#why you gotta break my horse girl heart?  that was literally the most interesting part of Ciri being in the desert
evelyn-carnahan · 10 months
The Netflix peeps were too cowardly to put in the psychically-communicating council of inter-dimensional unicorns.  Pathetic.
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mythykl · 5 years
**That’s right. It’s time for Kakashi x reader Bitches
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“Kakashi? Kakashi??” You couldn't comprehend why Rin had locked you in a dark room with hIMmm, and you held his hand the whole time, cuz’ ya 13yo ass was scared af. Once you guys were let out, you saw Rin and Obito fist bumping each other. 
That's when obito blurts- "Being the ones to know how much you like Y/n, you should've seen this coming!" 
"Baka! Shut up Obito, y/n doesn’t kn-" rin whispered
lmao. You're ass went speechless. Kakashi's hold tightened and he dragged you outside the academy.
before dating, he was pretty much a jerk to you, but it was through rin that you both get to know each other more personally,,, and still,, he continued to act like a jerk
well. once he took you outside, he decided to confess. His voice seemed shaky and he didn’t- couldn’t really speak out exactly what he wants,, 
“Kakashi, quit beating round’ the bush.. And the way you’ve held my hand it’s hurt-”
In the mid sentence- he just,, pulled you into a hug,, and whispered how much he likes you and asked you out!
you guys ended up having a beautiful time on your trip/date, at naka river, and,, tho no one really mentions, you both start dating *an unspoken understandin i guess?* on ya second date you guys prolly went for treking! *well i’m imagining that you aren’t a ninja*
You were by far the only one to see his face w/o mask
By now you had gotten used to obito’s clingy ass. though kakashi rants too much about him, you know, he loves him. Rin helps you a lot with dating advices,, somehow
Minato sensei teased you kiddos,, a lot. “At your age, all i used to do was keep staring at kushina,” he joked once.
He was a huge chatter and a curious ass fella surprisingly, you’re boyfriend talked to you about most of the things he learnt in mission, every goddamn theory he had in his mind, his likings and dislikings, his interest in Dōjutsu etc. You could feel how lonely he used to be, cuz he felt no one would listen 
you’d join him during his training at times, well that time you got to know that throwing a kunai isn’t as easy at it looks, your wrist hurt af
once kakashi had called you princess after kissing you in front of your friends, this commenced to everyone calling you by that name. especially Gai and obito
After obioto and eventually, rin’s death *ofc* you guys drifted apart; drastically. You couldn’t understand or help him through his immense remorse and regret while he would just,, either had a huge tantrum or not say anything at all. He said things like-  it’s better to stay alone, and have no one to lose- while breaking up, which hurt you a lot. within a few months, you guys didn't even cross paths in konoha streets since he became heavily loaded with anbu missions
Now that it has been like,,, a really long time; one day you see the konoha’s infamous Naruto with his team at the door, with a huge flower bouquet.
“Please accept this!” The girl with pink hair squeals.
“It cost us our whole savings but Ino-kun did give us a good amount of discount after hearing these are for kakashi-sensei’s date dattebayo!” naruto,, practically screames.
“Hold your horses; that’s not how you greet people.” the,, uchiha? Yes. he concludes blandly.
Your heart skips a beat on hearing your long-time-no-see lover’s name. Knowing him, you highly doubt that he sent them but still you ask.
“No ma’am, but we-once- managed to sneak into his Icha Icha Paradise, he’d written your name.. In it.. So we found you. You are sensei’s date aren’t you!?” the girl with pink hair, yes sakura, almost whispers to you.
“Yeah. That was a hell of a long time ago,” you smile.
You let them in and offer some tea. You guys talk a lot and they were astonished?- yes, more than astonished that you’ve seen him w/o mask. Ah ok
Wow they had already done huge ass planning beforehand to make you both meet *not that you know*. As you take them downstairs to bid adieu, you see kakashi,, literally,, standing, in front of you’re door. Both of you equally shocked. 
Kakashi and you start talking to each other. You apologize for not sticking around since you didn’t know how to help him let go of his pain while he apologizes for bein a jerk-? Ok.
You guys plan to hangout-, which is the most difficult part! You had to work in the morning hours while he had to stick with team 7 for missions by afternoon
 you guys ended up deciding on crashing at each other’s places at night, and also,, sometimess early in the morning *???* it gets tougher for him with time to juggle from place to place, thus, getting late for his missions
You guys end up moving in together *it’s official* and he sleeps closest to the window. yes.
