#vrepit sal
galraluver · 2 years
Sal: You simply must come in for coffee
Morvok: But, but I came...
Sal: It's imported! All the way from Earth!
Morvok: Wow! I went to jail there once!
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vld-prompts · 2 years
Hunk teaches a cooking class.  Among various galactic residents, Lance, Shay and Sal show up, as well.
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Happeigh Valintinz Daey!! ( ˘ ³˘)♡♡♡♡
Feeturing mai edit of tha officil klancey spacemall date art!1!!
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stellacordis · 1 year
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While he and Lance roomed together at the Garrison, Hunk picked up the habit of throwing common ( and sometimes random ) Spanish words and phrases into his speech, just because he’s so used to hearing them from Lance. His vocabulary is limited and his pronunciation sucks, but that doesn’t put a damper on his efforts. More often than not, he’ll walk up to Lance and be like, “Hey Lance, what’s the Spanish word for ( object )?” just so he can throw it out in conversation later.
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keithkog · 4 days
So uh I made a mistake. I accidentally put my age as 21, I'm 26. It was a typo I swear, totally not retconning anything. I am sorry if this causes you emotional anguish. 555-0128, this is not a hotline this is a Vrepit Sal's pizza but it helps. -Keith
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discordiansamba · 3 months
@a-deadly-lullaby replied to your post “Keith comes from a time before the war, raised in...”:
Hunk would either thrive at or take over Vrepit Sal's
​Hunk prepares a five hour lecture for Sal about THIS being why Galran culinary cuisine is so disrespected. Where are the herbs? the seasonings? Have you ever even so much as GLANCED at Dywl the Intrepid's cookbook? THE foundational textbook of Galra cuisine? This sad sorry mush tells him you have not!
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soulreapin · 3 months
who are your favorite and least favorite background characters in vld ! (so anyone except the paladins + coran n allura)
oooough this is a good one.
favorite side character HAS to be kosmo hes my little schmookie but if it has to be a REAL person…i think vrepit sal is pretty cool
least favorite side character is probably hagar or like. the unilu guy that gave coran a brainworm.
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The end of this Skype meeting from hell was rapidly approaching, and Shiro was so close to relief he could taste it.
The team was attempting alliance negotiations with a new planet, but the entire planet was so incredibly toxic to Alteans that they felt it may be best to just have their meeting over a video communications link. Was it as shitty quality as a Skype call? God, no. The quality was incredible, Shiro could probably count every visible pore on the Queen’s face. But the plastic smiles and unbearable tension known of office-style Skype calls were evident, so Shiro was going to continue calling it a Skype in his head. The ‘from hell’ part of the description was due to the discomfort crawling up everyone’s throat — this Queen in particular was known to be temperamental and easy to offend, so everyone was walking on eggshells.
“Well, I believe that everything is in order,” said the Queen. Finally.
Some of the tension bled from Allura’s shoulders, and her smile turned genuine.
“Excellent! I’ll send you the forms —”
“One last thing,” interrupted the Queen. Allura’s smile froze, and her eye twitched. There was quite possibly nothing she hated more than being interrupted, and there wasn’t even anything she could do about it.
“Of course,” Allura replied through gritted teeth.
“Wonderful,” went the Queen, equally as passive aggressive.
Not for the first time, Shiro wished Adam was here. He was the master of passive aggression. He would have this bitch beat in minutes.
“Paladin Hunk,” continued the Queen, turning her gaze on the Yellow Paladin, who jumped slightly upon being called so abruptly but schooled his expression into a pleasant one.
“Yes, Your Majesty?”
“I’ve heard you are quite the culinary master. Many of my people had the pleasure of tasting your food at Vrepit Sal’s, and have spoken endlessly of how you turned his food from failed embarrassments to pure edible pleasure.”
Hunk smiled, clearly pleased that his efforts were so widely recognized. Some of the wariness lifted from his features. “That’s very kind of them to say.”
The Queen nodded. “Yes. I figured since you are so knowledgeable, you may be able to help me with a problem of mine. My —” her lip curled — “stepson has insisted that we each take turns cooking ‘family’ dinners ourselves instead of hiring a cook. I can’t fathom why the foolish child would ever want such a thing, but my husband insists we indulge him, and I’ve never had to bother with such petty tasks myself before, so my first attempt was a disaster,” she huffs, shaking her head. “I had to force the ingrate to eat it because he insisted on me making it, but he complained the whole time it was too salty. And so my question for you: how can I fix a dish when it is too salty?”
Hunk’s face had completely soured, and his wasn’t the only one. Hearing this already entitled and rude Queen speak so horribly about her young stepson was hard to hear, and made it very difficult to want to help her or her planet.
Hunk paused before answering, face flat and judgemental. “Start over,” he said drily.
Shiro choked. The Queen’s — now furious — face whipped towards him, and Shiro clapped a hand in front of his mouth.
