#wtf you are a billion dollar company
payidaresque · 1 year
what....... is that............. photoshop.............................. embarassing
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sanguinifex · 8 months
Losing my mind at how Big Tobacco kept it secret for years that smoking causes cancer
And then how when everyone else finally found out bc everyone was like “wtf why are all these people in their 60s dying of lung cancer,” they got away with no penalties except having to put warning labels on their products and all tobacco taxes and higher insurance premiums fell on the consumers they’d deliberately gotten addicted to their cancer sticks as in they spent billions of dollars of advertising worldwide to get people hooked
And then just when it was starting to look like public health was about to win the war on smoking, they rolled out vapes and used the exact same playbook they had with cigarettes, as in they knew their products were dangerous and they lied that they were safe and heavily marketed their toxic lung destroyers to kids. And they’ve STILL faced no penalties. The companies didn’t get nationalized and forced to only make the least dangerous products possible that could still contain nicotine and that looked like unappealing medical devices. Nobody’s gone to prison. No company or individual has paid a single significant fine. They haven’t even had to settle a serious lawsuit.
I cannot stress how uncool smoking had gotten by 2010, around when the first commercially successful vapes hit the market. I knew so few people my age who smoked that I could count them on one hand. Nobody in the honors/AP program smoked. Smoking was seen by the vast majority of teenagers as something nasty and smelly and seriously stupid and uncool that maybe your parents or grandparents did, as old people stuff like being bad at computers or buying single-ply toilet paper.
The public health campaigns and the warning labels and the posters in the pediatricians’ offices had worked. It was all set up to be the greatest public health victory since routine childhood vaccination. The public health people were already doing victory laps. But, like a bacterium that discovers how to resist an antibiotic, Big Tobacco developed a new addictive product and a new marketing strategy.
Vapes weren’t marketed very much to adult smokers, not at first. Like, the first couple products did that, and also tried to look as close to real cigarettes as possible, but adult smokers were primarily older, suspicious of new tech, knew Big Tobacco had knowingly gotten them hooked on an unsafe product before and didn’t trust them, and probably most saliently, other nicotine replacement products like gums and patches, plus a couple of meds that make the cravings less bad or something, already existed.
No, the first effective vape marketing focused on kids. This was legal because all the laws focused on tobacco leaf products; you had to be 18 to buy tobacco replacement products, but ones that are approved by the FDA have to be unappealing to tobacco-naive consumers.
From everything I’ve heard, nicotine gum tastes terrible, and it it’s packaged like medicine (I found some at a relative’s house when I was a kid, and it was about as appealing to children as prescription antibiotics pills, in fact less so because it wasn’t colored). Because nicotine patches are FDA approved, it’s illegal to make ones that look like cute stickers that middle school children would love.
Big Tobacco realized that this was a problem, and decided to forgo FDA approval as a smoking cessation device, even while positioning to regulators and the adult public that it was one and the FDA just had too much red tape, and marketed vapes heavily to children. They designed vape pens to look like school supplies and cell phone power banks instead of like cigarettes. They marketed them to the kids who were in middle school and late elementary in 2010. They marketed them as a legal high, fun flavors, told them the vapor clouds were cool like skateboard tricks, and perhaps most importantly, sold vapes as something that was different from smoking and also as safe as chewing gum.
By 2014, per the CDC, vapes were the most used tobacco product among US adolescents. By 2016, when I graduated college, vapes were already not an uncommon sight in bars, though most people preferred cigs in the few bars that allowed smoking; by the time I started going back to bars after the pandemic became less dangerous, every fourth or fifth person was sucking on a vape.
The kids who were toddlers in 2010 are in high school now. Per data from 2022, 14.1% of them vape. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but put it this way: in a typical class size of 30, there’s 4-5 kids who vape either socially or habitually and are willing to admit it to federal researchers despite it being illegal for people their age to vape; that means there’s 2-3 more at minimum who won’t admit it, and likely several more who will take a puff if someone offers one in the school restroom or at a party, but who don’t currently have the money to develop a proper habit; most of those will get addicted within weeks of becoming old enough to get a work permit or their first college work-study, not to mention also becoming old enough to buy vapes at a store instead of from a dealer. That’s nearly half the class! The kids know it’s unhealthy, but they think it’s like ice cream is unhealthy, not the way shooting up a cocktail of meth and tranq dope with a dirty needle is unhealthy.
