#welfare department
if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"LABOR GROUP PLANS CONTINUED PROTEST TO CITY AND OTTAWA," Toronto Globe. August 4, 1933. Page 9. --- Labor Representative's Inclusion on Relief Commission Urged -- RAIL WORKERS BACKED --- At last night's meeting of the Toronto District Trades and Labor Council in the Labor Temple, the delegates decided unanimously "to continue to protest" alike to Mayor Stewart and the City Council "at the non-inclusion of a representative of organized labor on the Civic Commission inquiring into relief and welfare work in Toronto," and also to the Federal Minister of Railways and Labor in Ottawa "in regard to railway workers being asked to bear an undue proportion of the load arising out of the shrinking transportation revenues on Canadian railways." Described as "Deadwood." In the latter connecton, Delegate A. Evans, Ontario Lodge, 619, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, drew attention to the fact that "during the depression years there have been over 23, railway workers put out of service, and the wages of those retained reduced by 1 per cent., many of whom are working part-time. A recent newspaper cartoon dealing with that situation intimated that the systems were getting rid of that much 'dead-wood." Apparently the welfare of those workers takes second place to that of the bond holders and the preferred shares. These economies may or may not have been effective, but certainly they have reduced the purchasing power of the people."
Vice-President Dan Noble supplemented that statement and declared: "The position of rail shopmen today is something like that of certain firms in Toronto, to whom Mayor Stewart referred recently, when he pointed cut that the wage-levels were deplorable that, if not raised, the Control Board might have to name them, in the light of the fact that the Welfare Department felt compelled to permit certain employees to continue to draw relief supplies, in addition to their wages. "If care is not taken," concluded delegate Noble, "the railway mechanics will be in a similar plight."
Musical Group to March. John Sutherland, of the Demon--- on the forthcoming annual Labor Day Parade, intimating that a fifty-piece band of the Musical Protective Association will march this year. In same connection, delegate Charles Bal stated: "It should be distinctly understood that this annual parade is conducted by the international trade unions of this city; that the marchers are headed by the Mayor and the civic authorities: and that we will tolerate no contact of any kind what-ever with Communist or near-Communist groups that are not native to nor will they thrive on Canadian soil."
Applause greeted this latter assertion.
Three delegates to the forthcoming Labor Congress of Canada (Windsor) are to represent the Trades Council.
The pre-delegate expenses must not exceed an aggregate of $100, and the representatives will be chosen next meeting from the following nominees: W. Genovese, J. W. Buckley,J. Noble, D. W. Kennedy, C. Locks,C. Ball. W. Dunn, J. Jenkinson, and E. E. Woollen.
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typhlonectes · 6 months
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awarmshrine · 1 month
Other disabled people who can't work say it with me:
My life has value even if I'm not employed!
The things I can do still matter!
Managing a disability or health condition takes a lot of energy and labour!
I'm allowed to be tired even if I don't have a job!
I did not 'game the system' - my struggles are real!
Okay that's all, love to all my disabled community 💗
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realasslesbian · 10 months
Personal but: tomorrow I gotta call my neurologist's office and ask them to transfer my medical record to my doctor, so that he can sign off on my disability pension, and I can't wait to hear what excuse I'm going to get for why they cannot perform this basic fucking task. It's gonna be like "actually because we write our medical records on circle-shaped paper we're unable to scan it into normal square-shaped paper format, so that's why we can't transfer your medical record, guess you'll just have to choose between death by seizure or death by starvation uwu". And I know anyone reading this will be thinking I'm just being silly and dramatic and to that I say: tune in tomorrow and find out lmao
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govpubsfinds · 22 days
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Published in 1976 by the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Welfare Administration, this Children’s Bureau and the Division of Accident Prevention guide was created to advise teenagers on how to safely care for children when taking on the role of babysitter.
“This handbook touches on only a few of the many important matters that a person has to know about if he wants to take good care of children. As a future parent, it’s not too early for you to begin learning more about what makes children tick, how to make a good home for them, and how to handle special problems of childhood.”
Kraft, I. (1964). When teenagers take care of children: a guide for babysitters. [Washington]: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Welfare Administration, Children's Bureau; [for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govt. Print. Off..
Also on HathiTrust at this link.
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feckcops · 1 year
Why the trope of the benefit “scrounger” has returned
“Everything is dark. A siren yelps, drums kick in, police in riot helmets march up a stairwell, and a man – his head out of shot – zips up a black stab vest marked ‘DWP’.
