#venus in your seventh house
d4rkpluto · 2 years
♇ the sixth house, seventh house, eighth house and twelfth house speak of your enemies.
♇ sixth house speaks about your daily life enemies - someone with neptune in the sixth house could be battling addictions, and spiritual enemies.
♇ seventh house speaks about your open-enemies - [enemies you are more aware about] having venus in your seventh house could imply your open-enemies are people with feminine energy and people you get into relationships with.
♇ eighth house speaks about your enemies who succeeded in hurting you - an individual having the moon in their eighth house could've had mother-figures, feminine energy hurt them the most.
♇ twelfth house speaks about your hidden enemies, the enemies you aren't aware of all the time or you didnt realise were your enemies until times after - a person having the sun in the twelfth house could've had their father figure as their hidden enemies, those who were supposed to help you with life, though the sun being there could signify that you yourself are your own enemy.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Venus in 7th house is a placement that brings a significant influence on one’s relationships and partnerships. This placement indicates that the planet of love, beauty, and harmony is placed in the house of marriage, partnerships, and open enemies. People with this placement are likely to have a strong desire for harmonious and loving relationships, and they are excellent at creating a pleasant atmosphere in their partnerships. They are charming, diplomatic, and cooperative, making them great at negotiating compromises and finding solutions that work for both parties. However, they may also struggle with codependency or sacrificing their own needs for the sake of the relationship. Venus in the 7th house also indicates a potential for attracting partners who embody Venusian qualities, such as beauty, creativity, and sensuality. Overall, this placement suggests a strong focus on relationships and the pursuit of balance and harmony in them.
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saturnsbabyboii · 10 months
♡Venus Through the Houses♡
(Brought to you by Sailor Venus)
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In astrology, Venus is the planet of luck, love, and beauty. It represents the way one loves, relationships, sharing, affectivity, and seductive ability. Venus is all about pleasure, especially pleasure shared with someone else. This planet concerns itself with love, romance, and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships, and other unions like business partnerships. Venus is content to spread happiness and tenderness, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate others and the things that we possess. We appear attractive, and we attract others. Socializing with and relating to others are important to this planet. Beauty is also strongly associated with Venus. The arts, music, dance, drama, and literature, and a sense of the aesthetic fall within the realm of Venus. Venus entreats us to indulge our senses and revel in the beauty of our world. This planet is inextricably linked to refinement, culture, charm, and grace. Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Luxuries, jewelry, paintings, expensive cars, good food and drink, a beautiful home, and a sense of refinement all please Venus. This planet asks us to appreciate the exquisite nature of things. It’s a sensual and romantic world as far as Venus is concerned. Venus takes 225 days to complete its orbit of the zodiac and is never more than 47 degrees from the Sun. Its feminine energy rules Taurus and Libra and the Second and Seventh Houses. Venus's sign describes how you love and how you want to be loved. The house of Venus tells in which life areas you find happiness and where you feel loved. As the lesser benefic planet, Venus is often a point of ease and luck in the horoscope. 
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♡Venus in the 1st house♡
When Venus is in the 1st house, there is a strong sense of self-identity that is linked to beauty, love, and harmony. Natives with this placement are very likely to be charming, attractive, and personable and may have a natural talent for the arts or music. However, they may tend to be overly concerned with appearances and place too much emphasis on superficial qualities. If Venus is close to the ascendant, then this benefic planet would have a large influence on your appearance. Venus in the first house indicates a beautiful physical body. You appear ethereal, and some may refer to you as a goddess or god. This placement is frequently found in the charts of actors, models, and fashion icons. However, they may tend to be overly concerned with appearances and place too much emphasis on superficial qualities. A person with Venus in the 1st house might be feminine in demeanor and energy. 
Venus here represents a person with exceptional social skills. They can also be quite diplomatic, tactful, and skilled at negotiating relationships. You are magnetic, affectionate, and charming. You desire peace, harmony, and beauty all around you. People are drawn to you, and you are well-known. Individuals with this placement should remember that true beauty comes from within and cultivate deeper connections with others beyond mere surface-level attraction. Venus expresses her qualities through the 1st House values. Your initial reactions are either subtle or sensual. You follow your dislikes or infatuations, sometimes quite blindly, before you begin to think, accept your interlocutor, or keep your distance. Through your sensations, instinctive desires, or natural repulsions, you discover the world, others, and the unknown. Venus in the first house indicates that you are well-liked and popular. These individuals are stunningly beautiful. Everyone seems to want to be around them, and success seems to come naturally to them. In addition, they are often attractive and well-mannered. People are drawn to you because of your charisma and, in some cases, physical beauty. Venus is all about harmony, and when it is in your first house, it tends to give you a melodic appearance- the kind that people write music and poems about. Venus in your first house bestows grace, elegance, beauty, and allure on you. Others frequently spoiled you, especially when you were a child. Venus in the first house also indicates that your childhood might have been pleasant and that you lived in a lovely location. 
This placement often gifts you with a beauty that radiates inside out. You are friendly, warm, and affectionate. This placement can be a lovely location. This placement often gifts you with a beauty that radiates inside out. You are friendly, warm, and affectionate. This placement can result in an outgoing personality; most people with Venus in the first house are extroverts or at least comfortable around others. People with Venus in their first house also tend to have refined tastes, and many are talented actors. Planets in the first house always appear in one's life and are visible to others. People notice the energies of planets in this house and associate them with the person when they look at them. Venus in the first house is no different. People regard you as the epitome of beauty and grace. 
Venus is the planet of love and romance. As the ruling planet of Libra, she desires harmony above all else. A person with a prominent Venus in their chart has a strong desire for love and intimate connections. They want to be loved, and there are usually a lot of people who want to. With Venus in the first house, however, make sure that people are drawn to the real you. The natal chart is much more than just Venus, and people have much more to offer than beauty. People with Venus in the first house function best when they are in a relationship. To be happy, you need a lot of romance and pleasure in your life. One disadvantage of a natal Venus in the first house is that it may attract superficial people who will abandon you when times get tough. This is not to say that people love you solely because of your appearance, but it is important to be aware of this tendency. And, as always, Venus's sign and aspects have a significant impact on how this planet plays out. 
People with natal Venus in the first house instinctively know how to attract what they want into their lives. They achieve their objectives more easily than others, in part because people are eager to assist them. Although Venus is beneficial, it bestows its gifts on you without your participation. Too much Venus can make you sluggish. You become accustomed to success without exerting any effort, and you have forgotten how to work for it. This is often learned the hard way, especially if your Venus in the first house is afflicted. Venus enjoys living life to the fullest. However, everything should be done within reason. People with Venus in their first house have a proclivity for self-indulgence. They are attracted to the finer things in life, such as nice clothes, good food, and other luxuries, and could be described as a hedonist. However, you might have an extremely addictive personality, and once you've gotten used to this lifestyle, it's difficult to give up. 
♡Venus in the 2nd house♡
When Venus is located in the 2nd house, it can significantly impact an individual's financial status and personal values. This placement is often associated with a fondness for beauty, luxury, and comfort, which may result in excessive spending or a desire for material possessions. However, it can also attract abundance and financial prosperity since Venus is the planet of love, harmony, and prosperity. Individuals with this placement may also place a high value on their self-worth and self-esteem, which can influence their relationships and career decisions. It is important to nurture your emotions and engage in meaningful experiences. Although love cannot make you wealthy, it can enrich your life. Your wealth is measured by the kisses and tears you share rather than the number of dollars you have. You have an instinctive and effective approach to managing your assets, even if it may seem haphazard at times. You prioritize a person's innate preferences and personality over their image or wealth. People with this placement are their own greatest asset, possessing healthy self-esteem and the belief that they deserve the best. Venus is in dignity in this house because it is traditionally associated with Taurus. 
When it comes to financial success, Venus is one of the best planets to have here. You will probably accumulate wealth. This placement indicates that you are a hard worker who strives to lead a comfortable life. You have a deep appreciation for the luxuries that life has to offer, such as art, jewelry, nice clothes, and other refined things. This hedonistic tendency makes you an excellent fit for careers in areas like fashion, beauty, interior design, or any other creative field that requires a refined aesthetic sense. Venus governs the second house, which means that these individuals have a natural knack for creating financial prosperity, making money, and a keen understanding of how the material world operates. The second house is also the house of talent. Venus here represents an artistic talent and a sophisticated taste. You value beauty in the world and are a source of beauty yourself. Taurus rules the throat in astrology, and people with Venus in the second house have a pleasant voice. However, you can be quite materialistic, in your emphasis on financial stability. Venus in the 2nd suggests that you might spend a lot of money as well, which can be exasperated by the presence of hard aspects. This can be problematic because financial success is based on the amount you retain rather than what you earn. You place a high value on your social status and are willing to go to great lengths to amass more popularity, as it is interwind for you with wealth. However, becoming fixated on your status can lead you astray. In some cases, Venus in the second house can cause you to become obsessed with material gain, and this can lead to stinginess, and shallowness, and develop a vain and histrionic attitude towards life. 
The position of Venus in your birth chart can reveal the kind of partners you tend to be drawn to. When Venus is located in your second house, you may find yourself attracted to people who are both sincere and well-off, as well as physically appealing. You place a high value on stability and security in your romantic relationships, and you feel loved when your partner expresses their affection through physical means. You are not one to rush into a relationship - instead, you take the time to get to know your potential partner before committing, and once you do, you are fully invested. Your love is enduring, and you believe in taking things slow and steady in matters of the heart.
♡Venus in the 3rd house♡
This house is ideal for individuals with Venus placement in the 3rd house. It is believed that this placement brings about a charming and sociable nature to one's communication style. People with this placement are known for their conversational skills and have the natural ability to connect with others on a personal level. They may also possess a talent for writing or poetry and find pleasure in reading about art, beauty, and culture. However, it is important for individuals with Venus in the 3rd house to balance their desire for harmony with the need to express themselves honestly and authentically. It is crucial to control your moods based on the way you relate to the world. Communication is more than just exchanging information; it is a field of experience that involves your natural likes and dislikes. You should refrain from making judgments on people, ideas, or concepts. Instead, let your heart have the final say. You possess a creative mind and can easily express yourself. You are also very curious and love to communicate, which makes you diplomatic and a good conversationalist. You may be associated with street style, fashion education, art galleries, or the local art scene. You have good social skills, are flirtatious, and can easily strike up a conversation, developing a reputation as the popular girl in school or the girl next door or something of equivalence.
Venus in the third house indicates literary talent. You enjoy poetry and are artistic and creative. The third house represents education. Venus is madly in love with education. If you have this placement in your horoscope, you will spend your entire life educating yourself. Your home is most likely littered with books. You have a natural talent for languages and can quickly learn new ones. Aside from knowledge, Venus in the third house frequently bestows dexterity. People with this placement are extremely talented. This combination can result in a good teacher or writer.
It is suggested that if Venus is placed in the third house, you may tend to avoid conflicts. You may possess the ability to understand the other person's perspective, which can be advantageous in negotiations. Venus in the third house can help to resolve disputes quickly. This placement of Venus indicates that you have an inherent talent for communication and can achieve your goals while simultaneously being kind and charming. The third house is associated with siblings and childhood. If Venus is not negatively affected, it indicates that you had a harmonious relationship with your siblings during childhood, which will continue to be supportive throughout your life. Individuals with Venus in the third house usually have cheerful childhood memories and are often well-liked by their community. Although, at times, you may indulge in gossip, you are a beloved member of your neighborhood and acquaintances. Venus in the third house also indicates that you enjoy running errands and embarking on short journeys. During these trips, you may come across several things that can serve as sources of inspiration for your artistic endeavors.
