#winndox tag
nancywheelxr · 4 years
Windox “I was promised a cookie”
Okay, so.
Winn likes this thing they've got going where they share a lab and a DEO job and friends, he really does, but he would like the record to show he is not doing this of his own volition.
"I was promised a cookie," he tells Kara and it comes out kind of like a warning. Beware, here be stupid bribes. 
"Hey, I didn't say anything," she snickers, leaning against the doorway to the lab. Her Supergirl uniform is all mudded up, so really, he's not sure what she's laughing about. Glass ceilings, okay, glass ceilings, that's all he's gonna say on this.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Miss Swamp," he grumbles, wringing his shirt the best he can and grimacing when the water drips purple, "at least my afternoon wasn't spent swimming on the radioactive mud."
"Oh no, you were here," Kara grins, waggling her eyebrows, "with Brainy, helping with his project."
"Okay, wow, first off, I have no idea why you're using that tone, okay," Winn says, hating how his cheeks are feeling way warmer than they should, honestly, "and second, please, never make that face again? Seriously, it's freaky, I'm like, traumatized–"
But Kara doesn't wait to listen to the end of his tirade, instead stepping aside with an even bigger smile to let Brainy in. Behind his back, she gives Winn a wink and a thumbs up.
"I was promised a cookie!" He yells at her retreating back, slumping back on his stool when it's clear she totally heard him but didn't bother coming back. 
Whatever. Winn doesn't need more comments from the peanut gallery anyway. His eyes decide to track Brainy's movements instead because they're stupid traitors. "Which reminds me, I never got that cookie."
Brainy looks up briefly from his work. "I'll get you your cookie," he clears his throat, glancing away, "but first I'm trying to fix this mess. Or do you wish to be stained purple forever?"
"Not really," Winn sighs. It's starting to itch, too. "But I'm beginning to think you are getting a kick out of this.”
The corners of Brainy’s mouth twitch. Asshole. “I have to say,” Brainy coughs, ducking his head, “purple might be your color.”
Was that a compliment? Winn thinks that was a compliment. His heart does a weird little flip and he can’t help smiling. “Yeah? I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m out shopping,” he says mildly, hoping to conceal the hopeful fluttering going on on his chest, “that said– I don’t suppose you’re discovering that these come off with water?”
“No, not yet,” Brainy gives him a sheepish answering smile, “but I’m working on a solvent as we speak– then, perhaps, after we’ve washed off the substance, of course, we could go get the cookie I’ve promised you?”
Winn’s entire world hitches a breath. “That would be, yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Yup, the purple thing is definitely starting to itch now and that’s never a good sign with unknown substances, and they should probably call Alex soon to check if he’s having a mild allergic reaction before it escalates further but–  whatever. There’s time. For now, he thinks he just might bask in the hopefulness of a date waiting for him in the near future.
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loveofshows · 2 years
Kara doesn’t know who to talk to about this. She could go to her sister, but Alex would probably tease her about it before helping. She isn’t sure what Lena or Nia would do, would they tease her too, or help. She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out. Talking to James or J’onn felt a little awkward, and bringing it up to both Winn and Querl was a no go. So, she stayed clear of them.
Instead, she went to the only one that she knew was in the same boat as her. And the only reason why she knows is because one night when everyone decided it would be a fun idea to go drinking after work, Winn had secretly told her that he was in love with Kara. And maybe Brainy but he isn’t quite sure, but shh don’t tell Brainy or Kara they don’t know. They can’t.
Kara’s pretty positive that Winn thought she was someone else. The next day when she saw him, Winn didn’t say anything to her and might have ‘forgotten’ about the confession. There is a part of her that wonders if he remembered, and was too embarrassed to say anything. So, she kept it to herself, hasn’t said anything about it to anyone.
She found Winn in one of the DEO labs working on something. If it was any other day, she would ask what it is he’s working on and maybe give him some feedback. But it’s an off day, so she sat in silence, lost in thought while Winn worked.
And it’s not like she hasn’t had crushes before either, so the feeling isn’t new. What is new though, is that it hit her how much she cared, how much she loved them. She’s known Querl since Mon-El and Irma woke him up, and she’s known Winn even longer.
