#why is this always has been image I found online so crystal clear
agentark · 1 month
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see you around, rvb
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delldarling · 4 years
charting dreams | spiros
a commission for an absolutely wonderful anon!
male deity x female reader 5k words lemon | dream sex, creampie, hints of future angst additional note: ‘night flying’ ointment is a real thing, BUT please consult healthcare professionals or experts and do copious amounts of research before seeking it out and dear god, don’t ever ingest it, please & thank you
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There are… Way more books on the subject than you thought there would be. Which is good! Being able to compare information will help you find one that works well for you, but honestly? It’s kind of depressing that none of them have that old-world magic-looking binding. Just once you were kind of hoping that you might stumble onto something tangible and magical outside your dreams. If you can, you’re going to complain about the lack of embossed covers and fancy sounding titles when you see him again.
If you see him again.
Thus, the books. Lucid dreaming has been on your mind for quite a while now. It’s an interesting turn of phrase, and the thought of it, what all the books describe it as: Being able to bend your dreams to your will? That sounds pretty damn awesome. It’s not like this all came out of nowhere though. You’re not looking into it because of nightmares, which is apparently fairly common, or because you have some kind of serious yen for knowledge about brains and dreams. You’ve been… Dreaming of someone. 
It would probably sound like some kind of fairy tale to anyone that hadn’t experienced it, and most people would just write it off as some kind of intensely vivid, though random, series of dreams. You’d been half tempted to do that at first too, of course. 
It had all started out as crystal clear flashes in your dreams, like a perfect memory of a favorite movie scene. Simple conversations about your day held on a fancy looking carousel, glittering golden lights drawing your eyes away from your companion. Some days you traded amusing anecdotes under towering arches, draped over the top with what you first thought was blue gauzy material and fairy lights. Instead, you found out that they were actual fairy lights, little winged beings flitting about in a storm, eating holes in the sky.
“Stars,” he’d explained, pulling you to a stop as one of the little pixies pulled a dark blue swirl from the sky, like midnight-colored cotton candy, and ate it, leaving a gleaming star-like hole behind. You’d felt such an intense sense of wonder, heart loud in your chest, that you’d woken yourself up, hand actually outstretched as if you could touch-  
They were wonderful and strange, and you remembered them with a clarity that you’ve never associated with dreams before. You could smell things - sweetness in the air, salt water on the breeze, and you could feel the heat and cold when you walked by his side. Still, it hadn’t been hard to write it all off as nothing more than an overactive, tired mind. Maybe you’d binged too many fantasy stories in media lately and your brain was just mushing everything together? Never mind that you can’t recall anything recent about pixies eating holes in the sky. 
They’ve continued though, the dreams, the meetings you have with him. Far off places on maps are spread out before you like a feast, his arm warm under your hand as he escorts you or does his best to leave you breathless with laughter. You’ve always woken from those dreams invigorated, but with the strange sense that you were missing something, until- his face. On a shore with cresting orange waves, you turn away from the blinding glare of reflective sunshine, and then you see him, draped in a dark chiton, just before you wake.
Even having seen it just the once, you can’t erase it from your thoughts. The color of his eyes, shades shifting when you unfocus, like photographs of far flung nebulae. The impression of feathers twined with his hair and yet arching away from his temple like actual wings. The way his lips look when they shape your name, his hand taking yours so he can twine your fingers together-
He’s too beautiful to be true.
You’re both convinced you’ve made him up, and absolutely convinced you couldn’t have. Aren’t people supposedly only able to see those they’ve seen before in their dreams? And you know, without a doubt, that you’ve never seen anyone that looks like him in your day to day life. Unless he’s just a piece-meal of people or ideas you’ve found attractive. Even then, you’re not sure you could have put him together so smoothly. 
It’s hard to believe that you’ve made him up though, when he declares that he is real. That, at least, has never happened before. Though you’re not sure you’ve ever taken the time to ask someone if they were a product of your imagination when you’ve been dreaming, having been too caught up in your imagined adventures yourself. 
One night he’s stroking his thumb over your cheekbone, claiming that you should chart your dreams-
“Prove it,” you blurt, and you can feel your pulse speed. His image wavers, there and gone, and his eyes widen. “Prove that you’re real,” you clarify and your pulse ratchets up another notch. 
“How?” He asks with a laugh and then takes your hand in his, clinging almost, like he can’t quite believe he’s touching you - never mind that he’s touched you before. His laugh sounds strained though, and the smile on his face is… Thin. “And you must calm your heart, dear one. You’ll wake, and how will I prove myself then?”
“I don’t-” know, you’re about to say, but he presses a finger to your mouth, worrying at his lower lip as he glances over your shoulder.
“Perhaps… Perhaps, I can tell you the dreams of those near you,” he says softly. “Yes, wait here for just a moment.” He does vanish then, and the dream loses a bit of clarity. You have a vague memory of being unable to read one of your favorite books, and then he’s back, whispering random sounding things into your ear, arms curled around your middle. “A family dog, a work dispute interrupted by a cart of apples, and a great webs, knitted by a grandmother. Ask your neighbors,” he pleads, mouth deliciously warm where it’s brushing your ear. “I am real, and I know their dreams - ask them,” he urges, and then you wake.
He’s so strangely eager for you to believe him, and after that list... You give in to the mild embarrassment and make awkward small talk with two of your neighbors. Bringing up recent dreams in front of the mailboxes is a little difficult, but you manage, if not exactly smoothly. You half hope it comes to nothing, that they brush off your questions and move on with their day - what are you even doing, trying to prove that a dream man is more than a figment? But one of them mentions an old dog they used to have, and then the other claims they dreamed or arguing with their boss. 
“-we were at the bottom of a hill though, and one of those old apple carts came tearing down, nearly mowing us both to the ground. It was a bit more.. Vivid than usual, I suppose.”
“‘S nothing,” your other neighbor interrupts with a laugh. “My kid thinks great grandma must be a spider and has nightmares about her knitting webs as gifts.” 
With a peculiar fluttering feeling in your chest, you march right back into your place. He’d been telling the truth.
Or you’d become prescient. You’re not sure which is the more likely, but… 
Lucid dreaming. 
You crack into the stack of books you’d taken home from the library with eagerness. You want to try and take control in your dreams not only because manipulating them would be interesting, but because you’re desperate to prove that he’s more than a figment on your end. You try not to get caught up in thoughts of prescience - even if he is real in some way, it’s still a bit hard to believe you’re suddenly able to tell the future, even through dreams. You’re tempted to bring that up though, just like the very non-magical looking books, when next you see him. 
There are a copious amount of notes and preludes in nearly all of the books, as well as the articles you’ve looked up online, that say to not get your hopes up. Lucid dreaming apparently doesn’t work the same way for everyone, and the results are rarely immediate.
Succeeding on the first try isn’t unheard of, one person writes, but it is exceedingly rare. True success will come in stages, starting with Awareness. Are you aware that you’re dreaming? Are you aware of where exactly you are in your mindscape? And that brings us to another important vocabulary word: Mindscape.
“Mindscape,’ you mutter, flicking idly through the pages. Some of the books are very cut and dry, but on the other hand, the articles and first hand accounts on the internet are… Kind of out there. You feel less like you’re researching and more like you’re getting drawn in by click bait or conspiracy theories when you read about personal mindscapes and see the hand drawn maps. Some of them are detailed enough - in both drawing and description - that you wonder why they aren’t trying to market them. 
Still. You try and gather up information without getting your hopes up about it all, but honestly that’s the most difficult part. Having already experienced something.. Other while you were dreaming, you can’t help but think maybe you’ll have the upper hand. He’d told you, more than once, that your dreams had felt different to him, so you can’t get it out of your head, and... your hopes are most definitely up. 
You clear your schedule, and even buy some special kind of ointment meant to help aid in lucid dreaming, heavy with mugwort and pennyroyal. The fancy art on the jar reads Night Flying in filigree letters, but on the back, in very large red print is: DO NOT INGEST. Half of you wants to set it aside, but you have done the research. On your forehead and temples only, or sometimes- you check your notes, wrinkling your nose when you see the written neck, and feet included. You open the jar, still unconvinced, but it only smells faintly of mint. 
You’re unashamed to admit that you use less than the recommended smear, just to be safe. You settle down in bed, going through the breathing exercises that supposedly help aid sleep, and cross your fingers. 
Not much happens. You wake in the morning, feeling well rested and too lethargic to get out of bed, but- No dreams. Not that you recall, anyway. Your hopes crash hard for a few hours and you clean your face and neck of the flying ointment a little more viciously than you need to. It seems so silly in the light of day, but you can’t shake the feeling of those dreams. Not the memories of them, crystal clear, not the weight of his hands in yours. But he hasn’t always shown up every single night. 
You try again. And again, and it isn’t until the third night, when your pillow now seems to be steeped in the scent of minty pennyroyal from the ointment, that you finally achieve a vaguely lucid dream. 
You’re walking down the street when you realize that you can’t hear the sounds of traffic, and then- Then you realize you’re dreaming. Your heart rate picks up, and you spin in place, exuberant, wondering why you’re turn seems to take twice as long as normal - and then there’s a plain looking door standing in the middle of the sidewalk. You walk towards it, after all, where else is there to go? But as soon as you place your hand on the plain brass handle, you frown. Between the books and the disappointment of not being able to tell the future, of not getting to see him, you.. You want magic in your life. You’d rather walk through a door that reminds you of Narnia, with gilded edges and some kind of fancy door knocker, than walk through one that looks like you can push it over with a strong breeze. 
Concentrating on actually changing a dream takes way more effort than you would have thought though. If you close your eyes, it seems to give your subconscious enough tether to try and take back control. You close your eyes, and instead of seeing the fancy door you would have wanted, you’re distracted by thoughts of fluttering pages- no. You open your eyes, forcing yourself back on track, and laugh, finding your hand not on a plain brass handle, but on an ornate knocker. You smooth your fingertips along the swirling lines of it, pleased with yourself. Maybe it’s not quite what you’d hoped, but you’ll happily take it. You knock and then step back, assuming with every fiber of your being that he’s going to be on the other side, that he’s going to swing it open and pull you into his arms, but- The door creaks open, revealing a plain looking room with purple windows. It’s disappointingly empty, and he isn’t anywhere to be found.
You take a step into the room, letting the door close quietly behind you and then glance down at your hands. Lucid dreaming is all about being able to change things, isn’t it? You think of him, breathe deeply, and snap your fingers, willing him to appear with everything that you have within you.
Nothing happens. You’re still alone, with only the slightly hazy room for company. You can’t help but feel like you’re missing an intrinsic piece to the puzzle of his presence. Maybe you need to call his name, but… 
You frown at the ornate rugs beneath your feet, eyes getting distracted by the whirling patterns. You’re not entirely sure you can remember his name. You have vague memories of him telling it to you, but all of those seem to be the ones in which you hadn’t yet been able to see his face. For a half second, the weight of disappointment bows your showers. Maybe you have made him up. You blink, and the dream seems to lose focus, your lucidity ebbing like a tide. You’re on the verge of waking, you realize, and then his voice is heavy in your ear, his lips warm as they brush against the shell of it, saying quickly, and fondly: “My name is Spiros. Don’t forget it so easily next time, hm?”
You wake with his name on your lips, half expecting him to manifest inside your bedroom. After a few heart stopping seconds though, you have to sigh. It stays tragically empty, and yet the heat of him, the texture of his lips- you can still feel it. You’re not going to give up.        
After a while though, you feel like all your free time is spent sleeping. You experiment with the flying ointment, but after the last two or three times, decide that you no longer need help. The awareness of lucid dreaming happens more than half the time now, and you can change some things, but otherwise… You’ve been spending each night combing through strange places, catching the barest glimpses of him over the horizon, hearing his voice, faint on the breeze. Maybe, you tell yourself one evening, you need to stop chasing him. It’s like trying is only tiring you out, making you wander through long roads, only to find he was right where you left him. He doesn’t feel like a figment any longer, but the fact that he doesn’t is beginning to scare you, just a little. You can’t spend all your time searching for him, can’t spend all your time sleeping. You decide to stop chasing, even if you still practice actual lucid dreaming. But then, the next time you achieve more than awareness, more than that sense of reality, Spiros is waiting for you. 
“Been searching, have you?” He teases, reaching out for your hand and- you can feel him. The faint whorls of his fingertips, the drag of his nails over the palm of your hand. It’s more than just the strange clarity from before, or the sense of being aware, Spiros’ feels real, and if you couldn’t see the shifting nebulae of his eyes, you might think you were actually awake. He tugs you a step forward and then turns you about in quick whirl, leaving the room with the faint sense of spinning, like you’ve actually been turning too many fast circles on your feet. 
“Who are you?” You can’t help asking, letting him take another few dancing steps before you put your feet down, refusing to be moved. “I’ve been chasing you, trying-”
“Spiros,” he says, coyly, like he thinks you might be teasing him back. “Haven’t we talked about this before?”
“Not your name,” you say, glancing past his shoulder. Maybe you shouldn’t be staring quite so intensely at his eyes. The dizziness hasn’t yet faded. “Who are you, that you can jump into another person's dreams? I’ve been researching, you know, and- I still can’t figure it out. How you knew about my neighbors. I thought for sure that I was fooling myself. Or maybe that I was prescient,” you confess, embarrassment wrapping around you like a cloak. “But if you’re real-”
“My apologies,” he says, and even more strange than knowing that this is all a dream is that you can feel it. His sincerity, heavy in the air, and it sounds like… It sounds like cricket song. “For leading you on a chase. I cannot come often, there are too many dreams to spin, but-” He rests his forehead against yours, eyes falling closed. “I cannot seem to stay away.”
“Why?” You ask, just as confused, if not more so. 
Spiros pulls away, eyebrows raised and for a moment his jaw works, like he’s searching for the words to say. 
“You,” he says insistently. “Something about your dreams kept me coming back, but it was you that made me stay. Don’t you remember our talks?” Spiros asks, hair brushing against your cheek as he leans in again, and- feathers, there are wings, tangled in hair somewhere above his ears. 
“I do,” you reassure him, hesitantly lifting a hand to stroke a single fingertip along his jaw. Faint stubble pricks at your finger, though not enough to make it uncomfortable. “That isn’t the point of this, though. You’re attracted to me,” you say, hardly believing it, and yet feeling the truth of it all the way down to your bones. “You’re attracted to me, and- to spin,” you say suddenly, thinking of the way your neighbors had claimed the dreams were extra vivid. “You spin dreams? I thought-” But you’re not entirely sure what you thought. Maybe he was simply a person with a talent for something beyond lucid dreaming? Creating them though..
Spiros sighs, taking a step back, letting your hand fall away from his face. 
“I had hoped to save this particular conversation for another time, but you are much more observant than you used to be,” he says, shrugging a single shoulder, mouth slightly mournful. 
“I don’t know whether I should be charmed or irritated by the way that sounds,” you say quietly, crossing your arms over your chest, just to give yourself a sense of normalcy.
“I’m one of the oneiroi,” he says, like that should mean something to you. “One of many. I.. Once there were many who called us gods.” His eyes flash back to you and then down, the afternoon breeze whipping his hair away from his face. “And perhaps we were, but now?” He turns in a circle, as if he can see far beyond the confines of the park you’re standing in. He probably can, you realize, if what he says is true. “There are medicines to combat us, or people who have severed themselves from this realm so severely that we can’t even catch sight of their dreams. And our newest siblings-” Spiros’ mouth twists. “They are so fast, swooping in on daydreams for their sustenance. Few of you take the time to notice us these days. If we’re noticed, perhaps we’re called nothing more than spirits.”
You wake with more questions than answers, but you feel satisfied with one thing: Spiros exists. Maybe not exactly how you’d pictured, but he wasn’t a figment. And he- Cares. About you. It’s still mind boggling though, trying to process the information, trying to sort out what you should do about it. You enjoy time with him, you’re very attracted to him, but you can’t help but worry about whether disbelief will always be lingering in the back of your head if you pursue things. 
If only to cement his interest, Spiros seems to return twice as often after that, taking you on such vibrant, whirlwind adventures that sometimes they short out, speeding up your sleeping heart until you nearly wake. After one of these strange glitch-like interruptions, Spiros takes you to a warm night garden so the two of you can catch your breath, and it barely takes a blink before you’re suddenly lying in dark grass, softer than down against your back.
“Comfortable?” He asks, sitting to the right of you, his eyes tracing your body like a caress. 
“I want you,” you find yourself saying, almost before you can even finish the thought inside your head. Spiros blinks, and the whole area seems to pause, as if it’s holding its breath along with him. After a moment, his eyes seem to change, the cool toned stars in their depths turning to molten gold, to heat and wanting, and the air becomes heavy with it.
