stealingpotatoes · 9 months
dooku would not last five minutes in a restaurant job before trying to murder either a random stupid customer or his manager
what if that stupid customer was also a jedi
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not-poignant · 3 months
If someone stopped reading your story, not because of anything wrong you've done, would you be interested to know why? Or would that just be unpleasant?
That would just be unpleasant, anon.
The reality is a lot of people just stop reading for a lot of reasons, and hearing someone's negative feedback isn't really that useful, because I'm writing the story for the people who really love it, and not for the people who got bored or stopped liking the themes etc. And then of course there are folks who just stop because life intervenes, which is normal.
Generally speaking there's a saying which is: If you wouldn't ask that person for personal advice, why are you listening to their criticism. And I tend to apply that pretty aggressively to strangers on the internet tbh!
Part of it is that I take negative critiques very personally, and can spend a really long time feeling like I should change an entire story for one person who's already stopped reading, or like I should be trying to fight to keep that one person's interest instead of like...focusing on all the readers who are actually just enjoying the writing as it is. And changing my writing for the people who aren't finding it interesting enough to keep reading (and/or who don't have time and/or who find it too upsetting etc.) is not going to help anyone!
So yeah, generally speaking telling a person why you've stopped reading a story is like...not really a thing to do (and that's true for most authors).
About the only time I don't mind it is when someone starts reading again after a period of absence where they've been stressed and I get a comment like 'Ah I haven't been around due to life/stress/illness but I'm so happy to be back and reading' lol, which I don't think is what you're referring to!
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ullasabat · 2 months
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ITS SYRUP THOTS HE’S AT WAFFLE HOUSE. I almost don’t want to share this one but I can’t not, however I’m not responsible for the idea of oiled-up smothered and covered Miguel at Waffle House this is the cursed imaginings of our Miguel fan club discord… and there are no rules there when you ask mama Kat for art…ask and you shall receive
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starzyhoes · 7 months
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"Watched the fry cook and the waitress get into a physical altercation over some guy named Asher (they both can do better). My eggs were runny, my bacon was burnt, and the coffee was garbage, but I got a show with my meal so 4.5 stars."
--a review left by Andrew after the Foxes stopped at a Wafflehouse on their way back from a game
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jacksprostate · 4 months
i wanna send them to a waffle house
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munsonology · 1 year
Eddie munson working at a Waffle House is so....*chef's kiss* Reader, who is black, starts as a server because they're looking to just scrap by while in college.
Eddie is worried at first. He knows the patrons that walk through the door aren't always the nicest. A lot of drunk people. Sometimes people are just looking for a fight. He makes it his mental mission to keep an eye out for you. You're sweet. A lot of the guys come in and flirt with you.
You almost always laugh it off. It makes Eddie feel like it's going to make the wrong impression.
That is, until one guy comes in belligerently drunk. He's shouting, slurring his words--he's overall a messy drunk and Eddie, who'd been taking a smoke break immediately snuffs it out.
The guy slumps into the booth and you walk over, menus in hand. You stay behind the counter, like you're supposed to, you hand the guy the menu. But he grins up at you and reaches right for your chest.
Before Eddie can cross the room, you've decked the asshole square in the nose. Eddie freezes for a moment, eyes widen and then as the guy starts to push up from the table, Eddie kicks back into gear. The rest of the guys in the kitchen come rushing out too. It's the entire Waffle House against this guy. He doesn't even get fully up but you hit him again.
It's clear that you're pissed. Your eyes are unfocused and you're breathing hard. So Eddie hauls the guy out. It's not easy--he's almost twice the size of Eddie, but the two solid punches you've landed plus his own drunkness help. So Eddie all but throws the guy onto the curb and then comes back inside to see another linecook wrapping your knuckles. Gingerly he cuts in, adjusting the wrap a little.
"You okay?" Eddie asks.
"I should've killed him," you mutter.
"Still got time," he laughs. "Anything hurt?" He's trying to keep is snug enough but not cutting off circulation.
"If it's not broken, it's bruised like a bitch."
Eddie gets the wrap finished, sliding his fingers over your knuckles and palm then you your fingers. "Oh," he tsks, taking in the sight of two of your nails that broke. Nothing that damaged your natural nail underneath. He's seen that happen a few time to the other girls.
"I have an appointment Saturday," you shrug it off.
