#very liony
stellabobow · 2 years
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Just a long haired squall and a short haired rinoa i did 😄
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angelpuns · 9 months
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Kid Leo Au: Sick Arc
Part 3!
This update took a little longer than I meant it to- I procrastinated lining and coloring very badly :///
Hopefully I'll go back to more regular updates <333
Sorry I don't have a lot to say about this one, I have been a bit busy puppysitting!
Also I changed the way Liony looked halfway through because he's easier to draw this way :/
Kid Leo Au Masterpost | First | Next
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f4y3w00d5 · 7 months
Anything from your childhood ypu jave held on too? (From ask game)
I mean I still have those 3 stuffed animals. And this one book. Wait lemme take a pic
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Hugging bears: Gift from Auntie Gemma (died when I was 5) pink weird thing: I call it pinky, had it since I was like 2, other bear: had it since birth. Called it 'beary' Lion thing: Call it 'liony', dunno when i got it. Owl thing: Also gift from Auntie Gemma (she made it herself) Doll: One of my first toys. Called it Bebba. The book is my most prized possession The Complete Book Of The Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker (can barely read the writing, might be wrong). A series of poems about flowers/trees and their fairies, along with pretty drawn pictures. Very old. A gift from GG (My great grandma. Died when I was 3. I have one picture of her, from when I was maybe two, of her doing my shoelaces up.
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Headcanons for my Batkids Young age au part 4:
Batkids ages:
Damian: 5 years old
Tim: 9 years old
Jason: 12 years old
Duke: 7 years old
Cassandra: 8 years old
Stephanie: 9 years old
Dick: 15 years old
Superkids ages:
Jon: 5 years old
Kon: 9 years old
Little Damian is easy to distract with the animal discovery channel since he loves it, due to his trait of being an animal lover, especially cartoon shows that have animals as characters in it, but if anyone tries to steal the living room remote and change the channel, he will get upset and give a really big tantrum until they change it back
Jon tried pretending to be a puppy one time after wondering what it was like for Krypto, so he would always be trying to make cute little fake barks, eating his food with his mouth instead of his hands or fork and spoon (though, Lois made sure to remind him about table manners), and he would also always be playing with Krypto outside in the backyard on his hands and feet too, running around all over the dirty ground like that, which would dirty him and his clothes up, giving Clark and Lois extra, unnecessary laundry to do. Though, thankfully for his parents after almost a month of this little act of his, Jon stopped doing it after deciding that he liked living like a human better
All of the Batkids always ask Dick for piggyback rides
When Kon had came over to meet baby Jon for the first time, he was a little jealous at first at the thought of a sibling taking over his place as the new child in the family but after finally meeting Jon, those bitter emotions left him and he instantly grew to love the little half Kryptonian. He also began to enjoy spending time with little Jon, enjoying their fun times together, he later on realized that maybe having a sibling instead of being an only child probably wasn't so bad after all
Damian likes to paint on Tim's face sometimes when he's asleep and hides once he wakes up, since he'll know that it was definitely him, since it's not the first time that he usually does this to his big brother
Duke has a favorite lion plushie that helps him feel safe whenever he's having a nightmare or can't sleep at night. Though, during a loud stormy night outside the Manor, Duke, after going downstairs with his plushie to go grab some of Alfred's delicious chocolate chip cookies, bumped into little Damian in the hallway upstairs. He could see that the boy that was usually a tough one, was slightly shaking and had a bit of an almost fearful expression on his face. Duke, who was curious, asked his little brother what he was doing walking around the halls so late, though, Damian, who didn't want to look like a coward, just replied saying that he was just looking for Titus since he had left the room. Duke knew he wasn't being honest though, since he had seen the puppy peacefully sound asleep in the boy wonders bedroom while passing by after coming upstairs and before he could say anything about it, a loud thunder struck outside, creating a loud sound, made Damian jump in front of Duke, revealing how scared he was feeling, so after seeing the reaction of his little brother, he asks him if he's scared of the thunderstorm that's going on, but Damian cuts him off, telling him that he is being ridiculous, since he isn't afraid of anything, which Duke knew wasn't really true at the moment. After a few seconds of Damian still trying to deny that he was actually scared while Duke was telling him that he obviously was, Damian jumped up in fear once again, due to another thunder strike that had happened at that very moment, so Duke, who can see that he was obviously scared, gives Damian his favorite trusted lion plushie and hands him one of the cookies that he had gotten from downstairs, telling Damian "Here, you can have Liony, he's good at protecting you when you're scared." Damian, hesitantly, as he's hugging Liony the plushie tightly in his arms, asks Duke "But what about you? How are you gonna fall asleep without him?", since he knows that it's his favorite plushie, but Duke tells him that he will be fine and that he needs him more than he does and that's what Liony is there for anyways, to make sure everyone's safe. He also offers that if he wanted, he could sleep in his room for the night if he wanted and and that they could even hang out the whole night while he holds onto Liony, which Damian accepts. So they spend the whole night in Duke's room having a fun time together, building a little fort with the beds pillows and blanket sheets, then sitting in it with their flash lights on once they're done, while eating their chocolate chip cookies, talking and quietly laughing the whole night together. Later on in the early morning, Bruce and Alfred, while checking up on the two young brothers in the room, see the sweet sight of them both asleep in their fort together, both hugging eachother and Liony the brave plushie who was in the middle. A warm smile grows on both of the men's faces as they both quietly leave the room and gently close the door so that they won't wake them from their peaceful sleep
@theredheaded-stuff @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @camo-wolf
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theflirtmeister · 2 months
if you're still doing the kiss prompts?? 15 + bethany/martha
Martha’s university dorm is small and cramped, and the bed is hardly big enough for one person, let alone two. Bethany makes herself as small as possible, back pressed up against the wall, and watches Martha undress for bed, taking in the sight of Snoopy pyjamas and fuzzy socks. 
“What?” Martha says, wrinkling her nose at Bethany’s staring.
“Nothing,” Bethany says. “I just didn’t realise you were trying to seduce me.”
Martha’s cheeks flush, and she roughly throws back the covers to climb in beside Bethany, her knees cold as they knock against Bethany’s own. They’re not even alone in the bed - Martha’s toy lion that she’s had since birth is nestled between them, like a very tired and faded lesbian prevention guard. 
“I like being comfy,” Martha mutters, adjusting Liony so that he’s tucked under her arm. “I thought Snoopy was cute.”
“The cutest,” Bethany says, rolling over to face her. “Just like you.”
“Shut up,” Martha says. She smells of mint toothpaste and the lotion that Bethany bought her for Christmas, something spicy. Bethany had watched her put it on before bed, and resisted the urge to lick it off with her tongue.
“Make me,” Bethany says, because she’s nothing but original.
Martha rolls her eyes, and wriggles close to kiss Bethany on the mouth, sweet and simple. Bethany kisses her back, eyes fluttering shut, and they’re Martha-and-Bethany again, making out in the cramped bed, Martha making delicious noises as Bethany slides her hand under her Snoopy top.
“Wait,” Martha says, out of breath, and Bethany tilts her head. “Liony can’t watch this.”
“Oh god,” Bethany says. “Liony. He’s so young.”
She props herself up on one elbow to watch Martha gently lay Liony down on the bedside table, covering his eyes with a tissue. It’s so adorable that she wants to bite Martha on the shoulder, cute aggression only fulfilled with teeth. Martha gives Liony a little pat on the stomach, and turns back to Bethany, now satisfied.
“Hey,” Martha says.
“Hi,” Bethany replies. “Want me to call you Roundhouse in bed?”
“Please,” Martha says, and Bethany pulls her close.
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dis-trict9 · 1 month
THANK YOU TO @skzoologist AND @dean-a-mean-tae !! THEY BOTH GAVE ME IDEAS AND TIPS :]
☆ General ☆
Name: Asher Hutch (애셔 허치)
Stage Name: Ash (재)
Nickname/s (used by members/family/friends): Cuddles, Ashy, Koala
Nickname/s (used by STAY): Hutchy, Teddy
Date of Birth: June 26, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Place of Birth: Bonn, Germany
Ethnicity: German-Korean
Height: 5’6” (167.64 centimeters)
Weight: 137.6 lbs (62.4 kg)
☆ Face ☆
Hair (length and original color): Black, prefers to keep mid-neck
Eyes: Left: blue, Right: green
Extras (blemishes, scars, etc.): Freckles sort of like Felix’s; all over his cheeks and nose, a mole on the upper right corner of his lip
☆ Facts ☆
He’ll mindlessly bounce his leg up and down or tap his foot, when he comes to his senses though, he’ll stop, fearing he was bothering someone with the constant subtle ‘click click’ noise
He has a kitten and is always looking forward to seeing him when he gets back to his home
He was 15 when Skz debuted
He trained for 2-ish years 
He loves listening to girl groups and giving them support, his favorite is (G)I-DLE.
He has a very feminine sneeze but no one really knows why nor do they really mind, they just find it funny (his siblings and friends)
Ash has a younger brother and 2 older twin sisters, his brother is named Parker and his sisters are Tatum and Hayden
He used to wear brown contacts because he was self-conscious of his heterochromia
He has naturally pink cheeks
He has a baby-blue bunny that he can’t sleep without
When he got a phone for the first time, his sister Hayden, got him a Miku phone case so when that phone died for good, he was really sad but only because of the phone case (luckily though, he got a similar, if not better, Miku phone case and has it on his phone now)
If he’s sick in bed with nothing to do, he’ll mosey into the living room or a room with a comfortable laying place with a TV and either binge The Seven Deadly Sins or South Park
He keeps his 3 friendship bracelets on from his best friend whom he met in 6th grade and will often call that friend despite the time difference
If he had to marry a male idol who wasn’t in his group, he’d pick Beomgyu from TXT
He’s very afraid of any bug unless it’s the common beetle which isn’t very common for him because he’s only found them about 1-2 times
He kept most of his essays from 7th-8th grade because he missed all the teachers from those grades
He’ll cry for no reason whatsoever and will likely cry more when someone asks him what’s wrong because he has no idea why he’s crying, he just is
Once, in 7th grade, he jokingly asked his science teacher for a Diet Coke and she gave him one but she told him to not tell anyone or let anyone see it because she technically wasn’t allowed to give soda to students.
