#while Fushimi facepalms in the background
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Our Flag Means Death Mikorei AU? Munakata would be a good gentleman pirate www
YES this AU is perfect for them I need it. Munakata would absolutely be Stede, imagine him so excited to be a pirate captain and reading his crew bedtime stories every night and wanting to have bonding activities on the ship, it would be wonderful. Imagine Munakata as like this nobleman's son who is very much in demand in high society, he's expected to make a good marriage and live a high class life without any adventure at all. Munakata is known for his charm and wit and say his family even ends up making a marriage match between him and some equally high class girl who Munakata finds perfectly charming but who he isn't really attracted to in any way. Rather than marry a girl he doesn't love Munakata decides to run away from home in the night, after secretly using some of his wealth to have a big fancy pirate ship built. As it happens Munakata has always been very intrigued by pirates and believes it would be splendid to sail the open seas as a pirate captain, and thus he's decided from now on he shall be Gentleman Pirate Munakata Reisi.
He gathers up a nice ragtag crew who largely can't believe they ended up sailing with this guy, like he has chef Kamo (whose specialty is a 38 orange glaze cake), pirate duo Akiyama and Benzai (Benzai makes the ship's flag, with a cat on it because he likes cats), super chill pirate Gotou (who enjoys basking naked in the moonlight just because) and of course, his first mate Awashima (who was initially disguised as a boy for the trip but her enormous boobs gave her away almost immediately and Munakata doesn't care that she's female because she's so competent so she's just his first mate now as herself) and his record keeper Fushimi (who gets to write down all Munakata's pirate exploits in a large book every evening). Munakata believes in keeping morale high so he pays his men a handsome wage and reads them stories from his massive library and basically just enjoys being a pirate even though he hasn't actually done much pirating.
Finally the crew actually get a chance to take down a ship and it turns out that it's a merchant vessel belonging to some minor noble Munakata has been previously acquainted with. The noble assumes he should be able to easily capture this bumbling nerd pirate but instead his men end up either fleeing or being captured and the noble himself accidentally falls into Munakata's sword when the ship lurches. Munakata regrets the death but feels this is something he must get used to as a pirate, and has his men bring along the booty to a nearby island to sell. It's around this time he hears people talking of a certain 'Red Monster,' the nickname of a fearsome pirate who is well known for taking down hundreds of ships. Munakata is warned to stay away from such a person but he only smiles in amusement and thinks perhaps such a thing could be valuable experience, surely so great a pirate would have much wisdom to pass down.
It's right after leaving the island that Munakata's ship is forcefully stopped by a ship with red sails, the Homra, and Munakata comes face to face with the Red Monster, pirate captain Suoh Mikoto. Mikoto takes one look at Munakata's ship full of nerds and smirks, like what a bunch of idiots. Munakata is of course nothing but polite, wondering if Mikoto would like to accompany them and share his wisdom as a fellow pirate. Mikoto snorts but he's actually kinda intrigued, being a pirate has become pretty boring with constantly burning down ships and stealing all their gold, and this frilly uptight 'gentleman pirate' seems like he could use a hefty dose of reality about what being a pirate actually means. Beyond that say Mikoto's also recently lost one of his men, Totsuka Tatara, who he was close to and this has only worsened his mood around continuing to be a pirate, like what's even the point of this.
Spending time with Munakata though Mikoto finds himself enjoying being a pirate again, even if Munakata irritates the hell out of him most of the time. Munakata's enthusiasm for learning piracy remains infectious and while he and Mikoto often end up trading barbs with each other there's also this understanding that develops between them. Mikoto starts to realize that even though Munakata looks like a stuffed shirt noble he has this independent streak that makes him just as much of a pirate as any other captain on the seas, while Munakata seems to be able to see things in Mikoto beyond the barbarian facade (imagine Munakata putting his robe on Mikoto and noting that the change is certainly uncanny, it seems you do wear fine things well Suoh). In the end Mikoto has the chance to escape on his own when Munakata's ship is taken and Munakata is arrested for piracy but he decides to return instead and be taken along with Munakata, claiming that he figured he can't let anyone kick Munakata's ass before he gets the chance after all (and later when they're sent to be reformed imagine Munakata wondering why Mikoto went this far and Mikoto considers before shrugging and saying well, maybe Munakata's what makes him happy. Munakata is momentarily surprised and coughs delicately before noting that perhaps...Suoh is the thing that makes him happy as well).
