#wallowing with Jesus
heyitsphoenixx · 1 year
my mother was genuinely trying to make the argument that people do not fundamentally care about each other’s stories and only care in the ways they can relate their stories to their own experiences and therefore no one should ever try to make new plot lines or share their stories bc it’s all been told before and the only point to you sharing your story is for your own therapy bc no one actually cares and humans aren’t actually pack animals but lone wolves and we keep saying we want to change the world and we could so easily overthrow people in power but bc no one actually cares about each other we don’t do it and just give up. I have never been more certain in my whole life that I am right in saying she could not be more wrong. for the love of god please just share an orange with someone
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I don't remember who recommended that I read Hands of the Emperor but I'm losing my mind and driving everyone I live with up the wall, so
Well played
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sodrippy · 6 months
hm i shouldnt have vocalized how i feel abt this trip, my ma just showed me its rainy at home on video call and im being overcome w upsetness help
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thesmokinpossum · 2 months
Had to stop looking at my archive because it was honestly depressing me, I was just so hopeless and unhappy from 2016 to 2019 and I guess I should be happy I'm in a much better place now but I'm honestly just sad for my early 20's self
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botseeksbot · 9 months
Tumblr media
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r0nnietherat · 2 years
One thing about Mac is that
First he was afraid
He was petrified
Kept thinking he could never live without Dennis by his side
But then he spent so many nights thinking how Dennis did him wrong
And he grew strong 💪💪💪 (mass, so much mass)
And he learned how to get along 😌☝️
And so Dennis is back :0
From North Dakota
He just walked in to find Dennis here with that sad look upon his face
He should have changed that stupid lock, he should have made Dennis leave his key
If he had known for just one second Dennis would be back to bother him 🙄
And if there’s one other thing I know about Mac, it’s that
he will survive!
As long as he knows how to love, I KNOW he’ll stay alive ❗️
He’s got all his life to live 🏳️‍🌈
And he’s got all his love to give 🏋️ and he’ll survive
he will survive ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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sad--tree · 6 months
no1 talk 2 me abt my spotify wrapped top songs playlist it's So Bad help
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razzek · 7 months
So I'm watching this boogie2988 documentary everyone was raving about and all I can think is "...why the fuck do people care so much?!" He's just some rude guy. I guess a cult of haters grew up around the poor bastard and people like seeing him suffer. I seriously feel like I'm watching My 600lb Life only they didn't pay a doctor to talk down to him and fat shame him. I hope he gets a shit ton of extra money or something from this.
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miamicommune · 10 months
started playing sunless skies, finally got to albion, and want to blow up the entire empire jesus fucking christ
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handgiven · 8 months
who will love a little sparrow who's traveled far and cries for rest?
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stranger-awakening · 2 years
literally can’t stop thinking about how someone proposed + got engaged on stage before scrawny last night because dylan managed to see two words on the sign they were holding up in like the back third of the mosh
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
the lack of anything humorous on april fools reminds me of the episode of the office where they play that role playing game with the murder in savannah and at one point, fed up with jim being dour, michael takes him in the other room and scolds him.
“just shut up, let them have this stupid game to take their minds off of [all of them potentially getting fired]”.
so, to all of you who were like “april fools is cancelled because nothing could match the unbelievable shit happening in the world right now” yesterday, shut up. just… shut up. shut up forever. let us clowns have our fun and shenanigans every now and again because it’s how we relax and not dwell on the bad shit happening all the fucking time.
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hezekiahwakely · 2 years
You ever start googling your mental illness symptoms and run into the communities that have formed around them and get hit with a wave of pure revulsion
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radioactive-cloud · 1 month
i'm tipsy and sad and i just want to matter and not to feel like this
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cedar-sunshine · 2 months
oc questionnaire
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! Technically you tagged my main account, but I'll answer it eith my writing one!
My questions are
Are you a sound sleeper?
2. Have you ever owned a pet? If you haven't, what would you get as a pet if you could?
3. What do you think is your problem?
Answering for Tristan and Orion!
Are you a sound sleeper?
T: 'oh, yeah. No. Yeah, not at all. Whenever I fall asleep, the corpses start touching me and half the time I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's fine, I guess, but I don't like sleep in general. Even without the corpses and blood and nightmares and shit, every second I spend asleep is a second where I could be running. I sleep, but when I do so, I'm aware that I'm wasting time.'
O: 'I guess so? I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, but I go back to sleep. It's just bad dreams. I'm sure it'll be easier once I find a real town, with an actual bed. God, I can't remember what mattresses feel like. The ground is okay, though!'
Have you ever owned a pet?
T: 'I mean, my family always had a guard dog, but I wasn't allowed to touch it or get close to it. Honestly, I'm not sure why they had it. We lived with the church and nothing would ever really be a threat. I guess paranoia really gets to you. The closest thing I had to a real pet were the songbirds I fed when I was a little kid. Whenever I got an allowance, I'd buy birdseed and watch them eat it. For some reason, I thought I was their only source of food. If I had to choose a hypothetical pet... I'm not sure. I think a cat would be nice.'
O: 'I... nevermind. Yeah, I'm a dog person. I'll get a dog once I find the civilization.'
What do you think is your problem?
T: 'oh, lord. You want a list? I'm fucked in the head, I pretend I'm a boy, I'm on the run from a family that wants nothing from the best for me, I see walking corpses that hang from the trees, there's blood everywhere that doesn't exist, and did i mention that im absolutely fucked in the head? Something is wrong with me. Has been since birth, but... it got worse. I can't tell whether or not any of what I experience or remember is real, I'm scared of everything, and I want to fucking kill myself. I could go on.'
O: 'I don't have- I mean, I guess I could. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as kind to Tristan as I could be? He's clearly scared, and I just wish he wasn't as... bitchy as he is. He seems to think that I'm insane, but I think he's just a little paranoid. Maybe I'm optimistic, but optimism is always good!
Open tag!
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ethanharli · 1 year
The fact that I could so easily be turned into a mess kills me-
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