He hates wearing clothes so he’ll often wear shorts and a tank top unless he’s outside in fall-winter
Speaking of seasons, his favorite is Fall
If he had to pick between Pepsi and Coke, he’d easily pick Coke, specifically Wild Cherry Coke
Back at his home, he has almost 3 walls of squish mallows and even more that are crowding under his bed and on his bed
He used to be horrified of thunderstorms but after he hadn’t had one in a while, he was really happy when he found out that around his area, a very gnarly one was going to hit in a few days (but soon regretted it and went back to being scared)
If he could, he’d adopt a bear cub and raise it as his own baby, preferably a brown bear
His friends make fun of him (playfully of course) for cosplaying so many female or feminine characters like Felix Argyle/Ferris, Elizabeth Lionis, and Grelle
He gets his nails done professionally every few weeks and if he gets bored of the design but doesn’t have time to get them done professionally, he’ll ask on of the other members to help him paint them because of how shaky he is
He gets really happy whenever he finds a Cotton Candy Bang energy drink because he can never find them anywhere
He uses the 🩵 emoji the most
He gets really happy when he sees blue as it's his favorite color
I would add so much more but this is getting long
☆ Skzoo ☆
Representative Emoji: 🐻
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(Ignore the goofy ah skzoo art, I got mad at it and almost dropped the idea)
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Prince Lionhead from Umbrella of Hope in Pittsburg, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Umbrella of Hope’s main website.
11 yr old purebred Doll-Faced Persian with limited vision and High Blood Pressure (NEUTERED MALE) available for ADOPTIONMeet Prince Lionhead Rabbit IV, Esquire aka 'Pea-Elle' Prince Lionhead (Prince, Princey, Lion, Lionhead, Liony-head, Simba-Doo, Mush-Mush, MRAOW-MRAOW) is an 11 yr old Doll-Faced Persian. He is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and has had senior labs. P-L takes a daily medication for high blood pressure. The medication is stupid-cheap but he will require regular vet checks to monitor his blood pressure so his new owner must have the budget for that. After trial and error, he prefers the pill version in a pill pocket (over the liquid version which he said did NOT taste like tuna as promised). He will come with a year's supply of his current dose which seems to be working well for him (for anyone who cares, it is amlodipine 2.5 mg and he takes 1/2 tablet per day). Our vet recommended a pouch food that helps with hydration (ProPlan Veterinary HydraCare available without a prescription on Chewy.com) as BP meds can be hard on the kidneys (his kidneys are currently fine). P-L eats this with Weruva low phosphorous wet food and dry crunchies as a side. His current dry food is ProPlan LiveClear that helps with human allergies as his foster mom is allergic to cats but he can eat whatever senior dry food you would like him to be on or what your vet prefers. He does not seem to be picky. The supplement and the wet food cost around $100/month plus the cost of dry food and we buy them on Chewy.com (no prescription required). Prince Lionhead came to us from SFACC where he was relinquished after his 90-year-old owner fell ill suddenly and ended up in a nursing home for end of life care. We have many pages of previous veterinary records and it seems that his owner was doing her very best to care for him when she was having trouble even caring for herself. Due to having high blood pressure that went untreated during the time that his owner fell ill, it has damaged his vision. He CAN see, but he does not see well. His vision has improved over the several weeks we have had him in foster care and our vet says it is 50/50 if he will continue to improve. He does fine and we consider this a non-issue. Due to his need for regular blood pressure checks, his wet food and supplements and his grooming needs, he is NOT a cat for an owner on a budget. He's perfect with his litterbox, a sweet and gentle soul with an easy purr and a love of petting (even belly rubs!) and cuddling He's never had a bad day in his entire life - he was VERY loved in his previous home and it shows He loves snuggles, belly rubs, butt rubs, petting, brushing, snuggling and love. He has five canine companions, and he hates them. But this is just presented as hissing and avoidance. He has learned to co-exist with the two little dogs who LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE him. So he could probably live with respectable dogs especially if he has a place to retreat away from them when needed. He DOES lay on the bed with them to sleep with the humans. The 4lb dog thinks he's winning P-L over with his invitations to play and P-L seems less and less annoyed with him but has not responded to the invitation to play. Stay tuned, we feel the little dog will win him over eventually like he did the resident grumpy dog (LOL) He recently discovered a love for catnip and loves to have the area above his tail 'patted' to initiate his play mode. He loves to use his 'murder mittens' to make kitty biscuits on your tummy and will sometimes offer you a face bath with his rough tongue -- especially in the middle of the night We think he'd feel the same about cats. Kids? Yea-party type yes. Superhero-type, ehhh probably not
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Herbal Glossary!
Anise Hyssop
Origin: The name comes from the Greek word hyssopos and the Hebrew word for Azob, a holy herb used for cleaning sacred places. Hyssop is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Benefits: Create a delicious tea to help relieve symptoms of the common cold, such as congestion.
Origin: Arnica has been used for its many healing properties for centuries, since its discovery by goat herders who noticed their goats went up the mountains in search of its flowers to heal themselves after falling or stumbling. Benefits: Arnica can help reduce bruising and swelling, as well as muscle soreness from exercise or sports injuries.
Origin: In Ayurvedic healing tradition, ashwagandha is recognized as one of the most powerful herbs. Use of this root can be traced back for over 3,000 years. Benefits: This is an adaptogenic herb that can be used to strengthen your immune system and to target the negative effects that stress takes on the body.
Origin: Astragalus is a foundational herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine to support one’s Chi. Benefits: Use astragalus to support a weakened immune system.
Blue Lotus
Origin: Blue Lotus was prized above all other plants by the Ancient Egyptians. The plant was associated with the Sun God Ra as the bringer of light. Benefits: Use Blue Lotus to calm the nerves and brighten your mood.
Origin: Calendula has been considered a magical herb for centuries. Ancient Egyptians used it for their skin, the Greeks and Romans used it as a culinary herb, and in ancient and modern India it is used in wedding ceremonies. Benefits: Use Calendula to support healthy skin, cure stomach ailments, and in culinary dishes.
California Poppy
Origin: The early Spanish settlers of California saw the California Poppy lighting up the coastal hillsides, and it is said they could guide their ships by the sight. Benefits: Use California Poppy as a tincture for mild sedative and analgesic effects and also as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety remedy). California Poppy contains no opiates, and is non-addictive and safe.
Origin: Chaga has been recognized for thousands of years as a powerful healing mushroom. Ancient Asian Folk Medicine practitioners relied on it for balance, and to boost the immune system. Chaga also has a long history of use in Russian and Siberian folklore and herbalism. Benefits: Use it in a tea to boost immunity, energy, and reduce inflammation.
Origin: Known as the “Jewel of the East”, chlorella is a genus of single cell freshwater green algae which is comprised of organisms that have survived as a life form for billions of years. Benefits: Use chlorella to detoxify, support your immune system, and aid in digestion.
Origin: According to legend, yak herders in the Himalayas of Tibet and Nepal noticed that their yaks grazed on a certain mushroom, they suddenly become very energetic and playful. Benefits: Use Cordyceps in a tincture or powder to increase energy, detoxify the body, stimulate the immune system, and as an overall tonic for the body.
Origin: Damiana has been used since the times of the Aztecs in Mexico, Central America, and South America. Originally taken during religious ceremonies, it was later banned due to its "passion inspiring properties." Benefits: Damiana helps to boost libido and is known as an essential aphrodisiac.
Origin: Dandelion's common name was apparently invented by a 15th century surgeon, who compared the shape of the leaves to a lion's tooth, or dens lionis. Benefits: Both the Dandelion leaf and root have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat liver, gallbladder, kidney ailments, weak digestion and rheumatism.
Origin: Echinacea was the primary medicine of the North American Indians, who used root poultices for wounds, bites, stings, and snakebites. Benefits: Use Echinacea as soon as you feel a cold coming on for powerful immune support.
Origin: “Father of medicine” Hippocrates recognized elderberry’s gifts as early as 400 AD. Elderberry was often called the “medicine chest” of the country folk. Benefits: Elderberry is often used for its ability to boost and balance the immune system and quell coughs, colds, flu, and bacterial and viral infections. Make your own syrup or take as a tincture.
Origin: Elecampane is reputed to owe its genus name "Inula Helenium", to the fabled beauty Helen of Troy. Benefits: Elecampane is wonderful for respiratory health, for digestive health, and can be used as an anti-parasitic.
Origin: Fennel crops up in Greek mythology, when humanity received a fiery coal from Mount Olympus in a fennel bulb. Hippocrates talked about the medicinal powers of fennel to treat infant colic. Benefits: Fennel Seeds help to relax the smooth muscles of the digestive system, which stimulates bile flow and reduces pain associated with digestion.
Origin: In Ayuverdic medicine, ginger is called the “universal medicine.” In Chinese Medicine for over 4,000 years, Ginger was used to treat nausea, dysentery and to act as an overall digestive stimulant. Benefits: Use ginger to soothe an upset stomach, a cold, or a case of the flu. Take in tincture form, cook in its dried or fresh form, or brew as a tea.
Gotu Kola
Origin: Gotu Kola is an Ayurvedic herb that was first used in India where it has a reputation for rejuvenating the body and mind. Gotu kola is said to also develop the crown chakra. Benefits: Use this herb in a tea to enhance concentration and memory.
Hawthorn Berry
Origin: Hawthorn is a symbol of love and union. The Hawthorn tree is steeped in Celtic mythology and history, with many believing that the trees were inhabited by the Faery Folk. Benefits: Use Hawthorn Berry in a tincture or tonic for heart health and improved circulation.