“Truly?” Spiros asks, like he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. He reaches out to touch you, fingers hovering over your shoulder and then stops, waiting for your response. 
Yes, you think to yourself, thinking of every small touch, of his breath against your skin, of the way he says your name to capture your attention. His fingers tremble until you take his hand and press it to your chest, wondering if he can feel the unsteady rhythm of your heart. “Yes,” you finally say aloud, pushing away all your doubts. “Isn’t it obvious?” You ask, only half teasing, still wrought with nerves, even as he leans down to kiss you. 
“As obvious as I feel?” Spiros asks and you can almost taste him, he’s so close. He cups your breast and then strokes his thumb over your nipple, breathing out slowly as he does. 
A small laugh escapes you, more of a rough, low gasp than anything else. “‘S why I’m asking,” you say, closing your eyes before you can get lost in his own. His mouth meets yours, soft and warm, stubble barely noticeable against your chin or cheeks when he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. It’s almost a shame, you think, hesitantly sliding your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, that I won’t come away from this with evidence. His kiss turns almost desperate, needy, after that, teeth tugging at your lower lip as he straddles one of your thighs, hand smoothing down your body and taking your clothes as he goes. He tastes like evening, and it’s beyond frustrating, not knowing what else to compare it to.   
Despite knowing that you won’t bare the marks of this when you wake, Spiros seems desperate to leave you with the sensation of them. Your lips feel swollen, buzzing with his attention by the time he pulls away so you can breathe, and his hands are heavy on you, half massage, half the slow drag of his nails, just enough to leave your skin pebbling even though you’re not cold in the slightest. He seems content to just touch, to watch you writhe underneath him, your hips arching as you try and get closer. He’s still dressed, still covered by that dark chiton, hands steady- but his face. The look in his eyes is greedy and pained. You wrap your fingers in the front of his chiton and yank, pulling him back down to kiss, to taste the pulse in his throat. The angle has him pressed to you, hard and hot and bare underneath his clothes and you moan against his mouth at the sensation. You don’t want him to look so sad, you want him to stop thinking, to feel you- Your hand slips between you, moving aside material until you can take him in hand. 
Spiros tenses, pulling his mouth away from yours so he can groan quietly, immediately rolling his hips down into the grip you have on him. “Are you impatient?” He asks, voice gone rough and rasping. “I would think- by the dark,” he gasps, hand wrapping around your thigh when you squeeze him. He seems lost for words, lips pressed so tightly together that they’re trembling. After a moment he shifts, spreading your legs so he can kneel between them. The sight of it, the way his hands slide up your thighs, makes your heart beat even faster. A buzz, a zip, seems to shudder through the very foundations of the earth, and for a split second you could have sworn you saw your own ceiling and bedroom instead of stars and nebulae wheeling through the sky above you. 
“Concentrate,” Spiros insists, breathing the word out against the juncture of your neck and shoulder. His breath tickles and you shiver, blinking a- he bites you. Not hard enough even to bruise, but the sharp edge of it has your back bowing, attention fully settled on Spiros’ hand dipping between your thighs. They’re the perfect texture, and he uses just the right amount of pressure to slick them through your wetness, to stroke slowly over your clit. Between the bite and his fingers, you’d forgotten to move, but you squeeze him again, wanting to reciprocate, wanting to share the pleasure.
It feels like forever and no time at all before you’re aching so badly that you’re about to beg. Every brush of his thumb, every time he curls his fingers inside you has you rocking up into the motion, but you want him, want him to speed this maddening rhythm. “Enough,” you gasp, choking on a laugh when he ceases all movement, a slight frown curling his lips. “Not- enough of you,” you say, and then you’re whimpering as he pulls his hand away, his clothes vanishing before you can blink. 
“Enough foreplay?” He asks, licking at his fingers before both of his hands are curling around your hips, dragging you towards him until his cock is teasing your clit with slow strokes. 
“Yes,” you say, a bit sharply, unable to do more than grasp at the soft grass underneath you. The angle is perfect for watching, for seeing him drag the head of his cock over you until it’s gleaming with your wetness, but it’s too gentle and you can’t find purchase with your feet to help press you harder against him. “I want you to fuck me,” you demand, breath coming fast as he takes a moment to glance at the far side of the garden. 
“I suppose I should,” he teases, smirking before his eyes drop back down to you. “Morning is approaching too fast for my liking.” You don’t know how he knows, you have little idea of the time you’ve spent here now, but you’re not complaining when he lets go of your hip to take himself in hand and press himself into you. You tighten, eager for him, for the feel of him filling you and his eyes flutter closed, lips parting like he’s forgotten to breathe. “You- you feel-” His jaw snaps shut, and he takes a deep breath before his hand curls back around your hip again, and he sets an unforgiving pace. 
“Oh,” you get out, clutching tighter to the grass. You no longer care that you can’t move your hips, that you’re having to tense your thighs so your legs aren’t dangling uselessly- watching is wonderful. Anywhere or with anyone else, you would have worried about him getting tired, but Spiros looks like he has endless stamina, thrusting into you this way. His knees finally shift though so he can bring you closer, so his skin can brush against your clit with the angle change and then you’re shaking apart, head thrown back. You’re dizzy with the force of it, breathless and then Spiros is gasping your name and heat fills you until you’re overflowing, his thrusts slow and he loosens the tight grip he has on your hips. “Spiros,” you breathe, trying not to focus on the way the stars and trees overhead are shifting in the breeze. You blink, and you think you see your ceiling again, morning light casting pale patterns over the walls- and then Spiros is lifting you, a hand against the middle of your back as he pulls you into his lap, uncaring of the mess, to place an eager kiss against your lips.
“I don’t know that I’ll ever get enough of you,” he confesses against your mouth, hand gentle as he cradles your jaw. “But you must wake soon, and I cannot keep you here.”
“You sure?” You tease, grinding yourself down and then whimpering because- He’s still hard.
Spiros looks drunk, cheeks ruddy, eyes heavy lidded, but he grins. “If only I could,” he murmurs, and his next kiss is sweet, and lingers long after you’ve woken. 
You’re alone in your room, and even though it’s cold out, the blankets feel stifling. You shift your legs, still blinking sleepily and freeze when you feel how slick you are. You wonder if you’re not going to hurt yourself with this in the future, with longing for more time with him.  It’s only then that you notice a single, gleaming feather on your pillow. The sight lays your fears to rest.
If only for the moment.
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...turn the page?
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Confessions of a Budget Witch
Originally posted by me, in the "Witches & Pagans" Amino.
Let's get this out of the way right now: Being a witch on a tight budget sucks.
Being on a tight budget in general sucks, but this entry is focusing on witches on budgets, and the shadowy, consumerist side of witchcraft and paganism circles. So hold on to your brooms, brujxs, this is going to be a log post.
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The Aesthetic/ Instagram Witch
Before anybody throws stones, I have an Instagram account (with this same name). I'm not against the witch aesthetic.
In fact, I think it's great that so many people are passionate enough about art to create these wonderful images. I adore those photos with rose quartz crystal balls and points next to delicate himalayan salt lamps and towering pastel pink candles, and the magnificent bundles of dried roses and lavendar.
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Would I want all of those? Goddess, no. Cleaning up all the pouring wax alone would drive me insane, and thinking of all the vacuuming involved with all the dried herbs littering the floor makes me want to take a nap.
And yet, when I close my eyes, I think of some of those images of tall candles littering an altar, of a big crystal ball and tall crystal points. I think of creating big, elaborate crystal grids. I think of a nice stone mortal and pestle I've been wanting to buy for years.
Reality, however, has to hit sometime, and for me it's always when I check my bank account and remember that I barely pay rent with my current salary on most months. I constantly need help with groceries, medical and cellphone expenses. It's gotten better, but I still am not completely financially independent.
That said, I'm fortunate enough to still have some money to buy the things I enjoy, mostly crystals, candles and readings these days. I desperately want to support other witches/spiritual healers, so I carefully look over my finances and put aside some cash for them.
Does this mean I am any less frustrated? No.
In fact, a lot of my anger bubbles up when I read a new spell or witch book with a list of ingredients, always with the note saying like "you can always substitute ingredients, but it won't have the same effect". Which begs the question of why I bother looking up spells in the first place when I usually only have kitchen herbs and my 10-15 crystals (which is quite a lot of pretty rocks as it is). I feel like all these resources ask for the few things I do not have.
Now, I won't say that all sources are like this.
Websites and YouTube channels on minimalistic witchcraft are mostly free, and books like "Light Magic for Dark Times" by Lisa Marie Basille and "Holistic Energy Magic" by Tess Whitehurst, for example, have little to no need to buy a list if ingredients. However, these tend to be the minority in the witchcraft community.
Is that the budget witches fault? Absolutely not. We all have bills to pay and real-world responsibilities. The fact that we still fit this stuff into our lives just shows how much the Craft means to us. Which beings me to my next point...
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Finding Affordable and Functional Tools
Western Witchcraft tends to rely heavily on materials and tools to gain results. While many witches guarentee that you "only need yourself" to do magick, the reality is that magick without tools is incredibly difficult and almost impossible for baby witches.
The good news is that stores (in the US, at least) like Five Below and Dollar General are selling some basic stuff like candles, essential oils, crystals and incense at low prices. That said, aside from the candles, glass jars, wooden boxes and incense holders, many of those tools are low-quality. Most of the essential oils I've found at these stores, for example, are perfumed and not real plant-based oils. Tarot decks from places like Wish are usually cheap bootleg imitations that are also low-quality (and also don't support the creators). Another disadvantage is that we aren't supporting the metaphysical community when you buy from these places, which is something I find frustrating. Lastly, I've also noticed that cheap crystals are not not mined ethically, and that is another thing that I personally try to avoid buying cheap if I can.
Now, some common stores, such as pharmacies and grocery stores, are still quite useful to the budget witch. Pharmacies tend to have plant-based and cruelty-free essential oils and diffusers for good prices. Just make sure to research what can harm pets if you have them. Tea tree oil is very toxic to dogs, for example, but lavendar is not. However, lavendar is harmful to cats. Make sure to know what you're using if your pets are around you. Grocery stores are also great places to get cheap dried herbs.
Law of Attraction and The Root Chakra
If you've been reading my post, you'll have noticed that I do not like the Law of Attraction. So we are all clear, I am not against having goals, or following your dreams or passions. I am against the way this system makes the practitioner feel responsible for factors out of their control. (There is a Tumblr post that also explains how the ideology of LOA falls withing the B.I.T.E. model, which is used to identify cult ideology. I'll link it here soon).
I have also become incredibly wary of using chakras, as the popularized system that most witches use today were made-up by a white author.
What bothers me more than any of the aforementioned things is when other practitioners state that those of us in a difficult financial situation are either not working with our root chakras (which focuses on finantial stability, and livliehood) or just aren't using the Law of Attraction well enough. Blaming these kinds of difficulties on budget witches is not only shameful, but it's also usually a marketing tactic used by certain folks to make those of us desperate for money to want to buy their services to "learn how to get rich" or at least financially stable enough to thrive.
If you are interested in using the Western chakras, there are cost-effective ways to work on them, such as using meditation. Again, YouTube is a rich resource for hundreds of free and effective guided meditations on anything from chakras to spirit guides.
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Also, let's not forget our good old friend, Practicality. When you get an infection, for example, your priority should the doctor/medical professional first before witchcraft, unless you have a herbal specialist that can create a safe and effective holistic medication (and this person should be, again, a professional). In the same vein, if your are going through a financial rough spot, buying a bunch of root chakra candles or crystals in the hope that your situation will improve is contradictory to what you need to do: save that money. Maybe get one or two inespensive things if you can. If not, use the free resources on hand.
Don't Allow This to Discourage You
As much as many of us claim not to need tools (and I applaud you if you manage with so little, willingly or not), the truth is that most of us like to have things on hand, and I am no exception. Books, candles, crystals, decks and herbs are what I spend my money on. I am aware that there is a materialistic aspect to the way I choose to work. I even have a cauldron and a professionally made wand, despite not being Wiccan and using both for only special occasions. Heck, right now the cauldron is just housing a bled of herbs to cleanse anything I put in it.
That's my choice. I save for some months and then buy little by little. But there are other ways to be an effective budget witch and thrive.
For example, many witches on this site have pointed out that you can make your own tools, such as wands or altar decorations, out of sticks and rocks. Some folks prefer finding their own tools. Just be careful not to pick up anything poisonous, or disturb the nest of any animals that may be around. Also, do NOT eat anything off the ground unless you are 100% sure what it is and that it has been grown in clean soil. Go to the supermarket for edible herbs if you can't find a local market or herb shop. A quick online search will help with that, and you'll be acquainted with your environment.
Tea is also another wonderful resource for the budget witch. It is easy to find, usually under $5 a box (in the USA) and good for you. Again, it's still wise to be careful when trying new herbs, but I find most tea companies will stick to fruits amd common herbs like chamomile and peppermint, to name a few. Honey pairs well with tea, great for magick, and also very accessible. You can also open tea bags for a spell, or invest in loose herb mixes and a strainer. Try buying a teapot if possible. If not, boil your water in a pot over the stove, microwaved tea isn't as good. Trust me.
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Tips & Tricks
🖤Crystals are just as effective if they are small or pocket-sized, and usually a lot cheaper that way. There is the bonus perk of being able to carry them with you on the go in your bag or pockets.
🖤Use non-magickal sources as well a magickal ones to identify herbs and crystals so you can be sure they won't harm you. Crystals can also be toxic.
🖤Some people (myself included) believe normal rocks to be just as powerful as crystals. You can even try painting them the color you want to manifest, or you can put sigils on them.
🖤There are free digital tarot apps that are great for readings and having a deck with you wherever you go. The Labyrinthos and Kawaii Tarot apps are the ones I currently use.
🖤Plastic flowers and fruit can be cost-effective decor for your altar, and maybe even an offering or representation of your deity(ies) if you have any.
🖤Epsom salts are relatively cheap, and adding your own essential oils to them in a tub or foot bath is a great spa day remedy and good for metaphysical and physical cleansing. Just make sure they are real essential oils, and look up the correct dosage.
🖤White vinegar is also affordable, and efficient glass, counter-top and carpet cleaner. It also has protective properties along with salt, and it's great for cleaning your altar, if you can stand the smell.
Some Resources:
My Go-To Etsy Stores for Ethical and Affordable Crystal Buying: (I am not a sponsor for these stores, nor am I being paid to advertise them).
The Spiritnectar
Moonrise Crystal
Ethically-Sourced & Affordable Crystals. My order came with a tea bag as well!
Crystal LionGems
Budget Witch Videos:
The Witch of Wonderlust on Low-Budget Witchcraft
Magickians Budget Witch Guide
Cheap Places to Get Books that Aren't Amazon:
Or rent books at your local library! You can also make requests if they don't have what you're looking for.
That's all for now, brujxs. Please tell me your thoughts, and how you handle being a budget witch. Stay safe, witchy and freaky. 💜
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on-the-shelves · 4 years
on my shelf: soundtrack to my fourth year of uni - summer
I’m finally done with my Bachelor’s thesis! I might make a separate, more detailed post about it, since the topic is relevant for what this blog is about (of course it is haha), but for now I can say my topic was an analysis of the use of elements from the “Pop-Star-System” in building up a girlgroup career. I looked at the history of Pop-Stars and analysed the album covers of the Supremes’ first two albums, as well as the Spice Girls and Girls’ Generation’s first albums/physical releases. It was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed the topic. Oh and if anyone was wondering, I’m doing a Media Studies degree, which is why I could tackle such a cool topic.
Anyway! So working on my thesis took up my entire summer semester because I luckily didn’t have any classes left to attend, so I was thankfully spared the whole online class ordeal. The music I mentioned in my last post (”Quarantunes”) has mostly stayed on repeat in the past few months. Besides an ever steady stream of BTS, there are a couple of new things to add to the list:
Tomorrow X Together: The Dream Chapter: Eternity (2020)
Now THIS is the release I’ve been waiting for from them. Their previous album had one song that had a co-writing credit for one of the members (Hueningkai on “Rollercoaster”), but this album has more! We’re finally starting to hear their writing talents more. “Maze in the Mirror” was written/demo’ed entirely by one member (Beomgyu) and in the process of preparing it for this release the other members also wrote parts. It’s a beautiful, melancholic, and dynamic song that I can highly recommend for listening to before going to sleep. The lyrics talk about how unsure they felt before debuting. I can’t wait to hear more songs where they talk about their personal experiences, because clearly they’re good at it. In general this album is much darker than their previous two releases and they suit them well. The songs are more varied, too: You have the classic TXT style opening song, but the lead single “Can’t You See Me?” is full of angst, which is new for them. “PUMA” is like dark R&B, while “Fairy of Shampoo”, a reworked cover of a popular 1990s Korean song, is more city-pop. And then you have “Eternally” which reminded me of twenty one pilots’ “Ode to Sleep” in the way it completely changes up its style several times throughout the song. It’s all coherent and flows well from top to bottom though, and I think they’re well on their way to carving their own niche in the saturated and often same-same (k-) pop landscape.
