mc-amps · 5 years
Unknown Zine Preview
“What are you thinking about?” He caressed her cheek, delighted at the way she blissfully closed her eyes. “Oh, you must like me more than you’re letting on.” He leaned closer only letting his lips hover over hers. “You know,” he began, a low rumble of a growl escaping his throat. “That marshmallow wanted to kiss you so bad, but he was too much of a wimp to do anything about it. Now I’m thinking you wanted to kiss him too.”
She didn’t argue, however she needed encouragement. “Don’t be shy~” He leaned closer and closer…
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Guys! @unknownzine Preorders close in three days! Everyone’s art and stories turned out amazing. You won’t want to miss out on this! https://unknownzine.bigcartel.com/
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laytmblr · 7 years
I choose 10, 18, 19, 20. 😘
Hello my dear anon!
10. Are you a shipper?Well, Damn right I am!!! HAHA But it might not always mean the same to me as to other ARMYs, according to the ship ;)
18. Can you tag someone you’d recommend me to follow?@mimibtsghost go there and find your death hapinness my dear ;)(I secretly wished so hard to be asked that just to promote my bestie ^_^)
19. Do you read FF? What kind? Where?Yes I do! These days it’s practically all I do tbh hehe (sounds so sad and/or creepy…) I love ship FF, any type, AU, non-AU, the only thing I don’t read is angst, because I read to cheer me up, not to cry all over the place ^^ (and yes, you pervs, I read smut… tsk tsk, kids… What do you mean nobody asked? Yes you did. YOU DID.) At the moment I read all that mostly on AO3, but I started here on Tumblr and I read a lot of stuff on WattPad too.
20. Can you recommend a good FF? Or your fav one?Yes with great pleasure!First of all, if like me you love Yoomin, you can find A HELL LOT of good recs on this blog @yoonminficrec I discovered this recently and it’s life now ;)
My favs on Tumblr :- First Love by @crossingbordersonmyown - YoongixReader. It’s sweet ;)- Partner by @bangtanjaemi - YoongixReader - It’s a really good story, with just enough of everything. It was my very first fav of all time ^^- Miss Right by @eris0330​ - UnknownxReader - Text series (mostly) cute and sweet ^^
My favs on Wattpad:- Hashtag Yoonmin Is Real (Complete) - by pumpkinofmyeye - non-au, really good! My first fav on Wattpad.- Subway (Not complete) by CanYouVernot - Yoonmin - I read the beginning only but there is now 9 parts and just what I read was AMAZING, really well written :D- You are mine (Complete) byaalayahupson - YoongixReader. Full of feels…- I NEED U (Complete) byinspiritbaby11 - YoongixJiminxJungkook. For my little pervs out there ;) but smut aside, it’s full of feels too and a good story ;)
My favs on AO3:- Looking for Redemption (Complete) by Iyrs - BTS Dragon!AU. It’s my all time fav so far. I read the 25 chapters in like, 2 days I just couldn’t stop! If you like fantasy fiction, GO FOR IT!- The Adventures of BTS (Barely Trained Superheroes) (Unfinished) byblurrylines - Yoonmin/Taekook/Namjin - Powers!au / HungerGames!au / Dystopian story with lots of references, super good writing, I’m just sad that the author is long to update and left us with a cliffhanger -_- But go read it if you like that style ;)- Summer Camp (Unfinished) bykpop_trash_forever - Taekook/Yoonmin/Namjin - summercamp!au (duh) super sweet and fluff so far I really like it :)- GAME OVER (Unfinished) by mintsoda - Yoonmin/Taekook - Thief!au / richboy!au - It’s funny, fluff, angst (a bit) and really well written! You can also find the authors on Twitter, they update daily and keep track of all their fics ;)
Waaaaaaa… that was long HAHAHAAnyway, thanks for the ask my dear ;)
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mc-amps · 5 years
Ray Route: Alternate Path Chapter Three
Paring: UnknownxReader
Warnings: Themes of assault
Read the whole fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14985092/chapters/34728701
“Are you scared of me? Are you scared…of what might happen?”                 –Unknown. Christmas DLC.
What if a different Saeran showed up during Ray’s route? A familiar Saeran who doesn’t berate and belittle you, but is instead much more seductive…and dangerous. This is what would have happened if Unknown showed up instead of Suit Saeran.
Day 8 Late Evening/Day 9 Early Morning
Things continue like normal. Well, as normal as it can for a captured princess. You stay in your room, chatting with the RFA whenever you could. Not that you had a choice, considering you were tied up and all. The rough rope scratches at your ankle with every heavy step, but the anchor that weighs you down the most is dread. The dread of Saeran discovering the truth about the fake elixir. Thankfully, the hacker is too busy to see you in person, only occasionally chatting and calling you. It seems he’s just as overworked as Ray was. Still, you’re like a ticking time bomb and the longer you hold back, the bigger the explosion will be.
If that isn’t bad enough, the RFA is doing so much worse than you. To start, V postponed the party, then Zen got interrogated. Seven was also acting quite distant. The RFA is going through a storm, no, a hurricane. And here you are stuck in your prison, unable to do a thing to help. You’re trapped, forced to watch everyone around you worry and suffer.
As the sun sets, it gets harder to log into the chatrooms, yet being alone with your thoughts is even worse. The nighttime brings shadows full of fear and despair. Thankfully, you get into a chatroom with only Jumin. He is the more rational, levelheaded one of the group after all, and something about that makes you feel safe.
The two of you chat about the current situation. Of course, you can’t get into too much detail on your end, in fact, you try to act as neutral as possible. No doubt, Saeran is watching. Both in and out of the chatroom. The thought makes you shudder. At least chatting with Jumin calms you down.
Until you read his latest messages.
Jumin Han: I find your attitude Jumin Han: a little bothering as of late. Jumin Han: I did have such an impression at your introduction Jumin Han: but it feels like Jumin Han: you are Jumin Han: being controlled Jumin Han: by someone else….
Your blood runs cold as you stare at the screen. It’s not that your necessarily being controlled, but you have no idea how to act. When is the elixir supposed to kick in? Should you pretend it took effect? But how would that even work? You’re not sure, but one thing is certain, telling the truth would be suicide. But what can you say? And if you leave Jumin waiting too long, he’ll get even more suspicious.
