#vengeful virgil
sixoclockuty · 27 days
God ok I love the Starlo red giant star thing I need need NEED to know how the heck the people of the Wild East would react to the whole thing. Like, the obscure ones who aren't main characters but do know Star, like Virgil or Blackjack or Dina or something. Because they interact with Star semi-regularly I think and its nice and all to see the reactions of the ones closest to him, but everyone else? God thats just super interesting to me
Oh this is longer than I thought. Whatever thats fine.
EEEP i love talking about this tysm for asking about it. i’ll do the ones you specifically asked about
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virgil isn’t exactly filling his role out anymore considering the sheriff who he was playing the villain against is. like that. but i think he pretty regularly if kinda awkwardly checks up on him, and i think star likes to talk about what he would’ve liked to do if it wouldn’t risk his health or anything. stuff he would’ve liked to do yk?? virgil feels kinda bad about it bc he frets that he may have egged him on a bit too much by playing into a lot of his antics. it sucks. it’s not a good situation for anybody. but starlo talks abt it to distract himself mostly although it ends up getting back to the fact that they can’t do that bc it’s too risky. so that kinda sucks.
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blackjack is much more willing to let the guy into his shop now which is great and all. he’s not ENTIRELY thrilled seeing starlo so unusually quiet but hey!! now he can help with making stuff bc he can heat things up!! uh he DOES still ‘borrow’ stuff from him tho to give to his posse as a thank you of sorts. blackjack doesn’t appreciate that part but since he helps him make stuff now he only charges him 3/4 the price or something LMAOOO.
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dina is. NOT happy. at all. because north star is different and he’s definitely not happy about it either. i think he had to fight tooth and nail jsut to get a drink one time after it happened because she was worried it would make things worse. and it might. but he gets some some times if he asks enough or something. but yeah dina is worried about him and if he doesn’t show up she goes and actively seeks him out. she’ll still entertain his little antics, albeit on a much smaller scale, but she’s definitely jsut. augh. ouch. a lot of things keep falling apart with the entire gang and she’s just trying to make it through
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vengefulvirgil · 3 months
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ciaaik · 3 months
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posting this here because proud of it
am i slightly obsessed with vengeful virgil from undertale yellow? maybe. am i ashamed? not at all
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cosmicskittlez · 5 months
Well guys I think I have officially posted the first North Star smut to ao3. Go nuts everyone
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utytimeline · 3 months
I might make some people mad, but I'm gonna say it, anyway.
So, Ceroba's reason for choosing Chujin over Star was because she wanted someone more mature. At least, that's my understanding. Star was playing cowboy and role-playing with his friends while she wanted to settle down and raise a family.
And... yeah, Star had a lot of growing up to do. And he did almost none of it until Ceroba stopped him from shooting us.
Star's main character flaw is his ego, but it's even worse than just an ego. Half the reason he set up the Wild East was to help everyone else. He wanted to bring in money to help his family when the Swelterstone's effects caused a drought; he wanted monsters to get a taste of what the surface is like so they don't drown in despair; and he wanted to make Ceroba happy after she lost both her husband and her child. All of this on top of feeling like he was a "nobody farmer" that couldn't do anything or help anyone.
So Star's primary character flaw isn't as simple as just having a big ego. His primary character flaw is trying to fix others as a way of fixing himself.
Sometimes this is a good thing, tho. I often think of Star as the "papa" of the Feisty Five. He's the protective one, he's the one teaching them ethics (reminding Mooch that they're not supposed to be bandits, playing dead to teach Clover about the responsibility of potentially hurting someone), he takes care of the town, he's made ALL his own money from this town that he built himself (enough that Mooch wants his inheritance, so it's a sizeable amount), he even gave his posse a designated nap time, gave Ceroba a home (and possibly gave her his bed while he crashes on the couch), sews his own clothes, set up all the rules and regulations... and I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Star is not wholly irresponsible. He's not perfectly responsible- he, and the rest of the posse, have a habit of breaking and losing Blackjack's weapons, they're all loud and rowdy, and they have a tendency to forget to turn off their boulder machines out in the Dunes.
So, yeah, Star does still have some growing up to do. But he's got a good start.
As for... everything that went wrong... That was entirely due to Star's worship of humanity. Star fell in love with westerns and with the justice and overall sense of romance that they portrayed, so much so that he not only tried to make himself into one of his western heroes, but he then extended this worship to the first human to ever set foot in the Dunes- namely, Clover. And because of this, Star completely threw everything that was good about himself out the window. He sees a human an immediately decides "this is my deputy," without even really giving Clover a fair chance to see if they even are deputy material. He forgot the safety glasses, got so worked up he forgot how to pronounce "duel," became extremely temperamental, apparently forgot that Vengeful Virgil was scheduled for the train mission that day, locked up a Royal Guard against her will (arguably committing treason in doing so, I might add), and just generally began running over everyone's words and emotions, including Ceroba's.
So when it came down to the Showdown... Star blamed Clover. Star's not an idiot. He knows good and well it's not Clover's fault. It's Star's fault- or more precisely, it's his worship of humanity that is to blame. But the problem is, he's taken it upon himself to guard the feelings of other monsters, to make them feel hope and joy. And he just screwed up and stole all that from them. So he's conflicted, not willing to admit that he has done the exact opposite of everything he set out to do. And since it's his worship of humans that led him to this point, he decides to blame the human.
Hence, the Showdown.
But he doesn't want to do it. He says himself, "Monsterkind's Hero is a title soaked in blood." He loves humans. And he sees Clover as a friend. He doesn't want to kill them. He's not a killer, and he doesn't want to be one. He doesn't believe in it. Justice is one thing, but... how is it just to kill someone that did nothing wrong?
So. Here's where Ceroba comes in. Telling Star he needs to calm down and go back to who he used to be. And Star points out that she's changed, too. Even Ceroba says, before taking Clover to the Steamworks, that she doesn't know if she has room to tell Star to go back to the Starlo she used to know.