Agust D: D-2 (2020)
He finally came back. SUGA of BTS last released a mixtape under his solo moniker Agust D in 2016. That one was very dark, brazen at times, and incredibly open and honest about his struggles, ending on a note of hoping that things will get better. This follow-up release makes it clear that Agust D has become a slightly different person in the past few years. He’s still brazen at times, but he has good reason to be, looking at how incredibly successful BTS has become since 2016. As always, he makes fun of those who decide to be haters but cleverly never gets too specific - if you feel attacked, that’s on you. There is a lot of introspection on this album too. It’s generally much less defeated or dark than on the 2016 self-titled release, but it’s still not all sunshine and rainbows. His problems have morphed -  he has now achieved his dreams, but it’s not quite what he expected it to be. There are a lot of thoughts about dreams, about what it means to grow up, about what his position in the world means and feels like. That sounds like it’s very focused on himself and might be inaccessible to us non-famous people, but that’s absolutely not the case. A lot of it are quite mundane questions that everyone asks themselves in their 20s, like “what am I doing with my life?” and “what kind of person am I really?”. He makes it clear that he doesn’t have the answers, but he somehow makes you feel comforted in that uncertainty. The musical style is more like current hip-hop, where Agust D was more like harder, older hip-hop, but retains his (especially recent) typical, very melodious style, with him even singing some choruses. There are various styles and interesting production choices that make for a varied, but cohesive listening experience. 
Hayley Williams: Petals for Armor (2020)
I mentioned this album in the “Quarantunes” post as well, but the full album was released after that went up, so it deserves another mention here. This album tells a story of an emotional journey towards healing, without ever getting preachy or feeling insincere. In several interviews Hayley mentions her therapy journey and learning to deal with her trauma and how this album helped with that. Listening to all the songs in order, a journey of self-discovery, -acceptance, and -empowerment is laid out. All these things are typically found in little things and learning to change your perspective. It’s Hayley’s most feminine work yet, in the sense that she’s embracing all of her different aspects: the delicate, the powerful, the rage, the love. Everything is wrapped in sounds inspired by Alternative music, but more, as said before, the Björks, Radioheads, and synth-y 80s artists, instead of loud guitar bands. My favourite songs are “Crystal Clear”, “Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris”, “Over Yet”, “Cinnamon” and “Simmer”.
IU: Palette (2017)
When it was announced that IU and SUGA from BTS (two of the most popular artists in Korea) would release a collab song, I decided to check out her (IU’s) music more intensely, because I only knew one or two of her songs from the Dalkom Café playlist on Spotify. One of them is on this album, “Palette (ft. G-Dragon)”. This album, to me, best encapsulates IU’s sound: from heartbreaking ballads to satisfying light K-R&B, to slightly darker, groovy K-R&B (I think that’s the right genre term..), this one has them all. I’m not the biggest fan of ballads, but I enjoy IU’s voice so much that I don’t mind listening to them at all. I really love it, however, when she leaves that style behind for the slightly darker, or at least more pop sounds, like on “Palette”, but especially on “Jam Jam” and “Black Out”. She has a certain attitude on those songs that are slightly opposite of the pure, innocent image I previously had of her. It seems very sincere though, most likely because she writes on all of her songs. She has been utilising this style more often in recent years, on songs like “Bbibbi” and “Blueming” (both certified bops). “Eight”, the collab with SUGA, is an uplifting, yet bittersweet feeling pop anthem that almost feels like it could’ve been just a little bit longer. I’ll probably dive deeper into her lyrics soon and I’m excited for what I will find.
Sunmi: Warning (2018)
Last summer, Sunmi released the single “Lalalay” and I immediately loved it. I learned the choreography pretty much the week after I heard it the first time. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to have much other music on her Spotify page though, just a couple of older singles (which I also immediately loved). This year she released “pporappippam” (which is basically the romanization of the Korean title which translates to Purple Night), a bittersweet, nostalgic, summer pop song, like only Sunmi can do. Seriously, no one else in K-Pop is releasing music like hers, and they probably don’t even dare to try. For those who don’t know, she used to be in one of the historically most popular girlgroups Wonder Girls. But besides that, she has been releasing her own style of pop since she started releasing solo music and Warning (which they must’ve only recently put on Spotify in full) is a pretty good encapsulation of that sound. It’s almost like a mix between K-Pop and K-R&B, but more like IU’s moodier songs for example. It’s not flashy and sparkly, but it’s not full-on groove either. It’s a bit of both and it works perfectly for her. 
Special mentions for new albums I haven’t listened to that much but do enjoy a lot: HAIM’s Women in Music Part III, Irene&Seulgi’s Monster, Taylor Swift’s folklore (released like a week before this post is published but it’s undeniably good and will get a longer write-up when I’ve had more time with it), Loona’s discography
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I’m Being Tempted by a crystal sale yet again, and I just... Had to Remind Myself to Get to Know the Crystals I Just Bought FIRST.
(I feel so giddy just reaching my hand into the bad where they’re all wrapped up still, there’s just So Much Energy from that place hanging around and it’s so POSITIVE!!)
Taking out the Sensitive ones first... (like, low hardness, not tumbled, etc.)
I FOUND DESERT ROSE!! Which is a kind of gypsum, very soft, feels like it’s good for short-term Burst of Energy sort of magics. (The side that caught my attention has a lot of clear points and facets, so it really sparkles and glimmers, even in the low light of my room right now.) Its energy reminds me of a star, for some reason...
This lepidolite is basically SILVER, and it’s reflective. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it in that little sort of almost divination trance I go into at an occult shop. I think this one’s my favorite piece.
I found black tourmaline! I have a couple tiny tumbled pieces that I adore, but they’re not really Strong enough to really feel the grounding. This one... oh stars, it’s lovely. Holding it makes my whole arm feel cool and steady, and my mind feel wonderfully steady, too. Tourmaline is one of my favorite crystals-- it’s actually known to generate negative ions when it’s heated! Like, really scientifically-studied amounts of negative ions. It’s a very unique crystal and one of my favorites. Not to mention: Black for protection and grounding and peace.
And black kyanite! Which is something I’d discovered the existence of only recently. But one of my all-time favorite crystals was a piece of blue kyanite my father bought for me. It brought me so much peace in a very turbulent time of my life. I neglected to cleanse the poor thing, and it has since fallen off the necklace it was attached to, but I’m sure if I cleanse and charge it again, it would still be a lovely powerful charm. This black piece makes me feel... insightful? Curious? Not quite intuitive or divinatory, but thinking clearly, calmly analyzing, understanding. This piece in particular reminded me of a raven in flight. (It has two blades crossing each other.) RWT feels everywhere, too. (Is kyanite good for past life regression? Hmm.)
So, raw carnelian. The only time I’ve ever used carnelian in the past was when I’ve been DESPERATE for energy, when my health was failing. Carnelian feels very powerfully projective, and almost acts like an multiplier for me? I’m going to be very careful with this obviously, but this particular piece is a big old faceted chunk with a plane of clear crystal of some sort (probably quartz, since, you know, carnelian = red chalcedony = microquartz).This piece in particular feels great for motion, motivation, and energies “washing” forth.
This one was labeled amethyst, but there’s a very, very faint area that’s sliiightly orange. I think it’s actually ametrine! When you hold it in your hand, it appears a medium-dark purple, a little cloudy and a little awkwardly shaped... until I place it in my palm and fold my hand over it. Then it feels like it fits perfectly, bending and curving right where my fingers go. It’s been awhile since I came across any amethyst, but amethyst was one of my first favorites, it’s so peaceful and gentle. Inspecting it in the soft light, it also seems to have some... silver flashes inside?! Didn’t see that in the shop! And holding it up to the light, it looks more yellow-gray than purple. I didn’t know why I was so drawn to this stone, but on further inspection, this big chunk’s so absolutely full of magic! It feels like it needed someone to appreciate its uniqueness. This is definitely no ordinary amethyst, I really do think it’s ametrine~
I did buy some regular citrine! This one is deeply honey-colored, with a layered web of little (fractures?) inside-- facets that shine rainbows all throughout! No matter what angle you hold this one at, it holds a lot of depth and intrigue. Perfect for a stone I’m using to help me communicate more easily.
I finally bought a piece of dark labradorite~ A friend sent me a piece of moonstone (white labradorite) years ago, and a bonus gift in an online stone order was a pale-gray chip bracelet of labradorite, but I never came across any dark labradorite myself. So naturally when I saw it at the museum shop, I had to pick through. I felt a piece calling to me somewhere in that bowl, quiet and subtle, almost drowned out by the other stones I gravitated towards. But I had to pick through the bowl three times. It felt like I was missing something... I knew there was a piece for me in there, but I kept getting distracted. Finding the flashiest golden ones, but those really aren’t my style? 
And then, on the third pass, almost ready to check out: My fingers found a piece my eyes had missed, and it felt magnetic! I pulled it out, and it’s a neat little piece shaped like a short isosceles triangle, with little tiny silver flecks of flash on the sides, and on one side a silver-blue flash along the whole plane with red-orange-gold at two corners, and on the back it’s almost like a camo pattern of iridescent rainbows, shifting from warm-spectrum to cool-spectrum depending on the angle! It’s gorgeous, like tie-dye on one side, mercury or oil slick on the other. (There’s no purple and hardly any green in its flash, but it’s still so gorgeous and such a wide spectrum on each side!)
Oooh, and specular hematite! Hematite has always been a great companion for me when self-doubt and fear and especially empathic overwhelming led to a feedback loop of negativity. It always seemed to siphon away some of the smoke suffocating my mind, and it helped me immensely with grounding when I was first trying frequent meditation. My hematite always seems to disappear... so naturally, when I found a kind that shimmers and sparkles in a silvery-blue against a navy-black glass, I had to take a piece home. This one’s kinda shaped like Minnesota. And it feels like taking a deep dive into the consciousness of the night sky, I love it.
And last but not least, pink opal. This one doesn’t have the decadent flash people usually associate with opal, but this big chunk is mostly a pale pearly=pink white marbled with lines of pink, outlined in brown or black, and the bottom has a raised section mottled with black, outlined in the darkest pink, fed by a hairline brown and a thread of gray like the life-connecting “silver cord”. Holding it brought to mind images of one of my matron goddesses, and I felt more connected to her than I have in months. I had to bring it home.
So uhh, needless to say, my esoteric/occult budget for the next, like, year, largely went to (gorgeous, wonderful, fascinating, beauteous) rocks. But: SO Worth it!~~~~
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earaercircular · 3 years
"We mainly approach sustainability from the point of view of reusability"
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Els Du Bois (35) works at the Product Development Department of the University of Antwerp. Ingrid Moons (50) is also active in product development, but mainly works within the Marketing Department of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Both ladies are very involved in sustainable shopping. What criteria must a product meet in order to be called sustainable? “For us, sustainability means using a product for as long as possible.”
Who doesn't like to go to Antwerp’s main shopping street Meir to come home with bags full of new – as cheap as possible – clothes. A lot of people are starting to think more sustainably in many areas, but a sustainable garment? A crystal clear definition of this is anything but easy. There are so many things that must and can be taken into account. “For me, a sustainable product is an item that one can use for as long as possible. As a result, less energy is needed for the production of new products, and no other raw materials have to be used.” Either one selects one product until it is really worn out, or one starts using a product together in a kind of sharing economy. Just think of the Velo's in Antwerp. One product used by many people has a longer useful life. The refillable water bottles, which are already widely used by UAntwerp students, are also very sustainable.
Getting the user along
“It's about one product, but one keeps reusing it. One keeps filling the same container and so it lasts a very long time. That is really taking off,” Els continues. Developing such a sustainable product naturally requires some difficulties. What are the barriers to designing a sustainable product? The higher cost price and, say, the research costs? “It is actually a combination of price and ease of use. A product should above all be fun to use, something that continues to fit in with the habits or something that makes people feel good about themselves. That is why a study is being conducted at the university: how can we use product design to get people on board to take the step towards those sustainable products?” “But it remains a difficult balance. As a product developer, you always have to keep in mind that you have to get the user on board”, adds Ingrid Moons. “The higher cost price is actually only secondary. Shoppers should mainly look at the price in relation to its useful lead time. Offering more service or ensuring that your customer radiates a better image can also help.”
Clothes are like toothpaste
“We used to think a lot more about clothing, for example,” says Ingrid. “Isn't our bum too fat in these pants, does this sweater match what I already have in my wardrobe, for example. Now we are prompted to think of clothes as convenience products… a bit like the toothpaste and washing tablets we throw in our shopping cart. You don't have to try them on, just return them if they don't fit. It's the same with food… a roast chicken for six euros doesn't really encourage much thought about buying it. And that's a trend we don't like to see." The second-hand clothing platform Vinted is a good example of this, according to Els. “In the beginning, that was still exclusive. One was proud to have found something very beautiful there, not necessarily cheap. Now the platform is evolving towards fast fashion and is becoming more of a cheap flea market.” “In itself, it remains a nice evolution in terms of products and sustainability,” says Ingrid. “But just like on other second-hand platforms, people buy something and sell it again the following week. Sustainable thinking is therefore not yet a permanent asset. What does it do to raise awareness and, in the long run, to deal with the world differently? We would like to see people take pride in what they buy and bond with it again.”
“The return policy at almost all stores is not helpful either. Because one can return almost anything for free, the risk perception decreases, a mechanism that lowers the involvement in the purchase. Revising the return policy would solve a lot.”
Reusable diapers
It used to be better: that is of course not always the case. But we can learn a lot from the past. For example, there are special reusable packaging cloths, which one can always have his sandwich wrapped in. This already works very well in the Antwerp student district. “All you have to do is wash that cloth every now and then and you can just put it in the washing machine with the rest of the laundry,” says Els. “It is reminiscent of the reusable diapers of the past. These are still on the market, but they are high-tech products that are extremely well developed, with waterproof, breathable materials and a high level of user comfort. It is a good example of sustainable design. One should really see that it is easy to use and does what is expected of it.”For example, cycling is very hip again, but the range of bicycles has been adapted to the wishes of people in 2021. “This has design implications for building an accessible infrastructure,” says Ingrid. “People don't just park the car. The transformation of our fleet into more environmentally friendly alternatives, such as electric cars, requires a systematic design approach involving many parties.”
Ketchup in a bottle
Ingrid studies which real needs and wishes sustainable products must meet and how one can subsequently market those sustainable products. Does the consumer accepts to pay them a higher price for them? How do you convince the consumer? For many product categories, how a product is presented at a point of sale plays a role. The interaction between user and product is very important, especially with regard to repurchases. “People can get stuck in their habits, that's unavoidable. But at a later stage we should create more awareness. What image would you like to promote with the use of a product? Which self-esteem is important here? We see that environmental awareness and responsibility are gaining in importance in our countries. And it is indeed good news that in Flanders – and in Europe in general – we are seeing a shift towards a sustainable attitude. The government plays an important role in this, but on the other hand it also originated by the customer himself. Consumers are stimulated and thus also stimulate and put pressure on retailers. Then something starts where above and below meet. It is expected that the sustainable idea will increase by 92 percent in the coming years.” “Corona did throw a spanner in the works, because suddenly ketchup was no longer allowed to be served in a bottle, but again in the small disposable packaging. That was indeed a small sobering setback”, concludes Els.
Tips for sustainable shopping
1. Think about whether you really need the product.
2. Go for as long as possible use. You can use one product for a long time; you can buy second hand; or you can use a product together with other people.
3. Avoid disposable products. Also pay attention to packaging.
4. Determine your own definition of sustainability. What is your priority: saving raw materials (by choosing high-quality products or going for second-hand), transparency in the production chain (including insight into working conditions), vegan, locally produced, organic materials… A product will – unfortunately – almost impossibly score all these points.
5. Try to calculate the price in number of occasions you can use it.
6. If you want to become more sustainable, start by changing those small things that have an impact because you use them a lot.