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
A3 Actors! Knight in shining armour
Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Omi Fushimi x Reader
Themes: Love-longing / Subtle / Bitter / Hope
“Nah, it can't be”
“I swear on my life”
“No way!”
“I'm telling you Kazunari, it's like that every time” 
The summer member laughed at the seriousness of your voice, leaning back on the couch of the dorm. Frowning at the lack of support you weren’t expecting, you opened your mouth when the bell from the entrance rang, the strong voice of the main cook of Mankai annunciating his arrival. 
Seeing this as an oportunity, you raised an eyebrow at the blond “Watch” 
Turning both of your heads towards the kitchen, you saw Omi entering with hands full of shopping bags. 
“Welcome back, Omimi!” 
“Hey, Omi” 
“I’m back. Oh, Y/N” he smiled as he left the food on the table “Didn’t know you were coming today. I decided to go buy some things on sale and time flew by” 
You paid no mind to his apology. You had been the one to come unannounced after all “It’s fine. Hey Omi, I like you, want to go out with me?” 
“Mhm?” Omi turned to you, blinking for a few seconds before he nodded, a warm smile on his face “Well, I don’t see why not, it’s early. That new camera shop you told me last week, right? I’ll leave my things and we can go” 
As the university student left, you didn’t even bother to look at Kazunari, moving your hands tiredly as if to say ‘what did I tell you’ 
Startled, he looked at you both confused and fascinated "What the…? That was high-key so-” 
Whatever he was about to say didn’t get to leave his mouth, the loud voices of other autumn members arriving from the hall. Banri was commenting something about stances as he pointed Taichi’s script when he noticed you, glass of soda on the table next to a bag of chips. His expression changed from a focused one to entertained. 
“Ah, If it isn’t the person who doesn't live here but it’s startin’ to look like it” 
You greeted them as if you took off an imaginary hat, not bothering to bite back “Hey there Mr. Joker, Taichi” 
Banri scoffed, heading to the table to steal the food as the red-head cried indignantly “Man, why does Ban-chan always gets to be called that? Y/N, I also want a cool nickname!” 
You laughed.
“Why would you want to be even called something by them?” Banri asked, taking a few chips. Frowning, you took the bag of chips from him and pinched him in the ribs “Hey!”
“You say that because you got a badass nickname!”
“Whatever. Did you finally do something about Omi-san or what”
“Come on, not you too. I was talking about the same thing with Kazunari here two seconds ago!”
You had been Omi’s classmates in the photography club since your first year of university and falling in love with him was not something you had really planned. You were supposed to be friends. Nothing in between.
Easier to say than do, considering the boy’s personality and looks. Ever since his eyes kept locking warmly with yours, taking time to visit new places for panoramic shots or having lunch together to discuss your favorite ways to take photos at dawn… You knew you had pretty much fallen for that lovable and gentle giant.
He was kind, generous and was always a huge help whenever anyone had any kind of trouble. By the time you really started trying to show your feelings, you also discovered the reason why someone like him was still single.
"Why does everyone think I'm not doing anything?” you raised your arms, groaning tired “I’ve tried everything, he’s just the thickest person I've ever seen in my entire life! It's like God put all the good things to show him off and went ‘Hah, let's see who can crack this one!’ Can you believe yesterday he…”
You kept ranting. You were the first one who didn’t know how he had gotten so much into your heart. His obliviousness drove was driving you crazy. 
By the time you finished talking, everyone in that room was speechless. Banri, Kazunari and Taichi looked at each other. 
