#welcome to my era of art spam
somer-writes · 5 months
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my hand slipped
modern au farmer boys
baby twi and his bestest uncle (actually several greats grandpa) ever
faces are hard dont @ me
twi is talking about a really cool bug he caught and anyway can they go fishing soon and can malon make pumpkin soup for dinner
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! (master post)
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Hello Hello! My name is Liza (without the E)
I'm a SMG34 Shipper and a Fan of SMG4's contents!
People are only allowed at my blog if you're 13+ I cuss sometimes and well you might find other things disturbing or not on the way-
Too many tabs! Still arranging them!
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My Romance Trope For these two
I do have a Wattpad account
Persona right here :>
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"Indigo Secret":
AU and Comic by me
Flashback and plot idea by @justin-peudeau
About: "Indigo Secret":
How long was is planned?
Coffee N' Bombs / Brewing Romance AU:
Design created by me
AU and Fanfic by @shygirl4991
SMG4's Uni CnB outfit
SMG3's CnB outfit
Confused who owns the AU?
Whats so good about it?
Pride Bombs! - aroace too
My Arts for CnB BR: CLICK HERE!
Snowtrapped 3.0...:
For somereason.
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Moving Out - A short smg34 comic
Mario and The Mysterious TV _ Marware
Hyperfixations and Research
My SMG34 headcanons
Boundaries + Shipping + Sexualities
Fanarts/Animatics I made for Fics
Artistic Family
My pronouns go by They/Them
Undiagnosed ADHD person
Country? What country...
First month of the year?
How many fingers in one hand?
I'm Pansexual (buttt I'm in the asexual spectrum)
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Gender? I have no gender I'm a blueberry
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(Following gifs are from- Blinkies)
I love to illustrate and write silly fanfics and make other stuff :)
I'm currently up making my own comics called 'Indigo Secret' I'm the one and only owner who created this and no one else.
I have an artist collaborating with Idea and Art from some parts of the chapter please send thanks and appreciation to @justin-peudeau
Shay owns the Coffee N' Bombs / Brewing Romance AU and I draw the designs/add ideas!
This collaborator joined in to make the fic and AU please send thanks and appreciation to @shygirl4991
You can find their fics about the AU just by looking at their blog (its somewhere :))
I'm a Co-Designer and Collaborator of The Frog Prince AU with other collaborators Shay and Aly
The Frog Prince (Fanfic by @shygirl4991 )
Official SMG3 and SMG4 Designs
Official Mario Bros Designs
SMG3 Kid Design and bonus arts (Art by @alianarepasa )
The A Spark Beneath Hearts is a Strange Magic AU collaborated by me and @itsajjanea
Design for EMO SMG4 is out
Same goes to TAG6
If you want to make fanarts from my works you can! Just mention me in the tags. I also can't wait to get asks/requests from you guys!
I also do bunch of researches and analytics, I'm busy at the moment in sometimes I won't be there to respond quickly!
(Again I'm a minor student who's still studying)
By the way- if you ever see my arts in pinterests, instagram, or any kind of other social platforms there is? THAT. is NOT. ME. Report it to me immediately. This account is the only social platform I use and not any other type of apps.
I've been aware that other people steal arts without permission mind doing me a favor to not repost mine somewhere else okay?
I don't do any of that NSFW crap so don't accuse me of it.
- Voice Acting
I get paid to voice act
I was known for voice acting:
Secret Level - NIGHTMARE: Never Ending by Midori
Voice auditioned from the past Gacha Era
- Digital Editor
I can edit videos
- Artist
- Music Composer
Barely written any songs and also create music but I do make them
- Musician
I do plenty ukulele, piano, and drummer
My most favorite thing of all is singing
- Research
I also make written documents about the ship or any other type of opinions- or anything at all
- Hyperfixation
Talk more about the husbands or anyother bunch of stuff about SMG4
- Collaborator
We can collab just keep things appropriate pls I don't want to get involved at people who're toxic/problematic
I'm Semiactive- I dont mind spam likes or reblogs (well appreciated with love)
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traincouple · 1 year
Hello! And welcome to my first OC Blog!
This Blog will mostly center around my two love characters in their world and others as well. I will also post art and comic stuff that is mostly about them.
You can ask them, interact with them or even dare them! And maybe learn more about their individual lores through them~
Though I may not answer all of your questions, I will still try to add art to all of those answers for more fun viewing!
The Blog as wholesome as I made it, will sometimes Contain Violence, Blood, and Mature content so if you're squeamish or sensitive to those kind if stuff please try to avoid my posts that has ⚠️ in their descriptions.
Here are some small rules.
Swearing is allowed here but harmful and racial slurs are OBVIOUSLY UNACCEPTABLE
No Spamming if your question is not picked
You can't ask the Admin directly for lore (takes the fun out of it) but you can message me for miscellaneous things
Reposting is allowed as long as it's credited ✨ (if you a repost of my work WITHOUT credits please IMMEDIATELY report it)
Character interactions (in text or art) is acceptable, but not canon to their individual story✨
Creating a character based of this world is acceptable as well✨
So here is the gist of the main story
It's an era that is a mix of the early 1920s and late 1930s, WW1 has just ended 5 years ago. The City that they live in; "Haddington City '' is an "Utopia" that only runs for Business. The place and their people only ever knew about Work and Money.
However the deepest part of the City lies a Small, and Cheap county; "Barker County", is the heart of where people relieve themselves. Crime is always present
And the place is always seen as where poor and hopeless people go to or come from. And it's where our characters live.
The City is portrayed as a Dull and Monochrome world. And Mr. Maltami just so happens to find a colorful newcomer to the City during his ride back home.
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The Characters
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
"Mario never undergone a drastic redesign for plots"
I mean...the proportional change between the SNES era and N64 era for Mario is massive, and design again changed a lot for Early GC era. And less said of the 1981-85 designs the better
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Or hell, Bomberman doing whatever the fuck until Super Bomberman 4
Sonic also very much HAD gradual design changes between 1991-7...it's just that the general public didn't give a shit. We go from this tubbiness
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To long legs and hair mcbrow here. Hoshino did Sonic CD and R 2D art, and the diff between that and here is still indicating an overall evolution. Only Amy and Eggman drastically changed, which for the former I'm glad. Better than being a literal girl Sonic clone. The rest are just continuing a trend then adding iris color
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But really I feel Sonic Team did the redesigns to welcome a new era, given how Japan unironically forgot about Sonic. It's jarring- if you ignore 6-7 years of the franchise, but also distinctively full of much needed energy given the crap 1995-7 period.
