mindblowingscience · 10 hours
It may look like an innocent green plant, but its name evokes something far closer to a robot or interstellar rocket. Neo Px is a bioengineered plant capable of purifying indoor air at an unprecedented scale, the first in a potentially long line of such super-powered organisms. "It's the equivalent of up to 30 regular houseplants in terms of air purification," said Lionel Mora, co-founder of startup Neoplants. "It will not only capture, but also remove and recycle, some of the most harmful pollutants you can find indoors." Five years ago, the entrepreneur met Patrick Torbey, a genome editing researcher, who dreamed of creating living organisms "with functions." "There were plants around us, and we thought that the most powerful function we could add to them was to purify the air," said Mora, during a tour of a rented greenhouse in Lodi, California, two hours from San Francisco.
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gaynaturalistghost · 2 years
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My favorite part is when they put intact leaves and the caterpillars in a faraday cage (YEAH) still sealed up, but with airflow to a non-wounded plant, which then produced chemical defenses (VOCs) as if it was being chewed. Those VOCs are different than those produced by mechanically damaged plants too! This process can start in seconds, which is amazing! (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2012.08.006)
They’re referred to as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and this is one way plants communicate, from cells to forests. The first time I learned this in botany I’m pretty sure it was Zebelo et al., they put tomato plants in gas-controlled chambers and fed filtered air in, took out samples and leaves. They had a species of caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) eat some of the plants, and identified the VOCs they produced, a control group, and a group that was mechanically damaged (“chewed”).
The other experiment we talked about was Song et al. (2010), which showed that VOCs traveled through mycorrhizal networks (fungal networks, usually Glomeromycetes)! (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2012.08.006)
…So could you say Poison Ivy has seductive pheromones?
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But idk! I don’t think it’s that simple! Are the humans targeted as pollinators? Sex pheromones are ideally between members of the same species so I might call BS if her “plant powers” are the cause, unless they have a specific function. The only comparison I can think of off the top of my head is how some orchid flowers looked like bees? Idk any botanists are welcome to derail this, flowering plants are not my forte. I feel like flirting is/would be enough.
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mossandfog · 5 months
GUSH Is a New Air-Purifying Paint That Helps Clean Your Environment
When shopping for a paint, you have the option to choose a paint with low VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds. It means that it has a lower amount of noxious gases that are released from it. What if there was a paint not only free from VOCs, but one that could actively clean the air around it? Meet Gush. It’s a new breed of paint that is made with a proprietary catalyst that actually transforms…
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sms-labs · 6 months
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Examining the Impact of Indoor Air Pollution vs. Outdoor Air Pollution
Indoor Air Pollution vs. Outdoor Air Pollution represents intertwined dimensions of a complex environmental challenge impacting human health. Indoor pollution arises within confined spaces from various sources, while outdoor pollution extends across the broader environment. 
This comprehensive exploration delves into the critical aspects of ambient air quality, the sources of indoor and outdoor pollutants, and the impact on respiratory health. Understanding the nuances of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), air quality standards, and pollution control measures is crucial for creating a healthier living environment. 
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gogonano · 11 months
Understanding the Environmental Impact of Household Chemicals
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At GoGoNano, we are committed to shedding light on the environmental impact of household chemicals and empowering consumers to make conscious choices. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of household chemicals and their effects on the environment. Our comprehensive research aims to provide readers with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of this critical issue.
Introduction: The Hidden Dangers in Everyday Products
Household chemicals are ubiquitous in our lives, found in everything from cleaning products to personal care items. While they play a vital role in our daily routines, the impact of these chemicals on the environment often goes unnoticed.
The Scope of Household Chemicals
Household chemicals encompass a broad range of substances, including cleaning agents, pesticides, air fresheners, and personal care products. These chemicals contain various synthetic compounds designed to fulfill specific functions efficiently.
1. Cleaning Agents
Cleaning agents, such as bleach, disinfectants, and detergents, are commonly used to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in our homes. However, some of these agents contain harmful substances that can have adverse effects on the environment.
2. Pesticides
Pesticides are widely used to control pests and insects in and around our homes. While they can effectively eliminate unwanted intruders, their residue can seep into the soil and water, posing a threat to wildlife and ecosystems.
3. Air Fresheners
Air fresheners are designed to create a pleasant ambiance in indoor spaces. Unfortunately, many air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to indoor air pollution and, in some cases, can lead to respiratory issues.
4. Personal Care Products
Personal care products like shampoos, soaps, and lotions often contain synthetic chemicals that, when washed down the drain, find their way into water bodies and have the potential to harm aquatic life.
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Environmental Impact: Unraveling the Consequences
The use of household chemicals has far-reaching implications for the environment. Understanding these consequences is crucial in making informed choices.
1. Water Contamination
One of the most significant environmental concerns related to household chemicals is water contamination. When these chemicals are disposed of improperly or flushed down the drain, they can infiltrate groundwater or enter rivers and lakes, adversely affecting aquatic ecosystems.
2. Air Pollution
Certain household chemicals release harmful VOCs into the air, contributing to indoor and outdoor air pollution. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants can have detrimental effects on human health and the environment.
3. Soil Degradation
Chemicals from cleaning agents and pesticides can accumulate in the soil, leading to soil degradation and reduced fertility. This can impact plant growth and disrupt natural ecosystems.
