#when all the adults fail your blorbo
viiisenyas · 2 months
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So, I’m just going back over highlights to get some things straight. This 14 year old boy was DRUNK when he asked to join the Night’s Watch. Not only that, Benjen had the perfect opportunity to tell him exactly what had become of the Wall and who was being accepted there, but for whatever reason chose not to tell him at any given moment prior to arriving there?
And then there’s Ned’s POV. “There will be no place for him at court.”
Hey, Ned… have you ever heard of squiring? Bastards are fully capable of becoming knights, and Barristan Selmy is literally the Lord Commander of the KG. You could just ask.
Jon had options.
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
hi!!!! i need to know your opinion on this but do you think hunter knows he has a crush on willow/what a crush is? and do you think willow has a crush on hunter? i need your huntlow opinions 😌🤌🏼
hi!!! I want you to know I have been looking forward to answering this ask all day 🥰
*slams fists on the table* NOW LET'S DO THIS THING
Now we KNOW that Hunter has a crush on Willow. I mean just look at this boy and tell me he isn't completely smitten. But does HE know? That's a bigger question.
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[ID: a screenshot from the episode "Thanks to Them," showing Hunter wearing his Cosmic Frontier cosplay and smiling and blushing at Willow (out of frame).]
For starters, I believe that Hunter does in fact know what a crush is, at least in the text book sense. He reads a lot, so it would be likely that he has encountered romance in some form through that. We know at least he likes Ruler's Reach, which despite King's edits we know still had some of Luz's influence. Also, fans who know Star Trek have pointed out that the character Hunter's blorbo is a parody of is married to a botanist so there's no way he would miss that.
Since it's common for teens to have one-sides crushes on adults in their lives like teachers or friends' older siblings, I used to head canon that when Hunter was younger he could have had baby crush on Steve or someone (bi hunter rights!) but since in "Thanks to Them" Hunter specifies that he wasn't allowed to interact much with the other scouts I now find that to be unlikely. Willow is most likely his first crush.
As for being AWARE of his crush, let's look at the timeline.
In Labyrinth Runners, Hunter is already showing signs of his crush on Willow though I don't think he is aware of what his feelings mean yet at this point. He blushes at her, he tries to make himself somewhat presentable for her, but he doesn't really know why.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Labyrinth Runners. In the first, Hunter is blushing while looking straight ahead. The second shows the moment immediately after where Gus confers with who he believes to be Willow while in the background Hunter is seen awkwardly brushing dirt off his cloak.]
But fast forward to Thanks To Them? I think he knows by now. For this reasoning I point to the "Buff Brains" scene.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Thanks to Them showing the hexsquad minus Luz in their shack. In the first, everyone is cheering and posing triumphantly all except for Hunter who is standing with his arms limply by his sides as he looks at Willow flexing and blushes from his cheeks to his ears. The second image is nearly the same except now Hunter has raised his arms to cheer with the group.]
Hunter doesn't just get distracted by Willow's muscles here, he catches himself getting distracted, which leads to him snapping himself out of it and adding on his awkward "HA HA YEAH" several seconds after everyone else has gone quiet. Hunter here to me seems like he is trying (and failing, bless him) to keep it cool, as opposed to in LR when he made no such attempts, because at that time he wasn't aware he had to. Whether or not he came to this conclusion on his own or had help from Gus or Amity is a question for fan fiction.
Now the next part of your question, does Willow have a crush on Hunter? Absolutely.
But Secretly, you say, how can you be so sure of this when Willow has never blushed at Hunter? Well I'm here to say she doesn't have to, and why? Because of Raeda.
When just looking at Hunter's side of things, or looking at our canon blushy couple lumity, it can be easy to say that only blushes equal crushes, but this isn't always the case.
Enter Raine. Raine does not typically blush at Eda, even when she blushes at them, but no one in the fandom doubts that they are in love with her.
Raine and Willow are actually a really interesting comparison because for the most part they only blush when they are embarrassed. Raine especially blushes when they are on stage.
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[ID: two screenshots, the first of which is from "I Was A Teenage Abomination" and shows Willow with bright red cheeks as Amity mocks her poor abomination skills. The second is from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine looking red and embarrassed after Eda mocked them in front of the BATs.]
The only time I could find Raine blushing at Eda was in this flashback, and they only did it AFTER they were caught being flirty not while they were LITERALLY CARESSING EDA'S HAND suggesting they were more embarrassed about being caught than anything else. And even that blush was nothing compared to how red they get on stage.
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[ID: Two screenshots from the flashback in "Eda's Requiem," showing young Eda and Raine sitting on their hilltop. In the first, Raine is shown adjusting the position of Eda's hand on her lute, while in the second Raine has pulled away and is looking to the side awkwardly with a slight blush on their face.]
Willow and Raine will literally be holding the object of their affection in their arms and not blush.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "King's Tide" and shows Willow smiling softly while carrying a Hunter over her shoulder as she has just caught him in midair. Hunter is blushing but Willow is not. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine carrying Eda bridal style while she proudly holds up a glyph. Raine is smiling but not blushing.]
Willow and Raine will BLATANTLY flirt without blushing.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Thanks to Them" and shows Willow standing in a doorway while winking and pointing at Hunter (out of frame). The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine reclining while smirking and pointing at Eda (out of frame).]
They also have these fond smiles that are reserved just for the object of their affection.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Clouds on the Horizon" the moment after Hunter and Gus have just done their special handshake. Luz looks extremely confused as she looks at them but Willow looks at them with soft eyes and smiles fondly. The second is a screenshot from the flashback of "Eda's Requiem" and shows young Eda and Raine on their hilltop while Eda plays her lute. Raine is leaning their head on their knee and looking at Eda with soft eyes like Willow's and a fond smile on their face.]
Damn, these spot the difference games are getting tough!
And just for fun, let's compare Hunter and Eda.
These two blush early and often.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "Any Sport in a Storm" from the moment after Willow refers to "Caleb's" next day off. Hunter looks back at her with Flapjack on his shoulder and has a slight blush on his cheeks. The second is from "Them's The Breaks Kids" from the moment after Teen Raine has just done an impressive grudgby move. Teen Eda stands holding the ball with a light blush on her cheeks.]
I mean look at them.
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[image ID: the first is a screenshot from "Labyrinth Runners." Willow has pulled Hunter in for a group hug with her and Gus. Hunter is blushing deeply and has a confused and distressed look on his face. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Eda smiles and blushing while Raine extends their hand to her.]
