#wot tdr
pien-art · 4 months
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Remember how at the end of The Dragon Reborn, Ishamael wrapped Moiraine in black lightning and she screamed and Ishy hurled her across the room into a column where she lay unconscious for the whole duration of the book's final confrontation and then that was just never mentioned again and she was completely fine ?? Not on my watch 🤨
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markantonys · 7 months
i already made a joke post about it but genuinely, the whole "wot s1 sucked, which was 100% the show's fault and not the source material's, but now s2 is so much better! shocking! who could've seen that coming!" narrative is SO annoying
like, the eye of the world is boring as shit! it's generic as shit! of COURSE an entire season based on it is not going to be the most groundbreaking or thrilling fantasy television you've ever seen in your life! how on EARTH can the readers who've been saying for decades that the books don't start to hit their stride until book 2 or 3 or 4 fail to grasp the correlation with season 2 being better than season 1? but even so, s1 alone IS more groundbreaking and thrilling than book 1 alone, because the showrunners knew that book 1 is boring and generic as shit and did their absolute damnedest to pull in as many unique elements from later books as they could conceivably fit in this early on.
second, s1 had to do a HUGE amount of heavy lifting in terms of setting up characters, relationships, lore, and worldbuilding. s1 did all this groundwork so that s2 could have the payoff you're enjoying so much, s1 constructed the basic building blocks so that s2 could explore the more advanced concepts you're gushing over. s1 ran so that s2 could soar! put some respect on its name!
third, stakes tend to get higher, characters to get deeper, and plotlines to get more exciting as you go along in a story. this is how stories work. why are you shocked that s1 only built the basic foundation of the story and s2 has the space to grow and deepen that story? that's how stories work, that's how TV works, and that's most certainly how the WOT books work.
fourth, practical constraints s1 had that s2 had less of
budget: s1 was starting from scratch, whereas s2 had more budget to spare since some things could be reused from s1 AND it got a bigger budget than s1 in the first place.
experience: second seasons almost universally tend to be better than pilot seasons, simply because everyone involved in making the show has gotten into the groove and solidified how they want to do this thing. this is how television works.
covid: it should go without saying that s1 would have been One Million Times more difficult and expensive to make than s2 due to covid stuff. whatever effect we may think covid had on s1, the true effect was probably astronomically higher than what we imagine. the majority of "looks too cheap" "looks too empty" complaints likely come down to this (notice that most of those complaints are about episodes 6-8 and not the early episodes; 6 was filmed pre-covid, yes, but i wouldn't be surprised if some covid-related restrictions were starting to rear their heads before production was officially shut down).
the worst part is the people who end their above-mentioned take with "they must have listened to audience criticism of s1 and made changes accordingly." [moiraine voice] the arrogance. s2 had already been written and filming was WELL underway (if not finished or close to finished?) by the time s1 even started airing. if you're impressed by what a great season they've delivered, the credit for that lies entirely with the people who made the show, not your stupid ass.
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asha-mage · 7 months
Another random thought: since the Forsaken where sealed separately from The Dark One in the show and as part of a targeted strike (likely in preparation for the attack on The Bore) that means they are the Forsaken LTT thought where the most dangerous and that he needed to knock off the board before proceeding to his boss fight.
That means that any Forsaken the show cuts is one Lews Therin didn't think was worth bothering with.
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amemoryofwot · 6 months
“It is a question of who I can trust,” [Siuan] said softly. “I should be able to trust Leane and Sheriam, at least. But do I dare? Verin?” Her shoulders shook with a quick, silent laugh. “I already trust Verin with more than my life, but how far can I take it? Moiraine?” She was silent for a moment. “I have always believed I could trust Moiraine.”
Lines that hit hard after 2x07
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birgittesilverbae · 8 months
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Elayne really gets accused of swearing and immediately resolves to spend the foreseeable future learning every single curse word on the continent so that she'll actually deserve the punishment next time
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cairhienin · 11 months
faile: i hate fish
moiraine, siuan sanche’s gf of twenty years: fish is good. fish could very well be your last meal. death is coming. you ever think of that, kid? huh?
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lord-of-khaos · 8 months
The Pattern never saw it coming. Or maybe it did, and then didn’t.
Balefire, not even once.
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
Notes on A Crown of Swords
RJ: spends three paragraphs describing the luxurious surroundings. 
Elaida: It was a simple room
The way RJ uses POVs is changing my mind about multiple POVs in fiction. As much as I favor an omniscient narrator or a single unreliable narrator, his deeply flawed POV writing is starting to feel like a game à La Vie mode d’emploi and I dig it.