Capitalism literally causes cancer. The vapes weren’t safe; they cause heart attacks, strokes, and horrifying lung damage. They cause them far sooner than cigarettes do. We don’t know anything about the cancer risk yet, but I suspect that will show up in another 10 to 20 years, and that it may be different from and/or more virulent than cancers caused by traditional tobacco products. Or it may be fewer cancers but weirder ones. We simply don’t have the data yet.
Big Tobacco got another generation hooked on a killer, and capitalism let it. The execs are still eating $500 meals at Michelin-star restaurants instead of prison food. We should change that.
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Australians Are Really Dumb
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Australians are really dumb if you go by their behaviour over the last 20 years. They have bought the whole anti-union narrative spruiked by conservative politicians like John Howard, Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and their ilk. These guys demonised and attempted to criminalise unionists and their ALP mates. The whole anti-Bill Shorten campaign painted Bill as some union crook – for which there was no real evidence. Despite this voters bought it hook, line and sinker. Now, we are where we find ourselves with record low wage growth over decades. Unions stripped of power by laws. Labour hire companies ripping off workers. Workers with bugger all rights. Big companies lording it over little workers with no bargaining power.
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Shabby Australians Deserve Qantas
Qantas has finally been pulled up by the High Court of Australia – after the unions took them on and fought their appeal against the wrongful dismissal of 1, 700 baggage handlers during the Covid pandemic. Australians didn’t stand up to Qantas, the Coalition government backed them with billions of tax payer’s money, whilst Virgin went down the gurgler. Australians have become pretty shabby people, sitting back and watching workers being shafted by Corporate Australia and not saying boo.
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Alan Joyce has been an absolute disgrace, as Qantas CEO for years and years. Under his leadership this once great company has become a vampire for shareholders. Sucking the life out of long serving staff and treating its customers like shit. “ "It now stands their actions against these Qantas families as the largest sacking in Australian corporate history that has been found to be illegal," Transport Workers' Union national secretary, Michael Kaine said in the minutes after the landmark verdict was handed down. "These workers have been put through hell. Their families have been put through hell. Their lives have been dislocated, some of them forever … that's the consequence of this illegal decision.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-14/qantas-workers-high-court-illegally-sacked-twu-compensation-bill/102848854)
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Qantas flying off with your money
Joyce Took Australia On A Joy Ride At Our Expense
Australians are only just waking up to the litany of unfair and low life actions taken by the airline’s management and board. Joyce has walked away with $24 million in bonuses, after destroying the culture and reputation of a once mighty business and brand. Australians and Qantas shareholders should hang their heads in shame really. We all sat back and watched the destruction of people’s lives and livelihoods. What for? All for money, of course. We have very few standards of morality left in this nation, especially after a decade of Coalition governments under the guise of liars like Morrison and leering scumbags like Abbott.
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Dirty Deeds Done In Australia Think about Robodebt and the disgraceful and unlawful scheme of these same jokers. Vulnerable people, wrongly accused of owing thousands of dollars, killed themselves. Ponder on the billions of dollars going to companies like PwC and KPMG, who have been taking the Australian people for a very expensive ride. These are Coalition initiatives and trends massaged and mined for every penny possible. Insider mates getting all the plumb jobs and big government contracts without the normal scrutiny that the public service would be under. Opaque transparency in shady town. Stuart Robert and Alan Tudge have scarpered already to avoid taking any responsibility. Marise Payne has likewise ducked out of the building, just in case people are actually held accountable. I would not hold your breath, however. Australia is a white collar crime and corruption Mecca. Only poor and powerless people get prosecuted and go to prison.
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Neoliberal champions who led us where we find ourselves - ripped off by our own economy! Governments Need To Get Back In The Game Of Building Things Will Australians awake from their slumber and pay attention to WTF is going on? Neoliberalism still haunts the halls of power and politics, despite having delivered zero results for the majority of us. The ALP needs to get its head out of its arse and stop playing it safe. The ALP still sucks on the teat of neoliberalist economic beliefs. The housing crisis is a direct result of government neglect in this regard. The market will not take care of everything – that is complete bullshit. Pull your finger out Albo! The housing fund is a cocka-doodle crock of monetary madness. We need governments to get back in the game of building infrastructure – like houses where the working poor can live. It is an emergency and the market is not going to magic up a shit load of social housing.
