#x-ray and vav ash
thatfreak03 · 1 year
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(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)
I made an Ash/Vav ship kid because I can.
His name is Veer, and he is about 25 years old.
He has looked up to his "aunt" Hilda ever since he was a kid. He is into science just like her. He is more of a chemesis than a robotics scientist, though.
Like Hilda, he mostly makes things for superheros rather than go out into the field himself.
Veer, while not also able to read a room and can be a bit awkward at times, is a very friendly person and likes to help people.
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Rated: G
Pairing: Ash/Hilda
Wordcount: ~500
“What did you need me for?” Ash asked as she entered Hilda’s lab. Her girlfriend texted her not long ago about seeing something she finished.
“This.” Hilda placed her hand on something covered by cloth. It looked bulky, but a lot of her inventions tended to be bulky. Ash had no idea what could be under that white sheet.
“I’m happy to test anything for you,” Ash said. “But isn’t this normally Vav and X-Ray’s thing?”
Hilda averted her eyes and she went a little pink around the cheeks. “It’s not for them.” The sheet was removed without any flourish to reveal a breastplate and vambraces. Two things that were definitely not made for the other heroes, given the fact that their colour scheme was red and gold. The breastplate was an unbroken red with darker bits at the sides. The vambraces were gold, with red etched into them to turn the gold into intricate feathers.
“Woah…” Sometimes with the things Hilda normally made, it was easy to forget she was truly an artist. It was just that she didn’t usually put much artistic ‘flare’ into her inventions. Ash walked up to run her fingers against the feathers. The metal was cool under her touch. Though everything was, but this metal seemed cooler than other materials. Enough so that Ash definitely noticed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Hilda said with a small, proud smile. Her eyes glittered with excitement as she moved to stand next to Ash and she reached out to run her own fingers along the breastplate. When Ash did the same, she discovered it held the same odd coolness. “I made it with a special metal that shouldn’t heat up too much, even with your powers. So it won’t burn you if you wear it during battle. Not that you burn, but it’ll remain cool on the outside, too.”
“That’s so cool. Literally,” Ash said with a little laugh.
Hilda snorted. She held up the breastplate. It glimmered slightly when the lights hit it. “Do you want to try it on?”
“Help me?” Ash her arms out at her sides when Hilda nodded.
Dark red fingerless gloves went under the vambraces. They were soft, and they seemed to share the same cool quality. Ash moved around a bit once the pieces of armour were on properly and wasn’t surprised to find her mobility not at all impeded. If she wanted to, Hilda could build a full set of armour and Ash knew it’d be as easy to move in as a spandex suit.
“I made special fabric to have the same properties as the metal,” Hilda said.
“You’re amazing,” Ash said honestly. Pink burned Hilda’s cheeks again and Ash reached up to cradle them in her hands, partly just to hold Hilda and partly to let the fabric cool them down. Hilda leaned just slightly into the touch.
“You like them?” Hilda asked.
“Of course I do,” Ash said. “Thank you.”
“I want you to remain safe,” Hilda said.
“With you by my side, I know I always will be,” Ash said. Hilda flushed darker and averted her eyes downward, but there was a small smile on her face.
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lesserknownwaifus · 1 year
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Ash Samaya from X-Ray and Vav
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howlingday · 10 months
Ruby: (Dressed as Batman) I am The Bat.
Weiss: (Dressed as Pyrrha) Yes, yes, you're The Bat! And The Bat is the reason why we didn't win best group costume tonight! AGAIN! What was it last year, Blake?
Blake: (Dressed as Nora) Last year, we were X-Ray, Vav, Mogar, and The Bat.
Weiss: And the year before that, what were we, Yang?!
Yang: (Dressed as Ren) Snrk! We were the fantastic Blue Team of Leonard Church, Michael J. Caboose, Lavernius Tucker, and The Bat!
Weiss: And the year before that, we were Ash, Misty, Brock, and THE BAT!