Fuck fuck fuck. Think of unfunny things. Uh, Iverson’s constant stories of his summer in Italy when he was 14. Nuclear physics. Literally anything but the sound of Lance losing his shit or you’re going to lose it too. You have a reputation, dingus, please please focus.
With the strength of a thousand suns, Shiro managed to choke down his laughter, despite the shaking shoulders and rapidly reddening faces of the rest of the team.
“So sorry about that,” Shiro said, voice shaking. “Tickle, in my throat. Ahem. Shall we send you the forms?”
The Queen glared at them, taking a moment to glare at Hunk specifically. He looked entirely unbothered, pretending to check his nails. Lance was a mess of desperately held-in giggles on the floor next to him. Keith was turning purple with the attempt to keep his mouth shut. Pidge had completely given up and turned so her back faced the Queen, fist shoved in her mouth.
“Fine,” the Queen spat. “I’ve tired of Voltron’s blatant disregard for professionalism, anyway. And to think the maturity and grace of that Black Paladin is talked about at every interplanetary gala. Phooey. Send the forms to my handmaidens.”
The Skype ended.
There was a beat of silence.
Shiro glanced at Allura. Their eyes met for one half second.
Shiro lost it. Completely bent over at the waist, wheezing, barely able to breathe. Over the sound of his own laughter he heard Allura giggling as well, along with the rest of the team. Hunk surveyed them all, smirking like the cat that got the cream.
Shiro doesn’t know what he’s gonna do with these damn kids.
more of shiro being a loveable loser here
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artsyjesseblue · 2 years
So Safe and Warm
I don’t know about you guys, but when I finish watching an episode of a show and they roll ads right at the end - if I can - I skip immediately to the next episode, or change the channel, or whatever, I turn off the TV if I’m too tired to watch more episodes.
So, what if I told you there’s an episode in VLD where there’s a “commercial” right at the end, but we’re tempted to skip it, because, well, the bulk of the episode is already over. After all, it’s just an advertisement, like the other silly ones, peppered across the 23 minutes of the episode. Only it’s not so silly.
You probably guessed it - I’m referring to the episode called “The Feud”. Right at the end, after Bob says goodbye, the Paladins wake up, Coran tells them Bob is an all-powerful inter-dimensional being, after Keith calls Bob a “jerk”, after Lance complains he’s “not that dumb”… right after that, the screen switches to another ad! And I’m not sure I skipped it before, but in any case, I don’t remember it, maybe I just didn’t pay attention to it.
This one is basically not an ad in Bob’s show, because they already got out of there. It’s an ad inside the regular VLD episode; so it’s addressed to us, the real audience, not Bob’s fictional audience. An invitation to Queen Luxia’s underwater kingdom! And just about at the end of the ad, there’s a big group photo with all the pretty merpeople surrounding Luxia, and a big-big illegible text in mer-alphabet pops up above their heads. Supposedly it says something about Luxia’s kingdom.
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Only it doesn’t… literally say “Luxia’s Kingdom”.
Check this out:
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Does that actually read… A…l…t…e…a?
Holy mackerel!! ”Luxia’s Kingdom” is in fact “Altea”.
What’s also lighting up my bulbs is the similarity between the muscular mer-guys flanking the queen and Lotor’s loyal sentries from the colony. Look at those face masks they wear, the ear designs, that white protruding thing on top of their heads, the large shoulder pads, also - the white pockets!
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So, following the good spirit of inserting hidden messages into the episode**, this one tells us not only who is behind all the meddling in VLD (World Events or WEP - see this TPL article by Crystal Rebellion), but it points directly at what we are supposed to know (and which, unsurprisingly, we never found out, because Bob interfered). We’re supposed to go figure out the meaning of the episode “The Depths” - yes, the one with the mermaids, because it basically points to ALTEA. The underwater world of Queen Luxia*** is the hidden colony of Alteans and Lotor is the mer-queen. And we find out that the mer-theories about Luxia are false, the queen was actually one of the good guys after all, and the story has a happy ending. And it’s so safe and warm, you’ll wanna stay forever.
**Another way to emphasize that the creators really meant to insert meaning into that alien alphabet (so it’s not just a random coincidence, we’re not making this up), is to take a look at the other ads inside the episode. Take for instance the Vrepit Sal’s ad - which is easier to figure out. If you rearrange the symbols, it’s really Vrepit (and there might be a little Sal’s, too, but the symbols are too small on my screen to figure them out). The “Terra II” guy is really a piece of cake and there’s no doubt it’s what it says, but if anyone has the time and courage to tackle the techno-babble symbols written underneath in blue… be my guest. It’s intriguing enough that the text starts with “IP”…
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*** “The Depths” has been already deciphered by Leakinghate: go read this meta.
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jalapenobee · 1 year
What I feel for you
“Gotta go fast.”
