#world building june 2019
ramtu-art · 11 months
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First design/concept art of a half-elf from Quarus! His name is Ivon and his original purpose was as a king but we'll see if this sticks in the future as more development happens. June 2019
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
So whenever your disability pride flag is shared on tiktok, ive noticed people asking why do disabled people need a pride flag, or saying that we dont deserve one because we are "co opting" the gay pride movement... and i am honestly at a loss at what to say to them
Okay, then: here's some Disability Pride Talking points for you, when you come upon that assumption:
First: The Disability Rights Movement gained steam in the U.S. at the same time as the Civil Rights Movement was advocating for racial equality, and the Women's Rights movement was advocating for gender equality -- all in the same decade as the Stonewall Riots.
Second: it may seem like Disability Pride Month is "copying" Queer Pride Month, because July comes right after June. But the reason we celebrate Disability Pride Month in July is because that's when The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed: on July 26, 1990. This was the first Disabilities Rights act in the world. It was followed in 1995 by the Disabilities Discrimination Act in the U.K., and in 2019 in Canada.
Third: on April 5, 1977, the (American) Nationwide 504 Sit-in (Wikipedia article) began, to protest the fact that three presidents in a row had been stalling for four years to implement Disability Civil Rights legislation. Disability advocates staged sit-ins in Federal Buildings for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, and Seattle, San Fransisco, and Washington D.C..
The sit-in in Washington D.C. lasted 28 hours. The Sit-in in San Fransisco lasted 25 Days, and remains the longest occupation of a Federal Government building in U.S. History (It was epic). The civil rights group The Black Panthers also helped with logistical support.
The police tried to force the people inside to leave by cutting phone lines, forgetting that there were people who knew American Sign Language both inside the building, and outside, in the crowd, and they relayed messages back and forth through the windows (excuse me while I take a Cackle break).
Finally: Disabled people are human beings, and deserve all the human rights as everyone else. But a lot of people in authority, look at our lives from the outside, decide that we already have a low-quality of life (without actually asking us), and deciding that it wouldn't be so bad if we died. You know, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in this country, it was a fairly common policy that if hospitals ran low on ventilators, they'd just take them from disabled people who needed to use them every day? Remember that?
That's why we have to get loud.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
Is it true some parts will be under water in 2025? I'm kinda of worried cause someone told me about it bc it was on the news
Eh, not really. Like, technically, but that's a very dramatic way to put it.
What that person told you about was probably this prediction, which says that some roads on some of the Florida Keys might be underwater by 2025.
Does that suck? Yes. But it's also pretty limited in scope.
(And by the way, that's probably not "underwater all the time." There will probably be a number of years of "the roads will be underwater at high tide specifically." I can't currently find a source on this, but that's how tides work, and the Florida Keys article does specifically mention them as a main problem.)
The areas in danger first are pretty universally small, very low islands. Actually, a dozen or so small islands have already gone underwater in the Pacific Ocean, but very importantly, none of those islands were inhabited.
They were mostly small reef islands (that is, the entire island is exposed coral reef detritus) and other uninhabited shoals. Mostly, they were so small scientists had to check old satellite images to even figure out that they disappeared. Literally, we're talking about chunks of land that are just 100 square meters/300 square feet. Again, not great, but still very limited in scope.
As this Live Science article thankfully explains, it's pretty unlikely that any countries at all will disappear before 2100.
Also, just because land is below sea level doesn't mean it will be underwater, and there are very real steps we can take to defend a lot of endangered cities/islands.
For example:
Much of the Netherlands is already below sea level, but the country isn't disappearing, because the Dutch have put a lot of work into building and maintaining coastal defenses.
Multiple surveys (including the one that found the missing islands in Micronesia) also found that not all low-lying islands are vulnerable to erosion and flooding. This is because many islands are protected by mangrove forests, lagoons, or both
Mangrove reforestation in particular is genuinely a super effective anti-flooding strategy that is being deployed pretty widely, and is expected to increase a lot in the coming years. Mangroves are effective at not only preventing short-term flooding, but also mitigating sea-level increases (in part by preventing erosion)
Some islands, esp Pacific Islands, have actually grown during the past couple decades, not shrunk. It really depends on what the island is made up of. Not all land is automatically doomed
You can read more about how sinking countries are fighting back here, and the lessons we can learn from them:
-via Time, June 13, 2019
And finally, and this is good news for reasons I'll explain in a second:
Some of the largest and wealthiest cities in the world are at the top of the danger list. (Note: the predictions at that link are based on some fairly severe warming predictions. They do NOT necessarily reflect what's going to happen or when.)
The cities that are going to be in danger the soonest (still away btw) include New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Dubai. Lots of very rich people in those cities! Who would really like to not have to move (any of their ten different homes lol)
So, flooding aside, we're going to (by necessity) get a lot better at figuring out the quickest, cheapest, most scalable, and most effective types of coastal defenses real fast.
Are rich countries going to be way more able to get strong coastal defense systems up quickly? Yes. Does that suck? Sure fucking does!! But these solutions don't all require a lot of money or tech to implement, even at a large scale, especially when it's local communities driving the effort.
And, importantly, when rich countries pour a ton of money into figuring this out, that will hugely expand our understanding of what techniques work best, why, and how best to deploy them in different situations. Unlike physical structures, that's valuable knowledge that can be shared very, very widely.
And any technology that comes out of this is going to work like solar panels and other green energy: as more people use it, it will get cheaper and cheaper. Probably really quickly.
So, all told, no one's going to be swallowed up in the next few years. We have time to work on this and a lot of people are already doing so.
Mostly, experts predict that the first wave of large-scale issues will be happening around 2050.
Three decades doesn't sound like enough time, in the face of something like this. But you know what? Responses to climate change are speeding up exponentially, and different types of responses are multiplying and magnifying each other.
We went from inventing flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years.
I wouldn't count us out of the climate change fight yet.
(...I wouldn't count on retiring to Florida either, though)
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yurimother · 9 months
'I'm in Love with the Villainess' English Audiobook Announced
On Friday, Seven Seas Entertainment announced that it is publishing an audiobook version of Inori's isekai Yuri romance I'm in Love with the Villainess (Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou). The first volume (6 hours and 54 minutes )will be released on November 16, 2023, and the second (10 hours and 45 minutes) on December 7.
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Seven Seas is releasing the audiobook under its recently announced audiobook imprint, Siren. It is narrated by voice actress Courtney Shaw (Maesetsu! Opening Act). It will be sold digitally on major platforms, including Audible, audiobook.com, BookWalker, Chrip, Kobo, Overdrive, and Nook.
Seven Seas Entertainment licenses all five volumes of the light novels in English. They follow office worker Oohashi Rei, who wakes up as Rae Taylor, the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. However, Rae is not interested in any of the game world's eligible bachelors, only having eyes for Claire Francois - the antagonist! And Rae is determined to save Claire from her destined fate.
Inori began publishing the series as a webnovel on Shousetsuka ni Naro in early 2018. GL Bunko licensed the light novels digitally in Japan and published the first volume in 2019. Hanagata draws the illustrations for the light novel. In 2021, Ichijinsha began publishing the light novels in paperback.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess gained popularity in several overseas markets, including Korea and America. Critics and audiences praise it for its focus on LGBTQ+ themes, characters, world-building, and story.
A manga adaptation of I'm in Love with the Villainess began serialization in Comic Yuri Hime in June 2020. Ichijinsha publishes six collected volumes of the manga in Japanese. Inori also launched a spin-off, She's so Cheeky for a Commoner (Heimin no Kuse ni Namaikina!), which retells the the series from Claire's point of view. Gl Bunko licensed the spin-off in Japan.
Seven Seas Entertainment licensees both the I'm in Love with the Villainess manga adaptations and the She's so Cheeky for a Commoner spin-off in English. It will release volume five of the manga on October 24 (October 12 digitally) and volume 2 of the spin-off light novel on April 9, 2024.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess is also inspiring a television anime adaptation. Hideaki Oba directs the anime at Platinum Vision. It premieres on October 2 and will stream internationally on Crunchyroll.
Source: Press Release, Seven Seas Official Website (release dates)
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Common sense is returning.
James Crisp, EUROPE EDITOR 13 April 2024
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Dr Hilary Cass said children who think they are transgender should not be given any hormone drugs at all until at least 18 CREDIT: Yui Mok
Belgium and the Netherlands have become the latest countries to question the use of puberty blockers on children after the Cass Review warned of a lack of research on the gender treatment’s long-term effects.
Britain has become the fifth European nation to restrict the use of the drug to those under 18 after initially making them part of their gender treatments.
Their use was based on the “Dutch protocol” - the term used for the practice pioneered in the Netherlands in 1998 and copied around the world, of treating gender dysphoric youth using puberty blockers.
The NHS stopped prescribing the drug, which is meant to curb the trauma of a body maturing into a gender that the patient does not identify with this month.
In Belgium, doctors have called for gender treatment rules to be changed.
Research into impact
“In our opinion, Belgium must reform gender care in children and adolescents following the example of Sweden and Finland, where hormones are regarded as the last resort,” the report by three paediatricians and psychiatrists in Leuven said.
Figures from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom show that more than 95 per cent of individuals who initiated puberty inhibition continue with gender-affirming treatments,” the report by P Vankrunkelsven P, K Casteels K and J De Vleminck said.
“However, when young people with gender dysphoria go through their natural puberty, these feelings will only persist in about 15 per cent.”
The report was published after a 60 per cent rise in the number of Belgium teenagers taking the blockers to stop the development of their bodies. In 2022, 684 people between the ages of nine and 17 were prescribed the drug compared to 432 in 2019, the De Morgen newspaper reported in 2019.
Pressure is also building in the neighbouring Netherlands to look again at their use. The parliament has ordered research into the impact of puberty blockers on adolescent’s physical and mental health.
Dutch protocol
The Telegraph understands that the Amsterdam Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria, where the protocol originated, is set to make a statement on the use of puberty blockers next week.
“I too thought that the Dutch gender care was very careful and evidence-based. But now I don’t think that any more,” Jilles Smids, a postdoctoral researcher in medical ethics at Erasmus University in the Netherlands, told The Atlantic.
Attitudes in the Netherlands have hardened against trans rights, with a bill to make it easier for people to legally change their gender being held up in parliament.
The Cass Review said that the NHS had moved away from the restrictions of the original Dutch protocol, and researchers in Belgium have also demanded those restrictions be reintroduced.
Belgium is regarded as one of the most trans-friendly countries in Europe. A minister in the government is transgender and people have been able to legally change their gender without a medical certificate for the past five years.
But the hard-Right Vlaams Belang party is currently leading the polls ahead of national and European elections in June.
It has called for “hormone therapy and sex surgery to be halted for underage patients until clear and concrete research has been carried out.”
‘Greatest ethical scandals’
In March, a report in France described sex reassignment in minors as potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.
Conservative French senators plan to introduce a bill to ban gender transition treatments for under-18s.
On Monday, the Vatican’s doctrine office published a report that branded gender surgery a grave violation of human dignity on a par with euthanasia and abortion.
Finland was one of the first countries to adopt the Dutch protocol but realised many of its patients did not meet the Protocol’s strict eligibility requirements for the drugs.
It restricted the treatment in 2020 and recommended psychotherapy as the primary care.
Sweden restricted hormone treatments to “exceptional cases” two years later. In December, Norwegian authorities designated the medicine as “under trial”, which means they will only be prescribed to adolescents in clinical trials.
Denmark is finalising new guidelines limiting hormone treatments to teenagers who have had dysphoria since early childhood.
In 2020, Hungary passed a law banning gender changes on legal documents.
“The import and the use of these hormone products are not banned, but subject to case by case approval, however, it is certain that no authority would approve such an application for people under 18,“ a spokesperson told The Telegraph.
In August, Russia criminalised all gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments.
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mydaddywiki · 8 months
John Goodman
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6'2" (1.88 m)
John Stephen Goodman (born June 20, 1952 -) is an American actor who rose to prominence in television before becoming an acclaimed and popular film actor. Goodman has received numerous accolades including a Primetime Emmy Award, Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Vanity Fair has called him "among our very finest actors." TV fans, Goodman will always be Dan Connor from the hit sitcoms Rosanne and The Conners. Yet for film fans, he will forever be Walter Sabchak of the cult classic The Big Lebowski.
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Through the years, the Affton, MO native could be seen in Always and heard in The Emperor’s New Groove movies, the Monsters, Inc. franchise and The Jungle Book 2. And while he enjoyed mainstream success with Roseanne and box office hits The Babe, Barton Fink and Everybody’s All-American he maintained an "bear/chub" fan base as a perennial favorite in shows Normal, Ohio. Even popping up in the Oscar-winning Best Pictures like The Artist and Argo.
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Not bad for a frat boy who earned a football scholarship to Missouri State University. Alas, the sporty stud failed to score many nude scenes. But there are a couple where Goodman makes good. In the R-rated rom-com Everybody’s All-American, the shirtless actor relaxes in his underwear while drinking a beer. No doubt, those who fancy a man with some meat on his bones will get a bone! If that’s not arousing enough, in Alpha House featured John’s bare chest and his body double’s nude booty. Apparently John’s too big of a star to display his full moon!
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Apparently, married for over 30 years with one child, Goodman was arguably the most successful big-guy actor in Hollywood playing characters that make us swoon. And consequently he was a first crush for thousands of young bears and chasers around the world. In recent years, John has lost a lot of weight, but he’ll always be my top chub no matter what.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: The Righteous Gemstones (TV Series 2019–) Black Earth Rising (TV Series 2018) 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) The Monuments Men (2014) In the Electric Mist (2009) Speed Racer (2008) Fallen (1998) Freshman Orientation (2004) King Ralph (1991)
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By: James Crisp
Published: Apr 13, 2024
Belgium and the Netherlands have become the latest countries to question the use of puberty blockers on children after the Cass Review warned of a lack of research on the gender treatment’s long-term effects.
Britain has become the fifth European nation to restrict the use of the drug to under 18s after initially making them part of their gender treatments.
Their use was based on the “Dutch protocol” - the term used for the practice pioneered in the Netherlands in 1998 and copied around the world, of treating gender dysphoric youth using puberty blockers.
The NHS stopped prescribing the drug, which is meant to curb the trauma of a body maturing into a gender that the patient does not identify with this month.
In Belgium, doctors have called for gender treatment rules to be changed.