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Richard Goyder Must Go Goyder must go, as he has been the enabler in the whole Alan Joyce disaster. Qantas has been accused by the ACCC of selling seats to 10, 000 customers, which had already been cancelled. This could cost the airline a fine of $250 million. Australian must get back to holding Corporate Australia accountable for its actions. The LNP anything goes days are over. Australians would be best served to remember who has led this trashing of our standards. John Howard used to boast about making us all shareholders. Well, the vast majority of Australians are not shareholders but we have been screwed by Corporate Australia. High prices and rising inflation have been caused by a profit-price-spiral. Record profits have been announced by Qantas and the banks. The duopolies and oligopolies means that they can set the prices in most markets. The ACCC has failed us in terms of protecting competition. Our governments have been asleep at the wheel or looking the other way on the back of grift and graft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQKnazRIEc8 Australians Are Not What They Used To Be Australians are only really arcing up right now because airfares are really expensive. Self-centred shabby Aussies did bugger all when Joyce was sacking airline staff left, right and centre. Neoliberal economics has pervaded the leadership of our nation and gutted things like mateship and social justice. People are just out for what they can get. Scumbags are the new normal downunder. You know unions have done a lot for this country over the journey. Apart from protecting the basic rights of workers, they have been involved in preserving things like our historical buildings, anti-apartheid campaigns against South Africa, fighting for equal pay for Australian women, and getting equal pay for Indigenous workers on cattle stations. “In January 1965 the North Australian Workers’ Union lodged an application with the Arbitration Commission to delete the provision of the award covering workers at cattle stations that prevented Indigenous workers from gaining equal rights. A campaign of public pressure in support of the claim for wage equality was launched across the country. The Cattle Producers Council submitted a series of racist arguments to the Commission, degrading the contribution of Indigenous workers to the industry.  In March 1966 the commission handed down its decision in favour of equal wages – but in a racist insult to Indigenous workers, deferred this equality until December 1968. Indigenous pastoral workers took action, demanding equality immediately. “ - (https://www.actu.org.au/about-the-actu/history-of-australian-unions) If you have ever lived or spent some time in regional Australia you will well know the heightened level of racism in these communities. Not everyone, of course, but far more blatant expressions of racism than in the city are frequently voiced. You have to ask yourself why is Queensland, especially in the regional parts so racist and anti-union? A history of blackbirding – the indented servitude or enslavement of First Nations people – exists there. The current folk are the descendants of such people. The Lutheran German migrants and other European migrants are well known to be anti-union on the basis of their experiences in their old countries. They hand these attitudes down to their progeny for better or worse. Interestingly the polls predict that Queensland and Tasmania will be bastions for the No vote in the October referendum on the voice to parliament for Indigenous Australians. Two states where massacres of First Nations people were prominent in our history. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. ©WordsForWeb
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< A streaming video is posted on the blog, complete with comment section. The video displays the two duelists, Yugi and the gaunt-faced Rare Hunter facing each other. Yugi has already completed his turn with a set card and a monster. Afterwards, the Rare Hunter played Graceful Charity and setting his Stone Statue (300/2000) in defense position.
Yugi starts his turn by playing a monster and using Polymerization to fuse them into Winged Chimera (2100/1800). He then states that next turn he'll be able to attack because of the new ruleset involving Polymerization. >
CardGamesSon(v): Does someone have a copy of the Expert Rules Mutou mentioned?
BlueEyesBlondeDragon(v): link
CardGamesSon(v): thx
I'mYourDaddy (v): Did Kaiba seriously create a completely new ruleset for this tournament?
Capu4Life (v): Yup. Heard that people were forced to make their decks in a couple days because of that announcement.
ExodiaTheBaffledOne(v): When you're rich, you become willful. I mean, no one would be playing this game if it weren't for the fact two companies richer than god solely sponsor it. You can't even really use the hardlight technology with any other collectable game, just Duel Monsters.
Capu4Life (v): CapuMon is compatible with the holotech. Just saying. :^) DMGBeloved (v): Times like these make me wish I had a wealthy big brother that would support the company that made my niche interest lol. I'mYourDaddy(v): ...That is suspiciously specific. Going back to the subject at hand, there isn't a cash prize for this tourney though.
ExodiaTheBaffledOne(v): But there's the opportunity to get your opponent's Rare cards in the ante. Those are worth a lot of money. I mean, I heard Red Eyes Black Dragon is worth a thousand American dollars. So imagine what the rarer cards are like - I mean, just look at the BEWD. Makes me wonder who has the 4th one - pretty sure Kaiba would buy it for a billion yen or two so he'd be its sole owner.
I'mYourDaddy (v): ha i thought you said LEWD. And then realized you're talking about Kaiba's dragon. ::eyebrowwaggle::
I'mYourDaddy has been muted by Owner sketchyonlooker for five minutes: Reason: nsfw
CardGamesSon(v): lol wtf
BlueEyesBlondeDragon(v): lol rip
< The Rare Hunter plays another Graceful Charity, drawing three and discarding two. The viewpoint pans over to Joey briefly who is looking more and more anxious in the background. Yugi's expression looks a bit more perturbed than anything else, especially after the Rare Hunter plays a second high defense monster in Defense Mode.
