#which doesnt realy work here
basslinegrave · 6 months
once again i have no idea whether i should post murdoc art here or over on cc. because this is not very much an art acc anymore, posting it on an actual art blog would make more sense But this used to be the gorillaz blog... man
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toocutetopunch · 1 year
Trigun Stampede ep 6 thoughts and manga comparison
but at the start i just want to say that their teenage behaviour I don't care was cute
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Just a note, it's all just a prediction don't take it that seriously, also anime only hs 6 episodes so we need to LET THEM COOK.
First like a lot of people pointed out Roberto is probably there to be killed of later.
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My prediction is that Meryl is gonna get them into a situation and something will happen to him then. Probably at the end of this season and if we get a second one Meryl is going to be working with Milly but will be more responsible.
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It's wild that they are introducing Livio this early. It realy has me worried that they are speedruning the plot. Idk if they are unsure about the possibility of a secind season but I would rather have a part of Trigun adapted than something that was rushed.
I generally like the new designs but his is an exception. It doesnt go as hard and the mask looks very akward and disconnected from the rest of his body.
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The flashback art style and designs were very cute. But a lot of Stampede only watchers are now asking if Wolfwood in present time is mentally a minor?
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It is presented very vaguely and I'm not sure if there will be more backstory in the next episodes (probably).
In manga it is way more clear. Wolfwood was taken in what it looks like early teens and some time when he was training is implied.
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Only later was he subjected to the growth speed up mutation process.
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We can also see that a lot of time passed by looking at other kids Nicholas knew in the orphanage.
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We will see the orphanage in the next episode so I hope it will give more information.
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I also think we could measure time that passed since the day he got his gun which was in wear 133 on the planet and I'm sure there was a panel mentioning current year but I don't have the strengh to look for that. If someone has the panel you can let me know.
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It looks like the Eyes of Michael are now made under Legato's control when in the manga (if i remeber correctly) they were merceneries. And it was less of a prisoner test subject method of training.
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Legatos power also was changed. It's not a methal thread with which he controls people but more of a telekinesis like it was in the old anime. I like this hange since it gets rid of the coin sollecting which I thought was unnecessary in the manga.
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I don't really understand why Bad Lads are here since I don't see them squishing the sory of the sandsteamer together with Wolf's and Livio's?
By now it seems like the early arcs of Trigun will be skiped over or combined with later ones. I makes me a little sad since i like them but at least I don't know what will happen next when everything is switched around.
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lilietsblog · 3 years
so whenever Russian characters crop up in American/English-speaking media theres a very noticable thing where writers v often dont understand patronymics and full names.
Now, there’s two gradations of “full name” that are in use here. There is the “FIO” full name, or SGP perhaps (surname, given name, patronymic), and there is the full given name.
As an example, let’s take Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
Ivanov is the surname. You can tell bc of hte -ov suffix at the end. (Not the only one possible but a pretty decent indication something is a surname when it is there)
Ivan is the given name. You can tell bc Russian has a set (an expansive one) of given names and this is one of them, one of the most historically popular at that.
Ivanovich is the patronymic, it can be translated as “son of Ivan”. You can tell bc of the “ovich” suffix. There is also “evich” and for at least one name just “ich”. Colloquially they will also get shortened into just “ych” making the variation “Ivanych”. (”Y” is the letter used for transliteration of a sound that doesn’t exist in English but is considered fairly close to “i’)
To be clear, “Ivanov Ivan Ivanych” is the exact same person as “Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich”, this is hte exact same name, the only thing that changes is how formal the speaker is being about it.
Female suffixes are “evna” and “ovna”. Anna Petrovna, Anna Fadeevna. There is also “ichna” for at least one name and an antiquated “ishna” which is the colloquial alternative in some cases. Anna Fadeevna = Anna Fadeishna. This IS antiquated tho.
Coming back to our Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, this is the “FIO” form of his name, the way it will be put on formal documents that require one’s full name. The “Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov” form is also acceptable, its just not the order you write on documents in. The patronymic (Ivanovich) always comes after the full given name (Ivan), the surname can be stuck on either side of that.
The traditional respectful address to someone you know is the full given name + patronymic. Ivan Ivanovich! Could you come over here? It’s used with plural/formal “you”. This form is also becoming obsolete in recent years but if you’re writing mid-20th-century or characters of middle age+ Ivan Ivanovich is the name to go.
(Note the difference from the address + surname form in English: Dr. Smith or Mr Smith etc. In Russian this form does not exist except several centuries back or in very very impersonal century back “citizen Ivanov” that like a policeman would use to address you. Not anyone you actually know personally. Schoolchildren will often not know their teachers’ surnames because they are all Ivan Ivanovich to them.)
Now I keep saying “Ivan” is the FULL given name. The short given name from “Ivan” is “Vanya”. This is a set linguistic fact - the set of given names in Russian is factually two linked sets, a set of full given names and a set of short given names. Some short given names can  be short from several full given names, some full given names can have several short names (a person will usually pick one to use). A short given name doesn’t go anywhere on formal documents. It just follows from your full given name naturally, like conjugation. Some full given names (Gleb, Oleg, Diana, Vera) are short enough to be used as short given names too and so don’t realy have assigned short counterparts. In fact Vera can be both a full name on its own - Ivanova Vera Ivanovna - and short for Veronica - Ivanova Veronica Ivanovna.
Short names are formed through a variety of rules. There are basic requirements for the form they take as a result though. Full given names can have “complicated” consonant pairs together: Dmitriy, Aleksandr, Pavla, Anna. Short names are “simple” will almost always go consonant-vowel. Dmitriy -> Dima, Aleksandr -> Sasha, Alik or Shura (don’t ask how that last one happened, it’s a miracle of absurdity, but it’s one of the traditional shortenings), Pavla -> Pasha (well, Pavla is a rare name, you hear Pasha and you usually assume Pavel, the male name), Anna -> Anya. (”y” is not a consonant here, “ya” is a vowel sound English doesnt really have)
(As an exception to the consonant-vowel rule, when there’s a consonant pair the second of which is “l” it’s usually kept together in the short name - it’s just very simple to the Russian ear / tongue. Vladislav - Vlad or Slava, for example)
Often a name will be formed fully from the syllables / consonants of the full name, give or take changing the last vowel to the gender neutral “a”/”ya” (It will either be “a”/”ya” or a consonant). Vladimir -> Vlad, Ruslana -> Lana, Tatiana -> Tanya, Anna -> Anya, Katerina -> Katya, Dmitriy -> Dima or Mitya, Ivan -> Vanya. And then there’s the “sha” suffix tacked on as the second syllable: Pavel -> Pasha, Natalia -> Natasha or Tasha, Daria -> Dasha, Aleksandr -> Sasha, etc.
So long as they conform to these rules, you can kind of make them up. Though considering the whole of history, you’re not super likely to make up something that hasn’t been made up before you. Anna historically speaking turns into Anya, Nyura, Nyusha... -shudders-
So how are short names actually used?
As an implication of familiarity/subordination, that’s how. For the weebs in the audience, you know the ‘-chan’ suffix in Japanese? Kind of exactly like that. Japanese has more nuances, but generally if you wouldn’t call someone -chan, you shouldn’t call them by their short name. (Unless they specifically asked you to, but I think that’s a thing in Japanese too)
Short names are never paired with patronymics. The steps of formality in address are basically “Ivan Ivanovich” => “Ivan” => “Vanya”.
(There’s also formal you, so to be completely clear: “Ivan Ivanovich” (formal you) => “Ivan” (formal you) => “Vanya” (formal you) => “Vanya” (informal you). If someone is getting called their full given name + informal you, it’s either implying antiquity - pre 20th century - or they’re using their full given name as their short given name.)
You call your children and siblings by short names. You call your friends by short names. You MIGHT call your employees, especially if they are sufficiently young, or if you’ve known them for a long time and the “familiarity” part applies, by short names.
SHORT NAMES ARE NOT FORMAL. This is important. Nobody has “Natasha” written in their passport (unless I guess they were making new documents in America or something from scratch and didn’t use any old ones as basis of establishing idenity so could make up whatever. It’s still weird! It’s like having “Johnny-boy” written in your passport!)
SHORT NAMES ARE OFTEN GENDERED BUT YOU CANNOT TELL HOW WITHOUT KNOWING THE CORRESPONDING FULL NAME. “Pasha” and “Misha” are both male names becaus they are short from “Pavel” and “Mikhail”. Of course you could have a Pavla or a Mikhaila, but the former is very rare and the latter is probably a foreign Mykaila Russianified or something. In these cases it’s usually considered normal to assume gender, even if there’s a tiny chance you could be wrong.
PATRONYMICS ARE NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES INTERCHANGEABLE WITH SURNAMES. You have the same surname as your family members, but if you have the same patronymic, either you’re siblings or there are multiple people with the same given name in your immediate family, which is slightly odd. A patronymic is formed from your father’s name by unambiguous and definite rules. Foreign names can be turned into patronymics easily. (Though kids of foreign citizens can get whatever their parents want on their birth certificate - patronymic by the rules of one of the parents’ home country, no patronymic at all, whatever) Surnames are surnames and work the same way they work anywhere else.
PATRONYMICS AND SURNAMES ARE NOT CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Any surname goes with any patronymic same as it goes with any given name. Except for the obvoius “statistically likely to be from the same culture” part. (Your “Russian” character could have Georgian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Lithuanian, Bielorussian, Kazakh, Tatar descent, descent from any number of indigenous cultures on the territory of Russia that I personally never heard about until I started translating documents in high amounts and stumbling upon them. Russia is an empire!) But even that’s just statistics - you could have a Tsukino Farha Bogdanovna and I’d just go “that’s a fascinating family history right there”.
GOOGLE RUSSIAN GIVEN NAMES, DON’T MAKE THEM UP. And pay attention if something is marked as “diminutive” - that means it’s a short name, and it will not be used on formal documents or in conjunction with a patronymic. Go for the name it’s diminutive for and just have the character ask everyone to use their short name if you want - it’s trendy these days.
There’s all kinds of fuckery going on with name use on the margins - some old people will call their close friends the “patronymic + informal you” construction. (Actually it’s a “Russian babushka” stereotype that actually exists within the culture. And if anyone ever uses the “short name + patronymic” form irl it’s this category of people, though I’d imagine only in third person) Some bosses or even teachers will invite their students to call them by their short name (I am so deeply uncomfortable with this). Age is often the difference between a Vanya and an Ivan Ivanovich in the same situation.
All patronymics and a good share of surnames conjugate by gender! “Ivanov” and “Ivanova” are the exact same surname, but a guy will have the former writen in their documents and a gal would have the latter. If you legally change your gender that letter changes too. (No, there’s no gender neutral form. Some surnames, like those ending in -enko, just don’t do this, but those that do are at all times one or the other) I guess expatriates a couple of generations down could have whatever going on, but if you have an actually-born-in-Russia “Ivanova Ivan Ivanovna” that means “Ivan” is a girl with a male name for some fucking reason. Name gendering is just tradition, patronymic gendering is grammar. (And if you have an “Ivanova Ivan Ivanovich” that’s just someone making a typo) (Maybe our hypothetical Ivanova Ivan Ivanovna transitioned and liked her birth name so much, she decided to not even go for Ivanna or something else plausible, Ivan or bust. Officials would probably just shrug and go with it lmao)
Oh, and in less formal lists and situations, surname + short given name is a classical combination. When I call my grandboss, surname + short given name is how I introduce myself, because I’m much younger and much subordinate so short name it is, but she’s under no obligation to identify me from my given name so surname it is. (To people who I expect to remember my name but who weren’t expecting me to call, just surname is good, but to people who can connect my surname with my identity but probably don’t remember my given name immediately & exactly from that, giving also the form of given name they address me by is the reasonable person thing to do)
If I were introducing myself in the “Hi! I’m Tsukino Usagi!” anime intro format, I’d go for “Short given name + surname”. Short name is usually the one people think of as their personal identity as it’s whatt their close circle will have been calling them for their entire life, and ACTUALLY it’s normal for the surname to come after the given name. In a book citation of “famous doctor X did Y” they will probably be “famous doctor fullgivenname-patronymic-surname”. For a Russian speaker, switching between Japanese name order and English name order is not a difficulty, but we WILL be distressed by not being able to tell which is which and therefore which it is on sight )=
- Natasha Alianovna Romanova. First, “Romanov” is not a common surname, it’s the surname of the royal family, it’s like a random English guy being called “Tudor”. Well, it’s plausible, it IS formed by the classic “common given name + -ov” rule, but Roman isn’t even that common a name (and not exactly Russian), and... well. It’s just weird. I don’t think there’s good chances for it to have come into existence as such historically WHEN IT WAS THE RULING FAMILY SURNAME. Second! Natasha is a short name! She should be Natalia/Natalya! Third... I mean I will not say Alian is not an existing male name, and I won’t even say it’s not used in any cultures that exist within Russia, but if they were aiming for “common Russian male name” they missed 180 degrees.
