#volturi king
wendigo-volturi · 3 days
The Volturi having a s/o who is squeamish (idk if that’s right) at the sight of blood and it makes them feel sick
Please, and thank you xx
Aro finds his s/o's squeamishness endearing, as it's a stark contrast to his own fascination with blood and violence.
He takes extra care to shield his s/o from any gruesome scenes or bloody encounters, always making sure they feel comfortable and safe.
Aro often delights in teasing his s/o about their sensitivity, but he never pushes them past their limits.
Marcus is unfazed by his s/o's squeamishness, seeing it as just another quirk that makes them unique.
He is gentle and understanding when his s/o feels sick at the sight of blood, always ready to comfort them and help them calm down.
Marcus values his s/o's well-being above all else, and he makes sure to prioritize their needs and comfort in any situation.
Caius is not particularly bothered by his s/o's squeamishness, although he does find it mildly annoying at times.
He tries his best to be patient and accommodating towards his s/o, but he can't help but feel frustrated when their sensitivity interferes with his plans.
Caius may tease his s/o about their squeamishness, but deep down he respects their boundaries and will do whatever it takes to make them feel comfortable.
Jane finds her s/o's squeamishness amusing, often using it to tease and playfully taunt them.
Despite her playful teasing, Jane is actually quite considerate of her s/o's sensitivities and goes out of her way to make sure they are not exposed to anything that might make them feel sick.
Jane enjoys taking care of her s/o when they are feeling unwell, finding it oddly satisfying to comfort them and make them feel better.
Alec is patient and understanding towards his s/o's squeamishness, always ready to provide comfort and support when they feel sick.
He is gentle and kind, never pushing his s/o past their limits and always making sure they feel safe and cared for.
Alec values his s/o's well-being above all else, and he would do anything to protect them from harm or discomfort.
Felix is practical and straightforward when it comes to his s/o's squeamishness, always taking proactive steps to prevent them from feeling sick.
He is attentive and attentive towards his s/o's needs, making sure they are never exposed to anything that might trigger their sensitivity.
Felix is a strong and reliable presence for his s/o, always there to support and comfort them through any challenging situations.
Demetri is empathetic and caring towards his s/o's squeamishness, always making sure they feel comfortable and safe in his presence.
He is attentive and considerate of his s/o's sensitivities, never exposing them to anything that might trigger their discomfort.
Demetri is a supportive and reassuring partner, always there to help his s/o through any difficult moments and make sure they feel cared for.
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volturissideslut · 6 months
Hi! Just read your Marcus x reader fic where they get compared to Didyme.
I was thinking maybe a Poly! Volturi comparing Reader to their ex/late partners and Reader shuts down. They don't mention it, but it really hurts cause they've always been a replacement, so they leave Volterra. The Volturi don't realise for a while.
Feel free to ignore this if it's too repetitive or you've done one like it before.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝖕𝖔𝖑𝖞)
Angst, no comfort. Pure angst, literally no fluff at ALL. Bad relationship, couple of swear words in there, let me know if you want a part two of making it up <3
It's not like you were the second choice
They had been adament that they wanted you, that you were their true mate
So why were they acting like this now?
After almost a year of being together, they were starting to fall out of the 'honeymoon phase'
Had it always just been a phase? Was this doomed from the get-go?
It started with little snippy comments about acting proper. You were human, not raised in the fine luxury and manners they were, and apparently that showed in your actions. And apparently the way you dress too.
It's like they were moulding you into their exes, it it was making you miserable
And it's not like you didn't try to tell them, you did. Only to be shut down. "Cara mia, I'm working. This is not an appropriate place to discuss this" Aro told you, despite being within the privacy of his study
Caius was no better, in no mood to 'entertain you' and your 'whims' as he put it, brushing you off with a sigh
Marcus, too, was no use, disregarding the emotion and making it perhaps worse by saying that didyme would have taken of the constructive criticism
So there you stood, looking at yourself in the mirror. The big dress, the light makeup, the haircut, even the fucking posture just want you.
And so you left.
Silently, seeing as communicating clearly wasn't an option
How long had it been when they realised you were gone? Three days at least
Honestly, Aro had assumed you were annoyed with them and wanted space, telling his brothers suck. It had never crossed his mind that you had left
I mean, the clothes you wore every day were still there, all the gowns and dresses still in place and -
Where were the clothes you brought with you?
The ones they insisted you wouldn't wear?
Caius walkers into your personal room with a huff, intending to talk some sense into this tantrum you've been throwing, and instead intruding on Aro's realisation
The grounds are searched and Mar3is informed
It is pure and utter panic
Chaos as they look for you
Demetri was called back from his mission early to search for you and you were in another country
Marcus was practically having heart palpitations, he can't lose another mate. "Why would she do this, Didyme would never scare me like this"
And he pauses
So does Aro
And so does Caius
And for the first time, they truly hear themselves
Caius is the first one to remember you bringing it up. "Did she talk to you about it too..." the proud kings' voice is for once delicate and quiet
"... I made her leave" Aro practically folds in half, having to grip over where his hear would be in his chest and lean over because of the burning sensation. It aches, it physically aches him to know he messed up this badly - he didn't give you the time of day
"... I told her I don't have time for this" Caius' fist is buried in his hair, gripping in stress and nearly ripping the strands out of his head. His hands are jittery, shaking, and his hair is tussled - a perfect relection of his inner turmoil
"... In the very moment she asked me not to compare her to Didyme anymore, I told her Didyme would take the criticism" is it possible for vampires to be sick? Because I think Marcus is about to be. His eyes sting and he makes a gagged choking noise like he's dry heaving. Like his fight or flight has chosen freeze and the rising anxiety makes his stomach churn
A knock on the door is what pulls them away
Instead of coming to the turbulent kings and taking them with him, it seems Demetri picked you up on his way back instead and brought you right to them.
There are bags under your eyes, and your skin is sickly. Your cheeks are stained with dried up tears and your eyes are bloodshot like you cried so hard you broke a vessel
They rush toward you and Demetri takes that as his cue to leave
Marcus ever so gently holds your face, eyes scanning you for any physical harm, and when he finds none he feels so much temporary relief he almost collapses into himself. "Thank goodness you're okay, I couldn't bare to lose you-"
"what, like you did Didyme?" you spit back with more venom in your voice than their combined fangs have ever produced in their millennias of life
"No, no" Caius' voice has never been so gentle, he takes your hand in his and places a kiss to the inside of your wrist
"Oh, so I'm gone for three days and suddenly it's about me and not your exes?" there is spite in your voice, but it still wavers with how upset you are
Exclaiming "three days?!" was a big mistake on Aro's part, but in that moment he was so full of concern he hadn't realised it would only worsen the situation
"... You didn't know?" and the look on your face is absolutely heart shattering
And they have no words, nothing to say. Because there is no words, and there are no excuses.
"I was gone for three days, and you didn't care enough to notice?!?" your angry now. And you have every right to be. But they have no idea how to fix what they've done
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twilightt-fantasy · 11 months
stand up [v. kings]
description: Hey- I have yet to see any of these (kinda?-) But I was hoping if you could do a Poly relationship with the Volturi kings, where the reader is shy as heck and is related to the one and only, Bella swan? Have a great day/afternoon/night <3 :)
requested by: anon
warnings: Bella bashing.
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She had always been second to Bella.
Always, didn’t matter what the occasion or skill was - if she could do it, she was certain that Bella would somehow make it better or, if not, find a way to put the attention back on her.  
It was tiresome and aggravating and drove a wedge between her and her mother. Charlie wasn’t nearly as bad as Renee when comparing the two of them, which is why the younger swan wildly preferred her father.
When she found her mates and moved to Italy, the relationship between her and her mom eased a bit. She wasn’t around as much to hear Renee fawn about Bella and Renee instead used the time she did speak to her to wonder how her new - modified version - life was.
She had hoped her and Bella’s relationship would mend itself as well but, of course, that wasn’t the case.
She had been swept into Bella’s world unwillingly and Bella hated that she had to share her little piece of heaven with her sister. It stung her even more that her mates were the very Kings of Volterra, the same ones that nearly stole Edward away from her.
She was not shy about voicing her opinion either, even in front of the kings. She knew they would never do anything to harm the family of their mate if that was what she wished.
Though, the human’s patience was beginning to run thin.
Especially now, as Bella sat in the quiet area of Aro’s study with her husband, sister, and her mates. They visited a couple of times a year, Bella using the chance to show off her new immortality that her sister had not yet received.
Though she hadn’t said much, her mocking eyes and hateful scoffs were not missed by anyone. The Kings were as polite to her as always but she could not return the sentiment.
Her sister hated it and knew her mates did as well. They tried hard to be nice to her and the Cullen family, the least she could do was pretend while she was here.
Hell, even Edward managed to be respectful and hold up a normal conversation.
Finally, after Marcus had attempted to start another conversation with Bella to which he was met with a snarky comment, the mate of the kings had had enough.
“Bella, enough.” Her voice, normally quiet and demure, was loud enough to shock everyone into silence. 
Bella looked to her sister wide eyes, Edward looking between the two of them warily.
Aro, Caius and Marcus all wore varying shades of surprise and pride, their attention fully on their mate as she stared down her sister. Bella was gaping at the human, not used to the loudness of her voice or the displeasure on her face.