‘Last resort’
“In our opinion, Belgium must reform gender care in children and adolescents following the example of Sweden and Finland, where hormones are regarded as the last resort,” the report by three paediatricians and psychiatrists in Leuven said.
Figures from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom show that more than 95 per cent of individuals who initiated puberty inhibition continue with gender-affirming treatments,” the report by P Vankrunkelsven P, K Casteels K and J De Vleminck said.
“However, when young people with gender dysphoria go through their natural puberty, these feelings will only persist in about 15 per cent.”
The report was published after a 60 per cent rise in the number of Belgium teenagers taking the blockers to stop the development of their bodies. In 2022, 684 people between the ages of nine and 17 were prescribed the drug compared to 432 in 2019, the De Morgen newspaper reported in 2019.
Pressure is also building in the neighbouring Netherlands to look again at their use. The parliament has ordered research into the impact of puberty blockers on adolescent’s physical and mental health.
Dutch Protocol
The Telegraph understands that the Amsterdam Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria, where the Protocol originated, is set to make a statement on the use of puberty blockers next week.
“I too thought that the Dutch gender care was very careful and evidence-based. But now I don’t think that any more,” Jilles Smids, a postdoctoral researcher in medical ethics at Erasmus University in the Netherlands, told The Atlantic.
Attitudes in the Netherlands have hardened against trans rights, with a bill to make it easier for people to legally change their gender being held up in parliament.
The Cass Review said that the NHS had moved away from the restrictions of the original Dutch Protocol, and researchers in Belgium have also demanded those restrictions be reintroduced.
Belgium is regarded as one of the most trans-friendly countries in Europe. A minister in the government is transgender and people have been able to legally change their gender without a medical certificate for the past five years.
But the hard-Right Vlaams Belang party is currently leading the polls ahead of national and European elections in June.
It has called for “hormone therapy and sex surgery to be halted for underage patients until clear and concrete research has been carried out.”
‘Greatest ethical scandals’
In March, a report in France described sex reassignment in minors as potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.
Conservative French senators plan to introduce a bill to ban gender transition treatments for the under-18s.
On Monday, the Vatican’s doctrine office published a report that branded gender surgery a grave violation of human dignity on a par with euthanasia and abortion.
Finland was one of the first countries to adopt the Dutch Protocol but realised many of its patients did not meet the Protocol’s strict eligibility requirements for the drugs.
It restricted the treatment in 2020 and recommended psychotherapy as the primary care.
Sweden restricted hormone treatments to “exceptional cases” two years later. In December, Norwegian authorities designated the medicine as “under trial”, which means they will only be prescribed to adolescents in clinical trials.
Denmark is finalising new guidelines limiting hormone treatments to teenagers who have had dysphoria since early childhood.
In 2020, Hungary passed a law banning gender changes on legal documents.
“The import and the use of these hormone products are not banned, but subject to case by case approval, however, it is certain that no authority would approve such an application for people under 18,“ a spokesperson told the Telegraph.
In August, Russia criminalised all gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments.
[ Via: https://archive.today/0oU9Z ]
It's kind of ironic that in the early 20th century, Russia was the center of the scientific corruption and scandal that was Lysenkoism, where ideology trumped reality. Millions suffered and died as a result of denying biological reality.
The process of cementing Lysenkoism was eerily familiar.
On August 7, 1948, at the end of a week-long session organized by Lysenko and approved by Stalin, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences announced that Lysenkoism would henceforth be taught as "the only correct theory." Soviet scientists were required to denounce any work that contradicted Lysenko, and criticism was denounced as "bourgeois" or "fascist".
Today, countries like the US, Canada and Australia are up to their armpits in a modern-day form of Gender Lysenkoism.
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pass a good time (pt. 1, 2, + 3)
summary: a new girl moves in from louisiana and has her eyes on a special someone. originally posted: oct. 19, 26, 2019 and june 16, 2023 (yikes) a/n: I may re-write this one day but that day is not today <3 as much fun as this was to write at the time i'm not super proud of it but whatever
pt. 1:
Adélaïde moved to Brooklyn from New Orleans about a week ago, and started school at Visions Academy. To be quite honest, she was only impressed with the building for about a day. The polished walls, colorful quotes, and escalators were cute, but it was all for show, anyways. Most of her friends weren’t there to “give the place some seasoning”, as they used to say. Maya was the only friend Addie had at Visions.
The eight classes she had every day were a blur, except one: physics. Addie’s mom was a physicist, and taught her everything she knew. Addie wanted to decipher how the world moved; how time flowed, and how people got pulled around. That’s the best she could describe it. There was one other thing that made physics special, though: the boy that sat in the third row, three seats from the left.
For the life of her, Addie couldn’t catch his name. Teacher spoke it too fast. The boy’s hand confidently shot up every class, loaded up with a smile and a right answer. She wanted to talk with him for hours about the multiverse and relativity so he could flash that little smile at her, just once. But alas, Addie only had that one class with him, and his locker was nowhere near here, that was for sure.
“Girl, go talk to him!”
“How? I don’t even know where he be at!”
Addie was doing her usual monologue on how fine “the boy in my physics class” was, and Maya had had enough. “I have like, most of my classes with him. Name’s Morales, or something like that.” The brown-skinned girl shook her head. “He always be sleepin’ in class, but somehow he got all As. I feel like he cheats.” Addie gasped.
“But that boy seems so nice! Can you talk to him for me, please?” The girl pouted at her friend. “Nope,” Maya stood firm. “You can talk to him yourself”. She glanced behind her, and sure enough, there was Morales. Addie tensed as Maya’s eyes sparkled mischievously.
“Aye Morales!”
Addie’s eyes widened as the Morales in question approached the table. He practically slid into a seat at the table. Right next to Addie.
Her heart was suddenly in her throat as Maya introduced him.
“My friend thinks you cute”-
“She’s lying,” Addie interrupted. “I’m Adelaide.” Taking a deep breath, she mustered a grin, trying her best to look the boy in his face. “Um, I-I saw how much you knew about, you know, physics and stuff. I’m just tryna talk.” Real smooth. Addie winced internally at her awkwardness.
To her surprise and delight, the boy’s face lit up. “It’s all good, I’m Miles. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Finally. So he’d been waiting…? A little more comfortable now, Addie continued, “I’m kinda new here. From New Orleans, actually.” Miles noted the way she pronounced ‘New Orleans’ like 'Nawlins’ and grinned.
Chuckling, he asked, “So, how you like Brooklyn?” Addie’s cheeks heated up, and she thanked the Lord her gingerbread skin kept Miles from noticing. “It’s real fast out here. Beautiful buildings, but it’s a lil’ noisy, y'know?” Miles nodded thoughtfully. “Alotta people from the South say the city’s too fast. It’s interesting. Maybe time moves different down there. Time is relative.” He winked after making the physics joke, making Addie feel like she wouldn’t be able to get up from her seat after the lunch period ended.
Like clockwork, the bell rang, and students began packing their things to go. Maya grinned at her friend knowingly, having watched the conversation unfold. As Addie zipped up her bag, Miles stopped behind her.
“Hey,” he began, “It was nice talking to you. I never hear you speak in physics.” At a loss for words, Addie could only nod her head. Miles inched a little closer. “I like your accent,” he almost-whispered. Cheekily mimicking the girl’s cadence, Miles called out, “see ya 'round, N'awlins!” as he left.
pt. 2:
Addie had been staring at her phone for five minutes now at the notification.
'Adelaide has an updated grade of a B (89%) in Spanish I'.
Addie sucked in a breath. A 'B'? That was the best she could do? The girl had an A or higher in every other class and that 'B' was really fucking up her vibe. Addie had to do something. There was a quiz in exactly 3 days; that was her chance. She found Maya the next day at breakfast.
"Maya, how you feel about Spanish?"
Flippantly, Addie's friend replied, "I got a C in that class. Not too fond of Spanish." Addie groaned and slumped in her seat. Failed quizzes were no joke. She could barely stomach a B, let alone a C. "I can't fail this class, Maya. Help ya girl out?"
Sighing, Maya thought for a second. A smirk appeared on the girl's face.
"Miles speaks Spani--"
"Now you stop right there!" Addie sharply interrupted. Exasperated, Maya retorted, "What is it with you and avoiding this boy? You want good grades, don't you? That 4.0 GPA?" Addie knew she was right. Why'd she have to be right...?
Still, Addie refused. Instead, the girl opted for flashcards on Quizlet, and they helped. A little. The night before the quiz, it'd slipped Addie's mind to look at Quizlet a second time, though. Big mistake.
Addie sat stiffly at her desk, brows furrowed at the piece of paper in front of her. '¿Que día es ante miércoles?' Addie had all but forgotten the days of the week.
At some point, the teacher announced, "Treinta segundos!" Thirty seconds. Shit. Addie started randomly filling in the answer sheet and hoped for the best. Sooner or later, time was up. She sighed in resignation.
The next day, Addie almost fainted at her updated Spanish grade. Yup, she had a C. For fear of getting an 'I told you so' speech from Maya, Addie said nothing.
"I dunno, I think Mr. Edwards would be more of a scammer," Addie was explaining. "What about Coach Morris?"
"Yeah, he definitely killed somebody." The two girls burst into a fit of laughter at the lunch table. A voice called out from behind, "What's all this about killing people?" Maya and Adelaide looked up to see Miles, having just walked in and approaching a seat next to Maya.
"We was talking about which teachers got a criminal record," Maya answered. "Whatchu think?" Miles thought about it. "I think Ms. Morreira kinda"-- Miles makes a hand motion as if smoking a cigarette--"if you know what I mean?" Maya snickered, but Addie straight up cackled, earning her a few weird glances from passersby, at which she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. Real awkward. Thankfully, no one really noticed, and kept the jokes going.
Maya chimed in again, "I really do think she be coming to class high sometimes, though!" Imitating the woman's drawl, Maya and Miles said in unison, "Vien-te se-gun-dos!"
While the other two had their fun, Addie stayed relatively quiet, gaze drifting toward Miles and his boisterous laugh. What if she told a bad joke? Actually speaking was too much of a risk, in her mind.
"Oh yeah, speaking of Spanish," Maya starts, "Did you do good on that quiz?" Miles boasts, "I got a 100. Nothin' new." Addie saw her chance. "Could you help me study? My grades look ugly right now and I was told you speak a lil Spanish." The boy grinned and nodded, to Addie's relief.
Miles reached into his pocket for a pen and scratched out something on a napkin, handing it to Addie. She had to keep her eyes from becoming saucers as she realized the digits hastily written on the napkin were a phone number. His phone number! "Thanks," Addie squeaked, as the bell rang. She'd never entered a new contact into her phone so fast.
pt. 3:
Addy’s thumb hovered over Miles’ contact as she sat in front of her chromebook, bleary-eyed. She’d gotten Miles’ number (or rather, Maya had gotten it for her) after Addy had gotten a ‘C’ on her last Spanish quiz and nearly fainted.
 The empty PowerPoint presentation woefully would not complete itself. The assignment should’ve been simple: discuss three dishes from your Spanish-speaking country of choice. She had chosen Puerto Rico, easy, right?
‘Easy’, until it was 11:55 pm, 24 hours before the shit was due. Desperate times, desperate measures.
Adelaide, 11:56pm: hey, sorry to bother you so late! I’m struggling bad w this Spanish assignment and I was wondering if you could help?
Miles, 12am: hey addy 
I gotchu right now gimme a second
Addy nearly jumped as a FaceTime call from Miles lit up her screen not moments later, ripping off her bonnet with a speed that could cause whiplash. She sat up in her bed as straight as she could, fumbling for her glasses as she accepted the call.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
So you don’t have to publish this if you don’t feel comfortable, but I kinda wanted your opinion on this.
It may sound dramatic, but I haven’t been able to call myself an army since the news of the World Cup came out. I am so incredibly disappointed in bts and bighit.
When I got into bts they brought me so much comfort and helped me through some tough times. I enjoyed their music and was always very proud of the message they tried to share with the world. Yes, some of their older content is uncomfortable to watch for the casual misogyny and homophobia, but as a queer woman I perfectly understand internalized homophobia and misogyny and I wouldn’t want to be judged for what I said or did in 2014. They had shown they had grown and learned. They always spoke up against people in power abusing it and about social justice.
So what happened? Did they became worldwide stars and decided “who cares about our message anymore! Let’s support a tournament that is basically a celebrations of the violation of human rights?”
Supporting the World Cup is basically saying they don’t care that over 6000 people died building the stadiums. They don’t care that lgbtq people die in that country. They don’t care about women and women’s rights.
This is not the bts I thought I knew, and I’m talking about all of them because if the other six were strongly opposed to this, I honestly doubt jungkook would be flying over there right now. But here we are.
I mean I could even understand that it’s a huge honor for a South Korean to sing for the first time at a World Cup opening ceremony, but let’s not forget that SK with Japan hosted the 2002 World Cup (and that was a mess as well, just google about the referee Moreno and bribes about that World Cup).
Idk I think they really fucked up this time. And if they have no qualms to stand up for human rights violations, than I don’t think I can call myself their fan. I’m also disappointed in armies (on twitter mostly) that have been insulting anyone who pointed out how this is a very poor decision that does not reflect well on bts’s character and morals. You may disagree, but you can’t deny the facts.
I read dualipa’s reaction (who I don’t follow and don’t know anything about) about being rumored to sing and the World Cup, and I can’t help but wish that had been bts answer as well.
Hi. So I'm not going to tell you how to feel. Your feelings and concerns are valid and they are your own. What you choose to do based on how you feel is also totally and completely up to you. Your choice/feelings aren't wrong either way you feel about. Nor do i want to dismiss all the issues and valid crisitisms surrounding the world cup and Qatar. So please know that its okay to be upset about it. And I don't want to bring up past controversies either but idk if you were around in 2019 or if you feel like this is any different than the issues surrounding their choice to perform in Saudi Arabia?
