#well it wouldn't have gone well anyway so its a good thing they didn't meet when they were like this
mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Hori knew wtf he was doing giving Tomura and Izuku these designs/outfits in their Rogue Arcs
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He said “well they look great but MAN their mental health went out the window ages ago. but they look cool tho right”
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
leveling the playing field II
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summary: you didn't meet the requirements for the plinth prize, only to find out that you're not just missing out on that- you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. your friend wants to help, because maybe you can help each other.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.8k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows. also someone dies (but its not too graphic), mentions of blood and violence you guys get the vibes.
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a/n: embarrassed to say this is grabbing me by the cuff of my shirt and yanking me out of writer's block sorry to everyone who followed for drew's characters lmao. anyway idek if any of this is any good but as long as i'm writing something i'm pleased.
next part
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Coriolanus clenched his jaw as he watched you eat from the plate of fruit your maid brought up after you called for tea, hoping that somehow you would just miss the sound of his stomach growling. He had said no, but you insisted because you were hungry. You don't even know what hungry feels like- he's already regretting letting you help him.
"So," You start, covering your mouth as you finish chewing so you could get down to strategy. If you were going to help, you had to go at this wisely. "What is your plan? Lay it out for me. I'll give you my thoughts."
"I talked to Tigris, she agreed that I need to get Lucy Gray to trust me." He tells you. "She said she would want someone here to care about her. That will have to be me."
"Okay." You nod, reaching for another slice of apple on the plate, trying to ignore the way his eyes track the fruit all the way from your plate to your lips. "So, I'm doing a more behind-the-scenes thing. I think that's better, for us and her. I don't want her to be overwhelmed."
"Yeah." Coryo agrees, staring at you. At this point, it's driving you crazy.
"Coryo." You state, pushing the dish across the coffee table in his direction. "Eat. Please."
"No, I couldn't." He tries to politely decline and you raise an eyebrow at him.
"I insist. It was made for two, I can't possibly stomach it all. It would be a shame for it to go to waste." You had laid your cards out just minutes earlier, making it clear you both knew more about each other's home lives than you cared to discuss, but that didn't mean you would torture him with it.
He hesitates before grabbing a slice and taking a few bites, looking past you and out the window. He wouldn't want it to go to waste like you said, after all.
"I won't tell anyone, you know." You say, your tone walking a line between joking and being serious. He'll interpret that in whatever way he chooses, and you're okay with that.
"I should be going, actually." He says, dropping the other half of the apple slice back onto the dish and standing up, smoothing the creases in his slacks.
You stand up as well, making your way to the door and ringing the bell that summons your maid. "I'll walk you out, just give me a second." You explain to him, and by the time you're done your sentence, she is there looking at you expectantly. "Take these leftovers and pack them up for my friend." You tell her, pointing to the mostly full plate. "And pack some of those pastries you made for his family as well, if you don't mind. Oh! And that bread, it will go bad soon if someone doesn't eat it." She just nods silently as you speak, walking past you to take the plate before leaving.
"Thank you." Coriolanus mutters through gritted teeth once your maid is out of earshot.
"Like I said," You smile. "I don't want it to go to waste."
The morning the tributes arrived, Coriolanus was late to class. He had never been late to class, not once, and you would know- because you hadn't either. Not that you were worried, but it was almost the only thing you could think about. It was odd, but he must have gone to greet Lucy Gray. That would be the only thing that made sense.
"Your little excursion is in violation of about five Academy rules, Mister Snow." Dean Highbottom says as the blonde boy walks in, uniform disheveled as he finds his seat across the room from you.
You make eye contact only briefly with him as the Dean goes on about how endangering the life of a student is against the rules, and your friend would be accumulating a demerit over the whole thing.
From what you can gather, he did go see Lucy Gray, which went farther than he intended when he ended up escorting her all the way into the monkey cage at the zoo. To you, that was comically appropriate. To Sejanus, it was a crime. Of course it was, his heart never left District Two. As much as you had your differences, Sejanus was a kind boy. You did like him, only after you got it through your mind that if you were to leave the Capitol, you would always be Capitol at heart. You're pulling on a loose string on the hem of your uniform sleeve, more, more, until you've almost undone the whole length of your wrist. When the thread breaks you want to hit something, for little to no reason, and you bite into your bottom lip.
You don't even know why you're so mad. You have a short fuse and you know that, maybe it's about Coryo. Maybe it's about your sleeve that's now slightly longer on one side.
You're drawn from your thoughts as Clemensia stands up from her seat next to Coryo, addressing Dr. Gaul who, as far as you know, had only been in the room for a minute or so. "Coriolanus and I do all our assignments together, I think it would be fitting for us to write up the proposal together too. I have some good ideas for things to be incorporated into the games along with betting." Your eyes roll so hard at this that it makes your head ache.
"I brought her a rose from Grandma'am's garden and she ate it. She needs food." Coryo tells you, walking alongside you down the hall.
"I'll get something together for her. Would you like to come with me to pick it up and then we can go to the zoo?" You ask, adjusting your shoulder bag as he holds the front door open for you.
"Okay. Are you sure you should come?"
"If you would like me to." You shrug, leading him in the direction of your parent's town car.
He thinks on it for a moment. Does he want you to meet Lucy Gray? You were technically also her mentor, even if you were taking a backseat. It struck him again, harder somehow, when he met her in person how similar she was to you. Besides the distinct accent, every word that came out of her mouth sounded as though it could have been written in a script by you. If you were district, that is. It was hard to wrap his mind around.
"I would." He finally answers, more so on impulse than resulting from his thought process.
You smile, linking your arm around his as you approach the vehicle.
"Then we can drop you at Clem's. if you'd like." You offer bitterly and he just gives a curt nod in response.
After getting your maid to pack some food for Lucy Gray with some extra for the two of you, assuming you would be gone for the evening, you got a ride to the zoo. The atmosphere was exciting, with people and children crowding the bars- this time including a few of your classmates. Sejanus, which you had expected, and Arachne- no doubt there to get attention.
"Lucy Gray!" Coryo called out, summoning the girl toward the two of you as you approached the bars marking the edge of the enclosure.
"Well hello, Coriolanus. You brought a friend, care to introduce us?" She smiles, looking between the two of you. Admittedly, you admire her poise, given the situation. Politeness in front of the cameras was a must- she's doing an exemplary job in humanizing herself.
"Lucy Gray, this is my friend Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, meet Lucy Gray." He nods between the two of you and you reach through the bars to shake her hand.
"Hello. Pleasure to meet you." You smile at her, which she returns.
"You as well." She nods, clearly impressed as she looks between you and Coryo. You had decided back at your home to not introduce yourself as another mentor, just as a friend, after gushing the reaction to the other tributes thinking Lucy Gray was getting special treatment this morning when her mentor was the only one to show up. "Coriolanus, is Miss Y/L/N here your sweetheart?"
His face flushes red as he shakes his head, refusing to look at you. You laugh, not noticing his change in undertone as you answer for him. "No, no. Just a friend." You explain, digging in your bag for her food, wanting to quickly change the subject. "We brought you this." You hold out the napkin for her, containing a sandwich, a couple of desserts, and some plums.
"Oh wow, thank you!" Lucy Gray smiles, accepting it gratefully. "Hey, Jessup! Come eat." She calls out to the other tribute from her district, who you remember was assigned to Lysistrata Vickers.
He comes over, but doesn't acknowledge either of you as Lucy Gray holds out one of the dessert bars to him. "I'm not hungry."
"It won't do you any good to starve now. You need your energy." Lucy Gray insists, practically shoving it into his hand.
"I hope you like blueberry." You cut in. "It's a blueberry biscuit with pistachio filling. Made fresh this morning- I promise it's good."
He doesn't say anything, taking it and retreating to the rock he was previously sitting on to eat.
"Will you be sharing everything with him?" Coryo asks her quietly as he walks away.
"Why? So I can keep my energy up enough to strangle him? I don't think that will matter much in a few days."
"You can't trust anyone once the games start, so why trust them now?" You reply quietly, scanning over the other tributes, eyes landing on Arachne taunting her tribute. Of course she would- her arrogance never fails to impress you.
"Your friend over there seems just lovely." Lucy Gray says sarcastically, eyes following yours as you watch your classmate.
"Not our friend." You and Coryo respond at the same time.
"She's poison with perfect teeth." He continues and you nod.
"One thing I learned in twelve is that hunger is a weapon." Lucy Gray says. You're not sure what she means, but you nod anyway.
"Here, let's sit." You suggest, changing the subject as you crouch down to lay out a cloth on the ground to place the food on.
As you're laying it out carefully between the bars for Lucy Gray, you can feel Coryo's eyes burning into the backs of your hands. Lucy Gray notices this too, handing him a cookie from the pile.
"No, I couldn't." His default response. "You need it more than me."
"You were staring. Here, we'll share." She insists and he takes it gratefully, breaking off a piece and placing it in his mouth.
"Here..." You mumble, digging through your bag again and pulling out the glass container designated for his dinner. You place it in his lap, not giving him the chance to turn it down. "Packed it just for you."
He takes it off his lap, tensely getting up. "I'll be back in a moment." He tells you both, red uniform disappearing behind the small crowd.
"You can see it too?" Lucy Gray asks you, nibbling on half of a sandwich.
You nod slightly, eyes still trying to track him to see where he went, then landing on him talking to Sejanus who's desperately trying to get his tribute, Marcus, to eat some of the food he brought.
"He's quite sensitive about it." You explain. "I appreciate you being kind to him. No one else knows... I think. Regardless, you are very important to him."
She nods a little bit, watching you watch your friend. "Are you just buttering me up?" She jokes and you shake your head, returning your attention to the girl across from you.
"No, I mean it. It's more than the prize for us." You state. "Him." You quickly correct yourself. "I just want to help however I can, if you need anything else just ask, but I'll bring food every day. Or I'll send it with Coryo."
"Coryo, huh?"
"Well, yes. We've been friends for years."
"I see." Lucy Gray nods, both of you watching him make his way back over. You lift up his container of food and hand it to him before he even has the chance to sit down.
"What about you, Lucy Gray? Any friends back home? Family?" You ask, looking away from him as he sits. You want him to eat, but you know he would loathe you for watching, so you direct all your attention to her.
"I'm an orphan, just like Coryo here." She nods to him and his brows furrow at the nickname coming from someone new. "It's just me and the Covey."
"Covey?" You ask.
"Yeah, they're my family and we perform together. It's how we make our change."
"Well, you are a very talented singer. Jaws were on the floor in the Capitol during your performance." You smile. 
"I'm not one to go quietly, that's all."
"I'm not either." You agree. "I think we'll be fine friends."
Just at that moment, the three of you hear a scream that has you turning your heads as fast as lightning over to the source, catching the end of Arachne getting her throat slit by her tribute. You and Coriolanus are on your feet in seconds, running over to try and help her just as gunfire rings out, taking down her tribute for the crime of her murder.
You pull off your blazer, both you and Coryo using it to try and stop the bleeding, but you could tell it was no use. By the time you look up, the crowd of spectators was completely gone having rushed for the exits during the attack.
Just as you both realize it's no use, and that she's already dead, you're being pulled away by peacekeepers.
"Hey! Let me go right this second!" You shout, trying to pull away.
"You kids have to get out of here." One of them answers blankly.
"I have to get my stuff!" You complain, trying to wiggle out of their strong grip. "You want me to leave my knife over within reach too? Are you stupid?"
They stop, sighing as they let you go. "Thank you." You huff, readjusting your shirt before walking back over to where you were just sitting with Lucy Gray, quickly gathering your things but leaving food for her.
"Lucy Gray, are you alright?" You ask, seeing her lying on the ground a few feet away from the bars now, just getting up.
She just nods, the fear in her eyes starting to cease. 
"You're not shot?" You follow up with, looking over her at the same time she does.
"No, I'm fine. You go." She replies, standing up again and dusting off her dress.
"Thank god. Those idiots are awful shots!" You bite, looking back at the peacekeepers over your shoulder, Coriolanus now nowhere to be seen.
You stand up and pull your bag across your body, walking past them toward the exit as they attempt to guide you in the right direction. "Don't touch me!" You hiss, smacking their hands away.
"Coryo!" You call out, running to catch up with him in the academy hall the next morning. He slows down, glancing over his shoulder and stopping to wait for you.
"Y/N." He states, looking at you expectantly. 
"Shall we go see Lucy Gray today?" You ask, reaching up to tighten your ponytail that had come loose in your jog.
"No." He shakes his head, continuing to walk and you follow after him. 
"What? Why not? She needs us to bring her food, and we have to-"
"I'll discuss the games with her at the planned meeting this afternoon. You won't be going back to the zoo."
"Excuse me?" You ask, grabbing his arm to stop him in his tracks. "I know I'm like, your assistant, or whatever, but you will not tell me what I can and cannot do."
"It's too dangerous. They are dangerous." Coriolanus argues. "I won't have you ending up like Arachne."
He had been up all night writing his proposal for Dr. Gaul. It was the only thing that could get his mind off the death of his classmate, and off of you. What if it had been you? He should have known it was dangerous, it was his fault. It was his idea that the mentors get closer to the tributes and someone was killed. Arachne's blood was on his hands, and he was just relieved that it wasn't yours staining his uniform instead.
"No. No, she died because she was stupid." You whisper, looking around. "She taunted her tribute and handed her a knife, at that point it's natural selection. I am not her. I am smarter."
He stares down at you, scanning over your features as you beg him to let you continue to help. "You need me, Coriolanus. Admit that much to yourself."
"I don't need you," He spits back. "But I like you much better alive. You are the one person in this school I can stand, I won't lose you over something so reckless." He pulls his arm from your grasp and walks off.
You look around, seeing your classmates staring and you roll your eyes. "Take a picture or something." You say to no one in particular, prompting people to avert their eyes.
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moongumi · 1 year
⁀➷ ∵  ❝ just a human ❞
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⟶ neteyam x fem!human!reader
⟶ he should've never fallen for a human
⟶ cw. rough drabble ⭒ headcanons ⭒ jealousy ⭒ angsty ⭒ aged up ⭒ BREAKUP ⭒ interspecies relationship ⭒ alien x human ⭒ established situation-ship
⟶ note. i've never tried to write something like this before, but i was feelin angsty. lmk what you think, i dont really know what style this is but i guess its a drabble/hc kinda thing?? it's fun! not edited or anything really
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⭒ it wasn't obvious when things started to change, but slowly it became more and more noticeable the way you were being treated.
⭒ he'd leave early in the day before you'd even wake up, when he'd come back he'd say that he was in a rush and didn't think.
"i didn't mean to okay?" he said, bluntly. he moves past you rather quickly. "you wouldn't have been up yet, anyway."
your eyebrows are stitched together, feeling that odd feeling inside your chest as if something was wrong. it felt like a bad time to press matters, even if it hurts to keep those feelings in.
"you could've still asked, i would've gone with you."
neteyam sighs, putting away his bow. his eyes can't meet yours, darting anywhere but at them. "yea, i know."
⭒ you can't pinpoint the reason for his coldness. inside the lab, everyone could feel it. you weren't good at hiding your feelings but neither was he.
⭒ kiri likes to visit her mom, bring lo'ak and neteyam who's body stiffens the seconds he sees you. it wasn't just him though, they all seemed to be acting differently. only kiri remained truly nice to you.
"hey!" kiri waves her hand at you as if there wasn't a huge chill in the room from the tension.
you smiled at her from your desk, continuing with your daily reports without uttering a word.
⭒ neteyam can't keep his feelings off his face, it was obvious. his coldness was within reason, it was out of his control even if he hates it.
⭒ it hurts him to see you that way. alone most of the day, no one really your age since you were closer in range with them. most were far beyond adulthood and nothing much to really talk to about.
⭒ you were the closest to kiri, and well kiri couldn't help it but talk to you. he notices the way you've been avoiding her now, because of him.
⭒ it wasn't until the day that neteyam noticed you weren't in the lab, that his heart leaps and feels that surging feeling of impending doom.
"she went out in the morning," one of the lab guys said. neteyam rushes to your desk, the same one you've always sat at and looks through piles of sticky notes and journals. his large hands practically destroying everything in it's path.
a gasp from behind him was heard, "what are you doing neteyam, she's going to be so pissed you decided to ruin her stuff."
kiri didn't seem to feel that awful gut feeling he felt. he turns to her with a frantic look on his face, finally looking over at the monitor to find a sticky note with your small handwriting, 'out for the day, i think it's hunting season but don't worry, i'll be back later.'
"she's not stupid," kiri said, following her brother as he gathers his weapons and ionar. he was on a mission, his lips are in the tight line.
neteyam shakes his head, going towards the edge of the cliffs where his ikran rests, "i know, but right now she's really stupid–she knows it's hunting season why would she go?"
"i'm sure she's fine."
⭒ you were indeed fine. but neteyam was not.
⭒ neteyam rushes off his ikran with a mission. angry rushes through his bones as he pushes himself through the vegetation to spot you with a boy, a na'vi boy.
"what are you doing?"
you seemed unphased by him. not even bothering to reply. this seemed to make his blood boil by the second. the na'vi boy looks awkwardly been the two of you.
"and what are you doing here?"
the na'vi boy stutters, unable to say a word to the first born son of the clan leader.
your voice was flat, lacking emotion, "he gave me a ride." you get up off the ground, hands filled with bags of random plants and rocks.
⭒ he's never been so annoyed. he didn't think he'd get jealous easily, he thought things like this wouldn't bother him.
⭒ lo'ak always bothered him, pointing out his mood which doesn't make it any better.
"just talk to her man, she'll hate you forever if you don't."
⭒ he did. he talked to you, he stood there. the boy you liked, stands there telling you how he couldn't be with you. he was scared, of his feelings and what others would think.
you scoff, angrily you shoved him. pointing at him, "you of all people, i didn't think would care so much of what people think."
"i don't, i–look, my mother doesn't like humans, she hates spider–he's like my brother and she never sees him," he explains. feeling the moisture in his eyes gather, he wipes them off quickly. his eyes trail the ground at your feet.
you look away, "so it's your mom?"
"it's everyone," he kicks the ground, "i should've never fallen for a human."
"is that what you see us as?"
his eyebrows are stitched together, unable to form words as his mind is frazzled.
"aliens, i am just a human to you–not anything more." it hurts, it really does.
