#y’all are fucking delusional
kwop-kilawtley · 1 year
you can talk your shit about team Jacob people all you want but at least we’re not abiding by and happy with a racist, classist, oppressive, abusive narrative that kills off the main character under the guise of a “fairytale love story.” sorry but team edwards anti jacobs are fucking gullible 💀
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sinnbaddie · 3 months
If Gojo didn’t survive Sukuna, Yuta’s depressed ass is NOT winning. Get over it with y’all delusional asses💀
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evilcare · 3 months
“He followed her around the woods until she agreed to have sex with him. She only had sex with him to get her to leave her alone.”
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I have never heard such an ignorant statement in my entire life. 😢༼ಢ_ಢ༽
I only watched 5x11 once and that was when I first watched the show. Which was December 2022. And I know full and damn well that that is not how it went down. I have a clear memory of what happened. And that ain’t it.
Klaus did not say to Caroline, “I’ll leave you alone and leave Hellhole Falls forever if you let me eat your coochie/let me fuck.” 🙄
No. I specifically remember him asking her for her confession about him. About her feelings for him. Not once did he ever imply that he wanted her to have sex with him in exchange for him leaving Mystic Falls. He asked for the truth. It was not a transaction for sex in exhange for him fucking leaving Mystic Falls.
Klaus: I want your confession.
Caroline: About what? I didn’t do anything!
Klaus: About me.
He asked for her honesty. He promised her that he was leaving town for good and the only thing that he asked her for was her honesty. He had always respected Caroline for her honesty and he asked to be real this last time.
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Stop making it out to be like he coerced her into sleeping with him. As I recall, Caroline was the one who kissed him. Not the other way around. She said in 5x15, that it was her choice to sleep with Klaus and she even told Kat that it felt good to kiss him. It was HER choice. Not once did he ever force her into doing something that she did not want to do. Nor did he compel her. You must be getting Klaus mixed up with the town’s number one sexual predator. ⬇️🙄
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⬆️ He sleeps with the women he compels by the way. *cough cough* They have no free will meaning that they cannot consent. *cough cough* He also tries to kiss women after they reject him. But Caroline is called a thot for what happened to her, for hating Damon, and for actually feeling disturbed that Elena was with him. Even though Caroline was coming from a place of worry. Wouldn’t you be worried if your friend was hooking up with your abuser? Wouldn’t you be concerned if your friend was sire bonded to the guy who is possibly abusing your friend the same way he abused you? And people act like what Damon did to Andi is isn’t an issue because she’s “irrelevant,” although the shit he did was disturbing. Just because Andi wasn’t a huge character like the main gang doesn’t mean that what Damon did to her should be brushed over. It was disturbing. And if y’all lie and say that what Damon did to Care and Andi was not SA, then you and your mother will be receiving the blocked button. I will not argue with you. Keep it in the fucking drafts.
Klaus is not the same as Damon. Sorry not sorry. And don’t y’all dare bring up the scene that happened in the woods in 4x01. He gave her a warning. “Wrong place, wrong equipment,” or something like that. If he wanted her only for sex and was a creep like Damon, and had no respect for Caroline, then he would have acted as if he was Tyler and slept with her while he was in Tyler’s body or fucking compelled her. But he didn’t do either of those things. Klaus respects Caroline. Period. You can come up with whatever bullshit excuse you want. I don’t give a damn. Also, the Damon is a Demon gif is not mine.
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5qu1dink · 10 months
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when i say i’m not normal about this movie i mean that i spent 10 minutes trying to defend billy and at the end i realized i didn’t even fuckinh believe what i was saying about him.
watched it with a friend yesterday and he did say i was kind of annoying at some points and like. ik. i was annoyed too.
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vampykween · 6 months
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posting from vampire! price’s castle btw he said a pretty bunny like me deserves to be shared with the world 🐇❤️‍🔥
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faartbarfunkel · 1 year
It’s so crazy being like a (normal) fan of a celebrity, or just someone who enjoys watching the movies they do, that like you’ll see a cute ass video they’ll post of them and their significant other and be like “awe that’s cute” but then you’ll go online and see the weird ass side of their fanbase that are like “this is fake!” Or others who are just haters to their core and get fucking weird when someone they’re a fan of is happy?? Like how delusional can y’all be? Some of you are genuinely losing sleep over this, it’s cringe. Please get help lmfao
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lenorahills · 10 months
Damn. Mike meeting El in the woods really did alter the entire trajectory of his life… He felt like his life started that day. I need another moment to collect myself that the words “But the truth is, El, I don't know how to live without you. I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods.” are canon. Tugs on my heartstrings a little, because I too have watched them and their relationship grow :,)
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doriantomybasil · 7 months
My crush glanced at me once he wants me so bad
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serostuffsmh · 5 months
Hi friend. Life had me absent from tumblr but I hope your well. If you ever need 3rd party vent sessions I'm down to listen.
You are a very good person and I hope you stay safe ♡
Thank you! I really appreciate that and I remember how sweet you were to me all the time when I was actually active. I really appreciate this message and I think it’s so nice that all of you send these encouraging asks to me I CRY.
Honestly, all of us need to sit down for coffee because BOY DO I HAVE TEA
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mighty-poop · 7 months
Define a woman!
I’m gonna rant this here cus this argument keeps returning on the clock app and one day, I’m gonna be stupid and leave a comment in the wrong thread or smthn so I’m just gonna get it out of my system:
“How do you define a ‘woman’?”
Answer for idiots: you can’t.
