#why has nobody posted this before?
tooyoungtokiss · 1 year
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jarondont · 5 months
You want me to introduce myself? The thing that almost killed Odysseus?
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micamicster · 10 months
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The Fast and the Furious (2001) dir Rob Cohen vs Backstreets by Bruce Springsteen (1975)
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
If wukong told (lied) to macaque that he never cared about him, do you think that would make macaque even more aggresive or like shut down/be the final straw that finally makes macaque let go of wukong
so, just like my answer for whether macky would willingly erase swk from his life, I think this answer also depends on when in the show swk told macky this, and what better way to explain this than by going through each outcome per season :)
looking at s1, we meet a Macaroni who is very hellbent on killing (or at the very least, heavily damaging) SWK because he feels like the guy never truly gave a shit about him (<- my interpretation). thus, it is safe to assume that if Wukong were to laugh off Marnolo's hurt and anger and tell the guy that he never cared, Mac&cheese will only feel that his current assumptions of SWK are correct and that the guy only cares about himself and his image.
would he feel hurt about it? oh absolutely. maybe punch a wall, destroy the "dojo" he allegedly lives in in an outburst of power and anger. maybe scream and cry but be mad at his own tears (begin to wipe them away but is too hash so he scars himself and then can't stop bc he's very self-destructive)
technically, Wukong is MIA so this would never happen. BUT! have you considered!!! Wukong telling MK that Macdonalds was just some guy from his past, nobody super important, basically a nobody he wronged in his long list of enemies. which MK might possibly parrot back to Macadoo in 2x07
heavens above Marconi would be pissed.
forget trying to be a dick to MK and "teaching" him that his path of emulating Wukong has already made him forget his friends (untrue, but this is what i assume was Macky's interpretation of MK's actions since the guy didn't actively search for his missing friends, who MK thought left him on purpose).
nah, Macky is hunting SWK down. he is out for blood because "did i serious mean so little to you? were our nights under that tree sharing secrets, dreams, peaches fucking nothing to you?" (and idk....maybe after the air clears out, possibly, macky would realize SWK's true reason for being MIA and....help out???? mayhaps???....yeah, yeah, i know only in my dreams T^T)
ok, so we could technically say this sort of happened in ep1 when Sun Wukong said, "i thought it was someone important," and, "so what, you're her puppet now? i mean, makes sense. you always did have a sidekick kind of vibe."
and that is basically Wukong implying that he viewed his relationship with Macaque as one where he didn't consider Macky to be important to him, or someone he saw as a close friend. however, this is also a tactic Wukong uses against nearly every villain he interacts with, simply to get a rise out of them. so, pin that down as Wukong being observant enough to know which words to use to hurt.
AND Macky's reaction to it is him jumping out of his cool-ass looking jet and body-slamming the monkey king to the floor. so, uh, it is safe to assume that Macky was pissed off at Wukong's comment.
THUS! with that in mind, we can say that in this context, Macackle will be upset enough to fight him; however, if we were to consider the end of s3 (like Samadhi Fire ritual to the end) i would go with the option of Mackarell shutting down and feeling like that comment is the nail in the coffin for their relationship.
in s4? absolutely not. he would be dragging Wukong by the ear, demanding that he repeat what he said, ordering Wukong to try and convince himself that their past meant nothing while Macky still lives and breathes. and especially after the s4 special.
you could argue that Macky could shut down in the beginning of s4, but i think he'd probably laugh it off because he knows now that Wukong is lying. he's being his old deflective self and probably doesn't know where to place Macanoli in his head now that they're technically on better terms with LBD done with.
but after all the drama of going through SWK's memories? nuh uh, Wukong can't get out of this, nope. you handed iMac a chocolate peach popsicle. it is too late for you turn back and lie about your feelings. you can dig your grave and lie about it, but he's just gonna hit you right back with your own medicine and make you understand that if y'all truly want to reconcile, you cannot continue lying to yourself that you don't care.
not anymore.