Elaida's POV is incredible, truly. She is so blinded by confidence, so sure Rand and the Rebels Aes Sedai are already dealt with and that her triumph is near. Later in the books, her character becomes positively Shakespearean and it lays the groundwork for a tragic and pathetic outcome. I cannot wait to see it unfold.
Six male channelers in ten years only? Oh, the Black Ajah definitely found and killed way more than that. For all her prophecies, Elaida has no idea what’s going on or how dire their situation is.
As different as it is to see Dumai’s Well from very external POVs, it makes this beginning a tad repetitive.
I do love the horrific aftermath of the battle though, with the survivors searching through mass graves only to extirpate their dead from the rotting jumble of enemies and allies’ corpses. I haven’t mentioned it before, but the body horror throughout the books (the Shaido’s body trails, Lanfear skinning Kadere, the Asha’man mincing Aiel at Dumai’s Wells) hits just the right balance not to be voyeuristic, yet still feeling horrifying. 
Awwwwww, did Perrin just refer to Moiraine as a friend? This also makes me realize that Moiraine went on a journey in each book with and developed a distinct relationship with all of the EF5 except Mat… ARE WE GONNA GET A MAT-FLAVOURED KATABASIS?
Taim is most definitely going to stab Rand in the back. He obviously wants to push him in a certain direction and it’s making me all the more nervous that Rand perceives it but still needs him.
Aes Sedai Wise Ones: tomatoh tomahto. The Wise Ones are only far better at getting him on their side. Rand's problem is not specifically the Aes Sedai too, it is EVERYONE wanting something from him, Aiel included. He cannot rule if everyone thinks they can influence him.
The arrival in Cairhien is too damn long. This isn’t the first time we have seen Cairhien, we absolutely don’t need so many details about the city.
I don't understand Rand's obsession with putting Elayne on both thrones. Claim or no claim, she depends on Rand, a foreign leader with a foreign army, to conquer the cities for her. There’s no way this will lead to a stable reign. 
The Salidar trio composed of Egwene, Siuan and Leane gives me so much joy. It’s such a refreshing depiction of female hierarchy, after books of women being frankly exhausting with each other, always trying to one-up each other, even between friends. Now, we get more mentorship and shared experience and adult frustration and nuance. I am looking forward to seeing it depicted in the show because it is relatively rare in fiction. 
Egwene pinned Rand down in a sentence, ooof. She’s very clear-headed about him, about what he faces, and what this burden can do to him, emotionally. I remember way back to her Accepted test, I was a little puzzled as to why her trials were all coming back to Rand, but now it has become clear they are mirrors of a sort. It makes their echoing journeys all the more satisfying.
Areina and Nicola trying to blackmail Egwene… The gall. Good lord, she’s really trying to govern the ungovernable.
I am so bloody afraid for the Salidar lot now they have a Forsaken loose in their midst. Arang’ar could do so much damage when they are only now starting to pull themselves together. 
Siuan both being extremely competent as spy-master and fumbling so badly on the meekest horse is the best. I love the fight she is putting against the Aes Sedai trying to bully her back into her place on account of her lower strength. I seriously love her journey with all my heart.
Siuan almost patting Egwene on the shoulder to comfort her had me screaming. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy their dynamic and how delighted I am to see them get shit done both with the Aes Sedai and with the spy network. They are smart women and letting them be smart and subtle in this nest of vipers is immensely satisfying.
The situation with Lan and Myrelle and Moiraine is just exquisite: Lan is broken, but how much of it is the forced bonding or losing his 20-long friend, both figuratively and literally? It also says a lot about the Aes Sedai's philosophy that they assess this situation in terms of transgression (this just isn’t done), more than empathy (Lan is currently suffering). The fact their solution is to bond him to another Aes Sedai, but the right one this time, is also so utterly bizarre, but in keeping with the books’ attitude toward consent.
As good as the confrontation between Egwene and Myrelle over Lan was, a question that's been haunting me for books now: since bonding someone without their consent is akin to rape, what of Birgitte and Elayne? Elayne was trying to save her life but that's also the excuse Myrelle and Moiraine used? Or did Jordan just retcon it? Will it get addressed at some point?
The reason why I have been frustrated with Nyn for two books now is that her arc feels a bit stagnant in comparison to all the other EF5. She arguably has the most fascinating personality of the lot, but outside of punctual moments, I cannot identify an overarching direction to her story. I get what drives her on an intradiegetic level, but on an extradiegetic level, I’m very much wondering “Is there a point, Robert ?” I dislike the way she is sent on a quest for magic objects while all the others are changing the entire political system of different nations and Mat leads armies.