So, waking up one day to find out that she’s in love with both of them equally…is a little confusing and she doesn’t know what to do.
Startling at the sudden sound of metal hitting metal, she looked up to see Winn standing in front of him with raised eyebrows. Kara blinked and looked around the room before finally settling back on Winn. “Can I help you with something?”
Winn shook his head and went back to what he was doing before she walked in. “I don’t know. You came in here looking a bit troubled. Is there something I can help you with?”
Kara stayed quiet for a bit, trying to figure out how to word her thoughts. “I don’t know,” she finally said, slumping into her chair. “Kind of woke up one day and realize something life
changing and I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Gotta love when that happens,” Winn said distractedly. Kara hummed, eyes closed and let the sound of fingers flying over the keyboard relax her.
Silence falls around the two for a few minutes, allowing Kara to find the right words she’s been looking for. “So, I’m kind of crushing on someone,” she started after a moment. Winn hummed, prompting her to continue. “But I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re
not going to like it.”
Winn doesn’t comment why, but he does pause before saying, “just rip the bandage off.”
Kara paused for a second before whispering, “it’s Brainy.”
“Put the bandage back on,” Winn said without hesitation. Kara’s eyes fly open and gaped at Winn, who’s back is turned to her.
Gaping like a fish for a moment, and really grateful that Winn couldn’t see her. “What do you mean put the bandage back on? The bandage is off Winn, and there’s no turning back from that.”
“Don’t care, put it back on.”
“Why?” Winn stayed quiet, and Kara stood up and walked towards him. “Winn? You can tell me.”
“Can I though?” Winn whispered, looking away from Kara. She didn’t say anything and just waited until he was ready. She didn’t have to wait long though, a second or two later Winn sighed and sagged his shoulders. “Because I don’t think I can compete with you for him. I don’t want to be that person and make him choose and even if I did, he’d choose you,” Winn confessed, “I mean how could he not? You’re cute and funny and all around a good person, he’d be dumb not to choose you.”
“Oh Winn,” she said softly and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Winn wanted to resist the hug, but in the end, he leaned into it with a sigh. “You don’t see the way he looks at you.”
Winn snorted and shook his head. “I don’t know what you're talking about.”
Kara smiled and squeezed him tightly before letting go. “I’m serious. He looks at you like you’ve given him the world without even trying.”
Winn shook his head again and gave her a pointed look. “Are you sure you’re not talking about you? Cause that sounds a lot like the way he looks at you.”
Kara’s heart skipped a beat but she ignored it. “Me? No, I don’t think so.”
“Kara, he idolizes you,” Winn countered.
“I know that, but…,” she trailed off, crossing her arms with a frown, “it’s a lot different then love.”
This time it was Winn’s turn to hug her “Kara you’re being ridiculous. He may have idolized you, but he’s grown feelings for you since the moment you two met. I’ve seen it, and I know how he feels. There's so much to love about you.”
“So, you do remember that night,” Kara said with a small smile. It only grew when Winn groaned, rubbing his face to hide his embarrassment.
“Ugh don’t remind me,” Winn said, plopping into a chair. “That was so not how I wanted to confess. Scratch that, I never wanted you to even know.”
“We’ll, I’m glad I know,” Kara said as she sat down beside him. “I’m glad to know that you feel the same way.”
“Was that your world-shattering revelation?” Winn asked before letting her words sink in. “Wait, what?” he asked, turning to look at her.
Kara laughed, swiveling in her chair. “Yeah, I love you too, Winn. And more than just a friend. And I love Brainy too, the same way you do. But I’m willing to keep that to myself, I don’t want to make him or you choose. It wouldn’t be fair.”
Winn sighed, and slumped back into his chair. “Man, this sucks.”
As they talked, they both didn’t notice a figure standing by the door, listening. They didn’t see the little smile playing on his lips as he comes up with a plan to tell them both he feels the same.
Querl wanted to surprise them, and he’s determined to make this as special as he can.
After all, he had discovered what a polyamory relationship is and hoped they would like the idea of being in one.