⭒ it was then that you listed the possibilities of what was wrong with you. what didn't you have that he wanted. you didn't want to believe that he would let that affect him, what others think or see.
⭒ he's lying to himself, he kicks himself after being reminded of how much of a skxawng he was.
⭒ tuk found out what he did, she was really angry. she really liked you, you always took her places with you. everytime she'd see neteyam she'd hiss at him.
"hah, she hates you," kiri sings. she's also not his biggest fan after finding out from the source how much of his asshole her brother was.
⭒ it was then, they needed to leave. to save the tribe–to save everyone. neteyam and his family had to leave.
⭒ the weather was awful that day, as if even eywa knew. he's completely covered in rainwater, head to toe trying to find you.
⭒ you're saying bye to kiri and tuk.
"you're not coming?" it was the first words he'd spoken to you since, almost a month ago. it wasn't like he didn't try, his mouth always tried to say something but the moment you'd spot him–felt his energy, you were gone, avoiding him like the plague.
kiri took tuk away, knowing that this was about to get dirty. you shrugged, watching the way the water fell from his pretty face after not really getting a look at him all this time, "what do you mean?"
"since you're saying bye, i assume you know–but you're not going with us? but you're my fa–"
an ironic laugh leaves your lips, interrupting him, "i'm just a human, neteyam, i know my place."
⭒ neteyam never had felt heartbreak before, not before today. irony, your heart broke a month ago. he'd not only lost his home, but he lost...his true home.
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end note. if you made it this far I HAVE A TAGLIST, if you wanna be tagged that is <;3
© moongumi 2023. all rights reserved, do not copy and publish my writing anywhere else.
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 months
Hello hello!! You're probably swamped with asks, but if you have the time and energy, you should do a slow burn Alastor x reader set in the 1920s where the reader is a performer at mimzys speakeasy and that's where Alastor goes to chose his victims. He sees the reader for the first time and immediately thinks that they are his next victim but he keeps getting thwarted by small incidents, such as the reader leaving early and him barely missing his chance. After a while he notices small things about them and their personality after sort of observing them, and then they meet and he loses his interest in killing them. Of course the slow burn happens, the drama ensues, he's still a killer but keeps it a secret and then after a while the reader finds out. You can choose if you want a happy ending or not, but I had that idea in my mind and your one of the only writers I see that could do it justice. Thanks for sharing your talents!!! Your amazing and gifted in ways that inspire everyone who interacts with your blog🫶🫶🫶
A/N You’re literally so sweet?? Wtf?? I love you?? Thank you??? I hope you like what I did with this fun and fluffy idea!!! ahhhhhh!!!! also, I am running with the ambiguity of the ending. I am such a little slut for ambiguity.
Burn (Human!Alastor x Human!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: SLOW BURN. SLOW. BURNING IMAGERY. A LITTLE OVER THE TOP ON THE BURNING IMAGERY THING. Dead bodies, blood, murder, killing, mentions of stalking. This one got away from me a bit.
Word Count: 4,197
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
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Ravenous, that was the word. Not in the way where everything dissolves, leaving only the object of your affection. Not in the way that someone is controlled by desire. Hungry in the way fire eats paper, in the way kindling catches light. Starved in the way that leads to a progressive repeated sense of the word, a starving. A constant state of being famished that turns into a well loved and cared for blaze. Alastor burned.
The box of matches pulled from the pocket had been Alastor going to the bar, all those months before. Nearly a year now, once he sat and really thought about it. He had been going to Mimzy's little speakeasy on the outskirts of town since it had been just that, a little speakeasy on the outskirts of town rather than the full fledged, illegal club she ran today.
Back when it was a speak easy, there had never been a problem. On that fateful day, though he hadn't known it then, the club had changed its form. It had become the kindling. Sitting down at the table had been pulling a match from the box and Y/n.... Y/n had been the rough hewn striker paper he lit it on. It was all so obvious now, looking back. The expression 'hindsight is 20/20' existed for a reason.
So, Alastor had entered the club (matchbox out of pocket). As soon as Mimzy had spotted him, she had run over with a bright smile and a glass of whiskey on the house as always. Alastor had always liked Mimzy. She was wild and positively hilarious when she wanted to be but, at the same time, she had a good head for business. Her morals were just wobbly enough that Alastor felt comfortable with her, a camaraderie he felt with no other.
The lights had gone down suddenly and Mimzy, cutting herself off mid sentence, had turned to the stage in excitement.
"Good show tonight?" Alastor had asked.
Alastor never came to Mimzy's club for the music. She knew he didn't care, not really. Still, he had the curtesy to ask and so, she whipped back towards him.
"You betcha." she grinned up at him, "I just got this new kid? Came from all the way up north, can you believe that? Anyway, they have a set of pipes like you wouldn't believe! Just the bees knees, I tell you."
Grabbing Alastor's arm, Mimzy dragged him to a table by the stage. Alastor sat down across from her (match from the box) with an air of mild reluctance. Mimzy tapped her hands on the table impatiently.
A spot light flickered on and a scrawny young kid stepped onto the stage. He couldn't be much younger than Alastor or Mimzy themselves but he was one of those people that always look younger than they are. He had been working for Mimzy for a while now but, Alastor had never bothered to learn his name. He was simply 'Mimz's Manager' in his view of the world. The kid cleared his throat, leaning in towards the microphone which had been placed at center stage.
"How are we feeling out there tonight?" he asked the room at large and there had been a miscellaneous cheer from the room at large, "Well that's good to hear! We've got a real treat for you tonight folks. All the way from the Big Apple, we bring you, Y/n!"
The kid left the stage and a new figure stepped out from the shadows (revelation of match striker paper). The minute Alastor saw them, in the well cut suit that shone dark in the light, he knew. They were perfect. Slim, but not too fit and shorter than he was. Morally ambiguous enough in their aims that they had come running from New York to work at a speakeasy. This 'Y/n,' if that was even their real name, was his ideal next victim. Alastor smiled in the dim light as somewhere off stage, a piano began to play.
"I'll be loving you, always" the person sang and Alastor was taken aback.
Mimzy had been right. He had never heard a voice like it before. They sang with an emotional depth that could be heard from few. Somehow, they still managed to keep it sounding like music.
"When the things you plan Need a helping hand I will understand, always, always"
Mimzy leaned across the table to Alastor, her eyes alight.
"What did I tell you?" she whispered.
Alastor nodded his head to the side in vague agreement.
"Not for just an hour Not for just a day"
When they finished their set a half hour later, it was to raucous applause. The house lights raised and with them, Mimzy stood from her chair.
"I'll be back in two shakes." she promised before disappearing off into the crowd.
Alastor leaned back in his chair, the wood creaking beneath his weight. Contemplatively, he took a sip from his drink. The time before a kill was nearly as an enjoyable as the act itself. It was ritualistic, it brought him closer to god.
Before he knew it, Mimzy was back, dragging the singer behind her. They looked slightly frazzled, their hair a bit messy and their brow furrowed.
"Mimzy!" they exclaimed as they struggled to keep up with the woman holding their wrist in her vice-like grip.
Their speaking voice was... different than Alastor had expected. From the way they had sung on stage, he had thought it would be sharp, loud, ebullient. Instead, it was rather soft. Alastor couldn't help but think of the creek out back of the house he had grown up in.
"Al, meet my new favorite!" Mimzy announced, coming to a stop beside Alastor.
The situation had been unexpected to say the least. Alastor had had a long day. He hadn't come here to socialize, he came here to drink. Now, he was at a loss for words, the haze of sleep and irritation clouding his mind.
Y/n looked at Mimzy before fixing their gaze back on him. The took a step forward, fixing a smile on their face, and held out their hand.
So it was their real name. The one they presented to the world, at least.
Alastor smiled, standing from his seat and taking their hand in his.
They had a firm handshake. There was something authoritative about it, something just a bit too confident.
"Pleasure to be meeting you." they said.
"Quite the pleasure." Alastor nodded.
They broke contact and Y/n turned to Mimzy, suddenly seeming very tired.
"I'm gonna head, Mimzy." they hummed, their voice nearly drowned out by the cacophony surrounding them.
Before Mimzy could say a word against their statement, they were gone. The crowd sheltered them from sight almost immediately. After that night, Alastor started coming to the club a lot more often.
He always sat in the same seat, the table near stage left. It was right next to the exit. Anyone getting off the stage had to go right past him. It was a calculated choice. Step one of his little projects, so to speak, had always been learning more about his victims, finding out their patterns.
The problem was, Y/n never seemed to do the same thing twice. Every time Alastor would think himself ready, would ready everything for the action, something different happen. The first time, it had been that Y/n had simply managed to slip out earlier than normal. Mimzy was always introducing them to someone or another after their shows, delaying their departure. That night, it seemed, they had somehow been able to avoid the mayhem.
Another time, the problem had been that Y/n had stayed at the club too long. Alastor was a working man and once the clock hit midnight, it was time to cut his losses and go home. A third time, Y/n had just happened to call out sick the very night he had gotten everything back in order.
A month in, and Alastor was ready for his fourth attempt. He sat at his usual table, drinking his usual drink. When Y/n left the stage, he kept his eyes trained on them as always. It went like clockwork - Mimzy pulled them away, they tried desperately to escape and eventually, they succeeded. That was when everything went south again.
One second, Y/n was by the bar and the next? Gone. Alastor got to his feet, tossing a bill or two to the bar tender and disappearing out through the door. He was determined. Tonight had to be the night. If tonight wasn't the night? He was done. Alastor was not a foolish man, he knew when he was beat.
Quietly, nothing but the sound of cicadas and the occasional echo of a car from elsewhere in the city accompanying him, Alastor slipped down the ally he knew the club's back door let out into.
"There you are."
Alastor spun around.
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."
Y/n leaned casually against the wall, the dark fabric of their dress blending softly with the night. When Alastor didn't reply, standing in their gaze like a deer in headlights, they stood themselves up and walked the step and a half it took for them to be face to face with him.
"I'd like it if you stopped following me. Or, trying to follow me. It's getting kind of old.'' (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
Alastor resumed his composure. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he leaned forward, fixing a teasing grin onto his face.
"Oh, would you now?"
Y/n, much to his surprise, held their ground.
"Yeah, I would. Whats your interest in me anyways?"
Thinking on his feet had never been an issue for Alastor. Besides, he really did have some questions for the illusive singer. Or, he had one question for them. One that might lead to others.
"Oh, you know." he hummed, straightening back up, "All the way from the 'Big Apple.'"
Y/n scoffed at his parody of their nightly introduction to the stage. They crossed their arms, glancing off to the ally's entrance as a drunk couple stumbled by.
Turning to face him again, Y/n narrowed their eyes.
"Why do you wanna know?"
The hint of an accent. At least he knew they weren't lying about where they came from.
"I suppose you can call me a curious fan."
"I think being a bit less of both those things would suit you."
They fell into a brief, nearly uncomfortable silence. Letting out a sigh, Y/n was the one to break it.
"Look," they began, "I know you're friends with my boss and all but... I am going to go back into that dive and I am going to stay there until you are long gone. I'll stay the night if I have to, d'ya get it?"
Alastor's smile tightened.
"Loud and clear."
Y/n didn't see Alastor for another week. Slowly, the tension that had permeated their every waking moment since meeting Alastor that first night, the constant ache of his eyes on their back, began to fade. Just a little, but it was enough. When they saw him sitting at the bar almost two weeks after their little altercation, the amount it had faded was just enough to make them angry at his return.
Alastor hadn't really meant to come back. His plan was to give it a month, maybe even two. His plan was to come back and resume life like it had been before he had ever even known Y/n existed. His mind had other plans.
He had tried to find another target, occupy himself with a new victim. There was something unsatisfying about it, he couldn't quite get his head in the game. Every time he went to trail a potential victim, he heard their voice ringing out in the silence of his mind.
There you are.
Alastor had been killing for about three years now. He had a good number of victims under his belt and was in no ways a newbie. Even back when he had been one, no one had ever caught him out like that before. There had been a couple close calls, sure. There always were but waiting for him? Thwarting his plans repeatedly? Beating him at his own game?
"I thought I told you to leave me alone."
Alastor looked up from his glass of whiskey, smiling politely up at Y/n. He could feel the anger radiating off them in waves.
"Mimzy would be rather sad if I just up and disappeared like that, no explanation."
He caught sight of her across the open space and waved. With a bright smile, Mimzy waved back before returning to the conversation she had been embroiled in. Alastor turned back to Y/n.
"Oh, wouldn't you hear that? You're getting sober. Congratulations."
"Ah, but there is still the music and that wonderful new singer who came down from up north not too long ago."
Y/n took a deep breath, calming themselves.
"It's not that hard of a question to answer. Or at least, it shouldn't be for most people. What, are you on the run from the cops? I heard life is oh so dangerous in those big cities up there, after all. Maybe part of the reason was you."
"If I answer your question, will you leave me alone?"
Alastor was silent for a short moment before he replied.
"If I like the answer? Sure. I'll leave you alone."
In a single, sharp movement, Y/n dragged the stool beside him out and sat down. Tapping their fingers on the table, they got the bartender's attention and ordered themselves a drink.
"You want to know why I left New York?" they hummed thoughtfully, "It's because of guys like you."
A shock of sudden nerves fought through Alastor's system. Did they somehow know? After all this time, had someone figured it out? After just under two months?
"Guys like me? What ever on earth do you mean?"
"You know, pretty boys. Pretty boys who turn out to be creepy boys that don't know the meaning of the word 'no.'" (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
It wasn't the first time Alastor had been called pretty or handsome or something of the like. In fact, he knew he was pretty. It was part of why the whole ruse worked. Normally, however, when people told him he was, it was accompanied by far too much blushing and looks to the side. Y/n held his gaze firmly the whole time.
"So, you're escaping an ex? A jaded lover?"
"A jaded 'someone-who-watched-me-perform-once-and-decided-it-meant-we-were-married'? Yeah."
The bartender placed the drink in front of Y/n. They picked up the glass, downing it in one go. They grimaced.
"You like my answer?"
"Hmmm... no." Alastor grinned, ear to ear, "I don't think I do."
Y/n sighed.
"What is it you want from me?"
Alastor's brow furrowed in confusion. He was very good at keeping the inside from showing on the outside. The question had just caught him so off guard, or maybe it was something about Y/n that had him on his toes, he couldn't help it. They kept seeming to make his head spin.
"Want from you?"
"Money? Sex? Fame? A fall guy? What."
"I don't want anything from you." (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
Y/n eyed him suspiciously. The answer had been automatic. Alastor himself was struggling to comprehend the words that had left his mouth. He wanted to kill them, right? What he wanted from them was their life, right? That was what he had been working for over all these days, fighting for. He knew it was true so why did the statement not feel like a lie as it had traveled from his tongue?
"Yeah right." Y/n placed their hands on the bar, pulling themselves to stand, "I totally believe that."
"Just your time, Songbird. Just your time."
They turned to him.
"I don't understand you."
"You don't have to. I don't understand you either."
They paused.
"It frustrates me." Y/n admitted, "Who even are you? I don't know anything except your name."
Alastor gave their now empty chair a pointed look. Y/n stood in contemplation for a few seconds before they nodded their head once, seemingly to themselves, and took their seat once again. Confidently, they tapped two fingers on the lip of their empty glass.
(match strikes paper, match lights.)
Alastor was the match, Y/n was the paper. The club stopped being kindling the moment the pair took their conversation outside its boundaries for the first time, about a month or so later. For a while, there was no kindling, there was just match and paper. Alastor liked it that way.
It had been hard enough to come to terms with the fact that he really did have no interest in killing them anymore. That the moment such an idea occurred, he could see them in his minds eye, smiling or picking at the hem of their shirt the way they did when they were nervous.
The kindling reappeared when Alastor realized the match had been struck in the first place. That was a whole other thing. The friendship suddenly seemed easy, the loss of bloodlust directed toward them was like nothing in the face of a realization like that. Once he recognized the flame, Alastor stopped being a match and Y/n stopped being paper. The match became the little flutter of their stomachs when they caught sight of one another, the tension of the moments where they could make contact. Y/n and Alastor were kindling now and they were standing oh so very close to that dangerous flame.
It was Alastor's sleeve that caught fire first. It happened when they had gotten caught in the rain. Y/n had opened their umbrella and, seeing Alastor had none, insisted he join them in its cover. Alastor had, of course, refused. With a roll of their eyes, they had grabbed his hand and yanked him forcefully into place beside them. Alastor hadn't realized they had only touched once, when they first shook hands, until Y/n's skin made contact with his once again.
The worst part about it all, was that it made sense. It made so much sense. They were quiet, contemplative, and calculative. Before long, being with them felt like being with an extension of himself in an odd way. Alastor couldn't quite describe it, he didn't have the words.
Y/n always seemed to notice things no one else did. When Alastor had forgotten his umbrella the next three or four times it had rained, they had confronted him.
"Almost like you're doing this on purpose." they had hummed softly.
Though they didn't look at him, Y/n knew Alastor was blushing.
"Shut up."
The next thing to catch had been Y/n's collar. Y/n had been chatting with him, sharing a drink before their set and they had lost track of time. At the sound of the stage manager, Alastor still did not know his name, beginning their introduction to the stage, they had jumped up in fright, hurriedly tightening their tie which they had loosened in the casual atmosphere. Noticing that the action had caused part of their collar to fold awkwardly, Alastor had gotten to his feet as well. With a gentleness he had not made use of since his mother died, he had fixed Y/n's collar.
"Wh-" they had stopped mid question, having realized what he was doing.
His hand lingered on their collar. Y/n's eyes traveled up his arm, at last meeting his own.
"Thank you."
Those big wide eyes, full of curiosity and comfort. Alastor could get lost in those.
"Y/n!" the stage manager announced.
"Shit!" they exclaimed and the magic of the moment was broken as they pulled themselves away.
All it took was that. It wasn't much but, fire has a way of working with what it has. When a few days later Y/n had stepped out into the street without looking, being too caught up in the story they were telling Alastor, and he had pulled them back just as a car passed, it was too late. The house couldn't be saved, the flames had gone too far. A few blocks later, after thanking him, Y/n had realized they were still holding hands. They stopped, pulling Alastor to a halt beside them.
"What are we doing?"
"We're going for lunch. Are you quite alright? You were the one who sugge-"
"No, Alastor. I mean: what are we doing?"