Origin: The name “Jasmine” derives from the Persian word Yasmin, meaning "Gift from God.” The flower is sacred in India and the Himalayas. Benefits: Use Jasmine’s uplifting scent to help boost mood. Jasmine is wonderful as a tea or infused in oil.
Origin: Lavender is probably the most well known medicinal herb. Originally from France and the western Mediterranean, lavender is now cultivated worldwide. Benefits: Lavender can be used as a sleep-aid, to help heal wounds and burns, and to quell anxiety.
Learn More
Lemon Balm
Origin: Also known as “Sweet Mary,” “Honey Plant,” and “Cure-All,” this herb has been cultivated as a culinary and medicinal plant for over 2,000 years. Benefits: Use Lemon Balm to combat anxiety, treat wounds, and soothe indigestion.
Origin: Linden is included in the folk stories and mythology of many different European cultures. In the symbolism of flowers, linden is a symbol of conjugal love, sweetness, peace and happiness. Benefits: Linden flowers have been used traditionally for colds, cough, fever, infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, and headache.
Lion's Mane
Origin: Lion’s Mane has been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It’s also known as “deer’s tail,” “satyr’s beard,” and even the “pom pom” mushroom. Benefits: This mushroom has adaptogenic properties and may protect against dementia, reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and depression and help repair nerve damage.
Origin: Maca was first utilized by the Incas in Peru. Maca root grows in the mountains of Peru at high altitudes of 7,000 to 11,000 feet, making it the highest altitude growing plant in the world. Benefits: Use Maca as a mood and libido booster, or a hormone stabilizer. Add in powder form to coffee, teas, or smoothies.
Origin: Stems of marshmallow were originally peeled to reveal the soft and spongy pith. This pith was boiled in sugar syrup and dried to produced a soft, chewy confection. Benefits: As a demulcent it is an agent that forms a soothing film over mucous membranes, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the membrane.
Origin: Matcha can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty in China, where citizens would steam tea leaves into bricks, making it easier to transport and trade. Benefits: Matcha is great for boosting the metabolism and is a wonderful alternative to coffee. It is filled with antioxidants and is rich in fiber.
Mimosa Flower
Origin: Mimosa has been called “the happiness flower” and is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to cleanse the heart and liver meridians (energetic pathways) in the body. Mimosa tree bark is also used as a common remedy for generalized muscular discomfort and swelling. Benefits: Use Mimosa Flower for emotional relief, especially from grief or anxiety.
Mucuna Pruriens
Origin: Mucuna Pruriens is classified in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a jing enhancing herb. Jing loosely translates as “life force” or “vital essence." Benefits: Mucuna Pruriens can be used to increase libido, support brain health, and boost mood. Drink as a tonic or in put in smoothies, teas, and coffee.
Origin: Around 1,000 years ago, medieval brewers used Mugwort to make a beer or ale called "gruit.” Mugwort is called the “Mother’s Herb” and is traditionally used for dreamwork. Benefits: Use this herb to aid in lucid dreaming, help regulate periods, and alleviate joint pain.
Origin: Nutmeg has a long history of use as a spice, with recorded evidence that the ancient Romans and Greeks enjoyed its warm, aromatic flavor and aroma. Benefits: Use nutmeg to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, relieve insomnia, and improve brain function. Nutmeg can also help protect the liver, improve cholesterol levels, and regulate blood levels.
Oat Straw
Origin: Archaeological studies show that oats have been found dating from 2,000 BCE and have been used ever since as a valuable source of human and animal nutrition. Benefits: Uses include helping to balance the menstrual cycle, to treat dysmenorrhoea, for osteoporosis and urinary tract infections. Drink in an herbal infusion for maximum benefits!
Origin: Peppermint was used in ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian cultures in both culinary and medicinal forms. Benefits: Use Peppermint as a digestive aid to soothe stomach pains and indigestion.
Red Clover
Origin: Red clover has been used for 400 years in anti-cancer formulas. Benefits: Because of red clover’s concentration of the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein, which mimic the activity of estrogen, red clover has been studied for its use in alleviating the discomfort of menopause.
Origin: The Reishi Mushroom is one of the most valued plants in traditional Chinese medicine, and is described alongside Ginseng as one of the two most important elixirs. Benefits: Use Reishi for an immune system boost, improved liver function, and to restore hormonal balance.
Origin: The Greeks, Persians, and Romans all used roses as medicine. The botanical name of the Wild Rose, rosaceae canina reflects how the Romans used it to help treat rabid dog bites. Benefits: Roses have astringent, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and diuretic properties.
Origin: Usage of rosemary dates back to 500 b.c. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a culinary and medicinal herb. Benefits: Rosemary can be used for improved concentration and improved digestion. It may help alleviate muscle pain, boost the immune and circulatory system, and promote hair growth.
Origin: Traditional healers have historically used saffron to treat heartache, hemorrhoids, and other kinds of inflammation. Cleopatra was said to bathe in saffron-infused mare’s milk before seeing a suitor. Benefits: Saffron can be used as an aphrodisiac, asthma, dry skin, heartburn, and for baldness.
Origin: In ancient Rome, the herb was used to heal ulcers, stop the bleeding of wounds, and to soothe a sore throat. The Chinese used sage to treat colds, joint pain, typhoid fever, and kidney and liver issues. Benefits: Sage is known to lower cholesterol, and is a tonic for the liver. Sage is helpful for women’s health, specifically pain from menstruation.
Origin: Chinese folklore and Traditional Chinese Medicine says that Schisandra can "calm the heart and quiet the spirit.” Benefits: Add Schisandra to your home apothecary for a powerful anti-anxiety tool.
Origin: Shilajit has been known and used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenator and anti-aging compound. Benefits: Shilajit is useful in the treatment of kidney stones, edema, and hemorrhoids, and as an internal antiseptic.
Spice Bush
Origin: Native Americans originally used the bark, twigs and berries to make teas that could help treat colds, fevers and rheumatism. Benefits: Make a warming and stimulating tea from spice bush to help with both digestion and circulation.
Stinging Nettle
Origin: Stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica, is a flowering plant that is found worldwide. It is native to northern Africa, North America, Asia, and Europe. Benefits: Use Stinging Nettle in a tea to reduce inflammation, help with hay fever, and aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Origin: Thyme’s name is from the Greek word thymos, meaning “strong.” Benefits: Thyme can be used as a nervine herb (to relieve stress) or to help heal respiratory infections. It can also improve digestion and has antibacterial properties.
Origin: Tremella comes to us from Traditional Chinese Medicine for overall immune health. Benefits: Use it to help aching joints or muscles, or for complexion and skin health.
Origin: Tulsi or ‘Holy Basil” comes from the healing tradition of Ayurvedic medicine. Benefits: In herbalism, Tulsi is considered to be an adaptogen. Adaptogens can help your body adapt to stress and restore balance. Tulsi is especially good for pain relief, digestive support, and respiratory health.
Origin: Turmeric has been used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine as a cleansing herb. Benefits: Turmeric can aid in reducing overall inflammation and improve digestion. Cook with tumeric, make into a tonic, or take as a tincture!
Origin: Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Benefits: Valerian can be used to ease insomnia and anxiety, reduce pain, and as a muscle relaxant.
Witch Hazel
Origin: Native Americans have long used the twigs and bark of witch hazel as a medicinal herb for a wide variety of ailments. Benefits: Brew it in a tea to treat a sore throat or common cold.
Wood Betony
Origin: The name Betony comes from Celtic where Bew meant “head” and Ton meant “good.” Benefits: Wood Betony was originally used by both Native Americans and Europeans for its medicinal and aphrodisiac qualities. Use it for headache relief, or as an aphrodisiac.
Yerba Santa
Origin: It was given its name, “holy weed,” by Spanish priests impressed with its properties. Benefits: Yerba Santa is used for respiratory conditions including coughs, colds, tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis
To learn more, check out this link that I borrowed this info from:
Or check these out, link is below:
ACACIA POWDER - GUM ARABIC Treats respiratory illness and diarrhea; magical uses: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship.
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - COCONUT SHELL Emergency toxin removal; teeth whitening; aids kidney health; treats diarrhea and skin infection
ALFALFA POWDER - MEDICAGO SATIVA Revitalizes digestive tract and colon. Decreases irritability and nervousness. Combine with peppermint to make a tonic for the stomach; magical uses: Money, prosperity, anti-hunger
ALKANET - ALKANNA TINCTORIA Provides natural red tint to cosmetics, heals wounds; magical uses: Purification, prosperity. Protects from snakebites and helps ease fear of snakes
ALLSPICE - PIMENTA DIOICA Digestive aid; anti-inflammatory and pain reliever; Immune booster; promotes oral health; Magical: Money, luck, healing, obtaining treasure.
ALOE Used as far back as Ancient Egypt, Aloe Vera heals wounds and relieves sunburn. Part of Cleopatra's daily beauty routine, aloe can be beneficial to many skin issues including psoriasis and acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties can also be topically applied for relief from aching joints and tendonitis. Magical uses: Protection and luck.
ANISE SEEDS (PIMPINELLA ANISUM) calms and builds the nervous system; natural remedy for gas, bloating, cramping, and digestive issues; breaks down mucus- good for bronchitis and asthma; pain-relieving (especially coughs, GI issues, and menstrual cramps). Emotionally good for nervousness and insomnia; Magical uses: Used to help ward off the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulate psychic ability.
ANISE STAR PODS - WHOLE - ILLICIUM VERUM Decongestant and expectorant
ANNATTO SEED (GROUND) - BIXA ORELLANA Treats diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, and fluid retention. Use topically for burns and vaginal infections.