“Marcus was simply asking a question, trying to get to know you better. The least you could do is pretend to be polite and have some decency while you’re here.” She was angry now, the years of being pushed behind Bella and constantly being pushed down building up in her. “They’re nice enough to let you come here because you’re my sister but one word, and you won’t see me again and we won’t extend any favors to you.”
“I can’t held that I was pulled into your world and I can’t help who my mates are no matter how much you remind me that you hate me being involved and you hate them.” Bella opened her mouth to argue, to which the human raised her hand, showing she was not done. “But they’ve treated me better in a short time than you have treated me my whole life. You have no right to come here and disrespect them and myself when they’re just being nice.”
She huffed, pausing when she noticed the looks she was getting around the room. Her face turned red then, realizing what she had just done in front of everyone.
Bella was only staring back at her sister, looking only the smallest bit ashamed. Her golden eyes looked towards Edward, who only looked back briefly. “You’re right, I apologize.”
She nodded back, cheeks still burning. “I think we should end this for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that, she stood heading out of Aro’s quarters and heading towards her own. She knew her mates would be close behind her and left the door open for them, smiling sheepishly when they appeared.
“I can’t believe I just did that.”
“Neither can we.” Aro laughed, reaching forward to grab her hand and kiss her cheek. “That was fantastic.”
“I have to agree.” Caius took her other hand, a smug smile pulling at his lips. “I never saw it coming, though it needed to be said for some time.”
“I was just so sick of her treating you guys like that.” She sighed, leaning her head back into Marcus’ chest as he appeared behind her. “You all have been trying to be nice to her and that’s how she repays you. I can handle it but she shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle it.” Marcus murmured and the other two nodded in agreement. “She’s your sister, Bella should treat you better than what she does.”
She scoffed. “You’re telling me.”
“Come on.” Caius tugged your hand, pulling you back towards the bed. “No more talk of Bella tonight. We’ll put on a movie or something to get your mind off of it.”
She smiled, leaning up to peck Caius’ cheek as she followed them each to her bed. The four of them got comfortable, her resting in the middle of Caius and Marcus while keeping a hold of Aro’s hand.
Even if her rant towards Bella didn’t change anything, she knew she’d have the three kings for the rest of eternity to love her and accept her in all her ways.
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the-dawn-star · 5 months
Hello! I just wanted to ask for a Volturi kings x fem!mate who is very powerful. The problem is that they don't exactly know how powerful she is cause she's all happy and bubbly person and very rarely use her powers. So when the king's lives are in danger, she gets all angry and mouthy to the threat and just uses her powers and just annihilate them. Que open-mouthed vamps and one aroused blonde lol.
A/N: Pikachu meme was my inspiration and let’s once ignore the fact that Aro can read minds! Also, it is hard to imagine a situation where the kings could be harmed so apologies for the bad plot that I made up. 
+400ish words.
TW/CW: Three cases of beheading (blame Stephenie Meyer for making the vampires so over powered). I can't think of anything else!
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It took them quite a long time before your mates even realized that you had special powers.   
You really didn’t talk about them because to you it wasn’t anything too special and due to your bubbly personality, you rarely talked about any bad past experiences.   
You sat on Caius’s lap playing with his extravagant clothes whilst waiting for the trial to start.   
The room was mostly empty, only consisting of the three kings, you and two lower guards. The next case was said to be pretty simple and quick, so it was deemed that a massive security wasn’t needed. Also, the higher guards were in need of a break.   
The heavy doors opened, and you quieted down.   
You didn’t really know what the man being escorted had done. But from what you had heard from your mates, the man had hurt many people causing humans to start to question what was going on.   
You didn’t really pay attention to the happenings. Aro took the lead like most of the time. He gently took the hand of the man in front of him, diving into the man’s memories.   
Aro most of the times closed his eyes when using his powers. He said that it was because it helped him to concentrate on the vast amount of information that he was getting.   
You weren’t sure what happened but in seconds the man pulled his hand away from Aro and the two guards on the floor were on the floor heads separated from their bodies.   
All of your mates seemed very confused. It had been centuries since one who was standing in trial had attacked the kings.   
Before you could stop yourself, you got up from Caius’s lap and activated your power.   
Mid movement the man stopped, half a step away from Aro trying to behead Aro just like he had done with the guards. Slowly bringing his hands down.    
“What the hell happened?” Caius said, taking your hands to his.   
You didn’t have any time to respond when Aro had twisted the man’s head off of his body, letting the body and head fall on the ground unceremoniously.  
“I used my powers on him...” You said, finally diverting your gaze from the man.  
Your mate turned to look at you and you ran to him taking him into a hug.   
“And remind us of what exactly your powers were...” Caius said, still very confused.   
“I can control people's bodies...” You said, getting embarrassed of all the attention that you were getting.   
“And you didn’t inform us of this power?” Marcus asked.   
“I mean it's not really that impressive, so I didn’t see the point in it...” 
Feel like you want to support me via Kofi? No preasure tho!
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anipiece · 8 months
Volturi Kings
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Some fluffy thoughts I had.
Caius loves to hold you, especially while you sleep. This way he can keep you save. He's known for his cruelty and anger issues, but with you he's gentle and soft. The first time you fall asleep in his arms, it felt like his heart beat again for a second. He was filled with pride, because it's prove you trust him. He also loves late night talks with you, he just loves to hear you talk, no matter the topic. Sometimes, when you sleepily ramble and cuddle up to him, it feels like your cuteness will kill him.
Marcus loves to watch you get dressed in the morning. It doesn't matter if you pay attention what you wear or just pull something out of the closet. If you ever need help with dressing, the zipper is stuck or something he'll be happy to help. Also likes to help you get your hair done. You're allowed to do his hair too. He loves to feel you gentle hands work on his hair. He loves head pats. He likes to watch you getting ready for bed too. He will help you undress. May leave lingering touches and kisses. Doesn't want to get sexual most of the time, he just wants to feel you're real. If your insecure about your body, he will make sure it doesn't stay that way. He will tell you everything he loves about you and your body. (It's all of you)
Aro likes to watch you do your make-up. There is something enticing about the way you apply your make-up. Sometimes he'll kiss you instantly after you get your lips right. If you get grumpy because you need to apply lipstick again, he'll just giggle. If he doesn't have anything to do he may let you "paint his face". He has well manicured hands. You are allowed to do paint his nails, but only black or red. He does like glitter though. Doing each others nails will become a regular thing. Aro also loves to watch you remove your make-up. He just loves to see you unwind when you take it off. It doesn't make a difference if you wear make-up or not though. To him you are perfect either way.
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mx-pastelwriting · 8 months
Kinktober Day 6: Foursome
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Volturi Kings x GN! Reader
Summary: Fucking all three of the kings.
Warnings: Smut, Foursome, Bit of biting, Vampire & Human
Kinktober Masterlist
Minors do not interact!
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Holding onto Aro's cold hand, lead into your shared chamber as Marcus and Caius follow close behind, then hear their footsteps slow while entering the room.
Aro, let go, turning to cup your face, quickly meeting your lips with his cold ones, feeling their roughness, a set of hands on your shoulder slowly pulling your clothes up. Breaking the kiss, seeing Aro's face full of lust before your shirt is lifted and away from your body.
Looking to the bed, Caius lays arms propping him up, enjoying the show. Aro's lips meet yours again while Marcus's hands strip you down, then travel back up, waking up every inch of your body.
Leading you to the bed, letting you drop backward onto it into the arms of Caius, kissing your neck, feeling his teeth graze your warm skin. Watching through your haze, Aro and Marcus strip down from their coats to unbuttoned shirts, showing a little skin.
Moans escape you as Caius's hand slips under your bottoms, touching you, the bed dips as Aro meets your lips once again. Moans mix into the kiss, then feel Marcus grasp your hand, raising it to his lips kissing it. Kisses travel along your skin, all the cold hands and kisses waking up the contrast to turning your haze into drunken love.
Caius's teeth finally sink in, lightly marking the surface. The pain mixed with the pleasure of his hand working away at you. Your bottom half felt a new chill as Aro pulled away what little clothes were left, seeing in your drunken state of pleasure Aro undoing his pants as Caius kissed your cheek and neck.
Watching as his cock springs out then into his hand, enjoying the show and the sound of his moans from his touch, reaching out pulling his hand, wasting none of your welcome, he moves closer. Touching your lips with his thumb, he slowly caresses them, letting you grab his hard cock then putting it into your month-earning moans from him.
Hearing undoings of pants before Caius lifted you up and onto him, having your naked back touch his hardened cock, feeling Marcus dip the bed, leading your hand to his cock, then guiding you into wrapping around his cock.
Aro stopped you softly, pulling your head back, allowing you to lay back, watching as he lifted your leg sightly up as his other hand guided his cock into you, sinking in slowly. Rolling your head back as moans escape back into the air, mixing with the kings.
Thrusts picked up quickly as your warmth gladly welcomed him. His hands held your hips as Caius played with you. Marcus thrusts into your hand while holding onto your wrist, making it as if he were in Aro's place.
Your body rocked from Aro's rough thrusts, giving Caius's cock attention; his moans filled your ear through his kisses to your skin. Lips still onto Aro's adding to your swimming head, feeling as if your body is drowning in pleasure, not letting you breathe. Your hand grips onto Aro as he rocks into you, roughly planting himself at the end of every thrust.
