tsuraiwrites · 3 years
"I’m better, now that you’re here.” (for fenders if you have time!)
thank you so much for the prompt @protect-him! for @dadrunkwriting
Fic: Alone No Longer
It’s with no small amount of trepidation that Anders knocks on the door to Fenris’ mansion – and how strange, to think of it as Fenris’ now that the specter of his former master has stopped hanging over it. Before this evening the same elf ripped that former master’s heart out of his chest, only barely refraining from repeating the action with his sister before Hawke interfered. 
In all truth, neither Anders nor Justice had felt compelled to step between Fenris and her impending death, not when the woman had clearly betrayed her brother to Danarius, and for what? He’d never met the magister, only heard of him from Fenris’ tales, and even from that sliver Anders could have told Varania that he would never take an elf on as an apprentice. 
Nevertheless, she had believed it, and led Fenris right into Danarius’ clutches in the process. If Fenris had not thought to tell Hawke about his suspicions, if he’d gone to meet Varania alone…
Justice writhes under his skin, always so angry these days, but the mere thought of Fenris dragged off by a magister is enough to send them both into a towering rage. Anders takes a long, deep breath in an attempt to settle down, but only seeing Fenris has made it back to the mansion in one piece is going to calm him – calm them both.
Anders knocks again, this time with the butt end of his staff in a manner that he knows from experience will reverberate throughout the mansion annoyingly. In the distance, a muffled crash and faint cursing that makes his lips tip up in a smile.
“Damn it, Hawke, I already told you–” Fenris wrenches the door open, pausing halfway as he takes Anders in; a scowl plasters itself across the elf’s face. “Mage. Stop grinning at me, it’s repulsive.” 
“Come on, you know Hawke would have barged in after the first knock,” Anders says, grinning wider and feeling his cheeks begin to hurt. 
Maker, how long has it been since he smiled like this? He feels in good humor, if sore from the earlier fight. Fenris frowns harder, but nonetheless lets Anders push past him into the foyer. He casts a look around, but everything is the same as always, from the cobwebs to the desiccated corpses still littering the entryway. Fenris motions him onward with a jerk of his head, and together they head toward the kitchen – the only room besides the master bedroom Fenris bothers occupying in this dilapidated dwelling. 
“Why are you here?” 
“Well, you didn’t let me check on you after the fight.” Anders has always been bad at lying – some cue constantly giving him away. There must be something in his voice because Fenris looks back over his shoulder with narrowed eyes. Anders hurries to continue. “Also, I wanted to ask you about your plans.”
“Plans?” Fenris stops in his tracks before they can cross the kitchen threshold, so suddenly Anders nearly runs into his back. He takes half a step back when Fenris turns, but the lack of space between them makes Fenris’ burning gaze all the more intense when it lands.
“What you plan to do now.” Anders hums and elaborates: “Your former master is dead and no one is hunting you. You could go anywhere, do anything! You could scrounge up some gold and buy farmland in Fereldan under the King’s new laws, for example.” 
Fenris’ lip draws back in a moue of disgust.
“You truly think I would be happy as a mud farmer?”
“Fereldan isn’t all mud. There are a few places where it doesn’t rain constantly.”
“A few. I see,” Fenris says flatly.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you avoiding answering the question,” Anders teases.
“And I don’t see how it’s any of your business!” Fenris growls, and Anders’ grin falls at the sudden shift in mood. His shoulders draw tight as he fights not to hunch down when the words sink in. 
He knows – he knows it’s been a Maker-damned stressful day for all of them, Fenris especially. But part of him instinctively wants to go back to comfortable anger in response, back to that tooth-baring back and forth they were famous for before they were something– something that apparently doesn’t matter to Fenris in this moment. Wants to snarl back with words he can make all the more cutting for their recent… intimacy. 
“No, of course not,” Anders hears himself say, and turns.
“Mage,” Fenris says, but Anders ignores him, heading toward the door. “Anders, wait,” he calls out, voice rising. 
“No, no, I wouldn’t want to bother you about your business,” he snaps, forgetting his resolve from just a moment ago. “After all, it doesn’t matter to me whether you plan to stay or leave!”
Anders is a terrible liar – his voice cracks down the middle of the statement. 
Mortified, Anders hastens his pace but is hardly surprised when a hand settles on his arm, grip unyielding in turning Anders around. Anders doesn’t fight it, lets Fenris use his momentum to spin him around and press him against the closest wall, one hand fisting in Anders’ robes.