It then transforms into a smirk. And with a snap of his fingers, he declares "Rare Hunter, I know what you're planning." >
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): lol bullshit. definitely bluffing.
< Mirroring the chat, the Rare Hunter also declares that Yugi is bluffing. Yugi simply replies back "I won't let you summon Exodia." As if in confirmation of that statement, the Rare Hunter looked floored. And in double conformation, Joey looks ecstatic. >
DMGBeloved(v): Wow ::laugh:: That face slap came quickly.
CardGamesSon(v): lol
BlueEyesBlondeDragon(v): stfu
< "Now watch, as your Exodia deck crumbles," Yugi declares as he places a card down. The game continues with Yugi's Winged Chimera smashing apart one of Rare Hunter's wall monsters >
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): You know. That statement would be a lot more impressive if you actually drew life points. And y'know actually did something.
DMGBeloved (v): Wow. ::amazed:: First time watching someone willingly turn the other cheek. To get it slapped.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Look if Hunter's playing Exodia, he probably has all sorts of ways getting it quickly. I mean who knows how many of those pieces are in his hand now? It could be the very next card too.
< Yugi immediately plays Lightforce Sword, which forces the Exodia's Right Arm in Rare Hunter's hand into the Field. Chain Destruction, which was placed down earlier, triggers and destroys the Arm and all copies of it in his deck.
"Exodia will never awaken." >
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): ...stfu.
DMGBeloved (v): loool
IHateControlDecks (v): lol + 2
GoneFishing (v): lol + 44
< "Your deck is dead!" Yugi declares to the Rare Hunter after a brief explanation of the card's effects.
The man simply calls out a "I lost...guh, but that can't be...Not my ultimate deck. NNHHEEEEEEE-"
The video cuts out.>
CardGamesSon (v): Oh shit. Did the guy go crazy and attack Yugi directly?
Capu4life (v): lol. i get it.
CardGamesSon (v): no seriously. SKETCHY, WHAT HAPPENED?
RexsBiggestFan (v): worst cliffhanger ever.
< The video reappears a couple minutes later, panning to an unconscious Rare Hunter and Joey's foot on top of his head. >
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
You’ll have nothing, and you will be happy
Inflation is a lesson in appreciating what you had instead of just complaining about losing it https://trib.al/zYGApsV They remind us that the West lived too comfortably. Yeah, just appreciate that time when you could heat your home 🏡 and fill up a gas tank. When you cannot afford to buy the same stuff you normally bought is actually okay. It’s time to learn how to survive with having very little to nothing. Having nothing is actually okay. Wow!!!! I’m like in a parallel universe. They don’t even pretend any more …
Inflation Ate Your Free Lunch, But You’re Still Better Off
"Americans are facing a painful drop in the higher living standards brought by ultra-low interest rates and a technology revolution. It had to end sometime."
I should have grabbed it yesterday during research. I heard a whack-a-doodle on MSDNC say that we must live without a third meal. Can I at least have a snack?
I guess we can all do without and give billions of dollars to Ukraine to feed their families.
Thanks, Moron, in charge. 🤡🤪🥴😵Ass clown!
We are ungrateful little plebs! Those great unwashed can do without those services that were thrust upon us by the invisible enemy.
Those companies will fall because food and gas are far more critical than a concierge service. Talk about out of touch!
We showed Netflix to fucker off for being too woke. Maybe we should dump all premium TV services for at least a month. Let them wonder WTF happen.
These companies have taken advantage of the situation, and it's time we send a clear message. You need us, not the other way around.
With the extra money, we can buy food and gas.
Love, JD 😜💋
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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Howdy howdy!! I hope your days been good! Anything interesting you’re looking forward too?🤔
I’m like running around in my head rn because there’s been so much going on🥲 I recently just became a associate for a multi billion dollar company and I’m like HOLY SHIT. I didn’t expect to get this far, and I think it’s finally hitting me rn how absolutely FLOORED I AM ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING. My first shift starts tomorrow, and I’m like, lowkey nervous as fuck like what if I mess it up😭 I meet my fellow associates tomorrow, working in the formal business industry is so complicated.
