ceno8yte · 5 months
It's so funny when people say "AFAB body" in reference to like, having a vagina. Trans women can and have vaginas, you know this, right? It's called vaginoplasty and has existed for fucking decades.
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papercranesandpride · 4 months
It’s very funny to me when TERFs and transphobes talk about how fake and ugly neovaginas are because I know exactly how full of shit they are. I’m a certified nursing aide. If you’re not familiar, 90% of our job is toileting. We also help with feeding, dressing, cleaning, and transferring, but if you think of how many times a day you need to pee versus the rest of that, you can understand just how much time your average CNA spends looking at genitalia. I haven’t even been doing this for two years and I’ve seen way more vaginas than I could count. 
Anyway, when I was doing some training, I overheard two CNAs from a different facility saying this:
CNA 1: Did you know that [patient] is transgender?
CNA 2: Wait really? 
CNA 1: Yeah, she was telling me about it. I never would have guessed.
CNA 2: Oh yeah I definitely couldn’t tell.
These people look at vaginas for God only knows how many hours a week with the amount that most CNAs pick up shifts. Plus they work in a nursing home, so this was an elderly woman. She could have gotten her bottom surgery 40 years ago when surgical techniques weren’t as advanced as they are now. These people who professionally work with genitalia still had no clue she wasn’t born with hers until she told them. 
So next time you see someone talking about how neovaginas are don’t look real or are just open wounds or whatever, please know they’re just wrong. If a CNA can’t tell a neovagina from before current advances in vaginoplasty apart from the cis ones they look at every day, neither can they. 
(Obvious disclaimer that a) with absolutely any surgery, some people will get bad results, so not every single neovagina is impossible to tell apart from a cis one, and b) being indistinguishable from a cis person is not every trans person’s goal, we shouldn’t have to pass to be valid, and some surgical techniques like zero-depth or phallus-preserving vaginoplasty won't be identical to a cis vagina by design. Neither of those detract from my point)
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knowsexeducation · 1 year
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Have you ever watched Brokeback Mountain and thought to yourself: "Wait, did they not use lube up there?" As a sense of horror looms over you? No? Just me?
Well, if they had read SEX EDUCATION!, they would have known the correct way to handle that! Because open education is important, there is also a free plain-text version available to anyone by clicking here (it's a google drive PDF link.) You can also contact [email protected] for the direct PDF or for questions. 
The booklet includes easy-to-read topics on STIs, STD testing recommendations, temporary and chronic contraceptives, lubrication, how to have socially safe sex, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, frictional sex, dispelling popular myths on anal and vaginal sex, masturbation, how hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery impacts sex, kinks, fun facts, a glossary, popular resources, and a list of references that are easily accessed in one medium.
Please consider leaving a review or supporting the author by viewing the published version here: Illustrated Sex Education! ; Plain Text Sex Education!
Thanks :]
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"Hi, my name is Shape. I started identifying as transgender at 22 while still in college. Before that, I was just a feminine gay man.
Being asked about my pronouns led me to research transgender ideology, and pretty quickly I got convinced that I was [a] transgender woman.
I was able to get hormones relatively easily through Fenway Health and was only on them for a year before receiving facial feminization and breast augmentation surgeries at 23.
Taking hormones actually worsened my mental health, but therapists thought that it was because I was stuck in the wrong body. They cleared me for sex-reassignment surgery by diagnosing me with Gender Identity Disorder.
Immediately after SRS, I was super-excited to start a new life. I was happy for a few months while recovering, however soon I realized that my new part wasn't what doctors promised me.
My neo vagina started constricting despite rigorous dilation, which resulted in me developing vaginal stenosis. This left me unable to have penetrative sex, which adversely impacted my mental health. I also lost my sex drive, my motivation to achieve anything, and became brain-fogged and lethargic.
I had multiple unsuccessful revisions attempting to get a few inches of neo vaginal tunnel. I even had colon vaginoplasty. The last revision was at the University of Miami by Dr. Christopher Sargara in 2018, and it left me with a colorectal fistula.