I really enjoy Aviendha when she is miles away from Rand. In fact, other characters like Morgase and Elayne, Mat's Band and the Asha'man are finally clicking for me and it feels amazing.
The Colavaere deposing… Look, I don’t like her and she would have been bad for Cairhien. Still, even if I didn't know RJ was a white American before reading the books I would have guessed by the amount of normalized interference there. No self-determination for any nation; you’re going to be invaded by a foreign force and then have a leader picked for you whether you like it or not. You know what? I am a little bit siding with the rebels outside of Cairhien on this one.
Mat with the Capitaine Fracasse energy. One thing with his chapters is that I know I’m not going to get bored. Also, he’s a little shit and most people treat him as such which makes him even more entertaining.
Oh boy, Cadsuane has the most epic entrance. She is brash, no-nonsense, and merciless, and Rand is going to have a handful with her, but I am also glad he is getting that kind of opposition from Aes Sedai, I believe he needs a specific kind of challenging force to go forward and actually last. I cackled at the Wise Ones meeting an even bigger bully than them.
Rand’s school being attacked and his losing an ally who was actively working to provide him information (after losing Moiraine and Asmodean) are such a blow. The school represented hope for a future after the Last Battle and now it is threatened.
The Aes Sedai are so entertaining - the administration satire is just delicious. I would take 5 chapters of Aes Sedai drama over 2 pages of Aiel humour. As a French, I can’t tell you how satisfying the mocking of nitpicking over procedures and petty power squabbles is.
The Circle and the Kinswomen had me completely blindsided. The concept is bloody fantastic and opens so many doors, my mind is reeling. Imagine the network they must have! The differences in channelling! The power structure!
Jordan's obsession with humiliating powerful women is a real issue.
I mean, yeah, for the hundredth time, Rand will go mad: failing to see him as dangerous is beyond foolish. It doesn't mean he deserves to have his humanity denied; it means the help others must provide him has to take into account he will harm many beside him.
Morgase really went from being a prisoner to being a prisoner to being a prisoner. Her rape by Valda was beyond unnecessary. 
So Rand attacked Perrin? It has to be a ruse, right? He's sending away all his friends? Trying to push away Min? Someone help him, please! 
The thought of Berelain, Perrin and Faile together on the road is too chaotic for words. I hope we will see a little of it.
Moiraine being a restraining influence on Rand is the understatement of the Age. Being the Dragon Reborn is the equivalent of a terminal illness: he needs more than support; he needs a whole infrastructure. That’s the thing with the Aiel refusing to recognize the Dragon Reborn and seeing him as their family: mere support is not enough considering what male channelers go through. Loving someone is not enough to treat and accommodate them. 
Mat and Birgitte are the friendship I wasn't expecting, but needed. 
The Aes Sedai know about the Kin! It makes sense considering they have a vast network of spies but it’s refreshing to see that they can recognize that to an extent the White Tower is not the be-all and end-all of channeling, even if the Kin is obviously an extension of the WT to them.
Mat and Tylin: to say I don’t like how the book is handling it is an understatement. 
Nynaeve breaking her block: 1. I love that Moghedien has a hand in it, of course; 2. It’s going to look so bloody epic on-screen; 3. I’m not entirely sure her breaking it out of hopelessness for her life fits her thematically, but as I said, I’ve been struggling with her arc for a few books; 4. The callback to Egwene’s ceremony in the show is going to be incredibly rewarding; 5. Nynaeve, my girl, you deserve the world
Just when I was beginning to think that the Lanaeve reunion was cute she started beating him. Okay. The man just saved your life and declared his love despite having hit rock bottom emotionally, Nynaeve, please.
On the one hand, Nynaeve breaking out of her block was so so so good. On the other, man, the romance with Lan still doesn't hit for me, so that kinda puts a damper on the excitement of the scene. At least, they are now married and RJ is miles better at established relationships, so it can only improve from here. 
Elaida’s chapters are on Wuthering Heights' level of pathos and chaos. I am having a blast. Moreover, she has decided to do something about Alviarin, even if it’s a given it will blow up in her face.
I am looking forward to Pevara going on a Darkfriend hunt. She is instantly sympathetic which is a rarity among characters. I do like how this book is more nuanced in its depiction of Aes Sedai, their hierarchies, and their relationships.