ARROWROOT POWDER Contains potassium, iron, and vitamin B; promotes heart health and boosts immunity; treats toothaches and gum soreness (give babies arrowroot cookies for teething); magical uses: Purification and healing
ASHWAGANDHA ROOT Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb from India that is used for supporting endocrine function, immune function, brain function, whole-body revitalization and emotional balance. This tonic herb is widely used for stress relief, hormone balance, supporting mental health, aiding restful sleep and imparting a sense of holistic wellbeing. Whether you are anxious or fatigued, ashwagandha supports balance and can aid the body, mind and spirit in returning to equilibrium and vitality.
ASTRAGALUS ROOT - POWDER - A. MEMBRANACEUS Astragalus is a prized adaptogenic herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, lauded for its whole-body rejuvenative and protective properties. It is used as a longevity tonic and to strengthen and protect metabolism, digestion, immunity, energy levels, skin health and whole-body health.
ASTRAGALUS ROOT - SLICES - A. MEMBRANACEUS Magical uses: Protection and energy
BASIL LEAF - OCIMUM BASILICUM Named after the Basilisk, Ancient Greek lore claimed that this herb could cure the creature's petrifying stare and used it to treat snake bites and insect stings. Also traditionally used to detoxify from cannabis in India and the Middle East, Basil can detoxify from drugs that store themselves in fat cells. Can increase sex drive and promote menses. Magical Uses: Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness.
BAY LEAF - LAURUS NOBILIS Contain vitamins A & C, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium; include in food regularly to promote general health; tea is good for migraines (infuse 3 leaves and juice of 1 lemon in hot water); Magical Uses: Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Also, the herb of poets and the god Apollo (Sun).
BEET ROOT POWDER - BETA VULAGRIS Builds the blood and cleanses the liver. High glucose content. Magical uses: Love Spells
BLACK PEPPERCORN - PIPER NIGRUM reduces inflammation; full of vitamins and minerals; helps with nutrient retention; Banishing negativity, exorcism, and protection from evil.
BLACKBERRY LEAF helps with diarrhea, sore throat, and ulcers; wards off evil spirits; Magical Uses: Healing, protection and money
BLOODROOT - POWDER - SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS Expectorant; Fights bacteria and inflammation
BLUE COHOSH ROOT rheumatism; American Indian female remedy: cramps, back pain, menopause, amenorrhea; used for nerves and spinal injury; depression and brooding; Magical uses: Empowerment, purification, money drawing, love breaking, and driving away evil.
BORAX POWDER - NATURALLY SOURCED Cleaning agent and natural pesticide
CACAO BEANS - THEOBROMA CACAO - ROASTED Cacao is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, nervous system boosting, and stress reducing effects. It's consumption can promote feelings of wellbeing and bliss. The scientific name means "food of the gods", after all!
CACAO POWDER - ROASTED, FAIR TRADE Cacao is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, nervous system boosting, and stress reducing effects. It's consumption can promote feelings of wellbeing and bliss. The scientific name means "food of the gods", after all!
CALAMUS ROOT - POWDER - ACORUS CALAMUS Used by Native Americans as "the Singer's Herb" calamus primarily targets the trachea. Good for laryngitis, halitosis, sinus congestion, asthma, and chronic cough. Magical Uses: Luck, money, healing, and protection
CALENDULA FLOWERS - CALENDULA OFFICINALIS The beautiful, sunny calendula flower contains potent anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties and has a variety of uses. Calendula can be used to speed healing of wounds and skin irritations and also as a tea for a variety of health benefits. Magical Uses: Protection, legal matters, and psychic/spiritual powers
CARAWAY SEED - CARUM CARVI Historically known to prevent things, lovers, and pigeons from straying. Caraway is one of the "four greater hot seeds" of Greek medicine used to stimulate digestion (along with fennel, anise, and cumin). Magical Uses: Health, love, protection, mental powers, memory, passion, and anti-theft. Fidelity in love spells.
CARDAMOM PODS - ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM Clears the mind; treats coughs, colds, and asthma; treats bloating. gas, and indigestion; treats sickness from damp, hot weather; Magical Uses:Lust, love, and fidelity
CAROB, ROASTED - CERATONIA SILIQUA "the singer's herb", cleanses the throat, good for weight loss and stomach settling; Magical Uses: Health and protection
CASSIA CINNAMON - CHIPS - CINNAMOMUM SP. Anti-diarrheal, treats nausea, abdominal cramping, and gas; helps with menstrual and postpartum issues; staunches bleeding; Magical Uses: Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity.
CATNIP - NEPETA CATARIA fever reducer; calming; promotes sleep and digestion; helps with morning sickness; makes cats happy and spunky; Magical uses: Sacred to Bast; should be used in any ritual involving cats or cat deities. Use with rose petals in love sachets. Use in sachets and spells designed to enhance beauty or happiness. Provides protection while sleeping.
CEDAR LEAF - THUJA PLICATA Strong disinfectant; expectorant; treats fungal skin conditions like athlete's foot and ringworm; Magical uses: Confidence, strength, power, money, protection, healing and purification. Used in the consecration of magick wands.
CELERY SEED - APIUM GRAVEOLENS cooling and sedative diuretic; aids kidney function; helps with arthritis, aches, and pains; Magical Uses: Mental and psychic powers, concentration.
CHAMOMILE - POWDER - MATRICARIA RECUTITA Chamomile flowers are powerfully healing, immune boosting and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is often used in tea for its calming effects. It can also protect skin, lower stress and soothe menstrual cramps.
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS - WHOLE - MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA Chamomile flowers are powerfully healing, immune boosting and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is often used in tea for its calming effects. It can also protect skin, lower stress and soothe menstrual cramps. Magical Uses: Love, healing, and reducing stress.
CHIA SEED - SALVIA HISPANICA High in antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein; promote cardiovascular health; Magical Uses: Protection and health.
CHILI WHOLE - CAPSICUM ANNUUM Magical Uses: Fidelity, love, and hex breaking.
CHILI, RED ROASTED - POWDER - CAPSICUM ANNUUM May help to promote weight loss and relieve pain
CHLORELLA POWDER Considered a superfood due to its nutrient content; aids in detox
CILANTRO - CORIANDRUM SATIVUM natural food preservative; increases energy; weight loss; anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal; promotes skin health; Magical Uses: Protection of gardeners; brings peace to the home and helps to attune one with their soul. Magical Uses: Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity
CINNAMON - CINNAMOMUM BURMANNII - POWDER Anti-diarrheal, treats nausea, abdominal cramping, and gas; helps with menstrual and postpartum issues; staunches bleeding
CINNAMON STICK - CINNAMOMUM BURMANNII - POWDER Anti-diarrheal, treats nausea, abdominal cramping, and gas; helps with menstrual and postpartum issues; staunches bleeding
CLOVE POWDER In small doses, heightens senses and is considered an aphrodisiac. In moderate doses, can be used as a sleep aid and pain killer. Good for toothaches, earaches, indigestion, morning sickness, and impotence. Magical Uses: protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought
CLOVES WHOLE In small doses, heightens senses and is considered an aphrodisiac. In moderate doses, can be used as a sleep aid and pain killer. Good for tooth aches, earaches, indigestion, morning sickness, and impotence. Magical Uses: protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought
COCONUT FLAKE - DRIED, UNSWEETENED High in fiber; raises good cholesterol
COMFREY - SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE Contains allantoin which causes cell growth, leading to its remarkable healing properties. Heals wounds and draws out toxins. It has long been used to heal broken bones. Magical Uses: money, safety during travel, and any Saturnian purpose. Use for workings involving stability, endurance, and matters relating to real estate or property.
CORDYCEPS MUSHROOM POWDER Boosts energy levels and stamina; anti-inflammatory; adaptogenic; anti-aging; performance enhancing; immune boosting
CORIANDER SEED - CORIANDRUM SATIVUM treats chronic indigestion, bloating, gas, or cramps; Magical Uses: Love, health, immortality, and protection.
DAMIANA - TURNERA DIFFUSA Aphrodisiac; relieves stress and tension; antidepressant; promotes digestive health; Magical Uses: Lust, sex magick and attracting love.
DANDELION ROOT - TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Fever reducer; cleanses the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas; use for chronic inflammatory conditions, PMS, and Menopause; sleep aid
DILL WEED - ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS Treats colic and gas, especially in children; stimulates lactation
DONG QUAI allergies, headache, congestion; known as the "Empress of Herbs" for it's ability to regulate the menstrual cycle and menopause; aids bone generation (osteoporosis);
DULSE - PALMARIA PALMATA Promote thyroid and bone health; good source of calcium and potassium; can lower blood pressure and strengthen eyesight; Magical Uses: Lust, harmony in the home, sea rituals and pacifying sea winds.
ECHINACEA AUGUSTIFOLIA helps reduce cold and flu symptoms, indigestion, dizziness, migraines, UTIs, yeast infections, and fatigue; Magical Uses: Adds powerful strength to charms, sachets, and herb mixes.
ELDER FLOWERS - SAMBUCUS NIGRA, ELDERBERRY, POWDER - SAMBUCUS NIGRA, ELDERBERRIES - WHOLE - SAMBUCUS NIGRA The Elder tree was called the "Elder Mother", Queen of the Underworld or Faery. Since faeries kidnap human souls, sleeping under the elder or using it's wood to make cradles was deemed perilous. The tree was also associated with the god Pan, the Lord of the Underworld, whose pipes were made from its hollow stems. Elder is one of the primal remedies of European tradition and was widely planted to be used as a "medicine cabinet". Used to treat the flu, colds, and respiratory infections; also used to make a syrup that boosts immune system in winter; "the great infant remedy"- used for croup, respiratory issues; treats anemia and menstruation problems like fibroids; Magical Uses: Sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, wisdom, house blessing and business blessing. Used in rites of death & dying to protect the loved one during transport to the Otherworld.
EUCALYPTUS - EUCALYPTUS NITENS Expectorant and antiseptic; used in sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary infection and congestion. Magical Uses: Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. Use to purify any space.