Through the influence of Venus in you chart you can discover what you desire in a relationship, how you approach love, your way of giving and receiving love, and your perception of your worthiness. The third house in your chart represents your cognitive abilities. If Venus is present, you naturally gravitate toward intellectual individuals. You seek a partner who can mentally stimulate you and make you laugh. Additionally, you enjoy flirting. Communication is vital to you in any relationship, and you long for someone with whom you can engage in stimulating conversations. You tend to meet potential partners through your immediate surroundings, relatives, or even chance encounters on short trips.
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♡Venus in the 4th house♡
When Venus is located in the 4th house, it can indicate a strong desire to create a pleasant and harmonious home environment. This placement is often associated with a deep connection to family and a need for stability in relationships. Individuals with this placement may have a natural talent for decorating and creating a cozy atmosphere. They tend to express their emotions most freely within their family circle. However, they may be selective in their choice of loved ones and exclude those who are too different from themselves. They limit their love to a reassuring home and may tend to become overly attached to material possessions. It's important to remember that true happiness and fulfillment come from deeper connections and emotional security, rather than just external aesthetics. People with this placement are typically optimistic and cheerful and thrive on being surrounded by love and warmth. They are well-suited for creating a happy family environment and have good relationships with all family members. They are skilled at diffusing conflicts before they arise.
It seems that you possess a deep fondness for both your biological family and the family you establish as an adult, as indicated by the placement of Venus. This position suggests that you share a strong bond with your parents, and they have played a positive role in your life. Those with Venus in the fourth house are more likely to hail from a well-to-do family. The fourth house symbolizes not only your immediate family and home but also your ancestors and heritage. Venus in the fourth house is captivated by great-grandparents and all of your ancestors. It is believed that the past holds the answers to contemporary dilemmas. Individuals with Venus in the fourth house are often intrigued by history, archaeology, and ethnology or feel a profound connection with traditions and people of the past and their way of life. Customs and traditions are of great importance to you. You live your life by your family's values, and your principles align with your parents'. With this placement, you tend to be more conservative, and traditional values hold a special place in your heart. A joyous family life is a top priority for you. You may be fortunate in terms of real estate or land ownership. 
Venus in the fourth house also suggests that you are environmentally aware. You put in quite a bit of effort to make your home look appealing. Your aptitude for interior design is revealed by Venus in this position, as you may take great pleasure in decorating your space, be it your bedroom or home, create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones. Spending time at home is crucial to an individual with Venus in the fourth house, and they put in considerable effort to make it inviting and comfortable. 
You are likely drawn to individuals who are clean-cut, traditional, and stable. You seek a long-term relationship rather than a fleeting romance. However, those with this placement typically marry later in life. Emotions play a crucial role in your relationships. You possess intense emotions, and feeling secure and loved is critical for establishing a bond with someone. With Venus in the fourth house, you exude charm and tend to attract partners rather than the other way around. Raising a family with your partner is of great significance to you, and you may have a passion for it. As a cardinal house, the fourth house may also influence your passions and career. With Venus in this position, you may excel as a wedding, party, or event planner, wedding dress designer, interior decorator, house flipper, or jewelry designer.
♡Venus in the 5th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the fifth house possess a deep-seated admiration for sentimental and romantic relationships, as well as emotional attachments that bring them a sense of fulfillment. Their pursuit of love, whether it be a lover, a child, or a work of art, is characterized by an unwavering passion that drives them toward their desires with unwavering determination. They desire to craft something with genuine affection that is truly stunning and leaves an indelible mark on both themselves, as a creator, and the recipients. The act of expressing love is one of the most powerful ways they share a piece of themselves. 
This placement indicates a heightened desire for pleasure and entertainment, which manifests as a strong creative energy and an appreciation for art and beauty. People with Venus in the fifth house are often blessed with natural charm and charisma that makes them attractive to others. However, it is important to balance pleasure with responsibility, as the fifth house also represents happiness, putting one's happiness in the presence of others, love, vices or monetarily luxuries can lead to a shaky and unstable mindset that shifts between optimism and pessimism that depends on what they have and what they don't. It is no surprise that individuals with Venus in their fifth house possess a playful and humorous disposition, making them interesting people who enjoy being the center of attention and entertaining others.
The influence of Venus in the fifth house can enhance one's artistic abilities, such as acting and writing. It is a remarkable combination for producing art since the planet of beauty is situated in the house of creativity. This placement imbues individuals with an imaginative and playful personality, allowing them to go with the flow and exude an appealing quality that draws others towards them. They have a good relationship with their inner child and tend to be childlike and playful, traits that children are naturally attracted to. People with Venus in the fifth house are often skilled at working with children and enjoy nurturing and protecting them.
They usually have an abundance of romantic opportunities as they are very attractive. They value attention and are playful and charming, with plenty of sexual energy. They are drawn to individuals who share their upbeat and fun-loving nature. Hence, this placement suggests that they may have many love affairs. They're attracted to exciting individuals with vibrant personalities, strong creative abilities, and an intense desire for love and pleasure that match their own zest. 
♡Venus in the 6th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the house of Virgo are generally associated with practicality and groundedness. As an earth house, the sixth house prioritizes the pursuit of making a living and facing reality. It is worth noting that health and work are the two central aspects of life that the sixth house focuses on.
For those with Venus in the sixth house, there is a tendency to be detail-oriented and find pleasure in work that encompasses beauty, aesthetics, or creativity. This may manifest as possessing artistic abilities or having a passion for fields such as interior design, fashion, or graphic design. Individuals with this placement possess a keen eye for color, texture, and design and are often drawn to professions that involve helping others, such as healthcare or social work. In essence, Venus in the sixth house indicates a desire for beauty and harmony in the workplace and a commitment to serving others.
Your Venusian signature lies in your ability to be affectionate. You define yourself and your social role through your sensitivity, sense of aesthetics, and ability to be emotive. This often leads to a profession that is directly related to charm, femininity, and art. Ultimately, your place in society and your social function are determined by your ability to seduce, trust your instincts, and your natural preferences.
The distinction between the sixth and tenth houses is crucial to understanding your professional life. The tenth house represents your overall career and life path, while the sixth house represents your job and workplace, where you earn a living and pay your bills. The sixth house is also linked to health, revealing your susceptibility to diseases and what to watch out for. Daily routines that aid in maintaining good health are associated with the sixth house.
Pursuing art and beauty daily is a way of life for those with Venus in the sixth house. Finding beauty in the ordinary is a skill that they possess. Office decorating, interior design, architecture, creating objects of form and function are all areas that can be explored. You possess the ability to bring harmony to the workplace, beauty, and help your coworkers get along. You enjoy providing aid and assistance, which is why those with this placement often work in health or counseling positions, but there are many other jobs where they can indirectly aid others. Collaboration is typically a part of your job.
People with Venus in the sixth house are often conscientious and make excellent employees who are emotionally attached to their work. This placement indicates a job where you spend most of your time in a pleasant work environment. You get along well with your colleagues and are charming, creating a harmonious work environment. Venus in the sixth house makes you popular and well-liked at work, bringing you good fortune in your daily dealings. Your health is excellent, as you prioritize healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, drinking water, and avoiding unhealthy habits. However, if Venus receives difficult aspects, you may be prone to indulging in junk food and other sugary and salty foods.
Success in both work and love often go hand in hand in your life. When you are happy and fulfilled in your job, you radiate happiness, making you more attractive. Those with this placement frequently meet their partners at work, and they may share the same profession or work in the same field. When it comes to matters of the heart, you take a logical approach. You may appear reserved and cold, taking your time to decide if a relationship is right for you. However, once you commit, you are a devoted and caring partner.
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♡Venus in the 7th house♡
The placement of Venus in the seventh house is considered favorable for Venus since it is in her own house, the house of Libra. This placement is believed to bring about a happy marriage and good fortune in relationships. If Venus is not afflicted, then one's spouse is likely to be charming, attractive, and financially well-off. Individuals with this placement tend to perform best when paired up with someone as they dislike being alone. The placement of Venus in the seventh house can reveal valuable insights into an individual's relationships and partnerships. People with this placement are usually highly sociable, possessing an innate charm and charisma that often draws others towards them. Such individuals are quite popular among their peers.
One notable characteristic of individuals with Venus in the 7th house is that their decisions are based more on gut reactions than logical reasoning. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, they tend to feel first and think later. This sensitivity can be a double-edged sword, as it can make them the most charming person in the room when their sensitivity matches that of the other person. However, they can also be vulnerable to unwanted visitors and should approach new relationships with caution.
Regarding romantic relationships, Venus in the 7th house suggests that the individual places great importance on finding a partner with whom they connect on a deep emotional level. They tend to be quite romantic and enjoy expressing their affection towards their partner in various ways. This placement is an excellent sign for a happy marriage, as Venus is here to help them find the person of their dreams and live happily ever after. The spouse is likely to be attractive and charismatic, embodying many of Venus's characteristics. People with Venus in their seventh house have plenty of opportunities to get married.
Individuals with Venus in the 7th house often have a natural talent for public relations or working with the public. They are charming and loving, and the people tend to adore them. They are also well-suited to careers in law or counseling, where their negotiation skills and ability to see the other person's point of view can be put to good use. If Venus is not afflicted, this placement can also bring good luck in legal matters or business partnerships.
However, there is a potential downside to this placement, which is a tendency toward codependency in relationships. Individuals with Venus in the 7th house may struggle to maintain their own sense of identity outside of their partnerships, relying heavily on their partner for emotional support and validation. They value intimacy in their relationships, and emotional bonds are crucial to their sense of well-being. They want a relationship where there is a balance of giving and receiving. Individuals with this placement feel truly loved and worthy only when they are with someone. Finding happiness on their own can be a significant challenge, and they require a sense of belonging to someone. This dependency on others can be a trap, and it can be challenging for them to advocate for themselves in relationships, especially if their Venus is afflicted. To avoid this trap, it is essential for individuals with Venus in the 7th house to cultivate a strong sense of self and learn to advocate for their own needs in their relationships.
♡Venus in the 8th house♡
Your Venus is located in the eighth house, the house of Scorpio, which brings a sense of mystery and allure to your life. You are naturally drawn to hidden things and have a passionate and mysterious personality. This placement indicates that you will benefit greatly from other people in life, especially when it comes to joint resources, inheritance, gifts, and other methods of financial support. However, it also brings intense and transformative experiences in relationships and finances, indicating a strong desire for deep emotional connections and intimacy, while also fearing vulnerability and betrayal. The eighth house represents shared resources and financial gain often enters your life through the finances of others. Relationships help you grow spiritually and financially. Your spouse might leave you a great inheritance.
You have a natural talent for managing resources and investments but need to be careful not to become too possessive or controlling. This placement suggests a need to explore and understand the deeper mysteries of life and love. You have a strong desire to transform other people's sense of beauty and appearance. You should move beyond what the mainstream tells you to like, love, and look like. Shed superficial creativity and notions of beauty and art. Get deep into your creative processes and discover what truly inspires you. You are well-adapted to crises, thrills, wounds, and healings, and your affectivity thrives on contrasts, transformations, and self-questionings. When you explore something you love deeply, you might become so obsessed with it that you let it symbolically (or literally) kill you. People with placements in this house are drawn to mysteries and things that defy logic. You enjoy contemplating everything hidden, and this placement might pique your interest in psychology and spirituality. You are frequently drawn to forensics, detective novels, and horror films. Your ideal way to die would be out of love. 
Venus in Scorpio's house makes you irresistible, but it doesn't guarantee happiness in a relationship. You may struggle to understand emotions and be complete on your own. Your marriage may not last, but when it ends, you will benefit greatly, as you transform and improve after the ending of every vulnerable and intimate connection. In a relationship, you want to share yourself completely and seek your soulmate. You place a high value on intimacy, which may lead to jealousy or possessiveness if you feel hurt or in danger. Sex is an important part of any relationship for you, and you may have numerous kinks and desire to explore your sexuality and limits with a trusted partner. This placement is often fraught with drama, and you may choose the wrong partner for a relationship. Ultimately, you have a strong desire to save and assist others but remember that everyone must first help themselves to solve their problems.
