#yandere everybody?
l0vergirls · 2 months
ideas are coming to me in waves........
royal!darling with a harem constantly fighting for their attention....... not to mention that pesky advisor who seems to be too proud of himself when he earns their praise (and a night in their bed)
and that smug queen from a neighboring country and her husband, who both seem far too excited to be visiting for "diplomatic purposes" ....... everyone glowering at the two when they emerge from royal!darling's chambers looking too disorderly for what was meant to be a "friendly chat"
maybe a butler who's very loyal as well, perhaps a bit too loyal for some.......
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ystrike1 · 3 months
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after-witch · 2 years
Absence is a House So Vast [Yandere Soldier Boy x Reader]
Title: Absence is a House So Vast [Yandere Soldier Boy x Reader]
Synopsis: You're assigned to guard Soldier Boy at a secluded house. The assignment turns into something much more.
Word Count: 3651
Notes: Yandere/yandere behavior, abusive relationship, physical and emotional abuse, misogyny
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Soldier Boy was dead. That was the official line that Vought, the media--and most importantly of all, the government--was sticking to; and it was the line you were sworn to uphold, even under pain of torture and imminent death. 
But he wasn’t dead. He wasn’t even asleep, anymore; or whatever counted as “asleep” in the semi-frozen state they’d put him in after the incident at Vought Tower. No, he was alive and as well as could be. If “being kept in an isolated cabin away from civilization, implanted with exploding trackers in case he tried something, and kept company by a rotating team of agents” could be considered well, anyway. 
Being part of the rotating live-in guard watching over the defrosted Soldier Boy wasn’t exactly the type of job you thought you’d be assigned, especially given your light track record with the Secret Service. You were meant for reconnaissance, light missions, in-and-out actions that kept you moving.
This mission was static. One place, the same length of time, and the same essential experience: Soldier Boy wanting to know if you’d brought him his snacks (you had); Soldier Boy staring at the TV for hours, or attempting to use the kid-protected tablet the agency gave him for entertainment; Soldier Boy getting bored, demanding to be let go, and you reminding him of the deal he made with the government in exchange for being taken out of stasis.
He remains here, incognito, away from everyone else--and in return, if the government ever needs him to quash a Supe in the name of American safety, he’ll step up to the plate. You weren’t there to see his expression when they told him “It’s the least you can do to serve your country.” But based on the months of interactions you’ve had with him, you imagine that expression was somewhere between indignity, prideful acceptance, and are-you-fucking-kidding-me-with-this-shit.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Soldier Boy, it’s that he still clings to that past as an American Hero. Like a security blanket. You’re not sure how much of it he actually believes. You were briefed on his real actions--some legit, many of it staged--and you think it helped you gain a deeper understanding into his worldview. 
He’s not a nice person, exactly. He’s killed people. But there were worse Supes to be stuck in a cabin with for 2 weeks on end, weren’t there? And you know that a lot of what is being put out on the TV is bullshit, Homelander-approved Vought propaganda designed to inflame the masses. 
So you pick and choose what you believe and after a few weeks, you don’t give him the cold shoulder, like the others say they do. You talk to him. Why not? He’s not going anywhere, you’re not going anywhere. It would be inhumane to keep him socially isolated. And you’re not inhumane.
He even has--you would never admit this to anyone else--something charming about him. You can see why he had so many women falling at his feet back in his multi-generational heyday, though you’re sometimes reminded of when those generations fell when he makes low-voiced, teasing comments about you cooking his food or cleaning up after him. 
Today, you’re not thinking about any of that. Today, you’re actually not thinking about Soldier Boy much at all. That’s because a new book in your favorite series came out, and you’re currently curled up on the lounge chair in the living room, lost in the pages while some inane game show Soldier Boy turned on drones in the background.
“You gonna answer me, sweetheart?”
His voice finally pierces through your book-induced haze, and you blink slowly, pulling yourself out of an engrossing story to find him staring at you from the other side of the room.
“Sorry,” you say, reflectively. “What did you say?”
He regards you with something of a half-smirk, and you can’t deny that understanding of what made him so appealing at the sight. He’s really damn handsome.
“I said, what’s a pretty gal like you doing with her nose in a book all day?”
It’s cheesy. It sounds like something from an older Hollywood movie. But it makes your cheeks heat up to be called pretty, anyway. 
“I like books,” is all you come up with, holding the cover almost protectively. 
“Yeah?” He seems interested, almost. “So what’re you reading?”
You hold up the cover. It’s a fantasy series. 
“Why don’t you read it to me?”
You search his face for signs of teasing, but find none.
“Why?” You ask. 
He shrugs and crosses the room, plopping himself down on the couch closest to your chair.
He gestures towards the TV. “Why? Because I’m bored and I like the sound of your voice, and there’s only so much of this shit I can watch every day. TV used to be a hell of a lot better, I’ll tell you that.” He pauses. “Pardon my French.” 
You shouldn’t. You were briefed on how to avoid getting too close with the subject under you care. That’s one of the reasons why everyone was rotated out every 2 weeks.
But… he does look bored. And he asked politely. What’s the harm in it? 
You open to the page you just finished and begin to read as he leans back on the sofa, kicking up his feet.
Your first kiss with Soldier Boy is a mixture of sweat and heat and shame and fear; fear that he’s doing for ulterior motives, fear that the agency will find out and you’ll be fired---or worse; and fear that you’re just a fling, just something he’s doing because he’s bored. Like flipping through TV channels. Like listening to you read a book.
When you pull away, his mouth is still close, his scent--some generic aftershave the agency picked up--overwhelmingly intimate. You stare at his lips to avoid looking him in the eye.
“Soldier Boy…” you begin. “This isn’t…”
“Ben,” he says. “Call me Ben.” 
You look up at him. His gaze has softened from its earlier hunger, and there’s something gentler and anxious in them. Something that makes you think about how he sometimes cries out at night (he denies it; you stopped bringing it up); about him bitterly telling you about the Crimson Countess, about his disappointment in the fact that his only son was a shitbird like Homelander. 
Something that makes you forget about your fears about your job and his motivations entirely.
“Ben,” you whisper. 
His name is sweet on your lips, and your first kiss with Soldier boy is not your last.