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For background if you werent aware of the issues they faced for the decison to hold that concert, ill give an overview:
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman took the throne in 2015, and he has since been making efforts to make the country more moderate and less conservative with several reforms. According to Wikipedia, some of those reforms would be: "regulations restricting the powers of the religious police, the removal of the ban on female drivers in June 2018, and weakening the male-guardianship system in August 2019. Other cultural developments under his reign include the first Saudi public concerts by a female singer, the first Saudi sports stadium to admit women, and an increased presence of women in the workforce." Regardless Saudi Arabia is still quite a bit most other countries in terms of human rights. Its bombings and attacks in Yemen have led to mass famines and deaths, and the Saudi government has been criticized for detaining and torturing human rights activists and LGBTQ people. Women also still don’t have most of the rights they should, and still require a male family member’s permission before doing things like traveling or getting a passport among other things. The Prince and the Gov there have also been heavily critized for their actions being more performantive and less about actually pushing forward more human rights. I don't know much more, so I don't want to speak to heavily on either country (SA or Qatar).
In an effort to be more modern and open, they invited many artists to perform. Among those artists were BTS and they accepted. You mentioned Dua Lipa refusing Qatar performance, so I'll also mention Nikki Minaj refused to perform in Saudi Arabia for similar reasons, citing women's treatment in the country as her reason. Regardless of her close friendships with pedophiles and rapists, she was lauded for the decision as a morally righteous one by many people. Dua Lipa's stance on Qatar is just as morally questionable as being performative based on where else she choices to perform. But that's stuff (for both Nikki and Dua Lipa) that you can look up for yourselves if you want.
BTS were questioned about this decision too actually and in an interview stated: “I wouldn’t say the decision it was easy,” Namjoon said. Jimin added: “But we were officially invited. It’s been a while since we’ve performed in the Middle East – I guess the last time was 2015 in Dubai. To put it simply, if there’s a place where people want to see us, we’ll go there. That’s how we feel.”
Many fans stuck up for BTS during this and said that this performance was for their fans, not for the Saudi government. Which is what their reasoning was. They weren't promoting the governments actions or laws or decisions. They weren't supporting it. They were going to see their fans and share love and music with the world. Both BTS and their staff was also praised for being very considerate of Saudi Arabia's cultural customs and giving space to them and following them when they could (such as not wearing gold jewelry, not showing skin during performances they otherwise do, like Serendipity, pausing rehearsals for muslism prayer times, etc)
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Similarly again, just more recently in 2022, BTS were invited by the President of the United States to speak at the White House. And they accepted and went, with little criticism in that aspect. Regardless of the fact that the US is steadily stripping human rights away from people more and more, with endless human rights violations and imperialism over the past few years. With children being taken from parents at the border and put in cages, with POC being murdered by the policing force constantly, with LGBTQ people in fear of their basic human rights being taken away, with women's rights to their own bodily autonomy being argued over daily and taken away in many places in the country. They came to speak specifically about one issue, one problem, that they and many of their fans relate to and face. Anti Asian hate crimes. So they accepted. That's not them promoting and accepting and being okay with everything else.
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And yes, BTS are known for talking about controversial topics about their own country in their lyrics. Standing up for people and being willing to criticize their Gov and laws at times, this does not make them politicians or responsible for making a statement over everything. That hasn't changed. Their stance on things or how they feel about it. At least, not that I can tell. I don't know Jungkook's or BTS' motivations behind accepting to do a performance at the World Cup or to do a song for them (because they did release a new verison of Yet To Come specifically for Qatar World Cup promotions). Maybe they will make a statement at some point. Maybe they won't unless asked about it. Maybe they just wanted to do something extra for their fans and found this to be a big opportunity to do so. Maybe they are bigger fans of Soccer/Football then we thought and so they were excited about that portion of this as well. We know they like Messi they've said so. They've had multiple good interactions with Son Heungmin, who is a soccer player for South Korea. We also know Korea will be playing in the World Cup to, so maybe they were asked to represent their country more at the World Cup. And they accepted. Similarly to how they accepted to support Busan's bid to host the World Expo with their free Yet To Come concert held in Busan. Despite the issues with that and with South Koreas own issues with government and laws that are heavily conservative against LGBTQ people and woman as well.
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So I guess, my point is, we don't know why they accepted. Even if it's as simple as it's a huge opportunity and they just wanted to... I don't think it changes how they've made it clear that they stand in support of queer people, of women, of love. How they really value their fans and people and want the world to be a better place. They just spoke about all these values at the UN recently as well. So no, I don't think world wide fame changed that for them.
BTS are human. They are not perfect. They will make mistakes and will and can grow from the choices they make. You also, as a fan, do not have to like or agree with everything they do. You aren't even necessarily SUPPOSED to. They aren't God's. They shouldn't be placed on a pedestal of beings who can do no wrong. You will then be disappointed. You are allowed to not like this choice or to think it's a bad one. But I don't think this choice means they are supporting the fucked up violations of human rights that are present there nor do i think this choice is indicative of them not being or no longer being good people. And I think saying that this is them supporting those policies is not fact, as anon stated, but opinion. And you are entitled to your opinion and to your feelings over the matter as well. But these are mine and if you are upset solely about one thing with one place they've traveled to, but not the others, that's something that might be cause for some inner reflection as well.
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - 𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 (𝟏)
he fell first but she fell harder
two young adults become neighbors in the most romantic city in the world
pairing: kylian mbappé x fem!oc (brielle healy)
chapters 1-5
wc: 5.6k 
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- June 24 2019 -
𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 loud sigh as her eyes started at the building in front of her, key in hand, before pushing the door open and walking in. The young girl had recently just moved to Paris to bring her modeling career to the other level, meaning she had to move across the world, leaving her whole life behind. She didn't know anyone here, besides her agent, but it wasn't like she'd ever be able to go out with him and have a fun night out drinking and having fun. So, she was all alone in a giant city. Great.
Once she step into the elevator of the apartment building, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, she quickly took it out as a man walked into the small space right before the doors closed. She didn't bother looking up at him, too busy answering her mom that she had indeed made it. Brielle slipped her phone back into her pocket before her eyes connected with the small screen above the elevator door indicating which floor they were currently on.
She watched with patience as the number slowly went up, until it showed 5 and the elevator slowly came to a stop. She let out a small sigh of relief when the doors opened, she hated small spaces, they made her feel like she was suffocating, like there was nowhere else to go. She quickly grabbed a whole of her suitcase before walking out the door, the man from earlier following behind her. She tried not to pay too much attention to it, telling herself he was probably just living on this floor as well and that she wasn't already being followed.
"So you're the new one, eh?" A voice asked from further down the hall as she was about to insert her key into the keyhole, making her jump a bit. The man spoke in French, now Brielle knew a bit of French, but this sounded like complete gibberish.
"Uh, I d-don't speak French." She said as their eyes locked together, and for a small moment she felt like she had already seen his face somewhere. But who was she kidding, she had landed her barely hours ago. Unknown to her though, the boy had the same thought going around his head, but unlike her, he was certain he had seen her somewhere. Where? That he had no clue. The man laughed a bit before repeating whatever he had said before in English this time.
"I guess that would be me." Brielle answered with a small smile before letting out a small laugh.
"I'm Kylian." He answered with a small, soft smile.
"Brielle. But you can just call me Bri." She answered in a soft voice. He sent her a small little nod before pushing the door to his apartment open and stepping in, closing the door behind himself. Brielle found herself staring at the spot where Kylian once stood, a smile still plastered on her face. Well, that was until she heard a door down the hall slam shut, making her jump a bit, but bringing her back on track.
Once she was finally inside her apartment, she let out yet another sigh. It had an amazing view of the Eiffel tower, and plenty of space for her to do whatever she wants to do with the place, but it wasn't like a home. She didn't have her friends only a couple of minutes ago, she didn't have her parents with her anymore, she had no one.
The box she had packed, along with all furniture she order where all in one corner of what she supposed was the living since there was a cozy looking fireplace. She took a few minutes to rest, before attacking the boxes and getting as many things done as possible for the today.
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liked by user12, kendalljenner and others
briellehealy new home :)
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kendalljenner i miss you already :(
briellehealy @kendalljenner  i miss you tooooo
user25 oh she's living THE life
user81 no cause brielle in paris era is going to be iconic i already know it
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- June 25 2019 -
 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 Healy girl got woken up by a loud bang coming from the other side of her bedroom wall she shared with her next door neighbor Kylian. She took a couple of seconds to collect herself before a groan slipped her mouth. 10:42. She had overslept way too much. The girl had wanted to wake up as early as possible to get done building all her furniture and empty out her boxes before having to go meet her manager in a small café right around the corner at 1, but clearly her morning plans would have to moved over to that night.
Once the clock hit 12:30, Bri slowly made her way out of her new home, making sure to lock the door behind herself. As she was walking into the direction of the elevators, her eyes stuck on her phone as she looked at the route she needed to take to get to the café, she ran into something, or more someone, hard.
"Shit! I'm so sorry!" She quickly as she looked up at the person in front of her, only to realize it was Kylian. He was already staring at her with a soft smile on his face.
"Don't worry about it." He answered her with a small laugh as she let out a heavy breath, trying to calm herself down, clearly stressed about something.
"Just know, you gotta be careful around here, wouldn't want to walk into the wrong person at the wrong time." He added teasingly, making Brielle's cheek flush red.
"I'll keep that in mind. And if you could keep in mind to try and be quiet in the morning so you don't give your neighbor a heart attack, I would really appreciate that." Even though her words sounded rude, her voice sounded angelic to the twenty year old football player. The girl standing in front of him almost had a small smile of her own, meaning there indeed no harm meant her words.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Had a rough morning and--"
"You don't have to explain yourself. Just try not to give me another heart attack." She softly cut him off, making the boy bit his lips a bit.
"I will." He whispered, his eyes staring into hers. The Healy girl felt her cheek become even redder than they already were before looking away from him.
"I really have to go--"
"Yeah, no, of course. Have a good day." He nodded before slowly walking past her making his way over to his apartment.
"𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄! 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 to see you!" Mike, the girl's manager said as she approached the table where he was sitting, standing up to greet her with a hug.
"It's good to see you too, Mike." The girl answer with a soft smile as she sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table as her manager, setting her coffee down in front of her.
"How was your first night?"
"Okay. I got woken up by my neighbor this morning, though. Besides that, things are okay." She answered honestly, even though she was trilled about all the opportunity she would be getting here, she was already feeling homesick.
"Remember, if you ever need anything I'm only a phone call away!" He said with a small laugh, making the Healy girl let out a small chuckle.
"Can you make my neighbor more quiet in the morning?" Brielle joked, making her manager laugh even more.
"Alright, alright. Enough funny business, let's get to work, yeah?" Mike said in a serious tone, taking out a planner her had prepared the night before. The rest of their time spent in the café was solely spent on making Brielle's schedule for the upcoming month, something she found very overwhelming.
"So I'll see you tomorrow night for that dinner, alright? Don't worry about transport, everything will be figured out." Mike said as the two of them walked out of the café an hour and a half later. The girl nodded a bit and thanked him before the two of them split ways, her heading back to her place while he got into a car and went who knows where.
As the Healy girl was approaching her building, she heard a very familiar voice coming from behind her. Turning her head, she saw Kylian approaching the building as well, along with, who she guessed were, his friends. The two of them smiled at each other once they both were in the elevator, but no words were exchange until Brielle was about to walk into her apartment.
"Hey, uh, my friends are going to be staying until late tonight, so if we're ever too loud just come tell me." Kylian said once all of his friends had made their way into his apartment.
"As long as you don't try and give me another heart attack tomorrow morning, I think I'll be okay." She answered in the soft voice with a small smile on her face as her eyes locked the boy's. Kylian's eyes softened a bit at the sight in front of him, and he truly had no idea why, I mean he sorta knew why, but he didn't understand why it was happening. Obviously he found his new neighbor attractive, who wouldn't, but finding someone beautiful was no reason as to why butterflies were flying around in his stomach.
Deciding to just ignore the feeling, he sent her a small nod before disappearing in his home, mumbling a small 'good night' as he did so. Brielle was quick to follow his actions, locking the door behind herself.
Throughout the night, music and small yells could be heard coming from the place next door, but mostly laughs were heard. The Healy girl couldn't figure out what they were saying expect for a couple of words, seeing as the group of guys were speaking a solid 5 amount of languages between themselves, obviously there was some French, English, she could hear a bit of Spanish as well, but for the other two, she had no clue.
Her night ended with her slowly drifting off to sleep to the sound of the all of their laughs, but there was one she could distinctly hear every time, Kylian's laugh.
- June 26 2019 -
"𝐁𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐓 𝐔𝐏!" 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 heard Kylian say as she opened her bedroom door to her small balcony. She peeked her head out a bit and saw that Kylian's door to his balcony was also opened as small whispers could be heard. The girl let out a laugh as swearing from multiple languages could be heard, as well as the sound of people getting killed in a video game.
She soon left her bedroom, making herself a cup of coffee before going back into her room and stepping out on the balcony, coffee in hand. Brielle sat down on the chair she had set up the day she arrived, her eyes looking over the city, but mainly at the big tower in front of her. The Healy girl was sitting alone out there for a solid ten minutes, before she saw Kylian walk out on his balcony in the corner of her eye.
"Exciting morning?" She asked as the boy closed the door behind himself, jumping a bit when he heard her voice, making her let out a small chuckle.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She added once their eyes met, a small red colour taking over her cheeks.
"Don't worry about it. But yeah, you could say so." He answered with a small smile on his face, a light red colour taking over his cheeks as well.
"Sounds like it--" Brielle started, but she was interrupted by Kylian's balcony door opening, all the yelling and the sound coming from his television being heard as an older looking man stepped out from the bedroom.
"Kyky! Bro, it's your turn." The man said laughing, before his eyes looked over to the balcony over, Brielle sending him a small smile.
"Who's your cute neighbor, Kylian? And have you never mentioned her to us?" The man ask with a sly smile, looking over to his friend who was rolling his eyes.
"Shut up, Ney. Just go back inside and play for me." Kylian mumbled harshly, but Brielle could hear every word that was said between the two friends.
"Jeez, sorry." The boy, Ney, said with a laugh before looking back over to the girl on the other balcony.
"I'm Neymar by the way." He introduced himself with a charming smile, making the Healy girl smile a bit.
"I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other around." Neymar said with a smirk, looking over at his friend after, sending him a look before going back into the Kylian's room. The boy made sure the door was closed before looking at is neighbor before sending her an apological smile.
"Sorry about him." He whispered, a bit embarrassed about what had happen and how his friend acted.
"He seems like a lot of... fun." The girl answered with a smile, taking a sip of her coffee after. Kylian let out a small laugh as their eyes locked together once again.
"Yeah, you could say so." He answered with a shy smile before the girl looked back over at the sight in front of her, a comfortable silence setting over the two of them. Well, that was until Kylian spoke again.