Similarly I feel we're missing cultural context; both the US and Japan had a problem with associating design with specific tone, so you ended up with typecasted designs. Sonic despite having attitude and games like 3K WAS associated to being a cutesy generic mascot inferior to Hello Kitty in Japan, which is not a good thing. Almost all noncanon manga further just divorced itself from actual game tone to be a parody or cutesy manga, which both Naka and Oshima didn't like, same for early Sega Harmony Calendar art.
The US market had a forced redesign that lasted till 1994 that while ass, unfortunately just lended to the idea of not accepting a design as is, regardless of tone. So Sonic Team gave in to that for Adventure, which a competition was held in 1997 to see how it was recieved. Uekawa won ironically cuz he had the safest design, but took elements of Okano's art later to add flair and zaniness as it'd defeat the point otherwise
I feel Capcom had a similar problem with Megaman: they didn't feel comfortable with solely using the same design for bigger stories, so they opted for the more adult X spinoffs, and then similarly did the same for Legends and Battle Network (ironically I feel this backfired). Even Ruby Spears attempted to be faithful for their show pilot, but test audiences didn't like it, so we got a mediocre jocked up muscle Mega Man. While in Japan the anime OVAs were very cutesy and basic, despite games being more action oriented
It's hard to say if this issue disappeared now, and I feel it's revisionism to say "oh, if the redesigns didn't happen, no one would be mad" cuz the truth is...Sonic would die if he didn't change harder
I feel both ignoring every middle design and just lumping Sonic as "Classic" "Modern" is a very stupid thing as both are fucking subjective and tempermental terms. Adventure isn't "modern", and anything with sentimental value and nostalgia is "classic". Heroes is fucking over 20 years old, and can be considered one to some, as unpopular of an opinion that is. Sonic Team didn't have eras awkwardly like that in the 10th Anniversary book, and even said "Sonic will continue changing", but after 10 more years of the fandom, original creatives outside Iizuka leaving, and game reviewers destroying nuance and history, they forcibly had to split him like so for Generations. I see the same fan mentality outside Sonic for Golden Age era cartoons, it's maddening. Just look at Looney Tunes fans on how they treat Daffy, it's the same shit
Sorry for ranting, but I hate when history and evolution are ignored just to make strawmanned points when it boils down to "wishful revisionism under MY misnostalgia/control". I saw someone make an SA1 mod to make stages "More classic" with checker spam when not only is that term bullshit, Sega and Okano literally showed us concept art of Adventure stages before the char designs tweaks, and it's the exact same texture and bg prop set as final. That is maddening
I'm tired of it
At the risk of being blunt, I'm aware of all that. I assure you that I could never forget American the Assface and Ivo No-Eyes no matter how much I'd prefer to.
As for Mario, his earliest designs had the excuse of it not being fully set in stone yet, and with the N64 era onward, they generally only involved slight proportion changes or subtle details in the clothing and what have you... much like Sonic in the years between 91 and 97, American Assface and other questionable SoA decisions notwithstanding. The point is, Mario wasn't redesigned for the explicit purpose of seeming like a more mature bing bing wahoo man. :P Neither was Kirby, who I used for reference due to his reputation of fighting eldritch abominations and occasional dark subtext despite resembling a pink blob with stubs for arms.
Finally, I can't speak for how others choose to use the terms, but I use Classic and Modern for simple convenience. I agree that there should never have been an official line in the sand between the two, at least outside of Generations' context, but this is what the franchise has taught us to do at this point. That's the ugly truth, I'm afraid. As is the ugly truth that the vocal, dramatic shift to the Adventure designs and style - regardless of intent, regardless of justification, regardless of the gradual alterations and differences between artists in the years beforehand, regardless of every angle of relevant context - still brought on one of the single most notorious divides in a fandom full of them, up there with the debut of SatAM. We can debate all day as to whether it was fair or not, but the divide happened all the same.
I'm not a Classic-only purist. SA1 is one of my favourite games in the series, and I love various other Modern titles. And to stress once more, I like the Modern character designs and have no personal beef with them whatsoever. But I can't ignore these things in an age where Adventure era rose-tinted goggles are at an all time high, and while it's true that not everything is straightforward, that goes both ways in cases like this.
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fnaftalexreader · 2 months
Current lore can be found in his Doc or on my main blog @glitterdragonthegreatprotector
Currently accepting headcanon requests for my devils, angels, Humanity, and the Endodorians. I'm willing to do NSFW headcanons, but they will be tagged accordingly. I don't care what you request, as long as I can worldbuild.
Technically these "headcanons" are straight up canon, since this AU is my creation.
If I'm up for it, I'll maybe even write mini reader x character fics if anyone is interested.
If I don't get to your request, beat me over the head on my main blog, bc this is my 49th side blog- (yes I counted, I have 50 blogs total, as of current- bite me.)
No pedophilia/MAP stuff. That should be a given. Incest is a no go too
Do not spam me on this blog. If i don't see your request, it will get buried. Spam me on my main, or hit my DM if I don't see your request.
Don't be afraid to ask for tags. Fnaftale is EXTREMELY dark, so some headcanons might not be for the faint of heart (especially with all the angst I beat the demons over the head with.) If I write something unsettling, and don't tag it properly, I would appreciate it if you tell me.
Put a year with your request. There are many eras in my AU, as the timeline stretches for billions of years (I'm masochistic when it comes to world building, apparently.) If you don't give me a year, I will give headcanons for whatever era i feel like in the moment.
Currently taking requests for:
Endodorians! These are any fnaf animatronics 1-ffps, along with nightguards. If you do not specify the endodorian, I will give you a general headcanon for their species as a whole. (If you want headcanons for a nonspecific character, tell me species and job.) There are 4 eras for the Endodorians that will effect headcanons.
The entertainment era (1970s to 2021)
Underground era (2022 to 12021 early)
Era of grief (late 12021 to 12026)
Era of the Endodorian Empire (12041 throughout the rest of the timeline)
Demons! They have more of their lore written on my lore doc, so if you're interested in learning more about them, check it out! It's not finished (yet), so you may get more lore from here than there. I'll do headcanons for whatever demons have their lore sheet filled out and random demons (specify their sin/s if they are a hellborn, or if they're a sinner or a fallen angel. This will affect the headcanons.) Will probably mainly do the 7 main devils + Lilith. Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Mammon are up for headcanon requests. Like with the Endodorians, they have Eras that will affect the headcanons. Will not put years 'cause FUCK immortality, you can look at the timeline in the doc if you want specific years.
