#wild.. that using refs... actually works
dykeandballs · 1 month
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Anyways drawing Spring Unsprung Briar gave me a wild amount of creative energy so here's my pitch for a Spring Unsprung Darling costume
Some details just for fun under the cut:
•Since Lizzie is the designer of the original SU outfits, that's also the case here. Lizzie is perceptive enough of Cerise and her style to very specifically fit her needs without even knowing what those needs are (heavy hood, long hair, big jacket, all very good for keeping covered, no?). The same would happen with Darling. Lizzie might pick up on her fascination with Wonderland, the jewelry fashioned like chainmail or bracers, and decide to incorporate it into her design. I don't know if Lizzie even realizes how perceptive she is, she just has an eye for what brings out someone's real personality.
•In terms of actual design, my main inspiration was chess! I let go of the literal shape pretty fast, but I really liked the idea of her looking like a fancy chess piece as a nod to her wonderland shenanigans. Cerise, Kitty, Lizzie, and Cedar all have black and white recurring patterns with 1-3 main colors, so I tried to mimic that here. I mostly just used the color scheme from my ref sheet I did a hot minute ago
•The hair flowers and colorful makeup were non-negotiable of course. I did want to make the flowers have some kind of relevance, but in the end I just gave up and made 'em generic yellow flowers. Any flower symbolism nerds who want to throw their hat in the ring be my guest!!
•I basically just tried to orient the whole thing around asymmetry and reflection, and I think that worked really well in this case, I think it really makes her pop
•She isn't wearing her typical Charming crest, but the symbol is spread out in a couple of pieces. Heart gem at the center of the neck like normal, and the wing is made into one of those ear cuff things
•The background was just kind of a whim, but there is a reason for it. I decided a while ago that the Charming family animal is a lion, so any heraldry or heirloom or anything like that is probably gonna have that winged heart and/or lion imagery on it. If Daring is the peak of the Charmings, then Daring is a lion. Similarly, Darling is a borzoi. It's just different enough to communicate that she's the black sheep of the family, but has enough similar traits to make it clear that she's not in opposition with them. Plus I think borzois are whimsical as hell with the right lighting and I thought it would look neat
•You can see it right in the corner of one of her eyes, I was playing with maybe giving her partial heterochromia? I think I'm gonna stick with just brown eyes but I'm keeping the concept tucked away in the back of my brain for another character
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dogtoling · 6 months
I did one of those side character reference things before and I've done like a billion refs since then so why not do it again.
(Some of these I might have posted already. i forget.)
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Finston and Kiddo! more accurately known as "some fish I never draw". Or Flint's neighbor and his adopted kid, who also happens to (sometimes) play in a band with Tiger, Boy and Kombu. small world.
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Boy's uncle and main parental figure. He has a passion for cars and works as a car mechanic in an industrial area. he also lives there because why not. Not like he has a wife to go home to.
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Koira's Octarians or more formally known as Beakston Octarians. Koira cloned them from their own tentacles to have some more hands (and/or tentacles) around the place and also to have some company.
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Logan might be a repost... but it's Logan so that's fine. He's an Inkopolis skater but also does mixing at Shark Beats.
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Hook is some kind of armhook squid (Gonatus sp.) working at a record store, so he's a music guy. Not necessarily related to the stuff above though.
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Mr. Muelleri is a rich cirroteuthid from the Deepsea that mostly does gambling, betting, and... Well, probably something else I'm sure. It's hopefully nothing involving or coming close to keeping whole Inklings in your closet to make them do bloodsports for monetary gain and fun factor (one-sided).
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Citros and Maito work at a weapon shop called White Shark that's really a weapon shop second and a customization business first, in case you wanted your gear to be flashy and cool-looking. And a lot of people do! And they're also dating. :]
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Winter! He's a cuttlefish. And also Graf and Frill's dad. And also Engel's therapist. Again, small world.
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Rust is a vehicle- and weapon mechanic, originally from the Octarian domes but long since stranded in Inkopolis. They custom engineer weapons under the table just because they enjoy chaos and it's fun. (Their coworkers don't like that much.)
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Tali is the founder of Shark Beats, before which they used to work for a bigger record label in Inkadia. Jawn is their brother, leading a much more humble life as a hairdresser - because his tenta-cuts are high quality and he excels at sliced and shredded styles, he actually has somewhat of a loyal customerbase from those who like wild tenta-styles. But he is also a ex-felon rumored to have gone to jail for predation, so Tali tries pretty hard to keep distant familial relations and keep it out of the paper.
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This is the Loan Shark... scandalous! honestly it's kind of a skill issue if you get a loan from her and expect not to die. (I will probably make a version with clothes later but I wanted to do patterns and scars or something.) She will appear in a comic in the year 2028 when I finally stop procrastinating and just do it.