Hearing the moans pick up through your swimming head now spreads to the rest of your body, feeling your stomach stir deeply, making your nails dig into Aro's back then tightening your hold onto Marcus's cock.
Feeling warm liquid coat your back as Caius gasps and moans into your ear, stopping his kisses, hearing Marcus moan grasping your wrist before warm liquid coats your hand. Caius's hand still working away made your high build up quickly, then letting you release, laying into him, feeling Aro's grip on you, walking the fine line of bruising as he broke the kiss, then laying his head into your neck as he buries himself.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Taglist: @memphiscity69 @k3nmakyan @typical-emilyyyyy
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loveswrites · 1 year
Something with the Volturi, literally can be anything.
Poly Volturi x Reader
Time it took me: 2 hours and 2 minutes
Word count: 1839 words
To anon~ Hello lovely! I hope you liked it, I did! I was excited seeing your request for something with the volturi. I just couldn't wait to write it. Let me know if you want more like this! <3
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The arms around you wrapped onto you tightly. The music in your headphones was blasting a little too loud but you didn’t mind. You're basically in heaven right now. You felt the energy around you change and the tempo of Caius leg bouncing change. This let you know immediately that something was wrong. Taking off your headphones while opening your eyes that were previously closed, you were faced with Caius red eyes staring straight ahead with a deadly glare. Different from the one that was always on his face. You had taken your headphones off just in time to hear the end of the growls that were coming from your other mates.
You were currently sitting on Caius’s lap who was sitting in his throne. You were the only one who was allowed up here like this of course. It’s not like you hadn’t fought for this spot. All of your mates and all of the kings were considered for your safety as “We have a lot of enemies.” But you assured them that you would always be safe with them all in the room. So you were then granted permission to sit with the kings in the throne room during trails. Which didn’t matter cause you knew you were going to be in there anyways. You 're the future queen for heaven's sake.  
“You keep your mouth shut about things that have nothing to do with you.” Caius growled out. Sending waves of vibrations through his body making you shiver. You always liked the way he would growl when he was mad. It made you feel some type of way if you know what I mean. 
“I-Her music is very distracting! I can’t concentrate on the words coming out of my mouth!” The scared vampire kneeling stuttered out making you tear your eyes away from caius. You could stare at him all day if you could.  
The vampire looked terrified. He was shaking, his clothes were wet. You wondered if Felix and Demetri had to chase him through a lake or something as they were also wet. The two were holding him down to kneel in front of the kings as he tried to run away once already. You knew he was guilty of his crimes. You could smell it. And so could everyone else. 
“You wouldn’t have to think about anything if you weren't lying.” You stated, making all eyes turn to you. The kings had always preferred you to be silent so no unnecessary attention was drawn to you. You never listened. I don’t think they ever expected you to either. You’d always randomly laugh during trails. Or sing random words from songs that were stuck in your head. Or throw out random compliments to your mates or the other kings.
“I-I’m not lying I’m telling the truth!” He said, stuttering.
 Swinging your feet you stared at the vampire tilting your head you simply said. “Was that also a lie? You know after all these years of living or dying, Whatever you call it. I’d think you would’ve mastered the art of lying.”
Your comment brung a evil smile to Caius' face. His eyes were full of adoration 24/7 whenever he looked at you. 
“The level of the future queen's music should be of no concern to you.” Aro said, turning his head back to the Vampire. They always took pride in calling you their queen. Seeing that you were still human kinda shocked you but I guess there's an exception for mates.
“Mia cara, put your contraption back on and relax please.” Marcus said softly. You knowing exactly what was about to happen. You put your headphones back on. Turning the volume back up you closed your eyes and relaxed in Caius' grip. You felt Caius drawing patterns on your leg and his bouncing went back to normal. Kinda putting you in a rocking motion. You were very relaxed. You felt safer than ever. Somehow you fell asleep because when you woke up next you weren't in the throne room. Confusion ran across your face until realization came across you and you remembered that this was Jane’s room.
“Finally you're awake. You slept for hours.” Jane said, making you roll over to face her. Her face sparkled a little as some sun was coming through her balcony. You always loved watching her sparkle. You always teased her about being the bright star on earth. She’d always tell you to stop but you swear if she could she’d blush and be as red as a tomato all the time.
“You missed me?” You smiled up at her.
“Of course not you were right here this whole time. How could I possibly miss you?” Jane said with a straight face but couldn’t help herself with stroking the side of your waist. All of your mates had a favorite spot on your body they just looked to touch. It’s like you were just a stress ball for them. Made for them to grip, rub, bite etc. You loved it.
“But you stayed and watched me sleep? That sounds like fan behavior to me.” You stated softly dragging your fingers against her cheek. She leaned into your hand telling you she loved it. 
Jane was the hardest out of all your mates when it came to physical touch. You thought Caius would be the hardest to get to seeing as his awful hate to humans. But you're convinced that Jane’s is 10x worse. Rightfully so as her past with Humans wasn’t so good.
“I couldn’t just leave you alone.” She softly said with her eyes closed. She relaxed in your touch bringing a bigger smile to your face.
“Why not? Scared someone would come in here and snatch me away?” You giggled. Making her snap her eyes open bringing you to a halt with everything you were doing. Including breathing. 
“If someone dared to lay a hand on you I’d kill them all. Everyone, no hesitation.” Jane said sternly. Her piercing red eyes would scare any normal person, but with her words and lovely eyes you knew damn well you weren’t normal. Because with all of those things combined you felt Loved.  
“I know you would but I’m okay so you can relax, pretty girl.” 
“I am relaxed.” She said, You shook your head and brought her in for a kiss. Just a soft reassuring kiss. 
Jane responded to the kiss by pulling you closer to her by your hair deepening the kiss. It was a little aggressive but you knew that she was being gentle. She and Caius had a hard time being gentle but you loved them nonetheless. A few minutes into a kiss that was supposed to last only for a few seconds a knock was heard on the door.
You pulled away getting off her lap which was where she pulled you to a minute after the kiss got deepened. Making Jane huff in protest. 
“Brother, go away!” She only but slightly raised her voice knowing he could hear her.
“Sister it is now my turn, You said when she awakened I could spend time with her. She’s awake, I hear her.” Alec’s voice mumbled through the door.
Kissing Jane on her nose you smiled at her getting up from the bed.
 “I’ll be back later.” 
 “You're the one who told him he could spend time with me after I had awakened, I didn’t agree to that. I’m only keeping your word, My pretty girl.” You smiled seeing her face which you knew she was flustered but also annoyed. The moment you opened the door you were snatched up by multiple hands making you squeal out in surprise. Wind rushed through your hair and hit your face. The world was blurry around you. It made you sick. You closed your eyes tightly in attempts to help with the splitting headache that you knew was on the express train to your head.
Finally you were put down on your two feet so suddenly making you stumble and hold your head. You already knew what was happening. You were being ambushed by Alec, Felix and Demitri. Your other mates. They liked to just grab you and run away no matter how many times you told them that their speed made you feel sick. They would always get cocky with themselves after you said it, so you stopped.
“What the hell again?!” You yelled out the moment you could hold yourself up without swaying side to side. All you got in response was chuckles and laughs from your lovers.
“I swear you guys may be older than the sun but you fucking act like you where born yesterday! How many times do I have to tell you that that shit makes me feel sick! My human shit can’t handle that! One of these days I’m gonna throw up on all of you and I’m not going to feel bad!” You ranted on holding your head as you felt the headache you were talking about earlier come on. 
“I’m sorry La mia bella ragazza.” Demitri said softly, coming up to you to wrap you around in his arms. He kissed your forehead in an attempt to make you feel better. You mumbled a few cuss words into his chest making him laugh softly.
“I know I know, we just wanted to try and spend some time with you before Caius came back from feeding.” Demitri said.
“We didn’t think you would sleep the whole day away in Jane’s room. It’s almost like you like her more than us or something.” Felix said. Even with your face hidden you knew that that 6 '7 teddy bear was pouting about you sleeping too long with someone else that wasn’t him. 
“Cauis said he wanted to capture you in your true beauty when he was done feeding. So with that information we knew you’d be gone for the rest of the day tucked away with the king.” Alec said coming up to you behind your back. Your face was still in Demetris' chest as Alec wrapped his arms around you from behind so he could kiss your neck softly. You let out a soft moan in response. 
Felix seeing this he came up to the on space that was available. With both sides of your neck now being kissed you had no choice but to keep your eyes closed and let out small whimpers. You were surrounded by three pieces of your heart. You felt nothing but happiness and joy right now. You can’t even remember what your life was like without them. Your lovers. You always felt safe. You never had to question if you were loved. They would always show it without you even asking. What more could you ask for?
“Mia cara! Where are you? I had that horrible excuse of a receptionist gather more paint for us now, come!” You heard Caius yell out.
Except more time.
