#which like im fine with honestly cos i like seeing things/fandoms even if i know nothing about it
synthshenanigans · 9 months
Anytime I hear CJs TME on tiktok its always the nightcore/sped up one and like, Mind sound relatively normal like I can tell its him
But like Heart sounds NOTHING like him. It doesn't even sound like CJ, like who is this man
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another long messy rant talk cuz I'm still angery
y'know what's funny
the way some people are calling me out on twitter is 'bcuz i ship Rexmet and Microknife'
their reason? stupid chet like "they're siblings" or "it's selfcest(for rexmet)" or sumchet like that
but when you think about it, it's stupid, cuz like,
(excuse for my messy explanation)
Rex and Emmet aren't really brothers, they're more like an AU character, (which is Rex or if you really think about it, it's tlm2 Emmet who's the AU one cuz like, Rex is the Emmet in the 1st movie and he went back in time to change the timeline lol), interacted with the canon character so they're like, AU x canon or AU x AU but they canonically interacted lol
even if i also see them as brothers, i know that they're not really brothers at the end of the day, they're just past version and future version interacted
same with Mic and Knife,
they be headcanoning that those two are siblings and/or even related by blood when they're no where near being related to each other,,
no, VA does not equal to the character they're voicing
cuz the va of knife and mic are siblings, (including soap and salt & pepper (if you don't know, they're 4 siblings, yes, i did research aka read the credits and ii characters wiki and chet)
(VA ≠ character),
just cuz they're both gray colors? and metal?? then why not add nickel to that sibling hc then and not ship them with knife, bet you won't
and then they get mad at someone who doesn't see them as siblings when it's not even canon that they're siblings, it's all just headcanons
AND they didn't even make sure if Justin (the VA of Knife and co director of II) is still okay with it or not,
a friend of mine has to ask them about it and guess what, this is gonna be mind blowing to y'all,
he doesn't even mind it anymore
I have been saying this ever since i started watching/drawing the Lego movie, I'm neutral with any ship
I'm fine with Rex x Emmet
im neutral with it
(i both ship them and see them as siblings but not at the same friking time obviously, sheesh)
cuz like, i have most of my AUs with them as brothers lol
i honestly mostly ship them cuz its funny and chet,
theyre not even canonically siblings like they make out to be, it's all just hcs and chet
(this one is mostly aiming at the osc twitter but some of the tlm fandom as well)
they be saying that Rexmet is bad cuz Rex manipulated Emmet, like T4€0m!€ isn't like that but more worse
wanna know didly darn why?
well, first off, it’s just so weird how theyre fine with T4€0m!€ but not Taco x Pickle or Rexmet lol
and T4€0m!€ is much more worse than those two cuz like, if you've watched ii, we have seen how Mic is so hurt, like bro, did we watch the same thing or nah? cuz like, most of yall osc just not acknowledge that, like, y'all don't like Pickle x Taco but you like Taco x Mic????
with Rex and Emmet, Emmet wants Rex to be happy and chet at the end,
Pickle and Taco, eh, but he kinds misses her, but mostly just s1/“before her real self reveal” her so yeah,
T4€0m!€ is mmm, kinda troubling cuz like Mic doesnt want anything to do with Taco, yet the osc just puts that info away in the trash
and its the fact that Taco just uses her to get the money,
Rex wants Emmet to not want what happened to him or something,
big difference there
Rex wants to help Emmet
Taco wants to help herself
Taco manipulated Mic for her own selfish deeds (aka "helping her to win the competition to get the money for herself") and Taco knows that,
Rex manipulated Emmet to not get him hurt (but backfired cuz what he's doing also hurts Emmet but he doesn't realized that until the end, what 5 years of being alone does to ya lol),,
well, both backfired
but atleast Emmet wants to help Rex get a second chance if it werent for back to the futuring,
Mic just wants Taco to not be in her life anymore
yet the osc on twitter be like "aww these two are so cute together",
like Mic didn't say "I thought I gained a friend, turns out, I gained nothing"
like that isn't clear enough that Mic doesn't want anything to do with Taco after that
"it's selfcest" (for rexmet)
yeah, so you must've hate au character x au character then, AND you must've hate yourself then, let me say this to you
shut up, you're just projecting
i have more words to say for this but that reason for why rex and emmet is bad is just so stupid that my brain just doesn't want to,,
selfcest ≠ incest
they're just Lego Minifigures and a knife and a microphone,
y'all fr acting like it's gonna be the end of the world or something if we ship them,
they're all canonically adults, not related to each other (rex and emmet are basically like, clones or like, au x canon or au x au or somethin like that) and they're not even problematic as they say they are
aight, that's the end of my rant,
there may be more in the future but yeah, I am in my hater arc/hj
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request a Band of Brothers ship!
I am 5’5 and I have long dark brown hair with bangs. I’m very pale, I have hazel eyes, and I usually wear glasses. My personality type is INFP, enneagram 9, and I am usually a little timid and shy, and tend to keep to myself around new people. I don’t like conflict so I’m pretty agreeable and easygoing, but once you get to know me I’m more talkative and witty! I can also be a little stubborn at times. I’m a hard worker, and when I set my mind on something I usually get it done. I prefer to keep a small circle of close friends (I’ve known most since middle school,) and I really enjoy spending time with friends and family. I really value loyalty and honesty. I enjoy doing new and exciting things, and I love to travel and see new places that I haven’t been before (I especially love road trips.) I also enjoy reading, hiking, doing puzzles, listening to music, and watching movies. I’m also a December Sagittarius ♐️
Thank you!!
Thank you sm for the request !!! So happy to see lots of people’s still active in the BoB fandom <3<3<3
I ship you with… Lewis Nixon!!
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I’ve been wanting to ship somebody with Nix again so bad!!!!
your personality really seems to match up with Lewis/ I think he’d super appreciate your laid back attitude. I think as well you both have dark features which would be super complimentary to one another.
you’d make such an attractive couple.
whilst Lewis isn’t as shy, nor is he timid, he does kinda keep himself to his group of friends, he’s super mature, a little bit older but nothing inappropriate.
im not sure how you two would first interact? I think it could be a number of interactions between mutuals where you’re sat on the same table but you don’t really interact.
Catch each other glimpsing across the table.
let’s say there’s some kinda conflict happening, you both stay out of it and afterwards, you’re a little more comfortable with him so you start making all these little jokes that Lewis finds super amusing.
ok I said he wasn’t shy but I think he’d get a little nervous around you? It’s only natural cos you’re so beautiful, he’d give you small looks with his lips tugged up in an amused smile.
soon his confidence grows and when the man begins smirking at you it’s got you weak in the knees. He has a vague idea of what he’s doing, but never actually realised anything would happen.
he values how honest you are, so when both your feelings are eventually expressed he’s over the moon about how straight forwards it was. Ofc it took a little time to get to that point, but when it happens it’s so worth it.
would steal your glasses just to tease you, kisses you whilst he’s wearing them.
I feel like he’d be so nervous to meet your family and friends? Obviously you’re so close nit with them all, he’s worried about intruding???
wont admit he’s nervous but you can just tell.
honestly it would go completely fine, I think Nix would feel a little awkward at first, but the more everybody keeps taking the more comfortable he grows. He’s so likeable so he never had to worry in the first place.
he’s stubborn, however, so like I said would never admit he gets nervous in these situations. Even throughout the war the man never admitted his nerves to you- even when the two of you first started seeing one another, he wouldn’t ever admit he was nervous.
might admit it after a few drinks.
but you’re stubborn too so you can just argue right back and be like ‘Lewis I could see the sweat beads running down your forehead’.
not afraid to publicly express his love and gratitude for you, praises you, loved you openly, it’s amazing. Maybe not so big on PDA, but enjoys talking about you, would probably hold your hand, slip a hand over your waist or kiss your forehead sweetly.
If you get lost on a hike good luck trying to find your way home anytime soon, I think the two of you might buttheads a little but it’s mainly light hearted.
now you’re a Sagittarius and Nix in a Libra so you’re supposed to apparently make one of the best matches of all zodiacs which I love as well.
your feelings for one another would be overwhelming, and I think at first Lewis gets a little stunned by this? He’s not frightened of commitment, he’s frightened over how quickly he fell for you- and a little worried of you leaving him???
Again, I’m not sure how much of this he’d admit? But you’d spend so much time together you can read the man like a book, so after a couple months to a year he never ever doubts your loyalty.
trusts you with his life, tells you mainly all his deepest, darkest secrets- but won’t admit to being scared of something silly like chickens or bugs to you.
would be so immensely proud of how hard you work, rewards you by taking you on lots of different holidays to many, many different places.
loves travelling just as much as you do, his childhood was spent in so many different countries/ areas, so he’s happy to show you different places he’s been and take you to the best parts of each area.
loves relaxing and sleeping soooo much, probably takes power naps.
I don’t think he’d admit his wealth / background to you at first? It’s not that he’s ashamed, he just doesn’t want to seem like he’s flaunting it. Once he realises how laid back and calm you are he can casually slip things into conversation.
if you two are together during the war he tells you stories about different places he’s been, like London, France and Germany- and how much better they were before the Nazi’s had savaged through half of them.
You’d really bring out a more mellowed side to Nix, helping him through hard times without even meaning to. You’re so honest with him about everything, that he trusts your opinion on everything and follows your lead.
eventually I think one of you would become less stubborn, and maybe after you’ve had a family or grown a little older, Nix finally admits he was indeed a tiny, tiny bit nervous when the two of you first met ;)
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ging-pegger · 3 years
long ass rant ab ging 💀
i know alot of ppl dont like him, but ging is really special to me :] i honestly dont even really remember how he came to be such a big comfort for me / how i was just like 😍 awooga this is the one ... but tbh I'm honestly fine w it. Idc that he's an unpopular character, and i don't care that people might think that im really fucking weird for liking him 💀💀 he's my grumpy little man and <33 i love him so much. he has his flaws but so does every other character 🙄🙄🙄
its embarrassing to rant like this but sometimes i just cant help it 🙏 i cannot verbalize the joy and happiness just talking about him brings me . When ppl ask me my opinions on different things regarding him i get so happy because ive spent so long just trying to really get canon ging down 🧐 i mean obviously my interp/hcs arent exactly like the canon but thats to be expected however i feel i do a good job accurately portraying him, and it makes me happy that i can do that
because in a way it's kinda like i understand him, and why he is like he is, and i dont think alot of people in the fandom do, or if they do understand most still do not like. Idk get it ?? Ig? Like they hold alot of things he cant help against him. (Which i mean i dont have room to talk i dislike kurapika and a few other characters for no reason at all)
I just wld like to think that he and i wld get along really well. I wldnt say we're similar, quite the opposite in most aspects really, but the differences compliment each other nicely. Not to mention i want nothing more than to take care of him. help him keep himself clean, and healthy. it's the little things really. I make jokes about sex all the time but honestly most if not all of my actual thoughts about this man are so soft and fluffy its almost embarrassing.
