#welcome home corpse groom
weirdoartist21 · 10 months
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Made some art of the Corpse groom au by @sketchquill Also since kermit the pastor I home that quick doodle lives rent free in your head :) And also art of oc in the au!
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callistoandbeans · 11 months
Corpse Groom A welcome home AU
Corpse Groom A welcome home AU Au by @sketchquill, a story written by Tim Burton, characters created by Partycoffion, rewritten by Callisto Author note: I make no claim to this au or the characters (besides the side ones I have made to fill in the background ). I grew up watching this movie, whenever it was my turn I would pop it in the DVD player and fall in love with the music that filled my ears. So why not put a spin on it and bring this au to life, plus it will give me practice in writing. Lord knows I need it XD. this will just be a little opening to it so you can get a taste for it- kinda like dipping your toes into the water to see if you like it. a prologue
I should be about to post chapter two today and it def be way longer xd I’ll be posting it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48532249/chapters/122419276    So I bring you                                                     The Corpse Groom The air was still this morning, the sun's glorious rays tightly snugged away within blankets of gray clouds, giving the land below an eerie gray overcoat. For a land filled with life and plenty it held a great depression among many. Times these days were tough, pockets that were once deep and bountiful now held only enough for a drink and a chunk of stale bread to fend off starvation for another day. Puppets were desperate for any chance to survive, some even turning to crime, others turning to stretch out their businesses in hopes that they could strike up deals with other towns to keep the flow of coin coming. The Fishsion family were one of these business but no many how far they had reached nor begged they just couldn’t sink their hooks into another's wallet. It was surprising just how many did not want fish part of their brands! Oh, Mrs. Fishsion thought that their spin on fishnet stockings would really make it in the fashion industry. She could only guess young ladies didn’t find it appealing to wear nets on their legs with fish and hooks attached to them. How was she supposed to know that some of the fish were still alive when the model tried them on? The girl let out the most horrified scream when a trout began flapping about against her leg. It took nearly twenty minutes to calm her down enough, let alone to get her to stop running around the room, to remove the gosh darn thing. After that, they were tossed out on their bottoms along with the fish nets and other fashionable fish designs. The future was looking ever so bad as their money was slowly draining away. They could not afford to go much longer without a way out of this! That's when their attention was brought to their son, y/n. Of course, how could they have not thought about this before! Their son was a fine man and any woman or lad would be lucky to have him as a husband! Yes. yes, that’s it, they could marry him into money. They would be set for life! Didn’t the Ludiggains have an unwedded daughter? That family was more loaded with gold and gems then than they had ever been! The family hadn’t shown any sign of struggle during the depression meaning they must be doing just fine. Yes, this was perfect, all they had to do was convince them to set up an arranged marriage between their children.
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tinyraspberrybees · 1 year
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Hi!! After struggling a while trying to get Wally to look how I wanted him to look, I managed to get this fanart done! Took me two days tbh ^^"
The Corpse bride has been one of my favorite movies, and seeing your au really motivated me to draw! And I'm also a big fan of your nutcracker au as well ^^ anyhoot, I hope you like this! [Both the sketch and reference pose are also added below!]
I also hope it's alright that I added other design choices on him, I really wanted this to look just as amazing as this au of yours!
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ericvelseb666 · 11 months
I really love your AU, it's makes me wanna watch Corpse Bride again so I couldn't resist making fan art of your AU!
Corpse Groom AU by @sketchquill
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meadow-hearthfire · 6 months
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In this timeline, Wally was Y/N's groom instead of Julie's. Despite this, Wally was still murdered by Julie on the day he and Y/N were going to marry.
Now Y/N is left with a child she never got to tell Wally about before his tragic untimely end, and she has to marry another man to ensure the child would have stability...
The Corpse Groom AU belongs to @sketchquill
The Corpse Father Timeline is an alternate timeline I came up with. Of course, I haven't figured out what led to Wally's death by Julie's hand despite him not being her groom.
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corazon-celeste-au · 11 months
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esto es un fanart espero que les guste lo hice a mi estilo.
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dreamdragoness · 13 days
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With waiting a whole month for our new foal to be born (he was born on the 28th), I hadn't much time to do any art or writing. So for a bit of fun and to close out MerMay, I decided to draw Corpse Puppet Wally Darling and my OC, Stacy, in mermaid form in the scene where Wally tells her they're married. Stacy is holding out her hand, nervously asking for her ring back. ---------------------------------------- Corpse Puppet AU: @sketchquill
Corpse Bride: Tim Burton
Welcome Home: Party Coffin
Stacy: Me
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mysticalwolf · 11 months
Two Spooky Wally’s
Corpse Groom Wally belongs to @sketchquill please check out their art and support their work.
Haunted Mansion Wally is my Au
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legitanawkwardmess · 9 months
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Woah! Two whole posts in one day?? So unlike me. Nevertheless, I’m back again. This time with Corpse Bride (Groom) Wally! An au by the lovely @sketchquill! Look at the silly go 🫵
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socially-anxious-worm · 3 months
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Corpse Puppet AU Theo
Thought I'd throw my hat into the ring- /Lh
Corpse Puppet AU is made by @sketchquill who makes wonderful art for all their amazing AUs. (Sorry if this bothers you ^^')
This is Theo, a commoner who often dabbles in magic. He's good friends with Eddie and Howdy who he's known for years. (Has a crush on Howdy)
Now onto the fun facts!
-Met Howdy on a hill outside of town, often goes there to read his spell book.
-He doesn't like Howdy's parents- or how they basically force him to marry Y/N.
-Confides to Eddie about his crush on Howdy and how devastated he is about hearing he's getting married. (Howdy told him first thing-)
-Wholeheartedly believes you need to get to know someone better before marriage or maybe even dating.
-After the whole corpse raid, Theo offers Y/N who wants to be with Wally a way to communicate until they die naturally (or by other circumstances)
-Offers that same deal to Eddie and Frank even if it tires him out due to excess magic usage. He's doing it for love damn it!
-He'd ask threaten Howdy's parents to reconsider marrying off their son to some random person he's barely known.
-He may or may not have transferred some of Julie's money into Howdy's bank account to placate them, it'll get them off Howdy's back at least.
-He'll wait a while until he confesses, he doesn't want to overwhelm poor Howdy after going through such a... Unique experience.
