#umeji x shin
fulbiturra · 18 days
( ESP )
este dibujo pasó por muchos fondos, pero como ninguno me gustaba me fui a lo simple, ah :') algún día aprenderé a hacer fondos.
btw miren esa mejora!! estoy muy, muy MUY orgullosa de este dibujo. espero poder seguir mejorando!
marzo-mayo de 2024 / enero de 2023
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( ENG )
this drawing went through many backgrounds, but since i didn't like any of them, i went with the simple one :') someday i'll learn how to draw backgrounds.
btw look at that improvement!! i'm very, very VERY proud of this drawing. i hope i can continue improving!
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gyaru-wish · 1 year
Other students that The Occult club, The bullies and The Delinquents would date
Before starting, I'd like to say that in my AU the ships are:
Shin/Umeji, Supana/Gita, Juku likes Kokuma but she is oblivious, Daku likes Tokuko but she is oblivious, Chojo/Borupen, Kashiko/Hana (crushes, not couple), Hokuto/Hayanari
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Oka: Taro / Taeko Yamada
It is not necessary for me to explain this. This is the canon.
Shin: Budo Masuta
This ship was very popular in its time and that makes me happy.
I think I've said it before here on my blog, Umeji and Budo are "rivals" who fight over him. Shin's favorite is Umeji but if he wasn't available for x reasons, he'd date Budo because he's nice to him and has a nice body.
Supana: Hoshiko Mizudori
They are just so mean that they think it's romantic. If Gita wasn't with her, she would be a simp for Hoshiko.
Kokuma: Maka Tansei
She thinks it's very interesting. Maka really is weird but Kokuma would find it cute. Understanding the complexity of Maka is a challenge for Kokuma, and that would be a good dynamic I think.
Daku: Kokona Haruka
He likes people who know how to appreciate the efforts of others and literature, somehow. Kokona would appreciate his works such as poems, scripts, stories... And she would show them to all their friends and classmates. That would make Daku so happy.
Chojo: Daku Atsu / Kaga Kusha
It's hard to find someone he can stand. And it's hard to find someone who can stand him.
Almost everyone drives him crazy with rage and makes him desperate for his lack of patience. But Daku is like a Chihuahua to him. Shaky and small (Although Chojo is shorter than him) and after, like, three years of standing him, he'd give him some attention.
What happens if you put two crazy people together?... Chaos, destruction, world domination... Kaga is unknowingly seducing Chojo(?
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Musume: Umeji Kizuguchi / Megami Saikou
She bullied him? Yes.
Does she care? No.
Basically Musume would date him just because he's a badass now. And she'd say things like "The bullying did help" and whatever because according to her, it's funny. Anyway, she knows that Umeji would have to be crazy three times to date her.
Musume doesn't like girls but money is the priority. We love you Megami.
Kokoro: ...Literally anyone who treats her nice.
She tends to "fall in love" fast. She doesn't really think things through, she just likes they because they gave her an ounce of attention, but then someone else shows up and she forgets about those "feelings". She is so silly.
Hana: Miyuji Shan
Hana loves her style. Plus she's a closet fan of the Strawberry Thieves. So if she had the chance to date Miyuji, even for a short time, she would take it.
Kashiko: Nobody
literally no one. There is no one she can be as honest with as she is with Hana. Hana is special and she couldn't be replace her with anyone.
Hoshiko: Info-chan
She won't even pay attention to her. She won't even turn to look at her. But that's what Hoshiko is drawn to, all the mystery around her. Although if for some reason (which would never happen) Info-chan gave Hoshiko attention, she would lose interest.
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Umeji: Osoro Shidesu
Actually, the situation of these two is more platonic. Literally, paraphrasing the counselor, UMEJI LOOKED LIKE A DUCKLING FOLLOWING ITS MOMMY. But still, I don't know, everyone thinks that Umeji will be Osoro's suitor... So meh.