Fingers shaking, you tap at the screen as your mind scrambles for an excuse. Something. Anything.
Jumin Han has left the chatroom.
The screen changes, first turning black with scrolling green text, before the chatroom returns, red tinged and glitchy.
Your stomach drops as you grip your phone. No matter how many times he interrupts the chats, it always catches you off guard.
Unknown: Princess Unknown: What kind of stupid things is the corporate heir saying? Unknown: Wouldn’t you rather talk to me? ^^ Unknown: How are you feeling now? Unknown: Any Unknown: different~?
Once again, you’re at a loss. Just like with Jumin, you can’t take long to respond, but this time you manage to type something out.
MC: Idk MC: I’m more worried about the party getting postponed. MC: Do you think it’s because of the prosecution interrogation? Unknown: What a smart girl you are~ Unknown: I wish I could let off some steam Unknown: on the guys from the prosecution! Unknown: Savior found out Unknown: that the RFA is postponing the party. Unknown: And now Unknown: she’s more than just angry. Unknown: Not even your cleansing Unknown: cheered her up.
Your breath hitches in your throat. Rika. You aren’t an idiot and from the moment she first came into your room, you knew who she was. She had been very pleasant and charming, yet there had been something unsettling behind her dull, olive eyes. What was this place and why was she doing this? Why did she leave the RFA without a word?
It’s hard to imagine her angry, yet considering what had happened to Ray, the thought is chilling. His last tearful phone call, your final words with him before Saeran took his place. . . that still haunts you. Without a doubt, you know Rika’s responsible for it. She’s fully capable of hurting others and twisting them to her desires. Something tells you she’s willing to do it again.
MC: Am I in trouble? Unknown: Princess. . . Unknown: You don’t have to worry about anything happening to you Unknown: because you’re mine ^^ Unknown: Do you know Unknown: what I told my savior? Unknown: I told her Unknown: that this is Ray’s fault Unknown: he was weak Unknown: and stupid Unknown: and didn’t deserve this mission.
This latest stream of message makes your chest ache. Ray. . . poor Ray. He was amazing, yet treated so horribly.
Ray worked harder than anyone else. . .! He has never ruined things. Not eve- You quickly hit the backspace. No. Your outburst would just make Saeran suspicious. . . Ray was still in there though. Wasn’t he? He wasn’t gone forever, right?
Unknown: But I’m here now. Unknown: I’ll make things better Unknown because I am better. Unknown: We’ll get Savior the info she wants Unknown: and make her happy again.
There’s a pause and you’re not quite sure what to say. You don’t want to help Rika or this place, yet expressing this would only give you away. A couple new messages appear before you can reply.
Unknown: You’re so pretty. Unknown: I love that face you’re making.
Your eyes widen and you look around a bit frantically, cheeks burning. You still have no idea where Saeran had the camera installed, and your heart pounds with horror, yet there’s a small bit of warmth that washes over you. What’s wrong with you? Despite everything Saeran has done, you still feel a strange attraction towards him. Your mind tries to resist with everything it has, but your body, and maybe even your heart refuses to cooperate. All you can do is look down your phone, lowering your head and trying to hide your face as best as you can.
Unknown: Haha Unknown: You’re so cute. Unknown: Watching you like this Unknown: makes me want you even more. Unknown: I want to hold you in my arms Unknown: and feel you Unknown: but I can’t now Unknown: ^^ Unknown: So until I can see you again. . . Unknown: prepare yourself. Unknown: I can’t wait to play with you Unknown: my Princess~
Unknown has left the chatroom
A strange mixture of relief and disappointment fills you as the chatroom returns to normal. It’s better this way. The longer you can be away from Saeran the better.
It’s just you and Jumin now, but not really. Saeran is still monitoring you. All you can do is type up that your phone has been acting up and you’re too tired to keep chatting. You then leave the chatroom before Jumin can start questioning you again.
Are you really tired though?
Yes and no. You’re emotionally exhausted, yet your racing mind won’t let you settle down. Even after you’re ready for bed and under the fluffy pink covers of your princess bed, your mind is still abuzz with anxious thoughts. The nightgown Saeran had the Believers deliver to you doesn’t help. It’s silky, black and scandalous with lace trim and a hem that barely covers you butt. Unfortunately, the Believers took away the much more modest and flowing, princess nightgown Ray had provided. Not that you had a choice in the matter. You still needed to act like you took the elixir after all, so you put on the nightgown without any resistance. This was honestly the least of your worries. . .
What was going to happen tomorrow? You don’t want to think about it. Surely Saeran is going to expect the elixir to have kicked in? So you had to act like it did, or else you would be in trouble? But how? That’s the part that gets you every time. It seemed the elixir was supposed to make people happy, yet everyone here seemed so sluggish and odd. Ray had been miserable, though Searan had this manic, unhinged joy about him. So was that how you were supposed to act? Glum, sleepy, hyper? You still couldn’t figure it out!
Despite all your tossing and turning along with the swirling tonic of uncertainty and nerves in the pit of your stomach, your breathing slows down and you soon doze off.
Saeran walks through the hall, head held high and mint eyes wide with excitement. It’s finally time to visit his princess. She made his work go a bit slower than he cared to admit. Her hypnotic eyes called to him. Then there were her lips. He could almost taste their sweetness just by watching the camera feed. But the part that almost drove them over the edge was her body. The way she fidgeted as she sat on the bed. It was in a word, tantalizing. The nightgown he had sent for her only emphasized her delicious shape. He could stare at her 24/7, if he let himself, but no, he isn’t like Ray. Saeran can still enjoy his princess and get work done.
What got him the most excited was the way she tossed and turned in bed. Restless and writhing. That was surely the elixir finally kicking in. It took a lot longer with her than other Believers, but Saeran doesn’t care. All that matters is that she’s one of them now. She finally belongs here and would be his forever. The thought makes his heartrate skyrocket.
He stops at her bedroom door and tries to collect himself. While it was tempting to loudly barge like all the other times, tonight is different. Special. He tugs at his open suit jacket, causing it to sloppily hang off of one shoulder. The clothes Savior gave him prove to be more and more suffocating, and as the day progressed, he made some changes. First he ditched the tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt, so he could finally breathe. Of course there was his jacket, but the thing he liked most was the leather choker he found. He has no idea who it belonged to before, but now it’s his.