FRANKINCENSE POWDER - BOSWELLIA CARTERI Immune boosting, anti-depressant, good for asthma and coughing fits; oil good for skin issues and oral health; Magical Uses: Successful ventures, cleansing, purification. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Used as an offering at Beltane, Lammas, and Yule.
GALANGAL ROOT POWDER - ALPINIA OFFICINARUM Used to treat indigestion, dyspepsia, and hemorrhoids. Said to be a cross between ginger and cayenne. Magical Uses: Magickal uses include winning in court, doubling money, hex breaking and sex magick.
GARLIC GRANULES - ALLIUM SATIVUM One of the most ancient medicines in the world. Antimicrobial and detoxifying, garlic kills foreign bacteria and improves digestion. Stimulates metabolism. Good for cardiac and digestive health. Also known to help nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, and weight loss. Magical Uses: healing, protection, exorcism, repulsion of vampires, and purification of spaces and objects. Used to invoke Hecate.
GINGER ROOT - ZINGIBER OFFICINALE Fever reducer, treats cold or flu; reduces nausea from motion sickness, pregnancy, etc.; improves digestive health; expectorant; blood thinner, increases circulation; SPECIFIC for labor and delivery, connects mother and child in the womb, the tea unites everyone in the room in the spirit of delivery, keeps up strength in long labors (add honey to make blood sugar available); Mix freshly grated ginger with wine and let sit overnight, use result topically for acne or eye inflammation; Magical Uses: Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success.
GINGKO BILOBA - FALL GOLD - GINKGO BILOBA Treats asthma and upper respiratory disorders; symbolizes longevity and enlightenment; improves circulation and cognitive function; Magical Uses: Aphrodisiac, associated with fertility.
HEATHER FLOWERS - CALLUNA VULGARIS Add to a bath for toning muscles and soothing rheumatic pain; antiseptic; diuretic; Good for nervous and menstrual issues; may open portals into the faery realm; Magical Uses: Protection, luck, and immortality.
HELICHRYSUM FLOWERS - WHOLE - HELICHRYSUM ARENARIUM diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral; aids in digestion; treats rheumatism; helps with cystitis and lethargy from PMS
HIBISCUS - HIBISCUS SABDARIFFA anti-oxidant, high in Vitamin C, used to treat cold and flu; aids menstruation; symbol of the goddess Kali; Magical Uses: Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams.
HOLY BASIL (TULSI), KRISHNA - OCIMUM TENUIFLORUM adaptogen; good for arthritis or fibromyalgia; relieves stress, anxiety, and inflammation
HOPS, FLOWERS - WHOLE - HUMULUS LUPULUS treats diarrhea, constipation, bloating, headaches, weight loss; good for healthy skin, anxiety, and sleeplessness; historically, Hops pillows were used to treat insomnia for both King George III and Abraham Lincoln; often used for male reproductive health and urinary issues; Magical uses: increase the restfulness & serenity of sleep.
JASMINE FLOWER, WHOLE - JASMINUM SP. Boosts energy and immune system; magical uses: Uses include snakebite and divination, clairvoyance
JUNIPER BERRY - JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS Diuretic, treats diabetes and kidney disease and swelling; Good for head colds and PMS; Magical Uses: Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love.
KAVA KAVA ROOT POWDER relaxant, calming, euphoric effect, Magical Uses: Uses include aphrodisiac; potent sacramental drink; potions; induces visions; astral work; travel protection. Carry for success and job promotion.
KELP POWDER - ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM Treats thyroid issues relating to iodine deficiency; vascular health; cleanses lymphatic system and kidneys
LAVENDER FLOWER POWDER - LAVANDULA SPP., LAVENDER FLOWER, WHOLE - LAVANDULA X INTERMEDIA Treats negative states of the soul (autonomic nervous system); calms nervousness and tension; cleansing; helps with insomnia due to overactive mind; Magical Powers: Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression.
LEMON BALM - MELISSA OFFICINALIS Nerve sedative, used for depression, anxiety, and insomnia; treats impotence and aids in conception; Magical Uses: Love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development.
LEMON PEEL Thirst quenching; reduces appetite and sugar cravings; treats sore throat, colds, and fevers; Gout ; Neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism; Good in the summer to relieve heat and Sunstroke (with salt)
LEMON VERBENA - ALOYSIA CITRIODORA Good for the digestive tract; soothes anxiety and insomnia; gentle fever reducer safe for children and the elderly; magical uses: Worn to increase attractiveness or to bed to prevent dreams
LEMONGRASS - CYMBOPOGON CITRATUS combats heat and strengthens connective tissues in the body; aids lymphatic and immune systems;Treats diarrhea, sprains, and pains; Magical Uses: Psychic cleansing and opening, lust potions.
LICORICE ROOT STICKS - WHOLE - GLYCYRRHIZA URALENSIS lubricating, cooling, and sedating to mucosa in coughs and stomach ulcers; Magical Uses: Love, lust, and fidelity.
LOBELIA - LOBELIA INFLATA "Indian tobacco", mimics nicotine, complete relaxant, large dose can induce vomiting; can help with asthma, depression, and memory issues; Magical Uses: Used for attracting love and preventing storms.
LONG PEPPER, WHOLE - PIPER LONGUM Used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach issues: ache, heartburn, indigestion, gas, and diarrhea.
LYCII (GOJI) BERRIES High in antioxidants, these little berries can help protect the eyes against disease, the body from cancer cells, and the liver from damage. They can be beneficial for people with insomnia, depression, and anxiety. they have been known to stabilize blood sugar and boost the immune system.
MACA - LEPIDIUM MEYENII Increase libido and improve fertility, reduce erectile dysfunction, boost energy and endurance, soothe menopause discomfort and side effects
MARSHMALLOW LEAF - ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS cough and sore throat relief; good for skin and respiratory system; Anti-inflammatory; Diuretic; good to balance side effects of chemotherapy
MARSHMALLOW ROOT Palliative for bowel disease (Crohn's and colitis); Good for skin irritation, sore throat, mucus relief; mild laxative properties; Magical uses: Protection and psychic powers.
MATCHA Super antioxidants that promote healthy brains and hearts and assist with weight loss
MISTLETOE Aids grief and emotional pain, mood swings; relieves migraines and tension; Magical uses: Used for fertility, creativity, prevention of illness/misfortune, and protection from negative spells & magick. Hang in the home for protection from lightning & fire. Wear in an amulet to repel negativity & ill will and protect against unwanted advances. Use to draw in customers, money and business.
MUGWORT - ARTEMISIA VULGARIS Associated with Artemis, goddess of the Moon and mother of nature. Restorative to the injured female nature: reduces painful menstrual cramps and PMS, helps to heal after abortion, miscarriage, labor; Helps sooth temperments, insomnia and sleep issues; magical uses: moon magic; Carried to increase lust & fertility, prevent backache and cure disease & madness.
MULLEIN Verbascum thapus - Mullein is a plant that has been used throughout history. Mullein is a light bringer, from Roman times up until recently the leaves of mullein were dipped in wax or tallow and used as a lamp wick or torch. Energetically Mullein summons energies of courage, love, and protection. It is commonly used as a powerful ingredient in an herbal protection amulet to ward off nightmares, unwelcome entities, or in the car for safety while traveling. Medicinally mullein aids one with ailments of the throat and lungs, nervousness, lymph drainage, and pain. It has long been used to treat coughs and sore throats. Its mucilaginous properties can be used as an emollient to bring water to dry, hardened, and closed places. Mullein is also a potent ally when used in herbal smoking blends as it has many benefits for lungs, throat, sinuses, etc. Mullein grows in a sharp upward fashion from the ground, which is analogous to the way it works in the body. When smoked it causes a more open feeling in the head and brain. It is also said to straighten the spine and lubricate the connective tissue. Mullein is not only beneficial to the body, but has a calming effect on the mind allowing those suffering from congested thought patterns and mental tightness to experience release and expansion.
MUSTARD SEED, BROWN - BRASSICA NIGRA, MUSTARD, YELLOW - SINAPIS ALBA Anti-inflammatory, aid in asthma attacks, arthritis, high blood pressure, and migraines; Magical uses: Courage, faith, and endurance.
MYRRH GUM RESIN - COMMIPHORA MYRRHA Medicinal use dates back to 1700 BC. Used topically to cleanse infected wounds; treats diabetes; known as the "cleanser and strengthener of the womb"- treating infections, abnormal discharge, menopause, sore nipples, uterine tumors, and helps pass afterbirth after a difficult labor; Magical Uses: Spiritual opening, meditation, and healing. This herb has high psychic vibrations that will enhance any magickal working.
MYRTLE LEAF - MYRTUS COMMUNIS A sacred plant of Aphrodite, Myrtle is associated with marriage, love, fidelity, and protection. Used to support lung function and treat coughs or respiratory infections. Magical Uses: Love, fertility, youth, peace, and money.
NETTLE LEAF - URTICA DIOICA anti-inflammatory, toxin removal; one of the plants highest in protein; nutritive; used as iron tonic during pregnancy; restores function to inactive or atrophied body parts or systems, muscle strengthener; use for impotence; Magickal uses include dispelling darkness & fear, strengthening the will, and aiding in the ability to handle emergencies. Sprinkle in the home to drive off evil & negativity.
OAT TOPS WHOLE Consumed by humans since prehistoric times, Oat Tops provide much needed nutrients to a depleted system. Great for nerves- use when stressed, overworked, over-extended, exhausted, etc. Restore emotional balance.
OATSTRAW Great for arthritis and rheumatism (fibromyalgia); exhaustion of nervous system; tense shoulders; PMS with headache, exhaustion, panic, or nausea; Magical uses: money and prosperity.
OLIVE LEAF - OLEA EUROPAEA antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiparasitic; Magickal uses include peace, potency, fertility, healing, protection and lust
ORANGE PEEL - CITRUS SINENSIS Treats cough, bronchitis, and lack of appetite. Magickal uses include love, divination, luck, money and house & business blessing.