He’s very protective of you and kinda the jealous type, he’s afraid of losing you and is very open about expressing it. He doesn’t give you nicknames but often call you stuff as ‘my other half’ and refers you w -chan *just being sarcastic*
You are like a mum to team 7 and they love you, you get them lunch at times. Sakura often asks you for advice to get sasuke,, but udk what to say since sasuke.. Is just sasuke *he reminds you of 13yo kakashi*. But uk that there’s a special bond between them
kakashi doesn’t hate PDA, but he doesn’t like it either; you guys for long walks in the evenings, occasionally hold hands. Is it obvious to others? Don't know. Butt once you caught kurenai and asuma kissing.. Twas’ hella kyut
He would also rest his chin on you head a lot, and likes to intertwine his fingers with yours when you guys are alone
Hugs aren’t his thing but if you hug him, he’ll slowly hug you back and then all at once melt into you, Anddd he’s warm af
twice you caught him, just in underwear, slurping ramen in the middle of the night and you were like,, wait wut-
He loves ya massages and loves to cut vegetables,, for some reason,,
Big cuddle person in bed
You love trying different hairstyles on him anddd he looks dead ass hot in most of em. Let’s just agree,, he has a better taste in style than you tf
You guys usually opt for trips to neighbouring villages, hot spring trips, camping etc
Tho mysterious and sarcastic, he opens up to you whenever needed. Unlike in childhood, now you’re the one who talks a lot. He agrees to feel acknowledged for being himself whenever he’s with you and like a prodigy, sharingan bearing, functioning human, as people call him. His brain lets go of all his insecurities and PTSD for a while when he sees you happy because of him
He often loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved; you understand that he needs some alone time for this ritual and this, don’t tag along 
Well now, even you've started reading icha icha series cuz’ of ya moron boyfriend, and you are hooked to it *since I basically imagine it to be the fifty shades of grey in naruto universe lol* you guys freakin end up trying shit from the book
“Baby, let’s be sexy,, together” he said once as he leaned againt the kitchen counter in the most sexy way.
“Sure senpai, why the book’s tactics won’t work?” he just laughed hysterically at the comeback.. And,, umm.. You get what happens
He likes braiding your hair, especially before sleep, he finds it relaxing
Whenever his ass displays a bored and unenthusiastic expression, you say, “go bald kakashi.” right. What a mature insult 
He’s very calm and observant and knows what you are feeling- or even what you are thinking. I mean how-? 
He asks you to make miso soup, with eggplant, a lot!
Your parents aren’t really sure of your relationship. Since he wears wut? a maskkKkk. And once Kakashi, still being as apathetic as he was during his youth, spoke bluntly about sensitive topics with them during a discussion
gai gifted you both matching Yukata on ya bday. that’s indeed beautiful and thoughtful of him.
well Your boyfriend sucks at selecting gifts.. He gets you things that can’t be used or idk.. ButTttt this man is too good at remembering dates  
People wonder if he’s stern and serious, judging by his past and repo, but you tell them that he isn’t! Well, he has decided to move on, and now you know how to support him. He knows that you appreciate him for that, and this he listens to you.
you just found an engagement ring on you night stand with letter beside it. congrats hun *instant panic*
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i hope you enjoyed ;))
i need to,,, stop imagining so much, it's a lot to type. i wish i had a gadget or something through which my imagination would get typed, systematically, on my pc. Btw i won’t be uploading much in September since i gotta study so. so don’t assume that i’m dead or don’t care anymore. 
this one was requested by two peps, since my ass is new on tumblr i kinda fucked up and thus, my inbox got cleared or something. i’m still learning k
ya that’s it.. imma go and read my icha icha now ah huh
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years
Just got back from the Sailor Moon Super Live!
It was SO much fun. There were tons of people there cosplaying and everyone was so excited. I have pix which I will share later!
I just went all out and bought all the three things they had available with the merch too, which were a poster, t shirt and a light stick that lit up with all five of the inners colors (plus a lighter pink and white no idea who that represents) and it had their silhouettes too. It was kind of funny because you could basically see who everyone’s fave was from what lights they chose- my friend Bethany adores Minako so hers was always orange. I kind switched between them, though I favored red and green. 
I actually ran into an old friend from college who really adores Sailor Moon so that was cool!
The show itself was interesting and really unlike any other Sera Myu I’ve seen. First of all, it was special effects BONANZA, especially at the beginning with Beryl, all this fire and stuff and the planets going by. They actually had little english speech bubbles pop up for attacks and stuff, manga style, and showed a bunch of manga images at the beginning to introduce the characters too.
The whole play had very little dialogue overall, with large sections of it being completely silent except for the instrumental music. Because of that, it was the classic arc basically in its most basic, pure form. The general plotline was basically a combo of the anime and manga with some new stuff added in. It started out with Beryl going through the Shittenou and basically overloading them with her power and turning them back into their rock forms, with Kunzite being the only one smart enough to bow to her and thus being chosen as miniboss. SO HE GOT TO REP THE ENTIRE SQUAD FOR THE PLAY, WE REALLY ARE ECONOMICAL HERE. 
Then it was Usagi and Mamoru bumping into each other and being sassy, then them as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask and her being saved by him- then there was a sequence where Usagi goes to class and is late and then a villain attacks and everyone turns into zombies- Tuxedo Mask comes and Usagi goes into this extended fantasy sequence about him that was really cute and anime-esque, she literally gets out HEART EYES, merry go round horses come in and he’s riding one, then they actually drag out a giant gift box and Tuxedo Mask pops out.
Then the inners finally came, and they all sang a song about how they’re best friends and they love Usagi and will always protect her even though she’s “a little flaky”. This was the first time subtitles were even neccessary (though they were used earlier for “I’m late!” and “Tuxedo Mask...”), and they appeared in little screens on the side of the stage.
there was this sequence where they went to Harajuku and sung about how it was the best, and changed into costumes and kimonos and stuff-the best part was when Usagi clearly wanted to sing something but Minako SNATCHED that away from her and did a solo hamming it up.