With a drawn out sigh and a smirk, Saeran grasps the doorknob and turns it as slowly and gently as possible. He steps into the dark bedroom. A sweet, familiar odor assaults his senses, causing his fingers to tremble as he closes the door the behind him.
His gaze hones in on the bed. A large lump lays in the center, moving up and down at a sluggish pace. Soft and deep breaths fill the air. It’s like a siren’s song, drawing him closer and closer until he stands at the side of the bed, staring at his princess. Her eyes are shut, and lips curved into a slight smile. The elixir has given her peace. Now she can finally be happy. He brought her salvation. Not Ray. Him.
With a proud grin, he leans in closer, relishing in the medley of her breathing and addictive scent. Now he can take what was his from the very beginning. His eyes widen and his smile grows as he kicks off his dress shoes and climbs into the bed.
Rustling followed by warmth breaks through the unfeeling darkness.
It feels good.
So good.
Your breath hitches and you weakly gasp as the sensation grows stronger. Everything is floaty, yet falling and you soon recognize the feeling is coming from your neck. The fog gradually fades as consciousness kicks in. Soft blankets keep you warm and the mattress underneath you creaks with movement, but it’s not coming from you. . .
Your eyes snap open and you let out a strangled gasp at the sight of someone straddling you. You’re aware of his lips on your neck, yet it takes your brain a moment to process that it’s Saeran. How? When!? You reach for his chest, about to shove him, but your hands recoil and a chill runs up your spine when you remember the elixir. You can’t blow your cover. But then what are you supposed to do!? The conflicting thoughts leave you frozen.
Saeran nips at your neck with a growl before pulling back and adjusting himself so he can look down at you. “Good morning, Princess~” he greets with a cheerful snicker. “Aww. You look so tired.” His hand finds your cheeks and without thinking you close your eyes for a moment.
Why does his touch feel so good?
“I shouldn’t have woken you up so early. The sun’s not even up, but I was just too excited to see you~” His expression turns malicious, but soon his eyes go half lidded as he leans closer, lips hovering over yours. “Let me make it up to you. . .” His hands glide down your nightgown, causing you to squirm. Your heart pounds as a sense of danger creeps up on you, but before you can react, his hands find their way under your nightgown, causing you to gasp and buck your hips. “I’ll make it so you won’t want to go back to sleep.” He squeezes your torso, causing a moan to escape you. His fingers are rough, warm and dangerously close to your chest. You can’t help but quiver with fear and excitement. You open your mouth, but only a breath comes out as Saeran goes for your neck again. This time, he trails kisses all the way down to your chest. The way his lips sloppily press into your flesh sends tingling shockwaves throughout your insides, each one more intense than the one before it.
He stops mere inches above the sweetheart neckline of your nightgown and you hold your breath. What is he going to do? The thought makes you tremble with anticipation.
A deep and low rumble of growl comes from Saeran as he nips and licks you before latching on.
“S-Saeran. . .!” You moan and writhe, unable to control yourself. Despite your jerking moving, he keeps his hold on you, and with a groan, sucks harder.
This is wrong. . . isn’t it? You need to stop him, yet you don’t want to. Why was it getting harder and harder to resist him? You didn’t take the real elixir, and yet, you’re completely under his control. You’re so close to completely succumbing. Your mind tries to fight it, yet your body only wants to submit.
After what feels like an eternity of bliss and heat, Saeran releases you, panting for air, but soon his lips curve into a mischievous smirk as he brushes his fingers against the spot of warmth. “Marked you as my princess~ Now shall we continue~?” He gives you an expectant stare.
You’re not sure which is louder, the pounding pulse in your ear, or your ragged breaths. You want this. You want it so bad. It was okay, right? It was for your survival anyways. . . With a pleading whimper, you nod your head.
“Good girl~” Saeran steals your lips in a rough and sloppy kiss. His own lips are sweet with a slight spice to it, but it’s over before you can properly figure out what it tastes like. You let out a disappointed grunt as Saeran sits up and snickers.
“Sorry Princess, but you kept me waiting, so it’s only fair. I should make you do something to earn this.” Chortling, he snatches your phone from the nightstand.
All of the heat coursing through your body ices over and the haze clouding your mind evaporates.
“Let’s mess with the RFA. Maybe we can get them to hold the party again.” The phone’s light casts a wicked shadow over Saeran’s face as his thumb scrolls over the screen.
“W-wait a minute.” You manage to sit up. “What are you going to do?” You try to hide the frantic anxiety in your voice.
Saeran doesn’t look up. “Hmm… We can pretend you’re getting tortured. We can say the hacker won’t feed you and keeps threatening your life, and…” His face slowly lit up with sadistic glee. It starts with widening eyes and finishes with his lips curling into a malicious smirk. “We can send some pictures, but let’s not put it in the chatroom. We can directly contact that redhead, Luciel.” Saeran burst into hysterical cackles, wheezing for air before he continued. “Oh it’ll be glorious! That traitor’s so full of secrets, I bet he’ll only tell V about it. All those two want is to be heroes who get all the glory, but this time, they won’t be able to lie their way out. This will crush them. We’ll really make it look like I’m abusing you~” He reaches out and grasps a strand of your hair, letting it slip past his long fingers. “Of course, I won’t really be that rough. . .unless you want me to.” He raises an eyebrow before returning to attention to the phone. “Now let’s see how we can start this up. . .”
“No don’t!” You don’t want to hurt the RFA, but especially not Seven. Even V. Despite how aggravating he could be with not telling anyone about Rika or Saeran, he didn’t deserve this either. Without thinking you snatch the phone from Saeran and hug it to your chest. It isn’t until his surprised, wide eyes narrow that you realize how bad you just messed up.
“Princess,” Saeran begins slowly, voice low and threatening. “You realize that we’re helping further Paradise, don’t you? You’re not trying to go against Paradise,” His frown deepened. “are you?”
You don’t know what to do or say. You could give back the phone and apologize, but no, you can’t let Saeran blackmail Seven. You can’t pit the brothers against each other. But then what were you supposed to do? Your eyes fill with tears and it sinks in that you’re completely and utterly trapped. You let out a small sob, which quickly turns into a loud gasp when Saeran suddenly shoves you onto your back.