Remember, messing up and making mistakes is normal. No one expects for you to be perfect since day 1. You're going to do so great babes
You're gonna kill it like Michael myers has killed half Haddonfield bro YOU GOT THIS, YOUR FELLOW RACCOON HERE BELIEVES IN YOU
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wack-ashimself · 2 months
You ever wonder if they made Taz from looney tunes to distract us from the actual country? Because HOLY FUCK corruption. Sell out to foreign fish industries? MAJORITY homeless to some degree or another, but they're building a BILLION DOLLAR stadium!? Chinese owned company being allowed to let waste go anywhere? They LOSE money allowing deforestation!? WTF IS GOING ON?! IT IS BAD EVERYWHERE AND IT IS DUE TO THE RICH, EXCLUSIVELY.
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iamcatalleya · 8 months
I hate how much iPhones have been tripping lately. How the fuck my iPhone changes the volume on its own?! Apple, you are a fucking billion dollar company and iPhones be working like some phones from ancient times. Wtf. And I haven’t even updated it to iOS 17 yet, the amount glitches ios17 also has is just insane. Do fucking better and stop correcting Fucking to Ducking.
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s-petals-blog · 1 year
Wtf tumblr? Why are recommending transphobes to me?
I’m blocking bots. I’m blocking transphobes, I’m blocking antivaxxers.
Guys, can you pls join Twitter? You’d be very very welcome there. The owner is a racist apartheid beneficiary who loves blowing things up…rockets, cars, billion dollar companies. He loves calling brave people who care for others pedos and he also was an associate of epstein’s I believe… you’ll fit right in..promise.
He is scared and fearful too…of education, autonomy and genders (except men).
Also Barry Humphries and JKR and Chapelle? Transphobes. Put that in your obituary and smoke it.
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temerchanshirt · 2 years
Cup Celly 8 Bit DNVR shirt
Wtf Disney, you really broke everyones’ vibe. She used comparisons and facts. Nothing was racist in what she said. She apologized over and over to the LGBTQ communities. Sad the media turned everything around on her when the media portrayed her to be what she is not. Want to know what's racist? A soda company telling people to be less white. A president who told a black guy, if he votes for Trump. You are not black enough. But hey, I guess bringing up history in comparison is more racist than political figures and billion-dollar corporations using the same racial diversity saying racist rhetoric is ok. Have people truly become this ignorant? There are many churches, especially ones known as 'house churches' that do not have a specified place of worship. It may be their policy as they may consider it more cost effective to hire a venue for their meetings to avoid the overheads of maintaining a building or it may be a temporary arrangement e.g.
Buy it here: Cup Celly 8 Bit DNVR shirt
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mycroftrh · 3 years
When I was about 4 or 5, my dad worked in software implementation (installing very complicated programs for entire companies, basically). And sometimes when people had a problem with the program, they’d call my dad.
If he wasn’t in the room, I was assigned to answer the house phone and say “Hello, Edward will be here in jutht a moment,” in my high-pitched lisp typically described by family members as “elfin”, and then yell for my dad. Then I’d listen to him walking them through the issue because I found it interesting.
One time my dad went in for a meeting with the CEO of a large company, like, one you’ve heard of, and the CEO said “Oh, by the way, your assistant is amazing! Fixed my problem immediately."
After some subtle investigative work - because if the CEO of a billion dollar company is pleased you don’t answer with ‘wtf are you talking about’ - he determined that what happened was the following:
The CEO called my dad at a very odd time of day, because rich people are like that.
The phone was answered by an elfin, lisping voice, which said “Hello, I’m thorry, Edward ithn’t here right now. Can I help you?”
“…okay, do you thee the power button? Can you revoot the computer? …that means turning it off.”
Five minutes later, the CEO hung up, very pleased that an elf with a speech impediment had fixed his million-dollar software.
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
Billionaire Bruce Wayne Tweeting
Summary: just a bunch of tweets that Bruce Wayne puts out (or the others who tweet from his account) and some bonus ones from other members of the batfam.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Wife!Reader
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BruceWayne: what is my butler supposed to do with a pet cow that a kid brought home?
BruceWayne: @sia why did you write a song about chandeliers? You gave my kids too many stupid ideas
BruceWayne: Enjoyed hosting the annual Gotham Knights end of the season gala. The boys deserved it after such a big win against Metropolis! Suck it @clarkkent
BruceWayne: oooooo look at me i’m brucie wayne
BruceWayne: I have been hacked by my own children.
BruceWayne Liked & Retweeted: Y/nWayne: who thought it would be a good idea to let my husband run his own Twitter? He’s an old senile man who lives in a cave
BruceWayne: how can I be eating a cheeseburger wrong?
TheWayneButler: do not eat tide pods. You should instead put them in with your load laundry.