The relationship has to come to light eventually. All things do. You sit in your superior’s climate controlled office, your hands tucked under your thighs, like a nervous child brought to the principal’s office. There’s a solid pit in your stomach that has only grown since you received the phone call to report in. 
You could be fired. You could be arrested. Those are the good options, truth be told.
But instead of reprimanding you, they tell you that your intimacy with Soldier Boy is actually an asset for the agency. He’ll be easier to control, if he’s connected to someone. They’re going to pull the other guards now, and it’ll just be you. Your apartment is already being packed up. 
You swallow thickly and thank them for their decision. The pit in your stomach doesn’t go away when you get back to the cabin, where Ben is waiting, pacing around the living room, a beer in one hand. 
He looks up when you enter and scans you over with his gaze. Checking for bruises, maybe; he’d prepped you on what to do if they started interrogating you, and you reminded him that you were a trained agent, after all. But you tell him that they didn’t hurt you. They’re letting you stay, in fact. Your stuff is coming soon.
His smile is full of disbelief and relief, and he pulls you into a jovial hug and spins you around in a silly motion, making you feel giddy and ridiculous. And that pit in your stomach finally dissolves away, leaving you light and breathless in his arms. 
It’s not a great day.
He’s irritated. It happens, you remind yourself. He’s cooped up here in this modest cabin, unable to interact with anyone but you. There’s only so much entertainment to be had, especially when he’s never gotten the hang of the newer technology installed here, and even when he does, it usually leads to him getting aggravated about something in the news. Reversals in politics. Articles about toxic masculinity. He has no shortage of barbed words “for that dumb shit,” and it’s almost better when he’d rather do something that doesn’t involve his minor connections to the outside world.
Still. He’s bound to get irritated. You know this. It’s understandable, it’s okay, he’ll tire himself out.
That’s what you tell yourself as he paces around the living room, a light scowl on his face. 
“Hey, what’s the matter?” You ask, trying to keep your tone soft and amiable. 
He stops in his pacing and you can see his face scrunch in annoyance.
“It’s that fucking pill thing they gave me. It’s not working right.”
Your brows furrow in confusion.
“Pill? What pill did they give you?” If they’re drugging him, it’s news to you. Well. Aside from the bennies that they supply him now and then for good behavior. 
“The--you know.” He gestures broadly to the coffee table, where the solidly built children’s tablet is sitting. “The fucking pill… tablet thing.”
“Oh,” you say, and you can’t help your smile at his mix-up or the teasing tone in your response. 
But it was the wrong thing to do today, when he’s so wound up, so agitated. You recognize that in a flash when you see his nostrils flare as he huffs a hard breath out his nose, just before he yanks the tablet up from the coffee table and chucks it at the wall.
You hear the glass screen crack, splintering--so does the drywall.
“Fuck,” he says, sitting himself down on the couch. He runs his hands through his hair. “Sorry. Got a little too pissed there.” 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, rabbit-like. He’s never gotten aggressive in front of you like this before. Maybe a little too heated when he’s ranting about all the restrictions or annoyed with changes in the world, but…
You glance at the gaping hole in the wall and make a mental note to call someone to get it fixed. 
“It’s… okay,” you say, voice placating. It’s not okay, and you know that. But you can’t blame him, exactly, for getting agitated. You shouldn’t have made fun of him, you reason to yourself. You know better than that.
“I’m just going to run a few errands. I’ll be back in a few hours at most.” 
He can’t go into town. He can’t go into town and he hates it. He doesn’t hate you. No. But he hates his situation. You can’t blame him, but that doesn’t change the fact that you need to get groceries, you need to get supplies and--truthfully? You need a break from his constant presence, always demanding attention from you. Affection and otherwise.
“No, you’re not,” he says, and his voice has taken on such a matter-of-fact tone that it takes you aback for a moment. “I don’t want you going today. You can scrape together dinner with what we have in the kitchen.”
You press your lips together.
“Ben. Seriously. It’s not a big deal.”
“Of course it’s a big deal!” 
You don’t expect the outburst and you flinch back, just a little. The drywall is patched up, but you’ll always notice where the hole was. Your mind flashes back to that, yes, and other incidents as well. The way he got annoyed when you brought up an old boyfriend, but he was allowed to bring up his past lovers all he wanted. The way he hated it when you played on your phone, or if the shows he watched used too much modern technology. Most of the time, you watched reruns of shows he liked before he was taken or movies set in those eras--he likes to point out the inaccuracies. 
He steps closer to you. Your hand is on the doorknob, the other at your waist, resting loosely on your post.
“You are not leaving me today.”
You smile, and try to make it warm.
“I’m just going to get groceries,” you say, softly. “C’mon. I’ll bring back takeout. What do you want?”
You don’t expect it when he grabs your upper arm, gripping with enough force for soreness to radiate immediately. You don’t expect it, and you don’t know how to respond, other than the instinctive way your body jerks and your mouth inhales a short gasping breath.
“I want you to stay home today.” 
“Let go.” Your voice wavers. But you remember who you are, and your training. You’re not some helpless lamb, are you? You tilt your chin up and say with more confidence: “I’m going to run errands today, and that’s final. Let go.”  
He regards you for a moment. And you think he might do what he’s done before, when he goes too far. You think he’ll let go and apologize and make it up to you by being extra sweet the rest of the day.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, you’re slammed against the side of the wall, breath knocked out of you.
His finger is in your face and he talks down to you, keeping you in place with a tight grip that makes you remember in a single gesture who he is, what he is, what he can do. 
“I. said. no.” 
He holds you there for a few more moments. Until your body is shaking from the shock and you’re looking submissively down at the floor, your courage stuck in your shoes. 
“You gonna listen?” He says. 
You nod, feeling numb.
He lets go.
You wipe your nose and keep your arms clutched tight around you as he puts his arm around your shoulder, anger drained from his body, acting like he didn’t just slam  you into the wall. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, I bet you can whip up a great dinner with what we have. You can go… Goggle it or whatever the hell it’s called.” 
You nod, feeling the phantom pain of his grip on your arm.
He’s been through a lot. That’s what you tell yourself for a few weeks afterward. He’s been through torture. Real torture, torture that should have killed him a thousand times over. He never told you all the gritty details--”That’s not stuff for a lady to hear,” he said, when you got bold enough to ask--but you’d read about it from the agency’s files. 
