#wh40k fanfic
danart501 · 1 month
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A baby kick surely is a weird feeling
This comic is based on a specific part on a Guilliman x Fem preg reader fic by @moodymisty hope you like it🌸
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two-reflections · 1 month
Filling "Unspecified Fandom" prompts on Ao3 like
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jaal-ama-daravv · 3 months
Chapter 1 of Omnissiah Forgive Me!
"Green sparks shot through Pasqal’s body at the sound of his name on her lips. "
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suddenmojo · 1 month
I am SO happy to have found other Warhammer 40k girlies on here. I rly thought I was alone in my delusions but then I remembered this hellsite exists and thank god it does bc y’all are feeding me SO GOOD w ur fics and art….just know im a little goblin in the dark corner cheering y’all on
might inspire some doodles from me who knows
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Writing chapters for:
Chaptermaster Auris : "Oh gosh the list of administrative tasks of this position is neverending and it is such a hassle to juggle all those eccentric personalities - and to make things worse they have forced me to take a break! I'd love to use the authority of my position but the submitted paperwork is nearly flawless! I wouldn't even know what to do with the time. The armor is polished four times now, and I have re-read my Codex twice..."
Apothecarius Timidus: "'Ris there is enough recaf in your system to kill a regular mortal. I am not meaning this metaphorically. The amount in your blood would lead to cardiac arrest several times over. Why is everyone on this ship such a work-obsessed zealot SAVE YOUR HEALTH FOR WHEN WE ARE ACTUALLY IN A WARZONE THRONE BE DAMNED!"
Tech Priest Daimos-5:
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smuglysasha · 8 months
Well, 40k peeps I gotta recommend this amazing fic I started reading called Unicorn Acres on AO3 by Orion844. The writing is sublime and the authors Guilliman is probably the best I’ve seen. And that’s not even talking about the OC characters in the story, especially one of our main character Alexis. The slow burn is quite juicy and not excruciating like some slow burn romances can be.
Seriously you should give it a shot, especially if you’re a leftist fan of 40k. The story does a good job of addressing some real serious issues. Please at least give it a shot if any of this sounds interesting.
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lostkhagan · 3 months
"Is that a Chogoris poetry anthology?"
"Yes-wait where did you spring from"
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A failed literary communication meeting
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sculptorofcrimson · 2 months
Tyrant’s Lullaby
Once upon a time, there was a glorious, terrible man. He built horrors. He built wonders. He brought monsters up from the deep. He took a child from the arms of a horrified, weeping family, and raised him not as a boy but as a general. He took a child and ruined his future, He took a child and made him a king, a pet, a dog. He marched armies over the face of the ravaged earth, and trampled all that did not kneel before the weight of the storm. He burned tundras to ash and shook the mountains until they crumbled, He boiled the seas to mist and the skies to charcoal. And when the scouring was done, and the earth was entombed in ashes, He turned His dreaming, endless glare upon His own. 
He strangled the thunder that had bore Him a throne, He sent the golden, the children stolen from their cradles, to plunge down long knives into turned backs raised so fervently before His regard. With their blood they had built Him a kingdom, and with their bones He crowned Himself a throne. And when Terra knelt, cowed, battered, in awe and in fear, He turned His gaze skywards.
And the stars felt His benevolent wrath. 
He bore twenty sons, two of them sacrificed, and He unleashed them upon the earth, the skies, the stars. They hunted for Him, they loved Him, they adored Him, yet some had strayed too far from His light, some had gazed upon the man that would be a god with sullen, hungry eyes, doing His bidding, and knowing His wrath. They are those who were there when affection curdled to treachery.
There was no peace among the stars, no mercy, no rest, simply a slow, heartless drowning as the gold claimed them limb by limb, inch by inch, and swallowed them into the endless light. 
And then war. Treachery, when the stars themselves were swallowed. When brother turned against brother, and father against son. When the Phoenix cleaved the Gorgon’s head from his shoulders, and the Immortal bashed in the Haunter with a hammer, when the Angel fell to the Traitor and He stained the Palace’s stones red with His son’s blood. When Horus burned, when the Angel shed his wings and the golden were shattered upon the anvil of betrayal, the Father fell to His son. 