(May add more lore later-)
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simplylatte · 1 year
" Till Death do us Part "
Corpse Bride x Welcome Home AU created by @sketchquill (<3)
Idea: Basically, the ending of the Corpse Bride enacted but with Welcome Home characters. If you haven't seen Sketch's AU, please do check it out! This idea was resurrected from one of Sketch's asks, and it has been bothering me since then. I have rewatched the Corpse Bride (and cried) purely for this writing, so I hope you enjoy!
Reminders: If you haven't gotten the hint yet, this will contain spoilers!! If you have not watched the Corpse Bride, I highly suggest you do so in order to fully understand the story. In this, Wally is the bride (or groom if you will, he'll be referred as such. Don't worry, you'll understand :,>)
The reader in this is gender neutral ^^
I cried while making this
I'll keep quiet and let you read. Enjoy the tears!
♡ ------------- ♡
The chapel was quite. Chairs in various locations. The room was cold. Once held a wedding between you and Wally was harshly interrupted. But now? It was quiet. Just you, Wally, and Howdy.
Wait.. Howdy!!
It felt like ages since you've been able to properly talk to him. It felt so surreal. Despite you only knowing Howdy for barely two days, having to be brought into a forced marriage, you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace, feeling safe and reassured. Howdy hugged you back with all four arms, not wanting to let go.
"Oh, Y/N.. I thought I'd never see you again." Howdy spoke softly. You felt his words wrap around you like a blanket. You let out a content sigh, embracing him just a little longer. You felt safe in his arms, something you haven't felt in so long. But despite the feeling, you felt sick to your stomach. You glanced over at Wally, who was gazing at you two with a smile.
Oh gosh..
You didn't understand it well. It was said that death has parted Wally, but you weren't sure how long he had left, or... if you'll ever see him again. You were wanting to save him, hence why the wedding was held in the first place. You were meant to drink poison, but it was already gone, but not by you. From someone else. You didn't drink it, he refused to let you. Why?
Because Wally knew you loved Howdy.
Wally loved you, but knew you weren't his. You had someone else, someone you should be marrying. Not him. It was true, but it didn't make the heartache any less painful.
You watched him turn and slowly walk away. He was headed towards the exit of the church. Every step he took felt like a stab to your heart. It killed you inside, seeing him walk alone. You couldn't bear to stand there and watch him go. You parted the hug from Howdy and turned to Wally.
"Wait!" You cried out. Wally stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. You already made your way to the groom as he slowly tilted his head.
"I.. Made a promise." You felt a lump in your throat just saying those words.
"Oh, Y/N.." Wally spoke, reaching his left hand in front of him. "You kept your promise."
Before you could say anything, Wally.. took the golden ring off of his finger. That same ring you placed on his finger when you said your vows so perfectly. Just the sight made you emotional.
"You've set me free. So now, I'm setting you free."
Wally gently took your hand into his for a moment and placed the ring on your finger. You stared at your hand with the ring, feeling all sorts of emotions run through you like a rollercoaster. There was a moment of silence before he let go of your hand. You looked at your ring for a moment before turning to Howdy with a large smile.
But the smile didn't last long. You quickly frowned as you slowly hung your head. You looked back at Wally as he walked away, slowly approaching the moonlight that shined through the church.
You felt sadness and guilt. It was then that you realized that while maybe you didn't love him the same way as Howdy, you still grew attached to Wally.
As he inched closer to the exit, you couldn't control yourself any longer.
"Wait!" You cried out again, running towards him.
Wally just about turned around when you immediately threw your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
"Oh! Goodness, me.." Wally fell limp in your arms. For a moment, it made you concerned before hearing his content sigh as he pressed his head against your shoulder.
Tears flooded your eyes, and before you knew it, you slowly began to cry. He immediately noticed when he felt your tears and heard your sniffles.
"Are you crying..?" Wally asked softly. You hugged him tighter for a short moment before letting him go, allowing him to get back on his feet.
You stood in front of Wally, crying. You couldn't help it. He was going away and you don't know if he'll be okay or if you'll ever see him again.
Wally took a small step closer, gently cupping your cheeks with a small smile. You could see him tear up as well.
"Darling, please don't cry.." He spoke softly, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You leaned into his touch, placing your hand over his as you looked at him with sorrow.
"But.. death has parted you. I had the chance to save you.." Your voice trailed off as it became harder to speak. You felt so guilty, it was unbearable. Wally stood quiet for a moment as he kept his gaze locked on you. His expression was soft and geniune, something you admired.
"That may be true, but you'd be much happier with Howdy than me. Besides, you still have your whole life ahead of you."
Wally paused for a moment. You could see him shed a tear.
"I love you, Y/N. But I couldn't allow you to make your sacrifice for me. You deserve to be happy.. even if I can't be yours."
Your heart shattered on the spot. He really did love you, so much that he's willing to slip away just for the sake of your happiness. Curse you and your attachments!
You opened your mouth to speak, but was met with more tears as you squeezed his hand. You knew his time was running short, so you appreciated every last second there was. Wally took a deep breath, slowly letting go of your face.
"I am honored to have met and marry you, but now, I have the honors of saying goodbye."
You let go of his hand, allowing him to take a step back. He took one final look at you, smiling as another tear fell. He waved you goodbye.
Wally turned and took a few steps towards the moonlight. He sighed for a moment before making the exit of the church. You saw him stand there, he looked at the sky, towards the moon. From there, you saw a few butterflies rise up, surrounding Wally. You blinked, now seeing more butterflies. That's when it hit you.
This was him leaving.
You watched as Wally lost his physical form, turning into hundreds of butterflies. The entrance of the church was surrounded with fluttering butterflies. You walked towards the entrance as they flew up in the sky, all slowly departing the church. You reached your hand out, allowing a butterfly to hand on your finger. You examined it and it's colors, all blue and black. A beautiful combination. After a short moment, the butterfly flew away. You had a feeling it was Wally saying his goodbyes to you.
You sniffled st the sight of butterflies all flying away towards the sky. It broke your heart to see it. He was gone, Wally was gone.
You felt a gentle pat on your back, looking up to see Howdy glancing at you. He wasn't mad or upset, nothing like that at all. If anything, he understood. You allowed Howdy to wrap his arms around you in a comforting hug. The two of you watched the remaining butterflies fly away into the night sky.
It was sad, but it was so beautiful.