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fairyroses · 4 years
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“I mean, you’re Supergirl. Being in your orbit... it’s inspiring.” / “In fact... in a way, you kind of helped me.”
#this is why winn forgave brainy #because kara used to put his life in danger too #but he never held it against her #and so he couldn’t in good conscience hold it against brainy either 
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
“If those aren’t tears of happiness, please stop crying.”
When Querl awoke, he expected he would be alone.
If he awoke at all, that is- it was far more likely that he’d find himself in the Coluan collective, alongside his other selves, or in his own mind-prison, trapped between life and death (on the chance that Kara and the others were to find him in time, which was low). And, were either of those to happen, he was fairly certain he would be able to tell- though he hadn’t entered the collective for over twenty years, he still had memories of entering it in childhood, and he was familiar with mental simulacrum from his time spent in his own during cryo-sleep, and his time in Kara’s when she was in her own coma.
In both of those situations too, at least initially for the former, there was one more reason Querl would be able to tell if he was there-because he would be alone. Sure, he would find others eventually, but for the sake of the timeline it would be preferable if he were in solitude as much as possible. And as for the other…
Well, he hoped that Kara would use his spare Legion cruiser and the technology inside it to place him into a healing tank and communicate with him, as he once had with her. But there was no sense in hoping for unrealistic things- especially considering what he had done, and how she might react to it.
Then again, she did stand for hope, so if he were to place his in anyone…
If he were conscious, he would just wait and see.
And eventually, he opened his eyes- finding not the Leviathan ship, that had seemed to shrink and press down on him as the radiation infused his skin and bones and organs, until he felt as though he were the one being placed in the bottle, but the pale lights of the Legion cruiser, dimmed for his benefit- and two figures, sitting by his side, holding his hands.
“Kara?” he asked, recognizing her features, before turning to the figure on the other side of his bed. “Winslow?”
“Hey, Brainy.” Winn said, squeezing his hand. “Welcome back to the land of the living. Uh… are you okay?”
“I’m sorry.” Kara continued, gently kissing Brainy’s forehead. “For… I don’t even know how much. Just know that all of this is not your fault, and you’re still a hero- and I should have been a better friend. And thank you for not dying.”
Querl struggled to sit up, not letting go of either of them, but found it took too much effort, so instead he relaxed- and then tensed, making Winn and Kara look at each other briefly before focusing on him again.
“Lex.” He gasped out. “Is he- has he been taken down?”
“Yes.” Kara answered. “Lex is gone.”
“Everything’s fine, Querl.” Winn said, now in the habit of thinking of him by his real name. “You just focus on regaining your strength for now- it’s okay. You can rest.”
Querl felt his eyes watering, looking up at them and processing the news he’d just heard. Slowly, he began to smile, squeezing both of their hands.
“Thank you for not leaving me alone.” He said.
“If those aren’t tears of happiness, please stop crying.” Winn answered. “We’ll be here when you wake up- I promise.”
“We will.” Kara echoed. “And we can talk about everything later.”
And right then, with two of his friends devoting such care to him, he found the prospect of talking to everyone not so bad. He let himself drift off again, Winn kissing his forehead as well, knowing that even if he were to cry again, the tears would be happier than the last time he had cried.
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mrrainbowklutz · 3 years
also I'm glad you found my playlist! I did call it turbulence because that's also the name of my tag for them on here (and I'm excited to listen to yours too!)
I know! I made sure to do my research before I decided to go public again on here again. I wanted to be well informed on the little fandom corner the Winndox ship has. I actually listened to the podcast you were featured in one evening (more like at 3 am) and found out about a lot of it there. I even noticed before listening that I had already read some of your work on AO3! I really enjoyed it and after finding your playlist I thought it was darling. I’m so happy I deciding to get back into my shipping game. This community is just so wonderful! ❤️
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freddieslater · 4 years
Tag Game!
Rules: Tag nine people you'd like to get to know more
Top three ships: I'm gonnna take a page out of @allhailthedramallama 's book and do an a) and b) for top three at the moment and top three of all time because there are too many for me to pick just three.