And here's an OC I haven't really posted yet:
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dekuscrubbb · 1 year
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the first working comic ref of many (faints) featuring wild! the newest counselor for camp hyrule. what a loser /aff
text transcription + notes below for those who cannot read my wonky handwriting:
HOH in both ears
due to most of the counselors sharing first names, the campers have given them (the chain) all nicknames.
archery station
cook (for some reason, they find joy in cooking for 45 people every morning for 2 months).
survivalist classes (usually a dual lesson done with hyrule)
has a working theory with four about time's funding for the camp (yes, this is the theory about tax fraud joked about in the test page).
newest counselor (although this is their second year at camp)
helps twilight out with the trail rides sometimes
tablet is only used when without hearing aids and/or with someone who does not use sign.
embroidered shorts are optional, especially in comic pages
all of the embroidery was done by him, although they aren't very fond of the uniform because the fabric is scratchy (undershirts are a must). can be commonly seen out of uniform, even during the camp classes. always wears his id though.
despite being the newest counselor, he made quick friends with the others even though they weren't ever an actual camper. he applied 2 years ago for the position when it was offered (time thought another link was Hilarious).
as said before, he and four have a theory about time and his funding for the camp, this consists of many internet searches and late-night ramblings in the counselor's cabin. they're frequently told off by an exasperated twilight, but a majority of the chain enjoy hearing any new findings about the owner of the camp.
fluent in ASL (or HSL [hylian/hyrulian sign language], which is the equivalent for such in-universe because i am learning and can actually put it to use). a majority of the counselors are at speaking-level in such, barring wind who is very early on in learning.
the ids are made of paper and stuck in a laminated sheet and then stuck on a lanyard. it isn't pictured in his reference sheet, but wild has a teal colored lanyard (very similar to the teal/blue on their bag + shorts).
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lorenfinch · 1 year
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Hello! Very recently I found out about the existence of writeblr, and since I am currently working on a book series and trying to get the word out about it I thought I'd make a sideblog for it!
My name is Loren, and my full pen name is Loren Finch. I'm 24 at the time of writing this (though my birthday is less than a month away), I like to primarily use he/they, though I still go by she/her in some places due to not entirely being out and still experimenting with my pronouns. I am a mixed, queer, autistic/adhd, transmasc, aroace author who enjoys all things fantasy, gothic, and supernatural.
I am also an artist and you may find some of my character art here! My main blog is @circuslollipop and my art sideblog is @circuslollipopart! You can also find me on twitter @/circuslollipop and on insta @/circuslollipopart!!
I would love to meet and befriend fellow writers and seek out some beta readers in the future once I'm ready for it!
My current writing project was actually inspired by another writing idea I had! That project was moreso about faeries in a steampunk-inspired city, until I had a few worldbuilding ideas on how to integrate vampires into the setting. Then I came up with a couple characters and an entirely new setting, and found that I wanted to write about them instead!
For the time being. Perhaps when this monster of a project is all done, I can go back to that other idea! Or, idk, something about sapphic werecoyotes in an Old West-inspired town.
Currently, I am working on a new adult dark fantasy book series, with an aim for 5 books total. I would comp this as GRISHAVERSE x HELL FOLLOWED WITH US x THE WITCHER.
The Everdark. A vast expanse of forest and mountains where the sun cannot touch, where monsters roam wild and where magic permeates the very soil. To most mortals, the Everdark is a death sentence, but one young man hopes to make it a sanctuary. Renwick had always held a fascination for vampires, and now that he’s been turned into one, he revels at the chance to finally leave behind who he once was—scared and meek with no friends, shunned by his fellows who insisted he was a wretched little girl. Yet instead of the grand castles, billowing capes, and candlelit ballroom dances of his dreams, Renwick finds himself thrust in the middle of a conflict between vampires and monster hunters that threatens to turn deadly. With his new home and fellow vampires on the line, Renwick must uncover the secrets lurking in the fog, all while searching for his enigmatic uncle and grappling with the mysterious circumstances of his own transformation.
This series will feature vampires, undead creatures, elves, magic, a trans autistic MC, many queer characters, and an eventual MLM romance. The setting is inspired by mainly 19th century Europe with some medieval/renaissance era elements, and North American natural landscapes. Currently, I have just started drafting the first book! I am a plotter by nature, and have completed outlining book 1, and have mapped out where the rest of the series will go.
ART: #character art
CHARACTERS: #ch: [insert character name]
TIPS: #ref
I'll also add anything I see fit!