Gaku: Kokoro Momoiro
He knows that she is not in that combo because she wants to. She does it for convenience. Although that doesn't mean he forgives her for what she did to him, he would give her the chance...
Hokuto: His car
Hayanari: Rojasu Norubiru
It wouldn't be possible, but for him it's the closest thing to Hokuto.
Dairoku: Dafuni Bureiku
She is a popular girl with money. And that's it. There's no more.
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yandere1simul13 · 1 month
Make your least favorite character kiss your OC (or Ayano if you don't have one)
Well I guess I don't ship my fav character x me
but I can tell what's is my fav character:
Megami Saiko (The Student Council ˛& last Rival)
Kaga Kusha (Science Club)
Meka Nikaru (Science Club)
Kokoro Momoiro (Bullies)
Musume Ronshaku (Bullies)
Kuroko Kamenaga (Student Council)
Akane Toriyasu (Student Council)
Shiromi Torayoshi (Student Council)
Aoi Ryugoku (Student Council)
Raibaru Fumestu (Osana's best friend)
Kyuji Konagawa (The boy has crush on Osana)
Otohiko Meichi (Clumsy pink hair)
Osoro Shidesu (Rivals)
Hanako Yamada (Rivals)
Oka Ruto (Rivals)
Kizana Sunobu (Rivals)
Amai Odayaka (Rivals)
Osana Najimi (First rival)
Budo Masuta (The Martial club)
Umeji Kizuguchi (Violent)
Horuda Puresu (the shy girl, black hair)
Hazu Kashibuchi (the shy boy, brown hair)
Asu Rito (Rivals)
Shin Higaku (Occult club)
I think that's all (Thank you for asking question <3)
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yanderegoddess · 2 years
Yandere Simulator Blog
I actually hadn’t intended to be writing this at fucking 10:52 pm but here I am because insomnia is a pain in my ass. And what’s a better way to waste my time then write this out and write some Xreader stuff while im at it. Anyway enough of the side rant off to the real point.
Prompt list!
This is an Xreader Blog I do
X F!Reader
X GN!Reader
X M!Reader
Stuff I write about :
Types of content I write :
smut || the characters will be aged up if smut is requested ||
Characters I write for 202X :
Ayano Aishi
Osana Najimi
Amai Odayaka
Kizana Sunobu
Oka Ruto
Asu Rito
Muja Kina (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanako Yamada
Megami Saikou
Kokona Haruka
Kuroko Kamenaga
Akane Toriyasu
Aoi Ryugoku
Shiromi Torayoshi
Mutsumi Rokuda / Musume Ronshaku
Kashiko Murasaki
Hana Daidaiyama
Kokoro Momoiro
Hoshiko Mizudori
Uekiya Engeika
Genka Kunahito (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Raibaru Fumetsu
Supana Churu
Kokuma Jutsu
Mina Rai
Shima Shiya
Miyuji Shan
Gita Yamahato
Beshi Takamine
Dora Tamamoto
Kiba Kawaito
Meka Nikaru
Homu Kurusu
Inkyu Basu
Sakyu Basu
Sakura Hagiwara
Sumire Suzuki
Horuda Puresu
Male :
Umeji Kizuguchi
Hokuto Furukizu
Gaku Hikitsuri
Dairoku Surikizu
Hayanari Tsumeato
Yandere Kun / Ayato Aishi
Budo Masuta
Taro Yamada / Senpai
Male! Info-Kun
Shin Higaku
Chojo Tekina
Daku Atsu
Geiju Tsuka
Sho Kunin
Juku Ren
Kaga Kusha
Horo Guramu
Yaku Zaishi
Iruka Dorufino
Kencho Saikou
Hazu Kashibuchi
Male rivals :
Osano Nanjimi
Amao Odayaka
Kizano Sunobu
Oko Ruto
Aso Rito
Mujo Kina (( teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanakō Yamada
Megamo Saikou
Characters I write for 1980’s :
Female :
Ryoba Aishi
Kaguya Wakaizumi
Moeko Rakuyona
Honami Hodoshima