Perhaps, somewhere..
You'll see him again.
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I'm not crying, you're crying!
I've tried so hard to not cry at my own writing but hear I am. I hope you guys enjoy!! Feel free to request more stuff like this! Perhaps I'll write more for this AU, I geniunely love it so much.
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nightmarehope36 · 10 months
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I just had to draw this amazing and wonderful Welcome home au's
Reboot wally by @bloodrediscream
Actor Wally by @frillsand
Ena Wally by @eechytooru
Corpse groom Wally by @sketchquill
They are all amazing people!
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randomwelcomehomestuff · 11 months
Unfinished Business: a Welcome Home Corpse Puppet AU fanfiction
A/N: Just here to let you know that I'm not creative. Like, at all. This is a fanfic of a fanfic inspired by a fan-made AU of a completely unrelated work, but I couldn't get it out of my head so maybe now my brain will be at peace so I can work on my original story (or it will come up with fifty other fanfic ideas because that's more fun than editing).
Anyway, Welcome Home belongs to Clown/partycoffin, the Corpse Puppet AU belongs to @sketchquill, and the fanfic this is based on is a Corpse Bride/Nightmare Before Christmas crossover fic called The Undead Groom by moviefan_92 on Ao3.
Spoiler Alert for all of that media, plus a little for the novel The Pumpkin Queen just because there's a reference here and there, but not too much.
Also C/W: There's a lot of major character death in here.
I may add more to it later if inspiration strikes. Let me know in the comments if you are interested in that.
Okay, I'll shut up, now. Here's the fic.
The carriage jostled down the muddy dirt road. You wrung the handkerchief in your hands as you gazed out the window at the grey sky, occasionally distracted by the raindrops trailing down the glass. Try as you might, you just couldn't cry. You wanted to, but no tears would come.
At least the dreary weather was appropriate for a funeral.
Howdy was watching you. He wasn't one to judge his spouse's appearance, but he did decide that funeral black did not suit you particularly well. Not when he'd seen you in so many other bright, cheerful colors, when you had been happy. When you were like this—mourning—the sparkle in your eyes was gone. He thought you were beautiful when you were happy, somehow still hauntingly so when you were sad, but he would be lying if he said he didn't prefer seeing you smile or laugh.
“Are you alright?” he asked. “I know you and Eddie were close.”
You sighed. “I'll be fine. This isn't my first time dealing with grief.”
Yes, Howdy knew that all too well. The first several days of your marriage had been more awkward than they probably should have been for... obvious reasons. Any time he caught you staring despondently out the window, he knew deep down that you were thinking of Wally.
That didn't have a negative impact on your marriage, though. You were strong and optimistic, and Howdy shared many happy memories with you. You taught him how to play piano, and he in turn taught you how to garden. You even started a small orchard together. Howdy couldn't think of many more signs of a happy home than the smell of apple blossoms in the garden and hallways filled with the sounds of music and laughter. You were comfortable, and your fortunes were secure, (that was the most important thing to both of your parents, and neither of you could ask for much more than your parents' satisfaction).
Most of all, you and Howdy loved each other. Howdy had accepted long ago that yours was a love built off of friendship and mutual respect rather than romance, but it was enough for him, (considering what he grew up witnessing from his parents, he counted that as the greatest success of them all). You recently celebrated your copper anniversary, which baffled Howdy. How could seven years fly by so quickly? Thinking back on everything, he knew that he was completely satisfied with where his life was, as long as you were by his side and happy.
Which is why he hated to see you so sad. He wouldn't rush you through your grief, but he could at least help lighten the load. “Would you like to talk about it?” he asked.
You looked down at the handkerchief in your hands, wadded up beyond recognition, but still as dry as it was when Howdy handed it to you. You smoothed it out over your lap and stared at Howdy's initials embroidered in green in the corner.
Howdy watched you, patient. A deep rumble of thunder rolled through the sky outside.
“I just... hate how somber it was,” you said.
“Funerals typically are.”
“I know, but Eddie wouldn't have wanted that. He was so much more cheerful and... and colorful than that. He'd want people telling funny stories about him and celebrating his life, not... just standing in silence while the dirt is thrown over his casket.” Your shoulders stiffened. “I should have said something.” Now you could feel the tears building up, but they simply would not come. I should be crying. Why am I not crying?
Howdy leaned forward and took your hand, and you finally looked into his eyes. He was smiling. “He's in a better place, now.”
You smiled at that. Seven years ago, those words would have felt like a hollow attempt at consolation, but now they were a real comfort. Howdy was there when the dead came up to the Land of the Living. He witnessed Eddie and Frank briefly reunite. Now they would never be separated again, and he knew it as well as you did.
Perhaps that was why you couldn't cry: you knew that good things were waiting for Eddie on the other side.
The tears finally spilled over and rolled down your cheeks, but they were not tears of sorrow. You were happy.
Howdy used two of his free hands to cup your face. His smile was soft and understanding as he thumbed away your tears. You stood and shifted over to the seat across from you so you could sit beside him, and his four arms wrapped you up into a tight hug. He pressed a kiss into the top of your head, like he had so many times before. “Everything will be alright,” he whispered.
“I know,” you mumbled into his shoulder.
Lightning flashed outside, followed by a loud clap of thunder. You gripped at Howdy's coat as he leaned forward to look out the window. “That storm is getting much worse.”
“Should we stop somewhere?” you asked.
He nodded. “Most likely.” He reached up to knock on the ceiling of the coach. “Johnson? How are the roads looking?” he called.
Johnson, the driver, shouted something back to Howdy, but his voice was drowned out by a deafening crash. A blinding white light flooded the carriage and the horses whinnied outside in terror. You tried to lean forward to look out the window, but the horses bolted and the momentum sent you crashing to the floor of the coach. You could hear Johnson yelling. Howdy grabbed your arm and tried to haul you back into the seat, but when you looked out the window, what you saw made you freeze.
Lightning had struck a nearby tree. It was on fire. Johnson seemed to have lost the reins, because you could see them flapping in the wind by the window. Howdy was calling your name. Johnson was screaming at the horses to stop.
The carriage was passing the flaming tree right as it started to crackle and groan.
You jumped back into the seat and grabbed Howdy. One of his hands grasped the back of your head and his body tensed around you as if he was bracing himself.