So when he tells you to stop talking about guys’ you’ve been with in the past, because he doesn’t want to even think about you being with anyone but him, you do. 
When he gets rough and tells you to stay in every time you run to do errands or God forbid, enjoy a day outside the cabin, you start to go out less and less.  You have the agency delivery groceries and supplies instead. You watch movies with him, and not at the theater. It makes him happier to have you here, and when he’s happier, he’s less prone to pushing you around. 
Sometimes he holds you and you think he might cry, but he never does. It’s unmanly in his eyes, probably. He has a lot of hang-ups about stuff like that. It’s the moments when you’re holding him that it’s easiest to remind yourself that there’s a reason he acts the way he does, and you should be patient. 
That’s what you tell yourself for a while. 
And then he slaps you across the face, hard enough to send your head smacking into the wall. Your jaw aches for two days. 
And you stop telling yourself all those things. 
You tell yourself, instead, that you want to leave.
“You’re not leaving.”
You have a large purse in your hand--just the essentials and the sentimental things that fit inside. Your plan was to head into town under the guise of running errands, call the agency, explain the situation, and get the hell out.
The plan didn’t get as far as the front door. 
He knew.  You don’t know how, but as soon as you announced you were running to town to grab some steaks for dinner while they were on sale, he just knew.
So you admitted it, because you weren’t dumb enough to lie to his face when he’d figured you out. 
“Ben,” you say, because you don’t want to hate him, and you don’t want him angry. You just don’t want to be hurt anymore, either. “I’m sorry. I--this just isn’t healthy for either of us.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t give me that psycho-babble bullshit. It’s not me, it’s you,” he mocks. “I’m not stupid. You think I’m stupid?”
You meet his gaze. 
“No, I don’t think you’re stupid.”
He makes a grab for your purse, and you let him, because you don’t want to start a fight.
“Then why the fuck did you think I’d believe that you were running to get some steaks with a purse stuffed with all this?” He opens it up and begins pulling out everything you’d carefully tucked inside. A change of clothes, your phone--it falls on the floor with an unceremonious thump, thankfully protected by your case--and some trinkets and a necklace that belonged to your mother.
“Ben,” you say again, trying to keep him calm, ignoring the own stressful beat of your heart. “I just didn’t want to start a fight, okay?” 
“What?” He raises his eyebrows, looking defiant, targeted. “You think I’m a psychopath? You think I’m gonna--what, hit you? Kill you?”
Your expression must shift when he mentions hitting you--but you have hit me, your face says--and he shakes his head. There’s an almost pleading look on his face and you hate it.
“C’mon. It was one time. One time. And I apologized after.” It wasn’t just one time, and he didn’t always apologize, but you don’t correct him. “But I warned you. You got too sass-mouthed, okay? I don’t know why women today think they can just--”
Something in you bursts and you clench your fists tight as you snatch your emptied purse from his hands. The patience and care has fallen from you, replaced by a hot ball in your stomach, something built over the past few weeks every time he yelled and gripped and hurt. 
“This isn’t the fucking 1940s or the 1950s or the 1960s or--whatever the fuck decade made you think you have a right to boss me around. I’m not going to stay here and be treated like this. You can complain about it if you want, have a tantrum, I don’t care. But I’m leaving.” 
“The hell you are!” 
He grabs your upper arm and squeezes, and this is where you would normally cave in, but you can’t. Not today. Not if you want to really leave. So you grit your teeth and keep his gaze, defiant on the surface and terrified underneath. 
“You’re not leaving me,” he says, almost a murmur, as he releases your arm.
He keeps on talking as you crouch down on the floor and begin to replace all the items he pulled from your empty purse.
“Everyone else left me. I fought with those guys, fucking tried to take them under my wing, fucking loved them.” There’s a pause. “Well, some of them. And you know what I got for it?” You don’t answer, because you just want to get packed and get out. “Years of torture is what I got. And now, when I’ve found someone that I care about, that I want to stay with me, you’re just going to leave?”
You want to dissect the disbelief in his voice, the hurt and anger and entitlement all wrapped into one horribly complex package. But then you look up, muscles tense and chest tight, and your body flinches in horror. You see it--a sight you’ve only seen one other time, surprisingly early in your relationship, and which you managed to soothe. It made you prideful at the time. 
The sight is an unmistakable warm, golden, deadly glow in his chest. His breath coming in deep, painful bursts. His face scrunched in pain and anger, torture in his eyes. His voice comes out ragged and pained and terrifying. 
“You’re. Not. Leaving.” 
He’s going to explode.
In an instant, you drop your purse, contents forgotten. Your arms wrap around him and you pet his back, his cheeks, pressing kisses feather-light to his skin.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, soothing, stroking his shoulders, trying to get him calm. “It’s okay, you’re okay…” You take his face in your hands and make him look at you, talking like you would to a feral animal, voice soft and comfortable. “I’m here, Ben. Look at me, Ben.” 
It takes a while, but the glow eventually fades, sapping out of him like thick water.
He collapses on the ground and you go with him, holding him still. His arms cling around you, tight and unforgiving, but not in anger this time. 
“You can’t leave,” he says, voice muffled into your shoulder. You can’t tell if he’s commanding or asking or pleading, and you’re not sure you want to know.
Instead you think, right now, if he would let himself, he might cry into your shoulders. 
“I won’t,” you whisper, and your plans drop at the doorway as they’ve done every time. “I promise.” 
Maybe if he cried, it would be easier to pretend that this is okay. 
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people who hate on nemona because she's "too yandere" and "doesn't take a no for an answer" make me wonder if they actually payed attention to her dialogues or only read those joke comics about her being obsessed with the player and always craving violence and said "yeah this is her personality now". or just hate women.