In addition, we know Willow goes completely FERAL when Hunter is in danger.
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[ID: two screenshots from "Clouds on the Horizon." The first shows an angry looking Willow, surrounded by vines she has summoned and eyes glowing with green magic and spell circles around her hands. The second shows Willow frantically trying to start the air ship to go after Hunter who she believes has been kidnapped while Amity tries to assist while also telling Willow to slow down.]
Of course, Willow is a protective spirit by nature, but we've never seen her act so rashly to protect her other friends, not even Gus or Luz. Because if you recall, to protect her friends Willow thinks she must be both strong and wise. It would have been wiser to take a minute to come up with a plan to retrieve Hunter before jumping in, it was not so wise to try to commandeer and airship that she has no idea how to fly. This is significant because Willow's emotions are so strong here they are overpowering the part of her that's usually rational and likes to think things through before acting. She cares about Hunter so much.
So in conclusion, Willow definitely likes Hunter back. She at least is more likely to actually be aware of her feelings from early on though, since unlike Hunter she had normal social interactions growing up and is more likely to be familiar with the subject of crushes.
Thanks so much for asking!
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crimeronan · 1 year
thoughts on lilith (from toh)?
blorbo. girl of all time. rotating her in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. i'm trying to answer this while exhausted and before having caffeine so i might end up elaborating later but like
god i think she's such a fascinating exploration of the harm cults do and how they can twist your mindset over time, i love everything we see of her in s1 and all the horrible Horrible decisions she makes, especially juxtaposed with what we see of her in s2 as she's finally healing, i think the storytelling is MASTERFUL. eternally compelled by her as one of several adults in hunter's life who failed him because she was too wrapped up in her own shit, eternally compelled by her as a massively autistic woman who is Not Coping, eternally compelled by her as a rigid rule-follower desperately trying to carve sense out of her life.
the way that eda's curse drives everything she does but she gets to a point where she's so wildly unhinged and desperate that she tries to kill eda's daughter.... seemingly either uncomprehending or uncaring about how much worse that is for eda..... the way she's constantly looking for a new leader to follow or god to worship or someone to explain what she should do.... the fact that she influenced the boiling isles's entire religion and then belos used that same religion to entrap and hurt and manipulate her..... the way that you only find out much MUCH later how deeply belos was playing the long game in destroying her self-esteem and stringing her along and making her utterly miserable for Decades..... god. GOD.
i don't know if this post even covers half of it because it's just what i think of off the top of my head when i imagine lilith. so much of her arc happens offscreen but once you learn more about her the rewatch value becomes SO high. because she's not at all what she seems to be but she's trying so hard to get there. women who are clinging to the hinges by their fingernails while completely unaware of how unhinged they are. Incredibly dynamic and fun character arc. hell yes.
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Hamlet propoganda because I want us to have at least a fighting chance:
- had two people he shows affection to, a guy and a girl - bi as fuck
- he canonically did love ophelia before his madness. That’s pretty obvious from the subtext, and it’s not just in a “they’re horny for each other” like the adults believed, in my honest opinion they really did love each other. It just ended up really, really badly.
- now. Horatio. Hamlet loves people with his whole chest, and this is incredibly evident in his interactions with horatio.
- right after he snaps at ophelia in his paranoia (for context she was breaking up with him by order of her father and he and Hamlet’s uncle (who killed his father, so hamlet’s already pretty fucked up at this point) were spying on them and he felt completely betrayed by her, so he’s pretty shitty in that scene) right after that he goes to horatio and basically makes a declaration of love.
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Like. Excuse me???
- horatio is literally the only person hamlet trusts horatio is the only time we get hamlet’s sympathetic side he’s his anchor, his grounding.
- when hamlet is dying in horatio’s arms, horatio is literally about to take poison because he can’t live without hamlet and hamlet tells him that if he loved him, he must live. Like???
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- Finally, you know all of those tumblr ideas of chaotic bisexuals, messy bisexuals, pathetic bisexuals? Hamlet is literally the og version of all of those. He walked so your blorbos could exist.
Anyway vote for him pls pls
aur i am so sorry i have failed you i didn't notice rhis ask until after hamlet lost. perhaps i will do a redemption round just for him
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The way you write Ingo and Akari's interactions with each other never fails to warm my heart. And after seeing how he is with Rei in oop, I'm so excited to see how Emmet interacts with Akari. And let's not forget how your Cyllene is with Rei, and how she considers him Her Boy. I just love the intergenerational relationships you have going on. Kids deserve to have good adults in their lives, especially ones like Akari and Rei who have had it so rough.
There are... a lot of things I don't like about many interpretations of Emmet in fandom, but one I especially dislike is when he's overly rude or dismissive towards the kids. You avoid that trap neatly, though that's no surprise because the way you write him is one of my all time favorites. That's maybe a bit beside the point though.
In any case, I loved the little prompt snippets you wrote yesterday about Ingo with both Akari and Rei. The one you wrote with Rei was both cool and heartbreaking with how his dedication and care was the only thing keeping him going, all so Rei might have the chance to live. And the one Akari was so sweet and heartwarming, with how gentle his love for her was. She doesn't know it, but Ingo's home isn't a place, like her it's the people he cares about, and she's included in that too now. In this au where he's so close to her, it wouldn't be complete without her there.