At the moment: Superflash (Barry and Kara) from the Flash and Supergirl, Winndox (Winn and Braniac) from Supergirl, and I think I might be getting into Alex/Lena?? I think their name is Danvercorp or something?? Honourable mention would be Karivarry (Kara/Oliver/Barry), Barrisco (Barry/Cisco), and Lauryssa (Laurel/Nyssa).
Of all time: Sciles from Teen Wolf, Denzo from The Vampire Diaries, and Ronarry from Harry Potter. Honourable mentions are Prongsfoot (James/Sirius), Stalia (Stiles/Malia) from Teen Wolf, and Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie from Legacies. I'm sure there are way more but I could go on for way too long.
Last song: Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips. I'm in a Zorallen/Superarrow type of mood, alright, and this song is good for that.
Lipstick or chapstick: I tend to wear lipstick more because it's pretty and a lot of the lip balms that don't taste like chemicals give me cold sores, which isn't ideal.
Last movie: I think it might have been Grease?? Either that or it was back at Christmas when my sister wanted to watch Elf.
Reading: The Haunting of Barry Allen, a Flash/Arrow crossover novel by Clay and Susan Griffith. Also The Flash New 52, Volume 9: Zoom. Can you tell what I'm into at the moment? (Technically also Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell, but very slowly.)
Tagged by: @allhailthedramallama thanks for the tag!! ❤
Tagging: @chochxng @midnightdreamerposts @bihopemikaelson @imaginetonprincecharmant @gaellas @xspeedytrashx @pete-parkour @light-miracles @cyclone-rachel but absolutely no pressure, as always! ❤
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mistyautumn · 4 years
So over the course of this season, I’ve done quite a lot of writing for Supergirl. I haven’t reblogged most of it here because, well, I’m afraid to annoy you all with things you don’t care about (yes I know it’s my tumblr, but I have anxiety, so here we are). Anyway, I thought I’d try and share it all in one go in case any of you would be interested (I know most of my newer followers ended up here because of Supergirl, so it seemed worth mentioning). So here’s what I’ve been working on... It’s mostly ficlets around 500 words, some less, some a litttle more.
Written Pre-Crisis...
The Gift - Kara and Clark - Kara gives Clark a gift for his coming child. [ ao3 / tumblr]
Soup - Kara and Brainy - Kara is sick. Brainy brings her soup. A lot of soup. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Spiders - Brainy, Kara, and Alex - Brainy has some feelings as he watches the footage of his spider possession. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Argo - Kara, Alura, Lois, and Clark - Written pre-Crisis, Argo is gone. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Sweaters - Brainy and Winn - Winn teaches Brainy about ugly holiday sweaters. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Hope - Brainy and Kara - A thousand years later, Kara still inspires hope. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Written Post Crisis Conclusion...
The Bad Dream - Nia Nal, Dreamerdox - “Brainy leaves and Nia cries.” Takes place at the end of “The Bottle Episode”. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Caught - Alex and Brainy - Alex confronts Brainy about the Toyman surveillance footage. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Powers - Alex and Kara - Kara saves Alex from the virtual world. Prompted when the first photo of “Super Alex” appeared. [ tumblr ]
I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Dreamerdox, Karadox, Winndox - Three Valentine’s Day drabbles sharing the common theme “I wanna hold your hand”. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
The Language of Flowers - Kara - After “The Bottle Episode”, Kara wants to show support for Brainy. She decides flowers might do the trick. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Real - Lois and Clark, Clois -  “He breathes a sigh because he has all of these memories but a part of him can’t shake the thought they were constructed, and the reality is he and Lois were robbed. Robbed of their lives and raising Jonathan, because everything’s rewritten now and so much has changed.” Lois and Clark adjust to life after Crisis. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Lucky - Brainy and Alex - Brainy and Alex consider his new place at the DEO.  [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Dark - Brainy and Lena - "Lena took Brainy and aligned him. Now he has no emotions and does whatever she says." A tale from the Darkest Timeline. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
We Smile, We Kiss, We Dance - Alex and Kelly, Dansen - A little Alex and Kelly fluff; Kelly suggests a new class for them to try. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Resolve - Brainy - "All at once he is no longer in the DEO. Instead he is in a lab that is both his and not, facing himself." Brainy pays a visit to the Brainy in the bottle. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
To Sleep, To Dream - Nia and Brainy, Dreamerdox - “The first time Nia wakes up in the night beside Brainy, she sees he’s not asleep at all but looking at the ceiling, his gaze somewhere far away.” [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Detox - Alex and Kara - Inspired by the preview for “Alex in Wonderland”, this features Alex and Kara in the aftermath. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Fine - Alex and Brainy - Alex suspects that Brainy is not fine. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
Strings - Brainy and Nia - Nia comes to the DEO in the middle of the night after she dreams of Brainy. [ ao3 / tumblr ]
and the one I’ve poked at through it all...