He clutches your shoulder in a death grip as he pins you. You can’t move. You can barely breathe. All you can do is stare up at the fury in his face. “S-saeran I’m s-“
“That elixir was fake, wasn’t it?” He interrupts through clenched teeth.
Without a word, you quickly nod, terrified of further provoking him.
“That marshmallow bastard, I should’ve known. . .” He hisses before snatching your phone. “I’m blocking your access from the RFA.”
“No please!” You gasp. The RFA is your only connection to the outside world. Your only chance of freedom. “Y-you can’t!” You manage to reach for the phone, but Saeran tosses it aside before roughly snatching your wrists and pinning them over your head.
“I can do whatever I want with the messenger,” He snarls and adjusts his hold, so that only one hand holds your wrists. He presses his knees against your sides, completely immobilizing you. “And whatever I want with you!” His free hand snatches your chin, holding your head in place.
What was he going to do to you!?
“No stop!” You scream with a sob and squeeze your eyes shut.
His grip on your loosens and you open eyes. Saeran’s face scrunches as his gaze goes glossy.
“S-Saeran. . .?” Despite it all, worry tugs at you. Is he okay?
His nails dig into your wrist as he bares his teeth. “No! Get. . . out of here. . . !” He gasps and growls, curling in on himself in agony, before releasing you. “Stop. . .don’t. . .” he whispers, voice hoarse. “Please! Please don’t hurt her!” He screams.
Something wet lands on your cheek. Tears. Your heart skips a beat. “R-Ray. . .?” Could it be? Is it really him?
His eyes widen and focus back on you. With a small whimper, his lips quiver. “Wh-what did I. . .?” He slowly sits up, eyes growing wider and wider as more tears welled up. “Wh-what was I about t-to-?” He shakes his head and grips it. “No!” He sobs and practically tumbles off the bed, before falling to his knees. I almost. . .I almost. . .!” His words come out slurred and hysterical as he weeps. “Princess. . .this is my fault! I’m sorry! S-so sorry!”
It really was Ray. You sit up, and shaky hands cover your mouth as tears stream down your cheek. He’s back. He came back for you, but seeing him in such pain, devastates you. “R-Ray. . .it’s okay. It’s not your fault.” You climb off the bed and sit by his side, but he scoots away.
“N-no! Don’t forgive me! Just throw me away right now before he comes back!” He pleads with desperate sobs. “Princess! I’msorryI’msorry! I’M SO SORRY! What do I do? What should I do?” He wails and curls in on himself. “I hurt you! I almost. . .I almost. . .! No. . .” He looks back at you, eyes puffy and face extra pale. “Are you alright? Didn’t it hurt. . .?” He trails off as his gaze slides down to the rope around your ankle. “I-I can’t believe this. . .” He grabs the rope and stares down at in horror. “I’ll never forgive myself. . .”
“R-Ray no! It wasn’t you, it was Saeran.” You wipe your eyes before crawling over to him. “But you’re back now and that’s all that matters,” you say. Ray would make things right.
This time, he stiffens, but doesn’t retreat. “I-I might be dragged back into the abyss. So please just-ugh!” He once again grips his head, tugging at his pink tinged hair. “Ugh. . .my head is killing me. I think I’ll pass out any moment. . .Princess. . .” He wheezes and lets out a weak whimper. “Leave me here. . .and go.” He shakes his head and looks down, voice lowering into a defeated whisper. “Ray. . .wasn’t supposed to last from the very beginning.”
“Ray no. . .please don’t go. . .” You beg with a whimper and reach for him.
“Ever since I met you. . .” After a moment of hesitation, his hand stretches towards yours. “I thought maybe I could stay. . .” His fingers graze yours, they’re cold as if he had been handling ice, yet it gives you a warm feeling. That is, until he recoils and pulls back. “But. . .” His voice cracks and he turns away. “Saeran is my real name. . . Ray never existed in the first place. . .”
"N-no.” You smack your palms against the floor for emphasis. “No!” You refused to believe it. The man you met and fell for, he was real. Everything that happened between you two was also real.
With a shaky breath, Ray opens his mouth to say more, but you interrupt him with a hug. His body trembles. Each shake goes straight to your heart. You want to vanquish his fears and doubts. A tear runs down your cheeks as your eyes close, and you rest your cheek against his chest. “Ray, I-“
“Ugh!” He goes rigid and gasps for air before prying you off him. The gesture is frantic and shaky, yet there’s still a gentleness to it as if you’re a glass doll and he’s afraid of shattering you. “Stay away from me. You have to stay away. . .!” He jumps to his feet, but stumbles and grabs his head. “A-ah. . .N-no. . .!”
“R-Ray. . .!” You get up and cautiously approach him.
With a gasping sob, he shakes his head before turning away and bolting out of the room, throwing the door open.
“Ray!” You rush after him. “Stop!” Just as you step out into the hallway something tugs at your ankle, causing you to yelp and fall face first onto the cold marble floor.  Pain jolts up your arms and legs, but that doesn’t matter. With a pained groan, you try to get up, but your ankle burns. The rope. . . your stomach plummets. Tears blur your vision as you take in the empty, silent hallway. Ray was long gone.
Ray. . .
With a sob, your body goes limp. Seeing him like that hurts. It hurts so much, but the worst part is not being able to help him. Now he was going to be all alone, suffering. Despite everything, he blamed himself, even after you nearly gave into Saeran. . . Ray, poor Ray. . . He was too good for you. . .but he himself didn’t believe that. You didn’t even get the chance to thank him for saving you. Twice. Tears soak the floor and your face as you let out an anguished whimper. At some point, Believers were probably going to come and drag you back into the bedroom, but you don’t care. All you cared about was Ray.
What was going to happen to him?
Was he really going to disappear?