You cannot possibly make a definition for the term ‘woman’ without excluding someone from the group when they clearly ARE part of the group (even if you’re a piece of shit transphobe and don’t want to include trans women). A woman is someone who has the potential to give birth? You just excluded every child before puberty, every infertile woman and every woman on menopause, next. A woman is someone who has a uterus? You just excluded a bunch of intersex women and all women who had a hysterectomy, next. A woman has a period? Excluded the millions of women who never get their period for various reasons AND all the women who take continuous birth control AND women who are pregnant AND again, little girls and women on menopause. A woman has to have XY chromosomes? Are you gonna check that for every feminine-looking person you’re gonna meet? How? Do you not think women with down syndrome are women?
Decades of feminism working so hard to make sure women are more than their genitals and potential to give birth, all flushed down the drain because you refuse to believe trans women are more than men in wigs? You’re weak as shit.
So answer for people who actually want to use their brain:
Woman is defined through experiences. Which experiences? Entirely up to whoever defines themselves as a woman.
The ‘female experience’ is so broad. You cannot possibly define it in one sentence and stick it on everyone who calls the word ‘woman’ their own.
You feel feminine and empowered by doing your nails? Congrats, that’s the female experience and makes you, therefore, a woman.
You feel feminine and empowered by wearing plaid and splitting wood in two with a giant axe? Congrats! Female Experience. Woman.
You feel feminine in a dress? Woman. You feel feminine in a tux and suit? Woman.
You feel empowered as a mother and love being pregnant? Woman! You despise the idea of being pregnant but find empowerment in your career? Woman! You feel like your period makes you more in tune with your femininity? Woman. You feel like your period makes you less than human and getting a hysterectomy makes you feel more comfortable in your body? Woman.
you love long hair? Woman. You love short hair? Woman.
You love loving men? Woman. You love loving women? Woman. You love both? Woman. You love everyone? Woman. You don’t feel like love is your thing? Woman!
Sitting at home with a good movie and a bottle of wine? That’s a woman. Getting bloody in a game of soccer? That’s very woman! Taking a walk with your dog? How very woman! Going to the gym? Such woman! Eating out with friends? Friend woman. Shooting a gun in the yard from the patio you built yourself? All woman!
Whatever the fuck makes you feel in sync with your femininity is your female experience, and if you have female experience and you like it, you are a W O M A N ✨
Same goes for men and the male experience btw! Since the question “what defines a man” is never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER asked for SOME 👀 reason. (We all know the reason….) Also same goes for my fellow enbies and the non-binary experience. If painting your nails bring you closer to your enbie side, you’re non-binary.
Gender is such a deeply personal experience, it’s just dumb to define it for someone else, let alone the entire human species. It’s like asking to define a chair, like, you KNOW what it is but you can’t possibly define it without excluding some chairs (“has at least 4 legs”, that’s a horse also swivel chairs exist).
Sidenote: If some idiot tiktokker shoves a microphone and a camera in your face and goes “WHAT IS A WOMAN” or “HOW MANY GENDERS ARE THERE” just go along with whatever dumbass scenarios they come up with. “How many genders are there?” “My dude, as many as you want!” “Oh so like 40??” “Yep!” “Can I identify as a helicopter lol?” “Sure, who cares, do it!” “Should I demand everyone at my job calls me a helicopter” “You can go to your local townhouse, request to change your name to ‘helicopter’ and they’ll most likely let you. You’re an adult, you can do whatever you want as long as it’s not hurting others.” “You don’t think it would be dumb of me to do that?” “Why would I care, I don’t know you?”
#Imma get off the clock app for a while again#My fyp is on the wrong side of the argument again#Saw a lot of comments basically boiling down to “you’re delusional and you need to grow up”#Y’all the ones breaking down an entire socio-biological science to just “can u make baby or nah”#And it’s always under videos of enbies with really Out There fashion senses who have Such Trouble talking on the spot#Or who clearly have trouble explaining themselves#And the transphobe eat that shit up like sugar#Cus that’s all we are right#Blue-haired snowflakes who are so confused about our gender experiences that we fumble whenever asked#Like i love y’all fellow enbies with daring fashion but pls be more mean and confident about your identity#“What does that mean being a they/them”#I’m not a woman and I’m also not a man it’s that simple#“Is it that simple?” Yes what are you not understanding do you need me to tell you like a 5 yo?#I’m a brownhaired twink-looking gremlin who dresses like a skater boi who likes musicals and hates make-up and loves books#TRY to define me#Put me in one of your silly little boxes and see what happens#I’m gonna rip the box to shreds until there’s nothing left unless you leave me the fuck alone and let me pee in whichever bathroom i need#I have more pressing matters than worry about you thinking I’m confused but not empathetic enough to wonder why#There’s too much other really bad shit happening in the world for you to wonder if the blue haired young adult deserves to be taken serious
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iipastelhxrmony · 2 months
i did not just see a transphobe say that trans women are just “men playing dress up”, “artificial women”, and continue to refuse to acknowledge their transness but get mad because apparently the term “cisgender” is offensive and erasing “real women”
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noctuaas · 1 year
now that kaveh’s character stories are leaked, i feel there’s one more thing i need to tell you all
i do not care for kavetham
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cantofworms · 10 months
even during a massive drapchat dump ppl are still bitching about karl like Damn y’all are obsessed fr
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charmac · 1 year
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chateautae · 2 years
Im sorry but sammy? Are we okay?
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GARNETTE NO WE ARE NOT OKAY THIS IS NOT HHHHHHHHHHHHH RED ALERT RED ALERT DANGER DANGER i have been too stunned to speak. silence. no words. he is… i have no words—i have no words for him y’all.
i realized we matched here and i started hYPERVENILATING i took my selca two days ago and now he’s making me delusional 😭
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husbiebun and I matching <333 (on another note can we talk about his lEGS?¿ for reference i’m 5’1 😵‍💫)
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