@/angie-j-kay || @/digitalsatyr23 || @/sam-glade || @/worldsfromhoney
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jq37 · 4 months
.....fuck. Ok, so the simple answer is Cassandra's going Nightmare King. But that "she's at my side once more" thing gives me hope that this is something else and not entirely Kristens fault. Could be the Elf side of Galacaea reacting badly to the Wolf side gaining prominence and she's trying to grab for any piece of her old self to gain a controlling foothold. On the lighter side of things, Kristen believing she's a full-on actual political candidate and trying to give a speech to steel-workers was gut-bustingly hilarious. Less light-hearted, Adaine needs to stop attacking her financial woes as a teenager and start attacking it as a wizard adventurer. And lose the crap job, a 40% discount is not worth those 8 hours she's losing every shift. She can get a lot more done with that time. But she's a kid who's trying to solve this on her own instead of the common sense move of reaching out to adults who know more. Siobhan commits to the bit, I'll give her that. Bizarely, Gorgugs 400% course load is actually is the most solvable problem. Get Digby and Wilma to tutor him and help him speedrun through the Freshman and Sophomore material and then play catch-up on the Junior year material. He might have drop the Owl Bears, he needs those hours. Fig is killing it so hard in all her classes, it would be fucking hilarious if she's the Bad Kid who graduates as valedictorian. This one ran long, sorry about that.
OK, my quick thoughts on everything before I sit down to write this recap tomorrow (I finished my notes today--geez these JY eps are LONG):
Kristen: Wild that the thing Kristen has chosen to go all in on is her high school bid for class president and not *gestures vaguely* literally anything else. Funny, but wild. My best guess until we have more info is that this is an "As above so below" thing because the wizards getting ripped and aggressive is super random except for the fact that the main things that Kristen has been doing in the past few months is getting ripped and being aggressive to Cass. But we're working with incomplete info so we'll see.
Adaine: Girl, take Aelwyn's chest of rubies and sell it for cash and buy stuff with that! Or better yet, use your Oracle/general divination powers to figure out the lotto numbers/stock futures and exploit that! Honestly, even killing your mom is a better plan that working at Fantasy Auntie Anne's!
Gorgug: :( Hang in there buddy. It's wild when everyone else is dealing with kind fantasy problems--even Adaine's thing is tinged with Fantasy what with the absurdity of the items she needs to get--and Gorgug is just dealing with…a completely regular school problem. That's rough man. I personally feel like I'd try to join a club or something to show off my skills rather than doing it on the books if this requires a 400% course load but I hope he can make it work. Though, it would also be interesting for them to do a, "There's no shame in trying and failing," storyline because man that's just so much work and that's an important thing to learn.
Fabian: If you want Adaine to be at your party then give her some of your massive pile of gold so she doesn't have to work a crappy mall job. The girl is filtering gold flecks out of discounted booze and you know that because you're the one who gave her permission to do it. Either help her or don't be sulky when she can't make your shrimp party!
Fig: Fig as surprise valedictorian has the same energy as Annie realizing she and Shirley are neck in neck for the position even though Annie is the type A control freak (this is a Community ref for anyone who's like whomst?). That would be so funny. But also, it wouldn't be crazy! Fig was super preppy before she decided to be punk. I wouldn't be surprised if her grades were always good and she's also passionate about everything she does. If she wasn't set on sticking it to the man, she'd be so so so solid.
Riz: You didn't mention him but I wanted to give him a section anyway. Hi Riz :)
OK, that's it for now. Can't wait for next ep! (And no worries about this ask being long. I like getting long D20 Asks!)
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zombiepillarz · 19 days
I would love to hear an overview of what MIOD is if you have one! I think I've seen all the designs before and they look wonderful but I desire to know the plot if there is any :]
I’ll try to explain it without any spoilers or going on needless tangents that I can do a post about…
Let’s set the scene
MIOD follows Marcel (Bee-Human hybrid with social AND anger issues) as he is taken out of his secure Navy position by his father, Zeppelin who runs the world organization called MIOD. MIOD (or Macrocosm Institution of Discovery) is an organization that handles all magic instances, whether it be rouge magical creatures or abuse of magic, but mostly all the world governments they work with mainly just want protection from their H-BOTS (a droid made to supervise towns and collect magic evidence and help in magical threat). MIOD in the current situation just researches, deals with national and foreign affairs and educates the masses on magic (and that they should just never use it) BUT THATS WHERE MARCEL COMES IN!!
Marcel is brought in by Zeppelin and he meets 3 other people, Jen Pham (A Freelance Mechanic who was hired after she fixed Zeppelin’s car at a record speed with perfection), Delilah Renee (An old friend of Marcel’s who used to be a child star for an educational tv show MIOD used to have) and Josefina Pond (a stay-at-home parent who mainly worked for MIOD from home, conducting research for clean energy and homeschooling), Marcel also meets Josefina’s 9 year old daughter, Stella but she is quickly sent to the MIOD daycare. Zeppelin explains that MIOD recently started getting slandered by a certain counter group called EToM for their not so clean image that was brought by the recent dangerous malfunctions of the H-Bots which is why he needs a human team to bring back trust and help out in situations that the H-Bots aren’t best suited to handle as the Discovery team!