WAAAAH THIS IS SUCH A NICE ASK?? THANK YOU?? thank you so much... i'm gonna cry this is so sweet. thank youuuu... i uh rambled a lot about characters and relationships so i'm going to put the rest of that under. a cut i think. contd:
anyway. YEAH re: kids deserving Good Adults. tbh whenever i see a kid on their own in fiction it activates some kind of primal pack bonding instinct in me to protect them, so this is like, vicarious parenting. and i just REALLY like characters who are Good With Kids, it's like one of my fav character traits that makes me instantly love them. and i love all the different ways that can come through, like, like you said, cyllene who isn't so great at saying how she feels but has SO adopted these two. so. yes. this is primarily self indulgent. it all comes back to my love of picking apart character motivations lol
also WHO is making emmet not nice to kids. i'll fight them. i'll duel them in the street right now. why is everyone else so WRONG about my BLORBO. i think- not to Also get sidetracked, lol, but- i think emmet is someone who's extremely straightforward with everything he says, and doesn't back down, but the critical thing is that all that blunt directness and stubbornness is backed by an intense motivation to help and protect others. so that's what i'm trying to channel when he's with rei or anyone else—specifically because he doesn't try to hedge his words or anything, it is so obvious at all times that he Cares and wants to Help. which can be like, intensely validating/reassuring/trust-building. like short and direct and not good at subtlety don't have to be negative asshole-building character traits!! ...but uhh anyway what were we talking about again
ingo ficlets right. YEAHH THANK YOU... i think in comparison to emmet ingo is like. actually good with people, in the sense that he can read peoples' emotions from their words and actions much better, and is very understanding and patient. and obviously he's also driven by that same compassion. trying really hard not to just make this about comparing how i characterize them both ANYWAY. and i am giving him the Parenting Instincts, lol, which, i think he has an immediate reaction of "oh i need to help you" when he sees anyone who's lost/hurt/confused, but it's stronger with kids bc they obviously tend to have less ability to support themselves. so with akari in the adoption fic i keep gesturing towards and Not Finishing, and rei in the ficlet who got separated from his usual crew, he just adopts them very quickly lol. (there's also something to be said there for how i usually write amnesiac-ingo as having a kind of busted self-perception, as we've covered, so he's outsourcing his motivation and desire to continue living to others, which is sort of a Not Great aspect of this, but uhh that's getting sidetracked again)
anyway YEAH!! his home is his loved ones!! yessss exactly!! you have it spot on, i think in that snippet after akari brings it up he does have that thought of, all he has to judge his "home" by is a vague vibe that it was good and he misses it. what if it isn't as perfect as his non-memory thinks it is? what if it can't/won't make space for akari? in which case i think that despite how much he misses it, he would be fully prepared to walk out of it for her. because like you said, his home isn't a place, it's the people!! so if akari can't belong there, then it isn't his home, either. (not that it would ever come to that in reality)
so. yes. as you can probably tell i could go on about this subject forever. just adhd tangent after tangent about kids, and the ways they get treated, and what it says about characters, and character motivations in general, and bitching about how my blorbo gets misinterpreted. but. my point is. this was a very nice ask i am going to print it out and tape it in my diary thank you
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cumbiazevran · 1 year
2, 4, 6 for Rowan 😌
2. a song I associate with my muse’s past
Ribs, Lorde
There's, of course, always a degree of family burden to Hawke, no matter the individual Hawke, but while store bought is fine, we have a whole mad scientist blorbo lab at home, and we're using it.
My Hawkes, or rather, the Aguilar, are moulded after the Latin American experience of forced disappearances and family severances during Dictatorships. Rowan's grandmother was a freedom fighter in Ferelden's war of independence, whose narrative story echoes the Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo, with the disappearance of her son.
Rowan is, very much a recipient of that history, and there is nothing, nothing more jarring than having to grow up in a place of endless dormant violence that you will have to come to terms with, sooner or later, because you have no choice. Because History is an uninvited guest and it's here anyway, and the door must be answered.
History is a ghost bell reminding you of those truths you're not responsible for, but must bear anyway.
At first glance, Rowan is confident, courageous, witty, a good hearted buffoon with a good-listening pair of ears and very willing helping hands. Rowan was taught by papá to stick for the underdog and for what is right, and to ask questions, and to support each other. Because if you don't go and do it yourself, then who? You can't sit around and wait for salvation to come and the Maker to deliver you your happiness, when there is action you can take to support and love each other, despite the world's violence. We do not put our boot over others, we help others get out from under the boot.
Because when history comes, offer it a glass of wine and some sense of humour. It won't change history, but it'll change you.
Yet, for every action there is a reaction, and this "fuck around and find out" (funny answers only) jester is very much the responsible eldest regardless. The joke deflecting eldest, the wants-to-say-no-but-everyone-keeps-asking-these-big-if-i-fail-kill-me-debts, the beneath all that vigour there is terror, and loneliness, and grief, and the feeling of being lost, and the wish that just for one more time she wants to look back and ask her parents for help.
But they're both gone and Kirkwall is on fire, and the boot is rising up to stomp.
She can't let that happen.
We've all hit that point of adulthood where we realise we're growing. We're having "adult" fun, whatever that means, and we still pull a Barbie 2023 and start thinking about death in the middle of a good time. WHAT SONG IF NOT RIBS
4. a song lyric that describes my muse
A tombstone in your bed / Well my girl eats a wounded preacher / 'Tween two loaves of bread
She's My Man, Scissor sisters
6. a song that makes my muse want to dance
I could make her an entire playlist but aside from anything Ráfaga plays, it's gonna be Comerte Toda by Nene Malo
** Argentinian cumbia band. you have to imagine Rowan lying face down on Hightown's streets, rain falling down, them raising a thumbs up while this band plays in the background
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marooncookie · 2 years
I wanna know your headcanons for Raz from psychonauts. I want all of the emojis please
RUBS MY EVIL LITTLE HANDS TOGETHER ...... 🏳️‍🌈 - either bi or demiromantic and i can't decide which one,, 💌 - once he gets to hang out with dogen again they make a giant pillow fort together and raz ends up rambling about true psychic tales for like 2 hours before they both fall asleep together. norma finds this and takes a picture and is now using it as blackmail
💔 - sometimes raz thinks about what happened to loboto and it makes him sick to his stomach. he doesn't understand how someone could do that to another person. and sometimes he wonders... what if that happened to him?