A/N: Ahhh I'm so sorry I made you guys wait so long for this. I was quite busy with several zine projects and I've been dabbling with making art. It's been really fun~Anyways... Here is the next part. I actually used some dialogue from Ray's route, so I had to keep watching Youtube videos. It brings back salty memories lol. I twisted a lot of Suit Saeran's lines to be more Unknown-ish. I kept Ray's part of the scene pretty true to the game though. For this fic, I wanted to just have Unknown replacing Suity to be the main change since that was my biggest gripe with the route. I do have a comic story I've been thinking of drawing that involves heavier changes to the route, but... we'll see if that ever becomes a thing lol.So yeah! I hope I haven't lost my mojo when it comes to writing this story lol. Unknown/Saeran's POV was fun, though it was a bit awkward for me to do it in present tense, but then I felt like it would be weird to make his POV in past tense since the Reader POV is present. If it's too weird I can change it though lol. Also hope Unknown/Saeran wasn't too scary in this chapter. >.< And hopefully there won't be as long of the wait for the next chapter!
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mc-amps · 5 years
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1). 794 notes - 10 December 2018
Four Seasons Poetry SaeranxMC
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5). 81 notes - 22 January 2019
A Mint Christmas Fic UnknownxReader
6). 64 notes - 21 June 2018
Ray Route Alternate Path Fic UnknownxReader
7). 63 notes - 23 May 2019
The Interview that Never Happened Fic JuminxMC
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mc-amps · 5 years
A Mint Christmas
Paring: UnknownxReader
Warnings: Abduction, Bad End.
The RFA's Christmas party left a lot to be desired, but there's a mysterious stranger waiting for you once you return home.
A retelling of the Christmas DLC Unknown ending.
Originally published in @2019loveforallseasons​
“Hello, I was waiting for you,” Driver Kim greets in a deep, polite voice.
You let him help you into the car and slide onto the cold, leather seat with a sigh. “Please take me home safe.”
“I do not know your exact destination, but I plan to take you to the closest possible location.”
You nod, but don’t feel like talking. Instead, you stare out the window at the snowflakes cascading amongst the city’s colorful Christmas lights as the car starts moving. Trees and lampposts are all wrapped up with the twinkling bulbs, making the crowded area glow brighter than usual. It should have been a cheerful sight, but you sulk. Your frown deepens at bundled up couples, traversing the streets hand in hand, laughing, snuggling, and kissing. With a silent huff, you turn away.
This is officially the worst Christmas ever.
Maybe you’re being a baby. Sure, you got to finally meet the RFA in person- but you had been expecting so much more. Was that bad? After the buildup of work and stress, the party seemed anticlimactic. Seven didn’t even show up. Sure, his firework show was wonderful and a lot of money was donated for a good cause, but still. . .!
The party kind of fizzled and everyone abruptly parted ways. No one asked to hang out or offered to escort you home. Giving the job to Driver Kim was only out of obligation. The RFA saw you as the party coordinator and nothing more.
You replay the night’s events in your head, and the lump in your throat grows each time the depressing imagery loops. It gets even worse after Driver Kim drops you off. Icy loneliness threatens to devour you as you traverse the short distance to the apartment.
The one highlight of your day was the texts from that abroad student: the mysterious guy who contacted you that fateful day and got you into this whole RFA mess. His stylish dark hair and dreamy green eyes are ingrained in your mind. Unknown. That was his chatroom name- or rather, lack of one, yet it made him all the more intriguing. Had he known Rika? Was he really a catfishing hacker? Most importantly, was that mesmerizing selfie actually him? You texted him back, hoping to see him at the party, but, alas. . .
You soon make it back to the apartment. The building’s warmth only makes the ache in your chest all the more intense. With a glum sigh, you type in the pass code to unlock the door. “Merry Christmas. . .” You whisper to yourself as you open the door and step into the dark room. The inky blindness is numbing and therapeutic, but you can’t stand like this forever. You flip the light switch and squint at the room’s burning illumination.
“Merry Christmas!” A new voice chimes.
You let out a strangled yelp at the sight of a man sitting on the edge of your bed, legs crossed casually. An oversized, leather jacket hangs off his slender frame, showing his red tank top and elaborate eye tattoo on his upper arm.
“H-how?” Your brain tells you to get out of there, or call the police. Something. Despite that, your legs are frozen solid. Any sudden movement will make them crack and collapse.
The intruder’s lazy smirk turns malicious. “You really thought this place would be empty?” He asks, with a hint of cheerfulness in his voice as he stands. “Hello. . . know who I am?”
Your mouth dries and you shake your head. Who is he? How did he get in here? What was going to happen?
He prowls closer. Each step is slow and deliberate, like a predator stalking its prey. Closer and closer he comes, grin growing as he corners you against a wall. He stops, face mere inches away from yours. “Merry Christmas!” With a cackle, he smacks his hands against the wall on either side of your head, making you jump. Now you’re trapped. Raising an eyebrow, he leans even closer. “I was able to find a flaw in the security system thanks to the information you provided. Thank you for your cooperation!”
Your blood runs cold. Cooperation?
“Just admit it.” A shadow crosses his face. “You like me - or were you just being nice and answering my questions?”
Questions? Your eyes widen as it dawns on you. This is Unknown. The picture was a lie. He’s nothing like the man you thought you were texting. For one, his skin is much too pale and his messy hair is bleached. Perhaps the eyes were similar. Though the wrong shade of green, they could be considered dreamy. Well, dreamy in the sense you’ll be seeing those tired, shadow rimmed, mint eyes in your nightmares.
“. . . Say that you did it because you like me, and I’ll make this an unforgettable Christmas for you. . .” He coos with a snicker.
You open your mouth, but only a small whimper comes out as you cower. Was this really happening?
“Why are you trembling?” Unknown’s expression softens into something inquisitive, but only for a moment. His manic smirk returns as grabs your chin, bringing your face closer to his. “Are you scared of me? Are you scared. . .” His voice trails off and his half lidded gaze holds you captive, “. . . of what might happen?” With each word, his breath puffs against your lips, earning a shudder. The warmth you crave radiates off him. You can almost taste him. Your eyes slowly close, only to snap open.
But this is wrong. . . isn’t it?
“No!” You find the strength to shove him away and make a break for it. You don’t get far before he snatches your wrist. Pain spikes up your arm as you struggle to break free.
“You shouldn’t have contacted me if you were scared. You were the bold one.” Laughter seeps into his voice and his tight grip on your wrist tightens. “Be honest though. . . you like me, right?” He urges again with a snicker as his expression darkens. “You want to spend Christmas with me. . .?”