Contrary to the snarl he half-expects, irritation has been wiped from Fenris’ face, his intense green eyes staring into Anders’ with the weight of expectation. 
“Tell me why it matters to you,” Fenris demands, voice low and heated.
“Tell you– tell you why I care? Did you miss the whole…” he motions at the scant space between them, the hand still clutching his robe, the way they are already leaning into one another, Fenris’ head raised and Anders’ lowered. They both pause to consider the position, the easy way Anders acquiesced to being pushed against the damn wall by a person easily capable of ripping out his heart with his bare hands. Even in the face of Fenris’ anger, Anders hadn’t felt afraid of being hurt by him for even a moment.
Maker, but he is so fucked. 
Fenris is silent for a moment, watching that realization play across Anders’ face. He has no idea what expression he’s making, but Fenris’ fist unfurls, his grip on the coat gentling until a bare palm lies flat against Anders’ chest. Anders imagines he can feel the heat of his hand through the thinning fabric. 
“I was not sure that you would care. I have heard things from Isabela–” Fenris starts, stops when Anders carefully sets his hand over Fenris’.
“I can guess what you’ve heard. I haven’t slept around casually since– well, not for a long time.” He swallows, hesitates, but forces himself to swallow around the tightness in his throat. “And I know we haven’t… really spoken about it, but this isn’t that.”
“No, it is not,” Fenris murmurs. 
That immediate affirmation sends relief pouring through him, and Anders struggles not to slump against the wall from the force of it. His fingers flex and spread under Anders’ hand, almost inviting, and Anders takes the opportunity to lace their fingers together.
The angle is awkward, but Anders’ fingers curling into Fenris’ warm palm feel almost more intimate than some of their sexual encounters. He can’t bite back the plea in his voice when he asks his next question.
“Are you going to stay in Kirkwall?” With me, he doesn’t say. It doesn’t seem to matter, Fenris clearly understands. 
“Yes,” Fenris answers, and kisses him.
Some time later, they lie sated in Fenris’ large bed, a fire blazing merrily in the fireplace across the room.
“How are you doing, really? I mean, the whole ‘sister betrayed you for a scam’ is not something you hoped for when you wrote her,” Anders murmurs against the elf’s sweat-damp brow.
Fenris snorts.
“You tread over sensitive topics with the delicacy of a bronto, but… I am better, now that you are here.” So saying, he pulls the heavy blanket over them, wrapping an arm around Anders’ waist as he burrows his face further into Anders’ neck. “Sleep, mage.” 
And Anders eventually does.
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
Prompt from "things you said" for m!tabris x zevran or another pairing if you prefer: "things you said under the stars and in the grass"
Thank you!! Tabris x Zevran coming up! @dadrunkwriting
“Darrian, you are asleep.”
“Mmph,” he groaned without opening his eyes, “No ‘m not.”
They should move back to camp, to the safety and warmth of companions and campfires and canvass tents, but Zevran had wanted to see the stars.
“You are, love. Have been for at least fifteen minutes.”
“I’ve been listening to you very carefully,” he mumbled.  
Zevran, who had been silently listening to Darrian breathe while admiring the sky, replied, “Have you now?”
“Mm. You were talking about your bucket.”
Zevran suppressed a laugh lest he fully wake Darrian up. “My bucket?”
“’nd the fish in it. And the frog. And a butterfly.”
That would be an odd bucket indeed.
He turned his gaze skyward again. Nobody had ever taught Zevran the constellations. They weren’t all that easy to spot in smoky Antiva City. But here, in the country, Zevran could mark his own patterns in the stars. “Tell me more about the butterfly,” he said, tracing her outline in the righthand corner of the sky.  
“She’s not happy.”
“I would imagine not, keeping company with a frog and a fish inside of a bucket.”
The bucket was easy, any four stars could make one up. A fish had a simple enough shape as well, but a frog, with its legs and its mouth was a little trickier—
“She wanted to see it,” Darrian interrupted.
“See what?”
Darrian sighed heavily, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Her muffin.”
Once again Zevran had to suppress a laugh, but at least it was another easy one to find in the sky, if it were a little lopsided.
“Come on, Warden. To bed.” He knew if he asked Darrian about this conversation in the morning, he’d have no memory of it. But as Zevran slung one of Darrian’s arms over his shoulder, he looked up and once more to admire his butterfly, fish, bucket, frog, and muffin. A nonsense story from an overly sleepy Warden, and Zevran would never forget it.
