#vita nuova
principe17 · 1 year
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kusurrone · 5 months
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possessedbydevils · 7 months
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amicus-noctis · 6 months
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“In that book which is my memory, On the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you, Appear the words, ‘Here begins a new life’.”
― Dante Alighieri, Vita Nuova
Painting: "Dante and Beatrice" by Henry Holiday
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sosnastudios · 11 months
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finished Vita Nuova art nouveau-style fine binding!
peacock blue goatskin with crimson goatskin gold tooled-edge letters, gold tooled swirling lines, duck eggshell panel silhouette, crimson leather headbands, and hand-marbled paper (made by me)
(photos by Jenn Pellecchia)
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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"While the everlasting pleasure, that did full/ On Beatrice shine, with second view/ From her fair countenance my gladden'd soul/ Contented; vanquishing me with a beam/ Of her soft smile, she spake: "Turn thee, and list. These eyes are not thy only Paradise."
In the Inferno, Beatrice is the object of Dante’s love and the one who, from heaven, graciously arranges for Virgil to escort Dante through Hell. Long before Dante writes the Inferno, he sees Beatrice from afar and, awed by her beauty and virtue, describes the sight of her as a spark of “new life,” a renewal of his Christian faith. Yet Beatrice dies young, and Dante wanders away from his religious commitments into the “dark wilderness” that symbolizes his waning faith. From heaven, Beatrice sees that Dante is lost and sends Virgil to “set him free” by means of the trip through Hell. She then aids Dante throughout his journey: the thought of her gives Dante courage when he is stopped at the city of Dis, and when Dante finally reaches the entryway to heaven, Beatrice personally appears to guide him. Because the Inferno places Beatrice in Heaven, near God, her aid of Dante represents the grace by which human beings grow spiritually. Beatrice is described as very lovely, with “eyes...flashing brighter than the stars” and an “angel’s voice”; her beauty represents the beauties of heaven and inspires Dante to press forward in his spiritual journey. Ultimately, Beatrice is a compelling symbol of the wonder and power of divine grace.
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lunamarish · 7 months
La vita nuova arriva taciturna dentro la vecchia vita arriva come una morte uno schianto qualcuno che spintona così forte un crollo. È una scrittura tanto precisa e netta da non lasciare dubbi né sfumature di senso eppure non dà direzioni né mete. La vita nuova irrompe come un vecchio che cade sul ghiaccio, un pensiero davanti a un muro, la sirena di un’ambulanza. Non ci sono feriti né annunci di sciagura solo noi da convincere a lasciar perdere il miraggio di una via rettilinea, di un orizzonte, lasciarsi curvare, piegare alla tenerezza delle anse del destino. La vita nuova è come un grande tuono sbriciolato poi a poco a poco l’erba si china sotto la pioggia la prende la beve.
Chandra Livia Candiani
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littledigest · 2 years
Lesser Known Asteroids for Synastry and Composite Charts - PART 5 - Beatrix and Dante
The Muse and the Artist ~ Love at First Sight
Based on the relationship between Beatrice Portinari and Dante Alighieri
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The Asteroids:
Beatrix 83
Dante 2999
83, 2999
Both asteroids are actually named after Beatrice Portinari and Dante
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Their Relationship:
First love, Love at first sight, Lasting impression
Dante is an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher
Beatrice Portinari is known to be the muse for Dante's famous works like Vita Nuova and Divine Comedy
Beatrice and Dante meet only twice in life
The first meeting was at a May Day party when both were 9 years old; he claims he fell in love with her at this time (love at first sight)
The second meeting was 9 years later; he says both meetings affected him greatly
However, Beatrice and Dante did not get together and marry. Both married other people.
After Beatrice's early death, Dante threw himself into his work and wrote poems in her memory
The Beatrice in Dante's works is always shown in a very positive light and as a divine guide for his character; idealized
His work portrayed courtly love (formal, secret, unrequited, respectful)
She became not only a muse for Dante but also, through his works, became a muse for many Pre-Raphaelite artists and painters
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Possible Outcomes for this Couple
There is a clear first love and/or love at first sight story with a Beatrix-Dante couple. If the Beatrix person is not actually the very first person the Dante person loved, it still feels like this is the first time he/she has ever fallen for someone so immediately and intensely.
It is not easy for the couple to actually come together. Either one or both are already in relationships, or one person cannot confess his/her feelings. The other person might not even know that he/she has feelings for him/her. Dante person might admire Beatrix from afar, willingly, or it could be frustrating for him/her.
Classic muse and artist placement. If Beatrix person becomes a source of inspiration for Dante person. Even if no artwork is created, there is something about the Beatrix person or the relationship in general that makes the Dante person dream and feel inspired. There's something in the air that makes this relationship seem significant, and Dante person feels the need to express this in some way.