It only took a few seconds—three at most—but it felt like an eternity.
Wood splintered around you as the carriage shattered. A heavy weight came down on you and Howdy, and for a brief, macabre moment, you were amazed by how fragile your bodies really were.
Then everything went black.
There was nothing but darkness for a long time. You tried to move, tried to call out for Howdy, but nothing happened. You were just... nothing.
That thought scared you. There was so much more than that. Light. Color. Noises and smells. Life. You couldn't be nothing, that just wasn't possible. You had memories and goals. You had a spouse and a family. You had an estate to attend to you. You couldn't just... not be.
Panic twisted your stomach into knots, clawed its way up your throat, and came out of your mouth as a scream: “Help! Help me!”
“Alright, alright! Calm down!”
You stopped. That voice sounded familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on who it was.
Then you heard another, timid voice. “Is it always like this?”
That one you did recognize, because you had just heard it a few days ago. It was Eddie. Your instinct was to gasp, but you couldn't. I can't breathe. Oh, God, I can't breathe.
The first voice spoke again: “Often, yes. It all depends on the person and how at peace they are.”
There was a shuffling nearby. It was odd, despite the panic coursing through you, your body was strangely... calm. You expected your heart to be thumping fast and heavy in your ears and for your palms to be sweaty, but there was nothing.
The space above you shifted with a low creak and light stabbed your eyes. You flinched, blinked, then stared at the two faces above you blurring into focus.
Eddie and Frank were leaned over, looking down at you. They both offered you sad, soft smiles.
Your neck was stiff as you looked around. Your were laying in some sort of bed. It wasn't comfortable; even though it was all silk, there was no cushion, and the pillow at your head was much too small. Your mind was sluggish like you had just woken from a long nap. You had to blink several times and crane your neck to the left before you realized that Frank was holding open a lid.
You were in a casket.
Your tongue felt like cement in your mouth as you stammered, “Am... am I d-dead?”
Eddie gave you a pitying look. “Oh, Y/N.”
“Come on,” Frank said, “the sooner you get on your feet, the better you'll feel.” He and Eddie grabbed you under your arms and hoisted you out of the casket, which was sitting on a table. They helped you find your footing and Frank instructed you through some stretches to shake off the rigor mortis. You took a moment to look around.
You were in a sort of cavern, full of other caskets sitting on tables. Some looked new, others old and decayed.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“The Land of the Dead. Specifically, an offshoot of our village, just below the graveyard where you were buried,” Frank said.
You felt dizzy. “So... the crash... I didn't make it.”
Eddie put his hand on your shoulder. “No one made it except the driver. When the tree fell, he got thrown off, but he survived. Poor man blames himself for what happened. Thinks he should have kept better hold of the reins or suggested you leave sooner to avoid the storm.” He squeezed your shoulder. “They say you and Howdy died in each other's arms.”
“Howdy...” Your stomach was churning and you wondered if you could still get sick even if you were dead.
Eddie nodded. “Frank had to break a couple of rules, but we went to the Land of the Living to see your funeral—”
“From a safe distance, of course,” Frank interrupted.
“Of course. Your parents spared no expense. They got you a big, beautiful gravestone and there were flowers everywhere. You and Howdy were buried next to each other in the outfits you got married in.”
You glanced down at yourself for the first time and realized he was right, you were wearing the outfit your mother had picked out for your wedding, complete with your wedding band on your left hand.
Not only that, but you were also wearing the other wedding band on your right hand. Wally's wedding band. It was the same ring Wally had worn all those years ago, after you had practiced your vows in the woods. You ended up keeping it for myself since Howdy's mother insisted that you purchase new rings for your next attempt at getting married, (”I'll have no cursed rings at this ceremony,” she said). You could never bring yourself to get rid of it, though, and eventually fell into the habit of wearing it on your right hand while you wore your actual wedding ring on your left.
You were surprised that you had been buried with it, considering everything. Perhaps your family decided that since you wore it all the time, it held sentimental value to you and you'd want to keep it. Or, you shuddered to consider this, your hands were too swollen to get it off.
You shook those thoughts away and looked back to Eddie. “Where is Howdy?” you asked. “If he was buried next to me, shouldn't he be here?”
Frank and Eddie exchanged a glance. “We aren't sure where he is,” Eddie said.
“We've been keeping an eye out for him, but we think he's gone to the upstairs,” Frank added.
“The upstairs?”
“Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana, whatever you call it. You can go to whatever version of the afterlife you choose once you pass on. Unless you're someone like Julie.” They frowned. “Someone like that who has caused suffering for others doesn't get a choice. She's downstairs.”
“So, if there's an upstairs and a downstairs, where are we? The ground floor?”
Frank's mouth twitched into a smile. “Something like that. The people who end up here usually either can't make up their mind where they want to go or have unfinished business. You could join Howdy upstairs, if you wanted.”
You considered this, but the idea made your head spin. Where exactly did Howdy go, and how would you go about joining him?
Frank nodded to a nearby hallway. “We can talk more about this, later. Come on, the others are waiting to see you.”
The others. You perked up a bit remembering them. Sally, Poppy, Barnaby, even your old dog, Scraps. You followed Frank out of the cavern, and Eddie fell into step beside you, whistling a cheery tune as you walked.
The bells were already ringing by the time you reached the village, and as you got closer to the old tavern you could hear a chorus of voices all calling out, “New arrival! New arrival!”
Eddie chuckled beside you. “Poppy is up to her ears in cooking. They just had a Welcome Feast for me the other day.”
You tried to swallow, but your mouth was too dry. God, Eddie's, funeral was just the other day, and now here you were. You weren't sure if you could take part in any kind of feast; your mind was still reeling from everything that had happened.
You entered the tavern and were immediately greeted by Sally, the tragic Shakespearean actor, who gripped your hand and was roughly shaking it as soon as you stepped through the door. “Well, it's about time you showed up!” she said.
“Easy, Sally. Y/N is still adjusting,” Frank said as they came in beside you.
“Yeah, yeah,” Sally said as she tugged you across the room and sat you down at a bar. “So how'd it happen?”
You cleared your throat. “Um. A carriage accident.”
She whistled. “Wow, that's a rough way to go. Do you remember any of it?”
“Not really. I got knocked out pretty quickly.”
There was a loud thud beside you as a familiar, tall blue dog plopped down in the seat on your other side. “Welp, that's good at least,” Barnaby said as he handed you a frothing mug of beer.
