#wicks omgcp
nursedexy · 2 months
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'swawesome boop (this one is @transwicky's fault)
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virgoscringe · 6 months
last one of the h*vemindaversary! olliewicks maximizing their joint slay <33
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Alucard Emery- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Pacer Wicks- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Ballister Blackheart- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Tayend of Tremmelin- Magician’s Guild series by Trudi Canavan
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transwicky · 7 months
Ollie and Wicky eloped.
Everyone feels offended and they think maybe the others got invited but the truth was nobody did.
They eloped winter break junior year, but everyone thinks they got married after graduating.
Until Bitty is stressing out planning his and Jack's wedding and Ollie is like "this is why we eloped junior year" and Bitty freezes and stares at him.
"Junior year?"
"yeah. My student visa was expiring for the year and we had plans to get married anyways, so Pace' suggested eloping earlier than planned so I could get a green card. Fuck, Tango was literally the only one there as our witness and to tell immigration "yeah they genuinely love each other, it's kinda gross how in love they are with the PDAs" so. We never had a real ceremony, just did paperwork for it. It helped that we were broke college students who had been dating since our freshman year."
Bitty is floored.
He texts the others asking if they knew.
They are all HORRIFIED to know they've been thinking the worst of Ollie and Wicky when the only person who went was the freshman that was the honest and genuine tadpole that Wicky pretty much adopted, and probably because there was no way immigration would not believe the kid.
Bitty hesitantly asks if they'd want a ceremony, and Ollie shrugs.
"it's not a big deal to me overall. I think it'd be nice, but I don't need one. I think Pacer would like it though, but his family is also kinda fucked up so I don't know for sure how he'd feel about it. I've offered though. He said no."
Bitty asks Tango.
"He and his cousin planned their weddings when they were eight, Bitty. He wants a ceremony. He doesn't need one, he knows that, but he wants one, he just doesn't want Ollie to think it's something he needs to do to like, prove they love each other or something. It's from the fucked up childhood. His mom was kinda stupid. Said weddings were proof that they love each other. So Wicky says no when Ollie offers 'cause he remembers that and doesn't want Ollie to feel like he has to do it as proof, because he already knows Ollie loves him. It's stupid. People are stupid. Why are people so stupid?"
"Good Lord, that's the million dollar question, Tango."
And so he talks things out with Tango.
Tango gets in touch with Wicky's cousin.
She gives him the old baby wedding planner they did as kids, and the one Wicky had started when he and Ollie first made plans to get married after graduation (the baby one was for cute little laughs at what 8 year old Wicky wanted, it wasn't actually what Tango asked her for. Nobody is complaining).
She sits Ollie down. Tells him what their moms told them as kids, and that Wicky will never tell him he wants a ceremony because of it, and especially since they're already married.
So Ollie has to finish planning things. They can have the ceremony on the day they actually got married ("Make it romantic! He'll love it!") And it can be in their backyard, even ("where doesn't matter, so long as the people you both care about are there!").
SMH is invited, that much is clear.
Bitty is Ollie's best man, Tango is Wicky's, because Ollie knows Wicky wouldn't want anyone else there unless it's Johnson (which is true).
But Johnson is allowed to wed people legally, they have no idea why, but he can, and Ollie knows Wicky would LOVE that.
The ceremony really is in the backyard, and it's covered in snow, and Wicky comes home from work to their friends and families over and holy shit Ollie did all of this?!
And his dad just grins, gives him the suit he got married in, and his own father got married in, and his father had married in, and Wicky is crying by the time he's standing with Ollie at the end of the aisle, with Tango as his best man, and Johnson is the one marrying them.
He whispers thank you before Johnson starts talking.
It's absolutely everything he could have wanted for their wedding.
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luminarai · 2 years
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holster years later at a smh reunion, talking to a happily married ollie&wicks: ok but was I wrong?? exactly.
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zimms · 6 months
ollie and wicks invite bitty and jack on a double date but they are very unaware that ollie and wicks are dating. thoughts? (@gothlesbianlardo)
it's only as bitty sits down next to jack at the restaurant that he realises that this is actually an awfully fancy place to be just meeting up with college friends. like this is a place that he comes to for dinner with jack on dates, rather than somewhere he'd necessarily meet shitty for a catch up. he shakes off the thought though; maybe ollie or wicks is just a food snob? that feels like something he could expect from one of them.
bitty peruses the menu diligently, whilst ollie and wicks do the same, and he can't help but note, with a glance over his menu, that ollie and wicks are sat pretty close together. surely it can't be that comfortable? like surely their thighs would be touching? but maybe that's just what happens when you're two ginormous hockey players. bitty wouldn't know personally.
jack shuts his menu (he'd clearly already decided on his chicken tenders) and asks ollie and wicks about their post grad plans. bitty opens his mouth to say that he already knows, but he quickly realises, that he does not in fact know.
