#vlaams accent
polldermodel · 2 months
Nederlanders/Vlamingen, doen jullie wel eens een Vlaams/Nederlands(Hollands?) accent? En vinden jullie dat je het goed kan?
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The burning shepherd [Dutch folklore; Flemish folklore]
Some say that in the plains of Strijbeek, in Noord-Brabant, in the Netherlands, you can see a burning figure at night. This is a shepherd who is suffering from a horrible fate, according to a local folktale. One day, when it was exceptionally hot outside, a sheep shepherd named Ward was sitting against a tree. His sheep were grazing the area in front of him, carefully gnawing at the grass without a care in the world. Aside from his loyal canine companion, Ward was usually avoided by people so he was a lonely man. There was a reason why the other shepherds didn’t want to be associated with him: Ward was known as a greedy, envious man, who was incredibly stingy with money.
But this animosity was reciprocated, as Ward did not like people, preferring solitude or the company of his dog. A rider on horseback approached, barely acknowledging the lonesome shepherd. Judging from the sight of his expensive clothes, he was a very wealthy man. Ward was showered with dust, but when the dust cleared he saw a large sack of black leather. When the shepherd opened it, he was surprised to find that it was filled to bursting with golden coins: he was rich beyond his wildest dreams. Quickly, he buried his treasure and pretended to be asleep, lest the horseman should return and claim the sack he lost.
But alas, the rich man returned quickly and asked Ward whether he had seen a bag of gold. “Shepherd,” he said, “I seem to have lost my bag, it must have fallen from my saddlebag. Perhaps you have found it?” From his accent, it was clear that the rider was a Spaniard, most likely a messenger who was transporting letters or gold for Spinola. The shepherd lied and claimed that he had found nothing, but the Spaniard insisted that Ward was the only one there so he must have found it, because there was no one else who could have taken it.
Ward lost his patience and swore to God that if he was lying, he would burn for all eternity. The Spaniard did not believe him and tried to search Ward’s belongings. Ward, now bursting with rage, leaped at the man and strangled him. Taken by surprise, it did not take long until the Spaniard was dead, his lifeless eyes staring at the sky. Ward realized what he had done, but it was too late: suddenly, the shepherd burst into flames, but he did not burn up. He suffered immensely, but he kept burning. Since then, the burning shepherd can be seen in the heather at night. Sometimes you can hear his wailing screams.
As is the case with many Dutch folktales, there is a Flemish variant. In this version, the Spanish messenger is replaced by a man who received his inheritance from a deceased family member. When he returned from the town hall, the wooden box with his money fell from the carriage and was found by a sheep shepherd who also swore to God that if he was lying, he would burn forever. In this version, though, the man is not killed. A third version of the story takes place in the Kempen (an area on the border between Belgium and the Netherlands) and features a poor farmer who lost a wooden box containing the few coins he got from selling his crops. This version gives the shepherd an additional malicious part: sometimes the burning man would chase people who venture too far from the safety of the roads, and their bodies would be found in the heathlands the next day. Eventually, a priest banished the flaming shepherd and sentenced him to roaming the coast for one hundred years, while constantly burning. We can assume he finished this punishment by now, and has passed to the afterlife.
Sources: Peeters, K. C., 1981, Vlaams Sagenboek, Davidsfonds, Leuven. https://www.legendejagers.nl/strijbeek-vh.html https://www.legendejagers.nl/strijbeek-vh2.html https://www.verhalenbank.nl/items/show/34054 https://www.volksverhalenbank.be/mzoeken/zoeken_Detail.php?ID=42548 (image source: legendejagers.nl)
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zielsvlucht · 2 years
Ik stond buiten in een tuintje in Maastricht, bij een beek. Aan de andere kant van het water was een muziek academie. Dat denk ik toch, want er kwam muziek uit de ramen. Een ander instrument bij elk raam. Het was niet deel van hetzelfde lied, want binnen zaten de musikanten in verschillende lokaaltjes. Zij konden elkaar niet horen, of probeerden zich toch te concentreren op hun eigen werk. Geconcentreerd aan het oefenen, of hun instrumenten aan het stemmen. Hun ogen op hun noten bladen. Hun vingers op hun instrumenten. Maar geen aandacht voor de muziek die het raam uitvloog, en wat het daarbuiten dan deed.