That’s what Lance whispered to himself whenever he, well, has to go fast. Like now. The coffee shop down the street from the recording studio was about to close, and running was the only way he could make it there in time. Otherwise, he’d have to walk an extra three blocks for some gritty coffee and arrive late at the studio. Walking wasn’t an option here.
After a minute of running in the cold, Lance finally reached it - Vrepit Sal. Pretty new coffee shop, opened just a tad over three months ago. Regardless, Lance couldn’t imagine going anywhere else for a “hot cup of joe.”
Lance peered inside the foggy window at the counter inside. The sign said open, but the interior said otherwise. Even though the lights were on, no one seemed to be at the counter.
Until someone walked out from the door to the kitchen with a small crate, and Lance decided this was the perfect time to make an entrance.
The door’s tiny bell dinged as Lance pushed it open, mixing the frosty outside air with the warm aura inside. He grinned at the young man behind the counter, still holding the crate and an unamused expression.
“Sir, you do realize we’re closed right now?”
Lance sauntered right up to the counter and leaned half his body on it. “No, you’re not. The sign says open, the lights are on, and you’re still in here.” Lance reached over and flicked the guy’s lopsided name tag. Keith, it said. “That doesn’t seem very closed to me.”
Keith flicked away Lance’s hand and set the crate next to him on the counter. “Nobody asked you. And who gave you the right to touch my name tag?”
“I’m sure you don’t mind. I’m a celebrity, you know. Most people would be dying for me to flick their name tag, Keith.” Lance let the worker’s name slip off his tongue like a water droplet off a leaf.
“Well, I’m not like most people. And who made you a so-called celebrity?”
“What do you mean? I’m like, only the most popular singer around here! I’ve done a bunch of collabs and stuff! Come on, Lance McClain? You can’t tell me you’ve never heard of me.”
Keith looked him dead in the eye. “I have never once heard of you.”
“You seriously don’t know who I am?” Geez, this guy must live under a rock.
“Yeah, you’re the douche that comes in two minutes before we’re about to close.”
Lance sighed. There was no getting around this guy. “Can I just get something to drink? I’m on a tight schedule.”
Rolling his eyes and picking up the crate, Keith proceeded to ask Lance his order and begin making it. Flat white with oat milk. Along with Lance playing one of his songs from his phone. As proof he was a “celebrity.”
Do you think of me? Late at night, when the phones are off,
Do you smile at the thought of me? Like I do for you when we talk,
Do you ever wonder what I mean? Cause letters can’t get across,
Lance’s two voices-recorded and live in the shop-was paired with a monotone, mumbling one. “What I feel for you.”
Lance snapped his head up at Keith, who claimed to not know who he was, but knows the lyrics to his song. “Say what now?”
“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”
“No, no, no. You were saying the lyrics!” Lance fumbling with his phone, hitting the pause button and focusing his attention on Keith.
“No I didn’t. You’re delusional.”
“Come on! We had a bonding moment! We were singing together!”
“Nope. Don’t remember. Didn’t happen.”
Lance sighed in defeat. “You’re impossible, you know that Keith?”
626 words
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 3 years
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- Victory or death!
- When you're done, wash the dishes
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vld-prompts · 1 year
Vrepit Sal attempts to create an Earth novelty - Pumpkin pie.
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formderptron · 3 years
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“Hey, Hunk yelled at me so I’m gonna pester you now.”
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galraluver · 3 years
Could you write for Sal? Maybe an old friend of hunks who is a baker (she made chocolate chip cookies and offers Sal one) gets introduced to Sal.
I sure can:)
After you joined the ATLAS crew as an assistant chef you found out that your old friend, Hunk, was going to be the head chef. Personally, you were more of a baker than a chef, so you were put in charge of baking. On the first day on the ATLAS you baked enough chocolate chip cookies for everyone. You passed them out to the crew and the only two people left were Hunk and someone named Sal.
"Hunk, there's two cookies left." You said as you walked into the kitchen with a nearly empty platter.
"Thanks for saving one for me. Your cookies are the best." Hunk said as he took one of the cookies.
"I'm glad you like them. So, who's this?" You asked Hunk, turning to face the Galran man who was standing behind him.
"Y/n, this is Sal, he's going to be working with us here in the kitchen. He used to work in the food court in the space mall." Hunk replied, introducing you to Sal.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Sal. I saved the last cookie for you." You said, offering him the last cookie.
"It's nice to meet you too." Sal said, taking the last cookie and taking a bite.
"Well?" You shyly asked him, a light blush appearing on your face.
"It's good, thank you." Sal said, noticing your blush.
Hunk smiled, noticing your blush. He wondered if he could get you and Sal together; he knew that you got lonely, so he knew there was a chance you and Sal might get together. For the rest of the day you and Sal chatted about various things.
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So I'm rewatching season 8 and this scene comes up
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You have all these important members of the coalition, the blade and the garrison. And then you have fucking
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Why the fuck is Sal here???
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swordwing2117 · 4 years
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inktober 2019
29 Sal
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