Sumiko Tachibana
Ritsuko Chikanari
Ai Doruyashi
Teiko Nabatasai
Komako Funakoshi
Chigusa Busujima
Sonoko Sakanoue
Turi Sutoriku
Doremi Shinmahara
Murasaki Nobumoto
Akari Komiyaku
Raimu Ichijo
Sumire Saitozaki
Male :
Jokichi Yudasei
The Journalist
Saburo Meshino
Togo Atasuma Shichiro Kurosapu
Taichi Hiranaka
Seishiro Sadanaga
Reiichi Tanaami
Joze Shiuba
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
Saisho Saikou
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galene-mp · 8 months
Favorite characters:
1: Ayano Aishi🥇
2:Umeji Kizuguchi 🥈
3:Budo Masuta🥉
4:Osoro Shidesu
5:Amai Odayaka
6:Oka Ruto
7:Horuda Umetsu
8:Midori Gurin
9:Kokona Haruka
10:Saki Miyu
Do i even need to explain? I might with Ayano. Why is she my very favorite? POTENTIAL OF COURSE!! That’s all that’s needed tbh so we’re moving on :3
Least favorite characters:
10:Taro Yamada
9:Kizana Sunobu
8:Kokoro Momoiro
7:Hana Daidaiyama
6:Kashiko Murasaki
5:Hoshiko Mizudori
4:Musume Ronshaku
3:Muja Kina
2:Osaka’s stalker
1:Mida Rana 🖕
Again, do I need to explain? Some of you may be wondering, why the bullies? Or, why Taro and Kizana? Well the bullies hand out death threats like candy when you have a low reputation and I don’t take kindly to people like that </3. As for Taro and Kizana, Taro is just so ANNOYING. (Srry Taro lovers) Like WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE TO AYANO? Same for Kizana. Like this girl is such a snob her name literally means “snob snob”. She just kinda sucks and is an attention h0e imo. The rest should be self explanatory and if you disagree seek help
Favorite ships:
1: Ayano x Umeji🥇
2: Ayano x Budo🥈
3: Osoro x Oka🥉
4: Riku x Kokona
5: Umeji x Horuda
6:Ayano x Horuda
7: Asu x Amai
8: Osoro x Ayano
9: Shoku x Shin
10: Mida x Muja
Would’ve added more Boy x Boy ships but… Girl x Girl ships>>>>
These few are just so cute I love making fanart of them :) (especially my favorite ship)
Least favorite ships
10: Umeji x Osoro
9: Raibaru x Budo
8: Taro x Ayano
7: Any bully x any delinquent
6: Any bully x Horuda
5: Hanako x Taro
4: Osana x her stalker
3: Taro x Muja
2: Taro x Mida
1: Y@nd3v x Midori 🖕
Tinkered with this one for a few minutes, didn’t know whether incest was worse than stalker x victim but ultimately decided stalker x victim is worse. Why any bully x any delinquent/Horuda? Bc they’re bullying victims and hate each other. Respectfully, no. Why Taro x Ayano? The ship is so bland + Ayano can do so much better. Why Umeji x Osoro? Their relationship would be so much better if they had a mother-son dynamic and would make so much more sense. Why Raibaru x Budo? She quite literally rejected him… plus she’s canonically lesbian in the SL AU sooo…. Yeah.
I’ll still draw the ship you like even if it’s one of my least favorites BUT if it’s one of the really bad ones no.
Remember I’m still doing requests so feel free to ask for some!
That’s all, see ya :)
-Galene <3
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yansimposes · 5 years
Can I request some fluffy Shin x Umeji?
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Umeji will absolutely fight any bully he sees.
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lbukisgf · 2 years
Where and when they would ask you out.
