vergiliault1ma · 3 months
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Xian Mei fanart. My fav character in Dead Island
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caramel-demon-11 · 11 months
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Xianmei doodle
From: Valg av Synd
Character and art by me
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n4bix · 6 months
No to od początku…
Jestem Xianmei! Z anoreksją jestem już od 2 lat z przerwami żyje jeszcze z sh i z asperegerem
Zodiak: Lew♌️
Monster high, Winx>>>>
Hw: 54 kg
Sw:54 kg
Lw:44 kg
Jeśli chcesz porozmawiać pisz na tumblr albo na dc :
Xianmei 7_aubergine_7
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bookofjin · 2 years
Administrative geography of Western Han (38,99)
According to Ban Gu's Book of Han.
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Bing 并州
County locations and ancient rivers, lakes, and shorelines from The Historical Atlas of China.
I have intentionally stuck to the Hanshu where it differs from the Historical Atlas.
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lanuitviendra · 7 months
Les personnages principaux
Ici sont rappelés tous les personnages principaux et récurrents, ainsi que quelques informations sur eux.
Garance est le personnage principal. C’est la fille cachée du roi Léto et de Diane. Elle a dix-sept ans au début de l’histoire.
Leilana, surnommée Leila,est la sœur cadette de sang de Garance, également fille cachée de Diane et Léto. Elle a disparu deux ans avant le début de l’histoire à l’âge de treize ans.
Cornélia, surnommée Nélie,est la fille cadette de Léto et de la duchesse Flavia de Granvalle. Elle a treize ans au début de l’histoire.
Ozwald, surnommé Oz, est le fils de Flavia et de Léto. Il a dix-huit ans au début de l’histoire.
Roswitha, surnommée Rose, est la fille de Léto et de la princesse Thérèsa de Thodra, également duchesse des berges du Kraken. Elle a dix-neuf ans au début de l’histoire.
Louis et Edward sont les frères ainés de Roswitha. Ce sont les fils de Thérèsa et Léto. Ils sont décédés cinq ans auparavant.
Ludwina est la fille de Léto et d’Annelise, ancienne Consort1 et marquise de Landorth. Elle a vingt-trois ans au début de l’histoire.
Conrad est le fils ainé du roi Léto et de la reine Elena. Il a vingt-cinq ans au début de l’histoire.
Léto est le roi de Norigan, fils de la reine Mila VII. Il a cinquante ans au début de l’histoire.
Xianmei, aussi appelée Diane,est la dernière impératrice Shenlian. Elle a été déchue et elle est également la dernière compagne de Léto. Elle est morte sept ans auparavant.
Thérèsa est une amie proche de Léto et la mère de Roswitha, Louis et Edward. Elle règne sur le duché des Berges-du-Kraken. Elle a cinquante ans au début de l’histoire.
Genesh est le valet et le compagnon d’Ozwald. Il a vingt-et-un an au début de l’histoire.
Agnès est la dame de compagnie de Cornélia et Garance. Elle est issue d’une ancienne famille noble. Elle a vingt-quatre ans au début de l’histoire.Enkjargal est le fils de la reine Azusha de Khanshal. C’est un ami proche de Garance. Il a dix-neuf ans au début de l’intrigue.
[1] Un ou une Consort (sous-entendu un « roi consort » ou une « reine consort ») est l’époux ou l’épouse d’un chef d’État.
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elizapdushku · 3 years
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Dead Island, 2011 (Definitive Edition, 2016) #deadisland #samb #xianmei #logancarter #purnajackson #ryderwhite #charon #kevinbarrister #johnsinamoi #omartorres #jamesstein #colinkugler #darvinbark #javierwimsett #jessicanelson #matutero #keenanfisher #motherhelen #mayortoddtanis #simonbuchanan #florenciomorales #doctorrobertwest #joeldirt #dwightturner #tituskabui #banoibutcher #pawalblaszczak #fridaygaming #gamesilove #favouritegames https://www.instagram.com/p/CTHWJltMono/?utm_medium=tumblr
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may8chan · 3 years
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Rainy Dog
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cilicodr-art · 3 years
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075. Gokudô kuroshakai / Rainy dog
Takashi Miike -- 1997 | Japan | 4.5
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sineflicks · 2 years
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Rainy Dog (1997) dir. Takashi Miike
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agoddamn · 3 years
Hey, remember how when the Fates art artbook came out people started wildly hallucinating that it de-canonized Xianmei and Mikoto being sisters even though I have the book and showed the pages and explained again and again that such text was not present?
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Get fucked.
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etirabys · 4 years
Is there a name for this phenomenon in lots of cultures where it’s fraught to be economically successful because your neighbors and community will rush for their bite?
When people discovered her role in helping Little Yueyue, she became a minor celebrity. News photographers came and posed her in a field harvesting crops to dramatize her humble origins—no matter how many times she tried to explain to them that it wasn’t the harvest season. She received six invitations to Beijing, for official celebrations of “good deeds,” though, in truth, the experiences in Beijing only made her uncomfortable. “I can’t understand what people are saying, and they can’t understand what I’m saying,” she said. Local officials and private companies were eager to be photographed with her, and she received about thirteen thousand dollars in rewards.
