#vld crack theory
skystreaka · 6 years
Haggar’s Greatest Weapon: Part II
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That’s the end of that now, right? Wrong.
I still have questions.
1) How did Kuron have Shiro’s memories right up until his “death”? 
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“Since my fight with Zarkon, I’ve been here. My physical form was gone. I existed on another realm. I died, Keith.” 
In order for Kuron to have Shiro’s memories, Haggar had to have copied or transplanted his essence directly before death. This implies that Haggar was responsible for Shiro’s disappearance, not Zarkon. Furthermore, Haggar could not have started operation Kuron unless she knew that Shiro was already dealt with. So how did she deal with him? When? Why? 
2) What was the purpose of all those clones? 
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There were implied to be hundreds!  
And did Haggar have Kuron destroy them because they were all faulty? Because her plan for them fell through? Because she was holding a grudge against Shiro? Why waste resources storing all these useless extras?
What would Haggar, adviser to the emperor and most powerful witch of the known (and conquered) universe, want with an army of Shiros? What makes Shiro so special? 
3) When did she clone Shiro? 
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Note that the incubated clones lack Shiro’s signature scar, robotic arm, and white hair. This makes Kuron unique, and implies that these were not created with the purpose of infiltration. 
Unless she took Shiro’s body at the end of the end of Voltron’s battle with Zarkon, Haggar had to have cloned him from when he was still her prisoner. This timing determines whether she was cloning Shiro because he was a human, The Champion, or The Black Paladin. Whether he was intended for Voltron or something else...
4) Will Haggar continue making clones?
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“You’ve continued the work I started all that time ago and have indeed seen it through to heights I could have only imagined. Your never-ending pursuit of knowledge is truly admirable,” Honerva to Lotor regarding his collection of pure quintessence. 
Haggar (now Honerva) has accessed Oriande and, through it, the secrets of Altean alchemy. Will Haggar replace the Shiro clone army? Or does she have bigger and better monsters to make? Like the ‘super weapon’ Krolia released on the Galra station? Clones of other beloved characters?* Or less loved characters such as her late husband? Occam’s Razor suggests the latter but who knows? 
I hope this all gets addressed in the upcoming season!
Bonus Crack Theory:
Kuron was a very OBVIOUS clone. Like, suspiciously obvious. Almost like he was a distraction from another, more subtle spy...
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Consider: Matt was also a clone.
He was captured alongside Shiro and was also an eligible gladiator. Then after Shiro injured him, he was allegedly transferred to a camp. And after about a year, Matt was conveniently discovered and rescued by rebels. 
Another year after that, Pidge tracks down his grave and assumes him dead. However, information hidden in the marker takes Pidge to a spy base. Here, she discovers Matt collecting intelligence, allegedly for the rebellion. By this point, Matt is far more adept at fighting, and confident enough to take on a bounty hunter with his fists. 
When Matt breaks into “the scary lady’s” poorly guarded prison for super intelligent Galra slaves (hint hint) to look for his father, he comes across a cell that the audience doesn’t get to see inside. Instead, we see his frozen face. Many have speculated that this is because Matt saw something or someone that isn’t supposed to be revealed yet. He is conveniently alone when this happens. 
Then after seeing his father off, Matt disappears again. He is allegedly with the other rebels and hasn’t been heard from since. This happens right before Kuron is shown to be Haggar’s spy and so the audience was distracted from Matt’s disappearance. 
So where is Matt? Who is Matt? And I’ll do you one better, why is Matt?
Link to Haggar’s Greatest Weapon: Part I
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Crack theory. Lance dislikes Lotor in season 5 because he made him realise he's not totally straight and he has too much shit to deal with right now, he doesn't need to be questioning his sexuality too, thank you very much-
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void-tiger · 4 years
What if Krolia isn’t Keith’s mother, but Thace is Keith’s father instead. Keith’s just using Krolia’s Blade because, idk. She lost it somehow. Cue misunderstanding shenanigans about the knife when she sees Keith has it. Like, “did I ever actually fuck a Terran? How long ago was that. Which terran sex births young again?”
Turns out Thace found Krolia’s Blade, but left it with his Terran lover for protection of her and her unborn child. If Krolia was dumb enough to lose it, Thace is NOT about to return it to her or risk trying to Awaken HER Blade after leaving HIS Blade.