“It’s Tom Pursglove, a Tory minister of the Matt Hancock aesthetic (Foxtons Tintin), tabard strapped over his suit, standing beside a tree. Brow furrowed, he quasi-quotes Liam Neeson’s ex-CIA maverick in the 2008 film Taken: ‘We will track you down. We will find you. And we will bring you to justice.’ ...
“This is the Department for Work and Pensions’ latest campaign warning against welfare fraud. It was tweeted from the department’s account last Thursday morning, with a take-on-Taken caption: ‘At DWP we have a very particular set of skills that we use in conjunction with the police to tackle fraud.’
“The focus on benefit cheats is disproportionate to the reality. Fraud amounted to just 3 per cent of welfare payments in 2020-21, or £6.5bn. This looks even less significant when you compare it with tax fraud: the ‘tax gap’ between what is owed and what is collected (of which fraud is a large part) is at 5.1 per cent, costing the government £42bn a year. Fraudulent Covid loans, meanwhile, cost the UK £17bn – most of which the government does not expect to recover.”
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liberty-spiked · 1 year
my future co-apprentice is a little bitch that doesnt know how close he was to getting wrecked.
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
Excerpt from this story from Nation of Change:
These two high-profile cases graphically illustrate how the USDA continues to drag its heels instead of jumping into action to protect animals from immense and avoidable suffering. AWI and other animal advocacy organizations have long documented the department’s inexcusable failure to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, the primary federal law intended to afford basic protections to certain animals that are bred for commercial sale.
The AWA applies to animal dealers, breeders, exhibitors, handlers, and carriers in addition to research laboratories, and sets minimum standards of care that must be provided for animals—including housing, handling, sanitation, food, water, veterinary care, and protection from extreme weather. The law covers warm-blooded species, but expressly excludes mice, rats, and birds bred for research, as well as most farm animals.
It is the responsibility of the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service administrator, its animal care officials, and its general counsel to urgently act on inspectors’ disturbing reports of cruelty, seize animals in need of rescue, and ensure that such appalling mistreatment doesn’t continue. The situation has reached a tipping point.
From 2016 to 2020 (while former President Donald Trump was in office), there was a 67 percent drop in the number of AWA inspections where citations were documented, according to AWI’s research. New investigations plunged by nearly 90 percent during this period. In a July 2021 article about Moulton Chinchilla Ranch, National Geographic pointed out that the USDA under the Trump administration had been hamstrung when it came to enforcing animal welfare law. But the USDA’s failure to adequately enforce the AWA predates the Trump administration and has persisted for decades, as National Geographic later reported in October 2021.
It is clear that there needs to be political will to ensure that the USDA will stop allowing facilities to remain persistently and egregiously out of compliance with the AWA regulations and start taking action sooner—not merely when a case becomes highly publicized. In May 2021, U.S. Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois reintroduced the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act, which would protect animals from unscrupulous dealers and exhibitors and close existing loopholes in the USDA’s licensing process that endanger animals and allow chronic violators to escape punishment. These violators include marine theme parks, roadside zoos, and exotic wildlife operations such as the infamous Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park featured in the Netflix series “Tiger King,” which has now been closed to the public.
Additionally, legislation introduced in December 2021 by Iowa Representative Cindy Axne would require USDA inspectors to document and report all AWA violations, confiscate suffering animals, and impose penalties against dog dealers. The bill has been named Goldie’s Act in memory of a golden retriever who was one of the hundreds of dogs neglected and abused at Gingerich’s USDA-licensed facility.
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lettersfromlcorp · 2 years
AHAHAWWW narae, I think it’s very sweet that salamander saved you! after all I…don’t really think it’s easy to get out by yourself. i mean, knowing you, you could have done it, but still.
Exactly! I could’ve done it myself…Once I woke up. I swear the manager arranged this because of course out of everyone it’d be the kid who stole the title of Disciplinary captain from me.
And even worse, ever since that whole incident they think we’re suddenly friends. Like, hey now, I’m not suddenly absolving you of everything you stole from me because you saved me from some manager’s dumb experiment. Why they’re so nice to me even though I keep trying to get the message across that they’re dead to me is a mystery.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"FEAR OTTAWA ENDING GRANTS FOR RELIEF," Toronto Star. May 9, 1933. Page 28. ---- Controllers Alarmed; Ask Laver to Investigate New Policy Rumor ----- Welfare Commissioner A. W. Laver was asked by board of control today to investigate the authenticity of a report from Ottawa to the effect the Dominion government was about to start on a program of paring down grants for unemployment relief at a rate that will practically abolish all assistance by the late summer.