Ceroba, tho, is no different than Star (this is the part that I said might make some people mad). Ceroba worships Chujin just as much as Star worships humans.
Ok, look. Chujin was a great craftsman. He built so much- furniture for Dalv, his and Ceroba's house, the space heater at the Honeydew Resort, many other items in use throughout the Underground, Kanako's toys (even programmed a video game for her), and so much more. So much that even Star respects him for all that he did for everyone.
However, there is also much that indicates that Chujin wasn't the best at his job. His only award is "You Tried at Engineering," and it took 14 tries for him to build a working robot. In Chujin's defense, I will say that it is impressive that he did build a working, sentient robot without the use of a SOUL, which is how Alphys made both Mettaton and Mew Mew; however, if Chujin is really such a genius, why did it take 14 tries to get Axis to work, when it apparently only took 1 try for Guardener?
And then Chujin didn't just stop with robotics, but went on to SOUL research. Two completely different fields. (And before anyone starts commenting on Alphys, I just want to point out, yet again, that both of the robots she built did use SOUL power; so, realistically, Alphys never was a great robotics genius, but rather, everything she did was a part of SOUL research- hence, the reason Asgore hired her as the Royal Scientist). But Chujin decided to press on with his SOUL research, despite there being no indication anywhere that he had ever done any such research before.
Now, I'm not trying to say that Chujin wasn't remarkable or a genius. I'm just pointing out some things that indicate that maybe he wasn't quite the genius that Ceroba wanted to make him out to be. And... Ceroba's reaction to his "You Tried" award. She's proud of him. More pride than what is warranted by such an award.
Ceroba said she met Chujin when he pretty much rescued her after she twisted her ankle, fell into a ditch, and laid there for several hours, unable to move. She also said that she had considered dating Starlo before meeting Chujin. So... hate me for this if you want to, but I feel like she may not have the best judgement when it comes to guys. Now, that's not to say she picked losers or creeps. Both Chujin and Starlo were/are sweethearts that care deeply about everyone around them. But the fact remains that Ceroba left behind the guy that she'd known all her life for a guy she just met, just because he rescued her from a bad situation.
And I'm not even saying she made a bad choice! By all accounts- including Ceroba's, Martlet's, and even Starlo's- Chujin was a good, kind-hearted, hard-working monster, and a wonderful husband and father. But... he wasn't perfect. And I think Ceroba, even though they had to have been married at least 10 years, just always had stars in her eyes where he was concerned. He was her everything. She believed he could do no wrong. She believed it so strongly, she was willing to do... many horrible things.
Ceroba's drive to kill Clover started with her love for Chujin. She wanted to do anything to keep him alive in her own heart. And when their child begged and pleaded for a chance to help, Ceroba agreed, because Kanako woshipped her father, too. Ceroba's misguided belief in her husband guided her to do things she would never have done otherwise.
Thus the reason for her guilt. It's not just guilt over killing her own child. It's also guilt over knowing that it was her own misguided worship of a monster that wasn't as perfect as she thought he was, that this was what led her to kill, and to kill again.
Ceroba worshipped Chujin. Just as Starlo worshipped the ground Clover walked on, Ceroba worshipped the ground Chujin walked on.
So when people point to Ceroba's comment that Starlo didn't grow up... yeah. She's right. Starlo needed to grow up.
But so did Ceroba.
One of the hardest parts of growing up is realizing that the people you worship are just people. They make mistakes, and you, yourself, are mistaken for believing they can do no wrong.
So, anyway. There's as much Staroba (Starfox, I call them) hatred as there is love for the ship. I've seen both sides of the argument: Starlo isn't mature enough; Ceroba is insane. Yeah. You're both right. And that's why they're perfect for each other. They both made the mistake of changing everything they were in an effort to continue worshipping their idols. They both went nuts. They were both driven to kill. This is the inherent danger of idolatry, believing so much in something that isn't real, that you will do anything to make it stay real to you.
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Giant Unorganized Post with all the UTY blogs go!
@/ceroba-of-oasis-valley (Ceroba)
@/northstarofthewildeast (Starlo)
@/integrityvictim (Dalv)
@/martlet-of-snowdin (Martlet)
@/axis-model-014 (Axis)
@/axis014-steamworks (Also Axis) ((There's two))
@/guardenerofthegarden (Guardener)
@/justicefortheunderground (Clover)
@/floweypowey (Flowey)
@/toughandfearlessed (Ed)
@/poisson-rapier (Moray)
@/sneakysquirrelf5 (Mooch)
@/acedeathcard (Ace)
@/sunnysidefarmorion (Orion)
@/mo-the-best-salesman (Mo)
@/kanako-ketsukane111 (Kanako)
@/bartender-dina (Dina)
@/blackjack-bullets (Blackjack)
@/the-shufflers (The Shufflers)
@/honeydewresortaskblog (Mallow)
@/mailwhale (The entirety of UGPS)
@/overworkedpenartist (Penilla)
@/angry-vending-machine (Vendy)
@/vengeful-virgil (Vengeful Virgil)
Misc Blogs (oc's and the such)
@/integrityorsomething (Flo)
@/blueheartanon (Blue Heart Anon)
@/mos-little-ring-femboy (Ring Anon)
@/triedntrueluckheart (LuckHeart)
@/acarunderground (Literally a car)
@/ask-the-void-group (Dess and Dr Gaster)
@/ugtaxtime (Tax Service)
Please scream at me in the replies if I missed anyone or got any URLs wrong
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alemonyoyo · 4 months
No Country for Young Humans - Chapter 5!
Hi guys! Got this chapter out a little earlier than expected. I am going overseas tomorrow, so I assume my upload schedule of every 2 days will get a little slower. Sorry about that.
Also, I would really appreciate any feedback on my writing if you have any. I've found myself a little unhappy with the way I write recently, so any tips to improve are wholly welcome <3!!