What I would give to make sure he was showered , well fed, and had a decent sleep. he deserves it. He works so hard all the time he just deserves someone to make him feel like the only man in the world. He gets so distracted that he doesnt even take care of himself. what i would give to change that </3
Unfortunately though, i am not a 2D girlboss 🙏🙄 and i cannot waltz in there and change his life. But i sure will think about it long and hard 😍😍 every day 😍😍
i think that the fact the majority of the fandom dislikes him only fuels the fire really. Because i really genuinely like him. Like my little "crush" or whateva aside, his personality is so <3 ik he seems insufferable at times but i just find him to be so sweet !! Like hes all grumpy and gets so flustered easily its so cute 😭😭 stinkie little hobo man (affectionate)
hehe i just dont know how people cld hate him hes so jsajqlaioaosoqoqiaiqi !!!!! i cant even find words to describe him i just. Speechless 💀😭
i get so happy whenever i see content ab him and stuff its like i cant even fucking function 😭😭😭 its bad im down bad for this man
cos like honestly its one of my biggest coping mechs (alongside writing but they go hand in hand tbh) at this point 2 selfship w him zjksjka
theres just something about him that makess me feel safe and secure. it might be my raging daddy issues 💀💀 but talking about/ranting abt ging makes me feel safe and stuff. It helps me calm down and shit. In fact just writing this embarrassing as fuck unwarranted rant has boosted my mood a little :]
UGH ill shut up now but :] <ging3
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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piccolina-mina · 4 years
Hi, im the anon wondering about which character is the favorite. Tbh i was just curious, but i understand how that could create drama 😅 my bad. Youre probably thinking im from the rnm fandom and you would be right. I had a hunch of which character it was, but i wasnt positive. I dont really see them playing favorites in terms of writing but that might just be because the favorite character is also my favorite character. I was curious as to your opinion but I understand if you dont wanna answer
I think narratively the show favors Michael. The writers openly discuss how much they love writing for him. He's everyone's favorite. He's Carina's favorite. He's a fan favorite. And that is fine.
But I do think there are some days when it's so blatant that it's a clear flaw on the part of those creating the narrative. There are many layers to this too, some more disconcerting then others, but I'll stick to the narrative.
The fact that I (and others I'm sure) don't actually have to mention his name and people automatically know sort of proves the point.
And it's not a slight against his character or the actor, and it's not to suggest that his storylines aren't enjoyable either. Case in point, personally, I think he and Alex are having the strongest personal arcs out of everyone this season.
But then, that isn't exactly surprising is it?
More often than not, I feel like it's Liz's story in name only, but consistent, deep, gritty, well thought out etc storytelling falls on Michael. I can see and feel all the time and energy dedicated to this specific character.
That's cool, but when you have an ensemble cast, the hope is that it's spread out a bit better. The first season is testing the waters. The second season gives you a better idea of how things are and will be now that there is a rhythm.
In the second season, Liz, our lead, has gotten lost and swallowed up in the plot. Jeanine is great and has some shining moments, but she doesn't exactly have her own personal story that isn't wrapped up in alien stuff. This is where it's frustrating that ... we don't spend a lot of time with the Ortechos, something they've attempted to rectify a bit this season, but it's still mostly unsuccessful.
This is where her arc with Rosa has not been as strong as it should be and got lost in Liz trying to bring Max back. This is where I repeatedly point out the lack of focus on her relationships outside of the pod squad. Her friendships with Maria and Alex suffer a great deal and honestly with Kyle as well.
This is where all things alien consume her, and she doesn't seemingly have a life or rather chooses to expend any focus to a life outside of the pod squad and their issues.
And this is where because of all her energy being put into such a narrow focus on solely alien issues often at the expense of every other facet of her life, she often feels decentralized from her own narrative.
But we have Michael, and I do think one of many reasons he's such a favorite is because of all the focus he gets and how well-rounded and developed he is compared to the others. I mean if that's the character everyone pours everything into ... then yeah, he would be the favorite, yeah?
He's fun to play with, the witty oneliners, the bad boy with a heart of gold, the misunderstood tragic not a hero but really a hero, the lovable jackass, the endearing "screwup" so on and so forth. He's wrapped up in a bow, the catnip of all the most endearing tropes.
And they love peeling back layers for him and developing him and expanding on his background and characterization carefully and thoughtfully.
And that's awesome and enjoyable even, but when you have an ensemble cast and it doesn't begin to be spread about evenly, then it's a reasonable nitpick.
I feel like we have a better grasp on his past than any other character. He naturally was the one who wanted to go back home, but almost all of the past alien history and folklore has essentially centered him or involved him more so than Isobel and Max.
He's the one who heads to and finds out about Caulfield. He's the one who sees his mother and where the aliens were held. He's the one who watches her die in front of him. He's the one who continued to be tied into that plot while they hand waved why Max and Isobel weren't interested in learning more when they dropped enough breadcrumbs to support why they should be.
Until this season, until very recently with Isobel, everything related to their origins fell on him, he is the face of the pod squad being invested in finding out about their history. It then ties in with his tragic backstory as the foster kid who never had nor felt "home."
By spending a season and a half essentially centering him alone in a narrative that should involve all of them, it seemingly made it his plot. And that's BEFORE we even get to these recent revelations with Sanders and this implication that Michael was "the special one" not Max (which the mere idea of a special one at all was not and has not been something I particularly care to subscribe to in the first place), so it's doubling down and solidifying something they didn't need to emphasize this much.
The alien past has always felt like Michael's story and Max and Isobel are just hitching a ride. The many ways it was only tied to Michael makes it that way. It was Michael that Jesse had a file on.
It's Michael whose first love is a product of the Manes Project Shepherd element. It's Michael who gets that conflict with Alex.
The Valentis have just as much ties to that as the Manes and yet that angle is barely explored or used to add an extra layer to the tension between Max and Kyle for example.
It was just barely used to flesh out Kyle during the first season, and then seemingly dropped altogether this season when he should have just as much claim in this narrative as all three pod squad members and Alex.
Ironically, this is a big disservice to Isobel. And this is where this exclusive focus on pouring so much into one character comes at the expense of others.
Isobel, people like her and all, but when I look at the actual narrative and her place in it, if not for the fact that she's an alien, she's not a character with much purpose, and that's a huge problem.
Because narratively, outside of being used as a victim, they honest to goodness don't know what to do with her. They barely invested enough in her character to give her a fully formed, consistent personality. There's no real pull there. And as the only female alien, they could have done so much more beyond being a vessel for Noah and an abortion storyline where the only point was to make a statement about women and reproductive rights that didn't land as intended because of Isobel's privileges and access.
Max benefits from being the co-lead and being part of the primary love story. And then of course there is the eternal and patently unfair and imbalanced fraternal angst that ALSO is more often than not used to serve Michael's storyline and development.
It's about Michael working through his resentment. It's about Michael's abandonment issues. It's about Michael's battle with self worth. And 2.05 was about Michael realizing how much his brother always loved him. And him growing from that realization. And him saving his brother.
Just like now, it's about Michael protecting Max and "suffering" for it. It's about Michael being a dark horse martyr and sin eater for his siblings after taking the blame for killing the girls from Isobel and now damning himself to a screwed up life on Max's behalf.
The weight of the revelations geared toward Michael. The Sanders connection was significant and that was ushered in through his connection to Michael.
In the same vein we found out Michelle Valenti has what should be an equally as impactful and longstanding connection with Max ... but did it carry the same weight as Michael and Sanders at all even though those respective relationships have run neck in neck throughout the series? No.
We know Maria was sidelined all first season. This season most of what they've given us feels performative to address the concerns people had because of how things are handled ... with her splitting redundant narratives with side characters, having things happen offscreen, or shuffled to a side, or left on the editing floor.
And her biggest relationship all season is? Michael.
Kyle is getting sidelined this season. There's so much we don't know and could about him. His love interest storyline also feels performative and perfunctory... they didn't invest in it at all. It was like going through the motions.
Rosa's storyline hasn't exactly taken off as you'd have expected given the circumstances. And they just jumped around with key and crucial character building and meaningful moments with that too. They sailed right on past the Maria and Arturo reveals without letting them breathe. Almost like they just didn't have any strong interest in doing much outside of hitting the necessary notes: tell Maria, reunion with Arturo, save Max, overdose.
Liz's core relationships are all over the place. Maria, Arturo, Rosa, Alex, Kyle ... not enough investment in them. Not enough digging deep into them. Not enough exploration. While Max was gone most of the season. And she worked with and provided support to Michael and Isobel, hung out with Cam, but continuously neglects the aforementioned others who should matter.
But Michael's core relationships have layers and stay intact ( Max, Isobel, Alex, and Maria) and he gets substance with other ones ... Kyle ... Sanders ...
So yeah, nothing wrong with having favorites. And if that person is your favorite then maybe it's easier not to care or think too hard about it or whatever.
But the reason I dislike when you can tell when one character is a favorite is because of how it affects the narrative overall.
It seriously impacts the storytelling. It's like writing entire chunks around a character and this specific position you want them instead of writing the story and weaving in the character.
It can take me out of a piece when I can tell the objective is to get to a precise moment with a specific character. When I can tell that some of the writing is obligatory and then "the real fun" happens with X.
It's like stuffing your face with all of your vegetables because you have to in order to get to that ice cream Sundae. Like "if I get through A-W then my reward will be Z."
This is me coming from an objective viewpoint because I can separate when analyzing. I have actually enjoyed Michael a lot this season. He and Alex have had the best character growth this season, in my opinion, and I really love that.
But this is also a glaring issue, and I hate when favoritism bleeds into a series, especially an ensemble cast when it leads to issues with the storytelling.
And despite my enjoyment, that's what I feel is happening here a lot.
It certainly isn't the first and only show I've noticed this with. And yeah, I've even made these same observations and criticisms when it's my favorite character too.
It's the same on another series I watch with one of my favorite characters, and it's so frustrating except in that case, it's a character who can do no wrong even when they're wrong, and ... that's a whole other discussion.
But yeah. I don't expect agreement with this. It's probably one of those unpopular opinions or hot takes that can definitely bug people, especially those whose favorite character is Michael.