I've been all over the country trying to seek help but I have received none.
Earlier this year after hitting rock bottom with my depression, I reached out to a new therapist. The therapist helped me realize that I have Complex PTSD from a traumatic childhood, and also pointed out that I have body dysmorphia, OCD, borderline personality and bipolar disorders. I also realized I had internalized homophobia.
I realize now that medical transition was sold to me as a hardware fix for software issues.
A few months ago I started detransitioning by taking testosterone, however it is traumatic to be on testosterone without having functional genitals. Moreover, my back hurts every day due to osteoporosis and scoliosis that I developed post-SRS.
I'm now dependent on synthetic hormones for life. I traded my perfectly healthy genitals for an artificial 1-inch tunnel that is sexually non-functional.
I realize that I'm never getting back a functional penis, and full detransition is not really possible in my case. I feel stuck in a surgically created body.
I believe nobody under 18 should be allowed to medically transition. Sex-reassignment surgery should only be allowed in very rare cases after full psych evaluations. Patients should be made aware that what they're really getting is cosmetic surgery, and it's a genital approximation surgery that does not change biological sex.
Thank you."
What do you do when you're a detransitioner who can't detransition?
Meet Shape Shifter. His body has an open wound that it keeps trying to close over, because it's not supposed to be there.
This isn't "healthcare," it's cosmetic surgery. It's no more "healthcare" than getting a new haircut is a cure for depression.
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your-queer-dad · 8 months
Vaginoplasty should be called DingDong Ditch
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 2 months
Bottom surgery question: is it possible to be self-lubricating down there?
Yes, to a certain extent. Your mileage may vary. There is a type of vaginoplasty where they use some peritoneal tissue for the lining of the vagina which does secrete fluid when ur aroused. Thats the type of surgery that I got 😇😇 For me its not quite enough lubrication for penetration so I still use lube but its still uh. Its still sexy to have pussy slime
Btw my hospital was Mount Sinai in New York City and my surgeon was Dr Jess Ting. He has taught the technique to other surgeons too!
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draafty · 1 year
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laylacatgorl · 3 days
"getting a vaginoplasty sterilizes you!!1!" okay, so? what's the downside? i won't be able to have kids huh? you think i care?
getting locked out of the gene pool doesn't concern me. i never opted in to being in it, nothing will meaningfully change. it's like if you told me i can't join your wasp petting discord server. i don't wanna anyways.
you can buzz on the cooch all you wanna, tho. just leave me out of it :3
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redberryterf · 5 months
I like how the trans movement cures sex pests by removing their genitals in the most savage way and calls it health care
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willowylady · 1 year
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Greer Lankton, Untitled 2D Artwork
via Mattress Factory
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madeofvoid · 2 months
looking into vaginoplasty and all of the stories about experiences and tips and testimonials are super inspirational! Like I love all of you pre-op and post-op and never-op i am kissing you gently.
But for the love of gog show me. Like I get it nobody wants to post pussy online but. I need. To see. For Science. Medical, candid, scientific, in a pose, clothed- Like its nice hearing abt how """realistic""" it looks but I need to study this shit or else i cant make a decision. Personal problem yeah I get it but 90% of the pics ive seen were posted to 4chan and thats only reliable to a certain extent. Idk where to look and obvi i could go to the hub but. I feel like thats 100% fucking wrong. But the fuck do I know iguess?
sage in all fields
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Went on youtube to look up some phalloplasty videos to send to someone, I was looking on youtube for those medical style videos where they show the procedure with a model explaining the steps. And these were my recommended search suggestions
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I decided out of curiosity to search for vaginoplasty to see what came up and weirdly enough I got... Nothing. Like, when you searched videos came up, but no suggestions at all??
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I dont really know what to say about this. I dont have the spoons to actually make the commentary, if you do please feel free, but it is fucking weird and transphobic and I dont like it.
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 2 months
how long was recovery period for you after bottom surgery ?