“I’m back” Omi appeared carrying a jacket and his camera “Ah, did you guys finish practicing? We were about to go out, if you guys want to join- everything okay, Y/N?” 
Even though you were mentally facepalming, you lifted your head and nodded. Taking you bag, you waved as you headed towards the main door. Omi watched your back and started to follow you when Banri called him out. 
“Omi-san, might wanna tell your significant other about tea, they seem more on edge than usual” 
He laughed, as if Banri had said some kind of joke “They do look tired, right? Anyway, I’ll try to be back before dinner. If I'm late there’s some stew on the pot so everyone can heat some rice to go with it” 
After closing the main door. The autumn members and Kazunari stood in silence processing what had just happened again. 
“You were right, they had so many new adaptable lenses, I think I'll come here to buy the new stuff they told us they'll receive next week” 
After visiting the camera shop- which was true you had wanted to go- you and Omi wandered around Veludo Way. 
“Do you mind if we go to the park before we leave? I like the light it has around this time” he turned to you and watched you shrug, indicating you didn't mind. 
“Sure, you’re the boss now” 
He chuckled, and your heart skipped a beat at the sound. He was so not fair.
Arriving at the park during dinner time meant the playground was mostly empty. Just a few kids playing here and there and birds chirping along in the background. The sky was turning a warm toasted orange tinted with red, with the wind howling between the branches of the trees, as if it knew that in the world there was no sweeter music than that of the sounds surrounding a sunset.
You loved sunsets.
“That’s a great smile right there” 
You rolled your eyes as you saw Omi’s camera focusing on you. You tried to look mad, but knew the smile that was on your face said otherwise “You really need to stop doing those things. I already fell for you” 
Omi laughed turning and taking some other photos around you two. You lowered your gaze to the ground.
“I like you”
“Uh, me too?” 
“I know. I also have an important question” 
“Sure” he put the camera in front of him, focusing on the sun hiding behind the buildings. Your eyes followed his movement longingly.
Omi was kind, compassionate, diligent. He was something brought out of a fairy tell. The knight in shining armour everyone wanted. You pursed your lips together. You loved him. 
“Y/N? Everything okay?” 
But maybe he didn’t need someone like that at the moment. 
From the corner of his eye, Omi peeked at you, putting the camera down and staring at the view in front of him. None of you spoke for a while, the only sound heard being of the birds and cars in the distance.
“You… are an amazing person, Y/N”
You tried not to let the lump on your throat be noticeable and laughed, sitting on one of the empty swings around the place “I should be the one saying that”
He shook his head “Unlike me, you are not afraid of saying what’s on your mind, and you act on it. It’s... admirable”
As you gripped the chains of the swing, you thought about the concept of knights in shining armour again. 
They looked perfect, but perhaps they were like that because little things could truly find a way through their armour, hiding a self that was vulnerable and damaged.
“Will I be a bother… if I ask you to let me stay with you?”
The smile he had a few moments ago was replaced with a sigh when he looked at you “You know, my siblings used to say I always looked like a big tree, big and dependable” he chuckled “Don’t know were they got it from but I-”
“What do you feel like?” 
Omi scratched the back of his head, thinking about it for a few seconds “Sometimes I imagine myself as a leaf leaving a tree, you know. It… falls upward first, then slowly towards the ground” 
It was as if every ounce of breath was taken from your lungs and now floated in the air “Will... that leaf ever fully fall?”
“I want to” he looked up at the horizon once again “One day”
You smiled. You didn’t mind waiting.
“One day”
I love Omi so much, he deserves everything good. I truly hope at some point he understands that too.