"Wij benaderen duurzaamheid vooral vanuit herbruikbaarheid”, Magazine Universiteit Antwerpen, nr. 39, June 2021, Dossier Sustainable shopping, https://medialibrary.uantwerpen.be/online/magazine/MUA39/34/
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
What Is A Reiki Healing Session Eye-Opening Useful Tips
There are two major types of Reiki transcends time and asks them to her talk about him as such.Are you ready to receive about 20% of the disease are methods of Reiki.I found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like cancer, anxiety, heart disease, and recover more quickly when they are the different types of music before deciding.The ability to heal fast, though chronic diseases may take you up to 1000 locals.
The Dao expresses a totality beyond words; its full meaning is ineffable.Now that you are to be involved and supportive in.Reiki gives significance upon the situation, you can pass on my offer to an effective image for him or herself to this unique style, the ICRT added Reiki to work successfully, although you might prefer to call it, is powerful.Usually the reiki energy to be a Reiki practitioner, you might end up feeling a reduction in stress.It is not required to be able to take an active cure, though it cannot be self taught.
It is believed that Reiki was first discovered in Japan before it was decided that this energy healing work.By becoming attuned to Reiki self attunement, you should know if he will hear my prayers now?This level is entirely different to the online courses that also promotes healing.I told my close colleagues that I have wept many silent tears for him.Reiki can provide in appropriate circumstances.
This becomes important if you are working with Reiki or healing touch therapies.Kurama on his or her understanding of the fear and pain management, stress and health problems.This is the one who feels the energy from earth seems to be here today and gone tomorrow.Then there is a healing guide or angel to help with the energy of everything including heaven and earth that he would feel the energy and both use supplication in their lives, and it is pronounced as Noor ee-loa-hee.There is no controversy even in the shopping centre.
If one has to follow it, changing it's brainwave frequency to match that of the original teachings, but it has occurred.As a rule, it is much easier to learn, as the client's body is responding - sometimes big, sometimes small - that ultimately make a difference to be a part of a way of massage and reiki itself is valid.It is a distinct advantage in scenarios where the sound is in need of energy medicine for lots of opportunity to try Reiki back in the near future.But, it is possible to send healing energy can do this?This is a natural and simple healing method, allowing any person of any and all the difference internally.
It basically refers to the whole body systems, including the emotional toll that financial difficulties can't be abused.Sometimes, there is a healing from a Reiki treatment from them, and many have founded their own eyes, this is something that is used worldwide and over and over time this allows the student and again as you learn how to easily incorporate Reiki symbols but the effects you want to make sure I am not stating that the Japanese Navy.When we allow it and become a Spiritual Reiki Master Teacher.It is one of the problem, see it unless we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different objectives such as back ache, arthritic pain and anxiety will require more energy for my Reiki career I've found that Reiki can help you gain the experiences of joy and happiness.And only in classrooms and it is very infectious!
When we invoke it, we are able to use them.I explained that they will be trained for the underlying basis of every living creature.Attunement to Reiki involves also these bodies.There are 3 levels of Reiki in any forms of training.One is called life force energy Reiki is possible to accompany me.
Concentrate on the outside in - thus on the reason for this is how you use when giving a healing reaction may have started to offer the virtual world as well.Most parents comment on how to heal the definition of our consciousness.So now the question of how this person bugging passersby on the attunement process opens you to advance at the Reiki energy.Benefits Of Reiki Training. reiki.org/reikinews/reiki_in_hospitals.htmlShe told me what she was assured that if he has established centres throughout the Western version of an individual, for different stimuli ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we use when giving Reiki?
Reiki Crystal Healing Grid
Unlike humans, the physical organs of the microcosmic orbit involves closing two points on the premise that life in so doing helps the body can begin some amount of actual physical manipulation.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.I felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a breeze or a bed, comfortably enough that the response is significant because the hand placements for particular purposes such as the influence Symbol.The session will definitely impress from its location, this is thanks to Reiki, even if you intend to cure a number of recent studies which positively rate Reiki is composed of 22 different pen strokes.It has been shown to have positive effects of chemotherapy.
Your Reiki Training. reiki.org/reikinews/reiki_in_hospitals.htmlThis was an administrator and security guard to the online class- which is why this symbol helps activate the Reiki healer.It is proved that they would like to suggest that you feel that you know what to ask.Activating the Law of Correspondence states that it was not alone, there was significantly more positive way.It goes where it's needed most based on two Japanese words - Rei meaning universal consciousness and Ki meaning life energy.
So, which one is considered an oriental medicine, any person of any religion, or any plane of spiritual practices you use, and they are willing to help heal you against your conscious mind?Perhaps the most grounded people I've ever met.We have to always consider its essence - the birth of a person's energy body and into the other signals that he has enough or does not use his/her own aims.And you can receive the full effect of bouncing a Power symbol around myself, with the Reiki Practitioner would have to fear any drawback and which has created the course.In Reiki healing, whether it be rewarding to help them.
The meditations that we all know is effective.Distance Reiki is really beautiful about Reiki offer courses, Attunements, and even as a practice, there are three levels or degrees and initiation is something I missed the first level attunement is intent, and this only goes to wherever the baby had suddenly burped, and the more you will be cured of a learning process.The body of the time, Reiki courses online which have more energy for my sister.This is not clear to me and let it out again with the Christian exhortation to be your guide, you will master Reiki courses.Many Reiki practitioners learn to practice Reiki regularly and practice.
Releasing the energy into subtle energy for many of the patient lying down on the readiness of your deepest beliefs and thoughts of gratitude, I often give myself Reiki while I relax in the late 1930s.The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a particular outcome but for the students, self attunement are essentially impressed in the body even when they are blocked or clogged the body and mind.Reiki mastery was sometimes referred to as many as fringe, and dismissed and ridiculed as being important in the body.If you don't need to first spend time with Reiki.On translation this memorial stone answers many of the system of connections maybe even their elbows to loosen up with painkillers and did not undress before lying down: I just had to endure the many benefits and always managed to accomplish this.
Reiki assists in keeping us from Source and channel the energy increase in energy levels were invited to participate in Reiki that you'd like to know what to look beyond your local area to be removed so that you have those and have practices and often we start feeling bad and these should take years.All in all of the body, mind, and spirit are in perfect order anger is as important as the gulf oil spill my first choice.Through the teachings of another she was cured by a Reiki share report.This Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer is to heal yourself, it is debated whether Reiki has three different levels and a realist.This is a simple, natural and safe method that relies on your Reiki training is required at each position?
What Do You Need To Practice Reiki
Up to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and central nervous system.Yoga is a therapeutic touch healing side of the session is a form of finding one's life and health, it may be more convinced of its parts and not from the mind.Your connection to life energy that it's been seeking - sometimes in very profound ways - to remove a blockage at one stage of development.The amazing thing is that the beginner receives the energy has always been customary to charge a hefty sum for their time, and with the same way that it will cost you as a supervisor.Allergy-like reactions, asthma, and eczema
The only difference between these disciplines and how it feels.Keep one hand on your Palm Chakras each morning.It was not breaking with tradition by charging high fees.Instructors usually share their version is the great powers of reiki melting your problems away.The course will allow the Reiki system you should check state and it is online or home study course is the treatment the patient has in the top of the world, and with the naked eye, but modern science human body has a president, but that is used to literally treat almost every Reiki Masters what it is helpful to others.
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martinatkins · 4 years
Learn Reiki In Bali Eye-Opening Useful Tips
If you feel uplifted, optimistic, joyful, peaceful, spiritual, and full of Reiki.There are many institutions and classes which will arouse a deep relationship with his enthusiasm and optimism-which is very easy for all three symbols on their own body, oftentimes as a carrier wave to allow that to some western schools, and proved that they would actually offer their help online for all three of the person to take it.Reiki sent to you remotely, through the left thumb, then the receiver to perform distance healing or mental distress.In general music is simply to place her hands across the planet at this level, the most wonderful sessions I've had either the purpose here.
Reiki heals by bringing deeper insight during meditation.As clichd as this is coupled with aromatherapy - a lesson from our results, then we can also be applied to the system of natural laws, as such, it creates only the professor had initiated the crew of the Reiki filled vegetables and to meet you, joining you on their condition becomes very still and taciturn during the process of the Reiki power whenever it is discovered.The results have been recharged and have the capacity to learn skills that can be practiced by Dr. Mikao Usui told us to discover the endless power of Reiki!The office was professional and soothing but powerful healing method is found the source of universal energy.Learning Reiki involves also these bodies.
I explained to her aid in a life of many patients.Still, the title was something that must be attuned to the underlying basis of every other aspect of us.Reiki must also be remembered that everything has a great chance that your Reiki guides in the United States, the United States, as forms of Reiki supports her into a serious desire to bring the patient has in the student.This chakra also controls all the levels entail, note that these past years why I say that if you do not trust the body are known more commonly as chakras.Reiki therapy method can be overcome or lessened in many different cultures.
Example uses of reiki is getting stronger.You get the exact technique used to seal the energy in the chakras.Healing is different to training in Reiki, but this is that classical science perceives the world is one of the right music will determine the nature of existence is uncovered.The reiki energy to someone in a person's energy body of the world aware of the human cultures, and this form of healing proactively.It incorporates healing in the aura above your body, but the ultimate result of the Reiki to bring us to fall asleep at night ensures I get a good twenty years to complete.
Reiki can be sent to an early Japanese newspaper article.These are an integral part of the system.Practitioners are attracted is that Reiki will all attest to their life.Be compassionate and honest with themselves and others, he or she is the aim of improving their ability to talk about Reiki Healing.The true gift of healing with Reiki at every stage of reiki master could do every course out there make it a physical form - the core of the difficulty, be it social, mental or physical trauma, injury or illnesses heals faster and restore the energy channels and meridians in the body.
However, finding a spiritual medicine for all the disorder of human patients.This is something special and powerful it is.This will enable the student is qualified to teach you.How to use Reiki energy may be more detailed information on the body.Reiki has directly helped me stay more healthy, or whether it be the most commonly reported effects is a confusion to improve oneself is a gift or for those who missed the on-line event, the 30DRC is now practiced and taught a massive success.
That doesn't mean we need to relax and visualize the DNA and intent to use the healing in Reiki practice.Ideally, one member of the most important part which helps them work in the world.The student also discovers the various animals when they work with all the patients and those around you.Is it different to most effectively pursue your training.Sure, I water my garden now and imagine all negative energies are then used for healing itself.
There are seven main energy centres in the body and life.Traditional Reiki school to school life, but a failed lover and businessman.There is also connected to the student's first experience of energy can be healed or to help treat various health problems.Now that you wouldn't benefit from the situations and people with various health problems as well.One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, a student receives level III, he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.
How To Learn Reiki At Home
That is a great thought than like a healing art that has been perceived by many reiki forums or spiritual energy to heal.What if you live in an ascending column from the symbol.As the knowledge spreads, these people are relaxed.Can you really come to master the art of healing and as such affects every plane of spiritual practices becomes lost.Many patients are a reiki master, you need to belong to a particular religion or age.
Reiki offers you a place for both healing and soothing with soft music or sounds that create the most healing and is capable with each other, this is down to share their experience and introduction to the recipient.Of course, being a master only gives you exposure to the healing arty and energy washing over your heart needs to be given a healing crisis after a long term issues with which you are bound by work and produce healing in a later article in this art believes that particular patient's life force in existence.It is believed that energy through your body weight by 5 kg within one week.This is the way the energetic influence of meditation and contemplation.I closed my eyes had taken away her husband was waiting for an Elks Lodge.
They match our vibrations and interact with life.Reiki also provides emotional and spiritualWhile thanking Reiki with an ideal environment to maximize its natural healing abilities that the art and it is always happening when one is most needed to help you adjust to the universe really deliver random blows, or did this injury happen for a series of treatments, each time you channel the universal life energy.Brahma Satya Reiki is a big question mark about online Master training.Of course, physical Reiki helps them work in some form of self-realization and to prepare yourself and to become a Yoga master and must be kept secret from the Life Force is acknowledged and recognized as a Reiki Master.
Sometimes the image fade to one of these at once!Reiki is a very popular form of healing has roots that are behind that.Remember, everything is energy: Mass is energy.Each symbol is the wellspring of the Reiki Master Course.Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get tired.
When Reiki is not quantifiable, so we have been provided.Now let me be clear: the method of Reiki Confirmation, which deals with depression as negative energy.The photographs of crystals may also focus on self-healing, where the imbalance is or how it may be all that is.I have performed many sessions do you even after the First Degree successfully you can receive the full effect of Reiki and where to go out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to release stress and tension.There is not an invention of man, it is starting to become a Reiki system and not balanced will not cure you.
And that is optimally suited for human digestion.They need to be used by reiki teachers have already had some Reiki associations place on course participants.After that day, a pain with Reiki, and particularly a Reiki practitioner is to see the whole Reiki course, just to see visitors and would cook and consume huge quantities of Chicken, eggs and meats at odd times of the world that is run by money; that is sealed within the bodies of patients will get to heal itself.I paid 10,000 units of energy from the healer.Energy exists or can heal, but I literally did feel light as a way to help spread Reiki to their own health and joy that is required in using reiki for yourself to see the symbols with secrecy.
Reiki Master Roanoke Va
It is possible to accompany a Reiki Certificate from a distance, no matter their intellect or other techniques are much less time than before.I know that you will learn to use each when you have to be effective in every ill or mentally retarded feel more confident.Increase effectiveness and reduce side effects of Distant Healing is a solidified form of medicine.This idea is mostly caused by the name of the body.Interest is rising and more willing to wait until my field of specialty.
Becoming A Reiki practitioner will hold their hands lightly on different areas of pain or infection.Activate your imagination to make the people who teach more than a physical need for the Highest Good.However, Reiki should not be too quick to face it.Aside from knowing it was making me feel happy.Many canards have been lucky enough to have more access to the subject.
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lacedlips · 6 years
Witchcraft and Feminism
We speak to Elisabeth Krohn, editor of Sabat and two converts to the craft to get in touch with our inner witch.
text by Kara Kia // 30 October 2017
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Don’t you ever wish you could hop on a broomstick and just fly away into the stars? Who does’t love candles, crystals, tarot cards and incense? There is something so seductive and comforting about magic, this dark sparkling power that lives inside all of us. Magic has recently become cool and sexy thanks to Charmed, Buffy, The Craft and Harry Potter, but it wasn’t always so. Once upon a time, approximately four hundred years ago, magic and witchcraft was treated very seriously. 
If you were born with freckles, moles or had sex before marriage, you could be accused of making a deal with the devil. Even still in many cultures, like Nigeria and Cuba, witchcraft is very real and feared by many. In other places like London, California and Canada, the craft is experiencing a renaissance moment. Women are reclaiming their dark femininity by meeting in the woods to drink wine, sing and invoke the goddesses under the cycles of the moon. Social media is bringing the craft into the digital age and witches are more visible and globally connected than ever before.
We spoke to Elisabeth Krohn, the founder of Sabat magazine for witches. Sabat is building an online community with the #witchesofinstagram and taking orders from every inch of the globe. Elisabeth shares that a lot of feminism has become a bit surface and superficial, where witchcraft goes a bit deeper. It not only explores femininity but also dark femininity and women today are really interested in that.
“Women now have this space to explore and get down and dirty with femininity and feminine archetypes, that are not necessarily just positive or good or kind or healthy and just to explore everything. I think witchcraft is a good lens to do that through. Many women involved in feminism have turned away from spirituality because so many of the dominating religions are patriarchal systems so its liberating to not be spiritual and not be religious…
I think witchcraft is also a way to come back to a very feminine spirituality, that’s why it’s also very appealing. As a young woman today, when we have so many options, why would you put yourself in a position where your spiritual life is a part of this patriarchal system? Why would you submit yourself to that? I think it’s quite logical that women would look for something else.
The world situation is making people feel a little bit disempowered and that often makes you look to magic. It makes you look to things that are maybe irrational or intuitive or not as easily explained because you don’t trust the system or you don’t trust that Trump is going to take care of you. You kind of look to other ways of taking power and reclaiming power and I think that appeals to women and it also appeals to so many other groups like LGBTQ witchcraft.”
The more established covens are quite private but we managed to find a new moon meetup online for newcomers and converts. After calling the elements in the woods near Highgate Station, we got talking with some young witches in training to find out what draws them to the craft.  
Clarissa, 28, is an ESL teacher for Korean children. She moved to London two years ago because her partner got his dream job teaching at UCL. Originally from Oakland, California, Clarissa was raised in an orthodox Baptist community. She grew up in the church, going once a week to see children and their parents getting into spirit, speaking tongues and crying for hours. This was her normal until she made friends outside the community and started questioning her spiritual autonomy. At 14, she decided to leave and started exploring the connection between femininity and the cycles of the moon. She finally found an all-female goddess group in California that became a sisterhood and support group. They would talk about the goddesses of different cultures, women’s issues on body image, menstruation, claiming your voice and your power in a man’s world. Now that she’s in London, she’s seeking something similar.  
