#unsealed gojo x dead nanami
violetken · 9 months
what if megumi's mom never died?
(I’ve been thinking about Toji x Megumi’s mama so much and I decided to make a long rant about an AU where she lived! I’m not Gege, so take this with a grain of salt.)
To start off, it is canon that megumama was the only woman that Toji ever ‘truly gave himself to’. She made him a better person, and her death highly influenced him to do the actions we see in canon. That being said, if she was alive, ‘hidden inventory’ would be pretty boring. Toji wouldn’t assassinate Riko, and would ideally be working a random job in an office to provide for his family. However, Haibara’s death would still occur, and unfortunately, Geto would turn to the dark side. Geto was born cursed to begin with, and there are so many other factors besides Riko’s assassination that drove him insane.
Gojo’s personality had a significant change after Toji attacked him in canon. Since Toji never attacks him in this AU, I like to think his personality would be slightly different than we see now. Probably more annoying/immature. He also might not always keep his limitless technique on 24/7. 
Megumi’s cursed technique would still be here in this AU, and therefore he still is Toji’s winning card against the Zenin clan. Toji likely would have more children with megumama as well, so there is a possibility of having other children with powerful cursed techniques. However, Tsumiki and Megumi would have no knowledge of one another, since Toji wouldn’t have married her mother. 
Speaking of Megumi, he’d be a happier teen, and have a good childhood since he has both parents, siblings & an overall stable family life. His personality would be very different! I like to think he’d be a little bit more like Yuuji or even Gojo. In canon, he thinks his parents left him, and he had no one to rely on, which is why he behaves the way we see. In this AU, it is the opposite. 
I believe Toji would allow Satoru Gojo to mentor and train Megumi. Megumi and Gojo would likely get along very well. Toji would form some what of an alliance with Gojo. Additionally, Toji would definitely train Maki & help her reach her highest potential. Toji & megumama might even take care of both Mai & Maki, knowing how cruel the Zenin clan was to them, and they all bond over their hatred of their clan. If Toji chooses to take both the girls under his wing, the relationship between the sisters would have been much much much stronger, and Mai likely wouldn’t have died. 
In this AU, Sukuna and Kenjaku are still lurking and scheming. Therefore, Shibuya & the culling games & everything after would still occur, but certain things would just be a tad bit different. For example, Granny Ogami wouldn’t bring Toji’s soul back from the dead, and he wouldn’t wreck havoc. There is a 50/50 chance of Gojo being sealed. It doesn’t matter much though, because he will eventually be unsealed anyway. 
If Toji interferes in the Shibuya battles that take place, there is a slight chance that deaths could’ve been avoided, such as Nanami & Nobara. However, the deaths of some characters seem unavoidable, such as Principal Yaga, Mechamaru & Grandpa Zenin. There is always the possibility of Toji dying in Shibuya too, but let's say that he survives Shibuya. Characters would still be heavily injured from Shibuya: Inumaki losing his arm, Maki & Nanami getting burns, Nobara & Nanami both losing an eye. 
Since Mai is alive in this AU, the Zenin clan massacre likely would not have occurred. Megumi & Naoya would still fight over the position of the new clan head. With Megumi having support from Choso, Toji, his siblings, Maki, Mai, Yuuji, and literally so many more people, Naoya wouldn’t even be a problem & Megumi would win in a landslide….Therefore, the Zenin clan would go through vast changes, now that Megumi is in control, and has the help of Toji/Maki/Mai.
Sukuna likely would not have been able to possess Megumi. Instead, it likely would’ve been Yuuji’s body or maybe one of Megumi’s siblings (if they have special cursed techniques) bodies that Gojo is fighting in the current arc. Without Megumi/Sukuna’s shikigami, Gojo would have a much easier time defeating Sukuna. It won’t be easy to save the vessel while defeating Sukuna (we don’t even know currently in the manga what is going to happen…), so the chances of Sukuna’s vessel dying are 50/50. 