"Hey, I know we don't know each other that much, but i was wondering if you would maybe want to come over to my place tonight for dinner? Just to like get to know each other. Gotta make sure my neighbor isn't some crazy psychopath that's gonna try to kill me in my sleep." He asked, before adding a small little joke, hoping it would help him out. Brielle let out a small laugh before answering him.
"I'd love to, but I already have plans for tonight, sorry. But I'm free tomorrow night if you are." She answered with a shy smile, biting her lips after. Kylian swore he felt his heart do a couple of flips in his chest as he struggled to answer her.
"T-Tomorrow night?"
"Tomorrow night." The girl confirmed, chuckling a bit at the fact that he was clearly a bit nervous at the moment.
"Cool. Yeah, that... that works for me." Kylian said, his French accent slipping up a bit at the first word, making the Healy girl smile widely.
"You're cute when you're nervous." She said to him, and the next he knew, she was gone. Well, not gone gone, he could still see her, but she had made her way back inside her bedroom, closing the door behind herself. The boy stood there for about a minute or so, his eyes staring at the chair where his neighbor once sat, before slowly making his way back inside as well, a big smile plastered on his face, something that clearly go unnoticed by his friends.
"Bri bri! Oh my god, girl i miss you so much." Brielle's childhood best friend, Mackenzie, yelled as she answered the face time call from her best friend.
"I miss you too, Kenz." Brielle answered, laughing at how excited her best friend was.
"I swear to you I walked over to your house like an hour ago to see if you wanted to hang out and your brother pretty much called me stupid. Like, how dare he?" The girl explained dramatically, making Brielle laugh.
"Well, he's not totally wrong." Brielle mumbled, teasing her best friend, who let out a loud gasp, throwing her hand over her mouth.
"You know what, I'll let that one slide just because i miss your ass. Anyways, enough about me, how's Paris?" Kenzie asked, trying her hardest to pronounce the city's name with a French accent, but failing miserably.
"It's been good, I have an event tonight to hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of friends."
"What about boys, met any cute ones?" She asked with a smirk on her face, making Brielle's eyes go wide.
"Kenz! I've been here for like 2 days!" She said in a very high voice, something Kenzie knew meant she was hiding something.
"Oh my god, you totally did! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" The girl begged, making Bri sigh a bit before telling her best friend about her cute neighbor.
"He's just my neighbor. That's all." She said, in a very high voice once again, making her best friend roll her eyes.
"Well, clearly he isn't just your neighbor, Bri. You know, we're like sisters, I'll find out one way or another what's really going on, love." Mackenzie answered with sass, making the Healy girl let out a loud sigh.
"I mean, he's cute..."
"And we're having dinner tomorrow together." Brielle whispered, her cheeks taking on a slight red tint as her best friend let out a loud gasp.
"Oh my god! Bri, you've been in Paris for barely 48 hours and you already have a date! Ouh, what are you gonna wear? Do you know what you're gonna eat?"
"Kenz, calm down. It's just dinner to get to know each other better and so that he can make sure I'm not some sort of serial killer who's gonna kill him in his sleep." The girl explained, chuckling a bit as she quoted Kylian's joke from earlier, something that clearly didn't go unnoticed by her best friend. The Turner girl was about to speak again, but the voice of her father beat her to it.
"Mackenzie, for god's sake, it's four in the morning. Go to sleep." The man spoke loudly from behind the door of Kenzie's bedroom, making the girl roll her eyes a bit. Brielle hadn't even once thought about the time difference since their face time started, suddenly feeling guilty that her best friend had stayed up this late just for her.
"But I'm talking with Bri!" The girl answered her dad in a voice that said 'this is the most important thing ever' which just made her dad laugh.
"Mackenzie, don't make me go in there!"
"Sorry, Bri." Kenzie said with a sad smile, looking at her best friend through her phone screen.
"Don't worry about it, Kenz. Call me back when you wake up, alright?"
"I will. Love you."
"Love you, too." Brielle answered with a smile before the two of them hung up the call at the same time. A sigh left Brielle's lips as a loud silence took over her bedroom. She laid in her room for a little more, before going into her living room and attacking the rest of the boxes that were laying around. I mean, she had nothing to do for the whole day, and it's not like she had the time to go explore the city since she had to be at the dinner by 7, which means she would be leaving at around 6, meaning she would have to start getting ready at around 3 if she wanted to take a shower. So, what else was she supposed to do for the whole day?
Her whole world was asleep on the other side of the world while she was wide awake, her only 'friends' being all the boxes in her living room. Make the most of what you have... right?
- June 26 2019 -
"𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐙, 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 okay?" Brielle asked as she turned around, doing a full 360 view of her outfit for her best friend. The Healy had chosen a new set that she had just bought, a strapless white top along with a pair of pants the same colour, and she had paired the outfit with a pair of brownish heels.
"Bri, you look amazing, like always." Mackenzie answered as she took a big bit of her toast. The Turner girl had just recently woken up and called her best friend back as soon as possible. Brielle felt more relief than ever when she saw her best friend calling, finally having someone's opinion about her outfit, hair and makeup.
"I'm nervous." She admitted, making her childhood best friend let out a small sigh.
"Bri, everything's gonna be okay. Text me or call me if you ever need anything, and don't ever be shy to ask Mike to go home if it's ever too much." Kenzie calmed her friend down, which worked.
"I know, I know. But it's just, there's gonna be lots of people there wanting to meet with me to work together, and you know how i feel about big crowds."
"And so does Mike. Bri, you need to stop stressing yourself out." The blond girl reasoned, and at the same time, Brielle received a text from Mike telling her her ride was waiting for her outside.
"Kenzie, I gotta go. I'll call you when I get home."
"Okay. Love you, have fun!"
"Love you, too, Kenz." Brielle said with a smile before hanging up the face time call. The girl did one last quick outfit, hair and makeup check before grabbing her small purse and leaving her apartment. As she was waiting for the elevator to come, she heard a door open behind her, making her turn around. She saw Kylian walking out of his apartment as well, his eyes glued to his phone.
"I already called it." The girl spoke as the French native was about to press the button for the elevator, making him jump a bit. Clearly he hadn't noticed, making this the second time today she had scared him.
"Putain!" He exclaimed, as his eyes looked over at her. He was clearly a bit angry about what had just happened, but all that anger seemed to have disappeared as soon as he realized it was her.
"Sorry." She apologized, trying to hold in her laugh.
"Second time today." Kylian stated with a small smile on his face.
"Maybe you should pay more attention to what's happening around you." The girl shrugged teasingly, a small smile of her own plastered on her face.
"Maybe I should." He whispered back, before his eyes looked up and down her body, his eyes widening a bit. He had only seen her in sweatpants, leggings and pajamas so far, so this was totally something new for him. A small part of him slowly started freaking once he really realized what she was wearing. Was she going to meet another guy? Not like it mattered to him... right? Of course not, who was he kidding. She was single, well as far as he knew she was, and she was free to do whatever she wanted.
"Going somewhere special?" He couldn't help but ask, he needed to know. If she did happen to have a boyfriend, he didn't want the boy to get the wrong idea about the two of them having dinner, but at the same he would sorta be getting the right idea. But he didn't want to be a homewrecker, especially after what happened in his last relationship, but that's a story for another day.
"Just going to an event... dinner? I don't really know what to call it. It's for my job." She explained, not wanting to give away too many details about what her job was. She was used enough back home because of her being model, she didn't need this happening here as well.
"What about you?"
"Are you going somewhere special?" She asked, eyeing his outfit, which consisted of a fancy pair of pants along with a classy with shirt.
"Uh, no. Just going out with my friends."
"Like, to a club?"
"Maybe, I don't really know. My friend didn't want to tell me where we're going." He explained as the elevator door finally opened, and the two of them stepped inside. Kylian clicked on the first floor button and doors soon closed. When the boy turned back around, the girl was already looking at him, giving him a weird look.
"What?" He asked with a laugh, as her eyes stayed glued to him.
"Do you work?"
"Yeah, I work."
"And you're not scared you're gonna be too hungover to work tomorrow morning?" She asked confused. The boy let out a small chuckle before answering her.
"It's a little complicated. What about you? You job just decides to have a fancy dinner in the middle of the week?" He asked teasingly, a flirty smirk slowly taking over his face. Brielle bit her lips a bit before speaking again.
"It's complicated." She quoted him as the doors to the elevator opened once again. The two of them stepped out together and made their way over to the front door in a comfortable silence.
"For tomorrow, is 7 okay for you?" Kylian asked as Brielle started walking in the opposite direction as him, making the girl stop in her tracks and turn back to look at him.
"Yeah. It works for me. Have a good night."
"You too." The boy answered with a wide smile as Brielle turned back around and got into a black car. He stood there for a couple of seconds until his friend honked at him.
"Kylian! Hurry up!" Neymar yelled, making Kylian roll his eyes at his attitude.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
Brielle Healy, young Victoria Secret Angel, was seen walking the streets of Paris, along with her agent Micheal River, as well as attending a high-end event attended by some of the most popular designers in the fashion world. The young model as already made a name for herself in the United-States, but will she be able to continue her streak of success over in Europe?
Healy announced in early May of this year that she would be moving to Paris to have bigger and better opportunities. At only 20 years of age, the young girl now lives alone in one of the biggest city's in the fashion industry. When asked by a fan tonight how she felt about Paris so far, the girl answered with a wide smile and let out a loud amazing for everyone to hear. After posting a picture to her instagram account of the view of her new bedroom, we all understand why the word 'amazing' came to her mind.
But was this move at such an early age a mistake for the Angel? Will she crack under all the pressure? Will her career continue on the high streak it is on, or will it slowly fade? Only time can tell. Subscribe to TheLocal to stay up to date with the young model.
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Brielle Healy, 20, seen arriving at a high-end event on June 26, 2019
𝐊��𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐁𝐈𝐆 as they moved further and further down his phone screen. His eyes getting stuck on the picture in front of him. His neighbor, the girl he was having dinner with tomorrow, was a world known model?
- June 27 2019 -
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liked by k.mbappe, gigihadid and others
brielle.healy someone please tell me how to wash converse !!
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kenzie.turner you're glowing
briellehealy @kenzie.turner id tell you the same thing but you already know this sooooo
user12 @briellehealy @kenzie.turner i love their friendship so so so much
user91 girly the internet exists
brielle.healy @user91  i tried and they all scammed me :/
user53 homegirl just casually attends one of the biggest event in paris and then asks help to wash her converses
user85 someone reassure me and tell me im not the only who's wondering what kylian is doing here...
user49 @user85  trust me, im wondering the same thing
load more...
k.mpabbe followed briellehealy
"𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓!" 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 girl exclaimed as the two best friend connected over a face time call once again. The Paris resident had just finished getting ready for her dinner with Kylian, posting a quick instagram post before calling her best friend.
"Is it too fancy?" Brielle quickly asked after seeing her best friend's reaction. The two neighbors were only having dinner, just a plain simple dinner to get to know each other, so there was no need to dress to impress because this wasn't a date... right?
"It's perfect. Don't you ever dare get rid of that shirt, it fits you perfectly. The Healy girl let out a sigh of relief before looking at the time, panic taking over her.
"Shit, Kenzie, I'm ten minutes later. I gotta go, love you!" She didn't leave time for her to answer before hanging up and phone and making her way over to Kylian's apartment as quickly as possible. She placed her hair quickly before knocking on the door, waiting a few seconds before the boy opened the door, a small smile on his face.
"I was starting to think you forgot." He joked, making a wide smile appear on the girl's face as she nervously played with her finger.
"I lost track of time." She admitted in a low voice, looking down at the floor making Kylian chuckle a bit.
"Don't stress it. Come in." He said before fully opening his door and letting her. Their apartment layout was exactly the same, but inverted.
"It's nice." She stated as he walked her over to living room, her eyes rooming the room.
"Yeah, my mom picked out most of the stuff. Well, I had picked pretty much everything, but she said they didn't go together or whatever and bought me all of these, so. She's the real mastermind behind all this." He praised his mom, making Brielle smile softly at him as the two of them sat down on his couch, not too far but not too close to each other.
"You grew up in Paris?"
"Yeah, lived here my whole life. What about you, where'd you grow up?" Kylian asked, even though he already knew the answer to that question.
"Los Angeles. My whole childhood pretty much consisted of going to school, eating dinner and going to the beach after. Never had that nice tan like everyone else though, it's like the sun hates me or something." She joked as their eyes connected together, sending butterflies in the boy's stomach.
"That must of been nice." He answered softly, making her shrug a bit.
"Meh. It had it's pro's and con's." She said and an awkward silence filled their air after that, well until Kylian spoke.
"So, we have a little issue. I don't have a dinning table. Well, I do but, it's still all packed inside the box it came in." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck a bit. Brielle let out a small laugh at how nervous and embarrassed he was about the situation.
"So, you just eat on your couch all the time?" She asked teasingly, making him chuckle a bit.
"Yeah. But I have two stools for my kitchen counter, they're not the most comfortable things in the world but, they're the best I have." He spoke awkwardly again, making the Healy girl bit back a smile.
"It's okay. I really don't mind." She answered softly, placing one over her hand over both of his, which were fidgeting with each other. Kylian felt butterflies all around his stomach, before shaking his head at her words.
"But it's not. If I would've known before, I would of had set up the table for you. I wanted to do it today but I was gone all afternoon."
"What do you mean 'if you would've known before' your table still wasn't set up when you asked me yesterday. Kylian, seriously, it's okay, don't stress yourself over a table." The girl said confused, before a small laugh slipped past her lips at the end. Kylian let out a loud sigh, his eyes locked on where their hands were touching, before answering her.
"I... Last night, before I went to bed I was just scrolling on my phone, right? And then Ney sent me a link and when I clicked on it, it was an article... about you. And there was a picture of you, attending like the biggest event in Paris."
"So, let me get this straight. You were freaking out about a table, because of that?" Brielle said, trying her hardest not to laugh. Of course she wasn't laughing at the boy, but because of how cute it was. He was freaking over pretty much nothing.
"Yeah. Yeah I was. I mean, you can't really blame me for that, you have like 20 something million followers." He defended himself, making the Healy girl let out a small laugh, a big smile plastered on her face.