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volturiprincess · 1 month
You kill me
Caius Volturi x Vampire mate
Summary: Mated to the Ruthless Volturi King Warnings: Language, mentions of death, Angst, Caius internal thoughts 🤭 A/N: I kept changing my mind of how I wanted to write hence why it took me like 2 weeks to work on it, there will be a part two to this. Also this was inspired by the song "Me Matas" by Eslabon Armado, at this point its like a mini series of One-Shots being inspired by this group. Second A/N in the end. Enjoy :) Word Count: 4k+ (Didn't realize it was that long)
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(I loved him in this era, gold is his color, but he looks so good in red also)
“Well brother it appears you have found your mate”
I looked up at Aro who was looking at Caius. Mate? Whoever it is. I am so sorry for them. I have heard stories about Caius being this ruthless king who had no sympathy for human life, much to what my twin brother Carlisle has told me but he did say that Caius did have a love for the arts. Still I never had the chance to even meet the kings or anyone in Volterra, from the time my brother was part of this coven I was in South America exploring as always. The only reason why I'm even in Volterra was because Edward decided he wanted to kill himself for the reason he thought that Bella was dead. Alice brought me along not really telling me why, only said she needed my help.
So now I am here in the throne room staring at the other three kings. I could feel the blonde one staring at me but I avoided eye contact. Aro with his creepy like gaze swiftly moved toward me and my family,
“It is an honor to finally meet the infamous sister of Carlisle, may I?”
He extended his hand and I knew what he wanted. Carlisle told me about Aro, so I obliged without wanting to put the kids in danger. With one touch I relived every thought and memory I have ever had, it was strange seeing everything I have been through flash before my eyes. I pulled my hand away when I heard a slight hiss. It didn't come from Aro but it did leave me curious. 
“Magnifico! You will make a wonderful mate to my brother and a perfect addition to this coven”
My eyes widened at his words, what does he mean mate to his brother. ME. Since when? How?
“I beg to pardon?”
“It appears you are the mate to my brother Caius”
No way, the mate to the blonde, I was just badwording him a minute ago and now I'm his mate. Instant karma for me. My eyes then wandered slowly to the blonde and he already had his gaze on me, just from his face I can tell he was displeased with the unraveling events. I felt a small hand grab me and I looked slightly into the eyes of the one I was the closest to, Alice. 
“You knew didn't you?”
She looked down and I knew I got my answer, I looked up at Edward who had a flabbergasted look and cling more to Bella. Now I'm starting to think if Carlisle knew about this, did Alice tell him and Esme, my eyes widened slightly at the thought that I might never see my family again. I didn't even want to look at anyone in this room, not even the piercing blood red eyes that belong to my now mate. Aro was the one to break the silence
“Well with that cleared why don't we go on with the plan”
I totally forgot why we were here, I also forgot that Aro was on the verge to kill Bella and as much as I don't really like her, I might as well do one more thing for my family 
“That won't be necessary Aro”
The raven head looked at me with a look of curiosity 
“Why’s that?”
“What if we made a deal?”
I could literally see the spark or interest in his eyes, he looked like a child who was going to be rewarded with a prize for behaving. He nodded toward me to continue
“You spear my family and I stay”
What surprise me was Caius was the one to speak up next
“No deal, that human is a liability, she knows to much”
I looked at the blonde with narrowed eyes
“What if my family promised to change her soon?”
Nobody dared to talk but Aro piped in
“If they follow through with the promise then we will allow it, but you remain here and they go”
I nodded and then instantly a guard who had such elegance that would put the Greek gods themselves to shame led my family out and I was about to reach out for them when a beast of a man grabbed me. I looked up at the giant and my initial thought for a minute was “Why is he good looking?How can he be so tall and…have muscle in all the right places, again the greek gods themselves would be jealous”, That hiss sound was heard again and the giant let go of me. I looked around the throne room for where that hiss came from but everyone seemed to stand in the same place as before. Aro gave instruction to the twins who I remember my brother told me about, Alec and Jane, to take me to Caius private chambers. At the mention of that I almost wanted to make a run for it. The two led me away and I felt Caius' gaze on me the whole time as I was leaving the room.
Eventually I was left alone in the room, I had to admit it was a lovely room, it did seem fit for a king but also for a man of art. I felt strange being in his room alone, I don't even know the vampire and now I have to be with him for eternity. This is also unfair, why couldn't I at least say goodbye to my brothers kids, I might never see them or my brother again, I just got back from traveling and was set to settle down with my brothers coven for once. I only got 5 years with them. Maybe it's my fault for always wanting to explore and be on my own but life was cut short for me and I never got that chance when I was human.
Mine and Carlisle’s father forbade me to go out without my brother by me, I couldn't even go down the street to get a loaf of bread for dinner alone. Not that I don't love spending time with my
brother, but I always had that curiosity to go be alone and explore the world. Until that fateful day of my ‘death’, it happened after Carlisle was pronounced ‘dead’, and from that father was more strict than ever, I never got a chance to get a breath of fresh air, day and night at home; cleaning, cooking, reading, sewing, and etc. It got repetitive very quickly, so I decided one night to run away. That night I knew my father was away on another vampire hunt, so I knew I would be alone. I packed a small bag and went out by the back door. So far my journey was good, I decided to head off to York, I read books about this town and the gothic architecture was a must see. 
I had a good 10 miles away from my home, when it happened, I was walking along this path in the woods when two random men came out of the blue and took advantage of me. They left me there barely breathing and in my growing cold blood. I was minutes away from dying when a familiar face came into my hazyview, I knew who it was and before I could even say his name everything went black. It was not until days later I woke up in a small clearing and Carlisle came into view and explained everything to me. I was glad to see my twin alive but at the same time I was not thrilled with the idea that I had to drink human blood. Me and Carlisle with time discovered the concept of drinking animal blood and that helped. Soon after we were accustomed to the life of vampires we parted ways. I wanted to travel but he wanted to spend time in Italy. 
At this moment  I wished I stayed with my brother this whole time but then that meant I would have met my mate sooner and would have not met my brother’s coven. My mate…I was always curious to find out who they would be, I could see how my brother and Esme looked at each other, or how my brother’s children looked at their significant other, even Edward for once looked happy. I never knew I would even find them, I spent a lot of time alone and didn't really think about settling down or even finding my mate in this lifetime. I thought for sure I was destined for solitude, but it appears I was destined to be with the ruthless Volturi King. 
Speaking about him I didn't even notice he came into the room and was seated in one of his Victorian burgundy styled sofas. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was not seeing things but he spoke up 
“You should really learn to be aware of your surroundings, I even gave you a kiss on the forehead and you didn't even notice or flinched”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I saw he had a slight smirk on his face, he was teasing me. I didn't even know whether to be surprised or pissed at this, in different circumstances I would have joked back. In a blink of an eye he was in front of me, towering over me, I would have looked up at him but I wanted to stand my ground. I felt him lift my chin up and I faced his bright ruby red eyes that seemed so enchanting. 
I tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes were like a lure, once you got a glimpse there was no way to look away. He started to lean in until he was inches away from my lips, “keep it together y/n, keep it together y/n”. But then Blondie whispered “Con tempo” and he was gone. I was relieved but at the same time I had a hint of intrigued.
Year 1700 – From the stories I have heard from the townspeople and from our father, they made the vampire life seem so horrible, that a vampire is only seen as a monster. But I have never felt such a peace like state, from being controlled, to losing my brother, to my ‘death’, I finally have forever to be free with my brother. And as of right now me and him are laying in an open field in the outskirts of Italy, gazing at the stars as we have been doing the past 30 years already. 
“They had it all wrong, did they not, lyle?”
“I can not say I disagree but you have a point, I would've never pictured our life to turn like this”
Life really has never been better than this moment. I appreciated the times me and Carlisle would spend at night talking about the latest book we read or how we want to further our education in medicine and the arts. I want to travel more but it seems he has other plans. I can sense it.
“Just say it, I know there is something”
In the corner of my eye I saw that he took an unnecessary breath. I knew what he was about to say would hurt me, he always did that when he had to break bad news to me, even when we were little, he always acted like the big brother.
“I was confronted by a coven of Vampires, they call themselves the Volturi, they been around for millennials, they favor the arts and science, and they have more knowledge than any human could ever dream of knowing and they have an impressive collection of books on everything, they offered us a spot into their coven, I said I would talk it out with you first”
I knew he made his decision, I knew this is something he has always wanted to do, he wanted to know more about the background knowledge of Vampires and more on old medicine and arts. Even that intrigued me but that would mean I would have to settle down and live out my life in some coven and stay in one place for eternity.
“Carlisle…you know I would never want to stop you from your education, I was the one who persuaded you to have an interest in the medical field, so I'm not going to be one to hold you back, I would rather die than to stop you from this.”
“I figured you would not want to join, I thought that maybe I would be able to convince you. I don't like being separated from you, your everything I have left of family”
I looked at him with a saddened look
“I know Lyle, but you know I don't like to be contained in one place forever, I need to be out and about, exploring and having the life I never got the chance to have”
He sits up looking out in the open field, I know he really wants me to join him, and I want to but there's still so much to explore still. Sitting up also I extend a hand toward him and a Lily flower bloomed within my hand, he looks at it with awe 
“A Lily Flower? Mothers favorite…”
I gave him a small smile “It took me a while to learn how to create it, still not used to having this ability but I only managed to create a Tulip, next time I see you I will show you a whole garden of flowers”
End of Flashback.
We had that conversation over 300 years ago already. Even when we finally did reunite and I lived with him and his coven, I didnt show him what I was working on with the time I was away from him. I am actually outside in the Volturi gardens creating a whole new garden with fresh new flowers that are both rare and exotic but also some common ones. I think what fascinated Aro about my ability is that I can create poisonous flowers that can knock out even the strongest of vampires out cold (I accidentally knocked him out the first month I was here for 5 days straight). And that was already 5 months ago since that “accident”, from that Aro just let me be in the garden alone and doesn't dare interrupt me unless I request his audience. 