Usagi heads to the arcade and sucks at a video game. Mamoru comes and snarks at her a bit and then plays a video game himself and they both get really excited and high five about it when he gets a high score and then are immediately awkward. Then the bad guys give Usagi an EVIL SAILOR V console, and...when she plays it Mamoru kind of gets dragged into the video game? And she’s beating the crap out of him without realizing it, they put like, screens in front of him that had a little animation of a pixelized version of Mams being attacked, it was all very impressively elaborate and little confusing. Then when she entered the last level Usagi entered the video game too and they started getting attacked by minions. Mamoru tried to protect Usagi but was overpowered, and then the Inners showed up to Save The Day and sing their little introduction songs. Highlights of those
-Rei specifically says she’ll punish bad guys in her CHIC high heels. Chic, guys
-Her declaration of “I’ll protect Usagi” is by far the gayest, she says “I’ll fight for you, sweet girl” or something like that.
-Jupiter says “Though I’m tall and powerful, I’m a timid flower inside” and then immediately decks a guy. OKAY SURE.
Anyway, there’s a big fight scene with the inners and Tuxedo Mask vs the minions and Kunzite, during the course of which Mamoru gets his mask knocked off and Usagi’s like “gasp” then, of course, he gets kidnapped and brainwashed. Usagi is very upset, the inners all comfort her (Ami goes first) and sing a song about how it’s a “maiden’s policy” to never give up. Then they all like, instantly get up and do the Sailor teleport.
The girls end up at Beryl’s place and fight with the minions a bit, and appear defeated (it’s really hard to explain this part, like they get forced into these diamond boxes and when they’re covered up it like these still black and white images of them frozen and screaming? it was cool though). But Usagi comes in with color and they all wave these colorful flag and break out! Then they fight Kunzite for a bit, who, I forgot to mention, has a light saber (there’s a cool moment in an earlier fight where he tries to stab Usagi and Minako blocks it with her chain). He’s pretty powered up, so Minako summons the holy sword to fight him, but when they charge at each other they both stop and he remembers something and she remembers something like “waaaa were we a thing?’ (the way the audience went “ooooh” during this part was hilar). But seeing he’s remembered, Beryl immediately kills Kunzite, SO MUCH FOR THAT. 
Beryl then unleashes brainwashed Mamoru, who starts beating up the inners, Usagi grabs the holy sword, prepares to stab him...then throws the sword aside. I almost laughed at this, it was seriously the show going “NO DON’T LIKE THIS PART OF THE MANGA GONNA GO 90s ANIME STYLE FOR THIS PART” really blatantly. She charges at Mamoru and hugs him to restrain him instead, he throws her off, but USAGI IS DETERMINED ABOUT THIS HUG OKAY, and it works!...then Beryl immediately kills him! AND THE INNERS. 
Usagi collapses, but then she hears all the inners calling her name (everyone cheered at Rei’s annoyed “uSAgi”, all i could think was “jet woulda loved that”) and so she fights Beryl, who keeps throwing her down, but she keeps getting back up, then Usagi is SWALLOWED BY HER DARKNESS (aka a big black cloth) but comes out with her staff, all the inners appear as ghosts to lend her their power and Beryl is defeated the end of the anime season 1 basically. Then Usagi collapses, only for Mamoru to appear all suddenly okay to kiss her awake, manga style. 
Then the inners appear and look around like “wow we’re okay somehow huh” and hug each other (hilariously the hugs are Rei/Minako and Ami/Makoto, PANDERING TO THE MOST POPULAR SHIPS), then Usagi sees them and they all hug. FIN. Literally, Fin appeared on the screen.
Yep, like I said, the first arc boiled down to its most basic basics. It’s a pretty clever way to handle the fact we all have seen the first arc of sailor moon a billion times I guess! WE ALL KNOW THE STORY SO WE DON’T REALLY NEED DIALOGUE DO WE, SO HERE IT IS IN BROAD STROKES WITH A FEW SONGS THROWN IN. Like, just the EMOTIONS of Sailor Moon, here for the audience to partake in. I wonder if that’s why they chose this to be the one to show in America, because there wasn’t a need for too many subtitles? Was this specifically designed for international showings?
 It was a pretty short show, like only an hour too, and then they all sang songs for about twenty minutes afterwards and we waved our lights and it was great. I thought I’d cry when La Soldier came on. At the end Usagi said “Thank you, we love you all” in English it was so sweet.
The only downside of the experience for me was a guy behind me kept muttering  snarky comments to, i guess, his gf, not even whispering. Like, why was he even here? Stuff like “wow he turned into a lightbulb” about Kunzite’s death, and saying “what about consent” during the end scene where Usagi’s kissed awake in a way where it was clear he doesn’t ACTUALLY care about this issue and is just trying to bother his gf. I was mostly able to tune him out though, not gonna let him ruin my good time.
Anyway, so happy! I’ll talk more and post pics later. GOTTA SLEEP NOW.
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cabinofimagines · 6 years
Second Choice
You’ve been bestfriends with Percy Jackson for as long as you can remember. But when your former friend Annabeth gains feelings for him, it affects your relationship with each of them greatly.
Part 2
Second choice isn't something you want the most, but will be happy with if the first doesn't work out. That's all you've ever been your entire life, second choice.