ORRIS ROOT mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory; used for sore throats and sinus headaches; Magical Uses: popularity, persuasiveness, and personal success.
OSHA ROOT Traditionally used by hispanic and native american cultures, osha root is used as an antiviral against cold, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Also used for digestion. Magical Uses: Protection against evil spirits
PALO SANTO - POWDER - BURSERA GRAVEOLENS purification, meditation, to increase the flow of the bodies energy, and to ward off bad energy/spirits, misfortune, and calamity
PAPRIKA, SMOKED - CAPSICUM ANNUUM Anti-oxidants, vitamins A and E; boosts energy in spellcraft
PASSIONFLOWER - PASSIFLORA INCARNATA use for anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and withdrawal; Magical uses: attracting friendship and prosperity and heightening libido.
PATCHOULI LEAF - POGOSTERMON CABLIN Use topically for pain relief and anti-inflammatory purposes; scent is an aphrodisiac; magically brings money and love
PAU D' ARCO BARK treats diabetes, eczema, STIs, UTIs, and infections; Magical uses: the ritual healing of severe disease
PENNYROYAL History of being used as a contraceptive or abortifacient; helps regulate menstrual cycles and issues; digestive aid; Magickal uses include peace and tranquility. Carried to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance.
PEPPERMINT - MENTHA PIPERITA digestive aid; promotes oral health; soothes headaches, stress, and general discomfort; Magical uses: increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification.
PINK HIMALAYAN SALT Boosts electrolytes, soothes a sore throat
PINK PEPPERCORNS WHOLE Anti-oxidant. anti-inflammatory, and antiviral
PLANTAIN - PLANTAGO MAJOR "Drawing agent"- can pull foreign substances out of the body, particularly used for any type of venom as well as infected wounds; treats pink eye and inflammation, abscess in mouth, bladder and kidney infections; Magical uses: Protection from evil spirits and snake bites, removing weariness, healing headaches; house & business blessing.
POPPY SEED, BLUE - PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM Sacred to Demeter, goddess of the harvest; magical use: Pleasure, heightened awareness, love, luck, invisibility.; high in fiber, B vitamins; good for digestive, heart, and immune health
RASPBERRY LEAF - RUBUS IDAEUS The pregnancy herb; suitable for all female reproductive issues and reproductive health; Magical uses: healing, protection, love.
RED CLOVER - TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE Specifically treats the glands of the body and is therefore good for: mastitis, issues with salivary glands or sinuses, cancer, and swollen glands. Magical uses: fidelity, love, money, protection, and the blessing of domestic animals.
REISHI MUSHROOM - SLICES - GANODERMA LUCIDUM sympathetic excess, nervous exhaustion, and adrenal burnout; reduces autoimmune excess; also good for nerve and muscle pains and spasms and conditions like myasthenia gravis, arthritis, chronic degenerative conditions, and autoimmune disease
ROSE BUDS - WHOLE - ROSA DAMASCENA autoimmune; anxiety; high in vitamin C, antioxidant; used for acute respiratory issues; chronic inflammation; Magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships.
ROSEHIPS - ROSA CANINA autoimmune; anxiety; high in vitamin C, antioxidant; used for acute respiratory issues; chronic inflammation; magical uses: healing spells and mixtures, brings good luck, calls in good spirits.
SAFFLOWER - CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS remove blood stagnation, adhesions, and bruises; cleanse septic infection
SAGE LEAF - SALVIA OFFICINALIS, SAGE, WHITE PIECES - SALVIA APIANA, SAGE, WHITE POWDER Sore throat (tea w/ honey and lemon); fevers; blood thinner; endocrine stabilizer; treats older people with dryness of skin, hair, mucosa; relieves mental lethargy, depression, poor concentration, loss of memory, grief, insomnia, excessive perspiration; libido stabilizer; magical uses: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom.
SASSAFRAS BARK POWDER - SASSAFRAS ALBIDUM diuretic, good for kidney health; boost immune system; reduces inflammation; magical: health, money, overcoming addiction; Magickal uses include health, money and overcoming addictions.
SHIITAKE MUSHROOM - LENTINULA EDODES Used for boosting the immune system, HIV/AIDS, lowering blood cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, eczema, colds and flu, treating prostate or breast cancer, and as an anti-aging agent. It is also used for hepatitis B, herpes, high blood pressure, and stomach ache.
SLIPPERY ELM BARK - ULMUS RUBRA Good for IBS, bladder problems, cough and sore throat, UTIs, heartburn, GERD; Magickal uses include protection and halting gossip
SPIRULINA POWDER - ARTHROSPIRA PLATENSIS Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory, "superfood" full of nutrients; helps manage healthy cholesterol and diabetes
ST JOHNS WORT - HYPERICUM PERFORATUM Used since prehistoric times and often affiliated with fairies and the little people; alleviates anxiety, depression, and stress; add valerian root for insomnia; important wound medicine; Magical uses: Worn to prevent colds & fevers. Placed under pillow to induce prophetic, romantic dreams. Protects against all forms of black witchcraft.
STEVIA - STEVIA REBAUDIANA Can help lower blood pressure and control blood sugar levels; fights cavities
SUNFLOWER PETALS - HELIANTHUS ANNUUS symbol of longevity; Energy, protection, power, wisdom, and wishes.
THYME - THYMUS VULGARIS improves immunity and self-identity; parasympathetic relaxant; enhances digestion; Magical uses: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others. Wear a sprig to ward off unbearable grief or provide strength and courage when needed. Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification, and to attract good health for all occupants.
TURMERIC - CURCUMA LONGA Increases circulation; promotes the menses; relieves pain in liver and gallbladder
UVA URSI increasing intuitive and psychic powers
VANILLA BEAN POWDER Aphrodisiac; good source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and manganese; Magickal uses include love, lust, passion, and restoring lost energy
WHEATGRASS SEEDS - TRITICUM AESTIVUM Grows a superfood, great for juicing! Magical: Fertility and conception
WHEATGRASS, POWDER - TRITICUM AESTIVUM Full of nutrients and antioxidants
WHITE PEONY ROOT Helps with excess estrogen; good for regulating menstruation; headaches and discomfort associated with menses; menopause relief; Epilepsy and seizures
WHITE PEPPERCORNS, WHOLE - PIPER NIGRUM Aids in weight loss, protects against cancer and heart disease
WITCH HAZEL LEAF - HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA Good for hemorrhoids, acne control, scalp sensitivity, sore throat, infection, disinfectant; Magickal uses include chastity and protection. Carry to ease grief over a lost love.
YARROW - ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM Used by Achilles to heal his wounded soldiers during the Trojan War; associated with Venus, the Goddess of Love; Used to read the I Ching for millenia; magically connected to the flow of energy; medicinally: wound healing, digestive aid, menstrual aid; Magical Uses include healing, handfasting & weddings, and divination. Draws love. Carry as a sachet or amulet to banish negativity, ward off fear, and promote courage, confidence, and psychic opening. Frequently used in marriage charms and love sachets.
YERBA MATE Boosts energy and mental focus, rich in nutrients and antioxidants, immune booster, may protect against heart disease; Magical uses: Fidelity, love and lust
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thecottageinthedark · 2 years
Sorting A Redtail's Dream (SHC)
(link to explanation of the system I'm using here)
Hannu Viitanen is an unabashed and entertainingly bastardous Snake primary. He's very much a Selfish Snake, who only cares about himself and Ville...and in darker moments, only about Ville.
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His secondary is Bird, I think. He likes lying, admittedly, but Snake secondaries don't have a monopoly on that-and he isn't particularly good at it tbh. When it comes to solving problems effectively, he uses plans and tools-nets and lightning rods and remembered bits of information.
Ville, on the other hand, is a Badger Primary. He loves people, he loves groups, and he consistently pushes Hannu to do things for others. He's deeply distressed by Puppy-Fox's callousness, not just because he and Hannu are being hurt by it, but because he can't imagine thinking that way. Yet when the time comes to turn the tables, Ville doesn't hesitate to join the hunt and is the one to put an arrow in the redtail in the end. To quote the SHC Founders, the Badger primary tendency to dehumanise 'is how you get racist [Badgers], but also how you get [Badgers] who unapologetically deny they have any debt of fairness to, say, abusers'. After putting them through an absolutely horrific set of ordeals, Puppy-Fox is easy for Ville to stop considering as a person.
Ville's secondary is Snake. He's good at improvising, and though he doesn't lie often, when he does he's better at it than Hannu. He's comfortable using emotional manipulation-you can find him on TV Tropes as an example of the trope Crocodile Tears-and he adapts easily to being shapeshifted into a whole bunch of different forms.
The other characters are harder to sort, as they get less screen time. Some best guesses, though; Paju Kinnunen feels very much like an exploded Lion Badger whose attempts to control the people around her in the name of Doing Things Right have gotten frankly kind of frightening. The Swan of Tuonela feels like she's a Snake Lion stuck in a job better suited to a badgersec, and getting increasingly burnsplodey in the secondary about it. I think there's something Liony about Kokko, though not sure if it's primary, secondary, or both. And Puppy-Fox is a Double Snake who pretty much embodies the Trickster archetype.
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
burnt badger primary (lion model) + bird secondary (bird performance)
Hello Wisteria! Hope you're doing well.
I want to ask for some help with my sorting. It was pretty stable for some time, but now I have doubts again.
The major difficulty for me is my secondary house. For primary, I'm pretty sure I'm a Burned Badger with Lion model. It was not the easiest thing to admit, because I don't like the idea of confirming to community, but I'm actually very people-oriented. It's important for me to find my place in the community where I can help people with my sphere of competence. However, I have suffered too much from situation when I was the only one who understood that the established morality of the group I belonged to was actually hurting the members of this community. 