NotDedJTodd: Bruce Wayne is not a dilf
Y/nWayne: Stop telling me my husband is a dilf, I already know he is
BruceWayne: what’s a dilf? @y/nwayne
BruceWayne: thank you all for attending tonight’s charity gala for Gotham’s Children’s Hospital! We raised over $10 million dollars and I and my wife will match it.
BruceWayne Liked & Retweeted: Y/nWayne: people ask me why we waited so long to get pregnant. Have you guys not seen how many kids we have?! I keep thinking our kids’ friends are also our kids and some of them are actual adults!
BruceWayne: I’ve built computers. I’ve run a billion dollar business. I’ve raised half of Gotham’s kids. But why the fuck can’t i build a crib?
BruceWayne: can I not be kidnapped today @thepenguin?
BruceWayne: @superman save me. Batman is gonna be awhile as well as his band of misfits.
BruceWayne: yes, I’m letting my seventeen year old run my company and no, he’s not my biological kid. He’s a genius.
BruceWayne: wtf is my wife eating? @y/nwayne
BruceWayne Liked: Y/nWayne: don’t eat the rich, seduce the rich, marry the rich, get knocked up by the rich, secure those bags, honey 💁‍♀️
BruceWayne: money does solve problems but @clarkkent @graysonthedetective @timdrake @therealbloodson @dukesurvives @caswayne @stephlives @notdedjtodd @y/nwayne @thejusticeleague are gonna make me broke
Y/nWayne replied: you better take my name off that post before something bad happens @brucewayne
BruceWayne: money does solve problems but @clarkkent @graysonthedetective @timdrake @therealbloodson @dukesurvives @caswayne @stephlives @notdedjtodd @thejusticeleague are gonna make me broke
BruceWayne Liked & Retweeted: ClarkKent: @brucewayne is a better billionaire than @tonystark
BruceWayne: Batman and @superman are not gods. They wear tights. No god wears tights.
BruceWayne: Batman is a furry
BruceWayne: I’m richer than everyone @forbes
BruceWayne: I have once again been hacked by my own kids. I’m disowning them. And I’m sorry about the last three tweets.
BruceWayne: where am I supposed to find strawberry and pickle ice cream at 3am? I’m rich but not that rich.
BruceWayne: I have been replaced by body pillows
BruceWayne: I don’t like baby showers
BruceWayne: it’s getting chummy in here.
BruceWayne: never thought I would lift up my wife’s hospital blanket to find that she sneezed out our baby. The nurses looked at me crazy when I held up the bloody thing to give to my wife.
BruceWayne: can my kids go hack @tonystark?
BruceWayne Liked & Retweeted: TonyStark: @brucewayne is better than me.
BruceWayne: my dumbass kids make me so proud sometimes.
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flergblerg · 4 years
Just my stream of thoughts while watching Live Action Mulan
Wtf. Did this white woman even get feedback from Chinese historians or even double check her research??? Were there even script supervisors? Cultural fact checkers? Imagine if Disney actually hired Chinese people on their creative team. They had FOUR (4) screenwriters for this movie and EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS WHITE
In traditional Chinese medicine Qi is NOT gender specific and can go through anyone. There’s literally a line in the movie “if you had such a daughter, her chi, the boundless energy of life itself speaking through her every motion... could you tell her that only a son could wield chi?” HUH Disney you are a multi-billion dollar company. You’re telling me NO ONE double-checked this for cultural/historical accuracy?
Mulan living in a southern Chinese Tulou (a type of communal home traditionally native to rural Southern China) when Mulan is from Northern China
They used the Western idea of phoenixes emerging from the ashes which is completely a Western concept. Traditionally Chinese phoenixes don’t do that.
How did a movie with a 200 million dollar budget make the costumes look so bad?!?! lmao
There was a line where a commander told the soldier to line up for showers. Showers!?!?! In ancient China?!?! On an army campsite?!?!?
Taking OFF her armor and ponytail DURING battle for the sake of showing/reminding everyone she is a woman?!?! Her long hair now flying in the air in front of her face, zero change that her hair ever covers her eyes?!? Dumb. Honestly this screams male writer having a female power fantasy. 
The Western screenwriters conveniently forgot or didn’t research that male soldiers also often had long hair but put it in a bun. That scene where Mulan walks with her hair down shouldn’t have been such a giant reveal and shock simply because she took her hair down.
What was the point of replacing Shang with just another dude she had no emotional connection or chemistry with and him conveniently falling in love with her once he discovers she's a woman?!? For what?!?! They literally got rid of Shang in the first place bc it wasn’t apart of the traditional narrative. Then they unnecessarily added a bland underdeveloped character that did the same thing anyway (become a love interest) but this time there's ZERO emotional payoff.