With my short time here, I actually became close to Marcus. Even though it took a while to get him to talk to me, I  caught him in the gardens one day and I saw he was overlooking a dying yellow lily. I instantly healed it, he turned to me slowly with a very small but very pleased look, he mentioned later that it was his late wife's favorite flower. He reminded me of Carlisle, we tend to talk a lot about plants and philosophy, we even had small arguments on certain philosophies. With Aro from the accident I'm still wary about him, he creeps me out sometimes and when he does that one laugh I don't know whether to hold in a laugh or wonder how such a laugh can come out of him. With the elite guards, we are slowly building trust with each other. Just the other day I managed to make Felix and Demetri laugh when I accidentally made an “erotic" looking plant. They reminded me of Emmett and Jasper. As with Jane and Alec, they are still wary of me, but I can see they are starting to warm up to me.
And how can I forget Caius? Having him as a mate has been interesting. I don't see him as often but when I do, he does a tactic of a quick and go. I could be doing something as reading a book in the King's private library when he appears and leaves a longing of his aura and then vanishes. It frustrates me so I decided to just ignore him. 
Caius POV:
As soon as Jane came in with our “guest”, I felt a strange pull and was overcomed by the strong smell of roses. It was an addicting smell, I must know who it's coming from. I notice the human and internally I'm thinking “all this dramatic antics for this human? This Cullen boy was all set to end his immortal life because of her?” even I'm not that dramatic. I scanned the rest of the entourage and one of them reassembled as a human sized fairy, she’s almost the polar opposite of Jane. I didn't pay much attention to her for it being one of them caught me completely off guard. My mate… she's breathtaking, just from her looks I can tell she has an eye for art like me. Sadly her eyes are gold like the rest of the Cullen coven but that can easily be changed with time. It was not until Aro said she is Carlisle's twin sister that I lost it internally.
Why is life so unfair? Millenniums of existing and waiting for my mate to come along to find out she's the sister to the one person I absolutely despise . Out of everyone why a Cullen? The minute that “Vegetarian Doctor” left my respect for him vanished. But why is she avoiding eye contact with me? What has that Carlisle said about me? Great, I barely find out she's my mate and she hates me. Why would she hate me? I like to think I'm straightforward and speak my mind without hesitation, what is there not to like about me? I'm also quite dashing myself if I must say, I take a great deal of myself and I at least don't have that weird laugh Aro has.
As if on cue I heard Aro do that said strange laugh and I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Aro was holding her hand to read her thoughts, without a thought I hissed in displeasure. She's my mate, nobody can touch her but I. Have I always been possessive? Didn't think of myself as the possessive type, I'm just being reasonable. I must know what Aro has seen from her, I want to know everything there is to know about her, everything she has seen and done. Hopefully she has not been with another man or even a woman, I'm not judgemental, but it seems I also have a jealous side. What is wrong with me today? I am suddenly having all of these out of character personality, I blame her. 
When she offered a deal, my anger took over and I said no deal, even if she said she was going to stay. Of course she's going to stay, she's my mate, in no way was I going to let her walk away after I waited millenniums for her. After my little outburst on her Aro said for Felix to take her to my chambers but the way she looked at him when she was grabbed by him made my eye twitch involuntary, I did that hiss sound and Felix immediately let go. 
When the throne room was set for clear I had to go see her up close. When I arrived at my private chambers I noticed she was in a trance like state, as if reliving a past memory. Wanting to respect her I waited it out. She did after a while and that is when I striked first, with my speed I was in front of her gazing down on her, she's more beautiful up close. I think I might like the color amber now, the way her eyes are so full of light and warmth is so wonderful to witness. I leaned in thinking I might kiss her but I decided to tease her. I want her to be the one to break first even if I'm already secretly hopelessly falling for her.
It has been a very confusing couple of weeks. I think I'm conflicted with whether I should keep ignoring Caius by not being flirty in return like he has been with me or should I just reciprocate the same behavior toward him. Trust me I do want to get out of this weird faze we are dealing with but the way that man is so bipolar sometimes is astonishing to witness. Our latest incident resulted in Felix and Demetri carrying me out of the library while Aro and Marcus consulted with Caius. The funny thing is Caius walked in all suave and flirty.
“You know I always find it difficult to look at you without falling in love with you”
Not wanting to give him a satisfaction that his words made me feel a certain way, I brushed him off
“So don't look at me, it's that simple”
“That simple? Have you no idea that when I look at you, all of the beautiful work you do in the gardens is put to shame with your beauty, how your voice is sweeter than the richest of blood, or how your eyes have conquered me?” he scoffs “As if that's simple amore”
I shut my book and set it on the table already getting sick and tired of his little suppose clever tactic to get me to confess my undying love to him
“You know you walk in here all suave and seductive or whatever you call this, and then you leave before I can say anything, in the 4 months I have been here, not once have you sat down with me and had a full on conversation with me”
“Well i'm a king, im busy, I have matters to take care of, things you would not know how to deal with”
Now it was my turn to scoff at him
“Busy? With what? I have talked with Marcus and he says you mostly are in the throne room looking at old text that I bet you have read at least a thousand times so far, your just avoiding me because i'm a Cullen, I am well aware you despise my brother and his coven”
That for sure shut him up but unfortunately what I said fuelled his anger.
“How dare you speak to me like that! Conspiring behind my back with my own brother! I have done nothing but be patient with you and been a great mate to you!?”
How can he say such a thing about being a great mate when there are times I don't see him for days and when he does appear it's only for a couple of minutes.
“You are unbelievable, you being a great mate to me? How can you say that when one) I don't even see you that often. two) you haven't even bothered to talk about actual things instead you seduce me and three) you just assume every time you flirt with me that I like it or I will return the favor. Well news flash I don't like it, maybe my brother was right about you”
Using his vampire speed he was up in my face in an instant glaring down on me, I might not be able to read his thoughts but just with his eyes you can see how pissed he is.
“Your brother!! Are you also conspiring with him about me behind my back! Some mate you are to me. I have been patient with you, I have been all sweet talk with you. How am I supposed to know what you like and don't like if you never speak up, I was starting to think you are mute”
I could now feel my own anger rising at his words
“Well maybe if you actually took time in your supposed busy day to sit down and talk to me I would start to open up to you and be more affectionate with you but I never say anything because you always vanish in a blink of an eye. Your so childish for doing that, hiding from someone who is a whole foot shorter than you, pathetic”
In all of my decades of existing as a Vampire, I have never been caught off guard until now. I was in a literal chokehold as I was kissed deeply by Caius. WAIT he's kissing me? H-how did this even happen? I was absolutely horrified by the turn of events. My reflexes finally kicked in I pushed him away roughly from me and I took several steps away from him. How dare he kiss me like that without my permission? Who the fuck does he think he is to even do such an action on me? To add to that, the freaking blonde had a small smirk but his eyes held a bit of pain and shock. I haven't the slightest idea of what to do next, I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy the kiss but I didn't want our first kiss to be like this. 
We just stood in silence, I wanted to say something but I don't know what exactly, I must have been too deep in thought because when I looked up he was gone. 
A/N: Ooooo cliffhanger, I had to do it, part two will come out at some point (to be honest I have not started to work on it yet but I have a basic idea of how it will end).
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Love of the cruel King
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A/N: My native language is not English, so I put each of my stories through an app so that it ends up in English.
Also, I've uploaded this story before, on another account but it's defective somehow. So I created a new one
Summary: When Y/N follows her older sister Bella to Volterra , she didn't expect to finde out that she is connected by fate to one of the three vampire kings
Caius Volturi x female!reader
Words: 4.5k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist
" The best
place to get lost
is in the eyes
of someone
you've missed."
"Now, just to be clear. You want to travel to Italy to save the guy who has been ignoring you for months just because a family member of his tried to eat you?"
Bella looked annoyed at her one year younger sister and tried to ignore her, but Y/N wouldn't let her.
" If he wants to kill himself please , let him do it. It seems to have become fashionable in the last few hours! But if you think I'm going to let you go alone with Dracula's sister, you're wrong dear sister!"
Bella walked past Y/N. " I'm not taking you with me."
Y/N grabbed Bella's upper arm. Both sisters looked into each other's eyes. " Bella you just jumped off a cliff for your ex boyfriend to notice you . That proves I'm the only one of the two of us who can still think straight! So either I get Jacob in here , who will happily help me lock you in your room until our father gets home or you take me with you!"
" You are too stubborn for your own good!" Grumbled Bella, breaking free of her sister's iron grip. " And you too naive for yours!"
" Don't look at me like that!" Bella stood next to Edward and noticed her sister's annoyed look. Ignoring her sentence, Y/N turned back around and stared at the closed elevator doors.
" The entire Cullen clan will be the death of my sister , me or both of us at the same time."
Jane , Demetri and Felix eyed the young girl. Slightly she shrank under the gaze of the vampires. Because even if she did not want to admit it , the red eyes of the three were not only beautiful , but also intimidating .