- Ilyana Rasputin. First, -in is a suffix that makes this surname adjective-ish, meaning it conjugates by gender, meaning she is RASPUTINA. Her brother is Rasputin. She is Rasputina. Second, again, I have heard of exactly one (1) guy with this surname, and it’s the same guy you’re thinking of right now. It is in no way, shape or form common, or reasonable to give to a character without making it a plot point. Third, Ilyana is not a Russian name that exists. Ilya is a male name, but there’s no female form. FOURTH, I distinctly remember reading a comic where she was calling her brothers “Piotr” and “Mikhail”. That’s their full names! I mean bonus points for actually finding the full names this time, but it’s extremely weird for their LITTLE SIBLING to use them! They should be Petya and Misha as far as her own speech is concerned!
P.S. “All Night Laundry” is a fantastic webcomic, but “Grandimir” is not a real name, “Grand” is not a Russian word root and will not be used in a name this way, you’re looking for “Velimir” or somethng (though that’s, like, a thousand years antiquated). Also while both the uncle and the nephew having the “Petrovich” patronymic is not that odd, Petr is not THAT rare a name and maybe their brother/father was Petr Petrovich... considering we never learn their surname, I seriously suspect the writer just confused a patronymic with a surname. Also, naming their dog the same name crosses the line into slightly weird. Who names a dog after their father? This is actually what prompted this...
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Do you actually think kagura's slapstick is the same as akito trying to lock kyo in an isolation room after he graduates? Or telling him his father was right about him?
This is very weird thing to ask cause abuse is still abuse and i know that you are being sarsactic by writing this, instead of actually asking, i will still explain what i thought about it anyway, anon/@stluciasstudentjail / @bakugou-sucks who seems to dislike Tohru being friends with Akito (edit; and used my comment and this post to make fun of it/for harrassment, i did edit again cause of harrassments, I didnt write this analysis for you, its for me and for people who think.)
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Slapstick is a style of humor involving exaggerated physical activity that exceeds the boundaries of normal physical comedy.[1][2] Slapstick may involve both intentional violence and violence by mishap, often resulting from inept use of props such as saws and ladders. (Source)
First of all, i am very well aware of what slapstick is. Its kind of violence you are meant to laugh and ignore. Which is what we are supposed to do with Kagura beating Kyo scenes.
And this is my personal opinion but i think 'slapstick is stupid' and doesnt work well, especially in a stories about abuse. Because there is no such a thing that violence you are meant to laugh in real life. Toxic actions are toxic actions, violence is violence. You cant just put one as good and other as bad.
Especially the way Kagura beats Kyo was so extreme and unnecessary, every time i saw, i felt realy uncomfortable with it. Not because its abuse but because its supposed to be funny. Kagura is supposed to be one of the 'good guys' and 'close' to Kyo but here we go. They were childhood friends and Kagura loves/cares for Kyo but just because you care someone doesnt mean you can treat them this way.
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I hate it because i know that when violence are meant to be funny, most of the time, stories doesnt adress it. I love making analyze and i hate ignoring things. I want wrong things to be adressed. I knew that Kagura will get away with this. Kyo never mad at her, she never really feel bad about it.
But yknow what? In real life, pyhsically beaten by someone is not funny and it traumatize you which doesnt happen with Kyo and kagura for some reason, lol. I will never understand how people find watching someone beating another is funny.
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If Kagura was boy and Kyo was girl, this relationship would get more dislike from people but i believe in gender equality and just because she is girl, it doesnt make it okay. The fact that he didnt react back only because she is girl...its not okay. He said he doesnt want it but she was forcing herself onto him cause she doesnt respect his thoughts that much. (This is why Kyo fell into Tohru cause she was the first person who actually respect him as invidual.)
Apperantly, in 90s, girl beating their boyfriend trope was popular, thats probably why Kagura beating Kyo thing happens. But most of the time, it was too extreme and too unnecessary, of course i woud feel uncomfortable about it because Kyo didnt deserve that. If you guys wanna be ignorant, okay but that doesnt mean i have to be too.
But then lets look at the case with Akito.
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The words Akito said to Kyo is awfull and she intentionally trying to trigger his trauma but yknow what is the weird thing is?
Why would Kyo care what Akito said? Who the hell Sohma Akito is? Because Akito is not their parents, she isnt always with them, she just sometimes meets with them, talks and they leave. Especially Kyo, compared to zodiac members, he hardly ever interact with Akito.
So basically Akito is almost equal to a stranger in Sohma Kyo's life. And there is literally no reason to Kyo to care for what Akito said. Basically if it was real life, Akito's words wouldnt affect Kyo at all because Akito is no different than middle school bullies. She is just so childish and obvious that its hard to take it seriously. She is also not pyhsically or mentally strong either, Kyo is stronger than her.
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But then story gives a 'logical reason' why Akito can affect zodiac, why Akito's words are so important for them. Kazuma explains that its related to god-zodiac bond, basically some kind of supernatural power. (Except Kana loosing her mind case and that doesnt make sense at all cause of many reasons.)
This is why Akito's word 'i dont need you' traumatized Rin more than her parents did. This is why Yuki was traumatized deeply. Its some kind of supernatural thing, not the power of Akito's manipulation or whatever, its just supernatural power. This is why little thing Akito will say suddenly traumatize zodiac members and they hate it and wanna escape from it.
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And Akito's locking Kyo up again has nothing to do with Akito either. It was tradition before even Akito was born. As family head, she just continue with the same rules. Even if it wasnt Akito, Kyo would still be locked up.
Why Akito do this? We know the reason. She doesnt want zodiac to abandon her nad she thinks this is the only way that she has to force them stay and locking Kyo up was part of it.
And remember since Akito's actions were portrayed as bad by narrative, she later face consequences of her actions, she face it and punished for it. She doesnt get away unlike Kagura or many other characters. I am sick of people's obsessing with Akito even though she is the only character who gets punished for her wrong actions, story's adressing her wrong actions doesnt make her worse, that makes her better.
And saying "Kagura is acting like this cause she is boar, it doesnt count", then with same logic, the only reason Akito's abuse is effective is cause of Supernatural power, then what she did doesnt count either because that weird power is the only reason that turned Akito's words to "abuse". We are saying its abuse cause even they didnt mean it or its not their fault that they born with this power, it still effected someone else's life. Also that doesnt change the fact that Kagura still forced herself onto Kyo and that made Kyo really uncomfortable which has nothing to do with being boar.
Basically your answer;
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Note; This is unrelevant but when Kyo and Yuki said they prefer Tohru over Akito and Kagura, i felt bad for Akito and Kagura, even though we cant really blame Kyo and Yuki for it.)
What Akito did to Kyo is not same as what Kagura did to Kyo. Kagura cared about Kyo and she didnt actually mean to hurt him but Kagura's abuse on Kyo was worse than Akito's abuse on Kyo. Kyo was clearly more uncomfortable about Kagura’s existence than Akito and he had many problems outside of again Akito. The only reason Akito's abuse on Kyo was more effective is not because of power of manipulation or whatever, its because of some weird supernatural power. Otherwise, this doesnt make sense at all.
(Actually, i wasnt going to answer cause the way you asked this question is rude, people who geniuely ask deserves an answer, not rude ones but i explained this because i wanted to talk about this.)
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
So my Villain Hawks and among others au (which I need to give a better name for) anyways adding more to it. This posts focus is Shoto (with some dabihawks):
So Shoto gets found out by his father cause we going angsty. And his father just loses it.
Now Shoto wouldnt care usually but his father forced him into "training." Now Shotos strong. He can fight back. Hes a villain he should fight back, but hes terrified.
His brother and sister arent around to help and hes to scared to contact Hawks with the feather he has. Hawks gave then all a feather so if they need him he will come.
So he let's the "training" happen. Since hes to terrified to stop it. Once its over Shoto just lays curled up in a ball on the floor for hours. He doesnt cry. He just lays there.
He waits until Endeavor goes to bed before getting up and escaping. Usually he would go back to UA but he was scared his father had told the school.
So he races to the base. Ignoring the pain hes in. He arrives and goes inside.
Its dark which is normal since its late at night and whatever strength Shoto had to get here was now gone. He collasped to the ground in pain going back into a ball.
Hawks froze up hearing a thud. Now usually he wouldnt but when you have a potential member but also like technically your enemy naked in your bed cause your actively screwing him and no one else knows you kinda freeze up.
Hawks untangles himself from the sleeping male and puts some pants and a top on.
He goes downstairs and turns on the light. Ready for a fight. Instead his eyes go wide "Shit!" He yells out.
He rushes to Shotos side and gently unravels Shoto who groans and whines in pain. "Its okay. Your safe." Hawks whispers gently.
"Hurts." Is all Shoto can say. Hawks is now examing the injures. Bruises galore, theres blood. Possible broken bones. Some cuts. Hawks is wondering who got him.
Then he sees something. Something that makes him sick. He knew shit went down in that house. He knew Endeavor was a piece of shit. He just never fully understood how bad it was until he saw all the burns. Shotos back had burns. The back of his legs had burns.
His eyes had glanced over it before but he saw a big red handprint that could have only been caused by someone who a fire quirk around his wrist.
"Ill kill him." Hawks growled dangerously low. He wasnt strong enough to save Touya but he would save Shoto.
Picking up the boy gently he carried him to the infirmary. "Lets get you cleaned up okay Sho?" Hawks tells him. Shoto just nods. He feels safe now.
Hawks gets to work. He was no doctor or recovery girl but he could enough to help the boy heal a bit faster and hopefully withoit to much scarring.
He was focused on helping Shoto he didnt hear Dabi walk in. "Birdbrain?" Dabi sounded tired.
Hawks stops and looks over at him. "Well shit." Is all he can say. Dabi walks over and freezes at the sight. He had no clue his little brother was a villain.
He could lose it. "Sit. You can help. Questions later." Is all Hawks says. Dabi nods and helps him. Seeing his brothers injuires spark his brother instincts. "Hawks. Why is Dabi here?" Shoto manages to ask.
"Potential recruit?" Hawks tries to pass it off. "Do all potential recruits wear your shirts? And is that a hickey??" Well at least he is feeling better.
"Shut it." Is all Hawks can tell him. Dabi watches the interaction and while he should hate it he loves it. Hes happy his brother has someone he can come to.
The rest of the night goes normal. Hawks and Dabi end up sleeping in the same room as Shoto since hes terrified to sleep alone.
The others show up in the morning and just about lose it when they hear what happened to Shoto. No one even cares that Dabi is there.
"So do we call Dabi dad now as well?" Deku asks him. There it was. "Stop that you little shit." Hawks says glaring at him. "But daaaaaaad." Deku whines.
Dabi decides he likes it here. Hes still deciding on if he will join or not but he might.
As for Shoto he ends up refusing to go back to his fathers house. Since he lives at the dorms at UA hes fine but when it comes time to the weeks they are allowed to go home hes not sure what to do.
"We take turns!" Deku suggests excitedly. They even make a whole ass list of who goes in which order. Hawks also reminds them all to come here if anything goes wrong.
Eventually everyone else leaves but Shoto and Deku. "Kaachans gonna be at dinner tonight so Im trying to stay away for as long as I can." While in this au the two have a semi better relationship since Deku got his mums quirk as well as one for all (thats for a different post.) The two bonded a bit more over quirks.
Theres still strain (But thats a Deku focused post).
So now its just Dabi, Shoto and Hawks. "I gotta go. Hand job will get pissy if I dont come back today." Dabi says before leaving.
Then there was two. Hawks gives Shoto a gently hug and the boy just breaks down. Hawks is shocked. Hes never seen Shoto so hurt and upset so he just holds the boy. Its all he can do.
Once Shoto calms down Hawks orders them food cause he cant be fucked cooking. Shoto of cpurse answers the door since no one knows the address is Hawks base its fine.
They eat and Hawks stays with Shoto while he goes to sleep. Hawks ends up staying the whole night cause Shoto cuddles into him and Hawks just doesnt want to risk waking him up.
He also plans his revenge. Endeavor realy should not have messed with one of his kids. And maybe just maybe he will team up with Dabi for this.