"Well, last time I checked, I'm the world cup winner in the room." She spoke softly, he voice feeling angelic in Kylian's ear. His eyes widen a bit, before finally looking away from where their hands were still connected, looking over at the girl next to him.
"How'd you know?"
"You litteraly followed me on instagram like right before I came here. Did you not think I would noticed?" She chuckled, making him shrug a bit.
"I don't know. Some people don't bother to look who follows them." He tried to fend for himself, but that only resulted with the Healy girl letting out a loud laugh at his word.
"I don't, most of them time. But I do when someone with a nice little blue checkmark like mine follows me. I still can't believe you were nervous about a table." Bri said, throwing her head back while laughing, making a red tint take over Kylian's cheek.
"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"
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citrusitonit · 4 months
Do you like Dr. Stone?
If so, Can you info dump dr.Stone to me? If you want to, of course.
I could look it up myself but i mostly just want to get some of that info dump and that energy that only a fan who is hyperfixating can give often leads me to look into the media and it's fun. Idk
Hearing/seeing people (especially those i know or have interacted with) be happy and geek out about stuff is fun and i often end up wanting to check it out afterwards because of that
No worries if you don't wanna tho
no. no worries at all. in fact. you should worry.
im going to start from the beginning. and then explain each character in sequence.
senku, taiju, and yuzuriha are all best friends. senku is the extreme science guy, taiju is the brawny loud and energetic guy who has a crush on yuzuriha, and yuzuriha is a determined but reserved girl who is into crafts. (senku n taiju met during childhood while taiju met yuzuriha in middle school n introduced her to senku in the same timeframe bc she offered helped in making lightweight objects)
one day, (june 3rd 2019) taiju says to senku that hes finally gonna confess after 5 years. however when he finally meets her, bright green light envelops the whole world, and turns everyone to stone.
however, taiju retains his consciousness out of sheer willpower. Esxactly 3718 years pass, and with humans turned to stone, civilization crumbles. buildings fall down, animals take over, nature overrun cities. (note: the only creatures petrified were humans and swallow birds)
Taiju wakes n breaks from stone, naked, n is surrounded by nature. he finds senku, who was actually awake 6 monthz earlier. The only way they found out 3,718 years had passed was bc senku counted the days, and seconde in his consciousness ever since being petrified.
senku and taiju spend 6 months experimenting with petrified swallows for the revival/miracle fluid (depends on translation). in the end, its a success, but just as theyr about to revive yuzuriha they end up being cornered by lions and revive tsukasa shishio, the worlds strongest primate highschooler.
they work together n have 2 wait again to make the revival fluid. however tsukasa sees senkus abilities, and proposes to him an idea. that they should only revive the 'pure hearted youth', bc in this new world, it should be a paradise not tainted by the old world's philosophies where the greedy elders had the power. However, senku disagrees n it becomes tense between them.
Long story short they revive yuzuriha n after a little scuffle, run away to Hakone, where they can get sulfur for gunpowder to defeat tsukasa. but after accidentally lighting a fire they find out that ther r other ppl asides from them who r alive when they get a smoke signal response to their fire. sadly, tsukasa finds them, n after finding out the revival fluid formula, he kills senku.
taiju n yuzuriha run away wit senkus body n miraculously revive him using the science of the revival fluid. But since senkus known as dead, taiju n yuzuriha seprate from him. senku goes to find who made the smoke signal, while taiju n yuzuriha go to tsukasas new 'empire' as spies.
senku manages to find the mysterious person, who is trapped under a tree after they attempted to fight tsukasa. A girl named kohaku (shes blonde, and as senku finds out later, scarily strong and agile.) he eventually deduces that shes not a revived, but rather, a descendant of a revived. senku demonstrates his use of science by making a pulley and lifting the tree log. kohaku thanks him, and after camping out for the night, brings him to her village. its a primitive village, and there he meets chrome, a guy whos another 'sorcerer' (since they dont know science, they call it 'sorcery').
from then on, this is where the first arc starts.
now for my personal opinions.
i love dr stone so much because the anime is a serious, but not totally serious anime. Theres so many goofy scenes, and there are rare emotional moments. When there are, they arent overly cheesy or monologuey. also because the theme is a sort of fantasy, but its also somewhat relatable in terms of how ppl interact with each other. idk it just feels so real. everyone (EVERYONE) has their own unique personalities and features that differentiate them from each other. (except ahmm 4 some side charctrs)
the story has lots of lighthearted funny moments in every episode, n the humor is nice too. overall i am insane over this and it inspired me so much bc throughout the series senkus whole motto is to try and try and try again. it appeals very much to me bc his problems arent solved by some magical miracle. he works, and individually gathers the tools and ingredients needed for each thing he needs. and not just that, he relies on others, and others rely on him. For me, it teaches a lot of lessons about perseverance. n it feels more impacting even he doesnt do things in a snap. he sometimes finishes things in a week, a month, a day. progress takes time. and any bit of progress, even if its just a little, is still worth it. when conflict happens, he does not aim for the best scenario, but something thats atleast not the worst scenario. aside from that, he also gets nervous, he gets scared, he also gets sentimental, though ull barely notice.
in fact, he inspired me so much ive been getting into astronomy lately. Also, another thing another character taught me in this series is passion. like, pursue what you love, it doesnt have to be some long term passion. even if u feel like u shouldnt, pursue it. lets say uve taken interest in painting, paint as much as you can. never limit the desires of ur heart. tho this character was like, an heir of a huge company, rich asf. but the thing is even when he isnt rich (revived in the stone world. the title of heir means nothing now), he still manages to pursue whatever he wanted. he even says in a q and a, that "everything i did i could do through money. But if you truly love it, youll be able to find a way, even without money!!" and thats true. This type of passion also showed in tsukasas backstory. He trained, for years and years since childhood. he went boxing against full adults as a kid, accepted every interview his way, went to every show. until 18 he did so because he wanted to provide for his hospitalized sister (she was announced clinically braindead). his dad was a unemployed drunkard, and of course he needed money to keep his sister well in the hospital. he wasnt even born strong or anything. he was just an ordinary kid. but from then on he would go to free playground parks at night. hed train and train, and at his age signed himself up for ring fights. hed train hard to win against everyone hes pitted against. Just so he could give his sister gifts, and a nice hospital room.
anyways thats a super big example ramble thats what i think of dr stone yah
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hisserenity · 2 years
I Would’ve
Pairing: Urban Wyatt x Reader
Based off of I would’ve by Jessie Murph
I would’ve love you for the rest of your life.
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7 years wasted. 7 years of my life I will never get back.
May 28th 2015, the day you asked me to be yours.
July 6th 2015, we had two firsts together, we made love that night and said I love you. I was in complete euphoria.
February 9th 2017, you were rolling a joint and you were so focused, the blue in your angel eyes standing out. That’s when I realized that I was madly in love with you.
August 24th 2019, you made a promise to me. A promise that I was your forever and that you were going to marry me one day. I wish I had known that it wasn’t true.
July 16th 2021, my miscarriage. We didn’t know that I was pregnant. You were so kind, caring and patient. You cleaned me up and sat in the bath with me while we cried together.
June 1st 2022. When those words left your mouth, my entire world came crumbling down. We need to break up, you said and I just wanted to curl up and let the universe swallow me whole.
I wish you would’ve told me that we weren’t forever before I wasted 7 years with you. I hope that whatever the reason is for leaving me is worth it. I hope it’s worth all the sorrow and heartbreak I’m going through, I really do. I hope that you are happy and thriving because no matter what I go through, as long as your okay and happy then it doesn’t matter.
I hope that you choose me in our next lifetime that we share because my choice will always be you. If there is ever a lifetime that we don’t share, I’d rather be the old cat lady then be without you. I’m in love with you and I’m sure I always will be. I hope that you get to live the best life you can. Tell Jack and the others that I will miss them and I hope to see them again.
Before I finish this letter, I just wanted to say this to you.
I would've loved you. Would've stayed up all night.
I could've loved you for the rest of your life.
Would've taken the marijuana off your lips.
Ripped the bottle from your fist.
I would've loved you.
I would’ve loved you for the rest of your life Urban Wyatt. And I probably still will. I may not be your forever, but you will always be mine. You will always be my person.
Eyes filling up with tears as Urban reads your letter that you had Metta give to him. How bad he wants to tell you that it wasn’t his choice, that he was told that he is a part of Jack’s image and him having a girlfriend wasn’t fitting the playboy image. That all he wanted to do the minute those words left his mouth, was to tell you that he didn’t want to leave you and that you are everything he ever dreamed of. But he can’t, he’s tried but you won’t answer his calls or messages, you’re ignoring him and it’s killing him.
Jack brings him out of his thoughts. ‘Hey Urb, you alright man?’ Urban looks up from the letter in his hands and that’s when Jack notices the tears. He never cries. ‘Hey man, what’s wrong?’ Urban can’t find his words so he hands the letter to Jack for him to read himself.
‘Urban, man you gotta call her. Let her know that it wasn’t your decision. You’ve gotta get her back. You having a girlfriend doesn’t effect my image, fuck what they say. You’re depressed and boring and we miss y/n.”
Without looking up from his lap Urban responds. ‘I can’t Jack. She won’t answer any of my calls and she’s ignoring my messages. I’ve lost her and I don’t know what to do.’ Before Urban even finished his sentence, Jack already pulled out his phone and dialed your number.
‘Hi! You’ve reached y/n. I’m sorry I missed your call but let me know who you are so I can call you back. Bye!’
Right to voicemail, again. Leaving Urban to wonder if you’re okay. He goes to bed that night praying that you’re okay and that after some time, maybe, just maybe you’d forgive him and let him explain so the two of you can finish building the life you’ve talked about the past 7 years.
Maybe going to make a part 2 of this if y’all like it enough. Let me know! <3
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Adults-only website OnlyFans has made aspiring porn stars rich and celebrities richer. But a Reuters investigation found a darker side: More than 120 people have complained to U.S. police agencies that they were featured in the site’s sexually explicit content without their consent – including a woman who alleged a video of her rape was sold on OnlyFans. Laws often protect web giants while victims struggle for justice.
SAMMY remembers nearly every detail of the night in April 2022 when she says two men raped her.
The Miami apartment, stark and empty, where it happened. The loud music as she screamed and told them to stop. The fear and the pain, the overwhelming sense of powerlessness.
Sammy, recalling the night in an interview, also remembers seeing a phone perched on a dresser and thinking: Am I being filmed?
Two months later, on June 30, an edited recording of Sammy’s alleged assault was posted on OnlyFans, a website where people can create porn and charge for it. The video was marketed by one of her alleged assailants as “train” sex, jargon for multiple men having sex with one woman, according to screenshots obtained by Reuters.
“The full train video is here guys,” he said on OnlyFans. “Who wants it?”
OnlyFans is an adults-only website where anyone – celebrities, porn stars, cash-strapped moms and aspiring influencers – can sell sexually explicit videos of themselves. Top earners make millions of dollars a year. Created in 2016, OnlyFans now boasts almost 240 million users and has achieved mainstream fame. Beyoncé namechecked it in a song lyric. Rapper Iggy Azalea said it had brought her a small fortune.
But other people have reaped pain, not profit. They describe lives upended after sexually explicit content featuring them was posted and sold on OnlyFans without their consent. Some videos, like Sammy’s, involve alleged sexual assault. Law enforcement has struggled to monitor such nonconsensual pornography on the website, while victims often have limited legal recourse.
OnlyFans says it is building “the safest social media platform in the world.” But a Reuters investigation identified 128 cases in which women and men complained to U.S. law enforcement agencies that sexual content featuring them ended up on OnlyFans without their permission – and was often sold for profit – between January 2019 and November 2023.
Under public records laws, Reuters sought documents on cases involving OnlyFans from more than 250 of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States – the platform’s biggest market. Fifty-six of them produced records in which people complained of explicit, nonconsensual posts on OnlyFans. Reuters also interviewed police officers, prosecutors, legal experts and nine people who said their sexual images appeared without their consent.
Most of the 128 police complaints were lodged by women against men who were former sex partners. They often said the content was produced consensually but was posted without their permission – or even their knowledge. In about 40% of the complaints, the videos also appeared on other popular social media sites, usually as snippets to promote lengthier and more explicit material for sale on OnlyFans.
The cases highlight how technology has transformed modern relationships and the porn industry. Today, anyone with a cellphone and an internet connection can make and distribute sexual videos and images. Filming and sharing these is now an accepted part of many intimate encounters – so long as it’s a lovers’ secret. Posting those videos online, however, can feel like a major betrayal. It can also be illegal.
Some women said their unwanted appearance on OnlyFans had nearly destroyed their lives.
“A whole company has made money off of my biggest trauma,” said Sammy, 21, in her first public comments on the case. She requested that her full name be withheld.
In Texas, a woman described being forced to install a home security system after being harassed by stalkers who saw an OnlyFans video of her that went viral. A Nebraska woman said she struggled to go out in public, terrified that people might recognize her from a sex video her ex-boyfriend was selling on OnlyFans for $15. An Illinois woman said she learned that naked images of herself were circulating from her teenage daughter, who saw them online.
In response to a detailed account of Reuters’ findings, an OnlyFans spokesperson said that “in the few examples where bad actors have misused our platform,” OnlyFans “removed the content swiftly, banned the user and actively supported investigations and prosecutions.”
The spokesperson said OnlyFans had reviewed the cases of Sammy and others described in this report and found that those accounts were deleted either by OnlyFans moderators or the creators themselves. Those deletions sometimes occurred a year or longer after women complained to police, a Reuters review of police records and account information from OnlyFans found.
The spokesperson didn’t elaborate on the cases but said OnlyFans tightened its consent verification procedures in late 2022. The company requires “proof of identification and consent from all individuals featured in any explicit content uploaded to our platform, and we moderate all uploaded content,” she said.
She declined to respond to questions about how explicit content of non-consenting adults could have ended up on the site when OnlyFans says it moderates everything.
Combining social media glamor and the business of sex, OnlyFans casts itself as a new breed of adult website. Most big porn sites offer content for free and make money mainly from advertising. At OnlyFans, revenue is generated by its 3.2 million creators, most of them amateurs. They sell content to their subscribers, or “fans,” usually for a monthly fee of between $4.99 and $50. One-off sales of videos and images through the site’s direct-messaging function can be even more lucrative.