But this is my observation and why I feel that like him or not, storytelling suffers, is predictable, or underwhelming, or annoying, or jarring when you can sense the obsession and favoritism.
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whetstonefires · 4 years
god i am OBSESSED with the idea of future sephiroth confronting gillian. does he already know she committed suicide when confronted by angeal and tries to plan around it or does he just. notice theres poison in her tea and. set it on fire or something. i have to admit i really enjoy sephiroths opinion on gillian in angels.
OH WOW this is a lot. Lol okay, I’m gonna put all these asks in one rather than stringing them out.
I’m not sure Sephiroth knows any details about what happened with Gillian, but he read the report where Zack presumably wrote down something about how Angeal seemed to have killed his own mom, and he got a sort of follow-up impression later from Angeal’s ghost on the general subject of suicide, so he knows what she did, very generally, and when, and what the fallout was.
I think this version of him is even more annoyed with her than he is in Angels in fact, because he knows for a fact her choice heavily influenced Angeal’s, so he’s going to tear into her about responsibility and abandonment and influence and stuff.
XD Probably going to get his own issues all over that one, too. Sephiroth...doesn’t compartmentalize well outside of his basic system of ‘all the feelings go in this box which I intend to leave closed and then someday die,’ which as we all know didn’t work out.
(I feel bad about Gillian in Angels, I totally had an opportunity to unfridge her and stuck her right back in the coldbox because I didn’t want to deal with her impact on the narrative beyond the established impact of fucking Angeal up worse, which I wanted to explore.)
ALSO elmyra is more put together right? like shes a functioning person? because i feel like her perspective on sephiroth and aerith stubbornly Not Acknowledging whatever the hell is going on would be really funny. at this rate im going to have to go hunt down playthroughs of ffvii and crisis core so i can write fanfic. i mean technically i could just write fanfic but it feels weird writing fic without having interacted with the source material at all 
Elmyra is a functioning adult yes but she is also very long in the habit of not prying into Aerith’s Weird. I honestly cannot guess what she’d do in that situation, we don’t see enough of her! I’d have to make it up.
...I feel like it’s likely being forcibly recontextualized would be likely to break her and Aerith out of their pattern of pretending nothing’s going on, since presumably Elmyra wasn’t in the habit of telling people a fraction as much about Aerith’s backstory as she unloads onto the party after her kid gets kidnapped by Turks.
And lmao I mean yes you can write fic based entirely on fic, this is a fandom where it’s pretty common, even. Personally I couldn’t bear to, I just didn’t feel I had a sufficient grasp. And I was right! The fandom incarnations are lacking. Once I had played through the OG I had so much more to say, and vastly more nuanced grasp of character.
Personally also I cannot endure game playthroughs? I get awful brain static trying. The pacing. The experience of being confronted with a UI that says I’m in control, but not having it. I die. But for people who enjoy them they should work fine!
Also last I checked the original FFVII was available on Steam for like $20? You could probably play it.
ALSO ALSO because my brain is a disaster of random connections i keep picturing an au of angels wherein both angeal and sephiroth have traveled back in time but they dont realize immediately that the other one is also back in time. because! i dont have any context or anything but if they ended up having the whole what would you want me to do if you went insane and tried to destroy the world conversation it would be hilarious. sephiroth, having every single mental breakdown imaginable: uh 
Hahaha AU crossing over one of my time travel AUs with the AU of my AU you previously proposed! Hmmmm yeah. I feel like they’d notice something was off before too long? But they might get to a version of the ‘what would you want me to do’ conversation lmao.
I think this Sephiroth would honestly give very intense and detailed instructions on how to shut him down and only then be like ‘why do you ask? what do you know.’
...if Angeal explained his timeline all the way up through Advent Children and DoC,  this version of Sephiroth would not take it well. 😞
also now im back around to thinking about angels and zack was first class when genesis started degrading so that's probably a ways off right? unless they find a way to avoid it entirely but. at least he'll be a bit less desperate when he defects? if he defects i guess but he's too dramatic to not defect. whats he supposed to do let angeal be the dramatic one?? also ALSO if angeal and sephiroth both traveled back in time i think that would make genesis the most stable member of their group. wild.
He was Second Class, actually! He’d been recommended for promotion but it hadn’t gone through. They ultimately moved him up to First for killing Angeal, if you can believe it. Ghoulish, huh?
Well, technically they mostly promoted him for killing Genesis, who was much more of a threat. But Genesis faked his death and Angeal didn’t, and it wasn’t not for killing Angeal. It was all the same mission. I have no idea how Zack copes so well.
But yeah, the officially released timeline for CC claims Angeal &co are only about four years older than Zack, but the timeframes presented in the actual games suggest Sephiroth should have died around age 25, which is far enough from 21 to make a difference, and fits their character designs better. So I’m treating them as being about eight years older, with Genesis as the oldest, so Angeal has about three and a half years to work with before degradation originally kicked in.
But the trigger for that wasn’t necessarily a certain amount of time, so he can’t count on that schedule.
What Angeal does have is a Lifestream-side perspective on how Genesis got healed the first time around, so he knows to focus on the spiritual end of things over Science, which he knows failed to help, and this ups his odds of doing something useful in a useful amount of time considerably.
XD Too dramatic not to defect. Well.
also back to the time travel au what would tseng even do about sephiroth kidnapping aerith?? like he was the main one watching her right?? hes just hanging out and then sephiroth??? oh now hes got aerith??? what is he doing??? whats tseng even supposed to do in that situation
I don’t believe they have the manpower to keep up a constant guard? Tseng certainly does do other things, they just. Check in on her sometimes.
I don’t think it was ever truly clarified in canon whether Tseng was covering for Aerith somehow all those years, finding some weird wiggle room in the phrasing of his orders so he could put off admitting he’d found her or taking her in indefinitely so long as he didn’t lose track of her and let her get away, or if Hojo knew where she was and was just like ‘whatever, I don’t need her back right now, just keep an eye on my specimen and make sure she doesn’t die or escape.’
So it’s hard to know what he would do when we don’t 100% know what his reasoning was for the things he already did, or what kind of oversight he’s dealing with! Tseng is a difficult character for that reason.
Also while I do like getting asks, you should feel free to mix the contact approach up a bit when you have this much to say! This was a lot of content for this format. 😂 Tumblr chat IMs still mostly work, and there’s a link to my Discord server from my author page on AO3, where we’d love to have you. (It was proposed for people to talk about my fic, but much more often we wind up talking ffvii meta lmao. This is like...the midpoint of those two subjects so.)
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nofliight · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: stole it from @sternenteile​ and honestly others tbh tagging: TAKE
my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ for better or for worse, he’s THE face of kid icarus, after all. he’s a dork and funny and likeable and even if the fandom tends to get him WRONG (thanks smash bros) there’s no denying his popularity ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i don’t??? think so??? most people are too busy talking about how they think he’s like 5 ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ EVEN THE FANDOM AIN’T GONNA MESS THIS UP. MAN FIGHTS GODS. CALL THAT WEAK. ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ make no mistake - pit’s got fans and plenty of them but he’s so MISTREATED by the fandom. his character is a lot more complex than he gets credit for and smash bros in particular is a big reason people think he’s just Big Dumb Baby Man ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ HE’S THE MAIN CHARACTER, THE CENTRAL FIGURE UPON WHOM THE NARRATIVE IS STRUCTURED AROUND, YEAH HE’S PRETTY RELEVANT. Uprising is literally made to tell the story of a war exclusively through the perspective of a single side and Pit (and Palutena) are the EMBODIMENT of that whole side. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ and a perfect one at that. he’s literally a perfect protagonist don’t tell me i’m wrong cause i’m not ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ pit is beloved by humans... and mocked by the Gods. seen by most as a spineless extension of palutena’s will, most “respect” of any variety goes to palutena while he gets treated as a joke 99% of the time... and it’s not like Palutena gets too much respect either ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (????) [ Uhhhhhh... it’s an odd one. Short answer is that Pit’s a good samaritan who’s done a lot of good BUT most of the gods think protecting humanity is a Folly and a Joke and that Pit’s just a pawn of Palutena’s and while the humans do hold a lot of respect for him, uh............. let’s just say, some humans on the surface have reasons not to be too happy with him. ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  about as much as I need to to respect one of my favorite video games of all time. while kid icarus uprising is a comedic game most of the way through it has a lot more nuance and depth to itself, its world, and its characters than one can see at first glance, even after a full playthrough. if you let yourself get invested in the characters, take a closer look at the dialogue it provides, and acknowledge the central, core storytelling message of the game for what it is, there’s a lot more to pull out than one would think. that being said, it’s still a comedic video game and one that I think could use some more expansion. though the game is inconsistent there seems to be the consensus that pit is like a child and I’m not into that, mine’s a bit more showing in his cynical and snarky side after all he’s been through and overall there’s a lot of expansion on the base while building it into something unique.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  imagine your typical bootstrapped anime protagonist. someone who, when younger, was a runt who couldn’t meet the expectations of others, was looked down on, and found himself crushed and hurt and near-killed by a great tragedy that he was forced to claw his way out of to make himself stronger. Now imagine all of that with a character who comes out still able to have a very real smile and ultimately comes out of it a self-assured, chipper goofball with a good heart. now put that together with all of the darkness and depth you would have expected to be there, but scattered realistically throughout the attitude of someone who does genuinely want to keep a positive attitude. someone who is sincerely an optimist who’s grown past his weaker days, but isn’t quite so simple as he’d like to believe. all of that combined with someone who can’t read, is willing to eat ice cream off the floor in times of duress, is extremely easy to fluster and can channel his goddess’ power to slay GODS? you got one strong man.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  his positive attitude is what most people will see when speaking to him, because for what it’s worth, he’s not actively lying about his depth. he’s a cheerful, jovial man with a big smile and a love of the world around him - which is all well and good, but his depth is something you have to find, even if it is reasonably clear if you’re willing to look. he’s also portrayed as a bit unreasonably dumb at times, and though I personally justify the worst of it with proper explanations, I can understand reducing some of the value of the character in favor of seeing all of his Jokes
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  i made my original pit blog, flightlesswarrior, on a total whim after playing kid icarus uprising. cute character, fun premise, why not? but over time, and with numerous plots I was able to take part in exploring the serious, not so serious, shipping, tragedy, and going back through the game to keep my muse rolling, it occurred to me more and more with time just how nuanced and interesting pit and co. really are. pit embodies many of the things i really, truly love in a protag, falling firmly on the side of good, having a heart of genuine gold, and having nuances and parts of his personality that are less than savory without making him seem like a contradiction. he’s got depth, he’s got story, there’s a lot to explore and flesh out... and he’s also just a nice, friendly guy who gets along well with others. plus, i’m drawn to dorks.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  a) love for Kid Icarus: Uprising. a game that helped me gain a deeper and more insightful understanding of character development, subtle storytelling, optimism still tinged with legitimate and healthy cynicism, and overall something that changed my understanding of character development and storytelling forever. and b) spite. the fandom treats him like an idiot baby and smash DOES NOT help matters so i have to remind others that he is a veteran of a war, a socially inept loser with few real friends, and someone who’s kindness and optimism was shaped and molded by its hardships in a way that doesn’t require a near-breaking point or a reminder that “this guy could be evil you know” to show how someone can still keep a positive attitude in spite of all the shit life throws at him.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO [ i’d like to think i have?? but i also acknowledge that he’s become something of his Own in some ways that do intentionally diverge from sakurai’s intentions. ultimately though, even though i may not play him completely true to text, i try to be as loyal as i can be to the spirit of the character. ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ when i can!! but??? the problem is my mind really, really likes to reiterate the Same Damn Points i have to make with characters that draws me to them - and you know, writing the same hcs over and over is generally considered poor form?? ngl i also prefer to let the writing do the talking unless it’s something that’s not gonna show so 90% of the time pit’s open enough that all but the darker sides of his mind are lain out before you. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ maybe??? once or tWICE???? but i need to write more ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ I REALLY DO, HOO MAMA. i have a lot of thoughts about him, his depth, potential relationships, goofy thoughts, more serious fanfic ideas im never gonna write and don’t get me started on how many SHIPS i have to think about for him ]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO [ my portrayal is made out of spite for portrayals in the fandom and some supplementary material that gets him wrong - it’s kinda hard to do that without the confidence ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / ??? [ it’s uhh........ complicated??? i don’t think writing is my expertise, tbh. but it is the best way i have to show the passion i have for characters, by putting their nuances into actions, by allowing them to shine from who they are their core, by exploring relationships and scenarios and struggles and hope and everything that can flesh a character out. whether or not i’m a good writer is something i’m still sorting out - but i’m proud of my ability to develop a character, and to that end i feel like i’m doing fine ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ on one hand......... very. i have a tendency to overthink everything i do and look back at moments i made an ass of myself that keep haunting me throughout my day - they haunt me. i only have two fears: what my immediate friend group thinks of me and the crushing existential weight of worrying one day i’m gonna ruin everything i am SOFT. that being said, i’m also hardheaded and stubborn and i’m not afraid to go off on someone i don’t have much respect for if it comes down to it. i’m easy to anger when it comes down to it you know i guess that proves the point huh i’m not stonefaced at all ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  i try to? it’s a bit touchy for me I admit just because I do take portrayals and try to make them my own, but i am willing to listen if someone has any points they’d like to make that i haven’t acknowledged properly. if criticism IS had, lemme know, i do wanna hear it!