Before the Fall
Time in Hell
After Ascension
Angels! They currently have pretty much no written lore yet, and their names are on my main blog in art posts. I'm most likely to write for Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Sandalphon/Angela Dervana, Metatron, Ariel, Haniel, Azrael, and Chamuel. But that's only because these are the angels I know off the top of my head. If you request an angel from my art I have not mentioned, I will gladly write for them too. (I will also take requests for Jesus and Jehovah, as yes. They are cannon and important. If you feel as unhinged as me, you can request any Bible characters as well. I am just as surprised as you are that the Bible is canon-)
Before heaven's schism
Bible times
Modern times
Era of freedom
Any groups not on here, mentioned, or implied in canon can be requested. Like humanity, or the mananites. The groups listed as of now are just one ones I'll mainly focus on.
Crossover headcanons are HEAVILY welcomed. I love writing crossovers.
If headcanons aren't enough, @ask-underfazverse is for direct questions to my characters, or roleplay.
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☆☆ Welcome to my Blog ☆☆
★ 〔carrd〕 ★ 〔ArtFight〕 ★ 〔Napoleon Discord〕 ★ ★ Spam Alt: @xin-thorns ★
Hya! The name(')s Hya「cinth」 / Elton / Travesty / Lucien / Hue ╰┈➤ he/vae ✩ minor ✩ transmasc aroace ✩ 我会说一点点中文,但是不好。我以前在学校学中文。
I'm an artist + musician! ╰➤ I do traditional and digital art! My ipad likes to breakdown on me sometimes so I also resort to ol' reliable (sketchbook). Not the best at taking pictures of my art but I do my best 👍 I'm self-taught so my anatomy is not great, but I'm trying! On special occasions I paint or do watercolour :> I get burnout pretty easily so if I don't upload for a bit that's why ._. ╰➤ My main instrument is the piano (10+yrs) but I play violin in my school's orchestra. I also taught myself the ukulele and I know a minutiae of guitar. Sometimes the drama department kidnaps me for their musicals! I think I genuinely listen (or will listen) to any genre of music and I'm proud of that. Country, death-metal, classical, hyperpop, I'll love it. I WILL EAT ALL OF YOUR MUSIC RECOMMENDATIONS!!!
Feel free to put stuff in my ask box! [I CRAVE INTERACTIONS]
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tags + interests underneath the Keep Reading !
Interests: (past + present) (theyre all over the place)
★ Classical Music ★ Conrad Veidt (Cesare + Gwynplaine) ★ David Tennant Media ★ Dungeons & Dragons ★ Junji Ito ★ Les Misérables (25th Concert) ★ Napoleonic Era ( Lannes & Junot <3 ) ★ Omori ★ Saw (I-IV) ★ Shadow the Hedgehog Real-Time Fandub ★ Tarot Cards ★ TF2 + Emesis Blue ( BLU MEDIC <3 ) ★ The Phantom of the Opera (25th) ★ Will Wood (and the Tapeworms) + (whatever is on my carrd)
#funny hyahya ╰➤ ( funny shitposts and whatnot ) #huemusic ╰➤ ( me playing music :D ) #hyacinthart ╰➤ ( all the art im proud of :D ) #hyagaming ╰➤ ( gamer time ) #musik musik musik i call this musik ╰➤ ( musician life related posts, tbh crying over music theory ) #napoleon bonapainting ╰➤ ( all posts about my painting of Napoleon Crossing the Alps) #napoleonic bubble ╰➤ ( about the napoleonic discord server I own )
I just wanna say that the thought process for my url was "What's something about me that's never going to change and it'll be apart of my identity for a good amount of time?" so I came up with diagnosed anxiety disorder because anxiety-disorder was taken 💀 I also think it's funny
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zhanethewriter · 8 months
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This is an 18+ Blog. Minors DO NOT interact with any post on this blog or sub blogs. Any minors/spam/no age in bio accounts will be blocked.
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Hey Hi Hello! I go by Zhané (Zaa-nae) and I’m not new to the world of tumblr just new to this ✨Era✨ (circa 2011 through 2014 was my era. A few urban roleplays sprinkled with a couple viral moments 😭)
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I came back to promote my publish stories along with provide some tips and tricks to a minority group extremely underrepresented and overlooked in the world of fiction and writing in general. Also to help ALL fellow writers to properly write an African American character. This is a safe space to ask ANY and ALL questions regarding the topic of writing an African American man/woman/LGBTQIA+ character. I will post random tips and things regarding how to properly portray these characters. Read below to see what I’m extremely comfortable with doing, somethings I want to take a shot at and what I will NOT be doing.
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✨Extremely comfortable✨
With: tips on how to properly write an African American male/female characters, Smut (18+ only/Agegap/BDSM/Kink/Dom), one liners, my strongest genre of writing is romance fiction BUT I am trying to broaden my scope so send whatever you want me to take a jab at or I will recommend a few blogs that can help, story/cover art, creating social media accounts like IG, Twitter, Facebook, iMessage etc for your books characters or blogs, blog makeovers, character development, simple photos edits, some taboo topics (nothing involving kids just message me and I will let you know) Im okay with writing dialogues about drug use/abuse, sexual abuse, physical/emotional/mental abuse. Topics like these are a trigget for some to write or uncomfortable so I’ll take on the task of these sensitive topics with the upmost respect.
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✨Things I want to try✨
Genre specific prompts, genre specific dialogue and responses, playlists creation (any genre but rock or any extension of the genre, country and classical; mainly R&B, HipHop or an extension of the genre, Pop (I will link my personal Spotify), co-writing, one shots, gif creation, LGBTQIA+ characters/prompts/dialogues, genre I would like to explore: fantasy (Psychic Abilities, Psychological) cult/religious character turned runaway.
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Anything under 18, minors, animal abuse, incest.
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I can’t stress enough that ANYBODY AND ANYONE can ask me A N Y T H I N G that is listed above. I just love to help people expand and be more inclusive! Thank you in advance for giving me a chance!
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| M A L I C E C I L |
[ Category: Misc OCs ]
| Another non related OC, think I showed him off last time but I re-drew him recently again cuz I didn't like the one before...
