#I made that orange glaze cake too btw and I made a pajama set based on the robe
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Our Flag Means Death Mikorei AU? Munakata would be a good gentleman pirate www
YES this AU is perfect for them I need it. Munakata would absolutely be Stede, imagine him so excited to be a pirate captain and reading his crew bedtime stories every night and wanting to have bonding activities on the ship, it would be wonderful. Imagine Munakata as like this nobleman's son who is very much in demand in high society, he's expected to make a good marriage and live a high class life without any adventure at all. Munakata is known for his charm and wit and say his family even ends up making a marriage match between him and some equally high class girl who Munakata finds perfectly charming but who he isn't really attracted to in any way. Rather than marry a girl he doesn't love Munakata decides to run away from home in the night, after secretly using some of his wealth to have a big fancy pirate ship built. As it happens Munakata has always been very intrigued by pirates and believes it would be splendid to sail the open seas as a pirate captain, and thus he's decided from now on he shall be Gentleman Pirate Munakata Reisi.
He gathers up a nice ragtag crew who largely can't believe they ended up sailing with this guy, like he has chef Kamo (whose specialty is a 38 orange glaze cake), pirate duo Akiyama and Benzai (Benzai makes the ship's flag, with a cat on it because he likes cats), super chill pirate Gotou (who enjoys basking naked in the moonlight just because) and of course, his first mate Awashima (who was initially disguised as a boy for the trip but her enormous boobs gave her away almost immediately and Munakata doesn't care that she's female because she's so competent so she's just his first mate now as herself) and his record keeper Fushimi (who gets to write down all Munakata's pirate exploits in a large book every evening). Munakata believes in keeping morale high so he pays his men a handsome wage and reads them stories from his massive library and basically just enjoys being a pirate even though he hasn't actually done much pirating.
Finally the crew actually get a chance to take down a ship and it turns out that it's a merchant vessel belonging to some minor noble Munakata has been previously acquainted with. The noble assumes he should be able to easily capture this bumbling nerd pirate but instead his men end up either fleeing or being captured and the noble himself accidentally falls into Munakata's sword when the ship lurches. Munakata regrets the death but feels this is something he must get used to as a pirate, and has his men bring along the booty to a nearby island to sell. It's around this time he hears people talking of a certain 'Red Monster,' the nickname of a fearsome pirate who is well known for taking down hundreds of ships. Munakata is warned to stay away from such a person but he only smiles in amusement and thinks perhaps such a thing could be valuable experience, surely so great a pirate would have much wisdom to pass down.
It's right after leaving the island that Munakata's ship is forcefully stopped by a ship with red sails, the Homra, and Munakata comes face to face with the Red Monster, pirate captain Suoh Mikoto. Mikoto takes one look at Munakata's ship full of nerds and smirks, like what a bunch of idiots. Munakata is of course nothing but polite, wondering if Mikoto would like to accompany them and share his wisdom as a fellow pirate. Mikoto snorts but he's actually kinda intrigued, being a pirate has become pretty boring with constantly burning down ships and stealing all their gold, and this frilly uptight 'gentleman pirate' seems like he could use a hefty dose of reality about what being a pirate actually means. Beyond that say Mikoto's also recently lost one of his men, Totsuka Tatara, who he was close to and this has only worsened his mood around continuing to be a pirate, like what's even the point of this.
Spending time with Munakata though Mikoto finds himself enjoying being a pirate again, even if Munakata irritates the hell out of him most of the time. Munakata's enthusiasm for learning piracy remains infectious and while he and Mikoto often end up trading barbs with each other there's also this understanding that develops between them. Mikoto starts to realize that even though Munakata looks like a stuffed shirt noble he has this independent streak that makes him just as much of a pirate as any other captain on the seas, while Munakata seems to be able to see things in Mikoto beyond the barbarian facade (imagine Munakata putting his robe on Mikoto and noting that the change is certainly uncanny, it seems you do wear fine things well Suoh). In the end Mikoto has the chance to escape on his own when Munakata's ship is taken and Munakata is arrested for piracy but he decides to return instead and be taken along with Munakata, claiming that he figured he can't let anyone kick Munakata's ass before he gets the chance after all (and later when they're sent to be reformed imagine Munakata wondering why Mikoto went this far and Mikoto considers before shrugging and saying well, maybe Munakata's what makes him happy. Munakata is momentarily surprised and coughs delicately before noting that perhaps...Suoh is the thing that makes him happy as well).
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