Alastor followed the path of their eyes to their interlaced fingers.
There was a pause. The world turned around them.
"I don't... I don't know if I can do this anymore."
Alastor took a deep breath before braving the sight of their bewildered and slightly saddened face once again.
"I said all I wanted was your time."
"That's the problem."
Y/n let go of his hand, running their own through their loose hair.
"That's the problem, Alastor." they said again.
"What is?"
Y/n had a habit of telling him the most serious things eye to eye with a stoney demeanor. He was surprised to see them break from this confident custom of theirs as they looked away, their arms wrapping protectively around themself.
"I want more. I want you to want more."
Alastor was stunned, he was speechless.
"I... I'll see you tomorrow, Al."
Before they could make it more than a step away, Alastor grabbed their shoulder, spinning them to him. Y/n looked up at him, confusion painting their features with the most delicate brush.
Alastor struggled, he fought. Still, there were no words.
"Don't you get it?" he asked, "I want your time. Y/n, I want you."
Alastor kept finding himself in trickier and trickier situations. First there had been trying to kill them, then the hurdle of not wanting to kill them. Friendship had given way to its own bag of worms and now that they were more than friends?
He had thought that it all would stop. He had thought that if things ever worked out the way they had, everything would be okay. He had forgotten his nature.
At first, hiding the killings was just as easy as it had been before. It did not stay that way. Alastor was good at hiding things, always had been. That wasn't the issue. What was the issue was that he cared about Y/n, he didn't want to hurt them. Keeping secrets... well, his mother had always told him that no one ever fools anybody. His mother was a wise woman. His mother had been right.
Y/n had stopped by as a surprise. They had a home cooked meal in a basket and a bag over their shoulder full of records they thought he would like. When they stepped into the foyer of Alastor's large, garden district home, they had called their usual greeting.
Alastor's heart had stopped at the sound of their voice. He froze, his cleaver still firmly wedged between the shoulder and chest of the man he was chopping into pieces for easier disposal. Hoping it was his mind playing tricks on him, he waited. They called again.
"Al! I have a surprise for you! The surprise is me! And also? I made you dinner. Come out! I know you're home!"
Under any other circumstances, them showing up like this would have filled him with unbridled joy. However, it wasn't any other circumstances. It was these circumstances. Alastor was covered in another man's blood. There was a body just a few rooms from his beloved. Either way, they would find out the truth. They were a nosey thing, always so inquisitive.
"Alastor!" he heard them call again.
They were closer now, much closer. He watched in a mixture of horror, despair, and a twinge of excitement as the doorknob jiiggled.
How would Y/n react to such a sight? Would they cower in fear? Was their love alone enough to hold them here, to tie them to him in loyalty? Would they run to the cops? Would they cry? Would they ask to help? Would he have to kill them too?
It was sickeningly delightful, all the unknowns. His heart pounded violently in his ears. The door swung open.
"There you are!"
Ravenous, that was the word. Not in the way where everything dissolves, leaving only the object of your affection. Not in the way that someone is controlled by desire. Hungry in the way fire eats paper, in the way kindling catches light. Starved in the way that leads to a progressive repeated sense of the word, a starving. A constant state of being famished that turns into a well loved and cared for blaze. Alastor burned.
"My dear! How wonderful to see you."
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog
Sorry if the end made you angry,,, I just think the not knowing is so much more fun!
Also the song is "Always" by Irving Berlin.
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pookietv · 6 days
a secret | arthurtv
a request!! fluffy arthurtv having a crush on a singer that arthur hill knows!!
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you weren't really sure how the last few months had played out: you had gone from a tiny artist doing covers and the occasional original song on your smaller youtube channel, to being thrust into a welcoming community with a viral video.
it was surreal, you thought, and you were convinced the support and exposure you had experienced couldn't get any better, you had been able to quit your job, and do what you loved.
that is, until you received an email, inviting you to be an opening act on a tour for arthur hill at his london shows. you had seen him on tiktok, heard some of his songs and seen some of his youtube videos, and he did look cool.
so it was an easy yes, you already lived in london, you wouldn't need to travel, the only thing you needed to do was get used to performing on stage.
so you began doing small shows in dive bars, mainly on friday nights filled with drunk people who paid little attention anyways, so you could mess up all you liked, so it became routine.
performing as normal, in the abnormally warm room, the lights slightly pinkish in the cramped bar, it was unusual to hear your name from the crowd, so when you heard a slight gasp and a "wait, you're right, it is y/n," your head did turn slightly, but with the large crowd talking between eachother, drinks in everyones hands in a sea of people, you couldn't make out anyone in particular.
once you had come off the make-shift stage area, placing your guitar neatly in it's case, you felt a slight tap on your shoulder, turning your head to be met by arthur, a smile on his face.
"y/n! didn't know you came here," he said happily, looking at you expectantly.
"oh! hi arthur, yeah, just trying to get used to performing more, so i do a couple shows a week, what about you, what are you up to?" you said nicely, giving him a small smile in return, looking around the room slightly.
"oh, i'm just here with some of my friends, it's kinda close to our apartments so we figured we'd come just to see what it was like," he paused, turning around to point to three boys stood near the bar, "come over, i'll introduce you, they'll no doubt be at the show so you'll probably see them there too," he nodded over to them, and you followed him, with him chatting away about how excited for the show he was.
"so this is y/n! this is george, chris, and arthur, two of us so a little confusing," arthur hill grinned a little as he pointed to each one in succession.
"it's nice to meet you all! i've seen you a little in videos," you smiled towards them, looking slightly at the other arthur, who was timidly holding a pint of beer and looking at me with a mildly awkward smile.
"its nice to meet you in person! i feel like your songs are always playing in our flat between the two arthurs, it's all they bloody queue," chris smiled, and you giggled a little.
you shrugged with a small grin, "well, i am sorry if you're a little sick of my voice then," you joked, and george shrugged it off with a casual, "no, no, it sounds good!"
"i think arthur got me into your music more than anyone else," arthur hill said nonchalantly.
"oh?" you turned my head towards the other arthur, curiously, looking at him for a moment, and observing how nicely the shade of green of his jumper looked on him, whilst arthur hill began sharing some story with george and chris.
"oh, um, yeah! watched you on youtube for a while, even when you were just, like, doing covers," he smiled broadly.
"oh, that's really cool! i feel like not a lot of people knew me when i was doing covers," you said softly, and he just shrugged a little.
"were you going to stay for a drink?" arthur asked, and it became your turn to shrug. he was quite nice to look at, and that prospect made you slightly nervous.
"i mean, i wasn't planning on it, but i suppose a drink could do me some good," you giggled, and he nodded.
"i'll get you a drink, what do you drink?" he asked, and you tilted your head a little.
"oh, no, you don't have to get me one! i can get one, honestly," you said, but he shook his head with a genial look on his face, a knowing smile on his face making his eyes crinkle slightly.
"no, no, it's fine, please let me get you one?" he said, already sauntering his way to the bar as you followed a few paces behind him.
"okay, well, um, thank you..! i drink anything really, i'll just have whatever you're having," you smiled, and he nodded, ordering two pints of beer.
once the bartender had poured the drinks, you and arthur kept chatting whilst walking back to the rest of the group, who were still in discussion, and arthur seemed to pay it no notice, still speaking to you.
"i do really love your covers, by the way... you're easily one of my favourite singers," he spoke, and a small spread of blush graced your cheeks.
"that's really sweet of you, thank you," you murmured, a little shy before taking a sip of your drink and looking up to him, "so, you do youtube as well right? what kinds of videos?"
"oh, i dabble in a little of everything, in all honesty - i mainly do commentary on like reality tv, so things like ninety day fiance, if you know that? but i do a lot with others, too, reaction content, stuff like that," he explained, and you nodded along, smiling as he spoke about it.
"that seems really cool! i always thought i would love to vlog maybe, if my life got more interesting, y'know?" you joked with a slight giggle, "i don't really do much at the moment, i mean i sing, i write songs, i read a little... not too much, pretty boring."
arthur grinned a little and shook his head, "i don't think you're boring, i think you could definitely make interesting content in that sense,"
"i mean maybe, i don't know, maybe if i ever toured or something, that would be a cool thing to vlog," you looked up for a moment, as if you were rolling the idea around your head. "anyway, i should probably go soon, even though i'd love to stay and chat longer, but i gotta catch the last tube home," you nodded to him as your glass was finally empty, giving him a small apologetic smile.
"its no worries! i suppose i'll see you next saturday, right?" he asked - the day of the concert, and you nodded.
"yeah, of course!" you beamed, and turned to arthur hill and tapped his shoulder slightly, "sorry to interrupt the conversation! i was just gonna say bye, gotta catch the last tube home, but it was lovely to meet you all, and hopefully i'll see you on saturday?" you looked between the boys with a smile, and they nodded, all saying their goodbyes, and giving them slight hugs.
as you left, guitar case on your back and giving them a wave, before opening the door, george turned to arthur and grinned, "so, how's the not so secret youtube crush?" he teased, and arthur's face went red.
"yeah, we figured we'd leave you to it, seemed like you were in the zone," arthur hill chimed in and chris laughed at arthur's eyes rolling.
"she's... just very nice, that's all!" he poorly defended himself.
when saturday had rolled around, you were nervous, without sugarcoating anything.
luckily, you had nothing to be nervous about - your opening went great, the crowd was lovely, and the second your set was over, the rush of adrenaline was palpable as you came off stage, and couldn't hold back a toothy smile, wishing arthur hill good luck before he went on.
you watched eagerly from backstage, wanting to cool down a little and not wanting to jump straight into the crowd.
"you did great," you heard from behind you, and turned to see arthur.
"oh! thank you, i'm so glad i didn't flop or anything," you joked a little, giving him a small smile.
"you looked really good too, really, y'know, pretty," he grinned, "overall, a great performance,"
your cheeks turned slightly red at that compliment, shyly nodding a little as he laughed a little at you, though it was endearingly.
"can i trust you with a secret?" he smirked a little, and you tilted your head slightly.
"and what makes you want to tell me a secret?" you giggled back.
"'cause i reckon you can keep my secret," he retorted, "i've sort of had a fanboy crush on you for a while, y'know, from watching your youtube. you're as nice off camera as you are on." he smiled a little awkwardly, turning to look at you for a moment.
your eyes widened a little, your cheeks only burning more as he grinned at you still.
"oh? well, um, y'know... you're also, quite attractive," you practically babbled out, giggling a little nervously and he nodded in return. "nice eyes, and stuff,"
he laughed a little at your awkward attempt, and you rolled your eyes at him as he grinned, `"and stuff?" he teased, and you pushed his shoulder slightly.
"oh, shut up, you,"
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vvmylove · 1 month
Wrote this at 4 am, badly written, not proofread, may contain mistakes? but at least its better than nothing
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~1.3k words
Just a Jichang comforting his teen daughter (Cuz im going mental and I need this irl sighs)
TW: teen angst, Insecurities, (depression?)
Jichang opened the door to his office, his eyes meeting yours on the other side before greeting you. As he led you inside the room, he pulled out a leather chair for you to sit in, one that stood behind an extravagant coffee table. Your nervousness was evident in your behavior, the way you fumbled with the hem of your uniform and how you avoided his gaze. 
"I was expecting you." He finally started with the usual grin on his face. "We need to have a discussion." Y/N walks over to his desk, squinting her eyes. She walks around the table and stares at him for a second before leaning in. 
"What do you want from me, huh?" She asks him. Lately she's been on edge, arguing back in any situation.
He let out a light chuckle, finding humor in the situation. There was something about her that reminded him of his younger self, especially with the fiery personality and directness.
"To talk" He replied. His eyes observed her closely, curious as to why she was acting so defensive. He tried to soften his tone to appease her, "I'm not here to discipline you. Is something the matter?"
She squints her eyes at him, obviously annoyed by his calm demeanor, taking a step back, "About what?" She simply asks him, turning her head away from him.
Jichang let out a small sigh, finding her attitude to be both amusing and irritating. It seemed like she thought he was up to no good, even when he was just trying to speak to her openly. "You have been behaving...strangely these past few weeks," He stated, crossing his arms. "Your grades are slipping, you seem to be taking longer to complete your work assignments, and last night you were out until midnight."
"I have been acting strangely?" Her voice squeaks a little, defensive over her own attitude. "What do you mean huh?" She asks him, crossing her arms as she continues to look away from him. 
"Well, as I was saying," Jichang continued, finding her defensiveness to be a bit annoying. It was obvious that she was hiding something from him, but why? 
"Your performance as a student has gone down considerably within the past month or so. You don't get enough sleep at night, and it seems like you're trying to avoid me." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before continuing, "You're not getting into trouble off campus, are you?"
Y/N takes another step back, biting the inside of her cheek. Things have been hard for her, getting into arguments, avoiding everyone- she couldn't tell Jichang the truth. She didn't want to. She can handle it on her own, plus, what's he gonna do?
She sighs, "Nothing, leave me alone. I'm going to my room," She tells him before storming off.
"Y/N." Jichang called out, stopping her as she began to walk away. As usual, his daughter never answered his questions. But this time, he wouldn't let the situation end there.
"Not this time." He stated, the sternness in his voice hinting at how serious he was. "Come back here and talk to me."
Y/N wasn't going to let him win this time, not at all. What did he care about? And besides, what is he gonna do? That's what she thought. Besides, it would be embarrassing if he actually knew. She was just a teen anyways.
"Leave me alone," she groans once again, pushing past him. She rushes over to her room and slams the door. 
Jichang was fuming at her attitude, but he wasn't about to give in so easily. This time, he wasn't going to let her walk away so casually. He grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open, marching into the room and making his way to her. He stood in front of her, arms crossed, blocking her exit. If she was going to be stubborn this time, then he would be as well.
"We need to have a serious conversation," He stated, his brow furled in disappointment.
Y/N could hear the disappointment in his voice. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint anyone. Her eyes started to well, but she quickly wiped the tears away.
"I said get out,"  she states, her voice shaking.
Jichang didn't budge, knowing well enough that he wasn't going to leave her room just like that. Especially when he suspected something was wrong with her. She couldn't just keep deflecting his questions like this.
"No." He stated plainly, "You're not getting out of this conversation this time. I won't leave until you tell me what is bothering you."
"None of your business, I told you that already," She sniffles, hating the fact that she's showing weakness at this moment. She hated telling her dad things, she hated adding more of a burden to what he was already dealing with. She stands up, turning away from him. "Don't worry, i'll be fine,"
"No, it is my business." He replied sternly, crossing his arms as he watched his daughter turn away from him. He knew it was his job to worry about her, despite how much she hated it. "Now sit." Jichang commanded, gesturing to the bed that was behind her. It was clear that he planned to stay in her room with her until she explained the reason for her recent behavior.
Y/N was about to give in, knowing how stubborn he was. It was hard on her, it's been hard. She's noticed the sleepless nights, the arguments, and her failing grades had been affecting her. She bites the inside of her cheek before listening to him, taking a seat on her bed. She fiddles with the hem of her shirt. "What" she says coldly.
Jichang sat down on the bed beside her, his gaze never leaving hers as he waited for her to speak. He took in her worn-out and tired expression, noticing that she had clearly been neglecting her well-being as of late. If he had to guess, she was keeping something from him that had been eating away at her for some time now. But what was it? Something that made it so hard for her to confess.Without saying anything, he reached for her arm and held it in his hands, letting his thumb caress her skin.
At that moment, his comforting touch had her bawling her eyes out. She didn't want him to see her like this, but couldn't help herself. She started to sob in her hands
"You don't understand," she starts off.
He said nothing as he watched his daughter break down in front of him, her body heaving with sobs. He had seen her cry before, but not to this degree. So this must have been a topic that was extremely sensitive to her.
Jichang didn't speak, choosing to listen and comfort her as she opened her heart to him. He pulled her close to his chest and held her in his arms, stroking her hair in reassurance.
Y/N leaned into this touch, sobbing into his arms, wetting his shirt from her tears. It took her a few minutes, sniffling before she could start speaking. "It's just," She starts off, wiping her face "You don't understand- i- its so stupid," she cries out.
"I just haven’t been feeling myself. I tried so hard to be perfect, have good grades. And all I ever do is disappoint," her own heart shatters. She thought so negatively of herself. 
Jichang held her close as she cried, her words hitting him in the core. Hearing her thoughts on the situation, he felt anger coursing through his veins, his grip on her tightening. “You don’t have to be perfect, you are fine just the way you are. You’re still young, and you never disappoint me,” he whispers into her ear, comforting her. 
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
For the fic requests
May i have some Doorkeay angst pleas 👉👈
Doorkeay is one of my otps tbh so thank you for this!
it was impossible to know when Michael would come to visit Gerry, as an immortal being now time got away from it. Besides it resisted being known so keeping to a schedule was completely antithetical to its nature. Gerry had accepted that, there were a lot of little things one had to accept when loving a monster like that, but that didn't mean he didn't worry or miss Michael when he wasn't around for a while.
The Distortion was as good as immortal but Michael itself could be hurt, or even replaced as the face of the distortion and the next face probably wouldn't love Gerry. So when it had been a couple weeks, like now, Gerry started to wonder if their last meeting would be their last ever. He would occasionally knock on walls or call out for Michael hoping the creature would hear him. He hated that he knew this was the longest they'd gone without seeing each other since they became partially official.
So he was thrilled when finally on the sixteenth day a door finally appeared, not suddenly there as usual, but sketched slowly slowly through the drywall with an invisible claw. He was wondering about the difference when the door finally creaked open and instead of Michael stepping through an almost formless shape fell through. Gerry gasped and took a step back as the thing glitched into maddening, multidimensional forms that made him smell an electrical fire.
He didn't realize it was Michael until it managed to pull itself together somewhat, enough to speak. "Gerry?" He asked and even though the voice was double tones and didn't quite align but he recognized it anyway, he also noticed that there was something dripping on the floor, a multicolored oil slick of viscus liquid that Gerry realized after a blank moment that it was blood!
"Oh my god, Michael what happened!?" Gerry gasped, rushing closer, resting his hands on what he thought where Michael's shoulders, ignoring the current that shot up his arms.
"Desolation," Michael hissed, "Was hunting you, you didn't notice but I, I didn't know how much damage they could do inside," it hissed. Gerry puzzled it out, realizing a agent of the ravening burn must have been following him and Michael had taken them into its halls to save him and it had burned him from the inside.