Anyways super awesome demon bf Mali, who, another OC I previously introduced, is dating Winston for like... Idk years- Winnie didn't believe he was an actual demon for like a whole year, people were telling him but he would've just shrugged it off... Til he finally believed Mali one day that the horns were not a headpiece-
But anyways, a wild ride their relationship first started out with, but funnily enough it never got worse.. It actually got better, Mali is usually the type of Demon to have fun, go out drinking, one night stands, groupies; All that, but Winston was an exception for him, like yeah he'll do his basic normal demon things, but he'll always be willing and happily come back to Winston, even plans one day to propose to him... Which he'll need to get a job for himself if he were to do that as a surprise.. Anyways-
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Malicecil Species: Demon General Personality: Perverted, cocky, confident, easy going, flirtatious, playful, funny, overall very welcoming, very chill Height: 9ft Relationship Status: In a relationship
Extra Info:
His age doesn't seem to be very easy to tell as he looks roughly in his late 20's/ early 30's all the time, but it's not a surprise that he is well older than that. Winnie himself was in complete shock when Mali just randomly walked up to him one morning and just whispered how old he was in his ear; Whether it was to sound impressive or just to see his reaction is of course another question however
As mentioned, he has in fact gotten arrested one time for driving while under the influence of alcohol. Apparently despite being a demon who could potential wreck havoc to the world one day if he snapped; He's so chill to the point where authorities can still get him done for human related crimes
Has an underworld form for whenever he ventures in and out of hell, or as most demons decide to call it; "The Underrealm", how he looks on the surface is the best he can ever get to looking more "human", despite him not looking THAT much different to his real look. He's literally only slightly taller and more brute built in his Underworld form
There are other demons who have socialised along with humans just like him, he even hangs out with them in clubs, going out for drinks and so forth while keeping it buddy-buddy; Humans aren't excluded from joining them if they ask, no discriminating here after all
Has gotten romantical with quite a few humans at LEAST dating back to the late 60's, unsure whether he has lived longer than that is unclear however as he refuses to acknowledge his life before that era
Has many forged ID's for every country; Why wouldn't he, he's a demon after all. Winston sometimes wonders how he manages to get himself into trouble before the problem is "seemingly forgotten"
Acts as Winston's personal mannequin when it comes to stylizing and tailoring; Mali enjoys it believe it or not, anything that makes his boyfriend smile is good enough for him
Despite being green, he actually likes the colour brown more
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
That's all I believe, didn't really have much for him at all honestly so with this was definitely a good time to delve a little deeper into his character... Most of my OCs are mainly just made because I've thought of them either for a purpose of another OC or just because my brain decides to go "I dreamt this" (kinda like the "I made this")
Anyways, I don't really have much to talk about this besides just the usual so I guess that's it really....? I'll just get on with trying to get on with my other OCs in the meantime and take a break from it with fan art from time to time.. I'll just hopefully get more refs done for the OC spam, since I know I won't be really doing much online these days so I'd rather not work on a drawing then post it immediately... And then having nothing else to post, especially when it takes me ages just to be happy with a sketch and finish it off..
... Oh well, whatever.
. Malicecil, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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iholli · 6 months
👑 Holli / Rat King || 24+ || Any pronouns || ocean loving ficto ace rat || that damn swamp rat.
heya! call me Holli or Rat! this is my home away from home, so welcome to my blog & I hope you enjoy your stay. I mostly post ocean views and selfship content. don't like, don't read! here's the rundown of the place 💖🐀
Main timeline:
not comfortable sharing but selfshippers can still interact!
#heart of mars || Rat King & J'onn J'onzz, DCAU
playlist 🌌🐀
Alternate timelines:
okay sharing with other selfshippers, canon depends!
#💜💖💙 || Rat King, Donatello Hamato, & Leonardo Hamato, ROTTMNT
playlist 🐢🐀
#ratstatic || Rat King & Vox, Hazbin Hotel
playlist 📺👑
#king of hearts || Rat King & Remy "Gambit" LeBeau, X-Men
Other tags:
#venne & squeaker || Rat King & Wally West platonic ficto posts
#ratio broadcast || Rat King & Alastor qpp / platonic ficto posts
#ficto tag || unspecific ficto posts
#ficto tag familial || Justice League / Hamato Clan / assorted Hazbin Hotel familial ficto posts
#ratkingdraws || personal art tag
#ratkingdiscourse || proship / anti anti & other discourse posts
#happy place 💙 / #oceancore || daily scheduled ocean aesthetic posts
Fandom check-in:
DC || Justice League: The Animated Series & Justice League Unlimited, and all affiliated series || My Adventures with Superman || Green Lantern: The Animated Series || I'm very much a DCAU fanatic, but I enjoy lots of other DC content as well!
ROTTMNT || Donnie simp. Leo enjoyer. || make no mistake, found family is my all time troupe, that's why I'm here. but if you ask me about Leotello,,,
Marioverse / Luigi's Mansion || Luigi my beloved. normal about King Boo. || if it exists I probably ship it. Booigi. Bowuigi. all three. I'm there.
Invader Zim || ZaDr || RaPr || Almighty Tallest stan account
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss || Moxxie & Millie enjoyer || RadioStatic || Alastor. Vox. Queen Bee. back in my original era now that Hazbin s1 is out 👏
MCU || Octogoblin my beloved || really not here anymore, however Loki is part of Rat King lore, so feel free to talk about him to me c:
More to know:
I'm very chill, I love notif spam, and it makes my day to get asks! feel free to throw anything to my inbox-- ask me about Rat King lore, talk to me about my f/os, whatever you wanna know or just wanna say bc I do enjoy chatting too c: it just takes me a while to answer stuff sometimes bc I'm very forgetful and overthink ✨ everything ✨👏
as you might've picked up on, this is a proship friendly selfship space. for my own comfort anyone I selfship with is at least my age or older in my lore. I'm a little bit of a tcester and above all else I believe everyone has the right to ship whatever they like in fiction without fear of being harassed. tag your shit, keep it fictional, and we're all cool. if you bring your anti rhetoric onto my blog you will be reported and blocked. don't like, don't read ✌️
I'm not a big NSFW person, I will never reblog anything I feel is graphically explicit but I use safety tags just in case as I see the need. keep an eye out for #suggestive and / or #nsfw. minors are fine to hang around my blog-- I just expect you to be responsible and block the tags you need.