You know what? This movie DOES work as a satire to show the consequences of a lack of cultural research, having no one from the creative team actually be from that culture and have knowledge about it, badly researching history and culture, using a Western cultural lens in an Eastern story, and how a white female screenwriter will still somehow write through the western male gaze
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hshouse · 3 years
Hii can you explain it to me I have no idea what it is but i know is similar to bitcoin (which i know almost nothing ugh) and bad environmental impact
Hi bby,
I’d love to! My favorite thing is getting complicated things into plain language.
tldr; imagine I told you to buy money in neopets and keep it there, can you think of a thousand reasons that sounds dumb? (almost) all of them apply to blockchain
Real Money Basics
So how real money works is that you have a value that is backed by the wealth of a government. That means (in very simplified terms) that a piece of paper that says $5 is worth $5. If you’ve ever heard of the 1929 crisis or any developing country that struggles with inflation (which when you constantly need more money to buy the same thing) you have seen what happens when there is loose regulations or the government is sleeping at the wheel. It’s a mess. This is very very very influential stuff that will determine whether we have jobs and food on the table (literally). So the government regulates THE SHIT out of it. You can’t just throw money around and the only entity that can produce money is the government. 
Finance Basics 
Example: I bought a share (a piece of a company) for $1. Tomorrow the NYT publishes a piece on how great the company is and a bunch of people want to buy shares. I’m gonna say hey great guys but who is gonna give me more for this. Oh this dude is willing to give me $51 dollars for it? Sweet here man have it. I just made $50 by doing nothing: paid $1 and sold for $50. Multiply this by a million, it is investing/finance in a nutshell. This has an *insane* potential to be exploited so it is H E A V I L Y regulated and taxed. I’d have to pay taxes on my $50(million) that I made. That means the 50M isn’t reallllly 50M cause I have to pay taxes. 
Back to Blockchain
So the blockchain people are like government sucks let’s do this ourselves so we don’t get taxes and regulations that make me lose money.
Blockchain is a system that operates (mainly) outside of “real money”. It’s its own system of money that the government does not regulate. This is great for libertarians (people that hate the government) but inherently very very bad. So you buy a token (the currency) that is worth let’s say $1 dollar. You can then exchange that token for a good online. In their idealized future you could go to the corner store and use a token to buy gum. We’re not there but there are things you can buy online with it. So far you are following it that it is exactly like dollars but instead of the government regulating, the government is totally outside of it.
Running this operation takes a massive amount of computer power. Think about how a transaction works in real money. You buy something with your credit card. The credit card company then puts a hold on that money (you can’t spend it again) and then charges you a few days later. They can do that because money is backed by the government. They know that the value won’t change significantly even if they charge you in a year. There is so much security for the bank so the system is not super complicated. Not with blockchain. There is no backing this currency. So everything needs to be automatic because it is likely that the value will shift so if I buy token it better show up now on my account. So they need massive computers to do this. (this is why it is environmentally a shitshow)
How do they do this? They (as in the system, not a person) “pay” you to use your computer power. So you can produce money by lending your computer to run this thing (sort of like torrent download if you know what that looks like). This sounds like free money (which, as a general advice, is 100% of the time shady). You produce money at an insanely slow pace because the more people join the more computers there are. This is the carrot: join, make free money.
But for money to work it needs to be finite of course. This is where economics kicks in. The more people there are wanting one thing, the higher the price will be (our old friends supply and demand). So people that have bought tokens want you to buy tokens too so their tokens are worth more in real money. Investing! Remember? Same thing. But here there are zero regulations and zero taxes. This is their goal. But this means that there is also zero safety nets.
If you buy a token for $50 and tomorrow the whole network is shut off for whatever your money is gone. Legit gone. Because WHAT YOU BOUGHT HAS NO INTRINSIC VALUE. It’s a number on a computer. That’s what you gave your hard worked dollars for. 
“But isn’t that what investing is? wtf is a share?” 
If you buy 1 share (realistically millions) of Apple that money is secured by everything Apple owns (the factories, the copyrights, the offices, literally everything) so even if Apple goes bankrupt tomorrow, there is a special court that will sell literally every piece of furniture to buildings that Apple owns and distribute the money. You actually did buy something tangible that can be transferred back into money if the company gets shut down. Realistically though, companies don’t actually go truly bankrupt often.
The price of the share is decided by people who look into Apple to decide its intrinsic value. Investing is based on real stuff, not a thing that does not exist. You are putting your money in a box and hoping you can take it back for more.