Recovery went in several stages. Also please be aware that there are a few different surgical techniques for vaginoplasty and different people heal at different rates so you could have a different healing timeline.
I had a one-stage surgery with no revisions.
As soon as I woke up and looked down to see the absence of a penis, I felt a wave of elation. However I was still pretty damn woozy from the serious painkillers I was on.
Post-surgery I was in the hospital for about a week, then I was cleared to leave the hospital. After I left the hospital I had regular doctor and nurse appointments to monitor my progress. I went to my parents house and had two weeks on bed rest with a catheter in, then I returned to the doctor and they removed the catheter and took off the bandages. Then it was a couple more weeks of mostly bed rest, with limited mobility. They had rearranged my guts lol so I had a lot of abdominal pain when walking because you engage your core muscles when you do that. So you have to gradually walk a little bit more every day as you heal and spend a lot of time laying down. If I recall correctly it was a few more weeks of recovery with lots of pain, itchy stitches, barely any bladder control, multiple times daily dilation, and lots of pain meds.
So after two months total recovery time I was cleared to go home. I was healing at a good rate and didn’t need any more exams.
After that, I just waited and dilated and the stitches gradually dissolved as I healed. I think it was like 3-6 months of no baths and no sex. I could shower but I wasn’t supposed to immerse in water, i think due to risk of getting infected or something like that. I also had to spend a few months sitting on those doughnut pillows usually given to hemmoroid patients so as not to put any pressure on my swollen healing groin.
For a while I felt only numbness, itchyness, and pain down there, but didn’t take too long before my nerves healed and reconnected and I was able to feel sexual stimulation again.
Six years later, I have zero regrets. I felt that pretty much everyone at Mount Sinai Hospital treated me with respect and compassion and I am very happy with the surgical results.
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goblingirlpicnic · 6 months
Olive’s girl rant 👉👈😵‍💫
So like idk abt y’all but bottom surgery has been on my mind a lot recently. I find that when I get into a bad mental space my dysphoria like gets much more in my face if that makes sense.
Like I’m not even sure where I stand on wanting it, like it’s terrifying and like I don’t think I could handle it but also like it’s the end goal of transitioning for me. I think it is at least, I’m still trying to figure out my next step in my transition and like what I need to get there.
Idk like I think I’m just overwhelmed with life and my brain is kinda putting more stuff on top of it.
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themostgracious · 2 months
Popular Swedish influencer Mathilda Högberg.shares an update on the 10th anniversary of her vaginoplasty. Mathilda was only 19 when she got her surgery and gained a large online following before “coming out” publicly as transgender in 2020.
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tl;dr trans origin story
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So, what have I done so far? How did I arrive to this point? Well, I kind of always knew that I wished I had been born a girl, but for many years I suppressed these feelings. I can remember as far back as age 4, seeing my older female cousin Jaimie and wishing I could look like her.
(Warning: I talk briefly about a sexual encounter below.)
I'd been somewhat familiar with feminizing HRT, FFS and vaginoplasty since I was an early adolescent thanks to cable TV, and transitioning seemed like such an extreme process (because it is) that it seemed impossibly expensive to achieve the results that I wanted for myself. I'd always been fascinated with hearing the stories of trans people and would watch anything related to them them any chance I got. My favourite movie since I was 16 years old was, and still is to this day, Breakfast on Pluto, a story about an Irish transwoman. How curious that it didn't occur to me until later in life that I loved this movie because I wanted to be like the main character.
Throughout the years there were other signs, like playing dress-up with my best friend and wearing their femme clothes, which led to the appearance of my Southern belle alter-ego Annabelle in our late teens while the True Blood series was still popular. Yes, with a big, floppy hat y todo. 👒
Shortly after moving to Seattle, I'd come to the realisation that I'd never been comfortable with a male identity and decided to start identifying as non-binary and using they/them pronouns.