After defeating Sukuna, the group likely would go after Kenjaku, and most likely return victorious. Gojo would put Geto’s body to rest once and for all. 
Overall, Jujutsu Kaisen would be a bit less dark and would have a somewhat happy ending with most of the characters being alive (although some of them are not in good shape, but who gives af at least they are alive).
That’s it for now, let me know what you guys think!
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gojoshooter · 1 year
You've Got it From Here — Gojo
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Pairing : unsealed!gojo x dead!nanami
A/N : a (better) reaction by gojo after he learns about nanami’s death cause this shit was keepin me up :D
WARNINGS : crying, manga spoilers
dead!nanami wasn't the first thing gojo looks for after being released from prison realm
unsealed!gojo would look around, sure, his eyes searching for the grumpy-looking young man in his weird signature glasses
unsealed!gojo would then give up his little search, attention back on his students that approach him timidly after his release
unsealed!gojo who one day at shoko's after getting his treatment brings up about not seeing nanami, and watches shoko put a face she uses to tell about a patient’s demise
“...i’m surprised no one told you about his death yet, satoru. take it easy though.”
unsealed!gojo who pauses, frowns... he knows either this had to be some kind of insensitive joke. that, or shoko has lost it after the shibuya incident
unsealed!gojo feeling that tiny hint of panic kicking deep in his guts, it was like your mom telling you she removed your bed from your bedroom... sounded that silly
unsealed!gojo who sees no signs of mockery, watches ichiji’s guilty sad eyes that seemed too real to be the part of a silly joke, & he nods
unsealed!gojo who feels like struggling to swallow a still beating heart, trying so hard not let his emotions take over... to accept it, let it go, fucking let it go & not phase him
unsealed!gojo who doesn't know why the idea of nanami's death would effect him to this level because.... he was just a junior from highschool, right?
dead!nanami who wasn't just his junior but the only person gojo had besides shoko, & understood gojo's need of being extra clingy as a coping mechanism after geto's death... he never questioned or complained
dead!nanami who gojo believed to never fail any task, like a child who believes in their superhero... he was a perfect man in his eyes
unsealed!gojo who tries not to break down at the thought of his junior on the brink of death, gojo knows he was the type to die with a proud smile, maybe daydreaming about things he cherished and things he wanted to do before dying one unfortunate day
dead!nanami 's death that truly registers in his mind when he stops in his way to his dead friend's dorm, realizing nanami can't comfort him about his own death
unsealed!gojo who develops some new habits, like closing the door of his room to take out old photo albums or his sns to look up old posts and tweets, chuckling to himself at how sulky & peevish was his highschool friend
unsealed!gojo who doesn't realize when water brims his eyes watching all the photos from the past, as all he could feel was his jaw hurting because he couldn't stop smiling looking back at the memories
unsealed!gojo wouldn't even wipe the tears off his face, trying not to acknowledge them because of his silly little belief that nanami would just come back if he wouldn't accept his death...
A/N: fin! this was for sweet lil @nanamikentoseyebags who asked me to make a hc about it, there u go <33
Tags: @luckimoon @pretty-toru @robynnnhooddd
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xkaidaxxxx · 6 months
Husband Nanami x fiancée ft. Gojo
spoiler (anime watchers)
Mentions: pregnancy test, second love, fluff, angst, happy ending
“I have a surprise for you babe.” You said as he took his tie off. “That’s great sweetheart. Thank you.” He replied smiling and taking the box from your hand. He was hoping it would be something simple. “What do you think?” You asked seeing his shocked face. Your heart started pounding. Your nerves were wild. “God this is perfect!” He responded taking the engagement ring out. “Yes!yes I do!” You yelled happily.“I haven’t even asked you yet sweetheart.” He replied sliding the ring on your finger. Engaged and a wonderful baby on the way. This is perfect. You both always talked about moving to Malaysia. Have a perfect home and a great view of the sea.