“Don’t! Stop!” Panic leaks into your voice and you keep struggling despite the sting of forming bruises. This isn’t what you wanted. You didn’t know texting him back would lead to this. You can’t break free, no matter how hard you try. He’s too strong. This entire time, he stands still, watching with cool amusement, but his eyes widen and his smile grows as he yanks you closer. Your face slams into his chest and his strong arms capture you. It’s suffocating and your eyes tear up when he bursts into more raspy laughter.
“It’s too late to run away~ I’ll show you what real happiness is.” He whispers in your ear. His breath sends tingling chills down your spine and you squirm, only causing his embrace to tighten. “I bet. . . if you’re invited to my Christmas, it will be so sweet that you’ll never want to return to reality.” Panting, his lips brush against your ear and you close your eyes again.
It almost feels. . . good.
“I know today wasn’t enjoyable for you.” His low voice turns a smidge more serious and your eyes flutter open. “The RFA was much too busy dealing with their own Christmas problems and blindly searching for happiness, not one of them noticed your struggles- but I did. It must have been stressful helping with that party on top of everything else in your life, lonely too being cooped up in this apartment by yourself, waking up alone with no gifts.”
Your throat burns. How did he know?
“The RFA knows your living situation, but none of them tried to spend extra time with you. It’s as if they only care about you hosting their parties. Nothing more, nothing less. How sad.”
Unknown’s words stab at your heart, yet his soft tone acts as a salve to the fresh wounds. You want to insist it’s not true. The others always expressed their gratitude towards you, but. . . hadn’t you been thinking the exact same thing earlier?
“Come with me and I’ll make your night unforgettable. You’ll be my Christmas princess.”
You’re not quite sure when it happened, but the struggling stopped. Escaping doesn’t seem so urgent anymore, but everything about this screams something is wrong. This man lied to you and broke into the apartment, and yet your hands find his shirt and cling to it as if the rest of the room is ready to devour you. Maybe it is. You don’t want to face the reality of a lonely Christmas. Perhaps it’s curiosity or recklessness, but against your better judgement, you ask, “Go with you? Where?”
No matter how many times you ask, that’s all Unknown says while wearing his knowing smirk. Surely he doesn’t mean he’s going to fly you to a tropical island, but what then? Your confusion only fuels his excitement as he takes your hand and squeezes it before leading you out of the apartment building.
You shudder as you step outside- but is it from the icy temperatures or nerves? There is still a chance to escape. Be it from running away or screaming for help, but you do neither. Instead, you keep walking hand in hand with Unknown down the quiet sidewalk. Isn’t this what you wanted? To any onlooker, the two of you look like a couple. Too bad there isn’t anyone to see. A few cars drive by, but otherwise it seems everyone has settled for the night. The streetlights orange glow emphasizes the blur of snowflakes as a burst of frigid wind blows your way, causing your teeth to chatter. The temperature must have dropped since you left the party. “Hey.” Your breath comes out in a puff. “Aren’t you cold?” After all, Unknown is only wearing a leather jacket and tank top. Just watching him makes you shiver.
“Hm?” He slows to a stop and glances at you with a raised eyebrow. The lamppost overhead illuminates his features. There’s something almost angelic and fragile about his pale skin and tired eyes. You don’t even know this man’s real name - or what he wants - and yet. . . you’re captivated.
“You should at least pull up your jacket.” Without much thought you grasp at his coat. The cold leather nips at your fingertips as you tug it up his arm. His tattoo catches your attention. The black design is a lot more detailed than you first realized, but the part that draws you in is the eye. Wide open with a small pupil, it’s almost as if it’s staring into your soul, exploring the jumbled jungle of your conflicted thoughts. It would be awkward to gawk forever, so you pull the jacket up all the way and pat his shoulder, before another pair of eyes suck in you in. These ones are real, and oh so intense. Despite the frigid temperatures, a swirl of heat materializes under your blue coat. Unknown still looks cold though. His top is thin and low-cut, showing off a bit of his chest. “You can wear my scarf.” You rip off the constricting red wool from your neck, and - without hesitation - wrap it around his neck.
His eyes widen for a split second, before they spark with amusement. “Why thank you. . .” He snatches up your hands with both of his and rubs at them, before bringing them up to his mouth and blowing puffs of warm air. The sensation sends heat waves through your arms and those eyes of his take you prisoner. “My princess. . . we should get going before we freeze.” He gives your hands another squeeze before leading you onward once again.
He soon takes you to a car parked at the curb. Small and silver, it’s not particularly dirty, or sparkling clean. There are no quirky bumper stickers or anything hanging from the rear view mirror. It’s just a car. The kind you see every day and never pay any thought to.
The kind that can hide in plain sight and be impossible to find.
The thought doesn’t shock you as much as it should. Maybe it’s the bitter cold, but you’re numb to it all.
Unknown digs out his keys and unlocks the car before opening the passenger door. “Princess~” He says with a half bow. His stance is gentlemanly enough, but the mischief written all over his face makes him appear more wolfish than anything. Despite that, you allow him to help you into your seat.
This is the point of no return. The thought crosses your mind as you buckle your seat belt.
Unknown takes off the scarf before leaning into the car. “We’re going to do something fun~”
Soft warmth obscures your vision, causing you to flinch. “Wh-wha?”
“Trust me on this.” He whispers. His breath tickles your ear and sends an explosion of pleasant shivers throughout your insides. You squeeze at your seat belt as he lifts your hair and finishes tying the scarf.
Left in the dark, every other sensation amplifies. The door opens and closes and the leather seat rustles as Unknown presumably sits. There’s no click of his seat belt and the car soon starts. The jerky movement of his driving makes your stomach flip, but the blast of air from the heater slows your shivers. Perhaps the most noticeable part of this is your heartbeat, pounding fast against your rib cage and loud inside your ear, you’re almost certain Unknown can hear it, but he doesn’t say anything. In fact, he’s silent during the entire ride.