In fact, there hasn't been a time where you've been anything more than that. You were never first pick to go on a quest, you were a backup just in case another camper couldn't follow it through. Even your own godly parent thought of you as second best, falling right after your perfect sibling who did everything right. You never came first in games, or competitions, or even first  place on participation awards.
You've always been second choice in life so it wasn't a huge surprise when your best friend Percy started hanging out with the daughter of Athena more than you. Annabeth was nice, pretty, smart, everything you felt you lacked in. I mean, you had to lack something in order for you not to be equal to her in Percy's eyes... Right? It irritated you how she could just steal him away from you just like that, how he just started tossing you aside for a girl he barely knew at all.
You felt bitter about the whole situation, how many times had you been placed in second? How many times have you been put on hold for someone else? It was time for those times to cease. You knew that it was time to change your attitude towards the world and then maybe, just maybe they'll see how wrong they've treated you.
So the next day you woke up and ran your fingers through your slightly knotted morning hair, deciding not to put too much effort in today as a part of your new attitude. You pulled on some shorts and your CHB t-shirt to endure the hot weather and pulled on your classic black Converses to match. You didn't feel like trying today, which is also apart of your new found attitude. Why try for people who will never try for you?
You strut out of your cabin without shutting the door behind you which earned an irritated groan and a few shouts from your cabinmates. You started the new day by finishing your chores first thing so you would have to worry about it later on.
Arriving at the stables you sighed and searched round for the shovel to clean the horse stalls out. It wasn't where it usually hung on the wall, ready to be taken down and used. It wasn't on any of the stalls either, so where could it be?
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you whispered to yourself in disbelief, "Of all people why her?"  Sauntering up to the stables was none other than Annabeth Chase, shovel in hand and a bored look on her tan face. You didn't hate the girl, it was more of an envy feeling. Why did she have to be the first choice? What was so great about Annabeth Chase that made her better than you? She seemed to be returning the shovel when she noticed you standing there with an impatient look on your face, hands rested on your hips as you approach, "I'll take that."  She raised her brow, unsure why you were so willing to take up a chore that was supposed to be here that day, "It's my duty today, L/n. Go back to bed or something." You glared at her for the remark she gave you, holding your hand out expectantly for the shovel which you were looking for. She chuckled and tossed it to you while throwing her hands up in mock defeat, "If you're so eager to shovel Pegasus shit then be my guest."
You huffed and marched away from her, clearly not in the mood for her attitude today. You entered one of the Pegasus stalls and began cleaning up the mess made by the beloved animals. A few neighing happily at you as if they were thanking you. You paused, thinking of how much fun it was when Percy helped you converse with the winged animals as one of you were on stable duty that day. You had to admit that you missed hanging out with the sea green eyed boy, his melodious laugh echoing through the air and warming your heart on the coldest of days. You’ll admit, you missed being with him, you missed his teasing and how he made a fool of himself to see you smile.
A strange sensation similar to a lurch came about it your stomach, maybe you were hungry? Yeah that's it. Hopefully your sudden appetite stays intact after dealing with all of this shit, literally shit.
It was close to sundown by the time your chore was finished, maybe a few hours before Apollo will streak across the sky and set the sun on Camp Half-Blood, a few hours since lunch had passed. Now you were really hungry. So you set on your way to the bathrooms to wash your hands for dinner, far too hungry to take a shower and wait yet another few minutes to satisfy your hunger.
No more than a few steps into the girls bathroom you spot Piper doing the same task you set out to do, drying her hands when she spots you. She grins, walking forwards to give you a hug before you hold out your hands in defense, “Don't,” you say taking a step back into one of the sinks, “I've been in the stables all day and I doubt you'd want to smell before eating.” She nods in agreement and takes a step back with her hands now in front of her, “You're right, I'll wait until I see you tomorrow.”
You crack a toothy grin, turning around and turning on the faucet and spreading the non scented soap across your hands. While scrubbing away you glance back at the kaleidoscope eyed girl only to find the same eyes glinting with mischief, perfect lips upturned in a smirk.
You knew that smirk. Pipes always got cocky when she knew something you didn't, it was rare moment and boy did she milk the glory.
“You're in love,”
Those words caught you off guard, your hands jerking back to you, flinging water in the process. You sputtered and scramble to gather your thoughts well enough to side step the claim but damn, it was hard to outsmart Piper on this subject. You shook your head dismissively, strands of hair coming out of their places and planting themselves onto your forehead. You turned the water off with slightly soapy hands, forgetting all about cleaning the soap on your hands.
She let out an excited laugh, her smile warming the room despite your unease of the question at hand. She hops onto one of the other sinks and rests her elbow on her dirt and ripped shorts, “As much as I despise the idea of being the daughter of the love expert, I can see it in your eyes, Y/n. I have an idea of who the lucky someone is but, we’ll see about that.”
Your wits came running back to you all at once, slamming you into action immediately, “There isn't anyone. No one wants my psycho ass,” you said with a laugh. You reached out for the towels only to find them gone, sighing you wiped your suddsey hands on your shorts. Piper snorted and rolled her eyes leaning forward with hands clasped together, “your psycho ass wants them though!”
You rolled your eyes and started to drift towards the exit, wiggling your fingers in a ‘goodbye’ manner as you left her there.