It’s awful the universe took those plans from you and Nanami. Cruel
He read the message and put his tie back on. “I’ll be back as soon as possible okay sweetheart. I love you and our little one very much.” He said. “ kill those curses babe. Do your best. Be safe. We love you too very much.” You replied.
You got to say I love you and he did as well. Your last ones.
Earlier that day everyone was well aware of what was going to happen or at least had a feeling.
Morning of the shibuya incident:
“Gojo… Do you still love her?” He asked. Gojo and Nanami fought for you endlessly. Until you chose Nanami. Even then Gojo continued loving you. “Yes I do.” He replied. “ If something happens…take care of her. Show her how much you love her..so she can move on. Keep her safe.” He said. They looked at each other and nodded.
Next day.
You opened the door. “ H-Hello ma’am. I’m yuji..may I come in?” You nodded noticing he held Nanami’s weapon as he walked in. “I‘ll make it quick…Nanami’s dead.” He said. Dropping the bomb. Your heart broke into millions of pieces. “N-no.” You said leaning against the table. Yuji saw your ring. His wife? No..his fiancée. He also saw the pregnancy test on the table. “His knife..no body..” he said. You cried.
Three years passed. During your pregnancy you stayed strong for yourself and the baby. It was a little girl. She looks so much like her daddy.
She turned 2. Around the time Gojo was unsealed. “You’re still bringing more gifts?” You giggled as he showed you many cute outfits. “Gojo” yumi nanami said pointing at him. He carried her. Yumi giggled. Gojo spoiled her rotten. She leaned against him yawning. She clutched his shirt, “ two dadas.” Your eyes widened.You did tell her stories about Nanami. Showed her videos and photos. She loves her dad.
That little girl with such a beautiful heart knew her mommy will fall in love with another man.
A man that loves her so much.
Satoru Gojo
She was right with in 3 years. Gojo showed you all his love towards you. You fell in love with him. You both wake up early getting Yumi and yourselves ready to start the day. Have family fun every weekend. Show up to her awards and every school events. Gojo having princess tea parties with her. You guys dancing to her favorite Taylor swift songs.
Having a few rough days with her fits.
A beautiful family.
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hydriko · 17 hours
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gojo is finally out of the box : gojo satoru x gn!reader
genres / warnings : angst, hurt/no comfort, cursing, spoiler warnings⚠️!, reader is mad at gojo, mentions of character death, gojo is in love w reader but nothing is established, arguing, Gojo + Yuji survive bc I refuse to make them die, reader is also a teacher at JJT
notes : I was talking with a cai bot earlier so kinda inspired by it (sxgarcore on cai)! I was also feeling angsty 🤗 Also I've never exactly read the manga, so my knowledge is very general so please lmk if I've made any mistakes!
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19 days that Gojo Satoru had been sealed in the prison realm by Kenjaku. Or, in your eyes, 19 days that Gojo Satoru left the world to suffer at the hands of Sukuna.
You hated him. You hated him for letting himself get sealed up, blaming him for all of the casualties and the people you’d lost. Students, for God’s sake, to be put up against the king of curses.
Gojo is the strongest, and there is no doubt about that. Your anger sometimes felt like you were doubting the abilities of you and your fellow sorcerers, because there was always a possibility that things would’ve ended up the same way with him there.
Still, you couldn’t help but be angry with him. Those 19 days, you along with everyone worried about his wellbeing and safety. All that time spent trying to get him back whilst fighting a demon from hell that possessed the body of Yuji Itadori.
You knew that Gojo had been unsealed, and you were trying your utmost best to avoid him. You knew that you’d lose your shit on him if you came face to face with him, so you decided to distance yourself for the sake of everyone’s happiness during recovery.
What you didn't know, though, was that those days felt like years to him, like an eternity on the brink of madness. It drove him insane knowing that he couldn’t be there to help, and the longer he was there the more he began to miss you. As soon as he was back, the first thing he wanted to do was see you again.
You were at JJT, not particularly doing anything other than roaming the hallways trying to clear your mind. The hallways were unusually empty, any typical day you’d probably be teaching your students—but that wasn’t the case now.