“Sure is. Not remembering violent deaths makes the transition a little easier.”
Barnaby leaned over, his eyeball rolling into his right socket, and peered at you. “And judging by all the schmutz on your face, I'm guessing it wasn't a pretty sight.”
“Schmutz?” You gently touched your face and realized that you had a very thick layer of makeup on.
“Oh yeah! We need to get that off you right away. It looks awful.” Sally stood up and cupped her hands around her mouth. “Poppyyyyyy! I need a mirrooooooooor!”
“One moment, please!” a high-pitched, crow-like voice squawked from the kitchen. “Goodness me, I'm going to start molting again from all these feasts.” Poppy walked into the space behind the bar, wiping her wings on her apron, and she looked up at you. “Oh, my dear Y/N. I heard the rumors, but I didn't know if they were true. I'm so sorry.”
You couldn't help but smile at Poppy, remembering the way she comforted you when you first came here and were scared out of your wits. “I'm fine. It's good to see you again.”
She smiled back at you before digging through her apron pocket. “Let's see, I think I have a mirror in here, somewhere. Ah!” She withdrew a tiny hand mirror and handed it to you. “Please don't be insulted, but whoever did your funeral makeup certainly did you a disservice.”
You looked into the mirror and blanched when you realized that they were right. The makeup didn't match your skin tone and made you look horribly discolored, and they seemed to try and make up for that by applying huge splotches of rouge to your cheeks and lips. You grimaced at your reflection.
“Uh huh. Here,” Sally said while handing you a rag.
You went to work cleaning up your face and neck, scrubbing the makeup away. You froze when you glanced at your reflection again and noticed just how much you had changed. Your skin had taken on a bluish tint, and you had massive stitches across your neck and down your right temple. You gently prodded at your temple and flinched when a fraction of your skull shifted under your touch. No, the accident wasn't pretty at all.
Sally noticed this and took the rag and mirror from you. “Here, I'll finish,” she said.
“You'll get used to it,” Barnaby said as Sally got to work. “Imagine how Poppy was when she first got here and saw that half of her face was missing.”
Sally finished and nodded with satisfaction. “There. Now you look like one of us!”
“The stitches are a nice touch, too. Makes you look like a pirate,” Barnaby said.
Sally gasped. “Oooo. We could do a production of The Pirates of Penzance! Are you a good singer?”
“Me? Well, uh—”
Barnaby laughed then stood up. “Care if I go ahead and audition?” He started singing “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” before anyone could protest, going out of his way to use a silly voice and make larger-than-life funny gestures.
Eddie took Barnaby's seat beside you and helped himself to the drink that Poppy put down in front of him. “So, what do you think you're going to do now?”
You pondered this for a moment. “I'm not sure. What can I do?”
“Whatever you want, really. You could move on to another afterlife upstairs, or you could stay here. Take care of whatever unfinished business you have.”
You shrugged. “I guess that's why I'm here, huh? I just can't make up my mind?”
Poppy leaned against the bar and giggled. “Oh, no. I think you do have unfinished business.”
You tilted your head. “What?”
Sally's attention was brought back to you and she propped her elbows on the bar, giving you a sly smile. “Oh, yeah. And I bet we all know what it is.”
“I'm confused,” you said.
“Oh, come on. Do we really need to spell it out for you?” she said with a groan. “How about the guy you almost drank poison for?”
Your eyes widened. “Wally?”
Sally and Poppy both nodded. Barnaby gave up on his performance when he realized no one was watching him juggle three empty beer mugs and approached you again. “Sounds about right,” he said.
“But that's not possible. Wally, he... he's gone. I saw him disappear.”
Frank approached you from behind and placed their hand on your shoulder. “He's not gone. Souls don't just disappear like that.”
“Yeah, and he visited us a couple of weeks ago,” Barnaby added.
You felt something deep within you—your heart, maybe? even though it wasn't beating anymore?—jump up at the revelation. “Where is he? Upstairs?”
“Nah, I think Poppy would have let us know if he was living in the attic.” Barnaby laughed when Frank gave him a sharp glare.
“Not precisely. Last I heard, he's residing in another in-between kind of place. It's a little bit harder to get there since it's separate from our world, but he's figured it out well enough that he still visits us from time to time,” Frank said.
Your throat clenched like a fist and your eyes were stinging. You pressed your hands against your mouth and sniffled.
Poppy grinned. “I knew it.”
“Please. We all knew it,” Sally said.
“How do I find him?” you said.
Frank put a hand to his chin. “Well, he told me that there are a couple of ways to get there, but for most of them you have to know what you're looking for. I haven't been able to go there, myself, so I won't be very much help, there.” They tapped his jaw and hummed a bit in thought. “I suppose I could give you the spell I gave Wally before. It's a bit of a gamble, but I'm sure it won't be much of a problem for you. It's a spell to help you find your heart's desire. I gave it to him when he first got here in case he ever changed his mind about that unfinished business of his, and he kept it with him for years. Didn't use it until that day in the Land of the Living.”
You remembered that moment vividly, when you watched as Wally's body dissolved into hundreds of blue and grey butterflies. “That was a spell? I thought he was gone.”
Frank shook his head. “I think once he decided that he was satisfied, he needed something to help him move on. He's happy where he is now, if not a little lonely.”
You hugged yourself. You had never considered the possibility of seeing Wally again, and now that you were told that it was possible, your heart seemed to sing at the idea. But something was holding you back.
“What about Howdy?”
Frank sighed. “I can't help you with that. I'm afraid that's a decision you'll have to make on your own.”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Eddie said, “you're not limited to one place. You can visit each afterlife whenever you want. I visited my parents in the upstairs the other day, but I'm staying here to be with Frank.” As he said this, he took Frank's hand and gave them a sweet smile. “So, uh, if you want to see Howdy again, you can. But you don't have to stay anywhere. You're free to do what you want.”
That seemed to loosen some of the tension in your chest. You took a deep breath and let your heart take over. “Okay. How do I use that spell?”
Frank smiled. “We'll need to get some things out of my office.”
You stood and followed Frank out the door. Sally whooped behind you, “Woo hoo! Lover boy's getting his partner back!”
“We'll have that Welcome Feast another time, alright?” Poppy called.