AI thieves will not be tolerated in any capacity. come within a mile of my blog and you will be reported and blocked on sight. if I ever accidentally reblog AI work please let me know so I can remove it.
thanks for stopping by! if you'd like some tunes for your Tumblr browsing, feel free to check out my Spotify. have a great day 💖🐀
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banners courtesy of @lovelycureaestetic 💜💙 & @senseichaos-thedetention 💙❤️
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thesilversoutheastern · 7 months
Welcome to the Silver Southeastern Railway!
Ran by @caramellvibecheck, this little fleet of characters was made cause...why not? I don't know, the idea had me hostage for 3-4 months.
I'm not use to making introductions, but I do want to put some starter info here just in case:
I am a young adult who simply likes the RWS, Thomas and Friends, and anything related to TTTE. Anything else will be on my main blog.
I like shitposts and memes
I work with mature themes, so don't be surprised if you see some mature stuff and swear words here.
I have a hard time getting things done, so writing chapters can take a long time for me. Doesn't help that I'm in college atm- I'll try to be active, but it can be hard for me to handle my outside-of-internet life.
I block spammers. Please for the love of God don't spam asks. If I have already replied to the ask, I will link to it.
My stories uses premises seen in @asktrio516's human-engines, such as their strength, the option to eat, and leg wheels when in human form. This does not mean in any way I'm ripping off or such, I just enjoy and agree with those aspects that I incorporate them into my stories. Plus, I feel it gives a way of thanking her for being one of my main sources of inspiration when making this.
Now some basic questions in case I have to repeat myself:
Who's your favorite engine(s)?
Edward, Diesel, Murdoch, and Duncan.
2. What made you create this blog and get into TTTE?
Mostly because I stumbled onto @asktrio516's blog one day and then watched a lot of Unlucky Tug afterwards. I remember seeing the show as a kid, and I did remember liking it. I was mostly curious if the fandom was still kicking, and it was, as it kicked me into the rabbit-hole you are now reading.
3. Do you do art?
Not really, mostly I use Hero's Forge for visual references and write about additional factoids. I'll more likely commission someone than anything.
4. Is there a focused time where the SSER takes place?/Do you focus on the books, model era, or cgi era?
I'm not sure? BWBA and AEG does not exist in this, cause fuck Mattel, but otherwise not really? I will make a solid timeline though, as I do enjoy a timeline that doesn't mess stuff up. Character development will also be important for me, so it could depend on how I want to write out the arcs. WW2 stuff will be mentioned, alongside certain years, but it defiantly won't be modern times where cellphones and Tumblr exists. Best point I can place, if it was in a time where the SSER really kick in, it is in the surrounding years of dieselization.
If I had to pick an era for my blog...I'll be pulling from all the sources I can get, so I can fully understand the character and work from there. I will do my best to stay faithful to the source, but this is my story to tell. My biggest difference would defiantly be from TATMR, but I will still incorporate aspects from it.
5. Is there magic in this AU?
YES! Cry as I might, I still have a soft spot for TATMR.
Their main ability is to shift from engine to human forms thanks to Lady and her Golden Dust. All engines do have to be taught on how to use their abilities, but do know basic aspects of themselves (their build, basic functions, emotions, etc.). Certain aspects of their work before interacting with the Dust however, such as war, can also cause a variety of additional knowledge, such as having the ability to talk in multiple languages with little or no difficulty. Think of it as like reading to a baby before they are born. If asked what they did before the Dust was introduced, they can only remember events as a hazy dream or have no memory of it at all.
An example of this would be Oswald. He was built in America and was sent to Europe to aid in the war efforts, mostly staying in France with both English-speaking and French-speaking men working on him. Because of this, he is able to understand and speak both French and English when awoken by the Dust. He also knows he helped the Allies by pulling trains in France, but doesn't know what exactly was on his train or what occurred during.
I'm working on a story or Lady & D10, but it is going to take time so bare with me on it. Also there is such a thing as ghosts in my stories, so other mystical creatures could be seen as well.
6. What happens to and engine when they get hurt?
I go with @asktrio516's take on this, in that they can bleed a dark blood that never runs out. The blood, depending on the engine though, is different when compared: Steam engine blood is thinner or more watery to a diesel engine, which has more of an oily sheen when spilt. This also goes for other liquids too. It doesn't mean that either blood type has a negative affect on them, but it's treated similar to how humans learned not to mix blood types together.
Injuries also apply similarly, except for three key factors:
If an injury is grave enough, the ability to shift between forms is stopped until repairs or natural healing has occurred. A paper cut for example won't stop shifting, but the aftermath from a high-speed derailment or a broken limb can.
Golden Dust helps speed up the healing process, but it can still take weeks before shifting is allowed again.
Because of this, engines are required to have at least one human with them, nicknamed 'Drivermen' by the engines. They see them as a 2-in-1 of the driver and fireman roles. The engines themselves can still fuel themselves and work on their own fine, but if a injury occurs or if they need someone to go get help, the driverman would be there to fill in that need.
7. Do the engines have rights?
Well...engines aren't innately seen as people in my story. Mostly it depends on the Controller involved. Some can be father-like, like the Fat Controller or the Old Silver Controller, and others will scrap an engine without a second thought. Many do support the engines, but by a full-blown political/legal stance, they got nothing aiding them. They are seen as a sort of like pet. Very expensive pets that can talk.
All engines do want to work though, as it gives them value, but they see no use in things such as money (unless they like collecting it or something). They might be rewarded for good work with better coal or something the engine may want, but again, that is dependent on the controller the engine is working with.
Links (Will add more as time goes on):
The Silver Fleet
The Story of Lady
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Short infos and psa 
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      ─ My Erik is more heavily based in his faith
      ─ Pietro, Wanda and Lorna are his children
|| ⸻  TAGS: .
─ #muse:magneto
─ #-- ask/prompts ||
─ #-- Alternate RP Verses ||
─ #-- mun art ||
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    Short infos and psa My Magneto RP lives off of an overarching continuity, and anyone is welcome to request plotting to start lasting story lines that could be integrated into it or during the plotting process add their respective insight.
    Though these are main eras listed, these are the ones I have actively RPed before and I am also willing to RP any other as well as specific alternate eras.