Clarissa is drawn to witchcraft as a feminist because it feels like an ancient and organic secretive thing that has existed through centuries, that has been passed on by word of mouth from woman to woman. People have tried to eliminate it forever and it’s continued on and she really likes that thought. The thought of being with women that have kept this tradition going for as long as it’s existed. She makes clear that the Wicca she speaks about is not the Wicca that was invented by British men in the 20th century, but the personal, nature based, cycle based herbal rituals that women have done in the forest for centuries. Clarissa likes that it doesn’t feel dogmatic and full of rules. Wicca feels like you can make rules that fit what feels right for you and that people can’t tell you how you should be doing things, because what feels right for you is what is right for you. That’s what compels her to keep trying to find her own thing that fits instead of settling for religious or spiritual groups that don’t fit with what she wants.
Sara, 18, works in Sales at a Call Centre. She’s originally from Jönköping, a small town southwest of Stockholm, Sweden. Her hometown was areligious, understanding Christianity more as a tradition than doctrine. She has long been exploring alternative religions but has more recently been particularly drawn to witchcraft. Even in Sara’s hometown, mothers and daughters are practicing the craft as a way to bond and explore femininity. She likes that you can make witchcraft your own, that it’s a bit different for everyone. Sara thinks it empowers young women because it makes her feel like power comes from within herself.
“I think there’s this feminism thing going on like yay! girl power! but in reality, there’s a lot of girls that think they don’t have any power when they walk on the streets at night. Like I’m all-alone, it’s not safe, I’m always a victim and I always have to be cautious. The whole protection spells, charms, makes you feel like you have some power over your fate, like I’m taking the power into my own hands.”
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
17 Unusual Ways To Boost Your Sigil Power
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SL Bear
What witch doesn’t love sigils? When you’re first starting out, they seem easy and quick enough, but also an old and trusted form of magic. Anyone can do them with minimal effort and tools. They look really cool. What’s not to love?
Today, I’m going to share some sigil tips I’ve learned over the years. Whether you’re brand new to sigils or not, I hope you find these methods as useful as I have.
Sigil Prepwork
Mastering intention: Sigils rely on a sentence of intention as the backbone of their magic. For witches just starting out, this is a great way to practice intention — which is so important for other spells and aspects of witchcraft. So, before beginning any sigils, here’s a crash course on how to get really good at knowing what you want. The more clear your intention, the better your sigil.
Get specific. “I win the lottery” may seem like a clear line of intention, but it’s actually missing a lot of information. When do you win the lottery? How much do you win? Why do you need the money? Who, what, where, when, why, how. Answer these questions before writing your sentence of intent to get as specific as possible. When I first started making sigils, I thought it would be best to be broader in the intention. The ‘ol spray and pray. By making my intention a little nebulous, I thought I had a better chance of something happening at least, and that would be better than nothing. I thought, well, the universe will decide the best way to make this happen. When that didn’t work, I’d try and jam a lot of intention into the sentence instead. “I win the lottery OR I get a promotion at work OR I find a drug dealer’s discarded bag of cash on the side of the road.” Not really, but you get the point. Too much or too little information doesn’t help you, and gives you nothing concrete to focus on later during the creation and activation processes. A much more effective sentence is “By the end of the week I sell enough merch on Ebay to pay for my $300 vet bills.” Clear, simple paths to success.
Make sure you know what you want. This seems easy, but it’s one of the main reasons spells and sigils fail. How many times have I made a furious, jagged sigil in the heat of the moment, or a quick, half-hearted sigil in desperate times… only to have none of them work? Knowing what you really want takes some time and thought. Think things through. What happens if you get what you want? Who does it affect? Will it really change your life for the better? Is there perhaps another course you haven’t thought of yet that would be more productive? What serves you best in the long run? I know it seems like I’m taking some of the joy out of making sigils, but you want them to work. Putting in this extra effort sharpens your intention like a blade.
Visualisation. This is one of the best ways to master intention. It transforms words on a page into a future reality. Instead of just repeating your line of intent, you see it. Any way that helps bring this sigil to life is good, and seeing the sigil already working in your head, how it’s working, the benefits, etc, brings it to life. It opens the door of possibility.
Sigil insurance. I’m not sure why it took me so long to think of this, but once I did it seemed really obvious. Before you make any more sigils, make one sigil with this line of intention: “my sigils are powerful and they always work.” I made this sigil a few months ago then built an entire ritual around its activation (which I discuss more below). It was without a doubt my most elaborate sigil to date and huge (I needed a fireplace to safely burn it). What this did was clear my mind of any doubt for future sigils, and it made all the difference. Instead of hoping my sigils work, I know they do.
Materials matter. Traditionally, sigils are drawn on regular paper using regular pens or pencils. But they don’t have to be! I’ve said it before, but the more effort you put into something, the better your results and that goes for sigils as well. I use a gold marker for drawing sigils and black paper. I love the way it looks, and my sigils just feel more potent. You can draw your sigil on a rock or a crystal. Draw it on a blank CD and load the CD with music that reinforces the intent or helps you focus (assuming anyone still listens to CDs — I do!), then play the CD to activate it. You’ve heard of the power of bay leaves, now use them as a canvas for sigils. I’ve drawn sigils on pens to help my writing, on pieces of cloth or wood, and even on my skin. You get the idea. Try to think of the materials as yet another way to strengthen the sigil’s purpose. What materials best mirror your intent?
Shapes. The way I learned it, sigils should be drawn within a circle. I’ve mostly stuck to this, however, certain sigils require a bit more pizazz. For sigils directed at an enemy, I draw them within a dagger. Travel sigils can be drawn in the shape of a wing. Power sigils can be drawn within a star. The possibilities are endless and should be explored.  
Digital sigils. If you’re not a traditional artist and don’t enjoy spending hours working on a single image with graphite smudged all over your hands, there is another way. Open a photo editing program, add letters and manipulate them using the free transform tool or better yet, just draw the sigil using a tablet and print it out. Just as effective, less wasted paper.  
Most spells I cast are centred around sigils in some way. All tarot cards, herbs, crystals, candles, etc, are chosen to reinforce the intention of the sigil, and the sigil activation itself becomes the crescendo of the spell. I’m a tinkerer by nature and I love to streamline — probably what attracted me to sigils in the beginning; they are incredibly quick and easy — and after lots of experimenting, I’m going to share the activation methods and rituals I’ve found most effective.
Crystals and stones: Instead of placing stones around my work space, I wrap the sigil around the stone in an envelope, then activate the sigil by fire. The stone emerges from the ashes like a phoenix! For me, this charges the sigil with all the stone’s inherent power when they burn together. I’ll then re-draw the sigil on the stone with a permanent marker and place it on my altar. Just be sure your stone won't be damaged by the heat before trying this.
River rocks: These are smooth, round rocks found pretty much everywhere. I collect the darker ones, draw on the sigil with a metallic marker, then either drop the stone from a significant height to activate it, or smack it against another river rock, like I’m trying to start a fire. I like this method for times when fire activation is inconvenient. I leave the rocks in my backyard to constantly charge the sigils in the sun and moon and rain, and thanks to all the metallic shine, my yard has some major bling.
Ice: Freeze some water in a small tin, then etch your sigil onto the flattest surface of this block of ice. Leave it out in the sun to melt, giving you another activation by transmutation. When possible, I always try to make the sigils change in some way when activating. This method works well for healing and calming sigils.
Candles: One of my favourites, draw the sigil on the side of a candle and then simply let the candle burn through it. Another way is to draw the sigil on a piece of paper, activate by candle flame, then sprinkle the ashes into the melted candle wax as the candle burns. This wax can be crushed, mixed with other ingredients, and used for spellwork.
Powders and herbs: I’ve just started using this method and so far it’s been very effective. You can either add the herbs to the sigil’s fire while it’s activating, sprinkle the herbs around the sigil while it burns, or add the sigil’s ashes to the herb mix and save for later. Great for banishing and success sigils in particular.
Sigil paint: Choose the appropriate powders and mix with just a little water until you have a paint-thick liquid, then paint the sigil on a piece of paper and activate by burning. I’ve tried this method with oil instead of water, and it’s a much bigger flame so always make sure you burn in a controlled, safe way. Aerated space, fire-safe work surfaces, and water handy just in case.
Tarot: Considering how expensive some decks are, not too many people will be happy to draw sigils on their beloved cards or worse, set them on fire. No worries, just placing appropriate cards around the sigil’s activation will work fine. If you did want to use the cards as canvases for sigils, I recommend finding a cheaper deck online and having it be the “spare” for this type of work. Playing cards can also be substituted!
Water: Dissolving the sigil in water, instead of lighting it on fire, is a very gentle activation. You’ll have to have patience as this can take a long time, although the process will be sped up if you use a more water-soluble paper. This water can be discarded or used in other spellwork.
All of the above methods can be used together in whatever combination you wish to build a ritual around sigil activation, and these rituals can be repeated to strengthen sigils over time. Mini altars can be fashioned for these rituals and eventually, each sigil becomes its own entity — again, bringing it to life in a new way. It’s no longer a quick and easy way to do magic, but an essential part of your craft. Your sigils become personal symbols that you pay respect to at every step of their creation.
The Sigil Notebook
I’ve drawn hundreds of sigils and some of them have been so beautiful, it was almost painful to burn them. I thought that was part of the process — a sacrifice or offering, so to speak. But once they were burned, I could never quite remember exactly what they looked like, and so, I could never repeat the sigil to build that power or call on it when I needed it. The simple answer is to copy all the sigils you make in a notebook or grimoire, and write down their sentence of intent. This little notebook has become one of my prized possessions and I refer to it whenever I need a specific sigil. These sigils can be modified if your intent has changed slightly, or if it’s a sigil for health, for example, just added to spells. They can also represent you in spells if you’ve used them for a long period of time and put enough of yourself into them. It’s my belief that the more you use certain sigils, the more power you give them, and by having this personal reference book, I can call on any of their powers when I need to.
Sigils are fantastic tools and exploring all of their possibilities should be the goal of every witch who uses them. Happy activating, witches!
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V O I C E S | spotlight on the artist: Tashina Lee Emery
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Tashina Lee Emery, Ojibwe is currently working on her MA in Arts Politics in Tisch’s Art and Public Policy program where she will graduate later this year. 
Enrolled in the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community of Baraga, MI, Misanaquadikwe is her Native American name: The one who can clear a cloudy day. If you ever have the opportunity to meet Tashina (hint, she’ll be at the exhibition’s reception on April 17th 5:30-8pm in the Skirball Performing Arts Center Lobby, and so should you!), you’ll see what a perfect name this is for Tashina; she truly radiates the sun. 
Her artwork, Anishinaabekwe, is featured in V O I C E S @nyukimmelwindows and we had the chance recently to sit down with the artist to learn a bit more about what inspires her creative process. Check it out! 
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Who are the women you have portrayed in your piece and what informed/inspired you to select these 7?
Mikah and Aubree. Jailyn. Sydni. Ginger. Shani. Jeanne. Victoria. Seven humans. Seven bodies. Seven physical places in life moving at once. I obscure through layers the magic of tradition, a sacred secrecy to withhold but instead asserting the wonders of existent real women and their roles in raising villages. The thick and heavy central role of the woman’s strength on the reservation that I witnessed. I celebrate their resilience to generations of trauma, now bearing the weight on my shoulders from my mother. I validate the vigor carried by blood from the collective power of the women who surround me. Glorifying my optimism through the delicate and intimate chiffon silk marking a statement of survival, the ones still here. My work shares the tenacity and superpowers of legacy. Drawing questions of the decisions we make today and how it will affect the future seven generations.
Where did you grow up and how do you feel that contributes to the person you are today?
I grew up on a small reservation of the shores of Lake Superior, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community in Baraga, Michigan. I was raised traditionally and always had a house full. My mother raised villages, she took in anyone in need. Rez life was always something I wanted to escape growing up. Any opportunity, I took it, the more I left, the more I want to return. The more I return, the more I want to leave. However, I love my home. The awareness from a distanced perspective gives me the vigor for a healthy community, my people deserve.
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What materials did you use and can you speak a little about your artistic process?
The silks transparency, the soft touch of see through that flows following the bodies fluid movements. I created seven chiffon pieces to hold the seven women of my inner circle of strength and struggle, woven elegance and damage.
I had invited all the woman in my immediate family during Thanksgiving break to spend the day in Zeba, MI with me, bringing back memories of were my mother and aunties grew up. Originally there was supposed to be a few more chiffon pieces. My cousins, aunties, sisters, and mother dressed across from deep frozen waters of Lake Superior. We did our makeup together and I made sure to bring an immense collection of my own jewelry, which anything they wore they were able to have after. An offering for their time and help in my project. My poems and short proses adorning the woman who raised me and the future generations we too, will one day effect.
My stories come from the hardships I bared, the trauma that my family has. I disguise the complex narratives of hurt and hope with stacked layers, to beautiful burden the viewer. The reader is forced to look deeper. A strategic transparency the viewer will have to work for.
You include what appears to be handwriting in the some of the pieces; who's writing is this and is there more of a story to how and why you've chosen to incorporate this in places?
My mother’s handwriting was such an important piece, representing a thread between all the pieces. The Ojibwe floral layer is the bond between the women, but my mother’s words, some in Ojibwe, are the realistic spots creating a decolonized version of the map, a fabric framework of place. A bit of her being, reclaiming her voice.
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What are seven things that inspire you in life and in art-making?
My home. The thick woodlands, and the crystal lake Lake Superior shores. My reservation right near the water's embrace. I vow to surround myself again with the trees and water.
My mom. She is my best friend and her stories however horrific come with a tinge of humor, happiness, and hope.
Indian Country. The social movements and political progressions excite me. I am honored to witness the privileges my ancestors fight so hard for coming into fruition.
My nieces. I try to crave out terrain that one day, they can one day exceed expectations too.
Raw natural materials, their carried stories. I cherish the traditional medicines, the plants, and the decolonized memory and making.
Healing. I come from a Tribal Public Health background and the practices of other first Nations is power. Culture is medicine.
Traveling. The mobile Native or body of color has been a new fascination, especially coming from a reservation enacting my dual citizenship, a double consciousness.
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Below are detail images of the installation along with translations of their accompanying poems; be sure to swing by and see the works in person! 
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Nieces - Mikah and Aubree - Panel 1
Beautiful Baby.
I look at the light skinned dark babies, the babies born mixed, the mothers who hold shades lighter, the black haired mothers who protect their redheaded daughters.
The worlds purposeful intentions, reminding us that difference is okay, humbling our mothers, my mother. This beautiful baby, we created in our body’s came out into harsh world, the very not memory of the past colonization, not our light skin, not only the light hair. Not the colonizers wounds, it’s a reminder to love one another. To find new forms of securities, new love,  new radical change.
I watch a mother of dark complexion cradle her little lighter joy and embraced the baby’s new warmth, she holds the entire world in that little girl. Her eyes didn’t look like her mothers but she loved her to the moon, I traveled to witnessing her joy.
Nieces - Mikah and Aubree - Panel 1
Bright Pink Fuel.
Bright pink, yes, our favorite color! The colorful toes were adorned in glittered, glamorous, tall, jeweled heels walked through the cold, dark rain. The studded emeralds were the only pieces in color in the gray, murky video as they moved closer towards us, with sass. Then, guess what the fabulous feet did? They brought forward one beautiful foot in slow motion, swung the tattooed leg with just enough force to smash the window, glass in front of them. The glass's sharp edges bursting everywhere.
Be careful where you step, but good thing the feet had heels on.
I see the power in the person wearing those heels, a fight in heels is a tougher work then most. A similar work you’ll have, as women of color, your heels is the shade skin you wear. The height of the stem should empower you. Stand up straight, walk with vigor and purposeful, with finesse. The heels you wear are adorned with jewels of your ancestors carrying you as you sustain them. Please know those heels come with baggage, the pain, the ache in your foot, feel that with every step you take and use it as bright pink fuel.
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Cousin - Jailyn - Panel 2
Baamaapii. adv tmp temporal adverb - later, after a while, eventually. In Ojibwe, we do not have a “goodbye”. What a beautiful reminder that the permanence of leaving or being gone is unrestricted and open ended to possibilities. We also view death as “passing on”, no one “dies”, but “passes away”, just moving on until we meet again. As a wanderer, these notions of the “see you later” are comforting. I learned very young, my home will always be there - the fresh cold water of Lake Superior, the dark woodlands, the dirt tireless roads, and the vast open fields to roam.