"If it is so," said Mayor Stewart,' I think we will have to ask for an audience with the prime minister. After all, we are not a gold mine."
But Soo Seeks More Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., May 9. - Mayor James Lyons, City Treasurer C. W. McCrea and W. G. Atkin, chairman of the welfare board, have been appointed a committee to visit the Ontario government regarding a greater measure of relief. The city now pays 25 per cent. and may ask the government to assume 100 per cent. of the relief costs, although the mayor contends this would be practically going into bankruptcy.
Mr. Lyons declared to-day the government should adopt a more uniform relief policy, while aldermen claim the city is martrying itself to practise economy "while other municipalities get the benefit." The council has adopted the payment of relief rents effective May 1, whereby landlords will receive each month up to 1-1/2 the current taxes for relief rents, providing the amount does not exceed 40 per cent. the government deadline on necessities.
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Fililipino Diaspora Mass Migration / Immigration Plan year 2100 - Operation One Piece as part of the Bagong Pilipinas and Filipinas Ultramar
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Filipino Diaspora from the Philippines will become the Biggest Diaspora in the WORLD by Year 2100.
 IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines; and IF China Occupies Manila, Philippines will IMMEDIATELY Send 60 Million Filipinos like Filipino Migrants / Filipino Immigrants, Filipino Settlers, Filipino Asylum Seekers, Filipino Refugees and Filipino Exiles or 60% of the 120 Million - 200 Million Philippine Population to going Overseas throughout the World like Oceania, Americas and Europe via the Pacific Ocean (and Atlantic Ocean by Panama Canal) by building a "60 MILLION MASSIVE PACIFIC OCEAN SHIPPING PINOY IMMIGRANT ARMADA" in 100,000 Ships, 200,000 Planes and 5 Million Vehicles to be added to existing 12 Million Overseas Filipinos. The Filipinos are NOT JOKING AROUND. The Global Filipino Diaspora will / must increase from 12 Million Overseas Filipinos into a 72 MILLION OVERSEAS FILIPINOS within 5 years!!! The Global Filipino Diaspora of 12 Million to 72 Million Overseas Filipinos and Foreigners / Mestizos with Filipino Ancestry will SEEK REVENGE / will AVENGE THE PHILIPPINES by Making the 50 Million Overseas Pure-Blooded CCP Chinese (INTSIK / TSEKWA) including Chinese Immigrants, Chinese Tourists, Chinese Agents, Chinese Students, Chinese Spies, Overseas Chinese United Fronts, Chinese Triads, Overseas Chinese Police Station Personnel, Chinese Propagandists, Chinese CCP Officials, Macau Officials, Hong Kong Officials, Chinese Diplomats and Chinese Bussimen with their children, family and relatives living Overseas / Abroad / outside China, Pro-China Communists, Pro-China Leftists, Pro-China Socialists, Maoists, Pro-China Marxists, Zionists, Pro-China Propagandists, Pro-China Informants, Anti-Filipino Capitalists, ANTIFA Anarchists and Abortionists around the World will "VANISHED FOR GOOD" and will PAY in "GOLD AND BLOOD" in Overseas POGROMS as parts of the Future GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA WARS.
The 72 Million Filipino Diaspora WILL MAKE the 50 Million Overseas Chinese (INTSIK / TSEKWA), 30 Million Overseas Russians (BATNIK) and 8 Million Jews (DUGYOT) to PAY the WHOLE COST and Expenses of Mass Immigration and Permanent Resettlement at the "NEW FILIPINO HOMELANDS" or the "BAGONG PILIPINAS" Abroad along the Synchronization of the "FILIPINAS ULTRAMAR" Policy in United States (California [The City Los Angeles will become "NEW MANILA" of the Americas / New World. The Los Angeles County will become the "NEW METRO MANILA". The Southern California will become the "NEW MEGA MANILA".], Oregon, Washington, Alaska, New York, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, Texas, Florida and Hawaii), Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan), Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria), New Zealand, Mexico (Colima, Michoacan, Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas), Britain, Portugal, Spain, France, El Salvador, Hispaniola, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador of more than 60 Million Filipinos / or 60% of the Whole Philippine Population at the Wake of the Chinese Invasion of the Philippines / Chinese Occupation of Manila in "GOLD and BLOOD".