Barnaby just hummed to himself, considering adding another verse to “Remains of the Day” so that the story would have a happy ending, after all. Then again, he'd probably have to sacrifice the catchy instrumental part in the middle so the song wasn't too long, and he wasn't willing to do that.
You and Eddie stood in silence as you watched Frank dig through his various supplies. He scrutinized their spell book as he carefully measured and combined the ingredients. When they were finished, he handed you a small capsule the size of a marble.
“This is it?” you asked.
He nodded. “It looks unassuming, but it is a very powerful spell. All you have to do is crush it in your hand and you'll be sent to wherever your heart's desire is. Though, you may need to try and focus on one thing, or else you may get sent to the wrong place.”
“But don't worry. If you get lost, just find a graveyard and enter a crypt to go underground, and you'll find a village associated with that grave yard. You should be able to find your way back from there,” Eddie said.
You nodded, staring at the capsule in the palm of your hand.
Without warning, Eddie pulled you into a hug. “Take care of yourself, okay, bud? And you'd better visit us all the time, or I'll come find you, myself.”
You smiled and leaned into his hug. “I will. I promise.”
Frank sniffed and cleared their throat, trying to hide the fact that you reminded him of themselves when he was young and fell in love with Eddie for the first time. “Alright, go on before Eddie decides to make you stay here.”
You turned to Frank and gave him a hug, too. “Thank you,” you whispered.
They awkwardly patted your back. “Of course.” He led you out to his balcony that overlooked the village. “I will warn you, it may be a bit of a bumpy ride.”
You walked to the edge of the balcony, looked back over your shoulder at them as Eddie put his arm around Frank. You took a deep breath—just out of habit at this point, and it was an odd sensation to feel your lungs stretch for the first time in a while—then turned your face up. You closed your eyes and pictured Wally, wherever he was, then you squeezed your right hand until the capsule burst and a fine powder spilled out between your fingers.
Nothing happened, at first. You opened your eyes again and looked down, wondering if you'd done something wrong.
But then you felt another strange sensation: an unraveling, like your body was falling away from you. A gust of wind swirled around you, your feet and the tips of your fingers tingled, and your body transformed into hundreds of butterflies.
Just like Wally.
Normally, you would have been frightened. You weren't. Your heart jumped up in your throat with excitement. You almost laughed, but your face and mouth had been transformed by then.
You were jumbling, fluttering, riding on the wind current, spread out in a great cloud of delicate wings. You tumbled through the air, trying and failing to grasp what was happening and where you were going. The world flew past you in a blur. You felt free.
You jolted when your feet suddenly met solid ground. You blinked, held your hands out in front of you and found them whole again.
You were in a circular clearing in the middle of a grove of trees. You spun around in a circle, taking in your surroundings. The trees were all tall and dark, and each tree on the edge of this clearing had a door carved into it. A four-leaf clover, a big red heart, a Christmas tree? An Easter egg? These were all symbols associated with holidays.
“Oh!” a quiet voice sounded behind you. You turned to face them and stared, slack-jawed, at the person who met you. She was a tall, slender woman standing at the edge of the grove. Her skin was made of a blue fabric and she had long, red hair and wore a colorful, patchwork dress. A small basked was hanging from the crook of her arm, stuffed with sprigs of lavender. Her round, glassy, babydoll eyes blinked at you. She smiled and dipped her head down. “I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to find anyone else here.”
You struggled to find your words as you were still wrapping your head around the concept that a giant rag doll was talking to you. This was all a lot for you to take in one day. You coughed and said, “No, I'm sorry. I'm just... looking for someone.”
The woman tilted her head. “Is that so? Who are you looking for?”
“A man named Wally Darling. He's a...” You hesitated, unsure how foreign this would be to her.
But she finished the sentence for you. “A corpse? Like you?”
You smiled bashfully. “Yes.”
The woman grinned even bigger. “Then it's a good thing I found you. He's from the same town as me.”
That jolt of excitement shot through you again. It seemed like the spell that Frank made for you worked like a charm. “Really? Can you take me there?”
“Of course.” She walked up to you, her stride small and with a noticeable limp, thought she didn't seem to be in pain. She held out her hand. “My name is Sally, by the way,” she said.
Another Sally, you thought. You shook her hand and introduced yourself. She nodded, then motioned to the side toward a tree with a door shaped like a jack-o-lantern in it. “We'll be heading to Halloween Town. This is the fastest way there,” she continued. She limped to the tree, turned the knob that was disguised as the jack-o-lantern's nose, and the door swung outward. You cautiously approached it and looked down into the hollow tree. There was nothing but darkness, and the door opened to a steep drop-off that you couldn't see the bottom of.
“I find it easiest to just close my eyes and jump,” she said. “I know it can be a bit intimidating sometimes, but I promise, it's perfectly safe. My husband and I come through here all the time.”
You swallowed, grabbed hold of the doorway, and shut your eyes. A gentle breeze blew through, carrying the comforting scent of fallen leaves and caramel apples. A smile crept onto your face, and you pulled yourself through the doorway and jumped.
There was only a second of free fall before you landed smartly on your rear end in a giant pile of leaves. You grunted and clambered to your feet.
Sally appeared beside you. “Are you alright? That happens a lot for first-timers.”
You straightened up and said, “Yeah, I'm fine. Not like I can get much worse.”
She giggled at that and motioned for you to follow her. You walked together down a dirt path that cut through the woods and she asked you about where you came from and how you got here. She was a good listener as you told her everything.
“How do you know Wally?” she asked.
“We, um...” Your face heated up and you found yourself fiddling with the band on your right hand. “It's a long story. Let's just say we're... old friends.”
“I see,” she said with a knowing look that made you blush more. But then she looked forward and said, “Here we are.”
You both crested a hill and looked down on an archway with “Halloween Town” spelled out in black, iron letters. A large town bustled with activity down below. The architecture was conflictingly made of a combination of twisting, curving lines and jagged, sharp angles, and the citizens seemed to enjoy and monochrome color palette with occasional splashes of bright color. You followed Sally down the path and entered the town.
You had to keep yourself from gawking when you saw the first couple of citizens gathered in the town square: a wolf man dressed in tattered flannel chatting with a bulking man dressed in overalls with an axe stuck in his head. They both gawked at you, though, when you came into a view.
“Look! Queen Sally has brought in someone new!” the wolf man exclaimed with a gravelly voice.