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barbex · 3 years
For dadwc, a fenders prompt for them sharing food? I love anything fenders ❤️
Thank you for the prompt! I didn’t quite get to the sharing food part but they do talk about food and cooking so I think it still counts. This is written for @dadrunkwriting and a continuation of this and this and this one, now also on AO3, just not this chapter yet because I really did drunk writing here and I need to check this over tomorrow before I post.
Bounty Hunter AU fenders.
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The world shrinks. It's like being in the fade, everything kind of blurred and unfocused. Only Fenris is real. His lips are real. His body, lithe and tall and pressed against Anders, is real, so very real. Anders moans into Fenris' mouth, chasing the feel of their tongues against each other. Their teeth clack in their urgency; or maybe it's lack of practice? Anders doesn't care. 
He rolls his shoulders forward, wrapping his arms around Fenris, despite various pointy bits of his armor digging into his skin. He slides his hand up over Fenris' back, avoiding the razor-sharp edge of the giant sword, to slide his fingers into the elf's white hair. A moan, or a purr rises from Fenris' chest and he leans even closer at the touch. 
Anders curls his fingers and scratches lightly over Fenris' scalp with his nails. Fenris groans, his pointy shape somehow melting to Anders' form. It takes some insistent poking into Anders' sides for him to release Fenris' mouth.
Fenris stares at him, his impossibly green eyes wide and his lips red and puffy. "I hurt you?"
"You're very pointy." 
Fenris raises his hands and looks at his gauntlets. "Sorry."
Anders strains after Fenris as he moves backwards, straining after those delicious lips. "Please, Fenris." He isn't above begging.
Fenris leans forward, his lips almost touching Anders'. But he stops himself, only his breath intermingling with Anders'. "This is not a safe place."
Anders lets the world back in and looks around. The sun has come around, rays of sunlight creep into the alley. Their hiding place will soon be exposed. 
"I have a room at the brothel." Anders shrugs. "It's clean and we can even get something to eat. If you want..." He doesn't quite know how to end this sentence. A passionate, spontaneous kiss in an alley is a different thing than asking a deadly hunter into your room with your comfortable bed. Makes you look kind of desperate. Which he is. Very. "I could cook you something."
Fenris' lips widen into a smile. "You can cook?" 
"Health potions and dinner. I'm a catch." Anders winks at him. Hopefully, it covers the fluttering of his heart. 
"Lead the way." Fenris steps to the side, giving Anders room to go past him. 
Anders can't take his eyes off him as he steps out of the alley. The sunlight falls on Fenris' white markings, making them glow. "Andraste's breath, you're so beautiful."
Fenris eyes widen and then he grabs Anders' arm and shoves him to the side. "Run!"
An arrow flies past Anders' head and he runs. He spares a look over his shoulder to see Fenris following him, and just runs as fast as he can. Dodging into a dark alley, he skids to a halt in front of a door and shoots a quick ice spell into the lock. Pushing the door open with his shoulder, they both tumble into the dusty warehouse. 
Fenris' accesses the room with lighting speed. "To the upper level." He takes two steps at a time and runs along the gallery until he finds cover behind a pile of debris and barrels. 
Anders follows him, digging in his pocket for a lyrium potion. He cowers down next to Fenris, coughing from the dust, and swallows the potion. He pulls a face. "Bah, I hate taking these on an empty stomach."
"Mage." Fenris frowns at him.
Anders sighs and looks over their cover. "I liked it better when you called me Anders."
Fenris' voice is suddenly right next to his ear. "Anders."
A shiver runs over Anders' body and he digs his fingers into his thighs. "Yes?"
"I need your range attacks. Can you provide that?"
"Anything," Anders blurts out. "I mean, if I had a staff it would be better, but I'll do my best."
The door flies open and something moves. Anders has just enough time to create barrier before the first assassin is on them. Several figures, barely visible as shadows or distortions of light, move through the building and only the displacement of dust warns Anders so that he can throw a barrier over Fenris. 
Fenris jumps up and whirls around, his giant sword cutting through limps like they're made of pudding. Anders focuses on his barriers and the occasional healing spell. Anything more precise requires a staff.
An ice spell hits Anders, momentarily taking his breath away. He turns around, locating the mage and runs towards him, barrelling into him before he can finish his spell preparation. "Too slow," Anders yells at him and punches him in the face. 
The mage falls over backwards. "They taught you that in the Circle, didn't they?" Anders sneers. "All that long and careful preparation." He grabs the mage's staff and weighs it in his hand. "Totally unnecessary." 