🧸 - raz is. very nightmare prone. he tries to distract himself or go back to sleep when they happen, but if its bad enough he'll talk with lili through their mental connection for a bit. sometimes lili will come in and they'll cuddle up together until raz feels better. or until they both fall asleep (if you see this happen then No you didn't. they will both deny it to no end)
🪀 - if you pick him up like a cat he just like. stares into the abyss and lets it happen. we think he likes it but if he does he wont admit it
💤 - he doesn't sleep very well on his own. after living in a tiny caravan with a bunch of other family members it doesn't feel right for nobody else to be around. he tries to tell himself that he's too old for this (you are ten. raz please) but that doesn't change the fact he's way more at ease with someone else's presence in the room
✨ - razlili!! simply ten year olds with so much love for each other. they deserve the world
🔪 - raz x any of the interns/adult characters for. obvious reasons 😰
🎃 - he is. Not a fan of thunderstorms. brings back bad memories and he just doesn't like the loud noises :(
📦 - my SON my BOY my BLORBO my everything . rotating him in my mind at all times. my favorite little guy ever
📢 - where to BEGIN .... i honestly cannot pick just one thing because everything about this little guy is perfect so i'll just say the fact that he's only 4'4. why are you so small
🧨 - Nothing. this boy is perfect in every way.. doublefine really out here making PEAK protagonist
💬 - i still cannot get over the "See you in hell!" line it is so funny to me
🔔 - uhhh. i don't think i have one tbh i agree with almost everyone's posts about him
🔊 - kind of an odd choice?? but circus for a psycho by skillet
📝 - he plays monopoly with the interns sometimes and somehow he has won every single time without failing. nobody has any idea how and he wont tell them (he's not even trying to win so he has no clue what to say)
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waywardstation · 2 years
Okay I've seen minimal mention of N in the Pingo AU and because he is a blorbo to me I am going to share my thoughts on this
There's 3, 4ish, points in the timeline that would drastically change how N behaves when eeby deebied. Before Ghetisis takes him in, pre BW, post BW & pre BW2, and post BW2
If he's still feral I have zero doubts that he'd survive just fine on his own no matter where he landed sans the Icelands. The most he ever interacts with any humans is to steal clothes and other supplies he couldn't scour himself, or to try to figure out how to get back to Unova. Ingo catches glimpses of him and his gaggle of new pokemon that have adopted him as their own on occasion and is reasonably concerned for this small child's well being. Yet no matter how hard he or anyone else tries, N continously evades any and all human social interaction without fail. At some point his evasion tactics get to sitcom level hijinks.
Pre BW at any point in the timeline? Oh boy. He catches a glimpse of any sort of pokeball on someone's person and immediately DESPISES them. N is begrudgingly willing to actually trade with the clans and guild, but he mostly keeps his distance from people. Regardless of his personal beliefs he is not willing to put in the mental energy to argue with people over liberation on his lonesome. If he ever catches wind of the stigmas surrounding Zoura & Zoroark he'd absolutely lose it. Like charge unprepared into the Icelands to confirm for himself sort of tunnel vision here. Overall I think he'd reluctantly interact with the other kids, and over time he becomes a sort of cryptid brother figure to the group that none of the adults have ever managed to talk to.
Post BW would likely be an anxiety ridden mess regardless of how many memories he retains. He just had his entire worldview burned down and is trying to pick up the scraps and figure out what was true and what was exaggerated, so yknow. Shaken to the core most likely. On top of that he is now torn from his very very small support system!! Having a grand time, Hisui is a highly recommended vacation location, 12/10 stars on Yelp. N would again, very reluctantly, interact with the Pingo train, mostly with the kids at first. Overtime he becomes part of the group, only realizing it after he desperately had to explain to one of the kids that no your cooking isn't bad, Ms Fluff just absolutely hates anything even slightly spicy but she still loves you very much please stop crying--. He's still one of the very much closed off members of the group, but at least there's another semi functional adult around to wrangle in the sack of idiots! Overtime he gets more comfortable and finds himself opening up more. Depending on the severity of his amnesia I could very much see N keeping the fact that he can perfectly understand pokemon to himself and himself only, barely skirting around the fact as he tries to help with any miscommunications. He's doing his best.
Post BW2 N is pretty similar to post BW, just to a lesser degree depending on how long he's had to recover from the whole "my pseudo parental figure got absorbed by a husk of a person against both of their wills" debacle. Plus he's had a lot of time to relearn and adjust his personal beliefs. He'd likely have an easier time interacting and opening up to other humans compared to pre bw him. This iteration of N, based purely on my own headcanons as to what shenanigans he was up to in the timeskip, is absolutely the most likely to physically throw hands with Kamado if he ever hears the man's opinions on pokemon. Most of the other times he'll politely bite his tongue at the "pokemon are terrifying creatures" comments. Volo calling himself a pokemon wielder also rubs him the wrong way, but his team likes him enough that he tries really hard not to snap that pokemon arent weapons or tools. This N also absolutely manages to befriend the Nobles. Half of the time if you can't find him he's having secret gossip time with one of them.
Entertaining thoughts anon, with all of these!
I do feel like N was mentioned a few times, but I don’t remember much of it, so I appreciate your in depth analysis of all the different options we have with this
I really do think the feral choice, and Pre-BW choice would both bring some interesting dynamics to the group of kids that I’m not sure any other characters have.
I liked the aspect of post-BW with him being a middleman between the other kids and their Pokémon, but I suppose feral and Pre-BW could offer that as well? (He would still act different about it though, and would need a lot of time given to warm up to the kids first though obviously…I feel like he’d rather want to be with the wild Pokémon if he was in the feral stage as well)
There really is a lot we could do with N in this AU!
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profictiontheatre · 11 months
1, 3, 14, and 17 for the choose violence asks!
Ok I'm gonna put these under a read more just in case anyone doesn't wanna see negativity but OMG these kinda things are just fun sometimes I swear
Obviously, none of this is super serious so if any of these apply to your hcs/etc I'm not juuudging you....very much 👀
The character everyone gets wrong
Oh my god. Norman, Jim, Elder Price and Spongeboy all for very different reasons
Norman- Ok yes, he does murder people. but like. the amount of people who have acted like me being sympathetic to his character is some great evil is ridiculous because 1) it's not real life. nobody actually died 2) the fantasy of wanting to help a fellow hurting person via fiction doesn't say anything about someone other than they take a chance on the blorbos nobody else does
Jim Stark- This one's more of a pop culture pet peeve but Jim Stark is not some bad boy who just causes problems to be a nuisance to his parents. 'Rebel Without a Cause' doesn't refer to him being a rebel for no real reason, it's referring to how he seems to get himself into trouble whenever he tries to fit in and how no matter what, he seems to end up doing the wrong thing and digging his hole even deeper. The whole movie is a tragedy about what happens when we fail our youth and I wish more people knew that!! I wish I had known that sooner, I only watched it recently for film class and I was so surprised to relate to his character so much, I expected to hate him based on the pop culture legacy surrounding the film.
Elder Price- Yes he's an asshole in act 1. Yes him saying sorry doesn't make up for him being an asshole. Yes he still had a character arc. No Pricingham isn't abusive just because Price had to go through growing pains to break out of cult sheltering.