"Are they still in there!?" He asked, clutching Michael a little tighter, it shook what might generously be called it's head.
"Finally killed her," It confirmed, had he been fighting for his life this entire time!?
"You should have let me handle it, or at least help!" Gerry flared, anger dying immediately when Michael gave a pained whine. "Okay, okay, can you pull yourself together for me? If you can I'll help look after the burns," He promised, stroking Michael's hair. As an entity it didn't strictly need care, but dream logic, care would still help and besides Gerry Needed to feel like he was doing something! The helplessness of something like Michael being so badly injured would drive him crazy.
Micheal's form expanded and contracted a few times like it might have been taking deep breaths and pulls himself back in to a more recognizable form. Gerry's breath caught in his throat when he saw the mottled blotches littering his skin, shifting and distorting, like holes in the universe, patches where the skin, the layer of sense containing to distortion, had been burned away. It hurt to look at but Gerry ignored his own pain.
He ducked under one of Michael's arms and carefully stood, helping Michael over to the couch, pausing to kiss the monster's forehead before rushing to the bathroom for his well stocked first aid kit. Rushing back to Michael's side. He didn't think he could actually clean the wounds so he just sort of went through the motions, Michael's little whimpers stabbing into his mind.
It calmed down a little once he had covered the burns with bandages, relaxing back against the couch he gently pulled Michael against him. It folded in on itself a bit and snuggled into his chest so Gerry could play with his hair.
"Please tell me next time, I could help. I know I'm human but I do know about all this, and I missed you." Gerry said softly, feeling Michael nod against his chest, long arms sliding around his waist despite there being no room between his back and chair.
"Missed you too. I'll be okay." Michael said, and Gerry couldn't help but wonder which part of that was a lie.
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angy-mouse · 11 months
Puck Bunny Part 3
5.7k, no smut but definite M-rated banter and important plot (unless you're just here for the foursomes in which case you can skip this chapter ig but its pretty integral for the finale)
<previous next>
do you wanna go on a date?
Read 5 Minutes Ago
You stared at the message, sent directly instead of through the group chat. As if that wasn't weird enough, you'd just gone on a date (with heavy air quotes) with the three of them and you had yet to get your panties back, thank you very much. You started drifting down memory lane and forced yourself to snap out of it. This was not lecture appropriate thinking.
You get another text.
with me, idk if that was obvious lol. sap + sam are stuck running drills all afternoon bc they suck
Okay, so not a group thing. That was good, at least. You might be able to walk after all. Except…
Honestly, you don't feel like sex. Not even mind-blowing, four-orgasms-in-a-row, written-by-a-woman sex. You were tired, and still sore, and really craving something fruity but also sweet? Maybe a chocolate orange. Point being you did not feel sexy and imagining a naked man only stirred thoughts of needing to buy lotion.
i was thinking shopping and dinner - my treat ofc - but whatever you want is cool too x
Fuck, you do need a sweater. Damn changing seasons making your sundress collection obsolete. 
You flipped your phone over and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and rolling your shoulders back. Fuck the rest of the lecture hall, you were aceing this class anyway and you needed to check in.
Do you want to see Punz today?
You didn't even have to think about it. Of course you did, you wanted to see all three of them and maybe shove your face in their perfectly perky pecs, but so far seeing them entailed sex, which you were not up for. You didn't think for a second that Punz wouldn't accept a no, but you were 50/50 on whether you would cave at the first touch just to experience that intimacy.
Call yourself a slut, but it was kinda hard to deny a man who acted like you were a literal goddess. 
Next question: do you want to go on a date today?
As long as it was a date-date and not their last idea of a date, that would actually be nice. You were past the awkward small talk stage with Punz, so no fumbling or awkward silences should happen. Plus you already knew he would compliment you to the high heavens, which certainly couldn't hurt your mood.
So what were you waiting for?
You thought, but you couldn't find an answer. A handsome, fit guy who treated you amazing and was great in bed wanted to take you shopping and treat you to dinner. You'd have to be a fucking idiot not to.
You flipped your phone back over and found another text.
no pressure ofc, but id be a fucking idiot not to try spending time with you without the peanut gallery
You snorted, thumbs gliding over the screen to save him from his nerves. Even if he was cute when he rambled.
tbh shopping and dinner sounds exactly what I need rn
A beat where you thought too much and got lost for just a moment. You bit the bullet, putting a heart on the end and hitting send. Then, as an afterthought:
should I change?
what are you wearing?
For a moment you considered telling him you forgot about a lecture you can't miss, and you actually can't go and you're so sorry but maybe next time-
omg wait not like THAT
i just mean last two times i saw you you were wearing a cute asf dress and then that nice shirt with big sleeves and the black skirt so as far as im concerned anything you wear is perfect
He's talking about your lantern sleeve blouse. Something about the way he fumbles, not knowing anything about what things are called and only knowing that he liked them enough to remember makes you just melt.
oh lol well thank you. Did you wanna meet somewhere or…
The response is instant.
ill come pick you up! whens your last class get out?
You tell him and get a thumbs up and heart emoji pairing, then a gif of snoopy doing his happy dance that makes you laugh under your breath.
"Stop sexting in class,"
You flinch and clutch your phone to your chest before recognition kicks in and you glare at Niki. "I'm not sexting," you hiss. "Punz is picking me up for a date." She rolls her eyes. "An actual date." You didn't know why you needed her to be happy for you so badly. Maybe with both your long term best friend and slightly less long term boyfriend both kicked out of your life, you were just craving companionship. It would certainly explain your current disaster of a dating life. 
"Okay," she says but it doesn't sound like she means it. "Just so you know, I only have one romcom binge weekend in me a year, so if this harem breaks your heart, too, you're on your own." 
"I appreciated that, you know." She blinks like she wasn't expecting anything less than snark, but you meant it. You came into your dorm with eyes so full of tears you didn't even realize she was there until she was coaxing you into your PJs and shoving a carton of Ben & Jerry's into your lap. Suddenly your mysterious roommate you only saw once in a blue moon when your schedules rarely overlapped was the shoulder you were crying on, voice ringing through your ears promising you were still the baddest bitch and he was the loser here.
"It's no big deal," she finally decided. "You need to learn people don't deserve praise for not treating you like crap." 
You didn't have a comeback for that, so you finished class in silence.
"Do I get to meet this one, too?"
You can't fight your smile. "You want to?"
"Gotta make sure you're not dropping your standards. Again." 
"I changed my mind: fuck off." She curled her hands into a heart with a grin before you turned away, hearing her chase after you. 'Chase' very loosely translated to 'took four quick steps to easily catch up because she's a lot fitter than you.' Damn skinny people.
"If he just pulls up and honks, you are not getting in the car. Date ends there."
"Any particular reason?"
"A man who can't wait to get out of the car to greet you can't wait long enough for you to come."
You grinned over your shoulder as you walked into the afternoon sun. "Oh, believe me: not a concern."
"You started it."
"And I'm finishing it." 
Tires screeching on pavement caught your attention, just in time to watch two students nearly get run over by a cherry red Challenger. You bit your cheek. "You don't think…" 
The car came to a stop right in front of the stairs (only because it was physically incapable of climbing them, you were sure) showing off the VAL-U sticker on the back window.
"I do think," Niki said solemnly. A single honk came from the car. "Oh, fuck no-"
"Niki, please," you begged as you watched Punz climb out of the driver's seat in a crisp collared shirt, buttoned only enough to be appropriate in public. You practically melted as he gave you that sparkling grin, running a hand through his blond locks as he climbed the stairs two at a time to join you. 
"I had one rule for you-"
"Sorry," Punz breathed out, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek, close enough you could feel the faint heat rushing through his face. "I slammed my elbow on the horn trying to unplug my phone."
You'd be embarrassed by the loud snort that left you if you weren't so grateful it drowned out Niki's, "you're lucky, valley."
"You look beautiful." It was hard to believe when you'd just sounded like a literal pig. At least, it would be if he wasn't looking at you like you hung the stars, hands sliding back on either side of your waist until he was holding you gently against him. His lips ghosted over yours. "I missed you, bunny."
You missed him, too. “You saw me two days ago,” you say instead, but you let your hands link against the nape of his neck as he gives you a soft kiss. Something more than a peck, but nothing you were embarrassed to do in front of Niki. Something just right.
“And it was painful,” he announced, squeezing you tighter against him like he knew it would make you giggle into his neck. “Forty-eight hours with Big and Rich for company.”
“Are you ever going to run out of demeaning nicknames for them?”
“Haven’t yet. Hi-” It takes you a second to realize he’s talking to Niki over your head. “Friend?”
That one was directed at you, so you hum an affirmative and gently peel yourself away to run through introductions. Punz only lets you get out of one arm, the other moving to hang over your shoulders with a squeeze that clearly said ‘that one stays.’ “This is my roommate, Niki. Niki-”
“Punz,” she mused, offering her hand. “I know all about you.”
“Is this a shovel talk?”
“No. I don’t talk before shoveling.”
“Niki,” you beg, but Punz gives her a firm shake.
“Big fan of that,” he declared with a grin. “I’ve got a buddy with a truck, we should get you two in contact.”
She nodded solemnly. “Alright,” she directed at you, “you can go on the date.”
She took your keys off your bag. “I’ll take your car back to the dorm. Don’t get pregnant.”
“Bye, Niki,” Punz cheered with a cackle, arm around your shoulders keeping you from chasing after her to commit some mild manslaughter. “Nice to meet you!”
“Don’t say, ‘nice to meet you,’ when she’s humiliating me.” You got a kiss pressed to the side of your head instead of an apology as he started down the steps, dragging you along with. The gentle pressure of his arm on your neck solidified your feeling like a yappy chihuahua being tugged along by the leash. It all felt a stark difference to the usual sultry air that followed you around these three. This actually felt like a… date. Not a sex on the nearest surface date, but a proper meet the parents soon date. 
You tried not to think about how scary that was.
Instead, you thanked Punz as he held open your door, your hand in his as he helped you climb in. You held in a giggle as he shut the door behind you and raced around the hood like he was worried you’d leave without him. “What are we shopping for,” he asked as he threw himself into his seat, but you were distracted.
“Why do you have a suicide knob?”
He grinned, wide and toothy, tongue poking out as he used the knob to wiggle the steering wheel. “Because it’s fun.”
You buckled your seatbelt. 
“Oh, come on,” he huffed, pulling out of the parking lot. “I’ve never gotten into so much as a fender bender with this car.”
“This car?”
“Don’t say it like that! I haven’t gotten into an accident since I was a teenager, is that better?” 
“Yeah, and what are you now, twenty?”
“Oh my god, you’re old.”
You regretted it as soon as you said it. You were so not at the stage where you could make fun of each other and especially not something as potentially sensitive as his age and why he's still at University-
"Well, you're a brat, so I thought we made a good pair." There's a beat where your mind races, but Punz reaches over to take your hand off your lap and cuts it short. "That was a joke. I know you're not a brat." 
"Only a little bit," you admit, and squeeze him back, a little promise that you didn't take it harshly. "If you were serious about taking me shopping, I could use some warm clothes for fall.”
The car pulled to a smooth stop at the light, and he fixed you with a look like you’ve accused him of secretly kicking puppies. “Dead serious. I love shopping.”
“You’re clearly very passionate about this.” 
He took his stare off you to pull through the light, bringing your joined hands up to his lips. “Well, I have an addictive personality, a great credit score, and excellent fashion sense.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Hey, what’s with the doubt?!”
“Don’t get me wrong,” you promise, using your joined hands to gesture to his open shirt, “today’s pirate-with-no-inhibitions look is super sexy, and I’m a big fan of the pleather pants, but every other time I’ve seen you, you wore a hoodie and basketball shorts.”
“That’s not fair: you always see me after practice! I can't squeeze into these pants while I’m still sweaty.”
“Well, I’m very appreciative of your sacrifice.” You wait until he’s looking at you to pointedly eye up his thick thighs, practically seran-wrapped in black fabric. “Very appreciative.”
“Bunny’s secretly a pervert,” he accused, “God, I’m not a slab of meat.”
He finally broke, laughing so hard he hit the rumble strips and had to swerve back into the lane. “You’re such a little shit! You’re lucky it makes you lovable instead of annoying.”
“You three practically snap me in half every time I see you: I’m allowed some eye candy!”
“I’ll be your eye candy,” he promised, and flicked open another button on his shirt. “Boom.”
“Whoa, now,”
“Too hot?”
“I nearly creamed.”
“I hate you,” he wheezed, shoving the gearshift into park. “Get the fuck out of my car.”
His hand snatched yours when you reached for the door. “Wait, I wasn’t serious!”
“I’m getting out!”
“No, wait for me!”
“I’m getting out, and I’m telling Sam you let me open my own door!”
“No, he’ll kill me!”
“Good!” Despite the snap, you can’t pry the smile off your face and you find yourself staying perfectly still in your seat as Punz races around the hood again. “Oh, Merci,” you chirped, taking his offered hand as you stepped out.
“De nada, my little bunny." 
His arm laid across your shoulders again like you were boyfriend-girlfriend on an average date. He even reached out to open the door for you as you walked into the mall. But you weren't boyfriend-girlfriend, you were a puck bunny brat. "Every time I think you're kinda sweet, you call me that." 
"It's a talent of mine: making an ass of myself. Where do you wanna look first?" 
“I usually go to Salvation Army.”
Punz started walking towards the Aeropostale, dragging you along with. “I’m offended you think I’d offer to take you shopping and take you to Salvation Army.” 
You started struggling, grabbing a fistful of his shirt to try and curb him. Your heels tried to find purchase on the tile, but he slid you across the floor like dragging a sled. “I’m a college student! And so are you, for that! I’m not letting you spend your food cash for the week on clothes for me- Jesus Christ, how are you this strong?!”
He stopped, but it had nothing to do with your attempts. He spun you in his arms as if you were nothing more than a doll to him, something he could carry with him and arrange however he wanted. The thought made you feel equal parts small and bratty, but his hands on your hips made you bite your tongue as he held you close. His eyes were stern, a slight tremble in his features betraying his nerves.
“Alright, I’m gonna tell you something, and I don’t want you to freak out.”
Oh, you were totally going to freak out.
“I didn’t want to say this so soon because it totally changes how people think of me, but you’re clearly going to fight me on this, so here it is.” He took a deep breath, eyes screwed shut in a wince. “I’m a trust fund kid. My parents are loaded.”
It didn’t click at first. Not until you blinked. “... oh my god?”
He nodded solemnly. “I know.”
It was a shock, the same way any new information about someone you knew was a shock: mild brain buffer as your mental file was updated. Other than that, though… You couldn’t seem to care. Other than, of course, another chance to mouth off. “Oh my god,” you performed, shaking his shoulders. “Eat the rich, Punz!”
“I’m not into butt stuff,”
“I hate you,” you lied, trying to push away. “I hate you and your gated mansion community-”
“I live in the frat house, it’s practically a homeless shelter.”
“You and your diamond studded underwear-”
“Where are you getting your information on rich people: Richie Rich?”
“You’re an old rich guy, too!” You gasped, clapping your hands on either of his cheeks. He gave a minor wince from the impact, but it was swept away just as quickly by rapt attention as you pressed your forehead to his. “Am I a sugar baby?” 
“Well, you haven’t actually let me buy you anything yet-”
“Wrong answer.”
He shook his head between your hands, essentially making you slap him repeatedly. “No, bunny, you’re not a sugar baby, not in the slightest. Now, can I buy you more clothes than you can ever wear?”
Your gaze narrowed, but it probably wasn’t as intimidating as you hoped when you had to cross your eyes to look at him. “You swear your wallet won’t feel it?”
“May lightning strike me down.”
It took a moment, but with not even a rumble of thunder, you supposed you had to believe him. “Alright,” you conceded, “but we’re going somewhere that actually carries my size.”
“I’ve never been in a Torrid,” Punz admits to you as you walk in.
“Really? You don’t lurk in the lingerie section hunting for big women?”
“There’s a lingerie section?” He’s too excited at the prospect to entertain your sass, but evidently not too excited to take the pants you were looking at right out of your hands. “You’ll have to try everything on for me. Even though I’m adamantly opposed to anything that covers your legs.” 
You tried to take them back and he casually moved out of reach, adding a blazer to his haul. “Just because I’m built like an elephant seal doesn’t mean I’m actually insulated-”
“Hey-” You jump at the sudden appearance of a sales associate, a beautiful woman with an undercut and dangly earrings, and flush at the reminder that you were in public. She points an empty hanger at you sternly. “We don’t do self deprecation in here.” The hanger tip shifted over to Punz. “Are you not telling her how beautiful she is enough?”
You can feel your face turning purple as Punz claims, "I can't: I need to eat and sleep sometimes," and starts plucking one of everything off the racks without bothering to check sizes. 
"Wha- Punz! Stop that! I don't need-"
"What you need is to let me love you!"
Undercut woman has a giant grin as she turns to walk away. "I'll get a dressing room open for you. Name for the door?"
"I don't need-"
If Punz wasn't trying to smother you in twisted affection, you might've started to get pissed off at the way he interrupted you again. "Bunny!"
"You're gonna get a foot up your ass in a minute here!" 
"She don't bite," he insists, wrapping a thick arm around your neck to yank you against him. He starts pressing fat kisses to your hair, the kind where he just puckers his lips ridiculously and smacks them against you. The first few are gross. The next annoying. Then he starts cooing about she's just a sweet little thing and your attitude crumbles like a wall, entire body melting against him like a stray that's finally caving into affection. 
You can feel his lips curl into a wide grin against your head, but you can't make yourself rebuild that wall when he's nosing your hair away from your ear so he can whisper, "are we done being a brat, baby?" 
His finger crooked under your chin, gently lifting your lips to his for a soft kiss. “Yeah? My sweet girl’s gonna let me dress her up?” 
My girl.
You stole another kiss, dropping one on Punz’s jaw as you pulled away for good measure. “At least grab the right size, you big lug.” 
You may as well have promised him a puppy. His grin stretched wide across his face, bottom lip pulled between his teeth before he ducked his head, hiding from you. He nuzzled into your neck, puckering his lips so they just barely grazed your jugular, feeling your pulse race. “Yay,” he murmured, arm around your shoulders sliding down your back until he could grip your soft waist. “Because as hot as you look in this dress, I don’t approve of how the leggings hide away our tummy.”