This one's a bit more lax than the previous chapter, hope you enjoy!
Missed the previous chapters? Check out the Masterlist!
Words: 2969
Tags: GN Reader, No use of YN, Flirting, Forbidden Romance (????)
Summary: A morning mission with your new trio goes down as well as you could hope for. But a stunning victory is interrupted by some concerning news.
Chapter 5 - The Search: Undertale Yellow OST: 066 The Train Problem
You pressed your back firmly against the wall of the building, feeling the warmth that its bricks held onto seep into the back of your shirt. Peeking your head around the corner you saw that familiar green tint. You still felt Ed’s presence by your side so you turned back to him, giving him a short nod. You both readied your guns, the air dry and crisp, not carrying a single sound with it as you rounded the corner of the building.
“Hands up, Virgil!” You screamed, getting into character. Ed was by your side, his larger pistol, more suited for his huge hands, was pointed directly at your prey.
“This is the last time you get away with stealin’ Mooch’s gold.” Ed’s voice commanded throughout the Wild East, if only you had such confidence. He played the role of the tough guy very well.
Vengeful Virgil, like the vermin that he is, scampered from side to side to get around you two, but was met with the fellow swoop of one of Ace’s cards slicing a shallow cut in his cheek.
“Not so fast, V.” Ace cut in, blocking Virgil’s only way to escape. “We’re not leavin’ till we get what’s ours.” Virgil panicked against the wall, trying to hide his fearful glance under the brim of his hat. But his snout was too long, and his grimace was extremely apparent.
“Y-you don’t understand, Feisty Three.” Well- you supposed that was correct. There were only three of you right now, but the others would be here with backup any minute! 
After agreeing to stay in the Wild East, North Star had given you the highest of privileges; to join the Feisty Five as its newest member! This was to Ed’s dismay as “The Feisty Six” did not have the same ring to it that the alliteration of “The Feisty Five” provided. But alas, you were happy to be a part of whatever game they were playing, title be damned.
“I think we understand just fine.” Ace said, taking a menacing step towards Virgil.
“She- she stole it off a’ me! Mooch stole *my* gold! I was just stealin’ it back!” He squirmed against the wall.
“Aha! So you admit to stealing Mooch’s gold then?” You smirked, the loophole in his words falling carefully into place. This was a confession! You could have him imprisoned! Your first bandit capture while on the team! “I oughta lock you up for just that. But running away from the law, trying to shoot our dearest sheriff? I think you might get *life* in jail!” You hammed up your accent, really getting into character.
“Sounds good to me, rookie.” Ed responded with a nasty smirk.
“Agreed, give him what he deserves.” Ace continued. With that, you pulled out a lasso you had been gifted by Ace, who had stepped you through Lassons 101 for the past couple of days. Virgil squealed pathetically at the sight.
As you readied your throw, you kept in mind all he had taught you. You whirled the lasso around your head, feeling the loop tug and pull against itself. Keeping your hand in position you threw the lasso with all your strength. It soared across the air gracefully, and you watched in awe at your own technical prowess.
“Um.” Virgil responded, watching as your lasso landed in a pathetic heap in front of him,
“That’s okay.” He started as he bundled up the coil of rope and handed it to you, returning to his frightened position against the wall of the building. “You can try again.”
You repeated the same steps in motion, though this time with far less confidence and much more embarrassment. Your loop flopped against the side of the building with a thunk, before tripping on itself and falling to the floor once more.
“No no, you have to twist your wrist! That’s what’ll keep the loop horizontal!” Ace insisted, picking up the rope from the ground. “One more, Virgil.”
You felt your face grow hot. You were lucky North Star wasn’t here to watch this pitiful display. He’d probably still be proud of you nonetheless, but the thought was highly embarrassing.
You held your hand at the base of the loop in the lasso. Swung it round; one, two, before lifting it above your head and allowing the loop to slip from your grasp. It launched forward, nicking itself over Virgil's hat. The lasso lightly fell around his shoulders.
“Okay, okay now pull!!” Ace whispered eagerly. You pulled the lasso taught, and suddenly the menacing Vengeful Virgil was captured! The three of you cheered as Virigil remained still against the building. Face blank and clueless.
“Let’s take this guy to where he’ll be stayin’ the night.” Ed offered.
“Sounds like a plan!”
You walked off happily, Vengeful Virgil in tow.
“Wow, can’t believe you caught him just like that! Those lasson’s are really coming in handy.” Ed gave you a light pat on the back, but due to his strength it felt like a poor-man's heimlich manoeuvre. “I’ve never even captured a bandit with a lasso! My hands are too big to hold those tiny ropes.”
“That’s because you lack class, Ed. A real Cowboy, a *refined* one let’s say, would use the standard traditional methods.” Ace replied, “*I* for one have captured all of my prey with a lasso.” Though you couldn’t see his face, you could feel the smugness of his expression dripping throughout his tone.
“And how many’s that?” You ask, feeling Virgil tug at your rope.
“... Three.” He mumbled. You tried not to giggle, but Ed took charge, his roaring laughter was infectious.
“Seems we all suck at this a little.” You chuckled out, finding all your embarrassment dissipated.
Eventually you made it to the jail in the heart of town. Ed walked up ahead and held the door open for you. Ace walked inside and unlocked the door to one of the two cells the jail held. You stepped inside, a momentary respite from the harsh rays. You pulled the rope to guide Virgil into his cell. It felt like having a dog on a leash. Virgil voluntarily walked into the cell, seemingly forgetting he was supposed to be the struggling criminal, captured by the mighty Feisty Three! You loosened your rope, coiling it up as Ace locked the cage. 
“See you later Vengeful *Vermin*.” Ace spat.
“Ooo good one.” You teased, chuckling at him.
“Oh shush. As if you could do any better, rookie.” You both laughed and left Virgil to rot in his cell for your predicted sentence of a lifetime.