Spongebob- HE!!!!!!IS!!!!!!!!AN !!!!!!!! ADULT!!!!!!! THE WHOLE POINT OF THE FIRST MOVIE IS TO SAY IT'S OK TO BE CHILDISH AND EMBRACE YOURSELF AS AN ADULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i see one more person saying spongebob is child coded and shipping him is problematic bc of that im gonna lose my marbles
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I don't really keep screenshots of bad takes bc it just feeds negativity imo (some people can handle keeping receipts and i bow to their strength bc I can't stand it). But award for the worst take award still probably goes to the South Park fandom for sheer audacity.
Shoutout to years, YEARS ago when I had a Scott Tenorman roleplay blog and I did some ship rps with a Cartman blog. For context they're half brothers, but also, Cartman literally killed Scott's parents and fed them to him in chili.
Do you wanna take a wild guess about which aspect of this ship antis harassed me about? (also I'm sorry for telling this story every chance I get but it's SO funny to me, and it was also my first real run in with antis lol)
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time
bro. bro. forgetting lube exists 😭 no elaboration necessary it takes me right out of the experience
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
SELFSHIP CONTENT IN GENERAL!!!!!! Cringe culture is DEAD i want more people to ship with weird characters and the most obscure shit ever.
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intrepidradish · 1 year
Media: Dragon Ball Z
Year/my age: 2002/12
What drew me to the media:
I came home from highschool everyday and had a small tv with a built in vhs in my closet. It was 4:30pm and toonami was on Cartoon Network. I watched the entire Cell Saga and Majin Boo like a fiend. It was a shitton of episodes! Ugh. It's almost impossible to watch all the way through now, but maybe because as an adult I want like...more plot motivated writing. One of the best fanfic foder aspects of DBZ is that so much is left open to interpretation. I didn't question the filler episodes as a kid. I just liked all the muscles and screaming. The animation/manga style remains super duper fun. But mostly I found DBZ memorable because of Vegeta. I got truly invested in him as a character, because for most of DBZ, he really lets you down. I think TV shows love to harp on tropes for children, ie the bad man becomes a good man and all his values change to match the good characters *sparkles*, because they think morally those are the stories that should be told to children. Which is sad, honestly. Vegeta doesn't fall into that arc. He remains...kind of a bitch... and his character arch is fantastic and long and hard and he fucks up a lot and he doesn't really apologize for any of it. This was amazing to see as a preteen. Teaching failure to a child is really hard, and I think that America's school system is really bad at even attempting to. But failure is super important. Because all of life that child cum adult is going to fail, and its going to suck.
What made me a fan:
In college, I did another pass of DBZ, and whoa, developing adult horny brain really went into spiral knots wondering...so what the fuck... Bulma and Vegeta... had sex? They made a child. They made Trunks. So they had sex, right? I think this is pretty common a reaction. And as soon as you think that, well... the next step is... 'wait wait wait, how did they have sex? why did they have sex? what did that even look like?' And that's what sends you scouring the internet at 1am in your underwear (covertly, because you're in a dormitory with three other roommates).
I wish I could put to language what is it about romance that sends people into fandom holes. Romance is really important to fandom. I think it has something to do with how regimented relationships are in mass media. They aren't diverse. Most main stream romance is very streamlined and never gets into the messy odd bits without being labeled as some kind of edgy cusp drama. I don't know. But relationships seem to be the spring board for fandom hijinks. I'm all about it. I'd rather have fake blorbo relationships in my brain to obsess over than the real world. That shit gets you into trouble.
Oh god, and what an indicator of future dispositions. If you get into the Vegebul fandom, a lot of them are rape stories (because god forbid, a woman could want a shitty asshole alien man to bone at night. Bulma has her own set of problems, specifically with vanity being high up there). But yeah they were hot and I was pretty ashamed about the whole thing.
I was such a baby then.
Have I written fanfiction for it?
YES. One winter vacation, I wrote a 40 page fanfiction. This was probably in 2010? It was UNFINISHED, but I was incredibly sweaty the entire time, trying to build up to a spanking scene. (Yes, 40 pages of build up for spanking. I'm embarrassed for myself.) My computer crashed and the entire document was corrupted. My first fanfic was lost. RIP
Opinion on the fandom:
Pretty chill. I didn't interact with it much besides reading secretly. Originally, I was reading on fanfiction.net. When I came back to it years later (once again after college, I got my husband into it) I was reading fanfic for it on Ao3. I run into other Vegebul's periodically. They are all in their late twenties, early-late thirties. I follow someone here on tumblr that wrote this fantastic long series (100+ chapters) called Pillow Talk which is on Ao3. It's fucking incredible about showing the ups and downs, ins and outs of their relationship, because they do wind up together in canon (which is wild).
The most recent interaction I had was in the kink community, which was like *sigh* 'god, we are so fucking predictable, aren't we?' We had a good laugh! But he was trans masc too, chilling in a femme body, so we clicked right away about it.
I also remember I had an annoying conversation with my stepbrother once about tattoos. I don't have any, so they were asking why I don't. I said "If I started to get tattoos it would be a slipper slop before I start making bad decisions like getting a full Vegeta arm sleeve." Their mouths twisted in that judging you face and said "yeah don't do that." Like...ahem. My point exactly.
I think people get pretty judgy in general about Vegebuls because its a 90s kid's show, and its not a very good one. But being a Vegebul is kind of like... realizing your parents have sex. It's part of 'coming of age'.
Would I participate again:
Hell yeah, I would. Once a Vegebul always a Vegebul. The biggest hurdle for me would be catching up on all the new material. I watched Dragon Ball Super and found it lackluster. GT was so bad, I cannot. Something that's commonly an issue for me is the amount of subject material required to understand a story in fanfiction. I'll get into it later with other fandoms, but if the lore gets too big, I suddenly don't know how to participate.
Master post
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notthestarwar · 1 year
character traits I'm looking for in a blorbo:
Familial love above all else, against the odds. Family- Loving someone you know is doomed as you couldn't not. You can't save someone from themselves. You can't save your brother.
A stolen childhood. Violence as a given, you're good at it but does that make you an awful person? If you could choose, you'd choose anything but. A life that can only kill you but which you seem to have no escape. One crap card dealt after the other. Learning how to show love and care for people long after you should have and understanding things that adults struggle with long before you should have. You were that kid who was 'Mature for their age' knew how bills worked and housekeeping. How to read people. but now as an adult you've no idea how to make friends?? To talk to people???