Ruby: ...The night is mine.
Weiss: Oh, go sell it somewhere else, Ruby!
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prince-cally · 4 years
The amount of hate Ash gets in the xnv fandom is kinda sad.
A lot of it isn't even character flaws it's people not liking her because she gets in the way of their (gay) ships.
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incorrectservamp · 4 years
Kuro: All I've ever wanted to do was help people. But the more I try, the more I hurt them.
Inner Kuro: You mean Mahiru, don't you?
Kuro: Not just him—everyone! I try so hard to do what's right, but I only make things worse. Sometimes I wonder if the best thing to do is...nothing.
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xraynarvaez · 5 years
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Pride Time!!
X-Ray is a Bi Ace Demiboy, Vav is Bi, Hilda is Nonbinary Bi, and Ash is a Pan Demisexual
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xnv-sideblog · 6 years
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I haven’t watched X-Ray & Vav in years, this is how it went right
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pinkeyedrabbit · 6 years
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Never seen this show? Well with this picture- you have. Alternate title: Season 3 looks great. Based on this x 
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kittycole · 7 years
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Redraw from old ask True color 
(I just redraw this from old ask here link It Really so different now)
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undeadghosty · 2 years
Even though it only has two drawing so far, I already love your flipped X-Ray and Vav AU. Ash,Vav, X-Ray, and Hilda all have very different personalities, which can change a lot of the story. I wonder how Hilda and Ash will react to Mogar, or if X-Ray gives Mogar praise like Ash did in the original or if he still dislikes him for some reason, or if Vav still has his crush on Ash, I'll stop there so I won't get too annoying. Sorry, I'm just really hungry for X-Ray and Vav content.
Feel free to dump more, I love getting asks like this!
Their personalities definitely change the story. For one, the girls' powers are different; Hilda has super intelligence and expert aim and Ash has super hearing and telepathy.
Ray is a reporter for Local Happin's but kinda sucks at his job. Vav is a scientist and keeps getting kidnapped for his inventions.
Vav absolutely still has a crush on Ash, they've got a Lois Lane/Superman thing going on where she saves him all the time.
The girls don't initially don't like Mogar, but they warm up to him once he gets on their side. Ray also still genuinely doesn't like Mogar but still tracks him for his articles, hoping to get more praise.
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thatfreak03 · 1 year
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(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)
I feel inderiffent about Mogar/Ash, but I know of some people, like @undeadghosty , who is a great artist, BTW, who ship it. So I made a ship kid.
His name is Dev Samaya, and they are around 23 years old.
Dev looked up to his "uncles" X-Ray and Vav ever since he was a kid. He wanted to be a superhero protecting the city because of them. His powers are basically crystal manipulation. Before Hilda gave him those powers, his dad taught him how to fight. So now he has a backup in case his powers don't work or something like that.
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archester-creations · 5 years
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Just found out there's a X-Ray and Vav week going on! Glad I didn't miss it! Here are the first four days.
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X-Ray And Vav (Powers Are Real AU) MoodBoards
Ray/X-Ray & Gavin/Vav
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Fey Wilde (OC)
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Ryan/Mad King
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transvavsquad · 5 years
vav: retires from hero work bc there are people doing it that are better than him plus x-ray is kind of done with it too and it's harder working on your own. resigns himself to a life of menial cameraman work for ash's blog and video logs, pleased to help her but a little sad about it
vav, two weeks later: bored out of his mind, applies to monarch labs as a tech assistant and ends up getting the job just as the mad king comes back to reclaim the company again. is then both immediately recognized and made ryan's personal tech so that he can't 'get any ideas' bc no matter how many times he says it, mk doesn't believe he retired.
vav: now spends basically all his time with ryan and makes a big fuss but actually really enjoys it because he was pretty lonely, and is pretty pleased he gets to show off just how smart he can be. and, you know. how ruthless, too.
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xraynarvaez · 5 years
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💚💚 HIM!💚💚
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