Yansim boys edition
notes: I tried to keep this kinda short, sweet, and w/a gn mc(?), so enjoy? p.s. they may be ooc.
Shin Higaku, Umeji Kizuguchi, & Tsuruzo Yamazaki
— Shin Higaku
after school, when you're both walking home.
you're talking to him about the occult club, offering ideas about how to make it more welcoming, cooler decorations, and even updated occult books.
while you're doing so, he's looking at you with the world's most precious pair of heart eyes.
when you notice how he's looking at you and you ask about it, he loses it.
he's blushing and stuttering like a madman. he's so embarrassed!
after a few minutes of struggling, he blurts it out. or at least, his version of it.
"oh– would you please just be my lover? you're adorable-"
the whole world seemed to go dead silent as the both of you just stared at each other.
— Umeji Kizuguchi
on the way to his hangout spot, just before his friends catch up.
the both of you are just talking about what you guys did over the weekend, just having a normal conversation.
you're talking about whatever, he's talking about how he and Gaku broke into an old store.
just before the both of you stop at the fence, he pulls you off to the side.
"hey I'm sorry for how sudden this is but- (insert him rambling) I guess what I wanna say is- I like you. alot. and I just wanted to ask if you would maybe be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"
the both of you are shocked. he's surprised he even got it out.
you don't even respond, you just jump into his arms; hugging him tightly.
— Tsuruzo Yamazaki
after a play, in the school's gym.
as he bows and exits off the stage, you stand up, quietly apologizing to everyone as you rush past them, eager to meet him backstage.
you find him backstage, congratulating everyone on their performance.
when he sees you, he immediately rushes over; grabbing your hand gently, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckle, thanking you for being there and watching.
you didn't find it strange that he didn't let go of your hand until he cleared his throat.
"my dear, I know this must be awfully sudden for you, so I swear I'll make it quick. would you like to be my lover?"
his smile and his expecting, soft, loving gaze on you is the only thing you see; the world around you, fades away.
thank u for reading, pls ignore any spelling mistakes <3, I didn't proofread this.
lbukisgf Ⓒ 2023
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Languages ​​I can use in my posts:
Fandom I pretend: Yandere simulator
favorite characters: Osana najimi,ayano aishi,horo guramu,megami saikou, infor-chan and Fungirl
Ships otp:
Ayano aishi ships that I like
Ayano x budo masuta
Ayano x taro yamada
Ayano x oka ruto
Ayano x osana najimi
Ships Interesting That I like:
Kaga kusha x megami saikou
Kaga kusha x geiju tsuka
Budo masuta x taro yamada
Umeji kizuguchi x shin higaku
Megami saikou x osoro shidesu
Mai waifu x midori gurin
My crush:
Nemesis and megami
My oc:
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Note: I used picrew
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mocha-sim · 4 years
what’s the weirdest yansim ship that you ship i’m trying to feel better about myself rn
I have... a few
Tsuruzo/Shin, I think their personalities would work well together
Umeji/Shiromi, it never really took off (and it’s not one of my “main” ships) but I like the dynamic they could have
Osoro/Asu probably also qualifies as a crackship
I know it’s kind of dead, but I’m still on board with Mekapitsu (Meka/Enpitsu)
Yaku/Sakura (but what if... he’s trying to find the medicine for her 🥺 That aside I want Sakura to have joy in her life)
Shima/Kokuma (martial arts x occult is still good)
and some I don’t ship but came up with a while ago just for funny ship names: Amai/Shin (Creepy Pasta), Gema/Shoku (Whine and Dine), Kenko/Nemesis (Caesar Salad), Kizana/Riku (Close Enough), Midori/Seiyo (American Idiot), Oka/Seiyo (Wicked Witch of the West)
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fulbiturra · 1 year
( ESP )
por fin puedo subir esto. no tienen ni idea lo que sufrí eligiendo los colores para las manchas, dios mío.
pero bueno, redibujo de ESE garabato feo que hice el año pasado! siento que mejore un poco y estoy muy orgullosa de mí misma ngl.
enero de 2022 / enero de 2023
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( ENG )
i can finally post this. you guys have no idea what i went through choosing the colors for the stains, my gosh.
anyway, redraw of THAT ugly doodle i did last year! i feel like i've improved a bit and i'm very proud of myself ngl.