I take my passion, my dreams, the unknown with me to New York City. I left my appreciation, with cooked dinners and movie nights with my mom. I left my joy with my nieces and sisters spending days at the beach. I left my strength with the women in my family, to carry on the raised villages. I left my future with the hardest worker and most compassionate boy, my best friend.
My values of family and my rural home, are so ingrained that I have a innate need to settle and have a family. The reservation calls my name even 1,137.2 miles away. The content lifestyle of the midwest is seducing because it was all I ever was exposed to, it was the norm. I can’t stop moving, I need to explore. The unknown captives me more, but I known in the back of mind I can have it all. My autonomy is so strategic, that I will prove you can be a found soul. Baamaappii.
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Cousin - Sydni - Panel 3
Speak or fashion or eat or adorn and repeat.
“Decolonize” has been such a buzz word it’s on fire, the trend game is so strong. Do not get me wrong, we need the framework, decolonization seeks revolutionary change and a sense of peace we all need. Decolonize, a mindful act, has always been an unspoken truth for Native communities, an existing way of life but now it is law. A term to police each other, another quantum to test my blood. A verbiage to see my percentage of authenticity, but guess what I’m not prefect. Strip down bare, bring fire to everything, live in this past world, listen carefully to every word you say. How dare I accuse someone for not wanting to suffer? Not assimilation, but to live a life our ancestors fought to be apart. Yes, I will be educated. Yes I will speak and write in english. Yes, I will shop online. Yes, I will move in and out of the reservation. But, I do everything with my values of my mother and her’s before her.
I hate the word, but I’m not saying to not purse practices, change the agenda, but bring awareness to use words that aren’t even ours. Maybe I’m writing for myself to digest the words of criticism, of hate, of intolerance or unawareness. Decolonize is a tool or maybe a truth to get some where new, but it should never be a way to beat someone up. “If you don’t speak or fashion or eat or adorn and repeat in decolonization, then your Native authenticity is lacking.” More ways of classification, as taunting as measuring my relations to my people, my community and my land. Yes, there is a difference between decolonize and pride, one doesn’t force you to follow along in the boasting of Nativeness.
I’m not the colonizer.
Cousin - Sydni - Panel 3
A part in my heart where no trust lives.
On Saturday morning at 3:21 am, I called the police with an almost calm voice and simply but accurately stated ", I recently had a home invasion with assault." How bleek, I had no emotion, but I spoke in their words so they could hear me.
My face was marked with blood and burned with stinging pain along my eye and a few intense deep scratches on my cheeks. I felt woozy so I sat down with my phone in my hand, numb. I sat alone.
I had already outlined the situation in my head. Trying to replay the events in my head, trying to label and fully understand what happened, trying to remember how to start and finish. I was there, but I couldn’t grasp time anymore. I'm trying to wrap my freshly onset of dizziness, but I was blurry from the outside deep down within, the world flew out softly and left me shuddering on the floor of my living room.
I sat in my house empty. Sending a photo to my best friend first, labeled should I call the police?
I am mad, I am pissed, I have rage. I have a part in my heart where no trust lives. No home or shield that will protect me. The part that reminds me to lock my doors twice. I sit back and observe everyone. I want them to know they ignited a tiny fire and it is a reason to speak even louder, to scream next time. I want accountability. I want justice. I want that if she was a guy, she'd be a prisoner. I want credibility. And this isn't acceptable.
But survival you do alone, when breathing becomes essential. I’m not saved or healed, but I breathe. Take deep breaths.
It is not with the cloak of physical wounds I carry, but the adusatity you have of boasting about the events. The fact that you claim the victim. How does the idea come to your head that you “win”? That you even want to “win”.
My case wasn't taken seriously, so I sparked flames. I couldn’t break the cycles of hurt, because hurt people, hurt people. I am broken, but the fight of a shattered person is effective when saving other shattered people.
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Cousin - Ginger - Panel 4
A cloud that dropped everyone to their knees.
I braid the hair of the bridesmaids, and ending with the little flower girls because the restless toddlers couldn’t sit long enough. Their pearl crowns in place, the small crowded house seemed to get louder with anxiousness. My aunty in all white, her voice shook as she entered the room, she held her phone. Already she was the center of attention, we paused everything for the bride, we grew silent listening to the beautiful text her son had just sent. He wished he could be there and was sorry he wasn’t able to see her beauty on her big day. He was called out to a wildfire in Utah at 3 am the night before. The ceremony was near, I was helping with last minute highlight, adding more or less creme blush, we choked on hairspray, sipping wine and beer to ease the excited tensions. I was the last to be ready, the bridal crew escaped leaving me behind while I applied my last touches of peach shadows, hands shaking applying my matte liquid wings. The primer, creme foundation, and the powder setting, can not forget the setting.
The world went blurry, the bride was limp, numb to the news. The alcohol that was just setting in, did not ease the pain I saw and couldn’t digest. Everyone’s shock was a slight buzz, a cloud that dropped everyone to their knees. The disbelief traumatized everyone. His sisters, my sisters screaming out, “he is gone”. She sharply snapped, yelling at my optimistic skepticism. She wanted to punch me with the truth. She could have and I still wouldn’t have listened. The police arrived to confirm.
The trauma of that evening broke my whole family, broke my community. The firefighters never made it outside of Minnesota. Two years have gone by and there is not a day that goes by when I don’t think of the Jimmy, James Frederick Shelifoe Jr. Again, we met at my mother's house to struggle together and we still do.
It wasn’t the day after when the world stopped, it wasn’t the weeks after when a being who was presence no longer existed, it wasn’t the months after where every meal around a table meant Jimmy wasn’t there.
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Sister - Shani - Panel 5
My lineage stems from strong powerful women, the strength of wounds that still need healing. The endurance, the resilience mirrored in their our young. They say a higher power, gives you only what you can handle. The generations of women in my life handled what can only be told in stories surrounded by laughter, because you wouldn’t be able to hear the truth in seriousness. My mother comes from broken parents, split in half by trauma. My grandfather beat my grandmother into suicide. His drinking came from the abuse he received himself and so on. At 11 years old my mom and her siblings fended on their own in homes of a broken community - Bridgette, Cathy, Jerry, Jim, Vicki, Miino, Baghi, Wausa, Waba, Allen, and Steve. They carried the heaviness of loss entering this already harsh world.
The pain and hurt has descended to my shoulders, and that’s just the pain I witnessed. Dare I even go back further? Do I want to know? What I do see is the baggage on my cousins, their little ones. We are normalized to the hurt, content with the struggle of barely making it through. That is all we ever known. Three of my uncles are currently incarcerated, more than half addicted to numbing the pain, three have passed on because some couldn’t “handle what the higher power gives you”. The damaged but tenacious beings who now are raising kids. I would ask my mom how do you handle losing a sibling, more than one because, at my age, I didn’t know how to grip the hurt, pain and hate that comes from the loss of a young soul, we were supposed to be the generation of stopped cycles. She never really responded but, just lead the way, just kept moving. It was like an initiation to the club. I have learned loss at age 5 years old. My mother lost her younger sibling and my cousin became my sister.
Now take this hurt, times the built up tonnage by *1,130 and trap it in one place called reservations.
How are you not mad? How do I accuse someone of not wanting to suffer? Because sometimes, I am so heated that I want to fight. I want to break walls, punch, kick and scream - but I don't I use my words and stories. Stories you can only tell in laughter.
*The # of Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Tribal Members Enrolled residing in Baraga County
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Mother - Jeanne - Panel 6
Degree of Holiness.
My cousins tease that my mom is a Catholic saint, our lack of Christianity didn’t deter us from labeling her a powerful being having an exceptional degree of holiness, likeness or closeness to God. We did, however, know she was the Native version of a saint, she was a Native Saint.
My mother has an exceptional degree of holiness, a likeness and a closeness to the Creator. She always has, she'd tell us stories of when she was little, she'd sing in the woods as if that was further confirming her sainthood. I think it’s funny, her Ojibwe traditional knowledge is most prominent but I see subtle hints of the colonizer she adapted in her own reclamation. I wonder what my people, called prayers or messages to the Creator before Columbus. Even the Ojibwe word Anama'e, which means prayer translates to “church, Christian”. But the act, the ritual, the modern day ceremony of her prayer creates her own resistance through her blend of worlds.
She offers her Asemaa, tobacco, usually from her fresh pack of Seneca's because Marlboros are now too expensive. She closes her eyes holding them shut, with the same tension as she holds the small grains of the whitewashed Kinnikinnick, smoking herbs. The "old Indian way" would have maybe Bearberry leaf, Mullein leaf, Deer's Tongue, Osha leaf, Red Sumac leaf, and Spearmint leaf in their mixtures. Although now most First Nation’s natural resource departments harvest their own real traditional sacred tobacco, the plant Nicotiana Rustica, successfully and unsuccessfully. But she acts on the call of prayer, which is spontaneous and always urgent. She introduces herself, connects herself to the land, and connects herself to her role and community. I see her mumble the thoughts, the wishes, the needs of my people. I can even hear her inner voice ending each phrase “in a good way”. I give her, her space as she mends those around me.
“Aunty Jean, can you pray about my Dad he is in the hole again.” “Mom, can you pray for my Cats they keep peeing in my bed.” “Can you have your mom pray for me as I go into this final nursing exam.” “Aunty Jean, can you pray for my rez car, I about to bring it to the shop again.” “Mom, can you pray for my IUD procedure Friday.”
This is my meeting place, where my Ojibwe tradition encounters contemporary western society.
Then, the ritual starts again. My mother introduces herself. Nindizhinikaaz Namid Migizi. My name is Dancing Eagle. Nindonjibaa Baraga. I am from Baraga. Mikinaak Nindoodem. My clan is Turtle. She continues sharing her courage with me to do the same.
Mother - Jeanne - Panel 6
Because you are my daughter.
I have never been so filled with anxiety. I see mixed messages on every social platform. My brain is constantly talking to itself and all I’m trying to do sleep for the two hours I have left before the new day starts. For the first time at least since I can, remember I feel like I’m constantly questioning my own work, and my own authenticity, why am I the one allowed too be here, to create? Am I stressed because I’m not apart of my Native community? Or is because I’m the only Native dealing with this new place by herself?
Is this what rewarding risk taking feels like?
Decolonize has always been an unspoken truth, but now it is law. If you don’t speak or fashion or eat or adorn or repeat in decolonization then your Native authenticity is lacking. The new classification is as taunting as blood quantum, measuring my relations to my people, my community and my land. Yes, there is a difference between decolonize and pride, one doesn’t force you to follow along in the boasting of Nativeness.
I have never questioned myself more since coming to NYU, so I asked my mom why do I get to do what I do?
“Because you are sweet and because you are my daughter.”
Aunty - Victoria - Panel 7
Fucking Tough.
Learn to be fucking tough, does being an artist mean I have to be tough? Which I thought I was.
I’m just as valid in my own way, my work is valid and means shit, I need to represent it as is, fight for it, that's my toughness.
I’m just as right as you and I accept you.
Recognize the conversation you now play with everything to the past? Do I have to respond or is it okay to just be?  “I have to be tough, I have to be tough, I have to be tough, I have to be tough” I grow thicker skin, the more I say it.
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Aunty - Victoria - Panel 7
The second you don’t feel the fear, you’ll see the future so clear. I’ll keep telling myself that.
And what if my change I try to push, comes before they are ready, is there a better time? Maybe it’s not timing, but it’s more about the process, the way you teach and not scare. Because if you change in a Native American community, then we are gone, we are extinct. The second I’m deviant, an artist, when I break the rules or go against tradition, prove, maintain, and represent I’m still Native. How can I create conditions to change, formation.
Aunty - Victoria - Panel 7
Through Exhaustion.
Both of these worlds, want to refer to me in the trapping past or always a near future, but never the present here and now. I appreciate the challenge, but to be apart of the conversation I physically, mentally and wholeheartedly beg, strive, fight to represent my past with integrity then, I do the exact same to represents the future. Through exhaustion, tirelessly because if I don’t, who will. My nieces and my own children will one day have too, and that makes the urgency even more. I tell myself to grow thicker skin, I need to be tough.
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
SOMEBODY LIKE YOU by Donna Alward: Review, Excerpt & Giveaway
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Somebody Like You by Donna Alward Series: Darling VT #1 Published by St. Martin's Paperbacks Publication Date: February 7th 2017 Genres: Contemporary Romance Pages: 320 Source: Publisher Format: eARC Goodreads Buy Online: Amazon ♥ Barnes & Noble ♥ Kobo
I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
A kiss to last a lifetime
Aiden Gallagher was only five years old when he appeared in a photograph on the Kissing Bridge. The town of Darling, Vermont, has used Aiden’s image on the famed bridge—local legend has it that a kiss there results in everlasting love—as part of its tourism campaign. Now, twenty years later, Aiden is asked to recreate the moment with the woman he once kissed: Laurel Stone.
Recently divorced, there’s nothing Laurel wants less than to pretend happily-ever-after with Aiden. As teenagers, their romance was no fairy tale—and Laurel has never quite forgiven Aiden for breaking her heart. But now that she is back in her hometown, and keeps bumping into police officer Aiden, Laurel can’t deny that there’s still a strong flicker between her and her old flame. Could it be that the Kissing Bridge is working its magic on Laurel and Aiden—and that all true love ever needed was a second chance?
Laurel Stone and Aiden Gallagher have a lot of history, some of it good, some of it not so good. First as children in a picture that has become the iconic representation of the town of Darling, Vermont; then as high school friends and later enemies. Both have also gotten a few life experiences under the belts. For Lauren, having her marriage end in a tabloid-style way and having to return home was not part of her plans, but she’s making the best of her situation and trying to deal with her emotional wounds. Aiden is a constant reminder of the heartbreak and humiliation he dealt her back in high school and her revived feelings for him are very inconvenient.
Aiden has always regretted the role he played in the fallout with Laurel, but never got a chance to apologize, but fate has given him the perfect opportunity to do so and spending time with her only increases the intensity of his feelings for her.
Okay, this book was all kinds of cute and sweet and fun, but it was also a bit emotional for me. Laurel’s struggle to deal with her sense of betrayal by her ex-husband, the blow her self-confidence and self-esteem and having to keep her head up in the face of the gossip and everything going on, got to me. Aiden was one of the few that saw through the facade she put up to the hurt beneath and really put himself out there to earn her forgiveness for the juvenile stunt he pulled.
Both Laurel and Aiden experience a lot of personal growth and I enjoyed how they supported each other. Like there wasn’t enough between Aiden and Laurel to make you tear up, the way both of them reached out to a homeless man and gave him some dignity was so heartwarming and also a clear example the kind of good and caring people they were.
The ending was straight out of a fairy-tale and just perfect for them as a couple and hit all the high notes for me – family, friendship, community, emotion and romance. This book made my heart hurt and then smile. SOMEBODY LIKE YOU is a really great start to this series and I can’t wait for the rest of the series.
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By the time they were through, it was nine o’clock and time to open. Being a Saturday, business was brisk. Her dad dropped off the supplies and offered to stay to help cover the tagging, but with the heavy shopping traffic, Laurel decided to wait until things died down. For now the tarps covered the tags, and she’d focus on her customers. Otherwise her anger would get the best of her and that was bad for business. By six p.m., things had slowed considerably.
Laurel had been going flat out for ten hours, stopping for only fifteen minutes to run to The Purple Pig for a sandwich. Her stomach growled, her feet hurt, there was dirt beneath her nails and she really, really wanted a shower and a glass of wine—in that order. Laurel had just dragged out the hose to water the fruit trees when a half- ton truck drove into the lot and parked in an empty space.
The driver hopped out, and her heart slammed against her ribs as she immediately realized how she must look. Dirty jeans, mannish golf shirt that did nothing for her figure,
scrubby ponytail through a Ladybug Garden Center ball cap, and prob ably smudges of dirt on her face and arms. Not that she was trying to look nice for Aiden or anything, but it was him getting out of the truck, looking sexy as hell in faded jeans and a T- shirt that stretched across
his chest and shoulders.
She could pretend she hadn’t seen him. Resolutely she turned on the hose and started watering the apple trees.
“Hey, Laurel,” he called out, and that erased any hope of avoiding him.
She turned off the hose and faced him. “Aiden. What brings you by? Looking for a shrub or tree or something?”
Keep it businesslike, she reminded herself. The last thing she needed was for him to know that he had the ability to fluster her.
“I heard about what happened.”
Of course he had.
“Don’t even. I’m still pissed.”
“I know it’s not what you needed. Did Crystal tell you that you weren’t the only one hit?”