    ─ ‘97 Animation Magneto: “Oh, to play by the rules and still they come for you.” ||  #--series || old testament
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     ─ 90′s MAGNETO: “She always did say I would bring violence to her.” ||  #--90s || agenda m
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   ─ MAGNETO 2014 (BUNN ERA): “Only my actions ... what I do in the name of all mutants ... hold any real meaning. .[...] The past often plots the course of one’s future.” ||  #--2014 || exodus
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    ─ CYCLOP’S UTOPIA/MUTANT REVOLUTION/CHILDREN’S CRUSADE: “Which is why I think it’s time you boys met your grandfather, MAGNETO.” ||  #--UTOPIA || appeasement
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   ─ UNCANNY X-MEN (2016)/X-MEN BLUE: “They have forgotten ... I have forgotten ... who I am.”  || #--UXBLUE || anarchy
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   ─ KRAKOA (in ways heavily rewritten): “Broken metal with sharp edges ... Whatever will I do with that? [...]” ||  #--KRAKOA || paradise
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    ─ ARRAKO: “I thought Arrako frowned on weakness...” || #--ARRAKO || red planet
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You can find a load of alternate storylines, possible plots or RP Events here:
   ─  Alternate RP Verses
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|| ⸻  RP PSA!! : . 
    ─ mutuals only.  21+.  
    ─ Heavy subject matter present including but not limited to: gore, pain, death, possible but rare implications of sexual content, Holocaust references
    ─ MCU/XMCU Content and certain comic runs (Trial of Magneto (2021)) will be ignored. I am highly critical of marvel and will voice my discontent openly with various decisions made in any context.
    ─ You show support for antisemitism, racism, homophobia or any of these within the MCU (i.g. Elizabxth Olsxn) or try to fight me over a character, I will report and block you.
    ─ Basic rp etiquette and common sense applies
    ─ I have certain mains for different characters and though your headcanon’s for them may be different, my RP will be based on them.
    ─ I have a busy real life and will reply very slow. That does not mean I have forgotten or dropped our interactions in any way! 
     ─ Character and RP are canon-based but heavily influenced by years upon years of RP, developed headcanons and the people I interact with. RP can include non-canon and therefore very own story lines and own development as I do not always fully agree with writer’s work.
     ─ Please do not annoy me with ships. Especially Cherik. As nice as the ship is, if I get too fed up with people spamming me about it, I will block it.
     ─ I will make jokes about ships but there will be no shipping on this blog in any way.
    ─ Edits, unless reblogged, are of my own making. Do not steal!
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ambiguousgrass · 2 years
ambiguousgrass pinned post wooo yippeee yay
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a few things
-My name is grass ambiguousgrass
-pronouns- /it/beep/void/boo/grass/⭐️/🦝/🌱he/she/they
-if I have liked your art and not reblogged, it's in my queue! you'll see it there in a few days!
-I DO ART HERES THE link to art taglist
-i am always following and unfollowing people Im SORRY!! its not personal i just need my dashboard to be Better
more information under the cut if ur interested :3
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•this is an art blog! its few and far between but its there!!
•art requests are open!
•all of my art is tagged as grass does art linked here for your convenience ^_^
•If you'd like to be notified when I post a finished piece, interact in any way with the linked post here (rbs appreciated <3)
•you are welcome to use my art in any non-commercial way, as long as proper credit is given. (for example personal icons, print outs, banners, etc. are cool. selling it as stickers or claiming it as your own is not ok.)
•my main mediums are pen&ink, graphite pencil, colored pencils, watercolors, acrylic, clay, cardboard, and digitally i use procreate.
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blog contents/fandoms
used to be a dsmp fan but I'm trying to distance myself from that. on account of the everything.
Now its just stuff?? i dont know.
maybe a little TMA here and there? I love the podcast but i have to take breaks from listening to it very often due to the disorders
Every day i get closer and closer to posting about doctor who so enjoy this who free era while it lasts. i might give up and make a side blog one day but who knows. haha. who
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boun der ries
be nice to me
I block and unfollow liberally on account of I meticulously curate my dashboard forfun
- spam likes/rbs/etc are so very welcome! i may seem to be dead for a little while after due to my possum like swag but its ok
-mutuals can ask for my discord if you want but i don't talk much on there.
-feelfree to tag me on stuff. reblog chains. a funny video. art that id like. whatever!! I may not respond but thats just because that stuff gets buried in my notifs and i forgor about them
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tagging system
grass yells into the void - original posts
grass reblogs - reblogs
the void yells back - asks
grass does art - my own art
​grass queues things - queue
undescribed- posts i create or reblog without image description
fav -posts i like a lot
animals - creatures i like
food - food
c!clingyduo the world - cclingyposting
dr who- dr who
mlp- mlp
tma- tma
(any fandom i post about has a pretty straightforward tag for it in theory)
media types are tagged. (for example #video or #gif.) this is not super consistent, my apologies.
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further tagging
as stated above, i tag posts that don't have ID as "undescribed."
the majority of my original posts have image descriptions in their alt texts, which I do myself.
we do not use a screenreader, so I am always willing to hear about ways I can improve the way i post things to make things more accessible.
I occasionally add image descriptions to things i reblog, but I don't do so often.
I have a pretty loose system for tagging potentially upsetting content, but if you ask me to tag a specific thing in a specific way I will do my best to uphold that.
original posts are tagged with as many different trigger tags as I can just to cover all the bases, but rbs are usually just tagged as the thing im warning for [for example- #spiders]
I may reblog posts reguarding political issues, and these will also be tagged as the thing im talking about for filtering purposes.
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active sideblogs
@ambiguousseagrass criaturas del mar 🌊 🐠
@ambiguousgrassstims - stimboards nd the like
may be more at somepoitn. shrugs.
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thats it bye bye
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simarlin · 2 years
Okay I just have to say I am so, SO sorry for spamming your notifications a few hundred times, I just got scrolling on your blog and you have the most amazing collection of posts, you have so much wonderful fanart I've not seen (I'm still very young to the ygo fandom, circa about 3 months ago 😅) and your Inktober 2016/17 sketches are so stunning! I figure you don't use this blog much anymore based on when your recent reblogs were but either way I am just so sorry for scrolling so far back, I'm actually so embarrassed oh my god, but your page made me so happy and other people have liked/reblogged some of the bits I reblogged from my page, so I feel like it's given back some 2016 era art to the community that was previously lost to the sands of time 😅 either way I'm very sorry and very embarrassed but thank you so much for your lovely art and your reblogs over the years, you made my day!!