He was buried upon a rotting throne, screaming hollowly into the fading dark, the stars basking in His rage, His pity and His wrath. He was buried alive in a tomb made from gold, ashen bones ruling a decaying kingdom from the grave, dreaming forever of brighter days. Dreaming of His sons, and how He betrayed them first, how they betrayed Him, how they abandoned His bones. And finally could the golden rest, bathed in the heart of their greatest shame, enshrining the decaying dust of a master they had failed, in an empire He had forsaken. 
That man was the Emperor. That corpse is the Emperor, golden, glorious, and decaying just like the slaves.
Do not think your bones different from a slave's. When you rot, your corpse will be indistinguishable from those of your servants.
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shythalia · 2 months
I wonder if/when Games Workshop will finally give an end to WH40K, will they let the Imperium or humanity as a whole just die to finally end their suffering & misery? That seems like a fitting end with all the grimdarkness.
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nevesmose · 14 days
Meteor, Trailing Light
Not a request - this one's all on me. Reading Dunmeshi and thinking about how Mithrun has enough vague similarities to Fulgrim that his story arc almost-but-not-quite scratches the itch for a sort of whumpy hurt/comfort style redeemed Fulgrim story. And then, as if by magic... (Title taken from the same poem McNeill used for The Reflection Crack'd because I'm a huge fucking nerd.)
Even now he remains the Phoenician, beloved by all and the star around which his warriors orbit.
Fulgrim found it strange to be dead.
And yet that was what had happened, as far as the galaxy at large knew. The traitor Fulgrim slain in single combat by his own best-loved brother Ferrus Manus. Simply one more dead heretic in a galaxy bursting at the seams with them.
The truth, as was so often the case, differed slightly. At the final moment Ferrus Manus had stayed his hand and settled for capturing Fulgrim instead.
Once he was under observation it hadn't taken the Iron Hands long to deduce the connection between him and the cursed Laer blade and, abhorrent as it was to their rational sensibilities, to begin a process of what a more spiritually-inclined observer might have called exorcism.
When their efficient disassembly of the body failed to root out the infection, they had moved on to his mind instead.
He was grateful that he remembered so little of it, except for the sensation of the perfect white silk of his hair falling away as it was shorn off and the high-pitched squeal of a chirurgical saw biting into his skull.
"He may not survive damage to the brain of this magnitude," the cold, artificial voice of a techpriest had announced.
"He's strong enough," came the reply. His brother's voice, organic but infinitely colder. "Burn it out of him."
"My lord Primarch, even if he lives the neurological effects are beyond our ability to determine. His recall and cognition may be permanently altered."
"Understood," Ferrus had growled. "Do it."
He had relearned how to walk, in the end. How to talk and read and write, to feed and clean and dress himself. The medicae had told him his recovery was vastly quicker and more complete than could be expected of any mortal, or even an Astartes.
His hair had grown back dishwater grey and the physical damage was mitigated as far as possible by whatever therapies and augmetics could be adapted to the body of a Primarch, but the gaps in his memories and mental capabilities still lurked around him like ghosts, eager to drag him down at any moment.
How many Astartes in a legion? How to tie the laces of a boot? Sometimes the shame and humiliation of not knowing, of having to need help with such things, made him weep. He had been the Phoenician once. The guiding star to an army of superhumans.
Ferrus had been a constant presence, sitting at his bedside for what felt like days at a time. They had spoken often of the past, over and over again, Ferrus telling him the stories of his own exploits to try to reconnect the burned-away neurons into something approaching a memory.
There had been a smithing competition between them, apparently. Three months at work beneath Mount Narodnya on Terra itself. Ferrus had brought him what he said was Fulgrim's own creation, the great warhammer Forgebreaker, and although Fulgrim had looked at it and appreciated the skill and effort of his past self it simply did not register with him.
He had apologised to Ferrus for not remembering and been sure that it was the first time he had ever seen the Primarch of the Iron Hands cry.