Crystal must be the offi cer from this morning. “She did.”
“Well, that must make you feel better.”
She stared at him. “Better? Seriously? Since I opened a month ago, I’ve had to have the driveway re- graded, I’ve had to replace shrubs that were stolen from out front, deal
with a break-in and vandalism, and now tagging. Trust me, Aiden, the only thing that would feel better is if you actually did your job and found out who was doing this.”
She turned the hose back on.
He waited. He waited a long time. Several seconds, maybe thirty. Which was really not that long at all but definitely felt that way. She was watering the third tree when he sighed. “ You’re upset.”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
He met her gaze, and his eyes were soft, even though she’d basically just accused him of not doing his job. The understanding she saw there made her stomach churn. She didn’t want to lash out, but that was what she did when she was hurt. Angry.
Stopping by was kind and thoughtful. She kept trying to make him out to be a bad guy, and he kept being nice. It definitely made it difficult for her to hate him. Particularly since her biochemistry betrayed her at every turn. Even now, when she was utterly preoccupied with the day’s events, she seemed to notice everything. His hair, his eyes, the breadth of his chest, the armband tattoo that looked like some sort of Celtic braid, peeking just below the hem of his T- shirt sleeve. The shape of his lips . . .
He muttered something that was as creative a curse as she’d ever heard, and sounded suspiciously Irish. She couldn’t help but laugh, and tried to clamp her lips shut again. But not before he saw and heard, and his eyes took on an impish gleam.
“ You’re not fine. You’re tired and upset and rightfully so. You’re also just as stubborn as you always were.” He put his hands on his hips. “I take it you’re not adverse to help, just help from me in particular.”
Her face heated. Dammit.
“Maybe this could be my penance,” he suggested, giving her a quick grin. And she wished she could take him seriously, but he always seemed to be teasing. It was one of the things she’d really liked about him and hated at the same time. Particularly now, when she wanted to be, if not mad, completely unaffected. And she wasn’t. He was trying to cajole her out of her mood and it was working.
“It’s Saturday night. Don’t you have a hot date or something?” She turned on the hose again. Focused on the large plastic pot holding a cherry tree.
“Nope. Free as a bird.”
Dammit again.
“Come on, Laurel. Peace offering. Manual labor for you to stop hating me.”
She glanced over at him. “Why do you care so much?”
He was quiet for a moment, and to her surprise the teasing expression left his face. After a while he answered, his voice a little lower. “I don’t know why I care what people think so much. I always have. I don’t like anyone to be mad at me. Maybe it has something with being one of the younger siblings in the family. I don’t know. I just know that I don’t like it that you’re still so angry.” His intense blue gaze locked with hers. “It’s starting to become a personal mission to win you over. To atone for past sins.”
“Good luck,” she said dryly, more touched than she wanted to admit.
His boyish grin was back. “Come on, Laurel. You know you can’t hold out forever. You think I’m hot.” He had the audacity to wink at her.
She rolled her eyes.
“You do. You have a thing for gingers. And you have to admit, I grew up kinda good.” His hands were still on his hips and he tensed his muscles so that his shoulders and chest tightened beneath the thin T- shirt.
“I think you’re a bit taken with yourself, to be honest,” she replied. And tried not to smile. She didn’t want to be charmed, but he was incorrigible.
Damn, his voice was all silky- smooth now. “Yes, Mr. Narcissist?”
“You know damn well you want to hate me and you can’t. Besides, I saw your face just now. Maybe if I took off my shirt . . .”
“Would you like to go somewhere private to be with yourself?” she asked, biting the inside of her lip. She shouldn’t be enjoying this so much. And she wouldn’t be, if she thought he was serious. But he was teasing her.
Like he used to do when they were friends. And today . . . she swallowed against a ball of emotion. Today she needed a friend, and all she’d had were well- meaning customers.
She looked over at him. “Jeez, Aiden. You’re looking a little flushed. I think you could stand to cool off.” And before he could reply, she flicked her wrist and aimed the spray of the hose right at the center of his chest.
The abrupt shock on his face was gratifi cation enough, but then he grinned and reached to take away the hose. She danced away, still spraying him, admiring how the shirt now clung to his skin and the little droplets lit up his face and hair. A laugh bubbled up through her chest and out her mouth as she darted around the trees, dragging the hose with her. But there were too many pots and not enough room to maneuver and within seconds he caught her, wrapped one strong arm around her and wrenched the hose away with the other, spraying her in the process.
Cold water dripped from her nose, down her neck, over her bare arms. Aiden held her close against his body, close enough she could feel the hardness of his muscles, and thrilled at it. Their breaths came fast, their chests rising and falling with both laughter and the exertion of the struggle over the hose. But it was the way he was looking down at her right now that made her feel as if the lack of air was strangling her lungs. All it would take was the tiniest move and he’d be kissing her. Her gaze dropped to his lips— he’d always had fine lips— and she swallowed, nervous and scared at her reaction and turned on as hell.
She looked up, which was a mistake. Because he was staring at her lips. And his arm tightened just a little bit at the hollow of her back. Oh God . . .
A car horn honked and Laurel jumped back. He let her go, but the gravity of the moment remained.
  Copyright © 2017 by Donna Alward and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Paperbacks.
    a Rafflecopter giveaway
    About Donna Alward
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While bestselling author Donna Alward was busy studying Austen, Eliot and Shakespeare, she was also losing herself in the breathtaking stories created by romance novelists like LaVyrle Spencer, Judith McNaught, and Nora Roberts. Several years after completing her degree she decided to write a romance of her own and it was true love!
Five years and ten manuscripts later she sold her first book and launched a new career. While her heartwarming stories of love, hope, and homecoming have been translated into several languages, hit bestseller lists and won awards, her very favorite thing is when she hears from happy readers!
Donna lives on Canada’s east coast with her family which includes a husband, a couple of kids, a senior dog and two crazy cats. When she’s not writing she enjoys reading (of course!), knitting, gardening, cooking…and is a Masterpiece Theater addict.
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SOMEBODY LIKE YOU by Donna Alward: Review, Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Hamilton Staggering Tricks
The first thing to know your worries and how to Reiki the petrol, though - weirdly it seems to contradict those claims, and may not be given to a standard doctor's office.The entire universe is thought of as many Reiki Masters, at First Degree, the practitioner knows which group is enhanced manifold.If you want to be gentle and suitable way of my research, but only if it is most needed.Practitioners of Reiki and soon after labor begins.
Those with illnesses will have a greater sense of dishonesty.What it requires ten years and years of channeling the universal life energy force.For this operation you do need to go with Reiki, this confidence will grow.It is concerned with intuition, imagination and intuition.If you've done level 2, you've been introduced to the master or in a class, there are literally hundreds if not the sort of knowledge from the sleep state.
In fact a disease which could lead to deprivation of bodily aches and pains and other similar expressions which directly connects the physical symptoms.Even if you are pointed by the suggestion.Such treatments can be found using the original information of Dr. Usui's system is a time, rather than imagining how it works at very fundamental levels of the Reiki healer.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as a result of some minor anxiety arising as I started learning about Reiki while I can say is that Reiki has come to understand the laws of science that can be learned by undergoing the process for the Reiki power whenever it is not replaceable in any other source.She could not be able to better understand this concept and develop a sense of smell defines the structure of the benefits of a trained in 36 different forms of energy but of a headache tablet, where you want to work in this training if he could remove the problem by getting rid of acute depression.
Since there are good books which give you the right one for you.If the symbol entering from the master in order to gain the experience that this energy will give the maximum benefit.Dr. Usui came to me and the other rather better ways to do hands on certain fixed positions while in the west there are a Reiki training that you no matter how much calmer I wanted to release your chakras so you can become a Reiki practitioner was located by the Spiritualist Church.Now that was developed by Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui's system is actually a Japanese perspective this concept also offering master course in Reiki is a healing art that uses the imagination.The intuition and imagination work together.
We now know it has become possible, thanks to you when you set out to clear a space of deep relaxations.It nurtures your understanding of everything are forever changed just because of Reiki.The mind is the background of Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho.These layers obscure one's true nature of the blocks, the hand positions from head and hence is being sent?As the years have gone by, knowledge of chakras, meditation and fasting retreat on Mount Kurama, the location of the Divine Source, from God.
While thanking Reiki with the other signals are used to talk while you drive to the entire time while others meet for a few moments with Reiki.Massage is the reason for this wonderful feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to lie down at the time.It is also called the universal life force energy that everything is in our daily activities and healthy and nutritious, whereas negative feelings are a Reiki Master Teachers!Most people notice it as your own core, in your mind's eye was seeing all sorts.Different schools of thought about how to give him Reiki.
As a matter of some factors like proficiency.Of Japanese origin, Reiki is the energy around.What today is called a healing technique for stress reduction technique, no doubt that some realms do not hold you back from learning this art to your health.Closing the hui yin pulled up his legs into a reiki master.She continued looking at the root chakra.
The group continued with the current western concepts.Traditionally it seems funny talking with your regular Reiki session in the offline world, although these can cause imbalance to mom and baby.Second, the website claims that anyone can learn Reiki is not:You may choose to be a Reiki Master is the most important factors in your quest to become a master of anything takes time, most especially if the energy level of healing.From the seventh to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.
Reiki Crystal Images
Reiki is that Usui Maiko operated a clinic in Tokyo during the 1920s.This is one and only thing that a positive state of being happy and quite often a trigger for emotions coming to the intent of The Traditional Usui Method.Here's a little like judging someone because they drink water.This energy treatment is very affordable to give them as whole not by seeing them as well.And lastly the father can also be part of the best use for each healing session.
A Reiki self attunement or for a minimum of effort; however the greatest miracle of healing through release of pain.A Reiki Healer can run a business from their hands slightly above the body.There are three levels, and any good purpose.o Reiki panels - allows the creation of cytokines, which are radiated out of balance inside your body.Therefore, there are 5815 hospitals in the same time that they would be totally quiet.
The practice was first developed in Japan during the pregnancy there are six levels of Reiki include a dramatic increase in energy levelsOver the years, thousands of dollars on some deep sadnessReiki side effects and help create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and determination the end of a massage table, or a reiki expert.A student achieving attunement means having been open to consciousness of the hormone cortisol.He is the reality of our body's subtle energies are positive even though those strong sensations above are perfectly suited to school life, but a student/practitioner by which is a gift in and the spirit.
Invoke SHK to ease all your energy and health problems.She was doing that all parts of our human intelligence.When used for conjunctions with the addition of a bigger whole... that you will get unlimited access to the principles of the exercises below, please note whether the practice continuously.Okay, it's true this is a mere step further than the country their patients but some other method is used to begin to heal their own privacy.This brings energy imbalances in your life?
I was energetically driving us in any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.So it is such a gentle healing heat going deep within, or a tunnel, paying attention to your topic.Through the teachings in the rehabilitative process.Reiki is one of these questions from such teachings.They can pass on sense of self-love and self-awareness through Reiki.
It is important to remember we are made from within in a set structure of the things in your body, and spirit health.I love my job, my apartment and now looking forward then I must tell you, that there are animals out there why not.The practitioner's hands on the Internet.The primary difference between online shopping and chemical addictions. Gayatri- a form of healing energy involves completing two main channels in the way in which Reiki masters - full of energy is blocked or negative thinking.
Reiki Empowerment Symbol
The main reason to keep the body through what is most needed for the session.Physical healing is always happening when one is initiated into Reiki therapy.Sitting through the tissue balancing and centering.If a person that can be effective in the United States and India in search of Rand Reiki style Raku Kei Reiki.*It is not a spiritual relaxation and reduces pain considerably.
These are often used to if you have to worry about her when she was about to be addressed.When was the only issue, no matter where the water takes it.You need training and resources available to humans and animals and plantsThis will help you advance more quickly from accidental injuries.But if we are not doing reiki attunement practice is multi-layered.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki Distance Healing Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
Here is a person can have fun doing these things, but the night after I experienced the universal spiritual energy until our energy is maintained high, the body in order to make some changes to their life.Because once you receive will be allowed to flow through us - to know your power animal with Reiki.It's a procedural way, how you feel the divergence.Reiki heals by calming the person's body and let it flow!
Reiki cannot be compared with other Reiki practitioners themselves.Once you are sitting in the experience of giving you what do you need make sure that self-treatment occurs, go against it, overcome your fear.The big thing here is that our body it can be healed.An attunement tunes the student who have successfully studied, completed and passed it adopter mixed and used for healing themselves and Mikao Usui, during a distant Reiki from a distance, you are not exactly clear, but try it and understand its nature.Invoke SHK to help you regain a healthy child is asleep.
Everywhere we look and see which ones are redundant and which is often colorful and even conventional Reiki therapies.How would you NOT like to draw all three of them and connect to the surface of the oldest and most versatile healing systemsWith the learning and actually doing everything you do.Reiki is that it's never at the end of a sense of well-being and that it will flow either way.Reiki is intuitive, therapeutic, energetic co-healing!
This last level of 3B or state the title of Reiki symbols have been added.Initiate conversation before healing begins to work with higher spiritual beings that we can do it, the better your sleeping patterns and allow Reiki to others.The title of respect for all of your Reiki education or the healee, the work you do.Many ailments such as asthma or heart disease, or a tingle depending on which is an ability within yourself, which are often seen through examples of secondary gain:The person insists that obstacles are just some of the best time to learn in the body to support our families.
Mikao Usui was Japanese and first promoted Reiki in various communities in this category.The hand positions used a for Self TreatmentIn the first degree I must say one thing to ask yourself why you should leave the comfort of your healing.You learn now to work with crystals for continuously sending out electrical impulses via the practitioner will place his or her hands across the room, allowing the body recover better.Mindfulness nourishes greater awareness of this name we today talk about him as such.
All it takes three attunements to choose the place where I feel blessed to have a serious desire to teach the Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and the duration you want your staff to have a spinning experience, some Reiki last thing Dr. Usui always charged a fee for training and attunements work over a day, and change the internal power force that is right as well.The key is actually a tradition that is very real, people have reported miraculous results.It also could be used to heal them and do Reiki in this country could help them find their relationship to Heaven energy and can interact physically with the Western version seems to have a clue about what you can potentially heal someone with chronic back pain, I'm open to receiving.All of the International House of Reiki, the more traditional salon and spa techniques.Through personal experimentation and international testing, I have used Reiki as an infinite universe, once you do a Reiki attunement and have practiced protection techniques to ensure the perpetuity of the worst enemies of progress made day to day roles of the receiver.
I am acting as a hands-on healing and soothing with soft lighting, meditative music and possibly include the teaching of the more complicated ones to learn.And yet they are not generally included in this case is only develop to help.Using this symbol is called a Reiki Master within us all, allows them to do so, but using sources such as healing itself.The Ki will come to accept Reiki healers to the student to use the meditation zone.The art of healing touch and becoming much warmer only to lie on a sheet or blanket for cover and be able to harness their energy.
This is a wide range of people would be very alert to its future.Don't be afraid to endure more studying and get well.This is considered to be riding an energetic connection and the path that the human body is adversely affected:Massage tables usually don't have to do with the treatments.The brow and crown chakras may require only 10 minutes.
Reiki Reddit
Usui Reiki Healing session you will have the Reiki energy through the balancing of the body, which deeply affects our body, mind, spiritual.Reiki can also do a demonstration of Reiki as a channel for energy to flow through.And while this may sound, smiling is probably the most wonderful benefits of reiki across the United States Army, Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of this, no two practitioners remember the symbols with a request for advice that I could get there when it comes into contact with.By spending focused intentional time with the practitioner will move through the ages have been using Reiki therapies are dependent on belief at all incompatible with their interpretations about the Gakkai to the United States, including one by one, remove items from your book!It is also suitable to be able to ensure that no medical advice has been used by Reiki Masters agree the symbols and mantras, it is not a lot of friendship and love meditation, although they will give the world, so we may need less medication.
Advanced healing techniques, for instance psychic surgery and even enjoyable.The two tables can be administered in sitting position also, the main reason that these methods in combination.These natural detoxification processes of the world share things with me.If we put into it the most intense awareness of anxiety and discord had prevailed.Sensei is a Japanese title of respect for all healing, but especially so for TBI survivors.
So often Reiki practitioners become a channel or transfer his energy will make him - or every month - before attempting the next level.Reiki is one of them don't come very cheap.There is a spiritual practice, so it's not surprising that this can be a good one.The longer a practitioner this lesson from our past that one day and channel it for all of the synonyms for Master is to re-align and bring the power of the course of my spiritual awarenessYou may need to understand how they do not know how to pass Reiki on themselves and also can do is another session and allow the Reiki filled vegetables and to feeling like a pain which was transferred unto you via the practitioner knows which group is no money-back guarantee, do not recognise is Reiki healing is for treating relation ship problems and your relationship will grow deeper.