The terms are attractive for OnlyFans creators: They keep 80% of their fans’ payments. For OnlyFans, which takes the rest, it’s a goldmine. According to the most recent filing by its British parent company, Fenix International, OnlyFans’ pre-tax profit in 2022 reached $525 million – almost a hundred-fold increase in just three years. Revenue expanded at least twenty-fold to more than $1 billion.
OnlyFans doesn’t know how many of its creators are making “adult content,” the spokesperson has said. The platform says it also features sports, music and other non-explicit material.
Beyond the United States, OnlyFans has also seen explosive growth – along with allegations of abuse against celebrities and other content creators.
In Australia, a Queensland man faces trial after being accused of filming himself raping his unconscious girlfriend in 2021 and uploading the video to OnlyFans, according to court records. The man hasn’t entered a plea, a court official said. In Thailand, a married couple was arrested in October on suspicion of drugging and raping four women and a 17-year-old girl, then selling videos of the acts on OnlyFans, Thai police said. The couple hasn’t entered a plea but denied the rape charges, police said.
In Romania, former kickboxer Andrew Tate is awaiting trial on rape and sex-trafficking charges connected to running an operation that allegedly forced women to create porn for OnlyFans, said Romanian prosecutors. Tate denies the charges.
In Britain, Stephen Bear, a former reality show contestant, was sentenced in March 2022 to 21 months in jail after posting a sex video of his ex-girlfriend on OnlyFans without her permission. Bear, who denied all charges, was released in January after serving half his sentence. He didn’t respond to a request for comment. Reuters documented another 17 cases in Britain in which people had complained to UK authorities of nonconsensual porn appearing on OnlyFans, according to public records obtained from the country’s police forces.
Despite the attention generated by high-profile cases, law enforcement officials say the sheer size of OnlyFans and the paywalls surrounding its individual creators have made it nearly impossible to monitor systematically. OnlyFans is largely a black box to outsiders, much less accessible than social media sites like Instagram, X and Facebook.
The paywall “absolutely, unequivocally adds a barrier,” said Joseph Scaramucci, a deputy sheriff in Texas who formerly worked on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security anti-human trafficking task force. Some law enforcement agencies won’t subscribe to OnlyFans accounts due to budgetary constraints, he said.
There are other reasons perpetrators of nonconsensual porn aren’t held to account, Reuters found. Some people were reluctant to press charges against former lovers. Police often lack expertise in gathering technical evidence of cyber-crimes or view the cases as low-priority misdemeanors. Women can be hesitant to share explicit images with male police and prosecutors.
No federal law specifically criminalizes nonconsensual porn. It has been prosecuted under federal anti-trafficking statutes in at least three cases – none of which involved OnlyFans. Complaints typically are handled by local authorities enforcing a patchwork of state laws, and they usually focus on individuals who post abusive content, not on the sites that host it.
OnlyFans CEO Keily Blair has said that “100 percent” of content is reviewed by human moderators aided by artificial intelligence. But the cases documented by Reuters, including the video of Sammy’s alleged rape, point to significant gaps in this system.
“The victim is clearly saying no” in the video, said Todd Falzone, a lawyer for Sammy. “So if they were really moderating that video, they would have seen and heard that.”
Her alleged assailants, Michelson Romelus and Bendjy Charles, face charges of sexual battery and distributing obscene material. They have pleaded not guilty.
Separately, in federal court in Florida, Sammy is suing the two men – and OnlyFans. Her lawsuit is the first to take on the platform itself under a federal sex-trafficking law that prohibits companies from financially benefiting from commercial sex abuses, according to a Reuters review of court filings and interviews with legal experts.
Sammy’s sex-trafficking claim is part of a growing number of lawsuits by people who accuse social media sites of profiting from abusive sexual content. The suits could signal a reckoning for OnlyFans and others in the industry, said five lawyers who specialize in porn and sex-trafficking cases.
“The legal landscape has shifted,” said Julie Dahlstrom, a human trafficking expert at Boston University School of Law. “You’ve seen judges interpreting trafficking laws more expansively,” and “lawyers and survivors understanding that they can bring those cases.”
For some people, the shock of seeing their naked images on OnlyFans was followed by a futile fight for justice.
Amanda Dicrosta’s battle began in Florida in February 2022, when she walked into the Tampa Police Department to file a sexual cyber-harassment complaint against her ex-boyfriend, Mike McFarland, a former player for the National Football League’s Indianapolis Colts. “I was just hoping that they would take me seriously,” she said.
The two had dated for about a year and then split up. McFarland afterward posted videos of them having sex on his OnlyFans and Twitter accounts without her permission, she told police.
Dicrosta, 28, told police that McFarland recorded some of the sex videos without her knowledge or consent. She knew other videos existed but said the couple had an understanding that those were private.
When Dicrosta first learned in June 2020 that McFarland, 32, had posted the videos on OnlyFans, she confronted him, and he initially took down the videos, she wrote in a sworn police statement. But in August 2021, when she revisited McFarland’s OnlyFans account, she discovered not just those videos but also new ones recorded without her knowledge, she told police.
When she saw videos of her advertised on OnlyFans for $5 each, she felt sick. McFarland had “exposed my entire body for $5,” Dicrosta told Reuters. “I can’t even buy a full meal at McDonald’s for $5.”
Dicrosta said she contacted McFarland again. This time, he refused to take down the videos, she told police.
On Twitter, McFarland posted snippets of the videos with links to his OnlyFans account, according to screenshots Dicrosta provided to Reuters and police. Another ex-boyfriend recognized her body in the videos and shared them with friends, some of whom assumed she was now in the business of “doing porn,” she said.
McFarland told police that Dicrosta knew the recordings would be posted on OnlyFans and Twitter. “It was with her consent,” he told Reuters. “I have nothing to lie about.”
X, as Twitter has been renamed, declined to comment on Dicrosta’s case but said it works to limit sensitive adult content from being shared.
After consulting with the state attorney’s office, police told Dicrosta the case couldn’t be prosecuted. The videos showed her private parts, underwear and a bathing suit – but not her face. For the case to proceed in court, the police report said, the videos had to include information that more specifically identified her.
Police closed Discrosta’s case in July 2022 and told her they’d reopen it if she located any such videos.
“I felt hopeless,” she said. “Do I just need to strip naked and show you my naked body for you to believe me? What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to prove to you that this is me?”
To violate Florida law, explicit images shared nonconsensually must contain “personal identification information,” such as unique physical attributes.
Mary Anne Franks, a professor at the George Washington University Law School in Washington D.C., studies the issue of nonconsensual porn and is familiar with Florida’s law. After reviewing Dicrosta’s case at Reuters’ request, she said the case could have been prosecuted because there was enough context of Dicrosta in the video to allow someone – in this case, a former boyfriend – to recognize her.
The case speaks to a broader problem, Franks said: Not all police departments are familiar with the nuances of laws on nonconsensual porn, especially as some laws are relatively new.
A Tampa police spokesperson said that detectives “dedicated over five months to the investigation,” but the evidence did “not meet the criteria to establish a criminal violation.”
Dicrosta felt angry and let down. She thought about the “personal identification information” demanded by Florida law and came up with another way to protect herself in case a sexual partner secretly filmed her in the future.
She walked into a tattoo parlor and had the words “not yours” etched on her backside.
Dicrosta’s experience illustrates the long odds of holding people who post nonconsensual porn to account.
Of the 128 U.S. cases Reuters documented, only 28 ended in an arrest and eight resulted in any sort of criminal conviction. Three people went to jail – two for 48 hours each.
Police closed 90 of the cases, including nine for lack of evidence, 12 because investigative leads were exhausted, and 10 because the accusers decided not to pursue charges. The other 38 remained open, including 15 cases marked as “inactive.”
Police documented some cases for “informational purposes only” when the accusers didn’t want to pursue charges but wanted a record of the incident.
Forty-eight states, Washington D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico have criminalized nonconsensual porn in the past two decades. But many laws have loopholes or are weakly enforced, according to lawyers, academics and victim advocates. Repeated efforts by the U.S. Congress to pass federal laws that criminalize nonconsensual porn have failed, largely due to objections by free-speech advocates.
Thirty-eight states classify the sharing of nonconsensual porn as misdemeanors, a low-priority crime for some police departments. Some investigators blame the victims for allowing themselves to be filmed, said Franks, the law professor. “There’s not much sympathy for victims to begin with,” she said.
Many of the state laws now used to fight nonconsensual porn are designed to combat “revenge porn,” in which someone posts explicit images to retaliate against a former partner. But in the OnlyFans cases documented by Reuters, the motive often isn’t just retribution. It’s money.
That’s a barrier to prosecutions in some jurisdictions.
In Florida’s Okaloosa County, a man contacted the sheriff’s office in September 2022 after discovering his ex-girlfriend posted a sex video of them on OnlyFans without his permission. Under Florida law, however, the video must be published with intent to cause “substantial emotional distress.”
“Although the victim expressed emotional distress, the intent of the suspect was financial gain, and therefore the elements of this crime have not been met,” the investigating detective said in the case report, which redacted the man’s name.
Police dropped the case.
Many OnlyFans creators rely on other social media to promote their content to potential subscribers. Some videos on OnlyFans are published or leaked on other porn sites. And some are disseminated so widely that victims are powerless to stop them.
Adreiona Prater said she was caught in a viral nightmare.
Prater was 18 when a sex video of her appeared on OnlyFans and other websites. She was attending junior college, studying criminal justice, in Tyler, Texas, in July 2019, when she met and briefly dated Anthony Reshon Scott, then 20.
Prater said she reluctantly allowed Scott to record them having sex but afterward asked him to delete the video. Scott assured her he did, she told police.
In February 2020, Prater discovered the video on Pornhub, another big porn site, and contacted Tyler police. She said she dropped the case after Scott promised to take the video down, but later discovered it on OnlyFans. She watched helplessly as it took off on social media.
On Oct. 6, 2020, a clip appeared on Scott’s Twitter account, revealing her face and naked body, police records show. The caption read, “Check out my onlyfans with over 200+ girls,” and provided a link to Scott’s OnlyFans page. An eight-minute version was also posted to Reddit by an anonymous user, watermarked with the address of Scott’s OnlyFans account.
In comments under the Reddit post, someone identified Prater by posting her social media information, according to screenshots she shared with police. On Instagram, one person asked her: “That was you in that onlyfans vid?”
After being harassed by online stalkers, Prater said she installed a home security system, changed her phone number and called police again, this time in Arlington, Texas, where she’d recently moved.
“I just felt so scared,” she said.
An Arlington police detective investigating Prater’s report ran into a problem: the OnlyFans paywall. It required a $5 monthly subscription fee. “So I was unable to view the contents,” Detective Jacklyn Donalson wrote in a case report. Donalson told Reuters she knew from experience that it would be tough to convince her superiors to pay for a porn subscription, especially when there was no guarantee it would provide usable evidence.
“Like all government agencies, our resources are finite,” said Tim Ciesco, spokesperson for the Arlington Police Department. “We have to be strategic about the way we disperse them.”
The case might have stalled there. Without a subscription, there’s almost no public information on OnlyFans accounts available to investigators. Some seek subpoenas to force OnlyFans to disclose account information, but that involves persuading a court that it’s relevant to an investigation.
In Prater’s case, however, Donalson said she ultimately was able to document enough evidence of a crime without Scott’s OnlyFans information because the video appeared on other platforms, including Twitter.
Spokespeople for Reddit and X didn’t comment on Prater’s case but said their platforms strictly prohibit nonconsensual porn. Pornhub operator Aylo said it “expeditiously” removed the video when it learned about it.
In August 2021, a Tarrant County grand jury indicted Scott for violating Texas’ “revenge porn” law, a felony. The jury cited his Twitter post that advertised his OnlyFans page.
In a conversation that Prater recorded and submitted to police, Scott told her he would pay her to drop the charges, according to the recording, which Reuters reviewed. This time, Prater refused.
Scott pleaded guilty in June 2022 to publishing intimate visual material without Prater’s consent, and received three years of community supervision, akin to probation. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” Scott said in an interview. “I want to leave it at that.”
As police investigated her case, Prater wrote to OnlyFans on Feb. 23, 2021, to complain about the video and give them the name of Scott’s OnlyFans account. The company replied the next day, saying the video would be removed if confirmed to be nonconsensual, according to a screenshot of the message that Prater shared with Reuters.
“We take all reports of this nature extremely seriously,” a help desk representative wrote to her.
Prater said she never heard from OnlyFans again.
According to OnlyFans, the complaint contained “no actionable information.” The company did not elaborate but told Reuters its moderators deactivated the account in April 2022 – more than a year after Prater’s takedown request.
Versions of the sex video remain online, the OnlyFans watermark still visible.
“I still get harassed about it to this day,” Prater said. “It never ends.”
The surge of pornography unleashed by OnlyFans and other websites in the smartphone era is reminiscent of the “Golden Age of Porn,” a period in the 1970s and 1980s when another technological advance – home video players – brought porn to a much wider audience.
As the porn market expands, turbo-charged by social media, so does the challenge of verifying consent.
OnlyFans’ terms of service say creators must have documents to prove the age, identity and consent of other people who appear in their content, unless OnlyFans has already vetted those people as creators too. But multiple creators said in interviews that they have uploaded porn featuring others without providing that proof.
The OnlyFans spokesperson said the company strengthened procedures in late 2022 to require proof of consent before creators could post content on the platform. Yet Reuters found more than a dozen cases filed with U.S. law enforcement agencies in 2023 in which people alleged that explicit videos or images were posted without their consent.
In addition, of the nine people Reuters interviewed who said they were victims of nonconsensual porn, all said they were never asked for documents.
“Even if you have content moderation rules that are fairly clear against nonconsensual intimate images, those rules are abused regularly,” said Danielle Citron, a University of Virginia School of Law professor who has studied online abuse on porn platforms.
While CEO Keily Blair pledges that OnlyFans monitors 100% of content, the terms of service say the company has no obligation to do so: “We are not responsible for reviewing or moderating Content.”
The company spokesperson didn’t address the apparent inconsistency but said: “We know the legal identity of all our creators and work closely with law enforcement around the world. This approach means OnlyFans is an extremely hostile environment for anyone” seeking to share nonconsensual sexual content, she said.
Some women said they were only able to confirm suspicions or rumors of their appearance on OnlyFans by buying access to images or videos of themselves.
Jennifer Aviles told police she initially heard about the explicit videos of herself from her 15-year-old daughter. The teen discovered Twitter posts by Aviles’ ex-boyfriend, William Lewis, that advertised his OnlyFans account with images of her face and body.