Ik stond buiten, samen met het water, de tuin en de netels die wuifden in de wind. Diezelfde wind die de verschillende muziekstukken mengde als zwevende muzikale verf in de lucht. Ik hoorde een concert, een heel concert samengesteld uit verdwaalde liederen. Studenten in een groot gebouw met veel ramen. Als krekels in een grasveld op een koele avond. Maar dan mensen.
Een grijns tekende zich op mijn lelijke kop en ik riep luidkeels "Tsjierp Tsjieeerp!" naar het gebouw.
Ze speelden verder dus ik riep nog eens: "Tsjieeeerp!"
Misschien verstonden ze mijn Vlaams accent niet.
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zinderant · 10 days
Vreselijk onrecht: ik vind een Vlaams accent heel plezierig voor het oor, maar de helft van de tijd versta ik er geen woord van. 😩
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healution · 5 months
Een West Vlaams accent is gewoon super aantrekkelijk oké? Ik kan er niet omheen ik weet ook niet waarom, het is gewoon zo.
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reneleijen · 8 months
België: Oplichters zoeken "meisjes met Vlaams accent" voor phishing
Het Belgische deel van facebook wordt al maandenlang overspoeld met phishingadvertenties. Ook daar spelen BV’s (Bekende Vlamingen) een rol in de nepadvertenties. Een van hen is K3-zangeres Karen Damen. Advertenties met superslecht gephotoshopte foto’s van Damen naast politieagenten – ze zou gearresteerd zijn na bedrog – werden al meer dan zeven miljoen keer bekeken. Een link in de advertentie…
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commetombeunarbre · 1 year
Seksrobots met een Vlaams accent omwille van de gezelligheid.
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ghostoffice · 6 years
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hotairballoon221 · 7 years
Dutch & Flemish Pronunciation Series #2: Consonants.
This is a series about Dutch and Flemish pronunciation in collaboration with @join-the-dutch-clan. You can find the Dutch version here.
(I had to do it via Soundcloud, because the file wouldn’t upload to Tumblr for some reason. But you can find all of the recordings in the series on my soundcloud!)
Part 1: Dutch Part 1: Flemish
I will pronounce everything in this order:
b - bal (ball)
bl - bloem (flower)
br - brood (bread)
c (pronunciation 1) - circus (circus)
c (pronunciation 2) - concert (concert)
cr - creatie (creation)
cl - club (club)
ch - chloor (chlorine)
d - doel (purpose, goal)
dr - drop (liquorice)
f - fiets (bicycle)
fl - fluit (flute)
fr - fruit (fruit)
g - gaar (cooked-through, exhausted)
gl - glad (slippery, smooth)
gr - groen (green)
h - haak (hook)
j - jas (coat)
k - kort (short)
kl - klein (small, short, little)
kr - kraal (bead)
l - lava (lava)
m - muts (winter hat)
n - na (after)
p - put (well (noun))
pl - plek (spot, place)
pr - pruim (plum)
q - enquête (survey)
r - ruiken (to smell)
r  - raar (weird)
s - slaan (to hit)
sch - schaar (scissors)
sl - slapen (to sleep)
sn - snel (fast, quick)
sp - sport (sport)
spr - sprong (jump, jumped)
st - stop (stop)
str - strand (beach)
t - tak (branch, twig)
ts - plaats (place)
v - vallen (to trip, to fall)
vl - vloek (curse)
vr - vraag (question)
w - wissen (to erase)
wr - wraak (revenge)
x - exact (exactly)
y (pronunciation 1) - baby (baby)
y (pronunciation 2) - gym (PE)
y (pronunciation 3) - yoghurt (yoghurt)
z - zeuren (to whine)
Notice the difference? The R is more rolling in Flemish. (And we pronounce yoghurt way different lol)
Thanks for listening! x Tamara
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dutsh-miems · 3 years
Dat filmpje lijkt me uit België te komen. De taal die de man spreekt is geen Zuid-Nederlands dialect, dus het moet wel Vlaams zijn :) Zijn wit-rode kentekenplaat doet ook meer in die richting denken.