"oh!" ollie says, "we've got jobs at a couple of start ups here in providence actually! that's why we're here at the moment actually! and then we've put in an offer for a house out in pawtucket!"
wow. a house is definitely a big investment for just two best friends, but ollie and wicks have always been codependent. it's no more than what ransom and holster would do.
it's only at the end of the evening, after a very lovely meal, that bitty realises that the two of them have only been speaking in the first person plural all night. we this, and us that, and our whatever. but what really tips him off is when ollie and wicks share a quick kiss before walking to their (their!!) car.
bitty turns to jack "wow i did Not realise they were dating."
jack blinks. "wait, they're dating?"
bitty stares at jack incredulously. "honey, they literally just kissed. did you think that was platonic?"
"shitty kisses me like that all the time. i saw ransom and holster shares like six kisses yesterday alone."
okay, that's a good point.
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
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“did they seriously not know we got married?”
“i told you, babe, foxtrot is the only one who reads the newsletter.”
my contribution to the olliewicks renaissance!
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montrealmadison · 3 months
olliewicks and 37 !!
abby, it’s only appropriate that i write these two for the very first time for you. ❤️
37. olliewicks + Anything You Want (Not That) by Belleruche for @zimms
Forgive the doe eyed relentless attention If it's on, I'm on, and there's no more use in pretending Close to the chase, it's clear you've had fun playing Some liberties, well you've surely been taking
Halfway through December, with the night becoming morning and the tub juice lighting him on fire, Oliver O’Meara thinks he’s having a pretty good freshman year.
Or—frog year. Right. New team, new lingo; he knows how this goes. The guys here call him Ollie, same as they have everywhere else. The ice at Faber is bigger, better kept, but his skates dig into it just the same. He goes to class (most of the time), hits up the kegsters, tries his best to get in with the upperclassmen, successfully makes one entire friend.
He’s a simple guy. Doesn’t expect much. 
So the fact that something is starting to feel different is rubbing him the wrong way.
read more below or on ao3 | request a fic here
The Haus is high off the win—literally, Ollie thinks, watching smoke drift past him out the open front door. They destroyed BC tonight, four-nothing, and Jack only shouted at them twice, which at this point honestly passes for kindness where he's concerned. Shitty has been incandescent with joy since they hit the showers. He’s dragged every member of the team into at least two keg stands with his own set of complicated strip rules and is now down to nothing but one sock and a giant smile, which was the final warning that prompted Ollie to move to the porch. The parties here are way better than in high school, he has to admit, but only in small doses.
Salt crunches beneath him when he sits down on the steps. It’s cold out. Not as bad as it is at home this time of year, but not warm enough to justify him sitting outside in shorts and a hoodie, sweat chilling quickly in his hair and his breath smoking out in long billows. He half-expects someone to come outside and yell at him to put a coat on, but no one does. To fill the silence, he takes another sip of tub juice, lets it torch his throat all the way down.
Maybe everybody feels like this freshman year: unmoored, self-conscious, either too loud or too quiet. It’s not bad, it’s just—different. Not having his brothers around. Playing hockey that really means something. Making friends on purpose, not just because they’re the only ones available. Going to parties where people sort of know you, where they call your name; where your teammates smile and smell like cinnamon and weed and have nice asses and ex-boyfriends; where that’s okay, it’s all okay.
Maybe, if he’s feeling like this on a night when he’s supposed to be happy, he shouldn’t be drinking alone. He’s about to pound the rest of his cup and risk going back in for a refill when someone knees him in the back.
“Ow,” Ollie says, which is a great first thing to say when you’re potentially going to have to kick someone’s ass. “Bro, what the fuck.”
He turns around, ready to defend himself, but it’s only Wicky, carrying two Keystones with the tabs already popped.
“‘Sup,” he says, grinning like he didn’t just commit an act of warfare, and hands one over. The can’s cold, as are Wicky’s fingers when they touch. “You’re thinking loud. Want a buddy?”