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kob131 · 4 years
hey about that r/wby rewrite of yours, I remember you saying you didn’t kill Jaune off but just nuked his plot lines. What did you replace Jaunedice with?
So you destroyed the one well written part of Volume 1.
Congrats. you literally could not fuck up any worse.
that mightve been an older concept i was working with but i dont talk about my ideas all that frequently so im not surprised. i know i did used to think this but ultimately [cocks gun] its for the best. i did overhaul his plotline a bit so hes not shitty though
Place your bets.
first of all during his first meeting with pyrrha hes not fucking rude and physically aggressive for no reason. he does butt in on the conversation but only continues bc pyrrha engages with him. instead of being put off by her fame (YOU KNO, THE THING HE DOES THAT PYRRHA EXPICITLY SAID HE DIDNT DO. THAT THING.) he gets boastful and goes “well im sure i could totally keep up with her” which is misplaced confidence but she appreciates the spirit
... Wow, how did you break things THAT bad?
‘he’s rude and physically aggressive’ he wasn't physically aggressive in the original, he was just rude. Which makes sense as he’s SUPPOSE to be macho and suppose to be wrong. That’s uh, kind of why it’s funny when he gets pushed around. And why the fuck would Jaune think he would be able to catch up to Pyrrha, his whole shtick is that he’s not confident and he feels a need to stand out and stand on his own. Yeah he could be lying to himself but you don’t say that here and considering your best, you probably wouldn’t think of that.
pyrrha doesnt actively seek him out to partner with she just hears hi mscreaming and helps bc shes just nice and doesnt realy mind teaming up with whoever anyway.
... SO the exact same thing in canon just more telling and less showing. Because Pyrrha by using her spear to save Jaune locked herself into being his partner but she still helped him because she’s nice.
he actually tries VERY hard in school to catch up but still falls flat so instead of some prick who doesnt try and doesnt want help but still wants to be good hes actually trying VERY hard and only doesnt ask for help bc hes a cheater.
So canon again. Except that you removed one of his similarities to Ruby and robbed the show of a connection between characters, which interests so many people...just to get to the same point which would still be bitched at because you guys don’t care about what actually happens in the show.
at the end of the arc he comes clean to nora and ren also bc he realizes hes putting them in danger so ultimately weather or not he continues to attend is up to the rest of the team to decide. so he can be friends with them before he fucking dies and have screen time and interactions with them. ultimately theyre fine with hi mstaying and offer to help train him bc ren appreciates that he genuinely does want to help people (which aligns with his own interests) and nora has Abandonment Issues so shes definately not throwing a friend out the window. 
... How the fuck did he put them in danger? They’re the strong ones and Jaune never acts in a way that endangers anyone but himself.
All you did was add in bullshit in an already bare bones Volume.
the dance arc doesnt fucking happen bc weiss told him to fuck off after the ice angel thing in v1 and he respected that bc hes not psychotic 
And yet you don’t say anything about Neptune being demanded he be beaten up by Weiss.
This shit is why I say you fuckers are sexist: you only give a shit in very narrow circumstances.
overall just more interaction with everyone in general so it feels like it fucking matters when i nuke him so pyrrha can be a real character 
... So you’re going to give a character you screech at if he exists for more than a second more screentime?
Yeah sure.
Also let me go ahead and address this bullshit ‘it’s better for Jaune to die than Pyrrha!’-
A. Jaune would get creamed in the first second of arrival or you’d have to make him a Mary Sue.
B. He’d still wouldn’t have the build up with Cinder that Pyrrha did as she was chosen to be a maiden.
C. It still wouldn't mean anything because instead of the strongest student dying, either the weakest student or a Mary Sue wearing his skin is dying so who cares?
D. Instead of having a character who has a moderately strong but necessary drawback semblance without extensive power to overbalance the team, we now have someone far stronger than any of the heroes who would either kill the tension or repeatedly need to be removed from the picture.
And E. What would this actually accomplish? No one besides people with murderboners towards Jaune suggests this change and they are so fringe they wouldn’t be a viable target to get emotional about. This isn’t a fix to the show, this is a demand for pandering to yourself. This would satisfy no one but yourselves....if even that because Pyrrha would still focus on Jaune and you’d throw a bitch fit there or remove him entirely for your own bigoted reasons, which would break the show for a vast majority of the audience.
This is why rewrites of RWBY do not work. You people do not consider the intricates of the show and instead of fixing small problems with small solutions, you take a sledgehammer to the whole thing and declare yourself a master writer just as the rumble crushes you.
Stop pretending that you have the experience, the talent, or the drive let alone the discipline to even attempt a fanfiction of this, let alone an actual show.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Its Jess's birthday!!! I wish we were together today but we will be this weekend!! Ahh!!
Me and James just spent the last couple hours working on a project. And now Im all sweaty again. But Im excited that we got something done and that just feels nice. 
Today was a good day. But it wasnt as active in the same way, so this project was really nice for me. But I am for sure going to take a bath soon. 
I slept okay last night but I had nightmares where I was covered in slugs? It was really upsetting. Also just weird. 
But I got up and got dressed. Felt real good about myself. I love these earrings but man they are heavy! I did wear them all day and got many compliments but yeah they were very heavy on my poor lobes. 
James made me a salad and a sandwich and off I went. It was a nice drive but I was feeling anxious and I dont even know why. 
I think some of it was the unknown of the day. But like it all worked out fine enough. Heather asked if I could make posters for parent direction so it felt good to have something productive and helpful to do. So I spent a couple hours doing posters, Dropping them off. Listening to a podcast. It was a nice way to spend the morning. 
At 1130 I had my lunch at a picnic table. One of the girls was upset to hear that I was eating alone but like. I like that time. But once I finished eating I went down to the lodge and talked to people for a little while. But then it was time to spend some time with some kids! 
So far Ive just covered trading post, which is essentially snack time. But the one not trading post coverage I get to do is archery! So I got to watch 6 year olds  use a compound bow. And talk to one of the counselors and teach the kids about stomping for worms. It was nice. And I even got to shoot a few arrows! I have good form but terrible aim. I want to try again sometime though because it was fun. 
I headed to trading post after that. Hung out with the 12 year olds who just speak in vine quotes.Fletcher was the counselor and I got to learn that this boy is 16! A baby!! He's funny. He reminds me of Chris Viola. Big stories and big personality with to many toys. He had Bose sunglasses that are also headphones somehow and a motercycle? But his voice cracks when he thinks hes done something wrong and will get in trouble. Its hilarious. 
Someone asked if they could have some chalk so I went up to the art shack to grab that and there was a huge snake!! Just so big! We called Heather but by the time she got there it had gone into the wall!! So now I have snakes in the wall, great. 
So I was a little on edge while I finished my last posters. Every little sound I look up thinking a snake will be there. Ugh
But once I was done the posters I took a break. 
I got in my hammock with my embroidery and just enjoyed working on my bag. I really love embroidering bags. Like way more that just fabric. I think its because I like things to be functional. I half hope someone else will ask me to do their bags too. That would be fun. 
We finished up the day. But I got some news of a family issue and then I felt very off and I wanted to go home. I was hungry and tired. I hung out on the porch and tried to talk to people but it was hard to like. Focus. But we had snacks and chatted. But I wanted to leave. I left like 15 minutes early. I just needed to go home. 
I got back here and was so happy to see James. He was cooking and we had dinner really quick. Once we were done that I went to go clean the fish tank, James helped with that. But then out the window I saw that Mr Will was taking away the shelves I had James trash pick for me that we were going to go grab after the tank was done. So I had James yell down to him and then Mr Will was upset with James for letting me even try to carry that. Mr Will very much doesnt like when I try to do things like that, worried Ill get hurt. But I really wanted these shelves to work. 
So they got them up and they were so dirty!! Just unreasonably dirty!! So we spent a few hours cleaning them. It was cut by someone else at some point so I had to cut some wood to even out the bottom. But Im realy pleased. We now have them outside the kitchen and it fits really well. Im very happy. 
But I am very tired now though. And tomorrow will be another long day. 
I hope you all have a great night. Im going to take a bath and get ready for bed. Sleep good!!
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evisamora · 5 years
She Ra, season 3, episode 1
Here we go again, Evisa big stupid analyst! I’m sorry but I love doing it and it help me to think.  So here we go with Episode 1.  First, we know that SW left the Horde by “manipulating” Catra and go to Bright Moon to see Adora. Which is interesting, because in a way she has nowhere to go, but she cna still feel safe enough to go see Adora. Is that because she believes in Adora? Or is she really desperate? I mean, the Bright Moon Prison seems... pretty nice. Everyone seems surprised of it. Angella, is it the prison or not?
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Well, guess it is.  Plus, Angella got call out by our famous SW. I mean they kinda look a like no?
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Well anyway, let’s be honest Glimmer and Angella has the same personality and they are quite a show to watch yelling at each other.  I love how Angella doesnt want Adora to be in contact with SW because she is dangerous, but Angella is aware of the psychological damage she done to her when she was young and she might have an idea how she treated her in the Fright Zone. Plus, Glimmer kind a make of reference that SW knows how to manipulate Adora. BUT Adora kinda make the T post to impose her dominance. 
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But it doesnt work. You are such a gay Adora.  Anyway, she will try to infiltrate SW prison to spoke to her, because she came to Birght Moon and it kind of picked Adora curiosity. We can’t blame you Adora, it took all the fandom by surprise too. 
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Obviously, the Bestfriend Squad know each other perfectly so... Guess they knew what Adora planned since the beginning. Heres a compilation of Glimmer stopping Adora. 
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Ok the first one, Glimmer look like she wants to grabs Adora butt and Adora is like : NO!  And I am not sorry for this.  But yeah Adora try so hard to go see SW.  At the same time, we are learning that SW wants only to talk to Adora and that she is actually dying. I am pretty sure that people who hates Light Spinner/SW was happy to heard that, but eh eh. Actually She Ra will heal her. SW will show her how to use her power.  BUT HOW DID SHE GET IN SW ROOMS?? Actually, this is Glimmer who lets her after a long talk with Adora.  Meanwhile, Bow will distract the Queen and Castaspella with a Magic trick?! (I wanted to see that trick Bow)
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I love how Glimmer did her protective girlfriend speech to her future mother in law. Sassy girl. 
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To be honest, SW calling Adora “my Adora” make me ... I don’t know to be honest. I really want to think that she really loves her like if she was her child, but at the same time SW took her because she was feeling power in her and knew that she was different. We all know the Weaver loves power. 
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Lucky us, Adora didn’t believe her.. well I think? Maybe she did believe her in a way, but at the same time knew that SW had other intention 
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Adora is different because she has power in her! Here we can see a proud girlfriend because Adora doesnt trust SW. 
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Even after all this, Adora will accept to heal SW as long as she talks. First she need to make the T post dominance as She Ra to make sure SW is really afraid.
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Angella and Castaspella will hear noise or see light? Maybe both! And they will enter the room> Poor Bow, he was trying hard to distract them. Guess you’ll need a little more practice after all. You are such a dork. 
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SW finally speak about why she is here. 
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AND this is what I find interesting, SW said that Catra betrayed her and that Hordak get rid of her so she wants to take THEM down. Which is kind of true, but at the same time she did everything to keep her alive. I think it’s funny how Catra and SW are alike. Both keep grudge but don’t see how their actions affect people around. It’s at the same time that she told them about the portal, which JOKE ON YOU SW WE KNOW SINCE SEASON 2. Plus, it’s at the same time she tell Adora that she is not from here and Hordak took her and bring her there from a portal. 
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TATAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Big intense music during these scene. I mean, it’s not like a big spoilers because many of us fam already saw it. There is when Adora left and ask Light Hope for answer! 
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There is the part we know that Mara cut them off from the rest of the galaxy and that is will be really dangerous to open one right now. 
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Does it means that if they can reestablish their link with the rest of the universe they can open a portal again without any consequences? For people who finished the series do you know where I want to go with this?  Anyways, after her talk with Light Hope, she goes back to Bright Moon and this is when the bestfriend squad decide to go on a trip to the Crimson Waste and follow he message from Mara. This is how the ADVENTURE begin mesdames and messieurs.
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AND NOW! Not that I have my favorites in this show, but I do. The SuperpalTrio, what is happening with them. DO WE SEE THEM? Yes don’t worry. 
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As we can see our baby is alive. She is in a prison like SW was. I don’t know if it’s the same cell and tbh I don’t care. And Scorpia is running to trying to make Catra escape so she will not have to be sentenced by Hordak.
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I know, I repeat myself, but Scorpia is a precious bean and she is the friend that no one deserve. ~cancer rights~ But meh Catra doesnt want to because she doesnt want Scorpia to get in trouble for her. Which it shows that Catra really cares for Scorpia because she doesnt want her to get in trouble in the first place. 