For Just A Fancy Knife it’ll do the Terrans just fine. (But would be less than Ideal for a Blade Agent.)
Keith’s memories of his mother are extemely vague, but somehow he always managed to hide his Blade so that it wouldn’t be taken away from him since a very young age. He has no memory of his father at all...but he hopes that his dad would look somewhat like and be like Shiro and come back for him someday.
When Keith eventually runs into Krolia and she recognizes the Blade, Keith goes along with her assumptions. All he really remembers is having a mother and then his mother being gone. (And what if he had two moms?) But Krolia as his “mother” isn’t...what he always dreamed finding his parents would be like. She’s even shorter tempered than he is and not exactly all that affectionate and gets annoyed if he tries asking about her and her lover. (Turns out she doesn’t remember.)
When Keith finally reunites with Team Voltron with Krolia and Romelle in tow...he discovers both Shiro—his Shiro—is out and about, with Lotor already back in custody with Dyak handling the Empire from behind the scenes to avoid yet another Power Vacuum, and...the clone Keith thought was Shiro barely able to stay in the same room as him.
Keith’s Grand Investigation resulted in...nothing. He left his Team over Nothing and he’s forced to admit to himself that ditching the Team had nothing to do with “going where he was best suited and needed”, he just didn’t want to lead. And if he’d taken Jiro’s concerns more seriously...he might’ve been able to get Shiro rescued sooner (and Jiro freed from Haggar’s influence.) (Despite Jiro insisting that Keith wasn’t the only one at fault—except for the Team and refugees nearly DYING, anyway—and Shiro admitting to allowing his own fears to be projected onto Keith (and the clone by proxy)...Keith still can’t help but feel responsible.)
And after a quick routine medical scan of both Krolia and Keith to make sure they’re still healthy after about two decaphoebs away from medical care...it’s learned that the two aren’t even blood related at all, let alone mother and son. Keith isn’t sure whether to be relieved or not. Krolia is relieved...but at least has the sense to gruffly offer her condolances and offers to check Keith’s profile against the Blades’ database—it takes her less than a quintant to find a match (although she swears colorfully about Thace stealing her blade.)
Kolivan could’ve known. Kolivan never intended to help Keith know.
Keith surrenders his blade back to Krolia, then retreats to his old quarters. He isn’t sure whether to be relieved or not that the Team left it exactly as he left it—save for having it cleaned regularly. A few vargas later there’s a soft knock at his door. Keith opens it, hoping it’s Shiro on the other side...but it’s Jiro.
The clone shifts awkwardly and apologizes for not being the one Keith wanted to see. Keith tries denying it, but Jiro cuts him off gently with a raised hand and explains that he’d promised to check on Keith for Shiro after the rest of the Team got called away on a minor emergency (and Coran assured him that he had the Bridge handled after the skirmish ended.)
“I thought you hated me.”
“It’s...complicated, Keith. Maybe I’ll be able to tell you why someday. But that’s not important right now. Right now...making sure you’re okay, is.”
“I don’t think I deserve that.”
“Good thing it’s not about ‘deserving’, because then none of us would. And I certainly have plenty of my own fault in this.”
“...I don’t want to go back to the Blades.”
“Can’t say I blame you. But then let me ask you one thing: what do you want, Keith?”
“I...I think...I want...I want to be a Paladin again. But—“
Jiro abruptly laughs.
“F-forget it! It’s stupid and—!!”
“No, it’s not. I just said something similar when Shiro asked me that same question. But I suggest you tell them that.”
“...I want to stay. I want to stay home.”
“Then stay.”
Shiro quickly makes a beeline for Keith once the Team’s back onboard the Castle of Lions after cleanup and debriefing vargas later. Keith’s a bit skittish, but quickly returns Shiro’s hug...but hangs back from the rest of the rest of the Team. Shiro and Jiro exchange a look over Keith’s head, and Shiro playfully gives Keith a gentle shove forward.
Keith apologizes—again—for how he left the Team...and that he gets why they were so upset with him now. He also confesses that he surrendered his blade and formally left the Blades—for good this time—although he understands that he’s lost his place as a Paladin and has no right to take it back.
The Team’s silent.