♡Venus in the 9th house♡
This placement of Venus in the ninth is absolutely enchanting, serving as a testament to your positive, bright, and daring spirit. The ninth house has a significant association with the higher self, indicating a deep-rooted interest in spiritual pursuits. When Venus, the planet of love and relationships, is positioned in this house, it points towards an individual who possesses a unique set of values and ethics that they abide by in their daily life. This placement often leads to a preference for partners hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds, with travel being a common means of finding a suitable match.
Your Venus is endlessly inquisitive and constantly seeking out novel experiences, which may account for your profound love of traveling to foreign locations and immersing yourself in different cultures. With Venus situated in the ninth house, it's possible that your significant other hails from a different country or culture, and this placement may also suggest a powerful inclination toward higher education, philosophy, and spirituality. You tend to be drawn to individuals from diverse backgrounds and treasure the values and beliefs that you glean from these encounters. However, it's important to maintain a practical and rational approach to life, even as you embark on the beautiful journey of discovering love as you may lose yourself in absorbing everything in your partner's life, neglecting your own. Your philosophy is rooted in emotions, pleasures, and heartfelt connections, which allow you to explore and excel beyond your limitations. You possess a deep appreciation for wonders, and your emotional life is constantly fueled by exploration and discovery. Your romantic life is akin to a playful game of "love me-love me not," but with exotic flowers instead of daisies. You firmly believe that everything is waiting to be discovered and shared, and you never tire of adding new dimensions to your emotional life.
You possess a natural inclination to explore the world beyond the confines of your hometown. Your passion for adventure, coupled with your desire to experience diverse cultures and religions, is a direct reflection of your Venus placement in the ninth house. Your natural talent for acquiring foreign languages is impressive, and your attraction to individuals of varied backgrounds is quite apparent. You crave the excitement of traveling to exotic destinations, continually seeking to quench your thirst for knowledge and curiosity.
Your sense of independence is highly valued, and you remain open-minded and accepting of others. Should you encounter any constraints, you are not one to remain in a restrictive situation or relationship for long. Education is of utmost importance to you, and you thrive in both formal and informal learning environments. Those with Venus in the ninth house tend to be highly educated and may even pursue careers in teaching with a primary focus on maritime law. Your philosophical interests are strong, and you relish in contemplating life's most profound questions, eagerly engaging in discussions with others.
Higher education and spirituality are two other domains that the ninth house represents, thereby making it likely for individuals with Venus in the ninth house to find their significant other either in college or through spiritual connections. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is closely associated with the ninth house, thereby making it a place of abundant positive energy. Venus, being a sensory planet, absorbs this energy, leading to a favorable outcome in terms of marriage. The type of individuals that one is attracted to is also indicated by Venus, and in the case of Venus in the ninth house, one is attracted to individuals who are well-educated, modern and have a broad-minded perspective. Philosophical connections and a shared ethical value system are highly valued in a partner. In addition to this, the ninth house is also associated with in-laws, and with Venus in the ninth house, it is likely for individuals to share a positive relationship with them.
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♡Venus in the 10th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are bestowed with a plethora of charming and attractive qualities that can prove to be advantageous in their professional lives. This placement brings forth a sense of balance between the energies of Venus and one's career, resulting in the emergence of success and recognition. The Venusian talents of these individuals are predominantly utilized in their vocations, making them popular among colleagues and superiors. Their public image is likely to be good, and they may excel in fields of directive roles in art, beauty, fashion, or entertainment.
However, this placement can sometimes result in a tendency to prioritize social status and material success over emotional fulfillment and inner satisfaction, leading to an imbalance between professional goals and personal values. To ensure a harmonious equilibrium, individuals must strive to strike a balance between the two.
If your vocation is correlated to aesthetics, art, or decoration, your Venusian qualities such as charm, taste, and receptiveness can prove to be valuable assets in maintaining your ambitions. You may become known for your work in the world as an artist or an innovator who rearranges elements into harmonious forms. Additionally, you may also have creative talents that you can be presented through public performances that make an impression on the audience. This placement also highlights the potential for success as an arbitrator or someone who mediates and resolves conflicts in family or work environments.
People with Venus in the 10th house are passionate about their work and think about the long-term, making plans for the future. They value beauty and grace and consider them as assets that help make them feel powerful in life. A smile is considered the most effective weapon for individuals with Venus in the 10th house. Venus brings good fortune and harmony to the house where it resides, making success in career and professional life easier to achieve.
Working with the general public can also lead to good fortune, and this placement brings social success, making one a born diplomat. Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are courteous, kind, and charming with excellent manners. In the eyes of the public, Venus here makes individuals appear charismatic, graceful, and loving. They are well-liked and adored, and their community knows who they are, with overwhelmingly positive impressions of them.
This placement also indicates a preference for playing it safe and following the rules rather than dictating them. Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are usually attractive and well-dressed, and this placement often shows that authorities and bosses favor them, helping them get ahead in life. In terms of love, these individuals tend to choose partners based on logic rather than emotion, carefully considering whether they will be good partners. They are drawn to powerful and accomplished people but also value trustworthiness and accountability. With traditional values, this placement indicates that these individuals may meet their partners at work or in a professional setting and desire, not just a successful partner but also one that adds and support their own success.
♡Venus in the 11th house♡
When Venus is in the eleventh house, it indicates a desire to socialize, make new friends, and be a part of something bigger. You have a fondness for meeting new people, and as a result, you have made many new friends. These friends often help you advance both professionally and personally. There is always someone available to present you with a new opportunity, introduce you to someone, or involve you in a new project.
Having Venus in the eleventh house is a favorable placement for money matters. This house denotes the income one earns from their profession and the things that come into their life. People with this placement have a diverse set of interests and prefer engaging in activities with others. They are likely to be part of organizations or societies that share a common goal or interest, such as those related to art, fashion, diplomacy, and social causes. They enjoy being part of a group and are regarded as socialites or society's darlings. Their relationships are marked by a deep understanding and complicity, which makes them feel like a whole entity. Although this principle can create some challenges, they strive to maintain exemplary relationships. They have artist friends who share their aesthetic sense, and they tend to meet their partners through social groups or organizations. They are natural leaders, and people are drawn to them. They have a large circle of friends, mostly feminine in nature.
Individuals who possess Venus in their eleventh house tend to be highly intelligent and creative. They enjoy questioning conventional methods of doing things and often wonder if there's a better way to accomplish a task. In their journey, they relish meeting like-minded individuals who share their interests. Venus is commonly associated with clubs and organizations in this domain. Being a part of a group where one can meet new people and assist one another is gratifying. These individuals have an extensive network of professional contacts and love the act of volunteering. It's an excellent way to forge new friendships while simultaneously contributing to the betterment of the world. With this placement, there are frequently humanitarian ideals. Venus in the eleventh house corresponds to being tolerant and open-minded. With the planet of harmony, they connect modern values with traditional ones to create unity between people. The eleventh house represents ideals, and Venus implies that these individuals have a plethora of them, to the point of losing touch with reality in their pursuit of a utopian world they envisioned.
Venus represents how one loves and desires to be loved. Its placement is critical when it comes to one's love life. With Venus residing in the house of friendship, one's partner is also their friend. This is a positive position for long-term relationships since both individuals share similar life goals and aspirations. Individuals with Venus in the eleventh house often attract others with their intelligence. A mental connection is significant to them, and they seek someone who thinks like them. If one hasn't found their soulmate yet, getting involved in social activities, volunteering, fundraising, or charity work may help. Spending time with friends is also essential. Often, these individuals become romantically involved with someone who is their friend or someone they met through friends. It's not uncommon to meet a significant other through volunteering or within the same group or organization that one is a part of.
♡Venus in the 12th house♡
When the planet Venus is in residence in the house of Pisces, where it is exalted and its influence is particularly strong. individuals may experience difficulty with self-esteem and connect with others on a deep level. While Jupiter remains the true benefactor in this astrological situation, Venus still offers some level of protection and guidance. However, it is worth noting that the twelfth house can be a challenging and peculiar place for planets to reside, as their energies often feel distant and difficult to access in one's everyday life. It is not uncommon for those with this placement to find themselves drawn to unavailable partners and engaging in secretive relationships. The twelfth house is typically associated with hidden or subconscious issues, which can make it challenging to overcome these patterns of behavior. 
Despite these challenges, individuals with Venus in the twelfth house may possess a strong spiritual or artistic inclination. However, it is essential to remain mindful of self-sabotage and escapism, working towards greater self-awareness and balance in both personal growth and relationships. Love can be a complex and elusive thing for those with this placement, as they may be seeking an unattainable romantic ideal. 
These natives possess a compassionate heart and a desire to help others, which can attract positive energy and support when they need it most. If you were born with Venus in this house, you may be particularly sensitive and introverted, requiring plenty of time alone to reconnect with yourself.
You particularly possess excellent artistic abilities, as you have the potential to explore the mysterious realm of the twelfth house and use it as inspiration in your art, as well as in your daily life. Engaging in art can be a great way to unwind and relax. However, this placement of Venus also indicates that you have many emotions that you either conceal or keep hidden from others. Some potential themes of your artistic expression may include anything from married life to romantic fantasies, as well as exploring the beauty of nature and wildlife. You may also have a fear of sharing your art with others. It is possible for you to have your work displayed in exhibitions, institutions, or other public spaces. Through your art, you can develop your sense of love and embrace your fears by channeling them into creative expression. You may even find that you are drawn to creating spiritually-inspired or devotional art, including paintings of gods and goddesses, phantasms, fictional characters, fan art, and fantasy art. Despite any challenges that you may face, your creativity can flourish and help you to become stronger.
People with Venus in the twelfth house may find themselves in complex emotional situations. They may develop feelings for individuals who are not available due to reasons such as being married, having a family, or being committed to work. Expressing their feelings may not be an option in such cases. Moreover, even if they are in a committed relationship or married, they may find themselves in love with someone else, which can lead to internal conflict. Despite their desire to remain faithful to their partner, suppressing their emotions may prove to be a challenging task. Conversely, these natives might be victims of cheating and being in a relationship that is characterized by a breach of trust, boundaries, and in the worst cases, abuse. Consequently, their love life may be a source of pain, and they may have experienced heartbreak in the past.
Individuals with Venus in the twelfth house are often attracted to those who have experienced significant suffering or are emotionally unstable. They may be drawn to helping them, but it is crucial to remember that they must first help themselves. This placement may also shed light on hidden bad habits related to excessive self-indulgence. Since Venus is associated with pleasure and enjoying life, individuals with this placement may tend to suppress their need for love, which is a basic human need, and instead project it onto behaviors such as overeating, overspending, or denying themselves happiness.
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Bye Babes ❤
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deepmochi · 5 months
SYNASTRY: Venus in the houses (7th-12th) part 2
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Note: Honestly, I had a draft for the 2nd part, but probably I deleted by mistake, or tumblr did it (idk). Maybe, That's why I thought I already posted the 2nd part, but I was wrong.