Bruh QAQ
First of all, WELCOME TO HELL!!!! Once you have a Tumblr, you may never again leave. And yeah, you right, I don't come on here much because discord ruined my life (like I LIVE on there now and it's a problem), but I do hope on here every few months or so to scroll through and stalk down more Yu-Gi-Oh shizzle. Because I got a problem. Everyone has a problem. 👌
THANK YOU!!! I am shocked to hear someone actually scrolled through my ancient collection of all things sparkly and saw my inktober attempts from back in the day and additional sketches XD
Good times~ anyway, feel free to come on by whenever you want a slap of nostalgia~ 👏
Everyone is welcome here!
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femalemonsterhunter · 6 months
Info about me
Hello! And welcome to my main page/blog, though. And also, you already know me well as Hrystina on DeviantArt or hrysti_howl on Instagram, so here I am now finally, last month, back more than five years ago when my account was locked out by TFA until now thanks to Tumblr's management accepting my request by enabling TFA lock through on messages in my Gmail page. And also, from my accounts of other social networks, I like to publish older and newer pictures I had from time to time (however, despite the fact that the Tumblr algorithm is quite likely to blur the perishable qualities of the sizes of my photos in the posts).
And also, I have to slightly reinforce the rules that you (or what if you are new followers) should have known carefully in a better way:
This blog is allowed to pass as:
- Multi-fandom/media or original-related arts (including Corpse Bride as my most favorite Tim Burton’s movie of all time along with Monsters Inc.).
- AUs or Crossover-related stuff (including if applicable: AHiT Role Swap AU, AHiT Cursed Birds AU, Corpse Bride Monster AU, my unfinished/upcoming crossover AU fanstory/fanfic/project called Star Heart, etc.).
- Ship-related (this is like: OCXCanon, OCXOC, Self InsertXCanon, Canon and Fanon (AU version only), Crossover, MaleXFemale, Gay/LGBTQIA+, HumanXMonster, HumanXAnthro, HumanXAlien ships that I like to do this).
- Pregnancy or Male Pregnancy/Mpreg-related; however, I am sometimes a bit shy to use this clearly, however, it should be comfortable and generally fluffy for me to arrange; yet, regarding mpreg, if you don't like it rather than a basic female pregnancy, I will respect your opinions then don't comment on it and look away from it! Thank you (But as a non-fetish/kink and SFW only; but also, without such unpleasant topics as just kink, fetish and NSFW, which is make me very uncomfortable to do this; and even again about mpreg for each ships, I only prefer MaleXFemale ships than gay ships, but I do like gay couples, but I immediately to draw them if they were together or with their children without any fetishes/NSFWs that I will not allow to do this, mainly pregnancy; I also rarely draw male characters as pregnant if they are supposed to be just as males or trans in the general AUs or HCs; and please, DNI if you feel too horny about my stuff if it is not convenient for me to suffer like this, because I persistently block you if you inadvertently violate my rules!).
- Tim Burton's creative stuff and the dark/gothic themes/vibes.
- Historical and periodic creativities (It's more like, Victorian/Romantic era, Roaring 20's, Soviet times (sometimes; but with the dark/devilish theme only), etc.).
And this blog is not allowed to pass as:
- Fetishes/kinks or NSFW/sexual contents/topics are not welcome!
- Every proship or other illegal/problematic ship are not welcome in my blog, such as: pedo/hebe/ephebophilia (mostly AdultXMinor/Child; and, of course, AdultXAged-up Minor/Child, which is still not okay at all, which you have to understand for sure), zoophilia/beastiality (mostly HumanXFeral/Animal), necrophilia (mostly Human/Living BeingXZombie/Dead Being; for example, Victor Van DortXEmily from the Corpse Bride), incest/selfcest, etc.; And especially on proshippers, otherwise I would block them at once!
- NFT and AI-related “arts” (if some of you support them, then get the F*** out of here on my account or you’ll be permanently blocked for that!)
- No spamming or scamming!
- Do not copy, tracing, reposting or stealing my arts WITHOUT my permission!
- No causing drama, death threats, stalking, whiteknighting, bullying, swearing at me or anything for any reasons!
- Racist/Anti-LGBTQIA+/Hate/R*pe-related arts
- RPs; because now I don't do roleplays with anyone anymore, because it will also lead to my stressful and nervous problems (such as, scandal, getting irritated, squirm in confusion, uncontrollable denial, etc.) as if to disturb my peace and long rest for such reasons; and please don't ask why again!
- Do not interact with me if you are a minor, which will make me uncomfortable as you suddenly encountered me on my page with my suspicious habit if I am now an adult. But please be careful for your safety and also be nice to communicate and respect me only with very friendly ways rather than anything else. Or if you disrespectfully started to violate or do not want to listen to my important advice and rules, then you will literally be blocked and ignored, even go on and leave me alone for better than sorry!
- And anything that made me very uncomfortable.
And therefore, these are all the rules and it is important for you to understand them exactly. I wanted you to be very respectful and nice to me, or if not, when you excessively broke all the rules that did not affect you at all, then I immediately unfollow you and block you with your bad or toxic behavior!
In addition, let's start with art statuses:
- Request: I, unfortunately, am not taking requests anymore and as well as for use in the Q&A box and all that, just don't ask me why for multiple times!
- Commission: No! I'm not taking commissions anymore, because I haven't opened to earn money yet, okay?
- Art Trade: I will, but with friends/mutuals only, but not with strangers/encounters, again, just don't ask why!
- Art Gift: I will, however, it is with friends only, as I occasionally draw for someone myself without accepting their requests. I'm serious!
- Collab: I could try, but with friends only; However, I only tried it with my friend on DeviantArt for the first time in two or three years, but I would definitely ask someone else to accept my sincere offer!
And that's all I had so logically. Well then, thank you very much for reading and understanding my rules. I wish you have a nice day/night.
- Khrystyna A. Nahirna.
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tshatshke · 1 year
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Artist Interviews: Sisterfriend Jewelry
Welcome to the second edition of our Artist Interview series. We send the same interview questions to each of our featured artists as an optional part of their feature and each artist gets to choose which questions they answer. Our aim for this project to uplift community and highlight the people behind the work. If you know a little bit about the person who made your new jewelry, we believe it can become a little bit more precious. 
Lisa Maita and Kelli Mercado are Sisterfriends with over a decade's experience each in the jewelry industry and fashion/retail industry. You can read their bio here. They are part of our October-December 2022 artist rotation.
Interview questions written by Madison Hirsch.