"I know that Bella and I are the only humans in a rather cramped room full of vampires, but could you stop looking at me like you're about to really eat me?" Puzzled, Felix and Demetri looked at each other. But then grinned down at the girl. The blond vampire put one of his hands on Y/N's shoulder. " You have quite a bit of courage..." Jane interrupted him. " As long as Aro , Caius or Marcus have not decided whether you should live or die , your survival is uncertain human!" The vampire turned her head boredly to Y/N and back again as the elevator doors opened. Confused, Y/N turned her head to Demetri. "Is she always in such a good mood or does my perfume just not suit her?" " Imagine Felix she becomes one of us , that could be really interesting!" The brown-haired vampire studied the young girl closely and began to smile. "Maybe."
Y/N who was about to ask another question fell silent as the small group stepped through two huge double doors into a throne room. Demetri and Felix meanwhile also became serious again and pushed Y/N a little more in front of them when they noticed her hesitation. Their eyes followed Jane , who stood by a dark-haired boy and seemed pleased with herself. Looking to her left , the young girl held her breath.
Three thrones with their respective guardians stood before her. The vampire in the center rose with a grin that reminded Y/N of the Joker , and approached the small group. If Y/N remembered correctly from Carlisle's stories, the black-haired vampire was Aro Volturi. The vampire sitting behind Aro on the left, wearing the look of a man tired of life, was Marcus Volturi. On Aro's right side sat a blond vampire, whom Y/N identified as Caius.
This one aroused a strange fascination in Y/N. No matter how hard she tried she could not take her eyes off him. Even though she knew she should rather listen to Aro, his words just seemed to pass her by. Meanwhile, Caius looked aggressively in the direction of Alice and Edward, paying no attention to other person.
Goosebumps covered Y/N's skin when the blond vampire noticed that he was being watched. First he looked at Bella with a look full of contempt. Y/N immediately wondered if he would look at her with so many bad emotions as well. Just as she was about to finally release her gaze, Caius turned his attention to the young girl.
Y/N's breathing, which had just been rapid and uncontrolled, returned to normal. The fear she had felt all this time left her body and was replaced by a warmth that Y/N didn't understand and yet if she had to be honest with herself, she didn't want to be. Because the answer to that worried her more than her situation at that moment.
" Brother." Marcus drew all the attention of the room to him with one blow. Aro looked at his brother, startled, but Marcus simply raised his hand. In less than a millisecond , Aro stood in front of him and grabbed his hand .
With a cry of joy, Aro stood in front of Y/N with the same speed. Not having expected this, she stumbled back several steps, startled. Felix and Demetri reacted at the same time and caught Y/N carefully. Confused , she looked at the vampires , wondering why they were so careful with her and not so rough as with the rest. " Brother! Be careful , she is only human after all." Caius voice sounded a bit short tempered and yet there was something in his gaze that Y/N could not describe. Aro on the other hand just nodded and gave the young girl his full attention. " May I?" With a gentle smile, he pointed at Y/N's still slightly trembling hand. She winced at the coldness that enveloped her hand as Aro closed his hands around hers. But she did not dare to pull them away.
Laughing, he let go of her hand and turned to Caius. "This could be interesting, brother!"
After a small fight in the middle of the throne room, where Y/N had been standing behind a vampire named Alec the entire time, they were allowed to go home. Caius had clearly rebelled against letting Y/N go home, but this interested Aro less. What bothered Y/N the most was that no one had even tried to explain to her what was going on and why Alice and Edward were looking at her as if she would drop dead at any moment. When she couldn't take it anymore on the way home and yelled at both vampires to tell her what the hell was going on, Alice confused her even more by saying, ˋSomething that changed your fate in this world'.
Three months had passed since then and Y/N doubted that anything would happen. She also tried to forget the whole thing, which proved to be more difficult than the young girl had thought. Because every time she closed her eyes she saw Caius in front of her.
That night, too, Y/N had trouble falling asleep, and when she finally did, she was awakened three hours later by a breeze and a huge shadow in front of her bed. Confused, Y/N blinked as she opened her eyes. Only to fly out of her bed with a sharp scream. She had looked directly into the red eyes of Felix Volturi, getting the shock of her life.
Smirking, Demetri circled the human's bed and held out one of his gloved hands to her. " Do you need help?" The blond-haired vampire raised an eyebrow in amusement. Wiping hair from her face , Y/N stood up without help and looked at both vampires annoyed . " No! What I need is a good reason why you stand in my room at night and watch me sleep!" "Actually, we didn't want to watch you sleep, we wanted to wake you up." Felix grinned at her, which Y/N returned with an even more annoyed expression. Demetri laughed. " The reason we are here is because Caius wants you to join him in Volterra." Y/N nodded mutely , scratched her forehead , bent down to pick up her quilt and lay back in bed . " Then I wish you both a safe journey back , because I'm going to lie back in this very bed and go back to sleep! You both know the way out." With that , she closed her eyes and buried her face back into her pillow . Felix sighed, "Aro was right! Things could get interesting with her!" The tall vampire bent down , pulled the blanket off Y/N's body and threw the young girl over his shoulder.
" A human mate...." Caius grumbled this to himself as everyone waited for Demetri and Felix to arrive with Y/N. " For the last three months you have been trying to deny this brother. Give it up." Aro looked over at Caius in amusement. Marcus turned to Caius as well. " Fate cannot be stopped or changed. Everything has its right and, accordingly, a reason." " Then fate seems to hate me. For I, of all people, am linked to the sister of the Cullens' toy!" Aro pursed his lips for an answer, but he was interrupted by the opening of the door. Smiling, he turned to it and was about to start a greeting, when he fell silent, confused.
" You huge idiot! Put me the fuck down!" Everyone present had to get used to the image that presented itself to them. Y/N was hanging over Felix's shoulder, in her sleeping clothes, hitting his back while insulting him. Felix looked annoyed and Demetri seemed to stifle a laugh.
" Felix, put them down!" Caius grumbled this. Alec , standing next to Aro's throne , tilted his head slightly and eyed Y/N as she stood. " Did you get her out of bed?" Annoyed , Y/N looked at him . " No how did you come up with that? I had the idea of being carried in here in nothing but my pajamas over Bigfoot's shoulders!" Aro cried out laughing and clapped his hands. " You are such a special specimen of a human. I like that!" He turned to face Caius. " So if you ask me brother , fate has sent you the perfect mate."
Confused, Y/N looked around. " Mate?" " You and Caius my love are connected by the red bond of fate . I could see it the moment you looked into each other's eyes!" Marcus looked at her lovingly. Silently Y/N stood there trying to understand exactly what was happening. " That means exactly , just to make my brain understand everything for a moment..." "You and Caius souls complete each other. In other words; you will stay here in Volterra so you will be with him and he will logically be with you!" Aro smiled at her. " Ah" , the young girl turned to Demetri, " Just to be sure... I'm not asleep and this is really happening?" Grinning, the latter shook his head. " You're wide awake!" Slowly, she nodded and looked to Caius. " Do I have a choice?" " No!" " So what's going on right now is, by and large, a kidnapping?" " Yes" " Good to know." Amused, all the vampires watched their master and his mate. " How do you explain my sudden disappearance?" Aro answered the question without letting even a second pass. " On the way to your mother , you died in a car accident."
Silently, she looked around and noticed that no one seemed to be joking. Fear spread through Y/N, but also relief to finally be near Caius again. Being too confused by her own feelings, she simply nodded. As she did so, her surroundings began to spin and she slumped slightly. Y/N realized only now how much everything was taking her and how much her body longed for sleep, which she had not gotten in the last weeks. Caius, who had sensed the change in his mate's behavior, immediately stood in front of her and caught his mate's increasingly flaccid body. Picking her up in bridal style, he looked down at her with concern.
" It is fascinating how in the human mind the separation of two mates shows itself..." Aro had stood next to Caius and was also looking down at Y/N now sleeping body. " Will she be okay?" Aro placed a hand on her forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. " She just needs sleep and your presence , just as you need hers." Nodding , he left the throne room to go to his quarters , where they had cleared a new room for Y/N to sleep in .
Once there, he placed her in a large and soft bed. For a minute he watched his mate sleep. He shook his head and wanted to turn away, but Y/N's hand stopped him. Again he looked down at her. " Is something going to happen to me here or am I going to be turned against my will?" Sleepily , yet worried and with a touch of fear , she looked up at Caius . He shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed. Her hand he released from his wrist, grasped it and placed it on his non-beating heart. Y/N sat up and moved closer to Caius.
" The connection that binds us is very rare , some vampires never find it in their infinite lives and the ones that do... you can't feel it as a human like I can. When you are a vampire and you find that one person that is meant for you , every second without them is agony." He interrupted himself and put his forehead to Y/N's. The latter didn't flinch, even seemed to relax more. "If the wrong people found out that you were that person for me, Y/N, they would use you against me and kill you. I can't lose you, not after I just found you! So don't be afraid that anything will happen to you here. I will always be there to protect you!" Caius detached his forehead from hers and looked her in the eyes. "Turning into a vampire will be your free decision. I will not make it for you , even though I would love for you to become one of us , so I can have you by my side for eternity."
He lifted her hand , which still rested on his chest , and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand . Before he could get up , Y/N held his hand tighter . "Stay with me... please" Caius hesitated briefly. But he meant to make room for her so that he could lie down with her. Cautiously and with still some restraint Y/N snuggled up to him and fell asleep for the first time in months without waking up every now and then.
Lost in thought, Y/N let her fingers run over the fabric of the blue Summer dress that Caius had given her only that morning. "Are you all right my dear? You've been lost in your thoughts all afternoon." Athenodora looked at Y/N out of worried eyes. Detaching herself from her thoughts , Y/N studied the older woman before her closely.