“Good job team!” You congratulated the other two, beaming with the newfound confidence that a successful mission brought. “I think we’ve done some good today. We should find Star and the others and tell them to stop the search! We’ve already caught the bandit right?” The other two nodded, satisfied with the morning’s mission.
North Star, Mooch and Moray had been assigned to patrol the West-most side of the Wild East after Vengeful Virgil had escaped from the clutches of your group. It wouldn’t be too hard to find the three of them. 
You had been a little disappointed at first when you hadn’t been assigned a team with North Star, though he insisted it was necessary, you were sad nonetheless. You liked hanging out with him more than anyone. He’s what made this game of Cowboy truly exciting. Ace and Ed were great, and you were honestly becoming closer to them than you had anticipated this morning, but they didn’t have the capriciousness, the risk, that Star did.
The three of you had barely started walking down the road to the western section of town when you saw the rest of the gang walking back empty-handed. At your appearance, Mooch ran over excitedly,
“Oh, oh! Did you do it? Did you find him?” She scurried along the sand, looking up at the three of you.
“We sure did!” You said triumphantly.
“That’s great to hear!” Said Moray as they approached.
“All thanks to our newest recruit.” Ace butted in. You gave him a thankful nod.
“Oh, gettin’ the hang of the ol’ lasso already, are we sweets?” North Star inquired, catching up with the other two. You prayed that Ed nor Ace would speak of the pathetic display earlier today to save your ego. 
“I- I guess you could say that.” You mumbled, feeling yourself fluster at the other nickname Star had given you.. He was quite relentless with them; “Darlin’”, “Sweets”. All of which were spoken in his delicious accent and you happily drank them up.
“So, did you get my gold back?” Mooch asked. Your stomach dropped.
Shit, you had forgotten Mooch’s gold- The whole reason you were hunting this guy down in the first place! What sort of heroes were you?
The three of you fell silent, your expressions each uniquely blank. Embarrassment filled the silence in the air.
“You forgot, didn’t you.” Mooch responded flatly, highly disappointed.
“Ah, Mooch. You don’t understand. Today's mission wasn’t about gettin’ your gold back it wa-”
“It wasn’t?!” She interjected, stomping a foot down in the sand.
“Well- I- It was about *heart*!” Star tried to pull together some sort of moral, “Our team has stopped Vengeful Virgil from stealin’ from *more* vulnerable pockets. Thanks to your gold pouch, we were tipped off to that.” 
“It was a noble sacrifice, Mooch.” Moray responded from behind them, trying to push the conversation along. You all nodded with a melancholy facade, mourning the loss of Mooch’s most-likely-stolen gold. Her expression scrunched up and she crossed her arms but didn’t say anything.
The group was silent for an awkward moment, before North Star suggested;
“How about we go celebrate this victory of Justice over a round of drinks?” To that, the rest of them cheered, except for Mooch, of course. She remained disgruntled.
You followed the group as they bumbled along the path back to the saloon. Another great morning in the Wild East! And, you had a whole afternoon of adventuring to look forward to! This time as a group, so you wouldn’t be away from Star for too long. 
You were right outside the saloon, the relentless rays of the Dunes pounding down on your skin. The wind washed around your ears, and in the crashing of its waves it carried a small sound. A chant, maybe? Someone was yelling, but for fear or for joy you couldn’t tell.
“Uh, who is that?” Moray pointed out beyond the limits of the town. You all turned your heads to see a tall, blue figure kicking up sand as they ran.
“Martlet-” You let out in an astonished whisper.
“Who?” North Star inquired,
“She’s a friend of mine. From Snowdin.” You reply, confusion littering your tone. You hadn’t seen Martlet since the day of the duel. What was she doing here all of a sudden?
You fumbled down the saloon patio back onto the sand, meeting her halfway. Her run became a tumble as she nearly tripped over her own legs trying to stop herself from crashing into you.
“Oh my gosh!” She squawked out as she screeched to a halt. “They-They’re coming. You have to leave, they’re coming!” Martlet placed two feathered hands on your shoulders and shook you violently as she repeated herself. However, after a day out in the hot “sun”, it had your head spinning. North Star hurries himself across the sand in response to the violent jolting you’re receiving. He steps in between the two of you.
“Hey, hey, stop it!” His yell seems to snap Martlet out of her panicked stupor, she stops shaking. Now she seems frazzled, her eyes whizzing around the Wild East looking for a comfortable place to land that isn’t you or the man giving his all towards intimidating her. Star puffed out his chest, his eyes shooting daggers into Martlet. “I don’t care who you are, you have no right to treat our deputy like that!” He continued. The title of “deputy” rang in your ears like the bell in the centre of town. He hadn’t let *that* slip before.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” She started, holding her feathered hands up in defence. “This is just really important!” Martlet insisted, trying to get around North Star to face you. She scrunched up her face in annoyance when he wouldn’t budge.
“It’s okay, Martlet. Anything you can tell me, you can tell him.” You hoped this would placate any worry of hers, but instead it simply seemed to feed further into Star’s confidence, as he flashed a knowing grin to Martlet. Though, there was an evident light blush on his cheeks.
“Ah yes, me and the deputy are as tight as the knot in a lasso!” He crossed his gloved fingers. Martlet crossed her arms.
“Okay, sure. Look- You need to get out of here.” She said, turning to you. Her tone was deathly serious, a far departure from the dorky bird you had known previously. “The Royal Guard got wind of your little “duel” and they’ve decided to do a search of the entire Dunes!” 
“Shit-” You heard Star mumble under his breath. “How long do they have?” He inquired. 
You were too stunned to speak. You had been here for quite a while with no issue, and now you just had to get up and leave! You tried to get out any words but your throat held them back. Too panicked to say anything, you remained paralysed in silence.
