she won’t push you over your limits if you don’t feel like you can handle it anymore and need a small break. She isn’t as pushy as Tsunade is and will only try to encourage you to step over your limits and would be very proud of you try. Fighting will be teached as well and here again, she will be eager, but won’t go as hard on you as Tsunade. Most likely because she somewhat sympathizes with you, remembering her hard training with Tsunade.
🌸I definitely see Tsunade getting one way or another involved. It’s of course open to question whether Sakura called her over or Tsunade came looking for herself. I think there’s a chance that Sakura might have called Tsunade over herself since despite being confident in her abilities, she respects her sensei and feels like there might be certain things where Tsunade might bring the point over better than she can. But I can see it just as much that Tsunade might have decided to look after you and Sakura herself since Sakura used to be her student and she’s curious about how Sakura will train you, since Tsunade knows how much she loves you.
🌸But I feel like she would focus majorly on teaching you medic jutsus and everything involving it whilst Tsunade lays her focus equally on fighting and healing. For Sakura on the other hand it’s more important to teach you what you asked her for. That’s teaching you everything she knows as a medic. She would only after being sure that you are good enough with being a medic, start suggesting that you might start training Taijutsu with you. But before all of that she would approach this similar to how Tsunade did it, starting with the training with the fish until you’ve involved into watching in real life a surgery, most likely with her as the one leading the whole thing. Would afterwards explain to you every question that might have popped up during the operation. Sakura would let you most likely become at one point her personal assistant, still doing the most difficult parts for herself, but letting you do some smaller things like stitching wounds. Totally proud as well as so joyful for you when you finally did your first real surgery without anything going wrong and doing everything professionally. Would take you out on a small date as a celebration and would love it if you two would work more often together. Like this many conversations you two will have, will start being a lot more about patients you two recently had and will have in the future and mentioning complicated names from medicines and names of body parts and muscles that a normal citizen will not be able to understand. Not like any of you two care.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Since both Hashirama and Tsunade have a bad case of gambling addiction how about some headcanons about how the situation would have turned out if their darling, who was tired of the clinginess and manipulations decided to make a bet for her freedom? The " If I win you'd disappear from my life and forget about me. If you win I'd marry you and you won't hear a word of protest from me ever again." kind of thing. I leave the form of the competition up to you. Like poker, hide and seek, a battle etc.
It’s funny that their darlings think they would let them go even if they win...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, delusions, gambling, being knocked out, drugging, kidnapping
s/o makes a bet for their freedom
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Hashirama is ready to grant his darling almost every wish they make. Except letting them go. He would be hella confused when his darling suddenly made this proposal and this was one of the very few times he was a bit hesitant. But he has a gambling habit after all and marrying you without you ever protesting again sounded more then just convincing. So it didn’t take long to agree.
🌳The competition needs to be something where his abilities as a shinobi won’t be very useful. So a battle would be useless because you would lose in a blink of an eye. It has to be something where mental strength is necessary. I don’t say that Hashirama is dumb, but he tends to not overthink situations good enough and often only sees the small picture. So something that includes a battle of wits. I would think Poker or Black Jack would be a good choice because you’ll be able to see from Hashirama’s facial expression if he is in a good or bad position and can act accordingly to this.
🌳If you still lose then Hashirama will celebrate his victory with smothering you in affection and might also instantly start rumbling about that the two of you should start planning for your marriage. If you should still protest even after this he’ll get a bit angry and disappointed. You promised him so keep it!
🌳If you win he would at first be kind of frozen whilst you celebrate your victory and freedom. Hashirama is someone who would panic in such a situation, leading him into making a hasty decision. So the moment you’ll turn your back to him he might just knock you out then and there. And if he didn’t kidnap you before then he’ll do it now. But as soon as he’s calmed down he’ll start working on a plan because he knows you’ll be more than mad as soon as you wake up again.
🌳Hashirama does feel guilty for being such a sore loser and will apologize continuously to you as soon as you wake up. He might even try to be less clingy towards you as a way of apologizing. The question is how long he’ll be able to keep that up.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade’s gambling habit is in my opinion way more worse than Hashirama’s and she is known for playing even if everyone knows she’ll lose. I can imagine that she would be amused when hearing her darling making such a bet. Tsunade never backs off from a gamble so she’ll agree quickly, especially when hearing the last part.
🐌Do nothing physical with her because you’re bound to lose that. Play something like Roulette with her. Something we’re lucky is needed which she has most of the time never when she gambles.
🐌If she wins her darling might expect her to be happy, but she isn’t. Because when Tsunade wins something it’s like a bad omen. So instead of teasing you about your lose she’ll hurry up to bring you back home safely. Don’t get her wrong, she is happy that she won, but for now she has to worrry about that something might attack you or her village in the near future. She’ll celebrate after mastering the upcoming crisis.
🐌If her darling knows Tsunade even a bit they know that she loses 98% of the time so they would probably expect this to happen. But not only them, Tsunade did as well and will have a forced grin on her face. Different from Hashirama she’ll have a plan on how to kidnap you and won’t act hastily. She’s a medic so I can see her drugging you somehow.
🐌Tsunade never intended on letting you go in the first place and it’s almost ironical that you thought by gambling with her that would change anything. But she still feels guilty for riding your hopes up. She cares for your happiness and will try to discuss this with you.
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