Several weeks had now passed since Y/N's arrival. Everyone seemed to really like her, even though she was still human. Even the twins couldn't help but be nice to Y/N, which seemed to shock many. Aro was worried that the twins would be nice. But that thought was quickly misplaced when the Cullens wanted to talk to Aro and the rest of the kings to bring Y/N home and the twins had to be stopped from traveling to Forks and wiping out the Cullens for good. Caius and she spent every spare second he could spare together. Sometimes she just watched him paint his canvases and sometimes they read together in front of his fireplace. Even though Y/N knew that Caius would never admit it, she knew that sometimes at night he would lie down with her and pull her into his arms. After a while, Y/N had to admit to herself that she was starting to feel something for the grumpy vampire king. Which would not be a problem if it were not for his wife Athenodora, whom Y/N met on the second day in Volterra. She treats the young girl like a good , almost like a best friend. While Y/N felt more and more guilty for her feelings towards Caius.
" It's all good. I'm just tired." Athenodora raised one of her eyebrows. "You should know by now that I can hear your heartbeat. So don't even try to lie to me my dear!" Y/N looked at Athenodora and rose from her place at the window of the tower with a sigh. " Aren't you mad at me about Caius?" A silence spread between the two friends for a moment , which was interrupted by the happy laughter of the vampiress. " So I am right in my assumption that you have fallen in love with Caius Y/N?" Ashamed , the young girl nodded , unable to lie to Athenodora . " And also am I right that you feel guilty because I am Caius' wife?" Again the young girl nodded, with her head lowered. Smiling softly, Athenodora stood up and glided lightly towards Y/N to take her in her arms. Pressing the young girl to her chest, she whispered in a soothing voice, "The love that Caius and I once felt for each other has been extinguished for an eternity. We still cherish each other as friends who shared a deeper past. Now he has you and even though Caius would never express it with facial expressions or words, you make him happy. The whole castle seems to be a bit livelier again since you've been around and me, I'm glad to have gained a good friend!" Y/N wrapped her arms tighter around Athenodora's torso.
" Will you promise me something Y/N?" " Anything you want." " That someday you will be ready to become one of us. Because even if you don't see it yet, you're the piece of the puzzle that we've all been missing here." Athenodora noticed the tentative nod at her chest. " I have a confession to make." The vampire broke away from Y/N and looked at her questioningly. " I think about it every single day." Eyes shining with joy, Athenodora hugged Y/N to her again.
As evening had fallen, Y/N set off for her chambers with Demetri at her side. "Master Caius is in his studio. If you are interested." Smiling, Y/N thanked Demetri , who with an equally warm smile led her to her new destination.
Felix and Santiago stood in front of the high doors of Caius' studio and opened them as soon as they saw Y/N. Caius, who was sitting on a chair by one of the windows, with his painting in front of him, only looked up for a moment to smile at the young girl. But he turned back to his work. He was used to Y/N joining him with a book and reading in front of the fireplace on the sofa. But the young girl had other plans today.
Carefully she let her gaze wander over Caius. He was wearing only a white shirt and simple trousers. The only light that illuminated him was that of the moon, the fireplace was too far away for that and probably had been turned on just for her. Slowly she walked up to him and stood behind him. Caius was about to ask her if all was well, when she put her arms around his neck from behind and buried her face in them.
" I missed you."
Caius paused in what he was doing, putting away the brush and paint palette, he turned his torso a bit, wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and pulled her onto his lap. With a surprised expulsion of air, she landed in Caius' lap. Examining her, he looked into her eyes. Carefully, she put her arms around his neck again. " Did something happen?" Smiling, she shook her head. "Why do you think something happened?" The vampire tilted his head. " Because this morning , you were still keeping your distance and now you are sitting in my lap." " I had a conversation with Athenodora." " About?" " My feelings for you and the consideration of letting myself be transformed."
Caius sat up a little straighter and strengthened his grip on Y/N's waist so that he didn't hurt her. Y/N noticed her mate's sudden tension and let her hands move from his neck to his cheeks so he would look at her again. " Before you assume the worst why don't you ask me first, Caius." Annoyed , he exhaled . " And what conclusion have you come to?" Amused, Y/N looked at Caius. Instead of answering him directly, she leaned forward and breathed a kiss on his mouth. Surprised, he looked at her. " My realization is that even though you are often in a bad mood , I couldn't imagine eternity with a better mate." " Y/N are you sure..." She interrupted him with another kiss. But when she tried to break away from him this time , Caius put his hand to the back of her head and deepened the kiss. Y/N's hands dropped down from his cheeks to his shoulders. Detaching from Caius , since Y/N still needed air , she bit her lower lip in embarrassment . Grinning , he placed his fingers on Y/N lower lip to free it from her teeth. " Caius..." Y/N's voice trembled. " What do you want Y/N. Tell me and it's yours." Her grip on his top tightened. " I want you and eternity." Looking deep into her eyes his hands moved back to her waist , where he lifted her up and stood with her. His lips settled on hers once more. Y/N hands wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. Carefully, Caius laid her on the couch in front of the fireplace and leaned over her. His lips parted from those of his mate.
"If I turn you now, you'll never get rid of me." Laughing, she pulled him close to kiss him again. "I love you Caius Volturi!" With shining eyes he looked at her. " I love you too..." Caius lips carefully wandered over his lover's stoner ,moving to her neck and placing a kiss on a sensitive spot . Y/N's eyes closed , her hands buried in the fabric of Caius shirt. With one last look at Y/N, Caius buried his fangs in her neck.
"Caius, are you all right?" Athenodora had left her tower, having noticed for three days that her husband was standing outside in the middle of a field, looking up at the stars. The vampire did not turn away from the starry sky when he spoke. " Have I made a mistake?" Athenodora looked at him in confusion. " Turning Y/N?" Slowly he nodded. " Caius she will wake up , don't worry . It's been a while , but surely you haven't forgotten how long our transformations were ." Sadly he looked at Athenodora. "What if she remembers that I am not the one she wants at her side? What if she regrets the transformation and demands that I kill her? What if..." " Caius!" Athenodora put a hand on his shoulder. " I spoke to her that day. The girl loves you and no matter what the future will bring you , you will face it together!" " Thank you." "Not for this, Caius. I'll leave you with your thoughts." Again he looked up at the sky. The flowers around him gave him peace, knowing how much Y/N loved them.
A movement behind him made him smile. "I thought you wanted to go inside Athenodora?" Two arms wrapped around his waist from behind and he felt a second body nestle against him. " I am not Dora." Closing his eyes, Caius placed his hands on his lover's. " How long have you been awake?" "An hour. I should take something to eat before I could get to you." Caius nodded silently , turned around , put his hands on Y/N's face and pulled her to him for a kiss. Y/N returned his kiss without thinking twice about it. They both disengaged after a while and rested their foreheads against each other's.
" Dance with me." Caius looked at her seriously and Y/N laughed. " Here , without music?" He nodded. " Here , without music." Grinning, she agreed and so they both began to move to a tune that only the two of them could hear.
"I'm glad he found her." Aro looked down into the garden with a satisfied smile. "And so even the grimmest soul finds its right half."
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Every day I wake up and I’m not a vampire in the Volturi castle in Volterra, Italy-
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wendigo-volturi · 18 hours
ok so as a joke sometime i bite my friends (not hard or anything but just to be a nuisance to them lmao)
ANYWAYS i was wondering how the volturi guard would react to their s/o biting them
idek if it’s possible for a human to bite a vampire but i’m just curious how they would react bc normally they’re the ones biting people lmao 🫶🏻
I do this all the time, it's a way of showing love for me.
1. Jane would initially be surprised and then pleased by the gesture, feeling loved and appreciated by her s/o's unique way of showing affection.
2. Alec would be taken aback at first, but ultimately enjoy the sensation and see it as a sign of intimacy between him and his s/o.
3. Felix would be intrigued and slightly amused by his s/o's biting, finding it endearing and a playful way of showing love.
4. Demetri would be amused and flattered by his s/o's biting, viewing it as a quirky and affectionate gesture that brings them closer together.
5. Aro would be intrigued and amused by his s/o's biting, seeing it as a unique and intimate way of expressing love.
6. Caius would be initially startled by the biting but would eventually find it endearing and a symbol of his s/o's affection.
7. Marcus would be stoic and calm in his reaction to his s/o's biting, finding it a comforting and intimate gesture in their relationship.
1. Aro would be fascinated by the sensation of his s/o's bite, seeing it as a way of connecting with them on a deeper level.
2. Caius would be slightly taken aback at first but would eventually find his s/o's biting endearing and a display of their love for him.
3. Marcus would be quietly pleased by his s/o's biting, finding it a gentle and intimate way of expressing their feelings for him.
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child-of-the-nights · 11 months
Could I get some headcanons on Caius with a long-term mate? Like, they’ve known each other since they were fledglings and are one of the most solid, oldest couples in Volterra. Gender neutral reader please? Thank you!
Yes, yes, absolutely yes!
Warnings: none
Caius having a long-term mate
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One thing is certain: the other two kings respect Caius' mate. The majority of the vampires in the palazzo have been turned much later in time and are not as old as the kings themselves, but Caius' mate has been there with them from the start. It would be difficult to break that bond.