“You mean my tummy?”
“I’m filing for joint custody. You don’t appreciate her enough.”
“I appreciate her just fine. It- fuck me, now I’m doing it! Give me something to put on!” 
He cackled, tugging your collar aside to check the tag and leaving you to rifle through the racks. “I’m gonna build you some outfits,” he promised, flicking through some camisoles to add to his armful. “And I wanna see every single one.” 
“I thought you wanted to make it to dinner at some point.” 
He found one in your size and handed you the completed stack. “Then you’d better run that cute ass into a stall for me. Ooh, swimsuit sale!” 
You huffed and rolled your eyes all the way to the back of the store and all the way into the dressing room until the door was shut behind you. You only allowed yourself the time it took to strip and redress to think about how warm you felt inside. How nice it felt to have someone who wanted to drape you in silks and pouted when you made him settle for overpriced plus-size fashion. Someone who was ready to watch you try on one of everything, knowing full well how long it’d take.
You settled the blazer over your shoulders and turned to the mirror, lips pressing together.
By no means were you ashamed of your body… but you leaned more towards ‘screw the world I don’t owe it to you to fit your beauty standards’ and less towards ‘I’m fat and fuckable.’ 
The flared pants sat just too low to tuck away your muffin top. No matter how you tugged on the camisole, it couldn’t cover that inch of skin- unless you wanted to walk around with your bra out.
“Shoppin’ for my baby!” Your gaze snapped to the door, hearing the rhythmic shuffle of feet. “Shoppin’ for my bunny!” You slapped a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing- if he heard you, he might stop singing. “Shop ‘til you drop! Bop-bop-bop! Gonna get a crop- top! Yeah, I could’a been a rapper. Fuckin’ missed my calling.”
“You so did,” you called out, threading the buttons on your blazer as you bumped the door open. “What would your rapper name be?”
“Lil’ Pucky,” he called back without hesitation as he turned. Blood rushed through your ears as his jaw dropped open, eyes cruising up and down your form so intensely you worried you’d forgotten to put clothes on at all. “Hello, bunny.”
“Hi,” you giggled. You gave a twirl and laughed when a swoon of “oh, ass,” passed his lips. “You like?”
“I love.” He groped for your waist, pulling you into his chest until you could feel his heartbeat through your right tit. “I changed my mind: you can wear pants, but only these.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“These are better than the leggings?”
“Leggings are too tight. Anything that delays me from getting in your guts for more than six seconds is going in the bonfire.” 
Your hand came down on his shoulder and he pretended it hurt, stumbling into one of the plush chairs. “That’s why you wanted to take me shopping! You figure if you buy me enough, you can get rid of everything you don’t like!”
He couldn’t even pretend to feel guilty, a grin wider than a fucking canyon stretching across his face. “It’s gonna be short dresses and tight pants if I have my way.”
“And what makes you think you’ll get your way?”
He held out his hand, a silky two-piece bathing suit with a halter strap top and a skirt layered with frills dangling from his fingers. “Because I found this in your size-” his other hand revealed a mesh shopping bag half full, “and enough panties for Sam to steal as many as he wants.” 
You accepted the swimsuit to try on, but gave an apologetic smile. “I’m very picky about my underwear: I don’t want you to be upset if I don’t wear what you pick out for me, okay?”
“Don’t worry, I’m working off a reference.”
There’s two beats where you process his words before you’re beating him with the swimsuit. “You’re the one who ended up with my panties?!” 
Punz didn’t even move to block your hits, hand coming up to lay over his heart. “I pledge my allegiance every morning, first thing.” 
“Where did you hang them?!”
“I can carry something, you know.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.” Punz piled the bags all onto one arm as if he took your offer as a personal offense to his strength and very manhood, looping the other around your waist. “Taking a fine lady out and making her carry her own bags- who do you think I am?”
You’re getting used to his dramatics: you barely acknowledge him as a stall catches your eye. “Ooh, boba!”
His arm doesn’t budge around you, but it doesn’t keep you in place like you’ve experienced before. Your path shifts towards the drink shop and his elbow pulls straight for barely a second before he shifts right with you, letting you lead him wherever you desired. “That milky stuff with the gross balls?”
“Yes, but no.” There’s laminated menus on the tables so you pick one up and scan the flavors. “You’re thinking milk tea with tapioca pearls. I get fruity tea with popping pearls.”
“You’re really cute, but I don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I’m gonna blow your mind right now.” You slipped your card out of your purse as you walked up to the counter to make sure Punz knew you were buying this time. “Hi, can I get a large strawberry fruit tea with green apple pearls?” 
He barely gets out the total and asks for a name for the order before Punz slaps his card on the machine from the side. "'Punz': exactly how it sounds, but with a 'Z'."
"I was gonna pay for it, asshole!" The only response you get from him is his signature on the pad- which is nothing more than a colon and a 'P'. You stuck your tongue out right back, skipping out of reach to snatch up a straw from the pick-up counter. "You're gonna let your guard down sooner or later." 
"You make it sound like you're gonna kill me." You drag the straw across your throat. "Wow," he snorted, pecking the tip of your nose, "total savage." 
“I know. I’m totawy scawy.”
“You’re a dork,” you informed him with a huff of laughter, stabbing your drink as soon as it arrived. “Poison check,” you claimed, taking the first sip. You skewered a pearl for him before handing it over. “Alright, taste that thang.” 
You waited eagerly as the straw passed his soft lips, on the edge of your nonexistent seat as he took his first sip.
He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s alright.”
You rescued your drink before smacking his arm. “No taste!” 
“It’s about as good as fruit can get, but it still tastes like fruit. Give me a burger any day.” 
“I’ve never met such a dumb man,” you huffed, sipping for yourself.… Okay, so it had too much ice, but it was still delicious!
“Liar,” Punz accused as you started your walk again. “You’ve met Sapnap.”
You bumped into him with purpose. “Yeah, but it’s cute on him.”
“Ouch, you’re really wounding my pride there, bunny,” he drawled, making sure his sarcasm seeped through every word. “As if I could be jealous of Sappy.” 
You could feel your lips curling into an evil grin around your fat straw before the thought of what to say even formed. “I don’t know: he’s cute, and strong, and a gentleman, and he’s great with his tongue-”
“Alright, you’re pushing it!” A cry left your lips as he snatched your cheek, pinching only hard enough to pull it around a bit. “Talking about another freaking guy this much, even if he is my teammate-” 
“Leggo uh meee!”
He gave another yank before releasing you with a huff. “Such a little brat…”
His tone changed. It was slight, but there was a definite change- enough to make you stop and backtrack. Did you push too far? Was he actually insecure and being compared to Sapnap was a jab in the gut? Or maybe he was just getting sick of your attitude when he was treating you like a princess. 
“I’m sorry.” Punz let out a small noise from the back of his throat that you took as prompting to continue. “I don’t know why I even said that, but I’ll try not to be such a- such a brat.”
“It’s okay,”
“It’s not-”
“Why are you upset?” He turned to look at you properly, pulling you to a stop once he saw your expression. 
You huffed, frustrated that you had to say it out loud, but more frustrated at yourself. “Because you’re wonderful to me-” His hand came up to your cheek, warm and soft, and suddenly your eyes were clouding up. “And you don’t deserve all the snapping I do-” There’s a lump growing in your throat. “And I don’t even know why I say that kind of shit because I’m having a great time with you-”
“Oh, honey bunny.” You caught a glimpse of his handsome face twisted into concern before he was pulling you into a nook for some semblance of privacy, setting your bags on the floor before hauling you tight against his chest. “Oh, you’ve really worked yourself up over this, huh?” You know it’s not really a question, but you find you’re nodding into his shoulder anyway. You don’t even feel like you’re crying: there are tears streaming out of your eyes, but that’s it. Almost like someone’s left the faucet on and forgot about it. 
Punz’s lips press firmly against your head, hands rubbing circles against the tense muscles in your back, like he was trying to find the button that would make it all better. “Can I tell you something, bunny?” His lips briefly twitch into a tiny smile when you nod mindlessly against his shirt. “I know you’re having a good time. And I am, too. And I know you just like chatting shit. Makes you feel strong, huh? Like you’re big and in charge?” You didn’t even realize it before he put it into words, but he was exactly right, earning another nod. “And you wanna know something else?
“I like chatting shit, too.” You pull back as you realize the tears have stopped, and he only lets you go a few inches before he’s holding you still with warm hands on your waist. “The boys told me all about your drive before our movie night. You know how Sammy threw his little tantrum over your seatbelt?” His choice of words pulls a throaty laugh from you that makes him grin. “We all want different things when we’re with you, bunny. Sam wants to make sure you’re taken care of, so when you brat, he’s gonna nod and take it until you run out of steam and ask him nicely, then he’ll give you anything you want.
“But I kinda like to fight, bunny. Nothing mean, but when you poke me, I wanna poke back. I think it’s fun just like you do, and I think we could have a good time pushing each other to the limit to see who gives.” His lips twitched. “Now, Sappy: I think that boy just wants to die under a big woman, so you gotta watch out for him, make sure he’s still breathing when you sit on him-” 
You try to smother your laughter because this is serious, but then you’re imagining a headline that says, ‘Local Man Attempts Suicide By Pussy,’ and you break into manic giggles that send you right back into Punz’s chest as he laughs with you. His hand rubbed up and down your back, slow and soft, melting your form against his. 
You turned your head once the giggles calmed down, taking a deep breath of his cologne while you listened to his heart. “I still feel bad,” you admitted. “Like I pushed too far.”
“I promise you didn’t, baby.” The speed of his answer makes you melt just a bit more. “I get being worried about it, though, because I do, too…” He hummed as he thought. “Sappy said you guys decided on a safe word?”
You nodded against him. “Pineapple,”
“Pineapple. Okay, so how about we both promise that if the other crosses a line, we say ‘pineapple.’ Then we know it’s an actual ‘no’ and not just more playing. How’s that sound?” You give another nod that he returns with a squeeze. “You want me to take you home, baby?” You’re shaking your head without a second thought, pressing yourself deeper against him. You get another squeeze in response, a silent, ‘I won’t leave you.’ “You wanna get some dinner?”
You forced yourself to pull away, his fingertips trailing over your body as long as they can until they hook onto yours. You beamed at him. “That sounds really nice, old man.”
Punz laughed. “Let’s go, then, brat.”
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blackheart-6 · 9 months
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undertale noelle
explanation under read more (be warned, its long)
hi yall!
I've had an idea floating in my head for the past few weeks, and I've finally finished the first art(s) for it ^^
here’s the previews, and I'll start explaining this au under it (I've put a lot of thought into it, so I hope yall enjoy it 😁)
okay, so pretty much the basis for this au is Noelle in Undertale, but I did 2 main changes; the first one is that she was born around a similar time to Chara and Asriel (like in [this old drawing|http://aminoapps.com/p/d8277i] I made a while ago), making them childhood friends, and the second change is that Shes a boss monster (which, as far as I know, there is no confirmation that only the dreemurrs are boss monsters, so I decided in this au (and as far as I'm concerned, in deltarune as well (there's a lot of reasons I came to this conclusion, but I don’t think anyone cares lol)) the holidays are boss monsters). so yeah, that's the basis of this au
so, here’s a timeline of events
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It's all the same as canon (and all the major dates like Chara or frisk falling are my normal headcanons, regardless of au or not) until 200X, when Dess and Noelle are born (Dess roughly like 4 or so years older). then it's all the same until sometime in 201X, when Rudy dies (I imagine that, like deltarune, he is sick. with the deaths of 2 children, he considered family and all the other stuff going on, it made his sickness far worse, causing his death).
After that, in 202X, I had the first non-Chara human fall. in my mind I consider this one justice, but it doesn't really matter at all. I just went with justice because I have Noelle's horn broken in my design, so I imagine justice shot it. anyways, the human falls, and encounters Dess and Noelle in snowdin. even though asgore, at this point, as declared war on humanity because of Chara and Asriel's death, the holiday sisters had known a human for years, and they saw that humanity could be good. so, Dess approached the human and, in fear, the human shot her in the soul, killing her, and shot Noelle in the antler. Noelle, seeing her sister die right in front of her, and after every other tragedy Shes gone through, sort of goes into a rage and kills the human with her ice powers, turning her eyes permanently white and cementing her hatred for humanity.
After this, Dess's dust and the humans soul and corpse were found, but Noelle had run off into the woods, because the little rational part of her mind didn't want to hurt any of the towns people. She stayed there for a while, calming down as much as possible, before she returned home (side note, her mother is the mayor of snowdin here; not that important, but I thought I'd mention it) eventually.
from Dess's death on, Noelle had 3 purposes in her heart. to practice her magic so she could eliminate any humans she encountered ever again, and, when the monsters eventually became free, she would be able to fight in the war and prevent the humans from ever hurting the monsters again. and the last purpose? to see the stars. Dess had loved the stars (in theory) and had always wanted to see them, so Noelle knew she wouldn't give up until Noelle had seen the stars for Dess.
at this point, she waits until she's an adult, and the moves out to live in the woods, so she can practice magic without the fear of injuring any monsters, and because she's seen so many people around her die that she doesn't want to be around when more peoples she's known for years also inevitably die while she doesn't. She lives in a cottage in the woods, doing things like practicing her magic, working out, making food, reading books, sewing, and other random things like that to keep herself entertained. she originally didn't leave her house, and asgore, in his worry for her, would send her food and things, but as she got older and mellowed a bit, she would leave like roughly once a month to go buy things she needed and to meet up with asgore for tea. she would also go see her mother occasionally, but her mother was always trying to convince her to move back to snowdin and become mayor, which Noelle had no interest in doing.
Now I'll talk more about Noelle's relationships with the people in her life. She was very close to Asriel when he was alive and considered him like a sibling. and when Chara fell, she also grew quite close to them, admiring their internal strength. she was also quite close to her dad and sister before they also died, which is why she was hit so hard when all these important people in her life, who were supposed to live a very long time, died all quite close to each other.
Her relationship with her mother has always been quite complicated. even before all the tragedy happened, Noelle's mother (who I'll call carol) had considered Noelle the golden child who would take after her mayoral duties. young Noelle probably would have become the mayor if all the bad things hadn't happened, but once they did there was no way Noelle would ever want to be the mayor (being around all those people, knowing she would outlive them all sounded live a personal hell to her). and after the bad things, while Noelle still lived with carol for a few years, carol was trying to be a good mother and get Noelle to try and process all the bad things in a healthier way, rather than devoting her life to getting revenge. but Noelle was ruthless in her motivations, and she didn't really listen to anything her mother had to say. once she moved out, she didn't really speak to her mother in years, but one time when she was having tea with asgore, he mentioned how Noelle's mother wasn't getting any younger, and how Noelle should spend time with her mother, before she never has the chance to. This inspired Noelle to start talking more with her mother (maybe Noelle even has a phone at this time, so they call) and trying to let bygones be bygones. Eventually her mother does pass, but it doesn't hurt Noelle as much because she knows her mother lived a full life.
Noelle's relationship with toriel is quite complicated, so let's talk about that. When Noelle was younger, she liked toriel a lot, and was quite happy to call her family. but after Chara and Asriel died, and toriel left for the ruins, Noelle started feeling more complicated feelings for her. Noelle still tried to stay in touch with toriel, going to the ruins door and chatting through it, but one day after Dess's death, they get in an argument. Noelle thinks toriel running off to the ruins was cowardly and an awful thing to do, abandoning her kingdom in its time of need. and toriel letting the human leave the ruins, letting the human kill Dess, rather than taking the humans soul and going up to the surface and freeing the monsters was unforgivable. but toriel, who once lived on the surface and knows that humans aren't awful, refuses to kill any humans, and while she does feel awful about Dess, she couldn't have known the human would do that. both of them refuse to give in to the others beliefs, so Noelle declares her disgust for toriel and leaves the door and doesn't speak to toriel for a long time, not until the monsters are free. after the pacifist ending, Noelle and toriel start slowly reconnecting, just through hobbies and stuff, and avoiding the elephant of their fight. Eventually, they know they have to talk about it, and while they both do still agree with what they said (mostly), they agree that it's all in the past, and that there's nothing to be done now. They never become as close as they once were, but they do reconnect.
The main relationship in Noelle's life is her connection with asgore. even when she moves out, she still hangs out with him, and he is the one who built her house. They both mostly drink tea while chatting, but they both like the company. and, when Noelle gets a phone, they chat far more, just talking about their days and what they've done. I imagine Noelle had continued to talk to him the most because he had declared war on humanity, something she had greatly agreed with (she does agree with toriel on one thing though, that asgore should have taken the first soul he got and went to the surface, but she doesn't want to fight with him and lose the last connection to her old life).
and now I'm on her life after the pacifist ending. imagine her surprise when she gets a phone call from asgore saying to come to his castle, and that the barrier has been broken. She's probably in shock at this moment, knowing that this could happen any time, yet not truly believing things could ever change. She does go to new home in almost a trance, not knowing if she should dare hope. but, when she gets to asgores castle, she's greeted with the sight of the barrier being gone, and monsters leaving en masse. She also leaves and is greeted with a beautiful sky full of stars.
I have a lot of ideas of what Noelle does post pacifist, but I've already rambled way way way too much lol. I can't imagine anyone made it to the end of this mess of text, but if you did, I salute you. o7
oh yeah, I still haven't showed off my designs. whoops, I prattled on and on so much, I forgot to even show the art
so, here’s the first drawing
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This is the base I used for the other 3 drawings. This is just showing off her fur pattern (which is pretty much the same fur pattern I give her normally). I tried to make her super fluffy, because I imagine its quite cold in the snowdin forests, so she's adapted to have fuller, longer fur. and I tried to give her a bit of aging on her face, to show she's an adult, but it's kinda hard to see. and her horn is broken, which I mentioned above (tldr, the human who killed Dess also broke her horn)
and here’s her first outfit
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the outfit is based off the outfit I usually give dark world Noelle, but I got rid of the bell (I felt like it was more childish, which, there's nothing wrong with having childish things as an adult, but I wanted to show how she's matured) and I added more fur on it, for extra warmth. I also added sleeves for the same reasons. I gave her a braid in this drawing (I kinda regret that now, and wish I had changed the hairstyle, but I didn't want to change it) because I feel like Noelle probably gets bored and does her hair in different styles a lot (also why it's so long). and I gave her white streaks to show her age and because it made her feel more ice-like to me (and I made her hair fade to a lighter blonde for the same reason, and it's also a call back to an [old drawing|http://aminoapps.com/p/4g8sqw] I've made before where I also faded her hair). I imagine she wears this when she's outside in the forest.
here’s the second outfit!