AT LAST RAND IS SEEING THE ATHA’AN MIERE. Sadly, there were no armies of Seanchan aboard like troops hidden in Trojan sea horses, but the negotiations made up for it. His final “Negotiate” at Merana had me cackling. I’m glad he’s starting to accept he doesn't have to like or trust Aes Sedai to work with/use them.
Rand just showing up at the Cairhienin rebel camp is something only Mat would have done. I am really enjoying how the boys are embracing their tave’renness in this book. Wreck that narrative, main boy!
Caraline Damodred is cool as hell. And hot.
I love that Robert Jordan apparently misses Moiraine so much he just introduces a character who looks just like Moiraine but younger instead of bringing her back.
It's Padan Faiiiiiiiiiiiiin yeaaaaaaaaah! This little devil will always turn up where one expects him the least and wreak havoc. 
All the heterosexual rights are now given to Darlin and Caraline because they are really cute.
The attack in the fog was excellent. I love the pacing and ambiguity of it, the horror elements. The symbolism of Rand leading a group of strange battle fellows unified despite their opposing interest, with one of them breaking rank, is also potent. 
I am screaming. I LOVE the Cadsuane, Darlin, Caraline, Min, Niande and Samitsu group trekking through the countryside to save Rand.
I think the big reason Aiel are getting old so fast for me is that they are a pretty static group as is. They started supporting Rand and split right away from the Shaido and it hasn't changed since. Most of the internal conflict is no internal conflict at all, despite the fact that Rand is prophesied to destroy them. Conversely, the Aes Sedai appear a more dynamic and realistic group to me, because they split, they oppose Rand, then help him, then rebel, then there's the Kin, then whatever Cadsuane's coterie is supposed to be that apparently doesn't care about the Tower enough to concern themselves with the split.
Honestly, as a whole, this book humanized the Asha'man as well. They were nothing but tools, but showing them being not that different from Aes Sedai in their pursuit of knowledge and connecting with them through healing serves them great a deal. 
“Do you want to die in bed?” Mat is so funny.
About the confrontation with Sammael… We are told again and again one cannot open a gateway somewhere unknown and then Rand just does it and it's supposed to be a super clever plan months in the making?
There's no way Sammael is dead, right? The duel was pretty underwhelming.
The Wonder girls, the Kin and Mat retrieval team was really cool though. I really enjoy the way it brings together multiple loose threads with the Gholam, the Tanchico BA catching up, the Kin being integrated into the WT and the Seanchan coming back. Also, seeing Nynaeve in battle at last! 
I wish the Rebel nobles' camp attack had been the final battle or the Bowl of Winds retrieval because creatures in the fog are terrifying and a treasure hunt gone wrong is always fun, whereas bringing back Shadar Logoth only as background here is seriously diminishing its impact. Rand having to kill Leah rings a bit hollow as well. 
Final verdict: I enjoyed this one immensely. Despite the snail-paced start, the book didn't slack an instant when it comes to excitement, which was a bit of a letdown in LoC for me. It might be a tie with the Dragon Reborn because of the end which is a bit underwhelming compared to other books. But by the Light, I think it’s genuinely the book where I spent most chapters driven to a fever by how excited I was. The highs of other books were higher, but this one had fewer slacking chapters. And the characters! Rand is nearing a breaking point, while Egwene will experience her first real challenges as a leader soon. It’s building up very nicely, particularly after such a stretch of good books.
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wheresmulder · 2 years
Moiraine using Balefire is so hot
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jaqobis · 9 months
yeah i'm thinking about rand in the trailer / the fact that sanderson is consulting on the show again
if season 2 starts setting up for the (frankly absurd) sanderson dragonmount assertion that rand ~ starts going dark ~ because he doesn't care about other people ~ i am well and truly going to scream
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daughter-heir-moved · 2 years
Iconic moments in HERSTORY!!!! formation of THEE WONDERGIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ofthebrownajah · 2 years
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Theories as to why he's covered in blood in this shot
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markantonys · 6 days
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asha-mage · 8 months
Okay, but the fact that The Dark One not only delivered on his vague promise of immortality to the Chosen but that it's more then just 'can't age' but instead 'can't be killed by mortal means' is SUCH A GOOD WAY TO RAISE THE STAKES and to make the inclusion of Balefire dangerous, meaningful, and necessary.
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amemoryofwot · 5 months
“The Wise Ones use herbs, Aes Sedai, but I had not heard that Aes Sedai used them.”
“I use what I use!” Nynaeve snapped and went back to sorting through her powders and whispering to herself.
“She truly does sound like a Wise One,” Chiad told Bain”
WoT remains a comedy
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birgittesilverbae · 10 months
Alanna Alert Alanna Alert
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