“Yeah,” Ollie agrees, more out of surprise than anything else. He takes a sip and finds that even watery beer is a welcome change from warm Everclear and foot stank. He tosses the rest of the tub juice into the bushes in a wide arc, sends his cup tumbling after it. “Thanks.”
Wicky sinks down beside him, close enough to throw off heat but not enough to touch. He’s in sweats and a beanie, dirty old Vans, that half a smile he always wears. Ollie’s not used to feeling like it’s directed at him and kind of waits to feel uncomfortable about it, but he never does. Beyond their little sliver of porch, it’s starting to snow.
“Good fucking game,” Wicky says after a long minute, throwing a shoulder in Ollie’s direction. His inflection is familiar, round and Midwestern, and reminds Ollie so much of home that it almost softens the blow. “Tired of cellying your assist?”
“Tired of Holster kicking my ass at pong,” he retorts. Wicky laughs and dodges the elbow Ollie aims his way. “Didn’t see you rushing to my defense, man, I had to play with Hardy and he’s about as useful as—”
“Nah, nah, I didn’t mean to laugh at you.” It’s sincere. “I got you next time, sorry. Got distracted.”
“What could be more important than riding to my rescue?”
“Key lime pie?”
Ollie elbows him one more time, just for good measure and because Wicky claims not to have saved him any, before they drink their beers and watch the street turn white and he goes back to thinking.
Maybe it’s Wicky who’s different. Not in the way that Bitty is different, like nothing this team has ever seen, like the kind of person who merits special coaching with Jack by day and stands on the arm of the sticky green couch to deliver an impassioned performance of some Kesha song by night. No, the thing about Wicky is that he’s… bright. He puts his head down in practice and works the same as Ollie does, doesn’t ask many questions or draw attention to himself. They go to the dining hall and practice and the library together; mundane shit. Somehow, Ollie can’t stop noticing him anyway.
“You good, dude?”
Wicky’s voice is low, but Ollie’s so tuned into him in his head that it sounds loud. He turns, tipsy and slow, and finds Wicky still wearing that smile.
Oh, shit, Ollie thinks, hoping the cold and the beer serve as cover for the flush that immediately crawls up his cheeks. Oh, fuck.
Because here is the goddamn thing.
Oliver O’Meara is having a pretty good freshman year, but that’s all he ever expected it to be. Go to school, play hockey, have a little fun. Look, he gets that maybe there’s something in the water here that lets Shitty hug the Jack Zimmermann on the daily without getting both his arms ripped off, or facilitates the freaky mind-meld between Ransom and Holster, or enables Bitty to get on the ice with them at all. But Ollie’s never felt like a main character, not even in his own story. Everyone else probably has better reasons for coming to Samwell, life-changing ones. Ollie feels a little like he just ended up here because of some force of nature greater than him, like the broad strokes of his life have been sketched out and the details have all been left for him to make up.
Wicky is the only person who’s ever made him wonder how it would feel if, maybe, he could be different here, too.
“Ollie,” Wicky says, now sounding distinctly amused. “Earth to O’Meara. You wanna get out of here, brah? Not having fun?”
He’s pretty sure that get out of here isn’t intended that way, not yet, but it could—oh, God, it could. 
“No, I’m good,” Ollie says, feeling everything and nothing like himself. He stands, feels his knees ache with the effort of the day, knows he isn’t done quite yet. He sticks out a hand. “One more song and then late night?”
Wicky’s at his feet now, trusting eyes and curling hair, a face Ollie’s only just started to get to know but somehow thinks he won’t ever forget. He takes Ollie’s hand and pulls himself to his feet, but he doesn’t let go right away. Ollie kind of loves that. “One more, huh? Only if you’re gonna dance.”
“‘Swawesome,” says Wicky. It sounds like a promise.
(Inside, on the dance floor, when that same hand wraps warm around the back of Ollie's neck like a question and an answer all at once, it feels like one, too.)
The next weekend, they win again. Ollie’s on the ice when Ransom wrists in the last goal and everyone shouts, and when they all pile in for the celly, Ollie finds Wicky’s bright blue eyes (oh, shit) and winks, and Wicky reaches up with one gloved hand and catches it like a kiss.
Alright, Ollie thinks. Game on.