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —   Y  E  S
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  not that everyone who disagrees with my opinions has to explain themselves of course, but i do sincerely like the chance to learn if something i’m doing doesn’t quite feel right. even if it’s one-sided and i’ll come to disagree, i’m happy to listen! even if i don’t agree with the disagreement head-on, i like to keep them in mind and see what i can shift around to acknowledge them if necessary
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — neutral?? i mean don’t be mean about it, but if you just think my pit doesn’t seem right or it doesn’t click right with your muse i’m not gonna throw a fit about it. everyone’s allowed to view a character in their own way - and even if i may get salty about those who oversimplify him, it IS anyone’s right to view him how they will.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — agree to disagree tbh. i can’t pretend it wouldn’t disappoint me, but it’s not like, worth ending a friendship over or anything. everyone’s got their own viewpoints to run on
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  sure, within reason! i take pride in my grammar but i know that with my fast typing and often running on only a few hours of sleep some problems do slip in through the cracks. while i generally either catch them or just Die with them i’m all ears if i mess up
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  uhhhhhhhhhh well i’m?? kind of a socially anxious mess honestly which DOES make being easy going a bit difficult BUT i do try and be friendly and sociable as i....... can. i’m too scared to talk to people and CAN say some dumb things but i’m not a hardass or anything!! i like to talk and Yell and shitpost and pretty much do anything but write tbh DHFLKSJDF
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pacifv · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Mik      Age: 26      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Eden ( in bleach ) -- I have other ocs but that’s another story Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Eden... ? Current Fandom(s): Bleach , so far Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  more fantasy esque ones?  My language(s): spanish , english  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: fantasy , religious
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM since this is pretty much new . just slap me with that and if you have some ideas , better --- if not let just brainstorm with what we have in hand . 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  some minimal idea of the context and eden’s character . some ideas if possible . more than often I have gotten people straight up jump with no clue of what even is going on in my side character wise . 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  depends , most likely really stop trying or let it sink . I’m not much of a person who would pressure for ideas when they don’t even come naturally for me in these kind of situations . 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  First of all , ask what they particularly want and if they read the bio . and of course , have their bio as well ( if oc or any relevant hc on vague canons ) . I am honestly a bit shy on the input but if I found a ground to start letting my imagination loose ( like , something in common between characters or something that clicks well with my muse ) I can suggest several things . but in any case , I’m pretty passive and it’s a lot of gives and takes . 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: depends on the thread , the time and the interest . things that go downtown in the excitement scale are :/  and I can’t blame anyone for dropping a thread . not all the time you will have muse for them , tho , if it was a relevant thread I would ask at least . - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  pretty much free to tell me or not . I’m no one to judge.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  losing muse , interest , time ... pretty much the same . feeling like my muse is going too OOC for the sake of the other muse or smth .  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  I am very old school and having some OOC interaction to at least know how things are going , it’s as much as I can ask here .  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I mean , I should . it can turn me off a bit but it’s just natural ? there’s no way something can be perfect or be of someone’s taste . plus I am not that smart to be fully aware of all the things around the motif and IRL information I use on my muse . I’m no book , buddy. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  development , exploring the muse , seeing what works and doesn’t work . often new blogs for me are basically prototypes , they are and will  most likely have minor or major modifications as my imagination starts working and getting excited . besides , in the basics , you can hardly manage to cover all ( if anything ) of how one’s muse would react to X situation .
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  a lot of quincy lore , come up with more personal connections with other quincies , fully develop a backstory and a post war scenario . cultural exploration  --- relationships of all kinds . 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  pretty much I am fine with anything as long as we don’t cross the gross line . but I’m not afraid of the dark .
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: absurdly basic and with no context given . not even have an idea of what is the deal between muses . I can squeeze my brain but there is as much as i can do with little information .
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  quirky ones , conflictive ones , most likely muses with specific motifs that spark my interest -- deepness . Aesthetically interesting ones . but overall , those who have out of the normal personalities . 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  personalities that doesn’t work or do not harmonize with the context of their characters . that’s all I can say .
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I am.... creative ? gdi I did this meme already but it’s hard to reply these two ones. I am easily excitable . if we end up in a ship , expect me to be pampering af . I really enjoy the exploration of relations between people , emotions and psychological stuff tied around it . I do like casual and also very deep things . I’m not afraid of dealing with heavy topics . I like horror ???? also I am very into the secondary character role , as in : my muse is here to help your muse to grow or insight . that stuff . not much of a protagonist role in RPs. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I’m .... very.... sporadic . My mood is annoying esp when I’m “new” blog around kind of thing . I’m shy , even if I don’t seem so --- I get pretty anxious over details . I am impatient --- with myself . I want to do so many things at the same time I end up overwhelmed . 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  mmmmmmmmm , both. Depends on mood and context tbh . - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  nothing I can think from the top of my head.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  again , I’m big mood for interpersonal relationships ( romantic or not ) , the pros and cos of certain traits , ideology clash , personality clash , anything that comes in a relation that could make it come and go .  - What is your smut tag?: unholy.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: all are hella okay for me . pre- est is my jam bc jesus christ the awkward first encounters make me go blue screen .
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  the fact she is basically a “religious fanatic” , with a quirky personality and a questionable morality , considering she has an inner conflict between the wellness of her race and her loyalty towards yhwach . At least pre war . post war , she has a flipped personality were she is mostly bitter and more angsty but will go from fanatic to straight up hater . 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   bland personalities ? not sure myself , Eden is pretty much ready for anything since her personality is pretty laid back . I guess I would say shinigamis in general --- since she basically is stuck inside Silbern . - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Quincies , ofc . and people who are willing to put up with her crap .
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  the prosperity of the quincy , doing a proper duty , order , tea , annoying the fuck out of people . being eerie ....  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the ideal world as thought by Yhwach --- later on simply for her kind to survive after losing the war and being left to their luck . - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  mmm , appearance  and reactions to her witty or narcisistic comments .  - What do they value in a person?:    loyalty , uniqueness . - What themes do they like talking about?:  most likely about the order of the army , tea stuff , herself (?) , but she is also a lot for debates and insight . - Which themes bore them?:  rebellious , silly thoughts . justice related topics . anything that critics her loyalty/life style . 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  the first war was enough ? most likely losing comrades --- yhwach sacrificing the quincy for power later on .  - What could possibly trigger them?:  the simple sight of anyone laying a finger of the quincy for being against their views .   - What could set them off, enrage them?:  nothing. she cannot literally , physically get angry or enraged . but if we are talking bitter , that would be completely post war and it’s just the mention of yhwach’s name or those who went to god’s palace with him .  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  invasion of silbern , chaos . 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  chaos , rebels , shinigami , anyone against the quincy . - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   her race , her pride , herself .
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  just .... come to her and say hi . she is literally wandering around silbern all the time ( quincy speaking tho ) . for others , eh ... good luck . and wait post war (?) - Where are they usually to find?:  Silbern ... then Siberia . 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  She is no saint , clearly . She has a questionable sense of things like loyalty and preservation of her race . she is honestly all over the place
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  honestly stole from @skyvar​  Tagging:  no one in particular.