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This one is probably my least favorite, because I just couldn't get the colors right, so I'll probably edit it some other time. This outfit was based on the outfit color scheme I gave child Noelle. like you can see in [this drawing|http://aminoapps.com/p/d8277i], I gave her a red and green sweater and a brown skirt. but in the adult drawing I gave her a brown sweater and red and green stockings (I think I'm so clever lol). The stockings were also based on the red and green leg warmers I normally give her in her light world form too. I imagine she wears this outfit in her house, because it's not as cold in there so she doesn't have to layer as much
and here’s her final outfit (for now, at least. if people like this au I might do more 🤪)
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for this one, I just gave her the actual dark world dress she had in-game. but in Undertale I like to think she put some magic on it that makes it cooling, so when she goes to other parts of the underground, she isn't super hot. I gave her an ice antler, mostly because I thought it looked cool, and because having a normal silhouette (from a distance) might make her seem less odd, so she can get around without being bothered. I gave her curly hair, like I used to do in most of my drawings (but I don't do as much) as a callback!
also, I totally forgot to include a ring in any of these drawings, but I meant to give her some soo-
Well yeah, that's all I've got for now!
if you've made it this far, have a cookie 🍪
and have a great day ^^
(this is 2k+ words long-)
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autoacafiles · 4 months
Meet Scrounge
Full Name: Scrounge of Tarn
Date of Kindling: Mon: 2/Del: 17/Stellar Cycle: 1481AH
Favourite Colour: Green
Hobbies: Listening to 2-hour-long Holotube Documentaries about things he wouldn't otherwise care about, being left alone
Dislikes/Fears: Getting dragged into crazy situations
-Scrounge is a kind of a slacker who would likely not have joined any Hero Guild school if it weren't for his... partner.
-Like many young children, Scrounge loved the awesome exploits of the heroes he saw on television. Unfortunately, he was born and raised (well, forged anyway) in Tarn, a city that has a relatively low hero count, so he rarely ever saw a hero in person. And when he finally got a chance to talk to one personally, the hero only gave like generic and noncommittal statements up until Scrounge mentioned that he didn't have a latent talent, after which his demeanor turned to pity.
-Crushed by this pity party, Scrounge gave up on the idea of heroism and opted to live a comfortable life rather then an exciting one, and was a good three years into that track when he got hit by the crazy flying block that knocked him out.
-When he came to, there was an extra arm sticking out of his back with a mind of its own... and a voice, on top of that. Scrounge tried to keep this weird thing under wraps until he could get to a medic and get it removed, but Cybaxx kept sensing crazy circumstances and dragged him into them.
-In spite of Scrounge's best efforts to stay low and get his passenger removed, Cybaxx's efforts to get into crazy situations put the two of them on the Autobot's radar... which led to their enrollment when Cybaxx completed the paperwork for him before anybody could object.
Meet Cybaxx
Full Name: "Cybaxx, Mecha-Arm Partner of Scrounge"
Date of Discovery: Mon: 7/Del: 02/Stellar Cycle: 1499AH
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Catching people's attention, being awesome and showing people how it's done
Dislikes/Fears: Scrounge being a downer
-Testing of his genetic data reveals that while his physical armor was formed from Scrounge's plating, his internal mechanisms are a kind of lifeform still not yet encountered in the cosmos.
-According to Cybaxx's accounts, he was a great hero on his homeworld of Albitorium, but when he was at the height of his career, his planet began dying and his people opted to escape rather then try and fix the issue. He also claims to have gone to "this dimension" while the rest of his kind went "to another one," but there is some level of doubt to he had there.
-Because of the unique circumstances of his connection, Cybaxx is technically a student of Autobot Academy, while Scrounge is a "educational aide." In spite of this, Cybaxx tries his best to make sure Scrounge isn't just slacking off in class and is paying attention, and the teachers seem to consider Scrounge just as much a student as Cybaxx is.
-In spite of efforts to look into other reports, others of Cybaxx's species have seemed to remain under the Autobots' radar. In other words, for the time being, there's nothing like him out there.
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bcbdrums · 8 months
Grasping for the Wind - pt. 8
First Chapter | Previous Chapter Read on: FFn | AO3
A Soul Eater fanfic. It's about Stein (and Spirit). It's good I promise. Angst, action, introspection, blood... *coughs* anyway.
A/N: Maka only gets a brief cameo...sorry. This chapter is normal length, next one is long, then we get a neat little epilogue to wrap things up.
Part 8
Telling Maka about her father had gone surprisingly well, which confused Stein. He had presented the topic as a lesson, feeling too much guilt to not explain that it was his weakness that caused the failure. But some details he withheld, as speaking too personally about it would be inappropriate to both a little girl and to his student.
Still, he had brought her to the dispensary and given her the truth as she deserved. He told Naigus to inform Spirit later about how his often-estranged daughter had gasped and run to his bedside, calling his name futilely and repeatedly. It was a weak smile that found its way to his lips when Maka simply sat at the side of the bed, holding Spirit's hand for time undetermined as the heart monitor continued its slow, steady rhythm.
What Stein didn't understand was why Maka didn't seem angry with him. He had not minced words when he explained that his own doubts had been the ultimate reason for defeat, and that the weapon's life-threatening injuries were the consequence. She had listened and taken in every word, but her only concern was for her father.
Perhaps anger and loathing for him would come later, after Spirit recovered. Especially when she saw her father's own.
After that, Stein didn't return to the academy. His classes entrusted to Sid, he had instructed Naigus on how to meet Spirit's basic care needs should his healing progress without incident. If something did go wrong, he would attend to it of course. But if his knowledge and skill were not required... He knew Spirit wouldn't want to see him anyway.
He wasn't sure if Death wanted him to find an answer to the question he'd posed to him, or simply recover enough from the incident to resume his assigned duties. Physically, he had recovered quickly. But as for his mental state...
He was sitting in his office in the dark, leaning back in his chair. He spun it slowly around to face the coat rack by the door—the one small object of homeliness in the room which he'd brought up from the academy basement the day he'd told Maka. Hanging upon it was the dusty, blood-soaked coat he'd been wearing on the day of the fight, and he was certain that seeing it upon entering the lab each day was why the nightmares hadn't stopped.
He didn't mind.
If he could keep fresh the memory of his former partner being mutilated, his blood soaking the sand and his soul growing weak, then perhaps the next time he was called into battle he would be able to maintain focus on his purpose. He was Death's elite meister and an instructor of young meisters and weapons. Nothing else. And if he concentrated on that, then he wouldn't ever again run the risk of making mistakes like the one that had nearly cost Spirit his life.
What could have happened also kept him up at nights before horror-filled sleeps finally claimed him. It had been like nothing he had experienced in their five years of partnership, and nothing he had experienced since.
As meister and weapon they had had very few defeats, even from the beginning. Spirit had brought experience to their assigned pairing, and he had brought...whatever it is that he was. He knew now that the partnership he had treated so cavalierly had been the best years of his life, and back then it had been easy to blame his choices on the threat of madness. But after over ten years of isolation and living in the freedom he had so desperately sought, he knew better.
How ironic for Spirit to have helped him overcome madness only for him to then fall prey to youthful arrogance, which he had used as a veil to deny his guilt. There was no way of knowing if he could have prevented the loss of his weapon, if he had responded differently to the accusations brought against him back then. All he did know for certain was that he regretted what he had done.
Unfortunately, he didn't know if he wouldn't do it all over again.
Stein spun back around in the chair to face the computer screen, the room's only light source, and reached up to twist the screw in his head. During the surgery he had eventually been able to compartmentalize the fact he was trying to save the life of his former weapon partner. He felt the most at home inside of a body after all. But it hadn't stopped him from noticing the old scars.
Spirit had claimed they all had faded, but only perhaps if one wasn't looking. As he had stitched up one deep wound after the other, he had noticed where the spikes had sliced through the old, delicate scars from his own intrusions years ago. Some however remained unmarred and he had stared at the thin, pale lines on the skin that were the permanent evidence of his betrayal.
It had been his greatest experiment. The resonance he and Spirit had already achieved was like nothing before seen in the DWMA, and he knew, he knew they hadn't reached their full potential, and he was certain he had a way to get them there. Perhaps if he had told the truth at the time, things would have ended differently. But there had been too many complications, and too many voices against him—one in particular that had started coming between he and his weapon even before he was forced to begin hiding his plans.
Stein put that thought away and kept turning the screw. He may have been able to ignore distractions to a point during the surgery, but now they all came at him like a swarm. Seeing the horror of the wounds inflicted upon Spirit by their former classmate had been sickening, and knowing there would be new, jagged and ugly scars intermixed with the ones his careful procedures had resulted in... It felt wrong. It felt like a violation.
Which, he realized, is what Spirit must have felt like back then.
Memories he didn't want to recall were flooding his mind and he refused to give them presence. He never wanted to relive those conversations and days of anguish again, but even the faintest flicker of their recollection hammered home what he knew more than anything else was true.
Everything was his fault. Everything. If he hadn't allowed himself to think past his purpose, he wouldn't have failed in the fight. If he had just listened to his weapon, they would have come out unscathed.
He had never been weak in holding Spirit before, but he had been too preoccupied at the time to realize what was really going on. He was the cause of the disparity in their resonance, a victim once again to the lures of a different world that he knew in his soul was mere fantasy. His own fears and doubts had been the reason their wavelengths weren't in sync. Even after all of his prior mistakes, after everything that had happened in the past...Spirit had been willing to bring their souls together to fight. And that trust had again cost him.
Turning the screw wasn't helping. Stein grit his teeth and contemplated the array of scalpels on his desk as he absently kept up the futile twisting, driving electric pain to his every extremity until his head was white-hot with pain. It was better than he deserved.
Spirit would hate that he had touched him again, even to save his life. It would probably be the final severing of whatever remained of a long-lost resonance that had been his greatest peace in life. If only he had known...
But, who was he kidding? Whatever had given him the idea that it could be reclaimed, that there was even hope of reconciliation, he had once again shattered with his selfishness. It had been more than ten years. It was time he let go of any dream of getting that life back and be grateful he'd had it at all, and for what he still had. He did have everything he'd outwardly claimed to have wanted. He'd been given a purpose. He had his freedom. And he still had his soul.
He just hadn't ever counted on wanting a friend, too.
When had he started caring again?
When had he ever stopped?
He knew the answer to Lord Death's question, now.
He released the screw and hit both fists against the desk as stood abruptly, his chair rolling away behind him. He needed to dissect something, and not one of the frogs in his freezer.
"I can't care..." he muttered haltingly through clenched teeth.
The chair abruptly stopped rolling.
"Care about what?"
Stein spun around to see Spirit a few steps inside the door, his hand on the back of the chair.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Destined Mr. Almost Right Review
Spoilers Games In Love365 App
Takane Momochi
This dude came off so sweet and in the app he seemed like this genuine dude. The fact that he was the MC's love interest in college made it seem like a reconnection until you realize the MC was practically his puppy doing everything to make him happy and then when it was her time to confess her love to him he shot her down like her feelings didn't even matter. She spent the next 10 years missing him and still remembering she cared so much about him. So when you meet him you go to the airport because he is a pilot and you hang out and talk and he gives you flowers. He seems so sweet and sincere and he tells you how sorry he was for being a kid back then. Honestly I guess my red flag should have gone up with bullshit meter fast because I wasn't even 2 chapters in and he was happy to be with her and wanting to spend his life with her and so on. He pushed every button then took her to the bar to drink after the second date and then he literally tells you since in the app it says your 100% physically matched he wants to sleep with you to find out if thats so.
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When you go to shoot him down he shows how much of a prick he is and even tells you he was just using you to sleep with you. The mc I will admit is ballsy she tells him I will not sleep with you but for the next 30 days or something like that you will want to have sex with me and I won't until you fall in love with me. Honestly I had already spent like 40 hearts on this dude in love365 and was pissing me off cause the ones I used was back when I thought he was nice. So not only did he screw over the mc but me too what a fuckin asshole. Anyways didn't think a character could make my blood boil so fast but I swear he really made me mad as well as the mc. I wouldn't even want him if it was me after the way he acted. Its also why I stopped playing his route to save my hearts for some one worth them. It might turn out he falls in love with her but if they make me mad and I have no interest in them then I won't continue. Its not even like the tsunderes either he is a male chauvinistic pig who wants to sleep with anyone he even tells her he wants her panties until she sleeps with him he is just rude. I'm done wasting my breath on him but I got up to like chapter 10 before I couldn't deal with him anymore because every single date he was just as much as a asshole as the one before it.
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Komuro Satoru/Araya Kuze
Now this guy is the guy that followed mc around in high school even when the mc was so in love with Takane. He would find out things about him for the mc and things he liked. He would pass letters or anything she wanted to help her be with Takane even though he was in love with her the whole time. He thought being her friend until she realized Takane was a asshole was better than not being anything at all. He was sweet and genuine he was also 2 years behind the mc so she went to college with Takane and it was a different college than Araya got into so they were separated. Until this app and they matched at 99% and the moment he realized it was her he was over the moon. They connected right away when they met and I swear this man let nothing stay hidden he admitted he had wanted to see her so bad in the last few years. They had dinner and went back to the bar to drink and just joking about good times together and such. She gets super drunk and they go to leave and she falls but he catches her. They kiss then he confesses he has been in love with her since high school.
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She is so out of it she doesn't pull away from the kiss and she had been treating him all night like he was a kid cause he was younger than her. He tells her when they get to messing around please give me one night, you can do whatever you want to me and I will never thing bad of you, I just want to feel important to you and feel like you see me. They end up back at his place and they have sex and then she wakes up the next morning and freaks out. He apologizes however she makes him feel like he really did something wrong with both of them had been drinking she kinda made me mad with that honestly because he is a sweetheart. Then he continues to apologize and even tells her he takes complete fault for it and he would like it if she would let him make it right. She is kind of like what? But he goes into tell her how he feels, and how things went down and that he thought they were on the same page and how they were connected that night. He then says but give me a chance let me be your boyfriend and then you can take that it was not a one night stand. It was so sweet how he came up with this after expressing how he has always felt.
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He is a lyrist and all his songs over the last 5 years or so has been written about her and no one else. She is his heart, muse, and love of his life she is his destiny. He altered his name just for the app so that no one knew it was him since he is famous. She agrees and its so nice to see him when girls throw themselves at him he shuts them down and makes it very clear she is his only important person. Like omg.... this man is a freakin keeper such a difference from the first guy and to think she knew them at the same time yet chose the pig over this cinnamon roll. One of the sweet things he did was rented out a whole theme park for her and brought her to overlook it then turned on the lights and lit it all up for her. That was like the sweetest yes he has money but as long as he gets to spend it on her he is happy.
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He even tells her that since high school she has been his princess and just wants to do right by her. I was in such awe when he told her he wanted to be with her and he wanted to marry her in the future like how many men just know and the fact he just knew since highschool thats alot of years being in love with one person. There was a bit of drama of a ex fiancé trying to come between them but to show his love he took her to a jewelry store to get her any engagement ring she wanted. So anyways alot of drama came out of things later in the story. It comes back that it was all a lie he set up the app the ex fiancé all of it to make her give him a chance and to fall in love with him. He was afraid she would never give him a chance any other way. Then when he realizes he lied to her and it hurt her he felt like he wasn't worthy of her so he tried to leave her and let her live her life without him because he did love her. I mean in the end she doesn't let him leave that easy and they end up together.
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Honestly I guess in away its a bit of a betrayal and I think he will have to make it up to her because it was like their relationship was built on a lie. However I think their love for each other I think they would be fine. On voltage's side I will say after all the hearts that I paid for that I ate through in this game mostly on this guy it was a bit of a disappointment. His character I love in the end just for a happy ending there are alot better stories than how this one played out. I think if I had a 5 star rating system for this game would be 3 it loses 2 stars because of the fact it almost felt like the pay to play shit and then even after that you don't even get the kind of ending that you really should have.
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Because this is a story that uses hearts I am only reviewing the 2 that interested me enough to pay and then went with the last guy even more so enjoy the review of these to men of destiny.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
ok so i was also thinking about the things you came up with initially re: sub!seb, specifically dressing up for you, and i feel like initially he doesn't necessarily have the best relationship with his looks, like he doesn't hate-hate it but he also doesn't think they're his greatest asset, if asset at all
it frustrates you, obviously, and you try to change his mind this way or other, even make some very mild progress, but just cant find the right angle for it to properly stick. until.
you're going to a nice dinner--you've planned it in advance and seb was trying his absolute best to not let his hectic schedule fuck it up, but ends up with an event really close to it anyway that runs late on top of that, so he won't be able to change before meeting you. you wouldn't normally stand for him going to a proper dinner in a flannel and jeans three sizes too big, but you know he's been trying really hard, so you're prepared to let it slide.
except, the event that almost makes him run late is a photoshoot.
and he's always pretty to you, of course, but it just hits differently when you half expect him to show up in that one hoody that is a couple of years past its expiry date and instead he swoops in wearing slacks and a v-neck pullover that show off his hips and collarbones and just suit him so well, and his hair looks so good, and he's smiling shyly when you complement him, and you absolutely can't take it.
you weren't planning to scene after the dinner, you both had a long week and decided that maybe you'd do something mild at best, but you just can't shake how good he looks, and how he keeps fidgeting and giggling and blushing under your attention doesn't help at all, so by the time he looks up at you and asks, "desert?", you tell him,
"you're desert"
and watch him lose it. he is gone in an instant--to be fair, with so much build-up through the dinner he didn't need much anyway--his pupils blow, he clenches at the tablecloth, he is all whiny and fidgety half-way home and whimpers when you tell him not to ruin his beautiful trousers too soon. you absolutely wreck him to the point where he can barely move, and you both are lucky tomorrow is sunday; you'd both be in big trouble otherwise.
you notice him start to make more effort after that. it's uncertain, at first, he is hesitant to go from zero to a hundred too quickly, afraid he'd look overdressed or just plain ridiculous, but you make sure to praise him and encourage him (and reward him, of course), and slowly but surely he starts to bloom under attention, rushing to the bedroom in excitement when you tell him he has 25 minutes to make himself pretty for you and not a second more.
he was extremely reluctant to try lingerie before, even though you suggested it multiple times, insistent that he doesn't have the body for it despite your assurances that there are no wrong bodies, there is wrong lingerie. you tentatively start to hope that with how his relationship with dressing up turned around you might finally succeed and wait for the right moment to bring it up, except--
you're at home, and he's squatting in front of the TV to fiddle with the DVD player, and you have to do a double take because his shirt rides up and pants slide down a little to reveal his lower back and--is this lace? he looks at you over his shoulder and smirks mischievously, because the little rascal knows exactly what he's doing.
it's a vividly blue pair of panties with a high waste that he definitely picked to be sure they're visible over the pants, but they fit him so well you'll have to get another pair, or maybe ten, because those are definitely beyond salvation.