#''she's too yandere!'' you don't know what yandere means then#''she doesn't accept a no for an answer!'' she repeatedly accepts you refusing to battle her through the whole game#she just gets insistent when you say you don't passed the league test#(because she truly believed you were so strong you would pass easily)#and when you tell her you don't want to be rivals (she though you liked battling her and wanted a friend to share her passion with)#''she's so weird!'' my brother in arceus this is pokémon EVERYBODY is weird as fuck#''she only talks about battling!'' and arven almost always talk about food and kieran always talked about ogerpon in kitakami#but i've seen nobody complaining about these two#wonder why#and nemona talks about other thinks beside battling!#she has Lore (TM) too#she has health issues despite her trying to shrug them off#she lived in a very rigid upper-class family where she's implied to have felt repressed#her own family pays more attention to her sister because she's going to be the heir of their corporation leaving nemona neglected#she doesn't have friends because her passion to pokémon battles alineates her from her classmates#if she defeats you in your first battle she gets depressed and says sorry because she believes she scared you away from being her friend#she's such a complex character but her background is more subtle than with arven or penny (and locked behind the postgame)#it saddens me that she's flanderized by literally everyone (even gamefreak/tpc in sv's epilogue)#pokemon#ramblings
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need more soft yandere Hawks in my life tbh
he's so doting and caring and brings home flowers and showers his boyfriend with unconditional love affection even though Dabi is hissing and screeching like a feral cat trying to get outside when all the doors are locked and sealed with a high tech security system
"babe it's fine I didn't 'kidnap' you silly I just brought you here and won't let you leave to protect you!"
"okay yes I may have put quirk restraints on you, gotten all your friends arrested, and faked your death so nobody would come find you but I did it for you"
"look I get you're upset I see you I hear you please stop throwing plates at me we need those"
"just let me take care of you! you won't have to worry about anything, no one will ever hurt you again, you just have to stay here. with me. and not leave ever :)"
"I love you and I will never let you go so please come and eat your dinner it's getting cold"
is 'crack horror' a genre, like 'oh you! *laugh track*' vibes but the sitcom husband is a government trained super soldier and his kidnapping victim is a serial arsonist and murderer
a bit like the show Kevin Can F Himself where from the husband's perspective it's a goofy sitcom and from the wife's perspective it's a dark psychological thriller (excellent show btw highly recommend)
bonus points for an undercurrent of Dabi having been afraid he'll end up like his father and being completely blindsided that he's instead ended up like his mother
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I know it's kind of late but...
Not-quite yandere Wella:
Warning: blood. Obviously. You've seen the other casino cups yandere art by now.
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dormont · 5 months
i'm not saying kieran is a yandere (he is 14) but like. viewing his behaviour and how he acts in comparison to nemona i think everybody that has ever called her a yandere owes her an apology
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Yandere!Count Vlad x Reader Headcanons
🩵 After the introduction of Mina into his life, The Count had decided to spend more time out of the castle and, much to Igor's chagrin, fraternizing with the human populace. However, hundreds of years spent with only other monsters has left him with some anxiety over talking with humans. Kids like Mina were easy. Just play a game or talk about something they like and you've made yourself a friend! But, other adults? Someone who understands social norms and can know when you're breaking them? Someone who could more easily notice abnormalities and oddities, judge him? But despite his nervousness, Count still believed he should try!
🦇 Taking small steps to get out of his comfort zone, Vlad would go out for his own shopping or take Mina to the park, supervising her or joining in a game in between people watching. It was strangely nice to be around people again. There was a small feeling of connection… Just to be around someone, to be in their view, to be in their lives even in such a small manner - and even if it got him unwanted attention, as Igor warned. As The Count found, though, it was rather easy to watch others without being noticed. Apparently a tall, pale man dressed up in a cape and shielding himself with an umbrella wasn't as much of an eyesore as he expected it to be. At least, if you aren't being watched by one consistently.
🩵 Unfortunately, for you, you caught Vlad's eye. He simply couldn't help it! You were stunning! Your voice was melodious! And you were so sweet with Mina, willing to join in for a game when asked or help her up if she fell. And just to be sure you don't notice him, he'll dart behind a tree and shapeshift into a black cat to shadow you… While occasionally coming up to you and Mina for pets. His stalking doesn't stop there, though. Of course not! The Count needed to know everything about you! With how well you got along with his darling daughter friend, he had a feeling you were the one! The one he'd been waiting for for centuries. So, it's only natural that he follows you around town, hiding in the shade as he watches and listens, absolutely captivated and simply dying to know more. If only he could go into your house uninvited…
🦇 Even though he hates himself for it, he'll persuade Mina into putting in a good word for him. Mina will follow you around like a lost puppy as she babbles on about how super-duper nice The Count is and how he really likes playing games and how he's single and always wanted a family! If Vlad happens to overhear, he'll immediately turn into mist or a bat to make his escape. Confound it, he's so embarrassed! Over seven hundred years old and he's made into a blushing madman too embarrassed to even face you - or he would be, if he still had the capacity to blush. Ultimately, it's Mina who has to help him get up the nerve to talk to you for an extended period - and even then, it takes him a bit to not trip up over every other word. He can't help it! You're just so dreamy, it practically rewires his brain upon sight.
🩵 For some time, Vlad is able to write off the eccentricities of himself and his castle and his… Igor. He is one of those "crazy Europeans," as Mr. Harper had said, after all! The coffins, mad-scientist laboratory, vials of blood - all just decoration! But he knows it's only a matter of time before you realize the truth, and all of the hard work he'd put into bonding with you will be all for nothing. He can't let you go, you're simply too precious! One night, he may just ask for you to look deep into his eyes and with every second you become closer to his hold. He'd treat you like an antique figure, dressing you up and taking care of you. One of his favorite things to do is take you dancing in the ballroom, whispering words of love and admiring the glazed over look in your eyes…
🦇 Even though romantic relationships between humans and monsters are strictly forbidden, Igor finds some solace in knowing that his master has returned to at least some of his devious ways. Even if the extent of The Count's deviousness is planning on making you, him, and Mina (and Igor!) into a family! Hmm, perhaps if he can use his hypnosis on Mr. Harper to sign over custody… Then, Mina really can be your daughter! Oh, and she'd make such a beautiful flower girl for the wedding! And Igor can be the ring-bearing. Oh, darling, Vlad couldn't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.
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sea-owl · 10 months
So, I know we bully the Bridgertons in the isekai au because the Spouses want nothing to do with them and reject all their attempts (which I find hilarious because I enjoy making them suffer)
But how do you think the Spouses would start falling in love with them? What are the things that make them "click" and see their respective Bridgerton in different lids?