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Taking Action: Making Environmentally Friendly Choices
As concerned citizens, we can take several steps to mitigate the environmental impact of household chemicals:
1. Read Labels Carefully
Before purchasing any household chemical, carefully read the product labels. Look for eco-friendly and biodegradable options that are less harmful to the environment.
2. Reduce Single-Use Products
Opt for reusable and refillable containers whenever possible, reducing the need for excessive single-use packaging.
3. DIY Cleaning Solutions
For a more eco-friendly approach to cleaning, we recommend considering the use of GoGoNano cleaning products. However, if you prefer a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach, you can still make conscious choices by creating cleaning solutions with natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.
While these alternatives are effective in keeping your home clean, they also have the added benefit of being safer for both the environment and your health. Nevertheless, for a hassle-free and highly effective cleaning experience, GoGoNano home hygiene products offer a sustainable and eco-conscious solution that aligns with your commitment to a greener lifestyle.
4. Proper Disposal
Always dispose of household chemicals according to local regulations. Many communities have specific guidelines for hazardous waste disposal.
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Conclusion: A Greener Future
In conclusion, the impact of household chemicals on the environment is a matter of great concern. By raising awareness and making informed choices, we can collectively work towards a greener and more sustainable future. Let us take responsibility for our actions and safeguard the environment for generations to come. At GoGoNano, we are committed to providing eco-conscious solutions and promoting environmentally friendly practices.
Together, we can make a difference and create a healthier planet for all.
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dangerdust2 · 1 year
Many common products like shampoos, body lotions, cleaners, mothballs, and paint removers contain toxic volatile organic compounds or VOCs—chemicals that escape as gases, accumulate in indoor air, and cause a variety of health problems including cancer. Because companies, for the most part, are not required to disclose what it’s in their products or how much, it’s difficult to know what people might be exposed to and the potential health effects.
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
FDA Warns Consumers About Hand Sanitizer Safety: Follow These 5 Tips for Safe Use
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com On Wednesday, the FDA issued a warning to consumers about the use of hand sanitizers. According to the agency, hand sanitizers are regulated as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and should be used with caution. If you use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, it is important to read and follow the Drug Facts label, particularly the warnings section, and keep these safety…
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ionkini · 1 year
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☘️No more breathing in formaldehyde, benzene, and other harmful chemical gases odor in your car, home, office!
🆕IONKINI New Arrival is here - Mini Refillable VOC & Odor Eliminator Bar JO-6710
✅Formaldehyde scavenger ✅Home & Car Air Freshener ✅VOCs Deodorizer
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3cholic · 1 year
acerpure pro黑武士高效淨化空氣清淨機|質感外觀 頂規效能 守護每個家
acerpure pro黑武士高效淨化空氣清淨機|質感外觀 頂規效能 守護每個家
國門入境規範已在十月鬆綁,但防疫與日常生活的清潔卻不能馬虎,加上公司仍執行一定程度的在家工作,隨著在家時間增加,室內空氣品質的好壞也影響到身處同一個環境的每個人。之前曾使用過比較小台的空氣清淨機,但因為適用坪數小、功能陽春,感覺效果有限。隨後更換Acerpure最新推出的黑武士空氣清淨機,擁有700 CADR值,適用35坪的空間,加上UVC紫外線殺菌與四合一HEPA13濾網,讓整個家中的空氣品質改善不少! acerpure pro 黑武士UVC高效空氣清淨機 特色 型號 AP972 50B CADR 700CMH,適用於17-35坪 DC馬達 符合一級節能 UVC LED 紫外線高光滅菌 業界創新 “二氧化碳” 警示音提示 四合一HEPA 13濾網 - 99%有效去除冠狀病毒、甲醛、H1N1流行病毒 空氣品質感測器VOCs有效偵測5、PM1.0、甲醛 acerpure…
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custompaintingusa · 2 years
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If you are concerned about the VOCs in paints, hire house painters near me to paint your home while you are away. They know how to handle these paint fumes while ensuring a great paint finish.
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bigk999 · 2 years
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hazbinvalvelvox · 3 months
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
If your favorite contains backing vocals, go with whatever feels right in terms of 'they are just as important as the main vocalist' or 'they are functionally another backing instrument like the guitarist or drummer.'
I know that the musicians are in fact just as important as the vocalist (obvious example: the guitar solos in classic rock, like Queen), but hopefully you get what I'm going for here.
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willowbilly · 7 months
I've noticed that you sometimes spell silna's name as silnaaŋ, do you think that's the better transliteration?
Oh, that's just Silna's name in the vocative rather than absolutive case! It means "O my dear Silna." There are nine noun cases in Inuit languages, counting the vocative, and nouns use different ones for different purposes within a sentence! I was using it because I am so overcome with love for Silna that I don't know what else to say.
Silna uses "Ataataaŋ" for her father in the show! "Ataata" means "Father" and the vocative case ending makes it "O my dear father," addressed directly to him! If you listen closely to her inconsolable cries you may catch it
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seb-boo · 21 days
"It's me! Uh, it's kind of weird"
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ltwilliammowett · 5 days
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Colour drawing of a VOC ship of about 150 feet with a barge alongside. Sailors climb in the rigging. The draughtsman has indicated proportions in pencil. Part of Jan Brandes' sketchbook, dl. 2 (1808), p. 55.
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