Stella usually sneaks onto these missions, and no one knows how, especially in their first mission where they go to Europe and deal with an ancient fire breathing dragon (MIOD is a speculative fiction-)
Eventually in their first mission they end up meeting EToM. Even though EToM has hundreds of members all around the globe, the main 3 that Marcel and his team always run into are Elliot (EToM’s “team leader” who has robotic hands similar to an H-Bots), Anaya (the brawn of the team but the nicest one) William (a teenage vampiric bat who just follows his team around) and a hacked H-BOT (named a “E-BOT”, controlled by 2 people named Akrosa and Urvashi). Elliot especially holds a grief over Marcel for “choosing” to be a leader for MIOD, and they become enemies. MIOD wins in defeating the dragon, but they now have to deal with EToM now- (and that’s basically the start of MIOD)
That’s all I am going to explain FOR NOW, as I slowly start to roll out MIOD art, animatics and comics, as there are some things that aren’t what they seem by first read.
If you still have any MIOD Discourse related questions or you want to ask a specific OC, PLEASE ASK!! 
Here are their refs but keep in mind THESE ARE GETTING REDRAWN, but they are keeping their main elements
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Yes furries (Marcel, Urvashi, William and Jaya) are normal members of society, not actual animals who live in the wild or captivity. They aren’t really magical creatures but some (aka all) are classified (By MIOD) as such since they “aren’t exactly human in physical traits or behaviors”, For Example, William needs to consume blood as a normal part if his diet, and Urvashi and Jaya have sharper teeth and great agility/flexibility (yeah you can see what is about to happen-) ask to know more (although it will be really hard to explain this whole system)
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crown-of-roses-thsc · 1 month
Guys….I’m bored, so an impulse contest! Y’all were surprisingly enthusiastic about an art contest so WE DOIN’ IT BOYS!
You don’t have to have read the comic to participate….although it’s recommended that you do, haha!
(Any refs will be in my pinned post!)
-The art piece MUST be of a character in CoR! You can use the color palette in the comics, or the ref color palette….heck, go wild!
-Gore is absolutely fine! Ship art of canon or noncanon ships is absolutely fine! As long as it’s not NSFW or fetish-y you can go wild! My only ask is that there’s no art shipping Lefty for this contest ;)
-The format can be anything you want…physical drawings, digital drawings, doodle pages, animations, animatics, page redraws- go wild!
-You can DM me them, tag me in a post, whatever works for you! I’ll reblog any entries, however if you really don’t want me to you can let me know ;)
I will choose two winners and each will get their OC featured in Crown of Roses! They’ll be put in a nonspeaking role, but be featured clearly in whatever panel they’re on. And who knows, if you’re lucky I might actually give them a line or two of dialogue :P. If you don’t want that I’ll give you a sketch of your OC!!
Rules for OCs are under the “read more”!
The FIRST PLACE winner will ALSO get a fully shaded fullbody piece of their OC, **OR** their character can instead join Ellie’s revolution as a minor character in the comic!
(Minor basically means at least one or two speaking roles and a few consistent appearances :)))
Entries are due on May 10th!
-I can do OCs with animal ears or tails, but no severe magic powers or super extreme features- I won’t do wings.
-They have to be a Toppat!
-They can’t be a relative of any character that has been shown in CoR thus far.
-I will not be writing them having crushes on any characters, nor involve them in anything romantic.
-Their role will be minor!
-You’ll have to give me basic info on them so I know what I’m doing!
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Ada Shorewalker
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Image © @iguanodont
[Another OC, and one of the first ones I came up with before realizing that I could make an entire Monster Girl Summer out of it. Ada is definitely a version of myself, much like Jade Seven is. I tied her to Castle Xyntillian in this flavor text because it seemed like a good fit for for her, either as a powerful ally for lower level players, or as someone in need of rescue for higher level ones.]
Ada Shorewalker CR 8 N Monstrous Humanoid This anthropomorphic seal has long red hair and a gentle, curious expression. She wears a seal-skin cape and carries a spear.
Ada Shorewalker was always more interested in observation than in the actual hunt. While other selkies of her pack preferred to play malicious tricks on humanoids, Ada spent her time in tide pools and beach-combing, paying special attention to those land organisms that came to rest or forage on the seaside. As Ada grew up, she practiced her shapeshifting to emulate the other animals around her, and eventually grew in tune with nature to the point of learning druidic magic. She has now left her pack behind, exploring on land in order to learn more about the life that exists independently of the ocean.
Despite her gentle nature, Ada is especially interested in things like predator-prey relationships, decomposition and toxicology. Fungi are fairly rare in the ocean, and so she is fascinated by fungi and fungal creatures. When she is comfortable with someone, she often infodumps to them about all of the things she’s learned; her idea of “fun facts” is decidedly morbid and sometimes very gross. She views undeath as an aberration, but a particularly interesting one.
In combat, Ada switches from fun-loving to all business. She uses her animal focus to take on aspects like dolphin, orca or turtle, and then closes into melee with her spear or natural weapons. She prefers not to fight in wild shape mode, as Ada usually saves it to take a flying form if she needs to make a quick getaway. Ada is a little headstrong, and is not used to working alongside others, but given time and practice could become an excellent teammate.