One person is put on a pedestal by the other. The other wants to keep a certain distance so that the fantasy is not broken and he/she can keep idealizing and admiring. Or, he/she is blind to any flaws of the other person.
Beatrix person makes a lasting impression on Dante person. No matter what happens to either of them in life, the Dante person will always remember and will try to keep Beatrix alive in his/her thoughts and memories for as long as possible. Dante can be obsessive over Beatrix and have a very hard time letting go.
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Ho trovato la forza per lasciar andare, per dimostrare a me stessa che posso amarmi indipendente da un altra persona.
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principe17 · 1 year
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kusurrone · 7 months
little Dante and little Beatrice from my comic🤏🤏🤏
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my boosty
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blogdemocratesjr · 2 years
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The Kiss of Dante & Beatrice by Roberto Ferri (2020/21)
I seemed to see a fiery cloud in my room, inside which I discerned a figure of a lordly man, frightening to behold. And it was marvelous how utterly full of joy he seemed. And among the words that he spoke, I understood only a few, including: “Ego dominus tuus.”§ In his arms I thought I saw a sleeping person, naked but for a crimson silken cloth that seemed to be draped about her, who, when I looked closely, I realized was the lady of the saving gesture, she who earlier that day had deigned to salute me. And in one of his hands it seemed that he held something consumed by flame, and I thought I heard him say these words: “Vide cor tuum.” And when he had been there a while, it seemed that he awakened the sleeping lady, and he was doing all he could to get her to eat the thing burning in his hands, which she anxiously ate. Then his happiness turned into the bitterest tears, and as he cried he picked up this woman in his arms, and he seemed to go off toward the sky. At which point I felt more anguish than my light sleep could sustain, and I woke. ... He woke her. And, respectfully, he fed that burning heart to her, who shook with dread. Then, as he turned to leave, I saw him weeping.
—Dante, Vita Nuova
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j-j0ker · 1 year
Premetto che sarà solo un mio pensiero probabilmente...
Ma cazzo ogni volta che provi a parlare con qualcuno per sfogarti per dire qualcosa che magari non diresti a nessuno, vuoi solo che quella persona ti ascolti e puntualmente nessuno lo vuole fare...
Beh grazie
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sosnastudios · 1 year
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no, it’s an eggshell panel!
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you can make it by gluing eggshells to paper drummed around a board and then painting gesso into the cracks and sanding it. the gesso-sanding steps are repeated until it’s smooth.
i used duck eggs, which are thicker than chicken eggs and slightly translucent, which is why i used a white hahnemuhle ingres backing paper. they’re also a bit fluffier than chicken eggs when you beat them, and they made a tasty mushroom-feta scramble for dinner one night.
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this is marbling (acrylic, gonna be the endsheets. made it last year)
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a-dreamer95 · 1 year
Gli ultimi anni sono stati, forse, tra i più difficili perché i cambiamenti, per quanto fortemente voluti, sono difficili. Si altera un equilibrio, anche se in equilibrio non era e non sarebbe comunque rimasto tale.
Ho imparato a perdonare chi si è allontanato da me senza spiegazioni, ho sopportato senza sclerare i rumori dei vicini che non mi hanno fatta né dormire né studiare bene, ho accettato le critiche, anche quelle distruttive, pur di migliorarmi.
Le persone vanno e vengono, tuttavia il dolore spesso rimane a farmi compagnia suscitando in me tante emozioni contrastanti. 
Ho imparato che le persone sedicenti empatiche sono empatiche meno di zero. Ho imparato che lasciare andare, talvolta, è la più grande dimostrazione d'affetto. Riconoscere quando è il momento di lasciar andare è una prova di comprensione profonda e di rispetto per l'altro. È un modo per consentire alla persona di trovare la propria strada e di essere autentica, senza costringerla a rimanere in una situazione che non la rende veramente felice o soddisfatta. 
Lasciare andare non è un atto di indifferenza, ma piuttosto una dimostrazione di maturità emotiva e di amore altruistico.
Essere adulti significa anche prendersi le responsabilità delle proprie scelte, delle proprie paure e fragilità. Ora sta a me decidere che direzione dare alla mia vita.
Grazie 2022! ❤️ Ora inizia un nuovo capitolo✨
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fuuckthesysteem · 1 year
non credo nelle vite passate, ma se mai dovesse esistere la reincarnazione io e te dovevamo per forza amarci anche in un'altra vita, è come se il tuo posto fosse sempre stato al mio fianco, è tutto così semplice con te come se fossimo sempre stati così
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