There were two main catalysts that made me come to terms with my inner womanhood this past year. The first was a sexual encounter I had with a bisexual man who wanted me to wear panties for him. As we had sex, he sexualised me as a woman and referred to me as a woman. It made me feel validated and desired in a way that I had never been before, and it felt so right and perfect somehow. This encounter, as you might imagine, made me reflect long and hard about my gender identity.
The second catalyst was an Italki Spanish conversation class. My teacher is a trans woman, and the topic of discussion was gender identity. At one point during our discussion, she asked me, "What part of you wants to cling to the masculine?" and I realised that I didn't really have an answer for her. I realised that I was clinging to masculinity (or vestiges of it, lol) because I wanted to please other people, rather than make myself happy and discover my true identity.
A couple days later, on July 20th 2022, I decided that it was time to start doing something about it. I started by telling close friends, and it wasn't long before I settled on the name Aurelia and started to try presenting as female to the best of my ability. I'm very fortunate to work in a very trans-friendly city at a very trans-friendly business with exceptional health insurance for individuals who seek in gender affirming care. Having already worked alongside several trans people at my job, I felt comfortable enough to start coming out to my coworkers right away. They, of course, accepted me with open arms and have been amazing at using my preferred name and pronouns. A few of them even gave me clothes!
I then, of course, started shopping. In addition to makeup and clothes, I bought an epilator, silicone breast forms, mastectomy bras, a few different styles of gaffs as well as tucking tape. Not at all once, of course, 'cause all that shit was expensive. (Especially the gaffs! I tried two styles, a cheap $20 Amazon that was bulky and inaffective, and a $40 that works amaaazingly. $40 is a lot, but after I started ordering one every paycheque, I think she took notice and started sending me two per order, which was super sweet of her. Thanks, Lexy B Blair!)
I found a doctor who specialises in transgender care through my insurance and on September 6th, I started taking my HRT medications. After 5 weeks, I've seen slight (though not yet visible) breast tissue growth, skin softening, and thinning and softening of body hair. It's hard for me to gauge any emotional or psychological changes, since I was a very emotional person before HRT, lol. I guess I get angry way less often, but I also feel like this was true before I started HRT and has more to do with the relief I felt immediately after coming out that I was finally allowing myself to present female.
On October 13th, I got registered for laser hair removal, and I'll begin my first treatments in November! I'm so tired of shaving every day and having to use orange colour corrector and a full face of heavy foundation just to have a "natural" look. My facial hair comes in really dark, so no matter how close I shave, they leave behind a greenish undertone to my skin, which is why I need the colour corrector.
So, now what? We wait for the hormones to do their job. I probably won't notice any major changes until a year in, and the full effects could take 3-4 years. I asked my doctor about progesterone to help with breast development, and he wants to try it when I'm 6 months to a year in. Depending on how well that works, I may or may not eventually want breast augmentation.
Another procedure I'm definitely interested in is facial feminisation surgery. Because I went through a testosterone-based puberty during my adolescence, my jawline is very angular and I have a protruding brow bone compared to before I started puberty. HRT is supposed to help a little bit with rounding of the face via fat redistribution, but this won't be noticeable for at least a year. So, I suppose the plan will be to see how satisfied I am after the three year mark, and if not, look into getting the procedure.
And then, of course, there's the surgery that cispeople are most obsessed with: ✨vaginoplasty✨. Will I get it? First of all, if you don't already know this, please don't ever ask a trans person this question. As for me, I'm still conflicted. I don't believe in the concept of "completely transitioning" and don't think that genital surgery is a necessary step in a gender transition. I would be completely content keeping my genitals and would still feel as complete of a woman as any other. And yet, when it really comes down to it, I think I would still prefer a vagina to a penis if given the choice... which, I guess I have? But then, of course, there's the whole surgery itself, which is very extensive and scary, with a rough recovery. Plus the extensive dilations. Hmm, I just don't know about all that. If I did it, which I honestly don't think I will, I would want a very talented doctor who will perform a labiaplasty, clitoroplasty, and vaginoplasty, and who has multiple photographs of the results of former patients.
So, that's all, folks. If you're still reading this, thank you for listening to me overshare, lol.
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