Part 1 🩷
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♡ Venus in the 7th house ♡
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These couple usually views commitment as all or nothing, are you in or not? They have strong values about true love, and they will follow them. Love is viewed as a contract by their souls or hearts. If they break any aspect proposed, they know it's the end. They can be reflections of themselves either the good or the bad. When the contract is done, it's over. The Venusian sees the house person as a very stable being. They feel safe and prepared for them. These two may live together before the year of knowing each other romantically. The pair just feel ready when it's about commitment. The house natives perceive the Venusian as very "wife/husband" material for them. With this overlay, their personalities blend well and work together. It feels natural for both of you to be close and intimate together. For others is moving too fast, and for them is easy to become intimate with each other. The seventh house person fits well for the planet native. These two feel like it's a soulmate connection, very easy. You’re both drawn to please each other. It's a very strong connection for long-term relationships. It takes time for them to move on if they ever break up. If Venus has bad aspects, it can be a toxic relationship. The reason for this, it's that they prefer to stay together instead of being alone or start something new. Intimate gesture like hugs and someone hand guiding the other. Cooking dates and going out at night the most. "Here, I bought this?";morning texts: " how are you today? My day...." "Can I call you, I miss your voice"; " My mom ask if we can go to her party?" ; "we should go to that restaurant"; Formal clothes; "hey, look me, they don't know how worthy you are". They like to spend time with people they love. Balance. If Venus cooks today, the house will do it tomorrow. Wearing nice clothes and a good perfume to impress the other. Compliments and physical touches, especially kisses in the cheek. Cheesy things like love letters. Having "the song" or the place.
♡ Venus in the 8th house ♡
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These two have a different kind of love. The Venusian feels like the house person bring something in them that they can explain. Sometimes, these people have taboos to share. Death has impact their lives. The house person may become obssess with the planet person. Sex isn't a way emerger together. Usually, they possess the same interest in taboo topics. In the beginning, Venus feels attracted to the house, but it's also scared of them. Their sexual energy is intense. The 8th house person wants to know the Venusian's secrets and fears. Both are possessive, but the house win the round. They detest when their partner don't respect them. Their relationship status will remain a secret for the public eye (in the beginning). They would share many things even traumas (if hardly aspected). The house native will protect the Planet from the world. Sex can be very intimate or aggressive (bsdm stuff). These people will not be the same they were when they met. For them, love is intense and transformational. The house feels that the Venus native is trustworthy, but they need to see their actions. Holding hands during intimate times. During sex they will talk and have intense stares. "I don't like that person, be aware of them", "Here, use this for yourself"; "if you need money, just let me know"; "don't lie to me, I know you are sad"; his/her hand on your thing while eyes are on the road; taking notes of your gestures. They have weird hobbies together and enjoy dark humor too. Moonlight sex and long sessions.
♡ Venus in the 9th house♡
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These individuals perceive love as a new adventure and try to go with the flow. If they're mature, they prefer to maintain a very healthy relationship. Both prefer to travel and know about new places and cultures. Love is not as other say. They may prefer to do things their way. Venusian isn't instantly involve, but they see the house as interesting. For the house native, the planet is nice an attractive, but they will not force things. The house native could be older than the Venusian. The house person likes the planet manners and life vision the most. They see the commitment as an experience. Sometimes, marriage isn't obligatory requirement. They may enjoy walks, museum, and play board games. One could be from another country or have a different culture. Their relationship presents a new chapter in their lives and their families. Besides, they like to engage in intellectual debates, maybe they are into philosophy. If they broke up, they will try to be professional or move on. They can meet later in life after maturing. It's likely that you will work together or in the same environment. Having a child or more is possible, so use protection. "Look at here, we can travel here"; "aww, baby, you were right they declare that"; ["I really want to buy that book" / "baby, you have that book already"]; Saving for vacations; buying esch other souvenirs or antique objects as gifts; reading books and doing a small debates about it; *knowing each other during trips, universities, conferences, cultural events, and religious activities" Buying new editions of books. Love to try new foods or learn about new places together. They could meet while traveling or in college.
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♡ Venus in the 10th house♡
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Coworkers to lover vibes. They are comfy with being mature. Similarly to the previous combo, the house partner is the older one or has more experience. This partner also has more dominant energy. They could meet in different levels. The negative aspect is that they could be very nitpicking and too logical when it comes to love. The planet individual sees the house person as straightforward and mature. Partnership is very important is like a contract. If one of the part broke a part of the deal, it's done. They can work together or met during their carrer path (college, conference). They are straightforward and mature when approaching the other. If badly aspect, it could have a power imbalance (not good). Big egos over emotions, this is the start of arguments. They plan their dates. The planet person accepts that the house individual cares for their image and professional life. The Venusian isn't afraid of being a home stayed wife. Here the Venusian knows and appreciates the house efforts to balance their stability. Nonetheless, the house person must value the venusian support. Doing plans after they leave the work; caring for the other in profesional settings; making food or leaving notes in the stuff *you can do it* in their computer. Making each other feel valuable "Here, i make you favorite food"; let's celebrate your new position"; *making time to luch together*; naming the other whenever they can "I'm grateful for my wife meals and support"; giving gifts and showing their s/o in public. Even thought people think they aren't super romantic, they will try to match things. It could be rings, watches or wearing the same brand. Looking good.
♡ Venus in the 11th house♡
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Love depicts a friend to lover storyline where both care for dreams and humanity. It's very possible that they met when they were helping other people. The Venusian fits the house' s ideal type. They seem more friendlier than other couples. You wouldn't think they were dating. They prefer to joke around, but they love each other. The Venusian share the dreams the house native have for life. It's also likely that they like each other in the future, even if they met since birth. They prefer to have experience with love before settling down. Its common to see them as "I thought they were friends". The Venusian see the house person as humanitarian and very interesting. Stay protected because big family can be a thing. The must clarify about what is a family for both. The house perceives the planet native as beautiful and too much to some people. Together, they will form a very unique pair and family. Regardless Venusian feel the planet as hopeful person. The eleventh house person sees a future with the venusian because they feel understood. Love for the house is independent, and the venusian can see this as as a relief. Making fun of the other in a non hurtful way. "I can't deal with you right now *kiss them*"; "Alexa play Celine one" *grabs the venusian; *hugs their s/o when they're cooking*; being romantic when they're alone; sending spicy texts "come home, I'm ready"; talking about the future; matching devices or wallpapers; a lot of trust, they share passwords. Having the same or similar friends. They like to help. Donating for other people as a hobby or helping to people who need. Dates in the nature. Cleaning beaches, rivers or places.
♡ Venus in the 12th house♡
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Love is simple but blurry. They can't get confused in how they love. The house sees the Venusian see them as the real deal. The planet perceive the house native as too good for them. There are some blurry aspects that they don't understand. When this synastry happens, it can feel too blurry for outsiders. Sometimes, they feel as friends and others as partners. At times, they hide their feelings without realizing or because they don't want to hurt the other. The house may hide their crush for the planet (too well). The Venus feel like the house person hides things for them. The house native don't want to bother the venusian. The house wants to give all they have to the venusian without having a concrete reason (maybe they are friends, but they are their #1 friend). This connection feel very special even divinely guided. The house is very observant with the Venusian Different backgrounds, it's possible that the house person has faith or not. One (usually the venusian) is more intuitive. Venus comes to open the house's eyes to other knowledge. The house will do all they can, so the venusian is happy. They can be soulmates (even non platonic). On the negative side, they don't have good communication because they avoid confronting each other. Both have experience paranormal activity, but only one believes more. The Venus person will try to invite the house to their home (pure opening of their soul). The Venusian can be quite delulu, but the house see it as funny. They met when something is ending for the Venusian. Romantic times, home dates, asking the other about thing carefully, a special vibe around them. *Big smiles and shiny eyes*, "I buy you this; you tell me two months ago around 9pm" "aww thank you", "are you sleeping well?" - "yes" , *astrology or tarot talks* "can you give your birth time?" - "12:34 am" " it was bad?" "No, we match". Talk about paranormal activities like any other topic, special dates, random celebrations, secret spots, discreet dates, spirtual conection, they may understand the other, but can't explain it.
Take what resonates only. 💚
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erosastro · 28 days
Astro observations 💜✨
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💜 Scorpio placements are the types to dish but can’t take. So they’ll be telling you some ish and expect you to take it lightly and laugh but if you do it back to them, they be mad and defensive af😭 and I’ve seen this with so many Scorpio placements it’s insane.
💜Speaking of Scorpio placements, they can be shit talkers too, especially if they have Gemini and Sagittarius placements. Gemini and Sagittarius kind of have that reputation, esp geminis but y’all have no idea how conniving scorpios can be, especially if they feel like they’ve been done wrong/things don’t work out the way they wanted it to.
💜Promise this isn’t a Scorpio roast lol I’ve just been noticing some patterns especially with the whole drake and Kendrick thing 💀
💜the sign you have in your seventh house is who you’ll be naturally drawn to, to some extent your fifth house too (you’d be attracted to them). For example, if you have Pisces seventh house, you’d be attracted to Pisces placements. If you have Capricorn fifth house, you’d be attracted to Capricorn placements. It could also work for the planets in that house. So if you have Sun in seventh in Pisces you could also like Leo placements.
💜Your best friend(s) could either have one or more of your big three in their big three too. For example if you have an Aquarius moon, your best friend could have an Aquarius Sun or Rising. It could even be the exact same placement, so if you have a Virgo moon, your best friend could also have a Virgo moon.
💜Aquarius, Aries and Pisces placements are most likely to experiment with their hair and try wild styles/colours.
💜Saturn in 8th house could mean a delay in intimacy, especially sexual intimacy. It could also indicate a fear of death/losing someone close to them.
💜Chiron in third house can show a difficulty in early learning phases and issues with siblings.
💜Lilith and Pluto in first house come across as very intimidating (they are).
💜Aries and Sagittarius mercuries are some of the most blunt people I’ve ever met.
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💜Let me love some Scorpios a bit because I feel like I’ve done y’all dirty I’m sorry 😭🫶🏽 Scorpios are very protective over their friends. If you mess with someone close to them, you mess with them too.
💜Libra, Aquarius and Leo placements like to take random pictures of everything. Their camera roll is probably filled with sunset pics then a random pic of a fire hydrant.
💜I’m still learning about solar return charts but it’s definitely true what they say about a ninth house stellium. You could plan a trip and travel during that year and also consider furthering your education, especially tertiary education. I’ve already planned a trip and am going to do my honours lol.
💜Gemini and Virgo placements love reading. They’re fr proper bookworms. Ruled by mercury, it’s not surprising that they do.
💜Honestly, Sagittarius placements are some of the most optimistic and happiest people I’ve met. (Yes even mercuries). They’re always looking at the brighter side of things and are more of a “glass half full” type of person. I don’t think I’ve ever met a pessimistic Sagittarius placement person.
💜Ruler of the fourth house in the ninth in your solar return could indicate moving away/out of your house and possibly abroad.
💜I’m sorry but Leo placements cannot take a hint 😭 especially if they’re rejected in some way, they’ll still try their luck and flirt with someone even after they’ve rejected them.
💜Venus in 11th have a lot of their friends that develop a crush on them. They’re alluring and unique and it draws a lot of their friends in.
💜Aquarius, Pisces and Cancer placements LOVE the beach. They feel the best when they’re in the ocean.
💜Right then after a lot of debate, the signs that can really hold a grudge are Cancer placements, Scorpio placements and Libras(yes Libras!! Especially Mars, they’ll be hella passive aggressive).
💜Don’t piss off Aquarius placements. They may be sweet but if you ever piss one off, they’ll act like you don’t exist. Especially Aquarius Moon and Mars.
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thank you for reading!
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lua-magic · 3 months
Tenth lord and your professional life
Tenth house is house of karma and duty, tenth house says alot about the attitude that you will carry towards your work.
While, tenth lord wherever, it sits, that house will bring you professional success.
Let me be clear here, I am mentioning about "Vedic astrology " and morden era has got many jobs, and streams so in my blog I can't specifically tell which stream you can go or opt, because that also depends on your position of your Sun, Saturn and Venus in your chart.
Here, I will discuss how you can attract professional success and attract right career for yourself, so that you will get brief idea how astrology can help you in your professional life as well.
Tenth lord in first house 🏠
First house is you, so your professional success depends on you and your personality, more you work on your personality more successful you become.