Was she right though? Were you actually in love? You liked someone that was fairly obvious but to love? You barely know what love is, you know the definition and that people tend to say it a lot but what is it really?
Questions swirled in your mind as you walked quickly to mess hall, the sweet aroma of food slowly drawing you in like a trap. And a trap it was.
Next to the golden plates you wished to grab stood a tall boy with messy ebony hair and sea green eyes to match. In his hand he held one of those golden plates, a goblet which probably held some blue coke in his other hand. Strangely enough there was an obvious lack of food on his plate. He stood there, back against the wall and brows furrowed into a pinch as he took occasional sips from his goblet. He looked good today, his sun kissed skin looked a tad darker than usual, his concentrated expression looked adorable as always, and he wore a classic white shirt that was slightly baggy on him with blue jeans and black Converses. He looked so dam good.
You didn't realize how close you were to dropping until he broke concentration and called out to you with a joyful smile. You clamped your mouth shut, sporting a close-lipped smile as you practically skipped over there like a child with a balloon. You stopped next to him and pointed to his empty plate with a raised brow, “Aren't you going to eat?” Percy chuckled and handed it to you, picking up another plate right after. He cocked his head to the side while looking at you, “Aren't you?” You let out a short laugh, taking the plate from him without breaking eye contact, it's hard to when he's actually paying attention to you.
You thought up a meal, something simple but still something you enjoyed all the same. Percy, who was still trying to conjure an idea of what he wanted, gaped in awe, “How'd you know what you wanted so quickly?” You broke out into giggles at his face. He looked like a confused baby seal and oh your heart feels like it's going to burst. You teased him by sticking out your tongue, “Because I'm smarter than you.” He gasped and picked up a large portion of your food and pointing it towards you in a threatening way, “Don't make me sacrifice this whole thing to (g/p). You know they have a fondness for me.”
You whined and grabbed his hand, bringing the large portion back down to your plate. Your hands lingered, mind lulling to a halt as you basked in the feeling of his hand touching yours. You gazed up at him quickly, glancing at his expression before you tried to move your hand. He was grinning softly, sea green eyes kind and mischievous grazing over your face, and for a second you wanted to believe they drifted over your lips for far too long.
He surprised you by gripping your hand in his, your free hand placing your filled plate behind him on the bar to prevent a mishap. Your eyes shot to his tan hand wrapped around your own (s/c) one, a perfect contrast. As to why he suddenly took interest in your hand was unknown to you, but you weren't about to object, not when you liked it so much.
Percy’s expression changed quickly. His eyes were steady yet unsure, the confidence he usually upheld was suddenly being questioned. His dark brows furrowed into a pinch as he stared at you, concentrated on something you were unaware of. But this expression left as quick as it came, his goofy smile spread across his slightly pink lips, eyes filling with the usual confidence he carried.
“Are you not hungry?” He questioned, head nodding toward your abandoned plate.
Yes, starving actually
“A little, but you should eat too. We can go somewhere else and eat after making sacrifices.” He nodded and handed you a plate, his own in his other hand, full with blueberry pie.
You snorted at his choice of food, “That's desert, are you not going to eat a meal?” He shook his head and scooped up decent portion with his spoon and chunking it into the fire. He sent a silent prayer to his father before gripping your hand once more as it hung by your side.
Your stomach leaped with butterflies but you refused to give into the giddy feeling that overwhelmed you. You wiggled your hand free and gripped your own spoon to flick some part of your meal into the fire, sacrificing your part to your parent. You let your hand fall once more only for Percy to grip it again. Part of you felt elated that your best friend was showing you affection like he used to… and the other part knew that it was much more than platonic feelings. Piper's words lingered in your mind, “You're in love.”
Percy and yourself strolled through and out of Mess Hall, looking for a place to settle down away from others. Chatting idly like the best friends you both were yet holding hands not so platonically, his thumb swept over your hand absentmindedly, fingers intertwined. He believed you couldn't see him when he did look down at your hands and smile but you did, oh and the sight warmed your heart.
You finally took refuge on the roof of cabin 3. Percy had climbed his way up the side and taken the plates you handed up to him and placed them on a sort of flat area before munching away in a comfortable silence. You two sat there, watching the buzz of the camp die down into a calm lull. Leaving just the distant sound of the Apollo kids singing campfire songs, the faint sounds of crickets and cicadas humming, and Percy's voice rumbling through the quiet next to you.
“I've missed seeing you”
Your head turned slowly, heart fluttering at his words but your head screaming at you to tell him off.
You listened to your heart.
” I missed you too.”
He smiled and scooted close enough to slip in behind you and rest both of his legs on either side of you. His hands going up to play with your hair, twisting and threading his tan hands through the locks.
“Why haven't you been talking to me then?” He questioned innocently, still entertained by your hair. You sighed and casted your eyes downward, fingers fumbling with the hem of your shorts.
“You’ve been too busy with her.” There was a slight bite to your tone, you were even surprised to hear it.
Percy backtracked, his hands stopping only to wrap around your waist and pull your back flush to his chest. With his head resting on your shoulder and a genuinely confused look he looked up at you with baby seal eyes.
You looked down with brows furrowed and your eyes between a hardened and soft look, “You know who I’m talking about, spare me the confusion.”
He toyed with the hem of your shirt, a moment of silence passed before he finally produced an answer.