Finally...Allura admits that even with Coran and Jiro taking over many of her commanding and diplomatic duties, and Shiro also pitching in as he can as the Black Paladin, the Coalition is simply too large for her to serve as both a full time ambassador and commander as well as a Voltron Paladin. Coran and Jiro also admit that while they worked around much of the Castle’s original design to free Allura up, it still requires a backup supply of Allura’s quintessence in addition to the balmera crystal to simply maintain power (while many of the controls won’t allow a non-Altean access at all.) But ultimately, it’s up to the Lions to decide. (And the lack of communications between Lions and Paladins and Pilots is how their current situation even got so snarled.)
Keith would never admit it, but his legs barely support him when he enters the Red Lion’s hangar, while an equally anxious Lance makes his way over to the Blue Lion.
Red roars at him, mouth cannon glowing with a low whine as the Lion practically pounces on him. Keith raises his arms defensively as he braces for the incoming blast charging to vaporize him...then finds himself swallowed whole and slung about the Red Lion’s belly as the Beast blasts off into space. IF Keith is to be the Lion’s Paladin again, he’ll have to re-earn Red’s respect. Eventually Keith finds his footing and climbs his way back to the cockpit...only to find the door sealed shut.
Keith’s shoulders droop. Maybe Red doesn’t want him back.
But then his helmet’s radio crackles to life. Lance and Blue have reconnected. And the Team’s cheering for him—specifically Lance, Allura, and the Twins. Keith sets his jaw defiantly. He won’t demand to be the Lion’s Paladin like he did the first time, but he’s not giving up, either. If Red doesn’t want him then the Lion will have to actually kick him out the rest of the way. Otherwise...well, Keith’s never been one to know when to quit.
The Lion suddenly shifts to a dead stop, then suddenly rockets the opposite direction. Keith leans into it...then finds himself rocketing forward, through the now open cockpit doors, and landing head over heels into the pilot’s seat.
The Lion lands back into its hangar...but with the partical barrier activated and a low growl when the viewscreen shows the rest of the Team gathered below waiting for them.
“It’s okay, Red. I’m not going anywhere. Never again.”
The Lion whines, but reluctantly drops the barrier and lowers its great head.
“I mean it!” Keith insists. “Let them try it—even Black!”
He feels the Lion rumble darkly in agreement (although privately Keith thinks he’s probably the last pilot the BlackLion would pick, now. Can’t say he’s not relieved.)
“I mean it. I’m here to stay.”
He’s finally home.
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I always wondered where the Galra got a space fleet big enough to destroy the solar system and defeat 4 lions (because even just one lion is a formidable opponent) if immediately preceding Daibazaal’s destruction, there had been an “era of peace.”
Unless the creation of Voltron ignited an arms race or a Cold War. Maybe things were not as rosy as Coran lead everyone to believe. 
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ptw30 · 6 years
Crack Theory: Shiro was actually supposed to be Kosmo
...no really. Don’t run away. 
Shiro’s return to the storyline was tacked on to the back of Season 6′s finale, and if you look at a lot of Shiro’s interactions early in Season 7, it appears he was simply inserted into the storyline. From sleeping with Pidge in the Green Lion, seemingly in his armor - 
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- to the Pink Bayard and helmets being completely out of place - 
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(no Black helmet)
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(Black helmet on the right side)
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(no black helmet)
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- to Keith deferring to Lance instead of Shiro - it appears that Shiro was inserted in the first half of the season before finally taking a bigger role back on Earth. 
@sol1056 explore this a bit more in Another Round of Asks: Keith, so I suggest taking a read. 
But if Shiro wasn’t supposed to be in the story originally, then where was he?
Follow me down the rabbit hole, if you will. 
The EPs spoke in various interviews about Keith’s wolf and how it would probably appear in the following season. They pointedly made sure not to say its name and even hinted at one time to it being a spoiler. I’m not sure why Kosmo would be a spoiler, but more on that later. 
First, Kosmo comes to Keith on the whale - right after Honevra gets into Oriande. 
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Yes, dogs do get an affinity for their owner - or most of them - but the Wolf is almost always at Keith’s side, not unlike a certain paladin. 
Plus, it’s weird that the Cosmic Wolf has the exact same powers that Shiro did in Black.
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They even have the same color scheme when they teleport. 
Plus, Keith doesn’t hug. He gets hugged - except when it comes to Shiro and the wolf. 
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Now, the Cosmic Wolf plays a big role in the early part of Season 7. It even rearranges Lance’s placement of people to where they should be in a fight before it takes out the Galra fighters on its own. 
