#with planed lore and animations and themes and metaphors and events
rat-rosemary · 1 year
To be frank with you, I don’t think that Dream went about announcing or creating the USMP in a good way.
For starters, Dream could have shown basic respect for Quackity and waited before announcing his SMP. He couldn’t even congratulate Quackity for the QSMP without making it about himself. Dream didn’t even wait a month before announcing the USMP, which you must admit is very similar to Quackity’s idea, which has been in the making for way longer than Dream’s has, based on how Dream doesn’t even have all 60 members of his server nor, you know, an actual quality translator (at least based upon his most recent video).
Plus, what connection does Dream have to other languages? I, for one, distinctly mentioning something about how the only language he speaks is winning, and yet now he’s all for overcoming cultural bounds and uniting people from all across the world? I acknowledge that a person’s opinions can change, but then again, there’s the matter of timing that I mentioned earlier.
Overall, I don’t believe that Dream would have been condemned this way if he had announced the USMP later. However, I do believe that he is being heavily inconsiderate of Quackity and that there is a very high possibility that he is trying to ride off of Quackity’s coattails for whatever reason. That reason could be relevancy, as with the obviously faked letter that he supposedly got from Google (obviously faked because of the multiple spelling and grammar issues), or it could be that he is trying to replicate the DSMP and its popularity again.
Regardless, even without getting into the moral qualities of Dream’s character and whether the accusations about him are true, it’s obvious that he is being rude to a certain degree (the degree of which is debatable, but the rudeness definitely not) towards Quackity and what he is trying to achieve with the QSMP.
Sorry for typing out this long essay, but I feel strongly about this topic, and whenever I feel strongly about something, my brain goes into writing mode (it’s the autism—just kidding, of course). I hope I didn’t come off too mean, I just wanted to share with you my views on why the Dream might not have the best intentions for creating the USMP.
Okay so i also talk a lot but my thoughts come a lot more fractured so you might see a ton of edits to this post
So first of all, i actually do agree that the announced of the usmp was not very good. Personally i think he should maybe have waited a bit more, or idk, but i do agree that it didn't come out the best way
The thing about connection to other languages I think that Dream is doing it both because of some of his friends (Korean in specific, Tina really want to learn korean again after she lost most of what she knew, and there are a few more youtubers Dream is friends with and/or knows that know or are korean) and because he genuinely enjoyed connecting with people from other places and languages! Idk if you saw him during the squid games and more even on spreen's heaven event but he was clearly having lots of fun and really really loving talking to people
And a thing about the Dt that most people who dont watch them dont really know, is that they're all kind of shy around new people. Dream is exited but kind of scared, Sapnap is really really shy and will stick to people he knows (you can see on his first irl stream with Karl, he looked like a spooked cat) and George will be weird with people he doesn't know but he doesn't really make a connections quickly like how Quackity for example does
You can really see how these events left a really strong impact on Dream (and his community!)
(Also, some other languages might also been chosen because of his friends, Foolish, Tubbo, Tina and [Oh fuck another person but i forgot her name] were/are working really really hard on learning Spanish, but didn't really get a chance to use it. Other ones, like Japanese, might just be a "oh! I bet there are tons of cool people there" but really i dont know the streamers, so i cant say for sure)
I can talk a bit about why portuguese tho! Most big brasilian youtubers started out as minecraft youtubers, and they're actually really big! I cant really vouch for them (they're not bad, just... like annoying bad, except that one guy, but we dont talk about Monarca) some of our youtubers were on the top of all creators on the site a few years ago (i havent really looked since then)
So it's a big untapped community that does actually love interacting with people from other countries (there's a reason that "come to Brasil" is a meme, other then the fact that no band ever comes to brasil)
I cannot comment on the google thing because i genuinely dont really know what you're talking about
But about congratulating Quackity, I think multiple cc's were congratulating Quackity and saying his project was really cool (including Dream) even before it was announced, and im pretty sure he congratulated Q after the qsmp trailers came out
But yeah, again I think it was kind of weird how the announcement of the usmp came, but i dont think it was because Dream genuinely wanted to hurt Quackity or try to overshadow him
About the quality of the translation, i actually think its kinda funny? It definitely shows that Dream (and Callahan! Who is absolutely incredible) were actually trying to create this themselves and not just copying from something else.