The 60 Million Filipinos Going Overseas within less than 5 Years IF China Invades the Philippines / If China Occupies Manila Formula:
Australia 🇦🇺 - 3 Million Filipinos (23 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
New Zealand 🇳🇿 - 1 Million Filipinos (10 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Canada 🇨🇦 - 3 Million Filipinos (25 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Mexico 🇲🇽 - 2 Million Filipinos (60 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Latin America and Caribbean - 10 Million Filipinos / or 20 Million Filipinos (200 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
United States of America US/USA 🇺🇸 - 30 Million Filipinos (100 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Europe 🇪🇺 - 11 Million Filipinos (100 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Great Britain / United Kingdom UK 🇬🇧 - 2 Million Filipinos (35 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Rest of the World - 100 MILLION FILIPINOS MAX in Year 2100
PS: Or the 60% of the Entire 120 Million to 200 Million Philippine Population in 100,000 Ships, 200,000 Planes and 5 Million Vehicles in order to achieve the target from the current 12 Million Overseas Filipinos into more than 72 MILLION OVERSEAS FILIPINOS!!!
I want to Make a 700 page "GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA IDEOLOGY BOOK" for the Filipino Diaspora Plan to the World at Year 2100, OR Someone MUST Make a 700 page "GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA IDEOLOGY BOOK" for the Filipino Diaspora Plan to the World at Year 2100 .
United States - American Dream
China - Common Prosperity
Spain - La Hispanidad
France - Francophonie
Britain - Pax Britanica
Russia - Ruskiy Mir
Germany - Lebensraum
Mexico - La Vida Loca
Turkey - Neo Ottoman Empire / Golden Apple
Saudi Arabia - Great Ummah / Khalifah
Iran - Ahlul Bayt
India - Jhai Sri Ram
The 72 Million Filipino Diaspora will IMPOSE a Real Life "ONE PIECE WORLD" in the Whole Planet Earth which means Overseas Filipinos will participate to ALL International / Global Political and Social Events around the World to make the Whole World MORE INSANE than ever due to Reckless "Filipino Madness" whether the other Countries like it or not. A lot of Countries want the so called "PEACE", but the Filipino Diaspora wants only "ONE PIECE" beacuse ONE PIECE IS REAL (but cannot find One Piece in the Philippines AKA Foosha Village, Manila the real life Loguetown, so the 60 Million Filipinos must Mass Immigrate abroad to find their own One Piece). The Filipino Diaspora will Make the ONE PIECE - FINAL WAR Saga a REALITY!!!
The More Than 72 Million Overseas Filipino Diaspora MUST Carry Out the "OPERATION ONE PIECE" at ALL Costs!!!
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kdsheladiya-blog · 22 days
Income Tax Notice : આ 5 જગ્યાએ પૈસા રોકશો તો ઈન્કમ ટેક્સની આવશે નોટિસ
Income Tax Notice : રોકડ વ્યવહારોને લઈને આવકવેરા વિભાગ સતર્ક થઈ ગયું છે. જો કોઈપણ ટ્રાન્ઝેક્શન ભલે ઓફલાઈન હોય કે ઓનલાઈન, એક મર્યાદાથી વધુ હોય તો ઈન્કમ ટેક્સ વિભાગ ઘરને નોટિસ મોકલે છે. આવી સ્થિતિમાં ચાલો તમને જણાવીએ કે તમારે કયા રોકડ વ્યવહારોથી બચવું જોઈએ. જો તમે પણ મોટાભાગે રોકડમાં વ્યવહાર કરો છો તો આ સમાચાર તમારા માટે ઉપયોગી છે. આવકવેરા વિભાગ આ દિવસોમાં રોકડ વ્યવહારને લઈને ખૂબ જ સતર્ક થઈ ગયું…
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petnews2day · 1 month
Humane Society's 'Horrible Hundred' list includes 15 Iowa dog breeders
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/jQx5v
Humane Society's 'Horrible Hundred' list includes 15 Iowa dog breeders
Clark Kauffman  |  Iowa Capital Dispatch The Humane Society of the United States has released its annual “Horrible Hundred” report cataloging regulatory issues at 100 puppy mills nationwide, including 15 located in Iowa. The report is based on the findings of state and government inspectors. For the 12th year in a row, Missouri has the largest number […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/jQx5v #DogNews #Of, #Agriculture, #Animal, #AnimalProductsU0026Services, #AnimalWelfare, #Content, #Department, #Dogs, #Government, #GovernmentRegulations, #HumaneSocietyOfTheUnitedStates, #Humane, #Ia, #IAContentSharing, #Mills, #Negative, #Overall, #OverallNegative, #Point, #Products, #Puppy, #PuppyMills, #Regulations, #Services, #Sharing, #Society, #States, #The, #ToThePoint, #To, #US, #USDepartmentOfAgriculture, #U0026, #United, #Welfare
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seemabhatnagar · 2 months
"Victory for Justice: High Court Orders Issuance of Widow Identity Card to Parvathamma"
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Smt Parvathamma v. The Joint Director, The Sainik Welfare & Resettlement Department
Writ Petition 416/2024
Before the High Court of Karnataka
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Justice M Nagaprasanna J
Order: The writ was allowed on 22.03.2024 & direction was given to the Respondent Department to issue a Widow Identity Card within two weeks from the date of receipt of the order copy, it was also declared by the Court that the petitioner is entitled to all the benefits that will flow from the Widow identity card.