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parvuls · 1 year
you said ask you about your olliewicks headcanons so im asking you. -bittysovenbetsy
neither of them was entirely sure of their sexuality before samwell. they hooked up at a kegster that first time - it was wicks's first kiss with a dude, and ollie had only ever gone to second base (with some band kid from his hometown). there's tub juice involved but all in all it's surprisingly uncomplicated in the morning.
it doesn't start out too serious. at first they were bros, and then they started hanging out outside of practice, and then they were kissing, and then they... continued hanging out outside of practice? they're pretty chill people. their date night is studying at founders and then getting burgers. one time ollie gets them tickets to a bruins' game and they take the train up to boston and it's like, the height of romance. wicks fistbumps him for it.
they never meant to hide it from anyone - they kind of assumed the team would catch up on their own? because they spend so much of their time together? but then they didn't? so they just carried on with their lives because, man, honestly, their teammates are cool but kinda scary dramatic. chances are they'll end up on the swallow or some shit and that's just unnecessary.
speaking of: for the majority of their college years they're both sure bitty knows. bitty is their fellow frog, he's their queer peer, they're bros. but what actually happens is: bitty asks where they're going when he sees them dressed semi-nice one night (i.e. in something other than sweats) and they say they're celebrating their anniversary at jerry's, and bitty assumes they're speaking in some weird bro code (who celebrates an actual anniversary at jerry's???). a misunderstanding ensues.
they only find out he doesn't know when he comes out (with jack zimmermann. wicks says he knew it; ollie says he's full of shit. they both think jack's got major balls for going about it like he did, though). there's A Conversation about it all at the start of their senior year.
the conversation goes: "wait... y'all...???" "yup." "since WHEN?" "like, the beginning, bro." "...???" needless to say, bitty did not know. it takes a while to sink in.
he doesn't tell the rest of the team. because honestly, it's kinda funny in retrospect. but he does read their newsletter, and when they hike across new zealand, jack emails them and asks to see their photos.
they're not super close with anyone else on the team. wicks is pretty tight with his friend group from home and ollie is the few-close-friends type. wicks was in drama club his senior year of high school, though, so they end up good friends with ford when she joins the team. they usually hang out on the weekends they don't have a game.
wicks is the one to formally propose. he doesn't even have a ring or a speech planned - they've been casually talking about maybe making a road-trip down to vegas and eloping along the way - but then they're kissing the ice, and saying goodbye to samwell, and he's struck with a (rare) sentimental moment. ollie doesn't even fistbump him as a response. it's a whole moment.
they adopt two dogs and then another, years later, who only has three legs and can't see well with one eye. they go to new zealand again for their tenth anniversary and make sure to email the photos to jack zimmermann. and they live happily ever after.
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cricketnationrise · 10 months
10:54pm, the attic, olliewicks please ! (i'm predictable i know)
@zimms you are predictable, but its delightful so lean into it! enjoy this little moment at the beginning of year 4!
one day remaining to request your own ficlet! rules here.
haus attic, 10:54pm
Ollie brings the last box up the stairs, puts it with the others, and flops on their bed like a … thing that flops a lot. Jell-O maybe. Or Flubber. Whatever his brain and body are both mush. He knows it was his idea to move in on the literal last day before preseason starts, and also his idea to sleep late and not actually leave until the last possible minute, but holy fuck is he tired. He hears the door of the attic close with a quiet snick and speaks without opening his eyes.
“Never let me bully us into waiting for the last moment to move ever again.”
The mattress next to him dips under the weight of his boyfriend and a warm hand brushes his hair off his forehead. “I did try to warn you, babe – you were just determined.”
“We’re seniors,” Ollie pouts. “The world should rearrange itself to be as convenient as possible for us to get maximum summer without any consequences for our choices.”
Pace flops down next to him and slings an arm over his waist. Ollie knows without looking that he’s got the sappiest look on his face.
“I’ll be sure to send the universe a memo for the Frogs next year,” Pace teases. “If it’s any consolation, at least the next time we move, we’ll be carrying boxes down the stairs instead of up.”
Ollie definitely isn’t proud of the noise he lets out at the idea of graduation, but Pace’s quiet amusement goes a long way to soothe his disgruntlement. His amusement, and the kiss he drops on Ollie’s neck.
“We did get everything, didn’t we? The only thing we have left to do tonight is unpack the toiletries and gear for pracky?”
“We did,” Pacer confirms. “I even did you a solid and put our stuff in the bathroom already so you just need to brush your teeth.”
“I fucking love you. Even if the bathroom is down a flight of stairs.”