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aenslem · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @thirteenstardisfam thank youu and i am so sorry it is so super long lmao i did not mean too, but somehow ended up with it, and also i think i will make fandom hate me for some stuff about 11, but i love him! don’t you dare to think otherwise :’D
im tagging: @tennant @luke-skywalker @panlyra @stupidape @buffyrosenbergs @expelliarmus idk who of you whovians wanna do it out there feel free to say i tagged you and go on ;)
Favourite Doctor:  still Ten, i love 12 and 13 almost as much, even if not harder atm, but if it comes to choosing 1 fav doctor then it’s always Ten, so far no one stepped higher for me :’D I loved his era, i loved so many episodes with him, his season arcs, his companions, his relationships with everyone, and this is the only Doctor whose regeneration was smooth for me, he was continuation of Ninth Doctor and it felt like that. I was not like ‘but he is so different in so many ways’ nope, never. Maybe it’s because companions were the same, everyone was still around which was great btw, and I fell in love with the show with Tenth Doctor, dare I say that I stopped watching back then when Matt Smitt became doctor? lmao, must be shock for some but yes, I dropped this show because of THAT lmao??now i laugh at my own self but yeah, i did. where’s everyone, why it feels so different? that was huge nope. Only years later I got back into it, thanks to amazing Michelle Gomez. Actually I was not even going to watch other doctors at that moment, but I watched episodes only with Missy, then i said well it’s not bad I like it and Missy and Twelve were?? OOOF LOVES OF MY LIFE FOR SURE because their relationship were so cool and of course i loved it, so i started a huge rewatch, the first since i dropped the show. Fell in love with Doctor/Master all over again, Ten was as amazing as I remembered, Nine was perfect and I love him too!!! and then... i got to s5... oh god, i was like, let’s give him a chance, what do i lose? but it still felt so weird, and the show was so different, and suddenly everyone else is so important but where are old characters? but i got into it because i have already seen some of 12′s episodes and i got used to the style?? i guess. and then River appeared, not because of her but around episode 5 or 6 i was into it already, not as much as i was before but anyway, maybe weeping angels helped because i loved them and it reminded me of Ten, i felt some kind of a connection to old doctor. I liked River with 10, i thought i will like her with 11 too... but alas, still felt like you know those boys who have never had sex but try to act like they know everything about it and hit on every moving thing and think they do it cool? :D i am sorry if i hurt someone’s feelings with it, but that’s how 11 was for me back then, and while I do understand river/11 it’s the least of all river ships for me, 11 is still the least fav doctor because of those feelings i had back then when i stopped watching, they are not rational i know that now but still feel them, but i love him now, and will protect that kid at all costs! i love ponds, i will kill if anyone says anything bad about Rory Williams! and Amy and Rory? quoting my favorite star trek couple? DUDE WE GO TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! and even if i was not into all river/11 relationship i loved the story, and of course i liked 12, but s8 still feels like what the hell for me, not because of the doctor but because they tried so hard to show clara as bossy, i mean, i liked her with 11 and then suddenly they turn her into some control freak, it was not so MUCH with 11... but i know now why they did it, so Missy’s words have an effect and all. but still, i love clara before and after s8 :’D s9 clara? i will kill for her too. it’s too long but idk  :’D and actually, this shows that if you give it a chance even if you don’t like actor/actress at first - you might love the show ;) so stop acting like jodie is miscast honestly, i am ready to fight anyone for saying that :D say whatever you want about plot choices, but do not fucking act like it’s Jodie’s fault! actors are not responsible for show runner choices. She acts amazing with the material she has. anyway, 10 is my fav idiot!
Favourite Master: Missy, always was and always shall be. My favorite character in general in the show, no one tops my girl!
Favourite Sonic: honestly? i don’t really remember any sonic but 12′s glasses :D so... glasses. I mean, i don’t really care how it looks like, it does its job... most of the time lmao, but i liked those glasses and the thing with browser history was my fav :D
Favourite Companion: oh it’s soooo hard!!! either Donna or Bill. I can’t choose. but yeah, those are both with whom there were no ‘romantic’ relationship implied, i love friends more than couples. and I just loved 10 and Donna as a team and Bill and 12, i still wish they had more time. also Martha, the smartest companion lol she was amazing.
Favourite Story: anything involving The Master :D all episodes with them are my favs, but i can’t just pick one story, i still remember the first episode i watched back when it was airing and are you my mummy stuck in my head for the rest of my life giving me brrrr feeling, like it was not scary but somehow made me super uncomfortable? also vashta nerada?? duuuuude, you can’t just look at the shadow the same way. and ten/river together were really great, i mean, he did not know who is she, the mystery, i love shit like that?? yeesss!!!!! there are so many great ones. I don’t want to choose.
Favourite Soundtrack: that unreleased tiny melody when the master dies in the last of the time lords T--T and this is gallifrey and clara’s theme! those are my favs. and I also really like 11′s theme, kinda ready for adventures and doing some weird but funny shit :D
Dream Actor for next Doctor: ooooof OOOOF dude! you know what, usually it is one actor for 3 seasons, that’s how it was for the last 3 doctors, i want Jodie to break that rule and stay with us for 4th season as well, i just want to see how pissed off those haters will be lmao i really really think the entire timeless child thing will not feel the same with someone else yet, and i don’t think they will reveal much in 13th season, that’s HUGE thing, or they should make it so good and the next doctor... aaah i don’t want to feel that change again, like i did with 10 to 11, and felt with the every next doctor, but i overcome that shit and just give them a chance, it’s the doctor after all and im sure loving all of them now. not sure it can disappoint me even if most of plot choices in the season are ... weak. idk who, there are so many great actors but whoever i choose will not be as great as someone they choose, because they always somehow cast amazing people, but i agree with emily it’s time for a doctor of color! tho, they can’t go back to white male actor right now, i just can imagine how it will look like, with all the hate Jodie received and how people still whine about female doctor, it will look like they tried and decided to go back to white male doctors, one half will be happy but the other one will eat them alive! so yeah, i am pretty sure it’s not gonna be white man again yet lol
Dream Composer: idk
Dream Story: well, considering 13 is in jail now, i would love to see someone “we know” rescuing her, because honestly if they just showed me jack and left it like that, i will not accept it!!! but also since yaz will be the only one left with the doctor, since bradley and tosin leave the show, i hope we will have some yaz and doctor relationship development without anyone else, maybe jack could stay because i love him, but jack’s presence did not hurt doctor and rose relationship development back then, so it should not hurt now also. but if they bring someone new, at least don’t make it right away, let yaz and 13 have an adventure at least 1 episode, some talk and stuff. so when yaz leaves also... (and i kind of had that stupid feeling that yaz will die in the end, because somehow everything hints on that for me? idk maybe it’s because i rewatched and giffed orphan 55 today and vilma (?) telling yaz to run and stay alive kinda felt like something that hints on yaz’s future... and yaz is always going somewhere without thinking, to random alien ship, to save the doctor, she steps into trouble like a doctor hoping everything will somehow be ok, but im not even sure she hopes, it’s more like i am as good as her so i can do it, not in clara’s way when everything hinted she is like the doctor, because let’s be honest she was and even got her own tardis, but she thinks she is, but she is not, i think some day that might end bad for her... so when she also leaves i don’t want it be like well yeah, what’s next? i mean, i still miss Bill, that was like NOOOOOO with tears and screams for me, i loved Bill! and we had 2 seasons with yaz and i still don’t feel the same connection to any of the current companions atm, so i would like the show to make me love them more, i do love them, just not as much as those i still miss, but im sure defending any of them lmao i love them anyway. you know what i mean...
A Companion You’d like to see back: oh OH. we cant bring them back for entire season right? but doctor can meet Donna at some point, which will have no point lmao cos she doesn’t remember and it will only hurt doctor and i don’t see how her appearance will help any plot, it will be just fanservice cameo. But Bill is out there with Heather, they are powerful creatures now, i think it could somehow fit into the story, I want Bill back. But also, Clara is still one heartbeat away from death, she can be out there, and she has tardis. tiny cameos will be fine for me :D and Martha, but also Madam Vastra and Jenny, Kate and Osgood, where they are??? bring them back and it can make sense, their appearances. I mean, imagine someone from UNIT in s11, not unit itself but osgood??? it would feel so much different. 
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: weeping angels!!!! OOOF they were creepy, and i love them, like, DON’T BLINK!!! how can you not blink for so long? that is cool, i want them back. and also the most beautiful shots are always with angels so... :’D
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: oooh, while 10 is my fav, and I totally would hit on 13 :D i will choose 12, 12 from season 10, because he was such a grandpa, no lovey dovey stuff, he would lecture me on thing i do, give me new info about something, we would explore shit together and he would be like a grandpa i never had. We would definitely have long discussions about stuff and have good laugh together and i would make references to movies and then we would watch those movies :D i would act like Bill lmao yess i want to travel with 12!!!
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karasunonolibero · 4 years
2019 writing self-evaluation
so i did this over on my main last year, and since i had what i felt was a productive year, i wanted to do it here! i’ve included all works, from every fandom i wrote for, so there’s definitely a variety but also a clear distinction of when i stopped writing 1d and started writing for haikyuu, heh. anyway, i’m proud of all the work i’ve done this year, so here’s to 2020!
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 50
2. Word count posted for the year: 147,038
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting):
two loves have i (5 january)
it’s only your imagination again (25 january)
the pain’s only temporary (8 february)
blow a kiss, fire a gun (9 may)
waiting to be found (14 may)
a swim with a shark (6 june)
sweet and lowdown (19 june)
one more time as if we planned it (24 june)
always be my thunder (23 july)
will your mouth read this truth (30 july)
tumblr drabbles & prompts (last updated 3 august)
I’m on my way up (’cos you make me bliss out) (completed 4 august) (collab with Rider_Of_Spades on ao3)
even mountains crumble into the sea (7 august)
we’re on each other’s team (14 august)
dangerous, tainted, flawed (20 august)
life can do terrible things (25 august)
the night before life goes on (1 september)
when the letter says a soldier’s coming home (17 september)
when the air ran out (19 september)
something missing tonight (21 september)
built castles from sand (26 september)
underneath the stars we came alive (8 october)
sweet talk and sugar (10 october)
got my name on this treasure (11 october)
just a little taste, babe (14 october)
iwaoi horror week drabbles (completed 1 november)
don’t let the tide come (31 october)
daisuga week drabbles (completed 24 november)
how (not) to put on a condom (26 november)
taste the tension, now i’m begging (2 december)
kiss the boy (7 december)
till tonight do us part (11 december)
i wish i could be there now (13 december)
on our way to twenty-seven (15 december)
for the dream far away (24 december)
a collar full of chemistry (25 december)
fall down and commune with me (28 december)
a little of love’s electricity (31 december)
the city is at war (last updated 31 december)
4. Fandoms I wrote for: (stats pulled from the ao3 filter feature on my works)
haikyuu!! (41)
one direction (9)
the legend of zelda: breath of the wild (3)
all time low (1)
crystalline (1)
5. Pairings: (i didn’t count side or past pairings)
iwaizumi hajime/oikawa tooru (14)
sawamura daichi/sugawara koushi (13)
oikawa tooru/sugawara koushi (4)
azumane asahi/nishinoya yuu (3)
kuroo tetsurou/sawamura daichi (2)
kuroo tetsurou/yaku morisuke (1)
akaashi keiji/oikawa tooru (1)
sawamura daichi/sugawara koushi/terushima yuuji (1)
sawamura daichi/terushima yuuji (1)
sugawara koushi/terushima yuuji (1)
link/revali (1)
mipha/zelda (1)
louis tomlinson/harry styles (5)
louis tomlinson/zayn malik (1)
alex gaskarth/louis tomlinson (1)
liam payne/louis tomlinson (1)
zack spade/pixel fade (1)
6. Story with the most:
Kudos: two loves have i (275)
Bookmarks: two loves have i (34)
Comments: two loves have i (25)
9. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
on our way to twenty-seven! i was digging into some identity and sexuality issues that i myself have dealt with in the past and writing about it was the first time i’d really dove into some of that stuff, so i really enjoyed writing it and i think it’s some of my best.
i’m also really proud of i’m taking back the crown and i wish i could say why. i just really like the way it came out. writing oikawa as this desperate dethroned prince trying to reclaim his kingdom at any cost only to be beaten at his own game in his own home was just...ugh. it was so much fun to write.
10. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
one more time as if we planned it, definitely. i just felt super rushed writing it. it was for the one direction rarepair fest, which was super fun, but i had Just finished a longer fic a few days before this one was due and i initially tried to drop out because i thought i wouldn’t be able to finish it, but i did, but i still feel like it’s rushed and just not as good as it could have been if i’d planned better and given it some more time.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
im gonna do what i did last year and post more than one, because 1. i can’t decide and 2. i quite honestly am pretty proud of a lot of what i wrote this year
from when the letter says a soldier’s coming home —
Tooru’s squealing somewhere behind them, and Hajime’s gruffly trying to get out the door, and he’ll have to call the school and make up something about being sick so he can spend the day catching up with Daichi, but it can wait. It can all wait. Because Koushi’s waited long enough. It’s about time the rest of the world waits for him.
from strawberries on a summer evening —
Suga hums against him, licking strawberry seeds from between Daichi’s teeth, like he’s just as intoxicated by Daichi as Daichi is with him. Daichi could live here, in this feeling, ignoring everything except how Suga sounds (like bliss personified), smells (like sunblock and sweat), tastes (like sugar and salt). He’s the hottest part of the summer, high noon in mid-August, just this side of too much to handle, but addicting in how it leaves you at its mercy.
from on our way to twenty-seven —
“Sorry, what was your name again?”
Tetsurou opens his mouth to say his American name, but he catches Daichi and Suga looking at him, and he swallows it down. “My name is Tetsurou. Tetsurou Kuroo.”
“I thought you wanted people to call you Tyler,” Timothy says.
Tetsurou shoots him a glare and says it again, feeling his confidence start to grow. “My name is Tetsurou Kuroo. Tetsu is fine, too, but I don’t go by Tyler anymore.”
12. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
any time tasteofsummersnow left me a comment, it made my heart go doki doki!! her comments are so in depth and so very sweet and it’s so much fun to see her real-time reactions to my writing. i go back and reread them like once a week they’re so nice ;_;
13. A time when writing was really, really hard:
the spring/early summer in general was tough, like from march to june. i didn’t post anything between february and may, and i feel like i was struggling a lot creatively around like may/june of this year. i think it’s because a lot of stuff in the 1d fandom was really turning me off at the time and that’s when the burnout fully hit.
14. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
definitely sugawara in the city is at war. i was writing that first chapter and initially i just wanted to see him step up when daichi wasn’t around but he very quickly turned sadistic and ruthless and scarily sharp, which is just so much fun to write him as. and his relationship with daichi is just—ugh. love that violence-fueled romance. they would kill a hundred men for each other and be turned on once they were finished.
honestly, all of the city is at war has surprised me. the idea came to me in a dream on a long bus ride, of all the clan leaders having a meeting and being attacked, and i woke up and banged it out in 36 hours. i meant it to be a oneshot but as i wrote it, i realized i loved the au so much there was no way i could leave it at that. so now it’s got a whole plot and all that. fun!
15. How did you grow as a writer this year:
last year i said i felt i grew writing angst and exploring different emotional themes, and i think i built on that even more this year. i did a bunch of shorter pieces this year and i feel a lot of them really explored emotions and characters more than plot, and that’s been so much fun. and then as well, like i said before, i’ve branched out into the crime-action genre with the yakuza au. and! iwaoi horror week was my first real attempt at spooky/creepy/horror-type writing, and, it was a fun challenge for sure.
i also said i wanted to just keep writing and be spontaneous and i definitely did that this year. i posted so many fics not caring how long it had been since the last one—sometimes it was less a day. numbers stopped mattering to me. i posted just because i wanted to put my writing out there and share it with the world, knowing there had to be someone out there who’d like it.
16. How do you hope to grow next year:
i feel like 2019 was a year of trying a lot of new things, so in 2020 i’m hoping to explore some different ships and tropes. the sheer number of characters and ships in haikyuu means there’s a ship for just about every trope and au out there, and i want to play around with some dynamics i’ve never written before.
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
as always, a shoutout to the loggies, who have been a fantastic source of inspiration and support all year even after i retired from 1d fic. and i would also like to thank the people i met via various hq discord servers—you know who you are!! thank you for the sprints, the encouragement, the inspiration, and the friendship. as someone brand new to the fandom, the support and sense of community has been nothing short of amazing, and you guys are part of the reason i felt so comfortable in this fandom so quickly.
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
actually, yeah. even mountains crumble into the sea was written the night before i broke up with my ex. i wrote it as an exercise to get all my feelings out, lay them all on the table where i could see them and pick through them, and then imagine the best possible way the scenario could go.
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
honestly—just write! write what you’re happy with. write even if you don’t post it. write, because everything you do is practice that’ll help you improve.
and don’t be afraid to write out of order or write more than one project at a time. i know that won’t work for everyone, but for me, if i didn’t immediately write what was on my mind, i probably wouldn’t have posted half of what i did this year.
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
hey remember last year when i said i was gonna finish the breath of the wild au?? L M A O i’m really gonna finish it next year i swear!!
i have a fic posting in the spring for the nsfw big bang which i’m ALSO very excited about! i’m lucky to be working with such a talented artist and the end result is gonna be amazing and i’m so so excited.
i also want to keep going with the city is at war, because that plot was a pleasant surprise. and there’s an ever-growing list of fic ideas and aus that i’m so excited to write—some of them were originally for larry aus but i’ve repurposed them for haikyuu pairings and that’s helped breathe new life into some old ideas.
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
anyone who sees this and wants to do it! just tag me, i wanna read your answers!
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shiroallura · 6 years
Hey!! I really like your blog and I do hope me sending this doesn't turn into a shitstorm. Youre 110% entitled to your own opinions but I'm just wondering why so much vemon towards bp l@nce?? You even ended your rant with "if you support bp lance, unfollow me" I mean, I'm completely fine with people disliking what I may like. I have no problem with your hating bp l@nce at all but you just seem so against it like do you want me to unfollow you becuz i support it? (1/2)
I’m really not hear to hate your for not liking it because like i said, that’s completely fine but how you complain about it makes it seem like the Worst Thing, which i really dont understand?? I’m okay with people preferring Shiro as bp or even keith or whatever but I dunno? I hope you get what im saying? I’m not good with words ahhhh. Bottomline just say the word and ill unfollow if you want!! Sorry if this ask came off as rude or bad in anyway, I really didnt mean it that way!! (2/2)
You do not have to unfollow me by any means anon; my statement in the post was one of the few I did not literally mean. However, I would like to point out that my post against Black Paladin Lance is the only one I have ever personally made. It’s not a reoccurring source of salt on my blog until very recently, and I’ve been bottling up my frustration about it for a long… long time. Numerous inboxes of my friends who are also into Voltron can attest to this. So, let’s delve into my history with Black Paladin Lance, and how it’s evolved.
Seasons One to Three: This theory was popular even in season one, and honestly, I didn’t mind it. Lance had shown some good tactical strategy and Shiro’s place as Black Paladin wasn’t as established. It was a cute theory and headcanon and fans weren’t as fanatic as it actually happening in canon. Enjoying things purely in fanon is possible, and healthy, tbh, and I do it as well (ie. I have some theories or headcanons or even ships where I like it in fanon, but would never want nor expect for it to happen in canon. It works, shocker I know.)
And then season two hit. And among the cries of “Lance didn’t get enough screentime!!” and “precious boy uwu he’s not a seventh wheel!!” and so on, there was a growing want for Black Paladin Lance to be the outcome of season three. Season two also gave rise to a strange occurrance in fandom for the sake of Langst, which is that Shiro either hates Lance or acts like he does, or constantly puts down his achievements because “Lance is underappreciated by the team!!” even though it’s completely untrue. Shiro notes and supports Lance’s sharpshooter skills, and the scene where Shiro supposedly diminishes Lance is one in which Shiro is actually being extremely patient with him (analysis in the link). But it doesn’t paint Shiro in a negative light and Lance is a precious boy who can no wrong, so it’s gotta get kicked to the curb, right?
And then the age discourse came for Shallura and antis dropped it like a hot potato (and the distinction between antis and other factions of the fandom do matter, but we’ll get that later). And in season three, Lance and Allura got some friendship development and Lance/Allura rose in popularity… right as Shiro disappeared and Shallura was labelled a Nasty Ship. I don’t think the correlation is too hard to see. 
And still I didn’t mind Black Paladin Lance. The season three trailer purposefully hadn’t revealed who was going to pilot Black, only that the lion was roaring, and while I was hoping for Black Paladin Allura, I didn’t mind the thought of it being Lance. The reason? Because I always wanted the vacancy of Black Paladin to be temporary, no matter who piloted Black. I wanted Shiro to come home and be the Paladin he was meant to be and be happy and safe and with his team.
But the rest of the fandom didn’t see it like that, as Shallura shippers retreated more fiercely into our corner after being shunned, laughed at, and hated by antis and shaladins alike. 
Black Paladin Lance stans wanted Shiro gone permanently, or never seemed to care about what would happen to him if he did come back. They lauded co-leadership Klance as the best possible thing that could happen, that Black Paladin Lance would be exactly what Lance deserved and had earned, somehow. I’ve talked about the Klance fandom’s fascination with using Shallura tropes while klantis (klance focused antis) shit on actual canon Shallura and discredit it before, so I won’t go into detail here, but yeah… it’s hella transparent.