Due to her attraction towards macabre topics, Ada Shorewalker has been considering an expedition to Castle Xyntillian. She has heard that Lake Xyntillian is home to an entire population of freshwater plesiosaurs, for example, and unusual plants and fungi grow throughout the grounds. She is confident that she can deal with any undead creatures that she encounters, because she has underestimated the sheer number of powerful undead that live on the grounds. She has no idea, for example, about powerful guests such as The Sickness or Debbie Twice-Born, or that Hubert Malevol the Huntsman has never stalked a selkie before and would be happy to add her head to his trophy collection.
Ada has red hair and a fat build in all of her humanoid forms. She gets along especially well with gnomes.
Ada Shorewalker          CR 8 XP 4,800 Female selkie druid 6 (variant feral shifter) N Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +14, scent Defense AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural) hp 90 (12d8+36) Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14; +4 vs. fey Resist cold 10 Defensive Abilities resist nature’s lure Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee masterwork spear +15 (1d8+6/x3), bite +9 (1d8+4) or bite +14 (1d8+6), 2 claws +14 (1d6+4) Ranged masterwork spear +15 (1d8+4/x3) or sling +14 (1d4+4) Special Attacks animal focus (6 minutes/day), aquatic focus, powerful blows (bite), shake, wild shape (2/day, Tiny to Large animal, Small elemental) Spells CL 6th, concentration +10 (+14 casting defensively) 3rd—greater magic fang, neutralize poison (DC 16), speak with plants 2nd—barkskin, bear’s endurance, elemental speech, slipstream 1st—faerie fire, obscuring mist, produce flame, speak with animals 0th—detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, stabilize Statistics Str 18, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 16, Wis17, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting,Improved Critical (bite)B, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge: nature) Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +9, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (nature) +17, Heal +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +13, Survival +14, Swim +21 Languages Aquan, Common, Druidic, Gnome, Sylvan SQ change shape (any Small or Medium humanoid, alter self), echo of reason, hold breath, nature sense, trackless step, wild empathy +9, woodland step Gear seafoam shawl of resistance +1, pearl of power (1st level), wand of cure light wounds, scroll of lesser restoration, masterwork spear, sling with 10 bullets,coral and pearls worth 46 gp Special Abilities Animal Focus (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action, a feral shifter can take on the aspect of an animal, gaining a bonus or special ability based on the type of animal emulated. This functions as the hunter’s animal focus class feature. The feral shifter can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. She can emulate only one animal at a time. This ability replaces nature bond. Aquatic Focus (Su) Ada Shorewalker draws her animal focuses from the list for the aquatic beastmaster hunter archetype. Echo of Reason (Su) A selkie can instinctively alter the intonation of its voice to make anything it says sound more pleasing to those who understand it. When using the Bluff skill, a selkie treats its lies as one step more believable for the purposes of bonuses or penalties on the check. Shake (Ex) On a successful critical hit with its bite attack, a selkie automatically violently shakes a Large or smaller target. The target must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or it is dazed for 1 round. Even on a successful save, the target still takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks for the next 2 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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quibbs126 · 5 months
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I made Blueberry Ice Cream a new ref
I’m noticing that I tend to give BBIC basically the same pose each time. I need to stop that
Anyways so the description here is basically just me trying to describe him because someone asked me to, and I thought this info paired better with the new ref, so I copy/pasted it here
What I have is that he’s a magic blacksmith, who makes weapons and then enchants them with his magical know how. He’s around his mid 20s, so still pretty young and a bit naïve, and well as headstrong and reckless. He has a habit of not thinking things through, just going with his gut and what he thinks is the right decision, even when sometimes it’s really not, and he tends to underestimate potential consequences (and in other versions of him, these are what cause his ultimate downfall). He means well, it’s just that he doesn’t always think
In this new continuity where he exists in present day, he comes from a line of magic users, with one of his ancestors being the Cookie that founded the Blueberry Yogurt Academy. He became interested in being a blacksmith because he learned one of his other ancestors (the one right before the founder in fact), created a legendary magic sword, that being the Strawberry Jam Sword, but doesn’t really understand its malicious nature (as it seems this isn’t common knowledge) and saw this ancestor purely as someone to look up to, and so he aspired to be just like him, hoping to one day make something as great as he did. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the actual truth of the things that happened
And meanwhile there’s his son, Blueberry Yogurt. In my previous version of BBIC’s story, his son was that aforementioned founder, but now they just happen to share a name. As I’ve stated previously, Blueberry Ice Cream is around his mid 20s or so, and his son is around 4-5, so BBIC’s a relatively young dad; not the youngest, he wasn’t a teen parent or anything, but still. Blueberry Ice Cream’s handling things I’d say relatively well. He loves his son and tries to always be supportive of him, wanting him to live the best he can. I mean it’s not like these two are the most well off, since this is a single income household and BBIC’s still working mostly small time, but they’re doing fine. Having Blueberry Yogurt is something that generally grounds Blueberry Ice Cream, as he can’t just go and chase wild ideas, he has to think about his kid, so it helps him from being too impulsive, not that he isn’t still