"Can I pick the color?" he teases.
"What do you know about that?" you gape.
Eddie winks when you finally settle your gaze on him. "I've been around the block a time or two. But you're blue right now. I think red would be nice."
"Red and black."
"Just in time for Halloween," he teases.
When you come into work on Sunday, he absolutely hollers for you to come into the kitchen. You've barely had time to get your apron on. He checks out your nails with a whistle. "Bet they'd look better digging into my back don't you think?"
"If we survive this shift, we'll have to see about that."
Eddie who is not religious signs the cross over his chest. "May God be with us. Because you're going to need him tonight, honey."
OH MY GOD ILYSM 😍 this is amazing and exactly what we need 🙌🏽
Exactly how I see Waffle House!eddie in my mind. He’s always getting into it Janice who’s also his neighbor. Janice isn’t a Karen but she stays on Eddie’s ass because he’s a menace and gets on her nerves
Janice gives waffle house wendy vibes! Eddie’s seen her jacket sleeve catch fire and she out it out with her hand!
lead waitress Miss Minnie brought him into the Waffle House family. She’s loved by everyone in Hawkins and she’s the mother, therapist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, pastor, and then some all wrapped in one body. People go to her for everything and she’s always helping even when people don’t deserve her help.
You’re the sweetest girl he’s ever seen walk into this establishment and he instantly has a crush on you the new waitress. I can see jeff also working here, maybe miss Minnie is his auntie! And they all tease him for having a crush on you! “You got it bad white boy” Jeff laughs.
You and Eddie fuck behind the building while on breaks 😭 I think Janice catches y’all one time and this is probably how she starts calling you titmouse! She didn’t learn your name anyway because no other waitress has stuck around other than the ones they already have so she knows you’ll quit eventually so why learn your name 😭
Y’all both work the night shift on stuardays so y’all literally see everybody in Hawkins stop by. The basketball team comes by after their big win and Jason starts shit because his waffles are cold. So Eddie comes out because nobody is gonna talk to miss Minnie like that! And Eddie and Jason start fighting and the players with girlfriends get involved so now here you are with the other Waffle House girls throwing waffle batter and plates😭
And if it’s modern, in the corner booth robin takes out her phone to record everything! “Dingus your hair is in the way move! This is my Scorsese moment”
And the entire kitchen staff is yelling “go white boy go white boy go!” As he’s whoppin Jason’s ass. Just like that cosplay video 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
😭😭😭😭 now I’ve never been to a Waffle House because we don’t have that out here BUT I have been to a red lobster on easter and ihop at 1 am and it’s basically Waffle House adjacent 😭 I love my people
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swankyangles · 1 year
While all corporations are evil basically, some of them are better than others. I would just like to state from a personal experience,
If you are looking for "ANY job" Waffle House is the best, unparalleled.
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They also have a cash payroll weekly. Of course you don't get paid until at least 1-2 weeks after your first shift because that's how accounting works. (Unfortunately). I found this job to be easier and more rewarding than most if not all retail jobs. (It wasn't utterly mind numbing like Kohl's....ugh)
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operatorsdiner · 20 days
Dante Martinez
Lead line cook that isn't the lead line cook
+ Nonbinary trans masc (He/They/It)
+ Takes on managerial duties but isn't a manager
+ Youngest worker; 21 currently
+ Culinary student
+ Doesn't drink alcohol but definitely smokes both cigarettes and weed
+ Is a purple belt in jujitsu but doesn't fight unless necessary
+ Silent BPD
+ Most reliable employee even if they have an attitude all the time
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
In Leia’s spork adventures, how do you reckon dooku and maul reacted to hearing that palpatine got defeated by a 12 year old armed with a spork?
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kyshiwarrior · 3 months
jet and zuko's fight in the tea shop was just the average tuesday at wafflehouse
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fur-bee · 2 years
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okuyasu and stray cat go to the waffle house antonio’s
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citrus-sheep · 4 months
@totallynotwaffle doesn’t reply to me unless its ff related so I’ve resorted to having to send her Zenos to get her attention.
It works
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mageofthedepths · 11 months
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"...I honestly prefer eating at home."
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sonicfan69420 · 8 months
The hyperfixation is winning. I'm thinking about a modern AU where instead of being pirates, the straw hats all just work at waffle house. More will be coming, prepare yourself.
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retroautomaton · 2 years
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