So a big part of the change of perspective for the spouses is gonna back to two things. The first is the root between this divide between the two families, and that is Portia's fear for her family and the relationship she shares with Violet. Until that has some change in it, the spouses are almost guaranteed to be at arm's length from the Bridgertons. The champions for helping to solve that mess will be Lady Danbury and Mary. Though to be honest that's probably just a fun game for them or at least for Lady Danbury who lives for the drama and is the whole reason this started when she isekaied Portia.
The second thing is that the spouses have to learn to grow beyond the family and beyond the mothers. Now that is to say they don't love them and will always be there for the family. But part of growing up and moving forward is learning to move beyond your parents, which a part of that is starting a family of your own.
There are little things that help with that second part. Things that helped the spouses see beyond the Bridgertons public personas.
For Kathony it's when Kate sees Anthony not as the viscount but as the man who got thrown into a seat of power and essentially fatherhood before he was ready. She saw it when the siblings were playing pall mall, and she saw it again when she stumbled upon Anthony during a stormy night in the library. She was trying to find a distraction while he was letting himself have a vulnerable moment with some of his father's old things.
For Benophie, I want to say it's when Sophie discovers Benedict's sketches. You can see a lot of what the artist does in their work. There was such beauty in them it left Sophie stunned. Especially when she got to the sketches of herself. She never knew she could be so beautiful to someone.
Weirdly for Polin, I can see the change happening when Colin blows up on Penelope. Penelope recognizes Colin as a snake charmer. He uses pretty words, and while she loves pretty words, she thought there was nothing else. Then, one day, Colin caught her by surprise when he followed her doing some of her more illegal activities, and he blew up on her. It's not the fact that he was angry at her but the fact that he was angry because of his fear of her safety. The multi-level emotions she had never seen from him before were now there.
Saphne's change came when Daphne punched Simon and gave him a black eye. (He deserved it. Also, Simon has a strength kink, and no one is changing my mind on that) All the time Simon has known Daphne, she has been the model debutant. (We all know she has a body count in a literal sense, but he doesnt) This is the first time Simon gets to see more of the real Daphne.
Philoise happens right around the twins' birth. George died in war, leaving behind a pregnant and unwed Marina. Marina sadly passed in childbirth. Phillip adopts the twins, and Eloise, in a roundabout way, comes to his aid with parenting books or the closest thing to it in that time. The twins also take a liking to Eloise. We'll Phillip have to listen then, babies do generally have a good judge of character on who is safe.
Franchael happens around the time of John's death. Francesca, in this timeline, fell in love with Michael first but was still good friends with John. Michael, whose loyalties lied with his found family, still loved his cousin, and their relationship actually improved when Michael started living semipermantly with the Featheringtons. Mourning together over a loved one can bring people closer.
The babies really didn't have a big defining moment. They followed the older ones' leads when the two sides started getting friendlier, so did they. Being younger, they had more time to let things take a more or less natural course.
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 3 months
I miss Friend....
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deevotee · 4 months
just saw a yandere dedicated account criticize authors for writing 'fetishized' yanderes and implying that if it isnt written as being explicitly bad its not a good story like holy moral high horse batman
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shinesurge · 6 months
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that thing where you're sailing along in your little boat and a very very big shadow passes underneath you and you both go on without interacting but you are suddenly aware it's there,
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hetamyuist · 1 year
i've talked about it before on the old blog how america and canada parallel rhaenyra and alicent (and her children): alfred is rhaenyra to arthur's viserys, the favored child and chosen heir no matter how many times they have a falling out, and matthew is alicent fruitlessly striving for viserys to acknowledge her and her children........ my second thesis is that england is both viserys and daemon. just like how rhaenyra and daemon are drawn to each other by how similar they are so are england and america!! who does america get his best and worst aspects from!! yes they're superficially different but at the very core alfred is the shape arthur made him, filth teaches filth, etc and this is what both repels them from each other and pulls them back together!!
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Not to be like or anything but the locking yanderes behind mental disorders is super dumb.
Im a yandere and so is my close friend. If you're so worried about being offensive or whatever, why make a blog about problematic alters? There's some bad guys in our system, yandere doesn't even make it to the top five.
I get it to some degree but I'm really really tired of having to perform politeness in the system community. Sorry if you block me lol. I just needed to say my piece because it doesn't matter omg.
Well, we're not educated on BPD or how yandere can be a harmful word for it. If your not in the community or have the thing the word is used against than I feel you shouldn't use it. I'm not entirely sure if yandere should be completely censored, because I've seen plenty use it, but I want to keep it safe and not cause harm to anybody with BPD or anything.
I dont see a need to block you so your fine, I just dont want to use the term if its harmful.
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yandereloveraw · 5 days
Songs they'd sing at karaoke
Archie: Jealous Girl - Lana Del Rey [Jasper gets him drunk enough to sing this lol]
Jasper: Fantasize - Ariana Grande /Meddle About - Chase Atlantic
Xavier: Baby One More Time - Britney Spears/Punching Bag - Set It Off [Also drunk]
Vanilla, the only sober one here: Candy - Doja Cat /Villain - Stephanie Mabey
[All songs belong to their creators]
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cheesus-doodles · 1 year
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I posted 396 times in 2022
285 posts created (72%)
111 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 339 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#tokyo revengers - 241 posts
#cheesus answers - 229 posts
#tokyo revengers x reader - 167 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers - 166 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers x reader - 163 posts
#tokyorev x reader - 123 posts
#tokyorev - 92 posts
#sano manjiro - 79 posts
#mikey x reader - 75 posts
#yandere platonic toman - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#also i accidentally deleted the hanma one before i could save what i wrote because the shame is too much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Which of the boys give the best hugs?
maybe a quick rating this time instead of a ranking? didn't do all cause feeling a bit lazy... long drop should be (hopefully) either tonight or tomorrow akjsndkalsndlakj i'm so happy the prize fic is almost done! meanwhile will probably take some time off to answer some asks or smth
Platonic TR Boys Hug Ratings
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Kazutora: 6/10. Very nice hugs, warm and tight, perfect height as well, but loses points because sometimes hugs can become tight to the point of suffocating, and he absolutely will not let go unless someone intervenes. Will not hesitate to hug you anytime and anywhere, especially when he gets jealous of the attention you were giving someone else, or receiving from strangers.