You rounded the corner, eyes focused on the ground when all of a sudden you walk straight into someone. You were about to say sorry before you actually realized who it was. Surprise! It’s Gojo.
When you first made eye contact with him, it practically made your blood run cold. But surprisingly, you didn’t feel the same amount of rage as you thought you would. Rather, you felt shocked, completely frozen.
"Long time no see, yeah?" He spoke after a good long minute of silence, putting on the same stupid smile that told you that he wasn’t actually happy. The same smile that said that nothing had happened, the smile that said that his mind was elsewhere.
"Gojo," You frowned, eyebrows furrowing and expression falling. You felt your shoulders slump slightly, almost as if you were disappointed at his presence.
You watched him tense, confusion creeping onto his features as the gears began to turn in his head.
He expected you to run into his arms, hug him, act like you missed him, anything but the way you were reacting right now.
"The one and only. Did ya miss me?" he laughed nervously, his smile faltering slightly. Why were you acting so…mad? Was it something he said?
"I'd ask Nanami that question," you scoffed at him, "He's dead."
Gojo knew that already, but it didn't hurt any less coming from you. He paused, the facade he wanted to put on so badly slowly slipping from his grasp.
"...I know," he muttered, a blank face replacing his previous, more confident one.
That was all he could say. He didn't even know what to say, especially with the way you surprised him with being so angry.
He knew that many important people were lost, but now he couldn't help but begin to think that maybe it was his fault that they died. That it was his fault because he couldn't be there to save them. The way you responded filled him up with pure guilt, and he didn’t like it.
You rolled your eyes, his bluntness pissing you off. You sighed, turning on your heel to go the other direction. You planned on going to the hospital in a bit to visit the injured others, along with Shoko who was there right now.
You didn't want to be anywhere near Gojo. Not now, not when you saw him being the reason that people were injured in the first place.
Gojo panicked a little as he saw you start to walk away, reaching out and grabbing your wrist to spin you back around. He couldn't just let you leave. He'd spent 19 days trying to escape, trying to see you again, and he was not going to let that chance go. "Where the hell are you going?"
"The hospital, where everyone is," You muttered, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You weren't wrong, though; Nobara and Megumi were some of the few who were there now. You managed to get out with a couple of scars and bruises, but the others weren't so fortunate.
Gojo sighed softly, letting go of your wrist. He felt like he should've expected that answer, to be honest. Knowing that the people he cared about were injured, knowing that you probably were too, it all just didn't sit right with him.
"Yeah...of course," He put his hands back into his pockets, looking at the ground for a moment before looking back up at you. "Are you alright?"
"Why do you care?" You quipped, "It's not like you cared if we'd be alright when you got locked up."
Ouch. That one stung a little. But maybe he deserved it.
You knew you were being meaner than you should, and a part of you knew that it wasn't entirely Gojo's fault for getting sealed, but it felt right.
To you, Gojo was reckless; he was reckless enough to get sealed in the prison realm, to let everyone else handle the king of curses. Even so, he let Kenjaku and Sukuna have that kind of power, where they wouldn’t have to worry about the him because he was locked away.
You both stood in silence for a moment, albeit very uncomfortable silence. It felt suffocating to him, and it made him want to just hug you and apologize a million times over. But he just couldn’t.
“I just—” you paused, sighing as you thought about what to say, “I just wish you were there.”
The hint of pain in your voice almost killed Gojo. He should’ve been there. He knew that much.
Gojo kept quiet, completely unsure how to respond to you. You, the person here probably cared about the most, hated him the most right now. He wanted to fix it all, to time travel back so that he wouldn’t be sealed up. He wanted to make it better but he didn’t even know where to start.
With his lack of response, you took that as your queue to leave. You turned once again, this time leaving Gojo where he stood.
You didn’t know if you could forgive him, at least not soon. You’d let it be, but who knows how long it’ll take you to come back around? It could be weeks, months, years—all options left a sour taste in Gojo’s mouth.
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