You winced at the name, hearing the name flow out of his mouth almost physically hurt you as much as seeing them together did. Nevertheless you nodded, your spike of anger now boiling down to hurt.
He sighed, blowing hot air across your neck which sent a chill down your spine,”N/n I’m not replacing you if that's what you think. Are you… jealous?” His voice held a strange mix of hopefulness and the usual teasing. The two oddly enough going together well hand in hand. You huffed, mumbling an answer underneath your breath.
“Maybe a little bit”
Percy felt his heart flutter and drop at the same time, he could’ve sworn his heart was on a trampoline. He let out a breath of air through his nose, a small smile slipping across his lips before he pressed a lingering peck to the nape of your neck.
You let a small gasp escape when he did so, leaning your neck to the side unconsciously to give more access.
Then he pulled back and craned his head to gauge your reaction, his fingers fluttering over the bare skin of your arms distractedly. He was pleased with what he saw, a flustered expression and a small unsure smile. A cocky smile graced his lips,”I mean I'd be jealous too if I were you, I always look like a snack-”
You interrupted with a laugh, head laying backwards onto his shoulder before you looked upwards to his face with a teasing grin,”You're a full course meal, my guy.”
He snorted and shoved you playfully, his sea green eyes sparkling with amusement as they stared at the sky which was decorated with various shades of orange, pink, and blue. Moments like this are what you craved the most, times where you were the only source of entertainment the other needed, making inside jokes and poking fun at the other.
You can't seem to recall the last time you both had a moment like this.
Was it when you both made sloppy joes together and you ended up making a mess of the dish, most of it being on your faces rather than on the buns. Chiron was so upset to see the mess you both had made but you could tell he was slightly amused by the sloppy joe dripping from your cheeks. He still made you both clean the kitchen and prepare the cake for a new campers birthday.
Or it could be that time in capture the flag Travis Stoll had planted a net trap on the ground and you tried to save your oblivious best friend from getting captured. He was too busy showing off, flinging the flag around him as you tried to push him away from the trap. You both hung there for half an hour before Hazel found you both and helped you down.. not so gently. But she tried that's all that matters.
Either way, you decided to savour this moment and keep the memory close to the reality of it for later purposes.
His head rested on your shoulder, eyelashes brushing his cheeks, lips parted slightly as gentle puffs of air were released. Your hand found its way up into his hair, carding through the ebony strands like you used to when you were 12 year olds. Before Annabeth came along and formed a wedge between two childhood friends. Unknowingly of course, but that didn't make the sting of tension less painful.
Time had stopped in this moment and you wouldn't have it any other way.
"Annabeth kissed me today.”
You froze, your hand stopping it's movements in shock. She… kissed him? Did this happen when you were cleaning the stables? You should've let her do it instead, maybe then she'd be out of the way and she would've never kissed him. Him out of all people, she could have anyone and she chooses your Percy.
“Oh,” that was all you could muster. Your heart was slowly breaking into tiny pieces, falling apart slowly at the thought of this moment never happening again. At least not with you, he'd be on the roof of his cabin, eating dinner and leaning on her shoulder. Not yours.
You gently pry yourself away from his touch, his head begrudgingly lifting off your shoulder and the gentle tracing of his finger faded from your arms. You scooted further from him, standing up and wrapping your arms around your abdomen. Your body still yearned for his touch but you knew that he didn't mean it, not in the way you meant it.
He sat there with a dumbfounded look upon his tanned face, looking up at your insecure form curiously, his mouth sat agape like a fish. He didn't understand why you had such a strong reaction to a kiss, one that didn't even mean much to him. One he didn't even want.
He wasn't sure why Annabeth had done what she'd done but he wasn't okay with her doing it without his consent. She didn't even go slow to gauge his reaction, she was upfront and quick about the sudden display of affection. Typical Wise girl.
Percy had been training some new campers, showing them how to strike the practice dummies swiftly and efficiently while also teaching them how to perry and divert the blow. Annabeth was supposed to be cleaning stables but something had come up he had guessed because she found her way into the battling grounds not too long after the chore was supposed to begin. He didn't pay too much attention to her at first, focusing purely on not getting hit by a stray strike or blow performed by someone barely trained.
“Seaweed brain!” She shouted with a bored edge to her voice.
His head turned slightly, glancing over at her in acknowledgement before returning his focus on the campers. Just his luck that he only narrowly misses a sword strike near his right ear. The sound of the sword colliding with the dirt below followed by a strong of apologies make their way to his ears.
He didn't care honestly, he's just glad they missed him. He’s rather fond of his ears.
“P-Percy I'm so sorry! I didn't- I meant to-” The young brown haired demigod stuttered out in a panic. Their hands were shaking, eyes wide with anticipation of what their new trainer would do to them. But thankfully, Percy was the teacher and he understands that there are mistakes, even in battle. Especially in training.
He smiled and patted the kid on the shoulder, twisting his hand around riptide and transforming it back into the familiar ballpoint pen he was given at 12 years old. His friendliness he'd shown to the young demigod calmed their nerves slightly and they even managed to crack a small smile.
“Don't worry about it kid, when I was your age I was blowing up school buses with canons at a history site. I'm sure you'll be okay with some training.”