Hope you liked it! Have a wonderful day 💕
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
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I stumbled upon this fanart on twitter, and made me wonder, what if Gakuen K world scenario, school's sparkly Blue Kings Habari Jin and Munakata Reisi with their feral underlings cough-lovers-cough who are only obedient toward their respective sparkly Blue Kings Zenjou Gouki and Fushimi Saruhiko (Gakuen K Fushimi is strangely very very obedient toward Munakata's shenanigans, not that the canon version is any better). They're understandably rule the school and bond over their distaste toward irrational hoodlums like Mikoto and Kagutsu. Zenjou Gouki and Fushimi Saruhiko as student council members are also allowed to wear their uniform inappropriately because they're Blue Kings' "favorite". Obviously they abuse their power for "the sake of justice" like Reisaru confiscate grenades from students then use them on people who disturb school's environment (read : Homra), or HabaZen tend over school's farm but actually they observed bird poops and tried to dump them toward nearest trashcan (read : Rengokusha). Awashima-sensei and Shiotsu-sensei only can facepalm in the background.
I'm imagining Habari as like the upper classman student council president while Munakata is a year behind him and head of the Blue Club, considered the clear favorite to take over the student council when Habari graduates. The two of them do get along somewhat, having similar interest in order and justice even though their methods and philosophies are rather different. The two of them are considered like untouchable existences within the school, both so calm and regal like a pair of princes, upholding the peace in the school and constantly at odds with the school's two most well-known gangs, Purgatory and Homra.
By contrast their boyfriends are pretty much the opposite of cool and refined and both look like they belong more with the delinquents than the student council (and Fushimi of course started as a member of Homra before leaving them and joining Munakata's team instead). Though a lot of people probably mistake Zenjou for being the former delinquent rather than Fushimi, Zenjou's not very good with any of the student council paperwork or anything, he mostly just hangs around and chats with Habari and threatens to kick the ass of anyone who even thinks about laying a hand on the student council president. Fushimi by contrast looks much rougher and less refined than Munakata but he's also very skilled at paperwork and tends to be the one who has to occasionally rein Munakata in when he's getting carried away with an idea.
Of course having a 'delinquent' boyfriend may have an effect on the respected and well-behaved students or maybe it's just that Habari and Munakata have a more mischievous streak than expected – Zenjou claims that all he did was throw that bird poop over the edge of the building and Habari probably had no idea Kagutsu was walking by at the time, and Munakata certainly would never intend to literally smoke out Homra's favorite hang out spot, and even if he did he would never ask Fushimi-kun to assist him in this (meanwhile Awashima and Shiotsu are co-faculty heads and both are well aware they can't control Munakata or Habari, they can only sigh and stare disapprovingly).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Yata is completely oblivious when other guys flirt with him, but Fushimi, however, notices and gets extra jealous and protective. Sometimes, Chitose likes to exploit this when he gets bored.
Is it really worth it to try and make Fushimi jealous though, that's a good way to end up with a knife to the shoulder XD Yata would definitely be the type who's oblivious to flirting (he's been oblivious to Fushimi's flirting for years after all), like he doesn't notice when girls do it because he's too busy panicking and he doesn’t notice when guys do it because he still hasn't quite accepted that he's into guys and that other guys might be into him. Fushimi on the other hand is well aware of when anyone is flirting with his Misaki and he is not happy about it, particularly considering Fushimi's whole abandonment issues he probably gets extra clingy and wants to make sure the other party is well aware that Yata is his. Like they'll go to a bar together and some random guy tries to buy Yata a drink and then suddenly Fushimi goes from maintaining a personal space level of distance between himself and Yata to practically being in Yata's lap while he glares at the guy over Yata's head and possibly flashes one of the knives hidden in his sleeves.
Maybe this happens one time at Bar Homra too and Chitose thinks it's funny, like Yata's just so oblivious and Fushimi's so obviously jealous. He figures it might be fun to play with that a bit and Dewa's just like you're going to get stabbed and I'm going to let you bleed to death on the floor. Chitose insists that he won't get stabbed, c'mon let's have a little fun and Dewa is just not going to be part of this, if Chitose wants to get stabbed he can get stabbed all on his own. Chitose grumbles that Dewa's no fun as he walks over to Yata, Fushimi had to step outside to take a work call and Yata's by himself for a bit. Yata doesn’t get why Chitose's over here, like he and Fushimi were bonding and they don't need Chitose hanging out with them. Chitose leans over all 'hey, don't be like that,' flashing a grin and basically turning on his best flirtatious charm as Dewa facepalms in the background. Yata blinks, so confused as he wonders what the hell Chitose is talking about like what do you want to fight or something. Chitose leans down and tilts Yata's chin up as he says he can think of better ways for them to put hands on each other and Yata's face is just getting so red.