The need to protect. Aquiring a child because they deserve better than what you got. Being sure anyone is better than you but not leaving them till you find it. Well if you can't find it, guess you'll have to become it
Intelligence- high. Emotional intelligence-nil
Perpetrator who refuses to see themselves as anything but a victim. A shitty situation that made them what they are but didn't make them do what they chose to do. Everyone around them can see they are the problem.
Then, 2 flavours:
- thinks they are helping, making everything worse
- trying to do better and doing better, but thinking they make everything worse
If it isn't there I'll probably just imagine it is there.
It's gotta be sad but funny OK. Doomed from the beginning, but life is amusingly absurd. Absurd like absurdist? No, as in: its just stupid. Their life is a joke
Here's what I'm giving:
-The emotionally distant parent who you kind of feel bad for at first,
-you understand why they are fucked up but then they keep doing increasingly shit things Which are getting harder and harder to rationalise
-While the stuff at the start was incredibly shit and bad luck, you're beginning to realise everything lately is self inflicted
-Had a bad childhood but is now determinedly creating much worse ones for his kids and is refusing to see it
-No friends, he's rejected most of them. Now only a few old ones left who are around to try and save his kids and have given up on him
- you look back at when he was young and can't believe how well intentioned he was??? What happened
- in with a terrible crowd, only interested in making him worse and definitely not calling themselves his friends
-Burnt out child star.
-Life is spiralling out of control- this is fine
-Set on a course of self destruction
-Increasingly erratic. Contradictory. -Actually quite good at her job but as soon as she's not at work she does a load of things that are ultimately going to end her career
-All the handmaidens waiting for it to blow
-Retail therapy
-Impulse celebrity wedding. What do these 2 even have in common
- had a terrible childhood through no fault of his parents
- since he was like 10 they've been trying really hard to make up for that. He can't see it
- he is completely oblivious. Every time they lovingly try and fail to cut him off so he stops landing in jail, he's convinced they hate him
- weird creepy old man friend. Keeps buying him gifts. He's completely oblivious to the weirdness
- complete man child
- landed a incredibly hot competent girlfriend, you have no idea how. Maybe she thinks she can fix him? She isn't trying very hard
- is a mentor to a teenager, his dad set it up to try and get him to straighten up. He's completely led her astray and she's dropped out of school and nobody can get hold of her. Too busy drag racing
-ridiculously intelligent. Could have like been an astronauts or an inventor or something and cured some disease. More interested in programing droids to pull pranks. Complete underachiver
- only friends are pre mentioned old man, a droid, his girlfriend and the cousin who's pretty much given up on him and is out of the county (aayla)
Obi Wan-
-complete overachiver
- emotional intelligence 0
- refuses to admit how badly his emotionally distant father affected him
- unwilling and unknowing step in the generational trauma cycle
-drops devastating bits of backstory when you least expect it and will not elaborate
- thinks that he drags people down and so tries to push them away before they get hurt/ reject him
- sacrificed his adult life so he could raise his father's secret child. Immediately dropped out of college, went to parenting classes and became the biggest pushy parent known to man but can't just tell him he loves him.
-tries to make everything a lesson. Anakin is not receptive. Feels like he's being picked on/ can't do anything right
- raves about Anakin to everyone but anakin.
- Has pictures he likes to show everyone, causing much confusion to old ladies on public transport as his 'son' looks his age.
-The council ban him from talking about Anakin as he interrupts every meeting with a 'funny'/isn't my son great story
-completely blames himself for everyone in his life being terrible
- it is his fault but only because he has no time for the decent people and spends all his time trying to predict and hide Anakins next fuck up
- is just a nice dude so everyone in his life tries to keep in contact and help him out even if he's a total drain who never replies and can't ever accept help
- convinced he got his job out of nepotism but its 100% just because he's good at it
- only attracted to people who are bad for him. If you aren't mean to him he thinks you hate him.
- massively intelligent, massively competent, could have been anything but he's here, doing the job his dad refused to do himself And looking after his brothers
- his dad is just the worst guy ever but he refuses to acknowledge it as he doesn't think its fair on his siblings (they all hate the guy too and don't understand why he's so forgiving. Apart from the youngest who loves every part of their dad and hates Cody as he thinks he's competition)
- terrified of becoming Jango
- gets overwhelmed by any of the emotional stuff and so most of his siblings think they resent him but actually they are the only good thing in his life
- constantly doing stuff behind the scenes for his brothers but fucks up every time he tries to tell them he loves them
- his boss is a mess but actually a nice guy, why does he work here??? He tries to make the guy go home and eat and was trying to get him to resign as this place is eating him up but the guy just thought it was because he wanted his job and so promoted him so now they are like doing the same job??
- he refuses to acknowledge this because that guys boss is an arsehole (palps) so instead they are stuck in this passive aggressive race to do the others paperwork
- maybe a little bit in love with his boss but really embarrassed about it. Frankly, Cody deserves better than that guy who can't even remember to eat and unrequitedly loving your boss is such a cliche. Cody is above it
- has somehow unwillingly started looking out for Anakin though he knows it's a lost cause. Bails him out of jail sometimes when his brother (fox) tells him he's in the cells to save Obi Wan a job
- is pretty sure his boss is in some kind of cult and is just too nice to admit it. Knows nothing about the Jedi as he really doesn't need to. Assumes random people are jedi.
- his brothers are obsessed with the Jedi and very jealous that he shares a office with kenobi. Keep asking him to introduce them to random jedi/mention them in convo
- wants custody of his younger brothers but knows he has no chance. Keeps thinking if he works hard enough he can end the war and try and get them off their terrible guardians who are clearly only in it for the money. As it is, has to wait till his brothers are old enough to age out and come to him
- sings to himself (nobody will ever believe you)
- covertly 'steals' decommissioned clones. Nobody knows but they do think it's a bit strange how everyone on the guard is either injured or has some kind of personality flaw/Impulse control problem
- has a sweet tooth and has been known to steal the syrups from the senators tea room (a crime that is surely not worth the reward)
- likes to manufacture small inconveniences for people that wrong him or his brothers (a favourite game of Cody's)
- rarely goes to bed. When he does he just lays there plotting.