You glanced at her. “Queen Sally?”
She blushed. “Ah, yes, I didn't mention that. I'm the Pumpkin Queen.”
“Oh!” You fumbled and started to bow, but Sally stopped you.
“Please, don't. That's exactly why I don't go around announcing that to everyone. Just treat me like you would anyone else.”
You nodded. “Sorry.”
“And don't apologize, either.” She hooked her arm around yours and said, “Now, let's go find Wally.”
She led you away, but not before you noticed that a trio of women, (witches, you guessed, based on their clothes and pointed hats) had gathered around the wolf man and were whispering conspiratorially.
You hadn't gone far before you stumbled upon two more citizens: a man wearing a long trench coat and tall, thin top hat, and an even taller, thin, and gangly skeleton dressed in a pin-stripped suit with tails on his coat and a bat bowtie. They were both leaned over something on a table.
Sally perked up a bit beside you. “Oh, that's my husband over there. He may know where Wally is.” She waved her free hand and called, “Jack! Jack!”
The skeleton looked up and his face split into a wide, toothy grin. “Sally! Perfect timing! Mr. Hyde and I were just testing out his newest creation. Would you care to see?”
She nodded and walked to the table, where Jack presented her with a large, orange bowl of candy with a small sign taped to the front that read “Just Take One.”
“A seemingly normal bowl, yes? Perfectly welcoming to trick-or-treaters.”
“Of course,” she agreed.
“Go and take a piece. Just one.”
Sally did as he said a delicately picked up a wrapped piece of butterscotch. She waited a moment, then raised a brow at him. “Is that all?”
“Precisely, because you were good and only took one. Now, pretend you are a greedy trick-or-treater and try to grab a handful.”
Sally nodded and drove her hand into the bowl, grabbing a large handful of candy, when a ghostly hand jumped from within the depths of the bowl and grabbed her wrist. She gasped, startled, then laughed. “What fun!”
Jack clapped Mr. Hyde on the back. “You see? A brilliant idea! I knew you were an excellent choice for the knew town scientist. Well done!”
Mr Hyde chuckled, pleased with himself. “You flatter me, Jack.”
Sally gently tugged at Jack's arm and whispered to him. He looked at you and his eyes lit up. “Oh, my apologies! I was so caught up in my work, I hadn't noticed you there.” He swept into a low bow. “Jack Skellington, Pumpkin King and Co-Representative of Halloween.” He stood upright and draped an arm over Sally's shoulder. “And you've already met my wife and partner, Sally.” He looked you up and down, then beamed. “We don't get very many new faces, but you seem like you'll fit right in, here.”
You cleared your throat and said, “Actually, Mr. uh, Skellington—”
“Please, Jack is fine.”
“Jack,” you corrected, “I'm actually looking for someone. Wally Darling?”
He raised a brow and glanced at Sally, who only smiled up at him. “Your name wouldn't happen to be Y/N, would it?”
Your eyes widened. “Yes. Why?”
“He talks about you all the time. Oh, he'll be over the moon when he sees you!”
You could have sworn that your heart thudded hearing that, but that couldn't have been possible, could it?
Jack tilted his head and hummed. “I just saw him a moment ago. I may know where he is. Follow me!” He let go of Sally and strode away. You glanced at Sally and she nodded to you, urging you forward, then you jogged to follow the skeleton.
Jack led the way down a twisting cobblestone path that led out of the town and into farmland that mostly consisted of pumpkins. He led you through a graveyard and up a steep hill, and his long strides took him up the hill faster than you could keep up with. You couldn't run out of breath, anymore, but that didn't stop your muscles from aching as you hiked after him. As you reached the top of the hill, you could see another hill in the distance that made the shape of a spiral. As you took in the view, your gaze wandered from the massive spiral and down to the bottom where another there was another pumpkin patch.
You froze when you saw him. There was no mistaking him with his blue, patchwork skin and signature hair style. He wasn't wearing the wedding tuxedo anymore; now he donned a simple white shirt and blue striped pants. He was seated at a stool in the middle of the pumpkin patch with an easel in front of him, hard at work on a painting. You would have gasped if you still had breath, and your body moved before you completely comprehended what you were seeing.
As you came closer, you could see that he was recreating the view of the spiral hill on his painting. His back was to you, and he hummed quietly as he worked, so deep in thought that he didn't notice you and Jack approaching until Jack called his name.
“Wally! I thought we'd find you here.” Jack leaned over Wally's shoulder and looked at the painting. “Ah, is this my commission? It's coming along swimmingly.”
All you saw was Wally's side profile as he smiled up at Jack. “Thank you. I'm just touching up a few details, right now. It should be finished in a day or so, when it dries.”
“It will be a wonderful anniversary gift. Sally will love it!”
Wally turned back to his painting, and Jack glanced at you like he'd just remembered you were there. “Actually, Wally, I needed to speak to you.”
“It seems,” Jack said, putting his hand on Wally's shoulder, “that someone is here to see you.”
Wally gave Jack a confused look, then turned.
His eyes widened, and the paintbrush fell from his limp fingers.
Neither of you moved. His eyes trailed up and down your body. He stood, took a few hesitant steps forward, and said, “Y/N?”
You smiled. “Hello, Wally,” you said.
Jack was beaming.
Wally blinked, then shook his head. “I'm dreaming.”
You almost laughed. Your hands were shaking. “No, you're not.”
“I am. You... you can't be here. It's not possible.”
“I'm going to open my eyes, and you'll be gone.”
You approached him, took his hand, and pressed it against your face. His eyes dilated and his mouth fell open.
“I'm here,” you whispered.
He studied your face, and his fingers trailed down your jaw and to your neck, where they found the stitches. He glanced at them, and his mouth opened wider. “Oh...” His other hand found your neck and he gently traced the stitches. He gently turned your head from side to side as he looked you over like he was just noticing the bluish tint your skin had taken, and his gaze fell on the stitches on your temple. “What happened?”
“A carriage accident.”
He covered his mouth. “Oh, no...”
You took his hand again. “It's alright. I don't remember anything.”
You noticed tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “I'm so sorry.”
You cupped his cheek. “Don't be. I'm alright.”
Jack coughed. “I believe you two will be wanting some time alone?” He leaned down and whispered to Wally, “I recommend the top of Spiral Hill. Very romantic spot.” He winked, and Wally started to blush.
