#vote janeway
singeart · 18 days
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Warp parti-gals ✨
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grissomesque · 1 year
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Robbie & Garrett shipping J/P in the middle of an episode about which RDM had almost nothing else positive to say
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smilesobrien · 1 year
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voyager season 4.5 episode 4: the crew use a spatial anomaly to fling themselves several light years ahead- it works, but all the crew save for Janeway are transformed into Earth cats! of course it soon wears off... but not before she gets a picture or two...!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Janeway & Tuvok’s dark academia vibes...
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coffee-in-that-nebula · 2 months
So, bare with me. I had a dream that I gave a presentation about Janeway’s hairstyles. 😂
I included everything I could think of, and I’m sorry if I forgot anything significant!
Feel free to reblog for more votes!
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purlturtle · 1 year
Which Star Trek Show Lead has the best smirk?
Because why the hell not. This poll is brought to you by a Anson Mount Thirst Post I saw today, in which I realized that both he and Kate Mulgrew are actual pros at smirking. So, let's put it to the vote:
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(yes, I'm only going with the live action leads here. And no, I'm not putting Picard in twice. And no, these aren't all captains; I said "show leads", not "captains". And yes, there is no "other" option, you gotta pick one!)
Feel free to judge them not on the actual smirk pictured, but on the smirk you remember - it was bloody difficult to find good photos for a almost all of them. Also feel free to reblog this with your favorite Janeway Smirk or Kirk Smirk or Burnham Smirk added - always appreciate a good smirk!
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Round 1: John Gaius from The Locked Tomb vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek
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John Gaius art by @rosenkranz-does-things
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formsofcontinuity · 1 year
Please interpret "favorite" however you like. Could be your favorite pairing that you like to rage against the network for refusing to make canon. The pairing you love to hate. The pairing you hate to love. The pairing you watched a whole entire series for even though you knew that the creators following through on their queerbaity nonsense was a pipe dream. Your favorite pairing to read/write/make fanfiction or fan art or gifs or manips or fan art for. Etc...
I tried to limit it to pairings with lots of canon chemistry but no canon romance. I'm sure I missed some and hope you'll add them in the tags.
Please vote! Reblogs would be great, too.
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trekkie-polls · 3 months
Don’t vote your favorite - this is about who you trust to save your life.
No room for “other in tags” on this one, I already had to leave off many prime choices!
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captainsvscaptains · 9 months
Battle of the Captains Prelims
Star Trek
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The four with the most votes will be in the tournament
Boday (Deep Space Nine) was only mentioned in dialogues : no official picture of him
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Neelix’s Outfit : Ex Post Facto
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BRYAN FULLER: I’ll give you a personal angle into the story. I’m the youngest of five and I watched my parents play my sisters off of each other to the point that they haven’t spoken to each other in forty years. I saw that happening with Rick playing Brannon and Ron off of each other in a way that caused them both to behave outside of their natural states, because insecurities were played on, exposed, manipulated. What happened between Brannon and Ron boils down to bad parenting on Rick’s behalf.
Rick would taunt Brannon, saying things like “I should have hired Ron to run Voyager instead of you.” So of course Brannon is going to be insecure and vulnerable. Brannon is a very complicated guy, but an amazing storyteller and a good guy ultimately. Both Ron and Brannon are good guys. But when you’re in a situation where you are feeling vulnerable and insecure and you’re having somebody essentially say I wish you were more like that guy, you’re going to resent that guy. And when that guy is told “I wish Brannon was more like you,” then you’re going to feel like you should come in and you should be in a position where you’re exerting a certain sense of control over the story. So I feel like both of them were victims of bad parenting in that scenario.
BRANNON BRAGA: Ron came in with a very strong point of view and I was irrationally resistant, because I felt that I had just earned my keep as a showrunner. I felt a little threatened by my old colleague, which was silly of me. Ron is always one to push the boundaries, and I wish I’d listened to him.