so, anyway, i hope this answers your question, anon! i had a lot of fun running this question around in me braincage :3
#lmk#lmk six eared macaque#lmk sun wukong#shadowpeach#bc i cannot help myself but talk about them in the context of shadowpeach#literally could have said 'i think if swk told macky this now compared to previous episodes' he would know it was bullshit (since he & MK#went through swk's memories and got to SEE swk's side of their relationship) and would've called the idiot out on it bc nuh uh are they#going to go through the same motions as before and fuck up their communication like last time you take that fucking back you bitch'#but (of course) i wanted back up for this answer and this show occupies all the nooks and crannies of my mind :)#for the sake of this mini essay (she says typing out her tags before finishing this post) imma capitalize only the names#for the bit#also mispell macky's name#for the bit....as well#no i am not counting macky out for being self-destructive#he has BEEN self-destructive to himself and his health until the end of s3#nobody can convince me otherwise#this man was on the path of destroying himself to either destroy wukong or free himself from lbd (whom i might add WAS SOMEONE#HE WILLINGLY CONSIDERED IT WA BETTER TO BATHE IN THE FIRES OF SAMADHI TO BE FREE FROM HER CONTRACT! YOU#KNOW....THE VERY SAME FLAMES THAT CAN BURN REALITIES??? THAT FIRE!!!)#*sighs* why must my answers about shadowpeach and almost everything lmk related be long T^T#not mad just confused on that fact that i have been in a writer's traffic jam for weeks but get asked this and SUDDENLY????#all my energy comes back????#rude af brain >:(#asks#anonymous
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sherlock-is-ace · 6 days
#i'm done i'm so fucking tired#i want to burn the internet to the ground#i want to destroy my computer chuck my phone into a river and go live in the middle of nowhere#no wifi no 4g no nothing#i want to die because we cannot fucking escape this shit#meta using my art to train ai and refusing my request to stop#my computer not being able to run glaze or nightshade or any of those ai poisoning thingies#spam emails and text messages and whatsapp messages and bots in the comments#and just EVERYTHING TRYING TO SELL ME THINGS WHILE ALSO STEALING WHAT'S ALREADY MINE#i hate it i hate it i can't fucking stand it anymore#and you'll be like ''then why don't you go offline then... nobody's making you have an instagram account''#and you'd be right... if it weren't for the fact that i chose the one fucking career that DEMANDS online presence#i already struggle to find work as an illustrator WITH social media and POSTING MY ART ONLINE#how the fuck would I do it if people don't see my art?!#and sure people have illustrated books way before the internet existed... sure... BUT IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT ANYMORE#i'm so fucking angry and tired and frustrated that there's no way out of this#the internet is becoming unusable yet life demands it#my only option right now it to fuck myself and my beliefs and let companies steal my hardwork for the benefit of..?#having no notes in my posts except for the bots commenting ''see 👀my hole 🍑 daddy 💦 kitten 😻 ready 4 u 🤤 subscribe🔥 pay 💲 me''#i'm sick of this#i don't want to delete everything i ever posted online because A. at this point that's useless and B. again. how the fuck would i get work?#also even then... emailing my clients their finished illustrations goes through google drive or gmail...#do we think google is nice and doesn't steal images to train generative AI?#''talk to your representatives they need to make laws about this'' my fucking president is currently chumming it up with elon fucking musk#while people here are starving to death#we're literally going to freeze this winter because the genius goverment has fucked up our gas supply and that's used not only for heating#but for ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION#so we won't have a wat to heat our houses cook or even fucking SEE AT NIGHT#and you want me to ask them to make copyright laws?!#i want to die
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colesstar · 8 months
unfriendly reminder to tag your posts that contain spoilers to new shows with (show) spoilers and put spoiler images under a cut if you dont because i have seen something that i DID NOT NEED TO KNOW!! and i am quite frankly pissed!!
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Black Hat lunged at his counterpart, body contorting into a vicious conglomeration of teeth, smoke, tendrils, and distorted bone. An echoing symphony of shrill, unholy roars filled the room as the enraged demon carried out his onslaught, ripping into White Hat’s body with a fury unparalleled to anything Flug’s seen from him before. And considering how much Flug's seen already...