Damn fair, excuseer mijn niet gecultureerde observatie
Ik ken meerdere Nederlanders wiens accent onverstaanbaar is en ging dus uit van de tekst op de wagen 😭
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sim-songs · 4 years
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
So I wanted to answer all of these, because why not you know? @dreamsongsims now you can learn more about Belgium ;)
It’s under the read more so I don’t clog up your dashboards.
1. favourite place in your country? Honestly my home. I am living in Antwerp right now with the bf and I honestly love it, even though we aren’t really going outside much right now bc of the virus. I do miss the green and the “not city” smell haha
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad? I am okay with both. My family always goes on vacations during holidays, the last few years we’ve gone to Thailand for example but I’m more interested in staying closer to home. I LOVE Norway and want to go on holiday there again but it’s expensive.
3. does your country have access to sea? Yes. 67 kilometers of ugly “badsteden” lol (literally means bathing towns). To be honest I like the coast in the Netherlands better because it isn’t as gray and superficial.
4. favourite dish specific for your country? A nice “frietje van de frituur” (french fries), specifically a “frietje speciaal”, that’s french fries with ketchup, mayo and thinly sliced onion.
5. favourite song in your native language? I hate Belgian music, absolutely despise every Dutch song on the radio. But if I have to pick one its Goud from Bazart, it’s an older song by now but it’s one of the few I did not mind listening to.
6. most hated song in your native language? As soon as I read this I immediately thought of Banaan from Jebroer. Just shudders ugh. But really all Dutch songs in this style.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? I’m gonna paste my earlier answer here: Hmm that's a hard one for me... Gezellig is a word I've always liked bc it doesn't have a real translation, just like cozy or smt. Another one I like is grassprietjes, meaning blades of grass bc it sounds funny and kinda rolls of the tongue and non dutch people will never be able to properly say that! and a third is eenzaam, meaning lonely. I don't really know why I like that one tbh
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom? I don’t really remember ever being confused for another nationality. I have read that Dutch sounds like German on crack, and that Belgian Dutch is easier than Netherlands Dutch for foreigners.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best? Visit most: France and Germany, I have been to them both already but never for long and a long time ago. Know best: Probably the Netherlands. We share a language after all so we share some cultural things! (Does Temptation Island count as a cultural thing lol?)
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? Mmm tough one to answer, because me and my bf are big English speakers so most of our swearing is of the “fuck” variety. I like “godverdomme” (god dammit) and what my dad sometimes says “godverdomme miljaarde nondeju” (there is literally nothing I can do to translate this)
11. favourite native writer/poet? I can’t think of any poets, but I like the writer Valerie Eykmans, specifically the book “Verloren Maandag”
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem? So I really like “Het Weer” by Hugo Claus, I even have a poster in our living room with the poem in his handwriting.
How was the weather in the country without you? At first mist fell over the concrete mountains.
Then the sun hung like mist over the mother-of-pearl sand.
Then the sky moved and became clammy as your armpits.
A lightning closed my teeth.
And everywhere the smell rose of the big animals that don't exist
unless in the ringing of your ear, in the rustle of your hair.
That's how it was back there without you. You are the air pressure and the dew and the snow in my skull.
It does not rhyme much in Dutch, it’s more about the rhythm of the words, so as far as the translation goes it’s pretty accurate in it’s contents but the rhythm is definitely off in the translated version
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders? What immediately comes to mind is the whole “Sinterklaas” problem where every year the discourse starts again whether or not the “Zwarte Pieten” are racist. Honestly not gonna comment on that because it’s not my place to feel offended or otherwise about this issue. Another thing that’s a bit more lighthearted is the “jaarmarkt” in our hometown, it’s like a big market that always finds place on the first sunday of the year. There’s a “stoet” (procession) with the walking orchestra, horses, horses and carriages, dogs and a whole load of tractors all going to get blessed at the church where the pastor throws holy water on everyone passing by. I have a love hate relationship with this tradition because it’s always freezing, and the tractors take forever to end. Oh and the main street of our town is completely closed of and there’s a big market with stalls in the street and everyone gets drunk of of the “jenevers” from the Scouts stalls lol.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV? Not really, the only thing I used to watch was “Helden van Hier: Brandweer” (Heroes from here: fire brigade), it was just following the fire brigade around to fires and what not.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get? ah je moe kakken moe je kakken he 😉
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with? Hate: Belgians are small-minded people not interested in anything going on outside of their home. Just not true at all. Sure there are people like that but every country has those. Agree: Belgians are hard to get to know. I hear this one a lot and I can see why people say that.