Patronus - aka The Hogwarts AU. Karadox and newly Dansen. Currently made up of 20 ficlets, this link goes to an ao3 index with summaries for each one. They can also be found on tumblr in the Hogwarts AU tag.
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winterskywrites · 5 years
Could you make a list with all of the Brainia fics you've written? Love your writting so much ❤❤❤
All of my romantic Brainia fics are tagged with #brainia, so you can find them all there! And the majority of the prompts I get with Nia also include Brainy, so you can check out the #nia nal tag for those. You can also look at the #querl dox tag for all of my fics with Brainy, but a fair amount of those don’t include Nia and may include other Brainy ships (mostly Winndox and Karadox, and occasionally BrainyLyle).
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brainy-storm · 5 years
cyclone-rachel replied to your post “oh I didn't realize you weren't really a fan of winndox? sorry”
I mean, I apologize that I didn't know about that earlier, and I know I asked you about it once? so apologizing for that as well
also should I be tagging it? or do you already just blacklist 'winndox'
I mean I guess I just never said I didn’t exactly ship it! I didn’t mind the ask either, it was fine. So yeah, don’t feel the need to apologise!
While I don’t ship it, I’m not like super against it either. Like I’d reblog Winndox things that I find particularly cute/funny. And again, I like reading some of the stuff you and Pesky come up with. So definitely don’t need to tag it as anything. 
the only thing I blacklist are things that I don’t want to get spoiled for ahahaha Kingdom Hearts and Persona 5 are currently on there. Every single kh character is on there, I’m not taking any risks especially since my bday is in 10 days aka the release date of kh3
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otherbunny · 6 years
if you want more Winndox (some of which is non-canon as it is before season 3, but all of it is definitely good) my tag for them on my blog is otp: turbulence. Also, if you want to send me writing prompts for them, please feel free to do so!
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letzoespoilyou · 6 years
The Winn/Brainy ship name is either Winniac 5 (the one that was first established) or Winndox (the one I use, my personal favorite). I also use the ship tag "otp: turbulence" for them. Also, I've seen the Winn/James ship tagged as Scholsen.
Thank you so much I shall now go hunting those tags me dear!
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nancywheelxr · 4 years
Winn finding out Brainy's strong enough to carry him
This is absolutely, one hundred percent, totally not Winn’s fault.
Like, if there were a scale with super to blame in one end, then surely, Winn would be on the very opposite side of that. On the totally blameless side. 
“If you hadn’t gone back for the vial,” Brainy points out with gritted teeth, looking between the thundering stairs and the edge of the building, “we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Winn bristles. Oh boy, the drop would not be pretty. “Yeah, well, if you hadn’t dropped it in the first place, I wouldn't have had to go back for it.”
Annoyance bubbles up along with the very real fear of the very heavily armed goons trudging up the stairs, and Winn watches Brainy glare daggers around the roof. “We don’t have time for this-- come on.”
“Hey, dude, hold on, what,” he trips on his own feet, choking on air, as Brainy waits for no response, simply, simply-- picking him up! Like Winn weights nothing, like this isn’t-- like it’s normal for people to be picking up other people and flying away with them! “Oh my god.”
“Don’t worry, I will not drop you,” Brainy says, completely missing the point.
“Oh my god,” repeats Winn.