But as her name spread, the experience took an unhappy turn. People in her village saw the publicity she was getting and concluded that she had received far more money than she actually had. Neighbors began asking her for loans. No matter what she said, they persisted. They even asked her to pave the road into the village.
Chen Xianmei told me she was grateful for the rewards, but she would have preferred that the local government simply allow her grandson to go to public school: he had a rural hukou, which made him ineligible for public kindergarten in the city, so his parents were spending seven hundred yuan a month on a private school, and her reward money wouldn’t last forever.
The curious consequences of her good deed spilled over into her son’s life. No matter how many times he told his coworkers that he wasn’t rich, people were convinced that his mother was hiding a fortune. The pressure became so strong that he left his job. The best new work he could find was exhausting; he was driving a bread loaf van thirteen hours a day.
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ozu-teapot · 7 years
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Rainy Dog | Takashi Miike | 1997
Xianmei Chen, Shô Aikawa
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caramel-demon-11 · 1 year
(Reblog) yes I know I post him but now He has ref so yes XD
From Valg av Synd
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n4bix · 7 months
100 obserwacji(≧∀≦)
Moja historia(skrócona)
Z ed pierwsze styczności miałam już wieku 10/11 gdzie moja psychika runęła przez opinie innych ale wtedy moja psycholożka mnie powstrzymała od dalszych głodówek wtedy po prostu jadłam same obiady n całe. W maju tego roku zaczęłam znów to robić i to poważniej. W wakacje przestałam (na dobre mi wyszło) z wielu powodów a jednym z nich było że mój ulu motylek zrobił przerwę a był moja jedna z największych motywacji ,lecz w sierpniu znów zaczęłam.
Kim jestem?
Więc od początku jestem Xianmei (010). Zawsze miałam gdzieś problemy psychiczne a szczególnie społeczne gdzie jako dziecko byłam bardzo aspołeczna. W szkole coś się zmieniło ale rozmawiałam tylko z moja klasa i do dziś tak jest. Najgorszym momentem mojego życia to była 6 klasa teraz tez jest źle a nawet gorzej ale teraz wm jak sobie z tym radzić a wtedy miałam z 11 lat. Chce schudnąć dla odwagi bo dla mnie nawet gdy powiem coś za głośno to umieram z wstydu przez najbliższe pare dni. Najbardziej chce z ud bo ich szczerze nie nawidzę i n czuje się komfortowo z nimi. Moi dawni ”przyjaciele” wpędzili mnie w mega samo n docenienie teraz sama się spostrzegam inaczej (jeśli Gabi to czytasz to odinstaluj tumblr w końcu). Teraz dążę by być ta chudą społeczna koleżanka co każdy zna, i jestem wstanie zagłodzić się na smierć jeśli będzie trzeba wszytko dla chudości<3
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laguaridadelnagual · 5 years
Conejo adicto a las telenovelas
Conejo adicto a las telenovelas
En China, a un conejo mascota le gustan tanto las novelas de Corea del Sur que ataca a sus dueños si éstos cambian de canal.
Jiang Chunlei de la ciudad de Xianmei en la provincia de Fujian, admite que él y su esposa han consentido tanto al conejo Jia Xiaoju, que lo tratan como si fuera su propia hija.
Todas las noches, a las 10 PM para ser precisos, el conejo se sube al regazo de la pareja para…
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hyaenagallery · 6 years
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Wang Yue, also known as Little Yue Yue, was a two-year-old Chinese girl who was run over by two vehicles on the afternoon of October 13, 2011 in a narrow road in Foshan, Guangdong. Wang had wandered away from her home while her mother was quickly collecting laundry during a thunderstorm. Closed-circuit television cameras captured the child wandering into a narrow, busy market street. Within a few moments of her appearance on the screen, Wang was struck by a white van, and knocked to the ground and under the van's front wheels. The van driver pauses, but does not get out. After a moment, he pulls forward slowly, at which time his rear wheel drives over Wang. The driver moves on. Subsequently, at least 18 people walk past her, and fail to assist her, some pausing to stare before moving on. In that time, another large truck runs over Wang's legs with both front and back tires. She is eventually helped by a female rubbish scavenger, Chen Xianmei. It is apparent in the video that Wang is crying, holding her head, moving her arms and legs, and bleeding. Wang's parents Wang Chichang and Qu Feifei chose not to blame anyone besides themselves for their daughter's death. Qu said, "Granny Chen represents the best of human nature, it's the nicest and most natural side of us." The drivers of both vehicles were detained by police in the days after the incident. Hu Jun, who was driving the first minivan that ran over Wang, was put on trial in Foshan and charged with Wang's death. He pleaded guilty to traffic crimes, but not homicide. Hu was convicted of involuntary homicide and sentenced to ​3 1⁄2 years in prison. The sentence was lightened because he turned himself in and had paid part of Wang's medical expenses. #destroytheday
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