I should probably talk about Blueberry Yogurt too. So as stated above, he’s a young boy, around 4-5, he’s very timid and also a bit of a crybaby, very much the opposite of his father. He generally prefers being around adults rather than kids his age, and seems to be more relaxed around them. But he has his strengths, being very perceptive and can sometimes have a better understanding of things than his dad (he’s also got some idea that the story his dad likes so much has more going on than he thinks). He’s interested in solely magic instead of blacksmithing, getting his hands on whatever magic books he can find to learn. Blueberry Ice Cream often buys him whatever magic books he can find since he knows it makes his son happy. He’d also like for his son to maybe toughen up a little, since he always gets scared by other kids, but he more considers it something for later, since he’s still little, maybe it’ll happen on its own
I’m not sure I have much else to say. Though to be honest, I’m coming back and writing the rest of this a couple days after I started, so I may have forgotten things. If I have, I’ll go and write them in here
Edit: I remembered some other stuff
So I’m not entirely sure where they’re living. Originally it was somewhere close to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, since BBIC would use the nearby dragons’ scales in his weapons, but now he’s in modern day and we’re not sure if the twin dragons are still around, I’m not sure where to put him. I suppose he could be living in Dragon City, though he certainly doesn’t fit in color wise
Another thing that relates to his character, I’m not entirely sure how to describe this, but he’s smart and dumb at the same time. Like he can be intelligent, and he’s very knowledgeable on magical things (since his family line’s all about magic), as well as probably weapons among other things, but he can be unaware and just generally and idiot at times. Again I don’t really know how to describe it. I don’t think “high intelligence, low wisdom” really applies to him
But yeah, that’s Blueberry Ice Cream
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robozombii · 11 months
some fanmade designs for a royal inconvenience, an au fic by @nemesis-is-my-middle-name ! (((please read it.))) there arent too many descriptions of clothing which sort of let my imagination run wild. heres a ramble
the fic states that arthurs wounds are easily visible except for his chest and such, so i figured his clothes would be relatively light, yknow? the inspiration from ancient greek clothing kinda came on its own but it feel similar to what people draw on angels, and arthurs wings arent conventional but he can join them too!
after his design, i felt the fantasy vibe of this au should be cranked to the max and wanted vivi and lewis’ designs to feel like they came from various regions. vivi has a lot of warmers and a big scarf that she can actually control! (with like… magic. yknow) and a sword that she has yet to master. lewis is a bit more basic but thats mostly because i like to believe hes just this ordinary member of a family business forced to go on adventures to maybe help out back at home (maybe a dire situation calls for financial aid aka STEAL GOLD) so his outfits more casual and the tied cloth around his waist is his uniform from home!
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i have a ton more details thought up about this au that i may tell over time, but this is it for now! you may wonder why exactly i made these refs. one: for my own enjoyment. two: if i can manage to, i might eventually start a comic interpretation of the original fic, but itll take some work. i am excited nonetheless as comics are a medium ive rarely dealt with, and itd be nice to learn using one of my favorite msa aus!
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ill sign off with a few sketches of arthur as a child. i think his wings would naturally be covered in light grey down feathers like an actual baby crow lol. also, that at such a young age he wasnt good at using them like an elephant baby might not know how to use its big trunk. so, when running around, he underestimates the weight of his big wings and topples over from time to time
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confluencechimera · 1 month
Top 5 list of your own OCs. (`∀ ´)Ψ
OUGH this is a GOOD QUESTION. I really had to narrow it down because I have so many babies but I think I got something solid
1 - Malech H'owl, an OC I made for St*r W*rs. she was based off an old chimera fursona of mine that I turned into a unique alien species and aaa I love drawing her SO MUCH. she's my go-to doodle char. she has a whole entire society and backstory where she was a ruler and a gladiator fighter and a tactician and a mercenary. because I got really into her. she is so self indulgent but that's probably why she's my favorite. I'm so attached to her I've thought abt making her a totally original universe recently divorced from the source media just for meeeee ✨
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2 - Ace, who I've been trying to get a ref sheet done for for the past year and a half or so. He looks like a basic old furry on the surface but he's apart of a much larger sci-fi story where his species are trying to preserve history for future generations by inserting memory-recording ships into different members of their kind and then beaming all that into a supercomputer hidden somewhere in the galaxy. Ace comes from a middle generation (the first gen were adults who had the procedure done, the middle generation were fairly young, the newest generation are cubs), so his chip doesn't work entirely as well as the newest gen, and he gets weird deja vu moments of seeing other people's memories. He's also a mercenary. He has a cool spaceship and lives on his own on a barren icy planet. This is the best photo I have of him atm
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3 - Howlite, another OC I made for a media (this one being TF!). I'm trying to redesign her atm so I don't have as many pics to show off. but he turns into a plane and later a big old SUV. she's got an insanely long backstory as well: loses everything in a big war, goes on a revenge quest, realizes she wants to live for something more, gets almost killed (twice) and then wakes up on Earth where she finds her old partner and learns to start a new life there. he's a Certified Strange Girlboy Bi Thing. here's a real edgy picture of her after killing a bunch of ppl.