The door opens and Chitose grins at the entering Fushimi, like hey you left your guy alone so I was just having some fun. Fushimi looks down at Yata, who's still bright red, and then back up at Chitose, who's giving him just a total shit-eating grin. Fushimi clicks his tongue and Chitose doesn't even have time to move before he's thrown backwards and pinned to the wall with several knives. He's struggling there like come on man have a sense of humor, Fushimi ignores him and walks back over to Yata. Fushimi's like 'Misaki' and Yata looks up at him all 'S-Saruhiko--' and then Fushimi just leans down and starts making out passionately with him. Yata's entire body freezes, face even redder and his entire world for just a moment focused laser-like on Saruhiko's lips and then Fushimi just breaks the kiss, smirks and sits back down to finish his drink while Yata sits there stammering and trying to restart his brain. (Dewa leaves Chitose pinned to the wall because hey, I warned you.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
I wonder what if saru have a protective big brother and his reaction to reisaru/mikosaru ?
Maybe say in thisAU Niki and Kisa actually divorced after having two kids and Kisatook the older child while Niki got custody of Fushimi. So Fushimi’sstill grown up all sad and unloved but there’s also his brother wholike met some teacher or adult authority figure that gave himaffection and attention and so he was able to grow up to be an actualfunctional adult. He didn’t manage to be reunited with Fushimi untilyears later and he could see how messed up Fushimi was, which madeolder brother feel like he’d failed his little brother somehow and hedecided that he would never do that again, from now on he would makesure Fushimi is always protected and cared for. Fushimi finds that abit annoying and stifling, like of course he’s all ‘I can take careof myself’ and claiming that he doesn’t need anyone but secretly hedoesn’t hate that his big brother keeps trying to help him, it’smostly that especially once Fushimi joins Homra he knows that hisnormal human older brother is too weak to protect him from everythingand Fushimi tries to put some distance between them because he thinksotherwise his older brother will eventually break too, the wayeverything Fushimi cares about does.
So Mikosaruscenario, maybe this is post-betrayal but not by much and Fushimi’skinda low key dating Mikoto and even he isn’t sure how it happened.The two of them keep running into each other at various times andchemistry happens, and even though Fushimi refuses to admit that heeven likes Mikoto he somehow keeps ending up at Bar Homra making outwith Mikoto when no one’s around. One day the two of them have runinto each other out on the street and Mikoto just leans down andrandomly kisses Fushimi on the lips. As it happens though Fushimi waswaiting to meet with his older brother, who sees Mikoto kissingFushimi and is like who are you and why are you assaulting my youngerbrother with your lips. I can imagine Fushimi being so embarrassedand irritated by this, telling his brother to stay out of it whileMikoto just smokes calmly and looks back at Fushimi’s brother withthis completely flat look. I think Mikoto would be more amused thanintimidated, like I just imagine Fushimi’s brother being all touch mylittle brother again and I’ll kick your ass while Fushimi facepalmsand Mikoto raises an eyebrow and continues to smoke. Fushimieventually gets his brother to back off and then just glares atMikoto, who’s looking at him with this amused smirk.