Baji: 8/10. Shy hugger, doesn't dare to ask for hugs from you or return your hugs in front of anyone else, because that's not what a big bad delinquent like himself does. Will freeze up if you try to hug him in public, face burning bright red. But when the two of you have some privacy, this baby boy's hugs has to be one of the best hugs out there - soft, gentle and warm. Will instantly let go if someone interrupts though.
Mikey: 2/10 Lazy, lazy boy. Any hug either turns into an impromptu cuddle session or a carry, because Mikey basically is ready to melt into your arms in a split second. Whenever this baby boy wants a hug from you, be ready for him to basically just drape himself all over you, demanding you give him a hug. Doesn't ever initiate, but will cling to you like a leech the moment he gets a hug from you. Will make you carry his full weight if he can latch on to you, will fall asleep in your arms standing straight up.
Draken: 10/10 Perfect hugs every time. Not afraid to dish out hugs anytime he feels like it or when he feels like you need one, but will not initiate in front of the Toman gang because he doesn't want the members to start to think he's soft. Unless its you who initiate - and then all of a sudden its not a problem anymore. Doesn't even question when you suddenly want one, just bundles you into a warm hug.
Mitsuya: 9/10 one of the best huggers around, had a ton of practice giving hugs to his little sisters. Just right tightness and always comfortable - can even detect when you need a hug, and dish one out on the spot. Doesn't matter where or when, will give you a full hug or even a side squeeze if you look even the smallest bit down. Loses a point because sometimes he forgets his sewing needles stuck in his jacket.
Pah: 5/10 Too impatient to stand still for long, so his hugs never quite last long enough for it to feel particularly comforting. Hugs also sometimes become tight enough to feel more like a squeeze instead of a wrap.
Hanma: -1/10. Doesn't bother with returning a proper hug most times, doesn't even pat your back. All this boy does would be give a lazy drawl about being clingy, even if he does enjoy the hug. Also too bony ouch, be careful if you're looking for someone to glomp, those sharp edges bound to hurt.
Izana: 3/10. Honestly Izana's hugs are great, warm, comfortable and long, even lets you snuggle your face into the crook of his neck (though he will demand payment for the favour), but loses a lot of points because this baby boy has zero social awareness or built-in danger sensor. Will demand a hug in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, will absolutely throw a tantrum if you don't give him his hug right there and then, and will proceed to make you stand there in his arms as long as he wants to.
Kakucho: 11/10. Not only does he make up for Izana's absolute lack of social awareness by picking up and moving the two of you off the road and somewhere safe while you are trapped in Izana's hug, he also will take the risk of facing Izana's wrath for giving you the hug you deserve in front of his boss whenever you look like you need one but Izana is too busy ignoring you during his bouts of jealousy.
Ran: 4/10 Great hugs, probably from all the practice he got when Rindo was younger. No shame in dragging you singe-handedly into a one-sided squeeze no matter the situation the two of you were in, even if it was right before he got into a fight. Would be higher if he stopped shoving your face into his armpit after returning your hug.
Rindo: 8/10 Nice, comfy hugs, knows where to put his arms when he hugs you so that you get just the right tightness, likes to rest his chin on the top of your head as well. Loses points cause he keeps making fun of you for the hug even though he was the one that initiated, will tease you even harder if it was you who hugged him first.
South: 7/10. Makes sure to watch his strength around you, so his hugs always feel like you're hugging a warm teddy bear. Though because of his physique, can be a bit too hard to snuggle, so loses points for that. Also loses points because South will pick you up, tuck you under one arm, and forget that you are there as he goes about his day because you weigh essentially nothing.
859 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Uuuuhhhhhh izana relationship hcs? Like when reader and izana was still dating.
comfort posting.... i hate this ride im on - these HCs can be for both regular darling or boss from the Reds' universe! not edited, i will when i wake up tmr zzz
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Masterlist
In a Relationship with Izana HCs
Yandere Izana
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dating the 8th President of the Black Dragons is as wild a ride as it sounds, because Izana plays by no other rules but his own
not that you knew when you first accepted his hand
the only person that Izana has ever considered his equal, you can be sure that this boy has never seen you as below him even once ever since you caught his eye
the light of his life, its your bright smile and loving hugs that keeps him from spiralling completely into madness
he loves you so, so much - every waking moment he is apart from you is spent thinking about what you're doing and when he can see you again
Izana looks forward to nothing more than doting on you more and more, and of course, having you dote on him
this usually brutal, uncaring gang leader melts away into a soft, needy boy around you - even if he is the middle of a gang meeting, everything stops so that he can carefully take your delicate hand into his
needs you to be threading your fingers through his hair while he is cuddling, needs you to give him all the kisses (both light pecks on his lips and cheeky ones on the top of his head)
needs you to let him hug and cuddle and kiss you on your shoulder and your lips and breathe in your scent
maybe even to nibble on your collarbone and the shell of your ears so that everyone would know who you belonged to
a very clingy boy, if he can get away with being superglued to your side, he will
wants to follow you everywhere, fingers lightly trailing on your skin below your shirt or holding your hand no matter what you were doing
tries to follow you into the bathroom as well, hadn't worked so far
can't sleep well without being huddled right up against you, listening to your breaths trail off into light snores
will absolutely make a scene if he's right there and your full attention is not on him - from whining and whimpering, pulling on your clothes, gently tugging on your hair, burying his face into your chest all the way to throwing a full fit, the whole waterworks or grabbing whoever dared steal your attention from him by the collar and demanding they leave immediately
he is your boyfriend, not this piece of scum
its a cold day in hell when Izana doesn't accompany you throughout the school day, insisting that you seat in his lap while he seats in your chair, or cuddling and having a nap in yours
your teachers and classmates have learnt to ignore him a long time ago
even rarer that you don't also find this white-haired boy already busy intimidating every last male schoolmate walking out your school gates while leaned against his motorbike
because you know he will make the special effort to come every day - despite knowing that you loved him as much as he did you, his ingrained trust issues were hard to shake
what if some shithead thought he could pick on you? unlikely, given he had the Black Dragons personally intimidate and threaten every last student in your cohort
but what if you fell and no one helped you? or what if someone else thought it was a good idea to make a move on what was his when he wasn't present?