It’s been a very long day and he’s not sure how he feels about this new information yet, but. If he were totally being honest, maybe there’s a tiny part of him that curls in appreciation. It’s just. It’s kinda nice.
Yeah, that’s the world he’s going with here.
Praying for his own heart to stop racing, he clings to Brainy and closes his eyes against the sharp wind, hoping some of his dignity will still be salvageable by the end of this.
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loveofshows · 4 years
4 for the kiss scenarios, with Winndox
4. Kisses that make them smile
Querl looked up to see Winn mumbling to himself as he was doing homework. Currently, the two were in the university library finishing up the last of their homework before leaving.
And it seemed Winn was having troubles. “Are you okay?” Winn shrugged as he erased something off the paper. “Winn?”
“Yeah, just having troubles with this one question,” he answered. Before Querl had the chance to offer help, Winn pointed a finger at him. “And no, I don’t want your help right now. I want to figure this out on my own.”
Querl nodded and watched as Winn went back to his homework. A few moments went by and Winn still didn’t understand. Wanting to make his boyfriend feel better, he posed a question.
“Winn,” Querl called, not looking up from his own homework. Winn hummed as he wrote something down. “Can you hold something for me?”
Winn raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it. He nodded and held out his hand, and instead of feeling an object, Winn felt Querl’s hand in his. He looked up just in time to watch Querl pull his hand in and kissed it.
The small gesture brought a smile to Winn’s face. “What was that?” Winn asked. Querl flushed and looked down.
“Alex dared me to do that yesterday,” he answered, “and it looked like you needed a small distraction.”
Winn made a note to thank Alex the next time he saw her. “Well it helped,” he said, bringing Querl’s hand over to kiss it. “Thank you.”
Querl looked up with a smile. With that, the two of them took a small break before going back to their homework, all with holding hands.
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fairyroses · 5 years
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? favorite AU ideas for Karadox and/or Brainysupes? what’s a meme/quote that reminds you of Winndox? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
First ship: Artemis/Holly from the Artemis Fowl series. Also Sonny/Chad from the Disney Channel show Sonny With a Chance, lol. (And if you want to go really far back, to before I even knew what shipping was… Kovu/Kiara from The Lion King 2.)
A ship I like that most people don’t: Hmm… Loki/Jane Foster? That’s definitely a rarepair. Not sure how actively it’s Not Shipped though, or if it’s just not on most people’s radar at all. 
Favorite AU ideas for Karadox and/or Brainysupes: 
For Brainysupes: I love the Reverse LOSH AU where Brainy ends up stuck in the past and lives with Clark and his family. I’ve also always wanted to write a canon divergence AU where instead of simulating dates with Clark in the time between seasons 1 and 2, Brainy starts sneaking off to the past without the Legion knowing to spend actual time with Clark (and they fall in love, ofc).
For Karadox: I love AUs where one of them chooses to live in the other’s time permanently (either Kara in the future or Querl in the past) and they get married and have a family - all that real cheesy domestic shit. Also, Corrupted Brainy AUs. Oooh, and I still really want to see an Emotionless Brainy/Red-K Kara AU. And an AU version of season 4 where Kara and Brainy gradually fall in love while training Nia together… I still wanna write that one. Oh, and the most obvious: Kara Doesn’t Die in Crisis AUs. 
Also, classic stories like College AUs would work really well for both ships, I think. 
Meme/Quote that reminds me of Winndox: 
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(Because Buzzfeed Unsolved AU.)
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The most underrated ship, IMO: Karadox is the first obvious one that comes to mind, but there are definitely others… I’m just too tired to think of them lol.
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
Hmm how about Winn reacting to Brainy's new look?
He wants to ignore him. He should- he’s on his way to Kara’s apartment for game night, he hasn’t been there for almost three years in his time, there’s no way he’s going to miss getting to hang out with his friends again- but then again, also, one of his friends is here. And even though half of him doesn’t want to speak to him ever again... the other half understands exactly what he’s going through.
It’s that half, becoming a whole, that stops him as he’s about to leave the Watchtower.
“What is it, Brainy?”
He’s managed to calm his voice now, letting himself turn around and look at Brainy objectively as his friend closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and deactivates his image inducer before letting it out again.