“I got my only fans set up if y’all want to see some really GOOD STUFF,” Lewis tweeted on Oct. 18, 2020.
“I looked at it and my heart dropped. It was me,” Aviles, 40, of Woodstock, Illinois, recalled in an interview.
Aviles knew that explicit images and videos had been taken during their eight-year relationship. “I enjoyed being recorded, then watching afterwards,” she said. “I think it’s why most people consent to do intimate videos.”
But she told police that she had asked Lewis to delete the images after they broke up. “Being vulnerable like that involves a lot of trust. Little did I know years later it would haunt me.”
Wanting to know exactly what Lewis had posted of her on his OnlyFans page, she paid for a $50 monthly subscription to his account, she said. She discovered photos and videos of her naked body and of her engaged in sexual acts with Lewis.
Aviles called the Woodstock Police Department.
On Aug. 29, 2021, a detective brought Lewis, 41, to the police station for questioning. During the videotaped interview, which Reuters reviewed, Lewis initially denied posting explicit material of Aviles on OnlyFans or Twitter. Then he said he couldn’t remember. Then he broke down in tears. “I’m hoping this doesn’t ruin the rest of my life,” he said.
In May 2022, Lewis pleaded guilty to one count of nonconsensual dissemination of a sexual image – a felony. He received 24 months of probation.
“I am remorseful,” Lewis told Reuters. “I do feel bad about putting it out there into the universe.”
OnlyFans confirmed it responded to a police inquiry about Aviles’ case in March 2021 and that the account had been deleted the previous November. X didn’t comment on the case but says it bans non-consensual nudity on the platform.
Far from giving consent, 11 women and five men involved in the cases reviewed by Reuters told police they had no idea that images featured on OnlyFans even existed until after they had been posted. Each said the videos had been recorded without their knowledge.
Taysha Blase, 29, was among them.
The Nebraska woman said she had subscribed to her ex-boyfriend’s OnlyFans account out of curiosity. What she found distressed her. Her ex, Vincent Tran, 31, sent out a notification in July 2021 offering his OnlyFans subscribers a 47-second sex video of a “PAWG,” or Phat Ass White Girl, for $15.
The video showed a distinctive tattoo. Blase said it was hers.
The next morning, Blase contacted the Omaha Police Department. She told Reuters she also submitted an online complaint to OnlyFans about Tran’s account but never received a response. According to OnlyFans, “no actionable information” was provided to the platform at that time.
About a month later, Blase said, she heard from the police that her case would be forwarded to the domestic violence unit. By that time, Tran had taken down the video, but Blase still wanted him charged, fearing the post could resurface, she said.
For months, Blase said, she felt distraught and uncomfortable in public, wondering who might have seen her on OnlyFans. “For all I know,” she said, “that person may now know what the most intimate parts of my body look like, and there’s nothing that I can do about it.”
On Dec. 12, 2023 – more than two years after Blase reported the incident to police, and nearly four months after Reuters first inquired about the case – an arrest warrant was issued for Tran. It alleged he recorded and distributed an intimate video of Blase without her consent – felonies in Nebraska.
Tran remains at large. Reuters reached him by telephone, however, and asked about the case.
“That’s something I don’t want to talk about,” he said.
One alleged victim of nonconsensual porn is setting her sights on OnlyFans itself: Sammy, the college student.
Her lawsuit, filed in November 2022 in federal court in southern Florida, isn’t just about her alleged rape, but also about who profited from it.
It’s the first of its kind against OnlyFans and tests whether the website is liable under federal statutes designed to protect people from companies that “knowingly” benefit from sex trafficking – defined as commercial sex produced under “force, fraud, or coercion.”
“Those types of claims require that there be a financial benefit to the platform,” said Carrie Goldberg, a New York lawyer specializing in nonconsensual porn cases. “There’s really no easier platform to prove that for than OnlyFans,” she said, because the website takes a 20% cut of every transaction.
Sammy’s lawsuit cites violations of the same sex-trafficking laws used in a high-profile case against Pornhub. In 2021, its parent company, MindGeek, settled a sex-trafficking lawsuit brought by 50 women who accused the site of hosting nonconsensual porn and sought $100 million in damages.
The parent company – now called Aylo Holdings – said it has comprehensive safety measures to eradicate illegal material.
Sammy’s case, if successful, could bring similar attention to OnlyFans and its effectiveness in policing millions of creators, four legal experts told Reuters. It could also spur more lawsuits, they said.
OnlyFans did not comment on the experts’ assessments.
In a court filing, OnlyFans’ U.S. subsidiary, Fenix Internet, said it will seek to have Sammy’s sex-trafficking case dismissed, citing free-speech protections that shield social media platforms and other websites from liability for content posted by users. If the two men did post the video, they would have violated OnlyFans’ terms of service, the company said.
Sammy’s lawsuit against OnlyFans is on hold pending the outcome of the criminal case against the men, Romelus and Charles.
Reuters couldn’t access the video of Sammy’s alleged rape posted on OnlyFans, which her attorney said lasted about 10 minutes. Instead, reporters viewed screenshots and listened to parts of the recording played by Miami-Dade detectives while questioning Romelus and Charles. They also pieced together Sammy’s story from other law enforcement records and interviews with her.
It was spring break in 2022, when Sammy, a music production student and aspiring singer, met Charles, 24, on a dating app. He invited her to a party at his apartment, she told police and Reuters.
She was excited when Charles picked her up that night with Romelus, 27, in the passenger seat. But when the three arrived at the apartment, no one else was there. After some drinks and dancing, the men grew sexually aggressive, she said.
Their behavior culminated in an attack in the bedroom, where Sammy said she was stripped, slapped, raped and sodomized – all while a phone recorded her from atop a dresser.
“I was disoriented, shocked, scared,” she told Reuters. “I was just overwhelmed with how powerless I felt.”
She gathered her clothes and tried to take refuge in the living room, she said, but was again raped there. She said Romelus stood over her, holding his phone close to his head. At the time, Sammy thought he was on FaceTime, talking to someone, and shielded her face with her hands.
In fact, police said, Romelus was recording.
Afterward, the men took her to the workplace of her friend, Chris Philbert. As he drove her home, she broke down, punching the dashboard and swearing, Sammy and Philbert said in interviews. She opened the car door and tried to hurl herself onto the highway, because it felt “like the moment I’m supposed to die,” Sammy said. Her friend pulled her back in. “It was bad,” Philbert said. “It was just a terrible situation.”
Later, she checked herself into a hospital, where she called police.
Meanwhile, Philbert, after learning from Sammy that she might have been filmed, found Romelus’ OnlyFans page. Using OnlyFans’ messaging function, he said he was interested in buying a video of three people having sex, according to screenshots of his chats with Romelus provided to Reuters by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s office.
On June 30, Romelus sold Philbert the video for $20, the screenshots showed. “More good videos coming my boy,” he told Philbert.
Philbert shared the video with investigators, and on July 26, 2022, Miami-Dade police arrested Romelus and Charles. They both denied they had raped Sammy. “Nobody forced her,” Romelus said in a video-recorded interview with two detectives, which Reuters reviewed.
The detectives played the OnlyFans video for Romelus on a phone. “In the video she says, ‘No, stop.’ Did you hear her?” Detective Nicole Wells said to Romelus. “She’s pushing you off.”
Romelus said he thought she was protesting because he was penetrating her too deeply. She knew she was being recorded and consented, he added. “When I have sex with somebody I always film it.”
When the detectives played the video for Charles, he said he couldn’t hear Sammy saying no and didn’t know the video had been posted on OnlyFans.
It’s unclear how long OnlyFans hosted the video or how many customers viewed it. Eleven days after it was posted, a lawyer for Sammy emailed police and said she was seeking to have it removed from the site “ASAP,” according to Miami-Dade Police Department records. The video has since been removed.
According to OnlyFans, it deactivated the account on July 29, 2022 - three days after Romelus’ arrest. It didn’t comment further on the case.
The OnlyFans video remains key evidence against the defendants, who are out on bond and due to stand trial later this year. Charles declined to comment, as did the public defender’s office representing Romelus.
The detectives questioned Romelus for an hour on the day of his arrest, then left him alone in the interview room.
A camera in the room continued to record.
He sank his head into his hands and spoke quietly to himself. The man who had filmed Sammy seemed unaware he was now being filmed himself.
“I should have never posted that video,” Romelus said. “I’m so stupid.”
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freifraufischer · 1 year
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It's been a few days since the "announcement" of the GIGA Pro Gymnastics thing and I'd like to share some research and my lengthy list of questions about this project.
Let's start by saying that there is a document floating around that is marked confidential and proprietary. It's not long, it's an info graphic and appears to be aimed at investors or recruitment. I'm not sharing it. It does inform my questions.
Who Are These People?
First of all: The officers listed are Aimee Boorman as Co-founder and Chief Events Officer. Maura Fox as Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. LaPrise Williams as Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer. This is what I can find based on publicly available information:
The gymnastics community knows who Aimee Boorman is so I'm not going to detail her. She became a FIG Brevet judge in the last two years but is very junior. She's a category 4 judge meaning that except at the smallest FIG meets she is limited to things like being a line judge or a timing judge, this is not a slight. Everyone has to start as a cat 4 but that does mean she doesn't have a lot of experience as a judge.
Maura Fox has a linkedin which informs what I know about her. She was an executive for Time Warner leaving in 2009. Her last job there was as group vice president for consumer devices, cross platform, and strategy. She then ran her own consulting form for 10 years which her linkedin says ended in 2019. She's honestly the person I want to know the most about to take this project seriously or not. She says she's been involved in launching professional circuits in cycling and men's tennis. I'd like to find out what those ventures were to be able to assess the likelihood that this venture will survive. She then worked for some kind of media products group that I can't really get my head around for two years before going to work for GIGA. Her linked in identifies GIGA as having been founded in 2021. So they've had 2 years to build this... which frankly matches with the fact that I had heard about them recruiting potential athletes last year.
LaPrise Williams is a pediatric nurse who was the Baylor Acro and Tumbling coach for from 2011-2014. She later told the press she intended to file a Title IX complaint against the university but I have no idea how that worked out. She opened a gym in St Vincent and the Grenadines which identifies itself as the first gym in the islands. She is the Technical Director for the St Vincent and the Grenadines Gymnastics Association. Here is their facebook page. Now I'm going to put some context on the SVGGA here and I don't want anyone to think I'm disparaging them or her. There are many small federations in the world and this is one of them. It is very clearly a legitimate National Governing Body (NGB). At the moment they have no FIG licensed gymnasts in any discipline and Williams is the only FIG brevet judge from the federation in any discipline--she is a category 4 judge for WAG. The facebook activity for the fed runs:
post on June 4th of 2023 which is a repost from Williams' gym's instagram page.
on September 25, 2022 they changed their profile and header pictures
on January 25, 2020 they posted pictures of a team going to Manhatten Classic.
on June 16, 2019 a repost from an article from the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday about the Caribbean Gymnastics Championships which is very likely not a FIG sanctioned event.
All of this is to say this is a small, relatively inactive federation with limited resources and staff and I'm not entirely sure if much weight should begiven to her involvement in it for this project.
Who are the Sponsors/Who is going to pay the Athletes?
This is upfront going to be a lot of "I have no idea." Their launch material doesn't say. The document I've seen doesn't say and the fact that the thing has supposedly existed for two years without a sponsor lined up to be named at public launch is a little worrying to me.
The document describes a two tiered structure for the athletes with start fees and prize money for all (the initial start fee is $1500 to be paid to all gymnasts with GIGA paying for things like travel, hotel, meals, etc). The prize purse for the first year event is described in the low 6 figure range with mention of an All Around winner. I've seen no mention of teams so it appears to me that they're planning on this being an individual competition circuit (more thoughts on that later). I have seen no reference to insurance of any sort and the only medical related thing in the document is onsite massage, PT, and recovery aids. My major concern continues to be that these people are recruiting adult aged post-college athletes and all I can think is there will be many knees destroyed. And this is the United States... so look forward to some Go Fund Me for medical treatment in the future... It's notable that the European club leagues are all in countries with nationalized health care. Their document talks about career longevity for gymnasts but I'm not at all convinced they're promising an infrastructure for that.
There is a second section of this document that talks about headliners and the things they can negotiated for as individuals. So some gymnasts will be paid appearance fees--which I should stress I think is perfectly normal.
Why is it hard to figure out if these people want to be a professional league or a media platform?
Because they want to be both. They want hold to meets and stream content to fans as well as sell access to the athletes for fans experiences. It looks like kind of standard VIP meet and greet kind of things from what little detail I've seen... you pay money to meet the athlete for say 30 minutes with a group of other fans. I've done this kind of thing for television actors. It's fun. But it's also by it's nature not something a lot of fans can afford.
They also want to build a library of content that is essentially athlete interviews presumably the access of which they can sell in whatever the subscription package of their multimedia platform is. It's all pretty vague so we'll have to figure out what it means when their products actually launch.
For now my main concern is why did they announce this in June without a date or location or a format for their first competition?
Lingering Questions...
I have so many... aside from the ones I've touched on above. They talk about how this hasn't been done before. It has. The most successful attempt at launching a pro-gymnastics competition circuit was in 1997-98 in the post Atlanta Olympics hype. They used a modified NCAA code and the meets were aired on CBS. I don't need them to talk about the previous two attempts (except maybe don't claim to be the first) but I really hope they are aware of them at the very least to find out why they didn't last. I fear that they either didn't do that research or they assume because it was 20+ years ago that their multimedia platform makes them so different that it doesn't apply.
What the heck is the meet structure here? They talk a LOT about the successes of NCAA gymnastics but at least the materials I've seen seem to suggest that they don't plan on having teams. Teams are a key part of building fan support in both NCAA and the European club leagues. I still don't think you can model a US league based on those European leagues mostly because they are build on a lot of routines from junior gymnasts and this project seems to be entirely about post-NCAA age careers. That's in addition to my medical insurance and liability insurance questions.