Your professional life in your hands, and Only you control it.
Tenth lord in second house 🏠
Second house is of house of finance, so either you can work in financial sector or you can work with your family as well.
Second house is also of communication, so communication would play an important role in professional success.
Tenth lord in third house 🏠
Third house is house of efforts and courage, more efforts you would put in your professional life, more successful you would get
Third House is also of skills, so work on your skills development.
It also shows you can also work with your siblings.
Third house is also of travelling, so choose job that requires traveling.
Tenth lord in fourth house.
Fourth house is your comfort, and also your emotions, such natives can become good psychologists, therapist, psychiatry who understands mind and emotions.
Fourth house is also Home, so either you can work from home, or do some work related to home like real estate, interior decorator.
Tenth lord in fifth house 🏠
Such natives are good in teaching children, so they can go in teaching and education sector.
Fifth house is also of children, so native could work for children.
Fifth house is also of intellect, so such natives are intellectuals and enjoys work that requires intelligence.
Tenth lord in sixth house
Sixth house is of debt, and disease, and eniemies such natives could earn from other's problems, like they could become doctor, healer, lawyer, account.
Virgo is the sign of problem solving, such natives are great problem solver and enjoys work that requires problems solving abilities.
Tenth lord in seventh house 🏠
Seventh house is of partnership, such natives should always work in partnership, or involve your life partner also in your work.
Seventh house is also of public dealings, so such natives are great in dealing with public,.
Tenth lord in eight house 🏠
Eighth house is of secrets, so native can work in sectors that requires secrecy, like spy, Secret services.
Eighth house is also of research, so that can take up research oriented job.
Eighth house is also of occult and astrology
Eighth house also deals with other' s Money, so native can go in investment banking, insurance, banking.
Tenth lord in ninth house 🏠
Ninth house is of divine blessings, so your work has always divine blessings and luck.
Ninth house is of counseling and guidance, so native can work as an counsellor or as a coach.
Tenth lord in tenth house 🏠
Extremely comfortable position for tenth lord in its own house 🏠, such natives can take up any job role that they desire, they would do well in that.
Tenth lord in eleventh house 🏠
Eleventh house is of gains, native would gain alot from his work life
Eleventh house is also your social circle, so you can work with group of people like "co-operative society" . Eleventh house is also of social media and elder siblings so native can work in social media or with elder siblings..
Tenth lord in twelfth house 🏠
It is bit tricky placement, because twelfth House is of looses and transformations, so native could experience, lot of transformations in his/her professional life.
Twelfth house is also of devotion and giving, so you have to be devoted to your professional life without expectations.
Twelfth house is also of spirituality and foreign land, so you can work in spirituality or settle far from your motherland.
If tenth house has Rahu, then you can choose job profile that are unconventional, that no one in your family has done it.
Rahu is your vision, so keep your vision clear and big
If tenth house has ketu, then you need to go in job or service that requires helping others because ketu is liberation, and your job is to liberate people from their pain or problems
Ketu is intent so keep your intentions clear.
If your tenth house has, sun, then you are born leader and you will show way or direction to others..
If your tenth house has Moon, then you could good in cooking or do work related to mind , emotions and psychology .
If your tenth house has Mercury, Mercury is a business man, so you can go in business, or work related to documents, education field is also good for you.
If tenth house has Venus then work related to cosmetics, beauty and luxury would be good for you
If tenth house has Mars, then you have lot of Martian energy within you, and Mars is exalted in tenth house, so any work is good for you, you are good multi-tasker and a logical person, so any field that requires logic like engineering will good, Mars is also land, so land related jobs are also good, Mars is also security so Mars makes good police, army and security .
Jupiter in tenth house makes great counsllor and guide.
Jupiter is also spirituality and religion, so such person can go in spirituality as well
Saturn in tenth house, is exalted and its own sign, Saturn is planet that loves to serve others, so here you need to take your job as a service, and a way to serve others, even when you are at high position, don't act like boss and command others infact do all the work by yourself, because Saturn gets satisfied only when people below them are happy..
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vivmaek · 7 months
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ANNUAL PROFECTION YEARS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TIME LORDS Click here to calculate your annual profections. (Note that the chart portrays traditional rulership.)
Time lords and their relationship to the profection year they occupy reveal themes for the year ahead. There are going to be three posts for this series. I am covering houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 within this first post.
Planetary Lords Sun - Leo  Moon - Cancer  Mercury - Gemini, Virgo  Mars - Aries Venus - Libra, Taurus  Jupiter - Sagittarius  Saturn - Capricorn  Uranus - Aquarius  Neptune - Pisces  Pluto - Scorpio 
Sun ☉
First House - All eyes are going to be on you this year. This is a time in which you’re going to be shining brightly, you’ll look radiant. Your sense of creativity is going to be heightened and joy will be easy to come by. You will step into a sense of self expression that is authentic and true to yourself. This is going to attract a lot of attention and you will receive a lot of positive reinforcement. 
Fourth House - You’re going to be shining a light on home and family. Your roots and where you came from are important themes for the year. Your relationship with your father will be significant. You will find a lot of happiness within the domestic sphere. Your foundations will serve as a source of inspiration. 
Seventh House - You will find a lot of happiness within one-on-one relationships this year. Your confidence will attract suitors and will help you establish healthy boundaries. The image of your partnership will be important to you. Your love life will attract attention. If you have a best friend or romantic companion, you will both shine brightly when together. Important relationships will serve as a source of inspiration and creativity.  
Tenth House - You are going to make a positive reputation for yourself this year. Your public image will receive a lot of attention and you will be incredibly popular. This is a good year for career advancement and recognition. Your superiors are going to be fond of you and will be pleased with the results that you deliver. You might become famous, or at the very least, elevate your status in some significant way. 
Moon ☽
First House - This will be a mellow year. You’ll feel more in touch with your emotions than you have in the past. Because of this, you’ll find yourself retreating into the safety and comfort of your home. Surrounded by the people and things that you love, you’ll nurture yourself and discover new aspects of your identity that are deserving of love and attention. Connecting with your roots, and with the person you once were will be another major theme within the year. A true full circle moment. 
Fourth House - You will find a lot of comfort and emotional fulfillment this year. Your family is more important than ever, especially your relationship with your mother. You are going to take the time to nurture yourself and your loved ones. You will participate in many domestic activities and hobbies. Self-care is an important theme for the year, and you are going to master this. 
Seventh House - You will enter a deeply intimate partnership. The emotions of you and this other person will blend together and you will feel like they complete you. Co-dependency might present itself as a challenge this year. They will help you heal your inner child. And through this partnership, you will explore your inner world. 
Tenth House - You are going to start structuring your long term goals around your emotional needs. Your sense of structure is not stable during this time. You might gain a reputation for being emotional. People will start to look to you as a mother figure of sorts. You will take on a leadership position and will guide others through compassion and empathy. Your sensitive nature will become publicly known. 
Mercury ☿
First House - You are going to feel the need to restructure your life. Maybe you’ve been overlooking certain details that need tending too. The phrase, “How you spend your days is how you spend your life,” certainly applies here. You might invoke new routines into your daily life that will alter your sense of identity or appearance. You’ll take a closer look at your health and will take on a more organized approach when taking care of yourself. 
Fourth House - You are going to feel a need to know more about your family and roots. You might begin studying your ancestry or the culture that you were born into. You will make many short trips in an effort to visit your loved ones. Your family will keep you busy, and you will be communicating a lot more frequently with them. You will establish better routines for self care. Taking the time to process your childhood and where you came from are important themes for the year.  
Seventh House - You will think a lot about what you desire from relationships this year. Your approach to partnerships is going to be more methodical than it is emotional. You can expect a lot of short trips with another person. Your communication skills will grow and you will find it easy to express yourself towards the significant people in your life. 
Tenth House - Your career is going to keep you busy this year. You are taking on an organized approach when establishing long-term goals. You’ll be hard to get a hold of and will gain a reputation for always being on the go. Your sense of intelligence and wit will gain recognition and your skills in multitasking will be appreciated by your superiors. You’ll be receiving lots of emails, and there will be many meetings to attend. 
Venus ♀
First House - It’s time for a glow up! But seriously though, you’re going to feel more beautiful than ever. Your life will feel balanced and you’re going to participate in many social engagements. Romance is in the air and you will develop a deep love for another person, or maybe even yourself. Don’t be afraid to give into indulgence. 
Fourth House - Your love for home and family will be amplified this year. You will find a lot of pleasure within the domestic sphere. You might redecorate your personal space, making it more well suited to your tastes. You might find a lot of enjoyment in cooking or baking. You’ll host comfy social gatherings and you’ll use self care to amplify your beauty. 
Seventh House - If you’ve been searching for love, this is the year you will find it. This will be an incredibly pleasant time within your life. Romance will be easy to come by and you might start a significant partnership. Your relationships with others will feel balanced and you feel an immense sense of satisfaction. 
Tenth House - You will gain a favorable reputation over the course of this year. The public will be enchanted by your beauty and social grace. You might start making more money within your career. You will establish long term goals in order to provide for yourself. Beginning a romantic relationship within the workplace is a possibility. 
Mars ♂
First House - You’re the boss this year. Your sense of drive will be strong and your ambition will reach new heights. You’ll be taking a lot of action and maybe some risks. The Emperor archetype from tarot comes to mind when thinking about this specific profection year. You might bulldoze over a few people to get what you want. Struggles with anger and impatience will be present this year. 
Fourth House - Unresolved tensions surrounding family are going to arise this year. Your home life will feel chaotic and restless. On an emotional level, you will feel angry. During this time, it would be beneficial to embrace these feelings rather than brush them off. Completely rejecting your roots could lead to further frustration. 
Seventh House - During this year, you might feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells. Your relationship with others will feel tense, and will require action on your part if you want to see changes. People may irritate you more than usual and you could find yourself getting into arguments. Practice patience and try to understand how your sense of passion or level of energy is affecting your relationships. 
Tenth House - You will be taking major action within your career this year. You want to see change and are unafraid to make this for yourself. Your decisive nature is going to impress others and people will begin to look to you as a leader. Your sense of energy and ambition will seem endless. You might upset a couple of people during the pursuit of your goals, but this will not slow you down in the slightest. You also might run into issues with your superiors and might not appreciate being told what to do. 
Jupiter ♃
First House - You’ll feel optimistic this year. Your perspective is limitless and you’ll take on new ideas that will change the way you view yourself. Being open minded is going to take you to new places. You might travel and embrace the culture of a foreign country as if it were your own. You’ll witness a lot of growth within yourself and will feel a general sense of happiness. You might find yourself wearing more jewelry, or will feel a need to adorn yourself. 
Fourth House - Your home or family might expand in some way. You might move far away and find that you're more comfortable there in comparison to the place in which you grew up. On an emotional level, you will feel satisfied with your life. Exploring your roots and ancestry will be of interest. You will take on a more philosophical approach when it comes to self care.  
Seventh House - Your relationships will see a lot of positive growth over the course of this year. Remaining open-minded is important during this year, otherwise you might overlook people who you’d find happiness with. You might meet people who will serve a beneficial purpose within your life path. Finding luck within a partnership will be easy. Your relationships will also bring forth a lot of opportunities into your life. 
Tenth House - This will be an excellent year for your career. There is a good chance you will get a raise or make a career change resulting in greater income. Your superiors are going to favor you and will give you special treatment. You’ll make a lot of lucky breaks and you’ll feel as though you are on the right path. The long term goals you set for yourself now will serve to be incredibly beneficial as you proceed into the future. 
Saturn ♄
First House - During the course of this year you will set long term goals that will become a part of your identity. For example, you decide to go to grad school and go on to become a professor. These goals are important to who you are and you will showcase great discipline to achieve the results you desire. You will face a lot of hard work and will take on a lot of responsibility. 