Lance in fanon spaces also has a habit of basically being turned into Shiro, whether through characterization, trauma and Langst-fics (losing body parts, being captured and tortured by the Galra, brainwashed, having Keith’s undying devotion… sound familiar to anyone?) in addition to being given the title of Black Paladin because “he’s perfect” and “deserves it”. Post detailing more examples of how many Lance stans and fanfictions basically turn him into Shiro at any given opportunity. If you read Lance or Klance centric fanfiction at wide, I guarantee you’ve seen more than a few of these tropes or AUs used. Although to be fair, Lance also gets a lot of what Allura has too, namely her uniquely Altean heritage to be better paired up with Galra Keith (X) and the popularity of Lancelot before and after season three rather than Allura/Lotor, which had far more basis in VLD and Go-Lion canon. So yeah, the fandom at large loves to take Allura’s culture and Shiro’s arc/trauma and slap it onto Lance, yet largely ignore, mischaracterize, be hateful towards, or infantilize Allura and Shiro as actual characters.
Because the fact is, Shiro is the closest thing VLD has to a Main Character. His backstory and decisions of leading the team, whether against the Galra all the way to Zarkon’s central command, form the crux of season one. His capture by Galra and crash-landing on Earth form the catalyst that propels the whole show forward. His decision to trust Ulaz and the Blade of Marmora, and to strengthen his bond with the Black Lion opposite of Zarkon drives season two forward, and his victory over Zarkon is the conclusion of the season. His absence creates season three, his reappearance (or his clone’s arrival, depending on your theory) creates and resolves conflict in season four. Kuron/Shiro’s decisions drive the conflict in the first half of season five, and let the latter half of the season even exist by: giving Lotor the Black Bayard to kill Zarkon, an action which earned Allura’s trust of Lotor in the first place, and his decisions lead to Lotor becoming emperor which is what causes Voltron to seriously ally with him. 
So now, we’re heading into season six, and people are frothing at the mouth for Black Paladin Lance more than ever. Because despite Black passing Lance over twice, and Black having two other pilots in the narrative (Keith, and then Kuron – Shiro, if he’s a sleeper clone), both of whom were chosen over Lance, they somehow still think he deserves it. And it’s this issue of something that really has only ever had substance in fanon being demanded of and pushed and shoved in canon where it just doesn’t fit anymore.
Lance can pilot Black, they cry, Shiro’s Lion who he earned the trust of, and trusted, who’s trauma of being used and abused by Zarkon’s hands mirroring his own. Shiro can pilot the White Lion, they say, which during the time the theory was popular, was non-existent, largely implied to have something to do with Allura, and completely ignores Shiro’s arc and development.
Shiro, who found worth and purpose and always enjoyed being the Black Paladin. “Defenders of the universe, huh? Has a nice ring to it.” Shiro, who always took the war seriously even while everyone else, especially Lance, was goofing off (or flirting). “The princess is right. Let’s get to our lions and start training.” Shiro, who was tormented about Sendak to the point of a complete mental breakdown unlike anything we’ve seen, and it related to him being a paladin of Voltron. “You really think a monster like you could be a Voltron paladin?” Shiro, was hit the hardest by Allura not telling them the truth about Zarkon, Shiro, who Allura trusted and always reaffirmed as the Black Paladin. Shiro, who fought Zarkon in the astral plane and submitted to the will of his Lion, who saved him, trusted him, showed him traces of her trauma. Shiro and Black, who bonded immediately (the eye-glow thing that only happened with Red and Alfor) and Black, who helped him defeat Zarkon and gain back her bayard, who looked at a worn, beaten down man and chose him.
Because people want to throw away two whole seasons (not six episodes, not seven, thirteen episodes each) of development of Shiro and Black’s bond. People want to throw away Shiro always being devoted to Black. People want t throw away Shiro being Zarkon’s clear foil: the prisoner and the emperor, Haggar’s champion and her husband, trust versus power/control, both of them disappearing after the same battle.
Because if Shiro isn’t the Black Paladin, then he believes he’s the monster Sendak says he is. Because BP Lance stans claim that Shiro, a mentally ill man, “isn’t fit” to be the leader and it reeks of ableism. Because BP Lance stans are overtly critical and don’t realize their fanon theory will never be canon because they don’t understand how narrative structure works. Because if Shiro isn’t Black Paladin then everything he’s fought for in seasons one, two (and four and five, again, depending on your theory) is for nothing. Because if Shiro isn’t the Black Paladin then Allura was wrong to choose and believe in him. More meta on the development of Shiro and Black’s relationship here & here, because it’s beautiful and underrated and ignored because it – the literal canon – doesn’t prop up Black Paladin Lance. The most developed relationship between a pilot and a Lion we have in the entire show is Shiro and the Black Lion. They get two seasons’ worth of plot driving, dramatic development. Whereas we get Red rescuing Keith, and Lance complimenting the Blue Lion and being defensive over the thought of anyone taking her until season three, in which case the original Lion bonds have been completely left, and in season three, four, and five, we never ever see Keith or Lance bond with their new Lions whatsoever. 
And let me tell you, Black Paladin Lance fans don’t give a single flying fuck about Shiro as a character when they make posts with lines like this, and it’s a widespread attitude too: 
the black lion after keith who didnt even want to be bp and the mcskunkhead clone bs: “finally a good fucking pilot” (because shiro, her first chosen pilot that she opened up to after zarkon used her and betrayed her doesn’t count or exist at all…)
black: “lance im so glad youre my pilot now i couldnt stand that clone ass bitch” lance: “yeah me t-wait what clone?” black: “oh this shiro is a clone lol” lance: kill bill sirens (x) 
the black lion came to me in my dreams and told me that lance was ideal black paladin material and she’d love for him to fly her bc “finally. someone with clear fuckin conscience.” (X)
[lance is] the only black paladin since zarkon who actually wants the job (X)
this post (X)
Like honestly, the sheer hatred the klanti and lance stan portion of the fandom has towards Kuron is insane. Kuron, who’s lost and confused and knows it, knows in his bones that something is wrong but doesn’t know what and is searching for answers. Kuron, who has Shiro’s memories and misses Black but is trying to step aside when Keith’s her pilot because Black didn’t accept him, and how much that rejecting must have fucking hurt. Kuron, who gets angry more quickly and snaps at Lance, but apologizes for it later (…unlike Lance or Keith, who almost never apologize for their outbursts or rash decisions; Lance being frustrated/angry at Shiro, flirting with Allura at inappropriate times, Keith ruining her diplomatic banquet in 3x01 and never apologizing to her). Kuron, who makes one mistake and is therefore the Devil.
So I hate Black Paladin Lance because it ignores Shiro, degrades him, acts like he isn’t good enough, like he doesn’t have a place in this story, like he’s a temporary stepping stone, that he’s hated and vilified and the heaps of canon evidence that don’t support Black Paladin Lance is adamantly ignored. I hate Black Paladin Lance because it means Allura, who has lost and sacrificed so much over and over again, who chose Shiro and always, always trusted him, is wrong. I hate Black Paladin Lance because its stans act like it’s the only possible character arc for him, rather than him learning to grow and give up glory, to grow up and be more responsible and to appreciate what he can do at the level he’s already at. I hate Black Paladin Lance because people are taking what’s only a twisted account of fanon and act like it’s undeniably going to be canon and it’s everywhere, and it’s bullshit.
So yeah, you don’t have to unfollow. But if you, and anyone else, honestly care about Shiro as a character, and his life and arc, then I hope you really reconsider your stance on whether Black Paladin Lance should be a canon permanence or not, because if you do, then you really don’t care about Shiro at all, and he deserves better than being shit on to build up a fake deep fanon fave.
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🍋🍌 🍇 🍒🍊
Send one of the following to ask the mun; accepting | @nvertoolate
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Oh my word. She complains about EVERYTHING. She comes with me to work, she’s there when I sleep, eat, shower, fjsdlkfja. I probably sound crazy but its true.
Literally anything that annoys her she complains to me about. If some guy doesn’t use his turn signal, she’s screaming in my head at the bastard.
Co-worker steals my supplies? She doesn’t care, but she likes to rub it in my face and laugh at my misfortune. .-.
She’s horny? I’ll won’t hear the end of it until I go to bed.
We also argue about stupid things, which I usually type out in one of them chat posts if it amused me enough. xD
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
Answered here.
🍇 - Have you even encountered any partners that threw a tantrum at you?
Yes. I remember it very distinctly. I normally check to see if my followers tag their posts or if they are a character I’m interested interacting with. Not only did this individual not tag their posts, they were extremely rude. Their first post I saw was a vague about me not following right away. And since I witnessed their passive aggressive behavior, I decided not to follow ever.
They constantly messaged me via inbox / and IM (when the feature first came out) and continued pestering me about how they read my rules. I thanked them, of course. But their politeness to let me know of their doings wasn’t going to deter me from staying away from them.
So, I went on with my day, doing as I do until I get another message telling me ‘umm, lets rp!’. Now, here if they had actually read my rules, I specifically said that I do not interact with non-mutuals for mental health reasons. Answering questions about my muse / me are fine, but I will not engage in RP.
So I tell them this, and they immediately made a 180 via their behavior, and said something along the lines of, “Yeah so im unfollowing you. I’m not interested in someone not interested in ME. ur muse is fun but lol BYE”
I rolled my eyes so fckin deep into my skull I could see my brain. Like. Holy fuck. Not only did they lie to me, they assumed they were entitled to my time and my Blackfire simply because they followed me.
Yeah, I blocked them very quick.
🍒 - How many friends do you have on here?
Quite a few! They’re all so nice. I’m even beginning to make more! Of course I only have one close friend. @princexcharmless. He’s like that annoying little brother to me, but fuck if he’s there for me when I need him. ♥
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
HORROR. I honestly never had the chance to do fluff with Blackfire. Though, if things continue they way they are with Wally and Blackfire, I just might.
I’m such a hopeless romantic at heart (its the latin lover in me ._.). Fluffy, gross threads are nice. But Blackfire expresses her endearment in her own way, and I would really love to explore that more. (THE WRONG WAY)
Honestly, she’s literally sitting on the person she’s crushing on / loves and suffocates them with ‘cooties’, threats, pinches, shoves, in some more intimate cases…groping. Sometimes she’ll pester them, just because she can. And because mad partner is sexy partner. She’s disgusting.
I also love angst. It gives characters some good exp. and growth. Blackfire has suffered a lot, so she’s really numb to “awful” situations. Unless she likes you, consider her uncaring about any event between she and another muse.