- Hates his boss. Hates him. Thinks everyone knows he's evil and nobody cares
- secretly obsessed with animals and children. Pretends he doesn't know how the stray tookas keep getting in the building (he's covertly feeding them)
-prematurely grey
- has a tally chart scratched in to the wall of his bunk for every senator that's wronged him or his brothers (its in code (there's a betting ring running the odds of what he's counting))
- convinced he's inheritly evil and that every one of his brothers is an incredible person to whom he's a great embarrassment
- doesn't let himself care about anyone but his brothers
- acts like he doesn't care about them and is always trying to get away from them but then fixes everything while they are sleeping
- has a collection of random shit he's found being thrown away in his office. Can't walk past anything free. Lots of sponsored things. Many mugs. Lots of bizarre shit, many hats.
- Always bringing suspicious smelling/ looking plants in to the guard halls. Most are plastic.
- has a line of chairs in the hall by his office for shiney's to sit on while they wait to Talk to him (no1 topic: why the hell aren't I dead. Did you have something to do with this?)
- saves Fives and fakes his death. soon realises the man is more trouble than he's worth it's a constant job for the guard keeping him from killing the chancellor. (even though Fox keeps telling him its not a conspiracy, everyone knows.(nobody knows)) Would do it again in a heart beat
- whenever anyone visits the guard he runs around trying to disguise any 'dead clones' that might be recognised (he's terrible at this. More than once he's handed someone a plant and told them to 'be a tree' he pretty much thinks that if their face is covered it's a done deal. He's tried to put a sticker over Fives tattoo more than once.) There's a guard commander running behind him actually disguising them.
- very scary
- the softest of all
- can't say no to a shiny so tries to be intimidating so they won't ask
- whenever his batchers ask for something he says no and is mean about it and then does it covertly anyway
- will never admit it was him
- is one half of a pair. Him and his general are on a mission to adopt the whole gar
- someone keeps getting to the 'faulty' clones before they do
- him and Plo have a memorial on board for the vode they lost
- always knows what's going on with his batchers before they tell him. If they try and leave medbay early they get a message before they're out the door (is it automatically scheduled??? How does he know?)
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Do you ever just have a favorite background character? Not the way people sometimes mistake the term for a side character, but an honest BG character, because I'm currently re-introduced to my love for this poor college aged dude (sorta, he's a prodigy but eventually reaches age 24 time passes by the arc) who just wants to write his thesis and work on inventions but he ended up friends with the main character and now keeps getting dragged into plot shenanigans and he can't fight at all lol.
(+) It's extra funny because the main character and their friends are younger than him and the adults of this manga are just picks you up like a sack of potatoes "well since the protag isn't here, guess you're my partner for this fight!" lmao pls he is literally Just Some Guy he doesn't have your muscles. And when he cried because his talents lie in technology but he couldn't use it to help everyone in the final battle because the bad guys hacked it 🥺 ouch, but he got things working again!! (+) FUCK I FORGOT TO MENTION THE BEST PART he has a permanent :3 face and that is adorable like yes I'm laughing at how the universe never gives him a break and instead gets him involved with more new protags and world-ending crisis and attacked because he stole magical gems from the villains (boy why did you) and he's looks ridiculously out of place in the battle ready group pic, but how many character do you know that have this old 2000s era emoticon as part of their design :3 :3 :3 splendid (+) I just remembered one more detail that I think will be your favorite but he has a pet fox 🧡 that fox is so baby and totally failed at stopping intruders, but luckily the intruder was on their side (and convinced him to break privacy laws For The Good Of Everyone and making sure the protag everyone is relying on is still alive and hunt them down) but the baby fox DID manage to defeat a grown man once so I guess that counts for something in him being useful on the battlefield lol (+) I know I keep sending too many asks about this but there's so much I forgot and I'm re-reading and everytime I come across a new panel I- 🤣 this war veteren really walked up to my blorbo like "you're a college boy, YOU come up with a strategy" whose just "they don't teach you this in college?!" someone pls spare him LMAO I swear he just wants to write his thesis, not get nearly killed every time he steps outside his cottage.
Background giving you brainworms is both the worst and the best as you can rely on fandom not making them extremely ooc but you also find close to 0 content on them.
Are you sure he isn't a side character though, he sounds like one? Or does he not appear enough to qualify as one. Anyway the pet fox sounds adorable and I am insanely jealous. I want a pet fox T-T Also permanent :3 face is an amazing character design and it should be done more.
I think the only character that's given me brainworms like this was Giotto from KHR because I was absolutely fascinated with him and his history (which he was responsible for why KHR even exists as he created the organization that the protagonist is fated to lead).
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abyssal-ali · 2 years
Angry Birds (and Bats)
My thoughts on the Bats vs JL members
(Disclaimer: this will also include my hcs and not be completely canon)
Feel free to yell (or even speak nicely) at me if you think I'm wrong!
Its up to you to decide if they're truly angry or have just been strongly provoked.
Expectation: Okay so if the JL doesn't know that the Red Hood is Jason, ( aka Robin the Second, their blorbo), or they believe Bruce saying he's emotionally unstable, etc--- Red Hood will be the one they're most wary of purposely aggravating, lest he retaliate with another Duffle Bag of Doom. He's the biggest, most trained, has the least inhibitions and most guns & connections, etc.
Reality: He'll not retaliate so that you know it's him (although who else would it be?) Your demise (social, political, financial, etc) will be carefully planned and executed just when you’ve relaxed and thought maybe he wasn't actually that angry.
Expectation: Bruce is always kept at an arm's length because he's the most silently intimidating. He also has the most experience, power, and he will be absolutely ruthless if you make him mad. Thus, he'll be an adult and attack you on your level.
Reality: Bruce's middle name isn't Thomas, it's Petty. You'll be insulted but they'll be so well-worded you can't make a case for it. (Years of surviving in Gotham's high society has honed his insult-with-a-smile skills.) Your things will go missing, speedbumps will appear on cases (nothing to damage the case, but inconvenience you), he "won't have heard" or "seen" you in a briefing, you'll be picked last, etc. *Bruce* will attack as an adult, using his Wayne status and power, but *Batman* will be the petty drama queen that he is.
Tim will absolutely destroy you. He'll give you a couple days to think that he's calmed down...he may have, but he'll still be out for blood. Your tech will fail, you'll be locked out of your house, and when you finally get on you'll be greeted with a glitter bomb.