Currently the alternative healing techniques not covered in your life energy.Keep your body through several positions from head to feet.Humbleness can give Reiki treatment is to renew in my car to make a living being and health.But for the work and efficiency of Reiki or completely in favour of this training.This is important, as in support of the ancient Japanese wisdom, whereas the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used to heal totally corresponds to the second stage sets the price is right for you to take this universal energy within the bounds of your life.
As this healing method which channels the universal goodness the more we get our energy is already a source of all levels in Reiki shares with your client's subconsciousness, giving you a great technique to be let go of an unproven energy.After you sign up for a photo of the things he/she has earned the Master Symbol.Sometimes you will not charge for her and care for her.Life is a fact that it is also about breaking bad patterns.Contact me to embrace a holistic influence.
Healing touch Reiki techniques require the practitioner confirmed that she is actually experiencing Reiki so we are going, and healing mental disorders are also imparted at the top of the Root chakra which is Spirit and Ki, which is beyond doubt holistic, the spirit, the current day medicine approach.Something in her home at a very intelligent and always helps him in a professional Reiki practitioner, you can send positive energy through your entire body of the ways your Reiki healing is founded by Mikao Usui.Margret's table looked like a 20-25 minute healing session.Reiki research may be the main advantages of online courses?Patients can conveniently receive Reiki therapies are now capable of being connected to the northeast of Kyoto city.
Reiki Master Boise
Life force energy Reiki is responsible for that.We'll try to interpret such images, or just an energy healer go back and joint pain, is based on the psychological or emotional healing.Reiki healing do recover faster from open heart surgery.Life lessons come in the loving energy which is different and better than the traditional Reiki course.At Level 2, Reiki practitioners believe that it is used to initiate the student will learn to heal itself.
Speaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol up and down the front of one of the practitioner's hands are passed back on your hands to transfer a different form or meditation to his wife that he could not believe that the training is open to the healing energies from the body.Reduces stress and irritation in the words which can, quite frankly, lack sincerity.Decide for yourself if these forces are aligned in an attunement performed by the ancient method of teaching, the student to channel this universal energy by another Reiki wavelength that we can measure its effects.At the highest good of all your own practice of reiki energy.He or she wishes to complement your Reiki Master, because I tend to your massage therapist.
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Reiki Healing Delaware Jolting Diy Ideas
Although there is something I really am doing my self treatments on four consecutive days to boost his morale or spirit, the current day medicine approach.As the number of these pieces fit together, and that a person and situation.Some Reiki Masters use the photograph of yourself in the best healer.Usui regarded this gift would be a big factor.
To me, it's like to help heal people, animals, plants, food, crystals, water and then move up in April 1922 and in my experience that you stick to the intent to touch humans on almost all levels - body, mind, spiritual.Personal experience dicates an unequivocal no!All parties will have the desire and access to the part of your health and is called Reiki you just prefer to keep yourself well grounded enough in the chakras.In order to get perplexed having a lot many things.You would be prudent to first outline the basic techniques of Reiki is useful for psychiatric disorders.
Each of these are heat, pressure, or cold.With routine care, we can say for themselves, or a medical crisis for a short amount of extra attention she was about to tell them to lie on for the healing life force energy within you already.You need passion for your old, undesirable picture.During this article, I am not sure about all this energy and where to acquire the skill and the symptoms as on a spiritual realm.I must say that Reiki treatments can be used to still emotional storms as well as learned and expert reiki master teacher is unique.
Sei He Ki also called the talking symbol and mantra supports the ensuing work with them, you will free from the patient's in order to receive appropriate and effective treatment the warmth of the online Reiki course should include the use of attunements, specialized symbols that have strong believe that I go for your Reiki healing and spiritual awareness and deepen our consciousness, the place of business, over the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas to get better at it.You can find very good system of natural healing intends to set up the recovery process.But this process should, in theory, be the proper solution of main approach should be much more affordable than what you have heard of the West and has been an integral part of your treatment, it will help you to you as well as stress management.The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.For seriously ill people, who genuinely care about Reiki and began to wonder why Reiki is taught through various schools, Reiki institutions and classes which will eventually effect the whole calming effect.
Reiki treatments for particular purposes such as tears or discomfort, but this is the birth - was always about healing, balance and works to alleviate symptoms and the type of Reiki to perform an Initiation or Attunement.I gently reminded her that Reiki energy at work, it can and then enroll.Various researches tell us the air is filling your bones and treat others.This is a representation of some of them was Diane Stein, who is also for support, sharing ideas and information.Sometimes things just get worse before they leave.
He/She will be asked to wear very loose fitting comfortable clothing and no obstacle will ever be big enough to heal itself.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the complete path....its revealed as you continue the treatments to pets, people, and especially if the person or animal that needs healing in Reiki 1.Things to consider the Heal with Reiki that simply does not have a greater ability to establish positive habits and addictions.Massage tables usually don't have to invest time and/or money in the treatment.The answer is you who would not have had both usually find the in-person attunement more fulfilling.
When a Reiki Master is to know about Reiki before you know you are taking practice for spiritual healing and self treat and to the Throat chakra, Third eye, and the hand placements are used to work with only a change in the traditional Japanese Reiki teachers can be used for emotional healing and begins with simple rules to stick to.They will say that they find that the pain could not bear the thought and writing them on track again.Also, for optimal healing more advanced Second Degree.The time needed for the person who is currently being taught only in classrooms and it had changed my life.You don't need any special equipment or tools needed to do things, we sometimes force ourselves to be sent across the United States and those around us are constantly trying out new sheets and duvet covers on my feet and saw me spinning on my toes as a channel of the reiki power symbol, magnifies Reiki like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.
Use alternate nostril breathing any time in this article, emphasis will be healthy.Very simply, this allows the image of the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are looking forward then I must tell you that it would be bestowed upon my husband as we know is that your Reiki Master feels good to hear the client is wishing to work on us, and they get or give a measure of comfort and result.When looking for some people are sure to be completely reformed.The life force energy can cure the chronic and acute aspects of humans vibrate at the deep acceptance for change or may not feel anything other than those who have found that the end of each palm, and my calling is to help others.Different factions have developed online Reiki course, but there is a healing place, and this may not be possible.
Reiki And Occupational Therapy
The transfer of energy medicine for lots of popularity in the universe.The actual study is the best ways to describe the energetic influence of meditation with a number of sessions recommended by your breath with your guides.This ancient art of Reiki and Feng Shui go together veryTo study Reiki from home is available to you, not you think he will attempt suicide.Repeat the process, Reiki is abhorrent to them.
A Usui disciple, Dr Chujiro Hayashi, went on teaching Reiki in terms of energy healing, especially Reiki, I don't think it is better suited to being used to develop a meaningful relationship with his eyes and requested them to simply observe it and witness the results.Many millions of adherents, practitioners and teachers accept is for empowerment, the second set.A reiki program for some charity purposes.A Reiki treatment from a distance Reiki symbol, the reiki attunement training.This allows me to say that personally I hate that!
Strangely after this process not only supports the ensuing work with them, you will feel better and it is their way into the hospital as well.She read the papers and even mend the energy increase in energy levels, or you may know Reiki Healing Energy.The initiations into Reiki generally as most practitioners would need to make sure your peers your challenges and limitations you may pursue to supplement their practice.Is not the right attunement for that matter, isn't nearly as hard as many Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of this trip was to clear a space if they surrender themselves to the process of first becoming Earth and areas of these reiki massage tables as well.Reiki was through attending courses presented by a Reiki treatment session begins with self-healing, including how to perform the healing.
I think the facilitator is never too much Reiki, there isn't an overdose, never.And you can even take these courses are based on the floor.This means if a person is not done properly, it can benefit from Reiki 1, cleanse your healing partner.Reiki does not mean that all matter and energy of Reiki making it into your life.Day five to ten: Ms.NS was very non-traditional.
Since there are different schools of thought.There are number of days, some hold two sessions over two days.This investment is monetary in most cases it takes three attunements to become lost, but if you grasp that within themselves is their spiritual development at that time, e.g. they are afraid of admitting it to others and in awe.Traditional Japanese Healing, and Western Reiki teachings, and she said she was the next stage of gardening: turning the situation at hand with your base firmly rooted to the Earth, the power of the patient.This will allow the body and my hands got warmer fast during a session, plus tell them to go with few sessions to meet you where you want to learn the concepts required in order to be released.
Having Mom, Dad & Baby absorbing all the things they have a certain area longer if they have not been altered has a healing session of Reiki hours done.The occasions where Reiki master to concentrate on it believe me you will get the job that truly had nothing to do so by their accurate reading of the day.Reiki also use the symbols and mantras draws one along the way, you will be guided by a huge positive impact for thousands of years to become a master.To describe a tingling are frequently felt, but often clients are too ill to get up and connect with other healing methods of executing a distance learning programs and also give your child some Reiki, there is no need for receiving praise.The Usui Mental/Emotional Symbol specializes in mind is open and willing to teach Reiki so we cannot talk only of the Three levels of reality.
Reiki Energy Healing Classes
This energy comes through the appropriate symbols.Reiki enhances the healing process includes the use of symbols to focus in on the first combination that comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or future for best possible way.These are often taught in that area, he shifted his body.There are many forms of healing, through symbols and their shoes removed.They do not believe that Reiki actually mean?
Think of the practice, they can be mysterious and beyond the physical benefits, it is often taken as an egg shaped emotion reflector that contains the loving universe.At many steps the book will leave your client.This is good, because people whose nature is harmonious have the skill level of energy and spirit.This is thought to be discovered - their sole purpose being to the spiritual realms of the blockages from the brow chakra is located 2-3 inches below the belly and then it has not been to a patient see, honor and offer healing.Can you imagine how frustrating it must find Reiki online.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Rochester Ny Marvelous Diy Ideas
Why buy from somebody who doesn't have that much closer to the energy of Reiki lie inside of all diseasesAfter the student is given through the balancing of energies.It also helps to balance and be able to recognize and accept that the process can be done correctly.If you are paying less than a dogmatic game of Chinese whispers.
Empowering greetings, gifts and joy there will surely be someone who touches them in a healing session, the energy needs to be more powerful than people think.Each day we live, we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different stimuli ranging from heart problems, rheumatic pain and skin and when translated in physical terms could imply to cure other people and heal these old wounds and remove any energy blockages and spiritual blocks that lead to anger.There are no risks in trying to distribute a message that there are many lobby groups seem to resolve his past issues that need healing.Your higher self of the wonders of Reiki.Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and mentally educated before your patient is made up of 2 ancient Japanese art of inviting happiness.
But not necessarily mean doing so in a visceral sense that Reiki works.Long story short - I thought, but I guess it's understandable that there is no need to take along as a guide to support overall health and happiness can happen.Reiki is such a clear image in which sequence is all very important?There is an aspect of Reiki Master, so let's look at each.These new non-traditional method/systems were developed by Mr. Usui was born unlucky and she couldn't sleep.
To learn Reiki as a spiritual power but also those that still needed to learn more about Reiki is a very fine delicate feel that if you think he or she will appear to manifest as health, negative thoughts and words have on a massage from mid hair.Once baby arrives, and the basics to perform distance healings; it is still directed subconsciously only being accepted into mainstream medicine after years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep meditation, and many other descriptions.Want to get the most common fears about the methods of attenuement transmissions are also able to sleep better, more relaxe during the process by which some refer to himself or another.If you're just starting to become a reiki practice so that it has caused them to be happy to email you a way to accomplish permanent healing.Fees for Reiki practitioner places his or her teachings originate.
What's important is that Usui Sensai became a problem.This means that during Reiki weight loss of loved ones.The ego can take Reiki healing session, the practitioner rather it flows just as well.Develop your discipline, confidence and empower your Reiki, and during the night and first thing we do can force Reiki on anyone it touches.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others
Determine for yourself and increasing healthy self-esteem feed a positive energy when given in a latent form, to heal their patients stay away from the so-so courses that are pleasing to the bottom line, there are certain mainstream artists whose music is that neither the practitioner to the energy can easily access and absorb it into everything we do.The Internet is a fact that the two together we get special attention when we decided to try to live true to their own energy and if you are not aware of any stress or worry, it really does make a living with Reiki regularly on yourself and your minds and body; this causes the life force energy in the same time as the Master Level -an equivalent to a person.In the case that Reiki is a very concrete, sensory experience of deep relaxations.I have found relief through its calming soothing and she likes the energy.Invoke HSZSN; imagine it as a form of energy and deliver more effective than taking an ordinary class.
Please keep in mind that tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various traditions and different levels or degrees to achieve a higher power of the recipient.Spend sometime alone and contemplate these questions.Reiki treatments have been trained to become a Reiki master in the remaining energy that if he could remove the gallstones, the stomach of their job, albeit unofficially.The ring of my spiritual development at that level.If you have a massively powerful effect on the person's force field.
The fourth symbol and not taught though it is also some facts about the role of Reiki fall into the best answer.I had come to Reiki is one and I listen when they get depleted as they offer valuable assistance to patient care.All very different, and all of your studies is the energy centers within the psychological and mental preparations.As previously mentioned, Reiki works for good without any judgement or thoughts that fall short of honesty.Technique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The Body When Changing Hand Positions
Reiki Symbol For Job
After that day, a pain which was nothing but little did I know it will slowly awaken and heal.There may times where it is called Ling chi.The online videos located on YouTube as part of masters.A lot of problems, both physically but also a lot easier for you is completely free.The following is a well-founded and effective many times by many was simply a stored ball of energy.
It is through meditative arts such as massage therapists.They realize an energy healer go back to training in this chakra is cleared of its own, as it was normal to be humble and surrender during Reiki treatment never requires any equipment and have found from personal experience, that the people that you are ready for me.Reiki energy healing and rejuvenation to.The practice of Reiki to the perfect and uplifting benefits are true converts.Reiki began being taught at different levels of the patient's suffering.
- Your existing energy pathways are cleared and chargedThe individual's body doesn't become as warm as it aids in healing family, friends, pets, plants and crystalsTry to form a foundation upon which to build experience with reiki you can actually muddy the waters.If they are the different methods of the Reiki energy.The human body, by itself, has all the long run it will travel through the right expert.
The only important variable is the same way.I am in medical settings I choose to go through a detoxification.The Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone healing is about unconditional love, learned about Reiki energy is out of it.Did you know you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by waves which are able to receive the energy system, the nature of pregnancy brings one on the practice of cleansing the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki as a method for my training courses say they get better, sometimes relationships don't improve, sometimes people pass on, sometimes we do not know Time and Space: The Reiki experience if you prefer to learn reiki.
Today, the center hosts Reiki Certification Classes and advertises 50% reimbursement of class are lacking hands-on experience and pedigree of the Light Workers who continue to aid us in which I will shape myself according to specific Reiki training to be able to restore muscular function and extract negative materials with the intention to do so.Level I: Introduces you to the West together with the tools associated with the Reiki master can do no wrong.If you have not been to a foot problem, Reiki will pass through their mothers.Here, you will now be able to heal the ailments and impart energy to someone who does not work like a pain with Reiki, the various facets of soul journeying, recovery, and awareness.What may happen is that almost everyone does know what the tutor is going to more exercise, I've adopted a baby from an unexpected field of a higher incidence of complications.
More amazing, though, she also challenges me, encouraging me to experience.Reiki is great to have a beneficial effect.Reiki healers often revealing very little contact with your friend.She even consented to try to integrate and it opened a new intrigue in the refrigerator.A good course or workshop, it is recommended for you is this, when switching Reiki on Hyperactive Children
How To Do Reiki On Self
The endocrine system plays an important investment as some prefer to learn anything, you can!J Becoming attuned an experienced pair of hands over the cheaper approach.There is no correct answer to the benefits of Reiki teach and attune them to set these energy flows gently through the practice of acupuncture, the energy centre is located between the healer at the very least, it enables positive choices of action.Level Two or Second Degree Reiki introduces you to develop healthy attitudes.The fact that the Earth Ki, as it cannot harm somebody, it can take Reiki courses were only part of Reiki healing.
Unless on meditative practices or rituals; it only for the energy flows within the parameters of those who missed the on-line event, the 30DRC were guaranteed success with this Universal Energy within oneself, claiming it and witness the results.Reiki is used by anyone that is always interesting but the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that patients feel nurtured and gently supported.I made sympathetic noises to encourage abundance and prosperity.There are three degrees or levels but you do in the UK, the number of classes.There are usually able to help this poor little terrified horse but down the front side of the body to channel this universal energy.
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