I also think its not meant to really be perfect? I for sure think it will be better when we see it live, but I think the usmp and the version of the translator we see in it are not meant to be the best version it can be, but more an example so people can take it and alter it and transform it. Thats why i think its free to access and edit, because it was meant to be taken and changed by the community
But hey! One of my favorite tropes is language barriers, so i might he a bit biased on the "It's okay that the translator is glitchy thing"
(I also think that language is so complex that the translator will never truly be perfect, with complicated words and frases and *regional dialects and words that dont truly have translations, like "saudade" or "cafune", i think that there will always be little misunderstanding and confusion and bugs, but we can just pause and try to explain it differently, like it always is in conversations)
[*side note, im kind of doxxing myself a little, but my dialect literally replaces the word "thing" for the word "train" and we only do that in my state. You can also always tell when someone writes something in portuguese making sure that people could translate it because we talk/text completely different, you can translate você but not ce so some things get caught up]
This is actually really nice! Its nice to share views without being aggressive and going for each other's throat. I hope is discussed everything? It's 2:31 am and im sick so i might have missed something and im glad to talk more about it if you want to
But yeah, long story short, i do agree that the delivery of the usmp was weird and kind of disjointed, but i think it came from a place of genuine love and excitement with Dream, he just hyperfoxused on it and forgot to think of some stuff. And i think it will be fun to have multiple multilingual smps and that in the ends usmp and qsmp will be different in some core ways
I hope i wasnt rude as well! If i did i genuinely didn't want to come off as agressive
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cassatine · 6 years
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@sulfisreen, whom I cannot thank enough, pointed to me this tweet about the minefield issue of what Lucas’ VII-IX would have been, something on which i do have Opinions A NEW LUCAS WHILLS QUOTE!! That doesn’t happen everyday. And wow, what quote. 
Context first: the quotes come from the James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction book, which accompanies a four episodes, ehr, documentary series of the same name -- I haven’t watched the series or read the book and wouldn’t have without that quote, but I’ll be doing that in the next weeks. Both are quite recent, google tells me the series was release in April (2018) and the book in May. In all likelihood the quotes used in the book come from interviews conducted for the TV series.
As a disclaimer of sorts -- “Lucas on future stories and how much they’re planned” covers a range of quotes that go from fully honest to intentionally misleading and chart many changes in the conception of that future through the years. Without anything corroborating or invalidating it it’s hard to know where these new quotes fall. They also come from an interview not particularly focused on Lucas’ would-have-been ST and conducted what, five years or so after he stopped working on it. Basically some fuzziness is to be expected, and imo it could hardly be more open to interpretation.
I’ve never seen the Whills mentioned within the context of the ST (beyond speculation of course), even less what little we’ve been told of Lucas’ plans for it -- which, as the tweet noted, are pretty much only known through what other people have said, and can be resumed to: Luke would have been there as an aged master, and the protagonist would have been his student, a woman on her path to Jedi-hood, because Lucas had done two dudes already. 
It’s not really a discrepancy, since that premise is compatible with Whills-y happenings, but it’s interesting it wasn’t ever mentioned before. A few possible reasons: it’s pretty obscure lore and wouldn’t speak to much of the audience. It’s definitely not where the ST is going, and the official narrative would rather stress the similarities between Lucas’ early plans and the final product. It clashes against the Whills as conceived in the new canon and inspired by Lucas’ older conceptions of them (they changed). It’s never made it out of Lucas’ head and onto paper, or only as obscure notes. It’s what he would have done now that he thinks about it (again, very recent interviews), and not what he would have done before selling the franchise. It’s really fucking weird as far as stories goes. It’s kept in reserve for some future story. 