What is USAG's involvement in this? My fear is "they don't want USAG's involvement". See the launching of new professional sports leagues in a country often depend on how much support and buy-in they have from the NGB. One of the major differences between the currently running National Women's Soccer League and earlier defunct attempts is buy-in from USA Soccer. And I promise you that US Soccer is no more popular then USAG. I'm also informed by the fact that playing conditions for a lot of NWSL teams have been pretty bad (let's not touch the sexual harassment issues within teams). One team was playing on a home field that had holes in it and couldn't afford to pay for their players shoes. Gymnastics equipment is extremely expensive. Millions of dollars just for the competition apparatus. Are these people buying it? From who? Are they going to transport it around the country? Are they going to host it in a central location so they can store the equipment locally or rent it from a specific source? So many questions.
What code of points are they using? US developmental program--you know the one whose code of points you have to buy and isn't publicly accessible without paying for it? Some modified version of the above (like NCAA)? If they're riding the coat tales of NCAA I somehow doubt they're using the FIG code which will make it somewhat harder for non-US/Canadian athletes to be involved. What difficulty expectations will there be? How are they going to handle judges? How are they going to assure fans and athletes that judging will be fair given how much money they are saying is in the prize purses and that they're setting up a two tiered "everyone" and "headliners" compensation structure?
I'm highly skeptical of all of this. I'm worried about what seems to have been a premature information free public launch. Their website and materials seem amateurish to me and I just can't get my head around the idea that they launch this publicly with no sponsors named.
I'm not at all convinced that these people know how or why European club leagues work, why previous attempts at this in the US have failed, what a lot of the appeal of NCAA gymnastics is, or that they have the experience necessary to do any of this.
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odinsblog · 9 months
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In June 2019, three Israeli computer engineers arrived at a New Jersey building used by the F.B.I. They unpacked dozens of computer servers, arranging them on tall racks in an isolated room. As they set up the equipment, the engineers made a series of calls to their bosses in Herzliya, a Tel Aviv suburb, at the headquarters for NSO Group, the world’s most notorious maker of spyware. Then, with their equipment in place, they began testing.
The F.B.I. had bought a version of Pegasus, NSO’s premier spying tool. For nearly a decade, the Israeli firm had been selling its surveillance software on a subscription basis to law-enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world, promising that it could do what no one else — not a private company, not even a state intelligence service — could do: consistently and reliably crack the encrypted communications of any iPhone or Android smartphone.
Since NSO had introduced Pegasus to the global market in 2011, it had helped Mexican authorities capture Joaquín Guzmán Loera, the drug lord known as El Chapo. European investigators have quietly used Pegasus to thwart terrorist plots, fight organized crime and, in one case, take down a global child-abuse ring, identifying dozens of suspects in more than 40 countries. In a broader sense, NSO’s products seemed to solve one of the biggest problems facing law-enforcement and intelligence agencies in the 21st century: that criminals and terrorists had better technology for encrypting their communications than investigators had to decrypt them. The criminal world had gone dark even as it was increasingly going global.
But by the time the company’s engineers walked through the door of the New Jersey facility in 2019, the many abuses of Pegasus had also been well documented. Mexico deployed the software not just against gangsters but also against journalists and political dissidents. The United Arab Emirates used the software to hack the phone of a civil rights activist whom the government threw in jail. Saudi Arabia used it against women’s rights activists and, according to a lawsuit filed by a Saudi dissident, to spy on communications with Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post, whom Saudi operatives killed and dismembered in Istanbul in 2018.
(continue reading)
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winterpinetrees · 26 days
Robbing a bank is easier than conversation (The Gap Years part 14)
June 22nd 2019
Las Vegas, NV
I don’t love this one. However, I want to write this chronologically and literally no one cares if it’s bad. Huzzah for tumblr.
When Marin says that the human race doesn’t stand a chance against his world, he isn’t trying to be rude. It’s just the truth. Marin and Zerada steal a million dollars from a secret Vegas vault with all the difficulty of tired parents walking into a pillow fort. Between her mind control and his illusions, no one notices when two striking young adults follow a staff member into the vault and start shoving money into the voidspace within his messenger bag. They follow the same staff member back out, leaving absolutely no evidence other than a stolen hundred dollar bill slipped into his belt. (Zerada has lived for nearly a decade by manipulating wild humans, but she has standards).
That being said, Marin still has a lot to learn about the human world. He’d thought that just recruiting rich humans as his companions would cover the issue of capitalism, but it turns out that money is complicated! Just because the adult Brackens and Shepards are rich enough to buy entire nations doesn’t mean that their kids have access to much of it, and apparently money can be tracked by those freaky computers. So he and his companions have been limited to using a non-suspicous amount of money for non-suspcious purposes in non-suspicious locations. They still have more cash than any kids taking a gap year should, but it’s not enough to take them across the country and into restricted areas. It’s not enough to buy power. So Zerada led him by the arm on a bank heist, something she has down to a science.
Zerada grabs him again and shoves him behind a huge stone pillar. Marin checks himself, but his illusion is still up and stable. Why are they hiding?
Zerada whispers “Two Eight-Points ahead. I know them, but they’ll report you”.
The indigo auroch is the symbol of Genus Mercuralis, but their whole aligned faction are represented by an eight-pointed star. They were the allies who fought back when Lazarus Sondaica tried to take over the world. He won.
“Why are they here?” he asks desperately. Hadn’t she said they would be safe here?
“Can’t say. Stay down. I can handle it”.
And with that Zerada sizes up the two elves with a glowing orange stare. They have no vambraces, and their eyes glow muted colors. They’re probably commoners who just work for the nobility. He imagines Ishtar and her allies spending years gathering supporters. How had his mother not heard anything? (Had Marin been raised as an heir, he would know how every coup in history gathered its soldiers. He was not raised as an heir.)
“I’ve already robbed these wilders blind. Go find someone else to bother unless you want them waking up”. She speaks English, not Lazarin, and her voice is full of malice.
The commoners look at each other and they look at her. They say toothless insults, that Zerada is lucky to be alive or that she’s a drunkard who’s only free because nothing in this damn desert matters.
She smiles “It’s good to have somewhere for the deadweights. Keeps them from bringing down the gene pool, yes?”.
One commoner stutters and the other elbows him in the side. “This whole city is going to rot, Vixen. You’ll rot with it”. Then they’re walking a bit too fast past her and into the deeper parts of the building.
“It’s the dirt or the void, Ulric!” She waves at the commoners as they leave.
Marin blinks. “Oh, you knew them, knew them”.
“He tried to fight me. It was right after the coup and I guess he didn’t get that the Auroch wanted to keep us alive.”
That has been strange to him. “The casualty list was so short. I can’t stop wondering what she wants”.
“She had a son with a spark, Mari. She’s as much of a reformer as Lazarus was. Probably wants to sway us to her side as a show of progress”. She shifts her shoulders back. “I beat him soundly”.
“How’d you get the list?”
“From Ulric. After I beat him soundly”.
They walk in silence back to Zerada’s massive suite in one of the hotels. The two elves draw looks on the street from passers-by. Neither of them bother with illusions to hide their ears here, but its the rest of their appearances that draw attention. Well, her appearance. Marin is a graceful boy with long black locs, but that isn’t anything too special. The woman who seems to be his girlfriend is a statuesque goddess with bright amber eyes and the perpetual sense that all of this is beneath her. It is, of course. These are her gap years. In five years she’ll be at the Conservatory with the best and brightest of their world, and for all Marin knows, she might win.
The humans of the city (prey animals, though they won’t admit it) flow around the pair. Zerada clearly loves this city, the glamour and the power and every sort of vice, but Marin is feeling a bit sick. The whole place is artificial to its irradiated bones. His mother brought him to the human world a lot when he was young. There was a music festival in a park, a carnival somewhere further south, some huge gathering in their capital city that Emer had watched, invisibly, from the roof of a monument. That felt different though. The music was foreign and the people were strange, but he wasn’t in a city of plastic trees. Marin remembers the descriptions of the void and how a mind stranded inside might manifest an entire imagined world. These painted skies and windowless halls are just as disorienting as the place outside of time and reality. Also the smoke is going to give him cancer.
Detour to the humans’ room first. Zerada plants a foot on a chair and dumps the bag of money onto the table. A deck of cards and a few pens also tumble out of the void space. Brian picks up a stack of hundred dollar bills. Clay folds his arms and glares through his glasses.
“You robbed a bank?” Sierra asks cautiously.
Zerada sits on the bar with her arms behind her. “Sure did”.
Sierra looks back to the boys for reassurance. The deep red magic in her veins has started to creep down her shoulder. The tremors have gotten worse. Zerada is strong enough to break the spell, but she doesn’t know what it is. Countering unknown magic can be dangerous for the victim. Clay begins counting the money, and Brian fidgets with a rubber band. She rolls her eyes and turns back.
“Alright. You robbed a bank. What do we do now?” Clay says.
That’s a great question, and Marin doesn’t know. They should figure out what happened to Sierra. They should find more allies. They should learn why there’s so many elves with strong political leanings in the city.
The always-skeptical human sighs “You don’t have a plan, do you?”
Marin shakes his head “Honestly, I didn’t think I’d get this far”.
Zerada actually laughs at that. “Mari, you can’t say that”.
“Then you make the plan!” She raises her eyebrows. “Fine. Well. We need to figure out why there’s so many elves here who actually care about noble politics,” he decides.
The nobility live and die for their bloodlines and their honor, but commoners rarely care. Vegas especially should be full of elves who couldn’t care less about a coup as long as they’re allowed to stay in the city. For Zerada to see Ulric and his friend, and for them to both immediately try to kill her, is pretty strange.
Brian has balanced several hundred thousand dollars in a neat stack on the table. “The last time we went into an elf town, Sierra got cursed, and the time before that, Clay got brainwashed. We need a better plan”.
“You only had Marin then. Now you have me,” Zerada adds. “My suggestion is that Marin, Brian, and I go exploring, while the two of you stay back”.
Brian blushes red. “Why me? Clay’s better… at talking to people”.
“Yes, but you act less suspicious.”
“I was the reason the whole car chase even happened! I tried to defend Marin and got brainwashed!”
“It was my fault,” says Sierra. “I was staring at the soldier. You were just…obviously human”.
“And I am still obviously human!”
Zerada raises her voice. There’s magic in it, but Marin isn’t sure if the humans can tell. “Brian, elves here travel with human escorts. Clay is too skittish and Sierra is cursed. You are the best option”.
Brian looks like a trapped animal. She smiles at him. “If someone tries to charm you, I will stop them. All you need to do-“
“Is sit there and look good. I get it! I’ve been doing that my whole life,” he snaps, but stands up from his chair. The stack of money falls over.
“I’ll go put on a suit”.
The suit isn’t tailored right. Marin’s seen styles change over the decades, but Brian’s pale gray jacket is a little too tight over the shoulders. It has to be deliberate, like how the Eburos wear their clothes loose to not damage them when they rage. Did he make that choice? If not, then why bring it on the trip? Is that really all he has? Marin is the son of the Apex. He’s a link in a four thousand year long chain, and that was supposed to be it. He’ll mess around for a decade, attend the Conservatory without making a fool out of himself, and then have a few kids with Zerada who might actually make a mark on history.
Marin adjusts his tie and sits down at the bar. He wears a subtle illusion, but it’s simple enough that his glowing irises are hardly noticeable. He’s changed Brian’s appearance too, just to make sure that his family doesn't find out about this. The boy is essentially bait. Brian is the sort of broad and strong that elves never are. He’s more attractive to elves than he is to human society, and that’s saying something. His job is to play decent blackjack and flirt with elves. Brian doesn’t have any reason to worry though! An individual can only be charmed by one person at once, and Zerada is more than strong enough to break any opposing spells.
There’s far more elves here than there should be, and few of the elves milling around the casino floor look like the Vegas type. They’re put together and dignified, with cheap formal wear or the faint shimmer of clothes created by illusions. The elves seem more like businessmen stopping by the city for an evening than elves that have devoted their lives to the game. Conversations go silent as Zerada, high elf prodigy, moves from table to table. She casts the entire room into her shadow.
She confirms his suspicions. “I’ve been in Vegas four months now. There were not this many elves when I arrived”.
“Were there this many before the coup?”
She shakes her head, then continues looking around the room. “I think most of them are shift workers too”.
Elves live for centuries. They have humans to do the undesirable work and live on a planet that has been all but mastered over ten thousand years. The concept of a “work week” hasn’t been the elven norm in millenia. But sometimes things have to happen on a schedule, and that means that civil servants and a few types of workers punch in and out like humans do. Conveniently, it is the elven weekend at the moment.
“I’d been thinking that, but…”
Zerada gets a short glass of something furiously alcoholic from the bartender. Another very human thing to do. “But you didn’t want to insult me by implying that I’m a lazy slacker?” She lifts her glass for emphasis. “I know, and I am”.
“But why would civil servants come here?”
They both notice at the same time that Brian has wandered off. Thankfully, the boy’s pale jacket stands out from the crowd. He’s at a different table, playing cards against a few humans and a too-pale elf in a suit. Brian’s eyes are a normal, uncharmed, shade of blue, which means that either everything is fine or that the elf is much better at magic than he thought. Does Brian know what he’s talking to? Marin stalks closer.
Brian laughs after his turn. The human boy says that he could never handle organic chemistry, “bio-chem majors are insane”, whatever that is supposed to mean. The elf he’s speaking with looks like a human in his early twenties, so Brian asks where he went to college. Marin stands nearby and hopes that he isn’t being suspicious. The other elf is so pale that he can easily see the veins under his skin, and his eyes are a haunting, pallid green.
The elf says a name that means nothing to Marin, “I’m actually working in Vegas this summer. Lab work”.
“I didn’t know there was lab work happening in Vegas” Brian replies. Marin suspects that he does know he’s talking to an elf, because Brian backs away from the question, “I don’t know much about the city though. I’m just passing through”.
The elf smiles. “There’s so much more to the world than you know”.
Marin looks over at Zerada. Lab workers certainly would work on a schedule, and he can guess the details from there. The list of casualties blamed a few on Gullin Eburos, lord of Genus Eburos and the face of the endless war against genetic mutations and antibiotic-resistant disease. Nuclear bombs were tested here once, but no one would be monstrous enough to use those for conquest, even if elves are resistant to radiation. Ishtar Mercuralis needs a new weapon, and like his mother before her, she has chosen plague.
…he should probably grab Brian.
An elven week is nine days long. Six for work and then a three day weekend. The nobility love the number nine.
“Pallid green” is my little riff on the greek word khlōros (χλωρός) which is often translated as pale, but can also mean ashen or yellowish-green. It is also the color of Death’s horse in the original Greek description of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. pretty neat!
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