I wanted to make BH way bigger but then WH would look too smol to see well enough haha
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@ Nosy anon, I promise I'll come up with a proper actual snippet to respond to this one of these days, but in the meantime, have this random impulse drawing and a very very short paragraph of fic to go along with it lol?
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merevide · 3 months
hiiiii i have returned from the depths of the underworld (self imposed hiatus) (3 week break that felt like 3 years)
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roaringheat · 28 days
love it when I try to look up somethin abt myself out of curiosity and every single result is shit like "how to get rid of that ugly shit!!!" like did I fuckin ask
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mihotose · 5 months
savoir faire is the representative skill for ultraliberalism -> speed boosts motorics (including savoir faire) -> ultraliberalism incentivises using speed -> you get people like marielle charpentier (the estate agent in the apartments) whos on preptides and can be found still working into the dead of night insisting that martinaise's economy will soon flourish
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blue-dream-rhapsody · 20 days
Apparently I absolutely obliterated my dad’s funny bone by telling him about the smooth criminal ace attorney edit, bc i had the humiliating experience today of him gleefully playing it on the big family room TV for me (who’s watched it fifty times on my own already) and my mom (who I showed it to before him bc she’s been actively watching me play the first game)
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theamazingannie · 4 months
Kinda crazy how people will call out celebrities for not speaking up on political issues and then a celebrity WILL speak up on that political issue but doesn’t do it in exactly the way these people want so they’ll call THEM out too and it’s like why tf would anyone want to do anything these days if every action they take gets them called out???
#specifically referencing Annie Lennox this time but I’ve seen it so many times just on this issue alone#she called for a ceasefire at the fucking Grammys and all pro Palestine people praised her#and then she made a non aggressive post about it on Twitter that still called for ceasefire but didn’t praise hamas#and people are shaming her and calling her a coward#another time I read someone say Bella Ramsay signed the hostage release letter right after Oct 7#but has since been outspoken about pro Palestine#but that that’s not enough and they’re still bad for doing that first thing#when they’re an actor not an activist and nobody really understood what was going on back then#like this is exactly why I won’t be one of the people calling on celebrities to be posting on every issue#cuz even people more well informed are called out for being wrong about stuff#I’ve been following this issue since 2019 and I still don’t feel fully comfortable doing more than sharing stuff from better informed people#cand calling out hypocracies and bad arguements (something I studied in college)#I can’t expect someone who didn’t know anything before four months ago and doesn’t actively follow it now#to feel comfortable taking a strong side on an issue where no matter what you do you’re gonna get death threats from SOMEONE#pro Israel pro Palestine neural stance silence#every single choice makes people mad at you so it’s really safer to go with the last#this isn’t ‘register to vote’ or ‘this issue directly affects me and I’m therefore better informed so I’ll talk about it’#this is an extremely hot button sensitive issue#and I’m tired of people acting like social media activism is where we should start and end#call our your politicians not your actors and singers for gods sake
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reyiosa · 5 months
be brave. let your sci-fi/fantasy cities have juxtaposing architecture. let there be 2,000-year-old monuments astride 10-year-old monoliths. let there at least be one Old City Hall.
the same thing goes for general technological advancement btw.
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oflgtfol · 8 months
whats wirh all the conspiracy wackos about the emergency broadcast on wednesday, shit like “it’ll cause fires” or “its dangerous radiation sent by big biden to kill us” or even tying it to the fucking covid vax somehow, like huh?? we’ve literally had emergency broadcasts like this before. does anyone remember the “the girls are fighting” meme, that literally came from one of the previous emergency broadcasts (tho i think that one was labeled ‘presidential alert’ or whatever but its the same fucking concept lol)
i mean granted the presidential alert happened years ago and the american political landscape has changed pretty massively since covid and the 2020 election but like. literally what is going on do these nincompoops not remember that emergency broadcasts are A Thing. And Have Happened Before
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blackwaxidol · 2 years
speaking of onion boy (onision)... a very funny/strange/interesting memory i have is that my very first original post on this site when i joined nearly a decade ago was... a multi-paragraph rant absolutely ripping that man a new one because i could see exactly what kind of soulless excuse for a human being he really was and i was frustrated that this concept was not grasped by... his audience of people my age at the time. no introductory post no "how do i use this site" post no nothing. i just came in swinging with pure hatred in my heart.