17. are you interested in your country’s history? Copied from an earlier answer: I am interested in history in general, it was one of my favourite classes in high school. I do like learning about Belgian history, mainly because Belgian history is, in one term, a messy bitch
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language? Yes, I speak with a “Kempisch” accent, but in general I’m still pretty understandable.
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem? I really don’t care about our flag, the Flemish Lion is being overly politicized to exclude the Walons lately and our national anthem is meh, no one can sing it and it’s more of a joke to people my age I think.
20. which sport is The Sport in your country? Soccer (or football idk) and veldrijden (literally field riding, but cyclo-cross as the translation) GO Wout van Aert! (idc abt sports but he’s local to me so)
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be? I’m not sure if this means you want to get rid of it or if you want to memorialize it? Getting rid of “Manneken Pis” because he’s stupid and memorializing an entire classic “frietkot”
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed? Proud: Our cultural diversity and lately our banding together during the crisis Ashamed: All the racists (looking at you Vlaams Belang)
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country? BEER, ALL THE BEER
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? Honestly our own nation is most joked about for good reasons. Flemish joke about the Walons and vice versa, and everyone jokes about the joke that is our government.
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country? I’m happy where I’m at now, so no.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal? I have never seen any prominent representation of Belgian in a Hollywood movie.
27. favourite national celebrity? Probably Tom Waes
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites? We dont have much haha, we have rivers, most notably “De Shelde” which runs though Antwerp not too far from my apparment.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country? Flemish and Walons have always had beef, so yeah.
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family? I had a phase where I was into genealogy and it’s safe to say I’m one of the most Belgian Belgians out there lol, especially on mothers side her family literally has been living in the same place since the 1600′s and my grandparents had never seen the ocean until my parents took them.
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aphroditesshawty · 4 years
wrm vind gij het vlaams/antwerps accent schattig? wij klinke toch normaal haha
ten eerste deze hele ask cute, ten tweede all i’m saying is als iemand mij zou voorstellen als “dit is mijn lief” i-
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anoniemus · 5 years
Ik vind meisjes met een vlaams accent zo aantrekkelijk ugh stop alsjeblieft nooit met praten danku
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nedermemepjes · 6 years
Ik kom uit het topje van Noord-Limburg, grenspunt met Brabant, heb een lichtelijk combinatie accent van die twee, eigenlijk alleen een zachte g. De SECONDE dat ik boven Arnhem kom denken mensen dat ik Vlaams ben. Ik hou van België, maar komop jongens #nietiedereeninhetzuideniseenbelg
Ik heb precies hetzelfde probleem, anon. Ik voel je pijn. Is het voor die Hollanders dan echt zo moeilijk om te begrijpen?
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fietskriebelskos · 3 years
AL03 Canal du Midi & Corbières (Villeneuve-Lès-Béziers  - Durban-Corbières 90 km 637 hm)
AL03 Canal du Midi & Corbières (Villeneuve-Lès-Béziers  – Durban-Corbières 90 km 637 hm)
Bij het ontbijt krijg ik 2 schaaltjes fruit uit eigen tuin. Blauwe bessen, neem maar zoveel als je wilt hoor, we hebben genoeg, en vijgen. Hij spreekt goed Engels,  de eigenaar van het hotel. Op zijn vraag zeg ik dat ik uit Nederland kom. Ik spreek ook Nederlands, zegt hij met een Vlaams accent. Hij is van oorsprong Zweeds, en heeft ook in België gewoond. Nee ik wil niet meer terug, het klimaat……
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