“About an hour. I’ve taken a head start but they’re heading over from Hotland.” Your head starts to spiral, it’s getting hard to stand. Your mind is overwhelmed, waterlogged with the idea of your own capture. Possibly the Feisty Five’s capture for treason too- 
You were lucky that your run-in with the Royal Guard went so smoothly. But you got the feeling that the rest of the Royal Guard wouldn’t be as forgiving as Martlet. This was not good- This was horrible. This was the worst thing that could happen! Where could you even go from here?
Something pulled at your hand. Looking down you could see North Star’s hand slip its way into your own. Looking up at him, he gave you a smile. You felt your mind clear itself at the feeling of his fingers intertwined with yours. It was a small gesture, but it was more than enough to ground you to your senses.
“...I think it’d be best for you to head to Waterfall. It’s in the opposite direction to Hotland, and it’s far more cavernous and easy to hide in.” Martlet advised.
“I’ll come with you, sweets.” Star reassured you, his thumb running over your knuckles, “You ain’t never been to Waterfall, have you?”
“No.” You shook your head. Looking back at Martlet who met you with a worried expression. 
“I would love to come with you, but I have to join the search.” She turned away with a pained expression, “I’ll come find you at Waterfall when it’s over, but until then, stay in Waterfall.” She had quite a demanding tone. Perhaps she was more fit for the job of a Royal Guard than she thought.
You sighed, trying to let out all of the worries that fizzled in the base of your stomach, leaving you nauseous.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be like one of our adventures!” Star turned to you, “Exploring new places, hiding from the bad guys!” Though his voice was cheery, his expression was dampened with hesitation.It was clear that he was trying to quell your anxieties, so you attempted meeting him with a grateful smile.
“Yeah, I guess so.” You squeezed his hand.
“I gotta head off now. Good luck!” Martlet said before flapping her wings and setting off, soaring through the sky as if the ground never held her. You wished you had such freedom, to leap from gravity’s clutches at will, escaping from all those who sought you harm. But as soon as the thought crossed your mind, it left, ashamed. You had your freedom on the surface, and you let it go- This was your punishment; getting hunted down like meat.
“You okay, deputy?” Star let go of your hand, instead resting both of his arms on your shoulders. He looked right into your eyes, his gaze analysing every feature of your face, digging for any sort of apprehension. He wouldn’t have to look hard to find it.
“I- No, I’m not okay.” You sigh, “But I will be. I hope.” You look away from his unrelenting gaze, feeling judged.
“Well then, rookie. Pack as much as you can for the both of us and meet me out here in 10. I’m going to alert the others, okay?” You nodded with a huff.
“It’ll be alright, darlin’.” He brushed his knuckles on the side of your face. “I know this is scary. *I’m* scared.” His hand turned to cup your cheek, “But if we lay low, like real bounty hunters, I’m sure it’ll be just fine.” He ran a hand through your hair, brushing it out of your face. He turned and reluctantly walked off towards the saloon.
Fuck, you were scared- But the look he gave you, mixed with the feeling of his fingers against your cheek was a feeling worth fighting for. You turned away from the saloon, heading off to get some supplies.
You weren’t going to let the Royal Guard win.
“The locals around here say they haven’t seen anything, boss.”
“Keep trying. We need this soul more than anything, understand?”
“Continue your search. I’m going to make a head start eastward.”
“Rumour says there isn’t much around there. Just an abandoned old town.”
“We’ll see about that.”
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northstarscowboyhat · 3 months
OOOOOJGHGH dow does Ed lose his eye? Was it Vengeful Virgil (the crocodile guy)?
Thanks for the ask! To be honest, I don't really have the details worked out. My brain is reliable for coming up with story concepts but blanking on the context as to why or how they happened, LOL.
(If I'm remembering correctly, I believe Vengeful Virgil regrets acting as the "bad guy" for the Wild East and leaves the town to go work at the mines in the Pacifist route, so I don't think he'd be in the eye stealing business LOL)
I guess for my own AU/take on the UTY Underground, I kind of like the idea that there are some outlaws and criminals that are drawn to the Wild East due to the amount of tourists travelling around, resulting in more easier targets. Some monsters don't really cope with being trapped underground that well. Once Starlo starts running the town more seriously, he takes it upon himself to also capture and apprehend outlaws. Not just to keep the town and tourists safe, but to especially ensure Clover's safety, since it's possible an outlaw may try to turn Clover in to the Royal Guards in order to get a reward from the king.
Naturally, the Feisty Four would be willing to assist them with this. So there could have easily been a scenario in which Starlo got a little too careless and insistent on pursuing an outlaw that was giving them the slip. Ed was with him and took an attack that was meant for Starlo, resulting in him losing his eye. Hence why Starlo feels guilt over it. Had he been more careful, Ed wouldn't have had to take the hit for him.
But again, Ed doesn't really blame him for it. In fact, he probably thinks the missing eye gives him a really cool and intimidating look and has learned to adapt sight wise.
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ironspdr6700 · 2 months
Okay... I started reading Virgil's Aeneid this week, but first I wanted to review the Homeric hymn to Aphrodite to have as a reference the meeting between Anchises and Aphrodite/Venus.
And the part that surprises me the most is at the point when Aphrodite reveals to him that she is pregnant and tells him that the mountain nymphs were going to raise baby Aeneas:
"Now so soon as he sees the light of the sun the deep-bosomed mountain nymphs will rear him for me… These nymphs will keep my child with them and rear him; and him when first he enters on lovely youth shall these Goddesses bring hither to thee, and show thee."
So Aeneas spent his entire childhood in the forests with the nymphs? Now I am curious to know if Virgil read the hymn, because I think he never talks about Aeneas' childhood, but at the same time I think Virgil could well have identified with his protagonist, because before starting to write the Aeneid he dedicated himself to pastoral poetry.