I’m definitely seeing some Burnt Badger primary. 
I'm also neurodivergent and even when I see that there's a problem, I don't know what to do with it, especially when it's something about people's psychological well-being, and it's literally pain for me. On the one hand, it lead to burning - I don't trust in my own ability to be helpful for people around me
It does sound like your secondary is a bit burnt - that’s probably why you’re having problems nailing it down. 
and even though I hate myself for such thoughts, I sometimes catch myself thinking that sometimes people really don't deserve respect and love. 
Okay. I can read that as Burnt Badger primary, definitely. You want to respect and love everyone, but that doesn’t feel doable/safe... and you feel guilty about that. 
On the other hand it helped me to develop a pretty stable Lion model, which helps me to trust my intuition and my own sense of morality rather than other people's opinions when those factors contradict with each other.
I hope you find a group that suits you better. 
However, secondaries are way more... Complicated. I don't understand exactly which one is my natural instinct and which one is my learned model.
It was pretty easy for me to exclude Badger and Snake secondaries. I don't resonate with the idea of adaptability that are associated with Snake secondaries, for me it's just lying, and I heavily dislike lying. 
Hmm. This is a very heavy knee-jerk response. Which normally makes me say Lion - and usually Lion secondary - but I’m still trying to figure out how your Lion primary model fits into your system. 
Also I do not find hard work to be the best way of achieving goals, I'm a type of person who thinks that it's better to work smart than hard, and I happily use shortcuts if they a) don't hurt anyone; and 2) don't give me dishonorable advantage.
Okay, I agree. You’re probably not a Badger secondary. But there’s that Badger primary preoccupation with fairness creeping in. 
However, it's way more difficult for me to differentiate between Bird and Lion secondary. Even in my childhood I had traits of both and they become so heavily integrated with each other that any attempt to figure out who is the main one becomes a reason for headache.
I’ll help you out as much as I can here, but if it’s helpful at this point in your life to just say “I’m both” ... I don’t think I have a problem with that. 
Reasons why I might be Bird:
I am going to say I am already leaning Bird. Because you did start in with a LIST. And I *suspect* that some of your more Liony tendencies might be related to your primary. You clearly like Lion a lot... and are a little conflicted about your Badger primary. 
1) Even though I don't feel like I actively collect "useful tools", I'm definitely a knowledge hoarder. I like to read different stuff, and I just randomly and totally unintentionally gather information I find interesting and fun, like a dragon gathers random shiny thingies. I might not even remember the source, but I can remember every detail in a random fact I have seen ten years ago in a Wikipedia article. Sometimes such knowledge is useful, sometimes just fun, but it happens automatically.
Okay, there’s some Bird here definitely. And it’s not the “scaffolding” type of Bird secondary that I would *expect* from someone who’s neurodivergent and modeling bird as a support system.
2) I infodump. Like A LOT. I'd I'm interested in something, I can speak about it for hours.
That just means you’re neurodivergent. That’s not a Bird thing. 
3) If it's not an emergency situation, my first reaction is to withdraw from the reality for a few minutes
That wording makes me think of dissociation, which is again kind of its own thing. But I also don’t think English is your first language, so I’m not going to read too much into it. 
and try to figure out logically what's happening and what should I do with it.
4) I have a need to have a possibility to plan things in advance, instead of changing my plans every hour because of external circumstances.
Okay sure. I’m hearing prep-work secondary (Bird or Badger) who doesn’t like making split-second decisions. You clearly value the Bird skillset. 
Reasons for Lion:
1) I'm a pretty harsh and agressive person. Majorly I'm calm, but some things can trigger me so much that I immediately jump into my "berserker mode", and if the trigger was strong enough, I can go from total chill to desire to unalive someone during just few seconds.
That sounds like like we’ve got some anger issues going on, which is something any secondary can struggle with. 
2) I tend to be the "hard truth teller," in most situations I say exactly what I think even if it might lead to a conflict.
This sounds like a Lion primary. It’s not about solving problems, it’s about doing something because it’s right. I suspect that Lion primary feels safer to you right now than Badger primary, but if it is indeed a defense mechanism, that may be where the slightly aggressive vibe of this ask is coming from. 
3) I often end up being a leader, against my own will, because no one else have chosen to take the responsibility.
That is indeed a Lion secondary trait... but Lion secondaries tend to like being leaders, and you seem super conflicted about it. 
There's also one interesting trait that seems to be a mixture of equal Lion and Bird parts. I'm somewhat a planner, I prefer to know things that I need to do in advance, preferably at least few days, but instead of having a detailed plan with exact timetable, it's more like a puzzle with pieces that I can combine with each other to make something solid. 
Rapid-fire Bird.
I don't plan more than just hooks and anchors that allow me to remember what I need to do or to say. 
I like your metaphor. I’m not totally sure I understand it. But I have definitely compared Bird secondaries to fishing hooks before. 
I'm also pretty good in using infodumping as a way to hide from people that I lack competence in something.
I expect that you may additionally have a bit of a Bird secondary performance, that you use to buy time, or when you’re in an unfamiliar situation.
Well, I hope that it wasn't too chaotic to analyze)
No, not at all. 
Feel free to ask any questions if something seems unclear or needs more details to analyze! And thank you in advance.
I’m reading you pretty solidly as a Bird secondary. You’ve got this defense mechanism Lion primary that kicks in, and that’s where the Lion energy is coming from. I’m also not reading your secondary as particularly burnt, and in retrospect “not knowing what to do especially when it's something about people's psychological well-being,” should have clued me in to how it’s your primary burning, not your secondary. I truly don’t see a problem with modeling a really loud Lion until your Badger primary gets back on its feet, and hope everything goes well for you. 
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larathia · 1 year
Shameless Self Promotion
So, let me tell you about my Endless Story.
Once upon a time, I was hanging around a website writing fanfic for my very first online fandom. And I made friends through the site, in the fandom, and we all had different perspectives on the characters in canon. Sometimes we could juuust about see where we'd each inserted a little wedge, making our take unique, and sometimes it was a bit more murky. At some point in these interactions, my versions got entangled with other people's versions, and while I still had my fanon worldview, I now also had several AUs as well.
Add about 20 years to really think about what makes people into what they are, and what it might take to make them truly heroic...or truly villainous.
That's the story I call 'The Ghost'. I'm not going to deny the fandom roots here, but I think my characters and my world stand on their own. I'm sure, if you've encountered the source I'm drawing from, you'll at some point go "Oh, that's who that is," and maybe that'll make the story more interesting or maybe it won't. I will say that even if you can see what source I'm drawing from, it wouldn't be wise to assume I'm being 'true to canon'; the roots may be fanfic, but the story is not.
Besides. By the time I'm done there'll be at least four more 'canons', plus several worlds nobody but me's ever encountered.
Why give it a shot? Because everyone likes to have something to read, and I post chapters every week. You'd get the first hundred and fifty chapters for free, and after that it's a mere one dollar a month because I'm very very broke and hoping my work's worth a small McDonald's coffee to you by that point. If you've read any of my fanfic series over on AO3, you know about what to expect - I am character driven, I hate the idiot ball, I tend toward tangled politics, I don't write sex scenes much. And sometimes things get Dark, but usually don't end that way.
Here's the main opening characters, just in case that helps you:
Gudrun Thew: A man in his seventies. Born to nobility (hated it), served in the military (really hated it), one of the first known psionics (he's an empath). For Reasons, he wound up leading a revolution in a country he'd never lived in, was elected President-for-life after they won, and retired from public life not long after his only son disappeared, apparently forever, on a mission to save the world from a time-traveling lunatic. Polyamorous (at one time), and loves cats.
Kuthumae Lionis: Gudrun's son. Technically in his forties, looks like he's in his late 20s/early 30s because Time Travel Shenanigans. For Reasons, was essentially raised by a military boarding school (didn't mind it), is an almost legendarily good mercenary (quite proud of it actually), took the job to save the world from the time-travelling lunatic because he was pretty sure his team could do it, and the world in danger was the one he was living on at the time. Unfortunately, because Reasons, he got Stuck afterward and didn't come back to his native time when he was supposed to. The story begins about thirteen years later. Kuth's sexuality is hard to define, but I'd go with "aromantic bi demisexual with extremely specific tastes".
I mean there'll be more, but that's where it starts.
You can begin reading here. The story is 'endless', but there are some reasonably firm plot/character arcs, and if that helps you keep track then there's a kind of masterlist of the public stuff here, otherwise you can follow the public chapters by using the masterposts:
The 2019 Master Linkpost is here. The 2020 Master Linkpost is here. The 2021 Master Linkpost is here. The 2022 Master Linkpost is here.
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venus-moond · 1 year
Ok so this is a better version of all of the charaecters some of them have been edited there will be other information for the story coming if you wanna read it when it comes out go to my wattpad account MoonOofdeath
Selinna nymra
Hair type:straight
Hair color:originally just blonde but now blue with dark mint green ends
Eye color: dark heather purple
Skin:peach white
Goddess of wind(including the weather)
Hear type:straight
Hair color:black
Eye color:black
Skin tone:peach
Goddess of death(mentor to cyra)
Cyrallius nymra(daughter of selinna)
Hair type:curly
Hair color:white with brown and maroon dyed ends
Eye color:purple and brown
Skin:very light skin almost looks fully white(but isn’t)
Goddess of death 2.0
Kumandra marbelleaf
Age: 562-567
Hair type:curly (but in braids)
Hair color:caramel black
Eye color: white and black
Goddess of life
Xavier arington marbleleaf(older brother to kumandra)
Hair type:curly(but dreadlocks)
Hair color:black
Eye color:brownish gold
Skin: dark caramel black
God of men
Skin:Pink with faded green fingers
Hair type: wavy
Eye color:forest green
Goddess of women
Hair type:taper fade
Hair color:black
Eye color:dark blue space like eyes
Skin tone:medium chocolate
God of space
Namori malius
age:unknown(older than selinna)
Hair type:back length curly straight
Hair color: dark pine
Eye color:light green
Skin Tone:rose beige
Goddess of time
God of destruction
(not much is known of him)
Age:unknown(older than selinna and close in age to namori)
God of the sun
(not much is known about him)
Luna or mortia
Hair type:long and wavy
Hair color:light ice blue
Skin Tone:dark navy blue
Eyes:yellow with dark yellow stars
Goddess of the moon
(not dating the son god but is very good friends with him)
God of chaos and evil
(not much is known about him)
Lioni-assiant to norrix
Mistress of evil
(not much is known about her)
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angelpuns · 8 months
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Liony sticker idea! He's very shaped <33
I wanna make a Kid Leo Au sticker page but I'm not sure what other stickers I should make for it just yet :3
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sevilemar · 2 years
Have you any guessed about the sortings of the Mentalist?