What’s your favorite metal to work with? Why? 
We love working with yellow gold. It has a lot to do with growing up and seeing our elders rocking it in an era where it was so abundant. Reason 2 is the value and the lack of upkeep with actual gold. They’re pieces that will last you the rest of your life and it’s worth saving up for.
When and how did you start making jewelry?
Lisa grew up here in Philly and attended Hallahan, an all girls Catholic School in Center City. One of the nuns, Sister Francis, would help girls find after-school jobs and got her a job as a delivery person with D’Antonio & Klein on Jewelers Row in 2004. Her boss John, one of the top jewelers on the street, saw Lisa’s art portfolio and liked it. He took her on as a runner and would give her side projects when she had free time. The rest, as they say, is history.
Sisterfriend came to be when Kelli wanted to design a custom alien signet ring made by Lisa. When they realized once they got the mold other people might be interested, they very organically started creating a collection together that was based on their childhood loves of minis, food, and cute items! 
 Why did you keep making jewelry?
Lisa : Best part about working in a jewelry repair/store is that you always see something new. It could be a rare vintage elephant hair ring or a 10ct yellow diamond that needs to be sized. It’s never boring and you never stop learning. 
How did you come up with your brand name/alias?
Sisterfriend is exactly us. We had a laundry list of other names but when we thought about our friendship through the years, it made total sense the second we threw it up. A Sisterfriend to us is that homie in your life who is family, there’s an unspoken closeness and understanding in our friendship that really translate to how we work together as a brand.
 What do you hope people will take away from seeing your work? What do you hope people will take away from wearing your work?
We’ve always loved miniatures and every time we design something we’re laughing at the thought of whatever it is being made of solid gold… like a corn dog. We hope people laugh along with us. We also hope that they understand that we value quality and heritage pieces, which is why we primarily work in solid gold. You can still have something adorable and have it last forever :) 
Do you like cooking? (if you do) What’s your go-to meal right now?
Lisa: I love to cook!! At the moment I’m  watching Cooking with Dog, a Japanese YouTube show where Francis, the host also, the dog, makes meals with his human who has no name. My newest culinary triumph is that I made the perfect omurice shape :)
Kelli: I honestly haven’t been cooking a ton and eat pretty boring simple meals at home, but one thing I really like making and teaching other people to make is Spam musubi :) I like using my little musubi mold and making perfect sushi rice. And also proving that Spam is yum as hell. 
 Tell us about your family! Born or chosen, live with them or not, human or furry. How do they affect your bench practice or business decisions? 
We’re both from really loud families, LOL. Lisa is half Filipino half Italian and Kelli is Filipino on both sides. It’s a major part of what bonded us initially; our cultures are all about getting everyone together for a meal, shoving a huge group into a tiny room and laughing and eating together. Our designs are heavily influenced by our shared culture. 
 Favorite things to listen to while you work: (be specific! I want audio books, podcasts, artists, albums, songs, and/or dj’s)
 Kelli: my day job is as a stills stylist and I often play DJ in the photo studio I work in. I can’t stop listening to Hum right now but will just as quickly switch the vibe to an early 2000s dance club mix. Me + U by Cassie is the hottest song ever written and I will punish everyone with it forever. Also anything that rips for karaoke. 
Lisa: I’m at the bench all day trying not to spell anything wrong SO I always opt for chill vibes to help me concentrate:
Air, Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Brian Ferry, Dire Straits, Sade.
When I need to wake up I’ll put the Descendants on LOL.
 *At Tshatshke, we aim to uplift jewelers who align with one or more of our values of holistic sustainability as we define it to relate to the planet, the economy, social issues, community building, and craftsmanship. In what ways do you hope to uphold an ideal of holistic sustainability within your practice and your business?
As a brand creating new things it’s always tricky to really call yourself truly “waste-free”, but our process really is sustainable to its core. Everything we create is made to order, we don’t pump out things just for the sake of it. We really try to advocate for investing in solid gold so that what we make is with you forever, and can be handed down for decades or recycled. Creating pieces that last a lifetime instead of mass producing lesser quality items is a huge value for us.
Check out the Sisterfriend Jewelry website!
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the-nysh · 2 years
Why do people say Murata is thirsty for Garou? Doesn’t he do that for every character?
Hohum~ :3c Looks like someone's new around here. Because it's been pretty obvious to those familiar with Murata's no-chill behavior since his streaming days. (No one is as thirsty as Murata when it comes to Garou, but Aoki the s2 animator is also very thirsty for Garou too~)
I've already compiled a Murata's Garou thirst alignment chart just to illustrate how extensive it is~ Because there's probably no other character who can fill it (with plenty more gratuitous examples to spare) all by himself. Likewise, Garou can also complete the 'shirt cut meme' all on his own with official content too; the range of his power! 8'D
In general, Murata may be quite equal opportunity when it comes to lavishly rendering every character's appeal, but when given the chance to indulge in more fanservice (or draw more panels, because of course), it's consistently been Garou & Fubuki who are Murata's go-to favorite poster boy & girl (respectively) in that department. (See: “Murata’s Garou pinups look like magazine covers.”)
See also the back muscle compilation: Murata hyper-rendering Garou's back (modeled after Bruce Lee) was a common early manga staple, until his tastes evolved and drifted lower to include Garou's other assets of his entire backside showcased from head to literal toe. :P You can see where some of Murata's current tastes reside by how conspicuously curvaceous (in the hips & thighs) he tends to draw him, enough to rival Murata's best girls! (Plot twist: maybe Garou is Murata's best girl?! *pretends to be shocked*)
Garou vs Darkshine was probably the peak (imo) of Murata's h0rnyness for him however; did you know Murata went back to edit round 2 soon after it released to be even steamier? :P Heh. Honestly, I've never seen a male mangaka want to f*ck his own male character design this badly before. (Right down to all the suggestively prone shots & angles.) Like geezus Murata, calm down!
Murata's not shy about being thirsty for Garou on main either, where in preparation for the Garou chapters he'd be working on (like those Darkshine chs), he'd often psych himself up by spam retweeting some of his thirstiest Garou arts in the meantime. Murata's even self-aware enough to caption his posts with ガロ肉 (Garou meat). :P Classic Murata; like I say, this man just cannot be stopped! He's just way too excited to get to draw him~
Anyway, the list continues on, but you're more than welcome to check out my archives for more examples from some of Murata's thirstiest Garou eras you may have missed~
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