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raphies-art-blog · 4 years
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I took a short break from my canvases to work on this. I was intrigued :3c...I just wish I could see it better
Ayano x Budo- It’s the OTP, no questions asked.
Taro x Kizana- It’s pretty interesting, not to mention I can’t really see anyone else tolerating Zana mama, besides Taro.
HANAKO X IRUKA- BOY. I love this and I know the chances of it being canon are 0, but I just need to hurry and get to making CONTENT for them! It’s so friggin cute!!!
Otohiko x Hokuto- I think that’s Hokuto anyway...purple guy— anyway a pal on Amino got me into the ship and now I’m hooked.
Otohiko x Osoro x Hazu/Otohiko x Osoro/Osoro x Hazu- Osoro has two hands people. Anyway, I really like soft boys and tough girl ships. My heart...my poor heart...
Rival-chan x Osana- I shipped them the minute Rival-chan was announced to be the obstacle. Sorry Taro uwu
Amai x Shoku- I love them??? Together???? Cooking Mama??? And Cooking Papa???? Yes?????
Riku x Kokona- The first matchmaking pairing will always have a special place in my heart.
Ryuto x Pippi- Ah, a classic ship uwu
Geiju x Hojiro (I know the line is actually towards Unagi, but give me a break, I couldn’t see)- It’s no longer a joke, I ship them now...whoops...
Hojiro x Asu/Hojiro x Itachi/Hojiro x Unagi- I adore Hojiro (obviously) and his ships would be endless if I had just a little more content, for now I’ll stick with what I’ve been given and so far I love it.
Asu x Itachi- PLEASE LET THEM BE CANON!!! The amount of hurt/comfort potential here???? Like??? PLEASE
Iruka x Mantaro- Iruka doesn’t have many ships with anyone because he’s a quiet boy, but I like the idea of Manty and Ruru practicing to grow strong together and develop a deep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) relationship.
Musume x Hojiro- I dunno why, don’t ask...
Megami x Aoi- The implications of their story is enough to make me wanna ship them.
Yui x Haruto- I miss them. But they were my spiteful duo. Pour one out for them.
Ayano x Yan-kun (I forgot the name YanDev gave him...)- I like Yandere x Yandere, it seems really interesting...and they aren’t really hurting anyone if they’re yandere only for each other...
Kuu x Horuda- Quiet girl ship, I like.
Saki x Kokona- Eh, I don’t really care about Saki, but I like their friendship....kinda...I mean Saki did let Kokona get bullied to the point where she’d kill herself...bad friend.
Oka x Shin- It’s in the ok zone because it’s too obvious, but I think it’s pretty cute still...
Sukubi x Roger- However tf his name is spelled....I like their friendship...that and they seem like chaotic buddies....or more than buddies...I dunno, that part isn’t my business :3
Itachi x Unagi- I saw it on Intstagram, and was like...yeah??? I can vibe with that. Not to mention, they’re kinda the inverted versions of the other (eye color and hair color).
Mantaro x Hojiro- Meme potential. That’s all I have to say.
Kencho x Hanako- It’s kinda cute. Rich boy and sweet girl. Kinda reminds me of Kaiba x Téa, but it’s YanSim.
Kyuji x Osana- Is that lobster hair boy’s name? Anyway, I know it’s canon, but??? I want Osana to get with her best pal? It’s a trope that overused in anime and I like that!