Ferrus often spoke with him about the war, too. The war was going badly. Fulgrim knew with an instinct that must have been imprinted on him at the moment of his creation that the presence of another Primarch on the battlefield, even one so irreparably damaged, could mean the difference between survival and annihilation.
So, like a distant comet being drawn back to its star, he would return to war. When his recovery was deemed to be as complete as it would ever be, he was presented with a suit of black Iron Hands power armour trimmed in dark purple, accompanied by a newly-forged replica of the lost Fireblade.
When he left his chambers Ferrus was waiting for him, clad in his own black warplate.
"One of us is going to have to change," Fulgrim said flatly.
Ferrus chuckled. "It's good to see you like this again, Fulgrim. Come with me. I have something to show you."
"Am I to be an Iron Hand now?" he asked as they walked together, gesturing to his armour.
"If you want. Nobody will care if my closest general happens to be taller than average or look different to the rest of my Legion. There are far worse things happening in the galaxy right now, brother."
Fulgrim slowed to a halt, prompting Ferrus to stop as well.
"Am I still your brother, Ferrus? Even now?"
Ferrus didn't say anything at first, instead favouring him with one of the monumental metal-handed shoulder pats he seemed to reserve for those closest to him.
"You'll always be my brother," he replied. "You're still the only one of the bastards I can stand."
"A truly great honour," Fulgrim smiled.
They moved out onto a raised dais at one end of a large ceremonial chamber liberally decorated with Iron Hands iconography, in the sense that a certain amount of Iron Hands iconography not strictly required for the room's structural integrity was present.
In front of them stood a contingent of black-armoured Iron Hands, a few companies in total, whose plate bore the same dark purple trim as Fulgrim's along with a variety of hoods and cloaks in the same colour.
Fulgrim knew that before, he would have been able to come up with some witty, cutting remark at a time like this. He had even watched old pict footage of himself doing it until the sight of the beautiful, shining Phoenician he'd once been had become too much to bear.
It was so hard for him to get words out now, or sometimes even just to put his thoughts in sufficient order. He settled for a quizzical look at Ferrus instead, who just raised his eyebrows in an expression that on any other face would have looked downright mischievous.
"Iron Phoenixes!" he called out, striding forward. "Remove your helmets!"
In one smooth, well-drilled motion the ranks of Astartes pulled back their hoods and took off their plain black helmets to reveal a sea of white hair and violet eyes, all fixed on Fulgrim.
He realised with a sharp pang of grief that he didn't recognise any individual faces among them, but the overall resemblance was undeniable.
Tears came unbidden to Fulgrim's remaining eye. His sons. Tired, scarred, and far, far too few in number, but nevertheless his sons.
"They followed me?" he asked.
"Of course they did," Ferrus said quietly. "You're the star they orbit around, brother. They would follow you anywhere."
He recalled, hazily, or perhaps just assumed, that in the past he would have remained above them and made some lengthy declamation, most likely about the perfection of the III Legion and its primarch.
It would be beyond laughable to do that now, and in any case he lacked the breath in his lungs and the fluent command of words for such a performance. The moment called for something else.
Slowly, carefully, Fulgrim descended from the dais to stand at the same level as his Astartes. They watched him intently. Even now, broken and diminished as they all were, they still looked instinctively to him with trust and, one could even say, faith.
The sensation was, of all things, humbling. He was sure he would never have thought of it that way before.
"Welcome home," Fulgrim said, holding out his arms to his sons. As if at some mutually-agreed signal the Astartes broke formation and surged towards him, eager to be close to their Primarch, to affirm his survival and their own despite everything.
After what felt like hours, Fulgrim was finally able to extricate himself from the throng of his sons and return to Ferrus, whose craggy features gave every appearance of satisfaction at the reunion he'd arranged.
"Thank you, Ferrus," he said. "Truly. But I have to ask - the Iron Phoenixes, really?"
Ferrus shrugged. "Well, I thought it was a good name. You're welcome to change it to something more artistic if you like."
