#of course Pepa is outraged like ??? excuse her??? her baby was clearly being abused what the fuck mom
themountainsays · 2 years
been thinking about brulores getting caught and alma finding out, but instead of thinking the regular "bruno manipulated her" or the more ideal "very weird but ok", she thinks "dolores manipulated him"
like, her guilt in regard of how she made bruno hide in the walls due to her behaviour eats her alive and makes her unable to consider bruno as anything more than a victim. and makes her wish there had been some way for her to avoid it. and then she realizes dolores knew all along but didnt say anything, which makes her feel puzzled... why would she let him stay there instead of trying to help him talk?
and then it turns out they are together? that makes the wrong things click in her head, and now she thinks that dolores kept mouth shut to keep bruno in the walls because it wouldnt work out if he was outside. she tries not to start arguments since shes trying to fix her relation with the family, but shes not taking bruno slander from the family members that are against.
👀 oh. Anon this is a very interesting idea.
Her logic could go the other way - she could assume that Bruno didn't want to be found and threatened Dolores into silence to more easily abuse her - but Alma isn't always the most logical person. She's very easily blinded by her own stubborness and biases, and she has a tendency to place all of the blame on one person. A sort of black-and-white thinking. Through the movie, it looks like she thinks Luisa and Isabela can do no wrong, so when she sees them fail or break rules or not manage to live up to her expectations, she does some pro gamer mental gymnastics to blame Mirabel instead. Luisa clarifies she confided on Mirabel when she was feeling poorly and later lost her powers? It means Mirabel said something harmful to her. Isabela is wrecking havoc through town with her new plants and dragging Mirabel around? It's clearly Mirabel acting as a bad influence. Let's remember Luisa and Isabela are adult women, and Mirabel is only 15. It's ridiculous to blame her for her sisters' "mistakes".
And not to shoehorn my OTP here but I've been thinking about Alma's reaction to Mirabel and Isabela right after WECID, and my first thought was "damn you know what would make this scene better? Inc3st /lh". My second thought was "holy shit grandma would blame the 15 y.o for getting sisconned". Because, i'm not saying a minor can't sexually abuse an adult, but when you're a child's guardian and you see this child in a relationship that is 99,99% guaranteed to be abusive, it would be really fucking irresponsible and dangerous to assume the child is to blame. It doesn't matter that the characters in question are doing Fantasy Inc3st that is actually Good and Healthy because it's the Magical Exception - any reasonable adult would look at a situation like this (age gap, inc3st) and assume the younger one is in danger, and the older one needs to be kept away. You can't just ask no questions and assume the teenager is the bad guy and the adult that should know better is completely innocent. That's how you endanger a child. Congratulations. Your child is endangered. But I'm not sorry to say that I can totally see Alma pulling some bullshit like this. It's stupid and dangerous and irresponsible and it shows a horribly cruel lack of love and care for the person she's blaming, and a clear favoritism for the one that any rational person would be wary of.
Sisc0n segment aside: yes. I can imagine Alma reproducing this behavior or a smaller level when it comes to brulores. If she decides that Bruno is Good^TM now, the ultimate victim, or, as kids say these days, a Skrunkly Blorbo, then yeah I can see her... not directly blaming Dolores - her relationship with Dolores isn't unloving - but being more suspicious of her than of him. Especially if we take the creepy Dolores hc into account. Maybe she IS a pervert or something. I still want to bring up how, in canon, she fell in love with a man who didn't know her by spying on him. That's really fucking creepy imo and shows a lack of concern for personal boundaries, so who's to say she's not, er, selectively hearing Bruno's NOs as a YES, or that she's manipulating him, guiltripping him, cornering him in any way? He's so scared, so skittish, so fragile - and he looks like he needs someone, anyone, to hear him out and side with him for once.
That would be an interesting development. The family blames and punishes Bruno, but when Alma finds out, her first instinct is to comfort and protect him. He's her son. He needs her.
She doesn't like the way in which Dolores looks at him one bit.
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