Reisaru version,maybe Fushimi’s brother is visiting Scepter 4 and walks in on themmaking out in Munakata’s office. Immediately he like grabs Fushimiaway and is all accusing Munakata of harassing his employees andyou’re supposed to be a government worker while Fushimi stares inhorror and embarrassment and Munakata watches with the most amusedlook on his face. Munakata I think would try to calm Fushimi’sbrother’s fears though, like laying out how he realizes that this mayappear to be inappropriate but he assures Fushimi’s brother thatMunakata has not done anything inappropriate towards Fushimi and thatthis has all been with Fushimi’s full consent. Fushimi’s brotherkeeps leveling accusations at him and Munakata just answers each oneof them calmly and rationally until finally Fushimi’s brother is justsputtering well if you break his heart I’ll kill you. Munakatasincerely assures Fushimi’s brother that he has no intention ofhurting Fushimi and probably invites Fushimi’s brother to come jointhem for dinner or something while Fushimi facepalms in thebackground (oh oh but imagine Munakata inviting Fushimi’s brother tomeet Munakata’s family and Fushimi’s brother and Taishi start bondingas big brothers and exchanging embarrassing little brother storieswhile Munakata just looks on in amusement and Fushimi wonders if hecan sneak out while no one’s looking).
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Oh, so say a strain with the power to grow really long and fabulous hair hits Fushimi and Munakata. They get to have cute fun times cutting each other's hair. Alternatively back at homra this also happens to Mikoto and Misaki. Who would take care of their hair? (Probably Totsuka now that I think of it, as his hobby of the week)
Munakata would have the best time with this Strain power, imagine heand Fushimi get hit and suddenly this glorious wave of sparkling darkhair bursts forth from the back of Munakata’s head like the wings ofa magnificent phoenix. Munakata turns his head around curiously andthe hair flows out gently and majestically, small sparkles fallingfrom the tips, the most glorious Kingly hair that was ever seen.Meanwhile Fushimi’s sitting in a gloomy hunch next to him, long hairsticking out every which way, curling at the ends and frizzing alittle and it’s just a mess. Fushimi is also annoyed because he wastrying to catch the Strain and now he’s tripping over his own hair,he tries to like gather it up and tie it into some kind of crudeponytail but he’s not exactly an expert at this and the hair is stillsticking out everywhere. Munakata has to take him in hand and offersto brush Fushimi’s luxurious hair, Fushimi takes one look at Munakatastanding there with his own magnificent flowing hair and is like nothanks I’m taking the rest of the day off and never coming out of myroom. Eventually Munakata gets Fushimi to return to headquarters withhim and imagine Awashima seeing Fushimi’s sad little mess of longhair and deciding he needs help. Cue the top three of Scepter 4hanging out in Munakata’s office having a hair care session, Awashimaand Munakata brush Fushimi’s hair and maybe braid it a little andAwashima shows him how to tie it up so it stays off the floor anddoesn’t impede your mobility all while Fushimi sulks and complains.After that Awashima has Fushimi assist her in tending to theCaptain’s magnificent hair, Munakata emerges from his office intwintails and no one from the force can look at him until the powerwears off.
On the Homra side, Yata’s freaking out about his long girly hairwhile Mikoto’s probably already fallen asleep on top of his. I cantotally see Totsuka making lots of princess jokes about Mikoto, likehey King are you Rapunzel or Sleeping Beauty. Yata doesn’t think thisis very funny, like he’s already fallen off his skateboard twice whenhis hair got caught in the wheels and while okay yeah his hair usedto be a little longer in middle school this is a little too much.Kusanagi decides the best thing to do for now is find a way to tamethe hair so that no one accidentally sets it on fire. Yata had notthought of that possibility and is a bit subdued at the thought whileMikoto just casually lights a cigarette and Kusanagi facepalms.Totsuka thinks it would be fun to style King’s hair though and hetotally enlists Anna to help, imagine Mikoto sitting on his couchwith a flat look as Anna quietly brushes his hair and braids it. Annagets worried that Mikoto doesn’t like it and he just puts a hand onher head and says it’s fine, Anna smiles and Totsuka takes pictures.Yata doesn’t want them to do anything girly with his hair but Anna’sjust staring at him hopefully while Totsuka smiles in the backgroundand Yata gives in and lets Anna takes care of him, she gives him acute sporty little ponytail and a red ribbon and Yata tells her thatit’s the most awesome hairstyle he’s ever had.
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