Ollie’s trying to gather the will to live, er, stand up again, so he doesn’t immediately clock the silence, but when he realizes the chirp he was expecting isn’t coming, he opens his eyes. Pace’s eyes are wide, and, to Ollie’s horror, tears are forming at the corners of them. Ollie’s tiredness is pushed aside by the fear that rolls over him at the sight.
“Babe, what—”
“You love me?” Pace’s voice is watery as fuck, but Ollie doesn’t miss the trembling hope in his boyfriend’s voice. Apparently Ollie hadn’t actually said those words out loud yet – just in his dreams. Ollie pushes himself up enough so he can lean over Pace and cup his cheek with one hand.
“Yeah. I love you. I’ve been in love with you. You don’t need to say it back or—”
“I love you, too.”
“Oh.” Ollie’s a little breathless, actually. He’d known that Pace loves him, had soaked up every scrap of it present in his texts, in his teasing, in the reverent way he cups the back of Ollie’s neck with his free hand when they fist bump. But. Actually hearing those words makes a lump rise in his throat, makes him grin helplessly down at Pace.
“C’mere,” Pace says, pulling Ollie down by his shoulders so that Ollie becomes his own personal weighted blanket, and Ollie goes more than willingly. They just sort of cling to each other for a few long moments, basking in the fucking love they have for each other.
“Wanna know a secret?” Ollie asks eventually.
“I actually forgot I hadn’t said ‘I love you out loud.’ I’ve been picturing it for months, I thought I already had.”
“You meatball,” Pace snorts.
“Your meatball.”
“Yeah. Roll yourself to the bathroom, meatball. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Ughhh, fine.”
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This has probably been brought up, and know it's already implied due to them being hockey players in a fancy private school, but the thing that truly established Ollie and Wicks as upper class was them being homeowners right out of college.
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transwicky · 6 months
aight I've got a HILARIOUS au idea.
everything is the same except Wicky is a prince and nobody has any idea.
He's not first in line, and when asked, he says he's the "throwaway sibling". He's pretty well known in his home country as the second born prince, and he's kind, loves hockey, and pretty smart, even if he's not as smart as his older sibling.
The only people at Samwell who know the truth are the dean, the coaches, Ollie, Nursey, and Shitty (Ollie was voluntarily told during Year 1 after Ollie asked Wicky out, and the other two straight up knew from their parents, and knew his name and face before even meeting him).
SMH finds out in 1 of 2 ways:
Option 1: Graduation comes, and Jack's mom recognizes Wicky's grandmother or parents (whoever the monarch is), and is flabbergasted they're there, and they're just like "Yeah, we came to see our little boy graduate!" and the rest of SMH stares as Wicky jumps on his brother in excitement.
Option 2: the Newsletter literally says it, and Foxtrot goes "Wait, Wicky's a prince??" and Nursey goes "Yep" while the rest of SMH stare at her and then him like "what the fuck are you talking about?"
In Option 2: Bitty specifically finds out because he has Ollie and Wicky on the channel before they leave on their honeymoon, and MULTIPLE people send messages asking how he knows a prince and his new husband and Bitty is entirely baffled, and then horrified.
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What the heck IS the kegster neck touch I'm scared to Google it
so glad you asked dear anon! the kegster neck touch refers to a panel from Check, Please! a webcomic/graphic novel duology by Ngozi Ukazu, (you can read it here!) said panel is near the end of chapter 7 (assist), but here it is for you with Ollie and Wicks circled, CLEARLY NECK TOUCHING, the implications of which suggest they have just kissed, but they're relegated to the background in favor of bitty, holster, ransom and shitty who are main characters.
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despite not being a strong focus in the story, Ollie and Wicks are confirmed to be married or at least own a home together (but pretty much the whole fandom agrees that they got married due to the many hints to their relationship put in by Ngozi). thus, the kegster neck touch is regarded as the first among many indicators of their relationship and holds a special place in the hearts of many fans. I'll put some tags for you to explore :]
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zimms · 3 months
actually in relation to my last post, ollie and wicks do each make the swallow's 50 most beautiful exactly once during their time at samwell. however, smh never realises this because both of them were on the same spread as jack, so no one ever paid enough attention to notice
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atlasthemayor · 2 years
@luminarai 's little comic inspired me to draw Ollie and Wicky slow boning while staring deeply into eachother's eyes
<<Uncensored version over here!>>
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jzg-tofu · 4 years
The fact that Ollie and Wicks got married before Jack and Bitty is too funny to me
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