“Just one more thing. I… it’s a long story.”
“No kidding.” Winn says, taken aback, because Brainy is green. Kermit-the-Frog, apple-Jolly-Rancher, Elphaba… green. He can think of a lot of things he might use to describe how he looks, but one that he doesn’t expect, that jumps immediately to the top of his mental list despite his being married and having a child, is hot.
Honestly, though? Even with the longer hair, which is blonde in his true form now, he still looks good, and his new suit- purple with a gray collar and accents, three glowing white circles in the Brainiac symbol on his chest, and black boots- certainly doesn’t hurt.
“I’m aware that… I did not look… acceptable, even for Coluans, when we first met.” Brainy says. Winn remembers that time very clearly, especially Brainy trying to grab his face- which felt a little too much like Indigo attempting to strangle him for his comfort. “But thanks to our friends, especially Kara… I was able to accept my true self.”
“So this is your true self.” Winn answers. “Wow.”
“Do you… like it? I know it might be uncomfortable for you to look at, given who you’ve been fighting in the future. But I do feel better now, and I am glad that I can literally think more efficiently than I did before. Even though I was, and still am, a twelfth-level intellect, regardless of whether I act like it or not… you hate it, don’t you.”
Winn starts laughing, but cuts himself off.
“No, that is the exact opposite of what I was going to say, you just didn’t let me get a word in.” he says. “I think it really suits you, Brainy. And I’m glad that you aren’t as much of a jerk as I thought you were.”
Brainy nods.
“In that case…”
He holds his arms out, and Winn doesn’t hesitate before embracing him, thankfully in a much less awkward way than the last time.
“Thank you- Winslow.”
“Yeah. Likewise.”
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mrrainbowklutz · 2 years
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I posted 101 times in 2021
21 posts created (21%)
80 posts reblogged (79%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.8 posts.
I added 91 tags in 2021
#brainiac 5 - 12 posts
#winn schott - 10 posts
#janos quested - 10 posts
#azazel - 10 posts
#azatide - 10 posts
#winndox - 9 posts
#supergirl - 8 posts
#supergirl cw - 8 posts
#xmen - 7 posts
#azazel (x-men) / janos quested - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#okay but we all know who’s going to end out flirting with the ghosts and needing the other to save him
My Top Posts in 2021
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Am I obsessed? Yes, yes I am. Did I enjoy every bit of drawing these two? Absolutely. Did my platonic BFF wife have a fit over our conversation where she said “Someone has a crush~!” and I replied “On the frog man? Yes, yes I do.” I state my case, he is a very gorgeous frog man after all. Also Kurt! Ugh, I love these two to bits! 💚💙
11 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 05:36:43 GMT
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I just wanted an excuse to draw Brainy in one of those corset vests. I mean, I truly think he would at least wear one once. You know, for the good posture.
I blame this fanart craze on two things only, TikTok and my excessive amount of free time. Oh and my DC obsession. 😂
12 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 03:17:59 GMT
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It was sketch day! Obviously when you get bored during lectures you must draw as many Nightcrawlers as possible!
Also featuring the bottom half of a Brainy headshot.
21 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 02:18:33 GMT
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How long has it been since I’ve made fanart? Too long! So here’s a piece I’ve been working on for a bit and finally finished! I’m so proud of this one, my word. ❤️💙💜
Oh and let’s not mind my artistic liberties on Brainy’s suit. I tried to stick to the shows original grey and purple color pallet at first. Though after a while my soul was slowly dying so I decided to take some inspiration from other Brainy’s too. Basically my Brainy is a mixture of the Retroreboot, the 2019 version, the 2021 version, and a little inspo from the LOSH Brainy. Though that Brainy was kind of lost in the mess. He still is one of my favorite Brainy’s though. Those stretchy limbs were literally hilarious on screen! Plus being able to just yoink his head off and carry it around, amazing! Also! Nobody question Winn’s absence of knee pads. I totally didn’t forget they existed before I rewatched both of the Toyman episodes yesterday.
24 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 06:09:11 GMT
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38 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 04:33:18 GMT
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