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Maybe it’s a smart wolf but...really? To rearrange the team to how they should be? 
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I mean, the wolf and the mice are more than your typical pets - but...really? This much?
Plus, if it’s name was supposed to be a spoiler - “Kosmo” isn’t really a spoiler. Unless his name wasn’t supposed to be Kosmo at all but something else.  
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...I mean, dudes. 
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He even has Shiro’s fluff, followed by darker hair, followed by lighter hair. 
And here’s the kicker - remember the paladin personality quizzes back a while back - not the ones in the book but the one on the Voltron website. 
Remember what Shiro’s animal was?
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quackdreams · 6 years
Voltron: So what were gonna do is make allurance cannon with no evidence and make the gays die and suffer
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rins-rambles · 6 years
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One of my biggest S5 moods.
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olkarianprincess · 6 years
I firmly believe that it’s canon in the main Voltron universe that all the aliens who watch the Voltron Show etc. ship the Paladins and get into ship wars.
I also firmly believe that they have the weirdest ship wars. Some of them become actual wars. It’s space. Just how it is.
Even the Galra do it, but it’s in secret. And oh boy if Haggar ever captures you, you deado my friendo.
Bonus points because the Voltron crew is kinda oblivious. Why? Well you see Coran went thru this shit with Voltron 1.0 and he sure as hell wasn’t going to put 2.0 thru it. His secret power - the one the writers have yet to tell us about (but 100% exists) - is blocking the Paladins from viewing any ship merch/discussion/argument/etc.
Going thru Space Mall and passing by a ship selling unlicensed ship fiction? Coran’s on it. Browsing the web late at night and reading up on the public’s view of Voltron? Guess what: Coran’s an admin for that site and he’s already blocked everyone. Coran is dedicated. Coran serves to protect.
But why? What happened when Voltron 1.0 found out about ship wars? They took sides. That’s what happened. They acted as if it wasn’t them and they got into heated arguments. It was a nightmare. A disaster. He reached out to Melanor. It did not help. She just encouraged it and yelled from the sidelines.
God help this poor man.
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tragedy-machine · 6 years
I thought that “as many times as it takes” was the most romantic line voltron could utter, but I was so so wrong and they just went all out and punched us right in the kokoro with the “I love you”, I still can’t believe it happened ;;;
Now my question is, where do we go from here? What could we possibly get in the future seasons that could come even close to that confession, like I can’t imagine anything better
What’s gonna be the next sheith line
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xxinternet-trashxx · 6 years
If the theory of Honerva trying to time travel to stop Voltron from ever existing is true... then that means that if she succeeds Keith would have never been born...
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wicoppi · 5 years
my official s8 half-baked crack theory-
we’re set to learn more about the original paladins and what happened to them during the zaron/alfor fallout. and based on what we were shown in the s8 trailer, we can assume gyrgan, blaytz, and trigel were preserved in the astral plane similar to how shiro was. 
this got me thinking, we’re going to have more cases of multiple paladins per lion. enough so that this can now be considered a significant motif within the show. 
and i still think there’s a good chance voltron will be sacrificed in order to save all of existence. arc 1 ended on sacrificing shiro to save the universe. arc 2 ended on sacrificing the castleship to save reality. and these arcs have been building to this final conclusion, so narratively speaking it makes sense that the team will have to sacrifice the titular robot in order to save existence. 
but something i’ve been trying to parse together is how they were going to manage sending voltron into the rift. possible options include: 1. the paladins flying the mech in, abandoning, and fleeing, and 2. as they did from sendak’s ship in s7, piloting their lions mentally. 
option 1 could work but has a lot of logistical issues behind it which the narrative has already illustrated- the rift is protected by some sort of beast that will attack whatever is sent into it. option 2 permits the paladins to guide volron in without being physically in danger, but that creates an issue where the team is mentally linked to voltron as it’s being attacked / sacrificed. 
but with the presence of additional paladins, specifically ones who are already dead, we now have a third option, or perhaps a supplement to one of the above / both options. the paladins could pilot voltron in physically or mentally and then the original team could take over to ensure what needs to be done. 
there’s definitely gaps in this theory, like i said it’s half-baked, but i can also see this fitting neatly into the narrative and what’s already been established. 