Anders wraps a barrier around himself and walks to the top of the stairs. He rams the staff into the wood and yells, "Never taunt a mage!" With a thunder, his spell explodes, dousing the lower level in a storm of fire.
The attackers scream and run out of the door, but then the wall behind Fenris explodes and another group of assassins runs towards them. Fenris jumps over the balustrade and Anders follows him. Small fires still burn on the ground from the firestorm. 
Archers take position on the upper level, and the other attackers slowly come down the stairs.
Anders twirls the staff and steps back until his back hits Fenris'. "This is bad." 
"Yes it is." Fenris looks around slowly. "These are bounty hunters and Crows. They must have banded together. I've never heard of such a thing happening before." He glances at Anders. "You must bring an incredible reward by now."
"Well, I take a compliment when I can get it." Anders twirls his staff again. The archers nock their arrows. "You should have just killed me when you had the chance. Would have spared you all this trouble."
"Tempting," Fenris says with a snort.
"Oh really, you — "
The door flies open again and two attackers silently sink down, rolling down the stairs with knives sticking out of their throats. After a blink of shock, the battle dissolves into chaos. 
Anders does his best, keeping a barrier around them and killing the archers before they can become a problem. Fenris cuts down anyone who's getting close to them. But there aren't many who make it that far. An elf rushes trough the assassins with deadly grace, hardly visible in his movements, while a qunari with a battleax takes care of the rest. 
A few minutes later it's over. Corpses litter the floor, their blood seeping into the ground.
Fenris lowers his sword and looks at the only other people still standing, an elf and a qunari woman. "Why are you helping us?"
The elf looks at them with a dazzling smile. "Let's just say, I'm currently in the process of restructuring the Crows." He pulls down his head for a small bow. "My name is Zevran Arainai." 
The qunari woman comes down the stairs, hefting her battleax over her shoulder. Her long, grey hair has a few streaks of red.
"And she is?" Anders asks.
"She likes to be called Katari."
Fenris lays his head to the side. "That means 'the one who brings death' in qunlat."
Anders turns to Fenris in surprise. "You speak qunlat?"
"A little." 
Anders is thoroughly impressed.
"My friends," Zevran thankfully interrupts before Anders can start gushing. "You should leave this city. Even after all this death, there will still be freelancers around who consider you a jackpot."
"Yes," Fenris says. "We're leaving."
"I need to get some things from my room." Anders hides the staff under his coat and peers out of the door.
"That is foolish," Fenris says. "They'll be waiting for you there." 
"I'll be careful." The alley looks peaceful, and Anders takes a careful step outside. He looks back to Zevran and throws his moneybag to him. "Thank you for your help." 
Zevran throws the money back to Anders and shakes his head. "Just keep me in your good memory."
"Thank you." Anders walks towards the brothel, Fenris at his side.
"Foolish mage," the elf growls.
"I need my staff, my potions, my coat and if you want me to cook for you, you'll be grateful for my herbs and spices."
"Don't complain to me if we'll be dying for herbs and spices," Fenris grumbles.
"Also..." Anders glances at Fenris and grins. "My corset is there."
A blush turns Fenris' whole face red. "Let's hurry."
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thatdreadbitch · 3 years
From the micro stories list: dust motes, for any character/pairing!
Pairing: None
Characters: Ciara Mahariel, Alistair Therin
Setting: 5 weeks before the battle of Denerim
Word count: 192         Ciara brushed the flecks of dust off of the griffon emblem of the suit of armor before her, the skin around the wound on her shoulder still too tight to move fully. How many times had they visited this warehouse now? Either to hide from guards or stash a body of a thug that thought they would collect a bounty on one of them. Her hand traced carefully along the sleeve of the armor as she held it up in front of her. It looked like it could almost fit her. The blue hood would hide most of her hair and could probably conceal her face. But whether or not she deserved to wear it was a question that she was quite sure she wanted to be answered. 
“Ciara, we don’t have much time.” The sound of Alistair’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. 
She turned to him before nodding and placing the armor back in the chest and following him. They didn’t have much time at all before she would discover the answer to her question one way or another when the Archdemon decided to make itself known to Thedas.
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theunemployedrogue · 3 years
For the fandom asks, G and N?