“We’re here~” He chimes once the car comes to a stop. With a cheerful snicker, his door opens and shuts, sending in a short blast of cold air. The icy sensation grows stronger when your door opens. Your scarf-blindfold slips off, but Unknown’s cold hand quickly replaces it. “Just a little longer, my princess.” Unknown’s other hand takes your arm and guides you out of the car. Your first few steps are unsteady, but he moves behind you, gently supporting and guiding you forward. He warns you about stairs and doors. Soon a dull buzz replaces the distant hum of traffic, and the air warms with each step. Eventually, Unknown stops you. Something jingles, and then clicks, before a door creaks open. A few steps later, and his hand leaves your face. Everything is still dark, but your eyes soon adjust and take in the cramped hallway.
“Stay right there.” Unknown instructs and squeezes your shoulders before walking past you, and vanishing into the darkness. You’re left to look around. This was an apartment, right? The wall’s checkered tiles are cracked and dingy, but that only makes you more curious. Unknown soon returns holding a box with red ribbon. “Merry Christmas, princess~ Open it.” He urges and hands the box to you.
A present? That’s unexpected. The box is quite large too. When did he do this?
“Come on. I picked it out just for you. I know you’ll love it.”
Your stomach twists, but curiosity gets the better of you and you rip it open. The ribbon falls to the floor along with the shiny wrapping paper. Your hands shake with anticipation as you pop off the box’s lid.
Something red catches your eye: a girly top with puffed sleeves and a white collar along with embroidered details. Cute! You grab it only to realize the box has other clothes in it too. This was all for you? You stare up at Unknown, half expecting him to reveal this was a cruel joke, but he smiles almost sweetly.
“Try it on. You’ll look great.” He says in a smooth voice as he snatches the ribbon from the floor. He then shows you to the bathroom. You step into the small space and close the door behind you, before turning on the light. This was definitely different than the immaculate restroom back at Rika’s apartment. It wasn’t dirty, but it was certainly old and a tad on the rundown side. You try to ignore that as you change into the new outfit. Other than the top, there’s a high-waisted black skirt and grey thigh highs along with ankle boots. Everything looks amazing, and fits perfectly, even the shoes. How did Unknown know your size?
Perplexed and a bit unnerved, you exit the bathroom, leaving your clothes behind. The hallway is empty. Where did he go? “Uh, hey. . . I’m done.” But there’s no response. You move through dark cautiously, worried about bashing your knee into something or stubbing your toe, but soon a bluish glow illuminates your way as you step into a larger room.
Your eyes grow with wonder. A white Christmas tree, decorated with blue lights, sits at the center of the room with candles dispersed around it. The crazy part is that each glows with a blue flame. Blue. You didn’t know that was possible. The windows, covered with a white, green and pink heart checker pattern, only adds to surreal aura. The most striking part is the colorful, wrapped boxes littering the floor. It triggers memories of those childhood Christmases when things were still magical and you believed in Santa. Back then, waking up those cheery mornings was the most exciting thing. Somewhere along the way though, stress killed the delight and each year, your gifts became less of a mystery and more of an obligation, yet here you are, enchanted once again. The juxtaposition between the dim blue glow and brightly colored gifts is dreamlike, and you can’t tear your gaze away.
You don’t notice Unknown until he steps away from the tree. Your breath catches in your throat. No longer is he clad in his leather jacket, but instead a white suit with pink accents, along with a choker and an black dress shirt underneath. He still holds the ribbon, and his thumb rubs against it as his eyes catch yours. “What do you think of my Christmas so far, princess? Don’t you love it?”
“I. . .” You gesture at the gifts. “Are those really all for me?”
“Of course~” Unknown answers with a small snicker. “I’m much better than that Santa Claus. Even the bad kids get gifts on my Christmas, and you’ll see my presents are much more surprising and enjoyable.”
Once again, you find yourself at a loss. If these other gifts were anything like the outfit, then a lot of thought and care was put into them. It makes your stomach churn, and yet your chest warms. “I feel bad since I don’t have anything for you,” you say.
Unknown cocks his head before shaking it. “Aww, don’t worry.” He moves closer, skillfully maneuvering around the gifts without stepping on one or stumbling. “You see,” he begins, voice sweet. “You’re my special present~” With a laugh, he swoops behind you and wraps the ribbon around your neck. His long fingers move meticulously as they tie the perfect bow. He tugs at it and leans in closer with a dreamy smile. You’re completely captivated, and unconsciously lick your lips as they part. His own lips move closer, nearly brushing against yours, but then they move away. You let out a disappointed breath as he instead grabs a gift box and hands it to you.
“I want to see you open each and every one of them, Princess~”
So that’s what you do. Ripped paper and ribbons soon cover the floor as you go through each gift. They start out harmless enough: your favorite candy and snacks, along with cutesy accessories, but soon they start to get odd. Toiletries, hair care products, and even a phone charger. They are all nearly identical to the ones you normally use. There are lots of clothes too. Some are girly like your current outfit, while others are slink and black. Then there’s the undergarments. Not that they’re frilly or deviant, but it’s still strange he would give them to you. With every gift, Unknown watches your face with anticipation. He smirks with satisfaction every time you like something, but laughs with even more glee whenever you get confused, yet he refuses to answer your questions and simply hands you another box to open.
You open what you think is the final gift, but then Unknown hands you a small box. This one is different from the rest. Instead of being wrapped with bright, shiny colors, it’s simply a matte black with a mint green bow. Unknown takes a seat next to you, scooting closer until your legs touch. “I saved the best for last~” He says in a low, smooth voice.
The best? How could something so small top everything else you’ve received so far? Curiosity once again eggs you on as you undo the ribbon and open the box. Unknown’s stare both warms and chills you as you remove a glass bottle from the box. It looks like a heart with a thin neck extending from the top, and it’s filled with a strange teal liquid that almost glows. Perhaps it’s the blueish lighting giving off the illusion, but now you’re perplexed. How was this the best gift? What was it for? “Um I-“ You stop short when Unknown presses his finger to your lips.
“Princess. . .” He sets his hands over yours and leans closer so that your noses nearly touch. “This is your invitation to paradise. Drink this and every day will be Christmas. Not the awful stressful Christmas from earlier, but this bright and beautiful one. No more sadness, worries or bad children. Only happiness. Forever.” His words bathe you with tingles as you stare into his eyes.
“Paradise. . . happiness? Forever?”