Turtle x Bird- I forgot their names....forgive me...but I don’t really care about the student council ships other than Megami x Aoi...I guess it’s an ok ship...but it’s meh...not even enough effort for an ‘m’ more like...eh....
Aoi x Shiromi- Again, I don’t care about this ship...and honestly I’m tired of seeing it everywhere, but I want people to enjoy what they like. Even if it is meh...
Seiyo x ....who is this chick again?- Yeah I don’t like them together, but I don’t hate it...so there’s that...
Taro (Male and Female) x Hanako/Nemesis- Yeah incest is disgusting. Don’t bring that anywhere near me.
Basucest- What is it...Inky and Pinky? Anyway, incest, once again, is gross.
Horuda x Any of the bullies- No. leave her alone. The bullies are monsters, and Horuda isn’t down for that.
Any Delinquent x Any Bully- The bullies tormented them til the boys wants to commit suicide...that’s unacceptable, no forgiven arc. No remedy, no “secret forbidden love,” just no.
Ones I forgot
Iruka x Asu- Meh
Umeji x Horuda- HOT
Unagi x Sumire- Ok
Megami x Kencho- Ew
Taro x Ayano- Nah
Taro x Osana- Hot
I don’t really care about half of the students,
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bramblie · 4 years
K i'll tryna explain how do i see the dynamics between rivals and their "obvious" suitors
Tbh i don't know about Kyuji and Osana :0 I don't really understand Kyuji's personality
Shoku x Amai
- wholesome and playful
- Shoku's kinda teasing when they're alone but Amai accepts his games in mature way (like, without blushing furiously and blabbering)
- are parents to all Akademi students
Kizana x Tsuruzo
- obnoxious villian x annoying sidekick
- Tsuruzo supports tf outta her and he's the only one she feels safe to be vulnerable with
- Kizana's teasing af but Tsuruzo is able to turn tables
- your loud neigbors
Oka x Shin
- platinum hurt/comfort content, works on both sides
- two antisocial nerds who let each other in their comfort zone
- tol x smol
- Shin is protecc
Asu x Iruka
- I see Iruka as incredibly chill person so it's, like, 'AAAAAA' x 'eeh'
- Iruka is desperately trying to impress her but he sucks and Asu is like https://youtu.be/pZjB9RNoD5Q (0:40)
- comedy duo
Otohiko x Muja
- wholesome interactions while everything is on fire around them
- emotional support from Otohiko's side, physical support from Muja's side
Idk if mida's suitor is Hazu or Toga
Osoro x Umeji
- slowburn 200k words fanfic
- both have severe problems with being vulnerable and they're overcoming it step by step. very. slowly.
- Osoro is taller
Idk if Hanako's suitor is Hazu or Toga
Kaga x Megami
- denial of having a crush
- World dominators
- both are doms but it turned out being fun
- they're masterminds but when it comes to conversations goddamn it's awkward
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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     I’ve decided to actually make these type of starter call for those specific fandoms I am fully aware are no longer the hype and long deceased, such as   Yandere Simulator / Lovesick ! 
     By liking this, it’ll help me  a lot  knowing which mutuals are interested in this fandom and the muses I have:
x  Yamada Taro  ( Senpai ); x  Yamada Taeko  ( Female senpai ); x  Aishi Kuro  ( Yandere-kun ); x  Najimi Osana  ( 1st rival ); x  Odayaka Amai  ( 2nd rival ); x  Rito Asu  ( 5th rival ); x  Yamada Hanako ( 9th rival ); x  Kizuguchi Umeji  ( Delinquent ); x Higaku Shin ( Occult club vice-president ); x Torayoshi Shiromi ( Student Council, Treasurer ).     To  be  updated.
Original character(s).
x  Aishi Shiawase ( Older sibling of Yandere ); x Aishi Yuma  ( Yandere’s father, Ryoba’s husband ).     To  be  updated.
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fulbiturra · 2 years
old doodles. very old.
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haha i dunno how to draw profiles.
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