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it: I wanna say the first pairing I was SUPPPER into was Spock/McCoy from Star Trek: TOS. Like. Digging up text files of fic from the 70′s on geocities and scouring defunct fan webrings into lol.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice): Uhh main fandom atm is Star Trek: DS9 so. Things I’d like to see more of in fic or art:
Alien language & culture headcanons that don’t have to do with...anatomy. We already have enough fcked up sex shit in canon courtesy of Gene Roddenberry himself lmfao (/jk mostly, like I’m not actually bothered by any of it, just curious to see other stuff)
Text/group chat format fics. Idk I love this format for fanfiction in any fandom!! it’s super easy to read and I feel it really captures character voices in a unique and engaging way :]
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5lazarus · 3 years
Is it ok to do a hurt/comfort drabble request? For Fenders? “Hey, listen to me. You’re safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.” If you are feeling like it, of course. 💗
I appreciate the thought, but I don’t take prompts unless I post a promptlist on my tumblr. But I’m always down to take a prompt from a list that I post, within 24 hours of posting or reblogging a promptlist onto my blog. If you’re looking for something along those lines, though, I answered that prompt awhile back in my story Catabasis, which is fenders! though that story focuses on the whole gang. and for something shorter, my fenders oneshot Warp & Weft has about the same vibes. I appreciate the thought, and I’m glad you like my stuff! I don’t take requests, but I do take prompts when I post a promptlist!
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glysaturn · 7 years
Your blog... I'm in love 💕 just wanted to tell you! Beautiful art and content I'm really enjoying just scrolling through it ❤
thanks i’m good at clicking reblog button
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wellitsjustmeagain · 7 years
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@wordsarethebonesofmylovers, I realized that this shitty free version of this software doesn’t allow you to move things around? Also, I was gonna draw a cute girl bunny, and then realized it’d be way more fulfilling if it was a disgruntled scruffy boy, so I drew you that instead. <3 
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the Ask Thing: 12, 22, 30 :)
12. dog person or cat person?
Both. I was raised up with a dog because my mom was allergic to cats, but if I could adopt an animal, I would adopt both.
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
I guess the question requires me to exclude daily activities like sleep, eat and all that.
Research and think about writing
Play video games
Read fanfictions
30. Pick one of your favorite quotes.
“Le beau est toujours étrange” / “The beautiful is always strange” by Charles Baudelaire
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The Witcher Secret Santa Crew wants to thank everyone for making this such a fun event so far! You are all so creative, and we are so excited to see what you post next. We are especially grateful for all of the pinch hitters & volunteers who stepped up to make sure that everyone got a gift. Here is an extra present, just for you!
@omaano @captnsunshine @thisissirius @saltytransidiot @octinary @trekkiepirate @teddylacroix @yourqueenforayear @ahh-fxck @wordsarethebonesofmylovers @ticktockclockwork @linx1457 @leavemecryingdandelion @the-spinning-jenny @swedishtrashgremlin @hirikka @lexou-chan @electricrituals @foreveralonewithdogs
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omaano · 3 years
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My @thewitchersecretsanta gift for @wordsarethebonesofmylovers! This is as good as time as any to also wish you a Happy New Year, dear giftee! 
There’s an uncharacteristic amount of detail in there, so please zoom in if you can!
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rainwolfheart · 3 years
For the DADWC: Touch prompts- Tickling!
I combined this with @wordsarethebonesofmylovers‘ prompt:
“It’s just a hug, it won’t kill you.” (for Marian Hawke x Isabela x Merrill or other if you feel like it!)
rating: T trigger warnings: blood, public bathing, fantasy racism
Merrill crashes into Hawke’s hug, and Hawke lifts her and swings her around for good measure, laughing. When she relaxes on the hug, Merrill turns and goes to hug Isabela with the same intensity. Isabela takes a step back, hands out in front of her.
Merrill frowns. “It’s just a hug, Isabela. It won’t kill you,” she says.
“It’s not that, Kitten,” says Isabela. “You’re covered in blood.”
Merrill looks down at her torso for the first time. “Oh,” she says. “I suppose I am.” She looks back at Hawke. The blood is less obvious on her brown coat, but it’s acquired a red tinge in some spots.
“I’ll hug you once you’ve had a bath,” says Isabela, with a grin. She crosses her arms and starts walking out of the alley. Hawke grabs Merrill’s hand and they follow her. Hawke notices that Isabela’s shirt is spotted with blood, anyway, and she wonders, not for the first time, why Isabela even bothers wearing white shirts.