-Lemon 🍋
And once again... lemon 🍋 has absolutely killed us all with their asks. This is just.... lemon 🍋 would you just like my blog?? Shall I just leave? Cause this is fucking insanely good oh my god.
Again, I’m gonna try my best to add something to this but I really doubt I can make this any better because this is just too good.
I definitely agree that Seb struggles with feeling attractive and of course enough tell him otherwise, but it’s still really hard for him to undertake that. Cause he just... doesn’t get it? Not only his attractiveness, but he genuinely doesn’t get why you even like him??
And of course it’s a very touchy subject? Because on one hand, you obviously want to help him feel better about himself. But you don’t want to push him too hard because then he could retreat even further.
Which is all to say... you very nearly die when you see him show up to the date in nice clothes.
What surprises Seb the most though, is actually how much he likes it? Not the clothes themselves, because he honestly couldn’t care less about what he wears, but rather it’s your reaction to them?
He finds that he genuinely feels attractive because of how you can’t even form words when you see him, how you hug him extra right, how you keep a hand on his thigh the whole evening.
He feels pretty because you’re reacting like he’s pretty, and he really really loves it.
From there, he decides to start to dress up a little more because he loved that reaction from you, wants to see that reaction more often.
But actually, as he starts to do it more... he starts to enjoy it more?
He goes choosing the pants and shirts he thinks you’ll like to getting genuinely excited to choose something just because he likes it?
And you, of course, love seeing him discover this new side of himself. It’s a journey you mostly just let him go on by himself, because you understand that it’s something he needs to do on his own.
You are, however, more than happy to be shown his new outfits and support him whenever he needs it. He’ll sometimes show you new clothes he got or even ask you to go shopping and then it’s not you choosing his clothes, S just you proving some moral support.
And lingerie? Fuck lingerie is a whole other thing.
You stop asking about lingerie when you realise it’s something he’s actually insecure about.
But the moment Seb starts to dress up more, he can’t stop thinking about it.
And Seb being Seb, does indeed decide he wants to be a little shit instead of just showing you.
Though his panties do end up being ruined because of that which he pouts about afterwards.
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tribow · 7 months
So I watched Sunday Without God
A.K.A Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
In this anime God abandons all humans after becoming upset with work in cultivating this life. God is literally like, "I'm sorry y'all I fucked up," and dips. God's gone!
This anime explores the world a God has left behind. Don't expect it to explore religious themes. That's not what this anime is about. It's more about the world building.
Y'see, with God leaving this world behind humans have become unable to die properly. You'll "live forever", but your body will still age and decay. At a certain point you'll regress into a zombie-like state. Any "Dead" person is at risk of this happening.
Humans did not wish for this terrifying fate, so God had created Gravekeepers before going radio silent. If a dead human gets a proper burial from a Gravekeeper they'll receive a proper rest and die for real.
Tired of me loredumping? Well, you probably wouldn't like this anime. A lot of it is explaining how the world works or how a certain society in this world works. While the world building is interesting, the tendency dump info on the viewer instead of delivering on established conflicts. Characters don't experience much development despite their situations changing often. If they do develop it happens way too suddenly.
Often I would think, "Wow they got over that quickly," or "Wow this didn't change you?" It bothers me because this anime wants to be dramatic. It treats its conflicts with way more melodrama than they deserve. Every time the conflict gets resolved I get the feeling everyone was overreacting. The consequences aren't heavy.
It's kind of a shame because the last 3 episodes of this anime actually tells a pretty competent story that meets the emotional highs that it deserved. If there's one thing that's good about this anime it's the last 3 episodes. While it does end on kind of a dumb note it's a good spot to end on.
Madhouse animated this one, and while visually it's real consistent the animation is kind of limited. I wouldn't say it looks rushed, but it does look like they wanted to animate this quickly. Nothing to say about audio, but honestly that's a good thing.
I get the feeling that the light novel is a better introduction to this story than the anime is. The anime doesn't adapt much anyway, but I'm certain the world building will be communicated better in the light novel. Hopefully there would be more time spent on a character's development. As for the anime, not a bad show by any means, but it's fairly bland overall.
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producedbyhanjisung · 7 months
⎯ IN MY HEAD. felix yongbok lee
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🎧 : felix lee x female reader
TROPE. zombie apocalypse au, friends to lovers, eventual smut, minors dni
WARNINGS. mentions of suicide, death
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SYNOPSIS. after her grandfather's death, y/n is once again alone in the world. that is, until she meets larry - and shortly after, three boys that quickly become more like family to her than any blood related bonds she'd ever had. among these boys, one stands out to her: a certain deep-voiced australian with blue hair.
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SMUT WARNINGS. unprotected sex, bicep biting (is that a warning), dom(ish)!felix, sub!reader, hickeys, use of pet names (darling, love, pretty, etc.), oral sex (female receiving), fingering
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In art, there are so many things that can go wrong, but they never truly go wrong. Putting the wrong color somewhere, or making a stroke where it shouldn't be - that's a form of artistic genius. A slash of red cutting through a barren white landscape is a symbolism, not something ugly and never the work of a poor artist. No, it is beauty, life and nature in its truest forms.
Sadly, my life and art are two very different things. Because everything that could go wrong in my life has gone wrong. And my life is absolute shit.
It started off when I was eleven, when my dad shot himself right in front of me. Then again when I was fifteen, and my mom took my brother and left in the middle of the night, leaving me in the care of my not-so-caring grandparents. Barely four years later, and now I'm here. In the middle of the desert with one of those not-so-caring grandparents, watching as he slowly dies.
My grandmother croaked a long time ago - she had lung problems anyways. My grandfather has put up a good fight. But, sadly, when you're ninety-seven years old, the apocalypse is hard to survive.
I wanted to cry, but I couldn't bring myself to. I had wasted too many tears already over my fallen family members, and I couldn't afford to with him. Not when he had spent so many years tormenting me, starving me, banning me from the outside world. Which is why I should have died months ago.
I had no experience whatsoever in survival. I'd never gone camping, never even spent a night out of my house before. So, when I found myself able to make a campfire within a half hour of beginning to try, I realized that I had more luck than I could imagine, when I had thought myself unlucky my entire life.
I pondered this, whirling the knife I had found in a random army surplus store between my fingers as I watched my last surviving family member taking his last breaths before me.
He didn't want to speak to me, and I knew he wouldn't. So it surprised me when my grandfather whispered my name. His voice was dry and cracked, and he weakly lifted his hand to point at the pistol laying with my bag a few feet away from him.
He wants to kill himself, I realized. He wants to just end it here, and leave me alone. Not that I was complaining. He was slowing me down anyways.
I stood, and tossed him the gun. "Wait till I'm a ways away. I'm leaving."
I didn't say goodbye. He said nothing either as I gathered my few belongings together and kicked the fire that had been going, getting its last few flames to die down and fade into the night.
"Please understand," was the last thing my grandfather said to me as I began my walk away.
I didn't turn around. I couldn't. Because I knew that if I did, I would already be looking at a fresh corpse.
Two weeks and four days after my grandfather's death, I am still alone.
Well, not entirely alone. Somewhere into the first week without him, I stumbled across a stray dog. Its ribs were poking into its skin, and it was too weak to even stand. I was going to shoot it, to put it out of its misery. But I just couldn't bring myself to.
I ended up staying with the dog for hours, feeding him what little food I had left in my bag and talking to him, then carrying him to somewhere we could shelter for the night when it began to get to dark. Miraculously, the dog had survived. I named him Larry.
Larry hardly leaves my side now. He hunts with me, attacks zombies (he's a fearless little dude), and barks when he senses something's wrong.
Which is what he's doing right now.
I look around, fully alert for what might come barreling out of the darkness surrounding us at any moment. My bow (that army surplus store was crazy loaded) sat on the ground next to me, and I picked it up, knocking an arrow.
"Shh, Larry." I gently touch the dog's nose, and he stops barking, instead keeping his hackles raised and baring his teeth into the night.
Instead of zombies - what I was expecting to emerge - three boys trudge into the light, leaning on each other for support. The one in the middle is heavily wounded. Just by glancing at him I can see blood seeping through an open wound on his stomach, which is bare of clothing. In fact, all three boys are shirtless. It would be a welcome sight if not for the fact that they all looked like they were about to pass out from exhaustion.
Nonetheless, I raise my bow, drawing the arrow back and pointing it at each of the boys in turn.
"Please," the one on the left says. "We need help. Please."
"Were you bitten?" I demand, keeping the corner of my eye on Larry, who looks like he's about to go feral at any moment.
"No. Look- we need some fucking help," the boy on the left snaps. His face then softens. "Please. He's dying." He motions his head slightly at the boy in the middle, who, as if on cue, collapses into him.
I don't know what it was, but something about me trusted these boys. Which is ridiculous, I know, seeing as this is an apocalypse and they literally just walked out of the abyss, but I want to know who they are.
Plus, I'm sick of being alone.
"I don't have many supplies," I say.
The left boy, who seems to be the spokesperson for the other two, takes this as my sign to come sit, and he and the boy on the right drag their other friend towards where I stand.
"Anything to stop the bleeding," the boy on the right says softly.
"What's his name?" I ask neither of them in particular, but they both answer the same thing. Seungmin.
I nod, reaching into my bag. That damn army surplus store had everything, because I'm able to pull out a roll of gauze and my bottle of water out of my bag, along with a salt shaker that I picked up somewhere. I dump most of the salt into my water bottle, and lean over Seungmin so that he can see my face.
"Hi, Seungmin. My name's Y/N. I'm gonna help you, okay?"
Seungmin nods slightly, sucking in sharply at the movement.
Gently, I pour the saline solution over the wound on Seungmin's stomach. He hisses in pain, and the boy who had been on the right wrings his hands together. "Do you know what you're doing?"
"I know enough," I say.
"That's really fucking reassuring," Seungmin grunts from below me.
I now press the gauze down on the wound, earning a curse from the wounded boy, and turn to the other two. "Do either of you have a cloth or something I could wrap around this?"
Both of the other boys scrambled to open their bags.
"Here." The boy on the right says, tossing a maroon T-shirt at me. It was damp, but not fully wet, so it would be fine over the gauze. "We both used our shirts to stop the bleeding before," the boy then continues to explain.
Ah. That explains why they're shirtless.
I wrap the shirt tightly around Seungmin's abdomen, and he winces in pain as I do so.
"That's the best I can do until I have better supplies. I can look when it's light out. He'll be okay for now, though," I tell his friends, who both let out breaths of relief.
"Thank you." The boy on the right says, and I can now get a better look at all them.
The boy who just spoke is the tallest. His hair is sweaty, but a dark brown color, and he has pretty features.
The right boy, however, is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He has freckles dancing across his cheeks, and dyed blue hair that falls nicely around his face. As I drag my eyes up and down his body, I note his toned muscles and nice physique. And, even in the apocalypse, he has earrings in.
I peel my eyes back towards the fire, realizing I've been staring.
The three of us sit in silence for a while, looking at the fire between us. Larry has calmed down now - presently, he's lying next to Seungmin, with his head resting on the injured boy's thighs. Seungmin himself is asleep, covered by a combination of my jacket and a bundle of newspapers that one of the other boys found in his pack, for whatever reason.
It takes me a while to talk to either of them just sitting there, watching the flames arabesque into the air and die moments after.
"What's your name?" I finally ask to neither of them in particular. The boy on the left was the one who answered, as expected.
"Minho," he says. "Lee Minho is my name. This is Lee Felix."
Minho shook his head. "Close enough to be though."
"How'd you guys meet?" I couldn't help but be curious about the three of them - and why they had stumbled across me of all people.
Minho sighed. "Chan."
"Chan. He brought us all together."
"We started with eight," Felix tells me, and I notice his Australian accent. I must have missed it before. "Now it's just us." He looks down at the ground.
"Five of you are-" I start, but Minho cuts me off.
"Dead, yeah. Hyunjin died first, then Changbin. Chan died around two weeks ago, and Jeongin right after him. We tried to save Jisung . . ."
"He died yesterday," Felix says softly. "Same attack Seungmin got hurt in." His jaw is tense as he speaks, and I can tell it's a touchy subject for both of them. "What about you?" His face softens a little as he looks up at me, and I shrug.
"My grandparents. My dad died when I was a kid, and my mom left me, so they're who I was living with when this whole thing happened. My grandmother died a few days in. My grandfather died almost three weeks ago."
"I'm sorry," Felix says, and I suddenly feel bad for not saying I was sorry about his friends.
"Don't be. They starved me, hit me. You know, fun stuff."
"I'm sorry," Felix repeats, softly this time.
"Tell me about them."
Minho and Felix both look at me. Minho's eyes are red, like he's holding back tears, but not doing a good job of hiding it.
"Your friends, I mean. Unless you don't want to-"
"No, yeah." Felix glances over at Minho, who just looks around a little, as if indicating he didn't want to talk. "Chan, the guy who brought us all together, he was an Aussie. Like me." He smiles a little, but it fades just as soon as it begins. He has a pretty smile. "He liked music. A lot. Had two little siblings before. Then, uh, Changbin. He was really fucking short. He got up to work out every morning too. God, he was so annoying about working out."
I find myself smiling a little, and laughing quietly along with Felix as he tells me about his old friends. Minho looks a little better, even looking up when Felix started talking about Jisung.
"He and Minho were really close," Felix finishes with, eyes flitting over to Minho, who smiles sadly.
Sensing that the topic was over, Felix then turns and scratches Larry behind his ear. "How'd you find him?"
I tell them the story of Larry. They laugh at his name. I smile. This cycle continues for most of the night, sharing stories and laughter that gets increasingly louder into the early hours of the morning, before Minho announces that we should get at least a few hours of sleep before traveling the next day. It was as if an unspoken agreement had passed between us - we would travel together from now on.
"Are you cold?" Felix asks me, glancing down at my jacket over Seungmin. I didn't mind giving it to him, but it did leave me in only a tank top and a pair of shorts. Nonetheless, I shook my head.
"The fire's still going, I'm fine."
Felix shakes his head. "Come here, we can all keep each other warm."
"Really, I'm fine." As inviting as his tanned chest is for me to curl up against, I insist on staying on the opposite side of the fire.
"He's really fucking stubborn," Minho says as he lies down. "Just do it."
"Are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomf-"
Felix rolls his eyes. "I can promise you, I'm not and I won't be. Come here."
"What if you guys are fucking psycho, and you kill me in the middle of the night or something?"
"I could kill you just as easily next to me as I could two feet away from you," Felix says. "You're actually less likely to die if you come over here. Cause like, you could freeze."
Finally, I give in, and make my way over to Felix, who smiles at me as I lie next to him.
"Are you gonna punch me if I put my arms around you?"
"I'll take those odds."
I feel his arms wrap around my waist, and the front of his body presses against the back of mine, molding me against him. He's right - I'm a lot warmer with him. His face rests against the back of my neck, and I move my hair so that it's not in his face.
"You can keep it there if you'd like," he says quietly.
"Lix, why aren't you cuddling me?" I hear Minho complain from the other side of him.
"Cause you have a full fucking jacket with you, Minho. I'm not cuddling her, we're staying warm." Felix doesn't speak loudly, his low voice tickling against my bare shoulder blade. "Are you comfortable?" He then asks me, shifting his grip around my waist.
"Yeah, it's fine," I tell him, not wanting to admit that I never want to leave his embrace.
The next morning, Felix and I get up to go find more in-depth medical supplies for Seungmin, while Minho waits with Seungmin at the campsite. Larry waits with them, having found a newfound love for the latter of the two, who he now refuses to leave the side of. So much for loyalty, but I don't really mind.
As we searched, Felix and I got to know each other better. He was nineteen years old, and I was eighteen. He had been a hip-hop dancer, and I had been a volleyball player. His lifelong dream had been to open a cafe in Seoul, where he could visit Chan, who was to become a producer for JYP Entertainment there, every day.
I felt bad for him. Within the span of a couple months, Felix had lost everyone in his life - his parents, his two sisters, five of his best friends, along with any shot he had at achieving that dream of his.
"I like baking," he had explained to me when talking about the cafe. Then, letting out a breathy laugh, he said, "I'll make you some of my world-famous brownies when we get somewhere safe. They're so good, zombies would probably try to eat them instead of us."
I shook my head at that, but smiled to myself anyways.
We kept at that for a few hours, until we were sure we had found enough supplies to take care of him. We went back to the camp, and treated him.
In fact, this is how the next few months looked. Taking turns finding supplies, getting to know each other better, Seungmin healing, and building more of a home than a camp in that abandoned warehouse that I had first expected to only stay a night in.
The warehouse, we figured out, had been used to make candy before, so there were tons of boxes of candy that had been stacked against one wall and abandoned. Other than that, the warehouse and the room overlooking it were empty.
All four of us (plus Larry) had created a makeshift shared bedroom in the overlooking room. Since the first night, I slept with Felix's chest pressed against my back and his arms looped around my waist almost every night, so there were only three beds - really only mattresses with random blankets on them - in the room.
Felix and I have also gotten much closer lately. In fact, all of us have. Seungmin, who is now fully recovered, Minho, Felix, (Larry), and I have become sort of a group, I guess you could call it.
Which is why I was surprised when I heard Minho and Felix talking one day, coming back from looking for supplies with Seungmin. I started to say something to him as I walked up the stairs, but he grabbed my shoulder, covering my mouth with his hand quickly. He let go of my shoulder, making a listen motion by tapping his ear.