At the time I write this, I have just reached the end of book V and there have already been about four or five times that Aeneas asks the gods to kill him once and for all, because the poor man DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS and all the the first half of the Aeneid is like a repetition that he must sacrifice every chance of happiness or a modicum of stability to cement a destiny greater than any man because the INDIVIDUAL glory of the Homeric heroes no longer has a place in the Imperial Rome of Augustus...
Basically I say all this because every time I read the Aeneid about to faint now I imagine him trying to imagine his "happy place" on the slopes of Mount Ida, protected by the nymphs and enjoying the outdoors, the milk and honey in abundance… a simpler time… when neither fate nor vengeful gods were aware of their existence.
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moss-sprout · 2 months
My school theatre is putting on the Mean Girls play and because I'm a part of it, I've been thinking about it a lot, so here's the sides as the cast of Mean Girls!!:
Regina - Janus (Why?: cunning, deceitful, manipulative, stylish, gossipy)
Gretchen - Roman (Why?: wants to be seen but isn't cared about as much, very envious, does everything to impress Regina, loves to gossip)
Karen - Remus (Why?: doesn't know/care whats happening, dumb as a rock, reckless and toxic none the less)
Katy - Patton (Why?: naive, always thinks their the "good guy", their ignorance ends up hurting others)
Janice - Virgil (Why?: outcast, emo-style, vengeful)
Damien - Remy **listen I know he's not a side just hear me out** (Why?: attitude, sarcasm, knows so much gossip about everyone)
Mrs. Norbury - Logan (Why?: teacher, problem solver, doesn't give up easily on the others, probably wants to hit one of the others with a brick)
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vengefulvirgil · 3 months
Where are the bodies Virgil.
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glacierruler · 1 year
Janus's character sheet/background
Taglist: @hyperfixated-homo @cutebisexualmess @prince-rowan-of-the-forest Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed
Ships: eventual anaroceit, eventual intrulogical, preestablished roceit.
CWs: fantasy religion
Wanted to be part snake ever since he was a young boy, and made a deal with the goddess of nature, Rae, at the age of 15. Some nobles view this as a curse, but it's really a blessing. Whenever he gets the chance he prays to Rae, thanking them for giving him his scales.
Lacks balance because one eye is a snake eye. Uses a Cane when walking, but is usually on his horse, outside the palace, which helps him balance. Even if he's just leaning against her. Rouisha is the horse's name
Is the guard to and dating the Crown Prince Roman. When the Crown Prince is sent on an adventure so is he. Making sure the prince is safe is his top priority.
However he is rather stuck up in nature, and will do almost anything to keep his noble title. While he does believe that he should give his respect to those above him in status, just like those below Janus should give him respect, it can be lost. Sometimes rather easily. It's hard to gain his respect back. (I swear some of this changes as he goes on adventures, this is just how he is rn) He is also very vengeful if you hurt him or someone he loves.
Janus is a ranger and is 5'0
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 19
Feel free to ask questions! :)
Virgil / Patton / Logan / Roman / Remus
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cosmicskittlez · 4 months
Hey guys crack theory but what if Monster Kid is actually the child of Starlo and Vengeful Virgil. I mean think about it they're a yellow reptile monster
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids for the Rejected and Abandoned Lover
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Please don't take this one literally and too seriously. These asteroids do NOT mean you or someone else will experience the same fate as the mythological figure.
A lot of these myths and stories end badly for the female character(s). But consider that there is a long history of writers and artists who created tragic female characters to highlight the tragic nature of their work or to explain a different phenomenon. This should not be a reflection of real life. I made this list just because I noticed a similar theme.
11, 171, 556, 209, 53, 43, 2212, 73
Parthenope 11
Named after Parthenope, a siren who drowns herself after failing to lure Odysseus
Her name means "maiden-voiced."
Hard time accepting rejection; overreacting to rejection
Ophelia 171
Named after Ophelia, the rejected lover of Hamlet from Shakespeare's Hamlet
Ophelia loses her mind when she finds that Hamlet did not love her; she drowns
Feeling a loss of innocence; what we thought was real is not real
Regret; a target for misogyny; retreating into the mind where everything is overblown
Phyllis 556
Named after Phyllis, the wife of Demophon, the King of Athens
When Demophon leaves Phyllis behind to help his father in Greece, Phyllis gives him a casket and tells him to open it when he gives up all hope of returning to her.
Some versions have Phyllis committing suicide when she realizes her husband will not come back; other versions have Demophon opening the casket and accidentally falling on his sword, killing him
Losing faith and giving up hope for a relationship; attachment issues
Dido 209
Named after Dido, the founder and first queen of Carthage (modern-day Tunisia)
In Virgil's Aeneid, Dido falls in love with Aeneas, a Trojan hero, but kills herself when he is ordered by Jupiter to leave.
Before she dies, she has a funeral pyre built to burn everything that reminds her of Aeneas and curses the Trojans, giving rise to the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage.