#tags are not funny btw i am recounting some memory of that idiot.#this was... 2014? i think...#his empire hadn't collapsed yet.#nowadays he's the indebted lunatic who doesn't break over 10k views unless he's going ape.#i haven't kept up with the 'saga' since the Chris Hanson thing. fucker.#does he still owe taxes? and that thing about the... wetlands..?#someone who keeps up with Onision in the legal sense tell me what's happening.#the most recent video i directly watched from his channel voluntarily#was before i made that first ever post and i think it was him trying to tell 'the truth' about his prior relationships.#he made fun of a previous relationship and tried to spin his ex as being crazy.#i don't know if what followed was a reenactment from him or actual footage of something.#he had. way too many videos of real confrontations or lunatic shit from his end. i couldn't tell you if it was an attempt at a story.#either way i came away from the video with an understanding that i was looking at someone who enjoyed inflicting torment.#like that was. startlingly clear to me. and i didn't understand why nobody else recognised it at the time.#just a completely empty human being.#his video where... i don't remember the full thing i just remember he talked about why he was discharged from the military.#i saw it as an attempt to take heat off himself by talking about his problems or whatever.#that was the moment i decided to make the post. like i remember it now.#anyway the spirit of guard-dog barking at weirdo men is alive and well within me.#ask anyone who has had to put up with me long enough for this to be obvious.#i might delete this post later... i don't like talking at-length in this kind of manner anymore.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Kazu/maji is soooooo different than sae/maji this is because saejima and majima are best friends who go together everywhere and frequently close the toilet door in each others faces because they keep trying to follow each other inside and the other guys like No. im going to take a shit and kiryu and majima are like guys who are knotting each other every time they meet and conjoined at the groin , like majima will carry kiryus baby and saejima will raise it with him you know what i mean theres a lack of commitment (but no shortage of passion) with majima and kiryu theyre each others one night stand every single night but saejima and him stick with each other through thick and thin come hell or high water
#Yakuza loveblog#i just realised with horror that whenever i say kazu/maji without censoring it like that it actually appears in the tag itself#so thats why i have a typing quirk now#anyway you guys get what i mean#im not saying kiryu and majima dont love each other im just saying they dont love each other like saejima and majima do#kiryu is gentle and kind but he cant be loyal when nobody has ever sucessfully pinned him down before#saejima ... he is faithful. at the end of the day he will always come back to majima#and its the same for majima. saejima Gets him like no one else does ... they love each other the same way#i always say this but majima starting to wear his eyepatch less around saejima makes me explode fire and brimstone because he was hiding#damn near everything about himself his past his injuries and trauma because those arent for anybody but saejima. and saejima forgiving him#actively liberated him from those shackles. he waited for him every day and kept his head high until the day he could lower it to saejima ..#he bared himself to him then. showed him the life he was owed because saejima owned him then and had every right to strike him down where he#stood. nobody else was supposed to see his wounds because it was For saejima to judge if majima had been punished enough had suffered enough#for his sake .. the payment for his betrayal .. and saejima of course he forgave him. thats his bro ... the person he looks up to the most#so he forgives majima and majima is free to be his own person again not bound by honour or repayment. and he chose 2 remain by saejimas side#till death do them part or something like that#... the body text of this post implies that majima is an alpha. hes not jsyk hes literally omega coded ‘but hes so violent’ yeah.#hes meant to be like that.#saejima is levelheaded unlike kiryu so hes beta coded and he and majima fuck like rabbits#this is all FYI btw things i believe to be true backed up by source material
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