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4 - Glitch and Error, two REALLY old OCs of mine who I recently revived from my old dA days. They're personified computer viruses apart of a giant hivemind sort of setup, where the larger viruses "kill" and "consume" smaller ones to become bigger and stronger. The strongest virus rules over the entire hivemind and uses the smaller drones to go out and find electricity to feed on. Not a lot of super solid universe/hard-set rules for this story, it was just something I made for fun, but these guys have endured in my brain for over 10 years so they deserve a shout out.
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5 - Comet, a very new character for me (and one I haven't entirely fleshed out yet), but a simple little black wolf furry. Her aes/story is a mixture of Stray Gods, a dash of Hi-Fi Rush, lots of Norse mythology and hard rock (Breaking Benjamin in particular) music. She's the lead singer of a band called Fenrir's Chains, and one day on her drive home from a local show she gets swept up in a Wild Hunt that actually gets her to meet Fenrir. The whole story is meant to be a sort of analogy for dealing with mortality but I'm still working the themes and kinks out. So, I only have a few sketches, plus the plushie she's based on in real life. (She's next to a plushie I plan to turn into Ace one day too!)
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t-hal-mothman · 11 months
I have accumulated several references to my irkens that I would like to post! they are all made in the same style for my own convenience, so they are not pretentious and for the most part contain simple quick info
I also just removed the height ruler from here, which I used to compare them but for those who really cares: my irkens are made here the way that if I throw one character into the ref of another, they would be identically correlated by their actual height to each other (I just put a lot of effort into it for some reason :D)
To begin with, there's a lady named Slush! (which is literally not her real name, but for random dudes it's always just "Slush")!
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She is quite chaotic and wild, actually a good girl, but sometimes she is stupid. Also you can address her as you like, with any pronoun, you can say that she is in some sense a genderfluid! :D
Her title is "artificer" and once she was on the staff of the same hardworking bees who are engaged in the Irken heritage in the field unrelated to the art of warfare
She was among those who monitor the preservation of what few people are interested in at the present time and has skills that no one really needs, but she was glad that she had been involved in at least something for many years (btw, she is not so loyal to the Empire in a sense, but you can never tell about her real loyalty, no one knows, not even herself)
But work brought her physical and mental injuries, and life turned into a series of incoherent pictures in the depths of her PAK So escaping against the system and burning days in a box was what eventually led her to a new life (with a slightly unbalanced defective on his own space station)
And the one slightly unbalanced defective mentioned above named Echo!
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He can be a serious grouch and a good-natured person at the same time. In general he is a pretty good listener. You can't tell by him, but he is a smiling guy! :D
This dude is a kind of opponent of the Empire, but silently. His position is not one that he would like to lose. He just doesn't do anything that would put his position in danger. In the days of his active work for the Empire, he and his team was once responsible for the creation of parasite devices, but did not reach the end. For many who worked, the idea remained just an idea :)
In any case, Echo loves nature very much. In fact, at the moment, he has the title of "Ecologist" and he is engaged in research on the restoration and terraforming planets and biomes, to reproduce them after catastrophic events or organic sweeps.
As for Sylvie, they are Echo's favorite pet (Good girl, best friend!) They are a very smart beast and do a lot of work during Echo's off hours. Trained and taught, Sylvie is an integral part of his life.
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kinopioa · 3 months
Anyone else feel like the separation of artist and writer interacting with each other has harmed both terribly in the industry? With hacky executives furthering the divide?