“microbiotic world” -- that’s super interesting if very obscure. Microbiotic has to do with microbiomes, ie. microbial biomes. A biome is a geographically defined ensemble of ecosystems, characterized by its climate, flora, and fauna. It’s not a static thing -- it’s a lot of variables with complex feedback relationships. A microbiome is basically the same thing but with microbial organisms and on a much, much smaller scale, like the insides of you. I don’t know what Lucas meant by it, but I think we can cross a literal Fantastic Voyage off the list I. I’m very curious to see other people think of it, but for now I lean towards it’s metaphorical, and it’s a tortuous way to talk about the unseen web of relationships between living things, which in the GFFA is infused with Meaning (the Force). The important thing, and you’ll see I can even bring the balance into it, is that again, a “microbiotic world” is not a static system -- i’ll try and illustrate with a biome, because same notion: let’s say a given year you have, idk, less rain than average; that’s going to affect vegetation growth, which in turn is going to affect animals. Herbivores will have less to eat and population numbers will be impacted, which will then impact carnivores. It’s a lot more complicated, but the general idea is basically that if you change a variable, the others will be affected like ripples. It’s a very strong system, very adaptable, but at some point if there’s too much stress put on it, it can collapse which is... not good. Something something balance. And I can’t not think about midi-chlorians, because they’d very much be part of microbiomes in the GFFA, and because even metaphorically you can’t really talk microbiome without talking symbiosis -- which was a theme touched upon in TPM, partly through the midi-chlorians. [Insert conspiracy board picture] 
The Whills operating differently than ehr, regular beings works with what we knew of them already; it’s always risky trying to nail down specifics wrt the Whills, but until now it seemed to be more of a “another plane of existence” kind of deal rather than a “microbiotic world” one, so that’s interesting. 
The controlling the universe bit, on the other hand that’s... mostly new. Though there was never much to learn about them,  observers more than anything; incredibly powerful, operating on a whole other level of existence, ascended beings of a sort, pretty much beyond mortality, quite ineffable, and very much a narrative device. They were conceived as a framing device (the Journal of the Whills of the OT) and repurposed for the PT to stress the fact that Force ghostery was a Big Deal, and started as observers more than anything, an they aren’t known to have directly intervened in the GFFA. I can’t remember anything specifying that no, they don’t intervene, ever, and imo there’s grounds to speculate they’ve got nothing against indirect action. And they were always supposed to be incredibly powerful, with an understanding and knowledge of the Force pretty much beyond that of the Jedi / any Force tradition in the GFFA. I don’t think Lucas means control as in everything happens because of them and free will doesn’t exist and neither does happenstance. Going back to the biome/microbiome and the concept of a complex web of relationships between living things that, if too stressed, can collapse... if the concept of the Whills wasn’t to be completely reinvented, they could have easily fit in such a system, as entities both within and without, making sure that collapse doesn’t happen by influencing events. 
Okay, next we learn they feed off the Force, and I always did love the “the Force is parasitic” kind of speculation, and I would so have been there for the version of the ST in which the Whills are some bad news eldritch beings, but... idk. It just doesn’t feel very Lucas. I do think his ST would have had its own identity and its share of “what you thought was wrong” moments, and it’s true the Whills were pretty obscure as far as lore go so not the hardest thing to retcon, but still that’s a pretty big departure. But again, it’s pretty open to interpretation -- is it a negative thing? or more of a natural kind of process? No way to know, at least until we’re told more. 
Tbh I don’t think there’d be much to tell anyway; Lucas had barely begun working on the ST when he sold the franchise, and whatever his initial notes and outline covered, it would have gone through many changes. I mean, the Whills were initially supposed to be in the OT, then they were supposed to be in the PT, and I think that’s beautiful (and ironic) that apparently they were supposed to be in the ST at some point, but there’s about no way to know if they’d have made it to the final cut. 
Thanks to the second quote, I can just hear a thousand voices screaming “lucas did have a master plan!!” and I wish that notion would have died off by now. That’s about the nicest thing I have to say on the second quote. 
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