Fourth House - You’ll be turning a lot of your focus and dedication towards the domestic sphere this year. You might become a homeowner, or take on some sort of great responsibility such as signing a lease. A commitment to family is an important theme for the year. You will build your foundations and strengthen your roots. Taking self care seriously will be beneficial and will help you attain your goals. 
Seventh House - You will make serious commitments to another person this year. You will set long term goals within your relationships and will make important decisions. Your partnerships will come with a deep level of responsibility and you will take these people seriously. You will also establish important boundaries within these relationships. 
Tenth House - You will be putting in a lot of work this year. Your ambitions and goals will be all that you think about. You will gain a reputation for being an incredibly hard worker. Your superiors will think that you are dependable and will trust you. Your status will be solidified by the end of the year and your public image will be favorable. You will make significant progress within your career but won’t realize this until the year passes. 
Uranus ♅
First House - Your sense of identity and the ways in which you portray yourself will change in unexpected ways this year. You’re going to want to try something new with your look. You’ll feel a bit rebellious and will want to break standards you’ve set for yourself. You might express yourself more on the internet. 
Fourth House - You might make an unexpected move this year. Even if you don’t move, an unexpected event will take place in the home. For example, Your pipes might burst and flood your apartment. You will be able to find innovative solutions to these challenges. You might start to feel disconnected from your roots and family and will desire independence from them. If you live in a suffocating environment, you will break free by the end of the year. 
Seventh House - Unexpected changes within your partnerships may take place this year. A breakup of sorts might happen. You will find yourself more independent than you were at the start of the year. You are desiring freedom within your relationships and want to seek out something new. You might feel at odds and disconnected from your partner. 
Tenth House - An unexpected event will occur within your career this year. Perhaps you may lose your job, or maybe an opportunity doesn’t turn out to be what you thought it was. Either way, you will be able to manage these challenges. You are being pushed to find freedom within your career. Your superiors might find you to be rebellious and difficult to understand. You will go against authority and will gain a reputation for being defiant. Your unorthodox approaches will gain attention. 
Neptune ♆
First House - Your perspective if going to take on a spiritual focus. Expressing compassion towards others comes easy. You’ll feel more intuitive than ever. You will find yourself daydreaming about the future ahead of you and who you wish to become. People might think you’re acting a bit spacey. You might attract people who seek healing. 
Fourth House - Some confusion regarding your childhood or family might be present this year. You might start to remember repressed memories. At home, you will find yourself lost within a world of fantasy. You will incorporate spiritual practices into the domestic sphere. You will spend a lot of your time trying to understand your own emotions. You might withdraw during this year and start to isolate yourself. 
Seventh House - This is an incredibly idealistic point in time for you, so be careful. You might begin a relationship that feels destined to last. This could be the case, but it is also possible that this person will just be one of many. You will feel intuitively connected to this person and distinguishing between your perspective and theirs will become challenging. Healing yourself through relationships is an important theme for the year. 
Tenth House - You will feel confused about the direction you want to take your life in. It will be hard to establish long term goals during this time. It is best to go with the flow. Your superiors might try to take advantage of you. You might participate in volunteer work and will find satisfaction from being in service to others. You will gain a reputation for being compassionate. 
Pluto ♇
First House - Whoever you were in the past is going to die so you can then take on a new identity. This might feel like a turbulent year and the changes you see occurring within yourself will feel painful. You will mourn the person you were, or maybe the life you once had. But as you embrace this new version of yourself, you will find that you are a stronger person and will feel incredibly powerful. 
Fourth House - Childhood trauma is a major theme for the year. The ways in which you perceive your family and roots will radically transform by the end of the year. This will be a painful process and it will feel incredibly uncomfortable at times. You need to heal your inner child, and you will do this through the development of self care. You’ll feel intensely connected to your emotions and will begin to rebuild your foundations from the ground up. 
Seventh House - Radical changes are going to take place within your relationships. You and your partner might end the relationship, or maybe you’ll take your commitment to the next level. Either way, your partnership with this person is going to look drastically different by the end of this year. Subconscious patterns are going to emerge and will affect your behavior within partnerships. You might feel paranoid and distrustful of others. 
Tenth House - You will witness major changes within your career during this year. Issues regarding power and control may be present. Your superiors may try to sabotage you in some way. It is important to move in silence. Keeping your goals and long term plans to yourself is the best course of action. You will gain a reputation for being intense and obsessive. You might feel over-sexualized by the public. 
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neptunianmuse · 8 months
Spouse in D1 Chart✨
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Look at your d1 Vedic chart. Check where your 7th house ruler is. Here is a list of the signs and their rulers if you’re not sure !! Aries/Scorpio: Mars Taurus/Libra: Venus Gemini/Virgo: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Sagittarius/Pisces: Jupiter Capricorn/Aquarius: Saturn  I'm gonna try to describe each placement to the best of my ability. This is just from what I've learned over time and some placements I just pieced together to figure out its meaning.
In The Houses
Seventh House ruler in the First House: Your spouse may be very attractive and confident, with prominent facial features, like a defined jawline or nose. They have a very assertive and demanding vibe. Athletic. You might meet them at a fashion show, the gym, or on a walk. They might be popular among their group.
Seventh House ruler in the Second House: Your spouse might have a very classic style, wear earthy tones, or have expensive taste. They can also be financially stable. Realistic. Committed. You might meet them at work if you work in a business-related field, at family gatherings like your cousin or family member might pyo with them (this is an observation I'm not 100% sure), or a bank.
Seventh House ruler in the Third House: Your spouse might have a youthful appearance/ look younger than their age. Or they can be actually younger than you or they act immature. Jovial. Smart. Communicative. You might meet them at school, on a road trip, or when you go on a short trip somewhere (not overseas), online. The third house rules over siblings so you might get to know them through siblings or they can be your sibling's friend.
Seventh House ruler Fourth House: Your spouse will have a very nurturing and comforting appearance. Your spouse will be a softy and approachable. They could be the person people go to for everything. They have a very warm personality. You could meet them anywhere home-related, Or a place you go to that brings you comfort. It can be an arranged marriage if that's something popular in your culture.
Seventh House ruler in the Fifth House: Your spouse could be very fashionable or enjoy fashion/art-related stuff. Very creative. Very playful vibe about them. Might enjoy same hobbies. Attractive. They could be egotistical too but not always. You could meet them at a concert, theatre, art exhibit, party, at a club. It could also be Clubs you join, literally anywhere where you pursue your hobbies.
Seventh House ruler in the Sixth House: Your spouse can be somewhere who cares about their health and physique a lot. Very organized person. Someone who has an established daily routine. Very Good hygiene. You might meet them where you work, at fitness centers, or anywhere health-related. Like a hospital perhaps. Could meet them while you're doing your daily routine, like if you go to the store every day you might meet them there.
Seventh House ruler in the Seventh House: Your spouse can have a proportionate body or a symmetrical face. Attractive spouse. Hates unfairness. Well dressed. Sophisticated vibe. Graceful. Timeless Style. Very charming. Nice Smile. Straight teeth. You can meet them in a place that's aesthetically pleasing. Weddings. Social gatherings. Elegant place. Art Gallery. Through a mutual friend.
Seventh House ruler in the Eighth House: Your spouse will have a very Intense and magnetic appearance. They might attract obsessed people, but they also might be obsessive themselves. Alluring. Captivating eyes. Mysterious. They can be attracted to the occult. You can meet them in places related to money or investments. Anywhere spiritual related. A funeral maybe? that's like the worst place to meet someone. Or at a cemetery.
Seventh House ruler in the Ninth House: Your spouse will be very philosophical. They can have big facial features, like a big nose or forehead. They might have more than one cultural background. Also can mean they're foreign. Adventurous. Can speak more than one language. You might meet them at college/university or while traveling. They are open-minded and love to learn about other cultures. They can have the same spiritual/religious beliefs as you.
Seventh House ruler in the Tenth House: Your spouse will be very career-oriented. They look very professional. Very Ambitious. Responsible. You might meet them at career-related things, maybe like a career fair, In public, or networking events. They can work as a manager or in a leadership position. They care about their public image. Could be Famous.
Seventh House ruler in the Eleventh House: Your spouse can be a very friendly person. They might have a lot of friends. A social butterfly. They are approachable people. Always smiling, they also have a warm smile. You can meet them at places where you're doing group activities, online, or community service, you can also meet them through friends. They might also be part of your friend group. Friends to lovers trope.
Seventh House ruler in the Twelfth House: Your spouse will look very dreamy. Their eyes might look like a Disney character. Very ethereal appearance. They can be spiritual or interested in spirituality. They can look like sirens/have siren qualities, they're very alluring and attract people because of it. You can meet them near bodies of water. You can also meet them when you're doing meditation/yoga. While you're going through your spiritual awakening. They can be foreign and/or different religion than you.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
7th Lord in All Houses [ Spouse/Marriage, Partnerships & Public ]
Part 1 .. { Vedic Astrology }
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the 7th House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 7th House is Ruled By Libra & Its Lord is Venus which is in 8th House thus Your [ 7th Lord is in the 8th House. ] "
7th Lord in 1st House
Here, the focus is on you when it comes to partnerships, and it all depends on the characteristics of your 7th lord. If you have a malefic planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu[North Node], or Ketu[South Node] as the lord of your 7th house, and it is positioned in the 1st house, it can be quite challenging. In this situation, you may become a bit selfish, prioritizing your own interests over your spouse's. Partnership and marriage hold great significance for you, as you always seek companionship. You don't want to be alone, and you constantly attract new people into your life whenever you need them. So, how do you find your ideal partner?
Typically, you actively search for your spouse, either by physically going out and meeting new people or by utilizing online dating platforms. Through these means, you take control of your desire to find a partner. You are a diligent individual who puts in hard work, whether it's in finding a spouse or running a business. You dedicate your full attention to the task at hand. However, you can be quite demanding of your spouse. With the seventh lord in the first house, you possess a passionate nature. You have an intense desire to have a partner, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You are a savvy businessperson, making you highly entrepreneurial. However, you may find it challenging to work well with others, so it's likely better for you to work for yourself.
When the 7th lord is positioned in the 1st house, there can be potential business issues within partnerships. However, despite these challenges, there are certain factors that can help maintain a strong relationship. One important aspect is the shared background and similar origins between partners. Coming from the same area or having a similar cultural background can create a sense of unity and understanding. Additionally, building a home together and living under the same roof becomes a top priority, emphasizing the importance of creating a stable and nurturing environment.
It is natural to desire someone who will be there for you and provide support. However, this can sometimes lead to a slight selfishness, as the focus shifts towards personal enjoyment and security. When the 7th lord is a benefic planet like Venus, Moon, Jupiter, or Mercury in the 1st house, it can enhance cooperation, but there may still be a playful tendency present. On the flip side, there is a possibility of being manipulative, rude, and engaging in mind games with your spouse. This behavior poses a genuine threat to the relationship and should be approached with caution. Matters such as joint bank accounts, tax issues, inheritance, and purchasing a house together can become particularly challenging when the 7th lord is in the 1st house.
Interestingly, I have observed that individuals with this placement often live in their partner's property without actually owning it jointly. Negotiating these financial factors requires careful consideration, and sometimes the involvement of in-laws from either side can further complicate the situation. Without trust, genuine sharing, and openness, the relationship can quickly disintegrate. It is important to address any minor health issues that may arise for either partner, as they can potentially escalate into major crises that threaten the stability of the relationship.
7th Lord in 2nd House
When the 7th lord enters the 2nd house, you may find yourself torn between multiple relationships or constantly delaying the decision of choosing the perfect spouse for yourself. However, if this placement is well-aspected, you can expect to experience significant financial gains and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Your financial security is closely tied to your marriage, and this placement also enhances your sensuality, making you a passionate and pleasure-seeking individual. Interestingly, you may even meet your future spouse through activities related to the second house, such as dining out or within your close-knit family circle. These early environments and experiences play a significant role in shaping your potential partner.