Smt Parvathamma-the petitioner was the wife of L Ramakrishna was Ex-Serviceman from the Army. The marriage was solemnized in the year 1987. The couple had a daughter from their marriage who is now 28 years old. Most of the time the husband of the petitioner remained on duty and used to come home for two months in a year. Husband took VRS in the year 2006. Since the husband of the petitioner started living at home he began to quarrel with the petitioner on every small thing. When it became difficult for the petitioner to tolerate, she filed a complaint with the police, and in retaliation the husband filed a petition for the dissolution of a 30-year-old marriage against the petitioner.
Family Court issued notice to the wife since the wife didn’t appear, Family Court proceeded Ex parte and passed Exparte Divorce Decree. When the petitioner came to know about the Ex Parte Divorce Decree she filed an application for setting aside the Ex-parte order. The application was pending for hearing before the Family Court.
Before the Ex-parte order could be recalled, the husband of the petitioner died. As such another application was filed in the Divorce Petition for dismissing the petition as abated. Thus, there is no decree of divorce.
Since there is no decree of divorce existing as such the petitioner filed a representation with the Sainik Welfare and Resettlement Department for the issuance of an Identity Card to the petitioner as Widow of Ex-Serviceman.
The card was denied to the Petitioner by the Department as she is no longer the wife of the Ex-Serviceman since she is Divorced during the lifetime of the Ex-Serviceman.
Submission of the Counsel of the Petitioner
1.      The husband of the petitioner filed a Divorce petition as his brothers pressured so that the share of the petitioner was siphoned off. Ex-parte decree of divorce is no decree in the eye of the law as when the petitioner came to know about the Ex-parte order, she immediately filed petition for recall of the order of divorce.
2.      The divorce petition was dismissed as abated.
3. Wherefore, the petitioner is entitled to an identity card for being the widow of an ex-serviceman.
Submission of the Counsel of the State
1.      The Deputy Solicitor General of India, Sri. H. Shanthi Bhushan in all fairness submitted that the ex-parte decree of divorce, cannot be acted upon and the petitioner being a widow is entitled to the identity card for all the benefits of the Ex-serviceman.
2.      As the proceedings in the Divorce Petition are dismissed as abated.
3.      It is the discretion of the Court to grant relief to the petitioner or otherwise.
Observation of the Court
1.      Any widow of an Ex-serviceman who dies, becomes entitled to a widow identity card, and several benefits would flow from the card being granted to a widow.
2.      The decree of divorce does not even exist as the petition is itself dismissed as having abated.
3.      At the outset, the decree was an ex-parte decree, which, save in exceptional circumstances, is no decree in the eye of the law.
4. Viewed from any angle, the stigma of divorce cannot be permitted to be hanging on the head of the petitioner for her to be denied of any benefit, of being a spouse of ex-serviceman.
5.      What the respondent ought to have had is, lots of empathy and little sympathy towards the petitioner, as on the death of the husband, the sole breadwinner of the family, the wife and family are driven to the grave, impecuniosity and would be condemned by penury.
6. The plight and plea of the widow are blissfully ignored by the respondent; the respondent ought to have, without driving the petitioner to this Court, issued a widow identity card, as was sought.
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carlocarrasco · 4 months
Las Piñas City Government receives multiple awards for excellence on public service and more
Recently in the City of Las Piñas, the City Government received several awards from different entities (including government departments) related to excellence on public service rendered and more, according to a Manila Bulletin news report. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt the Manila Bulletin news report. Some parts in boldface… The Las Piñas City government received…
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liberty-spiked · 4 months
why did i even try to ask boss lady to help me out yesterday lol she knew i have no electricity rn and havent had a warm meal since sunday and the bitch left early before i got her the bill lIKE SHE ASKED ME TO
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