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skystreaka · 7 years
Voltron Crack Theory #4
Red hesitated to accept Keith as her paladin because she sensed Galra blood. Of all the lions, Red has demonstrated the most loyalty and sensitivity to her paladin. She would have known that Alfor was murdered by Zarkon. And then she was taken into Galra custody where countless Galra would have tried to persuade her to open up - with or without force. And then there was Keith. 
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A crack theory, then I sleep
Okay. So... Allura's mom probably died when she was really young, right? She doesn't seem to have as many memories of her as her father, and her and Cora don't talk about her a whole lot.
What if she died in child birth? Like, there's no reason her and Alfor couldn't have more children. In fact, since it seems like the title of king/queen is passed through blood on Altean, then they would probably want more children to secure their blood line, right? Espically with the whole 'sacred altean' thingy.
So it's possible, right?
Now, there are a couple of ways this could diverge regarding the child.
1. The child died. Allura remains the king and queen's only child.
2. The child survived, but was extremely ill. Alfor, not wanting to loose his other child, put them into cryosleep, either right away or later in their life, (hoping to learn to cure what sickness they had, but the the comet and the rift and the voltron and the zombie and the genocide)
3. The child survived. In this scenario, I actually imagine the child is not a sacred Altean. Is not Alfor's child. Who's to say the king and queen's marriage didn't have a sour patch due to the king going off with voltron all the time? Maybe she grew lonely in that time and found comfort in another. Alfor is broken hearted and, unintentionally, keeps a distance from the child. He favors Allura and that much is obvious.
These can fall in with several other theories, but I'll talk about that some other time.
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crystal-rebellion · 6 years
Alfor Invented the Komar
Hear me out.
The Komar is Altean and Alfor invented it.
Or at least, the technology for it.  How could he possibly work with the ore of a transreality comet without having the ability extract and induce Quintessence into various parts/aspects of the ore?  He must have had some ability to do so. That is not to imply he ever went a step further and used it on living things, but he must have had some technology in the first place.
Honerva/Haggar only expanded on this.
Perhaps Zarkon, or at least Haggar, knew of the rift creatures. (They certainly did before their pre-possession iterations.)  What if Zarkon’s conquering (even at Haggar’s nudge) was simply to bring together everyone under one reign - to protect them.  (Sendak’s AI does say that only one planet resisted; Altea.)
The Komar was a necessary sacrifice to build the quintessence to make an army against the rift. They only had one way to do it; Alfor was gone.
Zarkon saw Alfor as an enemy for scattering the lions; the last line of defense against the rift creatures.  Having seen them firsthand, having fought against them, Zarkon was forced to watch as he desperately tried to draw in the strength to protect everyone from the horrors behind time - and Alfor shattered the very last line of defense that they had.  He refused to fight.
Alfor and Altea became the enemy.
Zarkon was left with nothing to defend with, and Haggar continued as best she could, extracting quintessence for research instead of creating it, while she continued her search for Oriande.
Voltron shows back up and starts disrupting the Empire, dethrones Zarkon and shatters the shaky balance they had been creating.
While in exile, Lotor notes this, and tries to align his banner with Voltron, while doing his own work, just to bring them all onto the same side - against the rift.
But the Paladins, in their righteous glory, keep breaking things. They won’t listen to Lotor about the colony, the defense mechanism he has been trying to make, and they continue to insist on their righteousness.
TL;DR -  Voltron is the enemy, Haggar and Zarkon, and even Zonerva from the beginning, have been trying to save the universe.
Thank you for coming to Crystal’s Crack Theories.
Disclaimer: this is absolutely speculation, there is no canon evidence for it... neither is there really any against it.  Take it as you will; I encourage discourse.  It is within the dialog that we realize the moments we didn’t see before.  Thank you for reading.
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The simplest explanation is that she dyed her hair.
But I prefer thinking that Alteans were already on earth in disguise since @theflyinggreatdane said they couldn’t change their hair.
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quackdreams · 6 years
So theres a moment in season 7 that has me thinking
I was rewatching some of the episodes of season 7 and in episode 10 I found something interesting. During this part of the episode Shiro talks about how the Paladians can connect to their lions from every where in space. Lance mentions the time where their lions got them when they were lost in space. And this is where Keith says
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And it kind of confuses me in a way cause he's not the Paladian of Red anymore. Maybe it was a way of reminiscing or maybe it was a way if telling Lance that Red can save his life. Idk. I just think its weird how he mentions Red and not Black. Idk.
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