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This, my friends, this is the part where we know Catra doesnt believe in herself anymore.  Yes, she never had a big self esteem, but she always thought that shw could proove herself to SW, to Adora and to Hordak, but now she doesnt believe in her at all, she thinks she is a loser and she will never win. Win what? Win to be the favorite? The trusted one? The good one? I don’t think she is talking about power. Yes, in the Horde she needs to have power to have all of this and this is why Catra try to have it.  And we can see her girlfriend being mad at her future mother in law. Man, SW you need to watch your back. 
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But good one Scorpia, because we all know she is not right. 
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IS THAT A LOVE CONFESSION BECAUSE OOOOOF IT’S HOT IN HERE! But no for real, it was really kind from you Scorpia. Man, Scorpia, I know you love your friend lie if they were a part of you, but you can’t realy on someone like that it’s really bad for you. It’s even worst because Catra has self destructive behaviour. Even if Catra doesn’t have any, you need to rely on yourslef more and being your world. You dont need to make someone else our world because yours is already amazing.  Entrapta and Hordak relationship/friendship is stronger than never before! He pretty let her do everything she wants or she doesnt listen to him so he just let her do it?! 
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Entrapta will safe Catra life by using the development of the Horde since Catra was in charge and how it get better. She will told her that she need her to find a first one tech in Crimson Waste. 
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Tbh this is me with my gf everytime she is trying to win an argument with me and that she is right.  I mean, I understand Hordak to trust Entrapta complety because she is kind of the only one who can face him and be totally honest with him. Look at my baby grumpy face. Can I marry her? 
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After, Catra will be sent to Hordak to have her punishment. Lonnie is so worried about her cat girlfirend. 
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Hordak will call Catra a failures and want people to take note of her mistake, but Catra kinda of call him out. I don’t know if it’s because she thought she will die so she let out everything she wanted to say before?! I mean she seems pretty ready to die and to let herself go. OR maybe she thinks it will save her by trying to convince him that he needs her? 
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Ok Lonnie is totally laughing. She is proud of her girlfriend. 
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Catra are you fingering guns Hordak?! HOney, we talked about that. 
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The fist remind me something..... wait ....
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OH YEAH! Dam. Thats scary Arthur... EH HORDAK! 
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Catra will learns that she is going to Crimson Waste to retrive first one techs (where no one survive and that’s why Hordak send her there). He is sure she will never return. Guess Entrapta really have high hope in Catra!
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guess-ill-die-again · 5 years
top ten kagepro songs?? 0:
*rubs hands* u now i read your whole wall of text about this? well now its my turn c:
warning half of this post is just about Shinigami Record bc i’m looking WAAY too deep into it but honestly i love doing that gbdhsg that part has over 500 words and im not sorry
Disclaimer: The first few don’t have numbers bc I just CANNOT choose a favorite ok ngsdhjgs
Shinigami Record - I’m gonna start with this one because i was already planning on making a post about how underappreciated this song is… half of this post is probably gonna be about this song alone so i might as well put it as nuumbr one tbh
Musically it’s really simple and just so amazingly gentle. I feel like the slow piano and the way its played in the verses helps to convey Azami’s feelings really well. It starts as just a bunch of lonely piano notes, but then as Azami finds someone who loves her, feelings grow and change, so does the guitar replace the piano for the second verse. Then the harmonies for the part when Azami creates the Kagerou Daze make it feel not only more mystical but also give it more emotion. She creates it filled with love for her family after all, this part needed to have a lot of emotion in it! But then it quiets down and the lonely piano returns.. the guitar and piano interlace each other(i cant find a good english word for it im sorry) while Azami’s voice is growing more unsure and then ‘gasps’ with the realization, in a way. The harmonies return and we hear both the lonely piano and the love-filled guitar. Azami is really conflicted and u can HEAR that!! Then it bursts with the pitch change and you can just hear how heartbroken she is! the highest note really reminds me of when people are trying to sing but they’re crying so their technique is egh but it has so much emotion?? idk maybe its just IAs voice… and then after she sings “I still love you” theres a drop that sounds like slamming doors and the guitar is GONE. It ends on the same lonely piano we started with(different pitch blahblah i know ok) but there’s also the added noise that you can either hear traffic in, OR the sea/ocean waves. I KNOW im reading way too much into this but traffic could allude to our time, where the main story is set and the fact that what Azami did has consequences reaching much further than she could have ever imagined but also that despitwat happened, most people don’t even know about her story and everythings… well, normal. The sea waves would be just like the world she’s come to love and she’s leaving it all behind i guess lolThe way this song tells Azami’s story is uh, very simplified, but i think it works well. It gives you enough information to feel sorry for her even if it doesn’t really explain much. We only see Azami’s perspective so i’m not surprised or disappointed that reasons behind Tsukihiko’s disappearance arent really stated. Also i’m kind of glad it doesn’t delve deeper into the story, because i personally really didn’t like these chapters of the manga at all lol bc i didnt agree with the characterization and it didnt show Azami’s loneliness as much and kind of ruined the magic. I like Azami’s story when its still told as a kind of fairytale…This is also probably THE best Kagepro song in terms of tuning, too. idk what happened but i feel like here it’s much more soft than the other songs which makes it all the more enjoyable.
one day i’ll write a full essay on this…
I’m not gonna go that deep into any of the other ones dont worry
Remind Blue - Easily the best song on the Mekakucity Reload album. While i adore Additional Memory as well, my heart belongs to Remind Blue. Because the range isn’t that big, Miku’s voice and Jin’s tuning of don’t get overbearing. Im also a sucker for lyrics connecting to past events or symbols so the whole time reading the translation i was just lying in bed like kermit surrounded by heart emojis. I may or may not make a cover of this one…
Lost Time Memory - I feel like all that could be said about this song has already been said so I’ll just say i love it. I was introduced to it through Juby’s english cover(Classical Rock Arr. version!! thats important, i love this arrangement probably more than the original but the dude who made it just doesnt have a nice voice for this song… Juby’s not perfect but this cover’s good enough) an really this is the song that made me want to learn about Kagepro so there’s a lot of pure nostalgia connected to this one.
4. Ayano’s Theory of Happiness - whenever i tell someone new about kagepro i always say this is the song that makes me cry and laugh the hardest. I laugh a lot because of the tv anime version bc lmao every time i see it i LOSE IT gndnsdgs The reason i cry is quite obvious i think, but i still feel the need to specify it’s because of the lyric “so I hope you can love tomorrow”. It’s just such a simple thing but it makes me tear up 99% of the time. And like the thing is, the last couple of lines aren’t directed at any particular character either so its like she’s singing to us. She hopes we can love tomorrow as well… and just for you Ayano, I will try.
Also MARiA’s cover is the best one i barely listen to the original now lmao
5. Summertime Record - did i mention im a sucker for lyrics where the character is looking back at what happened? bc yeah i am. This song is really dear to my heart for some reason so much so that when at a camp with the choir ive been in for like 6years we were supposed to make a little song about it for the last campfire, i managed to get my friends to write the lyrics to this song with me and i think that in itself is very fitting to this song. and just.. yeah the whole thing just feels very welcoming and I love Haruka so
6. Children Record - BOYS👏 AND👏 GIRLS👏 yeah this song staight up slaps and i love it (altho i mostly listen to the version with MARiA bc the tuningin this one :’) its realy good go listen) and uh yeah its just a really good opening to the series! idk what to say exactly so uh really lets not drag this out
7. Additional Memory - so when this song came out i had to lay down for like a week bc just… woah yeah ok!! all the motifs and melodies from other songs just hit me so HARD and THE PV OH MY GOOOD i was SCREAMING! and youre absolutely right about the lyrics!! “if this were all a misunderstanding, i don’t want to hear it” just HITS and HURTS and GOD YEAH
8. Kagerou Days - ahh classic above classics…. the one where you’ve set your expectations for Hibiya to just be a good childhood friend only to have it be crushed by other media… its just a great base for angsty AUs for anytwo cahracters that care about each other really and i love it! also like when i first listenedi was like what and when i realized whats happening i was just…  poetic cinema guy but with hearts i really love angst huh
9. Headphone Actor - I don’t know what to say apart from I love Takane, I love the whole Harutaka story, I love the metaphor and the music and I have a little lesbian moment every time i listen to LiSA’s version of the song(THE WAY SHE SHINGS “Dokoka e to mukatteru”??? IM TOO GAY FOR THIS SHIT I CANT) and its 3:30am so i cant think anymore okbut god i love LiSA’s voice
10. Never Lost Word - ah the kinnie really jumps out here lmao this is the song i listened o and was just !! it me!! which… NOT a good thing if not for the last verse lol but yeah i just identify with kido a lot so like…i just really felt this song back when i first listened to it and even now i still do… just… yeah. and i just really like it in every way i guess lol
ALSO Shoutout to Gunjo Rain and Dead and Seek for beeing other tragically underappreciated Kagepro songs bc they dont have PVs
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Happier (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: This is one of the first requests in my inbox and im sorry it took this long to write this. I just got inspired last mightt. sorryy love youuu
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here. if anyone here like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Walking down 29th and Park I saw you in another’s arms You look happier
“Hey, woah slow down Tae. How many glass have you drank?” Jimin snatched his glass away and Taehyung smirked.
“Oh come on Chim. Its a party. A happy occassion! Shouldnt we be happy too? Let me drink!” He growls and tries to get his glass back but Jimin pull his hand away.
“How long are you going to be this way? Are you going to get drunk everytime you remember her? Everytime theres a couple? A wedding? An engagement? Anything thats reeks happiness or reminds you of love?!”
“Yeah. I am! So what?!” Taehyung growls and sneered at his friend, trying to find another glass.
“Get over her already Kim Taehyung!” Jimin yelled. “Get over Y/N!”
“I cant. Not when she looks so happy in another man’s arm. No one should be able to make her happy like that except for me Chim! No one!” Taehyung sighed and slumped down on the chair.
“But you are the one wbo blew it Tae. Its your own damn fault and you got no one to blame,” Jimim rubs his friend’s back. He knows how heart broken Taehyung is but theres realy no one else to blame but himself. “Now man up. Its a party and you wont ruined it just because you cant see anyone else happy and in love!” Jimin growls and shakes Taehyung’s shoulder. “Shes happier now and you should be happy for her, and thats that,”
Saw you walk inside a bar He said something to make you laugh I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours Yeah, you look happier, you do
Its only been a few months after their fateful breakup that Taehyung saw Y/N again. He saw her in her favorite scarf and beanie, fighting the cold weather, her nose and the tip of her ears slightly pink. Taehyung loves that look on her. He always teased her about it when they were together. Without realizing, his legs has taken him into her direction, wanting nothing more than to tap her shoulder and tell her how much he misses her, but Taehyung never get the opportunity when clumsy as she is, she bumped into someone the moment she walked into the bar, spilling the glasses of beer the man is holding. And before he knows it, the two of them are talking and laughing to the wee hours, the man’s friends forgotten and Taehyung sat alone by the corner, just staring at them.
His last memory of hers… her crying face, her eyes thats filled with pain.. now is replaced by the wide smile on her face, laughing at something the man said. If only Taehyund had walked faster. If only Taehyung grabbed her hand first before she enters the bar, if only she wasnt clumsy. So many ifs but everything is too late when all he can see now is Y/N’s big grin that matches the man as they exchanged phone numbers.
If only he could turn back time and treat her right.
Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody love you like I do
Y/N and Taehyung has been together for almost 10 years. Well, they will be 10 in a few months and Y/N loves him like no other. Dating an idol was never easy. Especially if the said idol is extremely well known and good looking and she is just a normal girl. Its fate they met and fall in love. Y/N had refused his invitation for drinks multiple times when they first met, but Taehyung was relentless. He keeps showing up and asking her out, and who in the world could resist Kim Taehyung’s charms when he decides to put it to good use on someone. So, after months of persuading and convincing, Y/N finally said yes to a coffee date.
A simple coffee date turns to talking all day long. They laugh, they share their interests, they shared stories, and they even continued their coffee date to a night walk by the Han river which they ended up sitting and talking until the break of dawn. As Taehyung walks Y/N home, he finally finds the courage to ask for her phone number and one simple coffee date turns to lunches, movies, walk in the parks, dinners and on their 10th date, Taehyung finally asks her to officially become his, which Y/N said yes to without hesitation.
Taehyung and Y/N are madly in love, and eventhough they were not allowed to date in public, that didnt seem to stop them as their love for each other burns quite strongly. Y/N believes that no matter what happen, they can take it, just as long as Taehyung continues to love her.