RONALD D. MOORE: I think at the heart of it is that when we were partners, I was something of the senior partner, because I started a year before him. And in our relationship as people, I took somewhat of a more dominant role. It was a marriage and a partnership. I’m not saying I was number one and he was number two, but there was a certain dynamic between the two of us that I was used to, saying what I wanted to do and not the other way around. And then I was going to work for him and he was a different person running that show. This is from my perspective, but he seemed less willing to take chances. He seemed more afraid of changing the show, and his arguments were feeling a lot like Rick’s arguments about what Star Trek was and what it wasn’t. He still had his Brannon ideas about weird science-fiction things and strange concepts and bizarro time travel. Things that were kind of his signature at the time. But the character work, he was not as receptive to really challenging the characters. A lot of things I eventually put into Battlestar Galactica, I started pitching to him originally.
There was a story in development when I was there about them coming across an alien fleet and they were going to shepherd them for a time. I remembering talking about Battlestar Galactica, the original show, and saying, “Hey, it could be something like that except we could do it where there’s votes by these civilians and they don’t want Janeway to always be in charge. And there should be culture there.” I kept saying that I want the internal culture on Voyager to change over time. Why don’t they put the leadership of the starship to a vote at some point? Is Janeway literally going to captain this ship until she’s eighty? Is Chakotay always going to be the number two? If these guys really don’t think they’re getting back to the Alpha Quadrant for seventy or eighty years, shouldn’t they start thinking long-term? Shouldn’t they sort of let their hair down a little bit? What if they don’t want to wear their uniforms on a Friday? What if they want to decorate the halls? What if they start customizing this ship because it’s probably a generational ship? And they were not open to those concepts. Brannon was not open to those concepts. It was like changing the show too much: “That’s not Star Trek. That’s not what the audience wants to see. I don’t want to see Janeway get votes.” He was very contemptuous about some of it, and I bristled at that. I just felt like they weren’t willing to try to change the show, because in their minds they thought the show was working fine and it didn’t need to be challenged. I was the one saying no, this does not work. This can be better. This is not good.
I kept pushing, and out of that dynamic Brannon stopped wanting to have me in meetings and stopped wanting me to be around, and then the whole thing blew up once I found out that they literally were having meetings where I wasn’t around and they were developing stories that I wasn’t a part of, and the staff had been told not to tell me these things. I walked into Rick’s office and said, “I want out.” He was shocked and Brannon was shocked, and Brannon and I had it out. It was a hard, very emotional and painful scene. Brannon said, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t know why it’s been like that, but I’d really like you to stay.” But I was just done. I just wanted out. It broke my heart and I was angry and hurt. At that point I didn’t think I’d see my participation in it. It was his show and I acted like it was my show, which was not the smartest move. I really underestimated what it would be like to go work with him again. In my heart, I was ready to move on. I should have left Trek at the end of Deep Space Nine and taken on other challenges. Instead I went for comfort and ease and it blew up on me.
BRANNON BRAGA: Now I think it was best he left, because he was frustrated with me. On the one hand I wish I had responded differently, because I think the show would have been better for it. But then again, if he had remained, Ron might not have gone on to do Battlestar Galactica—which, in my view, is what he wanted to do with Star Trek. Every show creator has their moment, their show, and I really think Battlestar was Ron’s best work. It was what he was yearning to do with Star Trek, but was constrained by the premise.
— “The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years” by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman
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Kathryn Janeway vs. Buffy Summers
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Finding coffee in the Delta Quadrant, captaining a solitary ship far away from space station and Starfleet Command, intimidating bullies, scaring the embodiment of fear, integrating Maquis and Delta Quadrant natives and a former Borg drone into her crew, crossing the Warp 10 threshold, dealing a fatal blow to the Borg and stealing their tech to make it back to the Alpha Quadrant - with the help of her future self who will stop at NOTHING to save the people she loves. Also, being name-dropped.
Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: #vote buffy#yeah she's a disaster sometimes#but i would say she's the most competent person in the room (including giles) a good 85% of the time#which is very impressive given her circumstances thank you tumblr user @comradesummers
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funnywormz · 4 months
no nuance no other options. Vote
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And here’s the Final bracket for the Best Star Trek Character! Round One will go live tomorrow 7/24 at 10 am EST!
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After asking a poll, I’m including both participants from the finals of each show’s poll! There’s a total of 22 characters in this round, which means everything’s a little awkward with the number. I took the ten characters with the highest number of votes from each final, and they will be introduced into the bracket in Round Two to hopefully give everyone else a fairer chance!
Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Rok-Tahk (PRDO) vs. Lt. Erica Ortegas (SNW): poll here (winner vs. Commander Data (TNG)) 
[Round Two: Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9)
Ensign Hoshi Sato (ENT) vs. Dr. Leonard McCoy (TOS): poll here (winner vs. Mr. Spock (TOS))
Captain Michael Burnham (DISC) vs. Lt. Saavik (Films): poll here (winner vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY))
Right Side
Hologram Captain Janeway (PROD) vs. George & Gracie (Films): poll here (winner vs. Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9))
Ensign Sylvia Tilly (DISC) vs. Subcommander T’Pol (ENT): poll here (winner vs. Seven of Nine (VOY))
[Round Two: Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Elnor (PIC)]
Ensign Brad Boimler (LWD) vs. Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW): poll here (winner vs. Geordi La Forge (PIC))
Round Two:
Left Side:
Lt. Erica Ortegas (SNW) vs. Commander Data (TNG): poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9): poll here
Dr. Leonard McCoy (TOS) vs. Mr. Spock (TOS): poll here
Captain Michael Burnham (DISC) vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY): poll here
Right Side:
George & Gracie (Films) vs. Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9): poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly (DISC) vs. Seven of Nine (VOY): poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Elnor (PIC): poll here
Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW) vs. Geordi La Forge (PIC): poll here
Left Side:
Commander Data (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9): poll here
Mr. Spock (TOS) vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY): poll here
Right Side:
Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9) vs. Seven of Nine (VOY): poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW): poll here
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
voyager high school au
i feel like we as a species are really missing an important angle on this much-abused trope.
usually high school aus take our current, fully developed characters and de-age them into teenage equivalents (tuvok is captain of the chess team, harry is in all AP classes but is somehow a freshman forever, seven demolishes at quiz bowl and "steals" the class president's prom date at the last minute because she hasn't realized that lesbianism is an option, etc).
however, if you have to send them to high school, i think it would be much funnier if we imagine them as they canonically were as teens.
janeway is an admiral's daughter who stormed off after losing a tennis match and dramatically walked home like 5 miles in the rain. you just know that if she got a 98 out of 100 on a project (still solidly an A+!) she would go up after class to argue the two point deduction. she might actually be the class president, but idk if the other kids are happy about it.
chakotay is a sullen, angsty kid who hates his dad, hates his tribe, and just wants to go to junior college and never set foot on the rez again. so many internalized things to unpack. this boy is a mess
Passion Punk™️ tuvok canonically got kicked out of the house for saying that everything his dad believes in fuckin sucks
b'elanna also thinks her culture of origin fuckin sucks. child of ugly divorce, regularly suspended for brawling. she may have gotten sent to klingon religious school to scare her straight at one point? i gotta look that up but i'm pretty sure it happened
like janeway, tom is also an admiral's kid. everyone says he has sooooo much potential but he spends all his time crying in his room and reading jules verne
seven is in a massively abusive cult. this one's not funny at all ☹️
harry is the best adjusted out of everyone. great relationship with his parents, probably has had the same girlfriend since eighth grade (who is also well-adjusted). youth orchestra. early decision to harvard. i typed out "voted most likely to succeed," but that's definitely wrong, because it would be tom out of nepotism or janeway out of grit (and nepotism). if it were a category though, teenage harry would be voted "most likely to just have a nice life."
kes is the smartest kid in her grade but you would never know it because she just hangs out with the hippie kids in the woods behind the school, eating moss off trees and planning to run away from home
all we really know about neelix's pre-war childhood is that he had a huge loving family. i'm extrapolating here from the skills and attitude he has as an adult, but when i transpose this into a modern high school AU, i imagine his parents running the local diner and letting all of neelix's loser friends (see the rest of this list) eat there for free.
the doctor sprang into being as an adult so i'm not sure what to do here. you could argue that he was kind of a canonical teenager in season one, in which case he's that autistic kid who everyone remembers showing up to kindergarten with a briefcase and a full suit, having already memorized A thru G in the world book. somehow you never really see him anywhere except on school grounds. this year's special interest is opera.
vorik is also there.
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