Fulgrim looked at his sons contemplatively. The Iron Phoenixes, perhaps.
"Let me think about it," he said. "We might just be stuck with it."
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danart501 · 15 days
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You can’t tell me that Guilliman doesn’t make this kind of things with his beloved and baby
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two-reflections · 2 months
And now for something completely different...
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In a world of Alpharius, it's tough being an Omegon.
[Rated G, Gen, Oneshot.]
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Written for Marine Meat Monday, a weekly challenge by @tagedeszorns. Thanks to @squishyowl for the dividers!
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yanandreckless · 14 days
Fun Fact Friday!
Did you guys know that Astartes purr? Like raccoons? Or maybe only Night Lords purr? Well, in either case, Strix purrs! He clung to my tattered sweater with all his stinky little might and he kinda relaxed into me, letting all his weight just hang on me, which, I don't know what I expected, but he's heavy enough that he really needs me supporting him under his bum in order for that not to hurt or make him fall off when the poor H&M threads give out (and probably claw down my entire body in the process, ouch) "You stink worse than anything I've ever come close to." I grumbled and he let out several short little sounds that resembled laughter. "I'm serious, and that's not a compliment, you reek to unacceptable levels. You'd probably need at least 3 big scrubs." A shocked squeal. Rustling. He's shaking his head. Every movement seems to spread his stench. "No, no, we're not playing this game, mister. You broke my window, you ripped apart that really nice bed I bought you, and for what? To get inside? Well, inside creatures must be clean creatures! Capiche?" His body stiffens once again and he grumbles for a while, growls and whines interspersed with sighs, like he's ranting about why bathing would be such an inconvenience. "If you're clean, you'll feel better, I promise! And you know what else? Clean Astartes get cuddles!" He jerks his head up to look at me, spreading a sour note of something organic that's no longer in the same state of matter around my nostrils. He tilts his head inquisitively. I can't help scrunching my entire face in disgust but I nod bravely: "Yes, I promise, if you let me thoroughly clean you, you'd get cuddles and a new bed inside. DON'T destroy anything else!" The eyes on his helmet seem to glimmer in hope. He nods slowly. Then faster and faster. Then he's chittering excitedly and climbing down my body the same way he came up, heading for the bathroom. Dry mud is crusting off his boots. "And DON'T scare Prince!" He stops dead in his tracks. Then turns around to face me. Crosses his arms behind his back and juts his chest out, a picture perfect good boy. With mice skulls, marten hides, and insect carapace jewelry all over him. Yes, totally non-threatening.
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sketchasylum · 3 months
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Fulgrims "awakened" daemon form in the "Primed to Fall" AU, by the incredible @dashofstarlight! I hope ya'll like it! The rest of my notes and rambelings will be under the cut!
---- I have so much to say about this- In regards to the picture itself. I somehow managed to spend 7 hours on this. The design for this mainly came from @dashofstarlight 's drawing of it, aswell as their fantastic writing in Chapter 17 of their fanfiction "Primed to Fall". I changed some aspects to better suit my art style and personal interpretation tho. I had and still have mild problems with the shoulderpats I added. (The shoulders seemed too blank, but then the design didnt sadisfy me? So I just gave up and kept them there 😭) The wings almost broke me :) Slight tangent about PtF cause AAAAAAA. I started reading PtF while it was in its early chapters, I stuck with it ever since and am so incredibly excited for what is yet to come! It's so well written, the characters are interpreted so well, its so emotinally charged and I could go on a rant about it for hours. But at the end of the day all I can say is that if you havent checked it out yet you definitly should! Here's the link to it! @dashofstarlight I am so incredibly glad I stumbled upon your fic. Keep up the amazing work and take care of yourself! I hope you like the little art I made! <3
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With some delay, here's another big hitter! This chapter's highlights:
Old Men talking
How to show some skin when you are 90% mechanical augments
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smuglysasha · 6 months
I wish I didn’t have to type the phrase “Peggy Sue Guilliman incest harem with his 20 genderbent sisters also there’s no female space marines” but 40k fanfiction sure is… something
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