Nine years they have been together. They are in love and happy and Taehyung couldnt have asked for more. Y/N is understanding, beautiful, smart, sweet and everything else he ever wanted in a girl, but Yerin came like a summer breeze in his comfortable winter with Y/N. Hr met when Yerin, a rookie idol, was casted as one of the model for their music video. She is fresh, young, charming and new and for some odd reason, out of the sevem boys, she seemed to be interested in him. Yerin didnt know at first, to the world Taehyung is a single man, and by the time she found out that Taehyung is in a long term serious relationship, she has already fallen too deep in love with him,amd a girlfriend wont stop her efforts in persuing Kim Taehyung.
Relentless and determined to make Taehyung hers, she become his dream girl, his one place to vent about work stress… or when he has fight with Y/N. Tiny unimportant arguments turns into bigger fights led Taehyung to not coming home for days. And Yerin swoop in to take the opportunity and on one drunken night at a bar listening to Taehyung vent about the fights led to sleepless night in her bed, doing things he shouldnt have. One night turns to many, once a week turns to almost everyday and soon enough Taehyung is convinced that he is in love with Yerin too.
So Y/N becomes a punch bag. A person to release his anger on when he got into a fight with Yerin. When he is jealous about Yerin’s intinate closeness with her co star. Smiles and sweet nothings are only whispered in Yerin’s ears and only harsh words of insults and yelling are left for Y/N.
Nine years theu have been together. Ten in a few months, and Y/N knkws something has changed in her relationship Taehyung. Is it her? Did she do something? Did she changed? Is that why Taehyung hates her so much?
Tears dripped down on the cold floor as she kneeled down to pick up the remains of the food that she worked so hard to cook as a surprise for him and scattered pieces of the broken plate that Taehyung threw on the floor earlier before storming out. Just because she asks him where he had been when she calls the dorm and the boys said he were not there. Just because of that one question, Taehyung pushed down everything on the table to the floor in rage before storming off, not coming home for the next three days. Dont even get her started on the harsh words Taehyung said to her every day, cancelling on date nights for no reason at all even when she is already fully dressed and pushing her away when she tries to kiss him. Y/N starts to keep to herself, crying herself to sleep whenever Taehyung stormed off or didnt make it home for the night, keeping quiet when he is around, afraid anything she said will set him off, all the while trying to think of the mistake she did that seems to make Taehyung to stop loving her.
But no matter how she tried, she doesnt know why. Y/N was almost convinced that maybe Taehyung’s love for her has expired. Maybe love does have an expired date after all. After all, they have been together for nearly 10 years, maybe he is bored of her already.
Then one fateful day, when she decides to come home early from work, she finally found out why.
The red stilletos placed neatly in front of the door is definitely not hers. But even with a panic rising in her chest, Y/N tries to reason with herself. Maybe one of the boys comes over to visit Taehyung and brought their girlfriend with them. Yes, that could be it. But the dim lighted house when she entered and the trail of clothes leading to their bedroom are making it hard to believe the reason she just came out with.
The noise she heard as she neared the room is making her thoughts came true and the sight she sees when she pushed open the door slightly confirmed everything.
Y/N covered her mouth with both of her hand as she stood there watching her boyfriend thrusting in and out of a woman she has never seen before. Their loud moans and being lost in pleasure distract them from seeing her there, and with tears running down her face, Y/N turned around and went out from the house, eliminating all traces that she has been there and witness the whole thing.
Maybe its a one time thing. She can forgive a one time thing right? Everyone make mistakes and Taehyung is only human. He loves her. Taehyung still loves her.
Atleast that is what she keeps tellimg herself as she comes home hours later, pretending like nothing happened.
Y/N’s hope and trust that its a one time thing broke into pieces when she starts to caught them multiple times, everywhere. Even worse when she caught Taehyung talking to the girl on the phone, and texting her. Her heart shattered into pieces when she finally heard it. Taehyung’s hush voice, under the blanket.
“I love you Yerin, goodnight angel,”
All this time Y/N pretended not to know that her boyfriend is sleeping with someone else, in her own house too. She pretended not to know, hoping its just a fling, something Taehyung needed to get out from his system. She knows she can forgive him, just as long as he tells her he still loves her.
But telling the other girl he loves her? Y/N knew then that their relationship is over. And she knows just the perfect gift she could give to the man she loves, one last time.
Sat on the corner of the room Everything’s reminding me of you Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you’re happier Aren’t you?
Why didnt he notice her smile that just didnt reached her eyes anymore? Or the way she goes to bed early? Or how she always refuses date night saying shes too exhausted? And her puffy and red eyes like she has been crying all night when she wakes him up for breakfast? Why didnt he see all that?
Taehyung took a swig from the already half empty bottle as he thinks about all the things he should have noticed. Things that showed Y/N already knows about his infidelity. Knows how he already broke her heart.Things he should have done. This is his usual routine whenever they dont have a schedule now, crawled into a corner at a nameless bar where no one would recognize him and drinks up one whole bottle or whatever bottle that he is sober enough to order next, thinking about his memories with Y/N. The good memories, the bad memories, and just memories of her. The way she walks, talks, laugh and smile. The way she always smell, of roses and vanilla, the way she needs to drink a cup of milk before she can fall asleep, the way she loves to dance in the rain. Every single thing reminds Taehyung of Y/N. So he drinks. He keeps on drinking until all theres left are hazy memories of her, and yet, when he wakes up after passing out at some alleyway the next morning, her face is always the first thing that appeared in his mind.
Taehyung shouldnt be this way. He shouldnt even feel this way. He shouldnt even be thinking about Y/N at all. Y/N has found someone new. Someone who can make her laugh better, smile wider, happier even, and she dont need him anymore. But why is it Taehyung needs her more than ever now?
Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody need you like I do I know that there’s others that deserve you But my darling, I am still in love with you
“T-Taehyung?” Y/N’s sleepy eyes popped wide open when she realized who is at her door at 4 am in the morning, looking drunk as hell and disheveled.
“Baybeeeee,” Taehyung slurred as he stumbled into the door, trying to kiss her but Y/N avoided him.
“Tae go home. Its 4 am and you are drunk,”
“I-Im not drunkkk. I want to see my babybeee,” he giggles and stumbled into the couch.
“Tae…” Y/N sighed. “Just stay there. Ill make some coffee to help you sober up and then maybe you can go home,” Y/N make sure he is safe and comfortable on the couch before heading to the kitchen to make him the coffee and some snacks. By the time she came back, Taehyung is already fast asleep, drooling on her couch. She stood there in front of him, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, looking at him sadly.
“I guess… we just have to talk tomorrow then. Sleep well Taehyung,”
“Hey… how are you feeling?” Taehyung feels like he has woken up in heaven when the first thing he sees is Y/N’s face smiling in front of him if its not for the killer headache attacking his head right at that moment.
“Like dying,” he groans out. Y/N giggles at his answer and even then he feels his heart skipped a beat from the sound.
“I know. You are hangover. Drink this. It will help,” she pushes a glass of hot beverage in front of him and some pills. “And I made breakfast too. Eat up before you go okay,” the thought of Y/N making him breakfast sends his heart into a frenzy but then he remembers her next words, ‘before you go’ . Right. They are no longer together. He can no longer lounge and watch TV with her, legs tangling together after breakfast or his favorite, making sweet sweet love to her. Y/N belongs to someone else now. And he needs to go after he eats breakfast.
“Yeah.. thanks,” he takes a sip of the drink and swallow his pills. “I take it I was drunk and showed up at your house at late hours last night?”
“4 am to be exact,” she smiles.
“I’m really sorry Y/N,”
“Its okay Tae. It happens. I understand. Eat up and sober up okay? Your brothers must be worried about you,” she smiles again and start to get up but Taehyung stop her by pulling her hand.
“No. Theres no possible way that you can understand Y/N,” he looks at her straight in the eye. “You wont be able to understand how much I miss you, need you,”
“Taehyung, dont,” Y/N tries to shake her hand loose but to no avail.
“Please Y/N…”
“I-I dont know what you are asking from me. Taehyung we are over. I have met someone new now,” Y/N tries to shake her hand off again. “Tae… I’m happy with him,” Her words were like a blade to Taehyung’s heart. “You know I’m happy with him,”
“Y/N… I know you deserve to be happy. I know theres someone out there that deserves you more than me, that can treat you better, love you better…” he trailed off, hoping for a reaction.
Y/N just kept quiet, finally able to take her hand back after Taehyung let it go.
“But Y/N… give me a chance. You have loved me before. You can love me again. I will treat you the way you really deserve Y/N. Please…,” Taehyung begged, his eyes wide. “Y/N… I still love you. I am still so in love with you. I cant forget you. I cant move on from you,”
“Tae… please dont do this,” Y/N sniffles, tears threatening to fall down. “You know I love you before Tae. You are everything to me,” she cups his face. “But its over. You didnt choose me. So I chooses someone new Tae. And this breakup is the only gift I could give you,”
I could try to smile to hide the truth I know I was happier with you
“Happy anniversary Kim Taehyung. I cant believe its our 10th year together now,” Y/N smiles at him and Taehyung smiles back. God, he misses that smile. So beautiful. A smile that never fails to make all his bad days turns good again. That smile that never leave her face no matter how bad Taehyung treated her all this years. Abandoned her, keeping her a secret, yells at her, making her a punching bag, push her around, hurt her… everything bad he did, she only replied with that smile.
Why am I so stupid? Taehyung thought to himself. He already have the perfect angel bestowed upon him and all he do is take her for granted and hurt her. I’m never going to make her cry out of sadness ever again. Ever. I’m going to make it right this time. Who am I kidding? No one will ever be able to make as happy as she is. Y/N is the only one for me. Forever and always. I’m at my happiest only when I’m with her, and I’ll keep it that way.
Yerin was a mistake. He never loved her. He realized that now. Everything he did with her is out of lust, and blinded feelings. Y/N deserves better. Y/N is the only girl for him and he knows that now. Taehyung just hopes that he is not too late.
“Happy anniversary baby,” Taehyung closes the gap between them and hold her hand. He leans in to give her a kiss but Y/N titlted her head, avoiding it, making Taehyung confused. “Baby? Everything okay?”
“Everything is more than okay. Its great even,” Y/N smiles again, but her smile is sad this time. Taehyung furrowed her brows. Whats happening? He starts to panics when tears starts falling down her cheeks softly, but the smile still etched across her face.
“T-then why are you crying baby?”
“N-nothing. I’m just going to give you your present okay?”
“Okay. But wait!” Taehyung reached on the table and take the gift box that he had wrapped so carefully. “Open mine first. Its not much baby but I promise everything is changing starting now. That present is just the beginning,” he grins, knowing Y/N couldnt possibly understand what he is talking about.
“I…” Y/N looks down, not moving to take the box. “Just… I want to give you my present first okay Taehyung?”
“O-okay then baby. What is it?”
“I’m afraid its not something material,” she smiles. “But I know you will love it,”
“Really? What is it baby?” Taehyung smiles warmly at her. “Whatever it is you are giving me, I will like it anyway. Because it came from you,”
Y/N smiles and didnt say anything, moving closer to him and take his hand, her thumb carresing the back of his hand before the other carressed his cheeks. Her eyes look into his deeply, as if trying to remember his face one last time. Taehyung feels panic rising in his chest but keeps on smiling.
“My gift for you Taehyung, is a bit special. Since its our 10 years anniversary,” she looks down for a moment before lifting her eyes to look back into his, glazed with tears. “I’m giving you your freedom,”
“What do you mean? What freedom?”
“I’m breaking up with you Tae,” Y/N smiles softly, tears are again cascading down her cheeks.
“Breaking up?! What?! Baby no! I-”
“Listen to me!” Y/N raised her hand to stop him from talking. “I’m breaking up with you Tae, so you dont have to. I know about you and Yerin and I also know about how long it has been going on,” Taehyung felt all the blood is gone from his face as he tries to grab Y/N’s hand but she flinched away. “I’m giving you freedom from me Tae. So you dont have to cheat anymore. Go to her,”
“Baby no! I’m sorry!” Taehyung is also crying now. “Baby, I swear. Its a mistake. I-”
“Its not a mistake when it has been going on for more than a year Tae,” Y/N gave him a small smile. “I can see your face Tae. Your exhaustion whenever you are with me. How forced you feel when you have to come back to me when all you want is to be with her, right? Its alright. This is my final gift to you. You dont have to feel bad anymore. And I wont put this against you,” Y/N nods and pulls out something from behind the couch, her luggage that Taehyung recognized so well. He recognized because they bought it together. The stickers on it a reminder of all the places they have been together, creating memories, but now all torned up, leaving the surface if the luggage empty. Is she throwimg all their memories away?