“Yes.” Unknown strokes your cheek with his thumb. “All you have to do is drink the elixir of salvation. The choice is yours.”
The shiny, colorful, and ripped aftermath of papers, ribbons, and empty boxes surrounds you as you gaze at the tree’s twinkling lights. You don’t know how much time has passed since Unknown went to make hot chocolate. He told you to stay put, but you fidget. Your legs want to get up and move. He wouldn’t mind if you stretched, right? So that’s what you do, but soon stretching turns into poking around. There’s not much to see in this small sitting room, not even a couch or TV.
There is a door though. You hesitate before trying the nob. It’s unlocked. Your building curiosity now runs rampant, and you sneak another glance backwards before carefully opening it and stepping inside. This room is even smaller and dark, however the bright glow of a computer monitor allows you to make out a bed and desk. None of that matters though, it’s the flashing screen that catches your attention.
Something about it seems familiar.
You creep closer only to stiffen. The RFA chatroom. How. . .? Everyone except Seven is in there and the familiar bubbles and emojis fill the night sky’s backdrop as the chat keeps moving. You read along as they talk about the Christmas party, but a chill hits your chest when the conversation ends up centered around you. They wonder when you’ll enter the chatroom. You feel at your pockets, only to realize this new outfit has none. You must have left your phone in the bathroom, but you don’t bother to get it. You’re stuck, completely entranced.
Seven soon enters the conversation and asks about you too. He then reveals the security camera in front of the apartment got hacked. Your blood runs cold and your heart kicks into high gear. You read through everyone’s worry and confusion as your pulse pounds in your ear. They’re in denial, trying to be optimistic, but they’re wrong. You know how this story will end. You are the leading lady after all. Their hopes, prayers and positivity are all in vain.
You jump when the screen goes black and scrolling green texts flashes before the chatroom returns broken and glitchy. You’ve seen this before. . .
Unknown has entered the chatroom.
Your heart stops.
Unknown: I’ll be taking good care of the princess ^^
Unknown: Every single day will be a happy Christmas.
You lean in closer, lips moving as you read each and every word.
Unknown: Today. . .
Unknown: Tomorrow. . .
Unknown: Merry
Unknown: Christmas
Your stomach churns with cramping pangs that worsen with every passing second.
Unknown has left the chatroom.
The screen turns off before you can see anyone’s reaction. Your heart slams against your ribcage as you turn around. Unknown lingers in the doorway, phone in one hand and a thermos in the other. He looks up from the phone screen and his lips stretch into a huge, malicious grin.
Time stretches for what seems like an eternity, but then your lips twitch into a smile and a giggle escapes. It soon turns into laughter. Louder and louder, you laugh until tears stream down your face and you can’t breathe. It’s hilarious! That stupid RFA! It took them this long to realize you’re gone? And now they’re too late! You wheeze and gasp for air as the laughter dies down.
With a snicker, Unknown sets aside the thermos. “Your presents are packed up. Are you ready to go to paradise now?”
You beam and nod. Your insides tingle and fizz as if you can float away at any moment, but instead you take his hand. He stops at the doorway though, and with a mischievous grin, points up. You gasp at something green and leafy dangling above the both of you.
“I think it’s time for me to unwrap my Christmas gift~” Unknown whispers as he tugs on your ribbon, untangling it from your neck. In a swift motion, he takes both of your hands and ties your wrists together before his lips find yours. Finally. They’re soft and the taste is intoxicating. Shivers run through you as you close your eyes and kiss back. He pushes you against the wall and roughly rolls his lips, deepening the kiss. You melt and all you can think about is him. How much you want him. How much you need him. You never want this to end.
Thankfully, it won’t.
samtsirhc yrrem
AN: Soooo I had a ton of fun writing this! Gah! I hope I did this justice, cause gosh dangit, this is the only branch where you get Unknown in all of his devilishly delicious/ribbon binding glory +_+ This may as well be my true ending.
As soon as I heard about the calendar project, this was what I wanted to write for it~ Originally we were given a big word limit, so I wanted to extend the story to what happened afterwards and make it more like an actual Unknown route. As you can see, that didn't happen, but I am considering adding additional chapters to this and do that. Just keep in mind that won't be happening for a while. I still need to finish Ray Route Alternate Path and I had another fic in the works that's based off the Unknown/Ray daki~ [waggles eyebrows]
May 2019 be full of Unknown and his sexy edgelord glory +_+
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mc-amps · 5 years
Saeran Fics
Ray Route Alternate Path (Unknown|RayxReader *Rated M. Not explicit.)
A Mint Christmas (UnknownxReader) 
Imaginary Friend (Childhood Saeran)
Jumin Fics
The Interview (JuminxMC + ZenxMC)
50 Shades of Han: Jumin's Captive Fiance & Other Startling Revelations!
The Interview That Never Happened (JuminxMC)
Seven Fics
The Wacky Adventures of Seven McDonald (707xMC) IllustratedVersion
Four Seasons (All SaeransxMC) IllustratedVersion
Welcome to the RFA (OG Game Centered)
Welcome Game Tester (Another Story Centered)
A Christmas Note From Me To You ^^ (UnknownxReader) IllustratedVersion
Baby It’s Cold Outside (UnknownxMC)
The Phantom of Mint Eye (Unknown|RayxMC + JuminxMC)
MC1&MC2 In Deep Story (MC1xJumin + MC2x707) WebtoonVersion
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mc-amps · 6 years
Love For All Seasons Preview
Unknown digs out his keys and unlocks the car, before opening the passenger door. “Princess~” he says with a half bow. His stance is gentlemanly enough, but the mischief written all over his face makes him appear more wolfish than anything. Despite that, you allow him to help you into your seat.
This is the point of no return. The passive thought crosses your mind as you buckle your seat belt.
Unknown takes off the scarf, before leaning into the car. “We’re going to do something fun~”
Soft warmth obscures your vision, causing you to flinch. “Wh-wha?”
“Just trust me on this,” he whispers with a small snicker. His breath tickles your ear and sends an explosion of pleasant chills throughout your insides. You squeeze at your seat belt as he lifts your hair, and finishes tying the scarf.
This is a preview of my WIP for @2019loveforallseasons I’m doing a fic for the SFW booklet about a certain someone on Christmas +_+
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