“Thank you,” he mumbled before he gripped your hand tightly and led you toward Spiral Hill. You trudged to the top together, hand in hand, and you looked out over the view of the graveyard and pumpkin patch, grey and black with dots of orange.
Wally turned to you and took a tight hold of both your hands. “Tell me everything.”
You didn't speak, because with him holding your hands I noticed something for the first time. When you had met before, when you were still alive, whenever he touched you his skin was always freezing cold. Now it wasn't. You realized it was because we were the same temperature. It made you want to hold him closer.
“I already told you, I was in a carriage accident.”
“No, no. I mean... tell me about your life. What happened after I left?”
“You want me to tell you all of that? Right now?”
He nodded. “We have all the time in the world, now.”
You grinned, and then you did just that. You told him about your marriage to Howdy, the relationship you had formed, the good and bad times, and you told him that during those seven years, you never forgot him. You were afraid that he would be upset or sad when you told him about your marriage, but he seemed to be the contrary.
“I'm glad,” he said. “I was hoping I was making the right decision. It's good to know that you lived a good life after I was gone, even if... even if it was a short one.”
He had looked away, and you gently cupped his cheek so that he would look at you. “The others in the Land of the Dead said that the reason I stayed behind was likely because I had unfinished business. At first, I didn't know what they were talking about, but I think I do, now.” Despite building up to that, you suddenly became bashful and couldn't quite find the words.
Wally touched your hand on his face and leaned into it. “You were looking for me?”
You nodded. “The thing is... I missed y—”
He interrupted you by pressing his lips to yours.
He had only ever kissed you once before, that night on the bridge. You weren't sure if that even counted since you fainted when he did. You remembered being terrified back then, your stomach swirling and your heart thumping so hard and fast you thought you were about to have a heart attack. You remembered how cold his lips were, and how dizzy you were from the fear.
This was different. Obviously, you weren't afraid, now, but it was more than that. It was rushed and passionate, not the formal seal of the vows that Wally had done before. And it was warm. You still felt dizzy, though.
When he pulled away, you stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then you took his shoulders and pulled him back to you for another kiss. Your hand went to the back of his head and your fingers tangled into his soft hair. His hands trailed up and down your back. You gripped each other as if the second one of you let go, you'd be lost forever. You finally pulled away again when you heard the sound of an applause in the distance.
At the top of one of the nearby hills, a small crowd of monsters and ghouls had formed, and they were whooping and cheering. Jack and Sally stood at the center of the crowd, smiling up at you as Sally leaned into Jack's shoulder.
“So much for alone time,” you muttered. You turned back to Wally to see him beaming up at you. His eyes sparkled.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up into a twirl. You yelped in surprise and gripped his shoulders. He laughed heartily as he set you back down, then he leaned his forehead into yours, and for a moment you simply relished in each other's company.
“Thank you,” he said. “I've missed you, too. I know that I was selfish before, but I really am glad that you came to find me.”
You were surprised to feel your heart melting a bit when he said that—it seemed that even if your heart didn't beat anymore, it was still capable of swelling and melting with emotion.
The ring on your right hand glinted in the moonlight. A knot formed in your throat. “I think... I think I know what my unfinished business is, now.”
Wally tilted his head, curious.
You took the ring off your finger and held it up to him. “I want to try again. Properly, this time. Nothing in our way, and no interruptions. I want to give you the wedding you deserve.”
Wally's eyes widened a bit, then he chuckled and shook his head. “It was never just about the wedding, you know. I wanted true love. A happy ending.”
“Exactly,” you said. “I want to give you that. A big, beautiful ceremony to celebrate true love, and a real happily ever after.” You cleared your throat, suddenly nervous. “If you'd like that, I mean.”
He broke into a wide smile. “Are you asking me to marry you?”
You nodded. “Yes. Will you marry me? Again?”
He laughed again and pulled you into a hug. “Yes. If you will have me.”
You closed your eyes and leaned into the hug. “Of course I will.”
You finally pulled apart once again to slip the band on Wally's finger, right where it belonged.
A/N: Yes, I already know I'm cringe. Don't look at me.
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tinyraspberrybees · 9 months
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It's a mix between Swarm! Wally by @itskorrychang
(Idk if I should @ you or not, so sorry if I wasn't supposed to qwq), but I've always wanted to draw Swarm! Wally for a while now, especially this art idea
And the wonderful Au of Corpse bride belongs to @sketchquill !!
Hope you don't mind the little silly drawing <3
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sketchquill · 7 months
I casually took three hours finding all the comic strips of the Corpse Groom Puppet Welcome Home au... Are you proud of me? Also, this au is so relatable, like I'm dying.
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Omg I am so sorry it took you three hours to find all the comic strips 😭🙏
Hmm, maybe I’ll need to put all the Corpse Puppet AU fanart and fics I’ve reblogged into a separate tag. That way it’d be much easier for everyone to find the art I made for the AU instead of just scrolling through my account for hours to find them.
But that’ll take a real fucking long time though cause there is a LOT of fanart and fics for the AU hahaha! 😆
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glazedtrash721 · 11 months
Artblock sucks, so I drew some more Wallys to counteract it!
(TW: Scopophobia and a lil' bit of poorly drawn gore! [A heart and some blood lol])
Anyways, here are two very different Wallys from two very different AUs! One of the few things they have in common is that I love them so so much!!
Corpse Puppet AU belongs to @sketchquill and Red Eyes AU belongs to @dottyorange !!
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What a goober Corpse Groom Wally is! He may literally be a reanimated corpse, but that doesn't stop him from being adorable!! I can't get over how utterly BEAUTIFUL @sketchquill 's art is, especially for this AU!!
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Red Eyes Wally is also a goober, but in an entirely different way! This man may not be a corpse, but he certainly seems to enjoy making people into corpses! (And reanimated ones, at that!) I did two versions of him, one where I just kinda slapped OG Wally's colors on him and one where I took inspiration from @dottyorange 's style of traditional art!
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This is Liminal Space Wally created by Professor Jake on YouTube!! This piece looks so different because I drew it about a month ago! I've been waiting for an excuse to post this dude, and I figured he would fit in with this post, so here you go!!
(The background picture is from Google, lol!)
Also! Just as a reminder! None of this is canon to partycoffin's original Welcome Home!!
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