Writers devoid of arts and interaction with the world, so they get stuck on a recycling of tropes and lack of emotion, or being too wordy and blunt of what a char says/does. It feels unnatural and forced, too planned and predetermined regardless how awful the pacing is. The lack of consideration for visuals impacts development for artists
And then Artists being so divorced from story telling, that the characters they design and make end up too ungrounded and quirky. They too fall prey to expression crutches and tropes, and lose identity among themselves entirely cuz "aesthetic". Nor realize when something is overexaggerated or just straight up noise. A writer's message may be clouded completely due to it
For ref of extremes, we have for writers a few decently written adult animated shows...look like shit. And the lack of decent animation actually limited stories on what characters can do. Mass appeal is lost. A Troll in Central Park meanwhile, beautifully animated and good art design...is a pretty shit and boring movie. You'll be roped into the aesthetic, but then grow bored extremely fast due to vapid interactions and events
I feel like both can get corrupted due to fame/ego, especially if they're commissioned for an existing franchise. Neither want to do deep research, and just do immediate bias or aesthetic appeal. Even fans of said franchises of either category can disastrously have the ego/bias
The lack of collaboration and attempt of minimal understanding of either field has led to a lot of crappy and even pretentious media lately
For good examples that show deeper understanding of char writing and design, look at this from Rugrats S1
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It is an established guide both writers and artists have to follow. In the movie, the very first instance of malice Tommy has is seen, and treated as a huge deal. He's treated as a well defined character for developers, not a random ragdoll to then be smashed and dressed up in any silly way for a quick laugh
I feel like response to overly strict execs and nostalgia fatigue has led to both artist and writer to forge a path out away from each other in retaliation. Leading both to ironically, disrespect the character as mere pawns for whatever. Meme culture and general fatigue at society also has in a way worn down taking anything seriously, leading to both to do random shit. Which to be fair, is fine for stress relief (Rugrats infamously had storyboard stress pics leaked, and writers can be crass in personal memos). But in the work meant to be presented, this is very touchy
I feel both artists and writers see guidelines as a bad thing, when they themselves should know their own limits. I feel they both see each other's field as extraneous, instead of something vital in teamwork to the development of the work. Same with blaming only the exec when it's personal fault as well (though execs now are 100% divorced from reality in Hollywood)
I'm just tired. I feel all this did was lead to only liking something cuz of vibes, not anything legitimately grounded. And a bunch of copycats running wild with it, or getting overly engrossed in nostalgia.
That said, in terms of who it harms more, I feel art can be used as a way to mask poor writing...for a brief period. Good writing with bad art is harder to sell, even if it ages slightly better later.
For aspiring artists and writers, please. Learn of the processes of the other and the world, and learn to collaborate within constraints as opposed to working in defiance of constraints. And learn to accept criticism, even if it's impossible to please everyone
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dirtyoldmanhole · 8 months
@/damoselcastel was kind enough to show me a bunch of the FE:Fates visual works artbook pages the other day!
and because i am continuing to be .... brain rotted (lol) ... grabbed a copy since there was more than a few relevant pages/official artworks, and wanted to have a high res/color corrected version of these pages for art refs to slap on my reference boards! if i'm looking at them every day now for the past three months they better be accurate!!!
anyway! it came TODAY!!! :D :D pakidge
god dang this thing is THICK, now this is what i call a proper artbook! a little hard to see here but you can see by both the front and the spine that it's a chonker -- the two tellius artbooks combined are thicker but they're also a bit smaller elsewhere.
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rest is under the cut b/c it's me promptly going feral :P
(and seeing who's on the spine ahhh!!! honestly that's really cool and super appropriate given his subtle plot/character relevance?! super fucking cool to keep seeing nintendo nod at him in symbolically relevant places, but not too overtly )
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stone cold, swear to you, straight up didn't intend that but this was literally me irl then:
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(also HE GETS A WHOLE SPREAD???? and a turnaround?!!!!!! even freaking corrin's nohr noble design gets like an EIGHTH of the page
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gunter gets treated SO WELL in this artbook i'm on the floor trying not to sob like i'm sixteen again and begging for any zihark scraps
also this is so much more high res than what's on my reference board the nitpicky artist in me is literally crying for joy about FINALLY HAVING A HIGH RES REFERENCEEEEEEEEEEE
also what the fuck the architecture is so cool???????????
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for real tho i remember my first conquest playthrough my jaw was on the FLOOR being genuinely amazed at how cool the worldbuilding was especially on the nohrian side with the gothic vibe and y'all don't know how useful this is going to be to replicate nohrian motifs in all of my drawings/probable comics/doujinshi/etc.
[foams at mouth]
this artbook also covers EVERYTHING
like there's a healthy amount of character work , but there's also enemy designs (always thought fate's enemy designs were unusually kickass, like some of these folks could be outright characters themselves), the architecture stuff above....
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my room lines....
sorry for shitty blurriness it's just me vibrating in excitement lmao i'll upload it in the high res chunk
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hellooooo sir~~~~
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(you knew i was going to be posting that shot >:D )
his possession CGI gets a full fucking page too ajlsjsjkskjhhjshjg
HE GETS TREATED SO GOOD HERE Y'ALL, SO MANY FULL PAGES???????????? is this what it's like to be brain rotted over a major character i will never know the feeling lul
(there's actually at least two other gunter fullbody artworks in here, those have already been scanned/uploaded properly by others so i won't post 'em here unless y'all want em!
and then lastly!
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to finish it off, god this cover progress is so cool, kozaki knows what he's doing.
and i'm pretty sure gunter's linework gets changed halfway through, his expression's somewhat different than on the final! and i'll be posting that along with the other high res/cleaned up scans! just need to figure out if my scanner's gonna do a better job than my phone or vice versa.
[tries to stay composed] [fails]
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