The people investing in this know this is a shitshow. They want you, that does not know, to buy tokens. For millions of people to buy tokens. They will then quickly “cash out” (sell their tokens for a lotttt more than they bought) and go back to real money cause that is the only currency with intrinsic value backed by a government that will never fail and they know it. It is the only safe way to have money. It’s investing (which people think it is like a shady way to make money) times a billion.
NFTs are like a token but it is a “product” that you buy and get to say “hey I own this” but unlike a chair or a table anyone else can have the thing. You just have the “real version”. Again no fucking intrinsic value. It is NOT like real art dealing. Having a painting by Pollock that he literally touched and made has intrinsic value. It is ACTUALLY different than a photo of it I print on my computer.
Anyway, hope this makes some sense.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
Jesus Mihoyo is also a profit based chinese company though at least not directly owned by tencent and they may currently being roasted for being stingy on their anni awards in spite of their literal billions of dollars of profit but even they had the good sense of keeping their skins under 20 bucks wtf Pokemon
Unfortunately as we're getting close to the end of the fiscal year, a lot of F2P and gacha games are piling on the 'Fuck you; Pay me' bullshit to look good for investors. And this isn't me arguing that if it weren't for the time of year, these companies wouldn't be doing this; they still probably would.
The nonsense with Pokemon: Unite, the way that a lot of Mihoyo's bad decisions with their anniversary rewards seem stemmed in 'don't give them too much so they'll still need to spend money'... Hell, even DevSis pulled some ol' bullshit with their recent Super Fashion Week event.
"Hey guys, depending on what side of the story-campaign you choose to complete, you have a chance to get one of our two new spotlight costumes. But don't worry! If you want the other one, you can buy this convenient package for 30 bucks~! ... Oh, also, there's no other way to get the second costume unless you do this and it will be made unavailable after this event is over -- Kaythanksbye~!"
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alexngn · 3 years
Unpopular (?) opinion: WW84 is disappointing
I was so hopeful since the first images published and upset when it was rescheduled for several times. But then the actual movie was chaotic and questionable.
Wonder Woman: Pretty much was doing all stealthy hero stuff at crowded areas without any mask or disguise and only take out some cameras and made children promise they didn’t see shit? And then she pulled a Clark Kent move (put on some glasses) at work and now nobody can tell she was the super famous heroine who thousands have seen her face? Is this really a movie made in 1984?
Max Lord: My god was he the wackiest? A con artist turned himself into a billion-dollar company CEO with no employees (ok maybe one), owed tons of taxes, no profit for ages and no one caught on? Even the media? Also they gave him literally one line: “What do you wish for?”. Actually that’d make a great drinking game: Drink at every “wish”. Everyone will be hospitalized by alcohol poisoning halfway through the movie.
Cheetah: Her role was a big wtf for me. Beat one man to death and blindly worship another (who she’s met for 2 secs)? Her fighting scenes were weak and underperformed. Overall they did her dirty with the forced feminism.
Steve Trevor: He was only there for some humor tbh. And they do like him to be played by Chris Pine so they made Diana say the cliché “You’re in a different person but I only see you” bs. And then die again (for greater cause of course
A messy bunch of bad writing, confusing moments and as mentioned above, forced feminism
The first scene at the mall was just cringe-worthy for identity reasons stated in “Wonder Woman” section and weird camera moves and choreography. Literally add no context to the movie.
They gave us some galpal scenes and then turned them into rivals so fast, and over what? Jealousy?
Cat-calling: Yeah it’s a big problem but making it into 5 minutes and he only solution they thought of was beat him to death? That’s all Hollywood thinks feminists do I guess
The reunited scene was a montage of disbelieving Diana to happy Diana and the 2 people spinning for a good 30 secs (extremely dizzy to watch)
The chasing scene in Cairo was sooooooo long and also add nothing to the story.
People’s wishes: Does everyone on the world suddenly understand English or did I miss something? And you can’t tell me that people don’t wish for crazy shit like a unicorn or to be able to fly or turn into aliens. Humans do have some freaky dreams you know.
The problem solving part was stupid. Like everyone gonna listen to yellow lit screen with a foreign voice, or language? Yall don’t even obey your mama. And I’m sure there will be fucking dragons or hellholes left behind because people thought they’re cool and refuse to undo the wishes.
Weird-looking, lack of logic (physically) especially with running scenes. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO OVERDO EVERY IMPACT? They had some cool moments with the golden armor but then bad lighting happened (it’s DCEU, gotta be dark)
I’m not discouraging anyone to watch the movie. These are all based on personal preferences
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