Howeverrrr, watch her go ballistic for someone she cares about. Its fun. >:D
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gallifvrey · 3 years
fic writer review
ty @taardisblue​ for tagging me in this! (also gonna leave this under a readmore to save everyone)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 7! which is honestly a lot more than i was expecting 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 19544, which is also way more than i was expecting ngl
3. How many fandoms have you written for? on ao3 ive only published for two fandoms (doctor who and the magnus archives) but i’ve got some wips for critical role stuff and some old mass effect stuff i’d rather not revisit 😬
4. Top 5 fics by kudos? seconds. comes in at number one and is probably one of my fave fics ive written. talks about 12 after escaping from the time dial and his regeneration into 13 and dealing with all of that built up trauma. same with never cruel or cowardly, has lots of callbacks to episodes in hopefully just the right place to break your heart! 
never cruel or cowardly details thirteen’s life after regeneration and specifically dealing with trauma from her experiences right before she regenerated (i.e. time dial, losing and remembering clara, dying on a spaceship etc.)
should have been a TMA fic that goes from martin and jon starting to rebuild their life in the safehouse to then the apocalypse and then the end of the world (written before the finale even aired so its all speculation)
what would you do, to save humanity this was written as an alternative darker ending to Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos bc i figured that episode didn’t have enough angst. 
every star a fic about the doctor and the master’s relationship bc this ship always kind of kills me and i am always kinda thinking about it. about how they are so very, very alike. two sides of the same coin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? ahhh unfortunately i generally dont - partially i get rly stressed about responding “the right way” but also i like seeing the little notification of unread messages! nice reminder that ppl comment on my fics! but also sometimes i do just forget and feel rly awkward. just know if you comment on my fic i literally owe my entire life to you 
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? ah man the tma fic ends in their combined death so theres that? the thoschei fic is... well.. i mean, yknow. a thoschei fic. none of them end particularly ‘well’ tho i think. 
7. Do you write crossovers? nah i dont particularly like crossovers tbh
8. Ever received hate on a fic? thankfully, no
9. Do you write smut? that is between me, google docs, and a secondary ao3 account no one knows about
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? thankfully, no
11. Ever had a fic translated? No
12. Have you ever co-written a fic? no! i’d like to tho!
13. All time fav ship? god i dont think i could just have one but i am kinda obsessed with thoschei from doctor who, or twelve/clara is a huge one for me also
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? oh man i wrote a really detailed rewrite of the pyramid at the end of the world episodes, where instead of the doctor coming back he was still indoctrinated or still was like, done w humanity ig, so it was bill who singlehandedly was saving the world kinda like martha did. it was my first time writing a longer fic and sticking with it and i think it had real potential! but someone never has time anymore 
15. Writing strengths? i’d like to think im pretty good at descriptions and like, idk what to call it but like the vaguely meta-ish stuff, references to past eps and kinda like “poetic” language describing stuff?
16. Writing weaknesses? i cannot write dialogue to save my life. tbh both in real life and in fic
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? see above. but also i think i’d be fine with it, at least in short bursts. if there’s ever a character that speaks ukrainian i’d be super down to write some of their dialogue in ukrainian in a fic but alas :(
18. First fandom you wrote for? definitely doctor who! i wrote a fic when i was like, 13? or smth and had just started watching the show and it was the most self indulgent thing ever but it was all about the doctor coming to pick up random teenagers from around the world and bring them onto the tardis in this big camp-like sleepover. i absolutely loved thinking abt that fic 
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far? hmm i like pyrite a lot bc its more ~experimental~ than ive written before. but i also have to say seconds. bc it introduced me to @yesokayiknow & then suddenly 2 yrs later had a bunch more dw friends! cool times
ty maddy for tagging me! this was a lot of fun. ik im supposed to tag ppl but alas i know limited tumblr urls off the top of my head so genuinely if you got this far in reading this post like, feel free to do this and tag me in it i’d love to see your response! 
(if you’re thinking “oh but surely they can’t be talking about me!” i am. do the post if you want! tis fun)
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dr-reid · 7 years
Reunion//Spencer ReidxReader
A/N: A repost of one of my FAVORITE stories, enjoy lovelies! 
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“I honestly do not remember the last time I had a weekend off, how do you even spend a weekend off?” you set the fresh cup of coffee in front of JJ “What are you doing this weekend?”
“Hanging out with my boys, I think we’re going to the zoo” she said taking a sip. You guys were guaranteed a weekend off, which was rare. Unless people started dying left and right, in the same city, around the same time, with some more than suspicious similarities you were off.
“That sounds awesome, what about you Spence, any big plans?” Spencer had been reading through most of the flight back home. “I had this high school reunion thing” he said not looking away from the page.
“Had? Had as in you’re not going any more?” you questioned, “Yeah, I don’t think I want to go” he said still concentrated.
“Why don’t you want to go” probably a question you shouldn’t ask. You and Spencer weren’t completely close, mostly because he wouldn’t warm up to you. After months of being of the team, seven months to be exact, he still would not look at you in your eyes. He wouldn’t laugh at your jokes, no matter how much you tried to bond with him, it wasn’t happening.
“I don’t want to see a bunch of people who bullied me for years” he said coldly.
“You’re an FBI agent how is any one going to bully you now?” you asked .
“Everyone is probably married, with kids, a family, I wont fit in, once again” he said refusing to look at you.
“So you won’t go because you don’t have a date?” JJ said.
“I’ll be your date” you said before he could answer her question “What?” Spencer said looking up at you confused.
“If you seriously want to shut these people up, I’ll be your date, Ill go”
Spencer was shocked that you would ever suggest that. “You don’t have to do that.”
JJ was equally as shocked, “Worse case scenario you guys have a fun weekend in Vegas, you should go” she said trying to be supportive.
“I cant think of a better way to spend my first weekend off! Vegas it is!”
After spending the flight sleeping you and Spencer headed to the hotel where the reunion was being held. “Hello, I am here to check in my name is Spencer Reid” the young girl started to typing. “Im sorry but I don’t have anything under that name” she looked up at Spencer waiting for his response. “That’s impossible because I reserved a room weeks ago under Spencer Reid” he said confused. “I’m sorry sir, but I don’t have anything under that name”
“Look up Y/FLN” You said over Spencer shoulder “Oh yes, I have a reservation for that, unfortunately since it was made so late I only one room, queen size bed available”
“That’s fine, well take it” you said calmly.
“Perfect, these are your room keys, and some pamphlets with some information, you guys are all set”
You took all the information, and grabbed your bags and started walking away.
“You cancelled my room reservation?” Spencer said in an angry tone as you both got into the elevator. “Spencer couples don’t request separate bedrooms, if you want to fool every one of your old classmates, whom are by the way staying at this very same hotel, I suggest you be okay with it.” You said dragging your suitcase into the elevator. “Of course, definitely okay with it”
“So I was thinking about it and I am just going to attend the dinner tonight, after wards you’re free I’ll be flying back home” Spencer said watching you as you unpacked part of your suitcase.
“What? Why would you do that?” you said concentrated on your unpacking. “Because this is ridiculous and although I appreciate you doing this it isn’t necessary” he sounded annoyed.
Spencer was reading a book as he waited for you to be ready he was in his usual attire, you decided to spice things up, you walked out of the bathroom, having finally finished your make up. Spencer closed his book and his mouth dropped when he saw you, wearing a tight back dress, with black heels, simple, elegant, a small diamond necklace around your neck. “Alright let’s get this show on the road” you said grabbing your clutch and cell phone. 
You both walked into the elevator Spencer pressed the ground button “You know in order for this to work, you’re going to have to pretend to be in love with me” you said laughing. “Pretend, right, got it” Spencer said in a serious tone.
 The evening actually went better than you could have imagined. You spent the night chatting with everyone, telling crazy stories about the BAU, embezzling them just enough to make Spencer sound like a hero, which he had been plenty of times. Spencer continued to make sure your glass was never empty. Everyone’s eyes were on you both, and surprisingly Spencer had been dealing well with the situation. 
He held your hand when you walked, brushed the hair out of your face, threw his arm around your shoulder, and even kissed your cheek. You loved every minute of it, it felt so natural, so right, nothing felt forced, or rehearsed.
 It had come to the end of the night, Spencer could tell you had way too much to drink. He held your hard as you walked to the elevator, once you were inside he pressed the number four. You rested your head on his shoulder, until the elevator doors opened and he led you to your hotel room door. You took off your shoes as soon as Spencer opened the door, and stumbled over to the bathroom.
When you walked out you found Spencer preparing the couch. “Just sleep with me” you blurted out. “What?” he said confused by what he had just heard. “Sleep with me, in the bed, don’t sleep on the couch” you said clarifying your statement.
“Right” he said stiffly. “Good job out there tonight, pretending you loved me, everyone couldn’t stop looking as us, payback is a bitch”
“Pretending, yeah, good job”
You had enough of his cry cut responses for one night, “Spencer why don’t you like me, I mean for god sake I try really hard, and you’re not even nice to me” you blurted out.
“I do like you” his voice was low, almost a whisper. “What!?” you almost shouted.
“I do like you Y/N” he repeated “Just not like this”
“What does that even mean?” you were confused.
“I like you, I like you, like you, not just as friend, or co worker” he said unable to look at you. As soon as you processed what you had just heard you walked right over to Spencer pressing your lips against his. His tongue making his way into your mouth, yours reciprocating its movements. You couldn’t believe this was happening. “You could’ve just said that months ago” you said pulling away from him.
“Well I am sorry I am late, but I’m pretty crazy about you”
@riddle-me-bliss @readingandreiding @queenoffereldencousland @lyndsey-idjit @mackenziesgalaxy @captainreid @allons-y-marie11 @littledorkworld @cynbx @sapphireaspie @slightlyobsessedwithharrystyles @superpotterwholockhasruinedme @itsafestivaloffantasy @britneynicole28 @naked-canadians @arizonalovesher @theonlymack99 @0-lukes-princess-0 @chocok22 @starstruckselenakylecatwoman @sharon6713 @yoursarahg @sinormemesalot @5-seconds-of-heart-attacks @beautyaestheticc @kgbrenner  @dissbelievingly @ultrarebelheart @loneliestlittlerainbow @memorysmith @fl0werb0nes18 @the-fandom-phantom-fanfics @fluffy-marshmallow-nerd @grasieuse @sailtheauxter @amarislestrange @milkshakemythology @lookingforgalifrey @shameless-danni @hoelyjamlove @sonicscrewdriversnroses @wanttoburn @lukeassmanalvez 
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