It is crucial for you to have a strong financial bond with your spouse, as financial security holds great importance to you. You are not willing to enter into any relationship that lacks financial stability, as the mere thought of an uncertain financial future can be quite daunting. It is quite likely that you will find yourself drawn to crisis situations, either by working in professions that deal with them or by attracting a spouse who is involved in such fields. This may include professions like doctors, nurses, counselors, psychotherapists, astrologers, or individuals who work with people going through challenging times.
To safeguard the marriage when the seventh lord is in the second house, engaging in creative activities, sharing hobbies, or learning together is key. These activities will help maintain the relationship. On the other hand, threats to the marriage include traveling to foreign lands separately or pursuing higher education individually. Sometimes, even gurus, teachers, or mentors can negatively impact the relationship.
In order to strengthen the relationship, it is important to involve either your or your spouse's father in a supportive role. Harmony with the father is crucial. Building wealth together and focusing on material growth are essential for the relationship to thrive. Without a sense of material progress, the relationship may struggle. This placement is excellent for business endeavors.
7th Lord in 3rd House
When the 7th lord enters the 3rd house, things can get a little tricky. This house is associated with Mars, making it a competitive and challenging environment, which may not always be conducive to intimate relationships. One thing to watch out for is potential issues with your children or the children in your life, especially your sons.
Interestingly, there is a strong karmic and spiritual connection between you and your partner. You are likely to meet your potential spouse while traveling, studying, pursuing higher education, or in the presence of a guru, teacher, or mentor. These are the environments where you are most likely to find your significant other. The key to a successful relationship in this case is to share a deep spiritual bond. It is important for both of you to have similar philosophies, moral values, and religious beliefs, as this will strengthen your connection. If not, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise.
Interestingly, the people who serve you as subordinates or employees in your home or workplace can actually benefit your relationship. They will help protect the reputation of your relationship, and even having pets together can bring you closer. Engaging in fitness and health activities together can also help solidify your relationship. In fact, you may even meet a potential spouse while participating in these activities. Additionally, younger siblings may play a role in introducing you to a potential partner, as the 3rd house is associated with them.
Even when you are traveling, especially in foreign lands, there is a possibility of meeting a spouse. The deepest desire when the 7th lord is in the 3rd house is to find someone who shares your philosophical understanding and deep religious wisdom. Ultimately, you strive to be dharmic and do the right thing, regardless of how things turn out. When the 7th lord is in the 3rd house, the main threat to the marriage or partnership is the interference of work and career. It's crucial not to mix personal and professional life by discussing your spouse at work. Keeping your relationship private can prevent any potential issues from arising in your career.
Avoid mentioning your partner in any work-related conversations to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. By following this advice, you can ensure a harmonious and spiritually fulfilling relationship. This placement is particularly beneficial for business individuals, as the 3rd house signifies competition, negotiation, and sales. Those with this placement may excel in sales roles and could find success in foreign markets.
7th Lord in 4th House
When the 7th Lord resides in the 4th house, it signifies that your spouse is somehow influenced by you. You possess a talent for subtly guiding your spouse to look up to you. This doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. In fact, it often results in having a loyal and obedient partner who craves deep emotional security. Your spouse sees you as an authoritative figure and respects you. This dynamic may seem a bit unconventional in terms of gender roles, but it's the reality of the situation. This placement also indicates that you are intelligent and well-organized. It's a great position for those in business, as it enhances your skills and talents, allowing you to excel in your career.
Your ultimate goal is to achieve recognition, success, and status. You are driven and ambitious, and you are likely to attract a spouse who shares these qualities. You are a hard worker and appreciate a partner who is equally dedicated. Chances are, you will meet your spouse while working, regardless of the setting - be it at home, in the office, or elsewhere. One of the key factors that helps you both maintain a strong relationship is venturing into business together. I've witnessed firsthand how this can be an excellent way to nurture and sustain your bond. Engaging in any form of bartering, buying, selling, or simply being in the company of others can often have a positive impact on your relationship.
However, it's important to note that trust and sharing play a crucial role. While some relationships can endure with minimal trust and sharing, this dynamic won't work in this particular scenario. The potential threat to your relationship lies in the influence of social circles, organizations, societies, and even friendships. These external factors can pose a risk to the harmony between you and your spouse. On a different note, a special blessing that arises from this situation is the opportunity to prioritize fitness and healthy eating together, which can work wonders for your relationship.
Nevertheless, if there are any negative aspects at play, you might unintentionally put excessive pressure on your spouse to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This could potentially lead to conflicts, so it's important to be mindful of this dynamic.
...Stay Tuned For Part 2...
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iireneleee · 1 year
astrology observation pt. 2
- im not a professional astrologer so please don’t take this post too seriously :) -
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i notice that leo moons are really good at following instructions like they just get it
people who have venus conjunct mars in their natal chart tend to do sports including dance (and most of them are really passionate about it) they’re also the type to take PE very seriously HAHAH
sagittarius mars are the people that talk back to everyone and anyone without fear. i know many sagittarius mars natives that talk back to their parents, even their dads. they are always ready to risk everything during an argument.
knowing your charts sign ruler (sorry my bad idk the proper name for it :( 🫶🫂) is really important, I realise that people tend to relate to that certain sign more than anything. — the way you find out your chart ruler is by using your ascendant sign. example, my rising sign is in virgo. virgo rules mercury and my mercury sign is taurus hence taurus is my chart ruler. another example, rising in libra. libra is ruled by venus hence check your venus sign and whatever sign it is in is your sign ruler ~ leo > sun cancer > moon gemini + virgo > mercury aries > mars taurus + libra > venus sagittarius > jupiter capricorn > saturn uranus > aquarius neptune > pisces pluto > scorpio
those with mercury in eighth house either LOVE to flirt with others or LOVE when people flirt with them or both hehe…
whenever i have composite mercury in taurus with someone, our convos are great most of the time but when it’s just the two of us in a room hanging out and talking, it is super awk… idk why — composite
composite mercury in aries makes talking a very big part of the relationship and both talk to one another with A LOT of enthusiasm, they both become really hyper whenever they speak to one another — composite
the synastry overlay where venus is in the seventh house is overhyped i know, but it’s one of my fav overlays fr fr . the house person really enjoys expressing their love to the venus person + they find it very natural and do it instinctively. the house person also tends to like getting reactions out of the venus person and somehow they think flirting with them gets the best reactions out of the venus person HAHAH super cute — synastry
virgo moons are very calculating with their money, they tend to be those who don’t overspend and whenever they’re out with someone who overspends or is planning to do so, they’re the type to advice them otherwise HAHA
i know this is very heavily talked about + cliché but having your ascendant conjunct someone’s venus really makes the venus person think the ascendant person is good looking. honestly this placement is really cute because sometimes the ascendant person also thinks the venus person is good looking so idk it’s just cute hehe
I think having sag moon in composite makes the two very attracted to one another when they first met. not necessarily attracted to physics but maybe one another’s behaviour. I had this placement with a close friend of mine and it’s funny how we both questioned one another’s behaviours when we saw each other hence because of that we wanted to get to know one another LOL — composite
taurus moons have very weird or unique hobbies LOL idk maybe it’s just the taurus moons i know HAHAHA
made by: @iireneleee
hope you enjoyed this observation and found it at least somewhat accurate or relatable hehe :))
also do remember these observations may not be accurate for you guys as im not a professional astrologer so don’t take it too seriously💕💕
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iren-n-ire · 6 months
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏𝟕
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If you had a conflict (fight, misunderstanding et.al) with a person who has Lucifer 7h, honey don't expect them to say sorry that fast and if they did (I bet they imagine you doing it like in shows or comics where a character is imagining a moment of supremacy), trust me there's a bitterness to it lol
Juno in the second house is like Taurus in the seventh house, they want their ideal I.T BOY or GIRL to be spoiling them with wealth or material things and don't forget that they must also be good looking.
A person who has Lucifer 7h indeed simps for Lucifer lol, it's a plus to them if their suitors has Lucifer's qualities or vibes. Overall, their type embodies his aura
Is it just me or fire signs (especially Scorpio) has a thing for breaking things or relationship. It satisfies me in some way (for e.g. burning paper, throwing stuffs, deleting people in my life) lol like some sort of refreshment hahaha
Neptune in the third house, siblings have psychic abilities or a member of the occult and so does their neighbors.
Me and my siblings all have it, I feel sorry for our occult community because some imbecile witches who use magick for evil purposes are a disgrace, that includes are neighbors and they are using for income and to feed their jealousy. Witches like them don't deserve to be a part of the community.
Asmodeus in the eight house, the champion of freaks lol but they hide it still. They don't mind exploration in the bedroom, I think if they are in the medical field, they can be a segg therapist, researcher et.al.
Saturn and Pluto dominants really said to them by the Universe to learn it the hard way 💀
People whose chart ruler is Saturn or Pluto is like a neverending test of patience 💀
I can say that as a Native with Saturn in the eighth house, I want my chaos to be in order lol
Meanwhile if your Gemini is also in eight house like mine, I enjoy the Chaos is some way lol. The people who enjoys playing with fire and it's a bonus if your Venus is here too.
Asmodeus Gemini, if you want someone playful in the bedroom then this is it, booster if it's also in the eighth house (also if Eros asteroid here or in the seventh house)
Leo in the big 3, degrees, or stellium, are you like me who loves to play king, queen, empress, emperor or in short, you're a ruler when you were little?
Neptune in the third house natives definitely love playing fantasy in their head, when they were still a little child, their favorite character maybe also Ariel xD cause I do (Sleeping Beauty too xD)
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raedas · 4 months
where in the locked tomb universe are we?
or: a tentative guide to the solar system in the locked tomb and which houses go where :)
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[id: a diagram of the solar system, including pluto, with additional white text overlaid over each body. the sun is labeled dominicus, mercury is labeled the sixth, venus is the seventh, earth is the first, mars is the second, jupiter is the third, saturn is the fifth, uranus is the fourth, neptune is the eight, and pluto is the ninth. /end id]
note: i'm pretty sure people have put together similar analyses before, but i wanted to try my own hand at it! and please feel free to share if you disagree with me on anything & your own evidence and thoughts <3
evidence & analysis under the cut!
okay, this one is pretty much just a freebie. if you didn't know that the ninth house was on pluto, then, uh... sorry! i'm not going to exhaustively go through all the evidence for this one, but some things that stick out are the cold, gideon's awe at how close the first house is to the sun, and the fact that it's the "ninth" to begin with—the house that wasn't really meant to exist, perfectly in line with the planet that isn't really a planet THE FIRST HOUSE:
this one is given to us just as much, if not moreso, than the ninth. with that in mind, i'm just going to do a quick run through of the evidence that the first house is earth: it's very blue and covered in water, there are ruins of civilization, it's "the first", so on and so forth. home, sweet home :)
Then he said, "The sun has stabilized. Hope the Sixth House didn't get cooked in the flare." (Harrow the Ninth, 490)
this line is pretty much the entire selling point for the sixth being on mercury, the closest planet to the sun! (until they run away to the other side of the universe, that is)
There were other planets that made their homelands closer to the burning star of Dominicus--the Seventh and Sixth, for instance--but to Gideon they could not imaginably be anything else than 100 percent on fire. (Gideon the Ninth, 67)
the implication here is fairly obvious: the seventh and sixth are on venus and mercury, or vice versa. thankfully, since we have the sixth squared away as mercury, it's pretty obvious that the seventh is located on venus
BONUS MYTHOLOGY FACT: venus is the roman goddess of beauty! (also known by her greek name, aphrodite). "seven for beauty that blossoms and dies", huh?