plus you're not allowed to ride a motorcycle yourself, or anyone else's, and Izana doesn't trust the public transportation system as far as he could throw a bus
See the full post
881 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Ok but imagine Rindou losing it when he’s taken to juvie and realizing he can’t see his friend anymore or “protect” them from others
yup yup yup absolutely, have more HCs cause brainrot goes brrrrrr
Link to previous HCs
Rindo in Juvenile HCs
Yandere Bestfriend Rindo
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not gonna lie, this poor boy will probably go mad with the stress of not being able to see you everyday, and having to think about what you were doing without him there to watch over you
honestly didn't think much about it when he was first detained along with Ran since he had already seen you this morning at school
the realisation only started to dawn on him when it turned dark outside and Rindo found himself starting to get jittery, unable to sit still - now that he was trapped here, who was going to check in on you?
he would usually swing by your house twice every night - once before you fell asleep
And then a few hours later after he was done beating up the scum that inhabited his streets and your school, to make sure that you were actually in bed and sleeping, and that your main door was well locked (he can just shim your window open if he needed to after all)
Ran could practically see the gears turning inside the head of his younger brother as Rindo slowly pieced together his growing fears
If he was locked inside here, that meant that there was no one to accompany you at school, which equals no one around that could protect you, scare off potential bullies or worse (potential friends, he shudders at the thought)
plus, you weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch - Rindo was absolutely convinced that you would follow some stranger home just because they asked you to
or what if you ran across some delinquent scum that would take advantage of your kindness and naivety??
The absolute horror - Ran had to bascially whack Rindo in the back of his head and knock him out because this baby boy was on the verge of a breakdown and couldn't stop pacing around the brothers' shared cell
turns out, you really were as airheaded as Rindo had feared - you simply assumed that your bestfriend was not feeling too well and had decided to stay at home for the day, and you had gone about your day as usual
and you did this without first checking by calling him like he told you to, even though he had drilled this into your thick skull multiple times
he knew you didn't even try because you were surprised to learn that Rindo had been arrested when he could finally call two days later
which was the first thing Rindo did the moment he had access to a phone, much to Ran's amusement
you even had to ask him what juvie was
it wasn't the first time the two brothers spent time being locked up, but it was sure as hell the first time Rindo did after taking you under his wing
the older Haitani thought it was absolutely hilarious all the different shades of red Rindo was turning as he shouted at you through the phone, before quickly paling when he listened to what you had to say
took pity on his younger brother and stole the phone from him (which Rindo gladly handed over) so that he could properly explain to you the situation
Rindo insisted you come to juvie everyday despite only being able to meet you once a week, and of course you being you, obediently followed his instructions without a second thought
you quickly made friends among the guards, though they were nonetheless very confused at seeing you popping up everyday asking to see the same person again and again
but they always came out with either Ran or empty-handed
the times when Ran came out instead, you were still happy to chat with him, the older Haitani listening amused to you rambling on and on about school and life and the past day/week since you've spoke with Rindo
See the full post
917 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Am I Ugly?
Yandere TR Boys
A/N: some random thoughts, might not be fully coherent (edit: consider joining us on discord! we have cookies and a side of big brain ideas)
Another day, another after-school outing with your friends. The question of whether your friends thought you were pretty had begun its rent-free life as a random thought you had after your teacher had brought up the saying "Beauty is in the eye of its beholder". It wasn't something you had ever bothered about previously, but the quote somehow managed to hook itself into your brain, and you spent the rest of the day wondering about it.
Did your friends think you were ugly? They did still spent all this time with you, so it probably mattered not to them (and by extension, you), but the curiosity was eating you alive until it wasn't, and the thought was pushed to the back of your head for the rest of the school day. You trotting down the familiar stairs back home after your usual after-school shower to where they were waiting for you near your front door, only to have the thought suddenly rear up again as your friend asked if you were to go.
"Am I ugly?" Well depending on who you dropped that bomb on, the fallout and extent of damage control needed would vary greatly.
Izana would immediately assume that someone had dared utter such blasphemy to you, grabbing you by the arm and insisting you tell him where you had heard that. And when you fail to respond in a timely manner, caught off guard by his reaction, he instead snatches up his gang jacket that he had left draped over your sofas, marching straight for the door before he even put it on fully in an attempt to go and strangle whatever scum dared say something so foul against you - and you knew his first destination would be your school and your poor classmates, given you hadn't been anywhere else. You, of course, were being dragged along so you could point out to him whoever he needed to kill punish. This baby boy is fuming mad, and you better quickly intervene and explain yourself before he has a chance to pull out his phone because oh boy, this is going to get messy real quick. Someone is still going to land in hospital though, whether you know it or not - Izana needs to take his anger out somewhere.
Kazutora, on the other hand, would instantly go into a panic attack, thinking that he must have done something wrong, something that might have implied you were not the most beautiful person he had ever laid their eyes on. This poor baby boy bursts into tears and come running for your arms, trying to tell you that he thought you couldn't be further from the truth but it only comes out as blubbering and whimpering. You were a bit slow to bundle him into your arms like you always did, surprised by his reaction, but Kazutora only took it as a sign that you now hated him for whatever he did, which only makes the waterworks more dramatic as he begs you not to leave him while making a mess on your shirt. Your outing at this point would turn into a stay-in with lots of cuddles and ice-cream as you reassure your friend again and again that it was just a thought from a quote brought up in class, and that yes, you didn't hate him one bit.
Ran would just pause to stare at you for a bit, before burst out laughing at your question. You're a bit puzzled to say the least, but at least you get concerned when he starts doubling over in pain from laughing too hard. One of the few boys who absolutely knows what's up and what you were asking, this boy finds it hilarious that of all the things you could ask him, of all the questionable things your friends had been subjecting you to - it was this that you were the most curious about. Never going to give you a straight answer, instead be prepared for Ran to tease the ever-loving shit out of you for bringing up the question as you two left for your outing, only finally claiming to stop because of your cute pout and whining. Buys you ice cream so that you would stop faking being mad at him.