I can imagine his beloved being the one that urged him to create more artworks when he first started out painting. They would watch him try out various mediums over the centuries and still manage to create something beautiful.
Same goes for Caius. If his mate is particularly interested in something artistic, he would encourage them to pursue it. Money is no objective after all. He would watch them get better and better over time and smile to himself, knowing that he was their biggest supporter.
The guards respect all of their masters, but they have a special fondness for the old couple. It seems as though they are constantly filled with wonder as they watch them walk down the hallways.
However, things were very different in the early years of their relationship. It took a lot of time to form the Volturi and continually be at odds with the other covens, and the couple barely had time for each other. And yet even in those times, they found solace in each other's arms.
Caius' partner has most likely seen most of the world's wonders alongside him. He enjoys traveling and usually takes his partner with him. So, indeed, they have spent their eternal lives discovering Earth's wonders. They traveled to numerous locations over the years that have now been destroyed.
I would guess that Caius' mate was fluent in several languages, as are all of the Volturi masters. That would imply that they enjoy conversing in other languages. Sometimes they would speak in multiple languages at once. Caius could start the conversation in german, and his mate could continue in turkish. They would understand each other of course.
While most of the time Caius would stick to the classic petnames (like love, dear, darling, etc.), he might give them a nickname in another language.
He is a fantastic chess player and would definitely convince his beloved to play with him. The problem is that he's really competitive. So he would do his best to beat them in the game.
They have also met many of the great artists of all time together. Da Vinci, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rembrandt? They have all seen them from at least a distance.
Caius would paint so many portraits of his mate. There is now a whole room filled with the works he painted throughout the years. Even though it's typically shut off from the other inhabitants, his beloved is always welcome there.
On nights when Caius is very sentimental, he would tell his mate how their features remind him of various things. Like their eyes remind him of the finest pomegranate, their hair of the darkness of night/the familiarity of a wheat field/the trees of the forest/etc. He always describes it in a way that would make poets jealous.
The two have such a deep understanding of each other. They don't even need to communicate in words, because they have both picked up on the other's mannerisms. Caius really appreciates having found his mate so early because he cannot imagine his immortal life without this connection and understanding.
All I can say is that this is a beautiful relationship.
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volturissideslut · 6 months
Can I request poly!Volturi with a reader that is in physical pain? Like, they experience pain and weakness in their joints and they're just having a rough day?
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖞)
You jolt awake with a hiss of pain, a surging stinging sensation shooting up through your leg and resting atop your left keep. It jerks as you rush to sit up, but that only insensifies it.
A flash of pale skin has your raven haired lover by your side.
"Cara mia?" his voice is gentle, and the question innate. He whispers like a normal volume will shatter you to pieces, and a shaking and icy hand rests gently above your knee - the cold and lack of pressure somewhat soothing the residual aches.
"Im okay, darling, really. Just having a bit of a rough time." You wince when he removes his hand to call your other mate, but with his vampiric reflexes it's back in it's helpful little spot in less than half a second.
"Do you need anything. Water? Food?" why does his moth feel so dry. Vampires can't get dehydrated, but the levels of panic he's holding down withing himself brings a close enough feeling.
Your other mates half-run-half-walk in as you answer. "Just.. Just keep your hand there please... And another on my neck. The cold is helping"
Caius places a light kiss to your nose, moving behind you to give your shoulders an extremely careful massage.
Marcus takes the sidelined, holding your hand in his and kissing the back of it.
But if course, the moment cannot last forever.
"when the pain passes, my love, I'd like to discuss your eventual transformation. I cannot stand to see you in such pain"
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twilightt-fantasy · 10 months
broken bones [volturi kings]
description: Hii! Can you write poly volturi kings with a mate who broke her arm because i broke mine recently and i feel like shit. Thank you and you dont have to do this if you dont want to <33
requested by: anon
warnings: none
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A heavy sigh escaped your mouth when the door to your shared rooms was opened, signaling the arrival of your three mates yet again. Don't get me wrong - you loved your kings with every piece of you but sometimes they were very, very overbearing.
You had only broken your arm, it wasn't like you were on your death bed!
While you couldn't say you didn't appreciate them and their constant care, you were still capable of doing most things, since thankfully your non-dominant arm was the one injured.
And still, when they each came into view carrying various things, you couldn't help but smile. Marcus was carrying an ice pack, having been told from the doctor that icing it at least once a day was good for the healing. Caius had a book in his hand as he had been set on keeping you company since the incident had occurred and reading to you was a favorite pastime of both of you. And Aro was carrying a glass of what seemed to be your favorite drink, as well as the pain killers you had been prescribed.
"I love you all." You cooed at them, not being able to help the way your heart warmed when they beamed back at you. "I really, really do."
"We love you just as much, my dear." Marcus leaned over you to place a kiss on your head before very gently lifting your arm off the pillow it was resting on to set the ice down. You set your cast back on top of the ice, thanking your mate as you did.
"You know you really don't have to do this for me." You told them as you took the glass from Aro as well as the pills. "I appreciate all your help but I do have one working arm."
"Very true, but you need all the rest you can get in order to heal." He told you, nodding in approval after you swallowed your meds. You held your glass close to you, savoring the taste of your favorite drink.
"And it gives us an excuse to spend a little extra time with you." Caius pointed out as he cuddled up next to you on the sofa and pulled your blanket around you tighter before he opened the book. "So quit your complaining and enjoy our company."
You couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of you and you motioned for Aro and Marcus to join you on the couch with Caius. You reached to each of them to plant kisses on their cheeks before settling back down. "I'd never dare."
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entitled-fangirl · 5 months
The best thing for Marcus.
Marcus Volturi x human!reader
Summary: His darling mate falls asleep on his throne while he works.
Words: 511 (she's a short one)
Warnings: Too sweet for your teeth maybe? Idk vampires?
Author's note: I love Marcus so much. Younger or older version I literally don't care. He deserves the world, honestly.
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Marcus stood at the side table in the throne room, books scattered around him and his brothers. His hair is pulled back in a bun to secure it away from his face. He scans each page carefully, flipping through them quite quickly. 
The sound of soft breathing brings him out of his focused mind. His head turns slightly. 
His beautiful mate has fallen asleep on his throne.
Her head rests against one armrest, her legs draping over the other. His lips pull into a small smile as he admires her. The smell of her begins to distract him further, his eyes closing at the smell. This was his favorite smell in the world. The feeling of draining her blood from her body would be the greatest rush of adrenaline he’d ever receive, but he knew if he did so, he would become a hollow form of himself without her.
Aro and Caius are brought out of their work as well, the sight of Marcus in such bliss a welcoming and warming sight. He was a fierce king, but a lovely one at that. Love was what he did best. And while seemingly intolerable at times, his brothers had become harder to give him room to flourish. 
His ears perk up at a sound. A soft, quiet sigh escapes her lips. She was fully relaxed at this stage. Not that Marcus needed to know small facts like that, for he could see it in front of him, himself. His darling dove seemed to be completely relaxed. What he’d do to pick her up now and whisk her away forever. 
He approached her resting body, kneeling down in front of it. How strange to see one of the vampire kings kneeling before his own throne, where a measly sleeping human lay. A gentle hand brushes the hairs from her forehead. “Dove, you must awaken so I may take you to bed properly.”
She stirs slightly, her voice a soft whisper, “No, I… I’m fine. This is fine…”
He chuckled. She was a sweet and affectionate thing, always wanting to be near him. His hand reached to the back of her neck, cradling her head. “I’ll tell you what.”
Her eyes open only slightly more as he continues, “Let’s go to bed, the two of us, until you are well rested.”
She considered the proposal. It did sound rather nice. Her hands reach for his collar, “The entire time? Just the two of us?”
He nods, “Yes, Nightingale. I promise.”
Her arms move further back to wrap around his neck, “Alright.”
He smiles, positioning his hands under her before picking her up easily. He turns, beginning to walk out of the room before stopping. “Dear brothers?”
They both turned to him.
“I am excused for the day. I have other matters to attend to.”
Aro nods, watching Marcus and the human walk away. Oh, how that human would either be the best thing to happen to the Volturi, or the worst.
But one thing is for sure: She was the best thing for Marcus.
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Could you do yandere volturi leaders with a darling that is already married. Like not new married but been married for 20-10 years, 2 kids, another on the way. Would they let their darling live their life with their family or take them away from their family that they already have a strong bond with?
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Yandere volturi x mother reader (headcanons)
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ok first of all your husband is not making it through this. these men do. not. share. so I hope you weren't too attached.
most likely they would have Heidi invite you and your children to a private tour of the castle, and of course, distract your children with a special part so that the kings can talk to you.
they would be very calm and caring talking to you not wanting to stress their new wife out. let's just say you won't be leaving the castle that day or ever.
They give you anything you would ever need or want. pregnancy cravings? They run across the world to get it. attention? They'll blow off their duties to cuddle you. tired and can't watch your other children? step-father and step-child bonding time.
they would tell you that they're vampires but you and your kids would never be allowed near them when they feed.
when the baby finally comes they will turn you. they can't live knowing that they'll continue aging.
they will care for the new child as their own, in fact, they'll tell the child that it is theirs.
you have to accept them, Don't forget they only have so much patience and aren't above threatening the things you love most to assure you stay theirs.
once you accept that you'll all be a perfect family.
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