"I squeal so long and so loud that they hear me from the Eighth." (Gideon the Ninth, 26)
while this line is obvious hyperbole, to me it implies one of two things: either the eighth is the farthest planet from the ninth, or it's right next to them. and since we know that mercury already has its hands full with sixth house, i think it's safe to assume that the eighth is on neptune, the ninth's next door neighbor :)
"We went through the same shitty questions of what to do. What about the Mars installation, what about the fusion batteries?" (Nona the Ninth, 74)
john helpfully offers this tidbit to us when he's recounting everything that happened leading up to the apocalypse to harrow. i think it says a lot that there was a mars installation even before the apocalypse properly hit, and it makes sense that said installation would eventually become a proper House, with a capital H
BONUS MYTHOLOGY FACT: mars is the roman god of warfare (known in greek as ares)! looks at the second house and how closely they're associated the cohort... yeah, i think that speaks for itself
"I thought we'd end up on the Third or the Fifth, or a sweet space station, or something." (Gideon the Ninth, 56)
"We are not becoming an appendix of the Third or Fifth Houses," continued the necromancer opposite." (Gideon the Ninth, 58)
okay, here's this bit where things begin to get a bit hairy. repeatedly throughout the books, we're told about how the third and fifth are the two "big" houses. harrow's scared of them and worried they'll make the ninth one of their appendixes, gideon originally thinks the entire lyctoral meeting will be on one of their planets, so on and so forth. with that in mind, it really isn't that much of a stretch to think they'd be situated on the two giants in our solar system: jupiter and saturn. we'll come back in a moment to sort out which is which!
aaaand uranus is the only planet left! congrats, fourth!
"Naturally [Isaac] is Pent's protégé. I hear the Fifth takes special pains with the Fourth... hegemonic pains, some may say." (Gideon the Ninth, 170)
from this quote, as well as the whole of jeannemary & isaac's relationship with magnus & abigail, we can surmise that the fourth house is very close to the fifth house (hegemonic though it may be). it's reasonable that that metaphorical proximity is reflecting (or caused by) something else: physical proximity. with that, i think it's fairly safe to assume that the fifth is on saturn, putting the third on jupiter
aaand finally, the center of the solar system itself! i really, really don't think it needs sharing that dominicus is the sun, as long as you accept that the locked tomb takes place in our own solar system. however, i do think the meaning of dominicus is worth sharing. coming from latin, it translates roughly to "lordly", "belonging to god", or "of the master." very subtle, john, very subtle.
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capnsoapy · 2 years
i have become unhealthily obsessed with trying to categorise the Nine Resurrection Beasts
• In Harrow the Ninth, chapter two, John Gaius tells Harrow there are nine Beasts. He says that they have killed five and that there are three left. Harrow mentally notes that the maths don't add up, but knowing that Alecto is an RB makes it compute (3 out there, 5 dead, 1 imprisoned). Although frustratingly, John only enumerates three of the dead (Two, Six, and Eight), leaving six RBs left to sort; one is Alecto, two are dead, and three are threats.
• In Harrow the Ninth, chapter thirty-six, the Lyctors encounter the Seventh RB, and in planning for this showdown recount some of their previous attempts at fighting RBs; the late Two, Six, and Eight, as well as One and Four. This confirms that Seven is alive, and that One and Four are not Alecto. In this same chapter, Seven is described as both "brood of [Six]" and "packmate of [Eight]", implying some close connection between this string of numbers but nothing concrete.
• In Nona the Ninth, Nona/Alecto speaks with the Seventh Beast, and refers to it by name; Varun. With Waruna being the old Malay name for Neptune, and Varuna being the Hindu God of the seas, this pretty solidly points to the Seventh RB being the revenant soul of Neptune. Varun recognises Nona/Alecto as being the revenant of Earth also.
So all that tells us is;
Described as "a great and incoherent machine".
Described as "a humanoid creature with a beautiful face".
Alive. Revenant of Neptune.
Two of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 9 are dead. My guess is 1 and 4; Mercymorn doesn't explicitely say that they are killed but they're mentioned alongside the three confirmed kills. One of 3, 5, or 9 must be Alecto. My guess is 9; simply due to the "the Ninth" suffix for Nona and Alecto needing to refer to something. Also, it's plausible that her identity as an RB went unknown until after the other eight had been indexed.
So if you add some speculation (canon in bold, guesswork in italics), you get;
Alive (Neptune)
Alive (Earth)
The trail runs cold there. The only thing left to do is speculate wildly based on the physical descriptions of the Beasts let's go!
The Second Beast "spewed quicksilver...". Quicksilver is the planetary metallic name for mercury, so 2 = Mercury. The Fourth Beast had "a beautiful face". Beauty = love and love = Venus so 4 = Venus. The First Beast had "swords for wings". Swords are for war and so 1 = Mars. The Sixth Beast had "enormous sphincters". So. 6 = Uranus. The Eighth Beast "was red, and it had a single eye". Possibly referring to the Great Red Spot? So 8 = Jupiter.
And... I think that's about as far as I can go.
Dead (Mars)
Dead (Mercury)
Alive (Saturn/Pluto)
Dead (Venus)
Alive (Saturn/Pluto)
Dead (Uranus)
Alive (Neptune)
Dead (Jupiter)
Alive (Earth)
If any of this wild speculation disagrees with yours. I fully believe that Tamsyn has left us enough breadcrumbs to connect the planets, the houses, the saints, and the beasts together and we just need to find them
oh, and what about the Sun?
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sirendusk · 11 months
Astro notes pt. 6 🫧🥞
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♡ leo venus and gemini venus are usually very good friends, we are so bubbly together, never bored, conversations flow very well, just pure vibes (they got that confidant of the king + the king vibe)
♡ oppositions in the big three can make someone unstable and maybe take a lot for them to mature, especially between sun and moon. They may be torn between what they want and what they need. If they don’t work on it they may fall in ego traps and can become toxic towards others or themselves
♡ opposition between sun and rising makes someone that has a conflict between who they are and who they try to be (most difficult combo is probably aries sun/libra rising, because their chart is basically upside down, having libra in the first house and aries in the seventh). They may hide who they are because they fear of being judged.
♡ leo men are veryy nice, they can usually keep their ego in check and they’re very generous.
♡ aquarius women are either super talkative or extremely shy/closed off. they are the type of person that knows EVERYONE, but have very few close friends, and this can make them feel lonely. they're social creatures but sometimes they don't know how or want to connect individually because they're scared of the vulnerability.
♡ cancer women are literally so sweet, they will always make sure that you’re okay, offer comfort, affection and hugs. they get in their feelings a lot but they're always present for their friends and they care SO much.
♡ leo venuses will shower you with compliments. If they like you you’ll know. i feel like their love is very bold, if they have a crush they will drown in those feelings for a while, and then when it's stable they'll start shining like the sun for their partner.
♡ pisces venus is so damn sweet and kinda intoxicating, you wish you had more. i think you can’t really see it from the exterior, but if your partner has it trust me you’ll know ;)
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roxyyastro · 9 days
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Astrology tricks and tips..
๑ if you want to know about your spouse's profession make your vedic chart check your seventh house ruler and find that ruler in your d9 check which sign is there and that sign will tell about your future spouse's profession. This is scarily accurate...
๑ if you want to know about your future spouse's physical appearance check your seventh house ruler then search that planet's physical appearance for fs nature etc..
๑ if you are making asteroid chart (synastry,natal etc) and want to know about their aspect meanings ask ai(you can use Meta ai too cause it's easy)
๑ do you know that there are many astrology/psychic ai on Google lol do check them out.
๑ if you want to know the accurate result of anything for example in which profession you're really gonna be in or who really your life partner is gonna be or gonna be like..then make ascendant persona chart add asteroid groom(5129) for knowing your life partner. If you want to know about your profession check asteroid industria (389) or enterprise (9777) in ascendant pc.
Asteroid groom(5129) for females
Asteroid briede(19029) for males.
๑ check Jupiter for husband and Venus for wife in ascendant persona chart it will tell you about your spouse's nature or how they will be with you.
๑ make ascendant persona chart and add asteroid boda(1487) to see about your actual wedding day.
๑ Vedic chart is the most accurate one.. so if you want to know something accurately check vedic chart.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🦋My Astrological Thoughts🦋
🎈People with Leo placements many times pretend that things haven't hurt them, because on the outside they always want to be strong. They don't want people to see them as weak or powerless. They always fight even when it doesn't seem like it. I also noticed that many times they don't admit how they feel or what emotions they have so that their pride is not hurt. I think Leos like you ,when they admit things and don't care if their pride will be hurt.
🥑I actually think that taurus moon is hard to figure it out. Because they are very stubborn and sometimes stubbornly do not show emotions. But I also think that they can also be possessive, jealous and when they really feel something for someone they will fight for the person. But it is also often difficult for them to take the first step. Many times they wait for the other person to do it.
🌊Water signs fall deeply in love. You will never see them loving someone half-heartedly. It's always all or nothing with them. That's why they feel the connections with people and the endings of relationships so deeply.
💕7th house planets and any aspect to seventh house spotlight the kinds of people whom we are destined to meet. For ex.: cancer or leo in 7th house means that in your life you will meet many people who will have these characteristics or placements. Venus in 7th house you can meet a lot of people who are rich or involved in fashion.
🌙If u want to learn about the moon : watch what people do on the weekend. The moon represents comfort and security, where you feel the best. That's why you'll feel people the most at that time.
🧚🏽‍♂️Mercury in capricorn have a very smooth, calm voice. Whenever I talk to them or just listen to them talk, it's always so relaxing. And many times they know how to delve into serious topics.
💜Sagittarius venus won’t vibe with you if u two have too different views. When they notice that you don't appreciate the same thing, it's hard for them to stay with you. Sagittarius really like coffee and if you tell them you don't drink coffee it will be a minus for them( for example). They have many things that they value and people don't notice.
🦭Cancer moon can be moody ,but virgos can be much more. Virgos are very quickly distracted by their surroundings and things around them. Many times people have a great influence on them. They want to have things under control too much.
🏞️A lot of times, Geminis want someone just out of curiosity and not because they really want them. But when they get it, they move on and don't pay so much attention to emotions. They focus more on thoughts (it is very important for them to have good communication with someone). And they need a person who constantly gets them off track or challenges them to stay.
❤️‍🔥Libra & Libra together can be great or it can be a challenge. Libras are inherently indecisive. And sometimes they go into something they weren't completely sure about at the beginning. But both people are aware of romance and love. Both can have the same view of love or feel things the same way.
🫧5th house synastry makes a fun atmosphere a lot of times. You feel like you can do a lot of things with this person. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're sharing the fun and playfulness with this person. Many times the energy of a child can be felt. With this person, you can feel young again. And at the same time, this person could remind you of your childhood. The energy of this house gives me the feeling of being in a teenage movie. This movie (Laggies) reminds me of that.
🧚🏼‍♀️I always thought that the most important houses for a relationship are 4th 7th 8th & 10th house because they create a kind of stability. In the end, I realized that what makes a relationship special, alive and exciting is in reality 5th and 9th house. Both houses have a magical energy in them and both represent fun, liveliness. Don't get me wrong, just having a fun houses isn't always a reason for a relationship to last. However, if they are accompanied by other houses, then it creates a really nice atmosphere. Because with this we keep the relationship alive and at the same time having . 1st house is also important because it is how the person looks and sees you.
🦋8th house synastry reminds me of a movie Stuck in Love because shows a love that is intense but at the same time we feel stuck in it. We can't forget a person and we keep coming back to them because something draws us to them (sometimes we don't even understand what). At the same time, it shows the fear we face in order not to be hurt by a person. I think that many times here we can feel that the person is hiding something from us or we have problems with trusting them.
🌊And what are ur thoughts?🌊
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