Mikey would take a moment to look you over with a critical eye, before he would give you his very honest answer with no filter - that he liked this look much better than your usual outfit, and that you should wear this more often. This poor boy probably thought that you were asking for his opinion, which you were to be fair, just not actually on your outfit but on generally what he thought of you. Only realizes that he might have done something wrong when you don't reply him immediately, before quickly (and poorly) trying to backtrack and say that he never thought you looked ugly. You, of course, just burst out into laughter with how innocent your friend really is, before having to stop and promise Mikey a taiyaki because of how hurt he was (or so he claimed at least).
Draken is probably one of those in the privilege group who can easily read your flow of thoughts and know what you were trying to ask - the question was probably just another one of those that you had to blurt out before you self-combust with curiosity. Smoothly tells you that you would always be a cute little bunny no matter what you wear or how old you were, only for you to pout and start insisting that you were strong like them, and that you were absolutely not a bunny. Cue this boy playfully rubbing his knuckles into the top of your head while you squeal. It was a mission accomplished for him - your train of thoughts had been redirected and you were distracted from questions that Draken didn't particularly want to answer on a chance that you thought he was lying (even if he would never).
Baji turns around so fast to blurt out a "Absolutely not!" that he got whiplash. You think he might have strained his neck with that speed since you even got a little jumpy, but obviously that didn't quite seem to bother him. This baby boy grabs your hands and starts blabbering right away but how pretty you looked no matter what you were wearing, his mind in turmoil trying to think of any possible reason why you could be feeling insecure around him, then finally realising what he was saying when you start chuckling and his face instantly flushes red. Don't tease him too much about what he said in his moment of panic because you know he meant it - Baji is just way too shy to admit it. Would still make sure to hint at how pretty you were to him throughout the outing and the rest of the day though.
Hanma would throw one arm around you, tattooed hand pinching one cheek as he bend down to meet your face, asking if you rather he answer yes or no, all the while with his signature sly smile plastered across his face. Similar to Ran and Draken, this boy knows what's turning in your head, deduced that rather than insecurity or bullying, it was probably just something brought up in your classes earlier that day. The question he threw back made you stumble a little, before you realized what he was doing and started whining that he was dodging your very legit question. Hanma would just brush off your accusations and start walking, making off comments about killing to get some karaage now while you hurry to catch up, your thoughts instantly turning to food when he brings up that new store that had just opened down the street.
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1,198 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reader will spend a fortune on hair ties. Baji stops bringing his rubber bands and asks for them from the Reader. Mikey suddenly starts to lose it. Draken pretends that he did not have time to braid at home and does it next to the kira in order to borrow her rubber band. Some boys, who rarely collect their hair, suddenly start doing it more often in front of Reader (*cough* Chifuyu *cough*). "Oh, is that a scrunchie on your arm? Give me please. Mine is torn." Do they return them? Not
nsalkjdnaslkjdnals this is cute and sweet too :') i think imma save up all the dark stuff to hit yall in one go so that i don't accidentally spoil anything ayyy
It all started when you offered your hair tie to Baji - you probably shouldn't have offered your spare to anyone to begin with, no matter how miserable Baji looked with his hair down in the middle of summer, whining and complaining about how the only hair tie he had on him broke. Doesn't matter when you pass your hair tie to him, whether if it was just you and him, or you were in the midst of your whole group of Toman friends, the moment that band changes hands, everyone knows about it and that's all it takes to cement the idea in your friends' minds. The game begins.
Begins as just Baji, then Mikey, asking to 'borrow' your hair tie, either using the excuse that theirs had snapped or they had lost it, but Kazutora and Draken quickly catch on to what the other two are doing. And sure enough, the two of them start getting in on the game as well. Draken complaining that his hair tie broke again so could he pretty please have yours, and Kazutora, to your surprise, starting to tie his hair up as well. Mitsuya and Pah are sadly left out because neither have hair long enough to tie, but that doesn't mean they are below swiping those scrunchies from the others. But the game was taken to the next level when Kazutora one day decided to ask if you could help him with his short ponytail (since he didn't have much experience tying up his hair, but insists that its too hot not to do so) after borrowing yet another hair tie from you, and now everyone comes whining asking for you to do their as well.
Mikey coming straight with his bedhead so that you can brush his hair for him as well, Draken snatching you up from your seat while class goes on around you so that you can braid his hair just the way he like it, Baji tugging at your sleeve and refusing to let go until you put his hair up in a ponytail for him. The most prized hair tie is of course the one that you are currently wearing, so the boys are definitely playing a game of chicken, trying to goat one of the others into being the first to borrow your hair tie so that they get the spare, and then quickly being next in line to get your generously offered scrunchie straight off of your hair.
And mind you, it doesn't matter if the hair ties or scrunchies you lent them were pink, frilly, covered with Hello Kitties. Nope, the boys wear those as a badge of honor, since the other Toman founders, and the boys from the other gangs recognize them - even start to subtly flex their collection. Begins by wearing one spare on their wrist, then two, then hanging them secretly off their bags, or on their pants hoops especially if they were going into a fight. And no doubt the Black Dragon and Tenjiku boys get jealous - how could they not having to see Toman with collections of your stuff?
Your scrunchies become almost like a currency, with everyone looking to swipe some of your precious hair ties for themselves. Ran and Rindo found they had the best luck with obtaining some by simply asking you for them, which you were more than happy to "lend" them should they manage to catch you alone without your Toman guard dogs. Izana personally preferred relieving Mikey of his collection, though this usually ends in a fight. This boy didn't mind helping himself either, simply pulling off the scrunchie you were wearing and insisting that you helped him put it on his wrist, much to your amusement. Koko and Inupi earned theirs through a combination of wit and nimble fingers, proudly showing them off against their white uniforms.
You of course had no idea that all this was going on under the surface, only becoming slightly sad at the number of hair ties and scrunchies that were going missing, and at the disastrous amount of money you were spending on replacing them. Never once angry at your friends for not returning them, since you didn't doubt that they would return them eventually, and they must really need those hair ties.
The scrunchie war would rumble on until Baji one day absentmindedly returned the spare scrunchie he had on his wrist to you, realizing what he had done a moment later and having a mental panic, yet only to have you immediately brighten and thank him enthusiastically, lavishing your attention on a now very smug boy while the rest could only watched on jealously. And now the reverse game would start - paying you for your attention in returned scrunchies and hair ties.
1,526 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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