"You should just say something," Minho was saying.
"And what, fuck up everything here? Things are great. We haven't been attacked in three days, she sleeps in bed with me every night, and-"
"It doesn't matter. If you have feelings, you shouldn't just keep them inside. Especially if you're sleeping in bed with her every night. That's actually fucked up if you don't tell her. She has no idea that someone who thinks about her - sexually - is sleeping with a dick next to her every night."
"That doesn't even make sense. Plus, I think she knows I have a dick."
"Maybe I chopped it off."
Seungmin rolled his eyes, and I choked back a giggle.
"Can you not?"
"I'm just saying. I just caught you jerking off and saying-" Minho is cut off by Larry, who runs over to the door and pushes it open at that very moment.
Seungmin quickly drops his hand from my mouth, and I straighten my back, as though we had just come up the stairs.
"You're back," Felix says.
Seungmin tosses our bag of supplies on the ground. "Matches, canned food, band-aids, and a few other things."
Minho nods, picking up a few of the supplies and starting to put them away.
"I'm gonna take a walk," I declare after a moment.
Minho looks up. "Do you want one of us to come with you?"
I shake my head. "I'm alright by myself. I won't be gone for long."
That's what I said. Little did I know, I would be gone for three hours. Then six.
It was almost dark out by the time Seungmin and Larry found me. I was lying in the middle of the road, a huge gash drawn diagonally across my abdomen.
I was out cold when he laid me down on mine and Felix's bed, and I didn't wake up until three days later.
When I did, Felix was beside me. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, wringing his hands together. My shirt was pushed up so that my stomach was exposed. When I looked down, it was wrapped in a white bandage.
"Felix?" I say, my voice deep and raspy. I move to sit up and groan, my stomach throbbing.
He looks up, his face pinched, and sighs, his entire body visibly relaxing. "You're up. How do you feel?"
I throw my head back against my pillow, groaning. "Horrible. What happened?"
"Seungmin found you," he says. "There was so much blood, Y/N . . . We thought you might have been dead."
"I can't remember anything that happened. Was I bitten?"
"Not that we could find. Seungmin thought someone might have jumped you, or you just got hurt some other way."
"How long was I out?"
"Three days. You needed the rest."
"How long have you been there?"
"Also three days."
I close my eyes. "Seungmin? Minho?"
"They're getting supplies. They sit with you whenever they're here. They just left though, it'll be a few hours before they're back. How bad does it hurt?"
I shake my head. "Too much. I can move though. I'll be okay."
We were both quiet for a little while.
Then, with a sudden surge of confidence, I say, "I heard you and Minho talking."
"Before I went on the walk. Before Seungmin and I walked in."
"What did you hear us talking about?"
I stay quiet. Do I really want to let Felix know that I heard him and Minho talking about him jerking off?
"Oh." Felix sighs, and I finally open my eyes to look at him. His hair is held in a half-up, half-down that suits him well. He looks hot. "That's what you heard."
I nod. "Felix, do you really think about me? When you . . . you know."
"Touch myself?"
I swallow hard. "Yeah."
"I think about you all the time," he says, dark eyes boring into my face. "I'm obsessed with you."
"But you think about me like that?"
"Like what? Like I wanna fuck you?"
"Well, yeah."
"Obviously. I wouldn't be moaning your name while I came if I didn't."
"Jesus, Lix, can you not be so blunt?"
"You were the one who asked." He shrugs. "You already heard me talking about it anyways."
"And Minho knows?"
He nods.
Felix nods again.
"Do you want to fuck me now?"
"What happened to not being so blunt?" He laughs.
"Yeah, I do."
I stare at him for a moment. "You really do?"
He's shy all of a sudden. "Yeah."
"Fuck me then."
"You're hurt."
"I feel fine."
"You just said you felt horrible."
"Felix." I reach out, grabbing his hand. "I feel great. I just want you to touch me."
"Yeah?" The shyness fades, and I can see his eyes glint. "You really want me to?"
I nod.
Felix stands so that he's hovering next to me. "You're so pretty," he says quietly, leaning in towards me. He pauses, lips just inches away from mine. "But you're hurt."
"Felix," I say, reaching for his lips, but he pushes me gently back down against the mattress.
"I know, love. Soon."
I roll my eyes at him. "What happened to being obsessed with me?"
"I am." His thumb is tracing across my lower lip, applying the slightest bit of pressure so that it moves a little as he does. "I also don't want you to get even more hurt."
I sigh. "You're probably right."
"I am."
"Why are you so fucking cocky?"
He shrugs. "Do you want anything to eat? I bet you're hungry."
I nod. "I can get it. Can you help me up?"
"Of course," he says. "What do you want me to do?"
"Just stand there so I can hold onto you." I carefully stand, gripping Felix's left bicep as I do so, keeping myself from tipping over.
"You lost a lot of blood," Felix tells me. "That's why you're so dizzy."
"Oh," is all I respond with, too concentrated to really care.
I stumble a little, and Felix's arm shoots out to catch me, looping around my waist.
"I got it. Get off me."
"I think you should lie back down," he says gently. "Just rest a little longer. I'll get you something." He helps me back down on the makeshift bed, and crosses the room to get an apple for me.
He holds it out to me, but I'm already asleep again by the time he's back.
It has now been six months since my injury. I'm fully healed, and back in action. The boys still don't like me going outside by myself, so one of them comes with me everywhere I go.
It's annoying sometimes, but sometimes it's also endearing. The four of us have become a sort of makeshift family, relying on Minho as the mom, Seungmin like a little brother, and Felix . . .
I still want him to rail me into oblivion.
Since that first day that I woke up, neither of us have said anything about that conversation. His hair is different now after growing out some, still vibrant blue, just the roots are now black. It's a good look on him.
Presently, it's early in the morning. Minho and I are sitting at the door to the warehouse, waiting for any sign that Felix, Seungmin, and Larry are back.
Minho holds a baseball bat at his side, nails driven through one end so spikes stick out from all sides. I turn a knife over in my hand nervously, waiting.
"It's three a.m.," Minho states, looking at his watch. "They've officially been gone for twelve hours."
"They're not dead," I say forcefully. "They probably just found a horde or something and had to go the long way."
"The long way doesn't take twelve hours to go around."
"Can you not be so fucking negative?" I turn to Minho, glaring at him.
"Y/N." He says my name calmly, like an adult would to a little kid. "Do you want to go rest? I can wake you up when they're back."
I shake my head. "Do you want to rest? You look like shit, Min."
He shakes his head too. "I'll sleep when they're back."
It's another hour before we finally hear something at the door. Minho has been drifting asleep, but shoots awake when he hears.
Seungmin is yelling outside, banging on the door. "LET US THE FUCK IN YOU MOTHER FUCKERS."
I jump up, holding up my knife, and Minho opens the door quickly. Felix, Seungmin, and Larry all burst through the door. Seungmin catapults to the ground, where he sits breathing heavily. Felix launches into my arms, throwing himself around me and knocking both of us to the ground.
"Fuck," I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck. Felix's hand covered the back of my head when we fell, so the damage is minimal, but it still hurts a little.
As they do this, Minho slams the door shut again. "How many fucking zombies did you guys attract?"
Neither boy answers for a minute. Seungmin lies on the ground, eyes closed, and Felix keeps himself practically attached to me, face buried in the crook of my neck. Finally, he pries himself off me onto the ground next to me and says, "We went a little further out of the city than we expected. Got caught in a freak storm and went the wrong way for a couple hours. Then we turned around, and attracted half the zombies within a ten-mile radius right here."
Minho looks like he wants to hit him. "You what?"
"We had nothing else to do," Seungmin says. "We tried losing them. We tried killing them. Felix is exaggerating, there's probably only twenty or thirty of them out there."
"Twenty or thirty zombies is enough to kill us easy," I point out.
"You're so helpful, thank you Y/N."
"So what do we do now?" Felix asks.
"We have to wait it out." Minho sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Until they leave, or something distracts them."
I groan. "That could take days."
"Then we wait for days. I would rather sit in here and be bored than be out there and get eaten alive."
"We should take watches," Seungmin tells us. "Two at a time. We can keep each other awake."
"Seungmin, Lix, you guys should go sleep first." I look over at the two of them. "You've been out and about for a while."
"I'm fine," Seungmin says. "Felix stayed awake while I rested during the storm when we took shelter. I'll stay down here. Which of you guys wants to rest?"
"You go," I tell Minho.
He rolls his eyes. "I drank so much coffee earlier, I wouldn't be able to sleep if I tried."
We argued back and forth for a minute, but finally, I gave in, and followed Felix up the stairs to the bedroom.
"Let me fix your cuts first." I hold out the first aid kit to Felix, who takes it from me and sets it on the floor.
I set to work on his body first, having him take his shirt off so that I can clean and bandage the wounds on his back and stomach.
"Hey, Y/N," he says as I'm covering one of his shoulder blades with a bandage. "Where'd all of your scars come from?"
"A while ago, when you were injured. I, uh, I took off your shirt, to check for bite marks. Your back had so many scars."
"They're all from different things."
"Like what?"
"My family."
He's quiet for a minute, so I break the silence.
"Where'd you get this?" I trace one of my fingers over a scar that reaches from the back of his neck to the middle of his back. It was faint, and you could have missed it if you weren't looking carefully.
He shivers a little as my hand follows the scar, and I relish in the motion. "Don't know the guy who gave it to me," he says after a minute. "Jumped me in an alleyway when I was nine. Killed my sister, and did that to me."
"I'm so sorry, Lix."
He turns, catching my hands in his as I try to apologize further. "Don't be. It was a long time ago. It's okay. Plus, it looks cool right? I'm a total badass."
I laugh. "A total badass who's scared of cockroaches."
"They're fucking creepy." Felix makes eye contact with me, tilting his head a little. "Can I kiss you?"
"What, are cockroaches turning you on?"
"Shut up, Y/N," he mumbles, lips connecting with mine.
His body molds against mine almost perfectly. He pushes me backwards, sitting up so that he's kneeling over me while I sit up on my elbows, lips staying together the entire time.
It doesn't take long for him to break the kiss, scrambling to pull of his shirt. I grab his wrist as he does so, stopping him. "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna fuck you."
I pause. "You're hurt."
He tongues the inside of his cheek, looking down at me through half-lidded eyes. "I'm definitely not hurt as bad as you were."
"Yeah, well-"
He cuts me off, covering my mouth with his hand. His fingers grip my chin a little as he does so, and he finishes pulling off his shirt with the other hand. He then pauses himself. "Can I fuck you?"
"Since you asked so nicely . . ."
Felix wastes no time in kissing me again. I reach up, feeling up his abs and outlining them with my fingers.
He shivers, and I relish in the fact that it's me who's making him feel like this.
Felix moves to my neck, sucking hickeys into my skin, and I moan out loud. He covers my mouth with his hand, pausing his ministrations to make eye contact with me. "We need to be quiet."
I pause. "What if they hear?"
"They won't. We'll just be quiet." He moves his hand, leaning down to kiss me again, one hand fumbling with getting my shorts down.
I help him slide them off, gasping when he uses his thumb to wipe a stripe up my lower lips.
Felix hums, moving his face away from mine to watch my expression change. "I keep imagining the pretty sounds you make, but I had no idea it'd be like that."
"You like it?" I manage out, holding onto the arm thats gently touching me.
"I don't think I could ever get tired of hearing you." Suddenly his finger is inside me. His. Finger. Is. Inside. Me.
"Oh fuck," I say softly, jolting forward and holding his arm harder. "Fuck, Felix."
"I haven'y even started yet, love, and you're already a mess."
I look up at him. He's watching me with lidded eyes, taking in every contortion of my face, every breathy moan that slips through my lips.
I find my hips grinding against his hand, searching for anything other than his stilled finger. Slowly, he pushes in further, continuing to scan my face for my reaction. When he's finally knuckle-deep, he curls his finger, scraping against the walls of my core. I gasp again at the sensation, leaning my head back. "Felix," I choke out.
"Please fucking do something."
He smiles, his finger leaving me and shooting back in. I groan, lips parted as I watch his own face. He finger fucks me, leaning down so that he's close to my cunt, watching his finger move in and out.
"Can I taste you?" he mumbles, kissing lightly along the inside of my thigh.
"Yes, please, fuck," you mutter incoherently. I feel his lips close around my clit, sucking lightly as he continues to move his finger in and out, adding another one. His tongue darts out, circling my clit and pressing lightly on it.
He hums against me. "So sweet. Never wanna stop."
You breathe shakily in response, feeling your imminent high incoming. "I'm-I'm gonna-" I don't even get out the rest of the words before I'm spasming around his fingers, throwing my head back and moaning. His fingers leave my core, one hand flattening my hips back against the mattress and the other reaching up to cover my mouth. His own lips still don't leave my clit, sucking and licking.
"One more, love," he says. "Give me one more."
Maybe three minutes later, I'm cumming again, just as hard as before.
After the second orgasm caused by his tongue, I push Felix's head away, groaning as he leaves little kisses along my legs, then moves back up to my lips. I can taste myself on him - he's right. I do taste sweet.
Felix looks like he's painfully hard, cock straining against his cargo pants. Felix finally rids me of my top, which is followed by the removal of his own pair of pants. We're now fully exposed to each other, and we pause, taking a moment to admire the other's beautiful body.
"Fuck me," I mutter softly.
"You look fucked out, love. Want me to stop here?"
"If you stop right now I'll feed you to the zombies outside."
He laughs, a rumbling chuckle. "Suit yourself, darling." Before I can even respond, he's pushing into me, all the way to the base, where his pelvis meets mine.
We both moan out, and he buries his face into my neck, kissing it gently. "You feel so good. Addictive."
I need my mouth around something - anything. I think I might actually die if I don't get something in my mouth. Before I can even think straight, my teeth are closing over Felix's toned bicep, biting down hard.
He groans, and I can't tell if it's from pain or pleasure. Either way, he's moving now, thrusting lightly into me, as if afraid I might break. Then, suddenly, he's switching it up, going hard and fast. My arms reach around him and I let my hands trail down his back, fingernails digging into his skin. It's not long before he begins to falter, and his grip on my hips tighten. He groans into my neck, murmuring something nonsensical about cumming.
"Do it inside," I say, breathing hard. "Inside, inside."
"Felix, I'm gonna cum again." My hips shoot up against his, and I throw my head back. Suddenly I'm orgasming hard, as though a freight train has slammed headfirst into me. My walls are fluttering around Felix, and I hear him muttering something before I feel him cum too, his seed spilling out inside of me.
Felix collapses on top of me, holding me close. We stay like that for a moment, breathing deeply and trying to slow our heart rates before he pulls out of me and rolls off to lie next to me.
Felix smiles, fingers playing with my hair. I turn onto my side, wincing as my pelvis presses into the mattress. I glance down, and notice two purple-shaded hand prints pressed into my skin.
"Sorry," he mumbles against my cheek, arms tightening around me.
"I like them. They're pretty."
"You think so?"
I hum yes, eyes closed.
"Maybe I should leave them more often. It's not like you didn't mark me up plenty."
I open my eyes to find that he's sat up, turning around. His back is covered in scratches from what I can only assume are my fingernails, and when he turns to show me his bicep, I can see cuts where my teeth broke the skin.
"I'm sorry," you say quietly, feeling bad.
He shakes his head, repeating the words you said earlier. "I like them. They're pretty."
"Maybe I should leave them more often," you say, repeating his response.
"I'm so obsessed with you, Y/N."
"You're constantly in my head. I can't get you out." Felix turns to look at me. "But I don't know if I'd ever want to."
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mxstball · 9 months
[Ragnarök] My Greatest Work
Serena and Artemis were following Nergal along Route 12 and to Azure Bay. Nergal said that she wanted to show them both something that she found special to her, but the duo was still concerned about any retaliation. So, they all reached the Dragon's Lair in Azure Bay and onto one of the islands. It was just remote enough to be a little private, but just in the open enough for there to be witnesses for whatever would happen.
Throughout their trip, Artemis was continually skeptical. She had recalled all of her cells in secret, and even gave the other cores time to say goodbye temporarily. She didn't expect to be gone long, but she needed to be extra prepared in case Nergal tried something.
When the trio were settled, Serena spoke first. "I think this is a good spot, or did you need more room for whatever this thing that you wanted to show us is?"
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Nergal shook her head and turned to look at the duo. "No, I think that this is enough." Nergal smiled at the duo. "Thank you for doing this for me."
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Zygarde nodded. "Serena wishes to give you this chance, so I will simply accompany her." She was making her feelings on the matter clear.
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Serena turned to Artemis. "Thank you, Arty. It's always good to give someone a second chance, right?"
Artemis nodded. ...Even if the 'someone' has a record of being distinctly horrid.
Nergal smiled. "Now, I would like to start our new friendship as an... exchange. I would like to show you each my greatest work; however, there is something... that I must request for you to do. Something that would be... quite beneficial I believe for Zygarde especially?" Nergal smirked at Artemis.
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Artemis REALLY didn't like where this was going. "That will depend on the task, Nergal. Don't think that just because you and Heidi are together, that means that I will suddenly trust the task without thinking."
Nergal shook her head. "Oh, please. If you did, that wouldn't be fun at all, dearest~. Anyway, there are some items within my greatest work that I would like to be gathered from you, Zygarde. It would serve in both of our interests, and of a mutual friend's interest as well."
"...." Artemis glared.
"So, we're just picking a few things up?" Serena tilted her head. "Will we be safe in this exchange, Nergal?"
Nergal nodded sagely. "Oh! Yes, of course. I will personally ensure that you are unharmed, of course! I would not want for this region to be at such a risk without its champion and guardian deity, of course."
The two looked at each other. Both of them were nervous, and Artemis especially didn't like where this was going, but trusting in Serena was all that she could do. Serena, on the other hand, was a little more trusting, but even she knew that there was always one thing more than meets the eye when it came to Nergal. When the two turned back to look at Nergal, the air was stagnant, as if the very world was waiting for their answer.
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"...Alright, Nergal. We accept, but please keep us safe. Zygarde and I have gone through enough."
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Nergal nodded. "Of course! Of course...." Nergal's eyes started to glow as the very reality around the three of them quickly started to shift.
It was time to show the duo her greatest achievement.
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