When Dick finally snaps he will be a volcano and completely unpredictable. Depending on the offense, he may enlist his siblings to help terrorise you and yours. He may also receive a red lantern ring, who knows?
Damian, when he is annoyed/offended, will scream for your blood as he charges with his katana. When he is truly angry, look out! It's personal and he wants your head as a trophy. He'll be silent and deadly, as opposed to letting everyone know you've irritated him. (This is also the approach Jason takes.)
Steph: So. Much. Glitter. You will never be free from the sparkling menaces again. You will also be heavily inconvenienced and may or may not be in hot water with the other Bats.
Cass: This angel can do no wrong. She'll let it go and never get her hands dirty. ....you'll just have to deal with 8 angry Bats, not 1.
Babs: Good luck getting your identity back, sucker. Expect to be locked out of all your tech or have problems with it somehow. You'll also hit all red lights when you're driving home, to put the cherry on tip of your extremely difficult day.
Alfred: You're dead. He'll take his shotgun to the backyard and practice shooting clays with your face on them. He'll sass you to your face and do incredibly slighting deeds the normally polite butler would *never*. Then he's the bigger man and let's it go.
Duke: I love him but I don't know much about him :( (Feel free to add your opinions!) He'll probably ask his siblings to brainstorm appropriate forms of revenge and you'll be the focus of a batfam prank war, which is *not * for the faint of heart!
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themountainsays · 2 years
been thinking about brulores getting caught and alma finding out, but instead of thinking the regular "bruno manipulated her" or the more ideal "very weird but ok", she thinks "dolores manipulated him"
like, her guilt in regard of how she made bruno hide in the walls due to her behaviour eats her alive and makes her unable to consider bruno as anything more than a victim. and makes her wish there had been some way for her to avoid it. and then she realizes dolores knew all along but didnt say anything, which makes her feel puzzled... why would she let him stay there instead of trying to help him talk?
and then it turns out they are together? that makes the wrong things click in her head, and now she thinks that dolores kept mouth shut to keep bruno in the walls because it wouldnt work out if he was outside. she tries not to start arguments since shes trying to fix her relation with the family, but shes not taking bruno slander from the family members that are against.
👀 oh. Anon this is a very interesting idea.
Her logic could go the other way - she could assume that Bruno didn't want to be found and threatened Dolores into silence to more easily abuse her - but Alma isn't always the most logical person. She's very easily blinded by her own stubborness and biases, and she has a tendency to place all of the blame on one person. A sort of black-and-white thinking. Through the movie, it looks like she thinks Luisa and Isabela can do no wrong, so when she sees them fail or break rules or not manage to live up to her expectations, she does some pro gamer mental gymnastics to blame Mirabel instead. Luisa clarifies she confided on Mirabel when she was feeling poorly and later lost her powers? It means Mirabel said something harmful to her. Isabela is wrecking havoc through town with her new plants and dragging Mirabel around? It's clearly Mirabel acting as a bad influence. Let's remember Luisa and Isabela are adult women, and Mirabel is only 15. It's ridiculous to blame her for her sisters' "mistakes".
And not to shoehorn my OTP here but I've been thinking about Alma's reaction to Mirabel and Isabela right after WECID, and my first thought was "damn you know what would make this scene better? Inc3st /lh". My second thought was "holy shit grandma would blame the 15 y.o for getting sisconned". Because, i'm not saying a minor can't sexually abuse an adult, but when you're a child's guardian and you see this child in a relationship that is 99,99% guaranteed to be abusive, it would be really fucking irresponsible and dangerous to assume the child is to blame. It doesn't matter that the characters in question are doing Fantasy Inc3st that is actually Good and Healthy because it's the Magical Exception - any reasonable adult would look at a situation like this (age gap, inc3st) and assume the younger one is in danger, and the older one needs to be kept away. You can't just ask no questions and assume the teenager is the bad guy and the adult that should know better is completely innocent. That's how you endanger a child. Congratulations. Your child is endangered. But I'm not sorry to say that I can totally see Alma pulling some bullshit like this. It's stupid and dangerous and irresponsible and it shows a horribly cruel lack of love and care for the person she's blaming, and a clear favoritism for the one that any rational person would be wary of.
Sisc0n segment aside: yes. I can imagine Alma reproducing this behavior or a smaller level when it comes to brulores. If she decides that Bruno is Good^TM now, the ultimate victim, or, as kids say these days, a Skrunkly Blorbo, then yeah I can see her... not directly blaming Dolores - her relationship with Dolores isn't unloving - but being more suspicious of her than of him. Especially if we take the creepy Dolores hc into account. Maybe she IS a pervert or something. I still want to bring up how, in canon, she fell in love with a man who didn't know her by spying on him. That's really fucking creepy imo and shows a lack of concern for personal boundaries, so who's to say she's not, er, selectively hearing Bruno's NOs as a YES, or that she's manipulating him, guiltripping him, cornering him in any way? He's so scared, so skittish, so fragile - and he looks like he needs someone, anyone, to hear him out and side with him for once.
That would be an interesting development. The family blames and punishes Bruno, but when Alma finds out, her first instinct is to comfort and protect him. He's her son. He needs her.
She doesn't like the way in which Dolores looks at him one bit.
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cowsaresushi-coral · 2 years
I mean, it is not the same but im sure there are people here to talk about the blorbos.
I'm actually verrrry deep into the Subway Masters rabbit hole D;
Today i tried to paint my nails submas themed but failed miserably as my nails are fucking awful and also i haven't paint nails in my life lol.
So how's your hyperfixation going?
Oh there are plenty of people talking about them blorbos (submas) cuz uh, many people have come to appreciate the infinite chasm of charm that comes from these two scrungles.
You and me both. Welcome to hell, we're here to punch your tickets to train boys land.
Oh man same. With the nail thing. I have a nasty habit of chewing my nails, and I cannot stop. Hey, there's always next time! I would give advice, but my advice is "tape tape masking tape tape tape," but I have not and will never paint my nails, so I bid you good luck with achieving some cool nail styles.
Ah yes, my intense interest in train boys, it's brewing very strongly. I stay up very late thinking about them. Every night. All day. Every day. I quite like it! It sure makes it a pain to focus on studying, and doing other important adult stuff, but it sure does make me much happier! So it's going quite swell regardless. No idea how long it'll last, but hopefully it'll last for a long time. It's quite terrible when I don't have something to just have rolling around my mind constantly.
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