Becoming vengeful when hurt; overreactions that cause disasters
Also clever, wise, a leader, passionate, volatile
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Kalypso 53
Named after Calypso, a nymph who wanted Odysseus to be her husband in exchange for immortality, but he refused because he wanted to be with his wife Penelope
She forces Odysseus to sleep with her and stay with her on her isolated island for seven years
Zeus, with the help of Athena and Hermes, tells Calypso to set Odysseus free
Calypso is upset but helps Odysseus with whatever he needs to leave the island
Her name means "she who conceals"
Hanging onto others for our own benefit; making something/someone fit into our plans; trying to persuade others to change their mind
Falling for someone who is already attached to someone else; being jealous
Feeling that life is unfair; getting the short end of the stick
Ariadne 43
Named after Ariadne, the Cretan princess who helped Theseus find his way out of the labyrinth after killing the Minotaur
Ariadne betrays her father and country for her love for Theseus, who was a sacrifice for the Minotaur
There are many versions, but ultimately Theseus leaves her; Ariadne then marries Dionysus
A labyrinth-like love life; love taking twists and turns; unexpected endings
Betrayal in the name of love or personal desires
Helpfulness cannot be exchanged for love
Hephaistos 2212
Named after Hephaestus, the Greek god of metalworking, woodworking, artisans, fire, and volcanoes
Hephaestus's mother, Hera, throws him off Olympus when she discovers he has a birth defect
He creates a golden throne for Hera that she could not stand up from once she sat down; the gods try to persuade him to free her; only Dionysus is successful when he gets Hephaestus drunk
Hephaestus and Aphrodite marry, but Aphrodite is consistently unfaithful to him with Ares, the god of war
He creates a chain net that falls on Aphrodite and Ares when they are in bed together to parade them in front of the other gods
Hephaestus and Aphrodite eventually divorce
Exacting revenge, big or small, against those who wrong you
Being outcasted by others; black sheep of the family/group
Talented and indispensable but looked down on or underestimated
Klytia 73
Named after Clytie, a nymph who loved Helios, the sun god
But Aphrodite makes Helios leaves her for another woman, princess Leucothoe, as revenge for Clytie revealing her affair with Ares to Hephaestus
Clytie, upset by and jealous of Helios leaving her, tells Leucothoe's father about his daughter's affair with Helios
The father buries his daughter alive, and Helios never goes back to Clytie
Can show where we are excessively jealous and vengeful
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Dont worry anon ill ask everyone that lived in the underground if they know about that outlaw >:) and well bring that thief to justice to pay for those crimes or... uh... take revenge by uh... stealing their shoes?????
Wow, that's great, that you're so passionate about this! North Star has a theory that it's Vengeful Virgil, and for once I agree. So, sorry, but there's already people working on this case.
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lulu2992 · 2 years
A review of the “Far Cry Timeline”
I realized that there was a page dedicated to the series’ timeline on the Far Cry Wiki, so I decided to review it because… I just couldn’t help myself.
GREEN: Correct information and date.
BLUE: Probably correct but needs to be confirmed.
PINK: Correct information but wrong date (see this post).
ORANGE: Pure fan speculation (date and/or information).
RED: Incorrect information and/or date.
PURPLE: Far Cry and Far Cry 2 lore. I haven’t played these games yet so I can’t tell if the information is accurate.
(The timeline reviewed in this post was last updated on the Wiki in June 2022)
c.10,000 BCE
Three tribes, the Wenja, Udam, and Izila settle in the region of present-day Central Europe known as Oros, sparking conflict for resources and territory. The events of Far Cry Primal occur, culminating in the Udam, the last Neanderthals, going extinct soon after.
500 BCE
The Chal Jama Monastery is built in Kyrat.
15th century
In the 15th century, the Chinese navigator and explorer Zheng He passed by the Rook Islands during a voyage to map the oceans. It was an ideal location for one of Zheng He's most trusted soldiers, Lin Cong. After Zheng He left the isles, Lin Cong stole one of Zheng He's colossal treasure ships named "the Chaoyang" (containing massive amounts of gold and treasure that were collected during Zheng He's many ocean voyages).
Lin Cong and his Chinese invaders ruled over Rook Islands where the natives suffered under their tyrannical reign.
Rook Islands were free from them when the Rakyat rebelled and a vengeful Zheng He returned to stop Lin Cong treachery. Lin Cong died and his faction was destroyed.
The Silver Dragon was buried with Lin Cong body in his entrapped and dragon-infested tomb.
The Shanath Arena is built in Southern Kyrat.
Lieutenant Robert F. Barclay of the British Army set sail to Kyrat.
The British colonize Kyrat.
The lake at Mastodon Geothermal Park was discovered.
Fall's End was founded in the Montana territory.
Early 1940s
During the start of World War II, a Japanese Brigadier General named Takeo Masaki had his men land on the isles to start up a small air force/army base.
Clutch Nixon is born in Montana's Hope County in the United States of America.
Alec Earnhardt was born in Oxford, England.
George Krieger was born in Austria.
Adelaide Drubman was born in the United States of America.
Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt was born in the United States of America.
Antón Castillo born in Yara.
The Vietnam War begins in Vietnam.
The Jackal is born in United States of America.
Virgil Minkler is born in the United States of America.
Darpan is born in Kyrat.
Mohan Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Earl Whitehorse is born in the United States of America.
Willis Huntley is born in Long Island, New York.
The Howard Cabin is built and established in Hope County, Montana.
Pagan Min is born in Hong Kong, China.
Hoyt Volker is born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Revolution of 1967 takes place in Yara, resulting in a blockade that effectively froze the nation in time for the next 47 years.
Death of Gabriel Castillo
Ishwari Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Paul "De Pleur" Harmon is born in the United States of America.
Bambi "Buck" Hughes is born in Australia.
Yuma Lau is born in Hong Kong.
Jacob Seed is born in the United States of America.
Hurk Drubman, Jr. is born in the United States of America.
Noore Najjar is born in Kyrat.
Jerome Jeffries is born in the United States of America.
Joseph Seed is born in the United States of America.
Dennis Rogers is born in Liberia.
The Sacred Skies Youth Camp in Holland Valley is established.
The Vietnam War ends in Vietnam.
Cameron Burke is born in the United States of America.
Sabal is born in Kyrat.
Sharky Boshaw is born on October 2, in the United States of America.
First Kyrati Civil War intensified between the Royalists, who supported the rule of the king, and the Nationalists, who wanted to overthrow the monarchy.
Mohan Ghale and Ishwari Ghale are married in April or May at a small ceremony with just their parents.
Grace Armstrong is born in the United States of America.
Grant Brody is born in the United States of America.
Citra Talugmai is born in the Rook Islands.
Vaas Montenegro is born in the Rook Islands.
The royal family of Kyrat is murdered when Nationalists stormed the Royal Palace during First Kyrati Civil War.
Daisy Lee is born in Maine, United States of America.
John Seed is born in the United States of America.
Jason Brody is born in Los Angeles, California.