Hawke would have preferred the bathhouse further into Hightown that has private pools, but last time, they found out that they don’t allow elves, and she’s not about to get into a fight with the staff about that in front of Merrill. Still, it’s quiet, given that it’s a Wednesday afternoon. There are only two older ladies in the deep pool, and a trio of dwarven businessmen who enter the sauna as Hawke, Isabela, and Merrill slip into the warm pool. “Warm” is only relative to the other pool, which is frigid. Hawke heats the water to a more comfortable temperature when the attendants aren’t looking in their direction.
“I’m glad you were there to help, today,” says Merrill. “I don’t know if I could have banished that spirit on my own.”
Hawke shakes her head and gently nudges Merrill’s side. “You did most of the work. You didn’t need us.”
“Always fun to be invited, though,” says Isabela.
“It’s fun having you there!” says Merrill. “Can I have that hug now?”
Isabela laughs and extends her arms. Merrill glides over to embrace her, and spins her around in the water for good measure.
Suddenly, Isabela yelps and pushes away from Merrill. “How dare you?” she cries.
Merrill giggles. “I didn’t think you were that ticklish.”
“I am not! You just surprised me!”
Hawke catches Merrill’s eye over Isabela’s shoulder, and grins. She reaches forward to tickle Isabela’s side. Isabela kicks away, catching Hawke in the knee painfully.
“You two are the worst!”
“I’m sorry, vhenan,” says Merrill. “I’ll stop!”
“Don’t vhenan me, you monster,” says Isabela.
Hawke pretends to pull out a notepad. “Isabela… is… very… ticklish… Noted.”
“Oh, like you’re not,” says Isabela. Merrill turns her mischievous grin to Hawke, eyes widening. Hawke only has a moment to protect her most sensitive spots from Merrill’s hands.
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firjii · 5 years
@wordsarethebonesofmylovers replied to your post “listen you fucking dorks, do not tempt me, you do not want another...”
*is always clapping for more*
💜🤗 💜 🤗 💜
I meeeean......apparently my brain mainly operates on caffeine and self-spite these days, so with that in mind y’all know what could happen. I’ll tell myself "no you’re not doing it, don’t you friggin remember what happened last time, it was. not. a good place. to be in.” I’ll probably get to sleep hideously late tonight anyway thinking about it, an idea will interrupt an activity at an inopportune moment at work tomorrow, and I’ll blow the weekend on fussing about it. 😹
(tell you what though, 3 years would be, uhhh...plenty of time to fine-tune........)
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beammetothemoon · 7 years
wordsarethebonesofmylovers replied to your post “[[MOR] So update on the piece I commissioned … I think the artist is...”
I commissioned someone once and they just...forgot about me...and I'm still sad. the preliminary sketch I got was so beautiful :(
That sucks! I’m sorry that happened to you! :[
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hollyand-writes · 7 years
@sorrowsfall -- answering your question about what we call a :( face in British English if we don’t call it a frown... I don’t actually think we’ve got a name for it? 
We certainly wouldn’t call it a “frowny face”, because for us a frown is furrowed eyebrows or a scowl, like a >:( or >:| face, not a downturned mouth like :( . 
I’ve always just referred to :( as a “sad face” or downturned mouth, but I dunno what other people would call it. I’ve not really heard the term “frowny face” used over here, anyway 
So I guess for us Brits, someone frowning doesn’t necessarily mean they’re sad either -- they could be frowning in concentration or confusion, because we picture a frown as happening with the eyebrows and not necessarily the mouth.  
EDITED TO ADD: @wordsarethebonesofmylovers -- yeah, until I saw that post on Tumblr, I had no idea Americans and Brits thought of frowns as completely different things either. I’m sure there are a few other British English vs American English language differences, too. I guess this is why occasionally American readers have responded in unexpected ways to my fanfic! XD
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theunemployedrogue · 7 years
Ask thing... 15, 44, 54, 98 (re: 54: I really do enjoy your writing I AM SO SORRY I haven't really read the Voltron fanfiction because I haven't seen the show but I know I loved your Dragon Age writing. You really are a wonderful writer and I think you sound like a really nice person to know)
HEY, thankkkk uu! Finally getting around to this almost 2 weeks later lol.
15. Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?Confession.....I cannot text worth a shit. I type 80+ wpm on a bad day but I cannot text to save my life. One hand, two hands, swype, w/e....can’t do it man lmao
44. If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?I used to want a bridge piercing so I guess I’d go with that?
54. Did you get any compliments today?I haven’t been out today so I haven’t, but thank you for your compliment!! I understand folks don’t always get into new fandoms when I do so no worries.
98. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?Just one person so far (we went to the same college, and I found them in the tags for said college).
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