“No. No! I’m not letting you go! Y/N, I’m sorry. I know. I know my mistake is too huge to be forgiven, but give me a chance to redeem myself. Just dont leave me, plesse baby,” he pleaded, begging desperately.
“I cant do that Tae. Every night when you didnt come home I cried in my bed, my head spinning, thinking if you are with her tonight. Thinking if you are doing the things you used to do with me. Are you happy with her? Are you sleeping soundly in her arms? I cant do that anymore Tae. I’m sorry but I cant,”
“I swear Y/N. Its over. Its really is over! Its you. You are the one I want. The one I love!” Taehyung tries to pull her back when she tries to wheel her luggage out the door.
“Tae.. I keep on thinking, wondering. Is there anything else that I could have done, that I should have do to prevented you from doing it… but I cant think of anything. I have given you my everything Tae bur its not enough,” Y/N sobs. “I realized it now. Im not enough. A-and this is the last thing I can give you to proof how much I love you,”
“If you love me, please dont go Y/N. Please dont. I will change. Ill do anything you want, please Y/N. I love you, I love you,” Taehyung is already on his knees, hugging her waist but she peeled off his hands that di wrapped around her.
“You dont love me Tae. If you do you wouldnt have done it. There must be something about her that makes you keep coming back… and I’m giving you the freedom to enjoy that with her. That is my last gift to you,” Y/N pushed his hands away and with tear stricken face turn to him one last time. “Happy anniversary Tae, you know I love you, but my love alone is not enough. You will be happier without me. Goodbye my love,”
And with that, Y/N walks out, never looking back.
Baby, you look happier, you do I knew one day you’d fall for someone new But if he breaks your heart like lovers do Just know that I’ll be waiting here for you
“Its been years Tae… you need to accept the fact that Y/N is happy and she is getting married okay?” Jimin sympathetically looks at his friend. “You want her to be happy dont you? And look at her Tae,” Jimin points to the front, where the main couple of the engagement party stood. “She looks so happy. Jungkook makes her happy, and you know that. He treats her right. She has been happy ever since she met Kookie at the bar,”
Taehyung look at the newly engaged couple in front of the room, Jungkook pulling Y/N, his now fiancee, in for a kiss as she blushes shyly and gave a weak smile towards Jimin.
“She doesnt just look happy Chim,” Taehyung said, making Jimin turned to him,curious as to what his friend is going to say. “She looks extremely happier. Happier than she ever did with me… and thats a good thing right?” Taehyung finishes off his glass in one gulp. “But I’ll be here Chim. I’ll be waiting for her here, forever. And if I ever be given the chance again, then I’ll make her even happier than that,”
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tumblunni · 5 years
Aaaaagh i feel so sad that i'm too late to the yokai watch fandom... Like man i had NO CLUE that its popularity was declining?? I finally got into the thing and now its dying and maybe i could have helped if i bought all the things back when it first came out??
And it sucks that apparantly its declining popularity is ALMOST ENTIRELY due to badly handled localization efforts. Not the translation itself, but more about the PR stuff behind it. The really long delays between games being released and localized, features being removed in the localization, awkwardly timed release dates, giving an innacurate impression of what youre gonna get, lack of merchandise beibg sold anywhere except america, even america getting barely anything compared to japan, putting the anime on a bad timeslot on unpopular channels, not dubbing spinoff games, dubbing spinoff games and then cancelling them as soon as they started getting a goddamn fandom, a bad downloadable demo of the first game that contained zero sassy humour despite that being the whole point of the series, and still going ahead with selling yw2 in two versions even though that strategy only works in an atmosphere of high fandom and turns people away when its a new growing fandom.
Aaaand it all sucks cos yokai watch is already like.. Pre-biased against Western audiences. I mean the whole premise is a cute version of local mythology, and when they decided to add "american appeal" in the third game they just made up a bunch of monsters based on american food and stuff instead of having even one based on a real american cryptid/mythology/folk hero/etc..
AND it sucks that the goddamn response to the decline has been really realy stupid, in my opinion. They decided to cancel the goddamn anime aka the most popular part of the series, and replace it with a Dark And Edgy Sequel that bombed completely. This was their response to people asking for more story driven stuff like in the games, and how all the story driven movies were the most successful thing ever. Why didnt you just adapt the goddamn stories from the games and/or continue doing story stuff with the existing anime characters!! And now despite yokai watch 3 being super fuckin awesome and finally perfecting the awkward battle system, theyre gonna throw it all out and take a giant risk with a whole new battle system on nintendo switch. TAKING RISKS WHEN THINGS ARE ALREADY RISKY IS BAD, YO
And not to mention how badly they handled the female characters as soon as things got risky! Like wtf why were they the thing that had to go first?? Removing the katie option on yw3 was universally hated by everyone, and biased audiences against the new character hailey cos the way the game was framed made it seem like she was the reason katie is gone. And the damage control they tried was really stupid and pointless?? Now there's just ONE SIDEQUEST very late in the game where you get to go thru a mirror to an alternate world where katie is the protagonist. Which only cements the whole 'she is not canon' thing and doesnt do anything but rub it in that we cant play as her. And i mean you do technically play as her during that segment, so if they had all the models and animations and shit done then why not just actually make a katie mode??? Even if it had less features than the usual option and was just an appearance switch with no changed dialogue aside from pronouns, thats basically what the gender option is in pokemon so its better than nothing. Even if yeah the lil bit of different personality in older games was neat and gave me an actual reason to wanna play again with Nate. AND THEN even more annoying is the fact they also threw Hailey under the bus, removing her shortly after she appeared in the anime and doing the whole sequel reboot where she doesnt exist. And she gets basically no merchandise and its like theyre trying to forget her. Which SUCKS because she is POPULAR! She was only preemptively hated before the game came out, for replacing katie. But then everyone loved her when they saw how hilarious awesome she is, and ESPECIALLY she was super popular in america aka the exact thing they were trying to do with making yw3. Which they friggin didnt dub for 4 years!! The america game for america!! Delayed in america!! Seriously so many bad decisions!!
And whats super extra weird is that apparantly europe saved it so that yw3 actually came out? Yw1 and yw2 had better sales over here despite being less promoted, having less merchandise, and it being awkward to catch new episodes of the show unless you can stream american tv. Apparantly the third version of yw2 straight up wasnt released in america except as digital download, so thats why id never heard of it until i saw it in the shops. And what does nintendo do with this knowledge? Continue focusing on america! Aaaagh i feel so sad cos its clearly not the team actually making the damn game thats making these shitty decisions, its just pr businessmen ruining their hard work at the last minute...
Seriously every yokai watch game is a labour of love, filled with so much damn STUFF and CHARM and EMOTION and SILLY LIL MONSTER DUDES and friggin OPEN WORLD MONSTER HUNTING IN TRASHCANS which is still the best goddamn idea ever. Oh and DR MADDIMAN'S INCREDIBLY TEARFUL PLOT AND INCREDIBLY HUGGABLE FACE
So yeah man im so sad im only getting here when the damn franchise is dying and i hope my fandom rambling maybe helps some of you guys get interested too! You can pick up the first game suuuuper cheap now! Please embrace the cute ghosts with me!!! DONT PASS ON TO THE AFTERLIFE, YOKAI WATCH
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Af, Back to the Future, and Computers: I lyrangalis ow prokopetz Random Headeanon:That Federation vessels in Star Wek seem to anefact of the selevision serial format. Rather, r's because the Federation as a cuiture are a bunch of deranged hyper-neophiles, toaling around in ships packed ful of beyond-cutting-edge tech they con't really understand Encless rustraing r you have to ngt them, because they can pus an eftectvely unamned ณn ber or busn space-mage countermeasures out of their arses but they're as ely as not to give themselves a lethal tve-cimensional wedgie n he prooess Al those rampant holograms and warp core marunctions and ncioents? That doesnt actuaty happen to the rais ike that anyone etse. ส3 iterally just Federation vessels nat go And they do so ona airty regular basis So to everyone elbe in the galaxy, all humans are basically Doc Brown prokopetz ens who have seen the Back to the Future movies iterally dont realse that Doc Brown is meant to be funey. They're just ike yes, that is exactly what at human sclentists are lke in my experience THE ONLY REASON SOOTTY IS CHIEF ENGINEER INSTEAD OF SOMEONE BECAUSE EVERYONE FROM THOSE SPECIES TOOK ONE LOOK AT THE E ROOM AND RAN AAY vuican scienoe academy: why do you need another warp core humans were going to plug two of them bogetmer and see if we go twice as a last time we gave you a warp core you threw t into a sun to see if the sun eould go twice as fast humans hanana yean humans it did ho humans it exploded twice as fast love this. Especially because of now wel it plays wn my headcanon that the Federation does so mach better against the Borg than anyone ebe because beating the Boig with mirary tactics is nigh-impossbie, but beating tem with ล2cky superscence shenangns works as long as they're anoue wacky. Reminos me of the thing I wrote a while back about Humans in hign tantasy realms they're basicaly Team Fuck iR Hold My Beer1 Gat This Impulsve, passionate to a fauit, the social structures they build 1o try and reguiate this hetheadedness ironicaly creanes even greater levels of sheer bul headedness Even theit cooler heads take acien in months or weeks All their great heroes of the past were impossibly rash by galactic standards Humans Just Go with It, which is their grear fnlaw but also their grearest strength ingon okay we dont get t vuican science academyget whar ngons: you vakcans are a bunch of stufy prisses but youre also tougher tranger, and smarter than humans in every single way dingons: wny do you let them run your federation vican scoence academy: this is a species where t yeu give them bwo warp cores they dont do experiments on one aro save me r Tor if The first one ican science academy: this is a species where yeu give them bwo warp core6. they ask tv a 1hid one. mmediately plug anthree nto each other, punch a hole into an altemate universe where humans subscribe to an even mare destnuctive ideological system, font everyone in it because they re ofended by that, steal meir warp cores plug those together, punch their way back here, then try to turn a nearby sun into a torus because thatwas what ther nital scienatic experiment was for and they diont want to waste a trip ican scoence academy: they did hat last week we have the wite-up right here its geting pubished in about six hundred scienific journais across to hundred diferent discipines because otf how many estabiished theories their ndculous tthe expedion has just cated ino question also they d burn that sun into a torus, and no one achualty knows haw vuican sdence academy: this is why we let them do whatever the hel they ngon can we be a part of your tederaion Come to think ot Imean. Look at the rst human warp drve" thing in the movie. That was Not howVulcans would have done it you know what the best evidence for this is? Deep Space 9almost never broke down, minor maftunctiong that irnitated OBrien to hel and back sure b atmost none ot the truty weind she hat betell voyager and al the starshps Enterprise wrat was the ล"dest matunnon DS9 ever had?the senior staf getting trapped as holosuite characters in Our Man Base, and that was because θ numan decided topst dump the transponer buter more stations coe memory and hope everying wouis work out semehoK Wich is a bit ihe swapping your computer's hand drive out for a memory card trom a PlayStation 2 and expecting to be able to play a game af Spyto the Dragon wth your eyboard and mouse ou knaw what Im not done with this post let's talk about the Pegasus. the USS Fuckng Pegasus, testhed for the fest Stareet cloaking device. here we have a hananuil af humans working in searet to develap a dloaking device in vielaion of a treary with the Romulans theyre playing catchup trying to develop a technology other species have had for a cenhury and what do they do? do they decide to 0°cate a Romuun coakingdevice precisely, jst see at t while we're builaing our very first one of these nings, just to find out if this s passible, lets see if we can mave hs in phase us out of normal space so we can fy threugh pianets white we're invisible ut why saia the one vuican in the room Decause that would fueking rule said he humans igh-tving each other and siamming cans of 24-cenbury Ried Bul thene must be ie twenty dfferent counseling groups for non-human engineering students at Starfeet Academy and every week in every single one of them someone walks in and starts up wth a story ike our assignment was 1o repair a phaser eitier and y one haman classmate buit a chronometrio- x toaster that toast MacGuyver" is the equivalent of Vuican vintage human hormor television. roachpatral during onentaton at hran colege. wkas are presented with a Bt of what is ue word tick, for," we innocent young vucans want 10 know. "surety. modifers yeah, yourd thnk so say the weary, jaded vulcan psoessors your'd realy there is a phrase in lcan for the particuler moment you understand what the weed tuck'is for This is why the Pederation is the only organsation to ever stand a chance The Borg can adapt to the trillant mitary strategies of the Romulan Star Empine, the Kisgons and even the cold logical inberectual prowess of the The Barg werent prepared for a starship captain to lure them into his Srs no detective holo-novel and then machine gun them to dear with a weapon made out af hard light
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weli have like three followers and like i dont actually expect anyone to see this i just want to rant and since i dont really have many friends i dont realy know who to tell. 