@missbrunettebarbie and @laufire have already sorted The Mentalist, and I don't disagree with their sorting. But because I'm bored and you deserve a show, I will try anyway 😉.
Patrick Jane (original sorting: snake/snake)
He could be a super burned badger primary, burned way before Red John ever came into his life so that he only had his wife and daughter left. But he is so obviously happy with just Lisbon in season 7 that he wants to run away with her at one point, just them. And he loves the folie á deux he has going on with Erica, even though Teresa and his team don't like her. That's not a badger's happy place, not at all.
I'm trying to come up with reasons for bird or lion, and I'm drawing a complete blank. Even when he is burned for most of the show, he is burned in a snakey "I'm toxic for my people so you need to stay away" way, not in a liony "I've lost my way" or a birdy "What even is real anymore?" way.
As for secondary... yeah, I'm not even gonna try. He is such an obvious double snake, and I get him in a way I only ever do my own sorting that I can't be devil's advocate here.
Teresa Lisbon (original sorting: bird/badger)
I have tried, and I can't see her as anything but an idealist. There is a great moment somewhere in the beginning, where Patrick challenges her belief in the justice system for a single person, and you can see her inner conflict plain as day. In the end, she gives in, but she's not comfortable with her choice at that point.
What about lion, though? She often stands alone for what she believes in, and if "close cases (to get dangerous people behind bars and protect innocents)" is her belief, as she has said so many times, it never changes over seven seasons and several years.
But if she was a lion, shouldn't she be better at trusting her gut instinct? It's Patrick who has to talk her into it when they choose which of their old cases they should look at, before they identified Highbark and Grace gets kidnapped. And the Teresa Lisbon who willingly plays a psychic at a diamond show in season 7 is not the same person who argued with Jane about the ethics of deceiving people in season 1. And I don't see her beating herself up about it, either. She has accepted Jane's way of thinking, as long as her core value of "close cases" is untouched. I know it can still be a lion, but I think there would be more moral dilemma in her character arc if she was.
The first thing that pops into my head when I think about her secondary is lion: she is in charge, and she takes charge as naturally as breathing. But then I think about how she grew up with three younger brothers who she practically raised herself, and I realise it might be a model she adopted because it's what's needed to get the job done.
She can improvise and try a few different approaches in a pinch (think footprint in blood and half-written message on a notepad when she escaped from prison). So is she a snake then? If she is, she is in neutral all the time, because Lisbon is Lisbon, always and everywhere.
She might be a bird secondary, though. She certainly likes plans and follows them very well. But she kinda has to, since her survival often depends on it. And she doesn't collect skills, or things, or people, like a bird might. When she plays tricks with Jane, she feels like an actor bird, and she could definitely be rapid fire at a crime scene.
I do see badger, too, in the way she relies on her team and follows the rules, at least in the beginning. But we don't see her too broken up when Grace and Rigsby leave, or when her whole organisation gets dismantled and she is demoted to chief. And as for the rules, she defies them at every turn for Patrick, time and time again. Yes, she nags him about it, but she also protects him from her bosses or other angry people with power. That could also be her primary, though.
I think Lisbon has a burned secondary, and it burned when she was a child and had to raise her brothers. She does what she has to, and there is no particular joy in any method. She lives in her primary mostly.
The post is long and the hour is late, so I'll do the others another time.
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aikainkauna · 7 years
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Dolores WTFing as to why I find it amusing that even if the big, cosy old armchair (which normally has several bags on it) was unoccupied, she still chose a tattered old cardboard box to nap in instead.
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persefoneshalott · 2 years
Sorting once upon a time in wonderland
WILL SCARLET: SNAKE/LION Will Scarlet Something I found interesting is that for a thief he hates lying lol and he is terrible at it as well. Must be the lion sec. I have no idea how the merry men thing worked for him.
The snake doesn't need much explanation, he literally cares to help or not depending on whether you're one of his people. He was petrified (sort of) for a while but then immediately latched on to one person (Alice) after she helped him. He doesn't have any problem with doing crimes (except the lying to people who believe in him part) He's the down-to-earth cynic jokey sidekick to Alice the idealistic heroine ! < 3 I actually find it interesting how like, he's a rootable character and other characters say he's 'a good man', but that's only Anastasia and Alice saying that so like hdkjshkj he's a good friend and is amazing to his people! But I find it funny that people think of him in an heroic way when the moment Alice or Anastasia aren't involved he doesn't really care and he likes doing crimes haha. He ocasionally will like do liony choices bc that's what Alice would do and he trusts her but in general he's. just a rogue character who loves his people and I love him.
Alice is the hero of this story. She has that liony thing of believing in her self and what she's seen and experienced even when NOBODY else does. Her and Cyrus have that 'you don't need proof for love just belief' idealist thing. She just. Wants to do the right thing it's pretty self explanatory. She has the conflict of being able to get revenge on people she thinks are evil but doesn't because that'd make her like them in her eyes (very liony reasoning). I find it interesting how kid Alice and kid Jafar both want to be seen by their parents... But she finds a lot more people who believe in her and that makes all the difference. (simplifying I know their early lifes are very different but I do think an ally would've changed Jafar's story)
She's a lion secondary! she may have a fun bird sec model bc she does have tools and uses them but it's more like, she knows the world bc she explored it and knows things from that, than actual bird sec. She doesn't plan much and thinks on the spot and is great and figuring out ways of situations like that! love her. She also cares a lot about being genuine and is frustrated when people are like, faking and lying and not being themselves.
CYRUS: LION/BIRD ? Cyrus is kinda hard to grasp as a character to me but he's such an idealist and we don't see him jumping much into stuff, he has 'tricks' but they're tricks that he learned. It's hard though because him being a genie is such a great tool so he could technically rely on that a lot for reasons but actually be an improvisary sec (the only thing we see of him pre-genie is him cheating at cards to scam people which could be something he learned aka bird or something he improvises?) However he just doesn't give off an improvisary vibe for me? He's very measured in his actions. So I'd say bird sec for him. Also I'd say lion because he, like Alice, wants to do the right thing and I get that vibe from him but he could be a bird as well, I just know he's an idealist mr. 'you don't need proof for love only faith'.
JAFAR: LION/bird? His dynamic with Anastasia seems to me like he probably has some improvisary somewhere which gives him an edge over her on some stuff but he also plans like she does. It looks like it was something he learned as an extra to me, more of a tool. Soo I would lean towards lion sec who built a bird secondary with Amara and focused all his being into obtaining power to get what he wants. One of his main traits as a kid was that he was brave and dared to do things that could get him hurt, like going to the sultan or looking at Amara's eyes. I think the whole sultan storyline not only fucks up his primary but also makes him feel like his secondary isn't enough, and we mostly see him being more lion sec as a grown up when he feels completely in control. He's very determined. I guess he could also be a rapid fire bird but idk to me this combo makes more sense. He uses actor bird when he pretends to be Alice's dad and we see him asking so many questions before so he has all the info for the role. Lion primary because he cared so much when he was younger about his dad recognizing him as his son even after (redacted) because that's his identity and his name is very important to him and it's all about principle and it being WRONG that he didn't get his rightful place on the court and the life he was meant to have. He pretends to be a snake for his partner and then goes lol kidding and his decisions are very.. you can tell he feels justified morally in a lion way. His morals get skewed A LOT (I'd say he's maybe exploded?) which makes sense considering *vague gesture at his whole backstory*. He also is very disgusted with Alice bc of the fact she's a young lion prim who didn't have the reality check he feels he had and so he thinks she's too naive and needs to wake up and stop believing in anything being 'right' or 'wrong' in a way that feels very 'I'm projecting' at his young self. The way he reacts to Alice's dad is very much him projecting as well.
ANASTASIA: SNAKE/BIRD (with badger primary model?)
Like Will, Anastasia's motivations are very clear cut, she wants to have a good life with the people she loves. However, she starts out conflicted because she just left her mom and is struggling with this idea of fame and happiness that her mom instilled of her would be her future. I also think this is the first time she's on her own and is young and idealistic about how easy it'll be to survive just the two of them, so finding that it's difficult scared her. I think she had a catherine from wuthering heights moment of, what if I can have both yknow. And then there's a new mother figure who seems to actually care for her, which is what she's always wanted. But anyway she seems to try and build a badger model to try and feel happier after the whole (redacted), but it doesn't work because she's faking it and doesn't truly build connections. She later builds a true badger model and tries to be better after seeing the actual real people she hurt, which works better now because she's doing it while embracing her snake and focusing on individual people rather than just knowing about it from a distance and while being burned AND while thinking there's no point to it because of her plan. Anyway. I don't think you can argue for anything but snake for Anastasia, she would do ANYTHING to get her person back as it's shown and any redeeming behaviour we see from her is connected to her person.
Bird sec bc this girl can't improvise to save her life and plans everything out very long term and is so stressed when something in the plan goes wrong. And she has an actor bird for her queen perfomance (and the way she starts with it is so bird, just repeats a quote from someone else until she gets the right affection).
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