He turned to face Annabeth who waited on the break bench next Percy's bottled water. He approached, a slight drag in his step due to the effects of training and heat. He snagged his water, gulping down the cool beverage greedily before pulling away to cap it and wipe his mouth. He looked amazing, you'd mistake him for a son of Aphrodite if he wasn't so well known. The tips of his hair sat slightly drenched with the sweat he accumulated during his sessions, his forehead mirroring the same. His CHS tee shirt had become damp enough to stick to his toned chest and his eyes crinkled in the cutest way when wore that half smile of his.
Annabeth inwardly sighed at the sight, praying to the gods that her plan works out the way she wants. She mustered the nerves to stand up and face the taller boy, bringing her hands up to his collar and not giving him the chance to reject her as she pulled him in. His lips tasted salty and sweet, the blue waffles he’d eaten earlier that morning still lingered somewhere amidst that saltiness. Her grip softened a little, letting go of his collar and instead roaming over his arms which still hung at his sides. She could get used to this she thought, imagining all the training dates they could have, all of these kisses exchanged during much needed breaks.
But it ends.
Percy pulls back with force, he leaves her wanting more as he takes in what the Hades just happened to him. Annabeth, one of the people he considers his closest friend just kissed him out of nowhere. He stumbles a bit, the shock overwhelming him to the point where he became speechless. His mind began racing just like his heart was, both trying to understand hers and his own feelings about the situation.
His eyes came up to meet hers, those stormy gray eyes that used to scare his 12 year old self no longer looked intimidating. They looked nervous, unsure of what she'd done. Her body stayed defensive, arms crossed nonchalantly over her fading 'UNIVERSITY OF NYC’ shirt. He couldn't stay, not there. His instincts were roaring at him to run for cover, figure out your plan of action before moving in. So he did.
He dropped his head, letting out a frustrated groan, and took off towards mess hall where maybe a good meal would clear his head. If he can think up one that is. Upon entering the hall he heard a few of his friends say hello, younger campers who thought of Percy as a role model also saying hello albeit with a little more enthusiasm than his friends had. All the same he waved, over rather he threw his hand up and offered a forced smile in their general direction. He sat in the corner near where the golden plates had been stacked in a pile, grabbing one and beginning to wonder up a meal to eat. He took a goblet from the table beside him and immediately thought of one of his favorite drinks, blue coke. Around that time is when Y/n stumbled in, looking tired and done with today. He may have been figuring out things with Annabeth but, you were more important. You weren't happy and it's his job to make sure you always are.
He fumbled with his words, struggling to set them out in a comprehensive way. Reaching out his hand to grasp your own but you stood too far off. He stood slowly, bracing himself with his now retracted arm. He took one large step toward you, running his hands down your arms until he reached your hands, holding your hands loosely. You kept your head turned off to the side so obtaining eye contact wasn't really an option at the moment.
“Hey, does it bother you that much?” He softly questioned, still trying to meet your eyes. Your eyes were your biggest giveaway, if he could just look at you straight on maybe he could get an insight on what to say.
You sighed, a small smile of disbelief coming into play. Piper could see straight through your act, why couldn't he? Granted Piper is a child of the love goddess herself so like it or not she's able to see strong feelings with or without consent. So you look at him, tears threatening to show how hurt you were, how inferior Annabeth made you feel, how much frustration you felt towards his obliviousness, and the realization of how much you actually love this boy.
“No Percy of course it doesn't bother me. Nothing ever bothers me, right?” You lock your jaw, glaring into his beautiful sea green you loved so much. Dammit why did you fall so hard?
“Did you ever stop to think about how I feel when you talk about Annabeth and how pretty she is or how much you admire her skills? Why don't you ever praise me? I'm tired of you forgetting me.”
His mouth lay agape at your words, opening and closing like a fish out of water. You were right, he had been talking about Annabeth more than usual, he can't remember the last time he complimented you on your skills or on how you looked. You're his best friend, it wasn't fair to you for him to be like this.
“Y-Y/n I never meant to- I didn't want you to feel like that. You should never feel like that-”
“But I do, Percy. You're the one causing it and I can't take it anymore.” Tears streamed down your cheeks, your bottom lip quivered as you tried in vain to keep it together. You loved Percy, you've loved him for so long. But you will not beg him to love you, you may tear up but will not beg for love.
“I love you, I love you so much, but I'm not a pity case. Choose me or lose me, I'm not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.”
***So wow guys I have been working on this for a while and I'm sorry I've been absent. Most have you have probably forgotten me or lost that connection with me and I really hate that. I want to be more active but times are hard, my schedule is pretty packed for the next few weeks. Good news is that I graduate on June 1st (EST) which is also my birthday! I'll have more time then I believe so hopefully I'll regain my skills in writing over the summer. Love you guys so much**
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badgirl2chainz-blog · 7 years
! S T A G E C O A C H !
Hi all! SO I am totally not a writer but against my better judgment I wanted to share blogs with whomever cares enough to read them about my experiences at my favorite thing to do in the world – yep you guessed it, attend music festivals. I figured what better way than to take a break from all the regular and rather negative social media talk than to read about something that is becoming so popular. The point of my blogs is mostly for me, to remember my experiences when I’m old and grey and most likely getting wheel chaired into my next festival. But I thought why not share my thoughts and opinions and see if others can relate to yours truly. Most importantly I want to look back and see what a wild time I had.