my mothers really pissing me off for reasons that honestly i shouldnt have to be dealing with. 
a few weeks ago my parents finally took me to a real psychiatrist, after 2 years of therapy and month in a mental hospital. it was set to be a three hour appointment for an official evaluation and diagnosis of my anxiety and depression and whatever the fuck else is wrong with me (which i dont understand since ive already been diagnosed by two prior therapists, the ER psych ward psychiatrist, and my psychiatrist at the mental hospital i was at, i dont see the need for anouther diagnosis of the same issues). okay, cool, whatever, obviously i’m panicking, not from the actual topic but just talking to someone in general (also my parents never leave the room b/c they think that i’ll just sit there and go non verbal, or as they believe, choose not to talk despite the fact that i have s.a.d. and was selectively mute growing up - i have non verbal episodes, it happens). well, essentially, i actually have no clue what happened in the room b/c after five minutes, the psychiatrist decided that i wasnt useful and i was too anxious to be productive and was sent out of the room. i sat in the waiting room for two hours continuosly calling and texting my mom to let me back on the room while i had a panic attack in the waiting room and slowly fell into a sensory overload from all the noises because the office is in a child pediatrics building and children are fucking loud. after two hours i’m left back into the room where the doctor tells me my diagnosis, my parents pay, and we leave.
i wasnt even present for my own evaluation. i get that he’s trained, but my parents no shit about how i feel, theres no way they can tell him. and furthermore, yeah, i’m anxious, but thats not the only thing i live with, yet its the only thing anyone will offer me help for. 
im used to being sent out of rooms. people dont have enough pacience and ust assume i can control this. i was sent out of the room during my 504 accomadation meeting at school too, you know, the “you’re child tried to kill themself, heres an extra day for classwork hope it helps” meeting. 
but heres the problem now. i have sensory issues to the point that putting on a pair of socks sends me into a panic b.c of the seams - a “bad touch” makes me break down crying - a flickering light burns my eyes - someone coughing feels like someone sceaming in my ear drums. and no matter what i tell my parentsm they dont understand how bad it is. 
apparently they mentioned it to the doctor, whose response was to get me an asd evaluation. okay, sure. its not like my old therapist hadnt been telling my mom to get my evaluated for asd and sesory proccessing dosorder, its not like my father works with psychiatrists who work with autistic kids everyday who has been telling my dad to get me evaluated. 
so finally my mom emailed my school counsler about the evaluation. she said that the school doesnt have the resources to do so. 
i went to my moms office to print out my essay, and she had her email open to my section. (she organizes her email by topic, she has a group of emails under my name). im a bitch and decided to look at the emails. she emailed my school saying that she is “sure i dont have autsim” but that my doctor is making her ask about an evauation. 
the school wrote back saying that refuse to test me because that would require an iep rather than just a 504. the school psychiatrist essentially refuses to test students “simply for a diagnosis” and that my education and grades must be severely impacted by my issues. listen, no one gets a psych evaluation simply for a diagnosis. you literally cannot get the help you need w/out a diagnosis. mental health affects you in all aspects of your life, not just school. so many students cannot go to therapists or psychiatrists and rely on school resources. furthermore, my education is impacted by my issues - how can i get work done when the loud classroom make me want to scream? but the school and my parents dont know this, yet refuse to let me advocate for myself. 
no one wants to have a certain diagnosis, you need it to get help. my psychiatrist has said he is 99% i have asd, however he cannot give me a diagnosis, and my school refuses to test me because i’m “too good a student” and i’m slowly dying. 
also im not a good student. i have an e in math, a d in government, i failed engineering bc the class was so god damn loud and anxiety creating. my education is impaacted.
when it comes down to it, to be honest, so much of this has to do with the stigma regarding mental health in general, and especially regarding autism. people are so scared to have an autsitic kid - i’m 15 years old, if you can love me w/out the diagnosis, you can love me with it. i’m the same kid. My mother grew up with an autistic brother yet she still wouldnt want an autistic child. schools assume that an autistic student cant be functioning without special classes and a helper and a bunch of accomadations - some people need that, others don’t. it doesnt matter b/c everyone is entitled to the resources neccessary to thrive, and everyine should be treated fairly. 
im a kid who grew up non verbal, ive had social skills drilled into my head by therapists bc i apparently “didnt have them”. up until this year i had good grades, i flew under the radar and suffered, and when i finally reach out for help, everyone is refusing it because they think i’ve already gotten enough. 
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huangfilms · 6 years
School Pres!Donghyuck & Secretary!You
summary: you and i work as a team and before our last year of high school we didnt really talk much outside of our meetings and preparation plans but now that we have i think i have a big crush on you
requested by: this lovely anon!! <3
(A/N) here it is bubs ! im sorry i made you wait so long :( BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING ! this trope really pulls at my heart strings cause i really b in my feels LMAOO but i hope you enjoy ! <3 (ps,,, she is unedited)
school pres!donghyuck
thats cute wow i love this already although idk how its going to turn uout because i always: wing it HAHAKDJSF
okay well!!! donghyuck being the school president would be a shocker to most because he doesnt seem like the person to go for a position like that
but hes actually really good at what he does
and thats scheduling all of the student council meetings, planning fundraisers, school dances, all the Great Stuff
but he honestly couldnt do it without his trusty secretary
which is you
youre his secretary
you write down all of his ideas cause he trusts you like that also cause he has no physical stability to do it himself smh
even though you guys are like,,,, attached to the hip in student council, outside of it you guys barely talk LMAO
but people seem to ship you guys
youve been the secretary for 3 years of high school and donghyuck was the pres for 2!
so you guys have a good dynamic
it was kind of awkward at first because you admired him from afar,, so like a crush,,, and you didnt really know how to act around him
 and you were used to the old school pres ,,, it was weird to just have a shift and a big change so quickly
but it was okay cause donghyuck had a great work ethic
before you two became the secretary and president, donghyuck had a lowkey crush on you too
i think thats why he has been just a bit awkward with you at first as well but both of u are oblivious
but then he got used to having you around and used to having 1 on 1 meetings with just the two of you guys
he saw it as an opportunity to get to know you but you??? you didn’t really talk much about your personal life
all he knew was that you hung out with that one sophmore and one junior, jisung and chenle
oh and one person from your grade, jaemin
donghyuck never really bothered with you after your first encounter LOL
like !! youre nice and all but you just talk to him for work purposes! but thats okay! cause its better than not talking at all no?
so you guys have one of those 1 on 1 meetings at the library about an upcoming fundraiser to fund prom (cause its a new year and u need to think quicc abt ideas so people can vote on the theme)
you guys talk for hours on end about preparations and what you guys want to sell
you guys decide on doing a bake sale because who doesnt like baked goods !!
so you and donghyuck set out a date to bake EVERYTHING 
and after the meeting hes just like, ‘its lunch now, do you wanna go somewhere with me to eat?’ and he smiles so sweetly 
this is the first time youre really looking at him too
he looks,,,, really good
and his smile? the sun cant compete n e x t
and youre like wow this boy handsome
but you agree on getting lunch with him because youre pretty hungry and idkmaybeyoucouldgettoknowthisfineman
SO you guys walk to a nearby food joint and on the way you guys are just chatting away and youre finally opening up to him
!! wow hyuck: head over heels his headass prolly in love by now LMAOOO
and then you get into the topic of how you guys came to be the secretary and president
hyuck says ‘i wanted to prove everyone wrong,,, they always say im a trouble maker or whatever so honestly i started out of spite but i love being the school president’
all you said was ‘oh’ but you nodded up at him cause its cool that he likes being it but its badass that he proved everyone wrong and Still Loves What He Does
so you guys get to the food place and you guys just joke around th e majority of the time
it feels like you guys have been actual friends since forever
when you guys go back to the library u guys forget about what u 2 were supposed to b doing
and then you open up your notebook and then-- oh yeah Prom Preparations and Fundraising
so then you and hyuck plan ahead that every other sunday you guys are going to mass bake a lot of sweets so you can try and sell them all on monday
and everyone has tasted your baking before,,, so they usually sell a l o t
so the following sunday, you meet hyuck at his friends cafe,,, cause it has a big kitchen
and then you guys get cracking cause you have a l o t to do 
half of the time you guys are throwing ingredients at each other but you guys Get Shit Done
you get to know hyuck more and you now understand why a lot of people have a crush on him
hes the sun!!! hes charismatic!! hes funny!!! hes got everything omg
his only flaw? he can’t frost a cupcake to save his life
youre just laughing at all his attempts but anywho
its the next day! so the first monday to sell sweets
you and hyuck made a schedule of who would be selling the cupcakes during what lunch period
you assigned jeno, jaemin, and mark for 1st lunch, then you, hyuck, and chenle, for the second lunch, and then for anyone who wanted to buy after school would buy from renjun and jisung
interesting that u guys would be selling together and have poor chonlu third wheeling 
the whole bake sale was a success,,, you sold every cupcake and chenle was honestly just gagging the whole time when he was with you guys cause you two sat really close to each other and being r e a l l y friendly
chenle swore he could see u guys heart eyeing each other but whatever
‘just friends,,, okay y/n’ ‘shut up chinlin’ ‘hello??? yes, can i get some new friends’
so over the course of id say a few months??? you and hyuck are literally everywhere together
you guys plan together, you guys eat together, you guys do everythin g together
people are starting to think that you guys are dating cause,,, yall sure act like it
and i dont know maybeyoulikehimalotnowthatyouvegottoknowhimmore
but you guys are just pining over each other and the dreamies are so s i ck of it
so they tell you guys that hey!! emergency council meeting in five lets all meet in the board room!!
you guys are just laughing on the way there about a stupid meme or something and when you walk in the dreamies are quiet and Looking At You Guys
‘what?????’ ‘nothing. absolutely nothing.’
you and hyuck are just like,,, well whats this meeting about???
so the dreamies are just quiet for a second, they all look at each other and nod their heads like they have some secret code
and they all stand up and renjun says, ‘we know u like each other,,, so we’regoingtolockyoutwointhisroomuntilyouconfessyourloveforeachother BYE’ and they all run out
you hear a click,,, you couldnt comprehend what the heck renjun said but now you did and youre both just frozen
so you just clear your throat and then you say, ‘i mean we might as well get some work done’ and you sit down
and hyuck just deflates a bit cause?? do u not like him??
and then he goes, ‘haha right.’
and you could hear the shift in his voice cause hes a bit upset
and then you stop what youre doing and go,
‘listen hyuck, i like you more than a friend,, but i thought it was obvious? we were pretty much acting like a couple already so i didnt realy understand why i have to spell it out for you? i mean i understand if you dont like me like--’
and he kisses you
right on the lips
what a dream amirite kids
you could say that you just got,,,, sunkissed LMAOOOO IM SO LAMEKJGFJHSG
but you kiss him back cause you like him so much this means he likes you too!!!
when you guys pull back hyuck is just shyly grinning up at you and its??? adorable wow
and the dreamies all have their ears up against the door
so they hear everything
and chenle says ‘my parents!! finally!! are!! together!!’ and hes just so l o u d omg
and you and hyuck just burst out laughing and then it dies down after a bit an d hes just like,, ‘will you be mine : )’
‘course i will !! : )’
and so you guys just walk out of the room hand in hand
okay but your 1 on 1 meetings?? not a lot gets done
you know why?? hyuck is always staring at your face and is trying to kiss you 25/8
‘hYuck we need to actually do work thi-- Will You Stop Throwing French Fries At Me.’
and he just l a u g h s
‘oh yeah?? youre laughing now but how about when i say no kisses for a Week.’
and he just stops and sits up straight cause you give him The Look
‘suddenly i love doing work lets talk about our next fundraiser’
and you just chuckle and hold his hand
‘i think im in love with you.’
and hyuck freezes
he squeezes your hand and then he says, ‘im in love with you, too.’ and you guys just break out into big smiles
oof okay wow uwus: officially gone
school pres!donghyuck is a whole ass hard working sweetheart
im going oto end it here before my uwus spill out some more
hyuck! existing! in this trope! sign me up.