Vincent Salas is born in the United States of America.
Eli Palmer is born in the United States of America.
Barry is born in San Diego, California.
Mohan Ghale meets Pagan Min
Pagan Min found the last Kyrat royal heir for Mohan
Pagan Min and Yuma Lau sided with the Royalists at first but later that year betrayed them when his Mercenaries and the Royalists seized the Royal Palace and Pagan killed the royal heir, and took his place as King of Kyrat. He then turned his mercenaries on Mohan’s men before they could know they were in danger killing many. Leaving Mohan to escape with just a handful of survivors.
First Kyrati Civil War ended in Kyrat with Nationalists defeated, Royalists purged, last royal heir assassinated and Pagan Min became the new self proclaimed king.
Golden Path is founded
Second Kyrati Civil War begins.
Keith Ramsay is born in the United States of America.
Ajay Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Lakshmana Min is born and later that year killed in Kyrat.
Liza Snow is born in Los Angeles, California.
Doug is born in United States of America.
Oliver Carswell is born in United States of America.
Amita is born in Kyrat.
Nick Rye is born in the United States of America.
Callum is born in Scotland.
Joey Hudson is born in the United States of America.
Mohan Ghale was killed by Ishwari Ghale who fled to United States of America with Ajay Ghale.
Riley Brody is born in Los Angeles California.
Jess Black is born in the United States of America.
Deputy Pratt is born in the United States of America.
Mary May Fairgrave is born in the United States of America.
Faith Seed is born in the United States of America.
Dani Rojas is born in Yara.
Bhadra is born in Kyrat.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
The world is suffering the aftermath of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia. Sergeant Rex "Power" Colt is an American cybernetic super-soldier. He and another American cyber-soldier named Lieutenant T.T. "Spider" Brown travel to an unnamed island to investigate Colonel Ike Sloan, an elite agent who has gone rogue. The events of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon occur.
Between September 17 and October 30, a series of 17 tapes were recorded between The Jackal and Reuben Oluwagembi on the subject of the Jackal's motives.
Sometime in the latter half of 2008, the events of Far Cry 2 take place.
Antón Castillo was diagnosed with acute leukemia.
Diego Castillo was born in Yara.
Late 2010’s
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
Guy Marvel tells people about his ideas for zombie movies. The events of Dead Living Zombies takes place.
Four people, Leonard, Mikhail, Callum, and Tisha get scammed out of their money by Vaas' pirates while working to redeem themselves on a cruise ship. They soon turned against the pirates.
Six months later, a group of young adults parachute onto the Rook Islands by mistake and many get captured. Jason Brody helps the locals lead a revolution against Vaas' Pirates, free his friends, and deal with a slave trader named Hoyt Volker. The events of Far Cry 3 (including all DLC missions) take place.
Ajay Ghale goes to Kyrat to spread his mother’s ashes and while visiting either stayed with Pagan Min or ends up helping the locals lead a rebellion against him. In the latter case, the country doesn’t improve much after the government is overthrown. The events of Far Cry 4 (including The Syringe Mission, Escape from Durgesh Prison and Hurk's Redemption) take place.
Yuma Lau sends an Expedition made of Royal Guard forces, lead by Colonel Sandesh to a Kyrat Valley looking for a relic that could cause immortality, but don't return to Kyrat.
Darpan dies in all cases.
Antón Castillo is elected as El Presidente of Yara, promising to "Rebuild Paradise."
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
Ajay’s helicopter crashes in the Himalayas, he later gets involved with a cult group known as the Disciples (the Royal Guard forces Yuma sent to the Valley) and a unique relic.
Alternate universe or non-canon events:
Carmina Rye is born the same day or few days before the Collapse.
A group of police officers attempt to arrest Project at Eden's Gate leader Joseph Seed, they either spared him and left early, or actually arrested him and got overwhelmed by his cult. In the latter case, after most are captured, The Junior Deputy helps the locals lead The Resistance against the doomsday cult and take back Hope County. The events of Far Cry 5 take place.
After the 'Resist' ending of Far Cry 5, the world suffers a nuclear war, known to some as the Collapse (however, with the release of Far Cry 6 which apparently takes places in a contemporary setting, the Collapse might prove to be an alternative timeline, no longer followed by the next game.)
In two other endings where they do not arrest Joseph at the beginning or at the end, it's unclear what exactly happened.
In Guy Marvel's epic sci-fi film, Nick Rye and Hurk get sent to Mars to deal with the threat of an invasion. The events of Lost On Mars take place.
Dani Rojas has a conversation with their friends Lita Torres and Alejo Ruiz on the rooftops of Esperanza. A blackout takes place as Fuerzas Nacionales de Defensa soldiers pour into the city block. Alejo insults Antón Castillo and throws a can at a soldier, resulting in said soldier murdering him. Dani and Lita escape to a boat heading out of the country. A young boy attempts to board but is denied until Dani vouches for him. Before the ship can sail off, Antón catches it in an attempt to retrieve his son, Diego; the young boy attempting to flee. Antón then orders his soldiers to execute everybody else on the ship. Dani just barely survives, and wakes up to Lita dying on the beach. She gives Dani her phone and asks them to seek out the revolutionary group she was affiliated with, Libertad. Dani obliges to honor their fallen friends. The events of Far Cry 6 take place during October.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events:
Three months after Dani Rojas sails away from Yara, they rest on a Miami beach and listen to the radio. The death of Clara Garcia at the hands of Antón Castillo's special forces has snuffed out the revolution in Yara.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events:
In the 'Resist' ending of Far Cry 5, the world suffered a nuclear war known as the Collapse. 17 years after the nuclear war the Highwaymen terrorize the citizens of Prosperity. The locals and the remnants of Project at Eden’s Gate, New Eden, fight back against the Highwaymen’s leaders, Mickey and Lou. The events of Far Cry New Dawn take place.
The whereabouts of The Jackal are to be declassified.
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