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My first blog is about is California’s biggest country music festival, Stagecoach, otherwise known as Ragecoach, yes I unfortunately was even guilty for writing that on an Instagram caption, once or uhm maybe twice. If you’ve never been you’ve most definitely heard that slogan on the radios from January until the last weekend of April every year. It can get pretty exhausting if you have zero interest in country music, but for every High School senior, it is truly the most exciting commercial to hear.  I can relate because I was that High School senior.
I went to my first Stagecoach my Junior Year of High School. I had always gone to concerts and fun events before this, but never had I gone to 3 day music festival. I was through the roof. My pals and I chatted about what we wearing, what songs should be on our mix CD’s, what classes we were missing, what the weather was going to be etc. etc. etc. Our wristbands were pure gold to us and we kept them on for months after the festival ended. Rather disgusting now that I think about it, but I still have every wristband and every box it has arrived in. Oh and of course my Mom made me go to school that Monday, but that was always the golden rule – if you play you gotta pay. 
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Entering the polo fields whether it’s Stagecoach or Coachella, (hopefully my next blog), is truly a euphoric experience. Sounds so lame, but I get giddy just thinking about it. And if you’re with me, or anything like me, it is a scene and a half. Yes you are sweating, yes your buzz might be fading, yes you are tired, yes you are sore, but man you are stoked. You are so proud of your outfit, whether you’re wearing a cute country dress or an American flag vest with a matching doo-rag, you feel like the 10 that you are. You are stoked that the alcohol you poured in sunscreen bottles made it in safely, so stoked that you will literally high five any drunk guy that you pass by. The ferris wheel is spinning and the cops on horses are roaming around and you are ready, ready to get to that 4:00 pm artist who just happens to be Eli Young Band and you had already told yourself you are not going to miss them.
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From babies with huge noise cancelling headphones, to adult men wearing nothing but a thong to cover their gentleman parts, stagecoach has it all. It definitely caters to every ones’ needs because, to be honest, not everyone that attends, are actually country fans. That thought never bothered me because the more the merrier in my opinion. Most people pregame to EDM or rap but luckily my friends and I have always kept it festive and pregamed to our favorite Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan songs – whether or not they were performing. We may or may not have thrown in the Tesoro Rap once or twice but hey gotta keep that Titan pride forever baby!!
Stagecoachs attendance has people on both ends of the spectrum, it definitely has those cute families that look forward to Stagecoach all year round and you best believe that they were making Jell-O shots the whole week before to prepare.  It also has those girls that are just excited to wear their $100 cowboy boots for their first time and get that perfect boomerang with the caption saying “Yeeeeehawwww” or “Save a horse, ride Brad”. But my favorite type of Stagecoach goers are those older couples that bring their chairs and blankets and set up a cozy camp so far away from the stage, but you can tell that they are just as excited to see Blake Shelton as you are.
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Now lets talk about something rather important. Food and Drinks. Holy Moly the lemonade. Even as an almost 22 year old, I would still prefer lemonade as my poison for the weekend. It is so refreshing and goes great with a nice slice of Spicy Pie Pizza, an all time Mamafred favorite! Getting a wristband to drink is definitely time consuming but most necessary, too many youngins have received MIP’s and MIC’s. A lil tidbit piece of advice would be to eat before you enter because yeah the food can be extremely expensive and if you aren't fortunate enough to have a best friend whose Mom makes a killer bbq chicken salad, then yeah please eat before. Oh and by the way, Stagecoach is actually one of those festivals that doesn’t have designated drinking areas and you can walk around with alcohol in your hands – clutch.
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GA or VIP? Well I have been fortunate enough to experience both sides. I spent some time in VIP with my family and it was so fun, you are so close to the stage and it’s the perfect time for photo ops. The lines for drinks are so much shorter than in GA, I definitely took that for granted when I went back in GA the next day.  In all honesty, it’s all about preference, I would have to say GA is more fun though, yes it’s more crowded but it’s the type of rowdy you signed up for and should expect. I would suggest you save your VIP money, get a GA ticket and have extra cash for some beer and/or lemonade. Shout out to Mom for buying me a $28 grilled cheese in VIP, I will always love you for that one.
Being able to attend Stagecoach has been one of my favorite parts of going away for college, being able to see your high school crew and your family all in one fun ass weekend is something I will never take for granted. The crew has added new friends over the years and the Freddy’s even got Brady to join in the most recent year. He doesn’t like country but like I said, as a High School senior he still had a grand ole time. My goal in life is to go to Stagecoach with my future daughter and with Mamafred. I have no doubt in my mind that Mamafred and I will be able to show her the ropes accordingly.
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One particular pal of mine has been such a trooper and has made her way back to the west coast to attend Stagecoach with all of us. She even surprised us all and let me tell you, I blubbered like a baby, but hey ever since that day I have been so thankful for American airlines for letting me have her for the weekend - they truly helped make our round 5 that much better, together.
There is truly nothing more heart warming than thinking of you and your crew dancing to the Sunday night headliner, singing at the top of your lungs, telling each other how much you love them, and completing ignoring the fact that you have an 8 am in another state.
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Thank you so much for reading and I hope everyone who attends Stagecoach this year has a blast, especially since Uncle Kenny’s hotter when the sun goes down.
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P.S. meet at the boot ;)
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