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9/26/2018, Part 1
Last night we had taken the boat back here, weakly hobbled back to our room and climbed into bed. Our head was terribly sore from being slammed into the resort building by the explosion that Dust Sans made at the beach. Returning to our room, only to be greeted by the sight of "ばくばくばくばくばくばくばくばくばく" written on our walls from weeks ago, did not help matters. We did our best to disregard the colorful wall writings and go to sleep.
We dreamed about a man wearing a shirt I didn't like. I couldn't help but wince in revulsion at the sight of it. We wake up, feeling more rested than we did for the past two days, but our head still feels a bit tender from yesterday. We don't really want to stay in our room today, though, so we get out of bed and go out the door.
We ride a boat to Port Town since the Island's not open, and step off.
"so wat u wana do today, hooman Cookie?"
"i dunno, just get some fresh air, i guess."
Hopefully Sans hasn't chased us all the way here. The exploding Sans, that is. We don't need another skull explosion knocking us off our feet and into a building. Our head's still a tiny bit sore from yesterday.
We start to make our way down the boardwalk... but as soon as I see who's there, I turn us around and walk us right back the way we came, in the direction of the harbor. Nope, we are not ready to deal with him again just yet. Sorry, Temmie, but Baku's going to have to wait.
"Temmie, my head- uh, our head still isn't feeling 100% better after we hit it yesterday. I don't want to deal with Baku giving me another headache right now."
"wat u mean??"
"i mean i dont wanna talk to him rite now."
"wy not???"
"yu kno he makes me feel weird, right?"
"ya, but wy??"
"remember a cuple days ago, wen we found out he new my name?"
"o ya... dat was weird. u got realy scared wen he did that! wat was dat all about?"
"cuz he likes freakin me out. an i dont really feel like bein freaked out rite now."
"aw, ok, hoomin..."
We would like to explore Port Town, but I don't want to risk attracting Baku's attention by passing through the boardwalk. So for now, Temmie and I sit on a bench and watch the boats.
[Johan] In the distance a boat is inbound, distant but coming in fast. The distant whirring sound becoming louder and louder before slowing down. By the time it’s close enough to the dock for the driver to start trying to park it, one of the passengers becomes painfully obvious. A skeleton with a bright shirt and sunglasses. He seems to be carrying a jacket that also seems bright in color, possibly more-so than the shirt itself. When the boat parks he thanks the driver and hops off, looking around for a map or something.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Wait a minute- is that another Fresh-possessed?!
Temmie notices my concern and thinks, "watsa matter, hooman??"
"Well, uh... it's just that... that skeleton that just got off the boat kind of reminds me of... y'know..."
But before I can object, she waves to him and calls out, "h0I! im Temmie!1!"
[Johan] The skeleton flinches a bit before looking in their direction before looking behind him. Who are they talking to? He nervously goes back to what he’s doing, trying to find a map and trying to be invisible. Dang these clothes. He eventually realizes there’s a map near where the others are but... something about them... actually no it’s just that he doesn’t want to be noticed, along with the tem being really social with that call out. He hesitates to walk towards them and eventually just stands there awkwardly, trying to find another way.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "wats ur name?? imma Temmie!1! and i gota human SOUL!!1 im da strongest tem!! wat about yu??"
[Johan] Johan watches the tem for a moment before looking around again. It really is talking to him isn’t it? Johan can’t help but sigh to himself as he decides to just walk past, pretending he didn’t notice as he goes to read the map. He really needs to find new clothes.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "u like pretty colors to?? i like pretty colors!1! u like my hat? i got it from da hoomans SOUL!1!"
[Johan] For the most part, Johan continues to ignore them, believing that maybe they were just rambling nonsense. He leans towards the map before him, trying to find some sort of clothes store, muttering under his breath as if to remind himself what he’s trying to find. The moment the other mentions a human soul he stops. His expression becomes one of concern as he looks over. “...what?? Wait wait... what???” He soon becomes extremely shocked and confused seeming, as there are many things about that statement that’s really worrying to him. He goes to put his jacket back on, the fluff on the hood and various other collar-like parts becoming obvious. That jacket, despite the colors, may seem familiar to those familiar with a certain blaster taming universe. He probably just wants to hide his face at this point. The tem is scaring the poor kid.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "watsa matter? u dont like my hat? its so pretty!! i got it cuz of hooman!1 my hoomans a witch!!1 i gota nice hat and a magic wand!! i can use hoomins magic and tems magic1!! its da best!1! also human helps me talk bettr!1! rite, hooman??"
We glance to the side for a moment.
"...yea, i do. cuz we use first person pronouns."
We look back at Johan. "yayaya!1 i talk in first persons!1! isnt dat cool??!"
[Johan] Johan can’t help but shiver. Something about this interaction was... unsettling. He begins to walk off despite not finding directions yet, and seems to smack something against the map. When he lets go what’s left is a weird peep-like creature. It’s neon blue and appears to be a bit dazed from the sudden smack. It shakes it off before going to read the map now that Johan has walked off.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "ooo!! who are yu???"
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite looks up at the tem and tilts its head to see better before looking around. Johan is gone and getting lost, leaving the parasite here with the tem. It seems to think for a moment before letting out a really quiet squeak and continuing its mapping. He slowly slinks around on the map as to continue its search. A clothes store, right?
[Rave Witch Temmie] We get up from the bench and walk over to the map to get a closer look at it. That thing... oh no, it isn't what I think it is, is it? Temmie, we probably shouldn't- too late, we're already standing right in front of the blue thing, and staring at it.
[Johan’s parasite] The tiny peep with its beady black eyes continues scanning the map, not noticing the tem before realizing it suddenly got really dark. It turns around only to be startled, resulting in the stickiness wearing off momentarily and the parasite falling off. It wiggles for a moment before getting its grip on the world again, soon trying to find a way back up. Parasite does its job when it has a job to do. Mostly just retrieve something. This time it’s information and direction. Maybe it could get a bit of magic in the meantime? Probably not though.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "aww, its so cute!1" We reach out a paw to touch it...
"Temmie, i dont think we should touch dat..."
"but its so cute!1!!"
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite doesn’t react to the poke, mostly just confusion as it looks up to the tem, beady black eyes pleading “why” to the other. With that poke alone they may be able to tell it’s very squishy. It continues trying to climb up, soon to find the map again. Pathfinding! Yay!
[Rave Witch Temmie] "hey, dont run away!1! i think yer cute!1!!"
"Temmie, it doesnt like us touchin it!1! lets just-"
We clasp the squishy blue parasite between our paws and try to pull it off the map. Temmie, I'm telling you, this is a very bad idea...
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite seems really confused as it starts to look around. It soon becomes obvious it’s scared as it begins to wiggle, trying to get upright again. It tries to look at the map from their new viewpoint but now all of the words are tiny. It freaks out more and soon tries to be free from their grasp, attempting to scurry up their arm if possible.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "ooo, its so wiggly!1!"
"eeeeuuuuugh, Temmie, it doesnt like- ACK!!"
The squirmy little thing just slithered out of our paws and onto our left arm!
"g-get it off, get it off!!"
As I am fairly certain I know exactly what this thing is (though, notably, I've never seen one that had eyes on the outside of its body before), I have no desire to let it cling onto us, lest it try to worm its way inside us...
I frantically shake our left arm up and down, trying to fling it off. If that doesn't work, I'm going to have to pull it off.
[Johan’s parasite] To their advantage, the parasite uses the shaking to give it a boost. It jumps off right when there’s the most momentum in the arm to fling it back into the map. It lands with a smack before going to find its place again. It crawls back to the “you are here” mark and begins inching around from there. Back to business!
[Rave Witch Temmie] Oh, thank god, we got it off. That was way too close. I can't risk letting one of those get inside us.
...Then again, if it really is a Fresh parasite, then even if it did manage to get inside us, it might not necessarily be able to take control of us, since we have two souls, one of which is far stronger than the other. It would have to subdue both of us in order to gain complete control over our body. Perhaps it may be able to overtake Temmie's soul, but if it did, that would only give it partial control- I'd still be able to resist it.
[Johan’s parasite] While the human is monologuing to itself the parasite continues trying to find the shop. It soon slinks over to the key to try and find some sort of indication or symbol of sorts. It finds something of the sort so it squished back up to the marker. It looks like it’s starting to get frustrated as it can’t find anything. It decides to figure out which way Johan went for now to have some sort of area to go off of. So for now it’s just looking around and trying to figure out how to read a map.
[Rave Witch Temmie] ...I don't want to stay here any longer while there's a Fresh parasite in the area. Yes, technically there was another Fresh parasite hanging around the boardwalk the last time we checked, but, y'know... this one's a free, hostless parasite. And I'd rather not stick around, just in case it decides that it would rather not pass up the opportunity to take us as a host.
...Not after what happened two years ago during the camping trip.
Not again... Not again...
We walk to the boardwalk.
[Johan’s parasite] After some time, now that there’s no distraction or anything, the parasite gives up. It looks like it has a headache. Soon it drops off the map and begins making its way to wherever Johan is. It takes some time but it will get there eventually.
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mmdc-is-cancelled · 7 years
Boy Gee, Do We Have a Story For Y’all Today
We've got another chapter to add to the JadedAlicorn tag!
First, let's recap. When we last left off, Jaded was trying to accuse Mod Plumeria of theft.
In order to catch everybody up, here are the archived links to her original status (the post that started this whole train wreck), her "proof", her attempt at vague-posting about me because I wasn't buying it, and then I'll end with her status from today.
The first status
The "proof" with all of our comments
Her whiny status about me (no matter how many times she swears up and down that it isn't)
And finally, her most recent status
Let's dissect the most recent post, shall we?
"Dear harukasakurai I am giving you a final warning and to clear up the dress debate."
Nobody was talking about this anymore but aight.
"One of your so called white knights wanted me to show proof you can blame him for all this drama I am sure he lied to you. If you want all the image grabs of the messages he sent to me I am more than willing to offer them up to you.."
Elizabeth, Haruka has fucking eyes. She read the whole exchange herself. All of my comments are still up and I archived each page (even though you apparently deleted your "proof", I had it archived.) We have no notes on this topic. The last notes we exchanged were about the rumour you had a husband, and that was in August.
"You do not need these kind of people trying to support you when there the ones who started the drama."
JadedAlicorn: -posted a status accusing Haruka of theft out of nowhere- JadedAlicorn: -has literally admitted to posting bait to start drama- JadedAlicorn: Was not me starting drama! No-no! White knight! White knight! Strawman!
"the user name is kaomojikun he is the one who asked to show proof so I have translated the read me files if you think there not corrected you can go ask damesukikun to read the read me file for you.."
You wanna @ me, you pussy? You don't have me blocked. Why'd you delete your "proof"? Good thing it's saved, with all of our comments. I'm baffled you could spell my username right yet you still fuck up Damesukekun's.
"I am sure he would say the same thing as the translation do not edit unless you ask do not share said edit.."
Which ReadMe is this supposed to be in reference to??
"As for my warning please do not try to message me by note since I have blocked you this make it look like your breaking devaintart rules by trying to contacting me."
Have you considered not trying to contact the people you have blocked then, you absolute moron? I'm pretty sure you're negating the point of blocking Haruka by posting this status directed at her.
"Also you might want to ask silverdreamyrose to take down her so called meiko tda base edit it has your name attached to it and its a realy badly done edit and doesnt credit the people she used parts from like the back hair braided buns and so on"
Why in the fresh fuck would Haruka have to tell someone else to remove their edit using the base she released? You sure as shit wouldn't if it was your base.
"I think one of the parts the content creator states not on tda models. I am telling you this to let you know that people doing this bad edit useing your name not crediting and posting a threating message in stash might make you look bad as well.."
Anyone with more than three brain cells would understand how fucking dumb it is to pin that on the person that really had nothing to do with those base edits. Do you honestly think that just because they were edited from Haruka's bases that she has any control over them?
"As silver says you gave her the ok to post it with out looking at the model base pack with your own eyes."
It's not Haruka's responsibility to go and check off every single thing about someone's base edit. Usually, when someone asks if they can release an edit of someone else's base, the conversation goes: "Hey, I made an edit with your base, is it okay if I distribute it?" "Yeah, sure, that's fine!" End of story. More importantly, why are you dragging a whole new person into this? I can guarantee SilverDreamyRose probably wants absolutely nothing to do with your stupid shit.
"good luck with mmd and try making your own parts rather than editing stuff others have created might help you be a better artist with mmd.."
Have you seen your own gallery?
"As for me well I am working with blender and meta.. When I start making my own things it will be a good start.."
You'll probably whine about it being too hard and give up within 5 minutes, but go right ahead. Try not to have a stroke while you're at it.
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